#peter hale×chris argent
theking-mustdie · 6 months
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how it feels to be a teen wolf fan in the year of our lord 2024
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mxflora · 8 months
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Nogitsune: Okay, how many of the pack bitches do I have to fight?!
Stiles: I'm the only one that matters. See, you messed with my son, and now I am going to FUCK YOU!
Harris: Well, this just got interesting.
Eli: It's "fuck you up," Dad.
Stiles: Wait, what did I say?
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TEEN WOLF as movie posters | Season 01 |
Here you can find all the individual posts ✨
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Noah Stilinski: "Do you boys have anything that you want to confess?" Isaac: "Okay, I confess! I had a threesome with Peter and Chris in your office twice. And Stiles let Derek fuck him in your bed." Stiles: "DUDE!" Noah Stilinski: "I was gonna ask who ate all the BBQ chips, but go on, Isaac."
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omgtheywereawooomates · 3 months
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Chris: You ever get so tired you start seeing spiders?
Stiles: Me after I take 17 Benadryl and start seeing The Hat Man
Peter: I'm sorry, you see the wHO?
Stiles: Oooooh, this is not a safe space suddenly.
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riahreadz · 9 months
Anyone else feel like they love a fandom more than they love a show/movie/etc. ? Teen Wolf, for example, loved the show growing up and then discovered Tumblr and AO3 side of the TW and loved the connon on fics more than the show itself 🤣 I'm a huge fan of Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Peter, and Peter/Chris, Stiles/Peter/Chris. Used to love Scott in the show but enjoy reading bad-friend/alpha-scott better. I stopped watching the show after Derek left, so at the point, Peter was more villain than anything but in fics? Favorite character. Love the trope of Good-Peter, Peter deserves nice things, hell I even love the trope of murder husband's Peter and Stiles. Never cared for Chris in the show until I started reading fics about him and Peter. Didn't really care for Malia but gimme Dad Peter and I'll read that shit everytime. Hated Allison in the show but Chris mourning his daughter and Stiles saving the day by getting her back all the while Peter holds them all together as pack alpha? YESSS.
When the movie came out obviously did not like it but the fix it fics that followed? I'll read Stiles saving his husband and son all day everyday.
However, it is important to note that I love all the actors and actresses - they are all amazing. The show was beautiful and even the movie (if it had better material anyways and obviously Derek didn't die).
But the fanfics in the Teen Wolf fandom are top-tier. I will smile, I will laugh, I will throw my phone across the room, and I will cry. It also helps that Tyler Hoechlin supports Sterek fanfics which makes it so much better. And the friendship between Ian and Tyler? Ian ans Jr? I love them.
Okay, that ends my rant for the day ✌🏻 thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I'll see yall during my next batch of pain meds that make me emotional 🤣
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twdxtrevor · 4 months
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God I fucking love these too so much it hurts, I need a friendship like this. Honestly jealous . .
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
So it turns out that Steter, beyond being an excellent ship with a delightful fandom, is also a gateway drug into Stetopher and I just feel like someone should have given me a heads up before I decend into another ship :/
Guess who's writing her first Stetopher fic :D
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angkis · 1 year
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gremlinbabe · 2 years
Like I know we’re all talking about FBI stiles coming back from top-secret high priority FBI mission to rain hellfire on Beacon Hills for Derek.
But imagine this
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We just get a soft grown grieving stiles. There’s no anger at first. He’s always known that Derek was a martyr. He just needs to see himself.
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We just get to see a Stiles comfortable & settled for once in his body. He’s powerful, happy with himself, with his life, & his magic. Only to physically feel the love of his life taken from him thousands of miles away. It’s only hurts more to know he’s most likely went by fire. Stiles has grown into a beautiful, full bearded , sad eyed man with a ring on his hand that was given to him as a gift by his love. He only came back to beacon hills to confirm he was really gone. Only to find a son he didn’t know of, that will need his help. And of course stiles helps. Aside from the boy being a spitting image of himself and Derek, stiles finds out the nematon is calling him & the boy. And there’s was no way he was going to leave the boy with a weakened true alpha who let his pack bonds deteriorate and a huntress who’s mentally 17 & who’s aunt murdered the child’s entire extended family.
After tearing the hales an immediate new one for leaving Eli in Scott and Allison’s care. Stiles makes arrangements to move back into beacon hills.He raises Eli and reestablishes the pack and acts as their alpha. And eventually we will see stiles go through all different stages of grief until he gets to anger and he snaps and is ready to not only beat everyone’s ass (except Eli and his dad) but also literally go into superhell and pull the love of his life outta bardo no matter what the cost is (most likely his powers) When he realizes if there still a chance to save him.
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mistressvera · 2 years
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handsofred · 5 months
So....I saw a couple of posts about Stiles and his emergency contact and this popped up in to my mind...It's not finished, I'm planning on adding more to it and then posting it on AO3, but just wanted to see what you guys thought of it so far.
Stiles was...well... He was fucked! And it wasn't even his fault this time okay, it seriously wasn't. So the fact that he was currently laid up in an emergency side room, holding a bloody towel to his temple wasn't something anyone could tell him otherwise. Because it was not his fault. The fact that his other arm was cradled against his chest as well and possibly broken also wasn't his fault. None of this was and yet he was the one sitting there, injured and hurting while the other guy was currently fighting with the nurses down the hall, each yell and squeak of footwear against the floor driving another nail in to his head. Of course that guy was drunk, driving a stupid car which crashed in to Stiles' jeep and made him veer off to the side, hitting another car as he went while drunk guy continued to drive on, hitting others too. But it was also the fact that the side he was pushed towards just happened to slope downwards...just enough to send the jeep rolling once or twice and land upside down. He was fucked, but he was alive.
Sitting back against the bed, he let his eyes close against the bright lights of the room, just hoping that someone would turn up soon and pick him up or just keep him company. ''Uh...Mi...Mr. Stilinski?'' The nervous tone of the nurse had him opening his eyes and turning towards the young nurse who was stood in the doorway. ''That's me...Stiles actually.'' He told her, offering what he hoped was a kind smile, but it felt more of a grimace as another loud noise sent pain running through his head again. ''Stiles...of course.'' She smiled before slipping inside and closing the door behind her, helping to cut some of that noise down. ''The doctor will be with you soon to stitch up your wound, I'm sorry about the wait.''
''Not your fault, there's others who are more hurt than me out there.'' He replied with a light shrug, he knew how the emergency room can be on a Friday night, Melissa had told him and Scott enough horror stories growing up.
It seemed to make the nurse brighten a little as she nodded and came over to the end of the bed, flipping the chart she had in her hands a couple of times. ''We tried the number that you gave us for your emergency contact, but there was no answer. I promise you that we tried a couple of times but each time it just rings out.'' She told him with an apologetic look. ''I know that you said that your father was out of town currently, but do you have anyone else that we could call to come for you?''
Sighing, he shook his head a little, knowing that the chances of Scott actually picking up the phone was something he couldn't rely on half the time, it reminded him that he really needed to update his contacts as he thought through who he could call.
Dad was out of town in a conference, that was a hard no. Melissa was currently on her own floor and too busy to deal with him, another hard no. Scott...well, Scott was just not picking up.
Derek was in town, but was dealing with his own things, he knew that if he called the Alpha, that there was a slight chance he would come, but he didn't want to disturb him, not when Cora had recently come back to town again and they were finally making up for lost years.
''Mr.... Stiles?'' The nurse spoke softly. ''Is there anyone I can contact for you?''
''I think....for the moment...I just need to think about it.'' Stiles admitted quietly, feeling small on the bed as she offered him a smile and nodded.
''Okay, just let me know when you're ready.'' She told him warmly before glancing at the clock. ''The doctor should be in soon to stitch you up, but we should be able to get you down to X-Ray and back before then to check that arm out for you.''
''Thank you.''
The words were soft spoken and accepted as she headed back out the room to grab a wheelchair for him. Pulling his phone out in the meantime, Stiles opened up the group chat for the pack and just stared down at the chat box before he sighed.
Lil'Red: So...funny story, currently in the emergency room of our lovely town. NOT my FAULT at all this time, drunk driver hit me and some others...but I need someone to come and get me, jeep is a total wreck and Scott isn't picking up as my emergency contact. Possible concussion, possible broken arm and I'm needing stitches, so...yeah...any help would be good.
ZombieWolf is typing.....
SilverFox is typing.....
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Peter: Sorry, I fucked your husband!
Victoria: What the FUCK was that, Chris?!
Chris: That was the sound of a FUCKING DIVORCE!
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I don't like shipping real people.
Expect for these two.
These two are the exception.
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Peter: I'm EXTREMELY charitable! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm just on my way to go donate blood. Chris:...Whose blood? Peter(shrugs): Some guy's.
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