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I kind of suck at tagging, so I made this infographic to help make it easier.
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Random thought: how much do the bat family shit, or the arrows, or any other non superpowered family. Or even superpowered like the Flash family, famous for their fast metabolism. They have to eat so much to keep up with their life style, it has to come out.
How many times does poor Alfred have to unclog toilets? Does Iris think that’s the worst about dating a Flash? Do I want to know?
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Ghosts are insects
So I am using this in the fic that I’m currently writing, but other people might want to use this too. For the anti-ecto-acts I am using the laws that count for invertebrates otherwise known as insects or animals lacking a backbone. I do not know how it is in the United States specifically, but I do know the laws on animal testing are way more lax then they are in my country and so animal testing companies not wanting to deal with the rules and regulations sometimes go there according to the lecture I got from one such company. So I think it is safe to say that the only way that ghosts would not fall under the alien, Meta-human or otherwise superpowered individual and or species that the law encompasses is if they are counted the same as insects and other invertebrates.
I study biology and every time animal testing is brought up, at least one person will say: ‘yeah, but you don’t need a license for insects. No one cares about the insects.’ So yeah, somehow, the GIW managed to classify them as insects. Beings not conscious enough of their own being to feel anything and therefor will not suffer if experimented on. Therefor you can just call an extermination line to deal with the pests (we’re counting them as not essential to the ecosystem and an invasive species, therefor legal to remove them).
Anyways. I hope this helps if you’re like me and wanted to build more upon the ‘ghosts can legally be experimented on’ like me :)
If anyone knows more about the law surrounding it. Please fill in and correct if I had some misconceptions.
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I don’t know if this has ever been done before or not. I’m fairly new to comics and the fandom but whatever. I think Superman (or Supergirl) x Martian Manhunter would be an amazing ship. Both do not have many people left anymore of their original planet. Both struggle to fit in, both not from this planet, both dealing with xenophobes, and that one of episode of Superman taking J’onn to his parents to celebrate with them, it was so cute!
And yes, superbat is amazing, but a relation between these two I think is full of potential. Clark (or Kara, she would be even better seeing as she remembers Krypton) can help J’onn feel more welcome, more heard, they can relate. Doesn’t have to be romantic, can be purely platonic but I have not seen it yet.
It’s just such a big part of all three of their characters (Kara less for some reason which is incredibly weird) and the het could help each other so much!
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Fuck it, reblog to ease someone else’s day❤️ good luck with the potential power of god neurodivergent people of earth
Dealing With Executive Dysfunction - A Masterpost
The “getting it done in an unconventional way” method.
The “it’s not cheating to do it the easy way” method.
The “fuck what you’re supposed to do” method.
The “get stuff done while you wait” method.
The “you don’t have to do everything at once” method.
The “it doesn’t have to be permanent to be helpful” method.
The “break the task into smaller steps” method.
The “treat yourself like a pet” method.
The “it doesn’t have to be all or nothing” method.
The “put on a persona” method.
The “act like you’re filming a tutorial” method.
The “you don’t have to do it perfectly” method.
The “wait for a trigger” method.
The “do it for your future self” method.
The “might as well” method.
The “when self discipline doesn’t cut it” method.
The “taking care of yourself to take care of your pet” method.
The “make it easy” method.
The “junebugging” method.
The “just show up” method.
The “accept when you need help” method.
The “make it into a game” method.
The “everything worth doing is worth doing poorly” method.
The “trick yourself” method.
The “break it into even smaller steps” method.
The “let go of should” method.
The “your body is an animal you have to take care of” method.
The “fork theory” method.
The “effectivity over aesthetics” method.
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I almost never see Amorpho being used as a ghost character in Danny Phantom fanfic but I think he has huge potential. If not for the plot then at least for the gossip friend role. Let’s say Danny can transform too, maybe he learned it from Amorpho, maybe it’s a new power, maybe it’s a curse, who the duck knows.
Just two cats staring deeply into each others eyes before looking at you as you pass the street before nodding to each other and giving a kitty laugh. Are they mocking you? Who knows, they’re cats, that’s their thing.
A Robin and a crow, chattering to each other in the most annoying caw twitter combination. Flying up and both dumping some birdshit on one Dash Baxters new car. What a weird coincidence.
An opossum with a singular smaller oppossum clinging to it. The big one is making weird human like gestures and making growls noises as if explaining to the little one. Later that day your neighbors entire pillow and blanket collection has been stolen and later found back two streets further along filled with gray and white hairs and is that cat puke?
Danny walking into the school and getting bullied by a random person and him just getting a shit eating grin, whispering something in their ear that makes them leave Danny alone for the rest of their school career. Was it blackmail? A weirdly effective threat? Where and how did he learn that.
Two raccoons stealing nasty burger meals from customers.
Just, the opportunities!!! If someone knows something like this, let me know please🥺
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I realized I hadnt posted the birth of the sun here, the very beginning of the Celestial Somebody story! The first few pages are very scruffy and the colours change midway lol.
Welcome to the Universe, Sun!
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How Long is this Fic Really?: A Guide
Word count in the HP Series: 
Sorcerer’s Stones: 76,944  Chamber of Secrets: 85,141 Prisoner of Azkaban: 107,253  Goblet of Fire: 190,637 Order of the Phoenix: 257,045 Half-Blood Prince: 168,923 Deathly Hallows: 198,227
Word count in the LOTR Series:
The Hobbit: 95,022 Fellowship of the Ring: 177,227 Two Towers: 143,436 Return of the King: 134,462
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Left handed
There were rumors in the underworld of Gotham. One of them being that Batman is lefthanded. This information spread like wildfire. That meant that Batman would be weaker on his right side. If you had to run, run to his right. His aim is immaculate but if you run to his right, him being left handed, you might have a smidge of a chance.
All the rumors are, sadly, complete and utter bullshit. Not without grounds, Batman does mostly use his left hand. After all, his right is his dominant one. He needs to practice his left more if he’d ever wanted to be able to escape sticky situations if he only had his left. So for the simple thugs and low fighting capability rogues like the riddler, condiment king, pinguïn and firefly (yes firefly, Bruce calls shooting a basically mass destruction weapon with no finesse amateurish).
He never expected this to work in his favor when a trap set up for him actually got lucky and worked. As a precaution they broke his left arm. Never had they expected to find an even more dangerous Batman in the aftermath.
Otherwise known as Bruce is such a paranoid training junky he deliberately handicaps himself just in case he ever needs the handicap to be trained enough.
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Unsplash -  photography, illustration, & art
Pixabay - same as unsplash
Pexels - stock photos and videos
Getty Images - photography & illustration
Veceezy - vectors and clipart
Gumroad - photoshop brushes (and more)
StockSnap.io - stock photos
Canva - needs login but has lots of templates
Library of Congress - historical posters and photos
NASA - you guessed it
Creative Commons - all kinds of stuff, homie
Even Adobe has some free images
There are so many ways to make moodboards, bookcovers, and icons without plagiarizing! As artists, authors, and other creatives, we need to be especially careful not to use someone else’s work and pass it off as our own. 
Please add on if you know any more resources for free images <3
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I’m just imagining Danny stealing a meta gene suppressing collar from the black market or a prison or something and standing in the lab with Tucker and Sam, trying out all his powers one by one. Jazz walking in on them and being like ‘what the fuck are you guys doing!?’ And the trio looking her dead in the eye and saying. ‘Seeing which power is legal’ for Danny to say in a ‘pull the lever, Cronk’ voice; ‘Next power on the list , Tucker!’
Jazz slowly backing away as the lab freezes over.
Since when am I a meta???
You know, after years of figuring out his ghostly abilities, Danny really thought he's got a pretty solid grip on how and why they work.
Except the electrokinesis. In the heat of combat? Sure he can use it. But instinctively flinching everytime he used it intentionally means it's hard to practice with. Which, fair, he and electricity really doesn't mix well. He could half live with that.
Point is, Danny Fenton is a dumb kid that opened an interdimensional portal on top of himself and died. Then he got better and it comes with a laundry list of powers. Because he's also a living ghost now, apparently.
Simple story.
So color him very surprised when Tucker bugged him to take a DNA test. Instead of uncovering some hidden ancestry, they found out that he, Danny Fenton, is also a meta.
Whaaaaaat? However did it happen? Is it one of the thirty different lab accidents in his home, counting since this start of this month?
Yeah ok he isn't really that surprised, considering. The real head scratching thing is figuring out what exactly did it change.
And here he thought he has his powers figured out... Whatever could this mysterious non-ghost power be?
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Alfred with a cooking channel.
So, it doesn’t take that much more time in his busy schedule. Just cooking and talking out loud. It’s a small channel, just an old British man making delicious meals every day and explaining the process to help people in their cooking journey.
The bats know he is doing it, staying away from the kitchen even more now, not wanting to accidentally photo bomb Alfred when he is trying to make the world better in his own old man British ways.
Is the man really a butler, or is this just a part he plays? Nobody knows. He’s just a really cool dude who gives the best lessons and the most useful tips and tricks, telling funny anecdotes about his ‘young masters children’ related to the food or a funny experience he had (nothing incriminating or relating to the bats, he’s a professional after all) and general good old man vibes.
That is, until one day, Bruce high on painkillers from a recent injury, comes stumbling into the kitchen with wobbling lips and big teary eyes. His kids had been bullying him about this mistake okay!? Not even going easy on him for his injury and the drugs running through his system. He’s oppressed in his own home! “Alfred, I dropped one of your steamed pears.” The most kicked puppy look on the adults face. Eyes never really focusing which almost seemed to make him look very drunk.
Alfred Tuts. “Too much to drink again master Bruce?” He says rolling with it. If he plays this off naturally, he wouldn’t have to edit his video later. He was busy enough with his ward being like this.
He gives him a new steamed pear and shushes him off to the living room where he could lay down on the couch.
Thinking nothing of it, he posts the video. He talked about his young master often after all. He was in the media often enough, people already knew he was Bruce Wayne’s former guardian and now butler. What could possibly go wrong?
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So, the dp fandom brought me into the dpxdc fandom, and thus, dc. Because of this I’ve gained an interest in the comics and while I started with Batman, I now also read some teen titans and Wonder Woman. I only started Wonder Woman yesterday and started as chronologically as possible, but she is trying to adapt to human society at the point where I’m at.
And I just thought it would be super adorable if Danny, who for some reason had spent years in the zone, comes across Diana just after defeating Ares and they both realize, ‘shit, that person has no clue what they’re doing’ and both decided to support each other in their journeys to adapt to the human world, learn why they are such controversies and how to live with them. It would be so adorable as they get these minor and major discoveries like, ‘people like to drink these cold drinks with weird colors, try some, they’re good’ to ‘the colors you wear can be seen as an alliance to a certain country which can make other countries think you a threat or never treat you right in the first place’ and them just navigating it all💕
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Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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I see this a lot, no one has actual names, or any reference for names, that are legit Native American, varying among the tribes, for their characters.
Babynames.com and shit like that will give you names made up by white people.
However, I’ve got your solution.
Native-Languages  is a good website to turn to for knowledge on a lot of native things, including native names. If you’re unsure about the names you’ve picked, they even have a list of made up names here!
Please don’t trust names like babynames.com for native names, they’re made up and often quite offensive to the cultures themselves.
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