#pinta nina santa maria
thickthighenergy · 2 years
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tiliman2 · 2 years
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michael-rosskothen · 1 month
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Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta of Christopher Columbus
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vestaignis · 2 months
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Коломарес – самый фантастический замок Испании.
Испанский замок Коломарес – недавняя постройка, которую возвели в честь пятисотлетия со дня открытия Америки. Причем, строительство, начавшееся в 1987 году, возглавил доктор медицины Эстебан Мартин, который, как это ни странно, не обладал специальным образованием. Вместе с несколькими помощниками, которым ранее приходилось заниматься только кирпичной кладкой, он соорудил замок за 7 лет и в ходе работы освоил все премудрости строительства, это уникальное сооружение, позволяет проследить путь знаменитого мореплавателя через Атлантический океан. Автор проэкта и его помощники запечатлели в камне «Санта Марию», «Пинту» и «Нинью» – три корабля, которые приняли участие в плавании Колумба. Результатом столь кропотливого труда стал большой ажурный замок, площадь которого составляет не менее 1,5 тыс. кв. м. На сегодняшний день он является наибольшим памятником Колумбу не только в Испании, но и во всем мире. Любопытно, что при создании замка кроме кирпича были использованы мрамор, камень, стекло и даже древесина, из которой выполнили ряд элементов декора.
Это строение стало великим шедевром архитектуры, в смешанном стиле: византийском, римском, готическом и мавританском. И подобное смешение не простое совпадение, оно символично, потому что рассказывает об этапах развития страны и о многообразии культур, некогда населявших ее народов. Доктор Эстебан Мартин гармонично объединил в своем грандиозном сооружении элементы трех основных культур Испании времен Средневековья: христианства, иудаизма и ислама. Красота этой изумительной достопримечательности испанского курорта на Средиземном море в городе Бенальмадена, привлекает на отдых множество путешественников из разных стран мира.
Кроме того, архитектор символически отобразил и другие события испанской истории. Например, «Фонтан влюбленных» посвящен королевской чете – Фердинанду Арагонскому и Изабелле Кастильской. Эти монархи после долгих раздумий одобрили планы Колумба по снаряжению морской экспедиции.Еще одной составляющей Кастильо де Коломарес в Испании является часовня Santa Isabel de Hungria in Colomares, сооруженная в честь Св. Елизаветы Венгерской и числящаяся в Книге рекордов Гиннесса как наименьшая в мире церковь. Площадь этой капеллы составляет не более 2 кв. м, поэтому во время мессы в ней помещается только священник.
Colomares is the most fantastic castle in Spain.
The Spanish castle of Colomares is a recent construction, which was erected in honor of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. Moreover, the construction, which began in 1987, was headed by the doctor of medicine Esteban Martin, who, oddly enough, did not have a special education. Together with several assistants, who had previously only had to deal with bricklaying, he built the castle in 7 years and during the work mastered all the intricacies of construction, this unique structure allows you to follow the path of the famous navigator across the Atlantic Ocean. The author of the project and his assistants captured in stone "Santa Maria", "Pinta" and "Nina" - three ships that took part in Columbus's voyage. The result of such painstaking work was a large openwork castle, the area of ​​​​which is at least 1.5 thousand square meters. m. Today it is the largest monument to Columbus not only in Spain, but also in the whole world. It is curious that in addition to brick, marble, stone, glass and even wood were used to create the castle, from which a number of decorative elements were made.
This building has become a great masterpiece of architecture, in a mixed style: Byzantine, Roman, Gothic and Moorish. And such a mixture is not a simple coincidence, it is symbolic, because it tells about the stages of the country's development and the diversity of cultures that once inhabited its peoples. Doctor Esteban Martin harmoniously combined elements of the three main cultures of Spain during the Middle Ages in his grandiose structure: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The beauty of this amazing landmark of the Spanish resort on the Mediterranean Sea in the city of Benalmadena attracts many travelers from different countries of the world to rest.
In addition, the architect symbolically displayed other events in Spanish history. For example, the "Fountain of Lovers" is dedicated to the royal couple - Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. After much deliberation, these monarchs approved Columbus's plans to equip a sea expedition. Another component of the Castillo de Colomares in Spain is the chapel of Santa Isabel de Hungria in Colomares, built in honor of St. Elizabeth of Hungary and listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest church in the world. The area of ​​this chapel is no more than 2 square meters, so only the priest fits in it during mass.
Source: //kidpassage.com/activity/ispaniya/kosta-del-sol/zamok-kolomares?,/alandalus.ru/andalucia/provincia-malaga/benalmadena / castillo-monumento-colomares/,://balttur.spb.ru/countries/spain/ zamok-kolomares.html,/kuku.travel/country/ispaniya /dostoprimechatelnosti-ispaniya/kolomares-samyj-fantasticheskij-zamok-ispanii/,/portal.azertag.az/ru/node/20093, //www.tripadvisor . ru/Attraction_Review-g562812-d669392-Reviews-Castillo _ Monumento_Colomares-Benalmadena_Costa_del_ Sol_ Province_ of_ Malaga_Andaluci.html.
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meanmisscharles · 5 months
The thing about that stupid ass response of Drakes is THAT IT'S A RESPONSE TO "MEET THE GRAHAMS" he didn't touch "Not Like Us".
Where's the response to being told Oakland gon be his last stop?
The OVO crew getting aired the fuck out gets no bars?
The trips to Atlanta on the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria gets nothing?
That shitty ass freak took two fucking days to crawl around the internet to paste together the shit his dumb fans wanted to hear and STILL GOT THE DETAILS OF "MOTHER I SOBER" WRONG.
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allthegeopolitics · 1 month
Trinidad and Tobago is redrawing the island’s coat of arms for the first time since its creation in 1962 to remove references to European colonisation – a move lauded by many in the eastern Caribbean nation.
Explorer Christopher Columbus’s three ships – the Pinta, the Nina and the Santa Maria – will be replaced with the steelpan, a popular percussion instrument that originated on the island.
Prime Minister Keith Rowley first made the announcement on Sunday at a party convention for his governing People’s National Movement to a standing ovation, saying the changes will be made by late September.
“That should signal that we are on our way to removing the colonial vestiges that we have in our constitution,” he said. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @vague-humanoid
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germiyahu · 7 months
I'm also obsessed with this constant insistence that DA JEWZ showed up in Palestine in 1947 on the Nina Pinta and Santa Maria and planted the Israeli Flag, and declared all the Arab Lands as a crown colony for the Zionist Empire, set up their provincial capital in the ancient indigenous city of Tal al-Abib, and then got 20 trillion dollars from Europe and America for doing such a good job at colonialism 🤪
You know who actually showed up out of nowhere and swiftly and brutally conquered the Levant, set up Imperial administrations and ran Eretz Yisrael as a colony? Well it was many different groups, but not the Jews!
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richie-shitlips · 2 months
darling can you please tell me about My High School Sweetheart. i am so normal about Sweetheart.
yes definitely absolutely
i feel like i've told you a lot of this but shhhhh no i haven't
as you know i see the show as marvin telling his story to whizzer (which i haven't actually said in these posts yet! just hasn't been necessary, but this is the one i have the biggest evidence for actually)
but it starts out in sweethearts perspective! marvin has trouble figuring out what's real and not throughout the musical (i'll make a different post explaining why i think he's schizophrenic at a later date) so the repetition of "i'm a person" is sorta a mantra for him. and in the process, he forgets that other people are real too (*cough* npd *cough*)
this whole song is confusing cause i also get the boys in the band vibes from the first verse ("Michael, you are a real person" "Thank you, and fuck you!") but that doesn't fit anywhere else in the analysis so it's going here
"i want to hold him, but he's not alive" is a line only in the 1985 version, and i think it's foreshadowing for I Feel Him Slipping Away! but also it just ties into the general metaphor of love and death in in trousers :)
"i say a person has her wants and needs, i'm not a greedy person! he says i'm just ridickalous!" i'd assume this is marvin calling her greedy for wanting/needing affection and love from him
"put me onto your bed, not a pedestal" is just a really good line in general but like. she's still saying to treat her like a person. even in bed, don't worship her, she'd be happy with just being treated decently. it's really fucking sad
then we meet miss goldberg for the first time in the show, and wow what a way to introduce a character! you get high expectations of her and also jealousy from sweetheart and also makes you wonder just what her relationship with marvin is?
"she gave me words to say" could mean just lines in the play, but i also see it as her telling him to lie about what happened between them. if you're new here, i see miss goldberg as a groomer, and i'll talk more about that if you ask me about set those sails or the r of miss goldberg...
unrelated but i like to think that marvin's moms name was nina and that's why he gets so happy about the boats! (in the dialogue. for fans of only the 1979 version, it goes as such: "Queen Isabella, as you recall, had three ships: The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. The Santa Maria being the best looking of the three, lots of gold and carved wood. Even the Pinta had its admirers. But it was the Nina Christopher was fondest of- for it was named after his mother, Nina Columbus!" which is a blatant lie but shh he's infodumping)
another interpretation of that dialogue is that it's a metaphor for the ladies, as in the trinity college production he gestures to wife, sweetheart, and goldberg respectively as he talks. which says that he sees goldberg in a sort of maternal way at first, which is really sad
then, after goldberg sings her part, marvin repeats it with her, which is what i say him telling whizzer about. bragging about what a good actor he was and such "i love the way marvin acts, i do"
the second dialogue is interesting cause goldberg is compared to isabella in a way, and marvin is obviously columbus, which implies that there was something romantic or sexual between them (which there was, no matter how you look at it)
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sycamore-brooke · 11 months
Greek gods/titans as quotes from me and my friends without context
Zeus: “Colonialism is trending”
Artemis: “(Apollo) I’m taking you back to the department store. I don’t have my receipt but they’ll probably give me store credit”
Ares: “Because they’re fucking divorced”
Hermes: “Don’t mind me I’m just over here, edging hubris”
Apollo: “This isn’t a kink it’s an accommodation”
Also Apollo: “When it comes to Greek… it’s Greek” Athena: “very insightful”
Helios: “well we can’t all have skin cancer so it’s fine.”
Deimos: “I’m the Henry Ford of torture devices. So simple. So efficient. Never before have you been able to torture this many people at once.”
Dionysus: “Y’all know I got that lactose free dick”
Eros and Phobos “A little flair if you will” “I won’t” “you will”
Poseidon: “Everybody gangster till the Cyclopes show up”
Hephaestus: “they look cute and then you get rabies. Like (Ares).”
Hermes: “you know what (Ares), I only have one thing to say to you *starts playing Rasputin*”
Menoitios: “come here you little fucker you’re going in the meat grinder”
Hades as a teenager: “I’m just drawing emo wolves. Don’t read into it.”
Clio: “I want to listen to Hamilton I need to calm myself down. *frantically scrolling on phone* WHERES THE TEN DOLLAR FOUNDING FATHER WHEN I NEED HIM”
Artemis at Apollo “every single god from every single religion is judging you right now. Yes, that includes Cthulhu.”
Dionysus: “I’m blonde, I’m skinny, I’m rich, and my balls really itch”
Artemis at all men “what if we put our Minecraft beds next to each other. In the nether.”
Phobos: “You know what really gets me going in the bedroom? The River Styx.”
Themis: “Ladies and gentlemen I will be your judge, jury and executioner”
Athena at Dionysus/Pan“Well, I’d say you’re incredibly manic if I was diagnosing you”
Hermes: “the president? I’m glad that isn’t a tradition”
Poseidon and Dionysus completely drunk: *singing boats and hoes from step brothers at full volume in a public space* “THE NINA THE PINTA THE SANTA MARIA-“
Ares, constantly, at everyone “You, with no weapons or armor, me with full enchanted netherite and a trident with impaling V and channeling I. /weather set thunder mother fucker.”
And bonus: demigods
Blue is Percy Jackson, green is Grover Underwood, orange is Annabeth Chase
“Plot twist, William Afton is Hephaestus” “I think that’s what we call blasphemy” “that’s a weird way to spell Hephaestus” “ok so-what was his motivation for the child murder-?”
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
The Caravel
The caravel began as a fishing boat with Latin sails in Portugal in the 13th century. At the beginning of the 14th century, before the time of the great Portuguese discoveries, the same name was used for a two-masted, Latin-sailed merchant ship with forecastle and hut for Mediterranean and coastal voyages. After land links to India had been severed by Turkish occupations and the Mediterranean voyage had lost its importance, Portugal became the nation that intensively sought a southern sea route to India. Prince Henry, known as Henry the Navigator (1394 to 1460), was a far-sighted promoter of shipbuilding and shipping. He deserves credit not only for initiating the further development of the caravel, but also for founding a state-supported observatory and a navigation school at a very early stage.
From the two-masted caravels, the relatively slender three-masted Latin sail caravels (caravela latina) emerged, which were better suited for longer journeys and had exclusively Latin sails on all three masts. A typical feature, to which the name of the ship type is also attributed, was the Kraweel construction, in which the ship's planks butted together directly at their longitudinal seams, so that smooth surfaces were created on the outside and inside of the ship's side walls. The seams were caulked so that the ships took little water even in a swell. In addition, the smooth outer skin could be better protected against fouling and worm damage. Another feature of the caravel was the relatively high stern.
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A caravela latina, by Stephen Biesty (x)
Under the influence of and in continuation of Roman traditions with divided square sails, the development of the three-masted square-rigged caravel (caravela redonda) took place during the 15th century, with square sails on the bowsprit, foremast and mainmast. Above the mainsail on the mainmast was the topsail. Because of their favourable steering characteristics, square-rigged caravels always had lateen sails on the mizzen mast. From the 14th to the 16th century, caravels were among the most seaworthy sailing ships, including four-masted caravels. Some consider this a forerunner of the galleons.
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Reconstruction of a Caravel of Christopher Columbus. Drawing by Julio Guillen Y Tato (1897-1972), 1932 (x)
Vasco da Gama's ships were also caravels. Of the three ships with which Columbus sailed along Central America in 1492, the Pinta and the Nina were probably caravels, the Santa Maria was probably a Nao. He gave the speed in his diary as up to 15 Italian miles per hour, which is about 11 knots. So it was pretty fast, if you can call it that. The usual Portuguese caravels had a carrying capacity of 50 to 60 tonnes, and later a much higher capacity. Thus, the ships of the Magellan also included larger four-masted caravels.
Because of its advantages over Holland, the caravel construction method soon became the determining construction method for wooden ships throughout Europe. Thus, in 1460, the first "Karvielscheepen" were built in Holland in considerable sizes for 400 loads (800t) carrying capacity with a length of about 43 m and a width of 12 m. In the first half of the 16th century, Lübeck and Gdansk took a leading position in the construction of large Caravel ships.
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Square-rigged caravels (here caravela armada) fighting and escorting naos in India Armadas, in: Livro de Lisuarte de Abreu, c. 1565 (x)
A little later, however, the carrack and later the galleons took over and the caravels became less and less important. But not completely, because as a caravela armada - an armed caravel - it remained in service with the Portuguese until the 18th century and was nothing other than a larger cross sail caravel. The Portuguese used it as an escort on the Brazil and India routes as well as to protect shipping with the Atlantic islands, it was used to monitor the Straits of Gibraltar, but also for coastal protection and anti piracy.  
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ghostradiodylan · 10 months
9 people to get to know better
Thanks for the tag, @cleucas I did half of this on my phone then got distracted and tumblr ate it so I had to switch to laptop for that sweet, sweet auto-save.
I also have the kind of ADHD/possible AuDHD where any time someone asks me what I like, I forget everything I've ever enjoyed soooo I will probably come up with better answers in a day and frantically edit hahaha help.
1. Three ships: Rylan all day every day right now. Ummm I'm actually not a big 'shipper so when one grabs me it REALLY grabs me! Starting to dip a toe into Steddie from Stranger Things (Steeeeve Harringtonnnn) even though it makes me sad because I don't think they're bringing sweet baby Eddie back, and, uh, three way animated tie between Bee and Deckard from Bee and Puppycat, Bubbline from Adventure Time, and Rose Quartz/Greg Universe from Steven Universe.
Honorable mention to my first doomed ship which was Clark and Lana from Smallville. Just never got on board with Lois.
(I almost put the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria in here because I'm an asshole, but fuck Columbus!)
2. First ever ship: Maybe Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose? He fast! She cannot catch up! Kawaii pathos! (Although I shipped him with Mina the Mongoose in the Archie comics as a kid RIP to those.) Or Meg Murry and Calvin O'Keefe from A Wrinkle in Time.
3. Last song: Bigger Than Love - Oh Wonder (asdlfkjalskdfj)
4. Last film: I watched some awful streaming romcom with my mom the other day and an equally awful Hallmark Christmas movie. Last film I actually enjoyed was probably His House. Scary and devastatingly beautiful!
5. Currently reading: Jane Austen's Emma on audiobook as I fall asleep and my own writing out loud to see if the dialogue is awkward in a bad way or in a good way.
6. Currently watching: Ghosts (UK - I’ve already seen the US one but I like this better so far). Research/I just like ghosts. About to start House of Usher and possibly Scott Pilgrim Takes Off.
7. Currently consuming: one thousand Coke Zeros but only because I'm out of Dr. Pepper Zero my beloved.
8. Currently craving: Dr. Pepper Zero my beloved.
Tagging some people I want to know! No pressure
(。•̀ᴗ-)✧ (I also have not checked to see if y'all have done it already so sorry if it's a duplicate for you - tag me in a comment if you have I’m a nosy an interested bitch.)
@caesurah-tblr @cloudycaffeinatedcryptid @torchmlp @oh-cawsh @smthsmthclouds @insertlovelyperson @qusok @verloutte @pileontheyears @alinathefirst @andromaqves @electricdecades @sargeantsarmy you just popped up and reminded me I meant to tag you too. EVERYONE DO THE THING or don’t it’s whatever.
That's way more than 9. Whatever I have dyscalculia too. I mean, I'm a rebel.
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mjalti · 11 months
my brain won’t stop yellin at me but all she’s saying is “in the name of the NINA, the PINTA, and the SANTA MARIA” like girl. Why are you stuck on Chris Columbiano right now
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honeybuddhahoe · 1 year
9 people you would like to get to know better
@justeliiijah My baby boby. My darling son (in the nicki minaj way not in a weird way). im so sorry i took this long to play
1. 3 ships; la nina la pinta y la santa maria
just kidding ummmm idk i dont really ship based on if its canon or if they interact just if their designs look cool together or their vibes are funny. its like playing with barbie dolls
2. first ever ship; zelink - cause i love the reincarnation trope or whatever those lil blond gays have going on
3. last song; Highschool Steady by Eli Smart (HAHAHA GET IT @justeliiijah)
4. last movie; maybe moana??? but like when it first came out. i havent watched a movie in some time
5. currently reading; Sibley book of birds! highly recommend lots of good guys in there
6. currently watching; second season of jjk :*)
7. currently consuming; K-Toos! its like a cookie but missing all the parts that make a good cookie
8. currently craving; CHEESE. GRILL ME A CHEESE
Eli thank you again for tagging me i'd tag you back but you already did it. thank you for playing with me
i tag @screechingplant @goomergrubby @uselessbeanies
@aprillshowerss and @d31taf0rc3 @galaxyofrainbowz13 @roombaroob cause i see you guys in my notifs all the time :]
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Nothing can be considered as a reach with this series! The 'key' anagram definitely means something. However I think we won't see coming what Eyk is the key to. Maybe he's the key to everything, maybe he is the key to something we haven't figured out yet. I have no idea how I'll wait season 2 and 3.
I'm happy you also mention Nina because I believe she's a really important piece of the puzzle. She is the focus of Eyk's "memories" and her ribbon is pivotal to the story. If someone from Eyk's past is or was real, it's Nina. I'm dangerously close to jump to the conclusion that Nina might be Eyk and Maura daughter or unborn child. Perhaps the comment Nina makes about her mom and the shadows coming back applies to Maura in reality. I could go full tinfoil hat with Nina. Also, fun fact: if I'm not mistaken Nina means 'fire' in quechua. A bit of a cruel coincidence.
I completely agree, we're jumping down the rabbit hole so willingly with this show and as much as everything seems like reaching, at the same time it doesn't at all. I feel like I'm living on fanfiction and rambling here on Tumblr. I have no idea how I'm gonna cure myself of this obsession. I have other shows to watch, but can't make myself do it because I'm utterly consumed by this.
Yeah, Nina seems pretty important, because she's the only focus of Eyk's memories, the only one he actually feels connected to and he doesn't seem like a person who would prefer one child over another, so Nina is definitely the only one that is real, actually real or real in the metaphorical sort of way I mentioned earlier. There is also a theory circling around that Ada is their daughter. As much as I like it and as much as it makes me think even deeper, I think Nina is a more obvious option, because I think Ada is also just a code and isn't real, because she seems to know more, just like Daniel and Elliot. And, the fact that we have Nina and Maura basically say the same thing, Nina to Eyk and Maura to Elliot, about letting people go because you can't keep them with you forever. Also, as you've mentioned, the problem with Eyk's ''wife" being pretty connected to Maura is kinda weird.
@cinnamoncountess I believe, mentioned the meaning of names as well, including the 3 ships into it. The Columbus' Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria. So of course it took me down the reaching hole again. Pinta in Spanish can mean a mark on the skin or other part of the body that does not look like it belongs, a mole, a birthmark, so it naturally screamed to me Eyk's white patch. Santa Maria equals Mary aka the star of the seas aka Maura is Irish version of Mary. And well, niña is a girl, aka a child aka a daughter. I know this seems borderline insane thinking, but it also makes sense. Gods help me.
The Eyk/key is pretty much a fact by now since I've read that the original thought the showrunners had was that the captain was supposed to be Danish or Swedish. And Eyk doesn't sound like a usual German name. Yes, I'm aware that it does exist in Germany, but the name and last name combined have more of a Scandinavian ring to it, which probably goes with the original idea of Eyk being Danish/Swedish before they realized they can't live without Andreas and they brought him with them from Dark. This means that his name HAS to have meaning, otherwise they would change his name together with the casting idea.
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angesaurus · 2 years
Tagged by @happilyforeverhoover !!!
3 ships: the Nina, the pinta, the Santa Maria
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1st ever ship: . I honestly don’t know what this means. I’m assuming it just means a couple from fiction (IRL????) that I really really liked?????? I’ll go with Jessica Darling and Marcus Flutie (IYKYK) and Emma and Sean from degrassi
Last song: elastic heart by sia
Last movie: we watched chicken little last weekend lol
Currently reading: we are okay by Nina LaCour and a diary of a wimpy kid #16 (I love those books!! They’re so funny)
Currently watching: i have been casually watching Station 19 and parks and Rec. I am seriously watching Veep, and Dan and I are watching all the seasons of inkmasters.
Currently consuming: just water
Currently craving: sleeeeep :)
I tag anyone who wants to :)
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cinnamoncountess · 2 years
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I know this is probably nothing of significance. Or is it?
We all assume Eyk + family are of german origin, therefore the spelling of his youngest daughter should be this: "Nina".
Yet they choose to write her name with a specifically long i-vowel, which somehow bothers me? This is a really unusual spelling for a traditional german name. Like, we don't use this letter at all?
However, this form of writing an "i" appears in the following languages: Catalan, Irish, Italian, Occitan, Portuguese, Spanish, Aragonese, Galician, Leonese, Navajo, and Vietnamese language. (Yeah, I've looked into Wikipedia as a primary source, don't judge)
This might be something to ponder about.
Also funnily "Nína" sounds like "Niña" (Spanish), which translates to "girl" and is also the name of one of the three ships (Niña, Pinta, Santa Maria) used by Christoph Columbus to explore the West Indies in 15th century.
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