#pitch deck development
akabaka-dev · 2 months
The pitch deck im making looking like some wish.com shit 😂😭😭 I know I gotta trust the process but damn, I don't know if I have the photo editing skills to get this to my standards in under three days
Every video on how to make a pitch deck saying "oh you can do whatever you want!" is also NOT HELPING. I NEED FIRM GUIDANCE PLZ
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aclypse · 4 months
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Recently I stumbled upon an Indie Arena Pitch Party hosted by Indie Arena Booth, so I've submitted my Inkwell Institute deck there. Hope the game gets noticed! I'm showing only a few screenshots of the pitch deck as it is confidential, but I know I will iterate upon this deck in the future (as it usually happens) and who knows, maybe the pitch deck will make Inkwell Institute's release date closer 👽
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mssalsathebiz · 5 days
The Secret Weapon for Business Success: A Business Plan
You probably want to act immediately upon a fantastic business idea. You’ll want to get started as soon as possible by searching for suppliers, creating products, and locating clients full of energy and inspiration. I promise you won’t want to sit down and draft a business plan amid all of this excitement. But you might be surprised to learn that skipping this crucial first step before starting…
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businessideas101 · 9 months
How Pitch Deck Helps You in Your Business Ventures
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So, you've got this killer business idea brewing in your mind, and you're ready to dive into the entrepreneurial rollercoaster. Awesome! But hold up – ever heard of the secret weapon called a pitch deck? It's not just some fancy presentation; it's the turbo boost your business venture needs.
Imagine this: you're at a crossroads, and investors are your co-pilots. Your pitch deck is the roadmap that'll make them say, "Heck yeah, count me in!" This blog is your guide to understanding why that piece of slides and text can be the game-changer for your startup dreams.
We're talking about how a bunch of slides can do more than just showcase your business plan. They can grab attention, build trust, and convince the skeptics that your venture is worth backing. No jargon, no fluff – just a straightforward breakdown of how a pitch deck can turn your brilliant idea into a business reality.
So, buckle up, because we're about to uncover the nuts and bolts of how a pitch deck is not just a presentation tool but your passport to entrepreneurial success. Ready?
Capturing Attention and Conveying Vision
You've got this groundbreaking business idea brewing, but if you can't spit it out in a way that sticks, it's like shouting into the void. That's where the pitch deck swoops in like a superhero. It's not just slides; it's your visual storybook for potential investors.
Think of it like telling a gripping tale in bite-sized pieces. Your slides? They're the chapters. With snappy details, you lay out your vision, mission, and the real-world problem your business tackles. It's not about big words; it's about making your audience nod and say, "Got it."
Now, for a real-life scoop: Remember Airbnb? In their early days, they didn't just yap about rooms; they showcased the travel experience. Boom! Investors weren't just hearing about it; they were seeing it. That's the magic of a pitch deck – turning your genius idea into a must-see story. It's the difference between a "meh" and a "wow!" when you're out there hustling for support. Transitioning from idea to reality? That's the power of a killer pitch deck.
Building Credibility
Your deck isn't just slides; it's a showcase of your brainpower. You're not bragging; you're laying out the facts – your expertise, your industry smarts, and your grip on market twists and turns. It's like saying, "Hey, I'm not just here for the ride; I know the terrain."
But it's not just talk. It's data, research, and a roadmap. You throw in numbers, trends, and a clear strategy of how you're hitting the market. Investors aren't into guesswork; they want a plan.
Now, think of it this way: Ever met someone who talks big but can't deliver? Investors have too. Your pitch deck isn't just about what you say; it's about what you prove. It's your way of shouting, "Trust me, I got this!" A deck full of substance positions you as the captain of the ship, steering with confidence into the sea of investment. It's not a magic trick; it's a well-prepared pitch deck building the bridge between a cool idea and a trustworthy leader.
Highlighting Market Opportunity
You're not just saying, "Hey, my idea is cool." You're showing them the treasure map, complete with an X marking the spot. Your deck dives deep into the nitty-gritty – who's itching for your product, how big this market playground is, and where the growth potential is hiding.
Now, no one wants to stare at a bunch of numbers, right? That's where visuals come in. Picture this: a graph showing the demand for your genius idea going through the roof. It's not just a graph; it's your visual mic drop.
Data points become your sidekicks, backing up every claim you make. It's not about sweet talk; it's about hard evidence. Your pitch deck isn't a crystal ball; it's a data-driven dossier. Investors aren't just hearing about the market buzz; they're seeing the fireworks. Your venture isn't just in the game; it's owning the field. That's the power of a pitch deck – turning market potential into a visual spectacle that screams success. Transitioning from an idea to a market force? Your pitch deck is the secret sauce.
Illustrating Revenue Model and Financial Projections
Now, let's talk dollars and sense. Your pitch deck isn't just a show-and-tell; it's your financial compass. Picture this: investors want to know exactly how your business cashes in. Break it down. Lay out your revenue game plan – how you're making money, your pricing strategy, and where the cash flow is headed in the years to come.
No fluff, just facts. Look at Zoom during the pandemic – they didn't just say, "We have a cool video platform." They spelled out how they'd rake in cash with subscriptions and enterprise deals.
Your deck is a financial crystal ball. Paint a picture of the money road ahead. Investors aren't just curious; they're calculating risks. It's not about numbers; it's about trust. Your pitch deck isn't a financial statement; it's a strategic plan in numbers. Transitioning from a concept to a cash cow? Your pitch deck is the financial roadmap paving the way.
Showcasing the Product or Service
Bring out the big guns – prototypes, mock-ups, visuals. It's not just about telling; it's about showing. Investors aren't into daydreams; they want to see the real deal. Take Apple, for instance. In their pitch deck, it wasn't just words; it was the sleek design of the first iPhone, stealing the show.
Visuals aren't just eye candy; they're your secret weapon. Highlight the unique features, the game-changing benefits. Make it pop. Your pitch deck isn't a PowerPoint; it's a virtual red carpet for your product.
Think about it: What sticks in your mind – a list of features or a killer visual? Investors are people, too. Your tangible representation isn't just about looks; it's about making your business unforgettable. Your pitch deck isn't a brochure; it's a show-and-tell blockbuster. Transitioning from an idea to a wow-worthy offering? Your pitch deck is the visual spectacle stealing the spotlight.
Addressing Risks and Mitigation Strategies
Let's face it – every business dance has its share of missteps. Your pitch deck isn't just rainbows and sunshine; it's a realistic forecast. Picture this: you're not just pointing out the dreamy highs; you're acknowledging the possible bumps in the road.
Acknowledge risks – call them out. Investors aren't fans of surprises. Lay it bare. Now, here's the secret sauce – mitigation strategies. It's not about saying, "Yeah, we might stumble." It's about shouting, "But here's how we'll get back up!"
Think of it like a safety net. Your pitch deck isn't a fairy tale; it's a survival guide. Look at Netflix in its early days – they knew the DVD game was risky, so what did they do? Streamlined into digital. That's a risk, meet the strategy.
It's not just being aware; it's being ready. Your deck isn't a wish list; it's a battle plan. Investors aren't just looking for perfection; they're hunting for resilience. Your pitch deck isn't a gamble; it's a calculated risk. Transitioning from potential pitfalls to a well-fortified venture? Your pitch deck is the blueprint for a business that knows how to weather the storm.
Call to Action
Wrap it up like a boss – that's the call to action in your pitch deck. Picture this: You've laid out your vision, showcased your brilliance, and now it's time to tell investors, "Here's how you can join the ride."
No beating around the bush – be crystal clear. Whether it's cash, partnerships, or a collaboration dance, spell it out. Investors aren't mind readers; they need directions.
Think of it like a road sign – "Invest here," "Let's partner up," or "Join the revolution." Look at Tesla's early pitch deck – they didn't just talk about electric cars; they said, "Invest in the future of transportation."
Make it easy, like a one-click order. Your pitch deck isn't a cliffhanger; it's the final scene. Investors aren't just spectators; they're potential teammates. Your call to action isn't just a suggestion; it's an invitation. Transitioning from a pitch to a partnership? Your pitch deck is the handshake that seals the deal.
In the world of entrepreneurship, a pitch deck is a dynamic tool that goes beyond a mere presentation. It is a strategic document that can open doors, attract funding, and set the stage for the success of your business venture. By investing time and effort into creating a compelling pitch deck, you not only communicate your business story effectively but also increase your chances of securing the support and resources needed to turn your vision into reality.
If you need a business pitch deck design and development Techtsy can help you. Besides, Techtsy also provides all the other entrepreneurship development services in Malaysia.
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projectwilbur · 1 year
Project Wilbur is a business strategy consulting group based in USA. We help you prepare and operate your high-growth start-ups for investment, acquisition or acceleration. Visit - https://www.projectwilbur.com/
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mildlyromanticperv · 3 months
What did you expect of me?
Karina x MReader. Fluff. Enemies to lovers.
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-For christ sake, what a bitch! -Your anger boiling in your heart and your brain tells you, no, yells you to go to your managers office and demand a fair treatment, it's just ourageous that among all the workers in the office you have to stay late every single day of the week to cover the "last project of the quarter".
No matter what you do, how hard you work, how many late nights and how many cups of coffee you drink at a day, it just feels like a prison in here, the office that hired you as the main developer for the website on their new brand "Supernova."
Plus, who names a project "Supernova"? Sounds like with just a simple code here and there you'd make the market implode and then explode in money... If your manager Karina expects for that to happen she's either naively hopeful or a total delusional.
-You, come to my office. -Her cold words stabs your brain, after a whole week hearing her low pitch condescending dictatorial voice you can't bear to listen to it one more time, but you need this job like, DESPERATELY need this job, so there's no talk back to the boss.
-Yes boss?
-We're behind on the project, have you been slacking off again? -Her cold judgemental gaze falls upon your black sacked eyes showing off the immense exhaustion you have tu put up with during the project.
-Look boss, I'm doing my best, I haven't slept well these past few days but I assure you I will have everything ready by next month even if the useless of my coworkers don't do shit. -Your tongye got the best of you and runs wild. -I just need to have a good night sleep, can you let me out early today?
-No, we are all hands on deck and you know that. -She sighs and rubs her forehead in a clear show of stress and disappointment. -Just go back to work and don't screw anything up.
Any person with enough patience would put up with that shit, but not you, not now at least. The condescending tone and the past sleep deprived week has been just too much for you, clearly you're not thinking straight anymore, or perhaps you're thinking clearer...?
-Fuck this.
-Excuse me? -She responds with equal or perhaps even higher anger.
-Fuck this Karina, I'm not doing any more shit today and I'm tired to put up with your fucking demands. Fire me if you want I'm going home to sleep. -You really shuld've thought that better, but what is done is done, you start to pick up your stuff and bracing yourself for the shouting match.
-You cross that door and you're suspended, one week half pay. -Surprisingly enough instead of picking up a fight and shouting her vocal cords off as she usually does, she just stares straight into your eyes with a gaze so cold it could freeze hell itself. -You're not the only developer in our payroll, if I wanted I could fire your sorry ass right now and make it so you never work as a developer never again in your life, so consider this a favour.
Don't let that tone of hers get into your core.
Just, breathe.
-Fuck you. -It's the only thing you get to say before actually leaving.
-One week suspension no pay, and don't you dare call me or text me asking to forgive you. Jackass.
With the anger oozing through your pores you just slam the door and head out. You start your car and praying you don't crash you go from 0 to 100 in just a couple of seconds screeching the tires of your car.
-Please god, take care of him... -She sighs under her breath.
But wait... What?
Take care of him?
During that next week there was absolutely no news from you on the office, things started to be more... tense. You've received a ton of messages from your coworkers basically begging him to come back, but the answer is defenitive: No.
However things don't ever go your way.
*Bzz* *Bzz* *Bzz*
-Hey, we need to talk, come to the office. -Again, that swee... No. Annyoing voice again.
-I'm suspended. -Your answer comes as soon as the thought hits your brain.
A sigh from the other line and a faint whisper.
-This man is going to be the death of me some day. -But then the usual tone returns. -Look, I made a rash decision and we need your intel, you're the one that knows the way around our software.
-I thought you had several developers in your payroll, I bet they can help. -You say sipping through the wine you bought for that dinner for one you've been pushing away so much due to the job.
-I'm asking nicely, and around here you know that's as rare as an unicorn. Just come here tomorrow and finish the project, we're ahead.
-Ahead? What do you mean ahead? You said we we're behind last week! -Your voice comes harsher and harsher, even though your chest is telling you not to.
Not to her.
-I lied to try and make things faster, okay? Just come and we can talk like professionals. -She couldn't come to acknowledge the fact that she just wanted to see you. She couldn't admit that she misses your cologne, your three day beard and your stoic gaze when you're so deep in thought. -I'll send you the advances that have been made.
Right away she hangs up the phone, relieved she didn't break down into yelling or insults. Right away an email arrives on your computer with such incredibly... small advances looks like you carried the entire project all by yourself.
-Why am I not surprised? -You sigh under your breath as you pause the movie you were watching and read what has been done, immediately you start chaning... well, almost everything.
Next day...
You should at least turn off the car, for real, have you seen how expensive the gas is around these days?
"Just go, I avoid her any longer... I- I don't want to..." -It's the only thought that crosses your mind, the thought of seeing her piercing eyes again, the feeling of her gaze piercing and burning through your very soul, the loud beating of your heart as you look at her lips...
Her lips...
If only she wasn't your boss, right?
-So, I checked the non existent advances the useless guys did, and...
-How you've been? Have you slept well? -For some reason her tone wasn't condescending anymore, the worry present on her voice...
Could it be?
-Yes, finally in months I've been sleeping great... -Her eyes, oh. my. god... Her eyes... -Anyways, I have everything finished now, you can present it to corporate. -You say trying to avoid her eyes as you speak sarcastically and look at your watch.
-Big date coming or something? -She asks, doing an awesome job yo hide the jealousy.
-Just wondering how long this will take. -She sighs again, feeling the anger and stress of your cold demeanor.
-Your week of suspension ends today and the weekind is off by legal, so you can go now and I'll see you on monday.
After that you just go back to your usual routine, the weekend goes great and the next week of work comes, with so much less stress that even the busiest day feels like a walk through the park. The time off work led you to watch so much shows, and so much free time, time spent in imagining your life outside of work with that person that would make your days so much happier.
Thinking of love.
What a great future you could have, perhaps you could get married and have kids, after all that's your dream.
In a year you'd ascendo in your job, start earning more, you'd start dating to finally get the chance to let you feel that love you so desperately look for, In a year your boss wouldn't be your boss and perhaps you could date her, in a year you'd buy your first...
Your boss? Date... your boss?
Why would you think that? She's a bitch.
"But she's a gorgeous bitch." You thought, perhaps... only perhaps... You wanted that, you liked your boss...
*Bzz* *Bzz* *Bzz*
Your phone rings with a text from your boss.
-Corporate loved the project, we were given monday to celebrate, so I'll be expecting you monday 7:00 A.M. sharp for the party.
-Got it boss. And hey, sorry for snapping out last week. -Perhaps this could be a beginning, you know you should keep things professional, you keep telling yourself to stop but flesh is weak.
-Yeah, just don't be late. -Her response cold as always after 5 minutes of writing and deleting, she's also in the midst of an inner debate, whether let herself feel what she wants to feel for you or just don't say anything.
But why? Why shouldn't you try? Because she's your boss? There's plenty of people that date with their boss and make it work, you shouldn't keep ahold of the prospect of your happiness just because people might judge, that's the whole point, living for yourself and be happy yourself. Isn't it?
That very Monday at 7:00 A.M. you show yourself at work wearing a new white T-shirt and some loose jeans, your usual wrist watch and a new cologne you bought just for your boss, nothing else is going to stop you.
-Hey, boss. -You came to talk to her made a nrevous wreck not really knowing what to do to get her attention.
-Oh, here he is, the brain behind it all. -She wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to present you to some corporate officers like if you were a prize, like you never shouted before... Like you two were friends... Being so close to her made your every sense enter overdrive and your nostrils welcomed her particular scent, that magnificent smell of lavender and strawberries sent your head over the moon.
The rest of the party went completely normal, talking here, showing off there... Taking glances at your boss every once in a while as well.
Wait, did she looked at you as well?
Was she blushing?
-Hey boss can I talk to you for a sec? -You got closer and whispered into her ear, not long after she pointed you to the balcony where you usually go to have your lunch.
-Make it quick.
-Look boss, there's no easy way for me to say this, but I think I should quit... I... I have feelings for you.
-Is that so? -Her cold demeanor makes you back off for a second, unable to tell the truth in her eyes you stutter.
-I know, I know that I was rude last week and I'm being just way too out of line. -Her eyes shine with a glint never seen before, in her mind the thoughts are divided whether she should speak from her heart, as Karina. Or speak from her brain as Ms. Jimin, regional Manager of your branch.
-You know you're my worker, and this is incredibly inappropriate.
-Don't you feel the same for me? I saw you looking for my eyes before.
-Don't be ridiculous, I'm your boss. -Despite the way she feels work ethics comes first, how can a manager could let a worker speak to her that way?
-I don't care. -It's the last thing you said before leaning forward and placing your hand against her cheek, caressing her soft skin and pressing your lips over hers.
For a second all that exists is you and her, together in a tight embrace holding her waist desperately thinking that if you'd ever let go of her she'd just vanish in the thin air. She responds to your advances letting your body invade her personal space, for mere seconds that feel like an eternity all that she can feel is your hands gripping her blouse until she lets go of any ties and wrap her arms around your neck, tipping into her toe-tips to match as much as she can your height.
-We... We can't... I'm your boss... -Her voice comes out cracking, breathing unsteady due to the raw passion she just felt a while ago. -It's inappropriate.
-I don't care, I'll quit if needed, I just care that I want you.
-I want you too. -She rests her head on your shoulder nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck.
You then caress her soft hair, taking a deep breath of her unique scent that send jolts of electricity along your brain.
-So what now, boss? -This time the words come out strong, lovingly, softly.
-Now we talk to HR, couples need to fill paperwork. -She pulls back and looks into your eyes again. -You always make me do more and more paperwork... -She then whispers in your ear. -Sweetie.
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ceasarslegion · 2 months
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OK...I'm asking....
So this happened in what I consider the worst job I ever had. And that is saying something because I very much worked retail in a mall. I had just graduated uni, I couldn't afford toronto anymore, and I needed a full-time job to make ends meet now that the stability of university was gone. So I went to edmonton because I had one family member I could stay with until I got on my feet. And I was not in a position to turn away a job that paid.
So I took a door to door sales position. For telus. I can hear the canadians in the room wincing so to everyone else: telus is one of the three whole mega megacorporations that control the ENTIRE canadian telecommunications network. And all three of those companies are buddy buddy and have us all by the balls. That's why canadian phone plans are the most expensive in the world. Not in the developed world: in the WORLD.
The meth lab incident happened on my 3rd whole day on my own. I was in St. Albert, which is this suburb of edmonton that is like if a kale smoothie and that guy who won't shut up about bikhram yoga had a baby they abandoned in an HOA meeting. Which is what makes this that much more unhinged: it was in the most cookie cutter suburbia part of the EMR.
So I was doing my knocks in my blue Jay's hat and my telus branded polo shirt with my clipboard and I knock on my next door. I'm greeted by a middle aged woman who proceeds to dump on me that she's divorcing her husband of 30 years and moving to New Brunswick. I'm like okay cool I just wanna sell you cable packages, good luck with that?
I write that off and continue along the cul de sac until I knock on this other lady's door. And when I say talkative I mean a real chatty Kathy. She practically grabs me by the collar and plops me down on her deck chairs, shoves a coffee in my hand, and says "HEY TELUS GUY DID YOU KNOCK ON METH GUYS DOOR???" And points to the house of the lady who just told me she was getting a divorce
At this point I have forgotten about my commission. I have forgotten about my shitty supervisor and how every part of this job sucks and how I wanna go back to Toronto. I have thrown away my clipboard I have started sipping her coffee that could very well be spiked with something and I go "you have to tell me about the meth guy"
That house I knocked on? The weird oversharing lady who was getting a divorce? Her husband was running a meth lab out of the basement THEIR ENTIRE MARRIAGE and she ONLY FOUND OUT THEN?? He called it his man cave and said that she wasn't allowed in?? And then one day she went down out of curiosity and it was a METH LAB??? All the bonuses he said he got at work were meth money.
I'm still enamored by how this happened. Did it not smell? Like for those who don't know edmonton there is a HUGE meth problem here. Like across the political aisle we all agree that something has to happen about all the meth, the details get foggy and that's where people argue, but needless to say I have smelled and been offered meth before just by virtue of living downtown. That shit REEKS. Like you know meth smell because it somehow smells like the word "meth." You will know what you are smelling even when you've never smelled it before. And it lingers. It hangs. It gets into walls. I know when I've taken a train car before because the smell of that guy who hotboxed it with meth smoke last week will still kinda be there. There's no way that house didn't smell like ass down to the foundation.
And the "you arent allowed in my man cave" excuse... im enamored by both the sexism towards his OWN WIFE and the way she just... went along with it for 30 years? Never set foot down there? The sexism and the just believing it?
I kept trying to steer the conversation back to the meth lab and this lady I was on the porch of kept actively trying to buy internet deals from me. Like she was the only person I ever pitched who was TRYING to get my bundles. I ended up just handing her my list of products and told her to check off what she wanted and was like "more meth lab?" And she went right to "yknow i think if I was your age I would've been a boy now. We didn't really have those terms when I was a kid" I DID NOT BRING THAT UP MA'AM I DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR GENDER CRISIS TELL ME MORE ABOUT THE METH LAB
That job was so shit that that was the only one I ever quit with no back up plan and did not regret for a second. I then went to the mall and handed out CVs and got my retail job by the end of the week from doing that.
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theabigailthorn · 10 months
Have you considered moving to america? you know there are a lot of blond americans in america, and most of them would be absolutely enchanted by a tall lady with a fancy-pants british accent
I've thought about it, for career reasons rather than romance!
It's a difficult question. If I were to move to the US, right now L.A. would be the place to go: I have contacts there and I'm developing projects there. It's likely I'd be able to have a better standard of living out there too. There's also the political angle: if the Conservatives win the next British election there's a nonzero chance I'll have to leave the country because if they pass a national bathroom law and I can't use a women's toilet, I can't go to work on a set or in a theatre! I know the US is worse in a lot of places, but at least over there some politicians are standing up for trans people, some politicians are trans, some cities are refusing to comply with discriminatory laws... There seems to be a better line of defence over there, in some places? The sorts of places I would be going to live anyway. It feels like in the US the extremes are more extreme: some states are worse than Britain, but some are actually better. I think the US entertainment industry is in some ways ahead of the UK on trans issues - I've had British people straight up refuse to work with me cause I'm trans even though that's illegal, and string me along for ages cause they think I'll be a diversity checkbox for them. Whereas in my (admittedly limited) experience American producers are more willing to give me a shot and don't see my transness as an obstacle. The producers of [SUPER REDACTED] are American and they gave me that role even though the character is written as cis and cis women auditioned alongside me! I thanked one of them like, "Hey, this sort of thing has never been done and it's not the sort of thing trans people are usually allowed anywhere near!" and she was like, "Bwuh? You nailed the audition, why wouldn't we give it to you?" I said to her at the wrap party, "The idea that a trans woman could be a [PERFORMER OF THIS TYPE] has not yet entered the minds of anyone outside this room, and when it does it's going to be a gamechanger for all of us." See also Nebula! I pitched Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend to them and they greenlit it 15 days later. Contrastingly, I emailed a pitch deck and pilot episode for a trans-led TV series to a bunch of British production companies back in August and a lot of them haven't even read it yet. I like working for Americans because they just seem to get it on a level that a lot of Brits don't, yet.
On the other hand!
The entire US entertainment industry is about to move to Britain! So, maybe the smart career move is to stay. My family are here, my home is here, and despite everything I do love this country. I would be sad to leave. But we'll see. The next few years are likely to be a little... unusual. My plan right now is to have one foot in both countries, and then perhaps at some point the acting industry will make the decision for me.
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lurkingshan · 2 months
We have arrived at a mutual crush, people! And the way they did it makes total sense. Of course the thing that catches Jane's interest and starts those warm feelings toward Ryan is Ryan seeing him in a way no one else at work does. Just the fact that he actually asked Jane about the rumors instead of going along with negative assumptions was already notable, but to then follow that up by acknowledging that he sees how hard Jane tries and how much he's holding--of course Jane is going to want to keep someone like that close. Everyone else in this place just hands him burdens and then criticizes every imperfection in the way he shoulders them; he needs someone who is actually on his side.
Which is not to say he will do anything about any personal feelings he is developing for Ryan. Jane is a professional and there is no way he will be hitting on his intern, and I liked that despite inviting Ryan to his home, we saw that he kept an appropriate distance and kept the conversation focused on work. It was really nice to see him take a beat to recognize that he was unnecessarily rude to Ryan amidst his stress and actually apologize for that, and then take the time to teach him something properly. It's another characteristic of a great leader to recognize their shortcomings and have some humility about mistakes. Btw, I will be needing an analysis of every item in his home, that set was jam-packed with rich character details.
I also really loved the way we saw Ryan blossom under some proper mentorship and get excited about putting together a pitch deck once he had a better sense of how to think about it. His giddiness at getting to wear Jane's clothes to the office was also adorable, and I like that next week we're going to start dealing with the fallout of people noticing his crush. He is not exactly subtle with the adoring looks and radiant smiles whenever Jane is on his mind.
That all of this happened in parallel with Ba-Mhee finally starting to take her job seriously was also excellent. I was glad to get the backstory on her and Tae because it helped me understand her fixation on him a lot better. She was chasing him for years before he finally acknowledged her, and part of her must feel insecure about how mutual their feelings really are. But it doesn't seem to me like he doesn't care about her, he's just wired differently. I am now hoping that rather than a breakup, this is headed for Ba-Mhee finding herself outside this relationship and getting to a healthier balance.
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itsawritblr · 9 months
Jenny Watson: "We can do it, so let's do it." Jenny outlines her plan for a female-only, lesbian space.
For my lesbian, bisexual women, and radfem Followers. Via Graham Linehan's Substack.
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For many decades, London was considered the global capital for lesbian nightlife. But you’d never know it if you visited the UK today. It’s not for a lack of British lesbian culture: I’m a lesbian, I’m involved in our country’s lesbian social scene, and I can assure you, it’s alive and well. What we lack at the moment are our own dedicated spaces. I think the UK needs once more to have lesbian-run, female-only community spaces. 
I’ve got an idea about how to make one such space a reality. And I believe I'm in a position to make it happen.
Over the past seven years, I've had the privilege of organising a range of lesbian social events in London. Throughout this time, I've made many connections in our community, gained an increasing understanding of our needs, and created social spaces that I hope go some way to meeting them. 
And in those seven years working to coordinate part of the the UK’s lesbian social scene, I’ve come to see how badly we need a dedicated, strictly female-only event space — now more than ever. 
Men have been encroaching on the lesbian community, and the problem is only getting worse. There’s been a sense of inevitability, that this is just something we have to learn to live with.
But I’ve had it.
In June, I skipped London’s official Pride festivities and instead visited an alternative, independent event at the Hampstead Ponds. It was a female-only picnic. Hundreds of women of all ages were gathered, from their teens to their eighties. And the sublime joy that I felt that day led me to a eureka moment:
We need this. We deserve this. This is our right. As lesbians and bisexual women, we have a right to social spaces that are entirely our own.
So, earlier this year, I decided to implement a women-only policy at my events. Although this sparked controversy, we ultimately received recognition from the UK’s largest pub operator that it is legitimate to hold women-only lesbian events - a real victory!
And then it suddenly dawned on me: we need more and not only do we need this, I can do this. I feel I have a good sense of the UK market for lesbian social events. So I crunched some numbers and developed a business proposal. I gauged interest and studied feasibility. And I’m excited to tell you: I believe this can work.
My plan involves establishing a private members’ club and securing a prime physical space in London. By day, this space will operate as a versatile hybrid workspace, becoming a venue hosting various social events in the evenings and weekends. Alongside these, we'll provide online events, and collaborate with service providers for health and wellness advice, fitness guidance, group trips, and more. Revenue will come from the events, partnerships, as well as from membership dues.
To the lesbian and bisexual women reading this: you’re welcome to get in touch with me if you’d like to learn more. There's an opportunity to invest if you’re interested, too. I’ve got a pitch deck I would be happy to show you and a fully fleshed-out, 50-page business plan. And I’m happy to report that there are already investors who have given the thumbs up. 
Following my announcement and inspired by the community's heartwarming response, I decided to introduce an early-bird membership programme. This includes a personalised QR-coded membership card for exclusive updates and access to a members’ discussion space. Joining early also signifies your part in accelerating our community's launch. 
Which brings me to another issue, and it’s a big part of the reason I’m writing this now: online critics. There’s a small but vocal group of people online who’ve been saying some pretty nasty and completely unfounded things about me. This group of people have taken to personal insults, and accusations that I’m a fraudster and a grifter.
I’m not entirely surprised to encounter pushback, but at the same time, the level of vitriol has been eye-opening.
But I try to put it in a bigger context: Lesbians have faced so much abuse, and for so long we’ve had to settle for having social spaces conditionally, on terms set by men. There’s a climate of distrust and fear looming over the lesbian community as a result. So much so that today the idea of even having one single space fully dedicated to lesbian and bisexual women seems so radical, some people’s initial reaction is that there’s got to be a catch.
I completely understand that a good dose of scrutiny, of tempering optimism with some degree of caution, is reasonable. It’s healthy. And it’s entirely welcome.
But personal insults and unfounded accusations are not. I know that emotions are running high, and we as a community are feeling beleaguered right now. But that’s no excuse to target my Irishness in personal attacks, for example. Or to target my business supporters with lies about me.
I'm not here to push or persuade anyone who doesn't feel the spark for this project. However, for those who do, our project investors' safety and security are crucial — capital funds are securely placed in escrow and I've teamed up with a business consultant who's right here supporting us until opening day. We’ve put together a solid business plan.
If anything, the tenor of some of the criticism I’ve faced only hardens my resolve: it just highlights how badly women need a space to unite us, to heal us in this difficult time.
It’s been upsetting to endure the smear campaign that a small online group has thrown at me… but my mind keeps going back to that Edenic afternoon at the Hampstead Ponds, where hundreds of women were gathered in serenity and harmony.
This will heal us. This will unite us. And it will make us all stronger. Lesbian strength comes through unity.
There are various ways you can help, but the most crucial one is spreading the word - our message is the most important part of this project. 
Other than that, as I mentioned earlier, if you are a lesbian/bi woman, there is the option to join as an early-bird member (however, this is not compulsory; you can wait until our opening). Additionally, there's the opportunity for investment or donation. I've prepared a comprehensive 50-page business plan and pitch deck available for those who are interested.
For a deeper understanding of the project, feel free to visit our website or you can email me at [email protected] 
Any form of support you can offer is immensely appreciated as we work towards making this a reality.  
We can do this. So let’s do it!
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raijin-tribe · 2 months
NEW Fairy Tail Indie Games!!
A while ago, Hiro Mashima announced a contest for indie game developers to create Fairy Tail game pitch. The winner of his choosing would receive 10 MILLION YEN to develop the game.
Well… Hiro Mashima ended up picking 3 winners and gave each team 10 Mil. Yen to develop their games. (Plus Kondasha’s Creator Labs adding money to the prize pool as well!)
Two of the games are finally about to release!
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FAIRY TAIL DUNGEONS - A deck-building rouge-lite where you venture into the depths of a dungeon building unique magic card decks to defeat monsters.
Releases August 27th on STEAM
Official Twitter Post | View on Steam
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FAIRY TAIL: BEACH VOLLEYBALL HAVOC - A chaotic volleyball game where Fairy Tail characters go all out with their over the top magic!
Releases September 17th on STEAM
Official Twitter Post | View on Steam
(The final game, FAIRY TAIL: BIRTH OF MAGIC, will hopefully be released soon, but at a later date.)
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marketfreshfics · 7 months
Loving him: Ominis
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image: @starrysallow | More in this series: Sebastian | Garreth (WIP) | Andrew (WIP) Mild nsfw content
Your love for Ominis is a remarkable trial of patience, both for himself, and you.
Its first impressions under moonlight, filtered blue through algae. He’s a curious one, and though blind, a composed weariness tells of seeing far more than he should have, given his unimposing age.
It’s a confrontation in the dead of night, with sacred places breached, tampered trust. But there isn’t retaliation, merely a subtle olive branch, veiled in terse words, more bark than bite. 
It's pewter snakes that pierce friend and foe. It’s a perilous discovery, unexpected mourning in the depths of despair, without a moment for painful pause, or to sweep shards of broken heart. and through tendrils of searing pain licking through flesh, visceral and bone, it’s not the caster who comes to your aid, but him, the unseeing witness who has, unfortunately, seen this all before.
It's promises built on the foundation of good intentions. It's promises not easily kept. Promises that mean well, that quell concern, without regard for the weight of their meaning. Until, you’re on the receiving end of deceit.
It’s another sleepless night hellbent on worry, with a forehead to the window, prone and aching, your heart climbing up your throat as worst-case scenarios mar a tortured mind. 
But then, you’re not alone. 
It’s bittersweet, finding him where you first met, the lapse of time the only space between you now.
It’s shared concerns, uncertainty, followed by a confession that comes out perhaps different than it might have provided he had the foresight to rehearse, but composure is out past curfew. And surprisingly you’re the one who misses the mark, your top lip barely grazing his, and it makes you laugh melodically, and it nudges his confidence in the right direction. 
When your lips did connect, tasting of almond and bergamot, the only questions asked are “out here? But what should happen if we’re caught?” with an intermission of undress, followed shortly by “I must be certain; do you like how that feels?” 
It’s keeping quiet as limbs weave intimately, falling back onto furniture furthest from potential discovery, bare skin bathed in filtered moonlight. It's words for guidance and breathing in skin, voices reaching pleasure pitches. It’s a slow burn forging white hot, until you’re shivering gold and sighing his name. It's tender embraces, words of adoration, and vulnerability permitted where it was previously withheld. 
It's vows and oaths that should never be uttered, but circumstances are dire and compromising this trust was not an option in the hand you were dealt. What you wouldn’t give for a redraw, a shuffle of the deck, perhaps to sway the odds in your favour.
It's troubling developments and retracing your steps, the walking dead clawing life from the living, and lifelong promises now brittle, fragile. Even with quick thinking, fate has already intervened, possibilities rendered ash in your mouth.
It’s weary hearts and grief of loss, of needing space, needing trust. The pieces are there; rebuilding is possible. Inevitable, even, with how firm the foundation remains.
And you are more than happy, to wait.
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notayamichan · 25 days
🌟 Learning Japanese 🇯🇵
🔔 あたしのガイドは、人が英語を話す向けー (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
The following guide is based on my personal experience. I am not an authority on the matter and I am still barely a beginner regarding Japanese.
What am I doing?
Learning languages seems non-lienar and that's partly true (at an intermediate level). But, when you're first starting out, there's generally clear goals to work toward.
Your Beginner Goals
Study and master kana
Japanese employs hiragana and katakana in conjunction with kanji. Together, hiragana and katakana make up kana.
Learn the kana (hiragana and katakana)
Learn the difference between kunyomi and onyomi (kanji)
Delve into grammar and establish some foundational vocab
Immerse yourself with input content (movies, shows, etc)
Study and practice a basic form of "pitch accent"
Continue developing your vocab and particle knowledge
Learn about polite versus casual talk and social culture
Use the language (letters, blog, diary, etc)
Seek conversations to apply the language properly
Find and study tests like JLPT to gauge your progress
What can I use?
If this was your first pick, you're naive but not foolish. It'll teach you enough to get help if you're lost in Japan. But it won't be enough to hold a conversation. Give it a try and see if it works for you. Duolingo is free.
I recommend using Duolingo as a supplementary learning tool rather than your primary learning tool
Textbooks and Guides
Many learners and even classes praise numerous textbooks. I for one received a recommendation for Tae Kim's Japanese Guide. So, I'll recommend it to you. Don't be afraid to see out other guides or attempt some textbooks. However, one should always remember that the textbook is NOT demonstrative of naturalistic Japanese.
For example, 「私は猫が好きです」 is what a textbook correctly teaches, though 「猫好きだよ」 is acceptable and more natural in casual Japanese
Building vocabulary
If you want to develop your vocabulary, you can use JLPT anki decks. Anki is a flashcard program for desktop and mobile. You can also use anki in conjunction with a dictionary like Jisho to create new flashcards decks (suited to the words you'd like to learn). You may also pick up vocab from Japanese media (i.e, anime, manga, books, content creators, music, etc).
If you're using Jisho and want to find a word you only know in English, search for it using quotation marks. For example, "school" or, if you want a verb "to learn" ~ it should help. You can spell out Japanese words normally by just typing... i.e, watashi.
Good input versus Bad input
Immersing yourself in Japanese media and culture is good but you need to be mindful of the content you're consuming— take note of the context behind events, interactions, or the relationship of speakers. Be especially mindful of anime and manga— both are known to use hyperbolic language or phrases that aren't commonly used in day to day conversation. Fortunately, some anime and manga do use everyday language, and you can usually find lists.
I recommend using the Tofugu blog to learn about both Japanese language and culture. But if you don't like reading, there are many YT channels like Kaname Naito and NihongoDekita with Sayaka. For general immersion though, here's a sweet vlog channel, a JP Warframe creator, and a natural born otaku.
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silentwalrus1 · 4 months
oh did you not like sys tem coll apse? why not if you don’t mind me asking
Spoilers for system collapse below!
- felt very much like publishers/editors or whoever else were like hey Mwells this series is a smash hit you got anything else in the tank? And mwells scraped together a bunch of discarded scenes and concepts from the prev books and mushed that together into a minimum viable product
- no growth - all character arcs are either rehashes of what already happens in prev books or have no impact whatsoever. MB already learns that it cares about its friends and its friends care about it, that it can rely on them (hello Network Effect aka the most SLAMMIN AWESOME scifi action story i’ve read all DECADE); Tarik being a former corporate death squad trooper or whatever has absolutely no effect or consequence on anything; MB has even already crafted its own narrative & shared it, hello the documentary with bharadwaj??? the files it cut together for 3? THE WHOLE CONCEIT OF THE SERIES WHICH ARE THE MURDERBOT DIARIES WHICH ARE FRAMED EXPLICITLY AS NARRATIVES MB DELIBERATELY CRAFTS & SHARES WITH OTHERS???
- the climax of the book is. A montage.
Of our heroes making a powerpoint presentation.
I WISH this had been cool. It would’ve been hysterical to have a Final Battle be a pptx fight. Except.
It was. A montage. And then all the actual defining decisions happen offscreen. We don’t even get to see our heroes DO the actual thing - MB’s hacking gets a lot more detail than the construction of the pptx. Furthermore, how is this any different from what the corporate side is doing? Literally they’re both presenting competing propaganda pitch decks to a skeptical investor board that has what they want. It doesn’t actually matter that One Of These Powerpoints Is Always True And The Other Always Lies - how is it meaningfully different from a narrative & character standpoint? Right from the start of the series, PresAux are markedly different to all prior humans MB has had experience with - they are non-corporates! In this story about corporations/capitalism ruining everything! And then our other main heroes we meet, ART’s crew, are aggressively ANTI-corporate! So to have the climax of this latest book be “well both sides did the same action but one of them was objectively cooler bc it was Righteous - no dw it’s all happening offscreen anyway. Who cares.”
Well. Idk man, i was fucking bummed! It was boring!
Not to mention that the entire stakes of this whole… thing… are so lacking, as a reader? The rehash of prior arcs is especially poignant here, because none of the central concerns of the book feel like they matter. MB has already spent 5 books dealing with emotional disregulation, chronic issues caused by interactions of its organic + nonorganic parts, its attempts to navigate freedom, personhood and relationships in societies of bots and humans as a construct that is neither bot nor human but its own third thing, and learning to rely and trust itself and others. The first five books do this masterfully. System Collapse introduced nothing new, didn’t develop any relationships or plot arcs, regressed MB’s own main arc for no reason and ignored the entire symphony of a thesis of the entire damn series previous. Wish it wasn’t so :/
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projectwilbur · 1 year
Creating a pitch deck
Creating a powerful pitch deck can be a daunting task. However, with a few key strategies, it is possible to craft an impactful presentation. Visit - https://www.projectwilbur.com/
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srslythis-ismylife · 3 months
Out of Frame- BTS xReader TEASER
Director!ReaderxOT7 FilmProducer!ReaderxOT7 Dancer!ReaderxOT7 Choreographer!ReaderxOT7
“Run! Bangtan USAAAAAaaaa”, Jungkook yelled while lifting his arms like an airplane and running towards you and the camera.
“And cut!”, You yelled with a laugh as the cameraman hit the button and the recording light shut off. Turning your attention to the iPad in front of you to make sure that enough coverage was shot for today, you fail to notice that Jungkook continued to run past the camera, picking you up as you were scrolling through today’s shotlist.
“Jungkook!” you protested feeling embarrassed.
“Ah- ah…Jungkook what? Is there no respect?” Jungkook says while continuing to run you over to the rest of the boys.
You rolled your eyes, “Jungkook seunbaenim” you said.
“Ew! No thats so formal” he retorted while carrying you over to the other members
“We’re at work?” you question
“Yes, but we're also friends aren’t we? Like we call Bang PD Hyung”
“Yeah but if we were following formalities you’d be calling me PD-nim”, you chuckle while looking at Namjoon over Jungkook’s shoulder with a “help me” look in your eyes.
“She’s right this is unprofessional Jungkook, put PD-nim down!” Namjoon ordered the younger one.
“You didn't have an issue with being unprofessional last night…” Jungkook softly grumbled as he set you down in front of Jimin.
A smack immediately met him to the back of the head by Jin
“Thanks Hyung”, Namjoon said looking sheepishly at you.
Jimin immediately wrapped his arms around you, peeking over the shoulder at your iPad.
You sighed but accepted the hug as Jimin put his cheek on the top of your head and asked, “are we done for the day?”
“Yeah, THATS A WRAP FOR TODAY!” you yell as everyone erupts into cheers, including Jimin who lifts his arms up celebrating.
You quickly scuttle away trying to get away from your boys and taking a look at the schedule for Monday. Namjoon’s long legs quickly catch up to you as he falls into step beside you.
“Do you want to ride back to the hotel in the same car?”he eagerly questioned. You smiled down at your iPad still looking at the the 5am call time for Monday. You wanted to say yes but it was only your first month working as a producer and director for Run! BTS USA and you really did not want to raise any more red flags to the rest of the crew. Everyone knew you were friends with the boys beforehand, having been a choreographer and creative director in Korea, but as a female friend you really didn’t need anyone to call HR on your close friendship with the boys.
“I still have some stuff to sort out before heading back, you go ahead and I’ll see you later maybe ok?”
“ah-ok! Please don’t work to hard PD-nim” Namjoon says with a professional nod. But you can tell he’s a bit disappointed, you try your best to hide your smile at the fondness you have for this man as you remember where this all started.
1 year ago
You paced back and forth looking at your laptop screen, ignoring cafegoers stares as you as you try to get your creative ideas to coalesce. You had been trying to develop this pitch deck for hours and you just can’t find the right reference shots for a few slides. You continue to wrack your brain thinking of what else to type into your search engines to find something closer to the reference shots you want. You sigh and decide to give up on trying to find the perfect reference shot as you sit back down because one too many Koreans in the cafe were staring at you. You had been at the cafe since the morning working, emailing and taking meetings with crews for upcoming projects in pre-production, writing, and working on your pitches.
As you open up your iPad and begin shittily drawing the shot you’re envisioning you see a text from your friend pop up on you laptop screen “class at 6 still? Choreo after? Lmk now so I can book the studio”. You text her back that you’re still down as you begin to play the song you’re developing choreography to while you continue to try to draw the shot you want. You stand your iPad up next to your laptop looking at your shitty drawing before laughing and leaning back in your chair and closing your eyes. You let the music play and you let your body casually move thinking up ideas for your choreo session later, focusing on your arms as you were sitting down and trying not to draw attention to yourself as a brown foreigner in Korea.
A tap on your shoulder startles you as you open your eyes to see a man wearing a mask pointing at your screens. You quickly remove your headphones as you squint at the person speaking to you, feeling like they are familiar somehow. They are speaking in Korean.
You embarrassedly rattle off one of the only Korean phrases you know perfectly. “Sorry, what was that? I don’t speak Korean well.”
I’ve never done this before but I started writing this as a brain cleanse from everything else I’m writing pls lmk if you want me to keep writing I already have some more than this
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