larsbeelzebub · 11 months
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Not as friends - Ink on paper - 2023
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froy · 2 years
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Fijn dagje shoppen in Gent, helemaal gek worden op een nieuw Kerst-geurtje van Lush.
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l5-gbsdehorizon · 2 years
Deze pinguïns landden in het vijfde. Puik werk!
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tobeblamed · 2 years
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Left handed
There were rumors in the underworld of Gotham. One of them being that Batman is lefthanded. This information spread like wildfire. That meant that Batman would be weaker on his right side. If you had to run, run to his right. His aim is immaculate but if you run to his right, him being left handed, you might have a smidge of a chance.
All the rumors are, sadly, complete and utter bullshit. Not without grounds, Batman does mostly use his left hand. After all, his right is his dominant one. He needs to practice his left more if he’d ever wanted to be able to escape sticky situations if he only had his left. So for the simple thugs and low fighting capability rogues like the riddler, condiment king, pinguïn and firefly (yes firefly, Bruce calls shooting a basically mass destruction weapon with no finesse amateurish).
He never expected this to work in his favor when a trap set up for him actually got lucky and worked. As a precaution they broke his left arm. Never had they expected to find an even more dangerous Batman in the aftermath.
Otherwise known as Bruce is such a paranoid training junky he deliberately handicaps himself just in case he ever needs the handicap to be trained enough.
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noahher · 1 month
I have school again in like a little more then a week i am NOT surviving another 10 months of school
Does someone want to move to antarctica with me we can live with the pinguïns without school
That sounds way more fun
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ochipi · 3 months
I’m 1,5 days post-op after having a scar tissue growth surgically removed on my upper leg.
I’m already without painkillers and walking around a little. But with every pinguïn-like step I’m taking I keep thinking “ministry of Silly Walks has arrived.”
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j4y-stardustt · 1 year
Holy sht I walked for almost 3 hours today and I've burned almost 1k callories 😍 I've mostly drank today I just had 1 protein bar (didn't eat it all) bc I couldn't find any liquid things in the store. But overal I only had liquid stuff, Which I've deffintly all burned off 🙏 I went to the zoo so I walked ALOT
(CUTE pic from some pinguïns I saw)
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0the-duchess0 · 1 year
Do you ever get that surge of nostalgia for a form of obscure media that you consumed as a kid? because I do
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Meet The Pintins to the Rescue! (Pinguïns - reddertjes van de Zee! in Dutch). This movie was so weird but so. darn. good.
The film is about this family of penguins going to the beach and then having the daughter named Luna be kidnapped by a bunch of humans. She is brought to a volcanic island where this crazy dude experiments on animals by fusing them. The island is also littered with traps that the main antagonist can set off any moment. Her family then of course tries to rescue her.
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This is the family (left to right: mother Pintin, little brother Pintin, grandpa Pintin and father Pintin).
While her family looks for her they get help from a monkey with bat wings, an ex-film horse, and a mouse and elephant which is some sort of slow burn romance. Oh and speaking of romance....
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Of course this Luna girl finds another male penguin and falls in love.
Furthermore this film consists of the most out of the blue plottwist ever, because the main antagonist apparently experiments on animals because a penguin pecked his eye out as a little boy, and that penguin just so happens to be the grandpa of the group? Idk it got weird fast but it had its charm. Oh and his henchmen are like the most Jasper and Horace coded blokes ever.
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Just look at them and you'll understand.
In the end this villanous guy gets stuck in the fuse machine himself, the vulcano erups and all the animals escape safely on the boat of the two henchmen.
Why am I telling all this? Because I know that the chance is slim, but I somehow remember seeing a trailer for a second movie somewhere. I might have dreamed it, I might not but there is barely any information about this movie online, let alone about a sequel. I'm just asking if there's anyone out there that remembers this film and any additional details. I know there was a animated series predating the movie, but that's not what I'm looking for.
And if you haven't watched it altogether, I really recommend it!
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derikkiklas2324 · 8 months
Thema: ijsberen en pinguïns
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yourimagines · 10 months
Christmas shopping
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Swearing and fluff
- Summary: Christmas shopping with Nate. (Reader is 26, Nate is 32)
“Are you ready?” I asked Nate as he was putting his shoes on. “No, can’t you see I’m not ready yet.” I giggled and hugged him. “I’m just excited.” He rolled his eyes. “Ah come on, you like it too.” “Very much.” He said sarcastically. I playfully pushed his shoulder. “Hurry up with those shoes.” I grabbed my purse and my jacket. He stood up grabbing his stuff from the table. “Let’s go then.” I smiled and almost run to the car. “I can’t believe this shit..” I heard him mumbling behind me.
“Look at that, that’s so cute.” He looked annoyed. “We don’t need that.” “Why not?” “Babe I don’t want a huge ass Santa Claus in my garden.” I giggled. “Why? are you to gangster for that?” He shook his head. “No is no.” He walked further down the aisle with our shopping cart. “Next time Santa.” I quickly followed Nate. “Not so fast, we need wrapping paper.” He stops and looks at the wrapping paper. “Which colour?” “You can choose.” He sighed. “We take these then.” He grabbed a few red ones and a few green ones. “Can we also have this one?” I pointed at a blue wrapping paper with Christmas pinguïns on it. He nods and I placed them in the cart. “Are we done now?” I looked at our stuff in the cart. “Uhh I think so.” “Then let’s go to the check out.” “Okay.” We both walked to check out. Nate looked briefly at me. “Let’s get this to the car and let’s stop by the mall, okay?” I looked up smiling at him. “Really?” He nods. “Yeah really.” I placed quickly a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.” He didn’t say anything back, just a tiny smile was lingering on his lips.
We both walked through the mall, his arm hanging loosely around my shoulder. “You want to look here?” I pointed at a store that sells Rolex’s.. “sure.” We walked over and looked at some expensive watches. He pulls his arm back and takes out his phone. “For Nick.” He takes a picture and types away on his phone. “As a present or?” He nods and looks further. “Doesn’t he already have enough watches?” “No, a man has never enough watches.” I laughed as he walked away to the other side. “Do you want a watch for Christmas?” He looked up and shakes his head. “No not from you.” I was surprised, maybe a bit hurt by that. “Why not?” He walked over to me. “Babe, did you see those prices, hell nah I’m letting you pay that much on me.” I smiled and hugged his side. “Aww you care about me.” He chuckles and mumbles something about me being annoying. “Let’s go home and put those decorations up.” “Whatever you want..”
I was decorating the tree as Nate was unpacking all the decorations. “Maybe we should invite him, he’s alone this year and I don’t want him to be alone on Christmas.” Nate nods and gives me some Christmas baubles. “Nate you should call him, he’s your brother.” “I will.” Nate stood up and stretched his back. “I’m going for a walk, I’ll be right back yeah.” “Okay, be safe.” He nods and grabs his jacket, leaving me alone in our Christmas mess.
I texted Nick, asking him if he knew what watch Nate would love. He send me a link for a perfect watch, I immediately ordered it. He also thanked me for inviting him over for the holidays. Nate was back and lay down on the sofa watching a boxing match. “Did you called him.” “Yes, he’s staying over for the holidays.” “Lovely.” I cleaned up my mess and made us some dinner. “I already brought a gift for you.” He looked up. “You did?” I nodded. “Yes I did.” “What did you get?” I laughed and shook my head. “I’m not telling you, it’s a surprise.” He huffed and looked back at the tv. “But I promise you will like it.” He hums and smiles. “I already bought you a few gifts as well.” I smiled at him. “Ahw, I can’t wait.” He just smiles and looks back at tv. “I’m so happy you know that, Christmas, delicious food, family.” “I’m happy when you’re happy.” I walked over, wrapping my arms around his shoulders from behind. “I love you.” I kissed his cheek. “I love ya.” His eyes sparkled as I hugged him, he will never admit that he cares about me… as he just brought that stupid Santa that was standing now in our front yard without me knowing it yet.
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mollidays · 2 years
PUERTO MADRYN (23.02-28.02)
Aaah het zee’tje, de ideale plek om wat gas terug te nemen. Schitterend weer, flaneren op de dijk met een verfrissend ijsje van Jauja en kreeftrood verbranden: het hoort er allemaal bij.
Puerto Madryn is naast badstad ook de toegangspoort tot Península Valdés, een schiereiland vol wildlife. Wij nemen onze beestige bingokaart erbij en schrappen volgende beestjes: snorkelen met de zeeleeuwen, pinguïns tot op 1m afstand, curieuse gordeldieren, luie zeeolifanten, speelse kortsnuitdolfijnen naast de zodiac, overstekende vossen en grazende guanacos.
De enige afwezige op het feestje is de orka. Deze worden af en toe gespot terwijl ze jagen op zeeleeuwen die rusten aan de kust. We volgen het advies van de parkrangers en rijden bij hoogtij naar de twee hotspots maar helaas geen orkashow die dag. Gelukkig wordt dit ruimschoots gecompenseerd door bovenstaande ervaringen. Uitgerust en vol vitamine D trekken we per nachtbus naar de hoofdstad.
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uilenklas · 2 years
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Woordjes natypen op de computer en wegen en meten van pinguïns in ons onderzoekstation op de zuidpool !
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sailor-aviator · 22 days
Hiii Liz,
It's your birthday?! I hope I'm not too late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!🥳 I hope you had a fun day and ate nice cake or whatecer you like to eat on birthdays.
I hope you get to do that one day and swim with the stingrays! Maybe I would touch them now that you told me that, it seems like a very interesting feeling. The little pinguïn is so freaking cute!! <3
I just got home from my internship and am absolutely wiped, but I wanted to wish you happy birthday anyway! Good night from me already. (It's only 20.45 here but any who)
Dutch Nonny
Hi Dutch!
It’s coming up on 4pm (16:00) here, so the day is almost finished! I’ve been working today because I was dumb and didn’t think to take the day off for a five day weekend 😅
I hope your internship is going well!!!
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moving-mountains5 · 2 months
11 & 23 😇
11. favorite movie sequel?
Lord of the rings, DUH
23. say you are taking a trip to the zoo, which exhibit do you visit first?
Red pandas or the pinguïns. Tbh I like a lot of animals so this is hard 🥲
Thanks you! 🤗🖤
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