#phoenix knows what hes doing bitch
vitamin-zeeth · 7 months
Just watched the game theory on why phoenix Wright is actually a criminal and he's wrong on almost every point. Matpat you're spouting bullshit and I can prove it Phoenix did nothing wrong. Apart from nicking that wiretap he did do that
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nothingweirdhere · 1 year
i give up. i quit. where’s the option to go back to art school, i don’t want to be a lawyer anymore. i’m done with defending this bitch, in fact i hope edgeworth gets the chair—that’ll serve him right for OBJECTING TO HIS OWN FUCKING INNOCENCE
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megalony · 26 days
You Called My Wife?
This is a new Jake Seresin imagine, my first request for Jake and I hope you will all like it. Please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana @shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii @bellsbomb @western-pyro
Summary: The Dagger squad don't know much about Jake's personal life. And when he gets hurt during an exercise, they are surprised who comes to look after him.
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Reaching into his back pocket, Jake pulled out the pair of sunglasses he had been carrying around with him for the last few weeks. The sun here back at home was intense and he couldn't stand the migraines it gave him. Even when he was up in the air, he often had his sunglasses on. He didn't care about the way the glasses pinched his ears or gave him splitting pains in the sides of his neck.
If Bob could wear his prescription glasses to see, then Jake could wear his sunglasses to stop him squinting so much and relieve the headaches he got that were becoming chronic.
His hands fell to his hips once his visors were perched on the bridge of his nose and he looked around.
It hadn't taken Jake nearly as long as he thought to complete his physical. They were doing physical assessments and training every other day to get them ready for their next assignment. They were going to be going against gravity, travelling up to G9 range and it would cause problems with breathing, taking in oxygen and could starve their brains for a few seconds, if not longer.
They all needed to be at their best physically and mentally to prepare for this and up to now, Jake was ready and rearing to go.
Today was training exercises on the ground rather than in the air. They were all doing different activities and now that Jake was rejoining the rest of the squad after his physical, he was supposed to be doing safety and maintenance checks.
He took a look around the open air field. Bradley was over to one side, looking like he was trying to do some physical exercises, but he kept stopping to quietly argue with Maverick who was following him around like a dark, looming shadow. Jake wasn't going to be going over there. He noticed Phoenix and Bob were at their aircraft in the middle of their maintenance. While Coyote was off to one side doing pushups; he had messed up somewhere if that was his punishment. And Jake had already passed Fanboy who was on his way for his own physical.
He busied himself finding one of the clipboards and he jogged over to his aircraft, smiling and patting his hand against the bulk like it was an old friend he was meeting up with.
He circled the aircraft like a vulture, checking the wings, the engines- which had had a run in with a flock of birds two days ago which Jake had been lucky hadn't completely ruined his left engine. He checked the wheels and made sure they were all clipped and chained down so the craft wasn't going anywhere without him.
Once all the outside checks were done, he climbed up the ladder and hopped inside.
It always felt weird to sit in the plane without his proper flight suit or his signature red helmet, but he wasn't going anywhere today. He was only turning the engine on to check everything was working and making sure he got all the right responses to show he would be ready for whatever training exercise he had to go out on next.
He slouched back in the seat, spreading his knees apart with the clipboard in front of him and the pen twisting between his fingers.
After ticking a few boxes, Jake tilted his head back and poised the pen behind his ear while his hand shifted to undo the first button on his uniform. He slid his hand beneath his shirt until his fingers found the familiar silver chain hanging around his neck.
He imbedded the ring into his palm that hung on the end of the chain, always tapping and jostling against his chest whenever he moved.
It felt safer to have his wedding ring on his chain rather than his finger. If he had any accidents and needed to be taken for a scan or for surgery, they would cut his ring off. Rings got in the way, jewellery got in the way and got lost but a chain around his neck was private and secure and more importantly, Jake had that ring as close to his heart as possible.
A soft look crossed his face as he brought his hand to his mouth and kissed the ring that had created a halo indent in the centre of his hand.
"I'll be home soon." He murmured against the ring as a picture of (Y/n) flashed before his eyes.
The last deployment Jake had been on had almost killed him. Three and a half months away from home. Three and a half months where he couldn't see, touch or feel his wife in his arms or have her lips against his or her body pressed up against his own. All he got were a few brief phone calls or five minutes of faceTime every other day, if he wasn't being shipped straight out from dawn until dusk.
He was much happier here where he could spend each night in his own bed, safe in his home with his wife. He didn't have to sleep alone or feel like he was going insane from having absolutely no physical touch or contact with (Y/n). Never before had Jake thought or believed in having withdrawal symptoms for another human being until he got married and had to face the prospect of leaving (Y/n) behind.
When he was done with his checks, Jake heaved himself up to his feet and climbed down back to level ground again.
He waved his clipboard up and down in front of his face like a fan, relishing the slight breeze it created to his melting skin. If he were back home in this heat his shirt would already be off and he would be lounging around in a pair of shorts. Or be would be on the beach in this weather. Either of those thoughts sounded very appealing right now.
He stood still for a few moments, taking in his surroundings and wondering what the next task would be, but his mind kept wandering off to the girl waiting at home for him. Exactly where he wanted to be right now.
"Bob, are you almost done?" Phoenix tilted her head back with an exasperated sigh, one hand clamped around her hip as she the other held onto the ladder Bob was perched on top of.
He was filling up their aircraft with fuel, they had half a tank but it was better to be safe than sorry because they didn't know how long they would be out on their next flight exercise. The last thing they needed was to be marked down and sent to do two hundred push ups because they thought half a tank would be sufficient.
"Almost." His voice was as passive as ever while he swiped his arm across his temple, wiping away the beads of sweat glistening in the afternoon sun.
"Bob, come on we've got other stuff to do."
He didn't know what happened.
One moment Bob was pushing his glasses further up his nose, rolling his eyes at his impatient partner calling up the orders below him. But the next, a shockwave was rattling up the ladder he was perched on and set him off balance.
His hands scrambled to steady himself before he fell off and he subsequently dropped the fuel line that had been in his right hand just as he unclipped it from the air craft that was now fuelled up. Bob scrambled for balance, bashing his legs into the side of the plane and earning a cut down his left forearm that scraped along a jagged edge on the ladder.
But it was the fuel line he was concerned with. It wasn't like filling up a car at the fuel station. The air crafts were large with tanks high up at the back. They had to use large funnel lines that looked like double sized garden hoses with a large round metal clip on the end the size of Bob's hand. That metal created a sizzling sound that sliced through the air when he dropped it.
The line swooped through the air like a bird trying to land but Bob could of cried when he heard a sickening crunch below him. He didn't want to imagine what it collided with- who, it collided with. His eyes snapped closed and he clung to the ladder, trying to gain his balance back so he didn't fall and break an arm or a leg.
The resounding crack echoed around the base and shuddered through everyone within close range. It was a sound no one expected to echo through the open air like that, it travelled far and wide and had everyone coiling in on the spot.
The metal end of the fuel line pelted down, gaining strength and speed as it swung past the ladder, lifted slightly into the air and smacked straight into the right side of Jake's head. Upon impact, his sunglasses snapped and flung off his nose and took flight on a course of their own, six feet across the base.
An awful crack shuddered through Jake's ears and rattled through his head as his eyes automatically snapped closed and his shoulders hunched up. Both arms recoiled into his chest as his clipboard slipped through his fingers that twitched and spasmed, unsure what to do as his body seemed to shutdown and recalibrate all at once.
The force sent his head snapping backwards until his neck got whiplash and his body followed his head's sense of direction, thrusting backwards until he landed harshly on the concrete floor.
Shockwaves rattled through his body causing his legs to shake and spasm out against the floor as if he was kicking and throwing a tantrum and all the air left his lungs when his back hit the floor. It took a few seconds for his diaphragm to loosen and allow his lungs to take in a deep breath, but when he did, a choked moan escaped his lips.
It felt like he'd been shot in the head.
He could feel his pulse throbbing through his temple and circulating all around the circumference of his head like someone pelting round a relay race. He could feel his veins throbbing and the blood steadily trickling down the right side of his face. The feeling of blood oozing down the bridge of his nose and around his eye socket made his nose scrunch up in disgust.
His hands curled and twisted against his chest, desperate to move but the sudden onset of trembling in his bones made it impossible for Jake to coordinate his body properly.
The trembling continued even as Jake suddenly realised he couldn't hear anything around him. He couldn't open his eyes. No sounds broke through the static barrier building up in his ears. He had no control over moving a single part of his body. It felt like his head had been severed from the rest of his body.
"Jesus Bob, what the Hell?!" Bradley spun on his heels and made into a sprint towards the three of them, Maverick hot on his heels.
The sight of Jake, laid out on his back, body overwrought with trembles and blood pooling steadily down one side of his face was a sickening sight none of them ever wanted to witness.
"I wasn't- didn't you see the ladder?" Bob hissed like a snake as he shakily slid down the ladder onto unsteady feet.
His hands began to rake up and down his thighs, wiping the sweat onto his trousers as his glasses started to fall down the bridge of his nose. He hadn't done that on purpose. He didn't just let go of the fuel line; Phoenix bashed into the ladder and knocked him off course. He would have fallen if he didn't scramble for his balance. It could just as easily have been Bob's head split open if he fell the other way or completely lost his footing on the ladder.
"I'm sorry-"
A groan spluttered past Jake's lips and stopped all their ramblings. He managed to curl his fingers around the middle of his shirt and he scrunched it up in his fists as tightly as possible. His legs continued to thrash against the floor but when he tried to open his eyes, he couldn't seem to do it.
"Oh God." He tried his best to reach his hand up towards his head but he could barely lift either arm from trembling against his chest.
Without his glasses that had been broken and flung off somewhere on the base, the sun was beating down on him with unwavering strength. His right eye was blinking furiously to try and stop the blood from getting into his eyes that were rolling to the back of his head that was pounding like a drum.
"Everyone shut up." Maverick's voice snapped through the air like a whip and stopped all their ramblings at once.
He crouched down beside Jake with Bradley on his other side with Bob and Phoenix hovering anxiously in the background and Coyote running over at the sound of commotion.
The wound looked bad. Maverick tilted Jake's head back and tried to touch his hairline to get a proper look. A large slash line went from his hairline towards his eyebrow and the skin had been split apart so neatly it looked like it had been cut with a sharp knife. Blood oozed out in every direction and splattered across Jake's temple and down his nose towards both his eyes like a jam donut had been tossed at his head.
He couldn't see his skull or any bone which was a good sign, but the blunt force could have been enough to crack his skull and give him a fracture. He most definitely had a concussion which meant he could have side effects.
He could start throwing up, he could black out or go fully unconscious, he could have a seizure if the impact was bad enough.
"Get him down to the medbay now." With a click of his hand over to the left, Coyote hurried forward and knelt down behind Jake while Bradley shuffled forward.
The pair of them carefully took one of Jake's arms each and looped them around the back of their necks.
"Alright, up. Let's get you up Hangman." Bradley looped his right arm around Jake's waist while his left hand gripped Jake's wrist. He held his breath and slowly pushed up onto his feet, slowly pulling Jake with him who looked very worse for wear.
Jake's head flopped forward as soon as he was sitting up. He groaned again, spluttering through a moan, spit forming on his lips and blood still trickling down his face. He could feel the shock setting in because even his neck was shaking now and once he was on his feet, his knees wavered and his legs felt oddly heavy and useless. He could barely stay upright and when his knees gave way, he slumped down like he was trying to sit on an imaginary chair.
His hands scrunched down around Coyote and Bradley's shoulders as each of them held his waist and kept him up on his feet.
Both Jake's feet bent awkwardly and the toes of his shoes scraped against the floor as the pair of them dragged him slowly towards the open hanger doors. He tried to move his legs and he did somewhat help them, but he relied on them to drag him along because he felt like collapsing to the floor and curling up into a ball.
He managed to find the will to open his eyes once they were inside, but the sight of the tiled floor disappearing and all the lines blurring before his eyes made his head swoon.
He found his eyes rolling around in his skull before he jolted forward with a croaky "Gonna puke."
True to his word, Jake tossed up his lunch the moment the boys paused in their quick shuffle towards the medbay. He felt a little better after that and he managed to lift his head once the three of them began their awkward tandem walk together.
By the time they were near the medic bay, Jake managed to place one foot in front of the other. He did an awkward walk and started to help them so they didn't have to heave him the whole way there.
"We've had an accident. The fuel line cracked Hangman straight in the temple and knocked him out. He threw up on the way down here." Bradley looked between the two medics idling around and waited for one of them to point towards the bed in the left corner of the large bunker space.
They trotted to the left and turned around, carefully easing Jake down until he was sat in the middle of the bed.
He felt more alive and a bit better once he was sat down. His head flopped back until the base of his head was touching the back of his shoulders and his shaking hands gripped the edge of the bed with intensity to keep himself sitting upright. It took all his effort to stop himself trembling and he tried to take deep breaths to ward off the sickness and the wave of dizziness that overwhelmed him.
"Okay Seresin, let's take a look."
Coyote and Bradley backed up until they were stood to one side. Neither of them fancied going back outside to finish off their exercises when Jake didn't look in his best shape. They would rather wait here to make sure he was alright and then head back to the rest of the team and tell them how he was fairing up. It was clear that Jake would be going home early today, he was lucky not to have been killed with that force, there was no way he was carrying on with any work today after this.
Jake begrudgingly lifted his head when one of the doctors stood in front of him. He let the man hold his chin and tilt his head from side to side to assess the damage and when he shone a pen light across his eyes, Jake winced.
A frightful yelp left his lips when the man tried to touch the wound and he reeled back with a groan.
"Afraid I'm gonna need an X-ray before I can stitch it. I'll clean the wound and get you some painkillers first." They were lucky the wound was on his head as they had a small, portable X-ray scanner in the back room they could use just to double check they didn't have to send him to hospital for urgent treatment. But if it looked okay, he could get some pain relief, be stitched up and sent home for the day.
"Great." Jake winced, trying to form a lopsided smile, but he couldn't quite manage it.
At least he would get to go home earlier than he thought.
"Hey," Bob groaned as sweat dripped off his body and onto a small puddle forming on the stone beneath him. His arms trembled as he tried to continue his push ups now that he was well into the hundreds. "Who's that?"
He nudged his nose against his shoulder to push the glasses further up his nose while he indicated his head to the left, signalling Phoenix's attention towards the person advancing across the base.
Maverick had told Bob and Phoenix to finish off Jake's safety checks, prep his fuel tank too and then do a set of two hundred push ups. They both knew they should have been more careful and they shouldn't have started squabbling like children when Jake was hauled off to the medic bay.
Phoenix lifted her head and glanced her eyes around, trying to find out who Bob was referring to. When her eyes set on a woman walking their way, her brows furrowed and she watched where she was walking.
She wasn't in uniform, whoever she was. She had on a baby blue tank top and a pair of denim shorts that stopped just before her knees. Her bag was hung on her shoulder, the strap clutched tightly in her hand and there was a nervous look plastered across her face.
The woman seemed to spare them a glance, noting that they were both sweating through their uniforms, before her eyes set on Maverick and she made a beeline for him.
"Mav, where is he?" (Y/n) bit her lower lip nervously when she reached Maverick who greeted her with a warm smile and a hand on her elbow.
"He's with a doctor, come with me."
(Y/n) nodded and let Maverick lead her inside the base. She couldn't quite believe how high up the ceilings were or how large the bay doors were, it was like everything was amplified as if giants worked and lived here. It felt strange to be walking round here with Maverick when Jake always said he would give her a tour round one day. Plans changed.
She had been expecting much worse when Maverick rang her and said Jake had had a 'minor accident' at the base, but knowing it was nothing to do with a crash or him being in a plane at all made (Y/n) feel better. It stopped her from having a breakdown or a panic attack as she drove down here, but she couldn't fathom what had happened. What kind of accident would her husband have when he was supposed to be safe here on the ground?
She glanced over her shoulder, noticing that the two others who had been doing press ups were now following after her and Maverick, presumably so they could see Jake too. They must be part of his team.
"What happened?"
"Phoenix and Bob, behind you," Maverick tossed a look over his shoulder and pointed his thumb in their direction. "Had a mishap when they fueled their plane. The pipeline dropped and caught Jake in the temple. I think he's got a mild concussion, but he'll be fine."
(Y/n) brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, hearing her shoes clicking loudly against the tiled floor as she followed Maverick around three corners and down a long corridor until they were in front of a medical wing.
That didn't sound too bad. That wasn't nearly as bad as she had been expecting, but it still wasn't good.
Her husband shouldn't be getting into accidents like this at work. He shouldn't be getting smashed in the head with their equipment. He was a pilot, an aviator. He was training every day to be in top physical performance and here he was with a concussion because his team had clearly lacked concentration.
It took all the effort (Y/n) had not to run ahead once they walked into a large open unit almost the same size as the open field outside. There was only one patient in here and (Y/n) set her sights on him immediately.
Jake was sat on the side of a bed, his legs swinging back and forth like a child at a doctor's appointment. His hands were clutching either side of the bed, his lips were set in a firm line and he kept squinting and closing his eyes as a doctor was stood in front of him, cleaning his wound.
Once they were close enough, (Y/n) hurried past Maverick and dropped her bag down by the foot of the bed. She didn't want to get in the way when the doctor was clearly trying to assess Jake and sort him out, but the moment Jake glanced to the left, his eyes widened and he jerked out of the doctor's grip.
"Baby." The surprise was evident in his voice and he let go of the bed to reach an arm out in (Y/n)'s direction. As soon as he started curling his fingers in a grabbing motion, (Y/n) smiled and moved forward.
Jake immediately coiled his arm around (Y/n)'s waist and reeled her closer until she had to plant her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. His fingers squeezed her hip tightly and he kissed the top of her chest before he glanced over her shoulder towards Maverick.
"You called my wife?"
The shock was evident in Jake's voice, but it was the looks of the rest of the team that made him wince. He hadn't mentioned to any of them that he happened to be married, that knowledge was on a need to know basis and as his superior, Maverick was the only one who needed to know. For emergency situations like this if Jake ever got hurt or shot down or sent to hospital.
There was no way they could let him drive home and since he had been injured, Maverick knew it was best to call (Y/n) and let her know so she could come and pick him up.
"You got concussed and you won't be able to drive home. Yes, I called your missus. You're welcome."
Maverick placed his hand on his hip and tilted his head to one side. Once Jake was silenced with that one look, Maverick nodded to himself and turned to leave. He knew none of them would be doing any more exercises today and he was okay with that, they would call it a day and start again tomorrow.
"You're married?"
"You never mentioned you're married to such a stunning girl."
(Y/n) tilted her head to the right, figuring the man that said that must be Bradley, the one Jake said was close to Maverick. He had a raised brow and his lips quirked into a smile beneath his moustache while both arms folded tightly over his chest.
She could feel the glares Jake was sending towards Bradley, squinting and glaring over in his direction before he looked back up at his wife.
With a quiet groan, Jake moved his hands from (Y/n)'s hips so he could bind his arms tightly around her waist. His hands feathered up and down her back and he pushed forward until his lips attached to her exposed chest just beneath her collar bone.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"Why did you need to know?" He countered, smirking tiredly against (Y/n)'s chest and he twisted his head so the left side of his face could press down against her skin. His cheek nuzled into her chest and he looked over at the team, watching the blush that rose to Bob's face that tilted down to look at his shoes and the way Phoenix rubbed the back of her neck bashfully.
He hadn't told them because it wasn't their business, they didn't need to know. He was in love, he was head over heels in love with his wife and in Jake's eyes, she was his little secret.
He didn't want the team teasing him or asking about her or trying to make jokes that he was tied down. He had dealt with that in the past with other people he worked with and he didn't like it. He smiled when people flirted with him in bars, but he kindly turned every one of them down and didn't let them get too close. (Y/n) was the reason why.
Sometimes it felt safer to keep (Y/n) as his little secret. What they did was dangerous, they had all lost friends in this job and it was hard to bring friends and family into this life. Jake didn't know if introducing (Y/n) to his team would be too much.
For him, it felt better to keep work and home life separate.
With a sigh, Jake lifted his cheek from (Y/n)'s chest, his lips forming a thin line as he stared up at her despite the headache that was swirling around behind his eyes. He scanned his eyes around the team who were all watching on eagerly like this was their favourite tv soap.
"Darlin', this is the dagger squad," Jake waved his hand around, muttering their call signs to which (Y/n) nodded earnestly. "Guys, this is my wife, (Y/n)."
"Nice to meet you all, even under strange circumstances," (Y/n) quirked a brow when Bob tipped his head down with his hands clasped tightly behind his back. Clearly he felt guilty for the accident and (Y/n) was sure she heard him mutter a soft 'sorry again' clearly directed towards Jake.
He wasn't going to hold a grudge. It had been an accident and a few stitches was much better than some of the injuries he'd gotten on this job. But he would be holding this over them in the future and he knew he had earned himself a few free beers down at the Hard Deck for this.
"How bad is it then?"
Jake felt shockwaves coursing through his blood when (Y/n)'s hands moved from his shoulders to gently cup his face in her hands.
He loved the feeling of her thumbs brushing across his cheekbones just beneath his eyes and the way her fingertips tapped behind the tip of his jaw near his ears. His lips curved into a smile, despite the aching in his temple that had gone down a little when he took the aspirin and painkillers he was given.
His eyes squinted up at his wife whose lips curved into a pouting smile while her head tilted to the side, inspecting the wound on his temple.
All the blood had been cleaned from Jake's face and neck and his head had been X-rayed and dabbed with anticeptic, all he needed now was stitches.
"What am I gonna do with you?" (Y/n) murmured softly while she tilted Jake's head down in her hands so she could pepper kisses against the middle of his temple which no doubt would be aching. She didn't want to touch or go too near the wound, she knew even a light touch was going to hurt and she didn't want to hurt him. But he leaned into her touch and groaned, tightening his arms around her waist while his hands slid further down her back.
"I can think of a few things."
"I don't think I wanna see that." Coyote ran a hand down his face and patted Bradley's chest before he began to walk. He would see what Maverick wanted them to do, whether they were all getting the afternoon off or just Jake. He murmured a soft "Nice to meet you, Mrs Seresin." And laid a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder as he passed her.
"Yeah, us neither. Sorry again, Hangman, we'll owe you a few rounds when your back in action." Phoenix waved her hand towards Jake and dipped her head before she headed out with Bob following in her wake.
He uttered a soft "Nice to see you, sorry Hangman." before he followed Phoenix, silently praying they wouldn't have to finish the last twenty six push ups they had skipped when they followed Maverick and (Y/n) down here to the medic bay.
"Well, you look like your in good hands, so I'll catch up with you later. Maybe we'll see you soon, Mrs Hangman."
Once Bradley disappeared, (Y/n) managed to untangle herself from her husband's arms, causing him to grunt and pout dramatically. His hands reached out for her but she didn't move far. She stepped out from between his legs and moved to stand on his left side near the end of the bed he was perched on. Her arm looped around his back and her hand gave his shoulder a squeeze while she kissed the good side of his temple.
"When can I take him home?"
"I'll just do the stitches and then he's all yours."
Jake couldn't hide the grimace that flooded his face when he saw the needle and thread. He didn't like the inconvenience of stitches. His eyes briefly glanced up at (Y/n) before he shimmied round on the seat so his back was towards her. And he slowly reclined his head until the back of his head was settled down on (Y/n)'s shoulder.
He did his best to keep his head steady and his eyes fell closed when he saw an injection needle coming close. The numbing agent to make the stitches more bearable.
A low whistle passed his lips and when (Y/n)'s free hand curled over his thigh, Jake reached down and curled his hand over hers. He squeezed tight and tried to take slow, deep breaths when the needle finally started puncturing through his skin. It didn't exactly hurt, but he felt a sharp sting and each time the thread was pulled tight, Jake could feel his brow lifting as the skin was dragged back together.
Six stitches later and (Y/n) could barely feel her hand from how tightly Jake was squeezing it. She leaned her head down and kissed the top of his head, nudging her nose against his soft wavy hair as Jake finally opened his eyes.
"You're good to go with a mild concussion, Seresin. No flying for twenty-four hours, and if you go any higher than G7, I'll need to see you back here for a check over."
"Copy that."
"Thank you for patching him up."
When Jake hopped up from the bed, (Y/n) moved her arm lower to secure around his waist and she pressed a quick kiss to the side of his jaw which caused his lips to pull into a wide grin. He draped his arm over her shoulders, feeling much better than he did earlier.
The last thing he wanted to do was lean on (Y/n) and have her dragging him out of here like the guys had heaved him in earlier. He could walk on his own two feet again.
"That's going to leave a scar." (Y/n) murmured softly, reaching her left hand up to graze her fingers over his brow just beneath the row of navy blue stitches on his temple. It wasn't going to leave a dent or a prominent, deep line, but it would leave a faint streak of white like a dash of paint across his skin.
She pressed another kiss to Jake's jaw until he tilted his head down and captured her lips in a soft, burning kiss instead. "I know," He muttered softly against her lips, kissing her again and again as they walked as slow as possible out of the base.
"But I know you love my war wounds."
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box-dwelling · 1 year
One thing I really love whenever I see it in fic is Phoenix having suburban drama with the parents at Trucy's school. Because he is exactly that kind of petty bitch. Somewhere in japanifonia there is a woman called Deborah who has been engaging with Phoenix in more intense psychological warfare than he ever had with Kristoph.
When Edgeworth finally moves in everyone expects it to stop because people tend to think of him as being Phoenix's handler but in reality he just makes it infinitely worse because Edgeworth is even fucking more of a petty bitch except he's also a complete fucking snob who knows exactly how to cut them in the exact way that hurts. Phoenix will insult their parenting style, Edgeworth will insult their wine pairing, do you understand what I'm getting at?
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lulunothulu · 28 days
“All Your’n”
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley had been best friends for a while. You’d both wanted more but the other didn’t know until you declare him yours after a fight.
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Content: fluff, swearing, FLUFF
GIF credit: @betty-draper
Based on the song “All Your’n” by Tyler Childers
It’d been a shitty day.
All day long, you had been dealing with the Dagger Squad and their stupid antics. Everyone was irritating you and you didn’t know why.
No, you knew why.
It was Bradley’s fault.
The night before, you’d watched him flirt with one of the skankiest aviator you’d ever met—Sunny—at Hard Deck. While you two weren’t together, you’d hoped he wouldn’t go so low. Especially with her. He knew you and Sunny had a problem with one another and being your best friend, Bradley had vowed to you he would never fuck with her.
I guess things change.
It started like any night at Hard Deck, Bradley and Jake picking a girl Jake should flirt with and Bradley telling Natasha and Bob he didn’t think Jake would do it.
“He’s being a little too cocky,” you hear Nat tell Bradley. “If he wants the red head to like him, he should’ve just gotten her a drink like a normal guy instead of showing off his darts skills.”
“Wait hold on,” you tell her, pointing to Jake and the red head across the bar. “Look at what he’s doing.”
“That son of a bitch,” you hear Bradley mutter to your left.
Jake had just tapped his cheek, the red head moving to kiss him before he turns his head quickly, catching her lips with his.
“That was annoyingly smooth,” he says with an eye roll. He finishes his beer before turning to the group and asking, “Anyone want another?”
Payback, Coyote, Fanboy, Natasha, and you all cheerfully say, “Fuck yes” causing Bradley to shake his head with a smile and look to Bob.
“Help me carry them all?” Bob nods, following Bradley’s broad and muscular form to the bar where Penny greets them with smiles.
You turn to Nat who’s watching you with a smile.
“Wanna play a game of pool, Domino?” She asks.
You shrug, “Why not? I have to school your ass again.”
“I let you win that one time and now you have an ego,” she laughs.
You’re in the middle of starting the game when you see Sunny walk into the bar and make a beeline for Rooster at the bar.
Her blonde hair was loose, falling down her neck and brushing the seams of her sundress.
“When did she get the time to change into that?” Natasha asks from your right.
“Who fucking knows,” you respond, rolling your eyes.
Behind you, Coyote whistles as Sunny, Bob and Rooster approach with beers in hand. “Damn, Sunny. You look good.”
“Thanks,” she smiles, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “I did it for Bradshaw here.”
Fucking bitch.
Bradley’s brows raise in question as he takes a swig of his beer and hands you yours. “For me? Why?”
Sunny laughs. “I’ve been sending you hints for past few months. Haven’t you noticed?”
“Honestly no,” Bradley tells her. “I’ve had my eyes on someone else.”
At that everyone turns to you, but you’re too busy looking at Sunny. Her eyes narrow on you before she sweetly smiles before wrapping her arms around Bradley’s broad shoulders.
“Can you show me how to play pool?” She asks.
“I guess, Seresin’s better than I am,” he tells her. “Don’t tell him I said that.”
You watch as Sunny leads him to the pool table across from yours, Bradley’s eyes apologetic as he begins to show her how to play.
“Easy girl,” you hear Jake say behind you. You turn to see him sipping his beer, an arm around the red head. “He knows who he belongs to. No need to get worked up.”
“Fuck off, Bagman.” You seethe.
By the end of the night, Sunny was drunk as hell, dancing on tables and doing everything she could to keep Bradley by her side. It was 11:45 PM when you finally had enough.
“I think imma head out,” you tell Phoenix.
“Do you want me to get Bradley?” She asks.
You turn to where Sunny’s legs were propped on Rooster’s lap, Bradley’s hand comfortably on her ankle and smile lazily on his lips.
You shake your head and roll your eyes. “Nah, let him have more time with his new girlfriend.”
He didn’t even bother to text you how and if you got home that night. And that’s what was pissing you off the most.
Not that he had broken the one promise you asked him to never do, but that he never even called you to make sure you were alright.
Sunny must’ve been really good in bed. Of course she was. She was the squad’s biggest flirt, and that says something because Hangman is the man-whore.
Anyway, it wasn’t like you stayed up all night waiting for his call.
That would’ve been pitiful.
Your last straw today had been when you saw Sunny and Bradley talking y one of the jets, Sunny’s hand on his chest laughing at something he’d said.
Your blood was boiling. You wanted to slap the smile off her face, or worse pummel her into the ground with your boots.
“Domino,” you hear Natasha call to your left. “What’s wrong?”
“What makes you think somethings wrong?” You ask.
“Your face is unusually bitchier,” Jake says from behind.
“Maybe it’s because everyone has been annoying the shit out of me,” you spit back.
“Everyone, or Bradshaw?” He asks, a smirk forming.
“Fuck off, Seresin,” you seethe, clenching your jaw from saying it too loudly for everyone else to hear.
“C’mon, Y/L/N,” he starts. “We all know you’re sweet on Bradshaw.”
“Hangman,” Natasha warns.
“What it’s true?” He counters. He points, flicking between you and Bradley behind you. “They’ve been inseparable for years. Plus, we all see the way they look each other. He’s as much hers and she is his. They should just kiss and get it over with. Then, we won’t have to deal with her mood swings when Sunny starts acting a fool.”
“Seresin, shut. The fuck. Up.” You seethe. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I may not look like the brightest, but I have eyes,” he tells you, squaring his shoulders and smiling. “We can see how much it kills you that Sunny—”
“I’m warning you…”
“—has made the moves on Bradshaw, even after you two had that vow,” he continues. “Just go claim him!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP SERESIN.” You yell, causing everyone in the hangar to turn to where you two are standing—Bradley and Sunny included.
Your cheeks feel warm, you know you’re blushing and hard. Behind you, you feel a hand in your shoulder and when you turn, you find Maverick standing there. His face is masked in calm but you know he’s probably as angry as he can be.
“Go take a walk,” he tells you.
You’re shaking in anger and embarrassment, but you nod. Pushing past him, you take off, passing by a smug-faced Sunny and dumbfoundedly confused Bradley.
“See ya, Domino,” Sunny says as you pass them. She laughs before adding, “Fucking psycho.”
That makes you stop in your tracks because what the actual fuck?
You turn to face her, walking right up to her, and getting within an inch of her face.
“What did you say?” You ask.
Fear fills her eyes and she pulls Bradley close to her. “Nothing.”
You look to where she’s holding Bradley by the bicep, then up at Bradley who’s confused and hopefully feeling your disappointment.
You roll your eyes, feeling the angry tears coming. “Whatever. You deserve her.”
You’re halfway to the tarmac when you feel a large hand wrap around your wrist. You’re spun around to face Bradley who looks confused.
“What’s your deal?” He asks. “I didn’t hear from you last night and you didn’t even tell me you left Hard Deck. And now, you’re acting all annoyed and lashing out on everyone.”
“No I’m not,” you respond.
“Don’t think on I didn’t notice your groaning all day, Y/N,” he scolds. “You’ve been on one all day. What’s wrong?”
You rub your nose angrily before shaking your head and turning away from him. “You. You’re what’s wrong.”
“Why?” Bradley’s brown eyes are soft, brows furrowed in confusion and you can’t help but feel the urge to slap the puppy dog eyes out of him.
“You broke our vow!” You spit. “You fucked Sunny even after you said you never would. And then on top of that, you didn’t notice I left or you did and you were too busy with Sunny to bother to text or call me to see if I was alright or if I got home.”
You were pacing, wildly waving your hands as you speak. “And what hurts the most is that you did that without batting an eye. I thought—”
You stop talking. You can’t bring yourself to admit what you’d been wanting to for the past few years you’d known Bradley. You loved him, and you thought he loved you back.
But you guess not.
“You thought what?” Bradley asks, shouting over the jets flying to the left of you. His brows were so furrowed, you thought they’d stay that way.
You take a few deep breaths, trying to regulate your anger and frustration.
“I thought you would’ve—,” you start to shout back, blinking back tears. “I thought you would’ve chosen me instead.”
Bradley only stares at you, shocked. You’re a good few paces away from him so you angrily shake your head, wipe your eyes with the back of your hands, and begin to walk away.
But his strong hand on your wrist stops you in your tracks.
“What makes you think I didn’t choose you?” Bradley asks.
“What’re you talking about?” You ask. “I saw you with Sunny.”
“Last night, nothing happened,” he tells you.
He shakes his head, a small smile forming on his mustached face. “I took her home and then left. My phone died at the bar and I didn’t think you’d be awake when I got home.”
You only stare up at him.
“I was gonna check on you today, but you gave me the cold shoulder all morning,” he goes on.
“You didn’t sleep with her?” You ask.
“God, no,” he smiles.
That changed everything. If they didn’t sleep together, then what did he mean by choosing you?
“What did you mean,” you start. “About choosing me?”
“Y/N,” he starts, hand rising to cup your cheek. “Have you seriously not noticed?”
“Noticed what?” You ask.
“All I have are eyes for you. I have for a long time,” he tells you. “I’ve loved you from the moment I first met you. I’ll love you until my lungs give out. You’re mine, even if you don’t know or feel it. But you are.”
“I’m yours?” You ask, dumbfounded by his admission.
“Yes,” he laughs.
You smile, bringing your hand to his on your cheek. Happy tears fill your eyes as you tiptoe to kiss him, his mustache tickling your nose and making you smile into the kiss. Your heart lurches at the thought of Bradley loving you as long as you’ve loved him, the fact that you’re kissing him amplifying that feeling.
“Good, because I’m all yours,” you smile. “And you’re all mine.”
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Saw the Phoenix!Jason possibility mentioned... Thought of a more hilarious/traumatizing version.
Phoenix Tim. Dick's Baby Bird.
As in, if he dies, he'll just come back to life in a few minutes, all former injuries healed.
Tim being Tim, he's gonna use the resurrection ability to skip having to stay in bed and recuperate, giving the Batfam multiple panic attacks.
They are still trying to talk him out of it when Hood turns up...
The Titans Tower attack happens.
As in canon, Tim loses the initial round and flee to another room, injured.
Well. His hand is broken, he can't fight a crime lord with a broken arm. Plus, come on, that's gonna be a major hazzle, Dick and Bruce will fuzz over him for a month!
He knows how to fix this, right?
Jason, following him in dramatic slow motion, is just in time to see Tim shoot/stab himself dead.
The revival takes a few minutes... And Jason has absolutely no idea about the Phoenix Part.
Fun times : )
Counter offer, they’re both phoenixes but none of them knew that about Jason because he was always terrified of dying! (No clue how the Ethiopia part works but hear me out on further angst first!)
and when he comes back to confront Tim he obviously doesn’t know just how good he was replaced.
And then Tim stabs himself and Jason just blanks, all his rage forgotten because he just wanted to beat the kid up a little. He never wanted him to die.
So we have Jason frantically trying to staunch the blood flow, trying and failing to shift enough to grab even a single feather that might save the kid (*gestures because phoenix magic*), asking Tim again and again “Why would you do that!?” without waiting for an answer because the kid is bleeding out.
And Tim is just so confused because… isn’t this what Hood wanted? Why is he panicking? And also, shit, he should have stabbed somewhere else because this hurts like a bitch.
And then Jason can’t breathe because he thinks he’s the cause a teenager felt scared enough to commit suicide rather than face him, and he can’t get the bleeding to stop, and being a phoenix is useless if he can’t even shift to save him. But- but he can give the kid some comfort in his last moments. He can do that much.
And Tim totally thinks his brain is going bye-bye when Hood takes off the helmet and it’s Jason Todd cradling and crying over him, apologizing over and over and— oh no, ohhhh no, Tim screwed up big time. This is bad. He needs to let Jason know it will be okay. That Tim will be okay. That it was a mistake!
But Jason isn’t listening and Tim is doomed to die for a couple minutes and good gods does he hope Jason will stick around until he wakes back up because if Tim gets this one chance to give the Batfam their happy ending only to have it slip through his fingers because he chose to ignore Batman’s “Do NOT kill yourself over every minor inconvenience!”, he’s going to… he doesn’t even know.
Please, gods, please let Jason stick around…
(Honestly this works even without Jason being a phoenix but look I’m attached to the image of Jason deliberately walking into explosions after the whole Ethiopia thing and making everyone have several hundred flashbacks)
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frost-queen · 3 months
Tempting fate // part 7 (Reader!Featherington x Colin Bridgerton)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown, @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @bubblybrianna97 , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , 
@m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07 , @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury ,  @imagines-by-her ,  @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @iixchloee, @cherrysxuya , @dutifullyannoyingfox , @wolf-phoenix-lover, @mellowdreamlandpost-blog ,
@markive-m, @esposamultifandom, @mswwvaleska, @itsalyssadawnuniverse, @magical-spit, @winter-solstice24 , @bloommart, @mushy-mushroom04 , @iamaslytherin0 , @writingfortheunloved , @superhighschoollevelfashion-blog , @kamiliora , @itsfromaboyband-blog , @redhoodsoutlaw , @anonymouscherries , @gayandfairycore , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @niktwazny303 , @markive-m , @lovesanimals0000 , @randomgurl2326 , @dutifullyannoyingfox , @h-l-vlovesvintage , @bee-unknown , @dd122004dd ,
@blueeclipsepaperstudent, @stcrrjoon, @akilatwt , @angelitadiaz , @bloommart, @luvcexe, @klallx, @miniemonie2001 , @mrs-jjmaybank , @fallout-girl219 , @i-heart-raven-xmen, @aoi-aster , @marvelho3, @live-awkward , @solsticesage , @hemmingsleclerc, @elizabeth916 , @mp-littlebit , @mintydump , @madeinmyownmind-blog
Summary: Colin finally has a chance to speak with you. Will you be open to his confession or will Whistledown create a bridge between one another? [ part 1 & part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 5 & part 6 & part 8 & part 9 & part 10]
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Colin looked over your shoulder to his brother Anthony. Anthony gave him a nod back, glancing over his shoulders to see if anyone was watching. Colin took you by the arm, pulling you along with him. Anthony followed, grabbing Benedict by the shoulder for him to follow. Benedict nearly stumbled over his own feet, confused as to where they were going. Anthony staid close behind Colin, to shield you from any prying eyes.
“Colin I do not.” – you breathed out, not wanting to have a conversation with him. Colin tightened his grip around you leading you up to the doors. Two doormen opened the door. The three men leaving with you under a close watch from them. Colin looked from left to right in the nearly abandoned hallway. – “There.” – Anthony pointed out, placing his hand on Colin’s shoulder. Colin’s gaze followed his brothers point. He nodded moving firmly to the right. – “What are we doing?” – Benedict questioned as Anthony shushed him.
Colin’s hand grabbed the doorhandle firm, opening the door. The moment he tried to push you inside, you protested. – “No!” – you called out loud, swaying your arm back that he grip faltered on you. – “Y/n please.” – Colin begged taking your hand. Out of protest, you pulled it away. – “I only need five minutes of your time. Please Y/n I beg of you, hear me out.” – Colin pleaded. – “You’ve got two.” – Anthony corrected, knowing his brother should not be too long in a room with you alone. Colin pushed you hastened into the room.
Anthony shutting the door behind him as he came standing before it. – “You sneaky little devil.” – Bendict commented, slowly having a clue of what was happening. – “Oh do shut up.” – Anthony responded. You groaned in distress that Colin had tricked you. Now there was no way for you to leave. – “Y/n hear me…” – Colin began as you created a distance between him and you.
Moving behind the desk in the room to be as far away from him. – “No!” – you called out, gaze falling on a pillow on the chair in front of you. You took it, throwing it at Colin. Colin deflected it as the pillow thumped against the door. – “I like you!” – he called out taking a step closer to you.
“You lie!” – you yelled back at him, wanting to have another pillow so desperate to throw at him. – “Why would I lie about my feelings?” – Colin shouted in desperation. Taking a deep breath, he reached the desk in three firm paces. Coming to the side as you slowly backed away towards the side-window. – “When you proposed, I should’ve accepted. I should’ve seen clearly how much you mean to me.” – he started, pouring his heart you. - “Stop…” – you asked, not wanting to hear more. – “Ever since we were children, I never saw you. I was foolish, childish.” – Colin went on approaching you with each confession.
“I see you now Y/n Featherington.” – he ended with a yearning voice. – “Stop.” – you called out louder, shaking your head. – “I will not deny my feelings for you any longer. I cannot hide them away.” – Colin started again reaching for your hand. You moved your hand up, so he couldn’t touch it. – “Colin. Please, stop!” – you pleaded. – “Every moment away from you is pure agony Y/n. Do you not understand that I would stop the world for you.” – Colin answered in desperation.
“Colin, this conversation… I cannot do this.” – you shook your head with a pained expression. – “Is it because you cannot put your own happiness above your sisters?” – Colin asked. – “Your elder sisters are married off.” – Colin breathed out. – “You do not have to glorify them anymore. You do not have to put their happiness above yours. Pen…” – he exhaled out. – “Pen will find someone, but do not put your own happiness aside Y/n.” – Colin begged, hoped you would do for a change.
“It is admiring how much effort you’ve put in your sisters. Glorifying them, praise them higher than anyone else for them to find a match, but you forget.” – Colin took a piece of your dress in his hands, pulling you closer to him. – “You forgot yourself.” – he finished as he noticed how glossy your eyes had become. Blinking slowly, it made a tear escape, rolling down your cheek. – “I cannot…” – you whispered wiping your eye dry.
Colin stared stunned at you. As you moved away from him, his fingers holding a bit of your dress, slipped off. You walked towards the door as Colin wasn’t going to give up so easily. – “It’s about Whistledown is it not? What she wrote about you in her sheet?” – Colin spoke as it made you pause at the door. – “It nearly ruined my family’s reputation.” – you told him without a glance. – “Why would I care about her lies?” – Colin called out.
“Because I care!” – you shouted at him, face blazing hot from screaming out your words. Cheeks stained with tears. – “You do not understand, if I admit to this. To my feelings, I cannot stop her… I cannot stop what she might write about you.” – you cried out seeing the sheer confusion and panic in his eyes. – “You… you speak as if you know her.” – Colin questioned.
Pressing your lips together to stop them from trembling, there were loud knocks on the door. – “Y/n!” – Colin called out as you opened the door. Running past a confused Anthony and Benedict. Colin hastened past his brothers to go after you. – “Brother?” – Anthony called out in confusion. Both of them running after Colin.
You hurried back into the room where the ton was blazing. The warmness of the crowd suffocating you. Looking over your shoulder, you had a hunch Colin would stop at nothing. Heart pounding loud in your chest as you tried to ignore his confession. If you accepted it for a only a second, you would lose yourself over it. Pushing yourself through the people, you gasped stumbling forwards as you had forced yourself to squeeze between two tight groups with their backs at each other.
Your stumbling made you bump against one of the dancer girls. She squealed getting bumped aside as the lord she was dancing with was finishing his round. He grabbed for your hand, mindlessly as you got pulled into the dance with him. It took him about a few seconds into the dance to realize you were not his previous dance partner. He looked confused around yet held you captive in the dance. The music swept up as you were out of sync with the upbeat dance.
Stumbling and tripping over your own feet as you tried to catch up with all the hopping and spinning. The lord took your hand, hopping with you, following the circle of hopping dancers that went around flowery piece in the centre. Watching the crowd, you saw Colin appear, pushing a man aside by his shoulders. His gaze locking on you, chest heaving with pants.
The hopping came to a stop as the lord pulled at your hand, forcing you to form a circle with other dancers. Around the ballroom having formed four little circle groups. Another lord grabbed your hand firm as you were stuck. Gasping loud, you saw Colin jump through, taking the place of a lord. The lady quirked her eyebrow up at Colin at her side.
There was little time to comment on his rude involvement as all of them ran towards the middle, joining each other, till they spread out once more. The music fastening as it left a chased feeling inside of you. As if needing to hurry. One lord took the lead, choosing a direction to run in. The entire circle that was holding hands with you, running to the left. Panting loud, you couldn’t seem to keep your gaze away from Colin across from you. Hands were released as all spun around.
You spun around dizzily from almost having no control in your own movements. Before you found your balance, a lord had locked his arm around yours, spinning around even more. Colin clenching his jaw as he let go of the lady’s arm, trying to move closer to you. Another lord locked his arm around yours, spinning in the opposite direction. Colin needed to take another lady’s arm as he forced her to move closer to where you were.
You were released once more, disorientated. A sudden hand on your arm, made you groan in agony, not wanting another spin. The arm moved over yours. Looking up your gaze met up with Colin’s, as you began to run around again. Both panting loud. Colin noticed the others around them had grabbed their dance partner to hop around once more. Placing his hand on your back, he gave you a soft squeeze, hopping around with you.
He came to a stop, lifting your arm up as he made you spin numerous times underneath it. If Colin was not holding you, you would’ve lost your balance and tripped. A sudden drop of Colin’s hands, moved around your lower back to put your spinning to a stop. You bumped against his chest, panting out of breath.
“I want a life with you.” – Colin whispered as the dance was over. There was loud applause. Lords and ladies thanking each other for the dance as Colin and you kept staring at each other. Feeling as if the entire ton was watching you, you pushed yourself off him. In distress, you walked off. Colin making a move to go after you, but he withheld himself. Hand on your stomach, you found your way outside.
Hoping the cold would ease your senses. Sweating you waved yourself some cool, pacing back and forth in the gardens. Thoughts spiralling. Your gaze catching something in the corner of your eye, made you stop. Full attention to your sister who had come to observe. – “You simply cannot stay away from him can you?” – Penelope said with a soft glare.
Scoffing loud, you tried to find the amusement to it. – “You will not find it humouring…” – Penelope spoke. – “When I read your latest edition?” – you pitched in, filling the blanks in for her. – “Enough sister.” – you told her. Penelope sucked in a breath, nearing. – “You cannot comprehend the torment I have been through. I am laughable to you, isn’t it?”
“Laughable?” – you called out that she could even think such a thing. – “I put my every might in showing the world how great you are. Defending you at every insult or laugh. Perhaps if you had turned your eye a bit more towards your family, and less to your ink, you would’ve seen.” – you shouted at her. – “And for you to even suggest.” – angered, you have never thought so low of your sister as now.
“You have known about my affections towards Colin for years now and you still insisted upon hurting me in the matter.” – Penelope responded with a quivering lip. – “I did not intend for this!” – you let out in pure frustration. Penelope gave you a foul glance.
“But know if you write for ruin, you write for wrath. Your envy and anger will be the dead of our family. Have you ever considered that. In case you forgot you are a Featherington too.” – you made clear with a statement. With a cold stare you got toe to toe with your sister. – “Think very hard about what you write if you draw Colin into this. You cannot simply protect yourself.” – Penelope stared with wide eyes at you.
“Y/n, Penelope everything well?” – both of you looked away, seeing Prudence stand not far from you, with a glass in her hand. You had no idea how long she stood there. Moving away from Penelope, you joined Prudence. Prudence watched you with slight confusion and a pained expression as you caught her arm, guiding her back inside.
The warmth embracing you once more. Your gaze caught Colin briefly as he stood with some lords. Your gaze was returned with one of his. Looking briefly down to drink as he watched you from afar. Letting your gaze drift away, you wondered how you got yourself so involved in a game between Featheringtons and Bridgertons. A game where there seemed to be no winners.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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kinzis-writing · 10 months
Better than Revenge | M.R [4]
It had been almost two years since Y/N and Mattheo had been best friends. Y/N had decided that it was time to face her past and deal with whatever consequences would follow.
This chapter will probably contain a lot of Soft! Mattheo, which is ooc but i hope you enjoy.
Pairing(s): Mattheo Riddle x Y/N Nettleby, Ex! Theodore Nott x Y/N Nettlby.
Warning(s): order of the phoenix spoilers (a bit), mentions of sexual activities, degrading/slight abuse by parents,
iv. “this is why we can’t have nice things, darling”
Chapter Four
*Gif not mine* *not edited or proofread*
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It had been approximately four days since the Slytherin party and Y/N had tried her best to avoid Mattheo and his friends. It was easier to avoid the Slytherin friend group compared to Mattheo, as it seemed that he looked for her in every class, between every class, and at every meal. She had shaken him off every time and ignored him as much as possible, but that did little to stop him.
"Y/N!" The voice of Hermione had torn through the silence of the library. The Granger girl hurriedly making her way over to her housemate. "Lorenzo told me to come find you, Riddle is fighting Nott." she spoke fast.
Y/N shot up from her chair quickly, leaving her items and headed to where Hermione was taking her. It wasn't long before the two Gryffindor girls were stopping where their friend group was trying to break them up and other houses just watching. "Hey!" Y/N yelled as she walked towards the fight.
"Y/N." Sean warned as his sister shrugged him off and went towards the fight again since he had stopped her.
"Mattheo Riddle!" Y/N yelled breaking the boys apart as she carefully pushed them away from each other, her hand staying on the one she had called. "Stop it, both of you!" she yelled again. The Slytherin friend group cleared the hallways since the fight was under control and they didn't have to worry about their friends killing each other. "What in merlin's name happened?" she asked, looking at each one of the boys.
Mattheo stood their breathing heavy and glaring at Theo, who didn't dare look at anyone. Veronica wore a proud smile on her face, unknowingly being caught by the rest of the group. "Theo was insulting you." Enzo stated simply, not wanting to go into detail in such a public place.
"If she would put out-" Veronica started before Theodore shook his head indicating her to stop when he noticed Mattheo go to step forward, but Y/N held him back. The Nettleby girl was afraid that he would not be afraid of punching a girl right now.
"Let's go." She muttered pulling Mattheo along with her and not giving any of the Slytherin's her attention. She quietly led the boy to her dormitory and straight to the shared bathroom.
She didn't say anything as she sat him down on the toilet and started using some healing spells that she knew to heal him the best she could. Some of his wounds and marks were still there, but truth be told Theo looked worse.
"This was a bad idea." Y/N stated as she avoided Mattheo's gaze and walked out of the bathroom, him following her, once she had finished the healing spells. "This plan was rubbish, especially when it makes you and Theo fight. Merlin, you two were best friends before me." she muttered.
"He won't disrespect you s'long as i'm around." Mattheo mumbled as he took a seat on the girl's bed not knowing what to expect from her next.
Y/N shook her head as she stopped pacing and turned to face the boy that she had known very well since first year. "What was the fight even about?" she asked, knowing that it had to do with the issue between her and Theo.
"that bitch seems to have an influence on Theodore." Mattheo spoke as he eyed the girl in front of him. "Veronica started first, saying how our relationship must be draining because lack of activities, your ex then going on to say that there's better lays."
Y/N nodding, even though she didn't quite understand why her not having sex with him would be this big of an issue. Maybe it was an insecurity problem, or maybe it was the only thing he truly wanted from their relationship. Whatever the case, she knew that they were not worth her breath. Yet something had to give, because she was not finishing the next two years at school and dealing with the two wizards fighting.
"Come on," Y/N spoke as she grabbed Mattheo's hand and led him out of her dorm and made her way towards the Slytherin common room. She was going to settle this once and for all, whether it made people mad or not. "Pureblood." she spoke the the door and entered the common room as the door opened, Mattheo trailing behind her.
Just as she had suspected, the friend group had skipped class after the fight had broken out. The couple joined the group, as they caught everyone's attention. Veronica looked pissed and unhappy that they had decided to show up, when they were probably getting scolded by the friend group.
"I'll leave after I say this because I am done with how immature you two are acting," She started as she pointed to her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. "also the fact that the fights between you two," pointing at Mattheo and Theodore. "are absurd." she finished causing everyone to agree with those statements that had been made.
The girl turned to Theo before giving him a look, "You honestly want the truth? Because I have a feeling you won't want it once I started confessing." She asked the man that she used to have feelings for. When no one said anything, she looked at Mattheo to see if he had any feelings about people finding out about them. "It's true that I didn't sleep with you" She admitted to the group but kept her gaze locked on Theo's so he would know she was telling the truth. "I was going to the night you broke up with me," She admitted making Mattheo rolled his eyes and her brother look away not wanting to hear that.
"I didn't have sex with Theodore, but I wasn't a prude." Y/N looked straight in the eyes of Veronica as she spoke those words knowing that it showed who she truly was. "I lost my virginity to Mattheo the day before my birthday, 5 months before Theodore and I started dating." She told the group honestly. Sean looked sick because he didn’t want to hear that about his best friend and sister, Theo was angry and Veronica was surprised. The others not saying anything and just absorbing the information. “Besides there was other things done besides…” she trailed off before shaking her head and deciding against saying it.
Theo’s angry eyes burned right into Mattheo’s as he stood up and rushed towards the boy. Enzo pulling Y/N out of the way knowing what was coming. The Nott boys wand pressing against the neck of Mattheo. Of course, everyone thought that he wouldn’t do anything but it’s the fact that he would go that far.
“I should hex you.” Theo spoke dangerously low to his housemate and best friend.
“Now, why would you do that Nott?” Mattheo spoke calmly. Knowing nothing was going to happen and if it did that he could control the situation.
Y/N spoke up, knowing that it may make things worse but she hoped it made it better. “There’s no reason for that Theodore.” She spoke calmly, but her nerves were going wild for Mattheo. She knew he could handle his own, knowing where he came from. Still didn’t make her worry any less.
“This is rubbish, Theo.” Veronica started as she stood up and went over to rub his arm. “She isn’t worth it.”
Theodore shook her off and continued his hard glare at his best friend. “you took that from me.” He muttered causing the Riddle boy to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. “I was suppose to get that experience.”
Mattheo’s gaze darkened at what his housemate was meaning, “I didn’t take anything away from you. What experience were you wanting exactly? What claim did you think that you’d have on her?” He asked dangerously low, the patience in his voice wearing thin.
Y/N had enough of all this, she had left the common room without being noticed by Mattheo or Theodore. Who did Theo think he was, being entitled to her and what she had to give. It didn’t make any sense to the girl as to why he was acting like that. Pushing that behind her, she went back to the Gryffindor common room to hopefully have some normal time with her friends.
"Hey guys." Y/N greeted sitting her bag down beside of her and sitting down beside Hermione. Her friends greeted her back before they gave each other knowing looks. They weren't sure if their friend was aware of everything that was going on. "Are you all okay? You're acting strange..."
Hermione glanced around the group before turning her attention to the Nettleby girl, "Have you heard anything about Riddle? or has he told you anything?" she asked cautiously to not make the girl uncomfortable.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head, "No, why?"
"You know about everyone shunning Harry because of... his father and how his mother has escaped from Azkaban, and they haven't found her." Ginny explained to the girl trying to get her to understand their concern and everything about the situation.
Ron looked at Harry before turning his attention to the girls, "Harry said that they think his followers are planning something."
realization dawned on Y/N as her friends continued talking about the situation at hand. It was true about Bellatrix had escaped from Azkaban and she had completely forgotten to ask Mattheo how he felt about it, seeing as it made headlines. Y/N knew that his father was also back, or at least trying to make a comeback. Not only because she trusted her friends but because she could feel it. Coming from a family of death eaters allowed for this stuff to make sense.
"My parents are hosting a dinner that my brother and I have to attend." Y/N spoke making the golden trio and Ginny turn towards her. "I bet it has something to do with him." she added as she looked around her friend group.
"Please tell me you're not going." Harry begged in his own way to his friend. They all knew that Y/N's family was pureblood Slytherin's and death eaters, the Weasley's were even a bit unsure when Ron invited her over for the holidays when he found out that she refused to go home. Now it was clear that she was nothing like her family and wanted a different life, fighting for the good side of things.
Y/N shrugged, "I have to, or they will literally track me down." she mumbled as she noticed the tension in the room.
It was the time that she had dreaded for the past two weeks. The dinner that her mother had excitedly written to both of her kids about. To make matters worse for the Gryffindor girl, she knew it would be a death eaters meeting, seeing as almost everyone in Sean and Mattheo's group would be there.
"They're going to murder me." Y/N whispered to Sean as the youngest twin sat on her brother's bed as he laid out his suit. "I am a bloody Gryffindor, and everyone that's going to be here is Slytherin death eaters." The twins were still not close, but they were closer than previously due to her connection with Mattheo and after how Theo had treated her.
"I'll go down with you if they try anything." Sean promised as he noticed how distraught his sister looked. "Mattheo won't let anything happen to you either."
Y/N scoffed slightly at what her older brother had said, It was true that Mattheo was far from his parents when no one was around. But how would he act when multiple of his family's allies was in the same room? He had always acted a big stuck up or cold towards the girl whenever the Netteby's hosted Christmas parties and everything. "Our parents like you more, they'll make sure you live. They'll place the unforgivable spell on me."
"You'll survive." Sean promised before shoving his sister out of his room so he could get ready.
Y/N rolled her eyes before going to her room and getting ready. To blend in with everyone that was going to be at Nettleby manor, she had decided on another green dress. Something that would make her look mature but attractive at the same time. She quickly straightened up her hair and makeup before taking a couple deep breaths and heading downstairs to meet whatever fate was waiting for her.
"Y/N, you're late." Mrs. Nettleby scolded her eyes glaring at the girl in front of her. "You don't need to be a bigger disappointment than you already are." she muttered. A few of the other death eaters laughed at the mother's comment.
Y/N held her head high and stood up straighter, "Sorry mother." she muttered before stepping around her mother and going into the kitchen in her house.
"You don't walk away until I say I am done with you!" Mrs. Nettlby spoke harshly as her heels click-clack every time she stormed towards her daughter. "You should be grateful for the life that you have with us, we would have kicked you out if we didn't have a plan for you." she spoke in her normal harsh tone.
Y/N's eyes narrowed slightly as she starred at her mother, "Plan for me?" she asked wanting to know what the group of death eaters planned to do with her.
Mrs. Nettleby gave her daughter a wicked smile before she grabbed her daughter by the shoulder and pushed her out to where the group was waiting for her. "Our daughter wants to know what her main purpose is, I think it's time we elaborate."
Sean's expression changed as he noticed the harsh grip that his mother had on his sister. He knew that his family treated her different since she was sorted into Gryffindor, but he did not understand why. He went to speak up before Lucius Malfoy stepped in front of the group of Slytherin boys. "I think it's time for you to let the adults talk." He spoke monotoned to the group of boys.
"What are you going to do to my sister?" Sean asked the father of his friend. His glare was hard as he tried to figure out what the death eaters wanted with his sister.
Lucius gave him a dark look, "that is between us and her, Mr. Nettleby." He spoke before ushering the boys out of the room.
After the boys had left everyone gathered around the table, the grip Mrs. Nettleby had on her daughter tightened as discussion started around the group of his army. "Here is what you must do."
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“They wouldn’t hurt her, would they?” Sean asked nervously as he waited for the adults to break the spell on the door.
Draco scoffed, “they would.” He spoke monotonously.
Theodore had been ignored by Mattheo and Sean, but he was even look nervous now. He may have a grudge held against his best friend, but he would admit that Y/N didn’t deserve to be tortured by the groupies in the den.
Before anyone could speak up the doors opened and Mr. Nettleby threw his daughter out before closing the doors again. The girl’s shoulders were already turned slightly purple from the grip and fingernails of her mother. Her once neat hair was how messy and her makeup was smudged. A red mark shaped like a handprint laid across her right cheek.
Y/N didn’t dare say anything, all she did was take her heels off and raced to her room. Sean went to follow her but was held back by Draco who knew that Mattheo would want to follow the girl. After all, it was the boy’s father’s followers that did whatever damage to the girl.
Y/N rushed to her room and quickly got her duffle, whatever she had left at home was going back with her to Hogwarts. There was no one she could risk coming home again.
“Y/N,” Mattheo’s voice spoke softly from the doorway of the girl’s bedroom. “What’s going on?”
“I’m leaving.” She whispered hoping that they couldn’t curse him to get it out of him. She knew her parents would find her at hogwarts, which made her worried. “I can’t stay here, not with what they’re expecting me to do.”
Mattheo cautiously stepped into the bedroom that he was slightly familiar with. He didn’t want to startle the girl seeing as she was in a vulnerable state. “What did they do?” He asked carefully, he noticed the way her eyes squeezed shut and a tear fell down. “Let me help you.”
Y/N turned to him fully, so he got the full view of her. Her cheek now a slightly different color due to the impact of whoever slapped her across the face. “You can’t help me, Teo.” She whispered on the verge of breaking.
“Let me try,” he pleaded, hating seeing the girl the way that she was currently. “I’ll try to fix it.”
“I have to get out of here,” she told him. “I have to go into hiding or something.” She mumbled as her eyes finally fully met his.
Mattheo stepped forward again and carefully reached out and grabbed her hand in a comforting way. “Tell me what they want you to do.”
“They want me to spy on Harry,” she whispered. His hand gave hers a big squeeze. Knowing that she was best friends with him, sure he hated Harry. Most of it being because of his father and everything that happened. “They want me to spy on the the Weasley’s as well.” She added her heart breaking as she spoke.
“Maybe we can figure something out,” Mattheo tried to reason but they both knew better. Death Eaters showed no remorse for anyone, not even their own kids. At least, the Nettleby’s didn’t. “We can find a way for you to make them happy but keep your friends safe.”
Y/N shook her head as more tears fell down, “that’s not the worse part.” She muttered as his hand went to rest on her cheek.
“I’m sure we can get through it.” Mattheo reassured, his thumb wiping away the tears as they fell.
“They’re going to force me to become like them.” She told the guy that she cared deeply for in front of her. Mattheo paled, knowing exactly what she meant. It was exactly what his father and mother had been planning for him since the plan to get his father back. “They’re forcing me to join your fathers army.”
That sentence was enough for Mattheo to fear for the girl in front of him. It was enough to feel his own heart break. Because someone so sweet, caring, and willing to help others did not deserve to have that life that he was destined to live.
Little note: hi! It’s been longer than I hoped and I’m sorry many things got in the way but here’s an update. I hope you enjoyed and we’re getting to the juicy stuff. I did change the plot a bit since this went from a George Weasley x reader (rough draft) and I did a full switch to Mattheo Riddle x reader. I think I’m going to start adding a word count at the beginning of my chapters just so I can keep track of how many words I usually write per chapter. Next update should be out soon! I’ve started writing requests but I’ll catch up with blogmas first! 🥰
Tag list: @yoichiislovie @justhavingsomefun1 @lafrone @julesandro @prongprincessworld @bruher @mattiesgirl @itsamusical4lifee @frogtape @blueeweeb @harrysnovia @kiwi475 @wildlyobserving @devotedlycrookeddonut @oi-itse @dear-fifi @grandtheoristpeach @dory-98 @lovesanimals0000 @supernatural-lover @joekbff @ivy-34 @jasmine2105 @cmervns @jetblackpayne @b4b3tte @xmadigurlx @thecraziestcrayon @whoknowsbut
I think I added everyone! If i missed someone or I tagged the wrong account and you wanna be untagged just let me know. 🫶
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bo0tleg · 7 months
"The jacket! The famous jacket that pulls women, pulls men, pulls the world!"
"Oh look how hot~ he looks on that motorcicle. He's even pracing his ass!"
(Maverick, on screen: "Well... He's not here yet.") The mans madness has begun."
"He lasted two months at Top Gun? HA. He probably was a bigger piece of work than the students."
"From what I can tell, Maverick tamed Iceman. In the first one he was the little annoying bitch and Maverick saw a challenge."
"I mean, at least these two (Penny and Mav) have chemistry. They hooked up in a plane, after all."
"Iceman solves his problems, Iceman keeps his job, what a simp. That's dog behavior."
"Maverick doesn't look likes he's flirting with her, he's just confused. His confused face looks like his flirting face, and people assume. I know this because people do it to me."
"Yeah, he's kinda like that one Olívia Rodrigo song that she gets confused when she sees her ex... What was it again?" ('bad Idea right?' by Olivia Rodrigo)
"I like him (Bob)! He's pathetic like me!"
"Oooohhh they're (Phoenix and Bob) gonna be besties! I can feel it."
(When Phoenix racks Rooster with the cue) "OHOHOHOOOO I LIKE HER ALREADY."
(Didn't notice Hangman taking Bob's cue, I relayed the information) "Aaaahhh don't steal Bob's cue. Bob's cool, Bob's nice."
(After rewinding the scene) "NO, NO, NO! WHO IS THAT? NOBODY CAN STEAL BOB'S CUE! I don't like him (Hangman)."
(Hangman, on screen: Bradshaw! As I live and breathe!) *Slowly turns towards me with dead eyes*
"That's not enemies to lovers, that's just enemies."
"With just this scene, I can tell this guy (Hangman) comes and goes. 'Sometimes I flirt with you, sometimes I hate you.' He's like a tsudere."
"Oh, got it. Phoenix is adopted into the man's group. She's a bro."
"I wouldn't say that they're his support system, but those two are the people that know him the best. Hangman is paying attention because he wants to be the best and needs to defeat Rooster. Phoenix is demonstrating a more sibling like worry."
"Hondo is like Mavericks babysitter."
"Oh. Oh, now Mav's flirting with her."
(Following the 'Baby on Board' comment) "Don't talk shit about Bob! I don't like Hangman."
"Maverick is like a step father to Rooster. Not in the 'HAHA I FUCKED YOUR MOM' kind of way, but in the way that he helped raise him."
"Where is Iceman? I'm here for the two of them, I don't give a fuck about Aeronautics."
"I think Ice and Maverick had a long relationship, but they're not together anymore. They maintained a friendship, but their lives probably went in different directions. I'd say they were together for 10, maybe 20 years."
('I ain't worried' by OneRepublic starts playing) "This song is from 2022? OH MY GOD THE SCENE"
*Started chanting "BOB! BOB! BOB!" When he got picked up*
*Eeriely quiet during the bird strike, until Maverick starts talking to Rooster* "OH THEY'RE NOT DEAD. THEY COULDN'T HAVE KILLED BOB! IF THEY KILLED BOB I WOULD STOP AND NEVER WATCH TOP GUN EVER AGAIN!"
"Definitely 20 years. Ice is probably the only person Mav actually loved. Like, not a fling?" "Yeah, probably." "He's been with lots of women, and men, but Iceman is the only person he was ever in love with– maybe still is."
"I think his (Ice's) wife knows. That's probably why she recognizes Mav and is kind of friends with him." "That's probably why she just let him go up to see Ice." "YEAH GO AHEAD, FUCK MY HUSBAND!"
"It's pretty easy to notice that Snowman– No, ICEman."
"That is the face of a man who just lost the love of his life."
"Damn, the mans a beast. If It was me I'd already have cried, alone, in a room absolutely destroyed, never to come out again."
"He's got nobody, dude! I just want his step child to come back, because If he doesn't that man's gonna kill himself!"
"Why does it always have to have a romantic ending. Just leave him with his adoptive son. Go away."
"They (Penny and Mav) aren't going to end up together."
"I have a theory! Fanboy is obsessed with women! Cus he's 'Fanboy'." "But wouldn't he be called Simp, then?" "Ah, then he's obsessed with men." "... simp can be for men too."
"There's gonna be a Top Gun Three? Who's it gonna be about? It ain't gonna be Maverick, that man has a foot in the grave already."
"Bob is my favorite in the second movie. I have no favorites in the first one because everybody is very macho and very gay, and that's boring."
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vixien11 · 6 months
Emily gets blackout drunk and writes a 1200 page erotica novel (maybe even longer) that makes her girlfriends (Charlie and vaggie) a mix between turned on and mildly concerned the more they read. The hazbins have a bit of a book club because NO ONE knows what’s in the book not even Emily cause she was completely blacked out. It’s a really good book too, the story beats, the characters, the emotions are all leaving the hotel impressed and gobsmacked.
Hah! Okay I just have to write this. Sorry I took a while to respond!(Totally not going to base the novel after a project I'm working on) Emily: (Wakes up groggily and rubs her face as she lifts her head away from a hard object) Ugh... I need to stop asking Charlie's aunt for beezle juice... (Looks down at the object her face was resting on to find a hardcover book called Weeping Horizons. After a moment of looking at it, she notices it says she wrote the book.) Emily: What? I.. I wrote a whole book..? It looks long. How did I even make it hardcover while drunk!? (She looks the book up and down) Well.. Better tell everyone else about this. Later, the whole crew is circled up around this book, eyeing it confusedly. Emily: Next thing I know, I'm wake up with this book. I don't even know what genre it is... (The Hazbins were looking at the book with awe as the cover had a feathered woman with long, pearly white hair curling around her face. The golden eyes of the women sparked a little bit off blood that was inching down her face.) Emily: But the cover looks like my art style.. Charlie: Alright. We'll just read it then! Can't be that bad. (Opens the book tentatively) An hour later, Angel is the only one immune enough to the contents of the book to read it out loud. Angel: Silk gasp as Phoenix licked the blood on her neck and drew circles on her collar bone... (Eyes widen) Okay.. Dove.. (Points at Emily) How the hell are YOU the one who wrote this..!? (Charlie and Vaggie are both blushing profusely and Emily is burying her face in a pillow) Emily: I DON'T KNOOOOW!! I WAS DRUNK OKAY?! Alastor: (Ears are back in asexual disapproval) Yet you have not one grammar mistake... (Flinches back with a small wendigo screech as he reads ahead.) Angel: Well at least I got the stomach for this. (Clears his throat before continuing to read) Half an hour later, it is Vaggie who is reading while the rest of the Hazbins are bawling their eyes out. Vaggie: (Wipes eye) Orchid knew she had made a grave error.. She knew her girlfriends despised her for every moment she had lied. Lied about her past. A shiver went down her spine as she watched Silk's eyes darken. A whimper escaped her.. (Her voice catches) Husk: (Lip trembles slightly) What the fuck are you doing?! Keep reading, dumbass! Angel: FUCK 'EM, ORCHID! I STAND BY YA!! THOSE BITCHES JUST NEED TA LISTEN TO YA! (Cries into Husk's shoulder) Cherri: Fuck you talkin' about, Angi? She ruined there relationship because she lied! She used to kill off civilians like it was pest control! Angel: (Head shooting up from Husk's shoulder) SHE CHANGED AND YOU KNOW IT!! Charlie + Emily: (Hiccupping and clutching either side of Vaggie for support) Cherri: Angi, I will go to war over this. HER REDEMTION ARC HAS BEEN LAME AS FUCK SO FAR!! Angel: (Dramatic ahh gasp) How FUCKING DARE you!! Vaggie: Is no one going to talk about how fucking tragic Pheonix is!? Like hello? Cursed to never be taken seriously but also is why everyone is still as mentally sound as they are! Charlie: (Wipes face) I am SUCH a Pheonix kinnie... Husk: Keep reading! Vaggie: (Sighs and mentally prepares to continue reading.) Should I keep writing this? :3
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
Looking for somebody (to love)
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summary: a flurry of bad dates leads bradley bradshaw to you.
pairing: bradley bradshaw x reader
word count: 5k+
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, smut, big dick bradley 🙏 MDNI 18+
Phoenix had pushed him into this, dating wasn’t really Bradley’s scene. As much as he rebuked Jake’s love ‘em and leave ‘em mentality Bradley wasn’t much better. It was easier that way, no strings and no one left pining when he inevitably was sent on deployment.
He’d been on three dates in total so far this month, each one worse than the last.
The first wasn’t so bad in comparison to the rest. Her name began with an L, Bradley couldn’t quite remember whether it was Lana or Lara, either way Jake had set them up which should have been the first red flag.
She was pretty and blonde, definitely Jake’s type. In fact, Bradley was pretty sure he’d been on a date with the female version of Jake Seresin. The whole date she had talked about herself, and not in the cute, rambley sort of way that Bradley could get behind. But in the braggy, daddy’s money kind of way.
“Yeah and that’s the story of how that bitch of a barista burned my tongue off.” Lan/ra snarled, picking her fork at her salad.
“Oh, yeah, that sounds horrible.” Bradley tried to sound sincere.
“And I didn’t even tell you about the time a waitress scuffed my vintage Dior bag-” She interrupts herself, “fuck is that a tomato?”
Bradley looked up from where he had been cutting at his steak (that she had turned her nose up at) and winced, recalling how she had made a large scene out of not having tomatoes in her salad.
Unfortunately, one of the younger waiters at the restaurant managed to walk past their table as said revelation took place. Bradley’s date snapped her fingers in the poor waiters face, stilling him and looking down at her in fear.
“Hi miss, how can I help?” The waiter, who couldn’t be more than 17, stuttered out.
“Help?!” She looked to Bradley as if to encourage him to join her in complaining.
Bradley looked at the waiter apologetically, hoping for this to pan out calmly. Much like everything else that happened in Bradley’s life, it did not go the way he wanted it to.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Lan(r)a snapped, staring angrily up at the boy.
She stared at him expectantly, clearly waiting for a reply. Bradley wondered if it was worth slamming a few bills on the table and making his way out now.
“Uhm..” The waiter is looking around now, making pleading eye contact with who must be his manager.
Bradley finally tries to speak up, maybe diffuse the situation, “It’s okay, look I’ll just pay and we can get out of here.”
Lan(r)a objected once again, “We won’t be paying for anything! I want this meal free of charge!”
Bradley held in a laugh at her use of “we”, she had made it very clear at the start of the date that he would be paying. He was going to anyway, but her insistence made Bradley’s eyebrows furrow. Before her grating voice could start again, Bradley looked to the waiter.
“If you could just get us the bill, please?” He tried his best to communicate how apologetic he felt through his eyes and hoped that the waiter understood.
The waiter scurried off, fearing for another berating and in lieu of finding the bill.
“Why did you do that?” Bradley’s date seethed.
“I didn’t want to cause a scene,” Bradley didn’t really know why he was explaining himself to this girl.
“Whatever, Jake told me you were a dick anyway.”
Bradley laughed, loud. This girl could not be serious. He stood up and did what he should have done after the first ten minutes of being here. Slapped a hundred on the table and walked out.
In his car, Bradley considered his options. He could go home drink a few beers, maybe wallow about that pitiful date and pass out. Or, he could drive to the Hard Deck where he knew all his friends would be and chew Jake out.
He chose the latter.
“Bagman, what the fuck?”
Jake span around from where he was bent over the pool table, a smile plastered on his face.
“Not with Lana?” Jake chuckled, winding his neck around slightly trying to see if she was in tow.
“Fuck no! Why did you send her on a date with me?” Bradley all but whined to Jake.
By now Phoenix had made her way back from the bar top and was interested in what had seemingly got Bradley’s panties in a twist.
“She’s a friend, I thought you guys would have a lot in common.” Jake’s smile still scheming.
Bradley scoffs, “Like what?”
“You’re both bitches.” Jake cackles, picking his beer out of Phoenix’s hand.
Bradley’s pissed. He all but snatches the beer from Jake’s hands and takes a long swig.
“I’m never going on a date ever again.”
Bradley’s vow of no dates didn’t last long. Phoenix had tricked him into another date, this time with someone of Coyote’s choosing. She was one of Javy’s sister’s friends and around the same age as Bradley and she was a total knockout.
When Javy had shown Bradley a picture he thought he was getting pranked. Seeing her in real life was even more insane. He’d decided this time on a more casual date, drinks at a bar in downtown San Diego. Although he was regretting his casual attire now. He definitely should have worn the black button up, Bob said it made his arms pop or whatever.
“Hi, I’m Bradley. Javy’s friend, you must be Maria?”
Bradley’s eyebrows quirked slightly, maybe she was just nervous?
“Do you want to go in and get some drinks?”
Okay maybe she’s just a woman of a few words, Bradley liked that. She’s mysterious, and hot. He’s sure he can crack her, maybe a few longing glances with his puppy dog eyes and she’d be done for.
Or at least that’s what he thought.
“So, what do you do for a living?”
This was one of Bradley’s many ice breakers he had tried, and he still couldn’t figure out for the life of him whether this girl was that uninterested in him or if she was actually just this goddamn boring.
“I model.”
“Oh cool, I mean I’m not surprised you’re totally beautiful.”
Even the bartender was looking somewhat sympathetically at Bradley’s poor attempt at saving this date. They sat in another few seconds of silence as Bradley wondered whether she was going to ask him a question. She did not.
“…yeah I’m a fighter pilot, like Javy?”
Bradley was about to gouge his eyes out with the trendy metal straws sat in a ceramic pot on the bar top next to him. He mulled over whether he should bite the bullet and ask if she really even wanted to be here. He decided on a more polite version of that.
“So.. what made you decide to come on this date?”
Maria sits quietly for a moment, sips at the straw of her daiquiri and hums.
“I’m not sure.”
Bradley was going to bang his head on the table.
“Yeah I don’t know, I’m not really into guys with facial hair.”
Bradley snorts as he takes a sip of his beer, and Maria pulls back slightly disgusted. He taps a finger against his moustache in consideration. Was she hot enough for him to get rid of the stache?
“Okay, cool. I’m not sure this is gonna work out.”
“Yeah.” Maria shrugs.
Bradley nods curtly, and pays off his tab. As he’s walking out he notices a guy approaching Maria, clean shaven. Bradley sees for the first time tonight a smile grace her face and rolls his eyes.
He’s on the phone to Phoenix as he enters his apartment, “Seriously Phe she was the most boring girl I’ve ever met.”
“What, because she didn’t like your moustache?”
“Shut up, you know that’s not why.”
Phoenix can hear Bradley pacing around his apartment and the opening of the fridge, she hears the clink of a beer opening and decides to bite the bullet.
“Look, I know these past two dates haven’t been great but I have one more for you-”
“Absolutely not.”
Phoenix huffs.“Hear me out. pleeeeeeeeeea-”
Bradley cannot believe he’s on the phone with a thirty year old woman, “Oh my god, fine.”
“She’s an old school friend, recently broken up with her boyfriend so she’s not looking for anything super serious and she’s your type to a T.”
Phoenix can hear Bradley tapping his foot on the wooden floor of his apartment, a sign he’s clearly thinking about her offer. He hums,
“Nothing serious?”
“Not at all.”
Phoenix holds her breath.
“Ugh, fine.”
Bradley hopes he doesn’t regret this.
Clare is exactly what Bradley was looking for, as much as he hated to admit it; Phoenix was right. Clare was just what she promised to be, funny, not looking for anything serious and exactly Bradley’s type. Honestly the date was going pretty good considering the horror show that the last two were.
“Nat never told me her pilot friends were so handsome.” She flirted.
Bradley chuckles into his wine glass, “I think Nat would probably throw up if she called me handsome.”
“She’s still that stubborn?” Clare giggles.
“As ever.”
There’s a lull in conversation as flirtatious looks are exchanged whilst they both sip at their wine. It gives Bradley a chance to remind himself to text Phoenix a thank you message.
Clare breaks the silence, “How come you’re single? I feel like you’re too good to be true.”
Bradley stews, wondering if he’s going to reveal himself so early on in the date,
“Well, if I’m being completely transparent I’m usually more of a one night stand kind of guy.”
Clare smirks, “What if I told you that was exactly what I was looking for?”
Bradley’s eyebrows quirk in intrigue, “Oh?”
“I just got out of a long term relationship so I don’t want to jump into something immediately, buuuut I like you Bradley. You’re cute.”
Bradley laughs, “Cute?”
Clare rolls her eyes, “You know what I mean.”
Bradley feels the tip of her heel begin to trace its way up his calf, stroking up and down lightly. She looks up at him smiling and he widens his legs, a suggestion for her to continue on her ministrations. It’s a nice kind of teasing, that promises a fun night ahead for Bradley. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t excited. However, Clare suddenly removes her foot from his calf and sits up straight, Bradley’s about to whine when a deep voice from behind him speaks,
“Shit, Clare?”
Bradley turns to see who Clare’s eyes are locked on. There’s a tall man stood behind him and a pretty woman slightly to the side, her dress short and red.
“Fuck, Daniel what are you doing here?”
“I’m with my date,” Daniel gestures to you.
You frown as the woman you now know as Clare glares at you.
“Yeah well I am too.” Clare folds her arms and gestures to Bradley.
You let your eyes wander to the man sat opposite her. He’s attractive, wavy brown hair, tan skin and muscular. He’s somehow even pulling off his porn stache. You finally pull your eyes away from your date’s ex girlfriend’s date and back to whatever was unfolding in front of you.
Daniel scoffs and gestures to Bradley, “This guy?”
Bradley isn’t sure whether he should be offended or not. As he sizes Daniel up he catches your eye, you’re even prettier on second look. You make a look at him as if to say “is this really happening right now?” and in that moment he decides he likes you infinitely more than Clare.
Clare rolls her eyes at Daniel, “Yeah, and what new skank have you got with you?”
Your eyes widen. This girl cannot be serious. Daniel had told you he’d recently gotten out of a long term relationship but he failed to mention it was clearly with someone who was still hung up on him, and probably vice versa. Your eyes wander back down to Clare’s date who has a disgusted look on his face, clearly equally surprised and annoyed by her words.
He speaks up for you before Daniel does, “That was uncalled for.”
“Bradley you don’t know what Daniel or the girls he used to cheat on me with are like.”
Repulsed by the newfound revelation about your date and tired of being slandered by a girl you’ve never met, you storm out of the restaurant. Early winter air in San Diego is chilly, especially at night when you’re wearing a skimpy slip dress. Your heels clack along the concrete loud enough that you don’t hear the footsteps approaching behind you. A hand grasps lightly at your shoulder and your shake it off in anger,
“Fuck off Daniel, this isn’t going to work.”
You spin on your heel, ready to berate him further when you realise it’s not Daniel at all.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped out on you. My name’s Bradley.”
Bradley. Clare’s date. He’s gorgeous, big brown eyes lit up by the moon. He’s looking at you with so much concern you don’t even realise that you’ve started crying until he raises a hand to wipe a tear off of your cheek. You blink quickly, willing the tears away and chuckle wetly,
“Sorry, I’m so embarrassed.”
“Please don’t be.” Bradley’s thumb swiped across your cheek in a comforting gesture.
“Hey, do you want to go on a walk?” He suggests, offering his arm to you.
You let out a shaky breath, “Yeah, okay.”
You walk slowly along the sidewalk, arm in arm with Bradley as he tells you about himself and asks about you. You learn that he’s 35 and a fighter pilot for the navy and probably the most charming man you’ve ever met.
He looks at you hesitantly, “Can I ask you something?”
You smile at him reassuringly, “Of course.”
“Why were you on a date with that douche bag? You’re way out of his league.”
You giggle at his suggestion and stare at him as you continue to walk, trusting him to guide you.
“My friends thought I needed to get out more, but every date I’ve been on this past month has been horrific.”
Bradley cackles, “No fucking way!”
You frown at him slightly, not enjoying the feeling of being laughed at. He quickly picks up on your expression and rectifies what he said.
“Sorry, shit, it’s just that’s exactly what happened to me.”
You cock your head to the side and let a small grin onto your face, “Really?”
Bradley smiles, “Totally.” He carries on, “The first girl was insufferable, I’m pretty sure my friend only picked her to annoy me.”
You chuckle, “Damn, why was she so annoying?”
“All she did was talk about herself and her money, and then flipped on the waiter when there was a tomato in her salad.”
You look up at him and giggle, somewhat uncontrollably. He joins in with you until your both leaning on each other for support. Once you’ve stopped laughing and alarming the other people in the street, you realise you’ve come full circle in your walk and back to the front of the restaurant you had left. You peer into the window and see Daniel sat where Bradley was previously, sticking his tongue down Clare’s throat. You hold down another bout of laughter as you look at Bradley’s shocked face.
“They fucking suck, don’t they?” He whispers into your ear.
You look back at him, “Oh 100%.”
You look into each others eyes for a moment, not really sure where to go from here. You hesitantly speak up,
“I should call an uber.”
Bradley frowns, “No way, I’ll drive you.”
You smile, teasing, “Haven’t you ever heard of stranger danger, Bradley?”
“I promise I’m not an axe murderer, sugar.”
You scoff in mock offence, “I’m talking about me.”
He rolls his eyes, “I’ll take my chances.”
Bradley’s bronco is clean, he has a pine scented air freshener dangling from the rear view mirror next to some mini fuzzy dice and he lets the radio hum 70s r&b hits whilst you direct him to your apartment.
When he comes to a slow in front of your apartment building you consider your options for a moment. Were you really about to let the first man who genuinely made you laugh for the first time in months slip out of your hands? Fuck no.
“Would you- Do you want to come up to my apartment with me?”
Bradley is so glad you have more initiative than him.
“Yeah, definitely.”
He steps out of the car and jogs round to help you out of your side. He’s holding your hand as you step down and once your feet are planted on the ground you look up at him and giggle,
“Definitely?” You tease, hand dragging up and down his chest.
He smirks at that and fires back, “I mean, I can just go?”
You roll your eyes and turn on your heel, taking his hand in yours and dragging him behind you, “Yeah sure.”
In your apartment, you make quick work of kicking your heels off. You make your way into the kitchen and return with two beers. Bradley’s sat on your couch, legs spread invitingly wide. You hand a beer to him and he smiles,
“Thanks, gorgeous.”
It’s impossible to ignore the way he makes your stomach flutter with want. Once you’re planted on the couch next to him he pulls your legs onto his lap and strokes a hand up and down your calf.
“So, tell me about your tragic dates.” He speaks, startling you out of your daze.
You take a sip of your beer and lean back, dragging your eyes across his face. He looks genuinely interested so you decide to indulge him.
“The second one was definitely the worst.” You chuckle in memory.
“Colour me intrigued, gorgeous.”
You rolls your eyes at the pet name but continue, “This guy took me to dinner and made eye contact with my boobs the whole time, and when I say the whole time I mean like I couldn’t even tell you what colour his eyes are because we never made actual eye contact for long enough.”
Bradley laughs at your explanation and can’t help himself but glance down at your exposed cleavage, he shrugs appreciatively, making a little “ow!” sound when you smack his shoulder lightly.
“Anyways, he kept insinuating that I was going to sleep with him and when I told him I wasn’t interested he immediately asked for the waitresses number.”
Bradley splutters into his beer and mumbles something about your date “fumbling the bag.”
“I’ve gotta see a picture of this guy,” Bradley laughs, curious as to what type of man could have such audacity.
You smirk and reach for your phone on the coffee table and quickly swipe open instagram, clicking on his profile in your recently searched. You hand your phone over to Bradley and he places his beer down before swiping through the pictures. He outright cackles,
“This fuckin’ guy? He’s literally the size of one of my thighs.”
You look down at his muscular thighs where your legs are resting and suck in a deep breath. When you look back up Bradley’s showing you a post on his instagram where he’s awkwardly stood next to two beautiful girls clearly dressed in some type of festival outfits and clearly not friends with him. Bradley’s laughing so loudly you consider your neighbours complaining.
You pout at him, holding in your own laugh, “Don’t be mean! He’s kind of cute in his own right?”
“Sugar, how do you expect me to believe that when you don’t even believe it yourself?”
You hum at his explanation.
“Besides, I think I have a good grasp on what your type is.”
You raise you eyebrows at his statement, “Really? Enlighten me.”
Bradley quirks his upper lip, “Well first off you like big tall guys, maybe some would even describe them as hunky.”
You giggle as he continues.
“Brown hair, brown eyes, huge dick, killer moustache and absolutely hilarious. Am I missing anything?” He peers down at you, teasing smile on his face.
“What was that middle one again?” You cock your head to the side in faux innocence.
“Killer moustache?”
“Brown eyes?”
“Not quite.”
“Ohhhh, huge dick?”
You giggle, “Yeah that was the one, I was wondering why you think that’s part of my specific type?”
Bradley grins, “Well, you seem to like every thing else about me.”
Your stomach burns with desire at his confidence and you have to quickly compose yourself to answer.
“Well since we don’t have any proof, I’m not sure I can hold you to that, handsome.”
You move your legs from his lap and tuck them under yourself, moving your front towards him until your breasts are pressed up against his bicep, lips hovering over his ear.
“Unless you’re willing to provide some?”
You meet Bradley’s lust filled gaze and he groans,
His lips are on yours in an instant, his strong hands threading through the hair at the back of your head. Bradley revels in the feeling of your soft lips against his, the taste of alcohol mixing between your mouths. You’re moaning into his mouth as his tongue licks into yours. His hand leaves the back of your head in favour of gripping at your waist and pulling you over onto his lap. Bradley’s thighs are firm beneath you, as you roll your crotch down into his you get evidence of his claim and whimper into his kiss. He pulls back to smile smugly at you,
“You okay there, gorgeous?”
His cocky tone only proves as fuel for the slick accumulating between your thighs and you whine as you grind down onto his hard cock, straining against his dark jeans.
“I’d be better if you fucked me.” You whimper out.
Bradley chuckles, playing with the hem of your dress,
“Is that what you want, sugar?”
You aid him in pulling of your dress, once it’s flung on the floor you speak up,
“Right now? More than anything.”
Bradley is biting his lip, eyes trained on your breasts as he reaches out to grab at them.
“Shit I can’t blame that guy, you’ve got great tits.”
Your roll your eyes at him and prepare a quip, but all thought are wiped from your mind as he reaches down and swipes his tongue across your pebbled nipple. Instead, you moan out his name breathily with another roll of your hips.
“Bradley, please.”
He pulls back and looks up at you, “What do you need, sugar?”
“You, Bradley.” You whine, nimble fingers already unbuttoning his shirt.
Once you’ve finished with his shirt, you help him slide it from his shoulders and where it sits tight around his biceps. As you suspected, he’s just as muscular under his shirt. You reach down to suck at the skin of his chest, marking his pecs.
“You’ve got great tits too, Brad.”
He grants you with a laugh which turns into a moan as your small hands begin to palm at his cock. Your touch is momentarily stopped as you help him remove his jeans and boxers. You’re sat before him staring with your mouth slightly agape at his sheer size.
“Jesus,” You murmur, hand reaching out to stroke him slowly.
Bradley wants to gloat but your touch feels so good that he doesn’t want to risk you leaving him high and dry. He watches in awe as you reach forward to spit on the tip of his cock, using your saliva as lubricant as you speed up your strokes. Once you begin to lightly circle his tip with your tongue he pulls you back up with a whimper,
“Sugar, if you carry on i’m going to cum.”
You smile coyly, “Isn’t that the whole point?”
Bradley reaches a hand down to pull at your lacy underwear. Once he’s removed it he cups your pussy, the feeling of his large, warm hand making you shiver in excitement.
“I was kind of hoping to be inside of you before doing that.”
You grind down into his hand as he speaks, finger tips grazing at your clit deliciously.
“Well don’t let me ruin your plans.”
Bradley’s eyes roll back slightly at your words and he pulls away his hand to lick at the juices you left. He hums down at you,
You whine and turn your back to him, lying into the couch and arching your back up so that your ass is pressing against his hard cock. You wiggle your ass back against him and feel some of his precum seep out onto you.
“You gonna fuck me now?” You simper at him, turning your head slightly and giving him your best doe eyes.
He reaches a hand out to stroke at your flushed cheek, “How could I say no to this pretty face?”
You keen under his praise and squeal as you feel him guiding his cock through your folds, collecting your wetness onto himself. Bradley groans at the feeling as he begins to push into your hole, the way your velvety walls are squeezing him is almost addictive.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he finally bottoms out after what feels like hours of him pushing his considerate length in. You feel so fucking full with him pushed all the way into you.
“You good, gorgeous?” Bradley asks, care in his voice evident.
You moan and push back against him, “Shit yeah, you feel so good, so deep.”
Bradley feels a whine catch in his throat at your words and tentatively thrusts into you. When he’s met with a high pitched moan he takes that as a sign to start moving.
Bradley’s thrusts are deep, making you whimper with each one. Managing to make you feel even more full than before. He has both hands placed at your waist, strong grip almost intoxicating.
The sound of slapping skin and your combined moans fill up the space of your apartment as Bradley keeps up his pace. You’re beginning to drool slightly onto your couch as Bradley lifts your body up so that your back is pressed against his chest. His strength is so attractive to you that you can’t help but let a strangled moan fall from your mouth. He smirks at the sound and reaches one of his hands on your waist down to toy with your clit. The action makes your jolt as your pleasure suddenly intensifies. You turn your head and whimper into his neck,
“Fuck, Brad please.”
Bradley’s starting to think your moans are the best thing he’s ever heard. He only increases his ministrations, spurred on by your whimpers, close to making the sound himself as your walls clench around him. Bradley increases the pace of his thrusts quickly, determined to push you over the edge. It’s working faster than you would have liked and you would have felt embarrassed was it not for the way he also increases the pressure on your clit, making you twitch and squeak out, “Bradley! Oh my God!”
You can feel him chuckle breathlessly into your shoulder, his breath on your hot skin making the coil growing in your stomach tight. With one last quick thrust the coil snaps and you’re moaning unabashedly as you spasm on his cock. Your moans are music to Bradley’s ears and the feeling of your pulsing walls pushes Bradley to his precipice.
He pulls out quickly and flips you over so he can look at your gorgeous blissed out face as he cums. It spurts out in thick ropes onto your belly and Bradley groans deeply at the sight, growling as you reach down with a few fingers to swirl it around and lift it back up to your lips.
He’s still heaving whilst looking down at you. The sight of his sweaty chest dropping up and down enough to make you squeeze your legs as another flood of arousal leaks from you. He catches sight of the action and smirks, but chooses not to taunt you any further.
He finally speaks up, “Was that good enough proof for you gorgeous?”
You giggle up at him, hair splayed around your head, reminding Bradley of and angel.
“Maybe I need some more?”
You widen your legs for him to look down at your pussy, arousal dripping from you. He whines albeit somewhat pathetically.
“Yeah I think so too.”
When Bradley wakes in the morning, his arm is draped around your naked waist. He smiles down at the sight and picks up his phone to text Phoenix a quick thanks for sending him on that date.
a/n: sorry guys i’m on my big dick bradley agenda rn !!!
i love this so i hope everyone else does too HAHEJA
also apologies for the filth i literally cant help myself
pls comment, reblog or send me an ask and tell me what u think !!!
thank u for reading :))
- honey <333
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george-weasleys-girl · 9 months
I love your writing so much! Can you please write something with the enemies to lovers trope with George? Like, set in the Order Of The Phoenix where George gets detention with Umbridge and the reader comforts him?
Thanks :)
Thank you so much, lovely! I hope you like it!
From Thorns to Flowers
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George Weasley x fem!reader
Warnings: a couple of curse words, mention of injury/blood
George stomped out of Umbridge's office and rolled his eyes. Just as he closed the door behind him, Y/N turned the corner and was headed straight in his direction.
Well, this is just fucking great. Of course, it would be his luck that he'd run into her after spending two hours having "I must not be rude" carved into the back of his hand.
He weighed his options. He could high-tail it in the opposite direction, but that would add an extra fifteen minutes through the pouring rain to his walk. Or he could keep going and hope she ignored him. A highly unlikely prospect given that Y/N never gave up a chance to gloat at his misfortune.
After a moment, he sighed and continued on. Sometimes, the only choices you have are shitty ones, but you still have to choose. Picking up his pace, George huddled close to the wall, hoping to blend in with the scenery.
"Look, I don't have time to - " He began.
"You ok?" She interrupted, stepping closer.
George froze, staring first at her, then down at his wounded hand that still trickled blood.
Am I hallucinating from the pain?
"George? Are you ok?" She repeated.
"I - I, um, yeah," he sputtered and attempted to push past her.
"Can I see?" She asked, holding out her hand.
George whirled around. "No, you can't!" He snapped. "I'm not in the mood for your - "
"I just want to help!" she snapped back. "If I can..." Her voice grew soft, and she held up a jar of healing salve. "Julia told me what you did. Taking the fall for Thomas."
"Oh, um, that... yeah," George shuffled in place. "Yeah, I did that."
Thomas was a second year Hufflepuff who made the mistake of calling Umbridge a "stupid bitch" a little too loudly. So, rather than condemning poor kid to a torturous evening with the abominable pink toad, George took blame.
And now here he stood, in front of his arch enemy, as she held out her hand to him.
Y/N nodded. "That was really cool, you know."
The corner of George’s mouth quirked up briefly. "Uh, yeah, thanks." He placed his hand in Y/N's.
Her eyes went wide. "Oh geez, George, those cuts are really deep," she leaned forward to examine his wound closer. "Can I put some salve on it? It'll help with the pain."
"Yeah, ok," he nodded. "But can we do this somewhere else?" He inclined his head toward Umbridge's office.
"Oh, right! Of course. Silly me." George watched the rosy blush rise up in her cheeks and wondered how he never noticed how pretty she was before now.
You could've heard a pin drop the moment they walked into Gryffindor Tower together. George couldn't quite believe it himself. Not since the unfortunate pranking mishap five years ago had Y/N looked at George with anything less than pure loathing.
Not that he could blame her, really. The whole sordid incident set her cloak on fire, leaving her with several burns and a failing grade on an exam she would've otherwise aced.
George watched her carefully wrap the gauze around his hand. "You're the last person I would've expected to be bandaging up my hand."
Y/N shrugged. "Consider it a peace offering."
"Why?" She repeated, eyebrows creasing together. "What do you mean why?"
"I thought you hated me?"
"Hated you?" Y/N sat back. "No. I don't hate you. Not anymore anyway."
"Oh, ok. Well, um, not to sound like a three year old," George said. "But why not?"
"You were a stupid twelve year old when you blew up my cauldron. But you've grown up. You've changed. You actually think before you act... well, most of the time, anyway," Y/N paused and grinned. "And more importantly, you think about someone other than yourself and Fred."
"Like taking the blame for Thomas?"
"Yeah," she nodded. "Among other things."
"So, you've been watching me, huh?" George teased.
"Of course," she crossed her arms. "I had to keep a close eye on you. Make sure you didn't set me on fire again."
"Um..." George rubbed the back of his neck, and a nervous laugh escaped his lips. "Yeah, um, sorry about that."
Y/N shrugged again. "I was more scared than hurt. And pissed. Really, really pissed. I'd studied for that stupid exam for weeks."
"Snape should've never failed you," George said. "It wasn't your fault."
"True. But you and I both know he doesn't give a shit. Tormenting students is his favorite pastime."
George chuckled. "Probably keeps a list of all his favorite child torturing moments and goes back through them to cheer himself up when he's depressed."
Y/N giggled at the thought, "That's peak Snape. Probably gets together with Umbridge - " she began, but stopped when she noticed Fred and Lee sitting in the far corner of the room staring at them. "I - uh - I should probably go."
"What? Why?" George turned briefly to see what caught her attention. "Oh, them? Pay no attention to them."
"It's kinda hard not to when they're boring holes into my brain."
The younger twin turned back around and mouthed something to Fred, bringing a smirk to his brother's face. George rolled his eyes and shifted to look at Y/N again, who was already rising to go.
"It's getting late anyway, and I've got an early morning. Guess I'll see you arou - "
"Would you like to go with me to Hogsmede on Saturday?" The words tumbled out of George’s mouth, freezing in the air between them. "I mean, as, you know, friends. I think we're friends now - "
"Ok? Like ok we're friends or ok we're going to Hogsmede?"
"Yes? T - to both? Or - "
Y/N grinned. "Yes to both."
"Yes, to both! Great!" George returned her grin. "Hogsmede on Saturday it is, then."
Y/N had barely slept the past three nights. She wasn't lying when she said she'd kept a close eye on George. She certainly had. But as the years passed, it shifted from an act of self-preservation to one of fascination as he slowly matured from the impetuous class clown into the thoughtful, compassionate person he was today. And somewhere along the way, she developed feelings for the freckled red-head. She wouldn't call it love. Admiration, perhaps. Or a kindly affection.
Whatever it was, in recent months, she found herself thinking of him more often and in a more positive light. It was also the reason she decided to lay down her arms and extend the olive branch.
But now, as she tossed and turned for the third night in a row, she began to wonder if something more might've been growing in the hidden corners of her heart.
"Why am I so nervous?" George muttered to himself as he changed his shirt for the fourth time. Ever since that evening three nights ago, Y/N had been running circles in his mind. He was tempted to ask her if she'd been exhausted the last couple of days but decided that might come off as a little weird.
And weird was the last thing he wanted to be.
Because for some strange reason he couldn't possibly fathom, he wanted to give her the best of himself. In just a few short hours, something had changed between them. And in changing, it changed the way he saw her. Beautiful in a way that went beyond the mere physical. It was as if her very presence lit up like a beacon, calling him to her.
It both terrified and exhilarated him. And he knew he couldn't fuck this up.
"This is galium ordoratum or sweet woodruff. Made into a tea, it's good for insomina. And the same with this one. Valeriana officinalis," Y/N pointed out another flower.
After a day weaving their way through the overcrowded shops at Hogsmede, they'd decided to make their way back to the castle through the neighboring fields and forest. Along the way, she began pointing out herbs and plants and what they were used for in the muggle world.
"How do you know all this?" George asked. "These aren't usually the sorts of plants Professor Sprout teaches in Herbology."
"My mom's an herbalist. A muggle one."
"Really? That's so cool!" George smiled. "I didn't know muggles used herbs and flowers for healing, too.
"Yeah, she thinks I could blend magical and muggle herbal knowledge and come up with some really amazing stuff."
"I agree," he smiled. "So you're going to become a Herbologist?"
"That's the plan," she grinned.
George nodded and noticed a cluster of flowers in the bright sunlight. "What's that?"
"Oh, that's Achillea millefolium. It's really good to help stop bleeding."
"And those?" He pointed at a small grouping of purple flowers.
"Digitalis purpurea. Foxglove. It's highly toxic, but in the right doses, it can help with some heart conditions."
"Oh wow... What about that one?"
"Hypericum perforatum."
"Hypericum perforatum," he repeated.
Something in George’s voice had changed. It'd grown softer and a little breathless, causing her to stumble over her words. "A - and this one is.... is... feverfew. I can't remember the scientific name. It's... um... it's good for fevers."
"Feverfew," he whispered. "Good for fevers."
She moved her hand to touch another flower. "Dead nettle. Lamium purpureum. It's ok to touch it. It won't sting."
"Lamium purpureum," he repeated, his voice almost a caress now.
"This little one is ....." Y/N breathed, reaching for another flower. Her hand brushed against his, and she realized why she was so nervous.
George wasn't looking at any of the flowers she was naming. He was looking at her.
Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, the world stopped turning. Neither of them would remember the seconds before they kissed, but that first kiss would be burned into their memories forever. It was soft and sweet and a little hesitant at first, then, growing bolder and deeper until the only thing they knew was each other.
"Does this mean we're officially not enemies anymore?" George asked after a few minutes.
"I think it means so much more than just that," Y/N smiled, reaching out to caress his cheek.
George smiled from ear to ear. "So, um, does that mean I can kiss you again?"
"Anytime. Anyplace," she mummered, pulling him back to her.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe
@drama-queen-fromthevault @smallsweetvanillabean @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @scooby-doo1995 @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @Havenater1920 @jelloangela @charmedfandomgal @loca4moony @whotfskai @netflix-addict @lunacurlclaw @moonatician @sierraluvzz @min-aaa @now-that-we-dontalk @LilliSummers
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celestialholz · 3 months
Be still made, my beloved crossbow (or 'let's talk about Durge's other other weapon... and maybe a bit about Stillmaker too')
You've read this post, friends. You know it's true, I know it's true. (And it's bloody beautiful by the way, lovely job @darkurgediaries.)
But wait, there's more.
Let's have a quick chat about the Hellfire Engine Crossbow, because if Stillmaker is Durge's blade from Gortash, this is Durge's side-bitch from him... or it was meant to be, anyway. Man never quite got around to piecing it all together.
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Okay, let's start with er... I mean look at it. It's white, has a phoenix head on it - a creature that symbolises resurrection, rebirth and immortality, how very Durge, and is also associated with sun gods when Gortash is this easy to turn into a Lathanderan and that guy brings light to each new day - and it's also embossed with Gortash and the Steel Watch's black and gold motif.
And then you take a mechanical look at it and... hang on.
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What are you doing here, Lightning Arrow? The Steel Watch don't have Lightning Arrow, but you know who does have Lightning Arrow? Rangers - archery experts, usually - at level nine and up. And who can we consider that's on level nine and is really good at archery?
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And who can we consider who might run out of lightning-basic magic in the heat of battle; who is white, and has a theme of rebirth either by rejecting Daddy Bhaal outright or embracing them anew, and knows a sun-coded Radiant guy, and may once have had business in the Foundry?
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Well hello The Dark Urge Vanilla Edition, our old spicy friend. There's also the lovely addition of Reposition Malefactor - Lightning Arrow, grab, Stillmaker stab. Classic Baldurian efficiency.
You know what kills me about Gortash's Radiant coding and Durge's Lightning? The first thing you see of lightning is its flash, its brilliance, and the second thing you see is its destruction. The light isn't the part that hurts you, but it's inextricably linked to the thing itself, just as you can't have the destruction without the light. Symbiosis. Gortash could have been thunder-coded, but... no. Thunder isn't destructive, not usually. It doesn't happen at the same time in the storm.
It's not symbiotic... it's not equal.
... Yeah no, I'm fine, not emotional at all. No sir, could not be me. Despite being level nine too, Gortash doesn't have Lightning Arrow. Why would you need lightning, when your beloved has it in their veins, when you've made them a crossbow specifically for it? You just bring the 'light' part, don't you?
Symbiosis. Peace and love on planet Faerûn. Anyway...
If we must consider the application of Lightning Arrow as a helpful aid to the depleted Storm Sorceror, we should probably consider Stillmaker's equivalent.
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Hold Person. Hold. Person. Which, yes - very useful bit of utility for our lovely Durge to have, 100% - but then you consider the fifteen separate dimensions of romantic overtones in Durgetash and you just can't help but feel: Hold Person. It's a bloody hug. It's support. He's made it easier for you to slaughter people, which at least used to be your favourite thing to do.
So Gortash has A. made your murdering life much more fun because you can savour the kill and B. made sure you can still kill from a distance if anyone else happens to be around and you're tired.
What a complete fucking simp. 🥺❤
On the subject of Stillmaker in fact, much as the Fabricated Arbalest to the Hellfire Engine, it's rather different to Durge's main dagger, Bloodthirst.
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This is pure function. Made to please Papa in the most gruesome way possible, whichever hand you feel like using to wield it.
Whereas Stillmaker... it's got an attached hug. It's got a wavy blade, perfect for the task of slicing and dicing - one that's very difficult to forge, that must have taken time and care.
... Well. Must have taken a mortal time and care. Because lest we forget, it's not the only wavy blade Durge owns.
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... Seriously, Larian. How are you going to make both of them wavy. I'm on your ceiling fans.
It's two separate dimensions to Durge's life, in two blades with the same nastiness to them - absolute utility, versus actual care.
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This is literally more intricate than the thing presumably given by a god. That's going to tear like a bitch, truly. And it's even got Bhaal's delightful countenance up front and centre. What was that devnote, about convincing the child of a god that they're not a monster? Mm...
Oh, I don't know. It's almost like, for a while anyway, Durge's connection to Gortash was more important than the one to their father. Maybe they wrote something about that very thing, in fact. Imagine. 🥲
I'd like to take this opportunity to also note the very violent and Thunder-mentioning text attached to the Hellfire Engine...
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... And the fact it's found in three parts, because y'know, Dead Three.
There's only one minor flaw in this whole thing, really. One teensy little tiny problematic detail.
Sorcerors, unlike Gortash, can't use Heavy Crossbows.
... But, then, they can't use shortswords either.
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I'll let you be the judge, shall I?
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zumicho · 3 months
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cw: language, mention of sex
— [ slight timeskip ]
approaching the podium, you spot your roommates waiting in the front row, having walked before you—faces lit up with pride. the dean hands you your degree, and you grasp it, feeling its weight, curtly waving at the camera before running off the stage to your friends.
“WE DID IT BITCH!!!!” tanaka’s hollering as bokuto envelops you in a firm hug, kiyoko’s makeup is streaming down her face, noya’s doing cartwheels. they hand you a yearbook; you laugh at the memory—running your thumb over the same area and feeling.. a lump? as you peel back the edge, there’s a light tap to your shoulder. intervened, you turn around.
“h— iwa?” that’s a face you haven’t seen in a bit.
his focus is on his shoes, clearly nervous. his hands disappear into the pockets of his slacks. “hi.” he’s says, stiff. the best part of graduation is the suits, you thirst. whore.
“it’s nice to see y—“
“I was really pissed. not to mention how much I liked you. but that’s no excuse for not giving you a chance to explain. so I’m sorry.” he finally makes eye contact. “also for interrupting you just now.”
“I’m sorry too.” you smile.
he mirrors your expression. “don’t call me iwa ever again.”
“okay.” you elbow him.
he feigns hurt, wincing dramatically. “welcome back, champ.”
“it’s nice to be back.”
from afar, akaashi watches your exchange. he’s known her for less than a year but looks at her like it’s been a lifetime - he thinks to himself. he’s completely and utterly oblivious that he looks at you the exact same way.
haji side-hugs you a goodbye, and keiji walks up to you. in a suit. yummy. “I must've been in the injury zone last time we argued, because you left me breathless." you cringe.
“is that supposed to be a pickup line? a med student pickup line?” you gape at him in disbelief.
he just smirks, the kind that makes you wanna rip it off his pretty face. “you’re like a sports injury: challenging at first, but with the right approach, I know we can heal together."
“quit it.” you kick his ankle playfully. “what’s your point?”
“I didn’t mean to bother you. I just need directions and a chaperone to the nearest cat cafe, is all.”
entertaining him this time, you quip: “what makes you think I’m the right person to ask?”
“it was worth a try.” he shrugs. “you read my letter yet?” akaashi taps the corner of the yearbook clutched to your chest with his pointer finger. peeling back the paper, you find a sticky note folded up diagonally - the same color as the one he left on the table. he holds the book for you as you unstick it open.
we never had sex.
you kissed me and I let you. that’s it.
maybe YOU’RE just ignorant and insensitive,
ms. graduate (woo congrats).
— insufferable
author’s note: 😭 second 😭 to 😭 last 😭 ep 😭
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@needtoloveoutloud @rory-cakes @minaluvu @tenjikusstuff4 @cherrypieyourface @strawberrygloom1 @bows4life @dreamsofnaughtiness @suitstars @vivianne666 @this-is-me-lolol @kettlepop @giocriedpower @literaleftist @yuminako @kagtobis @wolffmaiden @gsyche @fllavviiaa @guitarstringed-scars @hibernatinghamster @ryuverse @muyyie @gra-eae @phoenix-eclipses @cnnmairoll @neuviloved @reneny @elliott0o0 @girlkissersco @aliensstolemyheart
bolded didn’t tag
😭 lyrics 😭 that 😭 inspired 😭 the 😭 title 😭 we’re 😭 nearing 😭 the 😭 end 😭
most of the music i recommended is nothing i listen to on the regular .. with some exceptions, but UGH IS THIS SONG PERF FOR THEM
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saintsenara · 1 year
You mentioned fanon turning barty crouch jr. into an uninteresting character. I don't know much about what the new fanon characterisation has really done with him, but I'm curious for your thoughts on why he's a canonically interesting character. I agree that he is, but it sounds like you might have some interesting thoughts on it that are already fleshed out.
thank you for the ask, @jamesunderwater, and i'm sorry for taking so long to drag myself around to answering this.
as you may have gathered if you’ve read my views on jegulus or wolfstar, the common fanon interpretation of marauders-era characters and i don’t really get on.
this is not a new development - me and goofy fanon sirius have been beefing for over a decade at this point, i fear - but our enmity has taken on a new form since [roughly] 2020, when the emergence of what we might call the modern marauders subfandom brought with it a whole series of expectations about characters, ships, personalities, and appearances in first war stories which - let me state my position immediately - have absolutely nothing to do with the characters as they are in canon.
i could talk about sirius or regulus or james or snape or lupin until the cows come home - as, i’m sure, could many of us - but i also dislike the expectations the marauders subfandom has around its supporting cast. these characters - who largely fall under the categories of women, slytherins, or both - have names that we might recognise from canon, but they are - to all intents and purposes - original characters.
to do some marauders fan defending, i do understand the rationale behind this. hogwarts is a school, and it needs to be filled with the sort of incidental characters that lightning-era writers can pull from the canon text [shoutout to ernie macmillan, the mvp]. if you’re writing about lily, then she needs friends - why not have them be alice, marlene, dorcas, emmeline, pandora etc.?
[well, because dumbledore isn’t running a child army. it makes no sense for the entire order of the phoenix to be in the same school year - and the idea that alice is probably around ten years older than lily, that pandora is around the same age as narcissa malfoy and isn’t a pureblood, and that marlene, dorcas, and emmeline are hard-nosed ministry bitches in their fifties who can have mad-eye moody quaking with just a look is something which can be prised from my cold, dead hands.]
and if you’re writing about the epic highs and lows of high-school football going to school during a sectarian conflict, then you need some antagonists. which is to say, you need some slytherins.
the issue i have is that the three key slytherins who seem to have been elevated to principal cast in the marauders pantheon - regulus black, barty crouch jr., and evan rosier - get what can only be called the smol bean treatment. that is, that three teenagers who all canonically join a terror organisation are turned into soft and tiny babies who thought lord voldemort was just feeling silly when he said, "my aim is the eradication of the muggleborn population through violent means."
and even fics which do acknowledge that the three willingly become terrorists often go out of their way to provide justifications for this which don’t contextualise their decision [something which is important - you can’t write about snape becoming a death eater without acknowledging the way that poverty, loneliness, and a sense of hopelessness make someone an easy target of radicalisation] but which minimise it. sometimes, their violence is turned into romantic vengeance - i’ve seen a fair amount of suggestions that barty goes to torture the longbottoms because frank was the auror who killed evan. sometimes, authors imply - or even outright state - that there’s no need to see these boys as aspiring villains: voldemort is right; the class system is good and should be maintained; and purebloods [usually james, sirius, regulus, barty, evan and maybe a token woman or two] should stick together while the half-breeds and the mudbloods go hang.
this - like all aristocracy wank in this fandom - annoys me enough with regulus and evan. but it’s particularly grating when it comes to barty crouch jr. because - unlike evan, who is literally just a name in the text, and regulus, who isn’t much more - he actually has a canon personality.
and it’s fascinating. indeed, i would even go so far as to say that barty crouch jr. is the greatest villain in the harry potter series.
[my apologies to lord voldemort.]
after all, even though he’s been imprisoned under the imperius curse for over a decade, barty is still so lucid and powerful that he is able to:
produce magic capable of tricking the goblet of fire, which is treated by all the adult characters involved as unprecedented.
pull off a year-long impersonation of a man whom dumbledore evidently knows extremely well without being clocked until his mission has been successful, even though his opportunities to observe the real moody can have been virtually non-existent. he is in character within seconds of his ambush on moody’s home - after the intruder-alert dustbins are set off - and is able to persuade ministry personnel who can be presumed to have met moody personally [including both amos diggory and arthur weasley, who appear to know him not only personally, but well] that he is the real deal. he maintains his performance even under close scrutiny from the teaching colleagues he has to interact with daily at hogwarts, despite the fact that he presumably can’t get a great deal out of the real moody, since he’s having to be kept deliberately weak and docile under the imperius curse.
manipulate multiple people into become accessories to his crimes, without ever being suspected of doing so. with the hindsight of knowing who he is, the first defence against the dark arts lesson in goblet of fire, in which "moody" deliberately distresses neville by using the cruciatus curse directly in front of him, before swooping in to be the person to cheer him up so that he can plant information which will help harry win the triwizard tournament and deliver him to voldemort, is chilling. he just gets unlucky that harry has the biggest martyr complex in human history.
commit murder on hogwarts’ grounds without ever being suspected of wrongdoing.
execute lord voldemort’s plan to kidnap harry and use him in his resurrection ritual flawlessly. the plan itself may be convoluted - but dark lords are allowed to have a flair for the dramatic, as a treat - but, crucially, it works, and barty succeeds in every respect.
but, i concede, we’re talking about the adult barty here. perhaps he was once a sweetheart who went unfortunately off the rails after his father sent him to prison and then - in effect - drugged him for years. that wouldn’t be a ridiculous suggestion.
except for the fact that - canonically - the teen barty was just as clever, sly, manipulative, and - above all - ardent in his support for voldemort as his adult self.
at his trial in the early 1980s, young barty gives the performance of a lifetime. he screams, he shakes, he looks terrified of the dementors, he is pale and weak and harmless-looking, he begs his mother to help him, he pleads with his father for mercy, he maintains his innocence as he's dragged off to his cell. he gives off the impression of simply having been in the wrong place at the wrong time so well that harry is almost certain that his conviction is illegitimate. so too, it is implied, is dumbledore.
indeed, barty plays the part of the wrongfully imprisoned so well that - as canon tells us - he not only influences public opinion to be broadly in favour of his probable innocence [or, at least, his diminished culpability - sirius suggests that the widespread view was that he was probably there, but that he only ended up involved in what was clearly bellatrix’s idea because of his father’s failure to relate to him properly], but also changes public opinion against the government’s anti-death-eater strategy entirely.
following his imprisonment, his father - a man who never met an extrajudicial punishment he didn’t like, and whose ruthless approach to dealing with the death eaters in the first war [such as his use of internment for suspected terrorists and his order to aurors to shoot to kill] was, we are told, enormously popular with the wizarding public - is forced to resign in disgrace from his role as head of the department of magical law enforcement. crouch sr. is quietly shuffled off into a boring bureaucratic position, his ambitions to be minister in tatters, and his only way forward to free his son from the prison cell where he is languishing for the crime he very literally did.
[as an aside, i do think that we are supposed to read bellatrix as the ringleader of the torture of the longbottoms. but, all too often, that gets reduced to her doing everything while rodolphus, rabastan, and barty just stand there gormlessly. they were clearly performing the curses too!]
now, barty’s unusual cunning can - of course - be explained by narrative reasons. the text needs to conceal that he’s the villain [since, as with philosopher’s stone, it wants to imply that the dark lord’s faithful servant at hogwarts is snape] until the very end - and this naturally requires dumbledore to not think too hard about whether his good judy alastor is behaving even more strangely than usual.
the text also needs to suggest that he's innocent in order to properly stick the landing on the narrative role of his father - barty crouch sr. as with dolores umbridge in order of the phoenix, crouch sr. exists to show harry [and the reader] that the rot in the wizarding world was not caused by - and will not stop with the defeat of - voldemort. his ruthlessness and inflexibility, his lack of respect for due process, his astonishingly cruel treatment of winky [brutal beyond even the standard way in which wizards abuse their enslaved elves] all serve to teach harry that the anti-voldemort cause can become just as easily corrupted as the disillusioned young men in voldemort’s orbit. the suggestion that crouch sent his own son to azkaban without good reason, simply because he would not deviate from his beliefs, is an important lesson to harry about what "justice" actually means.
but, despite this, barty is also able to pull off his deception because he’s spectacularly talented. it’s not all just narrative.
and his talents are caused by characteristics which aren’t good or bad in and of themselves. he’s clearly very intelligent [he got twelve owls, the series’ benchmark for genius]. he’s hyper-observant, creative, adaptable, good under pressure, and possessed of nerves of steel. he shares these traits with other villains in the series - voldemort above all - but he also shares them with plenty of the heroes. harry, for one.
which is to say that all of his personality traits could be put to non-criminal uses. but - as with harry, who is capable of being quite sinister when he wants to be [for example, when he manipulates slughorn into giving up the horcrux memory] - they would give a non-criminal barty an edge. and this doesn’t seem to be present in his standard fanon persona - as sweet and goofy as all marauders-era men - to any great extent.
finally, there is another aspect of barty’s character which is absent from his fanon version - that he clearly has some sort of childhood trauma, but that this does not excuse any of what he does.
even though crouch sr. is right to send him to azkaban, he was clearly also a cold and distant father, who had absolutely no idea how to relate to his son.
[as another aside, this emotional negligence is bad enough without it needing to be written as having been accompanied by extreme physical and/or sexual abuse. there seems to be a real tendency in fanfiction - not only in marauders-era stuff, although the exaggeration of orion and walburga black into despotic villains is one example of this - to make childhood misery "worse", in order to justify a character’s later actions.]
voldemort demonstrably uses barty’s terrible relationship with crouch sr. [and his absolutely flagrant daddy kink] to groom him into taking the dark mark [not least because there’s otherwise no explanation for why he cheerfully informs him that he too is named after his dad], which he may very well end up taking when he’s still at school. my reading is that he’s recruited to inform on his father - since voldemort would undoubtedly wish to keep the head of the department of magical law enforcement under constant surveillance - and that this is why the dark lord pays him the attention he is so obviously lacking.
but, as with snape and regulus and draco malfoy and all the other young death eaters, barty also colludes in his own radicalisation. voldemort is a master at ensnaring recruits, sure, but he’s also a busy man. he only bothers to make the effort because the clever, creative, cunning, manipulative young man - who wishes to avenge himself on the father who never paid him attention [sound familiar?] - he finds before him is very much determined to become a spectacular part of his terrorist organisation. and stories which feature him owe it to him to give him that dark complexity of character
show the series’ best villain some respect.
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
pumpkin spice
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake's a strict black coffee kind of guy until he wasn't.
wc: 720
a/n: i had this idea at 2am and couldn't put it down...so here we are...
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"What the fuck is that?" Jake questioned, a grimace on his face as his eyes followed the cold orange colored drink he was passing to you. 
Shifting in the passenger seat, you rolled your eyes and happily took it from him. "A pumpkin spice latte. It's the taste of fall," you laughed, taking a small whiff of the spices sprinkled on top of the whipped cream. 
"Taste of fall," he repeated mockingly as he took his black coffee from the girl at the window. "Sounds gross." Jake was a strict black coffee kind of man, just like his father and the other Seresin men. Javy sometimes managed to sneak a creamer in when the aviator wasn't looking. He got an iced black coffee in the summer months when he felt adventurous. 
You snorted and took a long drink. "Have you even tried it?" 
"No," he answered confidently, "And I don't need to try it to know it's gross." 
You reached over the console and took his coffee from his free hand and replaced it with yours. "Try it," you insisted. 
The blond formed a pouty face, his green eyes narrowed like a stubborn child. "No."
Time to bring out the big guns. "I'll call you the best pilot in the Navy over comms." The way to get Jake Seresin to do anything you want: stroke his ego. 
Jake gave you an unimpressed look that could only make you giggle, his strong hand gripping the cup a little tighter. "The things I do for you," he joked. Cautiously, he brought the green straw to his lips and slowly drank. 
The coffee hit his tongue and he surprisingly didn't flinch like you were expecting. He looked stone faced at the red light in front of him, eyebrows furrowed in thought. 
If Jake learned anything in his thirty plus years of life, he learned to conceal how he felt. He didn't want to admit that the fall drink tasted really fucking good, he didn't want to give you that satisfaction. He doubted it would give him the caffeine he needed for a day of flying, but damn it was enjoyable. He snuck in another sip before pulling away. 
"Sorry, baby," he chuckled dryly, handing back the drink as the light turned green. "Black coffee's the only drink for me." 
You reluctantly smiled and looked up at one of the jets taking off from base. "Thanks for trying it, honey,” you sighed in defeat.  
A couple mornings later, Jake walked into one of the classrooms at Top Gun with two identical cups in his hands. Their warmth soothed his hands on the cold October morning. 
You were deep in conversation with Halo and Phoenix when he approached you, handing you your cup. You smiled at the way he wrote your name in black pen, accompanied by a little doodle of your callsign. "Tea? I'm shocked you didn't ask for that pumpkin shit." 
 "Thanks, Bagman," you smirked, ignoring his comment. 
Maverick's lecture seemed to go on for hours, a corner of your notebook covered in doodles and your eyes began to fall heavy. Absentmindedly, you reached for one of the cups that sat in front of you and Jake. 
Blowing the steam to cool it down, you brought the lid to your lips. You expected the taste of lemony tasting tea not—pumpkin. Your eyebrows raised at the foreign taste, doing everything in your power not to react and cause a scene. 
You pulled back and pressed your lips together as you turned the cup. 'Jake' was written in thick black sharpie along the side. That sly son of a bitch, you thought before a wide shit eating grin broke out on your face. 
Setting the cup back down, you nudged the man beside you. "What happened to your coffee, Jakey? It actually tastes like something this morning," you teased in a hushed tone. 
Jake tensed up, the grip on his pencil almost enough to break it in half. "Tell no one," he grits. 
"I bet your lips taste sweeter now." You weren't going to let him live this down. Not when his cheeks were a beautiful crimson and he looked like he could shut you up with one bruising kiss.
"Sweetheart," he warned. 
You looked over at him and winked, "Told you, taste of fall."
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