#pissed off crab in a ditch~
ask-alton-towers · 6 months
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Mertria vs Nemmy
Mertria: *hisssssssss*
⚠️ TW: GORE (Poorly drawn + mosaic filter, but I'm not taking chances!)
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Ouch... I bet she put up a good fight, but...
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grimm-the-tiger · 5 months
My attempted summary of Fallen London lore as I related it to my friends, who have never played Fallen London (spoilers)
Stars are sentient and they hate you. A giant space crab who works as the Sun's messenger fell in love with the Sun, and was sent to give another star a love letter from the Sun. The star turned the Sun down, and the space crab freaked the fuck out and decided to come up with a madcap plan to win the Sun's love by convincing it that love is real, so it went down to this underground cavern filled with weird, freaky Lovecraft shit. Its servants, a horde of alien space bats called Masters, made a deal with Gilgamesh where he traded Uruk in exchange for Enkidu's life, which accidentally turned Enkidu into an island so now he's pissed at Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh now runs an asylum-turned-fancy hotel and traps people in customer service hell so he can use their nightmares to pay off his debts.
Anyways, eventually the Masters got sick of Uruk and traded King Tut for the capital of Ancient Egypt, but got screwed over by Tut's wives and another Master, so after they ditched the Egyptian city they fed the Master to three evil priests and ended up making him into an even bigger problem. Then they traded the priests' city for the capital of the Mongols and shit happened, and now they've traded Queen Victoria's husband for London and that's why London is now underground. They did all this because the Bazaar (the space-crab) was trying to distill every love story it could find into the most concentrated, pure love story ever so it could use it to persuade the Sun to love it, and also it has a daughter with the Sun that's a giant glowing mountain that makes people immortal and has a bratty little kid floating around causing problems who sometimes shows up in the ruins of the Mongol city for shits and giggles. The daughter's not that important. Sorry. Someday, either London is going to get sick of the Masters and fuck off into space or the Masters are going to get sick of London and then trade it for Paris, and then they'll get sick of Paris too and trade it for modern-day Berlin. What happens to the people still living in the cities when they trade them? You don't want to know.
Also, no one can die, the dream world is ruled by snakes who all the cats in the city are at war with and is named after a geometry concept, and Hell exists and London tried to invade them because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Also, sometimes spiders pop out of mirrors to steal people's eyes, and people go mad and/or lose their eyebrows while studying magic letters written by the stars.
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Baby on board (Harry Potter)
Hogwarts was a school with more then a few secrets, but there was two that would of shocked everyone at the school save for maybe Dumbledore. Bombshell number one: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were actually dating and were a very close couple that spent every second together they could while also playing up that they hated each other so Draco wouldn't get in shit with his parents because Harry wasn't exactly Draco's father's favorite person in the world. Bombshell number two: Draco was a full blown goo goo gaga super duper nappy pooper little, and they had hooked up in year two when Harry had caught him playing in his nappies.  with harry being a daddy dom everything had clicked and the two loved to go around Hogwarts at night, with Draco in his diapers and them under his invisibly cloak and seeing how close they could get to getting caught, with Draco's smelly butt getting more then a few unfortunate souls blamed for SBD's.
Still as daring as the pair was, they had never before done what they were doing this year, which was going for Draco to be nappied at all times. They would of course be using a series of charms to hide the smells and shrink the bulk of the nappies while not compromising them. This meant getting the blond big baby nappied as soon as possible which meant Harry giving a half ass excuse to ditch Hermione and Ron as soon as possible once on the train to Hogwarts. "I just wanna walk around by myself for a bit. The Dursleys have been trying to suck up to me since I'm leaving soon and figuring out how famous I am." Harry lied. "Bloody hell, I didn't see any pigs flying!" Ron commented, having a hard time believing it. "Well if you need some time alone.." Hermione said and sighed, but then locked eyes with Ron and winked. "Heh, and thats the other thing, I thought you two might want some together time." Harry chuckled and walked out of the car.
Draco meanwhile had a easier time of getting his car cleared as he just had to tell Crab and Goyle to piss off, he wanted to be alone and since he'd been getting more and more distant as of late it wasn't that out of character. scarcely had the gruesome twosome  left then the door the the car opened back up though it would appear as no one was there, at least till it closed and Harry took his cloak off. "Hey ba-" was as far as Harry got before Draco tackle hugged him to the ground, with a cry of 'DADDY!' and showering him in kisses. "..I guess that answers whether or not you missed me." Harry chuckled, flat on his back. he was much stronger then Draco and could of easily pushed the little guy off but instead decided to roll with it, only saying. "But just so you know, I can't put the cute butt of yours back in nappies where it belong if you keep me pinned down to the floor." "Your the boy who lived, I'm sure you could come up with something." Draco giggled, and licked the bridge of Harry's nose before scooting off of him. "Give me time and I might, but for now I do believe that we have other matters to attend to.. you were able to sneak the supplies on board?" Harry asked, wiping his nose dry and getting off the floor. while Harry was well known, he didn't have the clout to get a trunk or suitcase brought into a passenger car, though Draco did. "Pffft, you think I was gonna let a silly thing like the rules stop me?" Draco asked, giving a perfect brat prince smile, then he moved over to by the window and reached down, coming up with his own clock and revealing his suitcase/diaper bag. "it's not as good as yours, but it gets the job done." Draco added, tossing the cloak to Harry. "true enough. now just to be clear, I'll go over the rules about this one more time." Harry said, in a tone that made it clear that Draco could expect to hear them at least once a week. "First of all, there will be NO using the loo, for tinkles or BM's." Harry said. "Threaten me with a good time." Draco giggled, getting giddy. Secondly, You'll get a nappy change when I can mange it and/or if I think you deserve one. so if your too much a bully you can expect to spend extra time in squishy nappies." Harry said, trying to keep his stern daddy face on but damn it, Draco wasn't making it easy. "Oh, the horror~" Draco giggled and was already getting his belt off. "You say that now..keep in mind the longest you've been a stink butt was 2 hours." Harry chuckled and winked, then went on. "Thirdly, You'll be given a maintenance spanking at least once a week to make sure you know what to expect if you REALLY act, You know I'm not scared to paddle that cute butt." "You know..I've gone a wholllle summer without a spanking, I might need one to put me in place before you pad me up." Draco said, faking a thoughtful expression. "..We'll see. Fourthly, The only messes you're allowed to make in your nappies on your own are BM's and tinkles. Big boy messes will be allowed at MY discretion and trust me, you'll have to earn them." Harry said smirking. "W-wait that wasn't in the original deal!" Draco said, looking unsure for the first time. "I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it more." Harry chuckled in his best Darth Vader voice.. a reference that was lost on Draco as the blond baby looked lost. "..Remind me to get you in front of a telly at some point and have a movie marathon." "If you say so..." Draco said, shrugging it off. "Finally, if you wanna stop and go back to just doing playtime when we get a chance, I'll understand. this is a big step and not everyone is cut out for 24/7. I won't be disappointed and they'll be nothing to be ashamed about." Harry finished. "Puh-lease daddy.. if anyone is gonna be crying for this to stop, it'll be you with all the presents I plan on making." Draco chuckled, and dropped his pants and turned around, showing his bare bottom and show that not only was the cheeky little guy going commando, but he'd been working on his tan as his normally pale butt matched the rest of him. "Now about that spanking?" "Heh.. Maybe later. who knows how long we'll have to ourselves and you DO wanna be a nappied little brat when we arrive right?" Harry said, though since he was only mortal, he HAD to slap that cute bubble butt. "-sigh-, the sacrifices I make for the greater good!" Draco said, as if not getting a over the knee spanking was akin to giving up a limb. "And the forced of good and justice thank you for them." Harry said rolling his eyes and getting out the changing mat.
Blue balled and frustrated after having their snogging session broke up by a wandering staff member, Ron and Hermione decided to go and hunt down Harry or failing at that, find a quiet place to get back to smooching. Seeing Crab and Goyle out and about instead of hanging out with Draco was strange to the pair as the three were almost always seen together as fair as Ron and Hermione knew, and fearing that maybe Draco was doing something awful to Harry they made they're way towards the blond brat prince of Slytherin's car. It wasn't exactly easy going as a few of Draco's underlings (it was hard to think of the git having friends, at least for Ron) they made it and dashed into Draco's personal car, facing the door and using they're wands to lock it, and heard the shocked gasps of Draco and Harry. they also noticed the confused and then laughing faces of the slythrin's who could see though the window to the private room, normally shaded but the locking spell used by Hermione had canceled out the privacy spell. Turning around they say what had the others amused, a red face Harry and Draco, with Harry in the middle of sprinkling baby powder onto Draco's crotch, and the blond laying on a thick stack of cloth nappies with a pair of plastic pants nearby. "I..Uh..What?" Ron asked, trying to process all of it. "O-Oh dear." Hermione said, turning and covering her eyes. "So uh.. I guess you guys have a few questions." Harry said sheepishly, and tilted the contained of baby powder up, almost a quarter of it had coated Draco's crotch due to the shock of being found. "I..uh.. Yeah. more then a few." Ron said, then broke into a big stupid grin. "But you better finish nappying the baby." it was at that point Draco's brain shut down, going into derp mode, his last thought till they'd get to Hogwarts being 'well, this is going to be a interesting school year.'
The end
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Clash of the Titans (2010) - Release the Kraken! Scene (8/10) | Movieclips" on YouTube
A lot of people think this is Liam neeson and it is and it is Terry cheesman I feel that they become powerful or something somehow gain control over one so they're going to run up there and say they're going to try and grab one you know son says you won't get one and we're going to get you it's a good place for you to leave forever from and they're a gas but really they're a bunch of jerks and morons it's going to be over shortly for them they do go up there and they find out that the things are virtually indestructible and they get their asses kicked they come back all pissed off and they're saying things it says I'm going to call them here those people saw them and they don't seem to care and they're silent then they start yelling and screaming down the street from their houses down the street cuz they decide to stay away for a while believe it or not and say you probably dragged it here okay loser and he goes and the other guy and he says oh oh and the other guy says what as we probably drag them here and they say this they're like crabs the kick ass and they're telling people and they say why don't you get out of here then Johnny Depp and they're saying it's the same thing almost also they start to freak out and see you got to move out now and everyone's yelling at him it really changes everything it's really is an idea it's an idea he has about her cavern and she's helping and it's the cutest thing you've ever seen them digging this hole trying to figure out if they're going straight he's yelling and she's yelling back and she's saying don't yell at me and don't do it silently I have to hear you it's good why do you have to hear me you can see me matching what I'm thinking and she's going it's really for a fact okay and what she's doing is pinpointing the location behind you with echo and he she goes a little bit left to do it the whole time and she was not telling you so at the end of it you said am I right on is my ass going to fall in the hole and she said you should know you're looking yourself I can see you looking so they used to do it when I was a kid cuz I had to dig ditches she started laughing cuz it's true that's how they dug it today
Nuada Arrianna
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somerpmemes · 3 years
Disenchantment S3 Starters
Change as needed
“Who can resist a creepy mom hug?”
“She’s not an ugly, evil bitch. But she is sluttier than I imagined.”
“When I last saw you, you were a lot more dead.”
“Is your life so awful you have to keep wrecking mine?”
“You were a model of regal barbarism.”
“Something’s going on.”
“Like any two numbers, this don’t add up.”
“You’re a bloodthirsty bastard.”
“I’m no decision-maker, I’m an action-taker.”
“Oh, I wanted to gloat directly over our victim’s corpse.”
“Hand me a murder stick.”
“For a dying man, he’s making a lot of noise.”
“World domination can wait.”
“I’m allergic to pandering.”
“Trust me, I’m not playing mind games with you.”
“Just promise you’ll think about giving me another chance.”
“Hallelujah, amen, and ka-ching.”
“You realize you’re all I have.”
“I know you’re lying but I hope one day you’ll mean that.”
“Is it still true love if your wallet is missing?”
“I just figured out this is a bad idea.”
“Oh, this ruins so many fantasies.. but opens up so many new ones.”
“Actually, pretending to care about your feelings was exhausting.”
“___, do what you do best. Take your mommy issues out on somebody else.”
“This is the sinister plot that just keeps giving.”
“Souls are meant for damnation, not soup.”
“Fooling foolish fools is so satisfying.”
“Oh, that’s delightfully craven.”
“Okay I get it, I have a hot mom.”
“It’s not even good cake.”
“Aww, he spelt it ‘yer’.”
“I believe it’s pronounced ‘skedaddle’.”
“I always wanted to get lost in a labyrinth. It's like a puzzle you solve with your feet.”
“If someone else is plotting without us, I will be really miffed.”
“Aren’t boots supposed to bend at the knees?”
“They’re just being really hurtful.”
“I’ll never fall for one of your tricks again.”
“I won’t say that doesn’t hurt.”
“And now, I just wanna lie down.”
“I think we’re getting away with it.”
“Ugh, I swear these tight, sexy clothes were designed to cut off cognitive thinking.”
“Disappointment’s a form of caring.”
“Who you are is a nobody and what you are ain’t nothing.”
“Stop being so agreeable!”
“I dreamed of this moment for so long, but I’m more worried than validated.”
“He looks so different with his head sliced off.”
“You have the worst luck I’ve ever seen.”
“I don’t know how this could get any more degrading.”
“Don’t ever walk barefoot around here. And never eat at the strip clubs.”
“But often the craziest thoughts are the most true, you nutloaf!”
“This is a classy affair, more cleavage.”
“This means so much to whoever I am.”
“I’ve got a nice thing going. I don’t wanna mess it up by opening up my big mouth.”
“I would love to have you as one of my exes but I think it’s best if you think of me as your slutty grandma.”
“The faster you run the more beer you get.”
“Sorry, I’m a little damp and cranky.”
“I’m addicted to stealing wallets now.”
“A veritable sandwich of danger.”
“Neither of us are cats.”
“Yeah, well, I’m gonna knife you in your throat.”
“Now swim for it before the crabs swarm over you.”
“Wow! You can really taste the rage.”
“So it’s agreed, we don’t get caught.”
“Man, after-work drinks taste so much better than instead-of-work drinks.”
“If I were afraid I wouldn’t be here.”
“I know a lot of psychos.”
“Pretend like we planned on meeting here so no one yells at me for cutting in line.”
“It’s as educational as it is moisturizing.”
“Ha! That’s what you get for believing in love!”
“You were always good at sticking to things.”
“I know you don’t trust me, but whatever you do, do not trust him.”
“If I can’t trust you, how can I trust you to tell me who to trust?”
“What are you offering here?”
“This is big, I really need some time to drink about this.”
“Who is interrupting my insomnia!?”
“You act angry on the outside but deep down you’re lonely and inadequate.”
“I look like a macho flowerpot.”
“Like, I’ve hear of fashion disasters but you, sir, are a genocide.”
“Now to blend invisibly into the crowd.”
“I’m your knight in rusty armor.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way but, shut up ___.”
“Oh my god, I’m insulting myself.”
“We’re all ashamed of some flaw we can’t change.”
“Nature is full of green.”
“I bring good old-fashioned psychological torture to the party, okay? Just like your grandmother made.”
“Wow! This malnutrition is really slimming.”
“Oh my god, enough with the romantic fantasies.”
“That hot trash is with me.”
“I will never find that boot again.”
“Love is risky. That's what makes it so great, it pays off!”
“All I have is nightmares now.”
“How do you want to die? Slowly or extra slowly?”
“We’re one step away from happily ever after.”
“___, who have you pissed off this time?”
“Everything is either trying to kill me or kiss me.”
“From what I’ve heard, I’m both obnoxious and amazing.”
“Chalk one up for ignorance!”
“Here, drink this coffee. It’s been boiling for hours.”
“I’ve got so much love and nobody to give it to.”
“Apparently I’m not film friendly… or friendly.”
“Tell me what drugs you’re on so I know what to do when you pass out.”
“I got a lot of experience with relationships coming to a grinding halt.”
“Wait sorry, what were we talking about? Oh, wait, yeah, your pathetic love life.”
“Stop looking at me like that! I’m so vulnerable and you’re so mean.”
“Why’d you come back for me?”
“I left because I didn’t want to get hurt again and I came back because... I’ll never learn.”
“I’m not gonna ask where you pulled that from.”
“___, I tried to get help but nobody wanted to.”
“I would say it’s good to be back but I can’t shake the fact that life is meaningless and I’m gonna die alone.”
“I’ve got a lot to do now. Like go to my room and cry in the fetal position.”
“Don’t say “wink, wink”. Just wink.”
“You can bother me again when I grow a new heart.”
“Wallowing is underrated. People no longer expect things from you and you get to stop showering.”
“Sweetie, you’re young and beautiful and sandy.”
“Someday the right man or woman or creature will mate with you. Then you must eat them.”
“Oh my god, I want to shower again. That means I’ve regained the will to live!”
“Love the homicidal impulse but no.”
“But I only like gratification when it’s instant!”
“Oh, this ain’t good.”
“Oh god, they’re getting uglier.”
“Hey ___, who do you think I should punch first?”
“Sorry, I tend not to notice things that aren’t me.”
“I’m crestfallen and I can’t get up.”
“Don’t you know you can’t trust anyone but yourself?”
“I’m not kneeling, I’m dying.”
“Yeah, you’re gonna die soon.”
“You know, you have an impressive number of enemies for a girl your age.”
“Don’t be a drama queen. That is my job.”
“Well those are mixed messages.”
“My needs outweigh your scorn.”
“It’ll either cure him or kill him.”
“You do not wanna go in there unless you’re a fan of, like, dying.”
“Any operating instructions or ominous warnings?”
“You’re afraid to let people in and you hide behind sarcasm.”
“___, work on your issues.”
“So, this isn’t gonna get more normal anytime soon, is it?”
“You don’t have to die at home but you can’t die here.”
“I’ve had a lot of people leave me in my life but I’ve never ever ever not had you before.”
“I always thought you’d be dead in a ditch by now.”
“Why is it, ___, that every time you’re braiding my hair you tell me I’m going to die?”
“Braids hurt my brain.”
“Oh, you’re so going to die.”
“The key to getting dumped is not knowing how to take a hint.”
“Stop tempting fate.”
“I have resting sinister face.”
“I don’t know who to disobey.”
“Haven’t you ever seen an enchanted broom before?”
“Wow. Brutal honesty, that’s true friendship.”
“She blindsided me. While I was looking right at her!”
“I don’t know why you always bring the good half out in me, ___.”
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kassies-take · 4 years
The Whipped and The Jealous
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Love your stories! They're cute! May I please request Lena x reader where Reader looks cool but have a massive crush on Lena and hides her crush really well but whenever Lena does anything she go soft. Kara finds it cute and points it out to reader. Unknown to both of them, Lena have a huge crush on Reader too and gets jealous every time she see Reader and Kara talks because she thinks Kara likes reader too but they're just friends. Thank you so much!! Happy new year!!
A/n: I think this would be interesting to write. Thanks for requesting this
Warning: Jealous Luthor, Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest
Lena Luthor x Reader, Kara Danvers x Reader 
Word Count: 1561
The wind that blew around you began to slow down as you turned into the underground garage to Kara’s apartment complex. You recognized three silhouettes walking towards the elevator and immediately honked the horn past them. 
You rolled to stop at the designated parking, then killed the engine and pulled off your helmet. Another motorcyclist rolled to a stop next to you. 
“A little slow Danvers.” You teased as Alex rolled her eyes. 
“You literally drove through a stop light.”
“It was a yellow light, not red.” 
You both dismounted and turned toward the trio standing near your motorcycles. 
“Catco North Trio!” You hugged Kelly, followed by Nia and Kara. 
“You guys are just in time!” Nia smiled. “Miss Danvers over here was about to steal the potstickers.” 
“I bought a whole order for myself.” Kara frowned. 
“Let’s get to the apartment before the food cools off,” Kelly reminded as Kara led the way. 
The food was set on top of the aluminum Chafing Dish Buffet. Chow Mein, tri-tips, pork belly, potstickers, egg rolls and of course wine. There were a couple of snacks centered on Kara’s coffee table. Scrabble, Uno, You’ve Got Crabs and the classic Pictonary were stacked under the coffee table. 
J’onn, Brainy and Lena arrived shortly after. You were stealing some tri-tips when she walked through the door. She was beautiful, honestly she looked beautiful in anything.
“You’re staring,” Kara whispered next to you.
“I can’t help it,” you glared at her. “It’s like you with potstickers. Every time there are potstickers you just gravitate towards them.”
“Aw and you gravitate towards Lena.” Kara pulled you into a side hug. “Just ask her out and if you get rejected continue to do sweet things for her.”
“Like William with you?”
“Ahh uhh, okay maybe don’t do that.”
“I can barely sting together a sentence whenever I’m around her, let alone confessing.”
“What are you talking about? You and Lena seem to have long conversations.”
“Dude I have a list of 10 questions I ask her. Then I just ask her to elaborate more.”
“Hey! Get a plate of food or stop eating! Get your butts over here!” Alex frowned at the two of you.
Lena glared holes into Kara’s head, that is if she had heat vision. She sat the furthest away and no one saw her gripping the carpet to the point it would rip.
You both grabbed a plate and a little bit of everything. You looked over at Lena once again. She didn’t have food or a drink. You grabbed a smaller plate, placed everything on it and grabbed a wine glass from Kara’s cabinet.
“I thought you didn’t drink?”
“I don’t.” You said pouring the wine for Lena.
You walked over to the living room balancing the two plates on your right arm and the glass in your left hand. You handed the glass to Lena as she smiled at you, you also gave her the small plate.
“Anyone still want anything while I’m up?”
A number of ‘no thank you’ echoed around the room. You sat and began to eat.
“So I found marbles the other day. And they’re perfect for choosing teams! Reach into the bag and pick a marble the person with the same color will be in a team.”
The bag went around the room, the teams were Alex and J’onn with red, Kara and Brainy with blue, Nia and Kelly with green and you and Lena with yellow.
Brainy and Kara won scrabble, Nia and Kelly took second, J’onn and Alex took third and you and Lena took last. You both didn’t mind though, you were both still eating and didn’t have the appetite to be winning at the moment. You’ve always expressed how you’d rather have a good time than win, although winning did help.
Playing Team Uno was a bit different. Instead of the usual seven cards each team got 12 cards and could only draw once. If you called uno at the wrong time you’d have to take a card from someone on your left. Lena was counting cards and by the looks of it so was Brainy. But where Kara just wanted to play you were planning. You had taken all the special cards in your hand while Lena played. Only if a special card was placed would you place down a special card. Alex has called uno th round before.
“Sorry guys,” Nia pulled out the draw 4 wild card and placed it on the deck.
You and Lena smirked as another draw 4 was placed. Alex and J’onn drew before Brainy placed another draw 4 wild on, Nia and Kelly placed another and you and Lena placed another calling uno. Alex groaned.
You and Lena won uno, Brainy and Kara took second, Nia and Kelly third and Alex and J’onn last.
“For our sign I think we should make it really specific.” Lena thought.
“Running your right hand in your hair then resting your chin on your right hand?”
“Running your hand through your hair is your thing?”
“You’ve ran your hand through your hair like 5 times tonight.”
“How about only resting on your right hand?”
“Okay,” you agreed quickly.
Everyone had switched seats so there weren’t any secret signals. You sat next to Kara. Everytime it wasn’t your turn you stared at Lena.
“Did you ask her out?” Kara whispered.
“Will you relax,” you frowned.
“Are you okay? You’re shaking?” Kara grabbed your hand.
“I’m just nervous, okay. You’re putting a lot of pressure on me. Trust me when I say want to do everything right for her but I’m just scared.” You were mumbling so only Kara could hear. “Lena’s got crabs!”
Lena got a crab token. Kara wrapped her arm around you and this pissed off Lena. She was getting really annoyed. Were you just treating her nicely so no one would be suspicious of you and Kara. She couldn’t handle this, she was feeling hot from the alcohol and she needed air. Normally she would handle her alcohol just fine, but tonight she was also angry.
“I’m going to head home, I’m not feeling so great.” Lena stood up.
“No, you can’t go.” You pouted.
“We still have Pictionary!”
“It’s been a really long day.” Lena started.
“Let me give you a ride,” you stood.
“No I can’t keep you from having a good time.”
“Well at least let me wait with you until your driver comes.” Kara patted your leg to encourage you.
It pissed Lena off. “That’s okay he’s already here.” Her heart pounded but she remained stoic on the outside.
“Let me walk you out then.” She couldn’t say no when you were already heading towards her.
The elevator ride down was quiet. You kept rolling back and forth on your heels and toes while Lena held her hands together.
“Do you/Are you” were spoken respectively by you and Lena at the same time.
“Go ahead.” You smiled at her.
“Are you... are you Kara together?”
You frowned. “Where did you get that from?”
“You don’t have to hide it. I can see that you two love each other.”
“Wait what?” The elevator dinged.
Lena walked out as you followed her. “Lena, Kara and I aren’t together.”
Lena turned around to face you. “(Y/n) stop trying to hide it, I can see the looks on her face every time she looks at you, and how you two act around each other.” She continued to walk.
You ran in front of her to stop her. “I’m not with Kara, she’s just teasing me because every time you walk into the room, I get star-struck, I fall head over heels for you every single time I see you. I’m in love with you.”
“You’re not just being nice to cover you in Kara?”
“For you it’s love, everyone else is a cover.”
Lena grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you towards her lips. You didn’t even have time to respond when she pulled away. You did however pull her back into your arms to kiss her properly. Lena smiled after the both of you pulled away.
“Do you want to go on a date with me next Friday?” You asked.
“I don’t know, I have a game night with my friends.” Lena teased.
“Let’s ditch and go somewhere else.”
“Will Kara like that?” Lena smirked.
“Stop with the whole Kara thing.” You frowned. “So... Lena Luthor was jealous then,” you smirked.
“I was NOT!” 
“Yeah right. Where is your driver exactly?” You looked around.
Lena’s eyes widened, she was so caught up on leaving that she never actually called her driver. She pulled out her phone with a faint blush and kept her gaze down. You looked over at her phone as she scrolled through her contacts for her driver. You grabbed her phone before she could dial. 
“I give you a ride home.” You reached out to grab Lena’s hand. 
“I don’t think your motorcycle is in Kara’s apartment.”
“It isn’t but my keys and helmet are.” 
“Oh it isn’t because you want to say goodbye to Kara.” Some venom spilled. 
“It’s so I can take my girl home.” You pulled Lena into a hug as you rested your cheek near the top of her head. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.” 
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Baby on board (Harry Potter)
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Hogwarts was a school with more then a few secrets, but there was two that would of shocked everyone at the school save for maybe Dumbledore.
Bombshell number one: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were actually dating and were a very close couple that spent every second together they could while also playing up that they hated each other so Draco wouldn't get in shit with his parents because Harry wasn't exactly Draco's father's favorite person in the world.
Bombshell number two: Draco was a full blown goo goo gaga super duper nappy pooper little, and they had hooked up in year two when Harry had caught him playing in his nappies. with harry being a daddy dom everything had clicked and the two loved to go around Hogwarts at night, with Draco in his diapers and them under his invisibly cloak and seeing how close they could get to getting caught, with Draco's smelly butt getting more then a few unfortunate souls blamed for SBD's.
Still as daring as the pair was, they had never before done what they were doing this year, which was going for Draco to be nappied at all times. They would of course be using a series of charms to hide the smells and shrink the bulk of the nappies while not compromising them.
This meant getting the blond big baby nappied as soon as possible which meant Harry giving a half ass excuse to ditch Hermione and Ron as soon as possible once on the train to Hogwarts.
"I just wanna walk around by myself for a bit. The Dursleys have been trying to suck up to me since I'm leaving soon and figuring out how famous I am." Harry lied.
"Bloody hell, I didn't see any pigs flying!" Ron commented, having a hard time believing it.
"Well if you need some time alone.." Hermione said and sighed, but then locked eyes with Ron and winked.
"Heh, and thats the other thing, I thought you two might want some together time." Harry chuckled and walked out of the car.
Draco meanwhile had a easier time of getting his car cleared as he just had to tell Crab and Goyle to piss off, he wanted to be alone and since he'd been getting more and more distant as of late it wasn't that out of character.
scarcely had the gruesome twosome left then the door the the car opened back up though it would appear as no one was there, at least till it closed and Harry took his cloak off.
"Hey ba-" was as far as Harry got before Draco tackle hugged him to the ground, with a cry of 'DADDY!' and showering him in kisses.
"..I guess that answers whether or not you missed me." Harry chuckled, flat on his back. he was much stronger then Draco and could of easily pushed the little guy off but instead decided to roll with it, only saying. "But just so you know, I can't put the cute butt of yours back in nappies where it belong if you keep me pinned down to the floor."
"Your the boy who lived, I'm sure you could come up with something." Draco giggled, and licked the bridge of Harry's nose before scooting off of him.
"Give me time and I might, but for now I do believe that we have other matters to attend to.. you were able to sneak the supplies on board?" Harry asked, wiping his nose dry and getting off the floor.
while Harry was well known, he didn't have the clout to get a trunk or suitcase brought into a passenger car, though Draco did.
"Pffft, you think I was gonna let a silly thing like the rules stop me?" Draco asked, giving a perfect brat prince smile, then he moved over to by the window and reached down, coming up with his own clock and revealing his suitcase/diaper bag.
"it's not as good as yours, but it gets the job done." Draco added, tossing the cloak to Harry.
"true enough. now just to be clear, I'll go over the rules about this one more time." Harry said, in a tone that made it clear that Draco could expect to hear them at least once a week.
"First of all, there will be NO using the loo, for tinkles or BM's." Harry said.
"Threaten me with a good time." Draco giggled, getting giddy.
Secondly, You'll get a nappy change when I can mange it and/or if I think you deserve one. so if your too much a bully you can expect to spend extra time in squishy nappies." Harry said, trying to keep his stern daddy face on but damn it, Draco wasn't making it easy.
"Oh, the horror~" Draco giggled and was already getting his belt off.
"You say that now..keep in mind the longest you've been a stink butt was 2 hours." Harry chuckled and winked, then went on. "Thirdly, You'll be given a maintenance spanking at least once a week to make sure you know what to expect if you REALLY act, You know I'm not scared to paddle that cute butt."
"You know..I've gone a wholllle summer without a spanking, I might need one to put me in place before you pad me up." Draco said, faking a thoughtful expression.
"..We'll see. Fourthly, The only messes you're allowed to make in your nappies on your own are BM's and tinkles. Big boy messes will be allowed at MY discretion and trust me, you'll have to earn them." Harry said smirking.
"W-wait that wasn't in the original deal!" Draco said, looking unsure for the first time.
"I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it more." Harry chuckled in his best Darth Vader voice.. a reference that was lost on Draco as the blond baby looked lost. "..Remind me to get you in front of a telly at some point and have a movie marathon."
"If you say so..." Draco said, shrugging it off.
"Finally, if you wanna stop and go back to just doing playtime when we get a chance, I'll understand. this is a big step and not everyone is cut out for 24/7. I won't be disappointed and they'll be nothing to be ashamed about." Harry finished.
"Puh-lease daddy.. if anyone is gonna be crying for this to stop, it'll be you with all the presents I plan on making." Draco chuckled, and dropped his pants and turned around, showing his bare bottom and show that not only was the cheeky little guy going commando, but he'd been working on his tan as his normally pale butt matched the rest of him. "Now about that spanking?"
"Heh.. Maybe later. who knows how long we'll have to ourselves and you DO wanna be a nappied little brat when we arrive right?" Harry said, though since he was only mortal, he HAD to slap that cute bubble butt.
"-sigh-, the sacrifices I make for the greater good!" Draco said, as if not getting a over the knee spanking was akin to giving up a limb.
"And the forced of good and justice thank you for them." Harry said rolling his eyes and getting out the changing mat.
Blue balled and frustrated after having their snogging session broke up by a wandering staff member, Ron and Hermione decided to go and hunt down Harry or failing at that, find a quiet place to get back to smooching.
Seeing Crab and Goyle out and about instead of hanging out with Draco was strange to the pair as the three were almost always seen together as fair as Ron and Hermione knew, and fearing that maybe Draco was doing something awful to Harry they made they're way towards the blond brat prince of Slytherin's car.
It wasn't exactly easy going as a few of Draco's underlings (it was hard to think of the git having friends, at least for Ron) they made it and dashed into Draco's personal car, facing the door and using they're wands to lock it, and heard the shocked gasps of Draco and Harry. they also noticed the confused and then laughing faces of the slythrin's who could see though the window to the private room, normally shaded but the locking spell used by Hermione had canceled out the privacy spell.
Turning around they say what had the others amused, a red face Harry and Draco, with Harry in the middle of sprinkling baby powder onto Draco's crotch, and the blond laying on a thick stack of cloth nappies with a pair of plastic pants nearby.
"I..Uh..What?" Ron asked, trying to process all of it.
"O-Oh dear." Hermione said, turning and covering her eyes.
"So uh.. I guess you guys have a few questions." Harry said sheepishly, and tilted the contained of baby powder up, almost a quarter of it had coated Draco's crotch due to the shock of being found.
"I..uh.. Yeah. more then a few." Ron said, then broke into a big stupid grin. "But you better finish nappying the baby."
it was at that point Draco's brain shut down, going into derp mode, his last thought till they'd get to Hogwarts being
'well, this is going to be a interesting school year.'
The end
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katsuflossy · 4 years
Best Worst Night Ever?
Pairing: Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku x Black reader
Genre: Fluff
TW: Sexual assault, obscenities, Drinking, throw up, cops, um pubic lice?
A/n: This is my thank you for 500+ followers!! I sadly have limited time to do any fics but I squeezed in a day to finish a lil WIP I had which is this!! I just watched Hercules and couldn’t help making this so please enjoy!!
BIG PSA: I am in no way romanticizing or poking at sexual assault. The story is inspired by Disney’s Hercules. 
Taglist: @sunset-novice-writer @goatsenpaiultimate
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The Tokyo club district may be Midoriya’s most hated areas he has to patrol. Nothing attracted him here, in fact, the area repulsed him. The last time he stepped foot into the club was for Denki’s 21st. That night ended early for him due to an incident involving throwup that cost him his shirt, pants, and custom shoes. Ochaco still sends him apology gifts from that night. But even before the incident, the top pro-hero felt no pull towards club life. The music was so loud he couldn’t hear himself think. Someone always was pushing him in a shuffle to ruin their liver or to grind on strangers. Not to mention he is a pro-hero so there was a reason All Might never appeared in nightclubs – it’ll eventually turn into an unofficial meet-and-greet.  
So why was he assigned to watch over the district during one of the most popular summer nights? Simple, crowd control. Deku was one of the only pro-heroes who could sway a crowd to his will. His spirit could’ve reached anyone even if it was a simple crook or a drunk valley girl and his presence in the Shibuya would bring more foreigners to the club scene hoping to see the number one hero. 
A sigh escaped his lips as his fingers massaged his temples. Midnight announced its arrival through the train station nearby yet the soft pulsing from each club around collectively buzzed out the PSA automated message. His eyes strained to stay open as he passed the reds, blues, and greens of Shibuya’s active clubs. He stretched for the fifth time in the hour, the cracks of his back emitted little result to the weighty feeling on his body, like the humidity within the night. Tokyo was sure hot that night
Hot indeed it was. 
Izuku was on his twelfth attempt to suppress a yawn until his ears caught on to a female scream barely breaking through the night. He questioned whether the scream was fearful or...playful, remembering one specific night he interrupted a couple in an alleyway. However, the scream rang out again, pushing the pro-hero to the source and silently cursing himself for second-guessing. His ears led him three blocks up, beside the infamous Harlem. The red club light glared in Deku’s eyes as he tried to register the bodies in front of him.
Muted red scattered across your body front forward pressed against the bricks of the building. A tall, skinny man pressed his body against your own, restricting your thrashing from knocking him in the nose or somewhere much more sensitive. Your cheek pressed harshly against the rough texture you were forced upon as you glared at the perpetrator.
“Why don’t you just let me carry you home, babygirl?” The liquor and weed wafted from his mouth, singeing your nose hairs as you thrashed harder.
“Like fuck, you green bitch! Get the fuck up off me!” He sneered in response, ignoring your demand as his hand brushed your leg, trailing to the hem of your skirt.
“Stop! Let her go!” Your eyes snapped to the open end of the alleyway where the voice rang out. You wasted no time to take the distraction as you used your stiletto heel to stab his foot. He shrieked as he recoiled from your body. You took the time to turn around and kick him in his crotch, bringing the molester to the ground. 
“You fucking slut!” As he attempted to get up, Deku zapped in front of him, grabbing his elbow as he slammed him against the opposite wall. The man had his breath knocked out of him in an instant before passing out due to the impacting force. 
The alleyway stayed quiet for a few seconds, processing what just happened and how quickly the man crumpled against the wall. Your eyes furrowed and your fist clenched, walking up to the passed out body before commencing in a swift kick after kick adding stomps to his stomach. 
“That’s what yo filthy ass get!”
 “The next time I see you, I’m putting one ‘tween yo eyes cause you lucky I wasn’t packing tonight motherfucker!”
“If you had put your grimy hands on me further I would’ve bit your ear off like I’m fucking Mayweather in this bitch.”  
Midoriya, grabbed your upper arm, snatching you away from the bruising body on the ground, mortified by the profanities spilling out from your mouth.
“P-please stop, the police are on their way and they’ll deal with him.” His pleading stopped you momentarily. Believing that you were calm, he released the hand from your bicep only for you to get one more stomp in. He attempted to grab you again before you raised your arms and stepped away from the man, satisfied by the pain-filled groan he let out. 
Not saying a word to the pro-hero, you went to pick up your phone, which skidded from you as the molester wrestled you against the wall. The young hero also spotted your clear handbag at the corner of the alleyway, assisting you as you dialed your friends’ numbers on your phone. Your back faced him as he approached with your purse. You clutched your phone tight as you cursed into the phone, freezing Midoriya in his spot. 
“You fucking bitches! Not only did y’all not tell me y’all were leaving the fucking club, y’all not answering the phone and still posting ugly ass pictures on snap. I knew I should’ve never fuck wit y’all stank ass hoes in the first place. And Charlotte? Suck my fucking dick from the back! Hope that nigga you let hit tonight gives you crabs, dumbass bitch!” 
You slammed on the send button in the group chat, giving your ‘friends’ a piece of your mind, forgetting about the audience that was behind you. 
“U-umm…” You whipped around at the sound of the male behind you, still pissed off about your friends ignoring your call. 
“Yes?” Your attitude fell a little when you noticed how handsome the man in front of you was. Freckles peppered the tops of his cheeks, deepening the blush he sported in miscellaneous places on his face. Scars did nothing to deter your attraction, in fact, they made him more alluring, giving a rugged look to his chiseled features. 
“I believe this is yours?” He held out your clear mini handbag revealing the few yens you had and your Fenty Beauty lip gloss. 
“Thanks.” You took it graciously before reapplying some of the gloss that had come off due to your ‘encounter’ just as the pro-hero actually looked at your appearance. 
Your plump, glossy lips reflected the red club lights so sinfully. His eyes noted the beam of light shifted at the slight lift and drop of your lips. Your skin compared to the softest velvet and satin as the red light refracted on the shimmer of perfume you wore. May he mention that you smelled like euphoria? Or what he may interpret as that. His eyes traveled down your outfit, a pink skirt slit on the side peeking more of your thigh and leaving the rest to imagination. As for your top, the fluffy pink bikini top had his mind on haywire, noticing the sheen on the curves of your—
—He blinked, removing the haze from his mind. He had to say something to you, like his soul begged for a minute of your time. Denki’s voice popped in his mind, “Be cool guys, after a DID (Damsel In Distress), lay it on little by little. Ask her for her name, then if she’s safe, be a sexy gentleman.” Swallowing the thick ball in his throat, he went with the advice.
“Are you...a-alright Miss?” His hand went to his nape, rubbing the end of his undercut as a blush grew on his face. You smiled at his flustered attempt.
“(Y/n). My friends would call me (N/n) at least they would if I had anymore.” You couldn’t help your eyes to roam his physique, noting the rippling muscle under the black and green suit. 
 “So? Does a name come with my hero or should I start calling you Hercules?” A warm feeling traveled through his body, making its way to his face, burning his cheeks a brighter red. He bashfully chuckled. 
“I-I’m uhh...uhh uh...uhh” You raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at his brain malfunction, smirking to yourself at how cute this was. 
“Are you always this articulate?” His eyes widened realizing the babble was not coherent as he jumped to answer your question.
“Deku! My—” He coughed at the fine pitch in his voice, brain bringing up the “How to be Cool Manual” made by Denki as he readjusted his vocal placements.
“—My name is Deku.” A light chuckle escaped through the air as you smiled at his notably lower than normal voice. 
“Hmm, Deku? I think I prefer Hercules.” You joked before your teasing was interrupted by a loud groan coming from your forgotten assaulter.
“So? H-how did you get mixed up with the...uh?”
“Nigga who don’t know what the fuck rejection is?” You looked at the crumpled man again, having the thoughts to step on his globe head again. Deku’s eyes widen as if he read your mind, holding his arms out to stop you. You raised your arms, showing no harm before retelling the night’s events.
“Some bitches and I decided we were going to go to Harlem and I was the designated driver even though it wasn’t my car. Haven’t stepped into the club yet and they already drunk off of the entrance drinks. Lightweight bitches but they wanna chug down all the martinis in there. So one of them got a hookup and left without saying shit to anyone and the other was fucking faded—”
Deku flipped through his brain to remember what the definition of faded was.
“—my guy, like bitch was puking up in the stalls. So the third girl, almost as drunk as the other bitch, took the fucking car and ditched me. Didn’t tell me when I could’ve left this place cause in there was lowkey trash. All fucking mainstream pop, and few trap songs. But anyway, this pants-suffocating-my-balls ass nigga was preying on me the entire night and you know how men are. Saying 'no' means 'yes' and 'fuck off' means 'take me I’m yours'.” Your hands clasped together as you bat your lashes up into the sky. You quickly dropped your dreamy acting gig as quickly as you made it. Deku stood confused, chivalry and respect rolled off of his body as he did not know what the female interpretation implied.
“Don’t worry, ask rock-a-bye-baby here when he gets up.” Deku’s laughter halted as the sounds of sirens rang through the air. 
“Well, thanks for everything, Mr. Deku. It’s been a real slice.” You waved at him before turning to leave. Deku panicked, rushing to grab your forearm. You raised a brow at his actions.
“W-wait! U-um the police would like a victim report so he can g-get full repercussions for what he did to a l-lovely lady like you. Heat flooded your cheeks as you mulled over what he said, lovely lady?
“U-um sure, it’s still fuck 12 though cause they didn’t do shit.” You turned around again only for the pro-hero to turn you back around, completely facing you. 
“W-what?” You looked at him, wide-eyed at his boldness as he cupped your cheek. His finger swiped the side of your soft lips, almost dipping into the shimmery, inviting pool before retracting from your face. 
“Y-you had s-some lip gloss smudged on your face.” Deku’s eyes remained on your own as you tried not to melt on the spot. All you could do was simply nod as the police cruiser pulled up by the entrance.
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“Well thank you, ma’am, he won’t trouble you any further.” You nodded as the officer went back into the car, the man in the back sleeping quite peacefully for someone who’ll wake up behind bars. Your fingers typed in the address for your apartment, which was a 20-minute walk from your current location. You sighed as your feet, sore from standing in heels all night long, trudged down the street. However, a certain green-haired hero refused to let you go. Thanking the officers in the car, he rushed to your distancing figure.
“(Y/n), wait for me!” Deku waved you down, not breaking a sweat as he reached your figure.
“Deku, I’m sure you have somewhere else to be, so thank you and–” 
“I’m a hero. My job is to make sure everyone is safe, including you. So please, let me walk you home.” His eyes were unyielding. He refused to take any other answer than a yes. You nodded your head, smiling at his chivalry before walking again.
“Alright Hercules, tell me why did you become a hero?”
And so the 20-minute walk seemed like only five as you and Midoriya talked about your childhoods, struggle, and funny memories. Your feet finally touched the doorsteps of your apartment after Deku carried you halfway through the journey. 
“Thank you so much for saving me, even though I had it in the bag.” Laughter broke from the pair into the twinkling sky of the night.
“I’m sure you did.” The lighthearted atmosphere trickled into the sewers of the streets as the pair realized that their time was coming to an end. Deku began to panic, he wanted to see you again, there was no doubt as Denki’s voice invaded his head once again, “Go for the kill bro! Go for the kill!” The young hero grabbed your arm before you turned to leave.
“Umm (Y/n), I know you had an awful night but I- I would like to see you again!” His forwardness stunned you, not expecting the man to be this bold. Your heart sped up and you attempted to keep your cool.
“Sure, you got your phone on you?” He pulled out his phone, handing it to you as his excitement built. A smile stretched across your face, unable to contain your happiness as you returned the phone to its owner.
“Alright Deku, Imma fuck wit ya.” You fist-bumped the hero before leaning into his face, making the daring move to press a kiss against his cheek. 
“Bye Deku.” You unlocked the door of your apartment, entering the vicinity before waving at the scarlet faced hero, who, still absorbing what just happened, waved back aimlessly. As you closed the door, your knees finally buckled for the first time in the night. You slumped against the door, smiling to yourself, not knowing the number one hero was doing the same thing. 
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez meeting their s/o for the first time in vacations but they’re already dating an idol (2/2)
❦ Genre: Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 3k3.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
❦ Masterlist.
❦ Warning: ⚠️ All the names here are fictives and are not related to an idol or a public figure.
Part 1
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San was so excited, there was so many things on his ‘To-Do-List’. They were on a break for 3 weeks. A rest well deserved. They planned a nice trip where they could rest, play and enjoy their time without a staff member around to tell what they need to do or not. That’s the main reason of why San was happy, he could do everything he wants to do. “Let’s go at the aquarium!” he shouted, grabbing Wooyoung’s arm. “Why are you so excited?” asked Seonghwa. “It’s not like you’re going to swim with shark again!” laughed Yunho. San got chills; this memory would be a memorable experience but a terrifying one also.
“I know but there’s a mermaid performance in 12 minutes!” Yeosang sighed, “you are unbelievable San….” “Let’s go please please please!” he begged. “Okay okay,” said Hongjoong on the right way, followed by the other members. “Hurry up!” shouted San. “I will give him as a dinner for the sharks,” whispered Seonghwa. When they got in the aquarium, San was running everywhere to see every fish one by one. “You are walking too fast!” complained Wooyoung, still pulled by San. “You should relax a bit San, or you will get a syncope!” laughed Mingi. The member rolled his eyes. He was okay but they weren’t following his excitation that’s all. He calmed down and continued to admire all these pretty fishes. That’s how he spotted you. You had the same smile on your face. Being amazed by the atmosphere here. You crouched down to see a little medusa. San found you cuter than anyone else here. He loved to see how your smile went wide when a fish came near you. He couldn’t resist but to come next to you. “It’s cute huh?” he smiled, pointing at the medusa. “Yes! She’s flawless and so intimidating at the same time.” “But we all know that she is dangerous!” “You just need to pee on the wound,” you laughed. San cringed at how disgusting it was. “I’m kidding!” you said. He giggled, “I’m San! Nice to meet you!” You bowed politely, “I’m Y/N!” He stayed with you 5 more minutes to talk about the crab hid in the corner, between seashells. But Wooyoung came and interrupted his speech. “San, your mermaid show is starting in 5 minutes.” “Oh! I almost forgot.” Wooyoung stared at you, trying to know if you were a good girl or someone trying to take advantage of his friend’s kindness. “Oh sorry,” he said, feeling the awkwardness. ”Wooyoung here’s Y/N! Y/N here’s my best friend Wooyoung!” The boy nodded while you couldn’t manage to say anything, too intimidated. “Do you want to come with us?” asked San. “Huh… I don’t want to bother-“ “No! It’s going to be funny!” “O-Okay.” “Let’s go!” shouted San. Surprisingly, he grabbed your arm and not Wooyoung’s one. It was unusual. “Wow, he ditched you for a girl…” teased Yeosang. “It’s not a big deal. He will probably come back to Woo soon!” said Mingi. It’s been 2 hours that they were at the aquarium and San hadn’t talked to Wooyoung or any of them. All of his attention was on you. All the members were amazed by how he was clingy with you. That was unexpected. You were sitting at the same table of the group, waiting for your ice cream. San insisted to pay for yours, because he spent a good afternoon with you. He was so nice. “San looks to like you a lot,” said Mingi, smiling next to you. “Oh really?” you blushed, “it’s just because we like aquarium.” “No, he’s not even so clingy with his girlfriend.” Confessed the loudest member. “His girlfriend?” you repeated. Wooyoung gulped, he made a big mistake. “He told me that he was single,” you looked at his friend. San came back at this moment, holding your ice cream with a big smile, “here’s your desert Y/N!” You stood up, “why you told me that you were single? Wooyoung said that you have a girlfriend.” “W-what?” he faced his friend. “I wouldn’t spend the afternoon with you if you’ve told me. I wouldn’t appreciate to see that my boyfriend spent time with another girl.” You said, grabbing your bag. San blocked the way. “We are not even in love. I can’t even considerer her like my girlfriend,” he admitted. “Whatever is your excuse; It was a bad idea to do it.” “Y/N! Does it change something if I tell you that you are actually more important than her?” he asked, shyly. “Not really, you shouldn’t lie about your relationship.” “Maybe that’s too early for that but if I broke up with her maybe we could continue to know each other a bit more?” He hadn’t left your stare. All the boys were “wooing” at the scene in front of them, like little kids. ‘Then maybe… but be sure of that. I don’t want you to regret it 2 days later.” “I’m already sure about it! Sihyeon is more a friend than a girlfriend. Her schedule is full, more than mine and she doesn’t have this craziness… that you have.” He said shyly. You smiled and sat down, hoping that everything would be okay. In front of you, Wooyoung was smiling. Now he was sure that you would treat San well if something happens between his friend and you.
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Since he was an idol, Mingi was treated well by everyone. Nobody would bully or scold him for a mistake: expected his manager and CEO. But sometime, he missed when people were honest and tell everything they wanted without being scared. Even his own girlfriend was like that. She was always behind him, accepting everything. She hadn’t that strong personality he needed. When the CEO offered them to go in vacations he couldn’t decline. He was the first one ready to leave. “Mingi is usually sleeping till we leave, that’s incredible! Pinch me!” said Seonghwa. “I really need vacations!” he rolled his eyes. “Does Jiyu influenced on your need?” said Yunho. “Kinda,” he replied. “Just broke up with her before it’s too late.” “I did.” They both stared at him. “Wait, when?” “Yesterday.” “What did she say?” Asked Yunho curiously. “I don’t know,” simply replied Mingi. They looked at him weirdly, trying to know a lot more about this story. “I wrote her a letter that I left at her apartment.” A big silence settled in the room. “A letter?” repeated the eldest member. “Yes, a letter. I couldn’t confront her, or she would give me a thousand of excuses. Like what she needs to take care of me or something else…” “She actually cares about you Mingi. You should have told her face to face.” Said Yunho, disappointed by his friend’s behavior. “Okay okay! I will talk to her after our vacations!” “Nice,” said Seonghwa. Mingi growled but immediately thought of his healing time. The next day, they landed in Jeju. The atmosphere was already different of the main city. Mingi couldn’t wait to relax. He was so excited that he accidentally bumped into you. Without looking at you, he apologized like he couldn’t care less. But for you it wasn’t right. So, you just poked his shoulder to let him know of your presence. “Hi?” he said, annoyed. “You could at least apologize properly.” You said, hands on your hips. “He raised a brow,” I apologized.” “You just bowed and ignored me. You could at least ask if I’m okay!” You scoffed. “You look okay.” His behavior was getting on your nerves. “Apologize again and this time look at me.” “Are you crazy?” “Are you a king? Just apologize correctly.” Mingi stared at you curiously. You were the first one confronting him since he debuted. “Do you know who I am?” he asked. “No and I don’t care. Can you apologize so I can go back to my room?” He scoffed, “and if I don’t? you are going to stay here?” “Yes, and you too sweetie,” you sighed. He liked your temper a lot. “Then we are going to stay here!” he said, sitting on the couch behind you. He sent a text at Yunho, saying that he will join them later. “Are you really going to waste your time here?” you asked. “Yes. Why? Are you doubting?” His arrogant personality was pissing you off. “I will stay here then…” you sat next to him. A big silence settled between both of you. “Let’s make this moment a bit more chill. What’s your name?” he asked gently. “It’s ‘Just Apologize so I Can Go Back To My Room’.” “Nice to meet you ‘Just Apologize So I Can Go Back To My Room”’, I’m Mingi.” You puffed, “So, Mingi. What are you waiting to say ‘sorry’? It’s not hard.” He smiled, “to be honest, you are the only person who confronted me since a long time. So, you got all of my attention.” “Are you a prince or something?” you faced him. “No, I’m just an idol and people don’t tell what they think about me.” “Then if it can help you... You are an asshole. You should be nicer and more careful.” You said nicely. “Thank you. It means a lot,” he laughed. “You should ask your girlfriend to be honest with you.” You pointed at his lock screen. “She will be my ex-girlfriend soon, “ he rectified. “Really? Sorry I didn’t mean too-“ you freaked out. “It’s fine, we were not in good terms since a long time.” “Shit happens,” you said, rolling your eyes. “And you?” “I don’t have a boyfriend,” you replied, shyly. “Then maybe I can get your number?” “Wow Mingi, you are not playing anymore,” you laughed, trying to hide your blush; “Usually, I’m pretty shy but I guess that you have this effect on me,” he scratched his head, embarrassed. “Yes, I know… they all said that,” you joked. He scoffed, “Sure. Then can I get your number?” “Sure, but text me when you are single. I don’t want a problem with your crazy ex-girlfriend.” You composed your number in his phone. “Deal,” he smiled. He was about to leave but you grabbed his arm. “Where are you going? You didn’t apologize.” “Are you serious?” he asked. “I’m waiting Mingi.” You glanced at the clock. “Gosh… women are crazy.”
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The whole group were enjoying their vacation near the beach. They booked a bungalow; leaving the hotel service this time. Even if they were struggling sometimes, that was probably their best trip. Wooyoung proposed the idea. He knew the members would be down for it or he could force them if they declined. They all got on the beach, today, running everywhere like little kids. Hongjoong and Jongho were setting the parasol and the lounge chair. Seonghwa and Yeosang were buying some snacks and drinks for the day. Yunho and Mingi were already on the water, trying to drown each other. And finally, San and Wooyoung were taking a bunch of selfies for Atinys. “This is one is good!” said San. “You are good, I’m looking like a humpa lumpa.” “That’s how you look every day,” said Yeosang, walking next to his friend. Wooyoung gave him a dead stare, while San was laughing out loud. “I need new friends, “he whispered. They joined their hyungs near the lounge chair. “What about take a group selfie and post it for Atinys?” he offered. “Yes, then call these 2 idiots playing the ‘Little Mermaid’ over there.” Wooyoung called but them they couldn’t hear him, too far. “I will get them.” As he was about to reach Mingi and Yunho, when you called him shyly. “Hi…” you bowed politely. ‘Huh? Hi.” “Me and my friend over there are playing volleyball, but there’s one player missing.” He stared at you, wanting to know what you needed. “Can you play with me?” you asked, embarrassed, not daring to look at him. “Oh.” He wanted to decline but his man side came out, you were stunning, and he doesn’t want to disappoint you. His throat went dry and his hand moist, but he managed to say, “yes” even if his voice cracked. “Really? Thank you!” You pulled him by the hand and joined your friends. “Guys! I found someone to play with!” “Hi. I’m Wooyoung.” He introduced shyly. They all greeted him. “So, you are going to be with me and Jeongin!” You explained. “Okay! Let’s go!” He shouted. You giggled; you liked his energy. The game went well. Everyone was having fun and your team was winning. Sometimes, you bumped at Wooyoung accidentally, he always made sure that you were okay. “Let’s stop guys! I’m tired!” Said Jeongin sitting on the sand, exhausted. “Right, we are playing since a long time, “ you giggled. You turned back to Wooyoung. “Thank you so much,” you smiled. “It’s okay. That was funny.” “Let me buy you a drink to show my gratitude.” You laughed. “A good coke will be appreciated.” He followed you at the vending machine. “Normal? Cherry? Or light?” you asked. “Cherry.” “Wow, this man has taste,” you teased him. You held his drink, making sure it was the good one. “Thank you.” “Do you want to sit here a bit?” you offered. “Sure.” You pulled 2 chairs for each of you. “So… what are you doing in life Wooyoung?” “I’m an idol,” he sipped his drink. “Wow. I’m talking to a super star right now!” you acted like a fangirl. He cringed, “I see the real you.” You laughed, “I’m not this type of girl.” “That’s what they said at first, “he winked. “Gross,” you pinched him. “I know it’s unexpected and that I shouldn’t ask that but… would you go on a date with me?” You were clearly surprised. You were stuttering words that none of you could understand. “Sure,” you finally replied. “Cool! Let me give you my phone number and text me later.” “I’m from old school. I would prefer to send you a letter,” you said shyly. “For real?” he asked, surprised. “Of course not,” you laughed, holding your phone so he could give his number. “Don’t forget to text me okay!” he insisted. You were about to reply but Yeosang came and cut you off, “Woo, your girlfriend is calling you for 20 minutes already. Do something before I broke your phone.” You stared at Wooyoung angrily, feeling betrayed and stupid. “Y/N…” You just stood up and left, disgusted. “Well done Yeosang…” sighed the idol. He tried to find you at the beach, but you were nowhere to be found. So, he just gave up. His vacations hadn’t ended well, he was mad and sad. But when he came back to Seoul, he received a text. [“Hi… it’s Y/N. Sadly I can’t get you out of my mind, so I hope you have a good excuse…”] He smiled and explained you the truth about his girlfriend, Eunha. She is an idol too, but she clearly obsessed by her music and every idol who were increasing into the charts. He fell in her trap because she was nice with him. But she was just manipulating and took advantage of his popularity. [“So… I broke up with her when I came back to Seoul.”] [“Then I guess that we can plan our date?”] you texted. [“Tomorrow? At Incheon cafe? 3pm?”] [“See you there weirdo.”] you replied. He was so happy that he could sing and dance all night long.
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ATEEZ members were having fun at their hotel, they stayed at for 1 week. During this short period, they could do whatever they want. Jongho jut followed the group for the activities. Honestly, he couldn’t enjoy his vacation because of his girlfriend Ahin. She was nonstop making him feel like a baby. She was 2 years older than him and it wasn’t a big deal at first because it didn’t change anything on the relationship. But since few months, she was dissing him about his age, and he felt ridiculous to be treated like a baby or a brother. He felt uncomfortable to go out with her. She would pat his back when he would finish his meal, In front of the members or his friends. Being the maknae was already a though thing but Akin’s behavior on him was too much. He felt his phone buzzing on his pocket, probably her. He ignored her call and sighed. Seonghwa smirked, “let me guess…Ahin?” “Yes…” replied the maknae. “She shouldn’t be promoting or practicing?” “Probably, but honestly I don’t care,” said Jongho. “You should break up with her. She treats you, like a baby.” “I know that Hyung…” sighed Jongho. “Anyway, let’s get some fun.” They joined the other members at the casino. They heard Mingi yelling because he won 10 dollars. “This boy will never change,” said Jongho. While they were trying a bunch of games, San and Hongjoong spotted an arm-wrestling contest. “Yo! Jongho! You should try!” said San happily. “Hum… I don’t know, it’s been a while since I participated at this!” he hesitated. “Come on, it’s just for fun,” said Wooyoung, drinking his cocktail. Finally, Jongho lined up behind the guy who were actually winning. 2 minutes later, it was finally his turn. All the boys were cheering him, to boost him. “So young boy, your opponent is going to be…” “Me!” you shouted, your small figure getting out of the crowd. Jongho raised a brow, he never played against a girl. You sat in front of him, removing your ring. “Are you ready lady?” you giggled. He smirked, it’s not because you are a girl that I will be gentler.” “Same for me…” you stuck your tongue out. You wrapped your hand around Jongho’s one. “Okay… 3, 2, 1. Go!” At first, Jongho was shock by your strength, he knows that he would win but it was a good match. He noticed the way you were struggling. He found it cute, the way the little vein in your neck popped up, made you sexier. “Jongho! Just beat her!” Said Yeosang. “You know that you can beat me. So, what are you waiting for?” you asked cockily. “It’s funny to see you struggling.” “Are you a psychopath or something?” you asked. “If I was, I would be in a cave with other people right now.” “Okay that is creepy,” you giggled. Hongjoong coughed next to Jongho, “can you finish this and flirt later?” Both of you smiled. Jongho said, “okay sorry young girl.” He instantly pulled your arm on the table. You massaged your wrist while all his teammates were shouting at him. You stood up, “well done lady.” You were about to leave when Jongho grabbed your arm. “What do you want?” “I’m feeling bad to let you lose like that.” He said. “It’s okay, it’s a game.” “Let me pay you a drink at least.” “You shouldn’t offer me that since you have a girlfriend,” you smirked, crossing your arm in your chest. “H-‘ he began. “How I know? Your name was almost everywhere on the Internet, when you announced your relationship.” “How do you know me?” You scoffed, “you are an idol. I have to admit that you are good looking so it’s easy to remember.” You pointed Yeosang, “plus… your friend called you “Jongho”. “You are smart,” he smiled. “And you are taken.” You replied. “I’m actually trying to break up with my girlfriend, who is nonstop babying me whatever I do.” He explained. You grabbed his hand and took the pen on the counter next to you… “Here’s my number, “you wrote on his hands. “Call me when you are single or that you need an opponent for an arm-wrestling contest,” you winked. You were gone before he could manage to realize what happened. 2 week later, you just when back from work. Just when you sat, your phone rang next to you. [“Yes?”] you said coldly. [“Hi, it’s Jongho.”] You smirked happy to see that he hadn’t forgot you. [“So... are you calling me for the arm-wrestling?”] you asked cockily. [“Yes, I know that you want your revenge, but what about go on a date after?”] You smiled, [“How can I refuse this good proposition?”]
Part 1
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our-wargame · 4 years
take three steps to your left; take me with me you [2/2]
Read Part 1
summary:  Takahiro’s not sure why but he hates it when people get Matsukawa wrong. And they always seem to.
tags: rated t, pining, dialogue heavy now because oi-matsu-hana are three drunkards, maybe a part three from Matsukawa’s take?, dw matsukawa shows up yay, hanamaki/oikawa friendship and iwaizumi is yay
notes: the first chapter was supposed to just be that, just a short take on possible matsuhana relations, but then i decided why not make it a fic yknow. although part 1′s a good standalone!! this one’s much less serious but yeah! if you happen to reblog my work, i will most likely read your tags and then die of joy.
as always, ao3 link
Last chapter:
“Oh we forgot something,” Oikawa says, and this time there’s thoughtfulness sharpening the eyes sweeping over Takahiro. “We forgot about the part where you’re in love with him.”
Takahiro freezes.
Before Takahiro knows it, his arm is out. Is it really his fault though? It’s not like this was a first-degree planned nose-grabbing. One second Oikawa is saying some bull; and the another, Oikawa’s nose is just...in Takahiro’s crab-claw. His heart’s pounding a little faster than usual, but it’s Gucci. 
“Makki! That hurts my conker!.” Oikawa squirms into a sitting position and then scoots his ass back, pretty much over Takahiro’s lap to prevent his nose from getting torn off.
“Nice conk bro.”
When Oikawa wrinkles his nose, Takahiro lets go. He keeps wiggling it, exercising it with ugly ogre faces and complaining he can’t smell Takahiro’s teen reek or something like that.
“Hey, I’ve seen you looking at Iwaizumi after practice.” Takahiro shakes his head. “Just because he’s all sweaty-”
“That’s not-!” Oikawa jumps up, yelling. “He’s not-! You can’t just say-”
Takahiro laughs. Three years of friendship have given Oikawa neural damage, a better poker face, and a properly tainted sense of humor, but specially made mentions of Iwaizumi Hajime still sends him into a loud, quacky fluster.
“You know,” he says casually, comfortably stretching, splaying his arms out over the couch. “I’ve caught him staring back at you.” Leaving a soft pause for the atmosphere shift, Takahiro tilts his head to the side with a small, lopsided grin and waits.
Yes, he expects Oikawa to melt. Instead, Oikawa lets out a small sigh and plunks back down beside Takahiro. His gaze shifts from ground to ceiling and back again. A tiny, hard pit plunks into Takahiro’s stomach. Apprehension. He’s about to joke about how he never makes Oikawa wait this long when he’s teasing him, but the noise that comes out is a sad sort of wheeze that he ends up trying to pass off as a cough.
At last, Oikawa pursues his lips. Takahiro’s given him an opening and he’s taking it. “Makki. You’re in love with Mattsukawa-”
Takahiro’s breath hitches.
“And he’s in love with you.” Oikawa skewers him with his gaze, captain to one of his men, like they’re in one last match. “So. How about you save us spectators the time and-”
Never Gonna Give You Up rings shrilly through the air.
Oikawa’s mouth drops open. Takahiro he lunges for his phone. “Matsukawa,” he reads off the screen like they hadn’t both known from the ringtone.
“Huh. Well.” hums Oikawa. “I need to take a piss.” And he flounces off the couch with that.
Takahiro flexes his fingers, nails digging into his palm. They’re too long again, he thinks, drawing a long inhale. He’s not...he’s not nervous about taking a call from his best friend. 
Of course he’s nervous. After what Oikawa tried to imply-
He presses the phone against his ear. “Go for Makki.”
“Yes, hello, I would like some chikky nuggies.”
“Sorry, sir.” Takahiro yawns into the receiver. And into Matsukawa’s ear. “We’re all out. Does that make you hangry?”
“Little bit.” Matsukawa’s low voice sounds rougher than normal, like he’s got something caught in his throat or taken a pinch of Iwaizumi’s gruff soul. The line crackles. “What say you make it up to me?”
“Mmm? What’d you have in mind?” In his peripheral, he notices Oikawa stalking over here with a shit-eating grin Takahiro’s more familiar seeing on Matsukawa’s face.
“The usual. Pick you up in four?”
“Yeah.” Takahiro says, partially distracted with batting at Oikawa. He’s not going to give captain the opportunity to say something ridiculous like...stop flirting Makki! For one, they’re not flirting. And for another, Takahiro makes fun of Oikawa; the teasing in their relationship is strictly one way. To Matsukawa, he says “Wait.”
“I’m at Oikawa’s. It’s not rude if I tell him we don’t want him hanging out with us if I say it to his face, right?”
Oikawa leans over and gets his hands on Takahiro’s phone. He might be unable to rip it out of Takahiro’s grip,but he can, and does, bring his head down to yowl, “Fine! Enjoy your date without me!”
Oikawa’s going to die soon and it’s a shame Takahiro will be too busy disposing the evidence to attend the funeral.
“Okay make that five minutes. Also. Forgot to mention,” Matsukawa says, smooth as ever. “Iwaizumi’s sleeping over for the night. If you guys want, I guess we could make it a foursome.”
“Dude, don’t be gross.” Takahiro grumbles. “That’s almost as yucky as thinking about how Oikawa spends the entire time oogling Iwaizumi.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Oikawa huffs. “Oikawa-sama likes Iwa-chan, Oikawa-sama likes Iwa-chan without a shirt on! Everyone knows and all they do is bully Oikawa-sama about it!” Oikawa finally pauses to breathe. “Also, Makki says we’ll be there. And he says he wants to be sleeping with you guys tonight.”
“Cool. Gross but cool.”
“Yeah, great.” Takahiro says as flatly as he can muster. “Mattsun, hurry up and rescue me from the crazy man?”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Static crackles over the line. Matsukawa’s probably has the phone awkwardly caught between his shoulder and ear, to free his hands. “See you soon, yeah?”
Takahiro opens his mouth. And closes it abruptly. 
It’s nothing new, Matsukawa waiting for Takahiro to sign off. Matsukawa knows Takahiro hates feeling burdensome. Matsukawa always lets Takahiro end the call, no matter how silly they start out to be. It’s nothing new, but it’s one of Takahiro’s many preferences that Matsukawa just never forgets. It’s nothing new, but for someone infuriatingly attached to simplicity, Matsukawa sure goes out of his way a lot for Takahiro. 
“Yeah.” Takahiro bites himself in the tongue. “See you soon.”
He jabs the end call button before he can do anything else. When he catches Oikawa’s mouth twisting he asks, “What?”
“Nothing,” Oikawa says, straight faced. And then when he can’t help himself, he wears a dopey grin.“Y’all are just so fucking cute.”
Takahiro rolls his eyes, even as a slow heat creeps up his neck. He gathers his things and gives Oikawa a quick hug before making for the door. Then he delivers a swift kick to the ass when captain makes the mistake of showing his back.
“See you tonight!” he shouts, dashing out the door and right into his getaway man.
“Ow,” Matsukawa drawls, standing in a casual gray set of t-shirt and pants. He’s flexing his jaw because Takahiro friggen headbutted him. “I know you missed me but tone down the Iwaizumi-affection.”
Takahiro hardly thinks twice before snagging him by the wrist and hightailing them both away from the danger zone. “Stop slowing me down,” he chokes, and Matsukawa laughs. They almost make it.
“Oi!” Takahiro scowls, whirling around. “You asshat, Crocs only!” He snatches up the sneaker from where it’d bounced off his back and flings it at its owner. 
“That hurt, Makki!! My ass and my feelings!!”
“Yeah, yeah. Catch you later, captain.”
Matsukawa snickers and Takahiro elbows him in the ribs as they walk down Oikawa’s driveway. “You were absolutely no help, you big lug. Should’ve known...would’ve ditched you immediately.” 
“After I kindly offered a ride? Youch.” Matsukawa peers at him. He might only be a few inches taller but it does mean Takahiro has to pass over his lips to get to his gaze.
But since Oikawa’s said what he said...Takahiro looks away. Hovers and talks at the passenger side door. “Wanna give me the keys?”
They both know he hates driving.
Matsukawa snorts. Apparently he’s not even going to dignify the shoddy joke with a response.
The truth is, they both know a lot of things, Takahiro starts to think. He leans against the window, the glass cool to his skin. But maybe Oikawa’s right and he’s missed one.
...you’re in love with Matsukawa...and he’s in love with you.
Just to be practical, to seriously think about what it would be like, Takahiro takes a hot second  to hand control over to his imagination. Imagines himself turning his body, tilting his head, looking into dark eyes, a bright grin, pulling Matsukawa in and- Takahiro swallows. So he’s flushing. Okay. This is okay, hahaha...
They reverse out the driveway, Matsukawa shifting gears and into traffic with an ease Takahiro should be jealous of. But Matsukawa moves, does it all like it’s secondhand nature. The quiet confidence he wears is rare, but it’s the same kind Oikawa has, putting the ball in Iwaizumi’s hands without hesitation, without doubt, day after day. Each of them has the other’s confidence; are each part of the other’s confidence in himself.
Takahiro leans back and closes his eyes, lets the hot sun wash over his thighs, soaking through his shirt.
Maybe it’s not smart to compare, but Takahiro thinks he places a similar kind of trust in Matsukawa. Or at least the most trust he can muster. 
After all, he is a cynic. He’s the one who tells Oikawa they could never have won nationals anyways, and that the likelihood of going to nationals was made in the same ridiculous mold. He’s not a shonen protagonist. His faith is not in people; it’s in numbers, in facts. And that’s how it’s always going to be.
But. Takahiro thinks, thinks that if that was ever going to be different, maybe it’d be because of Matsukawa. 
Takahiro blinks himself alert. Matsukawa’s turning the car around, sliding into the parking lot. They’re lucky there’s a spot right at the front of the diner, even if it’s a bit of a tight fit between two SUVs. “We’re here, meathead.”
“It was that or meatball.”
“How hungry are you.” Takahiro springs his seat belt free and he’s got a hand on the door handle when all of a sudden, Matsukawa drops his phone into Takahiro’s lap.
“I’ll go. Do me a favor and text Iwaizumi back for me?”
Takahiro nearly unhinges his jaw. “Do you realize the amount of power you’re giving me. Do you know how much restraint I am being forced to perform right now.” Oh Holy Mother of Volleyball - he could change all of his contacts to Oikawa’s number.
Matsukawa grins his hey!-i’m-the-boy-next-door grin. The corners of his eye crinkling and all, and shit, he’s cute.
Okay, but he’s always been cute!! This is nothing new either!!!
“I am looking away,” Matsukawa says, hopping out his car. “The usual?”
Takahiro nods. Watches Matsukawa turn, watches his back grow smaller as he walks away.
And he’s in love with you, rings in his ears once more.
Is he? Because. If Matsukawa was. And they both...wanted to give it a try...
His shorts are suddenly shifting. He looks down, wraps his fingers around the phone starting to slide down his thigh and brings it up to examine.
The lockscreen’s an old blurry photo of the seniors previous to practice (but the picture changes often. When Oikawa’s bored or Iwaizumi’s feeling vindictive and finally ready to retaliate, or when Takahiro wants to. Often, like he said.). There isn’t a password because Matsukawa says he has nothing to hide, but mostly because Takahiro refuses to memorize any numbers he’s not going to use on a test and it’s more fun using Matsukawa’s phone than his own for some reason.
He makes a quick pit stop at the Photo Gallery, creating copies of some of the pictures of the guys and annotates extra dicks onto them. Most of them are actually photos he’s taken, he realizes. While he’s wondering if he should go ahead and delete some of the bullshit photos so Matsukawa doesn’t need to when he wants to download a new game and he’s got no space, Takahiro remembers he’s supposed to be replying to Iwaizumi. Contacts...there, Iwaizumi’s the first one.
You: so 8?
Iwaizumi: yeah. Iwaizumi: unless Iwaizumi: you know You: ?
Iwaizumi: you know. Iwaizumi: you and hanamaki take a detour
Iwaizumi: to talk bout your feelings Iwaizumi: you’re going to right
Matsukawa’s left it at that, left Iwaizumi on read.
Takahiro blinks.
Matsukawa wants him to answer Iwaizumi’s text.
Matsukawa’s giving him an easy out.
Takahiro closes his eyes. What. Is. Going. On. What does this even mean!!! He reads the text again and- Iwaizumi had said your. What.
He doesn’t get much time to think about the implications because Matsukawa’s walking up to him, passing him his order. The smell of hot food isn’t anywhere near as attractive as it usually is, so he place it on his lap. It can wait. He’s not sure if it’s appropriate to laugh out his nerves or glare, with Matsukawa slipping into his own seat, calm and collected as ever. From head to toe, in every piece of his posture and each inch of his expression, Matsukawa Issei tells the world just how perfectly at peace he is with it. Takahiro compromises by biting his own tongue, which triggers his swear-reflex.
Matsukawa snickers.
Ohoho, alright. Takahiro dials up his glare to the max. “Got something to say, asshole?”
“Yeah, actually,” Matsukawa’s lips twitch, a sign he’s suppressing a smile. Takahiro tries to do the same until the blocker says, “You’ve been kind of spacey. What’s up?”
“Ah.” Takahiro ducks his head. “Not much.” Just realizing I’d like to kiss you. Whaboutyou? ”Oikawa just. Said a thing.”
Matsukawa’s not expecting a reply, he’s just offering Takahiro the opportunity to, should he want it. Affection, warm and rich, blooms in the spiker’s chest. His shoulders sink, falling lax. If he smiles, a little, sue him. “Pretty insightful thing too. Unusually helpful for a change.”
“Yeah. It turns out, before you talk about your feelings,” Takahiro says, looking right at Matsukawa while his ears burst into flames. “You have to be aware of them.”
“Holy shit.” Matsukawa blinks. And then he slaps a hand over his eyes and starts laughing, his shoulders actually shaking. Takahiro should kick hit him or run for the hills, right, except Matsukawa is talking to himself. “Wow. Iwaizumi was...right. I mean. And I thought-”
“I’ve.” He finally meets Takahiro’s eyes. “Had the biggest crush on you. Since end of first year. And you never knew?”
His expression must have answer because the silly guy starts laughing again and Takahiro honest to the gods, feels giddy enough to join in. “Were you going to tell me?”
A gentle shrug. “Don’t know. Wanted to though.”
Takahiro hums. Neither of them have said the real words though and maybe they should do the thing the conventional way? “So.” he begins. “What would you say if we called today a date?”
“Ask you when the next one would be?” Matsukawa puts a hand on the back of his head, an act which Takahiro recognizes as nervous. “Or ask, ‘wait, so you do like me, right?’“
He’s so silly, Takahiro marvels. So silly.
Five minutes past eight, Takahiro enters Oikawa’s house. With his boyfriend.
Boyfriend boyfriend boyfrienddd boyyyfriend boyfriend Matsukawa-boyfriend-Issei. 
These thoughts do not belong aloud, it turns out, when Oikawa spots them and immediately yells- nonsense at first, and then something along the same lines. Following up, is a demanding, “So?? Did you kiss yet? Yo! Answer the question! Did y’all kiss??” Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and tells him to mind his own business.
“Do you really want to know, captain?” Matsukawa smirks. Takahiro’s fingers find his and they link. Watching Oikawa’s eyes expand to the size of dinner plates is just as satisfying as watching the cogs in his brain turning to try and figure out the answer on his own the rest of the night. In the meantime, they’ve taken their spots on the couch while Iwaizumi fiddles with game settings to accommodate the four of them. It’s game night after all.
(Yeah, Takahiro supposes he owes Oikawa; he’ll give the details captain is dying for later. OR. he muses. Maybe he’ll get Oikawa and Iwaizumi together and then call his dues paid? Matsukawa would be down for either.)
Iwaizumi is as characteristically Iwaizumi as ever. At the snack break, Takahiro sees him giving Matsukawa a shoulder pat, and thinks that’s it. After the two of them get knocked out of the Smash Bros round early he plans on sitting back to watch the defending champion and Mr. Kirby war. Instead, he finds his shoulder being tapped and follows, getting led into the kitchen.
Vice captain hands him a water and leans on the counter. “Congrats.”
“Thanks, Iwaizumi-kun.” he deadpans. “I’m sorry we couldn’t work things out but I’ll cherish the memories.”
“Hey, man, I’ll punch you. No boyfriend around to defend you, y’know.” Iwaizumi taunts.
Takahiro smirks right back at him. He’s not sure if he could be happier if he tried. “So what’s this about?” 
Iwaizumi tilts his head to the side. “Oikawa tells me he helped you.”
“Yeah,” Takahiro can allow this. He nods. “Just like you helped Issei.”
“Ha! If only you knew.”
Takahiro raises a brow.
“You know the texts I sent him?” Iwaizumi’s grin is so very wolfish. “He asked me to send them. Fabricated all of them himself. He had me set you guys up.” And then he's calling out “See you later!” due to the fact Takahiro is hightailing out of the room.
Oikawa is absolutely beating the shit out of Metaknight, although Matsukawa’s still winning the trash-talking contest. But as Takahiro enters the room, he trails off, eyes leaving the screen for Takahiro’s. Taking his opportunity, Oikawa finally pushes Metaknight off the platform and whoops to kingdom come. It doesn’t really matter though, Takahiro has walked over, leaning down.
Matsukawa meets him midway. The kiss is soft and sweet but it still messes him up. In the best way ever.
Oikawa’s squeaks go ignored.
“You’re adorable.” Takahiro shakes his head as he sinks into the spot besides the blocker on the couch. He puts his head on Matsukawa’s shoulder and breathes in cotton and cool.
“Iwaizumi sold me out, huh?”
Another kiss stolen. “Dibs on him as my best man.”
Matsukawa snickers while Oikawa protests, “The hell? What about me? Makki, I had your back! I made the play of the year! I’m literally game MVP.”
Iwaizumi appears, nudging Oikawa to scoot over until they both have enough space. “I heard my name?” He gets himself two fistbumps. 
Oikawa scowls.
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docholligay · 5 years
Im Kino
nonfiction Patreon release for you! 
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I go to Holocaust movies alone.
Mostly I tell people that I don’t watch Holocaust movies, that I don’t go to Holocaust exhibits, because I am not the target market. I don’t need to be reminded that the Holocaust happened, I don’t need to remember that human beings were murdered because they had the misfortune of being born the scapegoat, masterminding the world from their tailors’ benches and lawyers’ offices, as if we found the cunning to run the world but had not yet figured out to convince people we were human.
But I do go, sometimes. And I go alone.
It isn’t even a matter of not wanting to go with goyim--it’s true that I don’t watch Jewish movies with them, that I never trust them to understand and I am unwilling to be their Virgil in the Inferno that is the layers of Jewish thought and ethics and culture, some circles so intangible to me that I am not certain I have the words to explain what they misunderstand. It’s true that I hate they way they look over at me every five minutes as if to gauge my reaction, as if to see if they are experiencing it enough. It’s true that I won’t let them mine my pain for their clarity, and It’s true that I get tired of how lapsed Christians never really lapse in their hearts, the same as a Jew can only wish to stop being one. We are always a part of the things that built us, even if we hate them.
Maybe this is why Jews are comfortable hating God as they walk into temple.
Bold of him to assume it’s even about him.
But no, I don’t watch Holocaust movies with other Jews either. In this, I am as solitary as an oyster, to steal the wisdom of Charles Dickens, and that feels right. I have long taken my pain and my irritation and tried to turn it into something beautiful, even as I tell myself it’s alright to let it sit. Its alright to let sand be sand.
But here I am again, writing about why I don’t let anyone come with me, thinking I can make it poetic. Sometimes hermit crabs make their shells from trash, you know. They’re adaptable.
The movie was about Jews who hid in Berlin, after it was declared free of Jews. People who hid who they were and who passed through the streets brushing shoulders with goyim who maybe didn’t want them to die but maybe didn’t care if they lived.
My throat caught three times. I am a Montanan as much as I am a Jew, and so I choked it back, and I looked away from the screen, and I ate the genocide of a family I should have known but that the Germans shot into a ditch, and that salt tore into my throat.
I just took a drink.
I was the only Jew in the room, and I know this because there are only fifty or sixty of us in the city, and there were maybe forty people in the theater, and the quick math I did in my head made me silently thankful that I wouldn’t have to deal with the spectre of talking to someone about my feelings. Out of our fifty or sixty, only fifteen or less of us are Fievel goes West Jews. Only fifteen of us know to pray in Hebrew and shut up in English, and have no trouble with these two truths.
I’ve known the guy who sells tickets behind the counter since I was twelve years old. He looks at me with a sense of pity and tells me he hears this movie is wonderful, and I hate him instantly. I don’t watch Jewish movies with goyim. Except when I’m outnumbered in a tiny one room art theater where the tickets and the popcorn and the screen are all run by the same guy, who knows I’m a Jew and for one miserable second I think he’s going to ask me to say something. He gets a line forming. I’m lucky.
What should I say? What could i say that would not be laying out the loss of fifty percent of the Jewish population like a goddamn breakfast buffet, so people can take what they want and feel satisfied, so they can leave the rest and never think about it?
Judaism teaches us that anger is useless and worse, that you must turn it into love and into action. That you should learn that so well that you should have to feign anger when someone trespasses. Y’Israel doesn’t mean “struggles with God’ for nothing. I’ve never gotten there. All I do is burn with a white-hot heat as the woman on screen dyes her hair blonde. All I do, as Cioma fakes a passport, is look around at the goyim in the crowd, and wonder how many of them would turn me in for a free year of Amazon Prime. The stakes in my head become losing their jobs, and I wonder instead how many wouldn’t.
I hate them all. But I say nothing, because anger is useless, and because you pray in hebrew but shut up in English, and because I couldn’t even answer the cries of whoever it was that was machine gunned into the dirt, a language I don’t speak and world I don’t know, but one that grabs at my ankles, like a hound from hell, since I was six years old.
The men are outside, smoking, after Berlin falls. A Russian soldier comes to shoot them, and they yell, over and over, that they aren’t Germans, they’re Jews, that Germany would never let them be both and so they are Jews.
The soldier doesn’t believe them. Hitler killed all the Jews, he says, his gun cocked and pointed and full of fury. But he has a moment. Where God pins him and he believes.
“Say the Shema.” He says.
The movie explains it for the forty nine other people in the room, but I know instantly, it wouldn't matter if they had never set foot in temple since their bris, they would know the shema, our prayer, our central call and the thing that should be on your lips as you die, and they do. They recite it beautifully and perfectly.
The Russian soldier nearly sobs. I bite my tongue and take a drink.
He was a Jew, too, serving in the Russian Army. He believed Hitler had done it, killed every German Jew, but here were two men reciting the Shema and living. Two Jews, if nothing else, had fought through all the years of war to live, and so we were not done yet.
They cast him well. His blue eyes are like mine, and I recognize the rage in them as he pointed his gun.
I go to Holocaust movies alone, because you never point a gun at anything you don’t want to kill.
I slip out as soon as the movie ends, when the lights are barely up. There’s a voice echoing in my head, one that says I have a responsibility to everyone who didn’t make it. I’ve never hidden. Maybe that’s the benefit of living in a place with almost no Jews. I fought for every point of that star my entire life, and I refuse to give an inch.
There’s a Nazi resurgence in the west. From Portland to Pierre, there’s flyers and threats and decisions to be made. My great grandmother said that if you are where people want to kill you, don’t be there. But she wasn’t a Montanan. She moved here from the present day Ukraine, and she was that until the day she died, whatever else she tried to be. We are always a part of the things that built us, however much we hate them.
I press against the door, and go out into the street and the grey and the coming night, the thoughts of a family with no papers and no chance to run on my mind.
The cold wind hits me in a staccato beat the way I imagine the bullets hit their bodies. But I’m a Montanan as much as I’m a Jew. I’m a grizzly bear with a tallit draped across my shoulders. I feel the bullets.
All it does is piss me off
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ask-alton-towers · 11 months
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metalgearkong · 5 years
Jedi: Fallen Order - Review (PS4)
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Developed by Respawn Entertainment
Up until now, Electronic Arts has taken the wrong direction with their exclusive Star Wars license. So far they created not one, but two awful Star Wars: Battlefront games, both overstuffed with microtransactions and unethical loot boxes. Sure the graphics, sights, and sounds of Star Wars were present, but when the entry fee was $60 and the base game had so little to it, I wasn’t a fan. Jedi: Fallen Order is an answer to all the rightful criticism EA has taken, and they have finally funded developer Respawn Entertainment to make a dedicated single-player, offline, action/adventure game that Star Wars fans have wanted for years. Jedi: Fallen Order is an enormous step in the right direction with the Star Wars license, and shows the potential on what a lot of money and talented people can create when backed by passion.
This is yet another game taking place place between episodes III and IV, a few years after Order 66 and the fall of the Jedi Order. I don’t know if the Force Unleashed games are still considered canon, but I certainly hope not. We play as Cal Kestis, a young Jedi Padawan who survived the purge, and has been hiding out for years as a scrapper taking apart old ships from the war. The Empire has established itself firmly as the dominant superpower of the galaxy, equipped with all the classic Star Wars stuff I love, such as AT-ATs, AT-STs, Stormtroopers, and TIE fighters. A few additions include the Inquisitors, apparently Dark Jedi not following the "rule of two,” who seek out and kill the remaining Jedi in hiding. I guess they come from a TV show or something, but I’ve never watched any of those. Accompanying them are Purge Troopers, who use electro-magnetic melee weapons and can be a struggle to take down. I think the Purge Troopers should have just taken the role of the Inquisitors because I think it would be way cooler to know that the only experienced Force-users left alive now are Obi-Wan, Yoda, the Emperor, and Vader.
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The gameplay could be described as a combination of Uncharted exploring, and Dark Souls combat (although it more so reminds me of 2018′s God of War, also inspired by Dark Souls). I didn’t give this game enough credit in the beginning. I decided to play the game on the hard difficulty option, but a few a few hours, I bumped it back down to normal mode. I underestimated the combat and how tough even simple enemies could be. Encounters involve locking on to one enemy at a time, and timing attacks, parries, and dodges. Even low level bad guys can take down your health, especially because they usually appear in small groups. I quite enjoyed fighting members of the Empire, especially basic Stormtroopers, but fighting creatures was much more annoying. Space bugs, space rats, and space crabs feel like a chore to kill as they leap backwards and avoid your lightsaber strikes, and its often harder to read their telegraphs. 
Coming across a squad of Stormtroopers is always where I had the most devilish fun. I appreciate how the game gave the troops a lot of personality. You can hear them chatting to each other before a fight, and they make sarcastic comments as you slowly dwindle their numbers. Laser bolts can be reflected back at the shooter, making ranged combat pretty easy. It’s when the game mixes melee enemies and ranged enemies where it gets a little more tricky and engaging. Every melee trooper is a Scout Trooper and I found that a little hilarious and inconsistent compared to a Scout’s role and ability levels from the films. I didn’t realize they can stand toe-to-toe with a Jedi using their electric sticks and block plenty of lightsaber strikes before being killed. I also liked the detail that when an AT-ST is defeated, you then get to brutally execute the pilot as he scrambles out and fires his pistol as a last ditch effort before his merciless death.
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Bosses range from the aforementioned AT-STs, as well as large indigenous creatures found on different planets. Each world, from what I could tell, also has an optional, semi-hidden boss. These didn’t draw my attention much because they’re basically clones of other tougher creatures, only with a greater damage output, higher speed, and more health. You do get experience points for defeating enemies, but I lived happily without taking down these frustrating side-bosses. The most blatant rip-off of the Souls-like formula is the fact that when you rest at meditation spots (save points), it resets all the enemies in the level. This makes more sense in a game with tighter gameplay, such as Hollow Knight or Dark Souls, but there’s not as much of a need for experience points, and the gameplay isn’t reliable enough to warrant farming XP from regular enemies over and over again. I nearly gagged when the game warned me that meditating resets the enemies around you. I’m sick of seeing this mechanic, especially if it isn’t necessary.
I wish the gameplay was a little tighter and snappier. Enemies telegraphy their attacks well enough most of the time, but if an enemy is about to do an unblockable attack, the game doesn’t let you react quick enough to go from blocking to dodging. Many times I’d be blocking or trying to parry, and when an unblockable attack was coming, I couldn’t quick-step to the side fast enough. This means your reflexes not only have to be good enough, but you have to give the game a head start because it takes some time to go from one thing to another. This would happen often enough to get me frustrated. Another annoyance was Cal falling to the ground when the block meter isn’t depleted, and getting hit repeatedly as he’s trying to get up. I get that you can’t block forever, but you shouldn’t be “stunned” when the block meter isn’t empty yet. I don’t know if some of the clumsiness was intentional, but I would get pissed off during tougher fights because I felt like I was fighting an enemy as well as the mechanics.
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This all has to do with combat, but I found the traversing to be more reliable. Respawn Entertainment definitely borrows heavily from the Uncharted and rebooted Tomb Raider series. Cal can’t do a lot at first, but as he remembers powers over time, you unlock more abilities such as Force push, Force pull, wall running, double jumping, and more. Sliding down icy or muddy slopes is always fun, especially when combined with other traversal obstacles such as gaps and the need to wall run at the beginning or end. If you die in combat, your brought back to a meditation point, but if you die while adventuring, the game resets you quickly and with a small loss of health. The animations were great as well. I really did feel like a character in the Star Wars universe climbing rocky terrain, jumping over ledges, climbing, and all sorts of stuff like that. It gave the game a cinematic feel even during gameplay. Same goes for combat which can be a little imprecise, but at least looks great. It’s funny, however, that a lot of what prevents Cal from going to new places is the game, is him simply not “remembering” how to do something, especially when he will recall one of his skills out of the blue.
One of the greatest strengths of the game is also it’s greatest weakness: the level design. Each planet you visit has its own interconnecting environments, of which short cuts can be unlocked so you can loop back around easier in the future. The map is also extremely helpful as it gives you a 3D view of the environments, shows where you haven’t explored, shows where places are locked, and shows things like meditation spots. But there isn’t one bit of fast-travel in the game, so when you find yourself deep in a tomb or canyon, you have to hike your way all the way back to your ship. Granted, the developers have tried their best to make the way back interesting with new enemies or new ways to get back to the start, but when some of the environments are as large and twisting as they are, it can be a grind to get from A to B sometimes. Regardless, I’m impressed with how big and detailed each location is (my favorite being the lush jungles of Kashyyyk). It also gives you reminders of places you can re-explore once new abilities are unlocked.
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The story itself is one of the worst aspects of the game. While the settings and storytelling itself can be quite good on regular occasions, the overall plot is extremely basic. When Cal is forced to use his powers to save his friend during an industrial accident, he draws the attention of the Empire and the Inquisitors. The game becomes a race between you and the Empire to find a hidden list of Force-sensitive children left in the galaxy. This list (Holocron) has been hidden by a former Jedi who simply has put it in a difficult place to get to simply as a test, so that anyone who finds it would be “worthy” or something. We don’t necessarily see the Empire taking steps to find this list, but they pop in and our during cinematics when it’s convenient for the game. It’s basically an excuse to hop between a handful of planets and get slightly further and further as we unlock new abilities (a la Metroidvania). We spend a vast amount of time in deep tombs, putting Lara’s recent adventures to shame. It got old after a bit, even if the graphics and designs were gorgeous. I also think the game had one or two many giant ball puzzles.
The acting can be hit or miss as well. The most annoying character was Cere (Debra Wilson), one of the members of your small crew, who is a former Jedi Master, but has cut herself off from the Force. I think on a technical level, Wilson plays this character like a seasoned actor, but I found Cere’s character to be like one of those teachers or supervisors who is more dramatic than she needs to be. Cere comes off as condescending and a bit self-important, making excuses for herself while holding Cal to a very noble and high standard. She just comes off as endlessly melodramatic, and I don’t see a lot of need for her to have been a former Jedi, especially because she’s nothing but a co-pilot, quest-giver, and expositioner.. Cal Kestis (Cameron Monaghan) is a very vanilla hero who isn’t too bright, but is very altruistic. He has to have everything explained to him, even though I think he could have easily been telling other characters information, rather than being so clueless as a Jedi Padawan. Monaghan does a pretty good job playing him, I just thought the character itself was a little bland and typical.
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Instead of the main Inquisitor chasing you around (called the “Second Sister”) I think being pursued by Darth Vader would have been way more fun. How much cooler would it have been to be hunted by THE Darth Vader, him doing exactly what his job was during this time period? Another inconsistency that irked me was that Cal is a Padawan, yet he’s proficient in single blade, staff, and double lightsaber combat. I know this makes the game more “fun” but it doesn’t make sense to me that a teenage Padawan is an expert in three forms of lightsaber combat, each of them needing nearly a lifetime to master. I was annoyed I could switch to a lightsaber staff at any time with no background or explanation for it. I would have liked it much more if the story and game stuck to single blade combat, and not felt like it would have been too basic or boring for most players. But I think the larger thing to blame is the Star Wars canon and Force-using, lightsaber-using people don’t get much of a technical explanation on how much the Force aids you or how much training you need to do on your own.
It may not seem like it, but overall I am actually pretty happy with Jedi: Fallen Order. Not only does it eschew the practices EA has become notorious for, but it’s a game in a genre I really enjoy. Aside from some combat imperfections, flat story, and average characters, I had a lot of fun exploring this game at every turn. Finding chests with cosmetic collectibles and playing with the Force powers kept me going from one corner to the next. I also enjoyed the music which was done by composers Stephen Barton and Gordy Haab, instead of relying too much on the famous John William tracks (although they are heard far and few between). They evoked a Star Warsy tone and atmosphere without outright copying existing works. I loved moments like my first AT-ST fight, or climbing and piloting an AT-AT. Most of the set-piece moments were exciting and unique for a Star Wars video game. It certainly has its blemishes, but definitely not things that couldn’t be ironed out in a future sequel. I really hope Respawn Entertainment and EA continue on this path of coming up with semi-original stories with their Star Wars license and make single player driven experiences.
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living-dead-parker · 6 years
Fisherman's Wharf - H.H
Summary: Part 2 to The MoMA. Harry meets up with the pretty girl from the museum.
Warnings: some cuss words, probably accidental pov inconsistencies, fLUFF
Word Count: 2.7k
A/n: It's 1 am and I'm tired and have to babysit 6 kids in the morning but I really wanted to write and post this, so I'm sorry for all mistakes. I'm an impatient ass bitch. Anyways, this is lowkey inspired by my time at Fisherman's Wharf, I just wish I had a boyfriend named Harry Holland to explore FW with but oh well. Also the Franciscan Crab restaurant is such a great place if you're in SF, I 100% recommend it. It's pricy if you're on a budget but worth it.
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"Let's get going, Harry man." Tom says excitedly.
Tom had never seen his brother as excited to meet and talk to a girl as he is now. Harry wasn't the type to actively look for a relationship or talk to anyone since he's too focused on his work. Everybody praises him for being so headstrong about it, so determined to focus on himself. Harry wouldn't admit this, but sometimes it does get lonely. He'll see everybody has their person and Harry doesn't.
Yeah, he has Sam. That's his twin. But Sam has his girlfriend. Tom has Haz and Z. His parents have each other and Paddy even has someone. Obviously it's just a childish crush who likes him back but he still has someone. Even if not all those relationships may be romantic, they all have that someone else for them? And Harry? Sure he has friends who care but that someone who cares just as much, maybe more for him than he does himself?
The idea of talking to a girl who seemed just as excited about a lot of similar things seemed so obscure. Obviously there's a lake of people who are just like him. However, the fact that he just happened to meet one of them at a museum who just so happened to be a really cute girl? Obscure yet fortunate.
"Do you think she'll really be there?" Harry asks, throwing on a random black fitted T-shirt. The boy looks down at his attire- black shirt, grey joggers, and Chuck Taylors- feeling satisfied in the casual clothing. It's not a date or anything.
"Why wouldn't she be? Come here," Sam interjects, taking in the sight of his younger Twin. "Why would she tell you she'll be there if she's not gonna be there? It was obviously an invitation." Sam adds as his brother walks up to him. Sam ruffles up the boys curls and hands the boy his glasses.
"Sam," Harry whines through chuckles as the older of the two messes with the boy's curls. "Stop it!" Harry says through a laugh.
"Come on, she'll definitely dig the curls and the glasses." Sam says, grabbing Harry's arm. The boy is quick to leads his younger twin out of the room, Tom and Haz following behind.
"Calm down, Sam. Why are you so excited for me to meet up with her?" Harry asks. Sam doesn't answer, he just keeps rushing towards the hotel elevators.
Deep down, he wants the boys to like her. He wants them to enjoy her presence as well so keeping her around would be so much easier. Admittedly, Harry is a family man, and although his family's opinions don't make the final choice, they play a big role in it.
Upon stepping out of the elevator, Sam is quick to pull Harry once more by the arm. He just wants his brother to be happy, who can blame him? Sam has always been the one to try to get Harry to date or even just mess around. He felt everyone could love in some way but he knows deep down Harry has the biggest heart and he knows Harry wants someone to share it with. So when Sam saw how Harry and y/n hit it off and how they just seemed to click right away, he saw she was the one for his twin.
Tom and Haz try to keep up with the twins. Well, more like Sam who's just dragging Harry towards the car at this point. Within minutes, they're standing in front of the rental car as Tom begins to unlock it. Haz sits in passenger while Sam sits behind Tom and Harry behind Haz.
"Wait, what if she really doesn't show up? Like what if something came up an-"
"Shut it, Harry. She'll be there and you'll be there and it'll be great." Tom snaps in an assuring matter.
The drive continues with all the boys hyping Harry up. Bringing up how he's smart and handsome. Mentioning that he can definitely get you. They tell him how she'll be a fool to let him slip away and how great everything will be. Through all of the hype, Harry lost track of time and before they knew it, they had arrived at Ghirardelli Square.
"Alright Harry, you're on your own from here while we find parking. Good luck mate, text us if anything." Tom says. Harry's eyes widen, his head instinctively shaking in panic. Would they really just ditch him now?
"What? No! N-"
"Come on Harry. Explore the place. It's 3:55. She'll be here in five minutes. Go on." Sam says. Harry just stares at his brother, concern lacing every feature. They're dead serious.
"You assholes, I swear she better like me back or else I'll be so pissed off at you guys." Harry mutters as he unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the car door. He opens the door and steps out, waving at the boys a final time before descending down North Point towards Larkin street.
Harry didn't really know his way, so he had a Google Map search up, helping him around as he walks randomly. He heads down Larkin street towards Beach street and after that he lost track of the street names. He wound up walk down the same way for a couple blocks until he found an It'Sugar candy store. Deciding Candy's a good choice of gift, he steps in.
Automatically, the first thing he notices is the huge '2 for 20' boxes of candy. Bigger than his his head in size. He walks past the display and towards the other cool candy. He sees all sorts of obscure and absurd candy. Gummy dicks, enormous gummy bears, GayBar chocolates and so much more.
"I don't think Lorraine would appreciate a box of gummy dicks," a familiar voice says. Harry is quick to turn from where he heard the voice. "So let's get it for her!" the voice quips as Harry's eyes land on the familiar frame. A smile spreads across his face as he takes a step towards the girl. He notices her friends go wide eyed in excitement, causing the girl to turn.
"Hey, so glad to see you here." Harry says in a quiet murmur. Too mesmerized with the moment to speak.
"I'm glad to see you here too. I see you decided to come." the familiar girl responds in a similar murmur. Also mesmerized by the moment. He's really here.
"Hey y/n, we'll see you back here when you're done." her friend says softly. Y/n turn to the girl and nods.
"Yeah I'll see you guys." she says to her friend. As the exchange happens, Harry can't help but take in the sight of the girl. She's changed into more comfortable clothing; denim jeans, rose-patched black tank top with a black cardigan, and black hi-top vans. She still looks just as good as she did at the museum.
"Wanna maybe walk around and explore together?" Harry asks. Y/n nods eagerly, immediately going heart-eyes as the boy allows her to lead the way.
After half an hour of walking, the two ended up at some ferry ride line. They bought tickets in a daze, not sure why they did. The two were lost in conversation they accidentally walked into a ticket line. Too embarrassed to leave with nothing, they bought tickets and now they're in line.
"I've never been on a boat, if I'm being honest. And I'm so terrified." Y/n admits with a nervous laugh. Harry's eyes widen, the realization of being on a boat truly and finally dawning on him.
"I've never been on one either. Holy shit." Harry says quietly. Y/n notices as his smile falls into a slight frown. His breathing getting harder at the thought.
"Hey, we'll be fine. It'll be bumpy but it'll be fine. We'll get through it together." y/n says. Deep down, she's freaking out too. Again, she's never been on a fucking boat, of course she's nervous and filled with all sorts of anxiety. What if she throws up? In front of Harry. What if it hits something and sinks? What if after what if. On both their ends.
Suddenly the line is being addressed and being let in. The line becoming shorter as they reach the entrance. A photographer stands at the entrance taking everyone's pictures. Y/n takes hers alone and Harry takes his alone as well. They enter the ferry and grab a headset and radio.
"So, lower floor or upper floor?" Y/n asks as she holds on to the rails and tables. The ferry sways as the waves crash into the ferry.
"Inside upper floor?" Harry asks. Y/n nods, leading the way. They cling onto the rails of the stairs, clutching so tight their knuckles turn white as the ferry sways side to side steadily. It's not too hard of a sway but enough for two klutzy people to fall. Fortunately, that's not the case today as they successfully make it up and to a free table.
The ferry ride lasts an hour. They occasionally listen in on the history being told but for the most part, they couldn't be bothered to. Yeah, it was interesting to know the landmarks and their history, but they found each other more interesting. Getting to talk more about each other. However, as they reached closer towards the Golden Gate Bridge, they completely disregarded their radio.
"As we approach and turn under the Golden Gate Bridge, hold on tight as the current is strong and can rock the boat roughly." the woman's voice warns.
Soon, the boat approaches the Golden Gate Bridge, the boat swaying much more than before. It feels like death to the two as y/n slips in her seat and winds up pressed to Harry's side. His reflexes jump into action and hold her closer in place as the boat turns. After a minute, the boat is steady again and the pair find themselves blushing as they pull away.
"Sorry." y/n mumbles quietly as she looks down with a deep blush tinting her cheeks.
"Don't worry about it, darling." Harry says. The two look around and before they know it, the hour ride is over and as they get out of the ferry, they find their legs feel weird as they haven't quite gotten their land legs back.
After they exit, they head towards a board with all sorts of pictures from other passengers. Y/n finds hers, Harry's next to it. They pay for their pictures and put them in a bag before walking off towards their left.
"Would you care for some early dinner with me?" Harry asks y/n. She smiles, giving the boy an eager nod.
"I'm starving." y/n says. She leads the way to a restaurant called Franciscan Crab.
The entrance has a nice checkered staircase, the walls lined with pictures of all sorts of famous people. The restaurant has a fancy yet laid back vibe. As they descend further into the restaurant, they see a stand in the front with a waiter behind it. He greets the two with a friendly smile.
"Table for two, please." Harry says. The man nods and grabs two menus. He leads the way to a small table with small booths. Harry sit s in one side as y/n sits in the other.
"Can I get you started with some bread and water?" he asks. Y/n nods, giving a simple 'yes, please' in response. "I'll be back with that." he says. He walks off and Harry looks back at y/n. She's already looking through the menu, so he follows suit.
"I can guess your favorite color." Harry quips suddenly. Y/n smirks as she leans back, settings the menu down.
"Oh really? What is it?" she asks. Harry takes a look at her outfit for a clue but ultimately decides to wing it.
"F/c" he says as it's the first to come up. It strikes him as her type of color. Her eyes widen excitedly.
"Yeah, actually." she says, shock obviously in her tone.
"If you guess mine, I'll pay for your meal." Harry proposes. Y/n shakes her head.
"If I get it right, nothing happens and I just get the satisfaction of getting it right." she responds quickly. Harry shakes his head.
"If you get it right, consider it a date that I invited you to, so I pay." Harry continues. A blush appears on y/n's face. A date?
"Fine. Hmm..." she says. Her hum elongates for a second longer before she just quiets down. Her index finger taps at her chin. "Green?" she asks.
"Yeah! It is green!" Harry says excitedly. If he's being honest, green isn't his favorite color. He doesn't hate the color, he just doesn't prefer it. But now he does. Green suddenly becoming his favorite color.
"Really?" Y/n asks, excitement in her tone.
"Yeah, green is my favorite color!" Harry says with just the same amount of excitement.
"Sorry about the wait. May I take your orders or do you need more time?" The waiter asks. Y/n nods at Harry to silently ask if he's ready. He nods back and gestures for you to order first.
"I'll take the Fish and Chips." she says. The waiters takes it down along with her drink.
"And I'll take the calamari platter." Harry says adding his drink as well. The banter continued after the waiter left. Harry would occasionally get texts from Tom or Sam, y/n would get occasional texts as well. When suddenly the food is being placed in front of them. Harry eyes y/n's food curiously.
"That's what they consider fish and chips? You should really try some good 'ol England fish and chips." Harry jokes as he eyes the food. Y/n playfully rolls her eyes at his remark. It did look fancier and much more extra than it needed to be.
Before they know it, dinner is over and it's suddenly seven o'clock. Y/n texts her friends to meet up by Ghirardelli Square as the two head that way with Harry. After a 10 minute walk, they catch Tom's rental pull up by the sidewalk they're on.
"Are your friends near?" Harry asks. Y/n looks around and spots the girls pulling up as well. She nods, pointing towards the incoming car.
"Thank you for today, Harry. It was really fun and I'm glad you actually came." y/n says. Harry smiles down at her as he nods.
"No, thank you for inviting me. I had tons of fun today, darling." Harry says. A blush spreads across y/n's face as she shrugs.
"Well, it was nice meeting you. We should definitely keep in touch." y/n says softly.
"After our date, I sure hope we do. Be careful, yeah?" he says. He leans down and plants a kiss on her cheek. He turns around but stops as he hears y/n let out a loud 'wait'.
"I forgot my picture." she says pointing to the bag in Harry's hand. He nods and walks back over to her, opening the bag. He grabs the picture without looking at it, handing it to her.
"Sorry bout that, darling. Hope to hear from you soon." he says. Y/n nods as he turns and heads to Tom's car.
"Yeah and we went on a ferry ride-" Harry rambles. Suddenly, his phone goes off with notification sounds. He checks his phone, seeing someone followed him as well as DM'ed him on Instagram. He opens the notifications, seeing it's all from the beautiful girl.
'Looks like I got the wrong one 🤔🤣'
Attached was the picture of Harry from the Ferry ride. Harry jumps up suddenly, catching his brothers and Haz off guard. They were so enthralled with the story. The boys all watch as Harry runs around the room to the bag containing the picture and opens it. He pulls the picture out and chuckles as he looks at it.
"What is it, man?" Haz asks. Harry holds the picture up through giggles.
"I gave her the wrong one. Now she has my picture and I have hers. Too bad she left already." Harry says. His tone becoming sad at the end.
"Now you really have a reason to talk to her more." Sam jokes as he smiles at the love-struck boy.
Maybe seeking a relationship isn't so bad to Harry now. Maybe she could be the one.
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heartslogos · 6 years
seas who could sing so deep and strong [134]
“Hey, boyo,” Chic waves at Hades. He’s sitting on the edge of a platform, legs dangling off the side and head in his hands as he stares down onto the glittering coolant pools and flickering neon lights of Solaris. She takes a seat next to him. “Haven’t seen you around in a while. It’s been busy, huh? What’s up?”
Hades shrugs. “Nothing much. Tinkering with MOA’s, I guess. You?”
“Mostly working on sabotaging Nef’s operation. Also I’m funneling Index funds into Solars debt bonds, and that’s pissing people off. I’m working on it though, I swear.”
“On pissing people off?”
“Among other things. Punk really likes it here. The dumbass started talking like one of them about one day cycle in. I can’t believe how well he fits in here. If all of us weren’t like…thousands of years older than this place I would think that Punk was born here. A true Vent Kid. Didn’t stop him from almost taking his head off hitting a billboard while trying to do a trick on his K-drive.”
Hades rolls his warframe’s shoulders like he’s kind of laughing, but not really.
“You seen the others?”
“Alpha’s still doing conservation,” Hades says. “I see him with the Biz a lot. I think the Biz is getting a little overwhelmed, Alpha brings them in faster than they can make the stuffed animals.”
“Alpha would do it without the stuffed toys as reward.”
“I think the Biz doesn’t want it to seem unfair,” Hades shrugs again. “And the Empress is somewhere out there.”
He gestures his arm out and up towards the elevators that lead to the surface of Solaris.
“She got mad when Eudico said she shouldn’t try fighting the Profit Taker,” Hades says.
“I remember.”
It took Chic, Alpha, Punk, and Persephone holding onto one of Empress’ limbs and Hades using Inaros’ sandstorm ability to get her into the elevator and hold her there. The entire time the Empress was promising destruction.
Eudico really shouldn’t have said that the Empress couldn’t fight something. The suggestion of the Empress losing anything, and needing to be protected from something, is…not a good one.
“I think mad is an understatement, honestly,” Chic says. “Furious. Outraged. Infuriated. She’s going to rip that giant metal ball in half and impale those halves on its own stupid metal crab legs. Did you notice it has those weird looking eye thingies that make it look like an actual crab?”
“The eye stalk shaped things? Yeah.”
Hades seems kind of sullen about something.
“You okay?”
“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” He sounds bitter. Chic would think that Hades would be enjoying himself on Fortuna, what with all of the tech and gear to experiment with, and all the people he can talk techie with.
She looks around for his other half — his usually more taciturn half, but in this situation maybe Persephone would be the one to talk to.
“Where’s Persephone?”
Chic leans back fast enough to avoid being zapped by a flare of magenta electricity that sparks over the Inaros warframe next to her.
“Ticker,” Hades grumbles, pointing a sullen finger up towards Ticker’s level. “She’s with Ticker.”
“O…kay,” Chic says, not quite understanding the animosity there. “I’ll be back.”
Is this what they mean by teenage phase?
Chic climbs her way up to Ticker’s platform, and as usual she’s surrounded in Tenno and other Solaris inhabitants checking out the debt prices and Ticker’s collection of household items.
She doesn’t see Percephone — wait. Yes, she does. Persephone’s just not in her Nidus, which is…weird. She’s in her Titania, hovering around the edge of the platform. Chic supposes it makes sense. Titania would have a lot of good mobility options for going around Venus and Solaris is vertical stacked settlement.
It’s weird, Chic thought Persephone would’ve been out with Alpha collecting Kubrowdons and Vermink. Maybe she needs the fast standing?
After the crowd dies down a bit, Persephone’s Titania flutters over to Ticker. Chic moves closer and it’s only because she moves closer that she hears what can only be an auditory hallucination.
Because Ticker does her usual, calling Perspehone star shine and then Persephone giggles. It’s through Titania’s synthesizer, but it’s still a giggle and Chic stops dead. She would bet her entire fortune in credits and belongings that Persephone is blushing. Chic would bet Punk’s fortune on top of it.
Chic doesn’t hear whatever it is they’re talking about after that because she’s still focused on the fact that she just heard Persephone giggle.
She turns right around and goes straight back to Hade’s platform, sitting down heavily next to him.
“Oof,” Chic says.
“Yeah,” Hades returns. “Oof.”
“Does she — is she —“
“All the time. She’s always with Ticker now. I almost never get to see her unless we’re doing something for Ticker.”  Hades makes a small curl of sand around his fist and unhappily tosses it down. It scatters in the vent streams and Chic doesn’t doubt that it’s going to piss someone several floors down off.
“Wow,” Chic says for lack of anything else to say. “You know. I call her stuff like darling and cutie all the dang time and she’s never giggled for me.”
Chic would bet her fortune and Punk’s, again, on Judge glaring daggers at her.
“I’m her…partner and she’s never giggled for me. And now she’s always with Ticker so I can’t even say I’m her partner. It’s more like Persephone and Ticker.”
“Chill, Hades. Punk’s always hanging out with those Vent Kids, doesn’t mean he’s ditched me forever. I’m sure Persephone still loves you just as much as she always has. I mean…she met her literal heroes the Empress and the Alpha and she still chooses you.”
“They don’t call her star dust. I could call her star dust.” Hades pauses and wilts. “No, I can’t. I’d be too embarrassed.”
“Have you considered telling Persephone you’re feeling lonely?”
“In front of Ticker?”
“When she’s not around Ticker? Or like…in private com?”
Hades kick his legs mutinously before abruptly flinging himself off the platform and disappearing.
This is definitely a teenage phase.
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scared-aquarius · 7 years
me being (very) brutally honest with the signs
Aries- You’re such a goddamn hothead all the goddamn time. Not everyone likes to be constantly doing something every second of every day. You get angry with people for the smallest and most trivial reasons but god forbid someone take a dig at you. You’re such a hypocrite and it’s annoying as fuck. You act like an edgy teenager that’s constantly throwing a tantrum. You also boss people around and expect everyone to just follow your lead and if they don’t, you get pissed at them for having a mind of their own. You seriously need to take a look at your life and stop seeing everything as a fucking challenge that’s rigged against you. My god, I get tired just being in your presence. 
Taurus- You’re a lazy fuck and way too materialistic and possessive. You literally have no desire to do anything because you love to sit on your ass. You take “treat yourself” to a whole new level and not in a healthy way whatsoever. It seems like every chance you get you cause arguments and then you contradict whatever the other person is saying just because you can’t look at anything from a different point of view. Even if you get to the point where you realize you’re in the wrong and the other person is right, you’ll just continue to argue for the sake of arguing and god forbid your ego take even the slightest blow. It’s irritating as shit like you really think you know best when in reality you’re just a stubborn bitch. What a bore.
Gemini- Look, I know you guys get a lot of flak. But take this into consideration...... it’s because most if not all of it is FUCKING TRUE. You have so many different personalities I don’t know which one is even real. You gossip 24/7 and flip-flop between who you talk to and who you talk about. You’re completely unreliable and unpredictable and also clingy as fuck. Seriously, I feel like I can’t get away from you. I just want to go to the bathroom, I don’t need to hear the story right now about how Sarah said that Dylan said that Kimberly found a sock in the dryer that wasn’t hers. Literally no one cares. Another thing that you do is once you get tired of someone, you just throw them away like garbage. (Also Trump is a gemini, and I know you guys can’t control that but like come on. Of course he’s a gemini.)
Cancer- You really need to stop being so whiny or I’m actually going to lose it. Everyone has problems so stop acting like such a victim all the goddamn time. You’re so moody all the time and you act like a small child that needs to have their diaper changed. You also cling onto people as soon as you meet them and cry if someone doesn’t answer your text within 5 fucking minutes. Don’t you have your own life to live? Oh wait, I forgot you spend every second in a dark room and refuse to come outside unless it’s to answer the door because you ordered shitty takeout. You consider changing your clothes adventurous and honestly it’s so boring. Introverted doesn’t even describe you, you’re more like a complete hermit (CRAB. HA!)
Leo- Hey leo, wow, are you actually reading this? I’m kind of shocked because I never thought you’d ever stop looking at yourself in the mirror. Seriously, you’re probably the most vain sign out of all of us. So much so that if someone criticizes you in even the smallest way, you get so offended and act like you’ve been shot in the chest. You think so highly of yourself, and while it’s great to have confidence, you take it to the next level, which is extreme arrogance. You love to have the conversation focused around you. You’re the type of friend that if someone is telling you about their problem or just their day in general, you’ll interrupt them and start talking about yourself and it’s DAMN ANNOYING. How do you still have friends?
Virgo- I’m gonna tell you right now, you’re not as perfect as you think you are. You’re so quick to critique other people that you write them off as not good enough before even getting to know them. You’re the type of person that would tell their friend that they were breathing too loudly. For fucks sake, you’re such an over analyzing pedant it makes me want to slap you in the face with my fucking asymmetrical hand. Your pessimism is damn near blinding, I probably wouldn’t want to hang around you for more than 10 minutes or you’d make me feel self conscious about how I fucking walk or some shit. You can’t take or make a joke. You’re skeptical about everything and you’re completely inflexible. You like to think of yourself as an intellectual but really you’re stuck up, narrow minded and someone I constantly find myself rolling my eyes at.
Libra- You are manipulative as shit. You’ll tell someone they look good without even looking up from your phone. You lie all the time and don’t really give a fuck if you hurt other people’s feelings because you really only look out for yourself. You’re also a huge fucking coward. When your friends need you to have their back and actually be there for them, you run and hide and say, “Oh sorry I just didn’t want to get involved!”. What a lame fucking excuse for ditching your friend in their time of need. You’re also extremely indecisive to the point where it’ll take you 3 hours just to choose where you want to go eat. It’s tiring as fuck. Just MAKE A CHOICE FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE. Have your own fucking opinion. You’re like a goddamn sheep.
Scorpio- Why the FUCK are you so aggressive for no fucking reason? You manipulate people just for the fun of it. You get jealous so easily and usually you don’t even have a reason to be jealous. You just are. It’s pathetic. You like to think that you’re so cool and mysterious but in reality people just see you as a moody and brooding asshole that no one really wants to bother getting to know. I mean, why would they? What’s the point? Every time someone even tries to get close to you, you completely brush them off and act like you don’t care about them because keeping your “mystifying” aura is soo important to you. And if you do let someone in, you treat them like they’re your possession and it’s creepy as hell. You obsess over them and you want to control them. God forbid they hang out with someone that isn’t you and then you resent them for no goddamn reason other than having a life of their own. Do me a favor scorpio and don’t talk to me.
Sagittarius- Honestly if a sag is reading this, you’re just straight up getting a taste of your own medicine. You’re tactless as shit and it makes me not want to be around you, ever. You’re inconsiderate of others and impatient with everyone. If someone isn’t moving up to your standards you will become agitated and aggressive and then you take it out on the person. You constantly need to be doing something else because your attention span lasts about 2 fucking seconds. You act like an 8 year old. You’re also really superficial. You don’t bother getting to know the deeper layers of a person because, like I said, you’re impatient and also just plain lazy. You take people for granted and are careless when handling the feelings of people closest to you. You’re also a really self-obsessed know-it-all. Go climb a fucking tree, sag.
Capricorn- Four words. Lighten. The fuck. Up. You are by far the most power-hungry of all the signs. You take everything so completely seriously that I don’t even know if you understand what “fun” even is. You always have to have two feet on the ground at all times and you can never ever be spontaneous and it’s so fucking dull. You’re conservative and disdainful nature can be so overbearing at times that even your friends need to get away from you. That is, if you have friends. You’re a complete pessimist so who knows if anyone can actually tolerate that. You constantly have to be the most successful person in a room, and you make sure you reach this level of success through abusive and controlling behavior towards the people around you. Your selfishness grosses me out.
Aquarius- I asked you what time it was. I didn’t ask you if I was afraid of time passing or the fact that it’s a manmade construct. For fucks sake, just shut the fuck up about this deep shit for once. I don’t want to contemplate how large the universe really is at fuckin 8:30 am on a Monday. You’re rebellious even when it doesn’t matter and honestly all it does is piss people off. You’re constantly trying to deviate from the norm that you make the same fucking mistakes that other people already made, but you don’t fucking learn from other people’s mistakes because you always have to go your own way. Maybe listen to other people for once? You’re the most detached sign out of all of them and you hurt people by acting aloof all the fucking time but you don’t care because you chalk it up to “this is who I am!!! I need my freedom!!!!”. You need to actually think about how your actions affect people you care about because if you don’t, you’re REALLY gonna end up alone and you won’t be able to do a damn thing about it. 
Pisces- You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself all the time and get it through your head that you’re not always the damn victim. You don’t take responsibility for your actions and you always find a way to blame it on someone else because you’re NEVER in the wrong, are you? Poor little pisces. You’re not as innocent as you want everyone to believe. You’re constantly daydreaming and it becomes really annoying when I’m trying to talk to you and you just completely zone out because you love living in your little imaginary world. You’re the WORST at solving your own problems and conflicts because instead of dealing with them you just avoid it all together and end up leaving the mess for someone else to clean up. You’re really nosy- you love to get in other people’s business. But you don’t go to the person directly, you have to be sneaky about it and gather rumors from other people. You’re also very over-sensitive. Out of all the signs, you’re by far the most likely to respond to this post saying how this isn’t true and that I’m just a “big fat meany!!!” and then add a bunch of angry/crying emojis.
(disclaimer: Don’t worry, I don’t really hate your sign (unless you’re a  * * * * * * ... lmao). This was just for fun and I know it’s harsh. Don’t take it too personally. You’re an individual and ultimately you determine who you really are. Except for you, * * * * * * . Fuck you.) 
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