#pia plays
calliopeslyre · 3 months
I think we as a society moved on way too quickly from the musical version of “der Besuch der alten Dame“, Pia Douwes absolutely smashed it as Claire (like she always does) and there are so many overlooked bangers!
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loopscereal · 19 days
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JOY KICKED MY ASS DURING THIS I HOPE THE STRUGGLE IS VISIBLE. idk why joy is the hardest person fo rme to draw... every single tikme ive tried to draw her she come sout wrong and im never happy with how she looks. Call an ambulance Joy fnafhs killed me till i was dead
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cethvalier · 6 months
pia douwes playing elisabeth again in an actual theater production and not a concert… THANK YOU!!!! 😭🙏
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 year
Idk if this has been asked before but what other HM/SOS games have you played? Which one is your favorite (or some of your favorites?)
P.S. I love your drawings. I never cared for Rock, but I think your Rock Propaganda’s working on me.
thanks so much for the ask!! i’m so glad you enjoy my rock propaganda because i have a lot more to come lmao
my collection is not that big, and i haven’t really played any of the post-split non remake games, but here’s the ones i’ve played a decent amount of:
harvest moon (snes)
harvest moon 64
fomt/mfomt + the remake
awl/anwl + the remake
magical melody
ds /ds cute
my all time favorite is another wonderful life, but i’m also enjoying the remake an equal amount, both are great for different reasons
ds/dscute are also my favorite (derogatory) i’ve played them more than any game Ever but i can’t recommend them to anyone because they’re Grindfest Hell and malicious hateful game design and characterization but i have fun with extremely grindy and evil games and i’m in love with how strange and awful both of them are
64 is also really high up there because i have great memories playing it, it’s one of the more stressful just because of how tight everything feels to get the best ending but i like that
the newer games look so good and i wanna play them… i always just end up replaying an old game out of nostalgia… i’ll play 3oT someday i swear
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pavedinashes-if · 1 year
Wait, you mentioned F's parents hating MC in the same sentence as F getting a serious injury on their leg while defending MC. Does that mean they hate MC for the "hold" they have over F, who would get into fights and arguments of various degrees for MC?
Like, sorry MC's bussy got F acting silly. 🥴 Like that's MC's fault. 😒
Yes they hate that. Seriously hate that. But that‘s not all. There‘s a lot more to it actually, but i didnt say jack….
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not-poignant · 1 year
Is there something about video games as a medium that you enjoy for writing fic? Was just curious bcos I was going thru my bookmarks and the only video game fics were yours, books/tv shows seem to be more common? They're great and I love them btw <3 I just love ur explanations for things haha
Hi hi anon!
Yeah I've written rather a lot of video game fanfics now haven't I?
I didn't really set out to do that, but there is something I really like about video game characters:
They're just not characterised as well as most other characters, lmao, which gives a lot of empty spaces to kind of 'fill them up' with my own development, while they still get to be relatively canon compliant.
Like, I'd say the exception there is Dragon Age: Inquisition, where I played my first file for like 220 hours (without any DLC or killing the end boss) and mostly just was gathering information to build Cullen's and Bull's characters in ways that did keep them canon compliant, but there was still a fuckton of stuff that was missing, that could be completely invented and fabricated.
And I love doing that.
Stardew Valley are the 'thinnest' characters I've ever worked with. They can be summed up as 'he's a jock, but...' or 'he's a goth, but...' or 'he's an alcoholic, but...' and then you just add all 98% of the rest of the character in any direction that you want based off about 40 lines of dialogue.
Anon, I've never even played Detroit: Become Human, I just watched some Let's Plays.
And Hades has a lot of dialogue, but also a LOT of empty spaces in general character and world-building where you just get to make up whatever you like with or without a patchwork of whatever Greek mythology you want to draw from that day.
I have actually written quite a few book and movie fanfics, and a few television shows as well. My favourite fanfics are based off a book series and a movie respectively (that would be The Beast that Chose Its Own Bridle and The Golden Age that Never Was). The story Stuck on the Puzzle used to be my fave, but it's still top 3. :)
I think what I also enjoy is, more than anything, all my video game fanfics are the ones that people say 'you don't need to know anything about the game/story, you can just start reading' the most to. I find I generally don't have to do as much research to get started (I'm really lazy), but I guess you could count me having played Stardew Valley for 1600 hours as research, heh.
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villainanders · 10 months
I was like hmm what hair did I have on Iona before the final boss fight bc I guess that’s what she’ll have in the epilogue and then I remembered. squid
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yage-bejing · 2 months
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shadowglens · 1 year
olympia is romancing gale, it’s official
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plasma-packin-mama · 2 years
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok. I get y'all's thing with Hancock now.
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theoniprince · 2 years
Next level D&D session.
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pavedinashes-if · 11 months
MC / OC poll - How do you play?
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not-poignant · 2 years
random genuine question. how do you write a book? I've written multiple fanfics successfully and want to be a full time author nothing too crazy but just enough to make a good living. But I'm finding myself stuck when it comes to executing my original ideas. I plan them out well but when it comes to the acts/chapters and actually writing I can't seem to pull the trigger. I understand it takes time and I may just be overthinking but still I'm worried I won't be able to execute.
Hi anon,
You are probably better off asking someone who writes books for a living, because I definitely don't, and when I did publish two novels, they have never done as well as my serials (and writing a serial is very different - for me at least - to writing a book). Like, they did moderately well, but I consider myself a professional serial writer and not a novelist, and those two things are 100% not the same thing. (Which is also maybe where you're struggling.
Writing fanfics successfully can often have zero bearing on whether you can (or want to) write a novel. Writing one is not writing the other! The processes are totally different, unless you were just writing novels and splitting them up into serial chapters and then, well, you wouldn't be here asking this question sdalkfjad)
There are some great novel-writing books out there, and many can be requested through libraries, and many of their authors have blogs or similar where they teach many of their techniques online. There are so many different ways of structuring a novel (and it can change depending on your genre, and I don't know what your genre is either!) I can't recommend any personally, because I don't read them, because I don't really write novels.
When it comes to actually sitting down and actually writing anything of length though, it's sometimes down to asking yourself a few things:
What feelings are happening in you that hold you back? Are you afraid it won't be good? (In which case there's no way but through, anon, you have to write some bad writing in order to get to the good writing, it's a mandatory part of the practice - a garden needs shit/manure in order to grow, lol).
Are you bored because you planned it all out? (In which case you may need to look into writing novels without plotting them first).
Are you more excited for future chapters instead of present chapters? (Write out of order! And make the present chapters shorter).
Are you more interested in fanfiction's regular feedback from readers? (In which case consider creating a reader group for your original writing, or finding a really good beta who can give you that feedback). (I can't get dopamine from writing novels, so I don't write them, I just find the process boring in a way that's pretty intolerable to me).
Is the novel too huge of a road into meeting your characters and setting/s in prose? (Consider writing small oneshots for your characters and world first. Consider writing side characters in the world in a 2-3k fic. Treat it like responding to a fanfiction challenge. It can often make access to the world a little easier).
Is something about the story actually broken? Do you need to go back to the drawing board re: the strengths of the characters?
Learn how to fall in love with your characters the way you've fallen in love with fanfic characters. If they're not strong enough to earn that 'love'/'obsession' - make them stronger. (Although, frankly, sometimes you can only learn that love by writing them. Think of it this way: When you start writing fanfiction, you've already invested hours of time into learning the characters and their depth. You need to invest at least the same amount into your own characters and their stories before you might stumble across that same love).
Outside of that you can apply any number of techniques to novel writing, but ultimately, a lot of it is sitting down and just writing (sometimes pretty terribly) and learning how to overcome writer's block and understanding why it's happening for you.
For me, I learned that the cons of writing novels just didn't outweigh the pros. The lack of dopamine feedback re: readers doesn't play well with my unmedicated ADHD brain, which means writing to no feedback at all tends to leave me extremely unmotivated. And fitting the novel formula re: story lengths ultimately just didn't work with me either, most of my long stories naturally hit or exceed the 250k mark, which is fine for serials, but not fine for most novels outside of epic fantasy or hard science fiction.
So I would also recommend sitting down and asking yourself what did fanfiction give you that made you able to write it? And what do you need novel writing to give you, to make you able to write it? Likewise, ask yourself - do you want to write original novels? Or original serials? There's a good market for both now, and novels =/= serials. Like, they are naturally written in different ways!
Do you think you would struggle to write an original serial the same way that you're struggling with novels? All of these things are important to ask yourself.
But ultimately, just... I hate to say it, but sometimes you have to force yourself through the struggle, and write stuff while groaning because you know it's bad, to get to the other side. It's like learning any new skill - and fanfiction writing does not naturally lend itself to writing novels with everyone! You are learning a brand new skill!! Just because I know how to draw with pencils doesn't mean I know how to paint with watercolours, and I may be even more intimidated to learn watercolours because I know now how long it took to get the hang of fanfiction. Sometimes you just have to actually sit yourself down and be like 'okay I have to get real good at being real bad at something for a little while, even if I hate it.'
Chances are it won't be as bad as you think anyway, and then even if it is, well that's a normal part of writing a novel. That's why the first draft is the first draft, and not the final product. :)
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anditwentlikethis · 2 years
Vasco Fernandes: "Antes de entrar o Paulinho tinham tido uma ocasião do Trincão ao poste. Com o Paulinho tudo mudou, foi o momento-chave do jogo. Ele entrou, fez golo, criou espaços. É um grande jogador, eles são todos. Dar mérito e nós continuamos a nossa luta, o nosso caminho."
Lágrimas LÁGRIMAS nos meus olhos, que belo dia para saber ler
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pia-writes-things · 6 months
Me: makes an "Angst" playlist on Spotify with my favourite angsty tracks from my favourites series' soundtracks
The playlist: is 70% Doctor Who songs
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tashasbabe · 8 months
"you just haven't had the right man yet"
1:09. listen to it.
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