#pig's blood
outragedtortilla · 1 month
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steamed pig's blood
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macrosoft98 · 9 months
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『キャリー』は、ローレンス・D・コーエンが脚本を書き、ブライアン・デ・パルマが監督した1976年のアメリカの超常現象ホラー映画で、スティーヴン・キングの1974年の同名の書簡体小説を原作としています。 この映画では、シシー・スペイセクが、学校で常に嘲笑され、いじめられている内気な16歳のキャリー・ホワイトを演じています。 この映画には、パイパー・ローリー、エイミー・アーヴィング、ナンシー・アレン、ウィリアム・カット、P・J・ソールズ、ベティ・バックリー、ジョン・トラボルタも脇役で出演しています。 キャリーシリーズの最初の映画です。
この映画はキング牧師の最初に出版された小説に基づいています。 デ・パルマはこの物語に興味をそそられ、スタジオに監督を依頼し、スペイセクは夫からオーディションを受けるよう勧められた。 これは、キング牧師の出版された作品を原作、またはそれに基づいた 100 以上の映画やテレビ作品のうちの最初の作品です。
1976年11月3日にユナイテッド・アーティストによって劇場公開された『キャリー』は批評的にも商業的にも成功を収め、180万ドルの予算に対して3,380万ドル以上の興行収入をあげた。 第49回アカデミー賞では主演女優賞(スペイセク)と助演女優賞(ローリー)の2部門にノミネートされた。 批評家も観客も同様に、このキャラクターに基づいた数多くの映画やテレビ番組の中でこの小説の最も優れた改作であると広く挙げており、またキングの出版物に基づいた最高の映画の 1 つであるとも述べています。
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demigods-posts · 3 months
headcanon that percy and annabeth have a relationship contract they made after they got together once the war came to pass. they outlined it on paper in percy's bedroom. typed up a final draft using sally's laptop. and printed out and laminated it at the local library on their two month anniversary. and they abide by it like it's the law.
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hija-ck · 3 months
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Bullworth Prom, 2007
the fact that we didn’t get any school dances in game is a hate crime against me specifically
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webdiggerxxx · 3 months
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goryhorroor · 5 months
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horror sub-genres: splatter
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setzeri · 6 months
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Characters from games that don't exist & their name, genre and closest inspiration.
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mas0ch1st1cbaby · 2 days
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Adam Stanheight vs David Radford. :b
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yoki-loves-stars · 7 months
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drew techno for fun :]
yes he does have 4 ears
that’s because I like to draw 4 ears
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calamarispiderart · 3 months
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you really are pathetic.
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saturnvs · 11 months
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desperate times
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mandyposting · 5 months
I'm a bit nervous posting my art for the first time, so I really hope you all like this art of Amanda from last October!
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exymybeloved · 4 months
Atsushi: what are you writing? 
Dazai, writing a letter: the hunting dogs wants to know what kind of weaponry I keep! I'm just letting them know that's private information!
Atsushi, reading over his shoulder: that just says 'Fuck around and find out' in red calligraphy. 
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420technoblazeit · 5 months
i feel like the reason why sam makes such a good christ figure is that he's not just the chosen sacrifice of the story, he's also shunned and hated for it. the angels don't just see him as an abomination and unworthy of free will or empathy, they hate him because they know that when it comes down to it they also rely on him. after everything they've done, no matter how horribly they've treated him and convinced him that he doesn't deserve redemption, they still expect him to lie down and sacrifice himself. and he in the end he does. but not because they expect him to, but to prove once and for all that they were wrong about him and he can still be good. god what a character
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skunkes · 3 months
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from friday
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libraford · 1 year
The Pickle Ball drama is wild!
For those that don't know, pickleball is like if you played ping pong on a full size tennis court. It is generally considered an 'old people's game.'
Retired people wake up early in the morning and the first thing they do is go play pickle ball with their likewise early-rising friends. I'm talking like... 5:30am. And the first thing they do when they get there is complain that the bathrooms aren't open.
Of course they're not open. The park employees don't get to work until 7 and the facilities don't open until 9 at the latest because we only got two guys to unlock the whole city. Calm down. Go before you leave the house or get comfy with the bushes.
Well, someone gave the Head Complainer a key to the bathroom. Because we seem to reward this kind of behavior, I guess. So when I get to Madeline Park at like 8:30 the bathroom is already unlocked. But I still have to clean it.
Before I do that, though, I have to take care of the trash. Today, it is full to the brim with beer bottles. I'm pissed about this because it was clearly the pickleball folks who were drinking, which is illegal on the premises, but as previously mentioned- I'm not a cop.
But more than that I'm pissed that there's broken bottles in there, which is a hazard to me. I have to double bag the trash and be really careful or I'll have a sparkly glass shard bracelet.
I run my arm along the rim of the bag and it comes out...red? I didn't think I got cut. It is undeniably blood, but more notably it belongs to someone else.
Well, I'm washing that arm thoroughly. I scrub it off my arms in the women's room and use hand sanitizer, and then clean the bathroom while im there.
I go into the men's room to do that one next. There is blood on the sink, the floor, and the toilet. And y'know, I'm used to blood in restrooms, I'm just not used to blood in the MEN'S restroom. It's not like... a fatal amount of blood, but more blood than should be outside of a person.
Well, that's no good. I clean it up, but it's eating at me that I've already encountered human blood twice and it's not even 9 yet. So I go over to the Head Complainer and I ask him:
"Hey uhhh... there was a lot of blood in the men's room. Is everyone alright? Do I need to file an accident report?"
He gives me a good-natured laugh. "Oh, that's just Greg. He came over from Kauffman Park and I have to say- didn't like the rules he played by."
Oh my God what a vague and horrible answer. I cant tell if nes joking or not. "Is... is Greg okay?"
"Oh, ha hah ha! He's fine, he's just back at Kauffman Park where he belongs."
"Oh! Okay then. Ha...hahah..." Absolutely terrifying.
Day 7/50.
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