johnathancactus · 5 months
getting freaky at 2 am
uhhh just some notes for myself (i dont expect these points to all be sound, its more just writing down some half-alseep notes)
we cant truly understand the mind outside our own simply because we cant experience it (qualia), think back a couple years to when i realized that i cannot know if anybody thinks (they might tell me, but how do i know they arent predetrmined to tell me yada yada yada)
thusly we also cant understand ourselves, because we perceieve ourselves. our "self" is what we perceieve of ourself (think abt somebody and all we know about how they look is a portrait made of them) we cant truly udnerstand ourself because it is always filtered through perception
other people r filtered through more perception, we cant exist within a mind other than our own (annoying af tbh), so we have no way of knowing if they r capabale of thought/real. our perception of the is based off their actions/words. even the people you know closest are a perception of their actions, we cant know the perception of themself they hold or their true self
guhhhhhhhhh also apply this to ai n shit (again, we literally cant know if its concious bc we cant be in its "mind". to a certain degree what makes it diff to other people to us)
uhhh also the entirety of qualia here
anyways to be relevant: simon from soma. man is goung through it, right? hell yeah. anyways, he struggles w if hes truly himself bc hes a copy of his mind, is he concious bc hes a robot all that shit, yeah? well its acatually impossible to know, NERD!!! how do i know that im not predetermined, also???? I DONT!!! oh nooooo, you may think, but wrong!!! we have a CHOICE!!!!! you can either a: choose to believe that you have independent ocntrol over urself (i am freely thinking and i am myself) or B: YOU DONT!! you can decide to determine that you are predetermined. the fun thing is that theres no way to KNOW!!!!!
(btw if ur cruious i choose a bc choosing b basically = dissacoiation which im not up for lately, sadly)
i mean technically i could try to choose b and see how that goes but dissacoaiting doesnt sound like a good idea (unless that is what keeps me thethered from further undertsnaind, and i need to shed the entire concept of "myself" to understand......) but then i start to sound crazy lmao
uhhhh you arnet you but you are you, you to you are the you looking at you, you yourself cant be determined, you to others is what they perceive of you.... nothing si the same for anybody else as it is to you!!! you cant know if my red is yours!!! qualia, baby!!!!!!
tldr you cant know anytjhing for certain and you just gota choose sometimes man
uhhh if anybody wants to add feel free but know that im disgustingly sensitive
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the-20th-century-girl · 10 months
Watched the Mastermind ep with the lady who had League has her specialist subject. I feel quite proud that I got all but 2 questions right.
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keikalium · 2 years
What's up with philosophers of language and morning/evening star
If I'll see something along the lines of "Morning Star and Evening Star have the same reference but different senses" I might scream it's in so many texts
I'm not sure what's worse: that, or the fact that they LOVE the example with water. "Water will mean H2O in every possible world! It's a rigid designator!" Well when I say water I usually DO NOT mean the pure water but whatever I'm currently drinking. It's an awful example why can't they use, idk, gold (which has a pretty straightforward definition)? And not doing some logical somersaults
Yes, I have an exam in less than an hour. No, I didn't really study until two hours ago. This is fine.
EDIT: it did, in fact, went well. And now my bad studying habits are once again reinforced
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 4 months
Near the end of the journey, when team zits manage to sneak their way into Ex's castle, they see for themselves the uses of the stolen magic. Their auras feel off, wrong, an incoherent mangled mess of magic types that are being forced together. As they storm there was through the castle, they losing members as they hold off the poor creatures made of the stolen magic Harry Potter and the Philophers Stone style. Impulse is the last to part with Skizz, stopping project HOTTUB with his knowledge of the plan and the love for his friend, Skizz walks through the last door.
He didn't know what to expect but it wasn't Ex bathing is swirling magic water. Ex invites him in, and though Skizz tries to resist the pull of the hot tub, he gives in. His wings grow stronger. All his pain fades away.
He is suddenly thrown in a panic when he realises he's stuck. He physically cannot get out. All he can do is pray the allies he made along the way show up for him.
(Ok but what if we had hottub acronym and the hot tub).
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kasmusser · 2 months
Really capturing the abrupt misery of being 13 and just having these insane awful philophical thoughts as you try to find your place in the world
And then kitty!
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thealexanderfiles · 9 months
is getting randomly possessed by a philophical ghost a normal experience bc me and a friends were talking about how our brothers are impulsive and i randomly busted out a "Ah, boredom. The killer of men." and we both stopped and stared at eachother for a bit.
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thefisherqueen · 9 months
He was intelligent, and just sufficiently educated to think himself a disciple of Epicurus; while he was, in reality, only a product of Pigault-Lebrun. 
That awkward you think you're serving a great burn but the person you're saying it to has no clue what you're on about and therefore does not think you're funny (I'm person)
*Some quick research later: so Victor Hugo is writing here that the senator this line is about thinks of himself as learned as Epicurus, who was a very productive ancient Greek philosopher, while in reality he was just learned enough to compare himself to Pigault-Lebrun, who was a fellow French author, so more or less a collegue of Victor Hugo. My new verdict: still don't know enough to judge the quality of this burn, but generally I find people who idolise classisic philophers highly annoying, so justice for Pigault-Lebrun?
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grouper · 5 months
I know this might come off as a " oh youre a fan? name 5 of their albums" type question but its not I'm legit just curious: have you read the original alice in wonderland novel and if you have what was your opinion of it? :0
I originally read the novel as a young child and it scared the shit out of me LOL but now i'm about a quarter way through reading it as an adult and . Wow it is so densely layered with comedy, introspection, and fantastic concepts. Lewis Carroll (i'll talk about him more eventually) was a mathematician and academic among other things and it really shows in his writing.
Of course the story was originally created to entertain children, but you can tell that Carroll also wrote it for himself as an academic. It reminds me of Sophie's World by Jostein Gaard as an episodic look into different philophical concepts. Alice is the proxy, and each character she meets (in her own mind!) is a vehicle for a dialogue on concepts ranging from identity to child abuse- quite early for such topics to be explored in a story form, as stories for children in victorian england predominantly focused on Godliness or other obedience. Think of it as a collection of philosophical concepts as you may explain them in an entertaining way to a layman in the 17th century. This would have been quite a challenge for Carroll to undertake.
As with any other spearheading work of fiction, it is marked by its time. But studying Alice as a work of literature, a philosophical dialogue, and a piece of history make for very interesting reading.
Thanks for the lovely ask anon:)
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9w1ft · 1 year
So if y'all saying Taylor dress as Karlie look from the met gala is a hint , why does she got on a Satan mask for Karlie?//
well it's pretty clear it has heavy greek mythology references so no satan there. you might like take a deep dive in ancient greek theater and the importance of masks in it and what it has to do with the gods and all, it's kinda a lot to unpack at once (very philophical stuff) but is quite interesting information to read about anon
it’s a little bit of a mish mosh but yes
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paragonrobits · 1 year
i saw a great post about how the post Whedon quipping in the MCU feels lifeless and flat and has nothing to do with how the characters themselves should communicate but Bruce Banner wasn’t mentioned so I decided to mull it over and here’s my thoughts:
so the problem is, firstly, that there’s not much of a consistent view on Bruce Banner as a character. Just about every writer in the comics has a radically different take on him, so I’ll lean on the personal vibes that I think work best for Bruce; usually that, barring a breakdown of his system or something really bad happening that sends him into a mental freefall, he is a TIGHTLY controlled and heavily restrained person. He doesn’t really quip, at all. He might engage in wordplay and puns, but he doesn’t make quips. He just straight up insults people, or hits them in the insecurities he knows that bother them the most.
And the Hulks mirror this (and he doesn’t like thinking about that). Savage Hulk just does NOT have the patience to do it, and usually just gets frustrated by people quipping at him, bellowing at them to shut up or just smashing them when he tries to think of a retort and gets his thoughts tangled up until he explodes at them. Joe DOES quip; a LOT. They’re usually fairly mean and cutting, and they tend towards the crime circles he runs with in Vegas. Green Scar actually does quip a fair bit, usually in the form of snide remarks and rebuttals; he is VERY terse about it and to the point. (Case example, Red King fighting him and telling him he needs to learn fast to survive here, and Hulk plays on his own catchphrases by saying “Oh yeah? Hulk SLASH” and cuts his face, embarassing him in front of his entire empire.)
Devil Hulk leans a bit towards this, though he’s more in the group of taunting people about their insecurities, and it tends to get deliberately uncomfortable really fast. Of note, though, Merged Hulk/Professor Hulk does do it a lot, annd part of that is that he is an idealized image of Bruce himself, and part of that seems to involve acting the way he thinks a proper hero should act, which includes funny remarks and witty retorts. He’s still quite sophisticated about it, more akin to the sort of things Beast from X-Men does, peppering his remarks with philophical references and limericks. (as a key point, pretty much all of Bruce’s alters tend to phrase their remarks to hurt people on purpose, which is a very telling thing he doesn’t like to think about; that under stress, his first response is to hit below the belt as viciously as possible.)
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star-fate · 11 months
The Sichuationali. Pro.Science. Generality. Experiment- Realisticallity Architipicallaity and Restoration Collectivity- Belief and Uvric Religiousity, Historicality and Pop-Culture Relations, Realativity, Proximity.
Uvric religiousity is based upon collective story telling and imagination. based upon, due to, and through its collective, sociatal, creativitiarial relations-ships, archtypical ideas and concepts form in the collective conciousness, and lead to realistic interactions, interactivity. For example once someone heres of the goddess hera disguised as an old lady crossing the river, they learn the moral lessons and apply them to there own life. This levels up to that of Uvric Religiousitys Collectivly soccialitley participated in imaginairialism (through the stories, writen and spoken, participated in bed imaginairialism- if your familiar, of your on self-in-bed-imaginiarlism, you can conceptualize this) manifesting themselves for real personified interactions, in the outside world, based upon the visions, physcals that are from/for imajinitivetarial contact manifesting an arnic reality through its collective (agreed upon) reality. So you see its work from storied teachings interactions (moral nachuralities) to metaphysical interactions (archtipical manifestions) to meta-contextual, (realisticallity imaginitivetorality) interactive, reactions, based around/upon the akshinibilality occurences of ones socialtly structure. This is what would be considered Uvric Envirnmentalism. Religion, considered mythologie, suspicously historically, manifiests anti-science philosophy. Historical researches are key componentes to the resserection of the uvric religousity, as is pro-sceince philosophy development.
Through pro-science work and studies on uvric religiousity Pro-science thought will lead to well comprehension of these conceptual metaphysical anatomicail and envirnmental studies, through pro-science interests, experiments and philophical experiments, meditations and writing, works. Through this comes the coneceptual developement of science-philosophy post pro-anti group-collective development of rejection and denial of anti-science philosophy. With this and along the way we can matter the advancement of emotionality linguistics and lingiustic maths, and experiments on its affectualition upon our metaphysical, inner, and outer realities. The Vijzuns we apply to our imajination and the fizkulszs that are involved, interaction, reaction, development of interaction reaction experiments through pro-science will lead to the realization of emotionality linguistics association and the operation of linguistics math. Then, beyond that is then the reasonable application for history math, and history science, in need to study history and reveal its secrets. Where the source of child abuse comes from the realisticallity of the holocausts restoration and the archytipicallity of the creation of the dream, its historical source and its relation to the metaphiciality of the earth, relating it to the study of the Earths M.AE.Be, its nachural development and its healing, of earths metaphysicality through studying the dream is urgrent to our development on the planet and its continuation for the human race.
I believe we live in a Post-Hauth (stand in for the creator of the dream) Post-Apactalyptic society that is in need of studying the dream. Study the dream. Study the imajinations metaphysical anatomy and research history for pro-science historical referncial relations. Especially in reference to the mythologicailization of uvric religions and the creation of history, as well as the indian region religousity, and its affects on the development ancestry. Especially specificailly in relation to the dream and its structers on the northern eastern face of the planets metaphycality collectivitly, religousity (possibly uvric eastern relegiousity).
I suggest serial experiments- (source. task-serial experiment. the history of science and the hittite civilization to grecian, slvakian religion- religiousity.). Wikipedia. Update, Upgrade. It-Together.
Re-Direction. Experimental Post.
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It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
SMT Thor vs Marvel Thor!
Marvel Thor has the Odinforce. SMT Thor is in his Demon Avatar form.
The God of Law, YHVH, dispatches His agent Thor to the Marvel Multiverse in an attempt to enslave it into worshipping Him. Marvel Thor refuses to stand for this and confronts his counterpart.
Analysis: Thor
Cognition. Observation. Human perception. Religion. These are the things that shape our subjective reality. According to several psychological and philophical schools of thought, this personal unconscious is shared amongst the entire human species as a sort of collective unconsciousness, manifesting as society, culture, and religion. The Megami Tensei franchise as a whole takes this basic idea and runs with it a bit further. All of reality, down to even the smallest of subatomic particles, is created and held together by human observation, understanding, and belief. Everything can be reduced down to human thought made manifest, from the natural phenomena that plague our world, to the gods and monsters we created to explain them.
These Gods are better known throughout the franchise as Demons. And that's the original definition of the term, not the satanic modern definition some might assume. "Daimon" here being a catch all term for all supernatural entites, holy or otherwise. These Demons typically fall somewhere on the spectrum of Law vs Chaos, just like the political ideologies, human histories, and societal customs they represent do, constantly fighting a forever war with each other to determine which ideology should forever rule mankind, completely reshaping reality in the process.
On the side of Law, under the tyrannical command of God Himself, we have Thor Odinson, the most powerful of the Norse mythological gods. YHVH, as God is most often known as here, has less to do with any specific religious interpretation of His word and will and more to do with an absolute understanding and definition of Law as a concept. The fact that He is like this is not a sign that there is anything wrong with believing in Him religiously, but moreso a sign that something is fundamentally wrong with reality, likely stemming from the collective unconsciousness. God and all that serve Him under Law seem to represent benign ideologies and religions having been corrupted by the all consuming cancer of facism. And Thor is almost certainly one of the premier examples of that, with his representation here eerily mirroring the corruption of his iconography by both Nazis and Christians in reality.
Taking the guise of "Thorman" (sterling creativity on display, I know), Thor would use his human guise to wipe out Tokyo with a cluster of ICBMs within the first game, leading to the dystopia under God in the second, kickstarting the entire ongoing plot of the mainline games. Seeing as YHVH trusted Thor with carrying out a genocide, you'd be correct in assuming that he's one of God's most powerful and loyal enforces.
Thor's true form exists as an "Archetype" within the unconscious world, the Collective Unconsciousness that spreads above and across the entire SMT multiverse, from Persona to Digital Devil Saga. It interacts with the various universes within as a Demon, summoned into exist in a variety of ways, from appearing as a part of one's "social masks" in the psyche as in Persona, to appearing as pure digital data as in Digital Devil Saga. He can even appear as a "Shadow" in one's psyche in the Jungian sense of being a part of your own subconscious.
As a being this abstract, most physical limitations are completely meaningless to him. He's completely invisible to humans who don't "understand" what they're looking at, is completely immune to the traditional laws of space and time, and is completely unaffected by pesky things such as "causality" or "death". Other Law Demons comparable to Thor have been straight up killed before... and then just said "No" and kept fighting anyways. While already dead.
Thor can create pocket realities outside of standard Space-Time, can create "Decoherence Fields" that warp space on the Quantum Level to create alternate dimensions, and can not only forcibly teleport people to other universes, but also nullify the ability to enter or leave a universe. Because he's a Demon and this is something that all Demons in the franchise, on multiple occasions have proven the can do, from Shadows creating Palaces and the Dark Hour in Persona, to Demons creating universe sized Domains in SMT IV to warp the laws of Space-Time, making them somehow bigger than the area they actually physically inhabit.
Demons operate on alien laws of physics and, as such, cannot be harmed by normal weapons and cannot be permanently killed even by other Demons. So long as the Collective Unconsciousness exists, they can always eventually come back from human perceptions. Thor takes this one step beyond. Not only is his Demon form just an aspect of his Archetype, but that Archetype is just a single component of God Himself, so ether Archetype Thor or God can just will him back to life if he's ever permanently slain. Demons and Personas frequently have to resort to sealing them away when dealing with peers on the level of Thor. And that's assuming he doesn't just mind control you to completely rewrite your moral code or completely alter your body.
The only reason Thor has any limits at all is because we as humans project limitations onto him. Thor is a being of human understanding, altered by the philosophies of humans as they constantly change over time. This is why, say, in Persona 5, Joker and Co can hurt Shadows with toy guns. Joker perceives that the gun should hurt then, the Demons believe that the guns should hurt them, and the general understanding of humanity is that guns hurt. Ergo, toy guns hurt. But even then, you have to have an incredible willpower and a rock solod personal philosophy for that to effect a being such as Thor, due to the level he exists on.
Assiah, the physical world, is an infinite multiverse with infinite timelines and universes within it, making it a 4-D structure. This means that the two worlds above it, Yetzirah and Beriah, would be 5-D and 6-D respectively. This is where Thor resides and numerous beings on par with Thor have been shown to be capable of effecting these realms in their entirety. The Four Heavenly Kings were powerful enough to create a barrier between these realms and the human one, while The White we capable of absorbing this realm in its entirety into their domain. Simply moving within these Realms allows to exist above time and space: past, present, and future, in the realms below it, allowing to time travel just by traversing it. Simply existing on that level puts Thor well above your average Demon.
As a Demon on this scale, Thor has some powers that the average Demons don't, such as the ability to completely transmute ordinary humans into Demons themselves, as well as into flies or pigs. He can even create illusions so advanced, that your memories are altered to better match up to what you're seeing. But the most devastating thing in Thor's Arsenal would have to be his Allmighty attacks.
Allmighty attacks completely ignore every form of resistance or defense an opponent may have against an attack to do as much damage as possible. It doesn't matter if you're completely immune to lightning, it's going to hurt you anyways. It doesn't matter if you have a shield up, it's going to hit regardless. Allmighty attacks are devastating blows specifically designed to completely side step any resistances you might have against Thor's powerful thunder magic and powers.
Despite all of this literally divine power, Thor does have some weaknesses. For one, his nature can be changed through the power of human observation and societal change by virtue of what he is. As an embodiment of an ideology, he is single-mindedly devoted to whatever he currently represents within the collective unconsciousness, which as frequently allowed Demon Summoners, God Slayers, and Persona Users to turn him to their side by playing off this one track mind. And, if you couldn't tell by the "Thorman" idea, we aren't exactly working with a brilliant iq here. He's a brilliant fighter, having been fighting the forever war since before time began, but knowledge outside of that tends to escape his expertise.
Still, Thor is one of the most nightmarish servants of Law to ever earn God's grace. A zealot and a warrior to the bitter end, Thor will stop at nothing, not even genocide, to see His will be done.
Analysis: Thor
Thor Odinson. Thunder God. Warrior. Prince. Hero. And one day a king. Above all of those, however, Thor is an Avenger.
Thor Odinson was the headstrong son of, well, Odin. He was a proud warrior prince who proved for many millennia that he was just as much a warrior as his father. Sadly, he was not as ready to be king as his father hoped, so Odin banished Thor to Earth where he could learn to be more than a warrior.
On Earth, Thor would meet and team up with many great mortal heroes, eventually joining them to become a founding member of the Avengers. With his newfound friends, Thor would battle against many a mighty foe and protect mankind from certain extermination with all the power he had. And trust me, he has a lot.
Thor has all the powers you might expect him to have from Mjolnir and then some. Yes, he can freely fly, shoot lightning, and create storms just by swinging that little thing around, but he can also do some flat out ridiculous things with it. He can transmute matter on the atomic level, turn completely invisible, become intangible at will, and even seal his foes away inside of glass spheres. This is because Thor's hammer is not merely an enchanted weapon, but it is instead a prison for The God Tempest, a sentient cosmic storm that rampaged across the universe until Odin sealed it away inside the block of Uru that would later be forged into his son's hammer. Of course, a hammer that powerful can't be welded by just anyone, so it's enchanted so that only the worthy can lift it.
Fittingly, Thor can also use his hammer to seal things away, mainly by using to absorb energy attacks and even suck the energy straight out of people. One time, he even used two Mjolnirs to absorb the God Bomb, which would've killed every deity in existence across time and space. Needless to say, he takes after his dad in that sense. But that's only the tip of the iceberg.
See, Thor is the God of Thunder in almost every sense of the word. In that, he will always come back no matter what you try to do to him. Thor has no sold being aged to death, having his soul devoured, and even being torn apart by his individual atoms. And, even if you do managed to kill him, that's no guarantee he'll stay dead. One time, he was erased so throughly from existence that everyone completely forgot about his existence. That is, until the Silver Surfer found his hammer. This faint glimmer of Deja Vu immediately caused Thor to come right back to life good as new. As long as anyone, anywhere, faintly remembers Thor even slightly, he will always return. Though even his unkillability pales in comparison to the sheer raw power he wields.
Thor can consistently fly across the entire Marvel universe, which has consistently been stated to be infinite in size, in a finite amount of time, as well as shake the entire universe just by throwing his hammer. These are feats that would by themselves require infinite power and speed to achieve, but there's still more. Thor is constantly depicted as on par with the Hulk, who can destroy an entire universe with just a clap of his hands, Hyperion, who can tank being sandwiched between two universes completely unharmed, and even Marvel's Hercules, who can match Atlas's feat of lifting up the sky. Thor's most impressive showing, however, is when he overpowered the World Engine, which was controlling all of Nine Realms within the World Tree, showing he's superior to a force that can effect nine universes simultaneously. And as for speed, well, he once flew around the planet so fast that he traveled back in time. That's not just infinite speed, that's moving so fast you arrive at your destination before you even left.
And that's just base Thor. With Warrior's Madness, Thor becomes 10x more powerful in exchange for completely losing all control and flying into a berserker rage. This is an unpardonable sin in Asgardian society and for good reason, a Thor who can't tell the difference between friend or foe is a Thor who could end the world at a moment's notice. Case in point, the Godblast.
The Godblast is easily Thor's most powerful attack, capable of potentially killing Galactus.
As in, the devourer of worlds so powerful that he threatens the existence of the infinite Marvel Multiverse just by fighting. There are gods and then there's Galactus. This is vastly more powerful than anything else Thor has in his arsenal by miles.
Or, at least it was. Until he began to prove to be worthy of his father's respect and throne. Without the power of the Odinforce, Thor is simply a warrior. With it, he becomes a king.
Now that he has access to all of Odin's power, Thor no longer needs the Godblast to slay Galactus. He is every bit Galactus's equal, as Odin is able to not only fight him, but telepathically stalemate him. Galactus is a being so complex and so vast that he has no true physical form, simply appearing as whatever form his victims project onto him. Yet, Odin is capable of completely matching his mind and fighting him as an equal.
Thor didn't just gain Odin's sheer raw power, he gained all of Odin's individual powers as well. For as divine as Thor was before, with his father's life force flowing through his veins, his powers became flat out reality breaking.
Thor can see invisible people, restructure the moon on an atomic level, can manipulate all electromagnetic particles in the multiverse to manipulate all gravity in the universe and keeps the Earth rotating around the sun just by existing. Thor should even have access to some of Odin's powers that he's never used before, such as the ability to turn Gods like himself and Loki into ordinary humans or the ability to seal away a being as powerful as the God Tempest into the block of Uru that would become Mjolnir in the first place.
Odin has even shown the ability to warp abstract concepts themselves, which Thor is this state should scale to. During a battle with Dormammu, Odin's sheer raw power in battle was enough to throw the balance between Lord Chaos and Master Order themselves completely out of wack, affecting the sentient conceptual embodiements of Law and Chaos within the Marvel Multiverse and altering the laws of reality completely. If their battle hadn't been a draw, Odin states that reality itself would've been fundamentally altered. Which isn't that hard to believe when the Avatars of the Marvel Universe abstracts have been stated to exist up to the Sixth Dimension.
Over millennia of battle and decades of heroism and strife, Thor would eventually prove himself to be more than just the warrior he'd lived as for so long. He became more than Earth's Mightiest Hero. He became Asgard's greatest king.
Throwdown Theme:
Throwdown Breakdown:
This fight is.... very, very close.
The stats are basically completely even. Both of them are 6-D abd both of them transcend time to the point of moving faster than it, so there's no considerable edge to either party there. Similarly, both of them should be capable of interacting with each other, as both can see invisible people and harm abstract entities. In fact, it's even arguable that Marvel Asgardian's are abstract entites, as Thor's belief based immortality and some of Loki's dialogue does imply that they are more belief based in nature. Regardless, Odin's feat of accidentally effecting Order and Chaos does definitely prove that Marvel Thor should be able to harm SMT Thor.
That said, these two also can't kill each other. So long as people still believe in or even have a concept of Thor, they'll both just come back and neither can completely erase humanity across both the Marvel and SMT multiverses in order to bypass it (nor would they necessarily in character). However, both of them can bypass this through incapacitation. Both characters can seal the other away, for example, and both likely would in character. Basically all Demons are abstract to a degree in SMThor's world, so he'd be going for incapacitating options out the bat just assuming Marvel Thor's the same, while Marvel Thor with the Odinforce acts less like the restrained warrior he usually is and more like a decisive king ready to do whatever it takes to protect his people, so trying to just erase or seal each other away is believable for both. Both even share win conditions, such as being able to seal the other away or transmute them into a fly.
Just when you think this bus is heading straight for stalemate country though, there is something that makes this Marvel Thor's game.
SMT Thor is a lot more restrained by being a comcept and a God. This is best demonstrated by the time that both spent among humanity. Thorman never developed any human connections. He never developed any human relationships or did anything outside of what the Thorman guise needed him to in order to serve his master. Because that's what the concept of Thor is in the minds of humanity, which therefore makes it is nature, unchanging until human perception changes. Meanwhile, Thor's time as Doctor Donald Blake shows that he's entirely capable of being human. Marvel Thor may be a God, but he has the full emotional complexity of a human being, with no inherent nature to be yanked around by.
SMThor has been manipulated into joining his enemy on several occasions by appealing to his Law bound nature, to the point of even being turned against his Master or joining people who are completely antithetical to his Lawful nature (such as Joker in Persona 5, who is very much not Law aligned). He's enslaved to humanity's perception of him, even when it works against him. And what's the common perception of Thor?
A mighty warrior proudly meeting his foe head on in battle. Even in SMT this is true. For what little personality this Thor has, he's shown to be a warrior first, preferring to batter his enemies into submission, crush them before he defeats them properly. There's a fine difference between knowing you can only win with a certain method and immediately opening with it.
SMT Thor will approach this battle as another foe to crush in the name of his master. Another heathen against Law to proudly break, as well as a worthy foe to test his own metal against. Marvel Thor will approach this battle as another villain threatening his home. Another threat to the human race he holds so dear that he must eliminate as efficiently as possible. It his duty as King to protect Asgard and Earth from this menace, by any means necessary.
It's worth noting on top of that that SMThor has a sense of Fairplay that his opponent lacks. Such as when he gave the Demi-Fiend a moment to prepare himself for battle out of respect for his skills. Were this Base Marvel Thor, this would surely be reciprocated and the two would meet in direct honorable combat with no fancy tricks. But, with the Odinforce, Thor behaves very differently. Marvel Thor in that situation would thank his opponent for the respect before turning him into a fly for daring to threaten his home. In that sense, SMThor is a dark reflection of Marvel Thor prior to his own character development.
Both these warriors may be Gods, but above that, Marvel Thor is an Avenger first and foremost.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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furiousjellifish · 2 years
Things about my Pantheon AU designs
@annonniiiiieeeee, @fatalflawsy , @thenerdywitchofthenorth 
Here are somethings I wrote down while making the designs for the boys
WARNING: I based these designs on the Greek/Roman pantheon because it’s the one I know the most, therefore please feel free to add, modify and change anything.
-His vest is rather simple, peirced over the left shoulder rather simple and comfy for movements that require great mobility (his fighting style)
-On the right side of his ‘belt’ he has a map simbol of his great strategy knowledge, on the other side (it’s hidden in the drawing I posted) he has a medic sack 
-He wears a matching laurel crown with Donnie, in the Greek/Roman colture it’s a symbol of knowledge and glory 
-Attached to his bandana he has a round earing as a symbol of luck
-The ankle-brachelet is made with different sea shells (a gift from Usagi made with sea shells from different zones and offering it to is ‘altar’ when they are separated because he’s the god of travel? Maybe) 
-For his halo I tried to get that fuzzy effect of his portals, it is bright blu and always in movement
-I tried to base this design on the goddess Athena always trying to keep Leo’s sillyness
-I tried to reproduce the vest that philophers often wear in many of the representations in the Renaissance
-Matching laurel crown with Leo
-Can materialize every scroll written to confront them
-His halo is very geometric like his ninpo, the spark in the mid top symbolize the spark of genius
-Also inspired by Athena
-His vest is similar to Leo’s, this one is a little more complexed attached over both shoulders and with the bottom part a little bit shorter
-He wears a flower crown (need to choose symbolism)
-He carries a full cornucopia simbolizing abundance and earth fertility 
-His halo is a nearly a full sun, it can change intesity with emotion and can burn when angry (also he’s the sunshine)
-Leo he wears erarings, maybe forged the small one himself
-Has 3 different ankle-brachelet, one for each brother
-Was inspired by Dionysus/Apollo/Hermes
-His shield is decorated with a scene from his first battlefield with his brothers symbol on the edges
-His helmet is inspired by the greeks one but with more spikes
-His ‘skirt’ (couldn’t find the exact name) is an adaptation of the Roman armor 
-He was inspired by Ares/Athena
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One of the odder things in zero escape is when characters start randomly musing about whether our brains are the source of our consciousness or merely remote conduits that connect our consciousness to our body. It's present in every game to some degree but doesn't have a whole lot of relevance
In 999 Lotus randomly starts going on this huge philophical journey with junpei while she's hacking a computer. And it's just an absolutely wild concept that has NO bearing on the rest of the story. You could argue that, like all weird rants in 999, it sets up the idea of the morphogenetic field, but 999 never makes any reference to one's mind being separated from their body.
But clearly it really stuck with the writer because it became a minor plot point wrt to the gaulems in VLR, even if it wasn't referenced directly. I know the Chinese room is meant to be an analogy for how artificial intelligence functions, but I think you could easily say it relates to lotus' rant if one were to consider the books in the Chinese room to be the consciousness and the woman stuck inside the room to be the brain.
When you hit ZTD it actually becomes relevant, with the whole "mind separated from body" thing being deeply related to one of the characters. He even gets a whole ending about it. And yet I still don't think it has much relevance with the central plot
I just think it's really interesting that evidently the writer had this bizarre idea, brought it up once for no reason other than that it was really interesting, became fascinated by it, and then had to make 3 games before having a real reason to use it
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nhundal03 · 2 years
i had cancer as a spirit
if aids makes you as jealous and envious as the lower people, although it's not your sociology...then although i was supreme ruler and dictator and stuff, like despite being dictator i was evil because i use to have cancer.
then psychologically, the arch angels can be depressive, maniac, bipolar. i am x3 adhd.
but i was also progressing at these slightly faster, and now that the evil only gets as much better as the envy does; but it will stabilize back to what it should be.
that adhd can make me really funny and innocent perhaps in a naïve way. if kirtan shabad and gurbani are tirnagle vision, then all pop is between that and true name music which isn't available (at circle vision) and angels can do it, only arch angels may act between cricle and square (but i can act from square).
we would no longer be getting better philosophically at envy and lust, so philophically they were always proponents of being more romantcia and dramatic; which to me meant different things. going forward is sociological progress (of both the evil and the adhd), and from 66 to 99 was pyschological progress.
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babelmemes · 10 months
No seriously how do you be funny?
Every time I try to be funny, I end up being not funny.
most of the time its really unintentional, is it the circumstances that I am makes it funny? Am i just bad a jokes? Is it the neurodivergence or just my flat affect or monotone dry quiet temperament?
In Highschool we went to the wrestling room for gym class with the blue sweaty mats, usually its just our class that takes up the room but another class joined in for some reason I think their was an assembly at the gymnasium or they were setting up for something.
Gym Teacher: alright class, we have to make due but we will be sharing a space with another class.
I raise my hand with the most monotone candid question: "are we sharing a class because of school budget cuts?
the class chuckled and laughed.
Event 2
One Saturday evening my neighbors invited me over to their place to hang out, For some reason the idea to go a strip club was on the table. I never been to a strip club pretty anxious, this was during the time period during covid (still ongoing) when things were opening up a year and half later.
We went inside, I'm pretty anxious, I'm broke, I don't drink or smoke. A stripper is giving me a short lap dance on what ever remaining time my group paid . i am stiff as a tree, my hands up like a Lego figurine. I didn't wanna touch anyone without their consent also I heard somewhere your not suppose to touch the workers. Afterwards during the car ride home, they asked me how was my exp. I was the only few folks wearing mask and still paranoid about catching covid and it was kind of awkward for me "damn I need to go to the doctor and get tested"
everyone in the car bursts out laughing.
Getting a STD from a lap dance must be joke or the awkward situation.
Event 3
During college, I was afflicted with good ol "hello darkness my old friend" I emailed my professors on my school email about how i lacked motivation with assignments and i said vaguely about "I'm tired of this existence or this reality". the following day or 2. I get a knock on my door by 2 police officers. I thought i was in trouble for illgeally downloading a cranberries album. Turns out the college sent some pigs over to check if i had plans to take myself to shadow realm or other people. I didn't like the idea of them inside my house, i'm being surrounded by 3 pigs all facing me. I'm anxious af, i feel embarrassment because neighbors can see me. A neighbor passes me by i give them a nod, they hollered with a concerned worry "hey you good bro?" from a distance "I yelled out I'm good I just hired these 3 strippers for a bachelors party"
(i'm not witty enough to think about things on the fly i thought about that hours later which is most interactions I have. but i was too anxious to think about anything else at the time, but if i did every fiber of my being would have stopped me from doing so) I was sent to the grippy sock hotel, with a free pair of socks, with chicken meal plan that was bland and sterile as white florcence lights above me. There's a sentimental philophical interaction I had with a alcholic who had a panic attack while i was there.
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