#places to see in Israel
chrollohearttags · 5 months
I just want biden to know that him being a ‘trump alternative’ is not a sufficient enough reason for him to be re-elected and he can stop making that shit his only personality trait.
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phoenixyfriend · 6 months
I try not to make a lot of original posts on topics I don't actually have any expertise on, but I haven't seen a whole lot of posts going around that actually... explain what happened and why? Like, the actual order of events, the history, and so on. I want to reblog reference posts and explanations by people who actually know what they're talking about, but I haven't seen anything that hits the buttons I need to actually get a political situation... but I have seen some stuff on other platforms.
So here are some videos I've personally found useful in understanding Israel-Palestine, because that's the format I've found most useful in processing information of this nature:
Why Israel was Originally Attacked from RealLifeLore (explains the decades of political dynamics, internal demographic tensions, and power shifts leading up to the current conflict; notably the best I've seen at actually explaining what 'Israeli Occupation' actually means)
Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (commentary on the actual current situation in terms of who's getting attacked, why, and what the international ramifications so far are)
What's Happening in Israel and Why with Nathan Thrall from Adam Conover, series Factually (a discussion with an on-the-ground journalist about what life was like on the ground for Palestinian people in the areas under Israeli control during the last few years, just up to the attacks themselves)
I'm not going to claim these are comprehensive or completely unbiased (there are a few moments where I'm not entirely sure of the bias levels myself), but for people like myself who came into all this unsure of what the actual situation even is, I think these are a solid set to build up an basic understanding from which to put together opinions on future information.
I can't tell anyone what to think about how or why any of this is happening. I can only really tell you that what's going on right now is a crime on the level of attempted genocide, and that the years leading up to that have been an absolute mess on almost all fronts.
Again, I have no expertise on this subject. I just know what kind of video essay, political commentary, and interview style makes things understandable to me, personally, and might work for others. Please be courteous and kind in the comments and tags, as I am only sharing this because I haven't seen such a resource making the rounds yet, not actually trying to sway anyone in a particular direction beyond "the mass death needs to stop."
If you know of similar, relatively unbiased* resources, feel free to share.
* By 'relatively unbaised,' I don't mean taking or not taking a side; I just mean that it doesn't try to hide some information or other in favor of pushing a narrative, doesn't try to generalize a population, or doesn't seem to be trying to use emotional gut reactions to get readers or viewers to jump past reason or compassion.
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jesuis-snips · 8 months
LIES: Palestine is murdering civilians.
TRUTH: Palestine is expelling occupiers.
LIES: Palestine is attacking Israel.
TRUTH: Palestine is standing upon its rights in its own lands.
LIES: Hamas is giving Israel reasons to attack them.
TRUTH: Israel has already been attacking Palestinians without a reason for years. Every resistance counts and weakens Israel.
LIES: Israel is the victim.
TRUTH: Israel is suffering for its sins for the innocent children they have killed.
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arsenicflame · 9 months
something something everything izzy has always done has been for ed, its just that now we get to see him act in ways that are actually in eds best interests, rather than izzy trying to keep him safe whatever the costs
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hey uh im not coming back just yet I just wanted to say I love yall
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apparentlyautistick · 7 months
was reading a fic when the author posted a new chapter- which turned out to not be a chapter, rather an informative essay about the genocide and ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine and how people could help. I hate that it’s going on in the first place but at the same time I’m so proud of the author and immensely happy that the crimes committed by Israel are being discussed even especially in the world of fanfiction.
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rhisardthewizard · 6 months
A question for zionists;
My mom's family is Celtic (from way more recently than 3000 years ago) and my religion aligns much closer to old paganism than modern regional catholicism.
So, by Israeli logic, how much of Ireland am I entitled to? Like, do I just roll up on Hozier's house or...?
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redvelvetwishtree · 8 months
Lmao you guys cannot "antisemitism" your way out of this anymore, that's old tactics which don't work anymore.
Can you also prepare a word for what's happening in Palestine? It's so enraging I can't put into words my anger and upset anymore.
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doks-aux · 2 years
I just think that Ed should be forced to listen to Izzy getting the best dick of his life from someone who is not him after years of ignoring and passively rejecting him. 😌
(And not from Stede, either. He doesn't get to live vicariously through his boyfriend. He gets nothing.)
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penwrythe · 7 months
Learning how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable is important. I'm genuinely not okay when I hear, see, and research more about the genocide happening in Gaza, the history of Israel's founding, and its terroristic actions. It is important for me to know.
Taking short breaks (usually a couple of hours or so) does help when things get too much. Then, I return and continue engaging with reblogs on Palestine.
I really don't know what else to say, but this genocide must end. All genocides must end and must never happen again. Keep talking about Palestine, Armenia, Congo, and Sudan! Keep protesting! Keep fighting!
What is important now is to be as loud as you can be! Raise ruckus! Make your voice unavoidable! Be as annoying as possible! Do not let your representatives ignore this!
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anyoldfandom · 5 months
Why are you anti-Israel as a Jew? genuine question, I'm just curious as a non-Jewish person bc all my irl Jewish friends are pro-Israel
Okay so normally I don't really,,check my inbox so sorry for the late response anon, but thank you for the genuine curiosity! I'm glad you're coming to the table with an open mind.
I am going to put a disclaimer here, however: Jewish people are not the only people impacted by Israel's actions. We're not even the most impacted. I am going to give my perspective because it was asked for, but my biggest suggestion is to listen to Palestinian voices the most before you draw any conclusions, as they are the real victims in the center of Israel's actions.
As for my opinion, however - quite frankly, my dislike of the Israeli state comes from a few places. Yes, it is true that Jewish people lived in Israel in the past, and yes, it is a holy land - but I genuinely do not believe that the Israeli government has Jewish interests in heart. The common narrative that I've heard in a lot of spaces is that Israel is a safe place should the world turn against us again, but quite frankly...it's unrealistic. Not every Jew in the world can move to Israel. Only the wealthy Jews (and I can tell you, many Jews are not wealthy at all) would be able to flee, and the rest of us would be stuck where we are.
And that would be if Israel was not already filled with Palestinians. A phrase I and other Jews have used is "Not in our name".
The Israeli state is breaking international laws - yes, Hamas has also been condemned for breaking international laws, but the Israeli government is also a state. It is a government. A government that has a history of committing genocide - so much that South Africa is trying to sue them for war crimes.
And, to be frank, and I will admit my language is about to be very harsh - please know my anger is directed at the Israeli government, anon, and not you - but I do not want a fucking genocide in my name. I do not want other peoples to suffer because my people have in the past - Israel is not the answer, fighting real, actual antisemitism is. Making the entire world safe is the answer. I also hate that the government is claiming any criticism of Israel is antisemitic - I've spoken out against antisemitism in the past, consistently. I've written in concerns that people will use criticism of Israel in a way where they simply attack Jewish people, which is absolutely antisemitism, but holding a state responsible for their actions is not bigotry.
And, one more point - I do not think the allies of Israel are the allies of Jews. I can only speak as a US citizen, and not for any other country - but I do not, and have never, believed that my country is an ally of the Jewish people. I am constantly hearing antisemitic conspiracy theories being spread by politicians, and I heard the president claim that Israel would be the only safe place for Jews - supporting another genocidal country over the citizens he's supposed to be protecting, by suggesting the only place we will be safe is far away from America.
So, I don't support Israel. I don't support the murder of innocent Palestinians, the killing of journalists and children. I don't support the removal of people from their homes - and I'm frankly disgusted at those who would imply that I must run from my own home to be safe, because they refuse to be the change to keep my people safe.
I hope I explained my position well, anon. I really appreciate it when people, especially people not in the groups centered in a conversation, try to speak to both sides to at least understand all of the issue - though, don't just listen to me. As I said at the beginning, listen to Palestinian voices, as well - listen to the people living through these horrors. While Jews are centered in the conversation, it's important to remember that there are other victims here, who deserve to be listened to a whole hell of a lot more than me.
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cowboyhorsegirl · 21 days
don't get me wrong, i'm SO glad that ppl are boycotting eurovision this year, but i'm also a little irked because BDS has been telling ppl to boycott eurovision for YEARS so where has this energy been all that time??
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cosmo-naute · 2 months
"Descended from survivors", "a resilient people"
maybe collectively. sure. but I am one of the individuals who couldn't won't wouldn't have been able to make it.
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mooifyourecows · 7 months
I suddenly realized I haven't said anything on this blog about my stance on The Issues happening right now. (I share more on my Twitter and my sideblog @slappy-mc-handjob so follow those if you'd like)
Basically Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, freedom and justice to all, not just the people actively being ethnically cleansed and enslaved, but ESPECIALLY to the people actively being ethnically cleansed and enslaved.
Call and email and fax your reps. Maybe it won't do anything but irritate them but hey, at least you irritated them. That's a win in my book.
Go to CeasefireToday to do that easy peasy lemon squeezy
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goldheartedsky · 4 months
Not gonna lie, seeing every other marginalized group not only being granted solidarity but demanding it from Jews, while simultaneously refusing to combat or even acknowledge antisemitism in their own groups, is absolutely exhausting
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midnanoire · 30 days
all non participating countries have their flags banned at eurovision
I'm well aware. I wrote that in the translation.
Tumblr media
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