#phoebe janeway
marshmelonlover · 2 months
Is there a headcanon where Kathryn and Chakotay said they'd be friends, end up making out in her mother's kitchen, Phoebe says to her sister "I thought you were friends" and then Kathryn says "I don't think we were ever just friends" or did I make that up? Because that first part is definitely @prettypinkdork's idea because I have a screenshot of that text post saved in my notes, but did anyone come up with that last part or was it me? I can't actually remember 🤣
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isagrimorie · 5 months
For the trek character question this might be a little out of left field.
Kathryn Janeway's sister Phoebe
And if thats too niche, Tuvok as an alternative
For the Trek question ask game
Phoebe Janeway (Kathryn Janeway's sister)
Oh, I haven't thought of Phoebe a lot -- and I just know her mostly from the new Autobiography of Janeway... which I didn't much like, if I'm honest.
But I guess I'll ask Phoebe how it was living with Kathryn, who she knew growing up as a loving, if overbearing older sister. To the Legend she's become.
And she would probably answer that, for her Kathryn wasn't Kathryn Janeway the Legendary Captain who brought her crew her. She'll always be Kate to Phoebe. Someone who can be both loving and also, insufferable at the same time. But also someone Phoebe can poke at.
Sometimes though, she'll glimpse at how other people see her sister. The loyal devotion, the fierce love. Phoebe was used to groups of Starfleet people coming and going in her life because of their father but the Voyager crew's devotion is something else.
Phoebe would answer she's fairly confident she knew who her sister was.
But there will be some crisis that gets too close to their family and suddenly Phoebe sees, briefly, Captain Janeway-- the Delta Quadrant Captain with flashing eyes, steely backbone and harsh orders. Meeting threats with disturbingly easy grace.
Phoebe will never share this with anyone but that was when she understood how Kate could stand against whatever horrors she faced in the Delta Quadrant. She was more terrifying than them.
Send me a Trek character and I’ll reply with a question I would ask them — and, if you want, my hoped-for answer.
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grayrainbow173 · 1 year
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It saddens me a little that the Voyager crew only found a way to communicate directly with Earth so late in the series. But at least they did. 😊 This is a story about Seven's and Kathryn’s first call home. 🖖
Summary: Chapter One: Irene Hansen receives a call from Starfleet about her niece Annika.
Chapter Two: Kathryn makes a call home and talks to her mother and sister.
Two missing scenes from the episode "Author, Author" (S07E20).
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baylardian-1 · 2 years
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hahaha MORE. :3 I’d made so much content my art program couldn’t handle the file size lol. 
Thank you all again for being so supportive of our stuff, it’s been a year which is crazy! I’m very grateful to have met and befriended a lot of you and I’m so appreciative of the fics and the gift art and the asks and comments and tags. <3 yall keep us going for real!! 
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25daysofvoyager · 9 months
Baking Is A Science - gijane7702 - Star Trek: Voyager [Archive of Our Own]
My submission for Day 24 !!!
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baylardo · 1 year
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This book is going to make me burst into flames real
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terapsina · 10 months
I'm bored. And heavy back inside a writer's block. So. Send me a prompt.
But I'm feeling like a change of pace so I want to to write for something new so...
Here's a list of ships I've always wanted to write something for but for one reason or another haven't. Send me one of these + some kind of prompt and I'll see what comes to me:
Phoebe Halliwell/Kyra the Seer
Aneela Kin Rit/Delle Seyah Kendry
Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay
Alina Starkov/Genya Safin
Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla
Myka Bering/Helena G. Wells
Jennifer Check/Anita "Needy" Lesnicki
(P.S. "whatever you want" does not count as a prompt, please pay attention to the words "writer's block").
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lonely-night · 2 years
some post-endgame fics that involves indiana and the janeways 
Journey's end by iheartjaneway (Chp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 
this is probably my favourite post-endgame fic THE SLOW BURN THE ANGST *chef’s kiss*
With Flowers in her Hair by Queerdinary
I missed this fic during my first j7 fic hunt because I filtered out the c7 tag lol. anyway this is certainly a seven-centered j7 fic, early chapters are heavily focus on seven’s development right after she arrived earth and form a life with chakotay that isolated her from her voyager family and god it is so good and heart wrenching and seven befriending the mountain lions because she was lonely and naming them with voyager crew members’ names *screams* and I particularly love the phrase “silly borg”
Family by RedPandaPrincess
always love the fics where janeway disappears right after they return to earth and seven is like ‘nope’ and set a course to indiana to find janeway
Knock Three Times by linguisticallycunning 
another j7 indiana fic, janeway and seven necking like teenagers and got caught by gretchen is the funniest thing I ever read 
In the End by RedPandaPrincess 
another post-endgame fic by the amazing RedPandaPrincess, no really just go read all their fics
Game’s End by Anik LaChev
janeway finally has a oh moment
Here on Earth by sashsweetie
janeway being an idiot when it comes to seven lol
The Water Witch by DAxilla
indiana + rain
Asylum by Enginerd
funny because most of the fics seven and phoebe get along pretty well, but in this fic they both constantly butt heads with each other and I love it
All In by Adm_Hawthorne 
not really a slow slow burn but mostly fluff, setting at a party of the first anniversay of voyager’s return and of course indiana
Before the Beginning by omegathirteen
oh the amount of angst in this fic *chef’s kiss*
What Comes After by DAxilla
not a slow burn but established j7
The end is the beginning by Kadyan
janeway gets a new ship and seven joins the academy
Secrets Are For Lonely People by WickedHeadache
established j7, fluffy <3
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insanewaykathy · 10 hours
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Janeway in Indiana with her little plate in her hand waiting for her mother's home-cooked meal… ohhh this is so cute. (That face is because she just heard Chakotay praise her mother's cooking and say that Kathryn's was bad. At that moment she was about to say that he never complained about their dinners for two, and he would answer that it was because he didn't go to the dinners for the food, but because he loved her. Phoebe and her hand make an "ounnnn" in the background and she approaches him and kisses him.)
*foto do pinterest
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marshmelonlover · 2 months
Gretchen realises that her daughter won’t be home soon.
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isagrimorie · 6 months
It would be the funniest thing if, upon returning to the Alpha Quadrant and through no fault of her own, Janeway gets a reputation as an eligible bachelor, the constant runaway bride. Her first (beta canon) engagement didn’t push through because of tragedy, her second, in canon engagement didn’t go through either.
A few half-hearted dates, and maybe the prospect of finally having sex with other people who aren’t under her direct command and being practically celibate for 7 years with a few (mediocre to good) one night stands and in-canon celebrity status as Voyager’s Captain gets Janeway a reputation as a rake.
And. It. Stuck.
Janeway doesn’t know how it even happened.
Janeway is mortified. And its too late to get ahead of because the more she denies it, the more people don’t believe her.
(It doesn’t help that there were persistent rumors that Janeway dated both Chakotay and Seven of Nine at the same time. Janeway thinks that’s unfair because she didn’t do anything of the sort, that’s why she’s trying to date now!)
Her sister, Phoebe, finds it HILARIOUS.
Tom and B’Elanna also find it hilarious and doesn’t in any way dissuade Janeway’s reputation. In fact, they encourage it. If anyone deserves a lot of sex after the Delta Quadrant it’s Janeway. It’s a harmless thing, and if they can help Janeway get some, well…
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grayrainbow173 · 2 years
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🌟My Christmas story is complete! 🌟
The final chapter is up so everyone who was waiting for it to be finished before reading, go ahead. 😉 If you have the time, please let me know what you think. 🖖 Tomorrow I'll post my last story for season 4 of The Journey and for 2022. 🎆 So for now I already want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎇
Summary: Kathryn and Seven celebrate their first anniversary while spending Christmas at the Janeway family farm and everyone starts the healing after the years of separation now that Voyager is back in the Alpha Quadrant.
(This is not a sequel to my story from last year but I put them together in a series so my Christmas stories will be easy to find.)
Cover image designed by @janewaysevenlove
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baylardian-1 · 2 years
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Idk why I just had the inclination to draw Phoebe and Gretchen Janeway. :)
I think it’s SUPER CUTE to think about Gretchen after @elephant-in-the-pride-parade‘s fic First Contact like excitedly going to Phoebe to tell her about how she just learned that she’s a grandmother and Phoebe’s an auntie and she only got to see them for like five seconds and she knows Kathryn had triplets out in the Delta Quadrant and she doesn’t know who’s the father or what their names are for that matter but one of them has poofy curly hair like Phoebe’s and also I think Gretchen would horrendously fail trying to describe how both Kathryn and her children look to Phoebe haha. 
And then Phoebe admiring Kathryn’s tail hehe. :3 I think she’d be a little bedazzled by her sister’s evolved complexion and spots and all that as an artist, maybe cutely point out her spots look like constellations or something.
AND UH I keep having Prodigy thoughties regarding Kathryn’s lil internal struggle with herself regarding her feelings for Chakotay and how Phoebe and Gretchen would probably be there to comfort her while she’s sulking, but she may not ever really open up to them about it prior to her leaving to go search for him or something idk! But they know she’s sad about him leaving to go back to the DQ so they’re just wanting to be there for her. Though Kathryn would probably put on a stoic face about it and continue on as usual like nothing’s wrong. But I think they’re both pretty aware of Kathryn’s feelings toward Chakotay, whether she admits it to them or not. And so her decision to go out into the Delta Quadrant to go find Chakotay and bring him home is met with BIG SUPPORT from them it’s like omg it’s finally happening she’s DOING SOMETHING she’s TAKING INITIATIVE and all that so of course they’re both like YES we’ll take care of the kids while you’re gone getting their papa back and all that. 
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ncruuk · 2 months
Hey apologies if you’ve answered this before but I’ve been reading through your wonderful fic The Captain and Her Captain and was wondering if you had a fan cast for Phoebe Janeway in mind as you were writing? Anyway love your take on the events of Picard!
Never answered because never been asked, so nothing to apologise for... And prior to you asking the question, I had no answer because I hadn't given it any thought. Having now given it some thought, I have to say I keep coming back to Kate Mulgrew, but when she's 'playing herself' at the conventions - so there's that hint of Janeway still but with rather more sass and not taking life completely at face value/seriously, with rather more flair and moments of occasional artistic flamboyance than Kathryn Janeway.
Does that make any sort of sense?
Personality wise, I'd also thought Phoebe to be a little like Miriam Margolyes and Emma Thompson in their great fierceness at being precisely themselves at any given moment, but that was more a personality/mindset cue than aesthetic hint (because all three actresses are fantastic and fabulous but are incredibly different!)
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baylardo · 1 year
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wcrpbubble · 2 months
❝ that doesn’t sound like the you i know. ❞ chakotay @ janeway
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"because as much as i loved him, i don't want to be my father."
it's what other crew have affectionately termed 'date night' for her and chakotay, in which it's usually a fight between some of their more trusted staff to take care of the boys while she and chakotay enjoy time to themselves, either through dinner or a holodeck outing, anything that isn't work or parenting. tonight it's a dinner to themselves overlooking the sea in some port city of greece she can't remember the name of. it's truly a beautiful setting and she's looking forward to a walk on the beach below after dinner. a quiet night between them after a rather hectic week of encounters is a welcome change to be sure.
"he was a good man, and i learned so much from him." she continues, spearing another bite of her food with a thoughtful hum. "and i'll always miss him. but there are times i wished he'd been there more, for me and phoebe both. as a parent. milestones that were missed and the like. i'm nothing short of a workaholic, but i promised myself when we came back to this life, i'd make more time for them. and you."
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and it's true. for years she's tended to throw herself fully into her work. survive on nothing but coffee and a 30 minute power nap for days on end, especially in the academy. terrible habits, but she had thrived being so wrapped up in work. it was her purpose, her life, her dedication to starfleet. she's had to force herself into changing that line of thinking, though - ever since new earth. so much has changed since new earth. and she is determined not to be an absentee parent in any fashion. she's learning to rely on others, to trust them, their work - chakotay included.
she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear (it's longer than she usually lets it go, and she wears it down more often off duty because that's how she'd wear it on new earth).
"consider me a changed woman. not too much, hopefully - but, well, someone who can manage both worlds decently enough."
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