#ping pong on a private jet?????
usernyoom · 8 months
what the fuck is going on with fernando and george. like genuinely.
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adore-laur · 10 months
— harry being stubborn & regretting it
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"Where's Harry?" 
You swear he was in the room a mere second ago. As a matter of fact, you swear he was just standing next to you playing an intense game of ping-pong while wearing only his boxers and socks.
Harry has been childishly ignoring you for the past hour by hitting the hollow plastic ball back and forth with someone from the backstage crew in complete silence. You kept stealing glances at him, hoping his expressive eyes would reveal what was irking him, but he never acknowledged you. Based on pure assumption, he's mad at you. You think he's being a bit dramatic. 
"Not sure," answers the crew member with a shrug. "He left without saying anything." 
"Great," you reply, sighing in frustration. I'll go looking for him. 
You snatch your sweatshirt from the chair in the corner and head out on a mission. Harry can't be too far, but the unfamiliar venue with mazes of hallways and covert doors could make your search quite difficult. Thankfully, plenty of workers with recognizable shirts and lanyards roam around backstage, either pushing equipment carts or having muffled conversations with people through their walkie-talkies. 
You politely raise your hand to garner the attention of an older woman casually leaning against the wall. "Excuse me, have you seen Harry Styles anywhere?" 
Her hazel eyes narrow suspiciously. "Are you a fan? How did you get back here?" 
"No, no," you say quickly with a nervous laugh, taking your specialized lanyard out of the pocket of your jeans and showing it to her. "I'm his girlfriend, and I... well, I sort of lost him." 
She walks closer and squints at the laminated card with your name and picture printed on it. "You lost him?" 
Heat prickles up your neck and travels to your cheeks. "Um, he's quiet. Sneaks right past me all the time." 
The woman smiles faintly. "I'm sure he does." What the hell is that supposed to mean? "I think I saw him going to the private bathrooms in the back," she adds, hiking her thumb behind her shoulder. "Hey, tell him to stop walking around in his boxers, will you?" 
"Sure thing," you reply distractedly with a nod, not fully comprehending what she said.
After wandering down the brightly lit hallway, you eventually reach the back area of his dressing room. The smooth walls turn into rough, white-painted bricks as the opening of the communal bathroom comes into view. There's still an hour until showtime, and you wonder what Harry could be doing there. Usually, he waits until right before he has to go on stage to get ready.
You find him standing in front of the sink, a plush robe wrapped around his sulking figure as he brushes his teeth with his lucky pink toothbrush. One look at his face tells you he's not in a good mood. 
Fights with Harry tend to be over petty things that are easily forgotten the next day. Joining him on tour has caused some lingering stress since what he does, as fun as it appears to be, is still strenuous when unpredictable mishaps can occur at any moment. You can't remember what it was you said that made him blatantly ignore you. Maybe it has something to do with jet lag, or perhaps he's just being stubborn. Either is highly possible. 
"Hi," you mutter, looming next to him. 
Harry continues brushing his teeth while avoiding eye contact with you. The air smells of spearmint and his potent cologne, but it doesn't bring you the comfort it usually would due to the palpable tension currently clouding the air. 
"You're mad at me," you say plainly, drumming your fingers along your thigh. 
He leans over the sink and spits out the residual toothpaste, then inhales heavily, almost impatiently, as he picks up his mouthwash. He grants no response and twists open the cap, taking a short swig and swishing it around in his mouth. You rest your hip against the counter and impatiently cross your arms. It doesn't feel nice when he hasn't even so much as spoken a single word to you when you've been in close quarters for the past hour. 
Since when has the silent treatment ever solved anything? 
"If you're not going to speak to me, I think I'll just go hang out in the tour bus for the night," you say, swallowing down the lump in your throat. 
Harry shrugs one shoulder without a care in the world, and you take it as your self-proclaimed cue to leave. You honestly don't have the patience or energy to start a one-sided argument right now, so with a disappointed hum, you begin walking away.
Your feet halt just before you turn the corner. "Have a good show," you mumble with burning sarcasm. 
Once you're out of his sight, you curl your fists by your head and grit your teeth, almost letting out a crazed laugh at his ridiculousness. You want to scream. He sometimes acts like such a kid, too arrogant to admit when he's sorry and too selfish to try and mend the issue before it builds into something bigger. It's terrifying to think it could become unfixable. 
After five minutes of asking around, you're led to the back parking lot, where the tour buses are lined up. The main one you ride in with Harry is guarded by two security guards. You lift your lanyard without uttering a word, and they immediately open the door.
You stomp up the stairs and throw your belongings onto the couch, trying not to let the simmering anger in your blood turn into an uncontrollable boil. No one else is around, so you shut all the interior lights off and climb into the tiny bunk bed you share with your stupidly stubborn boyfriend. The sheets are still crumpled, and his dirty socks lie by the edge. Everything smells like him, and for once, you wish it didn't. 
Exhaustion eventually kicks in, and you drift off to the distant sound of the crowd going wild inside the arena. 
You jolt awake from the voice right next to your ear. Your hazy brain catches up to consciousness as you grumble a noise of protest. There's no need to open your eyes when you know whose body is causing the dip in the uncomfortable mattress. 
A shake is then given to your elbow. You jerk it back and hope he takes the hint. 
"Ow, bloody hell!" Harry whispers harshly. 
"Go away."
That was a bad idea. Instant regret. Harry responds by rolling on top of you, borderline knocking the air out of your lungs. You tiredly groan and push him off, his body falling next to you in the cramped space of the bunk. 
"Seriously, go away," you repeat, putting a pillow between you and him. "Stop sucking up to me and acting like everything's fine." 
Harry takes the pillow and flings it somewhere far away. "Yeah, well, I don't appreciate you just leaving and not texting me your whereabouts. That scares me." 
You roll your eyes. "I told you where I'd be, yet you decided to give me the silent treatment." 
He ironically goes silent. 
"And," you continue, kicking his leg under the covers, "I don't appreciate it when you don't speak to me. It hurts." 
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, remorse leaking into his apology. I was being an idiot. I can't even remember what I was upset about." 
You slowly turn over to face him. "Me neither." 
He's freshly showered, the hood from his sweatshirt thrown over his damp hair. His face is slightly rosy from the recent steam, and his lips look remarkably soft in the minimal lighting. 
"I hated not seeing you in the crowd," he says quietly, glancing at your mouth. "It's my fault, but still... it wasn't the same without you." 
You lean forward and kiss his forehead, making a content hum vibrate in his throat. His legs intertwine with yours as he rubs under his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. 
"Please never stop talking to me," you whisper. "Even when you're annoying, I still like to listen to your voice." 
Harry smiles fondly and places his palm against yours, admiring the size difference. "You're my favorite person to talk to. Do you know that?" 
You feign a gag at his sappy statement, and he laughs before nuzzling his face into your neck and innocently tickling your sides. He eventually stops and wraps his arms around you, planting tender kisses on your exposed skin. 
His addictive scent consumes your senses, and you let yourself drown in it until sleep drapes over the both of you like a favorite childhood blanket.
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parisupdates · 9 months
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Ring in the New Year Gala || December 31, 2023 - January 1, 2024
What better way to ring in the New Year than with drinking around the world? No, I don't mean to get on my private jet and just go - it wouldn't fit all of Paris. But, I have the funds to bring the rest of the world to Paris.
You're welcome,
Heather du Pont-Moreau
When/where does this event take place in game?
The gala will be held on December 31, 2023. This event takes place at the du Pont-Moreau Residence, which is located in West Paris.
How long do we have to write?
Threads can begin on Sunday, January 6th @ 12:00 AM EST and must be wrapped up by Sunday January 13th @ 11:59 PM EST.
What else do we need to know?
Aside from every other detail in this post, it should be noted our first interest check will still occur on Sunday. You are not required to participate and you will not need to pause your regular threads; but we ask that any threads related to the event are tagged clearly either using a personalized tag or as #paris.event:001. We ask that any starters specifically for this event are also tagged as #paris.event:001 in addition to being tagged as #paris.starter.
This event will include a decent set of drinking games from around the world hosted by friends of Heather's from abroad, live entertainment, and fine cuisine. Some examples can be found below; but please feel free to use your imagination or even suggest some that we could add to this post.
Games & Activities
Goon of Fortune (AUS); Loosely based upon Wheel of Fortune, this is yet another drinking game where players must sit in a circle, this time underneath a Hill Hoist-style clothesline. Attached to one end of the line is a bladder of goon, the local term for cheap, boxed wine. Spin the line, and whomever the bladder stops above has to drink. And no, you never need to buy a vowel or ask to solve the puzzle.
La vache qui tache (FR); No surprise, you’ll need a wine cork to play La vache qui tache (“The Cow Who Stains”), of which one end is blackened by a candle flame. Players take turns calling out fellow players by their pre-assigned numbers until someone screws up in remembering an opponent’s number. At that point, your face gets spotted with the blackened cork and game play continues.
Ping Pong Pan (JPN); Start in a circle with one person saying “ping” then, going clockwise, the person to their left must say “pong.” Then, the next person says “pang” while pointing to a random person, who must then say “ping,” and so on. Seems like they could really spice this game up with an actual ping pong ball and some Solo cups.
Sapo (PE); Unlike most drinking games, which simply involve a table, some alcohol, and some drinkers, Sapo actually involves an apparatus that seems a little costly. Purportedly created by an Incan king, players today toss tokens at a board adorned with a brass sapo (toad) and 25 holes. Tokens that land in the toad’s mouth are worth the most.
Kinito (ESP); Kinito is like Yahtzee for drunks. In this popular game in the Basque region, players sit in a circle (of course). One player shakes two dice inside a shaker, then privately looks at what she rolled, telling her opponents what that number is (which may be a lie). The next player guesses if she is being truthful or not, then rolls his own dice, trying to score higher. At least sangria is usually present and ample.
Pon/Toma (MX); In this game, a six-sided dreidel is employed, with each side bearing a drinking instruction (“toma dos”). Sit in a circle with a community libation in the middle, and then spin the top—whatever the dreidel lands on, you do (i.e. “toma todo”—drink the whole cup).
Bear Paw (RUS); In Bear Paw, a large mug of beer is passed around in a circle. After each player takes a sip, the displaced fluid is replaced by vodka, and the game continues. In theory, eventually the mug will be pure vodka, at which point vodka is displaced by beer, and so on. Winner is last person standing.
Fuzzy Duck (UK); In this game, players sit around in a circle, alternately calling out “fuzzy duck” or “ducky fuzz.” If a player, upon his turn, inadvertently calls out “does he?” then play immediately resumes in the opposite direction. If a player screws up on his turn, he drinks—simple as that.
Kastenlauf (GER); Kastenlauf literally translates to “box run,” and indeed, this drinking game involves running with a beer crate while methodically chugging its contents. Teams of two carry a crate full of beer (20 bottles) between themselves while each drinking a bottle. The first team to finish all their beer and cross the finish line wins.
Party games; Manhunt, charades, Uno, Marco-Polo (the more drunk - the more fun)
Bowling Alley
In-home Movie Theatre
Dance floor & DJ
Silent auction of AJ's things (out with the old)
Sip and Paint class with Tina Fey | Sip and Paint Splatter with Anne Hathaway
Tattoos by Koolsville
Cocktail mixing class with Mr Lyan
Houseplant by Seth Rogen pop-up ( get your goods, guys )
Forever Golden pop-up ( permanent jewelry )
12 AM firework show from outside garden (nice view of Eiffel Tower) -sparklers available
Event Features
Bars & Food
Cocktails are free and run all night, including an extensive Red & White wine list, licensed bartenders ( 11 bars at disposal ); specialty drinks for the night include The Ball Drop ( pornstar martini ), 2024 ( amaretto sour ) and Moreau ( Red wine spritzer with Merlot ) Each of the 11 bars are based off a specific country; comprising of a chef from each country who crafts the dish in which the country is known for, and a mixologist who makes the cocktail in which the country is known for.
Italy by Chef Massimo Bottura ; Negroni and pizza
Mexico by Chef Enrique Olvera ; Margarita and Tacos al pastor
China by by Chef Susanna Foo ; Baijiu and Kung Pao Chicken
Germany by Chef Alfons Schuhbeck ; Schwarzbier and Brot & Brötchen
America by Chef Bobby Flay ; Mai Tai and steak burgers
Japan by Chef Masaharu Morimoto ; Sake and sushi
Morocco by Chef Najat Kaanache ; Berber whiskey and B'ssara
Greece by Chef Georgios Evlampios Petretzikis ; Ouzo and Gyros
United Kingdom by Chef Gordon Ramsay ; Whiskey and fish and chips
Peru by Chef Gastón Acurio Jaramillo ; Pisco sour and alpaca burgers
Barbados by Chef Creig Greenidge ; Rum and cou-cou and fried flying fish with spicy gravy
Live Entertainment
Comedy show by Taylor Tomlinson, Pete Davidson and John Mulaney
Special performance by the artists (dancers) of the Moulin Rouge
Intimate performance by Lady Gaga
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dwrakaexpressway · 1 year
Live Like a King at Emaar Marbella Villas in Sector 66
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Emaar Marbella Villas is one of the most luxurious residential destinations in Dubai, offering a glimpse into the opulence and style of one of the world's most famous cities. Located in Sector 66, Emaar Marbella Villas offers residents a chance to live like a king by enjoying all that Dubai has to offer including fine dining, shopping and entertainment options. The villas come with all the amenities you need for your stay including an expansive private pool area with Jacuzzi jets, outdoor seating area with views over Palm Jumeirah and more! We'll also take you on a tour around this amazing property so you can see everything first hand!
Introduction to the opulent Emaar Marbella Villas in Sector 66
Emaar Marbella Villas is a luxurious villa that epitomizes the opulence of contemporary living. The three-bedroom home features a private pool and outdoor entertainment area, as well as an impressive kitchen with matching appliances.
Built to impress, this villa accommodates up to six guests with its spacious bedrooms, lounge area and dining room table that can seat ten people at once! The master bedroom has access to its own private bathroom with double sinks and Jacuzzi tubs for two people. You'll also find two additional bedrooms (one with king size bed) which share a common bathroom with shower stall for your convenience!
Overview of the lavish amenities and services available
Personal butler service.
Gourmet dining at the resort's five restaurants, including a rooftop bar and grill that overlooks the Palm tree-lined pool.
24/7 concierge service to assist you with any needs or requests you might have during your stay, including booking excursions and airport transfers.
Private spa facilities at the luxury spa called “Moresa Spa” featuring treatments like facials, body treatments or massages tailored specifically to your needs or preferences (private rooms available). The facility also includes a fitness center where guests can work out on state-of-the art equipment such as treadmills, bikes and elliptical trainers!
Tour of the villa's grandiose interior design and luxurious furnishings
The villas are located in a secluded area of the city. The villa is surrounded by greenery, with an abundance of trees and plants throughout the property.
The interior design is breathtaking, with many features that make it feel like you're in a five-star hotel rather than just another apartment complex. Your main living room has floor-to-ceiling windows that open up to allow for easy access to natural light from outside as well as views from within (you'll also find plenty of shelving space). There's also a fireplace in this space so if you want some extra warmth during those cold winter months, you can turn on one burner before settling down for dinner or drinks with friends!
The kitchen area offers everything you need including stainless steel appliances including ovens/cooktops/stoves plus dishwashers which means no more washing dishes after meals while still enjoying them! You'll also have access to all kinds of utensils including knives forks spoons etc., which makes cooking easier than ever before - eliminating any possible messes left behind during meal prep time."
Highlight of the expansive private pool and outdoor entertainment area
The Emaar Marbella Villas Gurgaon is located in the heart of Sector 66, which is one of the most sought-after residential areas in Delhi. It's only 4 km from Connaught Place and 5 km from New Delhi International Airport.
The villa has a private pool and outdoor entertainment area that will make for an unforgettable experience for your family or guests! The outdoor area includes a swimming pool with Jacuzzi, sauna and gymnasium. You can also enjoy games like badminton or ping pong on this amazing terrace overlooking all around it!
Overview of the state-of-the-art fitness center and spa facilities
Fitness centre and spa facilities
The fitness centre is an integral part of a modern hotel. The gym equipment, which includes cardio machines, free weights, and more than 20 types of exercise balls for dynamic workouts, will help you achieve your fitness goals. The spa area features two treatment rooms with state-of-the-art equipment that can be used for both relaxation and rejuvenation. The menu includes massages by professional therapists or facials done at your leisure in either room with personalized treatment plans created just for you based on your skin type or needs. Spa treatments range from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the type chosen (from $50).
Introduction to the 24/7 concierge service and personalized assistance fit for a king
The Emaar Marbella Villas 24/7 Concierge Service is the ultimate luxury experience. Our dedicated team will be there to assist you with anything from making reservations for dinner or theater tickets to arranging for limousine rides and even arrangements for a party.
Our concierge service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week; this means that you can call us at any time of day and we'll be there ready to help! If you're looking for an experience that's truly unique and personalized, then look no further than our concierge services at Emaar Marbella Villas in Sector 66—they're sure to impress even the most discerning guests!
Details on the gourmet dining options available within the villa
You can choose from a range of food options in the villa, including:
A 24/7 concierge service that will deliver your food to you on demand.
A private chef on hand to prepare meals for you.
A selection of restaurants and cafes throughout Marbella's renowned beaches, including La Bodegita, where you'll find local dishes as well as cuisines from around the world (including Japanese sushi). Or head over to El Cortijo Beach Club to enjoy some fresh seafood or try something more unusual such as paella made with lobster! For drinks there are several bars within walking distance from your accommodation too - if it's after hours then head over to La Cantina de San Pedro for live music every night until late into the night!
Information on the high-end shopping and entertainment options in Sector 66
If you're looking for a place to shop and dine, Marbella is the place for you. The area has an abundance of shopping options ranging from high-end boutiques to trendy cafes and restaurants. You'll find everything from designer clothing stores like Brioni and Ermenegildo Zegna to more affordable options like Forever 21 or H&M. If you want to go out on the town, Marbella also has plenty of clubs where visitors can party until late into the night!
If your taste runs more towards fine dining instead of fast food chains, then look no further than Emaar Marbella Villas' dining options: there's Aperitivo by David Thompson (an Italian restaurant), Le Cave D'Ange (French cuisine), Paris Bistro & Bar Grill (American cuisine), Mango Tree Café & Bar (Spanish tapas), Il Bagatto 852 Lounge Restaurant & Lounge Barbecue Grill BBQ Italian Cuisine Mexican Food Steakhouse Seafood Steaks Sushi Takeaway Thai Food Turkish Cuisine Vegetarian Menu Vegetarian/Vegan/Vitality Food Specials For Kids
Explanation of the advanced security features available at Emaar Marbella Villas
In addition to the security features available at Emaar Marbella Villas Sector 66, there are also some advanced features that you can benefit from. These include:
Cameras – The villas have an array of CCTV cameras installed throughout its premises. This ensures that every inch of your property is monitored 24/7, so you don't have to worry about anything escaping or being stolen from your home.
Guards – The guards are trained and equipped with high-tech weapons such as tasers and pepper sprays so they can protect yourself if needed during an emergency situation like fire or burglary (which happens often in Dubai). They will also be able to respond quickly if someone tries breaking into one of the villas—in fact, most people choose not to leave valuables inside their cars because they're always parked close by nearby streets where anyone could easily break into them while they're away taking a walk around town. This ensures everyone feels safe enough when visiting these beautiful places without having any worries about getting robbed while enjoying themselves at night time!
Description of the nearby lush parks and recreational areas
The villas are located in Sector 66, a residential area that's home to some of the most beautiful parks and recreational areas on earth.
The villas are close to a beautiful park with walking trails and playgrounds for kids, as well as several other parks within walking distance—including one that features an artificial lake! You'll also find lots of sports facilities nearby (with tennis courts, basketball courts and more), making it easy for you to enjoy your leisure time at your leisure.
Details on the available transportation options to and from Emaar Marbella Villas
When you're in Marbella, it's easy to get around by car. The city has many public parking lots and garages that are conveniently located throughout the area. If you don't want to drive, there are also several bus lines operating within the city limits that can take you from one location to another quickly and efficiently.
Taxi Services: There are several taxi services available at Emaar Marbella Villas as well as on nearby streets in order for guests who need help getting around town quickly or would like someone else who may not speak English well enough understand their needs (or vice versa). These taxis will be able to take you anywhere within 10 minutes of your hotel room!
Shuttle Services: Shuttle buses operate 24 hours a day so if there's something that needs doing during those times then simply call one of these companies up ahead of time; they'll send out someone right away who will drive them across town until they reach their destination safely without having any problems along their journey!
All in all, Emaar Marbella Villas is the ideal retreat for families, couples and business travelers. The luxury villas are situated in Sector 66, which offers a rich blend of shopping, dining and entertainment options. This prominent area also boasts several parks and recreational areas to unwind after a busy day at work or school. As they say: "if you can dream it, we can help make it happen.
Get in Touch! Website - www.emaarmarbellavillas.in Skype - shalabh.mishra Telegram - shalabhmishra Email - [email protected] Mobile - +919990536116
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peachy-inserts · 2 years
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leon s. kennedy general hcs pt. 2
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✉︎request:  saw that your reqs are open so i came to ask for more leon general hcs 😭😭😭 hes just my baby and i miss him
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✎a/n: heyyy... just in a silly goofy mood and decided to do these after like. idek. almost a year? im so sorry 
✰warnings: none except i like,, mention decapitation and balls (?) not in detail
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Leon is incredibly thoughtful. Every move he makes is so well calculated, and it’s unfathomable to imagine how he manages to find every situation’s best possible outcome, even in the most undesirable of circumstances. Hell, even when he can’t find the solution he’s so good at manipulating his environment juuust right to get the results he wants anyways
It’s the same nonchalant attitude despite his many amazing feats that draws people into him. Leon isn’t as social or friendly as he used to be since Raccoon City, but it doesn’t dull his charm nonetheless. He’s scathed and battered, and it shows in his demeanor, yet there’s something about him that people tend to trust
Speaking of trust, he’s not exactly someone who gives his trust to anyone. To be trusted by Leon should amount to being granted immortality, because it basically means you’re entirely redeemable as a person to him. Given the circumstances, he’s built up a pretty thick exterior; being someone who he can rely on is something he holds very deeply. Surely, anyone with such a privilege will be held on a pedestal in his eyes
While he cares deeply, he doesn’t take the time to reach out very often to the people he loves. It’s not a lack of consideration, I mean hey: the guy’s pretty fucking busy. However, he will stand up for them in a heartbeat. Someone’s got something to say about his people? He’s hopping on a private jet and getting ready to shove his foot up their ass, ETA 30 seconds
His job may be cushy and pay well, but he doesn’t have expensive tastes. He never has, it’s not who he was; why would he be any different now? Just not his style. Most of Leon’s money gets stored away and forgotten about, and he continues using the same products he relied on as a reckless twenty something in the academy, penny pinching and experimenting to find the right balance between cheap but still bearable. So, don’t expect him to be spending his paychecks on luxury colognes and professional hair washes, he’s dousing himself in irish spring straight after a shower with plain bar soap
He’s really not a huge fan of working out. He does the bare minimum for work, since it pretty much depends on his physical wellbeing, but he’s never really understood when people talked about the endorphins after exercise. In the ‘off-seasons’, or any period longer than two weeks when he has a minute to breathe and relax, his body softens and he gets a little tummy
One of the things he values is taking good care of his nails. The sight of dirt under his or anyone else’s nails grosses him out more than watching lickers decapitate people… ew. He’ll keep a toothpick on him during missions to clean his nails out when he has a moment to spare, and he’s kind of persistent about it too. The feelings of something there bothers him too much
When it comes to love, Leon’s still just a rookie. He doesn’t have the time or the mental capacity to bother with a relationship, and although he’s definitely had his fair share of passionate or flirtatious encounters, he’s never indulged in something serious… something he can wake up to 
One thing is for sure, though: he’s certain of his feelings. Leon isn’t the kind of man to doubt himself or feign confusion to shield his own heart, he knows exactly what he’s feeling. He’s an adult after all, and a professional for God’s sake. Why inconvenience himself with emotional ping pong? 
He’s been forced into a position where he’s made to obey, jeopardizing more than just his career if he acts out or speaks up the way he believes he should. He almost feels as if he’s got the whole world in his hands. He admires someone who is unapologetically themselves, who isn’t afraid to use their voice even if they’re wrong, or even if it puts their life in danger. Leon will fall head over heels for someone who has the guts to tell him he’s stupid to his face and who won’t hesitate to throw in all the chips at the chance of justice. He’ll fall in love with someone, though, who fights for those who can’t. There’s nothing sexier than sharing his ideals, because after all, what’s kept him going this far was his desire to be a fucking hero. Not for the glory, wealth, or recognition, but because he really, truly does just want the world to be a better place
He’s not much of the romantic type. That’s not to say he doesn’t do nice things for his partner, because like I said, he’s very thoughtful! But he’s not the man to make dinner reservations at a romantic restaurant, get dressed up for a scenic walk, nothing out of any novel. In his eyes, you love him if you accept him all of the time, and he shouldn’t have to fabricate a setting for you to see his appeal. His idea of romance is being comfortable enough to live freely with him, and not feel controlled by the idea of being in a relationship. If you don’t get what I’m saying, there’s nothing he desires more than being in a relationship where you go unchanged; the label between you two shouldn’t have an effect on your personality
One of the dew things that Leon will indulge in is shoes. A perfectly good outfit can be ruined by a shitty shoe, and he’s got a reputation to uphold… people already talk enough about him. Why not make it out of jealousy with a perfectly polished shoe? 
I think he would shave his balls lol
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Goodbye Paris
Marinette is 17 and the other 18 in this Au.
Marinette's parents fall under Lila's spell as well. She starts filling them with lies about Marinette and soon they start believing her. 
Lila accuses Marinette of sneaking out and hanging out with the wrong people. Sabine and Tom start believing her, especially when they notice she wasn't there one night. She was out patrolling as Ladybug.
Soon Marinette is on lock down barely able to leave her house. She struggles to even get out as Ladybug.
Her parents become more and more distant, soon not even talking to Marinette. No goodbyes, hellos, I missed you, or I love you, just silence. Marinette tries to combat the lies but her parents won't listen. She slowly gives up focusing on Hawkmoth, school, and designing. 
Halfway through the year she opts to graduate early forfeiting walking at graduation. She doesn't even mention it to her parents, just focuses on getting money together for her own place while applying to colleges overseas. After she stops attending Chloe reaches out to her apologizing for everything she had done and asking for a second chance. Chloe moved to America with her mother, their junior year unable to handle akuma anymore. Marinette tells her their relationship will be rockey and first but she agrees to a new start.
It's right before the end of the school year when Ladybug and Chat Noir defeat Hawkmoth and get the two missing Miraculouses back. Chat gets mad when Ladybug refuses to reveal her identity and attempts to make her. She stops him and takes his Miraculous back as well revealing Adrien. 
"This is goodbye Chaton. If you had taken this more seriously. Perhaps you could know it, but you never did."
She leaves him there returning home and safely putting the peacock and butterfly miraculouses away. After his defeat she stops patrolling as Ladybug and instead plans her move, not wishing to be with her parents any longer.
Once she stops patrolling petty crime begins to pick up again. The city starts crying out for Ladybug to return but Marinette wont. She can't be there for everything, it's time the police start doing their job again. After a month the city is outraged that Ladybug is nowhere to be seen. They take to Adrien who admits to being Chat Noir, he apologizes to Paris saying that Ladybug took his Miraculous. He tells them that he wants to help but she won't help him any longer. After his display Paris begins a smear campaign against Ladybug. Tired of this Marinette transforms and heads to the Eiffel Tower broadcasting to all of Paris her goodbye.
Marinette- I have heard the out cry at my disappearance, and I find it deplorable. I have been fighting since I was thirteen. Did any of you think of that? You have had a child fighting your battles for you with another child that never took it seriously! Now, now you smear my character, saying I am a villain after I have taken down Hawkmoth. All because I stopped patrolling and taking down petty criminals. Instead of looking at me you should be looking at your police force. I am done, I thought of coming back after college but after all this, no. This is goodbye Paris, for good.
After her speech Chloe video calls her asking her if she is okay. Marinette plays everything off saying she is fine until Chloe tells her that she knows she is Ladybug. Marinette hesitates trying to think of a cover but just sighs asking how Chloe knew. Chloe smiles and tells her that she grew up with the girl only and the imbecile would not be able to tell that their 'Everyday Ladybug' was their actual Ladybug. Soon after the girls get a request for Luka to join. Once he is on the call he offers his own word of comfort causing Marinette to groan and Chloe to laugh. Luka simply tells her that her song is the same beautiful piece in and outside of the mask. Marinette grumbles teasingly about Metas being annoying, causing Luka to chuckle smiling at her. She tells them that she is leaving Paris for good now that Hawkmoth is gone. Chloe encourages her to move to America and go to Juliard while Luka simply hums strumming his guitar. When he opens his eyes he tells her to follow the path that calls to her, causing Chloe to groan. Snapping at him Half heartedly he simply smiles at the two girls before saying he needs to get to bed, the girls smile saying goodnight and wishing him good luck with his show the next day before they hang up.
She is really thankful that she changed her designer name shortly after Lila came to her school. Now known as MDC she has a thriving online website and even has a few designers that follow her designs down to every single stitch. While she also helps them get their own lines started. She even begins to employ models, Chloe begging her most popular. Her clientele extended even more and she had a lot of famous musicians commissioning her. She was even commissioned by Megan Markle before she and Prince Harry got married, and was even invited to the wedding she attended with Kaalki's help.
Marinette applies to a few different colleges all in America knowing that staying in Paris was no longer an option. She is accepted at Juilliard, Harvard, and Gotham University, she wants to go to Juliard but something calls her to Gotham. She can't stop going back to Gotham's acceptance letter and ends up researching Githam and talking it over with Chloe and Luka. She doesn't make a decision until Luka tells her once again to follow the call. So she confirms attendance, not telling her parents as she leases an apartment in a safer part of Gotham. She gets in contact with one of her employed designers, Taylor in America and requests her help. 
Taylor is the in-between for Marinette and interior designers in Gotham. Helping both sides design the and decorate the penthouse so its move in ready.
Soon after the penthouse is finished Marinette packs everything in her room slowly shipping out boxes to Taylor. A couple nights later when Marinette has everything except necessities shipped her parents request she moves out saying they don't even know her anymore.
"Don't worry I already have an apartment and everything set up near my college. I leave in three days. And you don't know me huh? Well I guess that's because you two haven't really been parents in a while. Now if you'll excuse me."
Tom and Sabine are shocked especially since Lila told them Marinette had decided not to go to college at all. They confront Marinette telling her not to lie about it. She simply sighs sadly and pulls out all three acceptance letters, telling them she isn't telling them which one she decided to go with because they'll no longer be a part of her life.
The day she is set to leave Jagged and Penny are outside in a limo waiting for her. Marinette walks out of the bakery smiling brightly as Jagged gets out hugging her tightly. She thanks him for coming to America with her till she gets settled in. The driver takes her suitcase, putting it in the trunk before opening the door once again letting Jagged and Marinette in. Before getting in and driving to the airport to take Jagged's private jet to America.
They meet Chloe and Audrey at the Gotham airport, both women wanting to welcome Marinette to America. They follow the three to Marinette's penthouse. Chloe is in love with the place and practically begs Marinette to let her live with her. Marinette smiles laughing and tells her she was going to offer her a room after a month or two. Audrey agrees, telling Chloe to just make sure and call her, so she knows they're both safe.
Marinette's penthouse is big! It has two guest rooms, specially for Jagged, Penny, and her designers, when they come to visit. However now one has become Chloe's room. A kitchen her great uncle would be jealous of. A personal gym. A living room with a ping pong table and flat screen tv. 3 bathrooms. Marinette's own designing room, and the Master suite. The Master suite had a loft bed with stairs leading up to it, not a ladder. A large area set up for gaming consoles and a flat screen tv. Underneath the loft was Marinette's desk and desktop. One wall was a complete window showing Gotham from above, and against the other wall was a large luxury dollhouse decked out with hand made furniture. Something Marinette had requested was special for the Kwami to not have to remain in the box twenty four seven.
Marinette has the entire summer to herself and she doesn't have to deal with her birth parents ignoring her. She and Chloe can't wait to explore Gotham, and although Mari wishes she could patrol like she used to. She knows that this is Batman's city, and she doesn't want to get on his bad side. Instead she'll explore on the ground, and fly in her gym, which she had specially fitted with the ceiling covered in bars and ropes.
She even agrees to teach Chloe how to use the rope nest, with a net underneath them of course.
That next day Marinette, Chloe Jagged, and Penny ended up in the Gotham Gazette. Everyone wanted to know why Jagged was in Gotham and who Marinette was. Penny ended up scheduling a video meeting between Jagged and Gotham's main news station. 
Jagged- I am not moving here, nor am I here for a show. You see my honorary niece. I have to say honorary because we arent actually related which is stupid! Anyway! She is my personal designer MDC, I only wear her clothing. She just graduated high school and got accepted at Gotham University. So she moved here, and Penny, Fang, and I wanted to spend the beginning of the summer with her! Mari! Come say hello!
Marinette- Uncle I swear if you want dinner you need to stop distracting me. Hello Madame, Monsieur, I'm Marinette more popularly known as MDC. Pleasure to meet you. I'm actually in college for my business degree!
Chloe- Don't forget me! Honestly you two can be ridiculous together utterly-
Jagged and Mari smiling mischievously at her- Ridiculous!
Chloe huffs before turning to the newscaster- Chloe Bourgeois, I am Marinette's main model and top female model. I moved here with Marinette as well, though I won't be going to college, you will see me around the city doing photoshoots.
Penny takes over after Marinette and Chlke give quick interviews. Once the food is done both say goodbye and get excited to eat. However before Jagged hangs up everyone watches Marinette picks up Fang like he is nothing and cuddles him to her chest. Jagged burst into laughter and the interviewer's shocked face.
For the next couple weeks Marinette eagerly explores the city with Chloe, meeting people and unknowingly creating a name for herself. Orphans know that they can come to her for food or clothes and never have to worry about her turning them in.
A few weeks into living there they get an invitation to Bruce Wayne's upcoming charity ball. Marinette quickly gets to work making their outfits in time for the ball. While making sure the Kwami can handle Fang and that Fang knows not to eat them.
The three make waves when they arrive. Penny and Jagged wear matching outfits however they are drawn back and more muted than usual, still capturing their rock n roll vibes. Jaggeds favorite part is the music notes hand stitched on the arms of his jacket and the train of Penny's dress. Meanwhile Marinette's outfit is made to resemble the night sky and when she moves in the light her dress twinkles in the light. Chloe's is made to resemble the sun. It's a layer with yellow and orange tulle.
Jagged and Penny talk to the people conversing while Marinette talks to a few people before being able to edge herself away. While Chloe immerses herself with the other model at the gala. Marinette makes a sizable donation, the money a combination of her own and her designers making sure their names are also on the donation before making her way to the food table and snagging a few cookies eating them slowly while observing the people around her. 
Damian stumbles upon her when he finally finds an excuse to slip away. He doesn't speak to her at first just standing there sipping his champagne. They are both silent before Marinette snorts, placing her arm on his shoulder gently and leaning closer to whisper.
Marinette-look to our right the man in the terbile green suit is about to get slapped by his wife
Damian glances over and watches as Mr. Tennor gets slapped hard by his wife causing everyone to go silent as she berates him for thinking he could get away with bringing his Mistress to a charity event. Only for his Mistress to turn on him slapping him as well. Saying that he told her they were finishing their divorce. The Mistress huffs, turning to Mrs. Tennor and apologizes before storming out.
Damian turns away from the facing Marinette as he struggles not to laugh while the room is still silent. Once the talking picks back up Damian introduces himself and Marinette does the same. A little amused by the stars in Damian's eyes when he confirms she's MDC. He admits that her album covers are his favorites of Jagged's and that he has even attempted commissioning her but was unable to get in. Marinette apologizes telling him that recently she's been keeping the same clientele since she was planning on moving. She then pulls out her phone unlocking it and giving it to him. 
Marinette-Put your number in and I'll contact you tomorrow about what you want to commission.
The two spend the rest of the night talking and pointing out things about those around them. Marinette's hand remains on his shoulder and soon she is leaning against him, her head resting on his shoulder and his arm around her waist as they whisper back and forth. Pointing out different things to each other and hiding the laughter as best they can.
At one point Damian notices his father starting to walk over and quickly asks her to dance. Marinette is surprised at first but she notices Mr. Wayne makes his way towards them and smirks before nodding. Damian takes her hand leading her to the dance floor. Marinette smiles at him and starts teasing him asking if he didn't want his father to see her with him. Damian quickly tells her that's not it before realizing that she was joking. He rolls his eyes huffing at her saying that his father would make a scene. This causes Marinette to snort before agreeing to help each other hide from him for the night, and they do so successfully. The only one to catch the two is Chloe who gives Damian a quick one over before deeming him good enough for her Marinette. At the end of the night Jagged and Penny find Marinette and return to her penthouse. Marinette says goodbye to Damian kissing his cheek softly before leaving with them.
When Bruce finally catches up to his youngest he huffs wrapping an arm around his shoulder declaring that they were going to have a long talk on the ride home.
The rest of the night his entire family won't stop teasing him about actually dancing with a girl and not getting her number. They keep bringing it up until he smirks holding up his phone.
Damian- That's because she got mine instead. 
He leaves the room leaving his brother in slight shock while Alfred holds up a camera and asks if they want to see pictures of the two together.
A week later Marinette meets Robin for the first time when Marinette is cornered in an alley. When Robin drops down startling them Marinette jumps into action stomping on one guy's foot getting him to release her before flipping him over her shoulder. Then she attacks at the two closest to her she flips over one's shoulder dropping behind him and kicking his legs out from under him. Punching him hard in the face. After knocking him out she jumps back as the other guy attempts to hit her. She dodges and blocks his punch before flipping back and crouching launching herself forward and punching him in the gut hard. She steps back breathing hard as she watches Robin take out the last guys. Robin turns to her and looks her over making sure she isn't hurt. Marinette thanks him softly leaning against the wall trying to catch her breath. Once she is calmed down Robin escorts her home.
The next day Damian messages her asking her on a date. Marinette teasingly asks if he's just doing this to convince her to give him a discount and he just groans. Marinette laughs telling him to pick her up at 6.
Marinette and Damian spend the summer getting to know each other and going on dates. Meeting Damian's family was an adventure for her, she loved getting to know the boys, Stephanie, Barbara, and Cass. (Dick and Barbara are definitely married in this one.) She also found it extremely easy to figure out her Damian was Robin, who she always caught stopping by on the roof across from her building.
Chloe bonds phenomenally with Stephanie; the two girls are practically glued at the hip. They spend almost all their time together, and while they don't voice it, the majority of the family had a feeling they were dating.
Soon after Chloe discovers their secret as well. They both decided not to tell them they knew because both girls knew how important secret identities were. The only people that knew Marinette was a hero was Cass and Alfred, and that was because Cass had noticed Tikki and Alfred was Duusuu's holder a long time ago.
The three bond phenomenally well, so much so that Damian is worried Cass may steal his Marinette. 
Soon the end of summer is on them and Damian finally asks Marinette to be his girlfriend and she agrees. They are now Gotham's power couple. Pictures and videos of them are everywhere on the news and Twitter.
There are even Tiktoks of them while they're out in public. Marinette's favorite is them dancing in the rain one day both laughing and smiling brightly as some kids join them.
Marinette is named Gotham's new Princess and is praised by Damian's old classmates for breaking through and making the 'Ice Prince' smile and laugh.
Soon after Chloe and Stephanie announce that they are dating as well. Both couples are all over the news and papers.
Halfway through their first year of college Lex Luthor is named President of the United States. This causes the heros to panic however they make no moves instead they begin building a case against him. This comes to a halt when the entire Batfamily is cut off from them. An earthquake wreaks Gotham killing millions and destroying the city and the bridges giving them access to the rest of the states. President Luthor locks down Gotham essentially giving up on the city and allowing no outside contact or help.
It's during this period of time that Marinette and Chloe reveal they know their identities by crashing a meeting in the Batcave.
Marinette- Yes, yes, we know and will explain later, but right now I have a plan on how to get Gotham back on its feet.
Marinette's plan relies heavily on her and Bruce's businesses. The Wayne family and Marinette are going to rebuild Gotham from the bottom up. She tells Bruce that publicly Batman is going to hand over the only way of communication outside of Gotham over to Bruce Wayne during a press conference. Then Bruce will announce their plans of using this resource to continue to bring money into the city through him and Marinette. The family is going to be hiring clean up crews, medical workers, and construction workers to rebuild their city. Marinette and Bruce focus mainly on bringing in money. Jason's focus is on helping orphans, street kids, and newly made orphans. Setting up better Orphanages with better staff and making sure no kid is a meal ticket. Dick's focus is on getting the police force back up with Gordon's help and weeding out as many corrupt cops. Tim focuses on hiring construction workers and clean up crews getting Gotham cleaned up and starting reconstruction. Cass is the one helping find more medical personnel and working with getting hospitals up and going. Damian personally spoke with Gothams bigger villains in Arkham explaining what happened and what Luthor is trying to do. Thanks to him Arkham is pretty much guaranteed no breakouts. In fact many were surprised to see henchmen from different villains joining in on the clean up. Kate also helps out working hard to get electricity back up and running with electricians  while making sure no down wires are active. Stephanie and Chloe are praised for getting out and helping the clean up crews as well as the police with finding bodys of missing citizens.
It takes over a year but the Wayne family, Marinette, and Chloe get Gotham back on its feet better than ever. And they use Luthor's abandonment of Gotham to get him impeached. After they've finally reopened Gotham to the rest of the states, Bruce throws a city wide party. He even sends special catering to Arkham asylum as thanks to the villains for not just remaining there but sending their henchmen out to help. 
Bruce gives a big thanks to everyone for all their help with rebuilding their beautiful city.
It's shortly after his speech Damian and Marinette are enjoying the small fair that Bruce paid for. They are walking through the game area sharing cotton candy when Damian gets lost in the moment and asks her to marry him. Marinette laughs pulling him into a deep kiss causing citizens around them to start cheering. She waits until they've quieted down before pulling back.
Marinette-Yes Damian, I'll marry you!
This causes citizens to burst into cheers again. All of them giving their cities power couple their congratulations. While Damian is embarrassed saying that he doesn't have a ring for her. Marinette just smiles and kisses him softly telling him not having a ring isn't a big deal because she would have said yes either way.
A few minutes later a soft spoken Hispanic woman exits her jewelry booth giving them two small rings.
The woman-This is for until he finally gets you one Miss. Free of charge, consider it a thanks for helping my city and a congratulations present. 
She squeezes both their hands smiling softly at the two and congratulates them before leaving them.
After the city party, they finally address Marinette and Chloe knowing their identities. It happens at Marinette's rebuilt penthouse. Marinette smiles telling them that it was the Kwami that really pointed it out to her. While Chloe tells them she caught Stephanie in her outfit one night and just pretended she had been asleep the entire time. Everyone but Alfred is confused about the Kwami until Marinette asks them to come out. The Kwami fly in spreading around the room, Duusuu sits calmly on Alfred's shoulder, Pollen resting herself in Chloe's hair, while Tikki and Plagg float by Marinette's shoulders.
Marinette-Let me introduce you to Kwami. Gods and Goddesses that grant their chosens their powers. Tikki and Plagg are the two most powerful Destruction and Bad Luck, Creation and Good Luck. I'm Tikki's chosen, I am-
Tim-Ladybug...you're Paris's missing heros.
Marinette sighs softly nodding thinking about her last day as Ladybug
Chloe- I was Honeywell for a short while until I moved to america. Pollen and I were a great team.
Pollen petting her hair gently-We were the best my Queen.
Marinette-Paris started relying on me for everything. The police stopped doing their jobs and when I finally defeated the villain that was plaguing them, it wasn't enough. I loved being a hero but they expected me to do everything. You all know that it isn't possible to do everything.
Bruce asks why she never went out as Ladybug. Marinette smiles and tells him that while she misses it she knew that this was Batman's city and that metas weren't allowed.
Marinette-I know technically I'm not one, but Tikki gives me powers.
After that Marinette begins to train with Bruce so that she can hit the streets with them, without the Miraculous. Chloe while learning how to fight with Stephanie declines becoming a vigilante with them. Marinette loves every second of it, she loves actually having a mentor to teach her. And it felt nice to have a father figure in her life once again. Six months later she is joining the family for her first night of patrol as BlackBird.
Blackbird spends most of her time with Batwomem, on patrol and missions. Her first big villain was Riddler, however before he could even utter a riddle Blackbird tore into him for his terrible outfit. To the point that Riddler practically threw himself at Batman in tears crying and telling him his new protégé was mean.
Blackbird is a rising hero in Gotham and the hero community. Soon she begins attending Justice League meetings with the others considering joining. It is there she meets Wonder Women, and asks how her mother is doing. Diana realizes quickly that she is speaking with a Guardian and finds out later that Blackbird is the current Ladybug as well.
The family also begins planning Damian and Marinette's public wedding and their private wedding. Stephanie is the one that asks her if she wants to have the private wedding in Paris, everyone only a little surprised she straight out refuses.
Marinette-I said goodbye all that time ago, and I don't think I wish to return.
That night she asks Bruce to walk her down the aisle along with her grandfather. When asked about her own parents Marinette smiles sadly telling them that they no longer consider her their daughter, so they were not invited. Bruce smiles softly brushing Marinette's hair down gently with his hand before agreeing to walk her. She asks Chloe to be her Maid of Honor and Kate, Cass, and Stephanie to be her Bridesmaid
Three weeks later they are sending out invites to people for their private wedding in 6 months and the public one in a year.
Marinette asks Jagged and Luka to be the entertainment for both nights and they agree. Sabine and Tom are not invited; they find out when Gina shows up excited asking why they never told her Marinette had met someone in America. They are even more surprised to find out Rolland is closing up shop and going to the wedding as well. Gina is upset to find out they kicked Marinette out and tears into them. At this point Lila comes into the bakery and tries to sway Gina onto her side. Gina just scoffs and shakes her head, telling her she'd never believe another girl over her granddaughter.
Gina storms out of the bakery refusing to talk to her son or daughter-in-law. After she leaves they google their daughter trying to find out who she is engaged to, they find out everything about Marinette helping rebuild Gotham out of her own pocket with the help of Bruce Wayne, and her engagement to Damian Wayne.
They try every attempt to contact her even going through old friends only to find she changed her number. They don't hear anything more of her until a year later when their wedding is broadcast from Gotham. Tom cries when Marinette is escorted down the aisle by her Grandfather and Bruce Wayne. She stops hugging them both tightly before taking Damian's hands, their eyes unable to leave each other, as they say their vows.
Marinette- Before I even had colleges lined up one of my best friends told me to follow the call. A few weeks later three colleges accepted me, but only one kept calling me back, Gotham University. I couldn't stop researching the city, I couldn't get it out of my head. It was like something was waiting for me here, so I decided to accept Gotham University. I moved here with one of my friends expecting an adventure. I didn't think my adventure would lead me to the love of my life, but it did. I love you Damian, with all my heart. My next adventure is standing by your side till the end of time.
Damian- Marinette Wayne, no I did not mess up. Marinette, you have been a part of my family since the moment you placed your hand on my shoulder and pointed out Mr. Tennor was about to be slapped. Our entire first night together felt magical as cheesy as it sounds. Every day after was amazing, I couldn't believe I met someone as amazing as you. When the earthquake happened and you stepped up helping my family rebuild the city, I knew I wanted you by my side for the rest of my life. So much so that I proposed to you spur of the moment in the middle of the fair, I will forever be grateful that you agreed to marry me. My heart, body, and soul belong to you and solely you Marinette till the end of time.
 When the priest pronounces them husband and wife and announces the kiss Marinette grabs his face gently pulling him down into a deep kiss.
The reception is also broadcast to the public with many famous people offering their congratulations to the happy couple to the camera before heading into the party. Marinette and Damian are the last to arrive and while they don't talk to the camera they stop posing together for the camera. Both unwilling to even leave the other side. Throughout the reception all the speeches are broadcasted. The final speech is from the newly married couple. Both of them thanking everyone that came to the wedding. Telling them that they wouldn't be where they were without their friends and family in the room. They share a sweet kiss in front of the crowd at the end of their speech.
Chloe moves into an apartment with Stephanie, while Damian moves into Marinette's penthouse. They are hardly seen separate from each other, pictures of them together are all over the internet and news.
Damian also leaves the title of Robin behind becoming Redbird becoming partners with Blackbird. The two partners are soon dubbed the new Dynamic Duo of Gotham.
They both graduate college together, Damian going into Wayne Enterprises taking over as Ceo with Tim when Bruce steps down. While Marinette built her own fashion empire soon rivaling Audrey's. Her fashion is known around the world, but out of all the cities the most of her sales come from Gotham. Gothamites still not forgetting the young adult that spent billions to help them rebuild.
Soon Marinette and Damian discover that Marinette is pregnant. The two are ecstatic to be parents, Marinette begs Bruce to hold a big family dinner with everyone, and he agrees. Halfway through dinner Bruce finally asks why Marinette called all of them together. Marinette smiles softly before announcing that she is pregnant.
The family burst into cheers, everyone extremely excited and talking with each other about what the baby's name would be.
A few months later they find out its twins. One boy and one girl. They agree on the names Thomas John Wayne and Mary Martha Wayne. This causes both Bruce and Dick to tear up when told.
When the twins are born they are all Gothamites can talk about. The new Wayne twins, everyone can't wait to watch them grow up.
In Paris their grandparents hold on to pictures they find online, knowing they'll never get to know them. That they'll never get to see their daughter again either.
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zot3-flopped · 4 years
I loved your assessment of the 1D men in bed! Very accurate! What do you think each one would be like to date?
Zayn. Always cancelling dates or being late because he fell asleep. Expects you to cook his favourite dishes. Likes to call you at 2am and ask you to come over for sex. He can't come to you because he's too wasted.
Slobs around and rewears the same paint splattered jeans but expects you to dress sexily. Thinks of himself as a sex god and likes to try different sex positions but often gives up on them because he hasn't got much physical strength or stamina.
A creature of habit so you end up going to the same bars and restaurants again and again, when he agrees to go out at all. Very tricky to extract from his routines to go on holiday and panics if he's not in a private jet because he can't smoke. Doesn't like many vacations but will occasionally treat you to somewhere exotic like Fiji or Bora Bora.
Has an evasive, elusive side and you wonder about all those late nights at the studio. When he answered the phone, you heard a girl's voice in the background.
Louis. Similar to Zayn in that he likes what he likes and is reluctant to try anything new or fit in with what you want to do. So ping pong ball bars, non league football, the odd casino, club, music festival and regular pub lunches it is. Forget fancy restaurants as he will always prefer Mcdonald's or a pizza.
If you want a couples holiday you'll need to pester him and he'll set you difficult goals such as 'find somewhere I've never been'. You suggest Antigua and he hands over 50k. Generous with his money and loyal. You don't worry about him being unfaithful but you wish he'd get down on one knee - it's been eight years!
He likes snuggling on the sofa for TV marathons with you and the dogs but it has to be his choice of programme and he's very scornful and bitchy about some of the stuff you like to do, e.g. watching Love Island and reading novels.
You do need to be a smoker or life with Louis would be toxic. He frequently gripes and moans about his music career and how he feels the other 1ds are doing much better, so be prepared for a lot of ego stroking.
Liam. He fancies himself as Gatsby and you can expect to attend lots of parties, premieres and other red carpet events. He'll want you to dress up and take lots of couples photos and pose for the paps. He's insecure and needs constant praise and reassurance. He's also forgetful and disorganised so you need to make sure he gets to where he needs to be on time.
Likes prestige vacations to places like the Maldives and Dubai, so you won't have problems getting him on a plane.
Very talkative, so much so that he gives you a headache, and isn't a good listener. Hates being alone and will plead with you not to leave him to his own devices even for one evening. You don't quite trust him because you once caught him dming girls on Instagram.
Niall Horan. Girl, I hope you like your alcohol because Niall's life revolves around it. On his ideal day, you'll go out to lunch and share a few bottles of wine, then come home for sex and a sleep. Hit the bars and another restaurant in the evening where he'll sink 15 pints and then move on to liquor. You'll need to be an expert with hangover cures and keep a packet of Solpadeine Max in your bag.
Forget films, theatre, or anywhere where he can't drink. He spends a lot of time watching sport on TV and expects you to take up his interests, such as golf. Better pray you have a fast metabolism as we all know Niall loves to eat, both gourmet meals and fast food.
Is there room for you AND Niall's ego in the relationship? He won't accept any criticism and is always telling you about how many records 1d sold, how many people they played to, and lying about playing to 'packed arenas' on his own tour. He likes his mates and will often go out drinking with them rather than plan something with you.
He'll agree to holidays for a change of scene but he won't want to see any of the heritage sites and will head to the bars instead.
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whumphoarder · 5 years
Living the High Life
Summary: Peter gets a nosebleed while on Tony’s private jet. Chaos abounds.
Word count: 1,751
Genre: Fluff, humor, whump
A/N: Thanks to @awesomesockes for the idea, and to @xxx-cat-xxx & @sallyidss for beta reading!
Link to read on Ao3
The plane jostles slightly, causing the seatbelt light to flash overhead. Glancing sideways, Tony sees Peter’s eyes widen as the kid grips the armrests of his seat nervously.
“Hey, chill out, alright?” Tony says with a chuckle. “I don’t really want your handprints embedded in my two hundred million dollar jet.”
Peter gapes at him, his nervous expression being replaced by one of disbelief. “Wait, wait, two hundred million?” He releases the armrests and grabs his open bottle of coke from the cupholder so he can quickly screw the cap back on. “And you were letting me drink soda on it?!” he demands, horrified.
Tony smirks; he always gets a kick out of seeing the kid experience for the first time the same luxuries that Tony himself has been taking for granted since childhood. Private jets are no exception.
The two of them are currently flying out to California for the weekend to visit Tony’s recently rebuilt Malibu mansion, as well as to get Peter campus tours of UCLA and CalTech (two of the schools he’s considering applying to during his junior year). Tony’s excited to see the kid’s response to everything from their upcoming hotel accommodations to actual palm trees.
The plane hits a few more bumps of turbulence. His face draining of color, Peter squeezes his eyes shut tightly and leans back in his seat with a tiny moan.
“Wait a minute…” Tony raises an eyebrow, giving Peter an amused look. “Are you telling me that Spider-Man—a guy who swings from literal skyscrapers through the streets of New York on the daily—is scared of heights?”
“Not heights,” Peter grits out, his teeth clenched a bit. “Just flying. Like, in a plane.”
“Flying?” Tony frowns. “But you flew to Germany with no problem.” Or, at least none that he recalls Happy reporting to him. Though, to be fair, they were all a bit distracted that week.
Peter opens his eyes and shrugs. “Well, that time I was kinda more focused on the fact that Tony Stark pulled me out of school for three days so I could steal Captain America’s shield, so…” he trails off as they hit another bump and gulps. “Just, you know, Parkers and airplanes have kind of a history...”
Suddenly, it clicks. An instant wave of guilt washes over Tony. Of course the kid would have issues with flying after having his parents die in a plane crash when he was only four years old. Hell, Tony was twenty-one when his own parents were killed and he still prefers to drive himself rather than relinquish control of his vehicles to a chauffeur (with the notable exception of Happy).
Tony softens his tone before speaking again. “It’s just a little air pocket,” he reassures. “We’ll be through it soon. And worst case scenario, I’ve got suits on board.”
Peter nods tightly a few times. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’ll be fine.”
Figuring a distraction is in order, Tony starts recounting a particularly memorable MIT party back in the day during which Rhodey got so wasted he danced on the ping pong table to “Heat of the Moment” until it collapsed under him. By the time he’s done, the kid’s nervousness seems to have dissipated and he’s giggling along, the plane ride all but forgotten.
Once they’re through the turbulence, the flight attendant brings out their lunches and Tony once again has to grin at the kid’s awe.
“Honestly, I would have been happy with like, McDonald’s,” Peter babbles, sawing away at his filet mignon piece with a knife and fork, “but this definitely beats that.” He pauses, frowning. “Unless it’s McRib season. McRibs are the bomb, Mr. Stark.”
Tony pulls a face. “I am going to pretend you didn’t say that.”
Peter giggles. Then the plane begins shaking again—a bit harder this time—and the giggles fade, replaced by breaths which are a little too carefully measured to be natural.
Alright, back to story time. “Hey kid,” Tony begins, “have I ever told you about the time Happy fell backwards into the compound’s swimming pool?”
“Uh, don’t think so…” Peter says, gazing nervously out the window.
Tony launches right in. “So, Happy was doing his laundry, like he does every Sunday afternoon. I swear, the guy separates every single color until he’s got like, seven loads. Total fanatic about it. Now, you gotta understand DUM-E had been malfunctioning for the past few days, and so—”
“Oh no…” Peter breathes out suddenly. The kid turns back away from the window, his hand clamped over his mouth and nose and an urgent expression on his face. “Oh no, not here, not here...” he mutters, his words muffled by his palm as his eyes dart around the plane.
Figuring he has a pretty good idea of what’s about to occur, Tony immediately bends down to grab a paper airsickness bag from under the seat, but Peter has already unbuckled his seatbelt and is scrambling up from his chair, his hand still clamped over his face.
“No, Peter, you can’t—” Tony calls after him, pointing to the still illuminated seatbelt sign, but the kid is already racing toward the lavatory. Tony quickly unclips his own seatbelt and jumps up to hurry after him. He’s halfway down the aisle before the plane hits another patch of turbulence that causes Tony to stagger into one of the other seats.
From inside the lavatory, he hears a crash followed by a sharp “oof!” Tony winces. Maybe he shouldn’t have insisted the bathrooms on his plane be designed four times as large as the cramped ones on commercial aircrafts—it leaves enough room to actually fall down.
“Peter?” he calls worriedly, knocking on the closed door. “You alright?
“Don’t come in!” Peter’s voice yelps. “I’m fine! I got it handled!”
Tony’s worry deepens. “Kid, you really can’t be out of your seat right now. If you’re getting sick—”
“I’m not!” Peter says quickly. “Really, it’s okay. Uh, I just…” His voice trails off, and then, barely audible, Tony hears him mutter, “Oh god it’s everywhere...”
The plane shakes again and Tony stumbles, pressing a hand to the lavatory door to keep himself upright. But Peter must not have locked it because the door pushes open and Tony half-falls into the bathroom, catching himself one-handedly on the corner of the sink. His hand lands in a few drops of something red and wet.
“What the…?” Tony turns away from the sink, taking in the horrific sight. Blood drops seem to be covering every flat surface of the bathroom—the countertop, the floor, the sink. Peter is sitting on the floor beside the toilet, his light gray t-shirt and blue jeans now stained with crimson splotches as he frantically tears off more pieces of toilet paper to add to the growing bloody wad of tissue he’s pressing to his face. Tony blinks at him. “Are you hurt?”
Peter shakes his head. His voice is nasally when he speaks. “I’m really really sorry.”
Tony blinks again. “This is all from your nose?”
Peter nods, looking absolutely miserable. “I, uh, kinda get bad nosebleeds sometimes? Like usually if it’s too dry, or if I get stressed, or… I dunno, I guess if my nose just feels like it?”
“Well that’s... inconvenient,” Tony remarks.
The plane jostles and Peter braces his free hand against the wall, squeezing his eyes shut. “Is it supposed to be doing that?” he groans.
“It’s just turbulence,” Tony assures. “I’ve flown through a hell of a lot worse, I promise. There was this thunderstorm once when I was flying over Portugal when a bolt of lightning actually—” He’s cut off by a pained whine from the kid. Tony clears his throat. “...But, that’s probably a story for another day.” He makes a vague gesture in front of his own nose. “Is it stopping?”
Peter pulls the tissues back to check. Immediately, a fresh wave of blood runs down from his nostrils, causing Tony to wince though the kid seems unfazed. “It’s slowing down,” he says with a shrug.
Tony huffs out a short laugh. “That’s kind of concerning, but we’ll suspend that for the moment.” Stepping further into the bathroom, Tony moves over to the cabinet to locate a stack of plush white towels. He holds one out to the kid, who throws him a horrified look in return.
“I’ll just get blood all over it,” Peter says worriedly. “Those look really expensive.”
Tony rolls his eyes. “It’s a towel. It can’t be more than, what? Forty? Fifty bucks?”
Peter’s eyes widen. “Oh my god, that’s even worse! I was thinking like ten!”
With a deep sigh, Tony chucks the towel directly at the kid’s face. Peter shoots up his free hand to catch it on reflex, leaving bloody fingerprints on the pristine material. He makes a little distressed moan upon realizing. “Mr. Stark…” he whines.
“You’re welcome,” Tony says with a huff. “Now let’s get you back to your seat. Safety first and all that jazz.” As if to emphasize his words, the plane promptly hits another rough patch.
Peter shakes his head, teeth clenched through the jostling. “Can’t. I’m covered in blood. I’ll ruin your two hundred million dollar jet,” he grits out.
“You’re not gonna ruin the jet,” Tony points out. He pauses for a beat. “Just the jet’s upholstery.”
Peter only moans miserably.
Tony sighs. “Alright, we’ll figure something out.”
“Whoa, does this seat go all the way flat?!”
Tony chuckles as he adjusts the controls on Peter’s seat to recline it backwards. “Yeah, wonders never cease, kid,” he remarks.
Peter—now wrapped completely in the unrolled emergency parachute from the plane’s cargo area like some kind of nylon burrito—is finally strapped into his chair again. The bleeding has nearly stopped now, though he’s still pinching his nose with tissues to be sure.
Tony pulls a single use ice pack out of the plane’s first aid kit. He squeezes the packet and shakes it to activate the chemicals inside before passing it to Peter. “Here.”
“Thanks,” Peter says. He presses it to the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “And I’m really sorry about all the mess…”
“Don’t worry about it.” Tony waves his hand dismissively. “But you are definitely going to need a shower when we land before you even think about trying out the mansion’s rooftop swimming pool.”
Peter’s eyes widen yet again. “Your what?!”
Tony chuckles. This never gets old.
If you liked this story, you might like:
Arachnids & Phobias
Grand Entrance
Them’s the Breaks
Link to all my fics
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Family Vacation
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Jason Todd/Red Hood
Rating: PG/K+
Original Idea: Nothing in particular
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) IDK I just really want to be on the beach. @welovegroot @batboys-and-other-messes
“Come on! Please? Come with us!”
“What, me alone with your whole family as the only girlfriend there? I don’t think so,” I said. “You guys go have fun without me. I’m going to see if Kori or Rachel is up to anything this week.”
“C’mon baby! It’s a vacation! We’re going to the beach. It’ll be warm. And sunny. You can be barefoot and swim in the ocean or read on a lounge chair while I beat Dick at ping-pong.”
“And still be the only girlfriend there with the Wayne family.”
“Yeah, but what if I told you Bruce insisted?”
“I wouldn’t believe you.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Of course not. But he did. Believe it or not, you… mellow me out a little. The fam wants you to come partially to serve their own purposes. They don’t want to deal with one-hundred-percent of my attitude for the whole vacation.”
I huffed. “Fine. I’ll go.”
“Great! Go pack! We’re leaving in an hour!”
“What?! You couldn’t have had this argument with me yesterday?”
“Sorry babe.” Jason kicked his legs off my coffee table and kissed me on the temple. “I’m going to call them to say you’re coming!”
I ran to my room and hauled my suitcase out of my closet, where it had been buried under several pairs of shoes for… ever. I never went anywhere. Jason trailed after me but leaned against the doorway, knowing better than to get in my way. He also honored the rule of, “No boys allowed in my bedroom,” that my dad had implemented by way of blue-tacking a sign to my door back when I first moved in. Back before I had a boyfriend that wasn’t a problem, but Jason and I’d had several discussions about it—usually in jest since he heeded the rule almost to the letter.
I threw in shorts and T-shirts, a tank top, a pair of sandals and a pair of sneakers. Socks, underwear, bras, three bathing suits, a pair of long pants just in case it got cold, pajamas, sunscreen, toiletries, razor, hairbrush. All the stuff I needed.
Honestly it didn’t take me long to pack. My suitcase wasn’t even particularly big, but I was so short that my clothing didn’t take up a whole lot of room.
My backpack was then filled with pastimes. Book, notebook, sketchbook (not that I was a good artist), coloring book that my best friend bought me for my birthday, phone charger. Jason promised there would be good snacks on the plane so I didn’t bring any of my own. But I did pack my water bottle.
Bruce and fam came in a fancy van to pick us up. They helped me load my bag and we drove for the airstrip. I’d been inside the Wayne private jet before, but it never ceased to amaze me at how beautiful it was. The rest of the family all settled in.
The flight was going to take a little over three hours so me and Jason sat at the back of the jet and read our books, holding hands and only letting go to turn pages. Sometimes Jason got up to get snacks. He ate a lot more than I did so, because he offered me something every time, I slowly collected a small hoard of mini cookie packages at my feet.
“You are so dead, Grayson!” Jason shouted, whacking the ping-pong ball with the paddle as hard as he possibly could.
But Dick managed to return it to him, just as fast.
I swam in the pool off to the side, listening to them sporadically as I dodged Damian and Tim’s intense game of Marco Polo that seemed more like they were just trying to drown each other. According to Bruce, it was too late and too public to go to the beach directly after arriving in Florida, so we got to hang out in the pool at the beach house and watch the sunset in private.
“Look out!” Dick called.
A wayward ping-pong ball went whizzing away from the table.
I ducked under the water.
When I came back up, Damian was yelling at Jason for being an imbecile while Tim laughed so hard he snorted chlorine water out his nose. “What… did I miss?” I asked.
“The ball skipped over your head like a rock and clocked Damian in the head!” Tim exclaimed through his laughter. Even Cassie was grinning off to the side. She was lounging on a lounge chair with a magazine that she wasn’t actually reading. She was just watching everyone.
I chuckled and nodded. “Okay. Damian, how about this? How about I play ping-pong with Jason?”
“How does that in any way improve the situation, Knight?” Damian demanded.
“Jason has to go easy on me,” I replied.
Damian thought about it for a second. “Acceptable.”
“Hey, Dick! Swap me out!” I called, hauling myself out of the pool and slinging my sundress on over my soaked suit.
Dick tossed me his paddle and did a glorious quadruple front flip into the deep end of the pool.
“Dami!” I called, holding my hand out.
Damian chucked the wayward ping-pong ball at me. I caught it clumsily and shook the water off of it before serving it to Jason.
He calmed down his game significantly so that he and I could play fair. Dick joined Tim and Damian’s game of Marco Polo.
Bruce pretended nothing was happening. Just read a business magazine on the lounge chair next to Cassie.
Heat from the sun washed over me as we all piled out of the rental cars for a day at the beach. Jason helped me slather on sunscreen, after which I did the same for him, and we all set up. Towels, chairs, the like. Jason, Dick, and I instantly ran for the waves, whooping and hollering like kids. I pulled my goggles onto my face and plunged in.
The three of us played around in the water, splashing each other and trying to dunk each other. The boys were significantly bigger than I was, meaning that they had more success on me and each other than I had on either of them.
But I still had fun.
Damian and Tim had somehow managed to put aside differences to play a game of beach volleyball with Cassie and Bruce. I suspected Tim and Damian were using these friendly competitions as ways to settle scores that didn’t involve kicking the daylights out of each other. Because they were always on opposite teams. Bruce and Damian vs. Tim and Cassie. I peeked at their competition every-so-often.
When I wasn’t being chucked through the air and into the water.
Jason picked me up and hurled me at Dick—who didn’t manage to catch me in time so I hit him hard in the chest with my side and sent us both plunging into the water. I scrambled to get off of him so we could both get back to the surface and breathe before we ganged up on Jason and dunked him.
Jason came up spluttering. I gave him a kiss. Both of our lips tasted like salt.
“Glad you came?” he asked.
“Yeah. I’m having fun.”
“Me too. I’m really glad you came.”
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zombylucky · 6 years
The Sins Of Our Past
RK900/Gavin , Gavin and Elijah , AN: I’m feeling really shitty tonight and what better way to drown that out then writing another chapter :)
Part Two
There was a beeping. Gavin was sure there was a beeping. The sound only aggravated his headache, and Gavin groaned blinking his eyes open.
He sat up woozily, the world going foggy before registering again. He was in a taxi. The terminal in front of him was flashing, angrily demanding payment. Gavin pressed his shaky fingers into the terminal, his finger print satisfying the AI, and the beeping ceased.
Gavin fumbled the door open, flopping out onto the sidewalk. He was on his hands and knees, staring at the blood dribbling out of his mouth in long, sticky strings and pooling on the sidewalk. Why was he bleeding?
Oh. Right. Gavin’s heart throbbed in protest, and he shrugged it off as best he could, struggling to his feet.
His apartment door appeared to be miles away, and yet within ten seconds of stumbling he was tripping over the front steps and falling against the door frame.
Keys. He needed keys.
Standing on his front porch, bleeding and struggling with his own pockets, Gavin could only imagine he was a sight to behold. The thought was confirmed when his neighbor, Amy, cleared her throat, causing Gavin to swing his head around in what felt like slow motion.
“Gavin...?” She asked hesitantly, her small eyes raking over him. She was holding a watering can, tending to her small, yet impressive garden. She was also quite elderly, it was a miracle she saw him at all.
Gavin did his best to wave, swaying and forcing a bloody smile. He finally grasped his keys, waving them in front of her as if to say “See? All better.” before cramming them into the lock and wrenching the door open.
Home. Finally. A soft “mrrrow?” greeted him, no doubt Gideon hadn’t expected him home so soon.
“Hey bud.” Gavin muttered. His head was throbbing. Ice should help right?
When had he hit his head?
Details grew fuzzy, Gavin opted not to stress about it and stumbled into the kitchen, barely managing to stay upright while removing his shoes. Gideon wound around his legs, nearly tripping him. He dumped a slew of ice cubes into a zip lock, wrapping the bag in a thin towel and flopping into the couch.
He gasped, intense pain radiating through his side.
God who even cares. I’m just gonna rest my eyes for a little while.
He had just started to doze off when his phone rang. Gavin cursed, angrily stuffing his hand into his jeans and fishing out the source of the obnoxious sound.
“Tin Can is Calling” the screen read. Gavin muttered a string of barely legible curses, considering declining the call. But if he declined it, the damn thing would probably call nonestop until he answered, or worse, come over.
Gavin hit the green button, holding the phone to his ear.
“WHAT.” He thought he said. In reality, what came out was more of an angry gurgle.
“Detective Reed?”
“Detective, Captain Fowler has just received a call from your neighbor. She says you are seriously injured. Do you need medical assistance?”
Fucking hell Amy. Way to be a snitch.
“No imhm good. It’s alllGhucci.” Why did his voice sound so weird? Was he slurring?
“Detective, you’re slurring your speech. I’m calling an ambulance.”
“No!” He gasped, head rising off the couch. “No ambulance. Nonathat shit.” There was a calculated silence.
“Then I’m coming over. You don’t sound good.”
“Heyysno need.” Gavin stumbled over his words, his tongue apparently not on board with the whole “we need to talk like a person” gig.
“I will be there in five minutes.” The line went dead, and Gavin dropped the phone onto the floor with a clatter. Fucking androids. He wasn’t entirely prepared to have the brick wall with legs in his apartment. Nothing he could do about it now.
He said five minutes right? Gavin’s daily commute was at least twenty. At least, he thought it was, he couldn’t quite remember. There was no way that grey eyed antelope could get here that fast, unless he had a private jet.
Gavin pressed the ice into his forehead, eyes sliding shut. Seriously, when had he hit his head? He thought back to the fight with Elijah, trying to remember.
“Yeah, well maybe you deserved it.”
There was a pang in his chest, Gavin’s breath hitching. He would never speak to Elijah again. Never.
He chose to focus instead on the steady, throbbing pain in his side, the ache in his knuckles, his arms, his mouth, the iron tang of blood that stained his teeth.
Sleep was pulling hard on his limbs, trying to pull him under. God that sounded nice. Sleep. A big, dark comforting blanket that would swallow the ache in his body and let him rest without Elijah’s voice bouncing around his skull like a ping pong ball.
He dozed, nearly asleep, and then the front door of his apartment swung open. The harsh sunlight- or was it moonlight? What time was it anyways? - flooded the room, and Gavin shut his eyes tighter. The door clicked shut, crisp footfalls echoing over the hardwood until Nines came to crouch beside him.
“Detective Reed?” Gavin opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. Fuck.
“How in all hell,” he growled, speaking slowly to avoid slurring. “Did you get here so fast.”
“I ran.”
THAT was a thought. Gavin pictured the six foot two tower sprinting across Detroit, passing cars with his long legs, holding a poker face at sixty miles an hour.
He choked, laughing at the image, then immediately stopped, gasping as his side flared with pain.
“Ow.” He squeaked, going still. Nines pursed his lips, eyes raking over him.
“What happened to you?”
Yeah, well maybe you deserved it.
Gavin looked away. “Nunya.”
“What’s nunya?”
“Nunya fuckin business tin man.” Gavin rattled off with a practiced air, barely managing a grin. His lips hurt an awful lot.
The android sighed. (He doesn’t even need to sigh, the dramatic fuck.) He immediately reached out and grasped the hem of Gavin’s shirt, tugging it up to his chest.
Gavin couldn’t help the blush that rose to his cheeks, and he looked away. Nines very gently ran his hand over Gavin’s terribly bruised ribs, making him flinch. He pressed his fingers here and there, making Gavin yelp with pain.
“You’ve cracked two ribs.”
“Well thatssjthust wonderful.” He’s slurred again. Fuck.
Nines frowned.
“Did you hit your head?” Gavin shut his eyes.
“Don’t remember.” He mumbled. A cool hand was suddenly cupping his cheek, turning his face. Gavin opened his eyes, his face burning as RK900 studied him.
“Look at me.” He instructed, his thumb gently sliding Gavin’s eyelid open more as a light shone into it from one of his fingers.
If Gavin hadn’t been so distracted by his hands on his face he would’ve called him a name. Flashlight fingers. What a nerd.
“Where is your first aid kit?” The hands were removed, and Gavin immediately missed them. Wait, what?
The light was gone.
What did he say?
“Gavin?” He didn’t usually call him that. Gavin’s head lolled over, blinking away afterimages of bright lights and focusing on the androids concerned face.
“Where is your first aid kit?” He would’ve laughed if he hadn’t known it would hurt.
“Don’t got one.” He shut his eyes again. God he was tired.
“Gavin?” Sleep sounded so nice. A nap would be great. It’d only be a few minutes.
RK900 shook him gently, Gavin’s eyes rolling open.
“What is your name?”
“Urgh- Gavin you fuck.” He growled.
“What day is it?” Gavin stared into space. What day was it. He had no clue.
“Hell Nines, I don’t even know if it’s day or night.” He mumbled. He was so tired. Needed a nap.
“Please try to stay awake, you need to go to the hospital.”
No. No.
“No.” He choked, fighting to stay awake. Nines was gently holding his shirt, gripping the fabric right over his heart. “No, please Nines. Don’t take me there. Please.”
He’d never said please to the android. It’s LED spun yellow at the words.
“Promise me.” He whimpered. He hesitated.
“I promise.” He said at last. Gavin nodded.
Satisfied, he let his head fall back onto the arm rest, his eyes sliding shut. Nines was still talking, probably wanted him to stay awake. But it was out of his hands now. A heavy black curtain fell down behind his eyes, and Gavin forgot everything.
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hannahsmusings · 2 years
*if looks could kill, he knew his mother would be severely injured right now with the intensity of his stare, the words ‘assistant’ rattling around in his head like a possessed ping pong ball, his blood boiling but his facial expression giving nothing away besides his intense glare* Assistant. You got me an assistant. How lovely. *his voice was dripping with sarcasm and venom, his eyes slowly flickering back to yours, his eyes cold and hard as he looked into yours as you spoke to him* *your voice and your face were so familiar but he couldn’t place you, having met so many people in the past month alone, having face blindness at this point, his career causing him to constantly be in and out of meetings and traveling the globe, so he wasn’t surprised that you looked familiar* *his eyes moved up and down your body, taking in your appearance, you being quite attractive and being well dressed but he could tell that you weren’t high class* Nice to meet you, as well. *there was barely any sincerity in his voice, reaching his hand out to shake yours, his eyebrows furrowing as he glances down at the contact, your hand being so warm but not clammy, it being comfortable and... almost inviting, never experiencing something like this before, hating when he had to shake people’s hands but this was quite pleasant* *he reluctantly drops your hand and looks back at his mom, waiting for her to explain herself a bit*
  *Marilyn smiles as Jackson doesn’t make a fuss, him always being a good boy when it came to that sort of thing, always being very obedient especially when it came to her and her wishes, Jackson being a mommy’s boy through and through* Hannah here is going to help you keep track of your schedule better, my love. When you showed up late to our anniversary last week, I was just so worried about you. It’s not like you to forget such big events. She’s going to help keep you organized.
  *Jackson’s jaw nearly dropped as his mom acted as if he was late because he forgot, as if he’d ever forget their anniversary, it being such a big to-do since he was a boy* Mother, I didn’t forget. I-- *he was about to continue speaking but she gave him a harsh look, the words dying on his tongue and his jaw clenched shut, realizing this was one of those moments where he shouldn’t speak unless he’s addressed* *in reality, he was in China for a business meeting and his plane got delayed and he had to charter another private jet to get himself back to London in time, but of course his mother wanted to believe he forgot, that having his father’s filthy fingerprints all over it, that man always trying to drive a stake between their mother and son relationship* Well, I certainly hope my assistant will help me. *his words were strained, not calling you by name, wanting his mother to know just how unhappy he was with this entire situation* 
----------------------------------- *i was a good judge of person and i liked to think i could read a situation well but looking at you right now and knowing who you were i couldn't get read of you at all, you'd lost your playful boyish nature, you were stiff and cold and obviously very important, the way you held yourself dripped with power and i could tell you weren't happy about this, your glare giving that away, feeling quite embarrassed about the whole thing and just standing there a little awkwardly* *cringes a little at the thick tension between you and your mother, the relationship seeming a little strained and you obviously having respect for her, so intrigued by the dynamics here that in any other situation i would have wanted to be nosy but because it was you I didn't allow that, i already knew the kinda man you were* *nods a little as you say that i'll help you, offering a tight smile as i look from your mother to you, trying to hold it together at how surreal this whole thing was* I've studied your schedule, Mr Ford. I have identified a few points of shuffling that I think will help ease the load. Your mother also passed on your list of contacts for me to get familiar with so wherever you want me to get started sir, I'm ready. *your mother had already given me all the etiquette lessons on how to address you, always as sir or Mr Ford, using my tendency to over talk and over study to fill this awkwardness, wanting to impress and show that I'd done my homework*
0 notes
redemptioninterlude · 4 years
@hypcbeast​ - xiaojian !
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Somethings weren’t meant to change; they were supposed to be FRIENDS FOREVER, as spelled out in easy letters and text messages and a shared privilege that they wore like badges of pride, perhaps, because it was the best that they’d been taught to be. They were the children of the business class, the new wave, post-Great Leap Forward, those that knew nothing of the persecution their parents had suffered, and did all they could to live their lives to the fullest, without the same limitations and restrains that those before them had suffered. They had, new money, fuck you money, and they lived the ethos with a lack of restraint, to start. That was before they were sat down and taught by those who had had it far longer, as to how to act, how to behave, and as their parents stacked up, racks, they learned the meaning of discretion. 
                                                         Even if it didn’t always stick.
Maybe that’s what she carried now, a weight on her back as the reminder burned, a humiliation for a moment where she’d suffered at her lowest. Fall in love with a fairweather boy, and, should it come as a shock that he held fairweather feelings? Not that Colette had been much better then, still PING PONGING back and forth, Carleton, Richie, Carleton, Richie, or rather, between love, duty, love, duty... Do you go for the things your heart believes in, or what your family expects? Not that it mattered in the end, did it, she’d fallen in love with a boy who loved his race cars more than he ever cared to hear her out, their last messages being about how he felt she’d poisoned his sister, by proxy, however inaccurate but... her desperation had only lead her to the worst of scenarios, hadn’t it? And now that was her bitter pill to swallow, knowing, that she still had lessons packed in yet to live through.
It only compounds. A funeral comes and goes, her father now moving like a dog in heat on some former stripper of all things, casting her mother, and her, aside. Colette can’t handle it, anymore, she takes off on private jets for England, for Italy. And when that runs out, there was always Bali, or if she wanted to, a retreat to anywhere but Beijing or Shanghai. For a while she makes a home of Hong Kong, but it’s all too close, and she keeps hearing news that leaves her in pieces - who WHO ELSE was there to call, but trouble? “Xiaojian?” her voice is raspy, exhausted, within the receiver. “Can you come get me? I just... I’m fucking at the end of my rope, here. Please. I know it’s been forever, but...” but she needs him. Just needs somebody, as tarnished as she’s become.
- @hypcbeast​
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automaticvr · 4 years
There are several destinations to Hang Out in. You and your friends can hang out in an Office for a business meeting. A Night Club for a date night and dancing. A Coffee Shop for the early birds. A Nature Park for the real birds. A Game Room for the pool, ping pong, weapons, air hockey table, flying, and much more. A Four Screen Movie Theater for some additional entertainment. A Linguistics Room to learn new languages from other people throughout the world. And so much more! Features: - Multiplayer Audio + Realtime Game Objects - Volumetric Audio - Multiple Hand Models - Sprinting & Jumping Locomotion Controls - Hand Jets - Tons of Weapons - Tons of Grabables - Web Browser - visit any site - Private rooms - tons more Destinations: - Coffee Shop - Restaurant - Movie Theater - Nature Park - Yoga & Meditation - Night Club - Office - Game Room - Space Jump - Extreme Jumping Physics (Coming soon) - tons more Oculus Quest Game Controls - Left Thumbstick Down - Toggle between Locomotion and Teleporting - Right Thumbstick Down - Switch Hand Models - Right Thumbstick Rotation - Rotate Player Camera - Left and Right Grip - Pick up and hold grabable items - Left and Right Trigger - Shoot weapons, select UI elements, etc - A Button - Jump - B Button - Sprint - Y Button - Slow Motion Mode - X Button - N/A - Exit Game: Press Both Oculus Buttons - We will implement an in-game exit button in a future release Game Highlights & Features - Multiplayer Audio + Realtime Game Objects - Volumetric Audio - Multiple Hand Models - Sprinting & Jumping Locomotion Controls - Tons of Weapons - Tons of Grabables - Web Browser - visit any site - Private rooms - Megaplex Movie Theater: Watch movies on a giant movie theater screens (4 screens for now with limited viewing options) - Fly with Hand Jet Rockets - Fly around each scene with rockets for faster travel - Markers - Draw on any surface - great for collaboration - Audio Controls - Manage your audio settings in game - Animated People & Animals - Climb mountains and large surfaces by jumping Contributors - Shaun So - Producer - Eric David Smith - Developer - Jorge López-Henríquez - Developer We will be adding more scenes and destinations as we continue our development roadmap. Your suggestions and feedback are welcome! Roadmap - Obvious and Critical Bug Fixes - Performance Tuning - Reduce Bundle Size - We're currently storing movie trailers and large .wav files in our bundle - not ideal! - Lighting Tuning - Hand Tracking - Full Movie Content - Live Streaming Audio Streams - Night Club, Coffee Shop, Etc - Moon Walking / Zero Gravity / Weightless Room - Private Rooms - Shopping Scene - Community Driven Scenes - Mini Quests - Revised Navigation Menu - with Exit Button among other features - What else would you like to see? Please send us your suggestions!
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Oceana Bal Harbor Serene Elegance Minutes from Bal Harbour Mall
Oceana Bal Harbor Serene Elegance Minutes from Bal Harbour Mall. Call Rita Japhet Broker Associate one Sothebys Realty for a presentation http://www.condosunnyislesbeach.com Large relaxation pool Olympic-style lap pool Two oceanfront Jetted Spas Full poolside restaurant (Bar & Grill) with outdoor café Fitness center with ocean view Yoga/meditation/pilates are Two tennis courts World-class spa Private lockers and changing rooms Grand salon for entertainment events Chef’s kitchen & bar within salon Private climate control wine locker Business center/Meeting roo Library with lounge and private area Billiards & Ping Pong recreational area Multi-purpose kids activity room Private cinema / Media room Valet parking with two levels of underground parking Private storage & bicycle area Beach and pool side services
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thebootybitchdragon · 7 years
Here you go my pretties, here are some random Daniel Masters ideas I have.
Things I Like:
His name is Daniel, and he always refers to himself as such. He never uses any nicknames or variations of it, mostly to keep things from getting confusing since we now have Danny, Dani, Dan and Daniel.
I doubt Vlad's entire motivation for cloning Daniel is to just have a son. I think he either wanted to have him take Danny's place while Danny himself was gotten rid of, or, again, use him as a weapon against Danny. Or for some schemes. A particularly strong idea is sending Daniel, under Danny's guise, into the Fenton Family and having him cause utter havoc to rip it apart.
His human form eyes are a darker blue than Danny's, closer to Vlad's shade. His ghost form's eyes are pink, simply due to the fact that Vlad has red eyes and red eyes for evil or dark 'twin' versions of a character is so overused. Pink is close enough to red to still tie in to the opposite color scheme of Danny's green, like Vlad's red does, and it could also count as a another trait from Vlad since his ectoplasm is mostly pink. His skin is the same tone in both forms as Danny's.
He has a short ponytail. I will fight all of you on this; he needs an evil badass ponytail. The ponytail itself is completely black, bc this child has enough anime hair with his fringe. Overall, his hair is wavier than Danny's.
Daniel is able to take on an appearance identical to Danny's, with very minor differences. The main one is the faint marks where the cloning machine was attached to him. He doesn't like attention drawn to them or people asking about them, even in his true form. The second way is his glowing eye color (which is pink). He is also constantly releasing ectoenergy to maintain the illusion, so he is also able to be detected with any ghost sensor easily.
Daniel initially believes Vlad is infallible, that he is always right, and that his word is law. This is of coarse what Vlad has intentionally taught him. However, as time goes on and he has multiple encounters with Danny and the others, his views begin to get less black and white and he starts seeing problems with what Vlad tells him and does. The first time he questions Vlad, Vlad responds with anger and threats to punish him for 'disobeying'. This causes even more doubt, and starts him questioning just what, exactly, Vlad truly cares about.
He is prone to temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants, due to Vlad's spoiling. Danny finds this irritating and complains about it. It occasionally gets them into arguments when they try to work together, because Daniel sometimes has a hard time fallowing Danny's orders even if he realizes its the better plan.
Daniel is a smudge taller than Danny, something he tends to like to flaunt even though its not that big of a difference to warrant it. Mostly it's just because he stands up straight while Danny slumps.
Daniel's ghost half doesn't have the Phantom logo on it. It has the Vladco. logo on the back, between the shoulders.
He is most likely home-schooled, tutored, or otherwise privately educated. Possibly by ghosts. Vlad himself does train him how to use his ghost powers, and it makes a difference bc he quickly becomes a formidable opponent to Danny. Vlad has taught him how to do several select moves that Danny himself has been unable to learn, like proper duplication and ectoenergy redirection.
As a counterbalance to all of the Vlad influence, Daniel has lost the Ghost Wail. It is one of the few advantages Danny has over him.
Speaking of Danny, he never calls Daniel by his name. Ever. He cannot stand to, he is vehemently against it. Daniel is his name. He always refers to Daniel as some kind of rude nickname. As their encounters go on, it becomes a little bit like a game for Danny, to find new things to call him in an attempt to piss Daniel off.
Daniel often dresses, acts, and speaks like a rich spoiled brat because he is one. Vlad will literally get him anything he asks for, something he learned incredibly quickly. As such, he began to ask for incredibly ridiculous things just to see if he'd get them. Thus far, he owns a submarine with an entirely pink inside, a castle made of glass, a tree house palace in his own forest, his own “miniature” jet, three cruise ships, and has an island being made for him, on which he wants to build and upside down tower. Danny has criticized all of this, but Daniel's response is simply “I have an island and you don't, stop being so jealous.”
In the same vein, Daniel always refers to Vlad as “father”, except when hes angry and attempting to be scathing. Whenever he uses the term “Dad”, its a sign that a line has been crossed, and he is very livid. It is also commonly used as an accusation or in that kind of a tone.
He always wear high end fashion, often tailored suits like Vlad. When forced to wear some of Danny's clothing, he complained, “I look so pedestrian.” and “People are going to think I live in the sewer, this is so embarrassing.”
Also: “Move, peasants, your future Prince of Evil is walking here.”
Daniel tends to behave like a more sarcastic, dry-humored rude bratty version of Danny with skewed morals, however he silently suffers from a lack of self image and insecurity. He is constantly worried about his identity, because he can't figure out just who he's supposed to be. He attempts to ignore it, but at night when he can't sleep, it haunts him. He knows he's not normal, not truly human nor ghost in any sense. He sometimes feels fake, like a cheap copy, because he knows he's not his own individual. Its part of the reason he starts mimicking Vlad's over-the-top behavior, to hide his insecurity and lack of identity with fake confidence and narcissism. The more exaggerated he behaves, the worse he feels inside. This is noticed by Vlad, who doesn't notice the underlying problems, and encourages the behavior. Danny notices the change, however he only criticizes it. Jazz is the one to see the cracks in the facade, and the one to shatter it. This confrontation is the first time Danny sees Daniel as an individual like Dani instead of a copy that looks and speaks like him. Danny hadn't considered the clone truly has its own personality, and neither did Vlad.
This is loosely based on the theory presented in the game SOMA: That when you have copies made of you, you are only identical up until the split is made. You then become two different versions of yourself, each believing they're the “true” you. In the game, the people who are being scanned to have a digital copy of themselves put into a computer ark to be sent into space often killed themselves after the scan was complete so that only one of themselves—the scan—would continue to exist. By doing so, they believed they were “continuing” their true existence, when really they were just murdering the biological version of themselves. The conflict of being presented with copies of yourself and of copying yourself is prevalent in the entire game, and it constantly begs the question of “If I'm only a copy, and I still really me?” The game handles it quite intelligently and its a game I cannot recommend enough.
Speaking of insecurity and a lack of identity, Jazz is the one to help Danny cope. This takes precedence over her absolute ire towards Vlad, as she was going to go kick his ass for cloning him yet again. Later, Daniel has a few conversations with Jazz about his own thoughts and issues.
Daniel doesn't understand love. He attempts to “love” Vlad, because sons are supposed to love their fathers, but he doesn't understand it. This is due to a general lack of experience with true care and love, because for all Vlad thinks he's loving and care, it's not quite right. The lack of genuine kindness and empathy is the main issue. The first time he encounters a caring person with those qualities, it is Jazz.
He has an irrational fear of caves and dark holes.
He is a pun master. Some things are just too ingrained in someone to get rid of.
Possible Ideas I'm not sure about:
I am contemplating the loss of the Ice Core, but there are pros and cons to each side. Removing it makes Daniel too different from Danny, as he's supposed to be a clone, however changing it to something else allows for the possibility of a better dynamic; ie: if Daniel had a fire core, that would make him more difficult to fight for Danny, yet also uncomfortable for him as they'd be opposites. As of right now, I've no intentions of changing his core type. I did have an idea where Daniel has an Ice core, however its “tainted”. It's darker and a more prone to forming in jagged, broken ways with dark blues and purple discolorations like bruises. Another idea had been the Icefire core, however I felt that, combined with the already suggested things, was too much Vlad influence, especially for such a large part of his design and character.
Daniel envies those around him who had/have mothers. He finds the concept abstract and foreign, and he wants it. He over-idolizes it, due to inexperience and his own yearning, holding mothers and the concept of motherhood in an almost deity-like regard that's oddly childish. “A mother is the person who can take away any and all pain with her love, who can fix things with a few soft words.” He keeps this fascination/desire/envy a secret, entirely due to Vlad's repeated statement that he was the parental figure. This causes him to become incredibly curious about Maddie, which is exactly as awkward as you'd expect. He never reveals himself, however, and after his existence is revealed, he avoids her specifically as he doesn't know how to interact with her.
He adopted Vlad's swearing habits, however its rare and he uses household objects or small items instead of sweets. He also tends to use them more as insulting nicknames directed towards someone or something: “You absolute moronic table leg!” “Get back here, you insufferable ping pong ball!” “Wel you're a freakin wet paper towel!” -muttering under his breath- “Pens in a basket...”
A minor gripe with the concept Butch did was that he stated Vlad put on a few pounds. Which I legitimately cannot see. Vlad is a wine glass, he cannot be anything else. Even when he did get more muscled as the seasons went on, it was all in his chest, the man does not have a stomach. You can pry my big tiddy'd wine glass mile long legged Vlad from my cold dead hands. (I did like that is seemed like some of his ghost half was starting to leak over into his human form, with the hair shape. Vlad's finally got his devil horns.)
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mcneyesh-blog · 7 years
        About Fairway Manor Nai’s Birthday Bash Weekend
Stunning for its massive renovation and outstanding new features. Today’s Fairway Manor is a stylish multi-faceted 10,000-square-foot private home. Its rooms feature cool marble floors and overlook the famous Half Moon 18-hole Robert Trent Jones golf course and a dramatic panorama of the Caribbean Sea.
7-bedroom/9-bathroom private villa overlooking the first fairway of the 400-acre Half Moon golf course and the sea
5 minutes from more championship golf at Cinnamon Hill and White Witch
heated 16' x 28' infinity pool with non-slip shallow section for children
32-rotating-jet poolside hot tub for up to 8 guests
bamboo outdoor shower
granite bar gazebo … wet bar, drinks fridge, BBQ grill for chops, fish, burgers, dogs and jerk
full staff: chef, butler, housekeeper, laundress, gardener
adjacent to pool, large open family room with bar, ice maker, 52” television with Wii, DVD, movies and pool table
9 cable television’s total including one in each bedroom, plus two 52" with DVD’s in upper and lower living rooms
games room with air hockey, foosball and ping pong
sound system that extends to pool area
complimentary Wi-Fi throughout (bring your laptop) … also office with printer/scanner/copier/fax and computer
safes in every room
child-friendly excellent family home  2 cribs, 1 high chair, 1 booster complimentary … more available as needed
private gym featuring: 10 Keiser Strength and Power machines, 2 Keiser M3 Bikes, 1 Keiser M5 Elliptical Trainer, 1 Life Fitness Treadmill, and Power Block Dumbbells
Half Moon Golf, Tennis & Beach Club Membership (see details below)
Today���s Fairway Manor is a stylish multi-faceted 10,000-square-foot private home, massively renovated with upgrades throughout.  Its rooms overlook the famous Half Moon 18-hole Robert Trent Jones golf course and a dramatic panorama of the Caribbean Sea.
Fairway Manor’s well-planned rooms open onto terraces and balconies where the sweeping panorama of multi-colored gardens, lush green golf course and deep blue Caribbean Sea is truly breathtaking.  It spans as far as the eye can see. Five bedrooms are downstairs on the pool level. Two more are upstairs.  Each level features a central large living room and spacious open-air areas for drinking and dining, playing pool or watching sports, movies, etc. on either of two 52” televisions.  An interior stairway connects the upstairs and downstairs levels. Special guest membership in Half Moon provides a remarkable golf, beach and tennis package for Fairway Manor guests.  In addition to the Half Moon golf package, available literally in your front yard with pro shop walking distance from Fairway Manor, more world-class golf is five minutes away at Cinnamon Hill and challenging White Witch. *See below for the Complimentary Half Moon Golf, Tennis & Beach Club Membership details.
Minutes down the hill via a driver is the Half Moon Shopping Village with ATM, restaurants and medical facility. The Shoppes of Rose Hall with fine jewelry stores, clothing and Wi-Fi coffee shop are 4 minutes away.  Colorful Montego Bay, Doctor’s Cave Beach Club and the “hip strip” are 13 minutes drive.
No description of Fairway Manor is complete without mention of its delightful staff. Apart from routine duties, Butler Roy Tomlinson actually designed and laid out all the gardens on the property, and planted them with help from staff members Richard, Olive, Veronica and Janet!  The same Roy is a scratch golfer! He will instruct your drives from the practice range. He’ll play a round with Fairway Manor guests who invite him, instructing and challenging through all 18 holes if you wish!  No greens fees for Roy -- the club welcomes him.
UPPER LEVEL Master Bedroom 1 - 300 sq ft Kingsize 4-poster bed. French doors open to balcony and vast view. Spacious en-suite bathroom has Jacuzzi and walk-in shower with beautiful view of colorful gardens. Master Bedroom 2 - 300 sq ft Optional kingsize or twin beds. En-suite bathroom has tub/shower combination. French doors open to balcony and vast view. Living Room - 1,200 sq ft Spacious high-ceilinged room with entertainment center with 52” TV and DVD.  Comfortably furnished on cool marble floors.  Adjacent dining area seats up to 16 guests.  A wonderfully dramatic architectural feature is the seamless 20’ north window, completely open and one of the best vantage points for viewing the many blues of the Caribbean Sea, the big sky and unforgettable sunsets.  This just may be the best seat in town. LOWER LEVEL - 5 kingsize beds ~OR~ 1 king + 8 twins Bedrooms 3, 4, 5 - 240 sq ft each Kingsize or twin beds at guests’ option. En-suite bathrooms have tub/shower combinations. Bathroom 5 has a wonderful outdoor shower. French doors open each bedroom to the lower verandah, private pool and lawn.
Bedroom 6 - 240 sq ft Kingsize 4-poster bed. En-suite bathroom has tub/shower combination.. Bedroom 7 - 300 sq ft Fine for adults, ideal for children of parents in connecting Bedroom 6. Optional kingsize or twin beds and small outdoor sitting area. En-suite bathroom has tub-shower.
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