#pffft I should post this on my main
o0o0thorn0o0o · 2 months
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I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I
Did I mention I love him? Haha, but yeah, I adore Hinata. He’s just so babyyyyyy. And every once in a blue moon, I get in this random mood just obsessing over him… which doesn’t last long because there’s, like, no new content, ackkk. I’m just looking at the same stuff over and over again ;~;
So… why not make some? I do get into bouts where I really do want to draw him but not anything substantial since I have other planned artworks. So I decided to draw the bab on his birthday… last year… but those two super late IH posts took up my time… But, yeah, can do that now, finally! (It’s still the 23rd somewhere in the world… Like, Hawaii, at least, I think. Though, I’m still very much cutting it close ^^;;)
You’ll see him pop up every now and again on this blog, but also, there’s another reason I really wanted to post about him, too. See, I made this OC back in middle school who is still very much an active one rn—it’s just, middle school me was shameless and she based him heavily on Hinata, eheh. And I wouldn’t wanna post about my OC without posting about Hinata first. 
I’ll get around to posting about that OC plus his cast sometime in the future, but yeah, it’ll be pretty obvious which one I’m talking about when I do (plus, there’s another OC who is also heavily based on another character—shameless, like I said, eheh—but that one should be pretty obvious, too… Ig the whole main trio kinda has obvious-ish basis, but the third one isn’t as obvious (unless you know who the first OC is based off of, Ig) and he’s more superficially based off another character compared to the other two. That said, they’ve all developed very much into their own characters, mm hmm. It’d be… unfortunate if they didn’t, considering they’ve been in the works since middle school…
Anywho, one last OC-related tidbit! So, while I had based the OCs off of canon characters’ appearances, personalities, and interests, things like birthdays were just based off of the vibes my characters gave me. Which is super funny, ‘cause I never looked up Hinata’s birthday until last year to know when to draw him, and wouldn’t you know it? My OC’s birthday just happens to be a day before his, pffft. I just thought my OC gave off peak summer vibes, so July was the obvious month. And he also seemed like he’d fit an identical double digit birth day, and he’s definitely more of an even than an odd. So… yeah, what a coincidence p, eheh. Ig it’s a really fitting birthday for this kinda character, eh?
Back to Hinata, though. I have very mixed opinions about maid-sama as a whole (I… rant about it every so often…), and I never thought about reading the manga… but I got desperate for Hinata content, so… yeah, I read the whole thing just for him. It was… painful at times… But it was worth it for him… I’ve got so many screenshots, eheh. That said, I don’t plan on ever revisiting it (if I want to revisit anything, it’d probably be the anime, and then, only certain episodes y’know, the ones featuring Hinata, cough, cough), but if I do, it’s to take every single screenshot of Hinata just so I never touch it again, haha. 
It’s so funny, though: Hinata’s not even one of my top five favorite guys (definitely top ten, though, but top five’s positions are set, while the rest of the five flip-flop), but I treat him a lot better than my favorite guys, pffttt. But… like… he’s so precioussssss…
Ahhhhhh, I wish there was more content for himmmm, ahhhhh…!
Anyway, I’m very much sleep-deprived rn, hence you get… all this… I’m too tired to be embarrassed at the moment; sorry, future me.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
And another follow up from my last post
Henwen: *been trapped in castle Volkihar for almost a week now, trying to adjust to his new role as the ‘husband’ to the vampire lord who turned him, his body so weak and already deteriorating from the lack of sunlight, all the while praying Kaidan will come to save him* w-will the others be nice?…
Harkon: *dressing him and admiring his figure in the mirror* they will be if they know what’s good for them… *laces up the collar of the blouse protecting his neck from any of his subjects thinking they can take a bite* perfect… *turns him to face him* death suits you beautifully…
Henwen: I do not feel the same m-my lord… when will my gift make me stronger?… I feel so sick… have I done something wrong?…
Harkon: *strokes his hair back out of his face* no, no, not at all… you’re still recovering from your turning is all. Some of us recover faster than others my little finch. I’m sure after tonight’s feed, you’ll be back to your full strength…
Henwen: *knowing tonight he’ll have to actually eat someone if the group doesn’t return to save him* o-okay…
Harkon: don’t be nervous, if you’re too afraid you can always feed on me dear… *gently takes him by the arm and leads him out and to the main hall where the other vampires sit waiting to feast* Forgive the delay my friends. Our little finch needed a little longer to rest.
Vingalmo: Still tired is he? He’d be on his feet by now had I of been the one to turn him.
Harkon: His feet would be the only thing left of him if you got to him first.
Vingalmo: Pffft, and miss an opportunity to taste every last piece of a rare treat like him~
Henwen: *hugs onto Harkon tighter* …
Garan: Well done Vingalmo, you’ve scared him. Don’t you mind him, you’re one of us now, nobody here will dare lay a finger on you… unless they want our lords wrath on them.
Harkon: Precicely… *pulls out a chair and sits Henwen down before sitting beside him as another set of footsteps echos through the lifeless halls* Ahh Serana, decided to join us this fine evening did you?
Henwen: *looks over locking eyes with the other vampire as she approaches, pleading silently to her with his gaze* …
Serana: *nods sadly to him seeing how frail the curse has already made him* I’m hungry, and I wanted to see how my rescuer is doing after his turning.
Harkon: *smiles watching her take her seat next to him* He’s doing well, a little lethargy is to be expected after all, but after tonight, he should be better. *glances at the snow elf next to him*
Henwen: *not looking at him, eyes now focused on the fledgling vampires as they enter the hall placing silver trays covered with cloche’s on the tables*
Fledgling: *places the largest one down in front of Henwen* feast my lord~ and return your strength. *lifts the cloche and walks off to serve the other master vampires*
Henwen: *staring in horror at the plate before him, the head of a young man staring back at him with lifeless eyes, some of his thigh and an arm arranged next to it with his heart as the centre piece*
Harkon: *unfazed until he looks from the plate to see the show elf’s face* …Are you alright?
Henwen: *too weak to fight in his condition, but too afraid to stay here any longer, quickly shoots up from his chair and books it out of the hall knowing the front exit wasn’t an option, instead hoping for an open window or a door he can lock to buy him some time*
Harkon: AFTER HIM!
Serana: *kicks the chair ever so slightly as she gets up making her father trip* Dad! *feigns concern and starts helping him up*
Harkon: I’m fine- don’t let him get away, go!
Serana: *nods and cuts past the other vampires as they scatter through the castle after the runaway elf, quickly dashing down corridors and around corners before bumping right into him*
Henwen: *jumps in fright ready to run again* No-
Serana: *covers his mouth and pulls him through an open door locking it* shhh, follow me, I’ll get you out.
Henwen: *tearfully nods and hugs her* thank you…
Serana: don’t thank me, it’s my fault you’re here… come on let’s go. *pulls a candle holder revealing a tunnel to the undercroft*
Henwen: wa-wait… *takes the ring off his finger and places it on a side table before following after her* let’s go…
*A few days later*
Kaidan: *holding Isran by his armour* Listen here you cowardly bastard!! He’s in there because of you!! All you’ve done since we’ve arrived is hide away in this castle making us do all the work!
Isran: *for once showing a hint of fear in his usually stoic expression* We just don’t have the man power to take them on directly-
Kaidan: He’s the last snow elf in existence and you’re condemning him to deat-
???: He’s here…
Everyone: *falls silent and looks at the door as serana enters tucking away her wings, and in her arms, a very frail snow elf wrapped in a thick blanket*
Serana: I couldn’t stop my father- h-he turned him…
Kaidan: *drops Isran on his ass and runs over to serana and Henwen with the rest of the group* My love? Wendy?… *peels back the blanket and feels his heart stop seeing how poorly he looks* oh wendy… my wendy… *gently takes him from serana*
Henwen: *blearily opens his eyes and looks up at Kaidan with a sad smile* k-Kai…
Kaidan: *tearfully brings him in close giving him a kiss* your lips are so cold- gods what did they do to you?…
Taliesin: we need to get him cured and fast…
Lucien: he looks so fragile now, like… he’s made of glass…
Inigo: all the more reason to heal him before he breaks…
Serana: I think there’s a mage in morthal who can cure him I- I flew right here with him I never thought about stopping I just-
Kaidan: hey… it’s alright… you saved him. Now we can help him…
Serana: I want to help too…
Kaidan: good, let’s get moving then.
Isran: I?! You’re just trusting her?! She’s one of them!!
Kaidan: And she just saved my husband!
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fateinthestars · 8 months
Yeesh has it really been nearly a week since I did a review/ramble post for SCM?
Well as I've replayed some stuff as I'm working on something (I fear due to the way I've decided to do it in the end that it's gonna take a while!), I may as well cover one of the ones I replayed yesterday...
So let's cover 'Whispers of Love from the Stars'
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This set includes stories for: Leon, Scorpio, Teorus, Dui, Huedhaut, and Ichthys
Spoilers under the cut
Whispers of Love from the Stars
This whole set goes into specific human myths to do with the constellations and it's rather interesting to see some more of those combined with the Gods' reactions to them.
LEO: Catching Lions with Honey
I'm struggling to think of stuff to say about this one (especially without switching the mature filter on) but the other Gods getting MC into awkward situations in Leon's route does feel rather common!
Ichthys, Teorus, I really think you ought to find a way to apologise to MC.
SCORPIO: Under an Aphrodisiac's Spell
Oh for goodness sake MC! The last thing you saw Scorpio doing was making something. Dui told you it was a poison. Why the hell did you even pick that glass up?!
Still Scorpio was straight and to the point and helped quickly. I am wondering how this would have gone down had it happened with one of the others.
(Yeesh for that matter considering what God's poison does to Humans, what would Zyglavis have done in this situation if it was early on in his route???)
TAURUS: Sweet Prince, Take Me Away
Pffft. Okay this might be one of my favourite Teo stories but I have to admit it's not really because of Teo.
I would say I don't want to spoil the beginning but I think as long as you've played any main story it's pretty damn obvious who the Teorus at the start of this really is.
And I'm still laughing at the fact that a major part of what gave him fully away (even if MC already had doubts) was using his own full name rather than the nickname Teo would have used.
It is interesting that Ichthys does make so many mistakes here though... usually he has impersonating the others voices and mannerisms down really well. The food thing I'm not surprised at, but not thinking about the fact that Teo calls him Ikky? I wonder whether that implies Ichthys doesn't actually really like that but doesn't bring it up with Teo because they're friends and he just lets him do it but might not from anyone else. (Actually Teorus seems to have an ability of getting the others to let him call them by different nicknames - Scorpio doesn't pull him up on calling him Scorpy but the one story where Ichthys does it he bit his head off!)
GEMINI: Lost Between Two Stars
And now we're onto the first of the three in this set where MC isn't dating the God in question yet.
This is a nice sweet trip for MC and Dui with quite a bit of insight into how Dui feels.
I'd be interested to know whether anyone read this one before they read Dui's main story, because the 'dream' sequence in this probably hits slightly differently depending on how much of his backstory you are aware of in advance.
AQUARIUS: Intoxicated by the Deep Blue Night
Ow, my heart. *hugs Huedhaut tightly*
The start of this is an interesting talk between him and MC, and of course Hue knows the human myths for his constellation well because, well, he's Hue... but then suddenly everything is focussed on the past and you can really feel the heaviness in Hue's heart, especially as this is set pre main path.
Sometimes it feels really hard to not want to go and find Hue and just shout tell her! at him. 😅
This does have one of my favourite light-hearted moments though, and that's this:
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Pfft oh Hue. 🥰 Guess I was right in my post where I basically said it felt like sometimes you should ask Hue and Karno to step away from the others to trick them into having a break.
PISCES: The Tangled Red Thread of Fate
Oh I utterly adore this chaos. Yes it's another Ichthys story before he's with MC but this one really does feel like it could have been the start of something.
Although, Ichthys? You really do get a rush out of infuriating Scorpio don't you? There was no reason to use that specific thing to act out the myth!
I adore Hue's reaction to the situation in this too. (Although his comment about fate specifically? My heart's breaking again...)
Attempted ranking thingy:
Odd, the three that are pre-relationship on the top? But I think even though these are really close together in enjoyment level (apart from maybe Leon's) for me, that those three are the highlight of this set. Scorpio's also adds some interesting lore which is probably why I've put him just above Teo's even though here Teo is charming and sweet and even Ichthys' prank can't really dampen his mood because it showed him how well MC knows him.
Those top three though: Dui's is almost like a missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle that rounds off the start of his path nicely. An actual attempt to suggest to MC that there is a problem and what she would think if she knew... Ichthys' is the least consequential of the three but there's just something here that really sparks for me (I do wonder whether that is partly due to Hue's reaction - it's almost like he's realised something has started between the two of them and is happy to step back and watch. Like you get in some of the other main paths - he never interferes but is always making sure in his own way that MC is happy and not in danger)... which leads us nicely onto Huedhaut's own story - it just encompasses everything Hue is as a character in one short burst: from his vast knowledge (even of stuff like human myths) to his winemaking abilities, to his sarcasm (but ability to stop when he realises he's taking it too far), all the way to his complete and utter inner turmoil at having to see MC every day knowing something that he doesn't dare bring up but still cannot stop himself from vaguely murmuring stuff related to his secret.
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twitwi289 · 2 months
Soooo that happened.
Yesterday morning was a weird one for me because I woke up to having a really, really strong gut feeling about this season. A sign from the universe that I should listen to a lot more lmao.
Anyway I made note about them so here were my predictions based upon that gut feeling:
We were gonna see Umbrella Ben again, because of the post credits scene in S3: WE COULD Have HAD FIVE AND BRELLY BEN INTERACTIONS. It would have been so sweet too. (Pffft way out).
Alternate versions of the main group: It was touched upon with the train but could have been utilised in a more effective manner. (Wrong).
We would get the classic dance montage to ‘I think we’re alone now:’ DAMN this season really said no classic umbrella academy fun.
We would see more of the other 43 children: S3 laid down the most interesting concept, agin we only saw a glimpse of it but not fully. (Partially right).
Alternate timelines would bleed into this world. Would have been so interesting because you know the unhinged shenanigans that would have happened. But I do appreciate the simplicity of how it was introduced (Slightly right)
The Sparrows returned, specifically Salone: what do you mean she was a one hit wonder? Her and Luther finding each other again and the potential angst of romance would have been better than THAT. (Absolutely out of pocket)
Five and Lila Romance: I don’t know what it was but that gut feeling was telling me they put a romance between them. LIKE NO SEASON 2 and 3 DYNAMICS WERE SO GOOD! They really said oh they’re both good assassins, well time to let them character assassinate themselves. (I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO THE UNIVERSE)
Dave and Raymond would have played a significant role in the story: RIP my beloveds, you will always exist in fanfic.
Five would be the only one to die. Seems plausible, his body giving up on him after using his powers way more than the others. (Nope but would have loved it, sorry my child)
Aliens: we would have more focus on Reggie being a goddamn alien??? (Glimpses but not enough in my opinion)
THAT I WOULD NOT ENJOY THIS SEASON: This was the ultimate mood of my gut and let me tell you, I did like aspects of this season but it was overshadowed by terrible writing and character direction.
That’s it but hooo-boy, if I ever experience this for a show again, I am simply just gonna look up spoilers so I know whether to skip episodes or not.
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kinaesthetiqueer · 3 months
//hands you 🧃 and 🧸 like it's naptime
PFFFT okay points for originality
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
> i feel like this should be a tea cup
> my fascination with wings stems from excruciating chronic back pain!
> no wait. everyone knows that. um. fuck.
> oh. my main is strictly separated because some IRLs stalk my fandom handle and i had to ditch my last blog in order to separate them so i could bitch about my personal life in peace 😔 but i was more concerned about having a personal blog to myself when i made my main and this writing blog was an afterthought nearly year later.
> if i could go back to 2022, i would have made this one my main and had a personal sideblog. whoops.
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
> post rwby, be chill/low drama/largely positive, love nora
> remember that this is a sideblog and that rando who followed you is actually me in a witsec trench coat following you back lol
> unless mutual is code for friend? in which case you'd have better luck befriending me via a shared discord server
thanks for the ask!
[truth or dare questions here]
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chocolate ganache, caramel, white chocolate, fluff filling 🥺💛
I'm choosing to be quirky and use three wips for this one. The Divine, because of course, A Guardian's Tale, and Realm of Mirrors, because they've been on my mind lately
Chocolate Ganache: what made you start writing this wip ? was it a trope ? a vibe ? a character ?
I initially got the idea for The Divine back in I think 2019, when I was watching Go Princess Precure. I've always loved magical girl shows, but like I've said had trouble identifying with it. And so I thought, why don't we just make them boys ? And here we are today !
AGT came about in 2015. I was watching some show with toys that came alive, and there was some talk about how they each represented one of the elements. I found that really cool and so made a story were four kids were given small animal figurines that gave them elemental powers. Then it spiraled lmfao
RoM can about mainly because I wanted to try and write a cast with more girls than boys pffft
Caramel: tell me a bit about your favorite scene, and why it’s your favorite.
Ooooo this is a hard one. I think as of right now, it's a tie between Andie's kidnapping, the encounters with the Messangers, and the Abyss Trials.
Andie's kidnapping is very neat because if The Divine was a show then that scene would be the ending of an episode. It goes from hopefull, with the boys undoing their locks and getting their Aetherium restored. And then Arahmen arrives, breaks the key before Andie can use it, and then just disappears with them.
The scenes with the Messamgers are all cool, because they're the only times we get even close to Cosmia and Ome. And they're all set in alternate planes, the space between divinity and mortality. Their first time with the Iri Wolf is also funny because the boys are calling it names for killing their Lumens and the Wolf is just like ??? I was doing my job ???
The Abyss Trials are fun because I get to torment the boys but also give them euphoric realizations about themselves lol
There are a lot of cools scenes in AGT, but the most iconic one has to be Robin killing Eden. It's a very intense scene that functions as Robin's absolute lowest point in the series. As well as a way for him to get out some pent up anger, because boy's been through a lot. He didn't do anything wrong tho, Eden is an inconsiderate asshole who basically triggered Robin's psychosis so, yeah.
My favorite RoM scene is the climax of the second book. There's a lot going on that I can't really mention because spoilers. But yeah, it gets really heavy.
White Chocolate: tell me a bit about the happiest moment in your wip.
While I don't think it's the happiest over all, the boys realizing that their Lumes are back is up there. The post battle scenes are more soft, but I'm still going to count them.
Definetly the post final battle scene. It's a very intense and emotional scene with a lot of crying and hugging, and it's this overwhelming understanding of "It's over and we're alive." that brings it all together.
Funnily enough, the happiest scene in RoM is the first scene in book one. It's downhill from there. That's not me saying there are no happy moments, but the first scene is of Emil returning to his hometown the the gang being back together again. Kinda hard to beat even without the bullshit about to come.
Fluff Filling: tell me a bit about the softest relationship in your wip.
The relationship between the main boys, no doubt. While the dynamics differ between them, they're brothers and should not be separated. Like, again the post battle scenes where they patch up each others wounds and talk about anything and everything besides the battle. I'm very weak <3
For AGT there are many but I'm giving it to Amber and Louise. Just two neurodivergent girls slowly realizing they're in love and then panic because how do you flirt ?? Like most of their interactions are them fumbling around and trying to impress each other. Trying to be cool and not stim too much because that might be wierd, and they think they're failing so hard but are actually making each other fall in love even more. I love then lots <3
Softest relationship in RoM is most likely Emil and Tess. They've known each other the longest, they're both never in charge of the group's braincell, they're both in awe of everything they see. And spoilers, but Emil's final 'speech' is between him and Tess. So yeah, they <3
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sins-cheotic-mess · 1 month
w. WAIT YOURE TRANS??? I ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU WERE A CIS GIRL LOL. anyways. do you have pronouns you want people to refer to you by (i ask because your pinned post is not here because new account thing and none in bio :P)
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kenzie-ann27 · 2 years
Everyone in The Last of Us is bad and unredeemable, not just Joel. Post-Apoc scenarios are just like that, but it doesn’t mean we should write them off as “bad”
I’m begging you gain any sense of media literacy and real world influence.
(ps) …pffft Congresswoman
Oh, I was waiting for the hate on this one, and yes, I do have an interest in politics, thank you for noticing! :)
I had a very long answer to this ask, which was in my inbox since the first episode, but it's hard to justify spending so much time legitimizing my thoughts to someone who really doesn't care. But, then again, this is my blog, and this ask gives me a reason to express my frustration about the HBO series... or, well, about Joel in general.
The HBO series writes Joel for you to feel bad for him, and that's my main source of frustration. The game was written in a way for you to have conflicting and complex feelings about him and what he does. Joel admits to killing innocent people. Tommy expresses that Joel put him through hell for twenty years just for Joel to dismiss those claims. Joel tortures two men who themselves are just trying to survive a bitter winter (are they cannibals? yes, but Joel didn't know that at the time). Joel goes on a mass murder spree in a hospital full of innocent men, women, and children, who are just trying to give some hope back to a dying world. Joel kills Marlene in cold blood as she begs for her life. And does he once feel bad? Express guilt? Express one ounce of remorse or sadness over any of these things? Nope. And what is the response I see on social media? Just people thirsting over him, saying how sexy he is, how protective he is, how good he is.
I'm excited for season two just so Abby can put me out of my misery.
Joel is a bad person, simple as that. Are most of the people in this series bad? Obviously. But he feels like the only one who never accepts the fact that he's a bad person or tries to work past what he's done. It's Ellie that has to forgive him. He doesn't work to earn that forgiveness, he just wants it. And he doesn't deserve it at all.
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hereiamtolive · 2 years
Me coming back after, when is the last post? about 4 years ago...?
PFFFT i guess this would be my safest place to tell everything, so when i am no longer in this world, yes i wish people around me will just scroll around this blog so they will always remember me,, if they do want...
so what’s going on after 4 years? my life is getting complicated.., let’s say 4 years ago i was struggling with my fresh graduate year, still have those dreams to pursue, but not now.. i will just live and do anything what i want to do not planning and telling my friends that if you still see me alive on my birthday it would be such a blessing, since i turned to 24 years old when i have a birth day i would just be cryin thanking myself, you passed, and then a new chapter of a new age is comin
it was my first stage to enter “FUCK LIFE IS SUCKS I JUST WANT TO DIE” i guess i would be having a good job, good salaries, doing good in career but turned out i did not like my job desk, let’s say i was working in the wrong company. I hate the vibes, everything in there it was not suit to me at all, then i was unemployed for about 3 months, yes and i got a job ---- same place until now it has been 3 years and still counting... which i want to resign but don’t even do anything. My 2019 was good, the first time i work in this company i was so grateful, it suited my work style.. i have my own salaries which i think more than enough because i don’t pay for any bills , it was just all for myself. I was working hard motivated, you know “The College Wishlist” was just started, going to any concerts and travel! I could buy anything i want, i could eat anything without any worries, i went to my fav kpop concert, i went to hong kong with mom, having holiday with her just two of us, spent the the whole time so happy, and ready to travel again next year 2020!!!
you know, let me introduce you with the main reason why you better die before 2020 came, COVID-19. yes, we start to have pandemic..... idk maybe still until now but somehow we’ve been recovery for the past months. I thought, just i thought i could finally happy and checklist all “The College Wishlist” but nah yes it’s still in the wishlist... i saved, i earned money that time, i can afford flights ticket - concert tickets just anything. Started to see Seventeen on Feb in Malaysia... i was so excited it would be my first solo overseas travelling, i bought flight ticket, hotels and anything but yes it got cancelled 2 weeks before D DAY, i was so frustated... not just like that, i had my second round holiday with my mom on march to seoul , south korea.. yes everything had been done flights, hotels and visa we should have just flown having holiday but nah.... covid cases were increasing a lot that time and no vaccination found. So, i decided to reschedule it, GA sucks they don’t refund our ticket so i have to pay 1/3 of the ticket price just to change the date to october.. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THE PANDEMIC DOIN BAD FOR MORE THAN 2 YEARS... yes and i still have the plans for MAY and JUN in that year. I have already bought flight tickets visa were done and concerts ticket for concert in Osaka, Japan.. i was so so i excited because if there were no corona i should have been travelling like each month lol, first to malaysia then korea then japan and on jun i have already bought return flights to seoul also lmao , you know i thought that earning money would be enough to feel those kind of experience but i think it was not the right time for me, i just don’t know why..
2020 was sucks, i am motivating myself everyday just want to travel and going to every concerts in any countries, and i can’t do that.. i lost my motivation a lot, my work partner left me and i have to work with “can-say-her-name-because-i-just-dont-like-her” 
i did not receive my full salaries for like 3-4 months but rather than 2021 it was a lot better... i still can buy anything and do anything regardless HOW MUCH I HATE FOR NOT TRAVELLING.. i lost so much motivation at my work while i was focusing selling kpop things lol, i had bad review from work colleagues and i did not have my salaries increased.
ah what should i summarize this year? this is my lowest year, i just feel like i want to die at that year, thinking every possibility way to die without feeling hurts. i was cryin on my birthday while eating my own bday cake in the end of that year, i never thought i would be still alive on that day, i was so sure my life ended in 24 years old, but here i am... next month i would be turnin 26 and still can write everything in this tumblr, i guess i won’t be die .. i guess my life will be long because i know exactly god been really giving me so much struggles and wanted me to be the strongest person, showin me the world is nothing... you just like born to the world only for “transit” god be showin the world is not for me. it’s just every days in this year, i wish i could just die, because i was to tired... 
nah, it’s getting worse, still i feel being dead is a good choice rather than breathing, but somehow this year i can go travelling and go to concerts,  everyday its just frustating for me. Every days in this year like i want to die today but tomorrow i feel like grateful smh i guess i am mentally unstable, anyways will be back later, 2 weeks from now i would be flyin to seoul, ah so much anxiety coming but i will just pray, because i am so tired with anything, been dragging my expectation, i would just go with limited money because i guess why not, escaping for a short time, leaving the family behind that’s giving me a lot of depression,
see you will be back after my birthday,
i hope so
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
Okay so it's late right now but maybe it's okay if I gush a bit about my newest f/o.
So here's the funny thing...I about really enjoy and really hate the source material. I find the show funny at some points but then I'm reminded the characters are borderline 'nice guys' and some of the humor is very...early 2000s, to put it lightly. And sometimes my guy I'd a bit weird and whatever
But I can't help but love him!!
I notice all his little quirks and movements, they are so cute! And his smile is all pretty, and he can't sing and he's a dork and dear GOD that's my favorite part! He's a dork! He's a nerd!!! And I love him for it! I wanna listen to him talk about his work and gush about movies and comics! And I think his canon love interest is fine but...jeez I just wanna be her!!!
There's nothing I'd rather do than sit/lay close to him and be silly. To see that big ol smile of his as he talks about physics or whatever movie he's watching. I don't want to leave him waiting and yearning for love. I'm right here! And he deserves it! Let's geek out together!!
Last thing. Before I started self shipping with him (like way before) I had a dream that I was at dinner with the group and one of us mentioned having a crush on the other. And gosh, I had butterflies in my stomach seeing that grin on his face.
What is with me and falling in love with main characters with dark hair, dark eyes, and cute flippen smiles?!?!?
(P.s I realize a lot of the time when I talk about him I don't even use his name pffft)
Anaya!!! oh my goodness, I am so sorry this has taken me forever to reply to🥺🥺 I apologize for not getting to this sooner, as I've been quite busy and haven't had a whole lot of down time to sit and properly give you and your message the attention you both deserve❤️
So without further ado...
Thank you for sharing these beautiful, heartfelt words about your newest beloved f/o with me🥺❤️ He sounds like such a sweetheart from what you've shared with me here and the posts you make about him on your blog!
I can understand that, darling. It's valid and perfectly acceptable to not vibe with the source material your f/os come from all the time. The great part about that though is that your canon is allowed to divert from the original canon if you want it to, meaning you don't have to keep everything about your f/o the same as he is in canon if you don't want to. Your version of your f/o should make you happy and should be exactly as you want, for your own comfort and peace of mind.
I'm so happy that you still love him in spite of certain things in canon!! That truly shows that you both are meant to be together❤️ Aw, the way you gush about him is so cute! It's adorable that you notice all the little things that make him into who he is and he would be so appreciative of how you love every little piece of him. I think he would feel safe with you and would love to tell you about anything and everything! He would sit with you for hours, discussing work, movies, comics, etc. anything you want to hear about!
It is difficult seeing our f/os with love interests in canon, but if it makes you happy, then imagine yourself in her place! Self-shipping is all about what makes us happy and fulfills the positive, valid needs we have and want and if you feel more comfortable in her place, then by all means, do what you want as long as you are happy, safe and caring for yourself and others! My philosophy is that if you're not harming yourself or others and are doing something respectfully, responsibly and good, then there's absolutely no reason not to indulge yourself❤️❤️
Oh, darling, Anaya, there's no place he'd rather be than lying with you in his arms so that he can tell you all about him and hear all you have/want to say to him! He loves your smile as much as you love his because when you're smiling while you're with him then he knows how happy you are to be there with him. He knows you're there, darling, and there's no place he'd rather be than right there with you every step of the way. Yes!! Geek out together over the things you love!! He would be so in love with that part of you and I bet he would bring out that part of you again and again because he loves it so much❤️❤️❤️
That's so cute that you had a dream about him like that even before you started self-shipping with him🥺❤️❤️ I'm sure he loves your smile just the same and it would make him see stars every time he saw you grinning at him!
Thank you for telling me all about you two🥺❤️ You're one of the cutest, most wholesome couples out there!! You definitely have a type, darling, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it! You like what you like and I'm so incredibly happy for you because your happiness is so beautiful wholesome and lovely. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and brightening my day with your love❤️❤️
Take care of yourself, darling, and spend some time with your f/os!! They love you and so do I!!❤️❤️
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theminecraftbox · 3 years
dream with lucifer in the cage and sam with sam (ugh) in prison... who lasts longest?
LMAOOOOO. I nearly spat out my beverage. The crossover to end all crossovers. Time to talk about some SPN.
Tbh the situations are different enough that it’s hard to do a sincere comparison. (Fun that they both choose their respective hells. Even though in c!Dream’s case, it was entirely by choice and design and he wasn’t expecting it to be too bad, unlike in poor Sam W’s case, who knew it was gonna be unavoidably awful.)
Obviously Dream loses. That’s not even a question. Obviously the immortal evil archangel who invented sadism kiiiinda has the edge on c!Sam “I’m the good guy” Awesamdude, who justifies or distances himself from his dirty work, who makes shears but hesitates to use them. c!Sam is hypocritically devoted to the moral high ground, Lucifer thinks the moral high ground is patently absurd. Hell, I don’t actually think c!Sam is a true sadist. The satisfaction he gets from c!Dream’s suffering is from seeing him get ~comeuppance~, and from demonstrating his ~control~ over c!Dream. I think he’s kinda, like, annoyed by the suffering in itself: if c!Sam thought he could completely own and control and subjugate c!Dream without actively hurting him, I think he’d prefer that. (And he’d ignore that that degree of control is harm basically by definition.)
So c!Dream definitely gets the short end of the stick; if he’s unprepared to deal with the poison of c!Sam’s personal hatred, he is desperately unprepared to deal with anything on the scale of Lucifer’s. Yikes Tm.
Sam W, in the meantime, is in an interesting spot. I think in some ways, he’d take c!Sam’s moral castigation a lot harder than c!Dream ever does. Like, presuming here that c!Sam locked up Sam W for starting the apocalypse or something to that effect—Sam W is going to be wrestling with guilt and responsibility in a way that c!Dream wasn’t.
However, Sam W is also, like, in some ways better equipped to deal with personal abuse than c!Dream ever was. Sam W is used to dealing with a lack of autonomy, and people having a ton of personal power over him, and being loathed or targeted on the basis of his identity. c!Dream is not prepared for this. He’s used to weaponizing his image; his conflicts, while vitriolic, are not so personal. Instead they’re rooted in ideals and goals.
Along those same lines, I’d add that Sam W would be more prepared to weather the specific betrayal that the c!Dream&c!Sam dynamic has. Maybe it’s unhealthy (it’s definitely unhealthy) but I think Sam W could wrap his head around it and like, eventually forgive it. Unfortunately.
But the really fun thing about this comparison is, on the whole, I think c!Dream and Sam W have similar torture coping strategies! Like, a lot of rationalizing, a lot of internalizing, a lot of thinking. Strategic appeasement, as much as possible. Not a lot of qualms about sacrificing their personal pride for self-preservation. A certain degree of ruthlessness towards their own suffering. Afterwards, repression and sublimation and denial.
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ramonahblog · 2 years
CBS Ghosts Review Ramble
Season One, Episode Seventeen: Attic Girl
Spoilers below the cut. 
Starting off in 1987. What year did Arrow-Guy die? Before or after or the same? 
Also stereotypical creepy setting despite it being the Woodstone Mansion.
Huh, I know there are a lot of myths/legends which are essentially “if you do anything more than lightly kiss as a teenager, you die,” but there is one specific one I’m thinking of. Where the guy gets out of the car while the chick is like “no” and she hears trees scraping the roof and she eventually gets out and the “Tree” scraping the roof was her murdered boyfriend’s feet all this time. Or she tries to get out only for her dead body to fall down from the roof. Cause that latter one makes so much sense. 
I know it said chainsaw killer but that’s what I thought of. Also damn, the casting credits really spoiled that, huh? 
Hetty hoping to possess someone again. 
“You actually booked a guest?!” Hetty giving off a surprise pikachu face here. I don’t even like Pokemon, I just like that meme. 
“You get to use that like two more times,” - Sam. Sorry, Sam. But when you ask your spouse to literally commit corpserobbing, that spouse gets to use that an infinite amount of times. Especially if they did it. 
Also I love how all the other ghosts are like “fair” when Jay responds as to why he gets the nicer chore. 
Here’s Stephanie. I can’t remember if I posted on tumblr or just said it in discord but I did say that if the show went with the expected ghost for Stephanie to have a crush on (Trevor), I would laugh. So *laughing*. 
Sam is like “WHY YOU NEVER TELL ME THERE WAS A GHOST IN AN ATTIC?!” but trying to be polite. This is twice now that the main ghosts haven’t told Sam about the other ghosts. I don’t want to make that two-nickel meme but just know that’s what I’m picturing. Feel free to make the meme yourself. 
Trevor’s face when Hetty goes “and Trevor has a crush on her” 
Okay so I’m assuming the Sam-Stephanie conflict comes from Stephanie’s  - omg I want to shorten her name so badly - crush on Trevor. And also, just letting you know I wrote Sam-Steph before realizing I had no idea if Stephanie was right (listen I was not kidding when I said I was awful with names) and that was not a good combo. 
 “I AM A GOD” - Alberta. Also love the fact that it is Alberta who is heard. Also does this still count as a new power? I feel like it doesn’t count as a new power because Alberta’s power has always been related to her voice. I don’t think it counts as a new power. It’s too similar.  
“Yes, I went down a rabbithole,” - Jay. Mood. Rabbitholes are sneaky. 
“Oh, a ghost Prom cause that doesn’t sound like the title to a horror movie,” - Jay. He’s killing (pffft accident, I swear) it this episode. Damn it google docs, I DON’T NEED THE FUCKING IN. Maybe I should just risk tumblr and its poor saves again. 
Lol Isaac getting Alberta to ask how Hamilton died. Apparently multiple times. 
Hetty is 100% down to be Isaac’s wingEwardian. I hope she actually is Edwardian and I did not fuck that up.WingVictorian just sounds weird. 
Ooof. No. 
I like how the other ghosts were drawing a hard line at no mean pranks (too bad they had no context so it comes across cruel anyway). Also love the fact that Pete (hey I got it!) is nowhere to be seen. 
And he is so confused. Also love how the other ghosts are immediately wtf? And are like “Stephanie no” once they have the context and immediately go to Sam to apologize. 
Lol at Trevor admitting he hadn’t gotten it. 
“Trying to defend you Sam, not making it easy,” - Pete. 
OMG, omg. I just realized Sam’s reaction to Trevor’s dating profile in Jay’s Sister is a lot better (worse?) with this context.  
Good try, ghosts. Kinda making it sound like you planned the whole thing out here. All you did was call Stephanie on her bluff about the “no one allowed at prom” thing. 
Alberta lol. 
“How are we even related?” - Hetty. :D
“Sucked off at prom? I suppose anything’s possible,” - Hetty. I’m laughing. My humour died at twelve and is now a ghost. I’m laughing. 
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fateinthestars · 9 months
You know what? It's been ages since I did a review/ramble post for the SCM special stories hasn't it?
Hmm but what to cover right now... how about... oh I know! I already covered the other first anniversary set ('Your First Anniversary: A Special Date for Two' ) so let's round that off with the other first anniversary set:
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'Your First Anniversary: The Gift of Love'
This contains stories for: Leon, Scorpio, Teorus, Dui, Huedhaut, Ichthys, Karno, and Zyglavis.
Spoilers (for this special story and their main paths) under cut.
You know I was just wondering about why it was an eight and four split but it suddenly twigged: the first anniversary for this lot is all the same because even though their routes are in the second prologue lot both Zyglavis and Karno have a pretty clear presence through the earlier routes that the others do not.
Anyway, that aside let's get to actually talking about these shall we?
Leon is as disinterested about this kind of thing as always but his words here are just so romantic and sweet.
Unlike the other Gods Scorpio actually seems to realise that it's been nearly a year since he met MC, which I guess makes sense as he is the one that was originally human. Not that he actually wants to celebrate it.
Actually, possibly what I like about this is Dui & Ichthys fetching MC cos they're worried about how ill Scorpio is in this and know they can't stay. Also Dui remembered how MC helped Scorpio before when the Earth's atmosphere had got to him so had done what she had before to try and help. It shows how close Punishments really are.
The way Teo answers MC seems to imply that he as well actually at least knew it was a year since they met but it's not until MC explains more that he understands why humans would want to celebrate such things. Unlike Leon and Scorpio though he decides that he absolutely must make this one of the best days ever.
This is actually a really sweet one of his, especially his reaction when MC comments on his ability to freeze time.
Oh Dui, sweet Dui, straight on board with the human customs as soon as they've been explained. And I really mean straight on board - summoning a load stuff the second MC finishes explaining the kind of things humans usually do to celebrate.
But my absolute favourite thing to come out of this one is Dui deciding that his birthday should be this day and why that is. It's just such a nice touch for his storyline.
Oh goodness me... pffft. Hue, please. MC really should know better than to just ask 'Do you know what today is?' an entire year after first meeting Huedhaut because, well...
There are a lot of things the day could be and Hue knows them all because he is just that well read. Or maybe he's making them up to tease MC, I honestly can't tell for sure. (See this is why I called him a nightmare earlier lol).
Anyway when MC eventually tells him (and she at least doesn't think it's teasing for once), Hue's reaction is just glorious. "That's why you're upset." Oh dammit Hue!
The conclusion of this though is really really sweet though, even if yet again MC briefly worries about her past life.
Hue's gentle, thoughtful, kind, and romantic... the trouble is you've got to peel away all that sarcasm and snark first. Did I say trouble? I'm not sure that's the right word... because Hue is wonderful.
Owwww. My heart. Of course Ikky immediately goes along with celebrating cos he'd do it anytime if it meant spending time with MC and the reminiscing over events is nice but then it turns to how he used to be mortal and... yeah... I think Ichthys suddenly really understands why this celebration is important to MC.
I really don't have anything much to say about this. Karno's giving off those slightly odd vibes again (I mean it's portrayed in game as a joke but the line about wanting to be the first one to meet her has a weird context when you know about how he was the one who granted young MC's wishes). I do think it's a nice touch that he's the one that specifically uses the word anniversary though, even though it's only kinda that for them.
Oh now this... this is wonderful. Zig knows that human custom is to celebrate but doesn't know what exactly that entails.
What MC decides they should do together is just great. This is another side to Zyglavis and I am totally here for it. Even a brief chink in his armour thanks to struggling with a utensil, though only for a fleeting moment.
As for Zig's surprise gift for MC? He really is a total romantic softy at heart isn't he? 🥰
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firefly464 · 4 years
The Real World - Chapter 8
ok this chapter is slightly shorter, so sorry about that! 
Made in collaboration with @i-have-this-now​
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The week passed by rather quickly, and without incident. Every day, Tommy would try to talk to Wilbur. And every day, something would happen. He would always walk in on Wilbur talking with someone else, or drawing up some sort of battle plans. Sometimes he would just end up talking himself out of it, mostly out of fear of Wilbur’s reaction. He couldn’t bear the idea of his friend looking at him with disappointment, and maybe even fear. The fact that he was lying only made it ten times worse. With every day he put it off, the harder and harder it became. 
Every night, he would sneak out to go and train with George and Dream. His knowledge of sword fighting hadn’t exactly improved much, but it was odd. The repetitive motions of sword fighting felt familiar to him, as if he had done it hundreds of times before. It didn’t make any sense, considering how he had never picked up a sword in his life, but it was definitely there. Perhaps it was muscle memory from the other Tommy? That would make the most sense, but even so, it was strange. Either way, his sword fighting skills were increasing dramatically. He was still nowhere on the same level as George or any of the others, but he could at least last for nearly a minute now in a sparring session. Considering how he had started not even able to stand properly, he saw that as an improvement. 
The three of them would trade stories as they trained, each one learning new things about the other world. It was nice, being able to relax and just hang out with friends again like nothing had changed. Of course, the swords broke the illusion slightly, but it was still something that Tommy looked forward to each and every day. 
It was the night before Tommy’s deadline passed, and the three of them were out training like normal. 
“No way. You’re lying, there's no way that's true.” George’s voice cut through the thoughts in Tommy’s mind as he tried to catch up to what was going on. 
“I’m not! I swear it's true!” Dream replied.
“So you’re telling me that I can’t see all the colors?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“That’s complete bullshit. You’re such a liar. I think I would have noticed something like that.”
“I’m serious! Here, look at this.” Dream pulled Tommy over and held up his jacket sleeve to the boy's blonde hair. “How different are these two colors?” 
“I dunno, they look pretty similar.” 
Tommy couldn’t help but burst out laughing. He had known about George’s colorblindness, but he hadn’t actually considered the fact that he may not even know about it in this world. It made sense, there was no way for him to figure it out. And if he had lived with it his whole life, then he would have never even realized that something was wrong. 
“George, these are completely different colors,” Dream said, clearly trying his best to not laugh.
“What? No way, no they aren’t. They look the same!” 
“Pffft, I swear that they are completely different colors,” Dream said with a laugh.
“Christ man, I knew your eyes were messed up but I didn’t realize that they were that bad,” Tommy teased, earning an indignant squawk from George.
“My eyes are perfectly fine thank you very much!” 
“Yeah, alright Big G, whatever you say.” The three of them talked like that for a while, late into the night. Tommy wasn’t sure what time it was when he finally left, but he had walked back to his little shack with a smile. 
Tommy stood at the entrance to the underground bunker for what felt like the hundredth time that week. God, he hated walking through the damn tunnel. It was small and cramped, not to mention just downright creepy. The memory of the piercing bell only made it ten times worse. Every time he stepped foot inside the small tunnel, he was terrified that it was going to ring out again, leaving him shaking, scared, and alone on the rocky ground. He had already chickened out from talking to Wilbur several times that week, just out of pure hatred of the tunnel. 
Now though, he didn’t really have an option. George’s deadline had passed the day before, and now his only hope was to get to Wilbur before George did. Tommy wanted Wilbur to hear the story from him, not from someone else. If George was the one to tell him, then he would likely jump to conclusions. Conclusions that George simply didn’t have the ability to explain away. No. Tommy needed to be the one to tell Wilbur. It was only right.
With a trembling breath, he stepped into the long, dark corridor. The silence surrounded instantly, suffocating him, drowning him. He shook his head desperately. He wasn’t going to let something like a stupid tunnel stop him. His fingers began to dance across the hilt of his sword, creating a slight pinging sound. It wasn’t much, but the soft noise helped to fill the all consuming silence. It was ok, he was going to be ok. The sound of his footfalls against the stone helped to comfort him as well. As long as he kept moving, the sound would continue. Just as long as he kept moving, he would be ok. 
He was about three quarters of the way to the bunker when he first heard the muffled sounds of voices. It was the sound of arguing, of shouting. Wilbur’s voice drifted through the tunnel towards him, echoing throughout the small space. “What?! Then where the fuck is Tommy?!” he cried out, his voice filled with desperation and fear. 
George's reply was faint, too far away to hear, but Tommy had a decent guess of what he had said. He didn’t know. No one knew. The other Tommy had disappeared and no one knew what had happened. For all they knew, he could have died. Fuck… that was probably what Wilbur was thinking as well. He needed to get in there, to explain himself. 
“That doesn’t- how the fuck do I know you’re not lying?!” Wilbur shouted. Tommy ran towards the sound of voices, desperate for a chance to explain himself. He needed to tell Wilbur the whole story, from his point of view. 
As he burst into the small bunker, he couldn’t help but look around in awe. What had once been a small, three by three room was now a multi-room underground house. Only the main room was surrounded by obsidian, but the other rooms had small doorways that could easily be blocked off and covered if needed. Tommy had to admit, it was an impressive sight to behold. At the center of the main room sat a table covered in different maps and plans. Bookshelves lined the walls, all filled to the brim with different books. It was the type of area that should have felt cold and empty, but was somehow filled with a lively warmth. 
At the center of it all, standing over the table, were his friends. Wilbur towered over George, staring at him pleadingly. “Where the fuck is he? How did you even know any of this?!”
“Wilbur! Will, I can explain,” Tommy said, putting his hands in the air to show he meant no harm.
Wilbur crossed over to the entrance in three strides and placed his hands on Tommy’s shoulders. His eyes burned with anger and pain, but there was an undertone of regret as well. Perhaps regret that he couldn’t do anything? Or regret that he hadn’t noticed sooner? Tommy didn’t know. “Where is he?! What the fuck did you do to him?!” He shouted, shaking the younger teenager as he interrogated him. 
“I-I don’t know! I didn’t do anything, I swear! Just give me a chance to explain, please!” Tommy pleaded, trying to get his friend to see reason.
“Bullshit! I fucking knew something was up with you, but I didn’t think that it was something like this! Who the fuck even are you anyways?!” “I’m still Tommy! Just give me a chance to fucking explain myself!” he cried, pushing Wilbur away. “Trust me, I don’t want to be here any more than you want me here. I just want to go home”
“I don’t give a fuck about what you want. All I care about is the fact that you’ve possessed the body of my right hand man, and apparently you’ve been plotting with the men of the DreamSMP,” Wilbur snarled. 
“What…? Wha- no, I didn’t! I had no say over any of this! I was living my normal life when suddenly I was here! I’ve been trying to figure out a way to go home ever since!” 
“Oh really? And when did that happen? How long have you been ‘trapped’ here?” he asked, making air quotes with his fingers.
“I dunno, two weeks maybe? I-It happened during the duel with Dream…” 
“Right. Two weeks that you could have come and talked to me. Two weeks that you could have come and asked for help, or just told me what was going on. Instead, you sneak out in the middle of the night to talk with Dream. God, you’re just as bad as Eret.” 
Tommy’s eyes widened. “How did you…?” “I fucking saw you! Did you really think I was going to let you go out in the middle of the night without backup?! No, of course not!” “So you followed me?!” “Yeah! I needed to make sure that you weren’t going to go and do something stupid! Low and behold, you went directly to talk with Dream of all people. The only reason I didn’t confront you was because I knew I needed to trust my right hand man. But apparently he’s gone! He’s fucking gone and I had no clue!” His voice broke on the last sentence as tears started to form in his eyes. Hastily, he wiped them away. 
“What the hell was I supposed to say? ‘Oh hi Wilbur, by the way I’m a Tommy from a different dimension where all of this is just a fun video game. Oh also the man that tried to kill all of you is the only person who I can actually talk to about this because he’s going through it too,’” Tommy scoffed. “Do you even realize how ridiculous that sounds?! You would have said I was insane and then called it a day. I wouldn’t even have had a chance to fucking talk.”
“You could have at least tried! If you really are just a different Tommy, than why the hell did you not trust me enough to talk to me? I would have listened!” “Because you were at war! You were in the middle of a fucking war and there was just never a good time. Believe me, I thought about it, but you just always seemed so stressed out and I couldn’t find it in myself to add more to the pile.” 
“But you still should have tried.” Wilbur turned his back to the boy and walked over to the tables. “Who else knows.”
“Uh, Tubbo thinks I have slight amnesia, but other than that, it's just George. Dream knows since he’s in the same boat as me, but that's besides the point.”
He nodded gravely. “Right. Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to go out there and tell Tubbo that his best friend may be dead because of you, and then I want you gone. I want you out of my sight. Until you can tell me exactly what happened to the real Tommy, I want you out of these walls. Understood?” 
Tommy could feel his heart shatter. No, this couldn’t be happening. He had just started to get used to the supportive family that L’Manberg provided, and now it was being taken away. Even worse than that, he needed to go face Tubbo… He wasn’t sure how his friend would react, but it likely wasn’t going to be good. Still, this was what he deserved, wasn’t it? He had technically caused the disappearance of this world's Tommy, even if he didn’t do anything on purpose. The other boy was still gone because of him. “Of course… Yes sir,” He said solemnly. 
“Good. George, I want to thank you for bringing this to my attention. I may not consider you an ally, but you have gained my respect.”
“Thank you Wilbur. I felt that you had the right to know. Come on Tommy, let's go,” George said, as he walked past Tommy and into the dark tunnel once more. Tommy spared one last glance behind him before he followed George, trying to get one last look at his friend. All he could see was a tall, hunched over figure. As the two of them walked towards the daylight, the boy swore he could hear the distant sobs of a heartbroken man. 
be careful what you wish for :)
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pocket-void · 4 years
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I can’t draw smoke.
Anyways, @hot-scientist, @cherry-caffi and @sashootkahoot talking about mad scientists the other day seemed fun and it reminded me about yet another one of my ridiculous amounts of OCs so I guess here’s he...! o///o (I was the one who sent that anon about this btw)
Also y’all are fun and very cool, I’d like you to know that u///u
His name is Kendo, which I think is a weird name but it technically isn’t. He’s from a really convoluted plot I made up in middle school and looking back it was super funny how passionate I was about that story, but it was also really fun! The plot point where he shows up is when the protagonists are sent to investigate a castle and he’s there pretending to be the personal assistant of one of the princesses. (Who was just his actual boss in disguise but that plot is WILD and I’m not gonna go into it lmao-) His actual job is more tied to research because the world they’re in is post-post-apocalyptic and weird mutant creatures are a thing (Like I said, wild story), and he’s tasked with overseeing a rather sketchy experiment that involves transformation, mutation, and potential personality manipulation. It all ties back to the woman who hired him (The main antagonist). Like I said, convoluted plot. o///o
He’s this eerily polite kind of guy who’s nice and has this kind, gentle voice, but also says the absolute strangest things with a completely straight face or like, makes regular sentences seem more ominous than they have to be pffft. He’s actually a lil cheeky, like despite looking all professional he’s more of a dork. Though he is skilled with throwing knives which he coats with sedatives but that’s besides the point. I imagine he has a koi pond except all the koi have some sort of modification that makes them more dangerous or ridiculous than they really should be, but he’s named them all equally innocuous things and loves talking to them about the stuff he’s doing. People thinks they’re cats or something because he always goes “Oh you know, babs got out the other day and got herself stuck in a tree” but it’s just this really really bizarre fish that shouldn’t exist. He’d have a cat if he could, but he’s allergic to them. 
I redesigned him a bit because my middle school art style was absolutely hilarious, I can show you guys if you’d ever like to see it but man, a lot changes in 4ish years. >///< His character’s a bit weird because he’s a really old OC but I actually might put him in a different story because he’d pair really well with a different character I have somewhere else.
Uh, thanks for letting me talk about OC stuff! I hope you have a lovely day y’all! u///u
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toastytoaster22 · 3 years
ask games 💕💕 how about... 3, 16, 18, 28, 32, 38, and 47? feel free to pick and choose if that's too many!! (also hi!! ily Toasty i hope you're getting lots of rest ❤❤❤) ~Nap
3.  Computer or pen and paper?
HaHAA you know me. A little old lady in every way. I write all my plots, character arcs, notes, timelines, and eeeeeeeeeeeverything else on paper first. Then once I have a full outline I will transfer individual chapter notes to a word doc. 
16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
Ooh, this depends. Usually on the length of a project/fic and how good I think my first draft is. I tend to do things in a few rounds.
Round 1: notes and outlines Round 2: first draft (can include huge gaps, dialogue placeholders & gibberish) Round 3: a complete chapter (all the words are there even if I don’t love them) Round 4: Devi proofreads and we work out any weird spots (repeat ?x) Round 5: final proofread and post
Sometimes a shorter fic will just be me spamming words on the page and then doing a half-assed proofread before I give in and post it right away. Anything under 5k is usually done like this hahaha!
18. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
ghsdjkgnfjkl mmkay so I think I have said this before but like. I don’t usually do collaborations. I am very picky with my writing and a pain about it. But you and I are nearly always on the exact same brainwave so I THINK?? I think I could collab with you?? MAYBE? The only exception is that I am low key working on a collab with Devi right now for a BTS ficfest. The hilarious thing is that it’s BTS and MP100 characters in a daycare setting and we’re basically just recreating my classroom from last year bc it’s adorable and not to be taken super seriously. uhhhhh don’t worry about it
28. Favorite side character?
I’m going to sort of cheat and not count Teru. He’s a secondary level main character in my book. So I am going to say Inukawa? Or Tome? Musashi is way up there too, my dude. I really love the kids at the school. They’re really dynamic and enjoyable and Inukawa is a bean. I just love that Mob has friends and I appreciate themmm <3
32.  Most difficult character to write?
Toichiro. Fucking textbook psychopath. I cannot fathom what’s in his brain that makes his mouth say the words he does. We all know my opinion of this creature. Weird ass man to write.
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
PFFFT I HAVE BIZARRE STORY IDEAS ALL THE TIME. I have a lot of daydreams about Universe Swaps from my own AU’s... and other people’s AU’s. UH. and like. I’ve been trying to think of another funky rated G horror fic I could write this summer and the current list of no-go’s are: -Teru stuck in a parallel world where he never existed. -Teru waking up and everyone else is ... invisible? He can’t see them or hear them but he can feel them. Everyone is confused as to why he is freaking out bc from their pov everything is normal? Is he cursed? I dunno? -There are too many suns and too many moons and i dunno where i was going with this but the imagery was really cool Other funky thoughts include: -canon divergent where Teru falls through to the sewers during his fight with Shimazaki in season two and the broccoli roots grow around him and use him as an... energy source? Or something? He’s missing and mentally trying to get away but can’t move? may or may not include astral projection.  -Mezato centric investigation fic that may or may not end up in the Issho verse so i probably actually shouldn’t say much more than that but it will be interesting.
47.  Best way to procrastinate?
From writing?? I don’t. Everything in my day is a dumb reason why I can’t be writing. The second I am free from life obligations I will be writing. Unless I am legit incapable bc of mental health reasons. But even then I should try to write bc writing makes me feel good and proud and productive. I love making stories :D
THANK YOU NAP FOR THESE MANY ASKS!! I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! 
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