#pittoo please answer
gessec · 2 months
you know how in his guidance in smash bros dark pit says his and viridi's interests just so happen to "overlap" which is why he's working for her now. what on Earth kind of motivations could they have in common. I know the simple answer is "beat up pit" but I can't see pittoo condoning half the stuff viridi does just to do that. (should I be taking the lunar sanctum chapter as more of an indication?) please share your thoughts.
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jichulichu · 2 years
Another pinned post time! Third time is the charm.
Hello and welcome to my domain of something! Call and refer to me however you please, within reasoning of course. If my art is your fancy, please do follow @dandeliondee for art only. Tag masterlist beneath cut and do try to enjoy your time here.
Tag masterlist is as follows.
#muse rambles - Just as it says, my ramblings. Subject matter may vary.
#ragna soliloquy - Really just as it says. Often poetic vents or general thought dumps.
#visitors of the abyss / #pittoo answers - Posts where I answer a query! Both are used with no discernable difference.
#mirror canvas (formerly #ravio art) / #twisted wondernight/ #jlocs / #musings of a ancient - Art/ OC related matters, with #mirror canvas being usually digital media, #twisted wondernight regarding lore dumps of my OCs, #jlocs being a overall tag for my OCs, and #musings of a ancient being writing of mine.
#ddee reverb - Art reblogged from @dandeliondee, now defunct.
#timekeeper edits - Edits before shifted to @abysmalgrimoire, largely unused.
#asuka gaming - Screenshots of whatever game that interests me in a particular moment, largely unused.
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kira-angel24 · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 21
"Take Me Instead."
     Total turned to look at the building, seeing trails towards it. He peeked through the cracks in the door, seeing nothing but darkness. He backed off and took a deep breath, kicking the door in, prepared to kill. Fritz stood in front of the door, watching his blade, it bathed in the small amount of sunlight that leaked in. "Took longer than expected." Pittoo's eyes widened, she tried to speak but it came out in small muffled cries. She was gagged and her wrists bound behind her back. Total looked at his daughter, then back to fritz.
     "Where is crow?" He stayed in a battle stance. Fritz smiled and looked at him.
     "There's no need to worry, your precious son is-"
     "ANSWER ME GOD DAMMIT!" He threw a dagger at Fritz, missing him purposefully. Pittoo leaned to avoid the dagger and watched. Fritz shifted, his gaze on Total.
     "Are you sure that's what you wanna do?" Pittoo's wings twitched as she stayed still, her eyes locked on her father. Total stayed still, thinking.
      "You want to kill me. I know you do. Let them go, and take me instead."
      "Mm!" She shook her head, trying to dissuade her father.
       "I do, I do want to kill you," he glanced back at Pittoo. "Doesn't look like she is interested in that deal though, and to be frank... neither am I." Pittoo's breath grew rapid. There was a loud bang against one of the doors near Fritz. Total glanced at the door. "Well there you go, There's your son." Pittoo cried and tried to speak again to no avail.
       "Just let them go. I'll fold my cards."
       "Oh yeah? Why not just kill you now? Then kill your son, then your daughter?" She shook her head again, tears welling in her eyes.
        "You know we go even in a fight. Even if we did you aren't sure you'd win."
         "Go even? Ohhhhh, you're talking about that. Let me tell you something," he stood up and got closer to him. "If I didn't know I would win. I would've killed your daughter and son when they were sitting in front of that shop."
          "You're bluffing. Our speed is even and I overpower you by a mile."
         "Then I'll show you... what real power looks like..." Fritz's body turned a faint red, Total's heart and head pounded and froze up. His breathing stopped as he looked into what could only be called hell.
          "I-" Total's voice stuck in his throat. Pittoo shrank at the sight, her eyes filled with terror.
          "Is this what you wanted?"Total gulped, his eyes wide. Pittoo's eyes turned back to her father as she watched in horror. Total fell to his knees.
           "P-please. Let them go."
           "Sure sure," he threw Pittoo far and her back hit the other wall near Total. She wheezed, her breath unsteady at the blow. The winged girl looked up at her father, her eyes full of tears.
            "Pittoo!" He grabbed his sword and stood on one knee, about to attack. Fritz looked back quickly toward him and Total's heart stopped. Pittoo grit her teeth against the cloth, her breathing ragged. Her chest ached from broken ribs. Fritz walked up to him and tied Total up. He threw the young father against the closet Crow was in. He slammed the front door shut, leaving them in the dark.
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heavenlysphere · 4 years
I think I forgot to take my meds last night
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monarchamos · 3 years
sakurai please for the love of viridi explain why a greek-mythology-related character has a spanish musical theme
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sansxfuckyou · 3 years
last one here
the last fighter had arrived in smash only a while back, the newest fighter was reclusive, only cloud and sephiroth knew the warrior and didnt really divulge to much on the new fighter. some of the smashers where just fine with not knowing others, mainly samus, had attempted to get the two with knowledge drunk enough to tell her, all failed attempts, sephiroth is a heavy drinker and cloud passes out and stays out. pokemon trainer had a more subtle version of earning information with the help of his pokemon, very few managed to return with information and all information retrieved was futile and extremely unhelpful, they learned many things that day. some of the smashers where more or less immature children over it, desperately needing to know, pit being one of them and dark pit being fed the fuck up with pits bullshit.
"come on pittoo!" pit whined as dark pit dragged the light angel across the ground from the new smashers bed room door. "just one look!" he added on.
"no way." dark pit growled out. "if you want to be his friend, then stay on his good side by not checking out his room!" dark pit shouted.
"please...?" pit whined dark pit making his way over to a window.
"if you dont shut the fuck up right now i will drop you." dark pit warned as he dangled the angel out of window, by his wings watching as pit struggled to get back into the building.
"fine! fine! i'll stop, i'll stop!" pit exclaimed. "please just pull me back into the building!" the light angle begged having dark pit smirk before leaning a little over the edge pushing pit further away in the process who shrieked in fear.
"ha! as if." dark pit said. "guess how long the window is your home this time?" dark pit asked coyly.
"this time? an hour." pit sighed, before having dark pit pull him back through the window at an extreme speed.
"an hour!? im not that cruel!" dark pit exclaimed, still keeping a vice grip on pits scarf. "instead im hiding your DS." dark pit said hearing pit groan in defeat.
"not that, you know i need to make sure my villagers dont leave my town!" pit said.
"to bad for you." dark pit said before releasing his grip on pit. "why dont you go chat with link or something." dark pit offered.
"me and him still arent on talking terms pittoo." pit said hearing dark pit growl.
"you know what pit, i wont hide your DS if you stop calling me pitto, if not then your sweet little villagers will be residing in hell." dark pit growled handing pit a death glare that spoke volumes to anyone that it was aimed at.
"but pittoo, palutena gave you that nickname, and if she calls you that then i should to!" pit said attempting to defend himself.
"you know what being called pit two does to me?!" dark pit asked furiously. "self esteem issues jackass!" he added on before pit could answer. "now if youll excuse im going to go and mutilate your copy of animal crossing new leaf." dark pit said as he made his way off.
"please dont!" pit shouted out.
"you know im just going to hide it, i have a soul!" dark pit shouted back.
"now whatll i do...?" pit whined as he made his way back across the hall over to the window, a chilled breeze hitting his face. "least it looks nice out." he thought with a soft smile ruffling his feathers a bit before a tap on his shoulders brought him from his thoughts he turned around rapidly finding someone with relatively spikey brown hair and blue eyes in front of the angel with cloud and sephiroth in the back.
"uh..." was all the person could get out, knowing damn well his 'friends' from final fantasy where fucking him over saying the angel was a female.
"anything i can help you with?" pit asked assuming it couldnt have been the new fighter.
"oh, nothing, my friends just said you where a girl, and decided to make me attempt to flirt with you." the kid said.
"well its pretty clear from the front im a guy." pit said with a soft smile on his face.
"yeah i see that now, cloud and sephiroth are asses from time to time." the kid said with a light chuckle, face tainted pink.
"its working." cloud signed to sephiroth, not wanting to interrupt sora and pit.
"i know." sephiroth signed back.
"wait, sephiroth and cloud are your friends?" pit asked.
"yep." the kid answered with.
"so your the new smasher?!" pit asked in shock that someone so scrawny could be the new fighter.
"thast me! sora from kingodm hearts!" sora answered with a smirk.
"but your so scrawny! no muscle at all!" pit exclaimed.
"you to." sora answered with.
"yeah but, im an angel." pit answered with in defense.
"you are pretty, but how can you expect to stay in this tourney looking so weak." sora said.
"no, im a literal angel, like i can fly with these." pit said as he fanned out his wings.
"o-oh, sorry for calling you pretty then..." sora answered with sheepishly, clearly embarrassed face painted red.
"no, its fine, anyone else attempting to flirt with me over the rest of the newcomers gave up upon seeing i was a dude, so your got more balls than the rest of them." pit said with a light chuckle thinking back on the failed attempt of the rest of them, except for dark pits attempt, the dark one could tell in an instant it was pit and refused altogether.
"right, maybe we could hang out sometime then?" sora asked, lacking in experience in the romance department.
"how does a picnic on the roof sound later on today?" pit offered.
"s-sure, sounds like a plan to me." sora said nervously as pit climbed onto the ledge.
"alright see you then!" pit said as he hopped down and shot up on an air current gliding off into the distance.
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tickleraptorss · 5 years
Two Sides of the Same Coin
does the title make sense? not really. i was just thinkin of that one quote from dark pit. anyways. a kiu fic!!!! a!!! i need more lee pittoo in my life tbh so. here u go. pit has a Game Theory and tickles the life out of his twin.
word count: 1484 (kinda short compared to some of my other fics but hey! what can u do)
"Since you're, like, a mirror version of me..." Pit began, staring inquisitively at his dark twin. "Does that mean that we have different tastes in... like, food 'n stuff?" Pittoo shrugged dismissively, refusing to acknowledge that Pit's question was directed towards him. "I mean, you'll eat anything," Dark Pit mumbled. "That's true... and you don't really care about that sorta thing, huh?" Standing up from the ground the two were sitting on, Pit gazed into the clouds, pondering. He placed his hand on his chin, mimicking those detectives in that TV show he'd seen once or twice. He tapped his foot on the ground, and then looked at his twin as an imaginary lightbulb seemed to flick on in his head. "You might not know the answer to this question, but I'll ask anyway," Pit said. Dark Pit rolled his eyes as his counterpart sat back down on the ground. "If I'm ticklish, does that mean you are too?" Pittoo raised an eyebrow. "Well, if I'm a mirror version of you, that should mean I wouldn't be," He explained. "We're opposites in more ways than we're similar." "I know, I know! I'm just curious! Here, give me your hand-" "No." "Aw, come on! It'll only take two seconds!" Pit pouted as Dark Pit crossed his arms, huffing at his twin's reaction. "I just wanna know! I promise I won't tickle you afterwards." That's such a lie. Dark Pit grumbled, muttering something under his breath, before he hesitantly extended his hand to his counterpart. Pit snickered. "You've never been tickled before, right?" Pit asked, before gently grabbing Pittoo's wrist. He shook his head. "Okay, this might feel a bit weird, then. Don't punch me by accident." With that, Pit began tracing circles around the palm of Dark Pit's hand, watching his twin for any sign of a reaction. At first, there was nothing, but after a few seconds Pit noticed that Dark Pit's fingers were twitching. "Okay, you can stop now," the dark angel said, before noticing the playful glint in Pit's eyes. "H-Hey! I said you can stop now!" "Just a little bit longer..." Pit smirked at his peered over at his twin, who was biting his lip in order to keep his composure. Without warning, Pit used the rest of his free hand to gently spider over Dark Pit's palm, and that earned him the first round of snickers. "P-Pit! Stohohop that!" Trying to free his arm, Dark Pit covered his mouth with his free hand in order to try and hold back his laughs, but it was a bit late for that. His snickers only grew heavier when he felt Pit's fingers climbing up his arm. "Pit! I'm- eheh- gonna k-kill yohohou!!" "So you are ticklish after all," Pit chuckled. "I wonder if you've got the same spots, too..." Tackling his dark twin to the ground, Pit pinned one arm above Dark Pit's head and used his other hand to tickle under Pittoo's arm. The reaction was priceless. "EEEP-! PIHIHIT!! KNOHOHOCK IT OFF!" The sound Dark Pit let out was something stuck between a yelp and a squeak, before he became a giggling mess. He tried to squirm out of Pit's hold, but to no avail. His laughter sounded like a more restrained version of Pit's; high-pitched, squeaky, and undeniably adorable. "Yup, that's one of 'em!" Pit laughed, as if he was checking off some sort of list. "It's funny how this is a bad spot, I mean, considering my name... I guess it makes for a pretty good joke, though!" The angel dug his fingers into his twin's hollows, resulting in a squeal. "IT'S NOT FUNNY- AHAHAHA!!" "It's not? You're laughing pretty hard, though." Pit chuckled before giving his twin a brief break. He delighted in his twin's deep breaths, as if it was going to prepare him for what's to come next. "I hate you," Pittoo grumbled after gaining his composure. However, with how flushed his face was, and how shaky his pout was, he looked more like an angry puppy dog than anything. "That's not very nice! You're hardly in a position to be insulting me, Pittoo." Pit teased, wiggling his fingers in front of his counterpart's face. "Especially now that I've discovered your greatest weakness!~" "Cut it out! Seriously, I'm-" "Just imagine if this little secret were to come out," Dark Pit's eyes widened. No. "Don't. You. Dare!" "I bet Phosphora would be ecstatic... or what about Viridi? I think she'd have just as much fun with it!" Pit snickered, softly skittering his fingers over Dark Pit's belly, causing the other angel to fall into another giggle fit. "I think you'd probably die. Phosphora has, like, deadly nails. Seriously, there were times where I thought I was gonna die laughing!" Dark Pit just kept protesting, now adding explicative language into the mix. He squirmed to try and get away from the fingers gently scribbling at his belly, but found no relief. He couldn't believe he was giggling like a child, and at the hands of his light counterpart? This was not ideal, to say the least. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!" Pit said, pausing his ministrations for a few seconds. "I'm not sure if Lady Palutena's gonna keep this a secret though-" "WHAT?!" "Oh well, no time to dwell on that now, we've still got some experimenting to do!" With that, Pit continued tickling Pittoo's stomach, making sure to keep his touch just light enough to be the most effective. Overwhelmed with the tickly feelings, Dark Pit's laughter raised another octave and became squeakier than before. For some odd reason, being tickled here made the dark angel flustered. "You're blushing? You really do have all the same reactions as I do," Pit said as if he was reading his twin's mind. Wait... then that probably means... Pit decided to kick it up a notch. "Tickle, tickle!~" It turns out that Dark Pit was just as weak to teasing as he was. "I'M GONNAHAHAHA FUCKING KIHIHILL YOU- AHAHAHA!" "I dunno, I think it'd be kinda hard to beat me if you can't even get past the tickle monster~" Pit decided to have some mercy on his counterpart, lightening his ministrations to light tracing along the angel's belly and sides. "W-Whahat are we, two year olds?" Dark Pit giggled, trying to sound angry. "I wanted to see if teasing worked on you like it does with me," Pit admitted. "Turns out, it does!" "Great, b-but can you stohohop?" "Mmm, for now!" Pit lifted his hands away from Pittoo's belly, allowing the other angel some respite. "There's still one more thing I gotta test." Taking advantage of the way Dark Pit was curled up, Pit rolled his twin onto his stomach and pinned him down. His counterpart complained. "Okay! I'm done! We're done! No more!" Dark Pit's tone sounded like he was begging. "What's that, Pittoo? Are you begging?" Pit teased, chuckling when his twin went silent. "Alright, well, guess I'll just have to keep tickling you!" Before Dark Pit could protest again, he felt ten fingers skittering around the bases of his wings. He let out a squeal - nearly a shriek - before he was consumed by hysterical cackling. He arched his back in an attempt to get away, and his wings flapped frantically, but nothing helped. All he could do was take in the ticklish touches until Pit decided he'd had enough. "Aww, is Pittoo too ticklish for his own good? Huh?~" Pit's sing-song tone only added to Dark Pit embarrassment. He couldn't stand baby talk in general, but in a situation like this? It was too much. "OKAY! OKAHAHAY!! I GIHIHIHIVE!" Pittoo hated that it had come to begging, but he couldn't stand the sensations anymore, given his lack of endurance (it was the first time he'd ever been tickled) and how ticklish he was. "YOU WIHIHIHIN! EEHEHEHE STAHAHAP- NOHOHO MOHORE!!" As soon as those words left his mouth, the tickling stopped. Pit climbed off of his counterpart, patiently watching as Pittoo composed himself. Although, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stifle the tiny after-giggles from the lingering sensations. "I... I'm gonna kill you," Dark Pit growled. "I dunno, that might be a bit hard now, since I know your weakness!" Pit smiled. "Didn't you mention something about me being just as ticklish as you?" When Pit's eyes widened, Dark Pit smirked. "I-I... uh..." Before Pit could get anywhere, his twin had grabbed his ankles and hoisted the angel towards him. "Please d-don't?" "Let's see how much you like it!" ---------------- "What happened to them?" Viridi asked, looking at the two exhausted angels in the distance. "I've never seen them so worn out. Did you make them exercise or something?" When the goddess turned to look at Palutena, all she saw was a slight smirk. "Let's just say that they got into a bit of a tussle." 
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ask-the-dark-angel · 6 years
Anon Story
Apologies but i have no idea what’s going on or what i need to do, soooo.... yea....
Anon story time!!!! (told in dark pit’s POV) WARNING! SOME ABUSE MENTIONED.
I groaned as I listened to Viridi tell me that she wanted me to bring a specific human to her. “I don’t have to listen to you. I don’t serve you. And since when did you care about humans?” “I thought you’d say something like that. But you didn’t let me finish. This human is being abused and she constantly takes care of nature.” I froze when I heard what was happening to this girl. “Do you know where she is?” “I have a general location.” After Viridi told me the approximate location I took off. Not wanting to wait any longer. “Pittoo! Where are you off to?” “Not now, I’m looking for a human.” “What a coincidence! So am I. Lady Palutena has me on route to a location.” I groaned. of course Pit and Palutena would know. “You do know what’s going on with her right Pit?” His expression softened. “She’s being abused. Palutena received a prayer about it.” We both flew for a while until we reached our destination. “I’ll search on land, pittoo you search in the air.” “Whatever. And stop calling me pittoo!” I flew around some more until I heard a shout. “Stop! Please just stop!” “You worthless excuse of a person! How dare you hide food from me!” I flew faster towards the shouts letting Pit know where the girl was. “Please I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry!" I landed behind the man as he raised his hand to hit the girl again. “I’d think twice before doing that.” He turned around to face me. The girl still being held by him. Her face was bruised and it looked like she was bleeding badly. “Oh yeah, or what?” I gritted my teeth. “Don’t test me human.” He laughed at me. “You’re a pathetic angel, what are you gonna do to stop me?” I grabbed his arm and twisted it until it snapped. He dropped the girl and I quickly picked her up. “You should be ashamed.”I started flying to skyworld the girl unconscious in my arms. When I arrived, Palutena had a drink of the gods waiting. I set the girl down and slowly poured some of the drink in her mouth. Slowly her eyes opened and she looked around. She grabbed onto me and started crying. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” I smiled. “Heh, glad to help.” She looked up at me and wiped the tears from her eyes. “The name’s Rose. I’m glad the gods answered my prayers.” 
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twilights-angel · 7 years
Hold Your Color’s
// So this is based off my other oneshot ‘The Green Clad Guardian’ which was Link’s point of view so I decided to make one about what was going on in Pit’s head. Hope you enjoy. Once again this is part of my Linkpit family AU with @l1nkp1t //
Pit slammed the door to his room closed and went into the bathroom, locking the door. he turned on the shower and looked into the mirror and started to cry again. Why would they do that to him, he never did anything wrong. Most of the feathers had fallen off when he was running so he just stepped into the shower not bothering to take off his cloths, and sat on the shower floor and hugged his knees. Pit could feel his depression that has been developing for the past couple of months since the christmas party start to rise even more. Making him feel so small and weak that it hurt both mentally and physically. He didn’t know what to do… what they did was wrong and wasn’t nice… they deserved to PAY! Pit jumped at that thought. No it was wrong, he wasn’t that kind of person… yet the idea of getting back a them felt nice. Pit once again shook his head and held it. what was wrong with him? “It is them who are wrong Pit.”
The angel franticly looked around the room not seeing anyone. “H-hello?” He called in a shaky voice, hoping it was just his imagination. “They deserve to pay, those fools think they can do what ever they want just because they think their better then you!” Pit shook his head and turned the water off and stood up. “Because they are…” he mumbled. “NO!” The voice boomed scaring Pit. “THEY ARE NOT BETER THEN YOU, AND YOU CAN PROVE IT!” Pit whimpered and leaned his back against the shower wall. “But I don’t want to hurt anyone.” he whimpered and tried to get out of the shower only to trip and fall on this hands and knee’s on the tiled floor. He stared wide eyed at the floor, feeling this heavy feeling circling his head “But you won’t I will, just give me control, close your eye’s and sleep. Let me take care of everything.” Pit’s eye’s started to droop until a knock came at his door. “Pit are you ok?” He heard the worried voice of his goddess call. “Palutena…” Pit whispered sleepily. “Sleep now Pit~.” the voice purred and Pit’s reality melted away into darkness.
Pit’s eye’s burst open. He let out a gasp in shock and sat up quickly from being awoken suddenly. He looked around but didn’t see anyone, in fact he saw nothing but pitch black darkness. Where was he? Pit gulped and stood up and tried to walk only to find his angel’s were shackled to the ground. “W-What’s going on?” He asked shakily in fear. “You gave me control don’t you remember?” Said a deep echoy voice. “Who are you?” He asked looking around but not seeing anyone. “You should know Pit, I am the one who took over your goddess in the first place.” Pit gasped. “The Chaos Kin…” The vice laughed evil. “That’s right Angel and know I will take my revenge on your world. Then i’ll devour even other wold as well. Especially your little crushes.” Pit went stiff. “Don’t you dare.” He breathed. “Watch me.” Pit balled his hands until his knuckles went white. “Just you wait i’ll take control of myself again!” He yelled. The creature was quiet for a moment. “You think so?” It asked and Pit nodded. “Heh…HAHAHHA, NO YOU WON’T JUST LOOK AT YOURSELF!!!” Pit’s brow’s frowned for a moment before looking back down and gasped. He was failing, well mainly his color. It was dripping off of him like wet paint. “N-no…” he started to cry. He lifted his hands and caught the dropping color as it fell away from him.
“Your weak angel, this is what happens when I take control of people who are mentally weak. The fad quickly and soon you won’t care anymore and stop fighting, and when that happened I will devour your soul and your body will be my new vessel forever!” Pit sunk to his knee’s wide eyed. The Chaos Kin was right. He was too weak to fight back just look at him, he was already fading away…
So he sat and waited. He curled up in a ball, hugging his leg’s close to his chest and burying his face in his knee’s. No one was going to save him. If what the Kin said was true and he was going to try and devour all the worlds the other Smasher’s were going to kill him. He would be dead soon. That thought alone was enough for him to loss all hope. He felt his emotion’s drift away from him until all he felt was vast emptiness in his heart and mind. His tear stopped and his face was dull and none expressive. His wings sagged behind him. At some point the kin opened up his mind enough so he could hear what was going on in the outside. he could hear scream’s of fear and pain coming from the human’s in his world. yet he didn’t feel any remorse or sadness. But then something happened. The Kin started to chase after Pittoo who had appeared. He could hear the chase then silence until suddenly…
“Well to tell the truth i’m surprised your here and not checking on your own world…” Someone was there in his world that wasn’t supposed to be, was it one of the Smasher’s who came to kill him? “Link.” Pit’s eye’s went wide for a moment. Link… was the one who was going to kill him. Oh how ironic was it that the one who he loved was going to be his demise. His mind then started to shack and the Chaos Kin let out a streak of pain. Did… how did Link know it was the Kin and not him?!
…. Dark Pit of course.
“Heh…So… you want to fight. Alright. THEN COME AT ME!” He roared. Pit could only listen to the fight. It went on for what seemed like forever until the Kin spoke again. Look at you, it’s amazing your not dead yet. But let’s just take care of that shall we?” Was he abut to kill Link?!
“When I see your smile Tears run down my face I can't replace…”
Pit’s breath hitched. Link… Link was singing to him… and it was beautiful.
“Now that I'm strong I have figured out How this world turns cold And it breaks through my soul and I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one.”
Pit started to feel something in his heart again. It was love. The angel stated to feel something wet drip down his face and slowly reached up. They wear tears. He was crying again.
“I will never let you fall I'll stand up with you forever I'll be there for you through it all Even if saving you sends me to heaven
It's ok It's ok It's okayayay…”
What was link trying to say? Was he… no there was no way! Yet hope was starting to come back into his heart, color retuning back to him slowly, and a light was forming in the darkness.
“Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and Stars are falling all for us Days grow longer and nights grow shorter I can show you I'll be the one
I will never let you fall I'll stand up with you forever I'll be there for you through it all Even if saving you sends me to heaven 'Cause you're my You're mine My true love My whole heart
That did it. Pit stood up and broke the chains that was keeping him prisoner and as he ran for the light the Chaos Kin roared in anger.
“Please don't throw that away 'Cause I'm here for you Please don't walk away and Please tell me you'll stay~”
Pit felt himself gaining control again. His vision cleared up enough to see Link take one final shot with an arrow to disconnect the Kin from him. He then felt extremely weak, the Monster had already taken so much of his energy and the last thing he remembered before falling into darkness was Link catching him in his arms.
When Pit woke up again he felt someone gently pushing his bangs back. He blinked his eye’s open to see Link sitting next to him. “Morning pretty bird.” Link smiled and Pit blushed and leaned into the blonds touch. “You saved me…why?” He breathed making Link chuckle. “Because I love you and I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if I lost you to that monster.” Pit reached up and held Links hand. ”You really mean that?“ He asked as tears built up in his ocean blue eyes. “Does this answer your question?” Link asked and Leaned in to gently kiss the angel who immediately kissed back. Even though it was short it made both of their hearts flutter. “Defiantly!” Pit smiled and Link laughed, pulling back in for another.
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jichulichu · 2 years
Hey, new pinned post!
My name is none of your business, and so are my pronouns. Call me whatever you please, within reason. Interests vary and I cannot promise what it’ll be in the moment. Art blog is @abyssalvalentine whilst edit blog is @abysmalgrimoire, so follow those blogs if that sorta stuff intrigues you.
Tags Masterlist is as follows.
#muse rambles - anything that I desire to talk about will be here
#ravio art - for art before shifted to @dandeliondee
#jlocs - oc focused posts before shifted to @dandeliondee
#visitors of the abyss/ pittoo answers - my two ask tags. no discernible difference.
#timekeeper edits - edits made by my hand before shifted to @abysmalgrimoire
#asuka gaming - screenshots and the like from games I may be playing in the moment
#ragna soliloquy - consists of weird writings and poetry with no real meaning… mostly.
#musings of an ancient - writing about my ocs
#twisted wondernight - lore about my ocs
Please, do not interact under any circumstances if you are a proshipper, pedophile, homophobic, racist, or anything that fits under the usual DNIs.
Particular DNIs are if you ship
- Ragna the Bloodedge with any of his siblings (Jin Kisaragi, Noel Vermillion, Hades: Izanami, Saya, Nu-13, Mu-12, Lambda-11) [BlazBlue]
- Ingo and Emmet [Pokémon]
- Sol Badguy and any of the Kiskes [Guilty Gear]
- Satan and Arle [Puyo Puyo]
- Pit and Dark Pit [Kid Icarus]
- Pit and Palutena [Kid Icarus]
- Johnny and May [Guilty Gear]
- Ayashii/ Strange Klug and Klug [Puyo Puyo]
- Ayashii/ Strange Klug and Sig [Puyo Puyo]
Otherwise, enjoy your stay in this abyssal plane, foolish traveler.
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