#pk member template
pktemps · 8 months
❛⠀⠀⠀**__na__me**⠀﹠⠀**na_me_**⠀﹗ e
e⠀⠀⠀⠀⟡ prn/prn † prn/prn
⤷⠀⠀age y/o⠀ₒ⠀gndr⠀ₒ⠀orient 𝜚
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unwaaver · 1 year
simple pk member template!
keep the credits on the temp please
pls also credit this tumblr if you're reposting
_ _             @ **NAME** [☆](link) [★](link) ◟e◝ __aka__             ︰pr/ns ⋋ flg flg flg flg role role ◟e◝ modif 1 2 ︎⫐ ︎﹒ ︎xtra xtra xtra .             :copyright: pks nrxeq _ _
how it looks on discord & filled:
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pk-layouts · 1 year
⛪   ⚞ Name ⚟   — —   🔪 ﹒   aka 。。。 name ﹕ age.   number   00/00 ﹒ pronouns.   prn / prn ﹕ identity.   boygirl queer ﹒ nouns.   masc / fem ﹕ species.   angel ╰ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ⁽⁽ ♡ ⁾⁾ ╮ ﹒ source.   name here ﹕ id level.   ★★☆☆☆ ﹒ doubles ❎   srcmates ☑️ ╭ ⁽⁽ ♡ ⁾⁾ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ╯ ﹕ links.   icon credit / ext ﹒ boundaries / playlist
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⛪   ⚞ Name ⚟   — —   🔪 ﹒   ***aka*** 。。。 name ﹕ age.   number   `00/00` ﹒ pronouns.   prn / prn ﹕ identity.   boygirl queer ﹒ nouns.   masc / fem ﹕ species.   angel ╰ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ⁽⁽ ♡ ⁾⁾ ╮ ﹒ source.   name here ﹕ id level.   ★★☆☆☆ ﹒ doubles `❎`   srcmates `☑️` ╭ ⁽⁽ ♡ ⁾⁾ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ╯ ﹕ links.   icon credit / ext ﹒ boundaries / playlist
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🎞  %  notes !
fancy seein' you here , huh ! /silly. this is a longer, more spaced out template. i've heard that some of our templates are a bit hard to understand with what information is where and so on. if you'd like to see more templates like this one, feel free to send an ask. we always enjoy getting feedback about this stuff! /g
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black-salt-cage · 2 years
Tech / video game themed PluralKit member description template ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ for anon Free to edit as you like, credit is appreciated but not necessary!
  ╭NAME.txt⸺⌧╮ ⧉-🎮⟤- [ age ] ⧉-👾⟤- [ pronouns ] ⧉-🎮⟤- [ gender + sexuality / romanticism / etc ] ⧉-👾⟤- [ relationship status ] ⧉-🎮⟤- [ extra info ] ╭NAME.txt⸺⌧╮ ⧉-🎮⟤- [ system role(s) ] ⧉-👾⟤- [ character ] - [ source ] ⧉-🎮⟤- [ modifiers ] ⧉-👾⟤- sourcetalk ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] ⧉-🎮⟤- doubles ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] ⧉-👾⟤- sourcemates? ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] ⧉-🎮⟤- [ extra info, add as applicable ] ╭NAME.txt⸺⌧╮ ⧉-🎮⟤- [ kin-type(s) ] ⧉-👾⟤- [ primary kins ] ⧉-🎮⟤- sourcetalk ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ]   ⧉-👾⟤- kin-names ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ]   ⧉-🎮⟤- [ extra info, add as applicable ] ╭NAME.txt⸺⌧╮ ⧉-🎮⟤- roleplay ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] ⧉-👾⟤- PDA / nicknames ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] ⧉-🎮⟤- mutuals offsite ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] ⧉-👾⟤- 18+talk ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ]   ⧉-🎮⟤- tone indicators ⌯ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] ⧉-👾⟤- [ extra info, add as applicable ]  
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bucketofbrainworms · 5 months
I made a simply plural templates! they work with my screen reader and i had one other person who it also worked for, but if you run into any issues let me know and i will make adjustments!
it should work width wise on both desktop and phone
Note: it doesnt align properly when in discord, but in SP it should work out. i may post an adjusted version for discord/PK at some point
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(if anyone knows/wants to help with the description of these that would be a huge help, i struggle a lot with descriptions/gen)
text below the cut. credit isnt needed, but you can add it if you want
System Intro Below
╔═════════╗ │ Introducing │ ╚═════════╝
╔╡⋆。˚⊙〔 System name 〕⊙˚。⋆ ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ "Quote prt 1, ╨ │ Quote prt 2" - author ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Basics 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ Collective Names: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ �� ⋅ ║ │ Collective Pronouns: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Body Age: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Member count: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╨ │ System tag: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Frequent fronters 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ╨ ┣ ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Misc. Info 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╨ │ ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Bounderies 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ ┣DMs: ║ ┣Frqs: ╨ ┣Pings: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╚╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Last updated: Date 〕⊙˚。⋆
System intro end
Alter intro below
╔═════════╗ │ *Introducing* │ ╚═════════╝
╔╡⋆。˚⊙〔 **Name** 〕⊙˚。⋆ ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ *"Quote prt 1,* ╨ │ *Quote prt 2"* - author ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 ***Basics*** 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ Names: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Pronouns: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Age: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Birthday: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╨ │ Relationship status: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 ***Roles*** 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ╨ ┣ ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 ***Misc. Info*** 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ Activity: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Source: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╨ │ Species: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 ***Bounderies*** 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ ┣Nicknames: ║ ┣Touch: ║ ┣RP: ╨ ┣Tone Tags: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╚╡⋆。˚⊙〔 **Fin** 〕⊙˚。⋆
Alter intro end
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1800pain · 1 year
Hello. As a show of my ability, I have created a private system server template for you to use. While "private" is in the name, I have included two access roles (Friend and Trusted Friend)—however I have not done any permissions for them. There is a Bot role that has permissions for them, like access to the System Setup category.
And, like the last template, only traumagenic systems can interact with this blog and use my templates. Endogenic systems and their supporters get blocked.
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Note that not every single channel is in this gif, just the ones I deemed the most important to show.
Use the template here, however do note that the announcement channel and all of the forums channels will not copy over, and you will have to add them yourself: Private System Server Template
I am okay with you editing my template for your own use. Do not redistribute as your own.
If you need any help, you can leave an ask in my inbox.
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Explanations for channels under the cut. LONG, BUT PRETTY DAMN IMPORTANT TO READ.
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All forum channels are marked with a speech bubble emoji 💬 in front of them; those are channels that you will miss. The single announcement channel that also will be missing is marked with a mega emoji 📢.
#welcome - When someone joins the server, they will not see any channels, and you must give them a role so they can access this the server. You can see their welcome message here so you know someone's joined.
📢 update-status-fronting - If a switch happens, you put up a DNI, or want to otherwise warn people about your current state, you can update it here.
🔇 layout by 1 800 pain on tumblr - Feel free to delete this.
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Text channels:
#bot - This is the only channel that has "Use application commands" permissions on it. If you would like to set it on other channels, you'd have to do it manually—or you can add it to the @​everyone tag.
💬 dms - In the title, I put "[DM/GC] Channel name" under the post, then write the participants. I have a tag system for this channel (see below).
💬 thoughts - Headmates' thinking time. I also have a tag system for this channel (see below).
💬 mailbox - Essentially, I create a channel with a headmate's name and there are two tags: Read and Unread. Read means they've read the messages people leave for them, and Unread means they have yet to read them. It's a simple way to communicate with headmates who are not fronting.
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System Setup:
All servers here are unable to be chatted in; only any member with the Bot role can do that. I enjoy setting up my PluralKit work into a few separate categories:
#resources - Easy access to Simply Plural, Notion, Evernote, or various places I get PNGs to set up PluralKit profiles—things of that nature and related to it.
#pk-setup - For descriptions and things.
#pk-pfps (not in gif) - To add profile pictures and banners. I put it in its own space because it's a different type of spam, image-based spam, than pk-setup, which is mostly text-based spam.
#new-arrivals - For showing people who made their PluralKit account, mainly for documentation.
#pk-spam - Just general things that don't quite relate to the ones above; typically things like pk;r.
💬 image-resources - If you change your icons or banners a lot, this can help. I put icons/banners here with credits to the original artist, the original art, and the edited version we use in our profiles. It's tagged by Icon, Faceclaim, Banners, etc.
#pk-log (hidden, not in gif) - To store PluralKit messages. If you also would like, you can add a more general moderation bot (such as Carl-bot) to also store non-PK messages.
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#to-do: Self-explanatory; got any plans? Put them here.
#sys-chat: More general system chatter.
#sys-work: Talk about... system work.
#headmate-observations: If you notice something about your headmate—such as a positive/negative trigger, a various quirk they have, or any idea how their role works—share it here.
💬 headspace: A headspace forum to talk about headspace. More information in the image below.
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The collection of the channels that you will miss, check the images above for extended information:
📢 update-status-fronting (uncategorized)
💬 dms (in general category)
💬 thoughts (in general category)
💬 mailbox (in general category)
💬 image-resources (in System Setup category)
💬 headspace (in System-centric category)
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syscultureis · 7 months
plural culture is the MOMENT you find a new aesthetic or template to use for simply plural or pk you start redoing all 42 of your members profiles with a crazed look in your eyes as your headmates watch in horror
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symbiote-templates · 3 months
Wow, a template that was.. made for discord? And not simplyplural!? From us??? Never thought I'd see the day (/silly)
Anyways yeah have a thing. Code below the cut as per usual
Oh yeah and by 'type' we mean introject or brainmade/endomate/whatever you want to call it. But you could also put member origins (eg tulpa, para) there if you wanted! Or anything else really lol
Images: (1) Filled out example when seeing a member profile through a PK command embed, plus how it looks when sent as a Discord message
(2) How it looks on SimplyPlural
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⚪️ __***NAME***__ » pro/noun ⚪️
*__aka__ Name, Name, Name*
⧫ < Gender┆Orientation >
⧫ Role ▲ Type ▸ *src*
— — ⊹ — —
`"words words words words"`
- quote source
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peony-templates · 9 months
medium / long, nature-y mushroom themed system member description template for PK or SP
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text under cut
🍄 :﹒* : 。 **NAME / NAME** *!!* ☆
. . . or *name, name* • 🌿
。:*﹒: 🌾 prn/prn, prn/prn ! *role*
. . . info *info* info *info 🪻
🌻 ☆ **triggers** . . .
*mention w/ care:* x, x, x
*light blacklist:* x, x, x
*heavy blacklist:* x, x, x
*do not mention:* x, x, x
🌷 ☆ **boundaries** . . .
*dms:* yes/no/ask
*touch:* yes/no/ask
*source talk:* yes/no/ask
*front call:* yes/no/ask
🌱 :﹒* : 。 *!!* ☆
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electricalstemplates · 4 months
Hello!! Here to request a PK/SP template! Subsys intro/info if possible! 🍄✨🌟🎻🗡️⚔️🛡️🔮🗝️🏴‍☠️💎 emojis! (Don't have to use all of them) minimal markdowns and minimal symbols if possible!!) no collective name or pronouns but yes on the boundaries, Subsys name, member count and other basic info! Medium to long in length! Thanks in advance!!
Here you go! Hope you like it!!
▄▬▬ ▬ ( 🍄 ) ▬ ▬▬▄
✨◜*Subsystem name*◞✨
🌟◅Member count🝐
🎻◅Important info🝐
🌟◅Subsys tag🝐
⚔️ ⚎ Name ⚎ **Pronouns** ⚎ Roles ⚎ 🛡️
⚔️ ⚎ Name ⚎ **Pronouns** ⚎ Roles ⚎ 🛡️
⚔️ ⚎ Name ⚎ **Pronouns** ⚎ Roles ⚎ 🛡️
⚔️ ⚎ Name ⚎ **Pronouns** ⚎ Roles ⚎ 🛡️
🔮◅Interaction🝐 yes/ask/no
💎◅Touch🝐 yes/ask/no
🏴‍☠️◅PDA🝐 yes/ask/no
💎◅Flirting /p🝐 yes/ask/no
🔮◅Flirting /r🝐 yes/ask/no
💎◅Compliments🝐 yes/ask/no
🏴‍☠️◅Venting🝐 yes/ask/no
💎◅Pet names🝐 yes/ask/no
🔮◅Nicknames🝐 yes/ask/no
💎◅Pings🝐 yes/ask/no
🏴‍☠️◅Dms🝐 yes/ask/no
💎◅Front reqs🝐 yes/ask/no
🔮◅Friend reqs🝐 yes/ask/no
▀▬▬ ▬ ( 🗝️ ) ▬ ▬▬▀
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pk-layouts · 2 years
_ _
E ﹚__NA__ME *?!* prn. prn. - ★
. . . Flag __**+**__ flag ⌒ txt txt *!* E
`♡` r/s ‹𝟹 00.00.00 .. E pname*!!*
E ⋆ [★](link) ﹕ [☆](link) ◟ ◝ txt
_ _
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_ _
E ﹚__NA__ME *?!* prn. prn. - ★
. . . Flag __**+**__ flag ⌒ txt txt *!* E
`♡` r/s ‹𝟹 00.00.00 .. E pname*!!*
E ⋆ [★](link) ﹕ [☆](link) ◟ ◝ txt
_ _
🪚 ) **notes** ; just a plain alter intro!!
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black-salt-cage · 1 year
Hippie theme PluralKit member description template ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ for anon Free to edit as you like, credit is appreciated but not necessary!
`εϊз🌻🍄name🍄🌻εϊз` `⚞☮⋑` [ age ] `⚞🏵⋑` [ pronouns ] `⚞☼⋑` [ gender, sexuality + romanticism ] `⚞☮⋑` [ relationship status ] `⚞🏵⋑` [ extra info, add as applicable ]
`🌼𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 system info 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊🌼`
`⚞☮⋑` [ system role(s) ] `⚞🏵⋑` [ character ] - [ source ] `⚞☼⋑` [ modifiers ] `⚞☮⋑` sourcetalk ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞🏵⋑` doubles ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞☼⋑` sourcemates? ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞☮⋑` [ extra info, add as applicable ]
`🌼𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 kin 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊🌼`
`⚞☮⋑` [ kin-types ] `⚞🏵⋑` [ primary kins ] `⚞☼⋑` sourcetalk ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞☮⋑` kin-names ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞🏵⋑` [ extra info, add as applicable ]
`🌼𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 boundaries 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊🌼`
`⚞☮⋑` roleplay ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞🏵⋑` PDA / nicknames ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞☼⋑` mutuals offsite ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞☮⋑` 18+talk ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞🏵⋑` tone indicators ♬ yes / no / ask / other [ add as applicable ] `⚞☼⋑` [ extra info, add as applicable ]
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pktemps · 8 months
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pk + sp + server templates posting blog! templates are ours unless stated otherwise. all are free to use/no credit needed.
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C-DID system, adult, POC + ND + disabled. templates enthusiast.
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═╪ DNI﹗🚫
- endo/tulpa systems + supporters. you may still use our templates, just don't interact at all. this means no likes, comments, reblogs, follows, asks, etc.
- nsfw & trauma blogs, get out of here.
- proship, comship, and any variation.
- maps, pears, pedos, zoos, or whatever you call yourselves. get help.
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═╪ TAGS﹗📜
#template - template of any kind.
#member desc - pluralkit member description templates.
#sys desc - pluralkit system description templates.
#groups temp - pluralkit groups templates.
#masks - profile picture/banner masks.
#server temp - server channels templates.
#displayname temp - displayname/nickname templates.
#pronouns temp - pronouns field templates.
#not a template - anything not-templates related.
#they can talk - for inbox/asks.
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⺌🪼•the jellyfish collective•🪼⺌
˚ °꒷꒦━━━━୨🪸୧━━━━꒦꒷° ˚
ত🪼collective info•ত
♡»name • robin/jelly
♡»age • 17
♡»pronouns • they/them
♡»gender • genderflux
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˚ °꒷꒦━━━━୨🪸୧━━━━꒦꒷° ˚
ত🪼system info•ত
𖦹»primary host • kit
𖦹»type • C-DID/polyfragmented DID
𖦹»member count • almost 600 (highly unstable)
𖦹»partner system • @the-enchanted-collective
𖦹»subsystems • 10+
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˚ °꒷꒦━━━━୨🪸୧━━━━꒦꒷° ˚
꒷꒦꒷🪼main front subsystem🪼꒷꒦꒷
(these are the people you’ll see posting most often)
• kit - she/her - 🎀 •
• laimu/limes - she/ferret/lime - 💚 •
• stella - all pronouns - 🗝️ •
• jelly - they/them - 🧴 •
• jacki - they/them - 🎞️ •
• thea - she/her - 🚭 •
• draegkon - it/its - 🐉 •
• aspen - she/her - 💜 •
• kurt - he/him - 🎬 •
• magpie - they/it - 🧶 •
• R800 - he/she/they/it + neos - 👾 •
• paris - she/heir/awake/help - 🏛️ •
• seven - mirror pronouns - 🍯 •
• silvia - she/they/it - 🐐 •
• starling - mirror pronouns - 💍 •
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˚ °꒷꒦━━━━୨🪸୧━━━━꒦꒷° ˚
𖦹���other accounts »
littles account
moodboard account
userbox account
pk template account
neoprns of the day account
𖦹•dni list» basic dni, bigots, endo/non-traumagenic “systems” + supporters, creeps, proshippers, anti agere/petre, anti self diagnosis
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id also like to add that while we’d love to make friends (and really want more friends) we’re really hard to be friends with and need you to message first and put in a lot of effort, especially at first. if you don’t want to deal with us that’s fine but please just don’t try. the only friends we’ve ever had have been peoples who have basically forced their friendship onto us and i don’t know how to have friends in any way other than that :’)
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eatyourguilt · 3 months
Seeking Danganronpa Roleplayers
MAIN FOCUS: high school roleplay in hope's peak academy, characters are sought out for unique abilities aka "ultimates" most students will be living on-campus in their own dorms
Hey guys, we started our server a few days ago and NEED more people since we're about to start the roleplay!
We are a semi-literate+ RP community of friends to write and socialize with. DR is a long term roleplay with planned events and arcs where your characters directly affect the story.
We are system friendly (PK)
Typology enjoyers who will type you
Vent channel with pingable advice role
Danganronpa related + general emojis
Games: T or D, WYR, smash or pass
Non-sensitive community of fans
Question of the day at 2 PM
Literate writers & RP
We have a #roleplay post channel where you can start writing whenever you'd like. Important events happening within the story are documented, so catch up at any time. We offer an RP chatroom, twitter, in-character google searches, and DMs in roleplay.
Character template and audition system
Public controlled events / arcs via polls
Immersive Ship Roleplay + Fun
Limit of 2 Canon Characters
As of 7/2/2024 the taken characters are: Junko, Kokichi, and Nagito! Reserved are Celestia, Korekiyo, and Shuichi!
credit of creating the server goes to @f0rkadork.
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peony-templates · 9 months
long / medium, dark academia-themed system description template for PK or SP
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
text under cut
***system name*** . . . 📜
⇢ col. *name, prn/prn*
⇢ origin/type, member #
⇢ *info info info*
⇢ info info info
***frequent fronters*** . . . 🎻
⇢ *name* ; pr/rns ; role
⇢ *name* ; pr/rns ; role
⇢ *name* ; pr/rns ; role
⇢ etc
***boundaries*** . . . 📜
⇢ *dms:* yes/no/ask
⇢ *frqs:* yes/no/ask
⇢ *touch:* yes/no/ask
⇢ *source talk:* yes/no/ask
⇢ *front call:* yes/no/ask
***quo quo quo quo quo*** . . . 🎻
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