#photo help
ravenpoefan · 1 year
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Decided to redraw that picture of Ben I did back in October. The old pic (top picture) I didn’t use any photo references or help. The new one (bottom picture) I used an image from dreamstime to help guide me in tracing the position of the body and hands for learning purposes
Please do not steal or repost my art
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kozmophotos · 2 months
The Surprising Secret to Sharper Photos: Why a Tripod Should Be Your First Photography Purchase
Are you tired of blurry, out-of-focus photos ruining your perfect shot? If you’re looking to elevate your photography game, investing in a tripod may be the game-changer you’ve been searching for. If you want an easy way to improve your photography, getting a tripod as your first piece of gear is a must. By eliminating camera shake, ensuring consistent framing, and unlocking the potential for…
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bisexualpercyjacksons · 5 months
pjo tv show episode 5 alignment:
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afropuffsartstudios · 7 months
Need Some Help From The Topic Jar!
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gailynovelry · 1 year
You know those aesthetic image posts that float around tumblr? I'm . . . starting to see a lot on my dash that are obviously ai-generated. Are non-artists having trouble telling the difference between AI images and real photos, or are people starting to stop care about the stolen art that gets fed into those programs?
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By the way, @staff is changing the video player and photo viewer on the mobile app to the one from Tumblr TV. As a result, they have made the abhorrent decision to remove an important accessibility feature in order to TikTok-ifying Tumblr. You can no longer zoom in on photos. Or so I thought. Because the visually impaired are now second-class users to the Tumblr Staff, they just decided to make it harder to zoom in on photos.
So, for all of you who, like me, find the pinch-to-zoom feature on Tumblr invaluable to read and view photos, you now have to:
Tap the Photo > Tap the “more” button in the description > tap the photo again
This will open the old photo viewer (for now, anyway) which was formerly one tap away. It will grant you all the former features of the old photo viewer, including the ability to zoom in.
EDIT: if you’re seeing this on your For You Dash or some other non-reblogged method you will see this edit. Before reblogging and commenting on this, there is addition information in the replies. I have replies disabled, so I am the only person who can add them. I’ve added addition info, as well as an update. Please read them. TLDR: many others, and myself, are now seeing it’s fixed. Many others are not. It may be a roll-out fix from the back-end. Be patient and wait to see if it’ll make its way to you.
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fugitiverabbit · 5 days
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Fat Photo Ref just got an update!
New photos are up now to help you draw some beachy babes this summer. I'm hoping to update a little more frequently this summer and get to access requests quicker too. You can apply for access or login by going to fatphotoref.com (follow the link on the splash page to request access.)
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rosemaryjonesdarling · 11 months
Considering making a zine, does anyone have any experience or advice they could share?
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puppyeared · 6 months
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these two are so interesting to me
characters belong to @canisalbus
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
This might seem like an "old man yells at cloud" situation, but it's just wild growing up and being told how dangerous distracted driving is - how, at highway speeds, you can traverse the length of a football field (100 yards, 91 meters) in a matter of seconds - how one split second sending a text while driving could result in a potential fatal crash, and then getting on the road as a driver and being surrounded by billboards. Their entire purpose is to catch one's attention, so they're lining major roads, which tend to be highways. How is it that you're told how important it is to never be distracted while driving, but still being advertised to?
At best, this type of advertising is an eyesore to pedestrians and motorists and a general waste of electricity to light it, and at worst, it is an active danger considering they are there to advertise and therefore, must catch people's attention.
I'm not even against advertising in theory, but this particular mode bothers me so much and I hate how pervasive it is - especially in large cities or highways.
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FNAF Gregory is NEVER getting unbanned at this rate
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jookpubstock · 1 month
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New references!
Please read the Rules
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 months
Where's that picture of the trans guy touching another trans guy's top surgery scars like Thomas touching Jesus' wound?!
I need it!! Today's both Easter and trans day of visibility!! That picture has never been more relevant!!!
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barghest-land · 1 year
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found this photo of them and i just HAD TO
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twiafom · 8 months
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the world next door
hijack anniversary.............2! cannot believe we are 2 years deep into old friends senior hijack sanctuary. love forever to the wonderful friends i have met in this little corner of the weirdonet, you are a beloved part of my heart 🫶
IN PARTICULAR this goes out to @emerialyncodevenice because i swear i have done 12 different versions of this for your bday present AND FINALLY HAVE IT PERFECT. here is universe hopping art gallery au I LOVE YOU BESTIE‼️
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silverwhittlingknife · 3 months
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poem: "accident report in the tall, tall weeds" by ada limón
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