#planets on the house cusps
plutosunshine · 16 days
The ruler of your Ascendant — and its house
Understanding the house in which your Ascendant ruler (also known as the chart ruler) resides is a deeply personal journey in astrology. It provides intimate insight into the core themes that shape your life path, personality, and approach to the world. The Ascendant represents your outward identity, how you present yourself, and how others perceive you. Its ruling planet acts as a personal guide, and its placement in a specific house highlights the life areas where you are naturally drawn and likely to encounter significant experiences. This knowledge fosters a deeper connection to your own life story and experiences.
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Identify Your Ascendant: First, determine your Ascendant sign by calculating your birth chart. The Ascendant is the sign on the cusp of the 1st house.
Find the Ruling Planet of Your Ascendant:
   - Aries Ascendant: Mars
   - Taurus/Libra Ascendant: Venus
   - Gemini/Virgo Ascendant: Mercury
   - Cancer Ascendant: Moon
   - Leo Ascendant: Sun
   - Scorpio Ascendant: Pluto (modern) or Mars (traditional)
   - Sagittarius Ascendant: Jupiter
   - Capricorn Ascendant: Saturn
   - Aquarius Ascendant: Uranus (modern) or Saturn (traditional)
   - Pisces Ascendant: Neptune (modern) or Jupiter (traditional)
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 1st house
This placement makes your identity, self-expression, and personal impact on the world the center of your life. The 1st house is the house of the self, so having your chart ruler here means you're strongly connected to who you are and how you present yourself to others. It's like your core energy radiates through your personality, making you a powerful force in shaping your life path.
People can't help but notice you. Whether you're naturally confident or working on building that self-assurance, your presence is hard to ignore. You're likely to take the initiative in life, often driven to carve out your own path rather than following others.
With the Ascendant ruler in the 1st house, personal independence is not just important, it's a defining feature of your character. You possess a strong sense of what you want and are driven to achieve it, even if it means going against the norm. This placement is all about you taking charge of your destiny.
You're wired to express yourself authentically. There's a deep drive to figure out who you are and ensure your outer life reflects your inner truth. You're not one to fake it—being authentic is what matters most to you.
This placement also means that your self-development is not just a passing phase but a lifelong focus. You're constantly evolving, and the challenges that push you to grow often revolve around how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. Personal improvement might feel like a never-ending project, but this continuous growth keeps you moving forward.
This placement makes you magnetic, driven, and authentic, giving you the natural power to shape your own world. It's a direct alignment between who you are inside and what you project to the outside world!
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 2nd house
You likely crave financial stability and material comfort. It's not just about money, though—it's about feeling secure and grounded in your life. This desire for financial stability is a reflection of your need for security and is completely understandable.
This placement makes you very attuned to your own value. You might tie your self-worth to how well you can support yourself or what you achieve in the material world. Learning to balance self-worth with what you have versus who you are is a key lesson for you.
Whether it's building wealth, a home, or even skills, you thrive on creating something lasting.
Your sense of self is deeply connected to what you personally find valuable, whether that's relationships, possessions, or even spiritual beliefs. These values guide your decisions and validate your alignment with your true self.
This placement drives you to create a life where you feel secure, self-sufficient, and aligned with what you truly value. You're not just looking for material wealth—you're building a life that reflects your deepest sense of self-worth and stability!
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 3rd house
You’re someone who’s always asking questions, always wanting to know more. Your mind is sharp, and you probably dive into new topics, pick up different skills, or constantly seek intellectual stimulation. You’re naturally curious about the world, and this curiosity shapes your sense of self.
Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or teaching, expressing yourself is key. You likely feel at home when sharing your thoughts or bouncing ideas off others. Your voice matters, and you probably thrive when you can interact with others, exchange ideas, or stay in the know.
You might have strong ties to your local environment, like your neighborhood or community. Siblings, cousins, or close-knit social circles often play an important role in your life. Your relationships are likely a constant source of learning and growth for you.
With your chart ruler here, learning doesn’t stop. Whether through formal education or self-taught experiences, you never stop growing mentally. Engaging with new ideas keeps you feeling vibrant and connected to your identity.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 4th house
You're someone who finds a lot of meaning in your home environment. Whether creating a cozy space or being surrounded by loved ones, having a secure and nurturing home life is essential for your emotional well-being. You're likely someone who values privacy and needs time in your sanctuary to recharge.
Your family, especially your roots and ancestry, plays a big role in shaping your identity. You might feel a strong connection to your heritage or have a deep sense of responsibility toward your family. Exploring your family history or finding your place within the family dynamic can be a major part of your personal growth.
Beyond the physical home, emotional security is a huge focus for you. You might spend a lot of time reflecting on your inner self, working through emotional patterns that go way back to your childhood. Establishing a strong emotional foundation helps you feel grounded in who you are.
With this placement, you likely have a natural instinct to care for others. Whether you're nurturing family members, friends, or even your own inner child, creating a supportive and loving environment around you is part of your life's work.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 5th house
You're naturally drawn to creative pursuits, whether that's through art, music, writing, or any activity that lets you express your unique self. Creativity is not just a hobby for you; it's a core part of who you are. You feel most alive when you're putting your own personal stamp on something.
Having fun and doing things that make you happy isn't just a nice thing to have; it's really important for your overall well-being. You enjoy experiencing happiness in many different ways, whether it's through hobbies, having fun, or appreciating the little things in life. You know how to let loose and embrace the moment, which makes you magnetic to others.
When it comes to love, you approach it with passion and excitement. Romance, flirting, and playful connection are likely a big part of your life. You might also find that your relationships bring out the best in your self-expression, making love a key theme in your personal growth.
This placement makes you a natural at bringing fun, creativity, and love into the world. You're at your best when you enjoy life, follow your passions, and share your vibrant energy with others. Letting your creative and playful side lead the way is what truly makes you shine!
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 6th house
Whether it's in your work, health, or personal habits, you're someone who thrives on getting things done. You might be the type who enjoys checking off tasks, organizing your day, and feeling productive. There's a profound sense of accomplishment in being efficient and dependable, and your efforts are truly commendable.
You likely find immense joy and satisfaction in helping others, whether that's through your job, taking care of loved ones, or simply being the go-to person when someone needs support. A natural part of you enjoys being of service and making life easier for those around you, and your altruistic nature is truly appreciated.
This placement often brings attention to your health and daily habits. You might be very conscious of how you take care of your body, mind, and spirit. Maintaining your well-being, whether through exercise, nutrition, or mental health routines, is a key part of feeling grounded and balanced.
The 6th house is also about self-improvement, so you always look for ways to grow. Whether picking up new skills at work, refining your routines, or focusing on personal development, you're motivated to keep evolving.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 7th house
Partnerships play a big role in your life. You're likely someone who thrives in close relationships, whether it's a romantic partner, best friend, or business collaborator. You feel more complete when you're sharing your life with someone else.
A big part of your life is about finding a balance between yourself and others. You're probably someone who likes harmony in your relationships and may go out of your way to ensure things are running smoothly between you and the people close to you.
You're drawn to people who mirror qualities you want to develop in yourself. Whether consciously or not, you tend to attract partners who help you grow; through these relationships, you learn a lot about who you are.
Working with others or being part of a team probably feels natural. You're not someone who likes to do things completely on your own—there's strength and fulfillment in knowing you have a partner by your side, whether in work or life.
You're likely good at reading people and understanding their needs. You can easily put yourself in someone else's shoes, which makes you a supportive and thoughtful partner.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 8th house
You don't like surface-level stuff. You crave depth, whether in relationships, conversations, or even understanding yourself. You probably want to dig into the "why" of everything, looking beyond what's obvious.
Change and growth are recurring themes in your life. You might undergo major transformations, either in how you see yourself or your life circumstances. You know how to rise from challenges stronger than before, almost like a phoenix.
Whether it's psychology, the mysteries of life, or even finances (like investments or shared resources), you're attracted to topics that others might shy away from. You have a natural curiosity for things that are hidden or misunderstood.
With your Ascendant ruler in the 8th, you might find that part of your life journey is learning to regain your power. Whether it's through overcoming personal challenges or helping others do the same, you're someone who seeks to understand power dynamics and work through them.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 9th house
Whether traveling to new places or exploring different ideas and cultures, you have a hunger for adventure. You thrive when you learn something new or experience life from a fresh perspective, and you're probably always thinking about your next big trip or goal.
You're not just interested in the day-to-day details—you want to understand the bigger picture. Whether through philosophy, spirituality or even just pondering the meaning of life, you're driven by a desire to understand the "why" behind everything.
Education, whether in school or through independent learning, is really important in your life. You enjoy learning about new things, and you might like helping others learn, too. Lifelong learning is your jam.
You're likely open to different cultures, ideas, and beliefs. You see value in diversity and are always looking to broaden your perspective. You're curious about what's out there and aren't afraid to challenge your own views.
You have a strong desire to find meaning and purpose in everything you do. Whether through your career, personal growth, or spiritual journey, you constantly seek something that brings direction and fulfillment to your life.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 10th house
You’ve got big goals and dreams and are not afraid to chase them. Whether climbing the career ladder or building a reputation, you have a strong drive to succeed and be recognized for your efforts.
Work and your professional life play a big part in your identity. You’re likely someone who puts a lot of energy into your career, and you probably feel most fulfilled when you’re making progress and reaching your goals.
How others see you, especially in a professional or public setting, matters to you. You’re likely very mindful of the image you project and want to be known for your accomplishments and integrity.
You’re not just thinking about short-term wins. You have an eye on the bigger picture, always thinking about how your actions today will impact your future. Building something that lasts—a career, a business, or a personal legacy—is important to you.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 11th house
Friendships and connections play a huge role in your life. You’re likely someone who loves being part of a community or network of like-minded people. Whether through social groups, clubs, or online communities, you’re energized by sharing ideas and experiences with others.
You’re not just thinking about personal success—you’re focused on long-term goals and the future. You probably have big ideas about how you want to contribute to the world or make an impact, and you’re always looking ahead, planning for what’s next.
Collaboration is your jam. You’re great at working with others toward a common goal, whether a cause, a project, or even shared fun. You understand that teamwork makes the dream work, and you’re likely the one who brings people together.
This placement is not just about what you can do for yourself but also about how you can be part of something larger. Causes, humanitarian efforts, or even just supporting friends in their dreams are important to you. You’re motivated by making a positive difference.
The 11th house is linked to innovation and new ideas, so you might be someone who’s into technology, progressive thinking, or just thinking outside the box. You enjoy exploring new concepts and staying ahead of the curve.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 12th house
You spend a lot of time in your head reflecting on life, your emotions, and the deeper meaning behind things. You’re probably more comfortable with your thoughts and feelings than most people and might need a lot of alone time to recharge.
Whether it’s spirituality, intuition, or just an interest in what’s hidden beneath the surface, you’re drawn to the mysterious side of life. You might be naturally intuitive, with a strong sense of things that aren’t immediately obvious to others.
You likely prefer keeping parts of yourself private, not necessarily because you’re secretive, but because you value your personal space.
This placement often suggests a path of personal healing and growth. You might go through deep transformations throughout your life, learning a lot about yourself by facing fears, letting go, or dealing with the past.
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cosmicplexus · 7 days
Astrology Notes🌻
cosmic plexus🦢🌻✨ based on my experiences...
~capricorn risings have such a strict air to them and most times you'll find that's one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet
~venus - jupiter conjunction in synastry is a common aspect in marriages
~venus in 10th house may indicate someone who's easily liked by other people due to their courteous image
~south node in 11th house/north node in 5th people will be well known in their lifetime
~gemini venus needs to work on drawing their mental stimulation from themselves and if they don't, they'll always struggle with settling down (spelling error fixed)
~taurus mars people are very diplomatic, but won't shy away from placing boundaries
~while they're not exempt from it, envy is a feeling sagittarius moons barely feel and this is due to jupiter's influence on their inner child
~scorpio moons can either be the best thing you'll ever have or the worst thing you'll ever have...as cliché as it sounds it's true
~moon in 1st house women can develop a complex with being called adorable or cute as they'd rather be called pretty
~rising at venusian degrees 2°, 7°, 14°, 19° and 26° is a pretty people placement
~planets at 18° can make you feel unlucky pertaining the areas related to that planet for example venus at 18° can make you feel unlucky at love
~your moon sign and house, ic sign(the sign on your 4th house cusp) alongside the degree your moon is at give you an almost complete story of your inner child and core behaviours
~gemini placements will always have a youthfulness to them even as they grow older
~when they like someone, pisces moon, venus and mars placements are just as bad as scorpio placements when it comes to stalking
~aquarius placements are not unfeeling...they just don't care to feel things, this especially applies to the moon placement
~for all their tactics, libra placements are really nice people even if it feels ingenuine at times
~virgo moons, venus and mars more than other placements value good hygiene when choosing a partner
~mars in 5th house synastry is nice to have, but it's not practical for the long run and needs to be heavily aided by other aspects
~a natal leo moon manifests well alongside a pisces venus or mars in the birth chart
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
Astro Notes: Degree Theory Part 3 ⭐️
✰ Often people who have a nickname can have Gemini degrees (3°, 15°, 27°) particularly on their Sun, Mercury, and/or Ascendant.
✰ Having a Scorpio degree (8°, 20°) on your midheaven can mean having a parent that works in finance.
✰ Those with Virgo degrees (6°, 18°) on the 4th house cusp usually have neat and organized homes and bedrooms. They’re the type of person to say “my bedroom is my sanctuary.” They could be focused on wellness and light candles, burn sage, have self-help books, and overall have a clean and minimalistic living space.
✰ If you’re a fan of crystals you may have some Capricorn degrees (10°, 22°) in your chart, particularly Neptune or Uranus or any placement with a water sign at a Capricorn degree.
✰ Those with Taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) and/or Cancer degrees (4°, 16°, 28°), particularly in the personal planets, often have a love of cooking and baking. They can enjoy the feeling of making food for others. If the degree is on the Moon, perhaps their mom and/or grandmother(s) enjoyed cooking and baking or had a career involving it.
✰ People with a Leo degree (5°, 17°, 29°) on their Mercury are usually really good at word play and are overall creative in the way they communicate. An example that comes to mind is Sabrina Carpenter and her double entendres in her ‘nonsense’ outros. She has Mercury at 5°.
✰ A lot of people with Venus and/or Jupiter in a Taurus or Pisces degree (12°, 24°) can have big music collections of cds and records
✰ I’ve found that many people who are trendsetters have Uranus or Neptune at 0°, 1° (Aries), 12° or 24° (Pisces) or 29° (Leo).
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starastrologyy · 3 months
Wealth in Astrology🖤
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Please do not repost anything I write on other social media platforms x I only have a TikTok & a Tumblr.
Wealth in a natal chart
Jupiter in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th house.
Part of fortune in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th house.
People with the ruler of their midheaven in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th tend to earn a substantial amount of money from their careers.
Venus or Jupiter in the 8th can indicate marrying a wealthy spouse.
People with Uranus, Jupiter AND Venus in the 5th house are more likely to win money from games of chance such as the lottery. Please note you have to have at least two of these for it to apply to you.
Some people argue Venus-Pluto contacts (trine,sextile, & conjunction) specifically can indicate wealth. However, I’d argue that you’d want to see if the conjunction is happening in one of the ‘money houses’. Pluto is also the planet of extremes so this aspect is truly one where you’d need to look at other aspects & the chart in its entirety to see how it will unfold.
North Node in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th house.
Jupiter/Venus ruled 2nd, 8th, or 11th house cusp. (Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, or Taurus) over these houses.
People with 8th house placements (especially Venus or Jupiter) are more likely to receive an inheritance, marry a wealthy spouse, or make money through investing/trading.
People with 11th house placements (Venus,Jupiter) have the potential to earn a significant amount of money from their careers.
Planets in a natal chart that are at the 29th degree *in Cancer* are considered to be financially auspicious as that is the millionaire degree. I want to emphasize that the 29th degree is a Leo degree, but what I’m referring to is planets that are in the sign of cancer that are at the 29th degree. I hope this makes sense.
Wealth by Transit
Long-term transits to the 2nd house can indicate a change in your finances. However, I have found this to be especially true if for example Jupiter is transiting your 2nd house *AND* making a trine or conjunction to your natal Venus.
Uranus transits to the 2nd house can indicate an unexpected change in your finances. However, you want to look to see how it’s aspected to see if this change is likely to be positive or negative. If Uranus in the 2nd is making a square to Venus that can indicate a sudden loss of wealth/money.
On the topic of Uranus, when transit Uranus makes transits your 5th house your chances of winning at a game of chance are higher. But, this is only true if transit Jupiter is also transiting the 5th house or if you have your natal Venus, Jupiter, or part of fortune in the 5th .
The best transits for money are Jupiter/Venus transiting the 2nd house OR Transit Venus/Jupiter making a conjunction, trine or sextile to your natal Venus/Jupiter. You also want to look out for transit Venus or Jupiter making an aspect to planets in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th houses. Squares & oppositions can indicate difficulties or losses connected to money. So, sextiles, trines, and sometimes conjunctions are preferred.
Transits of the benefics to the ruler of your 2nd house can also represent a financially auspicious time.
Solar Return
Jupiter in solar return 2nd house can often indicate an increase in wealth that year. This is especially true if Jupiter is making a trine or a conjunction to the Solar Return Venus.
Ruler of the Solar Return Ascendant in the 2nd house, can indicate that you will have a very financially focused year. That is also true if the sign that is over your Solar Return Ascendant is the same sign that is over your natal 2nd house cusp.
I have also seen Pluto in the 2nd house of a Solar Return chart indicate a significant change in an individual’s personal finances/resources. However, we would need to see how it’s being aspected to determine how it would play out for you as an individual. Trines & sextiles (and sometimes conjunctions) are preferred.
Solar return part of fortune in the 2nd house tends to be auspicious for finances.
Solar return Jupiter making a trine to the Midheaven. However, this is most likely to be true if Jupiter is trining your midheaven from the solar return 2nd house.
The ruler of the Solar return Midheaven in the 2nd house can also at times indicate a change in personal finances (in connection to your career). This is also likely to be true if the sign that is over your solar return midheaven is the same sign that is over your natal 2nd house cusp.
Chart Readings are still open! Link is in bio for those interested 🤍 reviews are on my Masterlist x
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 months
Random Astro Notes
Mercury in 7th house- spouse may be either very well educated or may have faced breaks in education.
Venus in 9th house will spend a lot on college education.
Saturn in 2nd will delay marriage and starting a family especially retrograde.
Virgo on 4th cusp will want a neat and tidy home. They may also have a bookshelf at home
Cancer shows where your family interferes. Example Cancer in 12th family influences your spiritual life, in 7th your marriage etc.
A benefic planet in 10th causes Amala yoga.
Planets in trine to a karaka influences them heavily. Example, if Ketu is in 5th or 9th to Venus, then spouse has Ketu traits.
Mars in 5th will lose heavily in speculation due to their inability to curb revenge trades.
Rahu Dasha-Mercury bhukti can make one choose computer related education.
Mars-Moon aspects , mother could be a Aries Moon.
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harmoonix · 1 year
☆ Astro ☾ Observations ☆
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☆ Your Mars sign = what energy you tend to give to others
Aries Mars: Dominant, Leader
Taurus Mars: Gentle, Exciting
Gemini Mars: Curious, Funny
Cancer Mars: Warm, Lovable
Leo Mars: Popular, Fiery
Virgo Mars: Bossy, Smart
Libra Mars: Charm, Beautiful
Scorpio Mars: Magnetic, Misterious
Sagittarius Mars: Sensual, Attractive
Capricorn Mars: Noble, Respectable
Aquarius Mars: Authentic, Creative
Pisces Mars: Empathic, Ethereal
☆ You can have Venus Signs who are not that posesive in love relationships such Sagittarius/Gemini/Aquarius Venus unless the Venus makes an aspect with Pluto it can give this posesive vibes
☆ Cancerian Degrees over your Venus [4°, 16°, 28°] can show a need for safety and reassurance in relationships, you want your relationship to feel like home without any doubt
☆ Virgo Degrees over your 7th house cusp [6°, 18°] can show that you need a serious partner in relationships but also someone who can get along good with you (Mercury influence) you can have very social partners
☆ Cancerian Degrees over your 7th house cusp (4°,16°. 28°) attract nurturing people. Because these people tend to give the "mother" vibe and the "comforting vibe" to their partners also to be able to build an special connection with their spouses
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☆ Imagine how badass is to have a Mercury/Venus sign to rule your 8th house 🥵
Mercury ruling the 8th house = pleasant voice, sensual voice, likes dirty talk, temptation
Venus ruling the 8th house = sensual love, dynamic, seductive, possesive, passionate
Is literally so 🥵 🥵🥵 you have these 2 influence over your 8th house if you have {Gemini or Virgo in your 8th house or Libra and Taurus in your 8th house}
☆ Sun/Moon rulling over your 7th house (Leo, Cancer in the 7th house) besties....how it is to be the main character? This energy in here is so cute With Leo in the 7th house you attract partners who can be adore you and with Cancer in the 7th house you attract partners who can a special bounding in love and to love you so much, a win for a win
☆ Saturn/Uranus rulling over your 7th house (Aquarius in the 7th house, Capricorn in the 7th house) This energy is karmic, how many times did it happened to you to met karmic partners who bring lessons with them? You are ethereal
☆ Babes how it is to have the planet of Love rulling your 7th house? (Libra 7th house, Taurus 7th house), Venus feels like home here so she sends you THIS lovely energy in your life, your love life is supported by Venus, this is everything
☆ Sagittarius and Pisces in the 7th house you attract people who really enjoy life and know how to live their life at fullest, with Sagittarius in the 7th house your partners might also know how a party/ I love Jupiter energy in the 7th house because is planet of abundance and luck and in the 7th house is just blessed, amen.
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☆ Neptune and Pluto in the 1st/10th houses give beautiful majestic eyes. Probably you heard this before, they both have this influence over your appearance and is 🌟 Pretty 🌟
☆ The native with Mercury in the 5th/9th/10th/11h houses might be attracted to other languages or cultures and that makes them to appreciate and respect them. They are very intelligent and love to learn new things
☆ The Native with Moon in the 4th/9th/12th houses might be attracted other cultures aswell and like to learn how things, they are also very curious people when it comes to learning something new 🌟🫶🏼 lovely placements
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☆ Asteroid Hera (103) how's your loyalty?
Hera in Aries - They are hot when they're loyal
Hera in Taurus - Possesive and gentle
Hera in Gemini - Loyal with their own words
Hera in Cancer - They will never abandon/leave their partners because they are extremely loveable, very loyal
Hera in Leo - Very loyal and proud because of this, your loyalty is strong
Hera in Virgo - Loyal but tend to overthink if their partners do the same or if they are loyal aswell, very protective
Hera in Libra - Loyal and romantic, wouldn't dare to hurt their partners
Hera in Scorpio - Loyal and jealous, possesive and sometimes clingy aswell
Hera in Sagittarius - Very passionate energy, they tend to make memories with their partners and that means a lot for them so very loyal
Hera in Capricorn - The definition of loyalty, they are loyal, they are hot, they are the boss
Hera in Aquarius - Loyalty is something that keeps them authentic and unique they love with passion
Hera in Pisces - They are too sweet to hurt their partners, too sweet for this world, they can end up being hurt because, very loyal and extremely lovely
Asteroid Hera (103) is one of my favorites asteroids in the whole sky, i love Hera and her backstory she is so badass and so queen energy. She is the queen of the gods after all 👑👑👑
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☆ Natives with Venus in the 2nd/5th/6th/10th houses can develop love for food, they love eating and love to taste things especially sweets 🧁
☆ Moon in aspect with Jupiter can make the native a history/Ancient time lover, they can have a love for vintage aswell and their intuition is another whole level
☆ Mercury in Sagittarius/Virgo/Pisces/Aquarius have the most funniest laughs i ever heard, seriously the fun starts when some of these natives starts to laugh 😂
☆ Lilith in Aries/Cancer/Capricorn/Libra = Generational Breakers (Lmao these are the all the Cardinal signs i didn't even realised) they come to break bad habits in different topics in their life
Aries Lilith - Personality/Ego/ How they see themselves
Cancer Lilith - Family Generational Curse breaker/Ancestral breakers/ Restoring peace in family
Capricorn Lilith - Career/Job/Work breakers, breaking the bad habits of having a bad job and working harder to get a good deserved job/
Libra Lilith - Breaking bad patterns in relationships/bad habits in relationships/self love/
☆ Libra/Pisces and Cancer Moons can fall very easy in love and sometimes that can not be the best decision because it can happen too fast they can aswell end up heartbroken because of the same thing
☆ Jupiter in Leo/Libra/Taurus how does it feel to have this unique aesthetic for beauty 😍? Literally you are gorgeous and you show it to the world
☆ Saturn in Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) can have a karmic pattern of learning how to deal with intense emotions and how to react when these intense emotions happen (They can tend to be emotionally blocked which is bad for them)
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☆ Lilith (h12) in Leo degrees - (5°, 17°, 29°) how does it feel to be the main character? These people are so gorgeous from head to toe, the native can possess a natural seduction just like Lilith in Leo people have
☆ Lilith (h12) quincunx ascendant/rising: So many people told me to write about this aspect and babes here it comes, natives with these aspects have an hard time understanding their destiny/desires and sometimes even their sexuality or sexual desires, you will understand these and experience these things with the time
☆ Lilith conjunct Saturn can feel very restricted to be themselves is like they feel judged to be themselves which can be sad and painful, these aspect is very strong but aswell very karmic
☆ Karma asteroid [3811] aspecting Venus or asteroid Juno (3), karmic partners, karmic relationships, lessons involving partners/relationships, bestie you're just a karmic being at this point 💅🏼
🏺Ancient Greek is fabulous. Full of history, secrets and power. I love how these things could survive in time long enough until us, the last generations to keep it and honor it. Because this is also about our past and our ancestors 🏺
I hope you enjoyed my posts and the theme/aesthetics 🥰🌸🏺 Have a good day full of good energy and love 💕
- Harmoonix 🐚
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safiredreams · 10 months
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Sagittarius Mars can sometimes be too honest and truthfull, hurting those they love with their words.
Capricorn on the 11th House Cusp often has older friends, these were the kids that had retirment age friends.
Those with Pluto in the 7th House are attracted to mysterious and quite intense individuals, those who can help unearth their own passions.
Capricorn Mars people need to be in a relationship with someone who supports their career goals, as they will spend a lot of energy on their work and that needs to be understood and nurtured by their partner.
If someones Venus fall directly on top of your Ascendant then you will feel beautiful and appreciated in this persons presence pretty much from the first moment you meet them.
Venus conjunct Pluto people often relate to others very intensly and deeply, there is no halfway when it comes to their connections. Pluto intensifies their Venusian placement often to a quite extreme level.
We store a lot of our unhealed wounds in our natal 8th House, so when a planet transits through it and especially if it touches any native 8th House planets there, a person will feel a reopening of old trauma that needs to be healed. Issues that were thought to have been dead and gone are unburied and forced into the open consciousness.
Aries Descendants are attracted to courageous, independent and assertive people. These people need to learn to take risks and fulfill their own selfish desires through the relationships that they form.
Mars in Virgo people analyse every situation and possibility before they give their full energy to it. They are highly discriminating of who and what they give themselves to.
The Taurus Venus person needs to be physically fulfilled in a relationships, if they are with a person that is unable to provide that kind of pleasure to them then the Taurean Venus will have to move on. Sensual pleasure is a non negotiable.
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liliomme · 1 year
Love Encounters in Your Solar Return: Exploring the 7th House 🫧
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In astrology, the 7th house is one of the essential houses in a natal chart, representing partnerships, marriage, and significant relationships. It governs the way we approach and interact with others on a one-to-one basis, be it in romantic relationships, business partnerships, or even open enemies. The sign on the cusp of the 7th house, as well as any planets residing in this house, can provide insights into the qualities we seek in a partner and the dynamics we may encounter in relationships. This house also highlights our ability to compromise, cooperate, and negotiate with others, playing a crucial role in shaping our social connections and deep emotional bonds throughout life.
The 7th house in a solar return chart holds significance in providing insights into the realm of partnerships and relationships during the specific year of the solar return. It offers valuable information about the type of individuals one may attract or form connections with during that period, as well as the potential challenges or harmonious experiences that may arise in these relationships. Understanding the dynamics of the 7th house in the solar return can offer valuable guidance on how to navigate and make the most of the various interactions and partnerships that come into play during the year.
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Take this with a grain of salt. ^^
🫧 Aries 7th House/Descendant
So, with Aries descendant in your solar return chart, you might just experience some truly dynamic and passionate partners during the year. You know, Aries energy tends to attract people who are confident, assertive, and independent, and boy, they're full of zest for life! It's like they radiate enthusiasm, and they're the ones who'll take the lead in relationships. How exciting is that, right? 🐚
But hey, let's keep it real, because with all that fiery energy, there might be some challenges too. You might encounter partners who are adventurous and love trying new things, which sounds like a blast, but sometimes their strong desire for independence could lead to occasional conflicts or power struggles. Not to worry though, communication and finding a good balance will be the keys to making things work and having a harmonious connection. All in all, get ready for a thrilling year with love encounters that are full of energy, excitement, and some memorable adventures together! 🌊
🫧 Taurus 7th House/Descendant
So, with Taurus descendant in your solar return chart, get ready for love encounters that are all about stability, sensuality, and grounded connections during the year ahead. 🎐 You might attract partners who exude a calm and patient demeanor, and GURL are they reliable and loyal! Taurus energy tends to seek enduring relationships, and they'll value the stability and security that you can offer in return. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who appreciate the simple pleasures in life, and together, you'll build a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect. 💭
In these love encounters, expect to encounter people who are sensual and in tune with their senses. They'll appreciate the finer things in life, like good food, beautiful surroundings, and meaningful experiences. Oh, and their touch will be just magical😍 as they'll have a knack for creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere wherever they go. You might find yourself slowing down a bit in their presence, savoring the present moment and finding joy in the little things that life has to offer.
One thing to keep in mind is that with Taurus' fixed nature, they may take their time when it comes to making decisions, especially in relationships. They won't rush into things, but once they're committed, you can count on their unwavering dedication. 🍾 While Taurus energy is steady and reliable, there could be some stubbornness at times, so learning to compromise and understanding each other's needs will be vital for a successful and lasting connection. Overall, these love encounters will bring a sense of comfort, stability, and sensuality into your life, creating a beautiful and lasting bond with partners who share your desire for a fulfilling and steadfast relationship. 👒
🫧 Gemini 7th House/Descendant
With Gemini descendant in your solar return chart, you're in for a year of love encounters that are intellectually stimulating, communicative, and ever-changing. You'll attract partners who are witty, curious, and versatile, they will keep you on your toes !! Gemini energy seeks mental connection and enjoys engaging conversations that span a wide range of topics. 🥂 You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are great communicators, and together, you'll share a love for exchanging ideas and exploring the world through lively discussions. ✨ Gemini's dual nature brings a variety of experiences, so you may encounter partners who are open to trying new things and are not afraid of change. They'll bring a sense of fun and lightness to your relationships, and you'll have no shortage of exciting experiences together. However, it's essential to be aware of Gemini's restlessness and tendency to become easily bored. To keep the spark alive, finding ways to keep things fresh and interesting will be crucial in maintaining the connection. 🎰
You might find yourself in a year of multiple romantic interests or encounters, as Gemini is known for their ability to explore different options. Enjoy the diversity of experiences, but remember that open communication and honesty will be essential in navigating any complexities that arise. Overall, these love encounters will bring intellectual stimulation, adaptability, and a sense of exploration into your life, offering you a taste of the exciting and ever-changing world of Gemini energy. ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა
🫧 Cancer 7th House/Descendant
With Cancer descendant in your solar return chart, get ready for love encounters that are deeply emotional, nurturing, and focused on building a strong sense of home and family during the year ahead. You'll attract partners who are caring, empathetic, and highly sensitive to your needs. Cancer energy seeks emotional connection and craves a sense of security and comfort in relationships. 🫧 You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are nurturing and have a strong desire to create a loving and supportive environment for you.
Expect a profound emotional bond with your partners. Cancer's nurturing nature brings a sense of warmth and tenderness to your relationships, and you'll feel cherished and protected in their presence. 🧸 They value the importance of home and family, and you may find yourself building a strong foundation with them to create a loving and stable household. However, be prepared for the intensity of their emotions, as Cancer energy can be highly empathetic and sometimes moody. Providing them with a safe space to express their feelings and being understanding of their sensitivity will be essential in maintaining a harmonious connection.
💭 You might experience a year of emotional growth and deep soul connections with your partners, as Cancer energy craves meaningful and intimate relationships. These love encounters will bring a sense of comfort, emotional security, and a feeling of being truly understood and cherished. 🫶🏻 Together, you'll explore the depths of your feelings and create lasting memories in the loving embrace of Cancer's nurturing energy. (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡
🫧 Leo 7th House/Descendant
OMG??! ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა let's talk about Leo descendant in your solar return chart 😍 Get ready for some seriously sizzling and passionate love encounters during this year! You'll attract partners who are confident, charming, and full of charisma. These individuals exude a magnetic presence, and you won't be able to resist being drawn into their vibrant world. ✨ Leo energy seeks attention and adoration, and boy, will they make you feel like you're the center of their universe! Their expressive and enthusiastic nature will sweep you off your feet and leave you feeling truly special and loved.
Expect to be romanced like never before. 💌 Leo's flair for drama and grand gestures means you'll be in for some epic declarations of love and attention. These partners will go above and beyond to show you how much they care, showering you with compliments, gifts, and lavish displays of affection. You'll find yourself in the spotlight, and they'll be more than happy to bask in your glow too. 🫶🏻 Their playful and joyful nature will bring a sense of fun and excitement into your relationships, creating memories that you'll cherish forever.
However, it's essential to be mindful of their need for recognition and sometimes, a bit of ego. Leo energy craves admiration, and occasional clashes of will might happen if they feel overshadowed or not appreciated enough. But don't worry, as long as you show them love and admiration, they'll be the most devoted and loyal partners you could ever wish for.🐚 These love encounters will be like a grand romance straight out of a movie, full of passion, excitement, and a love that shines as bright as the sun! Embrace the magic of Leo energy, and get ready for a year of unforgettable love !!! 🧸
🫧 Virgo 7th House/Descendant
Get ready for love encounters that are grounded, practical, and deeply caring during the year ahead. You'll attract partners who are intelligent, detail-oriented, and highly attentive to your needs. 👒 Virgo energy seeks to create a sense of order and efficiency in relationships, and they'll be the ones who remember the little things that matter to you the most. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are reliable and dependable, and they'll go out of their way to make sure you feel supported and loved. ( ˊᵕˋ )
Virgo's analytical nature means they'll want to understand your thoughts and feelings on a deep level, fostering open and honest dialogues. 💭They may offer practical solutions to problems and provide a sense of stability and security in your relationships. You'll be amazed by their thoughtfulness and acts of service, as they'll always strive to make your life better in every way they can. expect a strong emphasis on communication and meaningful connections. ⏳ However, be prepared for their tendency to be critical, as Virgo energy can be perfectionistic at times. They may have high standards for themselves and others, which could lead to occasional moments of self-doubt or nitpicking. Nonetheless, their intentions are always rooted in caring and wanting the best for you. These love encounters will be like finding a true partner-in-crime, someone who has your back and loves you unconditionally. ✨ Embrace the warmth and practicality of Virgo energy, and get ready for a year of love that's attentive, thoughtful, and deeply meaningful !!
🫧 Libra 7th House/Descendant
With Libra descendant in your solar return chart, get ready for love encounters that are all about balance, harmony, and finding a true sense of partnership during the year ahead. 🎆 You'll attract partners who are charming, diplomatic, and focused on creating a harmonious relationship. Libra energy seeks equality and fairness, and they'll be the ones who truly value your opinions and treat you as an equal in all aspects of life. 💗 You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are social and enjoy the finer things in life, and together, you'll create a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing connection. (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
Expect a strong emphasis on communication and compromise. Libra's desire for harmony means they'll prioritize maintaining a peaceful and loving atmosphere in your relationships. They'll be the mediators, always seeking to understand your perspective and find common ground. 💍 Their romantic nature will lead to thoughtful gestures and a focus on creating memorable experiences together. However, be prepared for their indecisiveness at times, as Libra energy can struggle with making choices. Patience and open communication will be key in navigating any decision-making processes. 🌊 These love encounters will be like a dance of love, where you'll find joy in the beauty of partnership and the magic of two hearts coming together in perfect harmony !! 🎰
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🫧 Scorpio 7th House/Descendant
You'll attract partners who are mysterious, magnetic, and deeply emotional. 🧸 Scorpio energy seeks profound connections, and they'll be the ones who truly understand the depths of your soul and share your desire for an authentic and meaningful relationship. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who have an air of intrigue around them, and together, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. 🥂 Get ready for love encounters that are intense, passionate, and transformative during the year ahead !!
In these love encounters, expect a rollercoaster of emotions and a profound level of intimacy. Scorpio's passionate nature means they'll bring a whole new level of intensity to your relationships. They'll crave a deep emotional bond and won't shy away from exploring the darker aspects of life together. 🫶🏻 Their loyalty and dedication will be unmatched, and they'll be your biggest supporter and confidante. However, be prepared for their desire for control, as Scorpio energy can be possessive at times. Trust and open communication will be essential in building a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. 🐚Embrace the intensity of Scorpio energy, and get ready for a year of love that will leave you forever changed and deeply connected to your partner on a soul level. Rooting for you to experience the magic of Scorpio love! 🌊 These love encounters will be like a journey into the depths of your heart and soul, where you'll experience love in its most transformative and powerful form.🎐
🫧 Sagittarius 7th House/Descendant
Get ready for love encounters that are adventurous, free-spirited, and filled with boundless enthusiasm during the year ahead! You'll attract partners who are optimistic, open-minded, and love exploring new horizons. 🏖️ Sagittarius energy seeks adventure and expansion, and they'll be the ones who encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the thrill of life. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals with a sense of wanderlust, and together, you'll embark on exciting journeys both physically and emotionally. 🤩
Expect a sense of joy and spontaneity. Sagittarius' free-spirited nature means they'll bring a breath of fresh air into your relationships. 🫶🏻 They'll cherish your independence and will support your personal growth and aspirations. Their sense of humor will keep you laughing, and their positivity will be contagious. ✨ However, be prepared for their love of freedom and sometimes lack of commitment, as Sagittarius energy can be hesitant to settle down. Embracing open communication and giving each other the space to explore your individual paths will be key to maintaining a harmonious connection. 🍯
🍾 Embrace the wanderlust of Sagittarius energy, and get ready for a year of love that's filled with excitement, laughter, and the joy of exploring life's many wonders together! 🎧 These love encounters will be like an exhilarating adventure, where you'll explore the world together and create memories that will last a lifetime. Let the adventure begin! 🥂
🫧 Capricorn 7th House/Descendant
I am absolutely head over heels for this Capricorn descendant in solar return chart !! 🍾 Get ready for love encounters that are grounded, reliable, and committed during the year ahead! You'll attract partners who are responsible, ambitious, and deeply devoted. 🌱 Capricorn energy seeks to build a strong and stable foundation in relationships, and they'll be the ones who will support you in achieving your goals and dreams. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who have a mature and practical approach to life, and together, you'll create a love that withstands the test of time. They'll be the ones you can count on, no matter the circumstances. 🍻 Capricorn's steadfast nature means they'll bring a sense of dependability and dedication to your relationships. Their focus on long-term commitments will create a sense of comfort and stability in your partnership. However, be prepared for their occasional reserve and seriousness, as Capricorn energy can be cautious in showing their emotions. Trust and patience will be essential in building a strong emotional connection and allowing them to open up in their own time. In these love encounters, expect a sense of security and loyalty.
These love encounters will be like a rock-solid bond, where you'll feel a sense of safety and support like never before. Embrace the reliability of Capricorn energy, and get ready for a year of love that's committed, enduring, and filled with a love that only grows stronger with time. 🧩 I'm absolutely smitten with the potential of Capricorn love for you! (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
🫧 Aquarius 7th House/Descendant
ABSOLUTELY ecstatic to talk about Aquarius descendant in your solar return chart 😍 Get ready for love encounters that are unconventional, intellectually stimulating, and full of innovation during the year ahead! 🥂You'll attract partners who are unique, open-minded, and have a strong sense of individuality. Aquarius energy seeks intellectual connection and values personal freedom, and they'll be the ones who appreciate your ideas and encourage you to express your true self. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who are forward-thinking and not afraid to be their authentic selves, and together, you'll embark on a journey of discovery and growth. 🌊 Aquarius' innovative nature means they'll bring a fresh perspective to your relationships. They'll cherish your uniqueness and will support your individuality. Their intellect and curiosity will spark lively discussions and inspire you to see the world in new ways. 💭 However, be prepared for their occasional detachment and need for space, as Aquarius energy can value their independence. Allowing them the freedom to explore their interests and respecting their need for autonomy will be key in building a strong and fulfilling connection. In these love encounters, expect a sense of excitement and originality.
These love encounters will be like a breath of fresh air, where you'll experience love in a way that's liberating and full of endless possibilities. 🧸 Embrace the uniqueness of Aquarius energy, and get ready for a year of love that's intellectually stimulating, innovative, and deeply empowering. I am absolutely enamored with the potential of Aquarius love for you !! 💫
🫧 Pisces 7th House/Descendant
My heart is overflowing with love and excitement to talk about Pisces descendant in solar return chart 😍Get ready for love encounters that are dreamy, soulful, and deeply spiritual during the year ahead! You'll attract partners who are empathetic, romantic, and in touch with their emotions. 🫧 Pisces energy seeks to create a profound emotional connection, and they'll be the ones who understand the depths of your feelings like no one else. You'll find yourself drawn to individuals who have a gentle and compassionate nature, and together, you'll explore the magic and mysteries of love. 🐚
💭 Pisces' dreamy nature means they'll bring a touch of magic to your relationships. They'll cherish your emotions and will be your rock in times of need. Their romantic gestures and intuitive understanding will leave you feeling truly cherished and understood. Their creativity and imagination will add a sense of wonder to your love story, creating beautiful moments that you'll treasure forever. 🎐 In these love encounters, expect a sense of enchantment and sensitivity.
However, be prepared for their occasional escapism and need for emotional boundaries, as Pisces energy can be highly sensitive. 💍 Showing them unwavering support and providing a safe space for them to express their emotions will be essential in building a deep and meaningful connection. These love encounters will be like a fairytale come true, where you'll experience a love that transcends the ordinary and touches your soul in the most profound way. 🫶🏻 Embrace the dreaminess of Pisces energy, and get ready for a year of love that's pure magic, enchantment, and a journey of deep spiritual connection. I'm absolutely swept away by the dreamy potential of Pisces love for you !! (∩˃o˂∩)♡
౨ৎ, liliomme.
Hey, cuties !! This reading is based on my observations and research, which involves using my amazing friends (+ other people) experiences and exploring internet sources, with that I've put together some insights about love encounters and the 7th House. However, I want to emphasize that this is just a fun and fascinating hobby of mine, and I can't guarantee it's spot-on for everyone. So, while I'm super pumped that you all enjoy reading my astro-blogs, please remember that astrology is a wonderful journey of self-discovery, and my interpretations are just a piece of the puzzle. I'm here to spark curiosity and inspire you to explore the cosmic wonders that shape your unique experiences. That’s all, thank you again. ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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cosmicconversations · 19 days
Astrology Lesson of the Week: The 10th House
In continuing with this exploration of the houses, we are going to talk about the 10th House today.
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The 10th House is the most public house. It’s where we feel exposed, in a sense, but we set ourselves up for that exposure.
It is known as the “house of fame” and celebrities are looked at in the same sense: receiving a lot of attention from the public, whether good or bad, but having put themselves in that position. You often don’t get the utmost sympathy in the 10th House, unless the Moon or Neptune are involved here. Otherwise, we can be harshly judged in this sector, if we fall short of certain expectations, but we can also receive great recognition and success and respect if we live up to those expectations.
I tend to look at the 12th House as more of a fame indicator; at least in terms of huge and iconic fame that stands the test of time and has a cultural impact. The 10th House is more about celebrity, in general, and the nature of fame. Generally speaking, this house can provide you with publicity and attract recognition. But, do you have what it takes to maintain it?
We are tested in the 10th House and asked to either meet a certain bar or set it. This is also where we can “flop” or experience backlash, scandal, career-damaging controversy. It’s a house that can indicate failures and setbacks in addition to successes. With Saturn as its ruler, the 10th House can put us through our paces. Setting the fame metaphor aside, any person can feel the heightened exposure that comes from the 10th, whether it’s your reputation in your community or professional field, your visibility on the job, or even your social media platforms. Image matters here and it is maintained through our 10th House traits.
Like I will keep saying throughout this series, empty houses matter, too. You might be a little less preoccupied with the concerns of your empty house(s). But, it still matters. That is especially clear when it comes to the four angular houses: the 1st House, 4th House, 7th House and 10th House. They represent the four most essential pillars of our lives: our identity (1st), home/private life (4th), relationships (7th) and career (10th). So, yes, even if your 10th House is empty, it still plays a big role in your life. We look to the signs on the house cusps to figure out how they express themselves. The sign on the 10th House cusp is also known as the Midheaven. Our Midheaven sign tells us how we can most successfully carve out a career, establish our reputation and public presence, and gain the respect and recognition from the world at large. This can be on a major scale, a la fame, or just among the people in your community or professional arena.
Since the Midheaven is an angle in the chart, it is also possible for you to have planets conjunct the Midheaven (which may either fall into your 10th or 9th House) and planets in aspect to your Midheaven. That further colors what kind of image you can curate and how you will be perceived. The interesting thing about the 10th House is that there is something very limiting about it. It’s like people are predisposed to see you in the light of your Midheaven and its aspects and any planets in the 10th. You can try to do other things but you will be most successful if you know your lane and stick to it. This is where the “image” and “public persona” element come in. It’s not necessarily an inauthentic version of you. It is just a premeditated version of yourself. It is short-sighted to strive to be absolutely “authentic” via the 10th in a literal way. Even if your 10th House does require a bit more of that genuineness from you, people in the public sphere can only know you so much. Like a celebrity, even when it appears like they really know you, they don’t.
People with planets in their 10th House seem to understand this better than most, either by instinct or through hard earned experience. They learn how to “play the game” more expertly than most, using their placements in this house as tools and assets to succeed. An inability or unwillingness to do so seriously works against them. 10th House people often have to endure major tests on a large scale. It is common to see famous people with planets here but even 10th House people who don’t have literal fame will still feel like they do. For some, they exalt themselves to this status in their minds. Those with 10th House placements tend to love being on social media and put a lot of effort into building their platform and impressing people with it. They are typically popular people, socially or in the workplace, and pride themselves on the reputation they’ve built.
However, there are also consequences that are experienced here. The 10th House is not all about being admired or celebrated. If someone with 10th House planets has this sort of attitude and is going about this image-mongering in a very manipulative or very destructive way, they will eventually get hit with backlash. This is where you get held accountable. The public won’t let you just get away with everything. Some 10th House people find themselves experiencing a major fall from grace if they have pursued status or success in a really underhanded way. If they have abused their power, spread lies about people, stabbed others in the back, or portrayed an undeniably false image, it will come back to bite them. People can accept you putting on a persona. What people can’t accept is outright deceit or hiding bad behavior. And the result could be a loss of the popularity and position they did so much to get/maintain.
It is also possible that the 10th House person has to endure a certain unflattering or unpleasant trial before the public. It really may not be their fault. It could be the harmful choices of other people that negatively affects them, such as an untrue smear campaign or a huge betrayal from someone else, a person they are highly associated with or work with. They could lose their job and deal with a devastating aftermath or lose their career altogether. But, this kind of “fall from grace” can lead to an ultimate success story. Those with an occupied 10th House often achieve remarkable things after a period of struggle, hardship, loss, or disadvantage. This is a house that requires wisdom and maturity, which is why it often doesn’t fully express itself until well into adulthood. It shows us that the difficult things we go through can be seen as opportunities to learn and grow, setting us up for true success down the line.
Whether you have planets in the 10th or not, it takes us some time to understand how to use the energies here. We are meant to wield them in the world. The 10th House is a weapon meant to be utilized to achieve great things. But, a weapon can be used against others or ourselves. It takes mastery for us to learn the proper and most effective usage of it. This part of our chart is a point of power and with that comes responsibility.
Extended Portion of Astrology Lesson of the Week (10th House) (how the Midheaven is the “second Ascendant”, its influence over our choice in career, and the true meaning of success)
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Astro observations part 5
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🐝 Saturn in 5th house individuals don’t like parties
🐝 All the Cancer Sun guys i met were either metalheads or femboys, i swear there’s no in-between
🐝 Libra Sun love nature. They're the type to spend weekends hiking, going on picnics with friends & family
🐝 Check out asteroid Armisticia (1464) in synastry. If you’ve got it conjuncting personal planets or angles, it indicates that you and the other person are on the same page when it comes to conflict, making it easier to find a solution to the problem and make peace
🐝 Aquarius on 4th house cusp individuals might have grown in a LGBTQ+ family. They might have got adopted by a gay/lesbian couple
🐝 When Cancer Moons go to college, they usually choose a college close to their hometown and commute to it
🐝 Trines to your Mercury show what type of writer you would be
If Mercury trines Moon - poetry, children's books (0-6 yo)
If Mercury trines Venus - romance novels, art books, chick-lit fiction (ik it's basically dead, but long live the internet)
If Mercury trines Mars - action & adventure novels, war novels
If Mercury trines Jupiter - young adults fiction, comedy books, travel literature, religion/spirituality books
If Mercury trines Saturn - contemporary novels, non-fiction books (memoirs, biographies, academic works, etc.)
If Mercury trines Uranus - sci-fi novels, (combined with Pluto) dystopian novels
If Mercury trines Neptune - fantasy novels, children's books (6-12 yo)
If Mercury trines Pluto - mystery novels, horror novels, thrillers
Hope you enjoyed today's post!❤️
Post ideas are welcomed in the comments!
See you soon! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧
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caturnmoon · 2 months
My first ever Astrology Observation ✨
(so please be kind! 🫶🏼🧿)
🎟️ I realize it is now officially Leo season (happy birthday Leo babies!!🦁) and I’d like to point out that Leo risings (and moons to a lesser extent) tend to exude more of that regal energy more naturally than Leo suns honestly. Like their presences alone attract attention, and not the other way around.
🎟️ honorary mention for astrological positions that naturally attract attention and notoriety are heavy Capricorn placements. ♑️ Cap also rules the 10th house in zodiac which is literally the house of career, legacy and who we aim to become in the material world in this lifetime. So anyone with any of these placements in their chart are no stranger to attention…whether good or bad depends on other aspects in your chart. (I.e. Queen Elizabeth II)
🎟️Gemini energy at its absolute evolved is HIGHLY spiritual and cosmically connected! Look for Gemini degrees in your chart that can highlight this also! (example: my Scorpio sun is at the 15th degree and I’m a medium that can commune with spirits. Gemini rules communication thanks to Mercury!)
🎟️following on qualities celebrated by the sun, those with an Aries Sun are exalted by the sun as Aries thrives there. My little brother is an Aries Sun and was exalted as the favorite by my mother. Lololol they can naturally thrive in the spotlight and thus be accustomed to being the center of attention. Aries are the infants of the zodiac so they naturally require a lot of attention! Especially the Aries suns.
🎟️I know the 6th house highlights the work place and health/routines etc. but if positively aspected with planets like the sun and Jupiter can point to massive success and wealth.
🎟️multiple 4th house placements are also a low key fame indicator! And ancestral inheritance (spiritual or material).
🎟️a lot of royalty have heavy Scorpio influence in their chart or 12th house placements; I guess this points to them being “hidden” from the rest of the world and in their own world. Scorpio also represents power and concealed power at that.
🎟️in sidereal astrology folks with revati moons tend to have rocky childhoods but are DIVINELY guided and protected. This guidance only gets stronger with time and are known for their spiritual wealth and boon. Can also indicate massive wealth later in life. They’ll always be nourished by the universe. 💫
🎟️Gemini risings are literally the social butterflies of the zodiac and you can’t convince me otherwise. They literally have never meet a stranger and can navigate almost any social situation with ease!
🎟️I’ve noticed that both placidus AND whole sign systems are equally effective in chart analysis. Especially if you have placements on the cusp of another house! For example, I’m a 12th house stellium in placidus but a 1st house stellium in whole sign and I resonate with both! This is why it’s important to take both systems into consideration!
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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astro-vogue · 4 months
hello i apologize for asking a few questions in a row but i was curious on what the best method to determine career based on astrology is, i’ve seen stuff from using the industria asteroid persona chart as well as the mc and its persona chart, to the 6th house and to the 11th house due to financial gains. what do you consider?
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
This article will be a short guide on where and how to spot career/job in your birth chart, I won't talk about Asteroid Industria as I never use it much and I prefer to use other methods in my practice.
QUICK TIP : never use asteroids before an analysis of your own birth chart first, asteroids have lesser weight than your natal planets so they have to be secondarily added to the analysis.
[ ⚠ ] Bear in mind that a few placements alone won't tell the whole story, career readings are birth chart readings, not MC or 11H analysis alone. To spot your career you'll need to see the whole chart.
The information on this article is based on these books by professional astrologers:
(¹) Vocations: The New Midheaven Extension Process - Noel Tyl
(²) Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling - Brian Clark
(³) The Twelve Houses - Howard Sasportas
(⁴) The Houses: Temples of the Sky - Deborah Houlding
(⁵) The Astrology of Success - Jan Spiller
(⁶) Forces at Work: Astrology and Career - Amy Shapiro
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● These ones are the fundamentals to analyze when trying to spot career, as they are referred as "The Work Houses"
⎯ first of all the signs on their cusps
⎯ second of all the planets inside them (if any)
⎯ third of all their rulers and their placements
⎯ fourth of all the aspects to the MC
● Additionally the 11H is the house of salaries, so your income and profits from your job can be seen there.
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↑ "Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling" - Bryan Clark
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● Often overlooked but very important: Saturn in the birth chart can indicate your job as it represents obligations, resposabilites, long term achievements and duties, as I said in this post of mine talking about Social Planets.
● The Nodes (North Node and South Node) represent your calling, your soul purpose, and almost like the MC they represent your aspirations and life goals, playing a big role in what can be your job/career.
(¹) North and South Node in Astrology - AstroStyle
(²) Saturn in Astrology - AstroStyle
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[ ⚠ ] DISCLAIMER: your birth time has to be 100% accurate in order to calculate it, please don't calculate this chart if your birth time is uncertain (even if it's a matter of few minutes).
● This chart is extremely important as it represents your public image, your job and your major life aspirations, so be careful when reading it.
● After the first analysis of your "Work Houses" and MC you'll already have some potential career paths in your mind, only after this you'll be able to switch to the MC Persona Chart which will eventually confirm your theories or even suggest new ones to add to the list.
⎯ pay special attention to the dominant energies of the chart
⎯ pay special attention to the MC and angular planets (if there's any)
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[ ⚠ ] DISCLAIMER: your birth time has to be 100% accurate in order to calculate them, please don't calculate these if your birth time is uncertain (even if it's a matter of few minutes).
● ASC/MC MIDPOINT is an indication of how your identity relates to your public image, at the same time it can indicate your ideal job that makes your natural expression shine the most. The balance between yourself and your job.
● VENUS/MC MIDPOINT could quite literally indicate "the job you may love doing", indicating things you like to do and activities you enjoy doing.
⎯ all MC MIDPOINTS are important, but to me these two are the top ones
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● for those using Hermetic Lots, this one is particularly indicated to spot career as it indicates (along with the Nodes) your purpose and direction, what brings natural joy to your spirit, what we're capable of, what we wish to do in our lifetime.
(¹) The Lot of Fortune and Spirit in Astrology - The Astrology Podcast
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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starastrologyy · 2 months
Solar Return Observations 4
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Hi everyone, please don’t repost anything I write on other social media platforms! 🤍
When you have the ruler of the Solar Return Ascendant in the 4th house, you may find yourself spending a lot of time at home or with family. This is also likely to be true when your Solar Return Ascendant is in the same sign as your natal 4th house cusp!
In terms of romance, it is not uncommon to begin dating someone new when the Solar Return Sun is in the 5th house or when your Solar Return Ascendant is in Libra. However, i would assert that you’d need more than one indication such as Venus in the 5th or 7th house of the SR chart, or the Solar Return Ascendant in the same sign as the natal 5th or 7th house cusps! Lastly, when the Ruler of the Solar Return Ascendant is in the 7th or 5th house, romance or partnerships can be key themes that year.
Chiron or Neptune in the Solar Return 2nd house can indicate certain financial difficulties. However, this is only likely to be true if these planets receive squares and oppositions from the other planets in the chart. If these planets receive sextiles/trines it just may mean that you will heal your relationship with money that year or your self-worth. The 2nd house shows us how we *spend* money, so when Neptune or Chiron are in the Solar Return 2nd house, you may choose to spend money on things that involve healing or spirituality etc..
Uranus in the 4th house of the Solar Return Chart can indicate that you may have to do some unexpected repairs to a home or you may move homes unexpectedly that year.
If you are in a relationship, Neptune or Chiron (sometimes Saturn) conjunct the Solar Return Descendent can indicate that you may experience a break up that year. However, as I have said before, the aspects made to Chiron or Neptune will tell you more about how this will play out for you personally. For example, if Venus is making a square to Neptune in the 7th house of the SR chart, you may have to break up with your partner for reasons that are related to your living situation (it may be long-distance) or family (maybe your family does not approve etc..)
When the Solar Return Sun or Moon are in the 12th house, it’s not uncommon to become really interested in spirituality. If these planets are afflicted, you may feel very lonely or isolated throughout the year.
When your Solar Return Sun is in the 2nd house attaining a sense of stability & security (emotional, financial, & physical) will be very important.
Jupiter in the Solar Return 9th house is incredibly auspicious, If you’re looking to publish a book/article/important body of work!
Chiron in the Solar Return 10th or 6th house can often manifest as the loss of a job. Alternatively, when you have Chiron in the 10th house in the Solar Return chart, this can be a somewhat difficult year in your fathers life or a significant paternal figures life.
When you have the Ruler of your Solar Return IC in the 9th house, that may be the year you move abroad. Interestingly, I have also found this to be true when Jupiter is in the Solar Return 4th house! In terms of pregnancy, I would look to see if your Solar Return has a 4th or 5th house emphasis. For example, you may become pregnant when you have Jupiter or the Moon in your Solar Return 5th house. You may also become pregnant when your solar return rising sign is in the same sign as your natal 5th house cusp! Jupiter in the Solar Return 4th house can also indicate a new addition to the family. Lastly, Uranus in the solar return 5th house can indicate an unexpected pregnancy.
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astroartsya · 2 years
Fame Astrology Placements
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These are just placements that may help with becoming well known. I've made my own observations and they may differ from what other people have said in some aspects. More you have more possiblity there is for fame but there are a lot placements that I don't mention here too so I can make part two if I get enough likes.
Moon and jupiter aspecting preferably positive aspect conjunction , trine, sextile : This placement makes people gravitate towards this person because of their great luck and constant expansion in life. Amazing for manifestation too!
Sun in 1st, 10th, 11th or 12th. So many celebrities have these placements .
Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio placements can draw attention easily. One of these as a dominant sign is great indicator. You can calculate your dominant sign on https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/dominant-planets-astrology-online-calculator
Venus in 1st , 2nd, 5th, 10th, 11th.
1st house ruler in 10th house ; Your career and image are what people see in your first impression. So it could be that they recognize you because of your fame or your profession could affect your looks in some way.
8th house ruler in 1st house : Charming and beautiful "sex symbol" energy. Eg. Marilyn Monroe, Scarlett Johansson,Grace kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Doja Cat.
Late degree leo in any placement is strong indicator 28/29 degrees. Regulus is literally "the royal star" universe gives us these signs in our birth chart trust me. This on ascendant or midheaven especially is like you are destined to be known in some way.
Air signs placements (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Sun aspecting jupiter (trine, sextile, conjunct) Lucky bastards. Very playful and and funny people that others love to be around.
Dhanistha nakshatra : Very iconic eg: Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn and Aaliyah.
Obviously 10th house stellium is very strong indicator as 10th house rules fame as well as 11th in a different way.
11th and 10th house cusp : Planets there is on the dhanistha area of the chart so makes you potential star.
Neptune aspecting ascendant is rarely not seen on celebrities
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
🍭Astro Observation for you to munch on until Fatoor 🍭
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🍭People that have a Fire sign or an Earth sign on the cusp of the 3rd house are great vocalists (Exp. Ariana Grande, Whitney Huston, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Lana Del Rey, etc.)
🍭Taurus Suns with Gemini Venus are top tier
🍭Capricorn Venus and their never-ending search for the perfect partner. (Standards are too high? or is no one worth it?)
🍭The stereotype of Cancers being homebodies seems to be very far from the truth. They're always on the go, meeting people, getting into new experiences and exploring. However, they do value their own space as they consider their home/room/inner world to be sacred and isn't to be shared with everyone. They're the true "Extroverted introvert", if you will.
🍭Synastry charts aren't a one size fits all. An aspect has a different interpretation depending on the status of the relationship (platonic, familial, romantic, or sexual, etc.) For instance, the presence of Squares can be experienced positively in romantic/sexual relationships, but a bit challenging in platonic ones. However, it is hell to have it with family.
🍭Continuing with aspects, the presence of squares or "harsh" aspects doesn't mean you're doomed to fail. In fact, people that have more harsh aspects are very well in control of themselves (or at least of the themes of the placements/houses involved). I have known and witnessed many people that have been blessed with trines that end up overindulging and disregarding the dangers of their actions. It is possible that because things usually work out for them that they take it for granted and push their luck too far. (The recurrence of trines in the birth chart is common among celebrities who overdose, but that is just what I have observed)
🍭There are many posts on placements/aspects that indicate wealth and/or fame. However, we don't talk about HOW, WHERE, and WHAT can we do to cultivate this kind of success. The answer is in the mutable houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th). The sign over the house, the placements, and the position of the house ruler (even aspects and degrees but focus on the latter first) will tell you where you need to go, what should you do, how should you do it, and (most importantly) what is blocking you or in what ways can you change in order to move to that next step.
🍭Regardless of their other placements, I have never met or heard of a Pisce and a Leo getting along.
🍭It is true that Earth placements/doms guard their inner self with many walls, but the way Air placements/doms do it always fascinates me. Instead of an obvious defensive stance, they unleash a mirage that creates the illusion of openness. You never really know what's true versus what's not but the kicker is, neither do they. I still love them though.
🍭What's with Water energy and getting too much plastic surgery?
🍭Jupiter is the planet of growth, wisdom, knowledge, and luck. Wherever it's placed it'll give you "a big head". As a Jupiter in 3rd, I have to catch myself from being a smartass and a know-it-all. My friend has a Jupiter in the 1st and she could wear a trash bag and you can't tell her nothing about how she looks. On a side note, she does have a larger head and looks like a Bratz doll (no shade though)
🍭Despite what I have heard/read, I am continuously disappointed by Scorpio placements. I don't get the hype. But when it comes to Virgos and Geminis though, I have been pleasantly surprised.
🍭Aries Moon 🤝Low key being a covert narcissist
🍭Leos out here thinking they're an undiscovered celebrity, meanwhile Sagittarians and Capricorns are a living meme factory
🍭12th house stelliums and their obsession with existential questions "Why am I here?" "What's the soul?"
🍭Having your Moon reside in an Air house (3rd, 7th, 11th) makes it difficult for you to understand your physical emotional reactions (Exp. Always wondering "Why do I feel weird?") Finding a visual discord as an outlet or talking about it with other people can develop an awareness and an understanding of the connection between your body and mind
🍭Most Fire placements have such powerful minds and pure hearts but their mouths always get them in trouble.
🍭Pisces and Libra placements aren't sweet angels with rose-colored glasses. Not saying they aren't good people, but the ones that I have known had a very dark and twisted side to them with a very pessimistic point of view of the world. This could be due to their sensitivity to their surroundings and other people.
🍭Earth in the 8th is very likely to leave a big chunk as their inheritance, meanwhile Fire in the 8th is hitting the jackpot (Sorry nana)
🍭The element of your 2nd house reflects your self-esteem.
Water in the 2nd indicates a turbulent and unstable self-image that ranges from highs and lows.
Earth in the 2nd house has a sustainable and clear image of themselves with an awareness of their flaws and ways to improve.
Air in the 2nd house and their fluctuating sense of self, they are very likely to personalize and have a completely warped idea of themselves, or they absolutely don't give a damn about how they look and have an unshakable confidence.
Fire in the 2nd house, Either peak early in life then crash hard with a bruised ego or takes a long time to fully accept and love who they are
🍭Having Saturn and Jupiter in the same house is the holy grail of growth. You will forever receive lessons and discipline from Saturn along with endless wisdom and improvement from Jupiter. An indication of a very tough start (depending on the house themes) you may feel alone and conflicted with no one to turn to regarding it. However, with Jupiter as your guide and Saturn as your protector, you'll be able to take on whatever the house (and probably life) throws at you like a pro tennis player.
Bye Bitch✨
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬
Hello! I’m Skylar. I’m a Kepler College graduate and received my diploma from their school in 2022 but have been studying astrology for about a decade now
My mission is to inform people based on what I’ve learned and help others to gain some of the knowledge I’ve gained in order for them to use astrology as a resource for growth
There’s false stereotypes out there that can often create confusion for aspiring astrologers and I’d like to help people understand how to differentiate which sources are accurate vs which ones aren’t accurate as well
For more information about my account click here to see my masterlist
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭
◈ Planets/Houses don’t just have “a few meanings” they have many more that many people don’t know about. Otherwise astrology would probably be very basic and boring -> beginner astro help
◈ Most astrology information on Tiktok is false. Be careful who you get your information from -> tiktok astrologers with reliable info
◈ Typically twin flames will have a lot of similar placements to one another
◈ Cusps are not a real thing. Only an astrological myth made recently -> more info here
◈ If you’re noticing you don’t really have many long term relationships only flings/short term relationships it could be caused by having Uranus in the 5th/7th house
◈ Jupiter in the 4th house can indicate being the most successful person in your family - money or wealth wise (Ex: Billie Eilish)
◈ Venus sextile Mars is the most flirtatious aspect. This is because sextile aspects can have sexual energy depending on the planets involved (in this case it would), Venus rules over charm/romance, and Mars rules over flirting/lust
◈ The Sun/MC both rule over fame itself. Other placements only indicate things such as attention, attraction, idealization, glamour, etc. but do not DIRECTLY indicate fame as those things can come with OR without fame (they can still be indications depending on the sign/house/degree though)
◈ Both your South Node and Saturn can give insight about your past lives. Chiron tells about karmic wounds made in past lives that were carried into your current one
◈ Aquarius Venus/Uranus in the 7th house can indicate marrying someone that you would’ve never expected to marry
◈ Aquarius venus’ become more romantically attracted to you whenever you get along really well with their friends
◈ People with mercury in the 8th house aren’t big on gossiping typically (depending on other placements)
◈ Many people with saturn or uranus in the 9th house don’t go to college
◈ I’ve noticed a lot of libra and gemini placements are successful dancers
◈ Having your venus conjunct, trine, or sextile neptune can make many people idealize being in a romantic relationship with you
◈ Venus conjunct/square/opposite chiron can indicate a challenging love life before settling down long term
◈ The 9th house mainly rules over religion (the 12th house is more about spirituality) however, since it rules over beliefs as well it can tell a little about your spirituality
◈ Tantalus (2102) represents having a strong desire for something that’s very out of reach and remains so
◈ Desiderata (344) represents what one desires and desirability. It can give you deeper insight beyond mars
◈ Nyctimene (2150) in the 5th/7th house in Solar Return can indicate you need to leave a relationship that year in order to be happy
◈ Deidre (165574) in the 10th house can indicate being known by the public for your immense feminine beauty - many women who are praised for their beauty have this placement
Venus aspecting someone’s Deidre Asteroid can indicate the Venus person is in love with the Deidre persons immense feminine beauty/power
◈ Actor (12238) in the 6th/10th house can indicate being an actor for a living - ex: timothee chalamet
◈ Juno (3) in the 7th house can indicate a happy marriage (whether it be the first, second, etc it will eventually happen)
◈ Eros (433) at 6° can indicate getting into your first relationship later than most
◈ Reddish (2884) represents things we easily get embarrassed over/embarrassment in general
Asteroid Reddish in cancer can indicate your mom embarrassing you often
◈ Sinon (3391) represents persuasion/convincing someone to let their guard down
◈ Tripaxeptalis (2037) in gemini/sagittarius can indicate an interest in numerology
◈ Your Sun conjunct someone’s Moon can indicate you having a really good/close friendship with the Moon person
◈ Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Moon can indicate having a strong understanding of one another’s emotions
◈ Mars in someone’s 6th/11th house can indicate the Mars person struggles to get along with the 11th house persons friends -> info about 6H friends here
◈ Mercury square Venus can indicate the Mercury person doesn’t have interest in the Venus person romantically. Mercury is something under-looked in Synastry and in general when it comes to love. Not only does it rule over communication but also interests
◈ Mars conjunct Mars can indicate being able to resolve conflict with one another very well
◈ Sun conjunct Ascendant can be a challenging aspect and cause you both to resent one another
◈ Your Sun in someone’s 7th house can indicate a romantic relationship occurring
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
◈ 11th house stelliums can indicate you both have similar political views
◈ Saturn in the 11th house can indicate challenges in your relationship involving difference in desires or struggles involving friends/friend groups/socialization
◈ 9th house stelliums can indicate really good romantic chemistry with one another -> why
◈ Saturn at 0° can indicate a karmic relationship or being together long term. You likely knew one another in a past life as well
◈ If you have chiron in the 7th house you may stay together for a while out of fear of losing one another because you’re so comfortable with one another and thrive off of your partnership together
◈ Cancer ascendant can indicate meeting one another through your family or theirs
◈ Many think capricorn/aquarius stelliums are bad but they can indicate a long term relationship with one another
◈ Jupiter in the 5th house can indicate bringing one another lots of joy
◈ Uranus in the 8th house can indicate being close friends before dating
◈ Lots of 5°/14°/23° can indicate being a good looking couple together
◈ True Node at 11° is a strong indication of twin flames and experiencing multiple past lives together
◈ Mars in the 9th house can indicate having a passion for traveling together
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