#piemonte power
sayitaliano · 4 months
Valerio Minato's photo that won the Astronomy Picture of the Day Contest by NASA on December 25th, 2023.
In the picture: the moon, the Monviso Mount and the Basilica of Superga (on the Superga hill) outside Turin are all aligned. it took him 6 years to take this shot (and I take it as an example to never give up on your dreams).
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katnisshawkeye · 7 months
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tegarrianlore · 7 months
incredibly ballshit insane shipgirl OC time
So, the Tegarrian Lore involves among other things shipgirls. They and the Sirens are just an integral part of this extensive world, one of the many focuses the story has.
And, recently (as in, within the same hour I've made this post), I've been craving some insane shipgirls. Shipgirls that make Roon appear sane of mind. Shipgirls that make Roon, Akagi or Taihou's obsessions look normal and boring.
And I have come up with one of two options, which I will leave up to you to decide with a tiny poll. I will decide when and where to introduce them into the story proper, but that might take a very long time.
So, the two options you can choose are:
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Piemonte is a rich woman. Maybe not as rich and powerful as Littorio and the other Vittorio Veneto-class battleships, but Piemonte still holds a considerable influence. The Sardegna Empire does not have many Priority Researches, and Piemonte is one of them. However, her wealth hides a dark secret - people have gone missing while visiting her vast estate lost in the forests of northern Sardegna, rumors of their fate kept hush out of fear. Truth is, Piemonte has always been strange; her eyes seem to hide a certain madness difficult to describe.
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Komissar was meant to be a pillar of the Northern Parliament.
From the very first design stages, Komissar was planned as a special cruiser - a hybrid cruiser, capable of providing some minor air support to her fleet. She was meant to be a force of unity, a ship that when deployed would bring certain victory. However, something went wrong when constructing this Priority Research.
The shipgirl that came out of the shipyard wasn't how Soyuz and the others had hoped. She was distant, cold, reluctant to speak. She had seen horrors none other were meant to comprehend, horrors produced at the hands of the Sirens. When her first actual deployment took place and she tore open the chest of a Purifier-class Siren with her bare hands, eating the still-beating heart, and cried a laughter of pure joy; everyone understood what they had brought into this world.
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if i had been philippe le bon's trusted advisor, burgundy would have spread from frisia to the piemont. we would have rivaled the holy empire in might and wealth and we would have left the whole of western france to become a gargantuan swamp where people just died of the plague or zombily went on skirmishing over what syphilitic "king" - this english one or that french one (both of which lie imprisoned in the worst of ghent's dungeons) - ought rule the rotten land. i would have refused to sell joan to the english and would have executed her myself as a mark of loyalty to my good duke, sparing ourselves the ache of seeing french power rise from the latrines to what it eventually became for the next five centuries - a proverbial pain in the entire world's fundament. then i would have worked to introduce the plague every two years on english shores. and i would have prevented the reformation by allowing only polish popes hooked on beaune wine (and provided tax-free by yours truly) to rule over western christendom. i would have used this influence to make it so that local powers in europe never would be able to outlaw anal sex of any kind and regardless of gender configuration. spain? plague. the ottoman empire? besties eventually (because of the anal sex and the wine). russia would never rise. italy would be the pope's playground. the holy empire would enter a state of commonwealth with burgundy by 1650, never giving birth to germany. by 1800, all of western europe would have converted to shia islam (that qizilbash variety) because they party rocked harder than catholics. all of this, thanks to burgundy. and me.
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lunamagicablu · 2 years
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Le ‘ley lines’ sono le linee rette che toccano punti importanti del mondo, posti considerati di valore già in età preistorica, in quanto luoghi di alto simbolismo e spiritualità.
La Linea Sacra di San Michele, o Linea del Drago è una delle cosiddette ‘ley lines’: taglia l’Europa per oltre 2mila km collegando sette monasteri dedicati all’Arcangelo Michele. Secondo la leggenda è il colpo di spada che il Santo inflisse al Diavolo per rimandarlo all’inferno.
I sette santuari della Linea di San Michele sono: Skellig Michael (Irlanda), St Michael’s Mount (Gran Bretagna), Mont Saint Michel ( Francia), la Sacra di San Michele (Piemonte, Italia), San Michele ( Puglia, Italia), Monastero di San Michele (Grecia), Monastero di Monte Carmelo (Israele). Sono luoghi che, a detta di molti fin dai secoli passati, emanano una fortissima energia e che consentono un’alta concentrazione spirituale
E’ sorprendente la disposizione di questi santuari sulla linea: i tre siti più importanti Mont Saint Michel in Francia, la Sacra di San Michele in val di Susa e il santuario di Monte Sant’Angelo nel Gargano sono tutti alla stessa distanza. Inoltre la Linea Sacra è in perfetto allineamento con il tramonto del sole nel giorno del Solstizio di Estate.
Tutti i sette luoghi toccati da questa linea immaginaria sono carichi di potenti energie ristoratrici che si oppongono a quelle negative o del male. Le leggende locali di questi luoghi sacri stabiliscono che fu proprio San Michele, vincitore nella lotta contro il Drago, a richiederne l’edificazione ed istituire cosí il proprio culto.
The 'ley lines' are straight lines that touch important points in the world, places considered of value already in prehistoric times, as places of high symbolism and spirituality.
The Sacred Line of San Michele, or Dragon Line is one of the so-called 'ley lines': it cuts across Europe for over 2,000 km, connecting seven monasteries dedicated to the Archangel Michael. According to legend, it is the sword blow that the Saint inflicted on the Devil to send him back to hell.
The seven sanctuaries of the San Michele Line are: Skellig Michael (Ireland), St Michael's Mount (Great Britain), Mont Saint Michel (France), the Sacra di San Michele (Piedmont, Italy), San Michele (Puglia, Italy), Monastery of San Michele (Greece), Monastery of Mount Carmel (Israel). They are places that, according to many since the past centuries, emanate a very strong energy and that allow a high spiritual concentration
The arrangement of these sanctuaries on the line is surprising: the three most important Mont Saint Michel sites in France, the Sacra di San Michele in the Susa valley and the sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo in the Gargano are all at the same distance. Furthermore, the Sacred Line is in perfect alignment with the sunset on the day of the Summer Solstice.
All seven places touched by this imaginary line are charged with powerful restorative energies that are opposed to negative or evil ones. Local legends of these sacred places establish that it was St. Michael, the winner in the fight against the Dragon, who requested its construction and thus established his own cult.
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Thursday 8 November 1832
slept in my drawers as usual but grubbling at intervals and talking and kissing till about one she seemed satisfied tho’ as I told her mind would waver at times for long to come  downstairs at 8 50 - read prayers - breakfast at 9 ½ - afterwards Miss W- busy writing to Miss Bentley etc while I sat reading a little of Gilly’s narrative of an excursion to the mountains of Piemont - London 1827 - then did up the parcel for her to Miss Bentley containing the books etc    for Mr Ainsley [Ainsworth]    it seemed a comfort to her to get it off she then feeling nervous and tired lay on the sofa     we got on the subject of Mr A-     she said she was not worthy of me    ought not to have decided till I had had proof she might be trusted   she had been much to blam[e]    declared things had neve[r] gone to extremities     but said he had asked her to yield all assuring her it would not hurt her  that no harm would be done and then he should be sure of her    luckily she refused    he had vowed pathetic contrition and she had forgiven   but then it first happened last April twelve month   and she had been staying at his house since  and the thing had been reiterated in spite of all her resolutions and his contrition worked on her as before    all she regretted was that she had not done as she had now done some months ago   while Mrs A- lived    she wished to have made some reparation to her but she felt she was in his power he had charged her never to breathe the thing that it would be ruin to him but adding that indeed she could not   as it would commit her equally     I held up my hands and exclaimed    infamous scoundrel two or three times at intervals    I excused her and said all I could that was consoling and soothing but poor girl she was shockingly nervous yet glad to have told tho’ half doubting whether she was right to tell me   she then said the carbuncle ring was his gift I immediately took it off her finger saying she should neither see nor hear of it more    to which she made no reply or resistance and shuch [such] said is this parson your friend’s husband and under whose roof and protection you were staying   she said she was to blame   but yet she did not begin first   how could  for she owned her mind was innocent till then   I told her my indignation against him and that I should never endure the sight of him    but said I how could you have gone there again  or how have had them at Cliff hill I should have found him out   and we should both have been banished from our own family place   but said I I would have got you out of this scrape at all rates    whatever had been your answer to me     we talked
 on till   Miss Harriet Parkhill arrived about 2 ¼ - I merely staid a few minutes and took my leave - just called at the Priestleys - not at home - left message to say would breakfast there on Saturday instead of tomorrow - home about 3 - above an hour talking to Marian - then with my aunt in the drawing room - I had told her last night all was near settled and said it was now done and all agreed  explained a little said I had had it my head on my leaving Lawton last May - dinner at 6 ¼ - wrote short note to ‘Mrs William Priestley Lightcliffe’ asking if it was the same thing to her breakfasting there Saturday instead of tomorrow and mentioned having called this morning to leave this message - then wrote kind note of inquiry to ‘Miss W- Lightcliffe’ as I had no hope of seeing her tomorrow begged her just to write me how she was this evening - desired to have my cloak back by John - began with my dearest  and ended with affectionately and very faithfully yours    note back to say not so well this evening ‘depressed and humbled in my own estimation and annoyed that I forgot to express my thanks for the token of remembrance of a pair of gloves in memory of my poor friend’    which never occurred to her till Ollivant’s  letter about rings to her and her sister arrived  ‘I regret most truly that the subject should have been brought on now   it is altogether unfortunate   as it must wear the appearance of harshness if not want of feeling to write at such a moment what would have spared me months of misery and regret  if I had had the resolution to do it a while ago…..good night my own dear one and believe me yours faithfully and affectionately AW poor girl I must get up soon and be there before she is up in the morning – asleep a little while after dinner then and afterwards after they all went to bed sat up in the little room till 11 10/60 writing the last 21 lines of yesterday and all the above of today – very fine day for the time of year -
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Edison accelera nella realizzazione di nuova capacità rinnovabile
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Edison investe 5 miliardi di euro per accrescere la capacità di produzione di energia rinnovabile. L'obiettivo di Edison è di passare dagli attuali 2 GW a 6 GW. Edison ha un parco di produzione altamente sostenibile e flessibile distribuito su tutto il territorio nazionale, con cui assicura circa il 7% della domanda di energia elettrica. Obiettivo del piano di sviluppo è di accrescere di 1 GW ulteriore l’installato eolico, quello fotovoltaico di 2 GW e di dedicare 1 GW allo sviluppo di rinnovabili per la produzione di idrogeno verde e ai sistemi di accumulo dell’energia (come le batterie e, in particolare, i pompaggi), indispensabili per il bilanciamento della rete e garantire il rilascio di energia green anche nelle ore di mancato funzionamento degli impianti rinnovabili. "Rafforziamo il nostro impegno nell’accompagnare il Paese nella sfida della transizione energetica", dichiara Marco Stangalino, Executive Vice President e Direttore Power Asset Edison. "Stiamo implemetando un piano concreto di crescita organica, focalizzato sulla realizzazione di nuova capacità rinnovabile, e che integra le diverse fonti di produzione introducendo anche sistemi di flessibilità come i pompaggi e le batterie elettrochimiche, indispensabili per gestire l’intermittenza delle rinnovabili. Entro il 2030 la generazione green rappresenterà il 40% del nostro mix produttivo in uno sforzo importante di decarbonizzazione". Edison ha attualmente progetti eolici e fotovoltaici in corso di autorizzazione per circa 1.100 MW di potenza complessiva, principalmente al Centro-Sud Italia, di cui 500 MW di greenfield fotovoltaici e circa 600 MW di nuove realizzazioni eoliche (di cui una quota dedicata alle intergrali ricostruzioni). A questi si aggiungono cantieri aperti per 92 MW di nuovo fotovoltaico (45 MW in Sicilia che entreranno in esercizio nel corso del 2023, e 47 MW in Piemonte) e circa 170 MW, già approvati, per la realizzazione di nuovi impianti in Campania, Puglia, Sicilia e Veneto. Recentemente la società ha anche ricevuto giudizio positivo di compatibilità ambientale da parte del Consiglio dei Ministri in riferimento al progetto di pompaggio idroelettrico da 270 MW presentato nel 2021, nel comune di Pescopagano in Basilicata. Inoltre, nel corso del 2023 il Gruppo prevede di accelerare ulteriormente il ritmo di sviluppo, attraverso l’avvio dell’iter autorizzativo per nuove installazioni da fonti rinnovabili (eolico e fotovoltaico) per 1400 MW, di cui circa 600 MW di integrali ricostruzioni di impianti eolici esistenti. Ambito questo in cui Edison vanta un’esperienza unica, essendo stato uno dei primi operatori a effettuare il repowering di campi eolici esistenti.Un’attività che le è valsa il prestigioso riconoscimento Envision Gold, il massimo livello di rating per le infrastrutture sostenibili che attesta l’attenzione posta dalla società all’intero ciclo di vita degli impianti perché gli impatti sul territorio siano ridotti al minimo e perché venga creato valore condiviso nelle comunità locali che li ospitano. Lo scorso anno Edison ha compiuto un passo in avanti nel percorso strategico di rafforzamento delle rinnovabili superando 1 GW di capacità eolica installata. La società si è confemata tra i leader di settore, grazie alla realizzazione e messa in esercizio di un nuovo impianto eolico a Mazara del Vallo (TP) da 45 MW di potenza complessiva e l’acquisizione di un parco eolico da 66 MW in Campania, in provincia di Avellino, dove - sfruttando le sinergie con un altro impianto limitrofo appartenente al Gruppo - ha dato vita a uno dei parchi eolici più grandi d’Italia, con una potenza complessiva di 136 MW. L’idroelettrico è il settore storico per Edison, che sul finire dell’800 ha costruito le prime centrali d’Italia sulle rive del fiume Adda, tutt’ora in funzione. Rappresenta un ambito in cui la società intende continuare a essere protagonista con impianti sia di grande taglia sia di piccola taglia, grazie a un patrimonio di competenze unico nella realizzazione e gestione degli impianti e a rapporti consolidati con le comunità e i territori in cui opera. Edison considera l’energia idroelettrica, che è l’unica fonte rinnovabile programmabile, un asset strategico per la transizione energetica. Una revisione dell’attuale quadro normativo sulla durata delle concessioni idroelettriche permetterebbe di sbloccare investimenti complessivi da parte di tutti gli operatori per almeno 9 miliardi di euro aggiuntivi , di cui beneficerebbe una filiera industriale interamente italiana e che consentirebbero di incrementare la produzione da fonte idroelettrica, rendendola più efficiente. Negli ultimi anni, Edison ha investito oltre 200 milioni di euro nell’acquisizione e realizzazione di nuove centrali, portando il suo parco di produzione idroelettrico a oltre 120 impianti, di cui 80 di piccola taglia, per una potenza complessiva di circa 1 GW. L’anno scorso, ha inaugurato una nuova centrale idroelettrica sul fiume Sesia a Palestro, in provincia di Pavia, da 3.600 kW e aperto 2 nuovi cantieri sulla Dora Baltea, in Piemonte. Inoltre, nel 2022 la società ha acquisito 10 impianti che si trovano sui maggiori canali irrigui del Piemonte, con una potenza complessiva di circa 20 MW. Nel 2022 Edison ha prodotto oltre 3.358 GWh di energia rinnovabile, pari al fabbisogno di circa 1.250.000 famiglie, consentendo di evitare l’emissione di 1,3 milioni di tonnellate di CO2. Read the full article
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kerinokeefe · 1 year
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Knowledge is a super power. Let’s dive into Italian high-hills of Piemonte and the land of Tuscany. Reposted from @winenerds3 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpult6jtXAO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sayitaliano · 2 years
Regioni, Province, Comuni
Italy is a Republic made of 5 constitutive elements: Regioni, Comuni, Stato, Province and Città Metropolitane.
The Stato Italiano (Italian Nation/Country) is divided into 20 Regioni, basically 20 big districts (see pic below): Valle d'Aosta, Lombardia, Piemonte, Liguria, Veneto, Trentino-Alto-Adige, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, and the two big islands Sicilia and Sardegna.
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Each of these Regioni has a Capoluogo di Regione (Chief place of the region/district), which generally is the most important city of that district (the most populated as well) in which there are the all the offices that control the whole area and connect it directly with the Stato's ones.
Here the Capoluoghi di Regione for each region:
Valle d'Aosta (Aosta), Lombardia (Milano), Piemonte (Torino), Liguria (Genova), Veneto (Venezia), Trentino-Alto-Adige (Trento), Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (Trieste), Emilia-Romagna (Bologna), Toscana (Firenze), Marche (Ancona), Umbria (Perugia), Lazio (Roma), Abruzzo (L'Aquila), Campania (Napoli), Molise (Campobasso), Puglia (Bari), Basilicata (Potenza), Calabria (Catanzaro), Sicilia (Palermo) and Sardegna (Cagliari).
There are 5 Regioni a Statuto Speciale (meaning that they can control themselves also in order to provide to the minorities on their soil. They basically can keep a bigger amount of taxes and can use it for school, health and other needs, while the other Regioni have to ask the State). These Regioni are Sicilia, Sardegna, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Trentino-Alto-Adige (also to protect the German speaking minority; btw it has the two Province autonome Trento and Bolzano as well, meaning those two are quite indipendent from the Region too), and Valle d'Aosta (also to protect the francophone minority - there's also a german minority as well here btw, on the part halfway with Piedmont: the Walsers).
Inside of each Regione, there are smaller areas/district called Province. Each Provincia has a Capoluogo di Provincia, which is basically, as the Capoluogo di Regione, the most important city of that small area (all this is made to control more easily and accurately each area). Check this:
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The number of the Capoluoghi di Provincia, as you can see, can vary according on how big each Regione is.
In Piedmont, for example, we have 8: Torino (which has, as the other Capoluoghi di Regione, a "double job" let's say), Asti, Alessandria, Biella, Cuneo, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola (Verbania: the noun VCO is bc it's the whole area's name, the capoluogo is Verbania, which is made of two smaller city on the Lake Maggiore... yeah not easy to grasp but it's basically an exception and you don't have to remember it) and Vercelli.
Inside of each Provincia there are the Comuni: Comuni are even smaller areas, and are basically... infinite? I mean, there could be a hundred even in the smallest Provincia. Take this last pic and imagine to divide it all into even smaller parts. Some Comuni are so small, they're made of a few inhabitants, but if a place it's too far from another, it is better controlled by making a different Comune out of it (connecting the two could let you have a bigger amount of people together but that's not what we aim to do). We rather keep it small, let's say. Also to not mess up with the different identities on the territory (there could also be a different "dialect" spoken between two very close villages/Comuni).
Città Metropolitane: are some of the Capoluoghi di Provincia (but also di Regione) that have very important powers. They are all kinda big cities that are basically made of more different Comuni (districts) and work on them all as if they were one single thing.
The Città Metropolitane are Roma Capitale (Roma has often the noun "Capitale" in its name because it's Italy's capital city), Torino, Milano, Venezia, Genova, Bologna, Firenze, Bari, Napoli and Reggio Calabria, with the recent adds of Cagliari, Sassari, Palermo, Catania and Messina. (read here for more)
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katnisshawkeye · 1 year
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“I’ve had the highest mountains, I’ve had the deepest rivers, I’ve traveled all this way for something” — @imaginedragons Today, I want to bring focus on my September 2022, and on the World Human Speed Challenge who occured on September 11-17 in Battle Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A.. Indeed, I’ve been honoured to be the official photographer of Team Policumbent’s, who classified first in the team’s podium, being the fastest team racing with three prototypes (TaurusX for the female category, Phoenix for the male’s, and Cerberus for the handbike’s one). 
The female prototype, TaurusX, speeded up to 119,20 km/h with Matilde Vitillo, and up to 110,15 km/h with Martina Stirano.
The male prototype, Phoenix, speeded up to 130,9 km/h with Andrea Gallo.
The hanbike prototype, Cerberus, speeded up to 65,79 km/h with Diego Colombari.
But, the competition is not all about racing and making new records. The partecipants of the World Human Powered Speed Challenge are mostly students’ teams from all around the World, or bike’s passionate who design and build they own prototypes, and it creates a wonderful climate of International people who become friends from nothing.
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manwalksintobar · 1 year
The Mercy  // Philip Levine
The ship that took my mother to Ellis Island  Eighty-three years ago was named “The Mercy.”  She remembers trying to eat a banana  without first peeling it and seeing her first orange in the hands of a young Scot, a seaman  who gave her a bite and wiped her mouth for her  with a red bandana and taught her the word, “orange,” saying it patiently over and over.  A long autumn voyage, the days darkening  with the black waters calming as night came on,  then nothing as far as her eyes could see and space without limit rushing off to the corners  of creation. She prayed in Russian and Yiddish  to find her family in New York, prayers  unheard or misunderstood or perhaps ignored  by all the powers that swept the waves of darkness  before she woke, that kept “The Mercy” afloat  while smallpox raged among the passengers  and crew until the dead were buried at sea  with strange prayers in a tongue she could not fathom. “The Mercy,” I read on the yellowing pages of a book  I located in a windowless room of the library  on 42nd Street, sat thirty-one days  offshore in quarantine before the passengers disembarked. There a story ends. Other ships  arrived, “Tancred” out of Glasgow, “The Neptune” registered as Danish, “Umberto IV,”  the list goes on for pages, November gives  way to winter, the sea pounds this alien shore.  Italian miners from Piemonte dig  under towns in western Pennsylvania  only to rediscover the same nightmare  they left at home. A nine-year-old girl travels  all night by train with one suitcase and an orange.  She learns that mercy is something you can eat  again and again while the juice spills over  your chin, you can wipe it away with the back  of your hands and you can never get enough. 
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chanellulu · 2 years
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Yesterday afternoon with girls power #truffle #tartufo #langhe #nebbiolo #homedecor #homedesign #housedesign #monuments #monumenti_italia #italy #italia #piemonte #piedmont #art #arte #moda #fashion #vogue #style #luxuryhome #luxuryhouses #vino #happyme #wine #happiness #lifestyle #myfavorite #unesco #patrimonioumanità #langa https://www.instagram.com/p/CkPx3nyI3tB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miralfake · 2 years
European war 4 conquest
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One can carry out lingering city sieges, wage guerilla wars, capture commanding heights and arrange ambushes, deploy landing forces on enemy shores, and conduct sea battles. Thus, England is the mightiest sea power, Austria has powerful light and heavy cavalry, and Cossacks are the pride of the Ukrainian army.īattles of up to 8,000 units may be conducted on single or network game maps. Each has its own original graphics, economic and technical development peculiarities, military advantages and drawbacks, and unique units and technologies, providing vast choices of tactics and strategy in war against any enemy. There are 16 nations or regions in Cossacks: Algeria, Austria, England, France, the Netherlands, Piemonte, Poland, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Saxony, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, and Venice. “And I can’t wait for it.Cossacks: European Wars is a historical real-time strategy based on events of the 16th through the 18th centuries in Europe, when nations and states were created and demolished, and wars shed seas of blood. “We’re going to do incredibly there,” he said. And that just makes us even better, to push each other.”Įurope cowered, global conquest at the world championships next. “We’re close, we want the best of each other, and we want to beat each other as well. “We’re just all so competitive,” Tulloch said. With Russia banned from catching a ferry toward the Mersey, Britain expect to navigate towards the team podium again on home soil, with China and Japan their most probable foes. The six-time Olympic medallist turns 30 in January and appears likely to spend 2024 nurturing future generations at the clubs he has established rather than pinging around a pommel near the banks of the Seine.īritish Gymnastics will be wary of recalibrating a winning machine. Surely that door is shut.Ī year out in sporting terms equates to a chunk of a lifetime. Max Whitlock, the event’s ambassador, has not officially ruled himself out from an active role. This was the same lineup that collected gold in England’s colours at the Commonwealth Games and, despite the formality of official trials, will likely remain unchanged for the world championships in Liverpool two months from now. We really do pull together in those hard moments.” And that’s why we gel so well together on that gymnastics floor. “Things that they might lack in, I cover. “We are such a great team, because things that I might lack in, other people cover,” Fraser said. The current strength in depth, he underlines, is a potent driving force for all concerned. His compatriots will surely strut to the podium as well. He has earned opportunities on the pommel horse and parallel bars with the highest scores in qualifying. We use Google reCaptcha to protect our website and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. For more information see our Privacy Policy. Privacy Notice: Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. Then Hall ascended the high bar and scaled the heights. Fraser backed him up with a score of 15.166. On a gargantuan cream sofa parked in the middle of the arena, the Britons could afford to kick back their heels and lounge while others stumbled.Įven when Regini-Moran slipped off the parallel bars, there was barely a twitch. His parallel bars was artistry in motion without a deviation in sight.īy midway, triumph felt inevitable. That he took the smallest of penalties mattered little. “He looked like he’d had a boxing match,” Fraser said, grinning. True to form, he had to roll with another unanticipated punch, offering to sub in for the floor exercise when Tulloch took unwell overnight. “Stood here right now, as team European champions, makes all of those hard times worth it.” And that’s what probably kept me going through those tough days and hard days. “When I doubted myself, they believed in me. “The main thing that’s kept me going is the team that stood with me,” he said. Fraser, despite a fracture he still has to manage, skipped gleefully and without fear. Italy claimed silver but were a gulf adrift of the British points tally of 254.295. Turkey, the expected challengers, faded to bronze. Pressing repeat bodes well for Paris 2024. This title has come the UK’s way once, a few weeks before the London 2012 Olympics.
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bananaanalytics · 2 years
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The game system is arranged to reduce per-unit control and resource micromanagement, and to turn to global goals of powerful economy formation, science development, the capturing of new lands, and defending borders. cossacks back to war campaign expansion steam PornGold eu ohrly ls313hkats cossacks back to war crack 13 year olds getting fucked cossack back to war win7 patch12 anos fudendo We will be at the Dubbo Show on Friday, 15th May 2009. Home Contribute Work with us Advertise Contact Log in Sign up. One can carry out lingering city sieges, wage guerilla wars, capture commanding heights and arrange ambushes, deploy landing forces on enemy shores, and conduct sea battles. Thus, England is the mightiest sea power, Austria has powerful light and heavy cavalry, and Cossacks are the pride of the Ukrainian army.īattles of up to 8,000 units may be conducted on single or network game maps. Each has its own original graphics, economic and technical development peculiarities, military advantages and drawbacks, and unique units and technologies, providing vast choices of tactics and strategy in war against any enemy. There are 16 nations or regions in Cossacks: Algeria, Austria, England, France, the Netherlands, Piemonte, Poland, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Saxony, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, and Venice. Additionally, since the engine runs in 2D, the camera is fixed in a classic top-view isometric position, which should not pose too many problems for those of you who are familiar with the RTS genre.
Cossacks european wars windows 7 fix download#
Infinite AI skirmishes on randomly generated maps.Cossacks: European Wars is a historical real-time strategy based on events of the 16th through the 18th centuries in Europe, when nations and states were created and demolished, and wars shed seas of blood. Download Cossacks: European Wars Demo - Take part in historic battles around Europe and witness thousands of soldiers fighting at the same time.set my compatibility settings to all versions from XP down to 95. I tried everything available on the internet: 2 patches. This problem is that I cant move the mouse within the game. Ad-Hoc multiplayer play (offline mode). I have the mouse problem which has become famous under Cossacks players who play in Windows Vista or up.This version with low system requirements is adapted for comfortable play on any hardware from low-end computers, laptops and netbooks, to high-end PCs (with Windows Vista/7).1 new camel riding unit for Algeria and Turkey: Bedouin.Spectacular real-time battles with up to 8,000 units.2 new nations: Switzerland and Hungary with a total of 8 new units.A total of 20 different European nations to command.Stand-alone game, other Cossacks games not required to play.Play takes place in Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries.Thrilling real-time strategy game with historical background.This addition causes the second add-on of Cossacks to pass the threshold of allowed gaming fun. Cossacks: The Art of War is a historical real-time strategy game, based on European history of the XVII-XVIII centuries.
Cossacks european wars windows 7 fix update#
No-CD & No-DVD Patch troubleshooting: The most common problem getting a No-CD/No-DVD patch to work is ensuring that the No-CD/No-DVD patch matches you're game version, because the games exe is changed when a patch update is applied previous versions won't work. These countries waged war in the late Middle Ages and essentially influenced the development of European military strategies. COSSACKS: EUROPEAN WARS v1.0 ENGLISH/GERMAN NO-CD/FIXED EXE (661KB) Search for related No-CD & No-DVD Patch. In addition, two new nations, Switzerland and Hungary, are included. This add-on contains 100 captivating missions taking place between the 16th and 18th centuries. Containing all of the gameplay features of Cossacks: European Wars and Cossacks: The Art of War, this is a complete care package for all current and future Cossacks fans. Extremely pleasant, on the other hand, is the stand-alone version Cossacks: Back to War. To stand alone in war is extremely unpleasant.
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yenahas · 2 years
Cossacks european wars mac
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#Cossacks european wars mac how to
#Cossacks european wars mac for mac
There are 16 nations or regions in Cossacks: Algeria, Austria, England, France, the Netherlands, Piemonte, Poland, Portugal, Prussia. Your military units then can stay at home to protect your base of operations, or roam the map looking for conquest. This add-on contains 100 captivating missions taking place between the 16th and 18th centuries. Yes, those holes in the ground support the mines, but which are iron and which are coal? In addition, two new nations, Switzerland and Hungary, are included. Yes, finally! If your machine is connected to the Internet, choose "Internet games" from the menu and you're transported to an anonymous "master server" hosting games being played by Cossacks fans from around the world.
#Cossacks european wars mac for mac
The long requested Cossacks 2 Anthology for Mac from GOG.com is now available in the Porting Kit database split in 2 game installs: Cossacks 2 - … Cossacks - European Wars is a historic real-time strategy game. Found insideThe dramatic and little-known story of how, in the summer of 1920, Lenin came within a hair's breadth of shattering the painstakingly constructed Versailles peace settlement and spreading Bolshevism to western Europe. The concept of supply is introduced (though not that of supply lines) in that you must have iron and coal (representing the manufacturing of shot and powder) stockpiled in order for muskets and cannon to shoot. The first comprehensive history of this immense manmade catastrophe, Orderly and Humane is an important study of the largest recorded episode of what we now call "ethnic cleansing.
#Cossacks european wars mac how to
This page contains information + tools how to port Cossacks European Wars so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application using Crossover. The varying capabilities of the nationalities are represented by some unique units - such as the game's namesake Cossacks, available to Russia and Ukraine (and other nations via the mercenary feature) - and unit combat parameters. Simple! Found insideThis fully updated book offers the first systematic analysis of Putin’s three wars, placing the Second Chechen War, the war with Georgia of 2008, and the war with Ukraine of 2014–2015 in their broader historical context. Extremely pleasant, on the other hand, is the stand-alone version Cossacks: Back to War. It looks like you must wipe out every last resource and unit of the enemy - not too much fun when half the time invested in the game is mopping up. Cossacks: Back to War Hamachi Game Servers Online. If this is done for the sake of some obscure hyper-authenticity, then there are other details that should have been addressed or were missed. (Hint: work these odd units into the formation after it has taken losses by moving them close to it, disbanding the formation and then re-forming it.) First go to the installation folder, and rename the folder "Video" to "video1". The game system is arranged to reduce per-unit control and resource micromanagement, and to turn to global goals of powerful economy formation, science development, the capturing of new lands, and defending borders.In multiplayer, you can play historical battles - single battle scenarios based on real events - but there are no campaigns or single missions. One can carry out lingering city sieges, wage guerilla wars, capture commanding heights and arrange ambushes, deploy landing forces on enemy shores, and conduct sea battles. Thus, England is the mightiest sea power, Austria has powerful light and heavy cavalry, and Cossacks are the pride of the Ukrainian army.īattles of up to 8,000 units may be conducted on single or network game maps. Each has its own original graphics, economic and technical development peculiarities, military advantages and drawbacks, and unique units and technologies, providing vast choices of tactics and strategy in war against any enemy. There are 16 nations or regions in Cossacks: Algeria, Austria, England, France, the Netherlands, Piemonte, Poland, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Saxony, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, and Venice. Cossacks: European Wars is a historical real-time strategy based on events of the 16th through the 18th centuries in Europe, when nations and states were created and demolished, and wars shed seas of blood.
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asotomvini · 2 years
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Ed ecco la power vigna! Nonostante l’aridità estrema di questi mesi lei “spinge di bestia”, foglie enormi e vitalità al massimo! 👏👏💪💪 - #strenght #vigorosa #💪 And here it is: the powerful vineyard! Despite the very dry weather of the past months it grows very well, huge leaves, full of energy!! 👏👌💪 (presso Piemonte, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeTLlGOtwnU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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