#philly side blog maybe?
sh4rmas · 4 months
thinking about philipa featherington especially with her hair down
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hang-on-lil-tomato · 11 months
Rhys Darby at The Keswick Oct 17, 2023
What a GREAT time!
I realized today how much LOVE was in that room! Love for rhys, for his “essence” (har har) and love right back at us!
it was a delightful time, rhys doing his greatest hits,
he can’t promote OFMD, which is fine since half the audience was dressed as pirates. We know about his little pirate rom com.
but…he very subtlety did a riff on “come back to me” and not so subtlety did “I did a punch”. Pretty awesome ways he had of sneaking that stuff in!
he got the best cheers for that bit of fan service.
his opening act was great, and he was doing a bit about usa tv, and CSi. It was ok, but it was kind of flat for him until he said something about the kind of shows you guys watch are about gay pirates, and we all went wild.
I met a cool fan with the same name as me, she was just back from NYCC. That was great! So we hung out, had dinner, and chatted. It was so nice to rave on with someone about OFMD details, and of course Rhysie. Really made the experience so much better, because I always go alone to things.
Steve was also joking about “where the hell are we? Rhys asked me to a show in Philly with him, but this isn’t Philly, is it?”
GLENSIDE, we shouted. It’s actually a very cute, upscale, suburban bedroom community for Philly. And we call everything around here Philadelphia, so that’s hysterical.
philadelphia factory outlets is in Sanatogo,
Philadelphia folk festival is in Schwenksville.
today I told everyone at school I saw Rhys Darby, and they looked at me like “Is that a band?” 😂🤣😂
Rhys asked the audience if anyone was local to Glenside. YES! And you’ve heard of me?
the capacity was 1300 but I estimate it was only 3/4 on attendance max, so maybe 800, but many DEVOUT fans. The orchestra was filled with SUPERFANS.
Anyone who pays any attention to my silly blah blah blog know I adore Rhys, but these folks are NEXT LEVEL. I had an excellent seat, but I’m glad I wasn’t quite in the gravy basket with the priesthood up front. May Rhys Bless Them from on high.
no merch table, just two guys doing stand up. Just down and dirty, simple and great.
unfortunately he and Steve couldn’t meet and greet as they had to drive up to Connecticut. But Rhys and he drove by and honked at the crowd in front of the theater. Unfortunately for me, I was on the wrong side of the street.
see Rhys LIVE! It’s a special experience.
oh, and don’t use AXL ticketing with their stupid app. Luckily I was prepared with my proof of purchase, ID and CC. Never again!
but I’d definitely see Rhys again.
the audience is part of the show!
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||An Officer's Corruption part twenty-six||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but I'm going to add another part to this mini series. I hope you like it. I couldn't help it so have another one today.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Chapters so far||
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
Part Twenty one ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty two ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty three
Part Twenty Four
Part Twenty five
((Your reading part Twenty Six))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Violence is seen in this drabble
~Blood is seen on this drabble
~Seduction maybe?
||Drabble Summary||
Seems some of the prisoners have gotten a bit annoyed with how the three officers here in T prison has gotten. Yuji, Kisho, Megumi, along with the Six claws heard some wanted to fight them!? How will the three take care of this Meanwhile, other activity is noticed in the other prisons today too. But lets see what happens shall we?
||Guests in Drabble||
Ira"Kali" Vin-Shia, Ink Vanguard, Kinie Ger, Joshua Star, and anyone else mention belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Oh and the lovely horrors also belong to the side blog @lovelyxhorrors that's also run by Demon mun <3
Ashley Butterfly, Jinx Violet and others mentioned are my OC's and belong to me. Dazai Osamu is from the anime Stray dogs but is also a muse I rp as. Yuji Itadori, Megumi fushiguro, and Yuji Itadori is from Jujutsu Kaisen but is also a muse I rp as.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. With that, I hope you Enjoy.))
~~~~~In Philly with Ethan and Willow~~~~
Both were quiet while trying to progress what just happened in the meeting. It was shocking to say the least but they didn't want to question what is going on over in New York City. Given their own prison they rule together, it was concerning. True, Aiyana has a police station in her section and Ethan has one in his own.
"Hey Ethan? Should we be worried about what happened in NYC? I mean, hearing that some of those inmates getting out.."
"I know, Willow it's...disturbing to hear but you know how Warden Kinie is. Given her status and what news we seen so far happening over there. We can get it's true." he looks to his desk but sighed, closing his eyes. "Knowing her, she means business..."
"...I guess we'll have to wait and see how this goes won't we? For now, we should be seeing that the officers from our groups are getting the inmates downstairs for lunch. Shall we check on them?" he stood up ready to leave the office but Willow remains there making him stop. "Warden Phoenix?"
"Sorry..just..thinking about something.." she mutters following him while he looks to rest a hand on her shoulder.
"Is something troubling you? Is it the meeting?"
".........It's what Warden Kinie said. About how some inmates can get a second chance. It reminds me of when you helped me during my bad times. I did so many horrible things but.." she mutters remembering but Ethan knew. Years ago when it was just his squad watching over Philly before he and her met. True they had fights, her getting away but it was because of what the evil criminals did to her.
"Now now, come on. You know it was not your fault. Besides, I told you and I know this is true. You don't have to worry about it anymore. Your in a better place and living better. You were confused at the time so don't worry.." he said now holding her hand. She blinks to look then at him only to gently kiss his cheek. "??"
"T..thank you." she mutters but Ethan said nothing to smile while holding her hand.
"Now come on, we have to check on our officers and the inmates." he said as both leave the office together. Time to get to work.
~~~~~~~Meanwhile with Joshua~~~~~~~~
The inmates still remain where they were but as Hellmare and Maggie saw, none tried to get out or argued. When being under Ashley's control it was not too hard. They listen and obeyed while being here. Even new inmates that showed up this early morning was under her entranced spell.
"You know? I don't know how she does this. It's like their zombies but good ones." Maggie saw so many just being quiet or if some was not under her power they were scared not wanting to be.
"Remember Maggie, they are scared of her and her team. Given the notes we read, she is pretty dangerous. But she seems so nervous for one." she mutters thinking about it while drinking some fresh hot tea in a coffee cup. Maggie grumbles eating something but looking at the inmate she was keeping a eye on. What was his name, T-bone? Yeah, he was down there eating his food but heard Hiroshi telling him to not be so down about things. Hellmare was seeing her inmate Hiroshi eating his food but they were both behaving.
"Though..both seem to be good even without being under her control. Still weird." she grumbles eating another bite of her beagle while noticing something. "Oh, did you hear from Joshua and see if he was alright?" she asked Hellmare.
"I heard he's resting right now after checking up with Ashley. She's still in her cell. Seems she was not hungry right now. Though, I guess it could be due to him feeding her." Hellmare hums at the thought but seeing everyone eating. Even if that was true, Ashley was indeed still in her cell but she had the blanket around her while resting against the wall. Her eyes glowing in the dark from where she was.
She did eat again from Joshua but in private, knowing she wouldn't if others were watching. Though, it's only due to their pack he made with her.
~~~~Flashback to the first day she arrived with her team~~~~
"You wish to do...w...what?" she blinks looking to Joshua who was told of what she was. A demon but a succubus who had power of Inferna-Chlorokinesis/demonic plant manipulation. That and being able to help with medicine due to the plants she makes.
"Y..Yes, you heard me. I wish to ask that you make a pack with me. A deal." Joshua was quiet and yet Ashley said nothing nervous to look at him.
"B..but w..why make a p..pack with me? What do you w..want?" she was unsure what to think about this but it worried her.
"I don't want anything from you..but your help." he said that confused her more. He wanted her to help with the prison?
"I..I don't understand. Why are you a...asking an inmate for this?"
"..I know you're the baby sister to the inmate Rex oxford mills that's in Warden Kinie Ger's prison. But I also know your just as dangerous. I read you are an dangerous demon but also a...a succubus. I read your information and I..I can't let you try to eat anyone while being in my prison. The inmates might end up trying to make things worse here and most of them have already caused problems or destroying the areas here. So I'm asking you to at least hear me out." he said.
"I wish to make a deal that you can...uhhh help me. I promise I won't do anything if your worried. Same with your team." he said.
"......." She looks down at her lap still confused but Joshua saw her still curled up shaking now. She didn't have the blanket but he was worried.
"Hey are you...okay?"
"I..I'm fine.....Just......hungry." she mutters.
"..You didn't eat anything?" he asked but as he tries to go and check on her. He saw her move back a little nervous. He didn't want to scare her only thinks. "Hey, I w..won't hurt you. I'm sorry if I scared you." he said to her.
"....Y..You didn't..." she mutters but didn't look at him. Joshua saw she really was scared but how could someone like her be dangerous too. She looked so innocent.
"...S..so this deal. W..what is it?" she asked but Joshua sits in a chair in front of her cell bed but made sure not to scare her or get too close unless asked.
"My deal is t..this: You can help me with keeping the inmates here calm. I read your able to get the most d..dangerous people under your herem and control. You can keep t..them calm without causing fighting or anything. S..so here is my deal: You help me with keeping them calm and keep them from fighting and..m...maybe help with your medicine. You seem to know what your doing with the plants you grow."
"So if you do that...I can hear what you want in return?" he said but this got Ashley to think a little while looking down at her lap. He seriously would do this for her? Given some thought, she only looks more nervous.
"H..How do I know your not going to t..trick me to do what you w..want?" she asked that Joshua blinks but looked worried.
"I won't..I'm not that type of Warden. I wanna keep peace in my prison even after the last few riots, fights, and other destructive things happened. I just want it to be kept under control. If your able to help me, I promise I'll give you something in return."
".....A...anything in return?" she said seeing him nod. Now she was thinking to look down. "W...would be alright if I can get a n..new blanket? A warm soft one since It helps me sleep?" she said.
"Okay, I can do that. Anything else?"
"C..can I also......have something else that will help with my cravings? You know what I am so.....so...can't I have at least one prison to feed off from?"
"........I can't give you that request, miss Butterfly. I did say I don't want any of the prisoners trying to cause something else." he said seeing Ashley looking down. "But.....maybe I can still give you someone."
"...Y..You can? W..who?" she said only for Joshua to look at her.
"I'll let you feed off from me."
"!?" Wait, him!? He was going to offer himself? "Y..You? Your willing t..to do that?"
"Yes.....If you keep your word, I'll feed you whatever you need. I know you need more than human food at times so......so I'll offer myself to feed you. Is that alright?" he saw her shocked but no one would willingly do that. Knowing her power and hunger it was shocking to hear this. Looking at him, she only sees him look at her but she looks back.
"......So...d...do we have a deal?" he asked holding his hand to her gently but Ashley looks only to slowly reach out a hand to rest it on him.
"..W...we have a d..deal.."
That was a while back when he made that deal but as promised she kept her word. Keeping the inmates calm and since then no more fights has happened. But as promised, he would let her feed off of him but she did give him some herb teas using her demonic plants to help with his energy and give back what she took.
Looking quiet, she did get fed from him this morning but it was a lot more sweeter today. This made her lightly blush touching her lips to curl up hugging herself in the blanket he had made for her.
~~~~~Back at Prison T~~~~~~
"What the fuck do you say!?" The inmate that challenged the three ladies only got back talked by Kali who was really annoyed now. A few of the inmates were knocked out after being punched by Jinx and Ink since some tried to start a fight. And after Kali giving a sucker punch to one when he tried to grope her.
"Look, we told you a thousand times we are not going through with your stupid fighting challenge. Can't you idiots behave for once in prison!?" Kali was not in the mood for this right now seeing the leader's eye twitching annoyed.
"She's got a point though. Fighting isn't allowed on the prison yard. How about just doing some fun activities instead huh?" Jinx smiled at him.
"Yeah! I agree!" Ink smiled.
"Seriously? -_-"
"You two.." Kali warns only for the inmate leader to growl thinking these women were making fun of him! He was one of the dangerous and toughest inmates here! If anything, these three women should be praising him!
Of course the Six claws saw this and seeing how this leader was speaking to her didn't sit right with them. In fact, they looked coldly at the leader wondering what the bastard will do. Even Denji was growling wanting to cut him up but Midoiriya held the other claws back.
Megumi was seeing this but saw Yuji now looking cold seeing this ape speaking to Violent like that. He crushes the can in his hand making Kisho tense.
"Easy Yuji..." Megumi warns but he was seeing him trying to calm down.
"Tch, You three are nothing you know that! Just because you proved a point here in the prison don't mean shit! What I see you three as are sluts for me! I should be the one making you three praise me for being the best in MY prison!" he laughed.
"Huh? But you don't own this prison. Warden Kinie ger does-"
"WHO CARES ABOUT THAT BITCH!! The only reason things get crazy is due to how many wild inmates come here! Don't you know that!" he said now looking to Ink but he saw her confused only to smile.
"Though, Maybe I can forgive you and your two friends if your willing to help us out with something?" he asked even daring to touch Ink's cheek. She blinks feeling him cup her cheek. This got the Six claws more angry but Midoiriya keeps them down.
"Midoriya.." Rin warns.
"...Easy now....they can handle this. You saw how they fight.....this is just going to be a show....." he said in a quiet tone but his green eyes were shooting daggers at this giant brute. How dare he touch her but he knew Yuji was even more angry now.
"So..what do you three say? Wanna rule by my side or maybe you can help me with some personal service?" he said.
"Uhhhhhh Not really. You really don't seem like my type and you can't get girls like that. Woman don't like doo doo heads like you when it comes to trying to hit on them like that. You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Ink said as the inmate tense hearing that.
A few snorts hearing that trying not to laugh as Kali sighed and Jinx giggled. He saw his group snickering but he growls at them. "Shut it you idiots!" he said seeing them hush up. "Look here you fucking whore, I will not be insulted like that so you better say sorry to me for that!"
"Yeah, she's not going to do that. Now I suggest you back off and leave her alone. Your starting to get annoying now. Or else you'll regret it." Kali said now annoyed but saw more of the inmates surrounding the three.
"Oh? And what are you three going to do? Huh?! Your just three women.....you should be under me and begging for me to make you my women! My bitches! Or better! My bed sluts! You should know better than to talk back to me!" he said.
Wait did this asshole calm them sluts!? Yuji did not like anyone insulting what was his like that. Even Denji was furious with this asshole saying that. Another didn't like that either in his cell but thanks to a little imp he heard and saw this.
"Tch, you bitches should know better. All women love to have a strong guy like me to fuck em and make them mine! So you should learn your place!" about to backhand Kali but as he tried, a hand stops him as he looks.
The cap Kali had on covered the upper part of her face but a angry glare was seen as she stopped his hand. He felt her grip his wrists while seeing her looking very pissed off. Her grip was deadly strong that he winces to be brought down to his knees like she was going to break it. What the hell!?
"Clearly you don't know shit do you? This is not a fighting ground and you should learn some respect when it comes to speaking to me and the other two officers. Unless you want me to take this hand I can by cutting it off I will..I tend to hold a pretty violent temper.." she snarled as his inmates backed up scared seeing this.
Seems he didn't know who stopped the fight that day due to being in detention. He had no idea what these three women were like. Dangerous. Deadly. And ready to strike if possible.
"D..damn you..b..bitches! Guys, do something!" he said as the inmates looks seeing Kali glare at them as a warning. Right away, a few tried to stop and get Kali to let go of him but they got kicked back hard right through the wall. Others tried to jump them but Jinx kicks and punched a few back hard.
Ink kicks some back right through the building. Others were watching in a nervous expression or some being scared. Just what was going on?!? These women were not normal!
"O.O;" The inmates slowly turns to look back seeing Officer Vanguard and Officer Violet were the ones that kicked the two but their expression were dark as their eyes were dulled scaring them.
"!?!" they sweatdrop scared seeing this. It was like a giant dragon was growling at them and a dangerous growling panther was ready to pounce. Tear them limb from limb.
Yeah, they backed up seeing this and some even wet themselves. When Kali saw the last one knocked out, she looks to the inmates.
"Now..does anyone else wish to start a fucking fight right now!? Or wanna end up like those idiots!" Kali shouted seeing the inmates now scared backing up. These three were insane!!!!
Jinx and Ink sighed but lowers their legs before looking seeing Kali look at him.
"Let me go! You made you stupid point you bitch! Just let me go!"
"Oh no, your going to be punished for this! Take this baboon inside to the isolation cell." she said seeing two officers taking him inside while the others that was his gang went off or was taken in as punishment too. The six claws and Yuji with his friends were silent seeing this. Yeah, those three were dangerous just like Kinie said.
At that same time...
"What the fuck is going on!?" The three women blinks hearing Kinie ger's voice. She just showed up but looks. "What happened!?"
"Nothing much, just one of the inmates causing a rucus!" Ink said smiling.
".......Ughhhh......you know what? Nevermind. Just...just try to keep it calm please. As for you inamtes, you have a few more minutes before heading back inside for the day!" she said seeing the inmates quiet as Kinie walks back inside.
"I wonder if she's alright. She looked upset about something." Jinx said.
"I'm sure she's alright I hope! Anyway, you guys heard that! Just a few more minutes!" Ink cheers happily with Kali facepalming shaking her head. What is with her happy attitude!? Near by, a imp was seeing this to know Rex saw.
He didn't like the fact someone tired to hit or touch Kali but he smirked knowing she can take care of herself. Even with someone so beautiful can be just as dangerous. He loved that in a woman but it tells he really wanted her to be his now. For now, seems he can't wait till their next meet up.
~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile in Northen State Penitentiary~~~~~~~~~~
"Alright everyone, time for lunch! Come out in a orderly fashion and don't try anything." Charley shouted seeing some of the inmates now leaving the cells and going about to eating some food. She along with Jason was seeing everyone in the female ward eating now. He sees Wong. Shea. Pratt. and Flowers eating quietly with the other female inmates. However, he was told that Inmate Akutagawa was still in her own cell as punishment for now. He was told she would get food as well but away from the others to stop any fights from happening.
"Do you think these maggots are going to behave this time?" Charlie asked Jason who sighed seeing the other officers holding batons in their hands.
"Don't know. Honestly, these women are pretty dangerous but could also start something resulting in another fight. Remember last year?" he said hearing Charlie sigh. Oh right, the blood accident that had some inmates killed. That was not fun to clean up.
"Don't remind me. Second, how was Akutagawa? Did you check on her?" she asked.
"I did..Still in her isolated cell but she should be eating though." He said.
"I will be sure to check on her when I can."
~~~In Area E~~~~
"So that's what's up huh? Hmmm, I felt like more of these inmates were not as busy but hey, you guys know better right?" Matt smiled seeing one inmate knocked out with a broken bloody nose. He tried to start a riot in his area but Matt stopped it. They knew better than to start shit here. Even without sufferer the consequences. He sighed and drops the inmate when two guards goes to pick him up and drag him away leaving a blood trail from his broken nose.
"Anyone have anything to say?" he said seeing the inmates quickly looking back at their lunches eating like good boys. "Thought so." he laughed.
"Hmmm I wonder if Akutagawa ate something or did anyone bring him his food? Might have to check and see later." he said keeping guard.
~~~~IN area A~~~~~~
Willie was standing guard but he already had to stop two idiots from trying to start a fight. And two more from flirting with Officer Shrika. He hated these pigs but they wouldn't be any better. It's something that happens from time to time in this prison but being her trusted officer and partner, he would do anything to insure things ran smoothly. Right now, she was doing roll call to insure the inmates were here before giving lunch.
True, most of them were making eye gesters seeing how hot Shrika was only to get scared seeing Willie showing a murder expression to them. They stopped as she was done. "Alright, that's everyone. You boys can enjoy your lunch. Just behave yourselves now." she said holding the clipboard.
They said nothing going to do that with her sighing smiling. "Such obedient boys don't you agree Officer Watts?" she said.
"Indeed they are miss. Though..they seem to be more like horny dogs than anything." he grumbled angry but Shrika looks to smile, petting his shoulder.
"Now now, I know but they know better. Besides, it's nothing new. If they know what's good for them and I know they will behave..if not...that just makes it more fun to punish them later." she smiled but turns to keep a eye on the inmates with Willie beside her.
~~~~~~In area F~~~~~~~~
Sid was checking up some notes on the new inmates right now but she was seeing that most were eating lunch. Even Chuya who was still in his own cell right now. She was told the three that started something were kept away from the others till being released later on this afternoon. Or till they cool their heads. She already heard Inmate Chuya was shouting and cusing wanting to get out but knowing him he just caused more issues to happen. She shook her head knowing this was going to be something for her.
Even with Warden Osamu giggling like a school girl for the new adventures that will happen with the new inmates. What fun! Knowing this, a sweatdrop shows on the side of Sid's head feeling this was going to be something.
~~~~Meanwhile with Fin's prison~~~~~~
He was lost in his thoughts wondering what Kinie was thinking. Releasing those fallen maidens seems like a bad idea. Given they were dangerous just like Rex he was unsure on how to feel about this. The only one that can control those women were Rex and he's still in his own prison.
What would he even do? What could he do? Thinking about it, he might have to work on some plan or maybe speak to her. No, that would be risky but judging on how Winter was, she was the second in command so...maybe he can talk to her.
Standing up, he goes to leave the office to see her. Ahemd said nothing but wonders what was wrong. "Fin-"
"I need to speak to her. Ahemd, you do the same for Summer."
"Hmm? Why? Do you have a plan?"
"In a way...I'll speak to Winter first but I need to be sure she won't try to get out of here." he said but Ahemd sees him leave that the other remains quiet. What was his plan. Fin walks through the prison halls wondering what he will do but in the meantime the walk wasn't long.
He got to the prison cells again only to see that it still was quiet. He takes a slow breath but looks seeing her again. Winter was stretching while running her fingers through her hair. She only looked relaxed then Fin steps in signaling he was here. She didn't turn around only to lower her arms.
"Well, well, well.....seems I got a visitor.." she slowly turns around to look at him but he sees her eyes glowing within her cell to look at him through the cell.
".......Don't start with me Winter..." he warns only for her to giggle leaning against the cell bar doors to look at him. She was wearing a shirt with the prison pants but she only looks having some of her hair covering one eye to smile.
"Awwwww you don't wanna have fun with me today Warden? That's not nice. I was wondering when you would be back to play with me. Or did our last game scare you off..." she purred only for him to glare at her.
"Stop that! I...*sighs* Look, I came to talk........"
"Talk? Talk about what hmm? Did you miss me that much?" she asked reaching to rest one hand on his chest but he grabs her wrist to stop her.
"Just fucking listen to me. Stop with the flirting.."
"Who says I was flirting?" she teased to look up at him since she was on her knees to smile. "You seem a bit tense though Warden. Did you want me to keep you company?" she said to slowly lower her hand that he then grabs her other wrist to look down at her.
"Enough Already!" he said.
"Just.....I know you are a crazy minded female but whatever your trying to pull. I won't fall for it!" he said but she only smiled to look at him before she leans in to look at him. Their eyes meeting again.
"You say the meanest things warden Reer...I did say I would behave you just don't trust me. I can be a good girl...for a strong scary lycan like you. I say that..didn't I?" she said seeing him quiet.
"Besides, if you say that about me.." Suddenly, she leans in closer that their lips almost touched like she was going to kiss him again. "Then why visit me? You either want to talk to me.........or you want something else hmm?" she licked his bottom lip that he tenses to let her go but she was quick to pull him in close then suddenly kiss him on the lips. His eyes widen from the feeling once more of her soft lips as he feels her making out with Fin. He was trying to push her off but she had a good grip of his uniform while feeling her slip her tongue past his lips deepening the kiss.
In a moment, he breaks it to move back panting heavily while covering his lips but Winter only smiled to slowly lick her lips giggling. "D..damn it!"
"...Tasty. You really are fun to tease.." she said. "I can imagine my friend Summer having fun teasing your other officer too." she winks but looks to Fin. "But..if you want another one I could give you more..if you let me out~" she sings but Fin growls.
"ENOUGH ALREADY! Just stop it alright!" he said.
"Heh..you want me to stop.." she said but looks to him to smile. "Then make me."
Fin said nothing to close his hand in a fist then turn to leave the area. Winter sees him go again but she smiled. AT least she gave him a present to remember her by. For him, he was blushing red but trying to think.
'Damn it, I need to do something or she'll end up corrupting me. I can't be tempted! I won't!' he said walking off. In that time, Officer Jackal noticed him coming.
"Uhhh Hey Fin, good to-" He tries to talk but saw him walk by him and Officer Brooks who blinks worried.
"Sorry Jaron I'm..I'm a bit busy but I'll talk to ya later!" he said waving a hand as he leaves but this confused Melinda and Jaron.
"...I wonder what that was about." she said worried.
"I Don't know..I hope he's alright though." he said seeing him leave. However, the two didn't know this with other inmates looking at them again as the other officers. They just go about keeping guard for now. As Fin gets to his office, he goes to cover his face with his hands trying to calm down. Damn her, she got another kiss again! Trying to calm his mind, he only looks to glare at his hands.
What was she trying to gain here? For now he'll just have to hope Ahemd won't fall for Summer's seduction. Or the other two who had her teammates.
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juergenklopp · 1 year
hello, as a lifelong philadelphian who has been recently getting into motorsport (and thus come across your blog) i just want to say how much delight it brings me to see someone not from here fall victim to full philadelphia sports derangement syndrome. one of us! one of us! one of us! come visit sometime we're not always nice but we're fun
Sitting here wearing my Eagles hoodie feeling slightly weepy about this ask... look ma I made it I got validation from a Philadelphian...
we're not always nice but we're fun is so perfect—I'm a lifelong Liverpool FC fan (also not from there but I was assigned a fan at birth) and I can't quite explain it, but Philly sports give me the same feeling of camaraderie among the fans and passion as Liverpool. We love so fiercely and unapologetically, and hate just as mercilessly, and I've found beauty and a sense of belonging in that... yes this sounds absolutely deranged but it's one of the things that brought me here (besides being indoctrinated by my buddies of course).
I hope you're enjoying your foray into motorsports! Please check out IndyCar if you haven't already—I'm feeling very disillusioned about that certain FIA championship at the moment, but who knows, maybe I'll be back someday. Formula E and MotoGP are also tons of fun, great close racing throughout!
And I would love love love to visit one day! Meanwhile I'm eyeing the London series next year, and hoping the Eagles will get another game this side of the pond for 2024/25. Jason Kelce please, please come back for another year, I need to watch you play in person 😿
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 1 year
Hello! Sorry to bother you, but I saw your picture of Philemon and started poking around your photography blog... and loved how you were able to capture the moment in a lot of them. I'm going to be attending my first con ever in about a month, and am looking for tips/advice partly because while I have done some manual shooting for sports/street, it's been predominantly outdoors and during the day and also partly because I love your photos and would love to hear some of what works for your if you are willing to share (please don't feel obligated to share if you don't want to or don't have the energy!).
While I have a ton of questions, maybe the one I'm most curious about is if you've found the lighting at cons hard to work with. I don't have a particularly fast tele zoom lens (f4-5.6), and pretty much all I've seen online (besides up iso) is to buy a fast lens. I have a 56mm f1.4, but I'm pretty sure I'll be sitting too far away to get the detail and dof I want with that. Is it worth bringing a slow telephoto zoom lens for the con though or will the lighting just make taking my 56mm make more sense? I don't want to buy a new lens that I don't need otherwise for this, and I also am a bit unsure about what/how much to pack given that I've never been to a con and am not experienced enough shooting indoors to guess based on the con videos how bad the lighting is.
I know it's not only the gear that makes the photo, but if you have any advice for a novice, I'd be happy to hear it. Thank you for making it through my ramble ask. Sorry again for bothering you...
First of all, thank you so much for your comments in my photos! I consider myself one of the least experiences photographers you'll find at a con, so Knowing that someone likes my work really makes my day! 😍😍😍
Gonna put the rest of this under a cut cuz it got long. lol
To give you an idea of what I'm working with, I was in seat B40 this year. That's all the way on the side aisle. My camera is a Canon EOS Rebel T6i, and the lens I used was a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. Occasionally, I sat in empty seats that were closer and snapped a few shots, but not many. (I sat in the front row for the shots I posted of Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum. Tom was on stage, Michael was just... EVERYWHERE. 🤣)
The lighting at Creation cons is not great. Also, it can change from panel to panel. It would be lovely if they could mount their lights higher so the guests don't get blinded and ask for the lights to be brought down. But, since that will probably never happen, we work with what we've got.
Personally, I love a zoom lens because I'm always zooming in and out, trying to catch different things. I know other photographers favor not zooming because they get better quality photos in other ways, but I'm not clear on how that works.
Now, for my first suggestion: rent a lens. It's fairly inexpensive to rent a lens, and you get to try different lenses out without spending a fortune on lenses you later figure out aren't what you want. I believe a few of the other con photographers use a site called lensrentals.com. I rented a lens last year from Unique Photo in Philly, since they're not too far from me. You can also rent from UP online at uniquephoto.com. I went in person to talk to one of their experts to help me decide what kind of lens I wanted to try since I'm so new to this. They also have a store in Fairfield, NJ, so if you're close to either of those places, I would definitely suggest you head in there and check them out!
The reason why I'm suggesting that you rent a lens is because I think you'll want a lower f-stop than your zoom lens has, and if you're further away than the first 3-4 rows, you're going to want to zoom. (Gotta get up close and personal with the pretty!!! And good lord, but they're all so freaking pretty.) Renting a lens is a relatively cheap way to test things out. It's possible you may rent a lens and then later realize that your own lenses would have done the job. You'll only be out a hundred bucks or so by renting. (UP did require a deposit of half the retail value of the lens, but they were great about getting that back to me quickly.)
ISO - I'm always trying to use the lowest ISO I can get away with because noise is a pet peeve of mine. (I adore Lightroom's new Denoise AI!!!!) I know other photographers aren't as picky about noise and raise their ISO. I try to keep mine at or below 3200. One of my friends shoots at an ISO I didn't know existed, it's so high. (She yells at me. "You need to increase your shutter speed and your ISO, Michelle!") She's got a Nikon, though, and I sometimes wonder if camera make and model might also affect things like that.
As far as packing is concerned, I'm a bad person to ask. I bring freaking everything, even when I know darn well I'm not gonna use it. Seriously, the only thing I left at home this con was my lens balls. I'm terrible.
The biggest thing I learned early on is that you can always lighten dark photos in processing, but it's really hard to darken overly light photos.
Renting a lens and shooting darker are the two big suggestions I have. Every photographer I know at cons does things a little differently though. Most are willing to stop and chat about what settings they use, too. @mandileaphotography, @brooksba, and @ditchlilytiger are three awesome photographers and people that I know are here on Tumblr and I can tag them. lol! They each may have their own tips and tricks to suggest! Mandi has helped me and countless other newbie photographers over the couple of years I've known her.
Something that Chris Schmelke said to me about editing, but I use it when shooting, too: If you're not sure where to start, see what Auto does, and then make changes from there until you're happy. If I'm really not sure where to start with my camera settings, I take a burst or two of photos in auto mode and see what settings the camera thinks are right. Then, I adjust until I'm happy.
Non-photography tips for your first con: Take snacks because forgetting to eat is totally a thing. Hydrate hydrate HYDRATE. Have a binder or something to keep your photo ops in. Drink more water. Wear comfortable shoes. Take a water bottle with you. Take Chris Schmelke's photography class because he's a sweetie and loves to answer any questions you might have about photography of all kinds. And don't forget to drink plenty of water. Have I mentioned staying hydrated? You think I'm kidding, but I failed at both eating and drinking water last weekend and then wondered why the room started spinning. And that was my 9th Creation con. I know better and I still did it! More tips like this can be found at @spncontips!
If you're on Twitter, check out @spnconphotogs there. A bunch of us run that account and we have lists of con photographers you can follow and get to know. We also have a Discord server that we don't use much, but it's there if the ex-bird app ever truly dies. DM me or one of the others for an invite!
Sorry for the babbling, but this is everything I can think of off the top of my head to help you out! Even the "big name" fandom photographers are all nice and sweet as pie and willing to help you out if they're not running from one place to another. Just find someone with a really big lens and say hi!!
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troubatrain · 4 years
four times you talked about having a baby + one time you did - k. hayes
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a/n: here’s a very cute fluffy 4+1 from my old blog! :)
You watched Kevin on the floor, listening to the babbling toddler in front of him, laughing along with whatever his niece was trying to tell him. His sister had made the trip down to New York, and was out getting lunch with a friend while you and Kevin had offered to babysit. It was the first time you were meeting any members of his family, and you’d only been dating for a few months - but watching Kevin with his niece was doing something to you.
You pull your phone out of your pocket, snapping a photo of the two, “This is too cute.”
“You’re too cute,” Kevin says instantly, his niece walking over to you to be picked up, a grin finding its way to Kevin’s face.
You pick her up kissing the top of her forehead, “I think she’s cuter than both of us.”
You spend the rest of the afternoon in Kevin’s apartment, playing house with his niece. Watching Kevin run around his apartment with his niece was straight up endearing, and you were happy that she liked you too. She’d fallen asleep snuggled between you and Kevin, a couple of goldfish stuck to her Uncle’s shirt and she rested on your lap. By the time Kevin’s sister and her headed back to their hotel, you were absolutely exhausted - not even considering the idea of headed to your own place and opting to crash at Kevin’s.
“Do you think you want kids?” Kevin asks, plopping down next to you into bed, blue eyes looking at you full of hope.
You’d never really thought much about having kids, just thinking that at the time you were too young. It was something you wanted one day but you didn’t know when you wanted that. You’d just started your career and your relationship with Kevin was new but the way he took care of his niece and the way he always took care of you was starting to make you think a little differently.
“Yeah, one day. Don’t get any ideas though,” You scold, waving your finger at Kevin.
“I know, but one day sounds good,” Kevin says, pulling you into his chest.
Kevin lulls you to sleep that night, talking about the future he wants with you. You’d get married, Kevin would prefer in Boston but he’d let you pick regardless. Maybe you’d move to the suburbs, get a house outside of the city with a yard, so you could have some space for your future children. But he told you he’d be okay staying in the city if that’s what you wanted to do. It was romantic to hear him talk about your future like that, deciding that he would just come for the ride.
Kevin’s large hands were tying your skates, while you looked down at him in his stall at MSG. It was Christmas and with Christmas came the family skate that you’d grown to love. The first year, you were terrified, considering you didn’t even know how to skate and you’d only met a handful of Kevin’s teammates.
“Do you think this will be our last one here?” You whisper, low enough so none of his teammates would hear you.
It was a thought that you’d tried to push out of your mind but there was no way you could at this point. The trade deadline was coming in a few months and Kevin was certain he’d be on the trading block. You’d pushed him to talk about it about tons of times but he kept putting it off, knowing he was nervous about a move out of New York.
“If it is, we’ll make it a memorable one,” Kevin places a kiss to your lips, pulling you up to step out onto the ice. 
You watch as Kevin skates around the ice, Marc Staal’s kids chasing after him in the intense game of tag they’d been playing, while you smile at him from the bench.
“He’s so good with them,” Lindsay, Marc’s wife, says to you on the bench, “I think they’re going to miss him if you guys go.”
You nod, know how many dinners Kevin’s had at their place long before you’d even started dating, “I know it’s going to happen but, we haven’t even talked about it.”
“You’d go with him no?” Lindsay asks, trying to gauge how you actually felt about it.
“I mean, yes, he’s the one but-” You start to say only to be interrupted by the woman next to you.
“Just talk to him about it,” Lindsay says, “I’m sure you guys will be okay”
That night you’d been sitting in your shared apartment, a rerun of some terrible reality TV rerun playing in front of you. Kevin was out grabbing ice cream, insisting you spent the night off snuggled up with a movie. Your mind wanders to the conversation you’d had the family skate, and how you felt watching Kevin skate around with Marc’s kids. It was what you wanted and you knew you wanted it with Kevin but you were scared of the future. You’d been so lost in your thoughts you didn’t even hear Kevin walk back into the apartment. A pint of ice cream finding its way into your hands.
“Hey Kev?” You ask, your voice small, “What are we going to do if you get traded.”
Kevin looked confused, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, am I going to stay here or do you want me to go with you?” You ask bluntly, deciding to just get to the root of what’s bothering you.
Kevin takes a deep breath, walking out of the room and into your shared bedroom. You can hear him rummaging through a dresser, or it could have been a nightstand and step back into your living room with a velvet box in his hand.
“I was planning on doing a better job at his, you know, I was going to plan a nice dinner, make sure you’d just gotten your nails done, the whole thing but I think I need to do this now,” Kevin says, dropping down to one knee, “Baby I love you, and I want to be with you. I want to have a family with you, and spend the rest of my life with you by my side - wherever that may take me. Will you marry me?”
You nod, tears threatening to spill from your eyes, flinging yourself forward to kiss Kevin, over and over again, “Did you actually just do that?”
Kevin smiles against your lips, “I’ve been hiding that since the summer.”
You pull back smiling at the man in front of you, “I can’t wait to marry you.”
Kevin grins back at you, “I can’t wait to have a family, we could be like Marc and Lindsay with all those kids running around the ice.”
The idea seemed like a dream to you, but in reality you were getting to live that life with a man who loved and cared about you. Kevin spends the night talking about your future, the plans seeming more definite than the first time he’d done that. Settling on having three kids, and a summer wedding - even mentioning you could get a dog even though he was afraid of them.
You’d ended up following Kevin to Winnipeg and then to Philly easily. You’d been making an adjustment, but Philadeliphia was starting to feel like home more and more everyday. Kevin was happy and he loved his new team - which made it easier for you to follow suit. You’d both started to become acquainted with the city and you knew this was going to be a good place for the two of you.
You bounce the baby on your lip, singing a nursery rhyme while moving around your kitchen, causing Gavin to laugh. You’d ended up babysitting, Claude’s wife, Ryanne, calling you last minute to complain about their sitter canceling their date night. You and Kevin had agreed on a night in, so you offered to take their son for a few hours. You loved Gavin, and quite honestly you spend more time at games playing with him than paying attention to your fiance on the ice.
“I think we should have a boy first,” Kevin says, sitting on the island watching you with the baby.
“I don’t think that’s for us to decide Kev,” You joke, blowing raspberries into Gavin’s cheek, causing the baby to giggle, “Right Gav, tell him, he’ll be happy with what he gets.”
“What do you want?” Kevin asks, holding his arms out for you to pass him the baby.
“A boy doesn’t sound too bad,” You admit, thinking about how many outfits you’d bought for Gavin that you’d love hanging up in a nursery of your own, “What brought this up?”
“You know, we’re getting married soon, and you just look really good singing nursery rhymes in our kitchen,” Kevin admits, “And c’mon you don’t want a little me running around?”
Kevin holds Gavin next to his face with a pout, rubbing his beard onto the baby’s cheeks causing him to giggle and wiggle in Kevin’s enormous hands. It was a sight for sure, and one that often made you think about just letting Kevin knock you up before the wedding.
“I’m not going to be pregnant at our wedding,” You scold, “I’ve spent too much time planning to not be able to drink.”
“You’ve got a good point, we’ll make a honeymoon baby,” Kevin assures you, as if you had a choice.
Newlywed life was coming to a halting stop the second you touched down in Philadelphia. The summer of bliss that you’d just experienced was about to be burst in with the reality of a new season starting. You’d bought a new place, the space in the city was far more family friendly than the apartment you’d been living in last season. There were plenty of bedrooms, and some outdoor space that still resided in the city. You’d finally finished unpacking, stepping back after hanging up the last of your wedding photos in the living room.
“They look good there,” Kevin says, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you off the couch, spinning you around, “You were right, I do like this place.”
Kevin wasn’t entirely on board with moving, but you knew he wanted to start a family and you wanted somewhere in Philly that you would come back to - a real permanent home. It took a little convincing but you managed to get him to crack while you were on your honeymoon.
You had one surprise that came with the house, and it sat in a box in your kitchen. Inside was a pregnancy test - that you’d taken a day before you moved down to Philly for the season. A very tiny jersey, with your now shared last name on the back, a bright number thirteen stitched onto the back. And to complete a very small stuffed Gritty that you had bought on impulse one day. You were excited to finally share the news with Kevin, keeping it a secret while you both handled all the craziness that came with moving and training camp coming up.
“I have something for you,” You say, slipping out of his arms and grabbing the box from the kitchen - dropping it into his lap, “Open it.”
You were on the edge of your seat watching him open the box and pulling the small jersey out, looking down at what was underneath it, “You’re pregnant?”
“I’m pregnant,” You confirm, placing your hand over your stomach.
“You, my wife, you’re pregnant, we’re having a baby,” Kevin blurted out, a goofy grin gracing his face, “Baby, we’re having a baby!”
You laugh, knowing this is the exact reaction you’d get out of your husband, “I take it you’re happy?”
“Easily the best thing that’s happened to me,” Kevin says, grabbing both sides of your face and kissing you over and over again. He spent the next week telling everybody he came in contact with that he was, in fact, having a baby.
Plus One
You hear a large crash, and a chorus of laughs coming from what was supposed to be your future son’s nursery. You sigh, curling your hands around the def-caf tea you’d been drinking, counting down the days until you actually start drinking coffee again, and you walk into the room, a piece of what was supposed to be a crib on the floor, and TK, Nolan and Kevin’s eyes staring at you.
“Sorry,” They all said in unison, guilt across their faces.
You give them a smile, “It’s fine guys, please be careful, and get this done.”
You decided to stay in Philly until you had the baby, the season ending when you’d hit around eight months and the stress of heading up back to Boston just seemed like too much at the time. Now, you were a week until your due date and you and Kevin had pushed everything till now in regards to setting up a place for your son. It was starting to stress you out, and honestly you were grateful for Travis and Nolan’s help, even if it was like having two kids in your house already.
You felt your stomach cramp up and a feeling in your stomach that this baby was coming, you gasp and look at Kevin, your eyes scared, “Kev - I think it’s happening.”
Nine hours of labor later, your son entered the world in a way somehow more chaotic than the way Kevin entered your life. Kevin did good, keeping his cool for most of your pregnancy and labor that you were honestly surprised. He finally cried, when he held your baby for the first time, calmly talking to the little boy who he loved probably more than he loved you. You got lucky, in all the craziness of what was going on, Travis and Nolan stayed back and somehow put together all of your furniture in the nursery, even leaving a few gifts behind for your baby boy.
“Thank you for this,” Kevin confesses, the two of you and your son being the only people left in the hospital room, exhausted from the day of visitors, “I mean I knew we’d get here, but I’m grateful we actually did.”
“I hope you’re still grateful when you have to change diapers at 3 am,” You say, knowing the hard part was definitely coming.
“I promised I’d do it, and I will,” Kevin assures you, intending on keeping the promise that you carried that baby for nine months and that he would take on the middle of the night diaper duties.
And you fell asleep that night like you did so many nights before, Kevin rambling about your future, all the things he wants to teach his son. How he can’t wait to teach him to skate, and how he can play whatever sport he wants - or it would be fine if he didn’t play sports at all. Kevin’s voice lulled you and your little family to sleep - and you knew he’d do that forever.
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bigbrotherlouis · 4 years
i’m obsessed with joel farabee and morgan frost and you should be too: a primer
hello! welcome! recently i have become infatuated with morgan frost and joel farabee for a lot of reasons but mostly because of that one post that i spent like twenty minutes searching various blogs for that said “people are freaking out about sexualising hockey players, meanwhile joel farabee is one instagram comment away from telling morgan frost he’d suck him dry.” in my head rent free. hit a girl up if you have the post.
anyway! frosty and beezy:
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[hard cut to me whispering “oh my god even their nUMBERS are friends” i’m fine.]
this is more like about vibes and less about facts, so you can google if you want to know more about their, like, bios and stats and stuff that’s not 99% rpf or conjecture. this primer is just the things that make me scream. however, that being said, they do play well on a line together and both are very good players.
joel farabee is american, from new york i believe but his dad is from philly, and falls neatly into the category of BORN TO BE A FLYER. longtime fan, hugely excited to play for the team, brings it up all the time.
morgan frost, from ontario canada, was not.
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a real, actual tweet. he tweeted this with his WHOLE chest and then joined the flyers like three years later. i adore it. another real actual tweet i adore:
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sweet, sweet joel. he misses his buddies :( no doubt including morgan because they are, by all appearances, obsessed with each other. i’m trying not to keep  using the word obsessed in this primer but it’s hard because they are. morgan’s a year older, a first round draft pick in 2017 and joel’s a first round pick in 2018, but they didn’t start playing together until 2019, i believe, because joel played for a college team in boston. side note: he also captained team usa and wore a number 28 in honour of claude giroux and i am absolutely not okay about it.
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e! mo! tion! al! incidentally, frosty wears danny briere’s number when he plays for the flyers, which. take from that what you will. iykyk. their NUMBERS are FRIENDS. HERITAGE SOULMATES. joel’s been called up to play on the flyers (and did really well in the playoffs!) but we’re still waitin’ for morgan to come along too but the coaching staff hasn’t recognised the raw power of true love yet so.
at this point, you’re probably saying “sasha shut up about their fucking numbers and talk about why they’re obsessed with each other” but good news! i do not need to do that because the official flyers media has done that for me! (x) i’d recommend watching it because it’s a lot packed into a neat 100 seconds, but notable moments include the voice over saying “joel farabee and morgan frost have found that going at it together has its benefits” within the first thirty seconds. that is a real direct quote. i can’t believe it either. there’s also a lot of light homoerotic bonding over playing chel, them sitting across from each other  on their beds, the admission of being ROOMMATES (oh my god they were roommates), this shot of them sitting with their mouths wide open on either side of their dad,
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and also joel wearing a hat with a canadian maple leaf on it, despite being from the the united states. wonder where he got that from. please watch the video.
when they’re not playing chel or, you know, going at it together, they’re being horny in each other’s instagram comments. there’s honestly.... so many of these that i can include but we’re just gonna go with my favourites.
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when i say i think about this comment on a picture of morgan with isaac ratcliffe, a fellow flyers prospect on a daily basis, i mean it. i’ll be just doing my thing, minding my own business, and MORGAN MAKES ME VENMO HIM JUST TO TALK will pop into my head, completely uninvited. king shit for morgan to do and king shit for joel to admit on social media for the world to see, but joel admitting things he maybe shouldn’t is a running theme. 
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cool. TOTALLY not flirting or anything.
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joel. also both their exhibitionist streaks should be explored in fic more i am JUST sayin.
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ok but bee you were lookin. like you can chirp but you were lookin, don’t lie. 
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when ur in love with ur roommate but ur both hockey players so u can only communicate that love via chirping when he’s with the boys :(
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what’s it called when you vibe really well with someone and also live with them and also comment on their shirtlessness and also maybe kiss them on the mouth a little? d... da... dating?? can’t be it.
morgan is a little more composed in the comments and mostly just posts inside jokes i cannot comprehend, or compliments. it’s still cute.
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this was on a playoffs pic where joel’s wearing #28 love 2 see it love a supportive boyf always
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this one was of joel with a fish he caught and i’m sorry but i did not want it on my phone.
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but morgan can’t hide his affection for long. (me, in the distance: TWENTY EIGHT TWENTY EIGHT TWENTY EIGHT!!!!!!!)
there’s more comments but they’re boring and this is long, mostly joel chirping  morgan for wearing baseball or football stuff. however! they are also on twitter where they keep each other humble after incredible goals, like bros do,
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this is DEFINITELY flirting. like, blatant. it’s like that kind of flirting when you’re thirteen and you don’t know what to do with your body so you just kinda steal your crush’s stuff or insult them because all attention is good attention, right??
but when push comes to shove, beezy is always gonna look out for his boy (because they are in love):
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some important pictures of them together, for your pleasure: 
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this is so DUMB and i love it
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friends supporting friends!!!
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this is them meeting their hockey dads :) so cute :) joel is promising g that he’ll have morgan back by ten yessir he will be respectful of boundaries and curfew. jake is high fiving morgan on getting some. this is facts i just call em like i see em.
and finally!
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is this allowed?????  is this allowed???? it’s hard to tell but i’m pretty sure that’s joel on his knees for in front of morgan and i just??? how is that allowed???? it’s been five days and this picture has RUINED me. someone write me an essay to have on my desk by morning, stat.
also v unrelated but here is a video of morgan frost reading, proving he’s the smart one in the relationship. that’s not saying much but, hey! at least there’s proof he can read.
obviously different ships capture people in different ways but there’s something about them to me, personally, that is just so captivating. there’s a lot of potential for different fic vibes, and joel in particular always has a really fun voice to read (and also to write). they definitely have chemistry, they’re pitted against each other so there’s a good-natured rivalry going on, CLOTHES SHARING AND HERITAGE SOULMATE NUMBERS, and, like, they just genuinely seem to enjoy each other. someone PLEASE write more fic for them or by god i’ll have to do it myself.
ok that’s everything for now, i believe. they’re in love and don’t care who knows it and i’m obsessed. (however, i’m also obsessed with joel farabee and andrei svechnikov together, for which i have a one-picture argument for here.)
(p.s. anything not linked i screenshotted myself thank youuu for reading have a good day and remember: morgan makes joel vemno him just to talk 😌)
edit: hello. i wrote this on election night as a way to take off the edge of my nerves and it is not as funny or screechy as i wanted it to be so i’m going to add some now.  
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Bubble Wrapped - Part 1
Word Count: 2,683
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language
Notes: Ok so here is basically our introduction to the Bubble Wrapped story. I have no timeline for this thing or even if it will continue, you guys let me know. As a background, this story will be about life inside Hotel X. In case you don’t know the teams inside Hotel X are the Bruins, Capitals, Flyers, Penguins and Lightning. So here we go, Happy Reading!
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You'd been shocked when Hotel X had been picked as one of the hotels for the NHL to stay at when they resumed play in Toronto. Even more so when you were asked if you would take over the management of the place over the next several weeks. "Listen (Y/N) we know we are asking a lot. You'll have to live at the hotel with all the players as the NHL is really trying to keep everyone in this little bubble."
 "I understand. I've already talked to Carly about putting different measures in place when the Maple Leafs came to us before submitting their proposal." Carly was another member of the hotel staff, that served as one of their concierges. She knew the ins and outs of the city and could get tickets or dinner reservations on the drop of a dime. That was all before COVID though. Now, some restaurants were still closed and shows hadn't resumed yet. What once was a bustling city, had come to a dead stop over the last several months, though things were starting to get back to normal; well the new normal that is.
 "So we heard." You hoped the blush that crept up your cheeks couldn't be seen on the zoom call as that had become their new form of communication with you. "You've dealt with the players before, we know you can handle it. Though this time it'll be completely different with five or six teams staying there." Most of the players had always been super nice to the staff, though there were a few that could be demanding at times. You prayed they'd all push their egos aside, at least while in the hotel, though somehow you doubted that. "I think you're familiar with the NHL's protocol on their reopening, but we'll email you everything once we get it. Start putting together the staff that you want. Just some core people that you'll need."
 "I've got the right people in mind, don't worry."
 The call went for a bit longer going over specifics. The only benefit out of the whole thing was that they were giving you the Presidential Suite to stay in. Honestly, it was the least they could do; you thought. Of course, the called ending with them saying, "Don't let us down."
 As soon as it ended you called Carly making sure she was on board. "I'm just saying Car that many hockey players in the hotel; the testosterone is going to be flying around."
 "So what you're telling me is you've already packed an extra-large box of condoms."
 "Carly!" You shouted at your friend. "That's not what I was saying at all."
 "Come on (Y/N), I know you're one of Seguin's regulars when he's in Toronto."
 "I'm one of them because I can keep my mouth shut." It was true that when Tyler was in town during the summer or on a road trip the two of you always hooked up. Sort of a no strings attached relationship, though you did talk from time to time. "Besides he's not even going to be in Toronto. He's in the Edmonton bubble."
 "Oh, I didn't realize." Carly despite being from Canada was not a hockey lover, though she did appreciate the men who played the sport. "Well, maybe you should call him and get the scoop. You know find out who we need to be aware of."
 It wasn't a bad idea, not that you were going to ask him who to sleep with, but maybe it would help get a handle on who was going to be problematic, as there was no way you wanted to let the owners of the hotel down. You had a lot riding on this and after all, you couldn't put bitter rivals in one hotel and not expect some drama. "You're right. I am going to call him."
 "Ooo good, let me know what he says and if we should get more than one box of those condoms."
 You shook your head at your friend before hanging up and dialing Tyler's number. "Hey beautiful, long time no talk," Tyler said and you could almost hear the smile in his voice.
 "Hey Ty, how's quarantine life going?"
 "Ugh, don't get me started. I was not meant to be locked in my house without hockey for this long." Tyler wasn't meant to stay put anywhere too long, including relationships.
 "Well, hockey's almost back so there's that."
 "Yeah, I'm pumped about it, though I wish I was staying in Toronto instead. I know some fun that we could get up to since I have to stay in the bubble." He paused and you could clearly tell he was running different sex scenarios in his head. "I'm assuming your working at the hotel."
 "Yeah, it's kind of why I called. I'm one of the ones trapped in the bubble with you guys."
 Tyler groaned. "So, you called to ask me who you should hook up with? Cause babe, I'm not sure I'm willing to share you like that."
 "Shut up Ty, you know we're not like that. You couldn't stay faithful to one woman if you tried." Part of the reason the two of you got along so good, was the fact that you called him out on his bullshit.
 "I might if I could drag you with me everywhere." You giggled at the insinuation of being taken everywhere just so you could keep him satisfied. "You're definitely gifted with many talents (Y/N)."
 "You're not so bad yourself, but we're getting away from why I called."
 "You mean you didn't call to have phone sex with me," and you could hear his pout.
 "No, I didn't call for that. I was just curious if you had any idea who was going to give me problems while we're in this so-called bubble. I'm trying to be preemptive here."
 "Ok, but if I give you some information you at least have to promise to send me a pic of your tits." You mentally rolled your eyes at him; the boy was a horndog.
 "Fine, now spill some tea."
 "Spill some tea, what is this a gossip blog or something."
 "You're avoiding the question Ty, and I'm putting on a sweatshirt." He groaned.
 "Alright, don't get your panties in a bunch…or maybe do." It never ended with him. "I don't know a lot about some of the younger guys that are newer in the league, but my guess is they're all horny little bastards. Hell, I was when I first got in the league."
 "You still are."
 "Touché." He answered before continuing on. "So, like I probably don't have to mention the rivalries to you, but like Caps and Pens hate each other, the Flyers and Pens hate each other. Doesn't everyone just hate the Pens?"
 "I think you either love them or hate them."
 "That's true," he agreed with your statement. "The Flyers and the Caps hate each other as well and don't get me started with who hates the Bruins. Wow, who really put them all in your hotel?"
 "I'd like to know that as well." It seemed like whoever did, had a warped sense of humor and you were now going to be stuck handling the mess that they'd made. "So, basically what you're saying is that it'll be an all-out brawl at times that I'll have to clean up after."
 "Sorry babe, but I think it could be. On the bright side, we're supposed to stay on our own floors."
 "Like that's going to happen." Maybe you should designate elevators or something because you could just see Alex Ovechkin and Claude Giroux getting in one at the same time and by the time, they got to your lobby they'd both be bloody and beaten. "Anything else I should know?"
 "You seriously want me to go there?"
 "I mean...if you want to." You certainly weren't going to ask but if he offered the information you'd tuck it away for later that's for sure.
 He sighed heavily, "You know I hate this, but like Tom Wilson gets around that's for sure and I've heard that Travis Konecny does as well. If I'm being honest there's maybe been a girl or two that's compared us."
 "That doesn't mean you have to be one of them, though if you are…you better tell them I'm better."
 "Don't worry Ty, I'll sing your praises. I promise." Obviously, you wouldn't be doing that but it didn't hurt to stroke his ego a bit. "Anyone, to avoid?"
 "Dude, he was like one of your best friends. Why would you say that?"
 "Because I know him. Stay away he's trouble." The fact that you could almost see the look on his face as he was telling you was comical.
 "Oh and stay away from Carter Hart." The name sounded familiar.
 "The goalie from Philly? Why?"
 "Because you'll corrupt him." You burst out laughing and Ty joined you. "He's too innocent for you."
 "Dually noted, as I do not want to be known as the corruptor of innocents." You searched your mind thinking of anything else you could ask since you had him on the phone. "What about Crosby?"
 "Sid?" and he just couldn't stop laughing; you could even hear him try to catch his breath.
 "Why is that so funny? The man is hot Tyler, whether you want to admit it or not."
 He got serious as he asked, "Who's hotter him or me?"
 Thank god you weren't on FaceTime, so you could answer him without your features giving you away. "You are Ty, of course."
 "I thought so, but like the guy is hockey twenty-four seven. There's no way he's going to be thinking about getting laid."
 "That's disappointing."
 "He's about the only one that I'd give you permission to fuck, only because I know it would be impossible for you to accomplish, even given all your talents." You could hear the mischievous tone in his voice.
 "Hmmm, are you willing to bet on that?"
 "What? Like bet, you'll fuck Crosby in the bubble?"
 "Yeah." Did it really sound like such an unattainable accomplishment?
 "What's the wager?"
 "Winner flies out when this whole COVID shit is done and is the other's sex slave for twenty-four hours."
 "Oh, you are on, baby. I can already see you handcuffed to my bed in some skimpy lingerie." He cackled at the thought and it fueled your resolve to win this bet.
 "Don't be so sure about that."
 "And how am I to know that you actually slept with him?"
 Well, this would be tricky. "Well, it's not like I'm videoing it."
 "No, but that gives me ideas for when I win." Maybe you should be rethinking this gamble.
 "What do you want his underwear?"
 "Nah, you could get that in the laundry. But I'm sure you could sneak a pic of him sleeping." God that sounded creepy but if it meant you had Ty as your slave for a day, it'd be worth it and you'd never show it to anyone else but him and even then you weren't going to send it to him, though he didn't need to know that now.
 "Ok, it's a bet then."
 "Too bad we can't kiss on it."
 "Oh, you'll be doing more than kissing when I win, Seguin." Mentally you started packing sexy outfits to take into the bubble with you while thinking of all the things you'd have Tyler do the next time you saw him. "On that note, I better get my ass to work and make this hotel ready for these guys."
 "Fine, I'll let you go as long as you promise to FaceTime me at some point during this bubble thing."
 "I'm sure I'll have a night open for you at some point." You teased.
 "Woman, you better."
 "No worries Ty, you're still my main man; when you're in town."
 "That's right baby, good luck."
 "Thanks for all the info, Ty. We'll catch up soon and good luck in the playoffs."
 You were just about to hang up when you heard him yell. "Don't forget my titty picture."
 All you could do was shake your head and click end call, though you being a woman of your word, you snapped a quick pic and sent it off to him; to which he responded with a drool face emoji.
 The next couple of weeks were a literal whirlwind as you moved into the hotel's presidential suite and got things ready. Beds were moved out so that some rooms that had two queens now had one king in them. The hotel was disinfected from top to bottom. If felt like you were wearing a hazmat suit all the time during this process. A week before the players arrived the NHL staff did, making sure everything was in order and making sure you had things set up for daily COVID testing. Of course, you had everything well in hand and organized per their instructions, though with a few tweaks that made the process more efficient. Overall, they seemed impressed with everything that you had done.
 All that preparation lead up to the big day, July 26th, when the teams moved in. The league had them spread out so that no two teams were checking in at that same time. Tampa Bay was the first in as they traveled the furthest. "You look nervous. Why are you nervous?" Carly's voice came up from behind you as you saw the bus pulling in through the gates.
 "There's a lot riding on this Car, and if anything goes wrong; you know it's going to be my head that rolls."
 "You're going to do great; this whole thing is going to be smooth like a bubble." She started to giggle. "See what I did there…bubble." You rolled your eyes at your friend but did let out a little snort of laughter at her pun. "Well, here they come."
 You straightened your jacket and smoothed down your skirt, before throwing your mask up to go meet your first arrivals. "Gentlemen, welcome to Hotel X." You tried to speak a little louder than normal hoping the mask didn't muffle your words. "We're excited to have you all here. I'm (Y/N) manager here during your stay, anything you need, feel free to call me any time of day." More of the guys filtered in while you spoke to Coach Cooper and a few of the players.
 "Anytime huh?" you heard someone mumble in the background and a couple of the guys snickered. It was hard not to roll your eyes as you knew they were focusing on them with your face partially covered. Someone else said, "She can manage me anytime." That was until someone cleared their throat, effectively silencing them.
 "Now if you'll follow me, let's get you all checked in." Tables lined with a welcome packet and lanyard with their ID on it, were off to the side and you were able to shuffle them through with pretty good speed, then sent them off to their rooms before they had to head to testing. Your information was inside every packet, in case you were needed at any point during their stay. It seemed like you no sooner got them in and the area disinfected then the next team, the Capitals, were pulling in, and so the day went on until all five teams were safely ensconced in the hotel. Thankfully you made it through that process without any problems, even though the Bruins flight was late and the Flyers were pulling in right as you got the last players through.
 It wasn't until dinner, that you encountered your first dilemma, getting a text message from Alexis, who was coordinating the meals. It was a simple message, Get to conference room 3. NOW! As fast as your heels could take you, you headed down to where the Capitals were supposed to be having dinner if you remembered the schedule correctly. You never expected to see what you did though when you entered.
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Okay question, what if the DI5 infection got to the mafia with the lovely horrors? How did that go?
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((Ahhh, so we got one for the lovely horrors huh? I was wondering when I would get this one. :3 But sure, I can write something with this. The lovely horrors belong and is from @lovelyxhorrors a side blog that belongs to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
The spreading just won't stop will it? Knowing the horrible outcomes from New York City, Philly, New Jersey, and now here...within the city of Yokohoma, Japan. It was grimly dark right now with no living soul in sight. It seems alright right now, unless you avoid and ignore the bloody bodies laying everywhere. Some being brutally killed, some drained of blood, others eating alive or worse.
Many had either moved to fight off these infected, to some staying inside and not leaving until it was safe maybe during the morning or daylight. Right now, some infected were trying to get inside Port mafia where head leader, Ogai Mori has ordered his members to stay indoors and only leave if needed be.
He's already heard so many got lost within the slaughter of the infected but right now, theirs still some inside. Right now, they even had the lovely horrors safe in the building. They were told of this accident but no one knows how in the world it came from New York to Japan. Unless a infected came over and spread which seems like a right option.
Right now, Matt was telling his team to stay safe but he knew they would be alright. Even offering to go help with gathering things if needed to bring back. Which explains what is going on right now. The sound of screeching is heard followed by some running.
"Come on, hurry! This way!" Ryunosuka akutagawa was leading a small group that was sent to get some food and water. Right now, he was killing a few of the infected demons hissing and trying to give chase. Their blood spills everywhere when killing them only for their heads to be cut off.
"Come on brother! We gotta go!" Gin Akutagawa, his baby sister was stabbing one while Jason keeps watch on her back. He would use his tracking scent to find the easy path back but the blood around here was too heavy and burned his nose.
"I think we need to go another path way. We should be back soon." Sid said staying close to Chuya who was crushing the few that was close. However, he was helping her when their was some torn part within her cloak. Their was some blotches of blood seen too but she didn't say much about it right now.
"Come on, come on, come on!" Cobin said killing some as their blood hits his Mark Killer II. Right now, they carried some things back but running onto for Chuya to use gravity and slam a block behind the way they came to stop the infected from coming through.
"Is everyone alright?" Ryunosuke said.
"Were fine..but we made it back.....come on, lets hurry back inside." she said seeing everyone hurrying in. Of course Shrika keeps a eye out from the sky while landing down herself. She saw that Willie was with her, setting him down while they were running towards the main doors. But as soon as they get there.
A shout was heard, seeing something jump out at them! Gin and Ryunosuke takes them out. Rashomon stabbing a few seeing blood dripping down but Gin cuts and stabs a few too. Now everyone was fighting but Chuya was helping Sid inside the building.
When Jason and Matt rushes to help the other two, that's when they noticed a few was familiar. "Hold on, aren't those some of the HYDE freaks that was scouting out today!?" Lex said only to see them roaring out heavily infected. The guys saw these things jump down but gets in between Ryu and Gin.
"!?!?" Both quickly turns to attack but Ryu got hit to the left smashing into the tree. And Gin gets hit to the right right into a pile of infected.
"RYUNOSUKE!" Matt shouted now pissed off, rushing to help him while killing the infected.
"GIN!" Jason rushes to help her while seeing blood spilling as she was grunting, fighting back. The two were fighting them off only to see two infected bit Gin hard on the shoulder and Ryunosuke being bitten on his neck.
"!?" Matt was shocked but now really mad. 'Oh hell no..Not again! NOT AGAIN!' he shouts only to brutally kill them.
Jason roars out slashing at them to get to Gin to help her. Willie was helping to get them away but that's when one tries to kill him but got stabbed by his mistress. She was killing and making sure they stayed away from him only for two to ram into her.
"Mistress!" Willie goes to help her only to get hit back. He coughs to hold his stomach annoyed only to hear a shout from her. He looks seeing one biting into her shoulder but she stabs into it's head only for her to hit it back. "Worthless filth..how dare you!" she said but the ones still outside still fights only for the other mafia members to rush out with guns shooting the infected.
"GUYS! GET INSIDE NOW!" the remaining few heard Pete shouting as Matt helps Ryu inside, Jason carefully helps Gin inside, and Willie helps Shirika inside. The others kept on shooting the infected more and more until they move back heading in.
"So how are they?" Pete was asking a doctor who was working here in the Mafia. The ones that were bit were told to rest. Shirika was having her shoulder bandaged up by Willie.
"Their fine....for now at least. Seems they got bitten by whatever is going on out there. I don't know much about this but I'll need to look into it." he said Seeing Gin wrapping a bandage up but Jason helps with Cobin helping. Matt was also helping Ryunosuke.
"So we have no damn idea what the others were bitten by. We need to have some idea don't we?" Chuya asked helping Sid but she was quiet remaining still seeing some patching under the cloak.
"Yes. I don't know what happened out there. But we might be able to find out what. The infected can't get inside the building so we are safe for now. However, I suggest you keep a eye on the ones that did get bit. If anything changes let me know." he said to leave so they can rest.
"Well, that sucks. What are we gonna do now?" Shrika said annoyed.
"As the doctor said, we are to wait and see. I don't know what is going to happen but we need to be sure were ready for it." Sid said.
"......Well, whatever it is. I'm sure we will..we just need to keep an eye on you guys to insure that. So, just rest and we will see." Matt said seeing them nod. However, they will know as the infected as already took effect...
It's just a matter of time......
0 notes
so @girouxes​ made me begin to post all my cheesby aus.. so here we go. i’ll guess i’ll start off with one of my longest ones: keep in mind this is unedited and written very casually, and a lot of it is not thought through. warning for typos and weird sentance structures. tw for unhealthy relationships, unhappy-ish ending, it’s a soulbond au thing. also, like, by nature of this blog: mentions of 18+ stuff may happen, think ao3 mature rating.
bonds are fickle, they're unpredictable and you're never quite sure if you're able to bond with someone. it is important to note that bonds are not soulmates and bonds are not predestined: they're a part of human biology, where two or more being have a connection that extends beyond themselves, they form a bond with someone else. this bond strengthens their capabilities, their emotional understanding of each other and has developed as a survival tool for humanity, and our complex relationships.
in modern pop-culture, bonds have become the 'end goal' when it comes to romance, best friends, or even enemies. bonds have become like most things in our world, commercialized and exaggerated by media, they've changed from a survival instinct, to one additional layer of complexity within our society and something to sell and market.
the thing with bonds is that if you bond with someone: it can go away, and it can come back. bonds can be strong, they can can be weak. however, they cannot be one-sided: luckily, a bond requires consent (that is not to say forced bonds doesn't happen, they do, and it's.. yeah. bad)
anyways, within hockey: bonds are fucked up. like, actually fucked up. you remember how i mentioned forced bonds? yeah. obviously, they don't say they're 'forced' but when two teammates can sense each other,, yeah, that's an advantage. there's been attempts to forbid it, but modern hockey relies upon what is known as 'hockey bonds' which are superficial, often 'forced' bonds between teammates (most often, a line or d-man pairs) to help them play better. within hockey, bonds with other players that aren't for playing or with people on other teams.. well, it's highly frowned upon and a lot of time, not allowed.
like. see bonds as a sort of more.. mental connection of friendship and understanding. they can be strong and they can be weak. and this kind of tool in human biology where you can sense / understand others would obvs be abused in many ways, esp in hockey.
so like, a hockey bond is essentially a very superficial bond done between two or more players who has a ’good’ connection but they’re always temporary bonds, and don’t go ’deeper’. as said, bonds have to be consensual in that they need to be accepted by both parts... but when your contract depends upon it, yeah. also like, closer friendship bonds or godforbid romantic bonds between players is taboo, both because of the nhl being Itself as well as the drama that would happen with deperr bonds that can’t be broken with trades and no-trade clauses with bonds is a whole dramatic thing
this is just a vague idea and worldbuilding but it’s more deep nd like complex? anyways so
sidney crosby doesn’t like bonds. or rather, he doesn’t like hockey bonds. it’s the nature, when you’re a kid and you click with someone: they try to make you bond. it worked, a couple of times, but it’s weird being him, being sidney crosby, and seeing that from someone else’s head, where he’s not himself, but he’s the legend, and the unintentional jealousy and fear and pressure of being bonded to him is there. bonding makes them better players, sure, but also sid feels like he’s lost himself, where his thoughts aren’t his own and he’s less and less of sid and more sidney crosby the chosen one, and he’s been dealing with this since he was 16.
people don’t really know what makes it easier for some to bond, and harder for others, but as young, sid’s always gotten it easy to bond: mayhaps that’s been open to it, that it’s hockey, and mayhaps it’s that there’s something about sid being ’sid the kid’ that makes the other players want to bond with him, wants part of his hockey, want part of his legacy, which makes it easy.
that’s the thing with hockey bonds: your hockey becomes entwined with someone else, you aren’t just ’you’ and when you’re the next golden kid of hockey, it’s.. well, it feels like they’re leeches, it feels like they want his glory, his abilities, and a young sid doesn’t like his hockey not being his. he never said he was unselfish. luckily, hockey bonds don't last.
especially not for sid. during his years in rimouski, there’s a lot of bonds: but none that stick.
thank god for that. he doesn’t like being bonded: he doesn’t like having to share with someone else, and he doesn’t like being sidney crosby, the hockey legend in his own head. he just wants to be himself. sidney crosby is strong enough to handle it on his own.
the only bond that sticks is his familial bond with taylor. at this young age, other kinds of bonds haven’t really stuck: not when you’re a playmaker, and you’re constantly pressured to bond with your team.
so, sidney crosby doesn’t like bonds: especially hockey bonds.
then he’s drafted. the thing about being a center, the thing about being a captain (or on his path to become one), about being the centerpiece of your team is that you’re expected to well, bond with the core of your teammates. you are supposed to understand them. supposed to guide them, you’re supposed to be the hivemind: that’s the role most captains play.
sid doesn’t. sid realizes after his first years with the penguins: when he’s been encouraged to bond, and it hasn’t worked, and he hasn’t wanted to, and they win the cup: that well, he’s sidney crosby, he’s got the power to do his thing, to be one of the best players without adhering to the nhl’s system of bonding. in this universe, sidney crosby is not the quiet play-along with the rules guys: he’s out there, and he’s causing a minor revolution, but he’s sidney crosby and he won’t be making a big deal out of it, so it’s fine. 
sidney crosby can do whatever the fuck he wants: as long as he plays good hockey. and he does.
there is a plotline here with sid wanting to bond with a couple of his teammates (mainly geno, maybe flower) but not letting himself to do so because bonding has always been a ‘must’, it’s always been something he doesn’t want, it’s always been the part of hockey he doesn’t want to participate, and he knows bonding with any teammate would result in his careful system toppling down upon himself, so he can’t.
there’s another plotline here with bonds being solely for hockey: and other bonds (outside of familial bonds, and romantic bonds with a perfect girl) being frowned down upon, or not really talked about, because when bonds become a part of the sport, your career, when that’s their role, it affects the nature of them.
and yes, this is a big issue within hockey and it is talked about, and awareness is trying to be spread about it, and some players fight back, like, it’s a social issue and a further flaw of the sport and harm of the culture. anyways.
(i know there’s like, like, not right stuff with claude’s history in here, rn i’m too lazy to look it up, but, you should get the gist)
on the other side, we’ve got claude giroux. he never bonded as young: it was never his role, and he never had the prominence for him. there’s always been someone who fit better with someone else, and while claude’s been an important player when he was young, he’s always had his own, independent journey. claude’s not grown up with hockey bonds in the same way a lot of the stars are, where they are grown up to find the perfect partner or the perfect line, and to be the center of the system: claude’s a young playmaker grown up with the rare case of bonds not being shoved down his throat.
this also means claude’s grown up with platonic bonds, friendship bonds: bonds that aren’t related to hockey, bonds that are allowed to be just that, to flourish and grow.
then, he’s drafted by the flyers. the flyers is a messy, violent team: not that claude minds, at all. but it’s also the nhl. and bonds matter. hockey bonds matter a heck lot. there’s been bad blood in the past with bonds within philadelphia, everyone knows this, and everyone knows that there’s always been contention and heat within philly and bonds between the players. this is a sudden culture shift for one claude giroux, but it’s also a claude giroux who forms bonds with someone like danny briere, and who, well, claude’s not a kid who is used with hockey bonds. 
hockey bonds are different than normal bonds, that’s just how it is.
there’s not like, a lot of detail thought out here but know this: know that claude’s new, and that flyers have a complicated past with how they bond, and how claude does things his own ways, and forms bonds, and how the flyers begin to find each other during 2007 - 2012, and how claude’s way of bonding spreads through the team, and how it becomes more familial, and reliable, but how it’s.. well. then briere get traded, and that’s the thing with hockey bonds, they need to be broken. 
this hurts. this hurts so fucking much. claude doesn’t want to break his bond with danny (and some strange familial bond with his sons, either) but, he has to. that’s the rules. you can’t have bonded players on different teams, that’d destroy the game, make it unfair. and so. for the first time, claude’s gotta break a bond that he’s forged so closely, that hasn’t just become a hockey bond, it has become a bond of strong friendship, of trust, and it’s broken just like that.
there’s probably been other smaller bonds broken and not broken (and the whole thing with sidney crosby but we’re getting into that later) but it’s different. hockey bonds are different. claude quickly learned, for him, they’re something casual: they’re a quick connection you get with someone on the ice, it’s a connection you have with your teammates, but it’s not a connection that goes beyond that. at this moment, claude’s not experienced the true harm of hockey bonds until now: when he realizes that it means the connection, that the part of himself, must be broken.
he hates this. he hates this so fucking much. he hates it even more when people gets traded, when things change, when things start to go downhill, and claude’s starting to realize the way he bonds and the way he is doesn’t work in hockey, it’s not a part of the game: the game doesn’t want this. 
it hurts.
anyways, by now i’m sure you’re curious about what’s been going on between sidney and g, and well, it’s complicated. i mentioned it before, but bonds aren’t just friendly. they can be happen between rivals: they can happen with someone you don’t like, and yet, have a connection with. of course, with hockey: rivalry bonds are somewhat common. it would be strange, otherwise, since hockey is.. well, hockey. 
rivalry bonds don’t fall under the same category as normal hockey bonds: hockey bonds are meant to help, guide, and assist. it’s believed that rivalry bonds were developed as a need to understand your enemy, to help defeat them: and the thing with rivalry bonds is that they are balanced. this means within hockey, a team-bond of two people on opposite teams is meant to aid and assist in helping each other: a rivalry bond is the opposite of that.
so, of course, rivalry bonds have become an entertainment factor of the nhl, of hockey: rivalry bonds can be temporary, which has happened at times during the olympics between former teammates (this is often so funny, and is definitely one of the best parts of international tournaments), or they can last long. oh, there’s definitely been beef when two people with enemy bonds have gotten traded onto the same team. it can be very funny, but it can also be quite dramatic, but of course, the nhl tries to hide this. 
bonds makes trades complicated: that is why permanent bonds aren’t allowed between teammates, or other hockey players. it has happened, and has most definitely caused a lot of internal drama within the nhl. 
anyways, so. it’s like, 2008 or 2009 and sidney crosby and claude giroux are facing each other upon the ice. obviously not for the first time. but there’s been something brewing, something of obvious rivalry, and claude can feel the possibility of a rivalry bond between him and sid: and he can sense how explosive their hockey would be against each other, he can taste it upon his tongue, and he can feel it happening but- sid doesn’t want to. sid rejects it. enemy bonds are usually less voluanteery than other bonds, but, sid shuts claude out so quickly. they fight. sort of. basically, there’s a heated moment on the ice and after the ice, where claude questions this, because he enjoys the rivalry, he enjoys the thrill, he knows the potential of a rivalry bond. sid doesn’t want that. they talk outside the game, or well, talk, argue and bicker: and claude learns one thing he’ll never forget: sid doesn’t do bonds.
anyways, most of their early ‘relationship’ is this.. weird tension between them because they both know there’s a rivalry bond there. it could be formed so easily. it has the potential, it could grow, become something that would fuel both of theirs hockey, become a part of them. claude can sense it. sid can sense it. but. sid doesn’t want it, he really doesn’t want it, and bonds can never be one-sided. 
the media speculates about this, of course: and sid hates it so fuckin’ much. he wants to play, and he enjoys playing against the flyers, and he enjoys being a brat against claude, but he doesn’t want a bond. he doesn’t do them. he doesn’t need it. his hockey can do good without it. claude gets so fuckin frustrated with sid, not with the fact that he won’t let their bond form, because, he understands that, but with what a brat and fuckin’ idiot sid is. 
their relationship is heated, it is strange, it is weird. it is almost like a bond, except they’re not bonded, and instead, there’s some kind of potential that is there between all of their encounters and it affects their interactions, and they don’t quite know where they have each other.
then we get to the playoff series against the pens, in 2012. a rivalry bond forms between them. and claude is so fucking shocked, that sid let this happen, that he can feel the venom, that he can feel the hate, the frustration, and sid can feel it back, but it’s weird, it’s full, it’s got so much fuckin inside it.
their series becomes explosive. their hockey becomes explosive. claude’s got a taste what he’s been feeling for the past years, brewing, and it’s- it’s fucking glorious. 
sid feels this too. he hasn’t bonded in so fucking long, and of course, it’s the rivlarly bond with claude, a bond that fuels him, that makes him play like fire- but he’s also scared. he doesn’t want his hockey to depend upon someone else. not now.
after the series is done, it fades away. claude and sid meet, after the flyers get kicked out of the playoffs, they talk, they fight. it’s heated, it’s rough. words bleed out, insults bleed out, their weird fickle relationship and with their strange, fickle, unstable bond between them. “what is this, sid” claude tells him, because, it’s not quite like a bond either of them has felt before. it’s a rivalry bond, but they both can feel so much brewing under the surface. 
sid kisses him, heated, violently, and they both can feel the bond spark between them, come alive, rush through them, entwine itself around them, something about how love and hate is close, how it fuels them, but then claude pushes sid away and the bond breaks. it’s quiet.
“not like this.”
sid walks away.
so, we’ve got the next years. anyways. so, claude becomes captain after the lock-out, and claude’s way with bonds and how he thinks and feels about them and all this and his unique view on hockey bonds forms the flyers core going forwards, everyone tightly bonded (beyond what is allowed, but no one needs to know) and every time he meets sidney crosby, their bond flickers. this time it’s claude who doesn’t want it.
you see, sidney realizes a few things during the next years: this is what happens when you grow up. some of these things are realized thanks to claude himself, feeling his bond, feeling how bonds can be, but also, letting himself bond (platonically, not-hockey, in secret with his teammates) and letting himself learn and know what a bond can be and meeting new people and understanding how harmful the nature of hockey bonds is, with a fascination to learn how actual bonds outside of the harmful world of hockey work. thanks to claude giroux, and the world around him.
anyways, claude and sid are quite weird during this time: they both don’t really know what’s going on between them, what their bond is, what bonds are. and during this time, it is sid who wants it, it is him who wants to let claude in but claude- yeah- he doesn’t want to deal with that. 
then the world’s happen. short summary of the world’s: they form a bond, but it’s merely a superficial hockey bond and it feels cold and empty and sid hates it, and claude does too, but they can’t let themselves closer, claude can’t let it open up, and they have this weird sort of understanding of each other, pretending it’s way less than it is and of course media catches onto this, and they both become teased over it, and it is- like- yeah, not really fun.
it breaks shortly after the worlds.
what happens next is that the pens win the cup. claude doesn’t know how to feel about this. sid seems happy. he seems joyous. 
the next years are weird. they bond sometimes, and then it breaks, because one of them doesn’t want it. it’s like, this weird friends with benefits relationship where their bond bounces back and forth between lust / love / rivalries / friends and,, sometimes they open it, sometimes they close it, but in the end: one of them always don’t want this.
like, i don’t have the rest of plot of this worked out, but it’s essentially exploring the idea of bonds and hockey bonds in the world and how claude and sid are always entwined, and bonded, but how it changes and develops, and how their relationship is always this ‘well, you missed out’ thing and it never quite aligns, and how the harmful world of hockey shapes this, and how they have different understandings of bonds, and how this shapes their relationship, and how it never quite pans out, and how the hockey world developes around this, and how they both bond in different ways, and learn to understand it, and maybe they find each other sometime, maybe they don’t, but it’s exploring the fucked idea of having something as important as bonds tied to hockey and how it fucks with people and how in the end, it ruins claude and sid and their potential together because bonds are so personal and so sensitive and how they work in hockey is so toxic.
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musicnoots · 4 years
Maybe Today, Maybe Forever
Joe Toye/Reader
Prompt “God, your eyes are gorgeous” and “Why are you embarassed? You’re beautiful. Don’t you see that?”
A/N: joe toye deserves all the love send tweet
Synopsis: Ten minutes before an Easy Company reunion is scheduled to begin, Joe suddenly doesn’t want to go.
Tags: @gottapenny @floydtab @those-dusty-jump-wings @yeahcurrahee @dumpofdumblings @bandofmarvels @medievalfangirl @junojelli @curraheev @wexhappyxfew @evelyn-shelby @alienoresimagines @majwinters @inglourious-imagines @david-weepster @not-john-watsons-blog @meteora-fc @rayleighshughes @dustyjjumpwings
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When you pull up to the venue, you find him staring out of the passenger side window. 
You and Joe made the trip down to Philly for an Easy Company reunion. The invitation came in the mail on a rainy Sunday afternoon, scribbled in black ink, you read him the contents of the letter as he laid his head to rest on your shoulder. Of course, Joe couldn’t say no after seeing it from Bill Guarnere himself. 
In the years after the war had ended, you and Joe had married, built a home, and found love that didn’t involve changing anything but realizing that you loved him just as much as when you were both miserable in a hole in the dirt, but he never reached out to any of his brothers of war. It wasn’t that he didn’t care, it was that he didn’t know how to. 
He’s been waiting for this moment since he’d been carted off to the aid station—he spent all week gushing about how great everyone’s gonna look, how the boys are gonna shit biscuits when they find out that you two actually ended up together, he even went to go pick out a new tie at the department store. Every evening, he’ll ask you what you think Don or George have been up to, or sometimes he’ll ponder with you, making up post-war scenarios for his friends because they deserved only the best that life has to offer.
He spent at least forty minutes getting himself ready in front of the mirror. Cold shower, combing his hair again and again, he asked you to fix his tie maybe three times before taking your hand and leading out the door to the car where he smiled brighter than the gold material of your wedding ring.
But when you finally arrive, ten minutes before it’s set to begin, he’s a completely different person.
Your eyebrows knitted, and your hands slowly slipped off of the steering wheel.
Your husband, previously jumping around like a jelly bean, fell as silent as the ghosts do. He fiddles with his fingers in his lap, he doesn’t look at you. You think you’ve done something wrong, said something wrong that you didn’t realize that just...killed the happiness inside of him. 
You try again. “Joe, baby—“ your voice is as soft as when he wakes up in cold sweat in the quiet hours of the night, “we’re here. Look,” you point at the open doors of the venue, “they’re in there.”
“I know.”
The tone of his voice is familiar, you hadn’t heard it as the years passed by and the demons hiding behind the flower vases left without a proper goodbye, but you’re cautious. 
“You okay?” You reach over to touch his arm, and he flinches.
You retract your hand. You know how to care for him in a situation like this, you just didn’t expect it to happen right before an Easy Company reunion. The pieces just don’t add up—Joe had been excited the entire week, he sang the songs he and Don used to sing back in Toccoa, he spent money on a nice tie and jacket to look nice for the boys, but all of the sudden, the spark is gone. 
Joe notices when you pull your hand away, he sees the disquiet take over your features, and it’s Christmas morning, 1945 all over again. “I’m sorry,” he says. He moves away from the window and avoids eye contact with you, instead, staring down his hands. “I...I was just wondering…”
“W-What are they gonna think when they see...this?” He gestures up and down his body like he was referring to an object rather than a breathing human being, you furrow your eyebrows when you watch the way he motions towards his body like that—it makes you upset not because how dare he throw away years of learning to love his skin but it makes you upset knowing that he thinks people will think of him differently for the way he looks. “I only have one leg, Y/N. I walk with crutches, I don’t have a job, they’re gonna look at me all weird and shit, and I’m gonna have to explain everything that happened…I shoulda stayed home.”
Ah. You’re beginning to understand what he’s feeling. “No, Joe. No, no, no, the people waiting for us inside, the boys we trained and fought with side-by-side in another continent, they could never look at you differently.”
“But my leg—“ his hand runs over the stump, “don’t I look weird without it?”
Joe is insecure. You know that, but it doesn’t impact the way you love him because you’ll happily tell him everyday about how much you love him for him, not his leg. “No, all I see is the handsomest man in all of Pennsylvania.”
“Y/N,” he whines because it’s not the answer he’s looking for, “I do look weird! You already know the weird stares I get when we go out, so how am I supposed to explain to them—how am I supposed to look at them in the eyes like I didn’t get my leg blown off in Belgium? Hm?” He raises his voice, but you know he’s not angry at you. He’s angry at himself.
The answer is simple. “You don’t have to. You’re not obliged to explain yourself to anyone if you don’t want to.”
“What am I gonna say to Bill?”
“You didn’t do anything to him, Joe. He saved your life because you’re his friend. He doesn’t hate you, he could never.”
“But...what am I supposed to do when they look at me, and they look at me like they’ve never even seen me before?”
“You sure that’s gonna happen?”
“Well,” he scratches the back of his neck, “yeah. I don’t got no leg—I look weird, they probably don’t recognize me anymore.” His shoulders roll back, and he looks defeated in a battle he never even saw coming in the first place. “I don’t think I’m the same man they liked back in Georgia, England, even.”
It astounds you to hear that Joe doesn’t think that he’s loved.
He is loved. So, so much by not only you but the people that surround his life with good memories he’ll remember to the ripe old age of seventy.
He acts like you don’t repeatedly ask the angels if you can bring him when you go to heaven. He acts like he doesn’t hear you tell him how beautiful he is every morning over the bathroom sink, how grateful that you’re living in a world where he is your sun. He acts like you didn’t marry him two weeks after you came home, in a wedding that the both of you could barely afford, blue hydrangeas pinned on his jacket and the smell still lingers in your home years after.
“Hell, Joe,” you whisper, “I didn’t fall in love with your legs, I fell in love with you. We all did.”
He tries to put forth a rebuttal, but when his finger grazes the wedding band on your finger, he remembers the wedding—when you spoke the words of angels that evicted the demons in his head for good.
Joe cried when you showed up on his doorstep the day you came home because, in the weeks and months after Belgium, he firmly believed that you didn’t want him anymore. He didn’t think you wanted a man who’s missing a piece of himself literally, but the moment you showed up and crashed into his open arms, he no longer questions your love for him but cherishes it as much as the tattoo of your name he got on his bicep all those years ago in Aldbourne.
In the end, Joe doesn’t hate himself, but he’s ashamed for creating such discourse with you about his leg of all things.
“I...I’m just embarrassed.” 
“Why are you embarrassed?” You take his hands in yours. “You’re beautiful. Don’t you see that?”
He shakes his head, and it hurts a little to see him so blind of his beauty. He isn’t his wounds, he is so much more than that, and however many times you have to tell him, you’ll do it without a question.
Joe tries to avoid your gaze by trying to fix his tie, undoing it, and staggering movements as his fingers struggle to put it back together.
You’ve learned to wait until he realizes he can't do it on his own. Patience is something the both of you have been working on, and it’s times like these where it comes in handy whether it comes to helping him with his ties or helping him see the beauty that resides somewhere beneath his skin.
“Can you...can you help me?” It’s soft and saccharine, shy. 
“Of course, anything for the handsomest man in Pennsylvania.” You smile and lean across the glovebox to get a better angle. You can feel him loom over you, fingertips holding onto your waist—he’s staring. “You know, you have beautiful eyes.”
“I do?”
“Yes,” you breathe, flipping the collar down and coming up to meet his eyes, hand on his cheek. “God, you have gorgeous eyes.”
He smiles back, only growing bigger when you kiss his forehead and then his cheek. Joe is just as gorgeous as he was back then—his coffee brown eyes, those cheekbones, and the gravity defying grip of his hands holding you close, though, you’d like to be closer. Nothing about his leg changes anything because he’s always been the Joe Toye who fell hard for you back when you crawled through pig guts and had you acting foolish like you seventeen. He has always been the man you loved and will love for a million years more.
And you know he’s grateful to have you by his side everyday, beyond the years he’s guaranteed on this Earth. “Thank you,” he says, and he captures your hand in his and gives it a little squeeze. “Can we go in now?”
You nodded. “Let’s go.”
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trashforhockeyguys · 5 years
Don’t Hold Me -1- Carter Hart
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A/N: So, I talked about writing this a long time ago. And @oven-chicken-blog​ and I started talking about Carter a while back, so Carter miniseries is a go. As always, angst. Lots of angst ahead. Also, new chapters for this will probably be slow. There are also going to be some content warnings to go along with this. Including mentions of different types of abuse, panic disorders, and PTSD.
You loved living in Philadelphia. You loved U Penn. You’d never really thought about what would happen if you landed in a city full of people that you knew. To be honest, you didn’t think you’d end up in a place with several people you knew, not when you were going out of state for school. But when you landed in Philly and you received a text from someone you’d known for quite a few years, you were more than shocked. 
Yet, you liked it. Because you now had someone to look after you during the school year. You more than appreciated that you had someone, especially someone you trusted and someone you knew would take care of you. 
You already made several calls to him during the first semester of your freshman year, especially when you needed someone. He was the closest thing you had to family on this side of the coast. The fact that he’d known you since you were a child definitely helped. 
“Where are you?”
“I’m outside of the hockey house, off campus,” You quickly explained, “I- I need you to come get me. Please. I need to get out of here.”
He must’ve sensed the fact that you were close to tears, because the next thing you knew, you could hear him getting up and telling whoever else was with him to move their ass. He kept talking to you, making sure you were still there, as he moved. 
“I need you to tell me the address, sweetheart,” He begged, “I promise, I’m on my way, I just need to know where I’m going.”
You looked around you, trying to find a street sign and a house number. You could still hear the music playing behind you, and the sound of everyone inside cheering over something. You felt sick. You weren’t entirely sure that you wouldn’t throw up right there on the street. You took a few deep breaths before being able to focus enough to ramble off what seemed like the right address to him. 
“Patty, did you get that?” he called to someone else in the car. 
“Yeah, we should be there in twenty,” the other guy replied.
“Keep talking to me, okay? We’ll be there soon.”
You curled up on the curb, instantly regretting the short skirt and crop top you’d worn to the party. Maybe you should’ve listened to your brother, who tried to tell you not to go near the hockey guys. He was stupidly protective over you, but he seemed to be right this time.
You were shaking and starting to freeze. You wished you would’ve out on more clothes, or just stayed in your dorm room. There was a lot about tonight that you were already regretting. You should’ve listened. You shouldn’t have gone, you shouldn’t have started to drink. You should’ve been more careful. 
Without even thinking, you found yourself running into his arms. He was warm and safe. You knew, much like your actual brother, that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, so long as he was there to stop them. 
“What happened? Huh?”
“I just want to get out of here, please, Trav,” You begged him. 
“Okay. Here, take this, you’re fucking freezing,” Travis hastily took off his jacket and put it around you, “Patty, can you drive so I can sit in the back with her?”
“Yeah, I got it.”
“I’m sorry Nol.”
He laughed and gave you a quick side hug, “I’m just offended that you don’t have me on speed dial yet.”
“Not now Patty.”
You mustered as much of a smile as you could, “You’re Brother #3 in my phone, not quite on speed dial, but pretty close.”
“C’mon, I’m assuming your roommate is at that party?” Travis asked you, to which you nodded, “Alright, you can crash with us.”
Travis helped you into the car before running to the other side. Nolan climbed into the driver’s side and started up the car. You got situated and then ripped off your stupid high heels. They were another thing you regretted about tonight.
“I promise, I don’t always look like a cheap hooker,” You joked, noticing Nolan looking at you through the mirror.
“Never said you did.”
“I thought you promised E that you weren’t going to party,” Travis mentioned a few minutes later. 
“He’s not my mother, I’m legally an adult, I can do whatever the hell I want,” You grumbled. 
“Just because you can, Y/N, doesn’t mean that you should.”
You rolled your eyes. He sounded like your big brother, maybe because they were best friends and you knew Travis felt responsible for you. Either way, they didn’t control you. Even if they were right, they didn’t dictate your life. 
You were capable of making your own decisions and you could deal with the repercussions of them. You were old enough, you were in college, that was the time to make mistakes. And the time to fuck up. Yet you knew tonight was a bad idea from the start, but you wanted to feel normal again.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Travis finally asked. 
“Drunk hockey players,” you shrugged, “One of them just saw a short skirt, and nothing else. That’s all. I just didn’t want to stay.”
“Do we need to turn around so I can beat the shit out of him?” Travis asked. 
“No, he’s not worth it Trav.”
“No. But you are.”
You woke up on his couch the next morning, with little memory of what happened the night before. Patty was moving around in the kitchen, you hoped he was making coffee. God, you needed coffee. Your head was pounding. You probably shouldn’t have said yes to a glass of whatever was in that damned bucket. 
You groaned and rolled over. The sunlight was too much. Didn’t TK have any damned blinds in this place? Surely he got paid enough to afford some damned blinds, or maybe even curtains. Something to keep the sun from killing you.
“Here.” Travis was the one to bring me the coffee.
A mug was placed down on the table in front of you, followed by Aspirin, and another blanket was draped over you. You smiled before snuggling deeper into the couch. At least Travis got a comfortable couch. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Like an elephant sat on my head,” You groaned. 
He laughed and sat on the edge of the couch. He started rubbing your back, slowly, just like he did a few years ago, back when he played with your brother. You groaned again and buried your head deeper into the pillows.
You tried not to think about what happened last night. You knew the party was a bad idea. You’d known that from the instant your roommate invited you. Hockey players were normally something you tried to stay away from, unless it was Travis and Nolan. You knew you could trust them, but that was as far as it went for you.
College hockey players were something that you tried to avoid at all costs. You Knew what they were like, you knew all too well. Nothing about them was good. Yet, when she’d asked you to go, you didn’t say no. Instead you pulled out your shortest skirt and a low cut top. 
“Are you okay? You were pretty shaken up last night.”
“I’m fine Trav,” you assured him, “It was a pretty stupid idea. But I’m fine.”
He gave your shoulder a squeeze. You couldn’t even begin to thank him enough for rescuing you last night, and all the other times that you’d called him before that. You used to call him instead of your brother, Ethan, because Travis asked fewer questions and could keep a secret.
He was good at picking you up, and giving you space, all while loving you in the way that you needed at the time. He made you feel safe and protected, all like Ethan did, just without asking why he was needed.
“Do you want to talk more about it?”
“Nope. I want to drink my coffee, and keep your sweats on, because they’re comfy.”
“I won’t be getting those back will I?” He questioned. 
“Nope you play for the team You can get more.”
He laughed. He knew you’d never give them back anyway. You always took his and your brother’s. Any chance you got, they’d always become yours. Truth be hold, he should be lucky that you hadn’t taken any yet this season.
“Hey! I made eggs, since TK actually went to the store yesterday and bought shit!”
“C’mon, eggs and toast, good hangover cure.” 
You cracked a smile. How many times have you made that very thing for him over the years? That was always your go to for everyone. You wondered if Patty remembered the last time you made it for him and Travis. 
“Oh, Carter is coming over,” Patty reminded Trav. 
“Shit, I forgot,” He looked over at me and tried to crack a smile, “Guess you’ll get to meet Carter, unless you want me to take you home?”
“No, because she’ll probably have someone in her bed and the room is going to smell like sex, and probably vomit, knowing her,” You explained, “So, I guess I’ll just stay? If that’s okay?”
They both shrugged, “He’s your age, maybe you two could be good for each other? Since you seem to be tired of Patty.”
“You are not setting me up with your teammate,” You snapped, “You know how I feel about other hockey players.”
“If I didn’t already know you, I’d probably take offense to that,” Patty warned, “But, having known you for over a year now, and fighting to actually get you to like me, I understand.”
“You’re lucky I can still stand to be around you.”
“Wow, I love you too, Kiddo!”
“Nolan! You’re a year older than me, shut up.”
Travis laughed and shoved Nolan’s shoulder. You loved the two of them in a way you didn’t realize you could. You’d been so cut off for so long and they seemed to slowly bring you back enough. You still weren’t 100%, there were still parts of you that weren’t fully glued back together. But you were okay. 
You didn’t know what you’d do without either of them to be completely honest. They’d become the family that you didn’t have while you were at school. They went far beyond just picking you up outside of parties, or rescuing you from your roommate and her constant visitors.
You depended on both of them in a way. Sure, Travis was as good as family, that was a no brainer, but Nolan was too. He’d been there for you since the day Travis first reached back out to you. You loved them both. But that didn’t mean you wanted to meet someone else. 
“I think I might just go climb into your bed Trav. My whole body is feeling it today, and you actually have blinds in your room.”
“Y/N! C’mon, it’s Hart. You even said you liked watching him in goal.”
“Just because I like to watch him play, doesn’t mean I actually want to meet him. I’m not in the mood today Travis,” You hoped he wouldn’t keep pushing you on it. 
You hoped he wouldn’t make you beg. You didn’t want to see anyone else. Your little circle of friends was enough. You couldn’t handle another guy in your life. Last night was a mistake, brought on by hours of your roommate bugging you to go. You were tired of always hiding out, but you also couldn’t handle everything that came with going out. 
“Okay. We’ll try and be quiet out here,” he sighed and kissed your forehead, he was one of the only people that you’d ever let do that, “Go back to sleep. I’ll check on you in a while.”
You tried not to think about the fact that you were running from someone you didn’t even know. Travis wouldn’t try to get you to meet anyone who wasn’t worth it, you knew that. But at the same time, after last night, you weren’t ready for any other surprises. 
You tried your best to ignore the sounds that followed the arrival of the young goalie. However, despite Travis’ promise, they weren’t quiet. You buried yourself under the blanket and closed your eyes. You’d been able to fall asleep during parties before, surely you could sleep through three guys practically screaming in the living room. 
You were just starting to finally doze off when the bedroom door slammed open. You practically jumped out of the bed, not expecting any of them to come bursting in like that. Standing in the doorway was the person you were trying to avoid. 
“Oh, shit,” His cheeks instantly turned red, “Sorry, I’ll just um-”
He backed out and shut the door. You could hear him chuckle as he made his way back down the hall, “TK, man you should’ve told me you had a girl over. I would’ve left you alone.”
You couldn’t help the anger that bubbled up as you threw off the covers. All you wanted to do was get some sleep, and then hang out with the boys that you consider to be your family. You didn’t want to meet anyone, you didn’t ask for Carter Hart to join you. You certainly didn’t exactly want him to think you were something that you weren’t. 
So, you found yourself throwing open the door and marching into the living room. Nolan already looked panicked when he saw you. Travis was trying to explain to Carter who you were. But suddenly all you felt like doing was yelling at all of them.
“What the hell? Seriously, what part of I wanted to sleep didn’t you understand Travis?”
Travis sighed and ran a hand through his hair before turning back to Carter, “Cart, this is Y/N, my unofficial little sister. She crashed here because her roommate is...a little too friendly with some guys on campus.”
“Wait, you’re Y/N?” Carter whipped around to face you, pure shock on his face.
“Well, I’m certainly not someone just warming Travis’s bed,” You snapped back, “I think I’m going to head out now.”
You turned and reached for the gym bag Travis gave you last night to put your clothes in. The walls were starting to close in on you, all you wanted to do was run. But when you started to make your way to the door, a hand reached out and grabbed your shoulder. Somehow you instantly knew it wasn’t Travis and you froze.
“Hey, c’mon you don’t have to leave.”
Before even thinking you spun back around, and slapped his hand away from you, “Don’t touch me.” 
You didn’t have to look at Travis to know that he was starting to panic. So was Nolan. They knew what your boundaries were. You couldn’t fully be mad at the young man in front of you, because he didn’t know. He didn’t know you, or what you could and couldn’t handle. It wasn’t his fault. 
“Don’t touch me.”
Your voice was smaller now. You sounded mousy. You hated that feeling that came along with this. You backed away from all three of them. You needed air. You knew Travis and Nolan would never do anything that you weren’t comfortable with, but Carter made you nervous. You knew he was harmless, Travis wouldn’t let him near you if he wasn’t. But still, he made you uneasy in ways that you couldn’t understand. 
“At least let me drive you back to campus,” Travis begged. 
“Trust me, I need to walk.”
“I love you Trav. I’ll call you later.”
You shouldn’t be running. You knew that. You should be able to stand your ground and meet Travis’s friends, his hockey family. They were more than important to him, yet the only one you could handle being around was Nolan. It had nothing to do with the rest of the guys and everything to do with you. 
You couldn’t expect any of them to understand why you were the way that you were. Travis knew because he was there during everything. Nolan knew because Nolan had witnessed bits and pieces. But there wasn’t an easy way for you to explain it to anyone else. So you hid. And you’d keep hiding because that’s what you were good at.
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shanethvarosa · 4 years
Music Review: 2020
My blog has been a lot of things over the years, but it did originate as something I used to publicly review music; especially in the Visual Kei scene. Since I began the blog so many years ago, I had actually been hired to review Visual Kei and J-Rock music for an actual website: VKH-Press.com, work I am very, very proud of to this day. However, with not much news to comment on or work to critique, I haven’t been as active. Plus, personal issues always seem to stand in my way. However, I always take the time to discuss my passions at the end of the year. There were so many incredible releases, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, and so I wanted to take the time time to discuss my favorite releases and, maybe, the not-so-favorites as well. Quick shout out to Bastille’s Goosebumps EP and Megan Thee Stallion’s Good News LP as I did not get to listen to them before I wrote up my lists, but were still excellent releases. See my thoughts below! 
Overall, there were about 75 albums or groupings of albums I listened to this year and split them between various tiers. Starting with the bad tier, there were actually only ten albums listed here and mostly just because they were seemingly unnecessary collection albums. For example, another Satsuki collection? Rides in ReVellion releasing two greatest hits LPs after only five years of work? Beyonce releasing The Lion King: The Gift again? None of those felt like necessary releases. There weren’t many albums that really screamed bad to me this year, but I really could not stand Vanessa Carlton’s “Love is an Art” or Justin Bieber’s “Changes.” The only other albums on this tier were just underwhelming compared to what I know the artist is capable of, but the “best bad tier album,” in my view, was The 1975′s “Notes on a Conditional Form.” 
The mid-tier albums had all sorts of reasons for being only mid-tier. They weren’t quite bad or outright unnecessary, but are mostly by artists who put out work that was nowhere near the caliber of their usual work or were re-releases or other collection albums. For example, Tove Lo’s “Sunshine Kitty: Pawprint Edition” or Man With A Mission’s remixes/b-sides/covers albums. Nice to have with good quality music, but I wish we’d just have had brand new EPs or LPs. 
The good-tier albums were all really excellent releases, but didn’t hit home the way anything on the “God-Tier” list did. Here, I’d like to share a quick top ten: 
10. Taeyeon’s “Purpose: Repackage” & Japanese EP, “#GirlsSpkOut” 9. Charli XCX’s “How I’m Feeling Now” 8. Miyavi’s “Holy Nights” & “Holy Nights: 2020 Lockdown” 7. TK’s “Sainou” 6. PVRIS’s “Use Me” 5. Buck-Tick’s “Abracadabra” 4. Katy Perry’s “Smile” 3. Alicia Keys’ “Alicia” 2. Dua Lipa’s “Future Nostalgia” & “Club Future Nostalgia” 1. Ava Max’s “Heaven & Hell
Without furhter ado, though, the God Tier Top 25: 
25. Acme’s We Are Visual Kei: Essentially a collection album of several songs that were b-sides that never made a full-blown album. This LP was loaded with some of Acme’s best work and shows that they are going to be here for a long time, despite Div not quite working out. Recommended tracks: Mononoke Requiem, Gekiyama Celluloid, Houkago no Shiiku 
24. Alanis Morisette’s Such Pretty Forks in the Road: Admittedly, a huge fan in the 90′s and loved her cover of Seal’s Crazy. However, before this album I didn’t really listen to much of her body of work and I can see why today’s youth might not listen to this album. It is very “adult” insofar as it deals with her struggles in marriage, parenting, religion, etc. Her vocal performance is exceptional and her song writing remains some of the best in the business. Recommended tracks: Smiling, Nemesis, Reasons I Drink. 
23. Niall Horan’s Heartbreak Weather: Not my usual cup of tea, but for some reason Niall’s music makes me feel softer than normal. He’s very cute and charming and his words are always so romantic. It feels more genuine than the music made by other members of One Direction and kind-of reminds me of earlier Taylor Swift writing, but from a male perspective. Recommended Tracks: Put A Little Love On Me, Arms of a Stranger, Still. 
22. K/DA’s All Out: I don’t even really understand what this is, but I love it. There’s something to do with League of Legends? Cartoons? International pop stars? Whatever it is, I’m totally obsessed. These songs just completely slap. Recommended Tracks: The Baddest, More, Drum Go Dum. 
21. Darrell’s Brilliant Death: This might even “officially” be a single, but there’s enough content to market it as an album. Darrell is a band formed from the ashes of Deathgaze and Ai’s solo project. Who knows why Ai didn’t just continue after his solo album, Confusion, but he decided to go back to the band-format with confusingly-named Darrell. This album is then, incidentally, mostly Deathgaze covers. It brings the production into the new era and gives you a lot of nostalgic love for old hits. Recommended Tracks: Brilliant Death, Evoke the World, Abyss. 
20. Alice Nine’s Fuyajou Eden & Kuro to Wonderland: Neither album was particularly long, in fact these were glorified EPs that could’ve been merged to one two-sided LP, but in either case... Both albums had something really special to offer and felt like a true comeback after years of name changes and finally going back to their original, kanji-styled name. Recommended Tracks: Kakumei Kaika -Revolutionary Blooming-, Testament, Replica, Glow. 
19. Mucc’s Aku: This album felt very long in the making after a series of weird singles that didn’t feel like they were going anywhere. Ultimately, a lot of those singles did not make the album including my favorite one: Taboo. The resulting album, though, did feel very cohesive and thematic and even featured one of this year’s heavy hitters: Hazuki. Recommended Tracks: Aku -Justice-, Memai, Ameria. 
18. Miley Cyrus’s Plastic Hearts: This person is absolutely one of my favorite people in music. I’m pretty sure they have comeout as genderfluid/non-binary, so I want to stick with safe pronouns, just in case. However, they’ve always been a favorite and as they’ve come out as such a champion for the LGBT, I love them even more. The album though gave me a lot of hype for something very 80′s rock, but didn’t quite give me what I expected. All in all, the music was fantastic, just a little off-beat from expectations. Recommended Tracks: Gimme What I Want, Angels Like You, WTF Do I Know. 
17. Rina Sawayama’s Sawayama: I didn’t expect to fall in love with this girl the way I did. My boyfriend recommended “STFU” to me as kind of a joke because the song discusses a lot of Asian racism that I’m always criticizing people in my life for falling into, but then the song was so bad ass I checked out the album. There were so many different types of music on it and she really did a good job with all of them. Then, with the deluxe edition coming out and the hardcore club banger “Lucid” being involved... Just really brought it all home. Recommended Tracks: Tokyo Love Hotel, Lucid, Fuck This World. 
16. Amber Liu’s X: This was just an EP, but every song on it was great. Amber Liu was from f(x), a K-Pop Icon Group, but she always seemed like the odd one out. She was such a tomboy, so silly and funny all the time, and didn’t really behave like other Korean idols. I mean, really, she isn’t actually even Korean. I believe she’s Chinese American. In either case, the EP really noted some of her own personal strugles in the business and also remaining pretty fun at parts too. I saw her live in Philly before COVID-19 and she was truly excellent. Recommended Tracks: Numb, Stay Calm, Other People. 
15. Blackpink’s The Album: Not much of an album at only 8 tracks, but that’s K-Pop for you. I bet next year I’ll be putting “Blackpink’s The Album: Repackage” on my top 25 list. The quality of the music was pretty dope though, all things considered. It was a very solid debut effort with all of their previous songs being somewhere in the same lane as this one. I still kind of believe they are a reminder of what 2NE1 could have been, but they’re doing well enough on their own. Recommended Tracks: Ice Cream, Lovesick Girls, Pretty Savage. 
14. Hazuki’s Year Over All: Kind of a weird way to word it, but Hazuki basically released two albums this year in different formats. His work with his band, Lynch., was pretty magnificent. I’m not one to usually dwell on a Lynch. album. Their singles or featured tracks are what I usually get into, but the actual album (Ultima) really did a good job of showing how versatile Hazuki can be. His solo album, Souen -Funeral-, was an entirely stripped down, gothic orchestral album of Lynch. covers and other J-Hard Rock artists. Hearing it done like this was almost transcendental. Recommended Tracks: Xero, Idol, Ray, D.A.R.K. 
13. Sam Smith’s Love Goes: They had me scared that their album wasn’t coming this year once they pushed it back, back in May. Then again, at the time, an album called “To Die For” was probably super tone deaf. In any case, literally every single released for this album had me in love. So, when they all got included in the final version, I was thrilled. Sam gave us a bonus song after the album as well, but I can see why that one didn’t get on. In any case, this is a huge step up from “The Thrill of it All,” which I didn’t really care for. Recommended Tracks: Another One, Dance (’Til You Love Someone Else), Forgive Myself. 
12. Troye Sivan’s In A Dream: I love this kid. He’s so gay and so not shy about it and it really makes me smile. The EP comes after his last LP, Bloom, where the title track basically talks about bottoming for the first time and this new EP deals with a few other queer issues over weirdly produced beats that just... make sense. Recommended tracks: Stud, In A Dream, Easy. 
11. Matenrou Opera’s Chronos: Unfortunately, this band just lost their guitarist again. Their original, Anzi, was basically the most consummate guitarist in the visual kei scene that wasn’t Hizaki and he left them. Their sound wasn’t quite right since and they seemed to just get it back with Chronos when Jay left them. I guess we’ll see what they do next, but I think Chronos could be their last great release. Recommended Tracks: Chronos, Silence, Reminiscence. 
10. BoA’s Better: A very recent release that hasn’t had much time for me to digest. This is strange for me to put it so high on my list for that reason, but BoA is one of my all time favorites. She never disappoints me. This album was no different. It wasn’t exactly up to par with “Woman” or “Watashi Kono Mama de Ii no Kana,” but it definitely gave us some new and very iconic Queen BoA bangers. Recommended Tracks: Cut Me Off, Start Over, Temptations. 
9. Kesha’s High Road: A semi-step down from Rainbow, only because a lot of the same melodic elements and, sometimes, even beats were used on this album too. However, her vocal performance was outstanding and she even gave us a new dirty-pop song with some interesting indie-pop tracks to go with it. Plus, who doesn’t love a Big Freedia feature? Recommended Tracks: Resentment, Raising Hell, Tonight. 
8. Lady Gaga’s Chromatica: Anyone who knows me knows I don’t really love Gaga anymore. After all the drama with Madonna and her experimentation with “Joanne” I didn’t think I’d ever like her music again. However, she definitely won back big points for me on Chromatica. It was finally fun, weird, dancey, and then simultaneously emotional and I was really able to get back into it. She’s always had the voice, but on this one it also showed us that she still has what made us love her. Recommended Tracks: Rain On Me, Plastic Doll, Enigma. 
7. Koda Kumi’s My Name Is... Angel + Monster: She is, very likely, my Japanese Pop Queen. She always makes these absolutely outlandish bangers of dance tracks that have such a great attitude and beat and when she released re(CORD)... last year? 2018? Who can remember... I thought she could never outdo herself. Then she released “Lucky Star” and I was floored. I was a bit disappointed when they were only to promote a “My Name Is...” collection album, but then, to my surprise, a full set of new tracks came out just after that just blew me entirely away. Guess the last 6 albums must be pretty great, huh? Recommended tracks: Killer Monster, Work It!, Alarm. 
6. Grimes’ Miss Anthropocene: I’ve never been a big fan of Grimes, but when Violence came out I was really looking forward to whatever album this was going to end up promoting. The song is actual fire, but then the LP ended up being some kind of experimental Gothic Pop with Asian Pop influences I never expected. I doubt I’ll ever find something she does this good ever again, but it was really a musical light in the darkness of this year. Recommended tracks: Darkseid, Delete Forever, Violence. 
5. Kylie Minogue’s Disco: Admittedly, my draw to Kylie has always been that she is like some kind of Australian Madonna. Madonna being one of my all time favorite artists... In fact, number 2 for all women I listen to, Kylie has some big shoes to fill with her sometimes generic pop that she puts out. However, I haven’t really truly loved a Kylie song since “Get Outta My Way” and then this album comes out filled with tracks to love for the rest of time. Recommended Tracks: Miss A Thing, Till You Love Somebody, Magic. 
4. Chanmina’s Notebook/Angel: I don’t have really any way of knowing how popular Chanmina is in Japan or if she is as popular in the Japanese Queer Scene as she should be, but god damn does she know what she’s doing. Her music is raunchy, bitchy, and condescending at it’s highest and deeply personal at it’s most mellow. There is no “lowest.” “Notebook” was a two-sided album and “Angel” a strong follow up EP, but all the recommended tracks are from “Notebook.” If you have not listened to “Picky”.... go do it now, I’ll wait. Recommended tracks: Picky, Baby, Lucy. 
3. The Weeknd’s After Hours: Incidentally, I got into The Weeknd after someone said something shitty about him here on Tumblr! I took their likely-valid criticism and went to check him out for myself and I gotta say, I love his work. The beats are literally always on point and his voice is like silk. This album provided more than a few iconic songs and I always can’t wait to see what he does next. Recommended Tracks: Alone Again, Heartless, Blinding Lights. 
2. Halsey’s Manic: The singles and features she did between Hopeless Fountain Kingdom and Manic gave me such insanely high hopes and I was not disappointed. HFK was a strong album of course, but this was near perfection for me. I think the production of this alt-pop album was the star of the show because it wasn’t all one way, there were heavy-bass songs, interesting piano riffs, striaght up punk rock, all of it. She really made an album quite like it’s namesake. Recommended Tracks: Ashley, Killing Boys, Still Learning. 
1. Dexcore’s Metempsychosis: A newcomer to the visual kei and death metal scene, they’ve been putting out single after single for years in preparation for their extemeley long and multidaceted debut album. With a total of about 33 songs, the entire second disc was rerecorded singles from their early days and some even got new lyrical treatment. The main series of songs were, of course, also totally flooring and all of the recommended tracks are the new ones. If you haven’t checked them out by now, you have to! Recommended tracks: Cibus, Scribble, Period.
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hillbilly-wifey · 4 years
About me meme!
I'm making a new post cus I don't wanna put a huge reblog on my followers' dashes!!
Tagged by: @slashthedice​
Nickname: Magg / Marga
Real Name: Maggie <3
Zodiac: Aries sun, Cancer moon, Sagittarius rising ! I have a lot of Aries in my chart too... *blush*
Favorite Musicians/Artists: I'm all over the place! Instead of artists I'll say some genres I love: 90s and 00s RnB, old school clubbing dance and trance, dark folk, rap (backspin and lady MCs especially), old or prog rock to an extent, funk and disco TOO!!!
Favorite Sports Team: sportsball is funny. I like the Philly Fusion though for OWL though!
Other Blogs: @pozemke is my main art blog and @malokhim is my main :3 my naughty twitter / Max slut zone is lapitut ;)
Do I Get Asks: No ;u; I'm not very active these days but I do love all the friends I made and wouldn't mind a request or two if they end up in my inbox.
Tumblr Crushes: @slashthedice OBVIOUSLY and @ smitty (im sorry i cant find your current url i might be dumb though,,) and alot of twitter crushes oml
What Am I Wearing: sports bra, sweat jacket, and hello kitty pj bottoms !
Dream Vacation: Visiting the mountains on the west side of Pennsylvania, or seeing my boyfriend in Colorado
Dream Car: Pink car. pink car PINK CAR. bonus points if car is tiny like a punch buggy !!
Favorite Food: most kinds of fast food.... CRINGE I KNOW
Drink of Choice: Chambord with champagne, Spittin Chiclets pink lemonade vodka, box wines!!
Instruments: I got that lime green plastic recorder on me BABY
Languages: English.. have a minimal ability to understand French/Spanish at differing levels.
Celebrity Crushes: Uhm... maybe Ron Perlman? ;;
Random Facts: I have a decent collection of Hello Kitty merchandise. Hoping to grow my knick knack horde of ceramic bunnies and stuffed animals now that I have MONEY. I try my damnedest to get everything I want or need in PINK ..
I don't wanna tag anybody and put them on the spot! But I'd love to get to know my followers more... feel free to @ me if you want to share some things about yourself!
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thedailylp · 4 years
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REVIEW #1 - December 21, 2020
“Exile On Main Street” - The Rolling Stones - 1972
What’s up y’all!  HERE WE GO!  Even though these reviews are going to officially start in the NEW YEAR, I figured, let’s kick things off with a couple around the holidays.  And besides...we fucking love music.  So let’s get this party started. 
First, let me introduce myself.  My name is Mark.  I’m an L.A. based keyboardist by way of New Orleans, by way of Philly, by way of New Jersey by way of upstate NY....I know, my head hurts too.  But I promise, that’s as confusing as shit is going to get.  I promise.  I hope.  Ok, I promise.  I’ve been a touring musician for 15 years and in my travels I’ve met a lot of cool people and incredible musicians and music lovers.  One thing they all have in common?  They listen to a shitload of music...all the freaking time.  And love to talk about it.  Which is why I started this blog.  It’s mainly just an opportunity for me to share my thoughts about new and old music...some I know, some I just listened to.  And honestly, I don’t care if I have 1 follower or 1,000 followers.  I just want to share my love of music with whoever...wherever...whenever.  Or no one at all...I talk to myself quite a bit.  
Ok, so here goes!  I narrowed my first few reviews down to a couple of classics and ultimately chose “Exile On Main Street” by the Rolling Stones (1972) as my very first!!!  I think the main reason for this pick, is I just finished Keith Richards’ book and man...I freaking loved it.  What a gentle human being...and one hell of a songwriter and musician.  I’ve worked with musicians who hate the Stones because they say the music sounds too raw, unrehearsed, or they’re not great musicians...etc etc whatever...Mick Jagger can’t sing....you know...you’ve heard them all.  But dammit...all of those things are what give them them a certain charm.  The songs (ALL or MOST of their songs through the years) are brilliantly written and recorded.  And as a musician, I love raw and unrehearsed...after all, the best rehearsal is a gig.  
So let’s get to it.  
This was the Stones’ 10th studio album which began recording during the Sticky Fingers sessions in 1969 and continued in 1971 at their French Villa in Nellcote.  The band was living in France as British Tax Exiles having not paid taxes (which were extremely high) on their previous earnings.  The final touches of this record were put on a Sunset Sound in L.A. with Nicky Hopkins (piano), Bobby Keys (sax), Jimmy Miller (drums) and Jim Price (horns) joining the session.  
I confess, this is one album I hadn’t listened to that much as a Stones fan.  I had always been more into Let It Bleed and Sticky Fingers...but holy crap.  I was missing something really special.  The album kicks off with blues and boogie woogie tracks “Rocks Off”, “Rip This Joint” and “Shake Your Hips”.  Keith Richards plays most of the guitars and bass on the entire album although Bill Wyman makes an appearance on some of these blues tracks.  Although, I read somewhere that he was trying to distance himself from Keith and his drug addict antics, and so spent most of the months at his personal home in the French countryside and not in the recording studio.  
At the end of Side 1, we get the Stones classic “Tumblin’ Dice”.  A great tune in it’s own right, but honestly not one of my favorites.  Maybe because of how over-played it’s been.  Mick Taylor, who is the 2nd guitaist with the group during this era, plays bass on Tumblin’ Dice.  Man...Wyman was just not into it.
Side 2 has the ballad “Sweet Virginia” which I’ve played in bands before and man, it sounds so raw and REAL.  I freaking love it.  But again, those recording purists who need everything OVERPRODUCED are going to hate it.  Fuck em’.  It’s the shit.  Another highlight on Side 2 is of course “Loving Cup”.  I love Nicky Hopkins’ piano playing on this.  His playing with the Stones and later, Chuck Leavell was a huge influence on my career and playing.  For sure!  Can’t forget “Torn and Frayed” also...classic Stones.  That country, Americana vibe...with Mick Jagger’s Brit-Blues twang. 
OK OK...I’m long-winded...I’ll get right to it.  Side 3 get’s down and dirty with “Ventilator Blues”, “Turd on The Run” and “Happy”.  The Blues is the soul of the Rolling Stones and these tunes (not to mention the whole album) really capture that vibe.  Finally with Side 4, “Shine a Light” is my happy jam.  And the back-up singers (who are all over this record) are freaking incredible.  Produced by Jimmy Miller and engineered mostly by Glyn & Andy Johns, I can’t say enough about this record.  And having on;y listened to a handfull of times prior to now, man oh man...I was missing something really special.  
Ok...I’ll wrap this up...and yes, I promise to make reviews in the future much much shorter...I hope.  This album is a 10 out of 10 for me.  That’s right...it will be the first album reviewed and the first entry into my album Hall of Fame.  We’ll see where we go from here.  Pick it up on vinyl or listen to the Deluxe version on Spotify.  But if you like artist...buy their music...Spotify is great, but if you truly love something, please let the artist know by buying their music.  And yes, that includes super stars like The Stones.  I know they don’t need the money...but that isn’t the point.  They were once hoofin’ it in clubs and sharing an apartment in London with rats and one mattress to share.  Classic album...pick it up and keep on jamming y’all.  Happy Holidays and we’ll talk soon.!
“Exile On Main Street” - The Rolling Stones - 1972
10 out of 10 Stars
Allmusic Rating
5 out of 5 Stars
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melzzzjo · 4 years
Tagged by @andprettypeculiar​
1: What do you prefer to be called?
Melissa or MJ
2: When is your birthday?
July 31
3: Where do you live?
along the south coast of New Jersey
4: 3 things you’re doing right now?
“studying”, stressing, sweating
5: 4 fandoms that piqued your interest?
I’m not really into fandoms but I really like zombie movies, avatar the last airbender, the umbrella academy, and literally any documentary
6: How has pandemic been treating you?
I’m learning to deal with it. Classes are almost entirely online which sucks. I come from a large family of nurses so it’s been stressful to say the least. BUT I’m loving the fact that I will never have to go to a crowded house party surrounded by strangers. Absolutely ecstatic about keeping small circles.
7: What’s a song you can’t stop listening to?
WAP, Faith by George Michael, and tons of ABBA
8: Recommend a tv show/movie
Arrested Development (the last season doesn't exist)
9: How old are you?
22, baby!
10: School, university, occupation?
Currently attending grad school near Philly for my DPT, working at a physical therapy clinic, and teaching piano part time
11: Do you prefer to be hot or cold?
I like being warm, but not too warm because I get sweaty real easy
12: Name a fact that others may not know about you?
It’s one of my life goals to own a house, really to just have a space that I can call my own
13: Are you shy?
Definitely. I keep to myself most of the time but once I open up to people, I physically cannot shut up. But like in a fun way.
14: There was no question listed so here’s what I’m getting my bf for Christmas in case y’all need gift ideas
A cool rock I found, a mug with lizards on it, and a LifeStraw (he really likes camping)
15: Biggest pet peeve
People who are judgmental and mean. Being stood up. People who stand by and watch others struggle.
16: How would you describe the personality traits you like most in other people?
Open minded, kind, genuine, and a little odd. Obviously you’re not going to get along with everyone you meet so don’t try to force it. Just be true to yourself. I love a do no harm but take no shit kind of person.
17: Rate your life 1-10
Maybe a 6 or 7. Definitely not exactly where I want to be in life right now, but I can’t change the world.
18: What is your main blog?
This is it
19: List all your side blogs and what are they for?
20: Is there anything people should know before becoming friends with you?
Literally just start a conversation with me about anything. I’ll try to keep up.
@lover-of-many-things​ go for it bby
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