wimaco · 1 year
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After my cat passed away unexpectedly, I used painting to cope with it. Now I can see him when I miss him.
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a-latina-who-reads · 9 months
Day 1: Happy New Year!
Well well well, here we are at Jan 1. Like I mentioned before, the goal is to post at least once a day. Some days may be rants, some may be random thoughts, some may be questions and yet others may be word vomit. Who knows what the day will bring lol. On brighter news, I hit a year at my current job and got a promotion, woohoo! The salary difference is just in time for student loan payments to…
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precociouswonder · 1 year
My kitty has died. I am not well. Forgive me if I don't post for a bit 🥺
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beachdawgcare · 2 years
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Trauma of Pet Loss. Hotlines, Books & other Resources. My husband and I lost our dog "Tankie" of 11 years due to an enlarged heart. Beach Dawg Care is my way of responding to our boy Tankie’s death in helping care for Dog Parents and their Dogs. This is his legacy & that's him right there in my logo! Here is a link to some Hotlines, Books & other Resources… Pet Loss and Grief Resources: https://resources.bestfriends.org/article/pet-loss-and-grief-resources (Also listed on my site.) Please let me know if you would like some help with the steps and I will be more than happy to help you even if only to listen to a simple phone call from you. #rainbowbridge #petmemorial #traumaofpetloss #trauma #petloss #grieving #petdeath #dogsarefamily (at Surfside, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci3YzvoL0zl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saltylenpai · 4 months
deeply fucked up that my cat unexpectantly died in my arms today and i spent 20 mins trying to do some kinda fucked up cpr on him while trying to shield my niece and nephew from the fucked up horror show.
don't know what the fuck happened, he was completely normal, grooming himself then he was seizing up and gone within 5 mins.
it happened so fucking fast and i just...... what the fuck
no history of anything, healthy and just gone, no fucking idea what happened.
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birdhism · 3 years
RIP JJ the Lovebird
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JJ passed away last week at the ER due to egg-binding. She was acting like her spirited and dynamic self, but she had a giant egg she couldn't pass on her own. Rushed her to the vet, hoping she'd make it through surgery since she still had her spunk. She was doing ok after the surgery... until she started to decline, and continued to do so until she went to be with Cody. ⠀ My emergency fund was exhausted due to car issues and moving to a new state with nothing but my birds and basics. The Birdhist Community came together and helped me in my time of need and I'm so very very very grateful. There's more details on my blog and the gofundme page itself.⠀ Widow Hilda has mostly been in rage mode, understandably. She's slowly starting to warm up to me in her own Hilda way, but I know I'll never be a substitute for the amazing JJ. ⠀ Her family, and her original mama (co-mama) @jj_the_lovebird will miss her dearly. Everyone involved tried their best and that's all anyone can do.⠀
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sithhoplite · 3 years
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Goodbye Shaggy, you were a great peeg and I'm glad we gave you a veggie filled retirement. RIP and popcorn free! . . #petdeath #guineapig #MissShaggy (at Weed, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVgli1xv0Mb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lostlegendaerie · 4 years
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My rabbit, Pip, died on Sunday. He was 16. Pip was a gift to me from a teenager who raises rabbits and saw how much I loved them. She gave him to me along with a cage and a week’s worth of food, just to be kind. I lost touch with her when she graduated high school, but Pip proved himself the sweetest rabbit I’ve ever met. Pip had a passionate love of dried fruit (specifically cranberries) and adored eating headphones, digging in the fabric carefully laid out for cutting cosplay pieces, chewing on book spines and overall being a rambunctious little sweetheart. Seeing him last November was painful. The mind was willing but the body was not, and yet he was so happy to be held and have his ears rubbed in ways that I’ve never known rabbits to be. Every aspect of his life, Pip shared such softness - to the literal texture of his Mini Rex fur, dense velvet, to how I got him. But all that matters is that the time we had together was meaningful - he never wanted for anything in his staggeringly long life - and that his end, though slow, was gentle. Please be kind to yourselves as well. And give your pets an extra kiss for me. #rabbits #rabbit #digitalart #watercolor #petdeath https://www.instagram.com/p/CCFEt9dDjfS/?igshid=1o0v92izbyj8h
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antinoz · 4 years
(Ants Talk) Tom Jorgensen stumbled upon his very unique career by accident. Tune into hear all about the fascinating world of pet funerals. 
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kantuck · 5 years
It’s time to say goodbye.
A door has been opened, and I’m having to deal with something I didn’t want to do but now...
First my first post:
That post helped. Helped a great deal. I heard a quote once long ago "The reaper causes pain, yes. But he also takes away pain." This also points out just that, and puts me back on the right path. But also it's not damned fair. 16 years ago I brought home this black lab when it's former owner passed on. I remember so clearly our hikes, his playfulness while young. Never sick in his life. Now...16 years later, he's so weak I can barely get him on his paws to do his business. He can't see, probably can't hear well, maybe in pain. Just sleeps. I ask...is it worth it to have relationships, companionship's with animals knowing that your going to be hurt again? I see mother's dog now 3 and know that in 7 years or so it'll be the twilight of her life.  Is it fair that she won't live as long as I? I'll go though my own life without her by my side? To make the cycle start again? I'm not a theologian, I'm just some dumb hillbilly who is unsure about a lot of things.
I just finished watching The Flash "There will be blood" https://www.cwtv.com/shows/the-flas.....f-3b635b603a77 It's what I needed. I'm going to have to say goodbye to Thunder, soon. I watched the exchange between Barry, and Joe, and kept seeing Thunder and I; He being the Flash, I being joe. Barry told Joe that above all, Joe was the one who made him what he was. How he could be a hero, accept that he was going to die. all because of Joe. He said that if it wasn't for Joe, he'd never be the Flash, he wouldn't have saved all those lives, had such a wonderful life. I saw then, Thunder was telling me the same thing. If I hadn't rescued him, became his pack alpha, there is no telling what sort of life he'd had, even if he would had one. I gave him life, and he's had his run. Barry said that he'll never leave Joe, even after he was gone. Just like Dot has never quite left me, nor has Feather. I remember them, I remember the good times. I feel Thunder would be the same way. I think now I can finally say goodbye to him. I see another good coming from being terminated from Tyson. I can be here for the little time I have left with my best friend and to let mother's dog help me though this time period.  Give her what I gave Thunder. I've been fighting this for two straight years and I'm tired. I don't want to do the wrong thing. I've been so hoping the reaper would take him first but I'm being denied that. So...it'll be up to me. Call the vet, ask him to come by, give him the injection. Watch my best friend sleep for the final time. Is this right? Am I doing the right thing? Great Mystery take this weather. I need to get out into the wilds and it's pouring. 
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itsa-me-kermio · 5 years
tw: pet death
My hedgehog just died in my lap and hands. Vice Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson. I’m in such shock and so sad but I’m so glad I was holding the little sweetheart. I’m grateful for his spiky companionship. I’m going to talk about his death because it feels right. He had been eating and drinking all day, like normal. Chris and I were into the lazy part of our evening, just relaxing and watching tv. I got a clean towel and walked over to the hedgehog’s cage. I noticed he was out and about, unusual at this hour. He normally wakes up around 10:30 PM and it was only 7:30 PM. I decided to pick him up for some couch snuggles. 
I noticed he wasn’t huffing. Admiral was a huffy little baby and it was strange that he wasn’t puffing up his spikes and loudly growling/breathing as I lifted him. He didn’t enjoy being picked up and moved, but he liked being snuggled just fine. I mentioned it to Chris and we noted that he could just be in a really good mood. Later, I peeked into the towel where he was snuggled up and took a quick snapchat video of him. He looked so sleepy and sweet. Later, he crawled out of the towel so I decided to see if he’d let me pet him. He did, but as i touched his legs and belly, he felt cold. I mentioned it to Chris, and he didn’t agree. When I felt his belly and legs again, he felt fine to me. I’d had an edible so we agreed it was possible the weed had made me think he was cold. I sat back down and wrapped my hands around the towel he was in, holding it tight against my lap. I peeked in later and noticed he was opening and closing his mouth silently repeatedly. I showed Chris and said, I’m not overreacting! I set the towel snuggle pod down in the back corner of the couch, in shock and fear. I didn’t want to see him in pain. We agreed that he could be really sick. I said he could be anointing himself. Hedgehogs do this thing where they spit all over themselves when they are scared. Normally they do it after they’ve eaten something, so they mask their scent from predators. Anyway, it became clear that he was not anointing himself, and that he was dying. I picked him up again and held him to my heart. Chris sat down next to me and held me while I sobbed into his shoulder. We talked about how glad we were that we were with Admiral. Chris told me how sorry he was. I told him how sorry I was. He wondered if his hear gave out. I was suddenly worried: Did I give him a heart attack? 
No, you didn’t, Chris said. It’s good you were holding him. I agreed that as far as these things go, this was a pretty nice way. We were with him. He wasn’t alone.
We peeked in on him and noticed a little movement, so I snuggled him up and held him tight. Five minutes later, he was gone. 
I asked if he would think I’m weird if I took a picture of him. He said, Do what you need to do, but you have lots of pictures of him alive. I realized that my desire to take a photo was out of fear that I would forget him. This deep and sad fear didn’t deserve to be fed an action motivated by it, so I looked at my spiky baby with my eyes. I stroked his face and then wrapped him back up. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. 
We talked about what we would do with the body and decided to freeze him until we could bury him in the spring. 
I took one last look at him. His mouth was slightly open and his tongue was out, just a little. I though he looked really cute, but really dead. I snuggled him up in the towel one more time, and we put him in the freezer. Hugs and tears and words of comfort followed. And then I sat down to write this. Now I’m going to feel my feelings. 
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clovercoin · 5 years
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Life updates... July. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can we just all agree sucky month? HAha, nah I'm sorry. It's been just a really hard go of it for our family to have such a sudden loss in our family. Prov and I are still grieving, but putting that upset energy to some good use. With lots of help from our clover crew (cinnri/choco) we're working on getting the house cleaned up and putting effort to getting pictures and shelving on my walls. We're ever so slowly going to finish unpacking this house darnit all!
It cost a pretty penny for candy's memorial items, but this was something I felt was... incredibly important to me. Since the passing of my first therapy dog, Shade, I have been.... grieving ever since. There is never a day I don't go on without missing him. And then the days I remember that I forgot, the guilt and shame wash over me.
I don't want those feelings associated with Candy. I shamefully hid Shade's urn in the furthest, darkest corner of my bedroom closet because it hurt... it hurt too much to see it. It hurt me so bad that I wanted to die. He was... just my light, for such a long time. It's so hard being here without him.
But Candy was here. And she was.. so amazing. So communicative. She was bright and full of personality. Literally NOTHING could slow her down. Shade is my relief, Candy is my reminder. Of what real love and understand is. And that's been such a desperate thing, all my life. And here I had it, I had it right there in my arms... I feel like I somehow let her slip away. As if this something I could have stopped from happening. She was elderly. She was never suppose to survive in the first place. But my god did she, she lived. A great big adventurous life with so many friends and companions. Candy was never lonely. And I'm so grateful for you all for that. All the years I struggled and barely survived.. Provinite my husband, My family, my friends, my fans and following... You all did so much for us and allowed us to be together. I am so grateful for that experience. Thank you all so much.
We also received a beautiful, I mean just absolutely stunning small plush of Candy the Corgi from TheFlamboyantPigeon on Deviantart. Prov and I lost our minds over this really sensational little plush of our baby girl. I would like to take a special day and take out candy's very lovely urn and take pictures of her with her beautiful plush self, so that we may always remember the true puppy she was at heart. <3
It's been... just a really hard month. We're still very much grieving but slowly getting back to routine of everything.
I have been working very hard at taking some artwork commissions to try and save up money to pay off the credit card I used to pay for all of Candy's vet/memorial expenses. I'm so far $1,200/$3000 covered. I am going to desperately work hard to clear it as soon as possible, this was a very big surprise monkey wrench for my personal plans to attend 2 conventions this year (WI/local ones at least?) The credit card I need back for booking hotels or prepping sample sets of my prints and merch. (sweats so much realizing just right now I have to find a new printer hnng)... so... As you can see money will be a bit tight on the fun stuff. I'm just so grateful I had been saving up cash also that could afford me all these extra vet visits and time with candy. I do not regret spending any of the money, it did exactly what we wanted. It got her home to say goodbye to our boys. And that was worth it, to have her resting peacefully in my lap for the last few hours.
SO... FLEXES... If you ever wanted to buy artwork from me, please feel free to hit me up or email me [email protected]
I also have adopt characters for sale on Deviantart! You can also purchase MYO Pillowing slots and help support the world of Clo financially~
Or even just last shot, ko-fi would be amazing. Donations and tips are never expected but forever grateful for. We're working hard so we can get back to making new content (prints/merch) for CloverCoin!
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kashidoodles · 6 years
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My heart is heavy today, as we had to put down my favorite little puppy, my orchard scout and frisbee champion Roxy. <3 She was the best dog, the most beautiful border collie, and had a long happy life! She lived a whole 17 years, I couldn't be any happier how much love and happiness she gave us. Now she can run without pain in all the orchards and catch all the frisbees she wants for all eternity <3 <3 #dog #bordercollie #pet #nature #petdeath #tw #twpetdeath https://www.instagram.com/p/BtzxmmBgvIZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sclxy0vn2mi5
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Gonna miss you, sweet girl. Thank you for letting me love you these past five years. #petdeath #obituary #ballpython https://www.instagram.com/p/BwnX2JpBXMS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hr7jovbieylu
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You will be missed, little fluffball. 😔🐹💕 . . . . . . #hamster #hamstersofinstagram #siberianhamster #siberiandwarfhamster #djungarianhamster #pet #pets #petsofinstagram #petdeath #bulletmcnugget (at Obfelden, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn9m0_tjKUh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1755anyj62e9q
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thehappyhomecook · 6 years
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As part of my ‘experiences with death and grief’ series on YouTube, I have dedicated my last video in this safeties to animal bereavement and pet deaths. Here is the blog post to accompany it. Animals have been around since time began, whenever that was? Dog is they say man’s best friend. All over the world animals are used in a variety of different aspects. But as humans animals enter our domestic lives as pets. Faithful family members who do not judge us and love us unconditionally. As their owners and caregivers we look after them from birth right through to death. And it is their deaths that are often overlooked and not given the importance and respect that they deserve. All too often people dismiss pet bereavement as not real form of grief. Well I tend to disagree. Pet deaths are just as hard to take for many people just as human deaths are. For some who do not have children their pets fill that gap so when they die it is like for them loosing a child. This form of bereavement should not be dismissed and forgotten about. Instead we should celebrate the life of a pet just like we would a person. Have a funeral, buy a coffin, bury the animal in a marked grave in a specific cemetery. Have a service, employ a minister if you wish? There are already pet crematoriums and pet cemeteries so why not have pet funeral homes? Years ago taxidermists where used to take care of our dead pets. Some still use them. But for those who don’t then why not give your much loved pet the send off they deserve and have a proper funeral for them? #confessionsofanundertaker #deathpositive #influencer #pet #animal #petfuneral #petdeath #animaldeath #petcemetery #petcremation #funeral #funeralservice #funeraldirector #mortician #morticianlife #dog #cat #death #deathcare #petbereavement #animalbereavement #blog #blogger #minister https://www.instagram.com/p/BsbnEjIHq9f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pgpufd3rtngq
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