retrorruption · 26 days
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Would you still love them if they were grubs as babies?
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bigautomaton · 5 months
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I hate how fast this came to me and I refuse to render it further
Alternate titles
Hey Alex, wtf man
Me When I Get My Hands On Shredded Mozz At 1:45AM
The Only Clubs I Know Have The John Wick Palette
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multiversal-pudding · 2 years
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A Screamy N For your Screamy N Needs-
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tswwwit · 8 months
Not sure if this has been brought up before but, Billdip with a pet?
Neither of them really seem like Pet guys to me, more like Stuff In Jars kinda guys. But maybe petsitting for Mabel or someone else? I think the minute Dipper showed any affection for something other than Bill he would get really jealous and Dipper would think it's very funny and very annoying. I specifically like the idea of Bill vs a cat bc I think they would HATE him on instinct and they'd definitely hiss at eachother. Bill's very much of the opinion that pets are useless brainless hunks of flesh that eat your food, but he's also got very little competition in terms of Affection coming from Dipper and if HE doesn't get pets and treats, neither does this stupid creature that skulks around the house eating spiders and ripping up the carpet. That's BILL'S job
They really are both kinda Stuff In Jars guys, aren't they?
That being said, Dipper's absolutely the type to get suckered in by something cute if it showed him attention and affection. Likely he found it on the street, or rescued it from a monster; then of course claim he'd only keep it for like a day before bringing it to a shelter. Maybe two.
And he would, too! He is Responsible™ and wouldn't want to introduce a poor innocent animal to the vicinity of Bill.
UNLESS said creature was very Clever and Conniving and wormed its way into his heart, using all kinds of dastardly tricks and loving affection. Then two days turns into three, and to a week, until Bill knows with Dread Certainty that this slimy little hairball is here to stay.
It's probably a cat, let's be honest.
If for no other reason that Bill doesn't seem at all like a Dog Person. If he had to take that thing for WALKS and PICK UP after it, it'd be about two hours before he 'accidentally' left the door open during hours of heavy traffic - whereas a cat is standoffish and independent enough that they can safely spend their days ignoring each other in the same room.
But you just KNOW that he seethes with jealousy anytime Dipper gives that miserable feline a gentle kiss on the forehead.
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I have been contaminated by bacteria...
It hurts.
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raptorwithamarker · 8 months
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Cleo is a seawing/skywing hybrid with a mix of traits, and the bio luminescence spots are outside of normal variation, likely making any aquatic talk very challenging. Not sure about the colors (might change) and wings are somewhat translucent on seawings so you can see more. Probably also lived nearby the seawing kingdom for some time before being put in the gladiator arena in the skywing kingdom. When a massive prison riot occurs she ends up escaping, along with the others, but I haven't the faintest clue what should happen next. This drawing is likely pre-gladiator arena, lacking a variety of scars they're sure to gain.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years
Could I bother you for some facts about yoyo loach?
I have a pair of them and have since discovered their amusing nature regarding seemingly sleeping laying on their sides????? And their tendency to click surprisingly loudly when they’re happy or excited about something (something they apparently do using literal teeth in their throats)
Sure friend! Here's some facts about them! :)
Daily fish fact #416
Yoyo loach! (+pharyngeal teeth)
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Well-known for their active and friendly personalities, they're kept in the aquarium trade often! They originate from the Ganges basin, where their natural habitat includes slow-moving, rock-bottomed waters with lots of vegetation.
The teeth in their throats that anon brings up are called pharyngeal teeth, also! Many fish, like carps and loaches, have pharyngeal teeth; they help them grind down food!
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itsbrucey · 8 months
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Messy sketchy draft concept etc etc. for a piece called “ Trapped Within the Jaws of God, We Learned To Pray” aka “ fuuuuuuuuuuuck Willy overactived the slime…..fuuuuuuck”
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Are request open?
If they are, I request a prefect really curious about marine biology and Floyd kinda takes this as an advantage. And well, he got hungry and now he won’t let the prefect go. Cue Azul and Jade trying to make him let shrimpy out.
Includes: soft/safe vore, very unwilling prey, a bit of fearplay, a little digestion scare, Floyd can be scary sometimes... I wanted to showcase that tonight.
★✦Shrimp Cocktail✦★
You've been talking with Floyd about marine biology recently. He's been very helpful, but...
He seems to have an ulterior motives sometimes... like he wants something from you.
Oh, but that can't be right... right...?
It's no use thinking about that right now. You should focus on class.
"Shrimpy, hey!" Floyd whispered to you, causing you to very nearly jump out of your seat. "You're still really curious about marine biology, yeah? Come over later! I wanna show you something really cool~"
"I mean, I don't see why not..."
Turns out, you really shouldn't have agreed to that.
You headed over to his dorm after school.
He led you into his bedroom.
"Have ya ever heard of certain animals havin' two sets of teeth?" He asked you, closing the door behind him. "Morays have that."
"...does that mean you have that?" You cautiously asked.
"Uh huh!! You wanna see 'em~?"
"That, uh... y-yeah, that sounds interesting...!" You nervously said.
Floyd pinned you against the wall, and opened his mouth wide for you.
...he can open his mouth really wide, huh...? You could probably fit your head in there- not that you want to.
"I... can't really see them..."
"Oh, yeah, they're wayyyyyyy at the back of my throat..." Floyd closed his mouth for a moment. "You just have to look a bit closer~" He said, before opening his mouth super wide for you again.
You placed your hand on his lower jaw and leaned in a little bit closer.
You knew what was about to happen the moment you felt Floyd put his hand on the back of your head.
"W-wait, Floyd, please don't-!"
But your protesting came too late, and he happily shoved you into his mouth. He made a contented noise as he tasted you... oh, he enjoyed this...
You, however, were not enjoying this.
You were panicking, screaming for help, flailing, trying to pull yourself out, but... ah, that was just making Floyd enjoy this even more.
The second jaws lunged forwards and grabbed tight onto your head.
"NO, WAIT-!"
He did not wait.
And with one or two strained gulps, down you went.
You didn't like how tight it was. It was so tight... and wet, and hot, and squishy but not in a comforting way...
You were terrified. Are you going to die in a world where you don't actually exist?! No, you can't! You can't, you can't, you can't!!
Another gulp, and you could barely move your arms. You can still move your legs though! You can still struggle! You can get out of this, right?!
Your head was now in his stomach. You could tell something was in it, but... whatever it was, it was unrecognizable at this point- that's... going to be what happens to you if you don't convince him to get you out, isn't it?! Oh no, oh no no no...
You kicked your legs back and forth, trying your best to hurt him in some way to make him get you out, but... no, it didn't work.
You felt him swallow one last time. And then you couldn't move your legs anymore.
Floyd happily walked over to his bed, and fell down onto it.
"Mmm, you wanna learn about marine biology, yeah~? I can still teach ya if you want!"
"I... I-I don't-"
"Ooh! Here's a cool one~! Didja know that lotsa different species of merfolk can control digestion~? That's pretty neat, right??" He contently asked.
"Wait, so... d-does that mean I'll be... s-safe...?"
"Eh? I never said I was one of those species." Floyd said, poking at you. "Mmmff... aha... this was so fun, Shrimpy~ Oh, and feeling you squirm, hearing you panic, Sevens that was amazing...!"
You didn't like how you could feel him playing with you.
"Oh. Sorry if there's stuff in there... I was eating shrimp earlier, are any of 'em still in tact? You recognize them?" Floyd asked tauntingly. "Ehe... speaking of that... you don't mind if that happens to you, right? Ahaha!! I'd just love to feel that~ Everything gets more intense and painful... and you panic more and more as it goes on, until... well, until your body can't handle it anymore."
"F-Floyd, no.... please...! I don't want to-"
"Hmm... but if I did that, then I'd never get to play with Shrimpy again!" He said, kneading at his belly playfully. "Ahh... this is a big problem... what do you think I should do~?"
"Let me out, p-please!"
"Let you out? But... I don't want to! I feel so good with you in there, I can't just let you out.... I wanna keep you in there! Well... knowing that you'll just tell me to let you live or whatever.... haaah, that's so boring. I think I'll decide what to do with you on my own!!"
Then, there was a sudden knock at his door. The door opened, and two people entered. Jade and Azul.
"Floyd, what is with you recently?! We need you at-"
"...oh dear." Jade said, his eyes drifting towards his brother's stomach.
"Damn it." Azul sighed "Not AGAIN, Floyd!"
"Who was it this time?"
"Shrimpy! They wanted-"
The moment you realized they were asking about you, you started screaming for help in every way you possibly could.
"...wanted, huh?" Azul raised an eyebrow. "Get them out, ok?"
"What?! No!!"
"Floyd, please let them out. I'm sure Azul will let you eat some unfortunate anemone later, isn't that a fair trade-off?" Jade asked.
"NO, I am not doing that again, not after last time."
"Um... s-so what happened last time...?" You asked, cautiously.
"Oh yes, you can hear us, can't you?" Jade asked. "Well, last time Floyd ate someone..."
"I got bored. He wasn't scared enough. So I gave him a reason to be scared!"
"You're lucky I was able to get him to keep quiet about that." Azul angrily mentioned. "He could have died, Floyd!"
"And? Don't see how that's an issue." Floyd shrugged. "Either way we got rid of him."
You heard Azul loudly sigh.
"Just get (Y/N) out of there, ok?"
"You never let me do anything fun!!" Floyd pouted.
Thank goodness for that eight-legged businessman...
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sauriansolutions · 7 months
I was going to do something more with this originally, but it's just been sitting in drafts, all lonely. I'll just stick it here so maybe somebody can enjoy it.
In which Jade swallows a cheeseburger whole, in front of Ace, Deuce, and Epel.
Using his tongue and primary jaw in combination, Jade maneuvered the cheeseburger deep inside his mouth, crushing it against the sides of his teeth and into the roof of his mouth, all the way into the back of his throat. 
When it was in position, he paused to draw in a quick breath through his nose. Then, he flicked his head back the tiniest bit. 
It would be a barely noticable movement from the outside, indistinguishable from a twitch, but it served to push the burger back far enough to trigger his swallowing reflex. 
Where most humans would have had a uvula, Jade's secondary jaws rose up out of his esophagus, stretching the back of his throat wide open. They chomped down eagerly, and, with a rushing sound in Jade's ears, dragged the morsel down towards his stomach, all in one monstrously powerful gulp. 
The feeling of his throat swelling up to accept the offering, then contracting back down again once the food had passed through, was a deeply satisfying one. 
Once he could breath again, Jade released the breath he'd taken in a pleased sigh. He licked his lips, then licked each of his fingertips, ensuring he didn't miss a crumb. 
It was at that point that he noticed all three of the underclassmen staring, with eyes so wide they looked like they might fall out of their heads. 
Jade smiled at their shocked faces. He chuckled lightly. 
"Forgive me," he all but purred. "I only had time for a light lunch today, I was practically famished."
"Jade-senpai," Deuce asked, voice unusually high, "...did you really just swallow an entire cheeseburger whole?"
"Ah... yes." Jade placed a hand on his chest and lowered his head slightly. "I'm aware that isn't the way they're meant to be eaten. I do apologize if I've shown you something unsightly."
"Oh, no! It's fine! You're fine, I... I was just, uhh... surprised?"
"Golly!" Epel blurted. "I wish I could do that!" 
The usually-shy Pomfiore freshman's eyes were sparkling, expression having morphed from dumbfoundedness to something like awe.
Ace was shaking his head. 
"I've seen Floyd do stuff like that," he said. "Dunno why I'm even surprised. You two are twins, right?"
"Yes." Jade smiled, careful not to show too many of his teeth. "Identical. Though, typically more in appearance than anything else."
"Identically weird," Ace muttered under his breath.
"Hey!" Deuce elbowed him, hard. 
"Ow! What the hell?"
"Don't call your seniors weird! It's rude!" 
"Fine, just keep your skinny elbows away from me! They're like knives! Do you sharpen them or something?"
Jade laughed, opening his hands in a plea for peace. 
"I take no offense. As merfolk attending a land school, I'm well aware that my brother and I must, at times, come off as somewhat odd."
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probablyevilrpgideas · 4 months
ProbablyEvilRPGIdeas' Guide to Stealing IP For Fun and Profit and Not Getting Sued
Step 1- Identify a thing you want to use that's someone else's IP.
Step 2- Identify a similar enough in vibe/function thing that's a different IP
Step 3- Combine these IP
Step 4- Get REALLY weird with it.
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krenenbaker · 11 months
I'm going to pull a Trey Clover here, but I'd be genuinely so interested in taking a look at Jade and Floyd's teeth (and also Idia's, because I think his would be different from the Leeches', but that is another matter.)
because, like... do Jade and Floyd have the same sort of teeth as moray eels, and if so... which type? what's the spacing like? how long are their teeth?
or are they like human teeth, but pointy? do they have anything akin to molars to chew food?
do they have pharyngeal jaws? WOULD THEY NEED TO BRUSH THEIR PHARYNGEAL TEETH???
I just don't know... and because they're drawn with the triangular fang-style teeth, it isn't clear. (maybe they're more shark-like in shape / structure? idk)
I'm thinking too hard about this and making it weird, aren't I?
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saneriddlefan67 · 10 months
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I was thinking about that option too, but it would be so cool if they showed some moments where Azul uses both of his hands since I don't think he would randomly turn right handed when he transforms into a human. I can understand if he favors his right hand BUT PLS TWST DON'T IGNORE THE FACT THAT HE COULD USE ALL OF HIS TENTACLES TO DO DIFFERENT STUFF???
I don't think there's any ambidextrous character, it would be cool if there was one though. Azul will remain ambidextrous in my brain forever/hj I wish Twst showed more of the mermen traits Octavinelle has tbh
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spacedoutamazon · 1 month
TIL the pharyngeal jaw of the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise is shared by only one creature on Earth:
The Moray Eel!
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coastercrushed · 3 months
me when all my tests are negative so that means viral pharyngitis is kicking my ass????
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dutybcrne · 26 days
I like to think under the helm, Capitano may LOOK somewhat like one of R/V Alvcard’s monster forms
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