#platonic chlonette
shadowlorddemon · 9 months
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The Bee & The Beetle
Two old friends reunited in afterlife…
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okay okay but reverse! chloenette meeting canon! chloenette is funny as fuck because Ladybug would jokingly say they should switch Chloes and Shadybug is like, 'lol why? they're literally the same, except yours is gay for me'
Ladybug: What do you mean the same? HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN MY CHLOE?
Shadybug, confused: Yes? She's suddenly all shy and obedient whenever I talk to her, just like my Chloé.
Ladybug, turning to see her (canon) Chloé being mesmerized by Shadybug from a few meters away:.....
Shadybug: *smirks*
Ladybug, stalking up to her (former number one fan) blonde and crossing her arms: We need to talk.
Canon! Chloé: No thanks. I prefer bad girls now.
Ladybug, offended: You are literally the worst girl I know! A-and *points at Shadybug* that's just me in a different font, damn it!
Chat Noir: Should I be worried?
Claw Noir, who's witnessed Shadybug's and Reverse! Chloe's story and doesn't want to get dragged in again: For your sanity, no.
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rozunderpressure · 1 year
Future fic where a series of escalating dares result in Marinette and Chloe getting married
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pro-bee-sisters · 1 year
Zoé renounces Pollen and returns the Bee Miraculous to Marinette because she knows she and Chloé are in love with each other:
Zoé: "Pollen, I renounce you."
Marinette: (Gasp) "But Zoé,"
Zoé: "I know you and Chloé have feelings for each other and her being Queen Bee was her only way for you both to have a relationship, and if it makes you both happy, then I'm happy."
Marinette: "But what about,"
Zoé: "I'll be fine, Marinette. I'll get over my crush on you and move on. I just want my sister and beloved to be happy; and if retiring as Vesperia is the way to do it, then so be it."
(Marinette thinks for a minute, but then remembers how much Chloé means the world to her. She then smiles and hugs Zoé.)
Marinette: "Thank you so much for your honesty, Zoé. Chloé will be happy to know that her own sister gave up being a hero for her own happiness."
Zoé: "Just make sure I'm the second Maid of Honor at the wedding, will you?"
Marinette: (chuckles) "Will do Zoé, will do."
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generalluxun · 2 years
AdrbriNew Year! a sickfic for my favorite Goobers, with a side of Ladynoir.
I think what I like best about this AU (aside from the ships) Is how much people just *talk* to each other and *work things out*. The Owl House has spoiled me.
Snip, then link below the cut!
As he straightened back up Ladybug kept her hold on his hand even when he let go. “I still love you, Cat Noir. Is- Is it still right to say that, to feel that way?” Ladybug was puzzling through her words as she spoke. “I don’t mean it as, like, ‘What if?’ I don’t want things to be different. Am I allowed to hold these two things in my heart at the same time?”
The answer to that was easy. “I believe so, M’Lady. If not, then we’re both in trouble. This kitty feels more strongly than he ever imagined possible about more than one person in his life. If love’s the word that fits, then that’s the word you use. Life has taught me: don’t let the idea of ‘how things should be’ stop you from enjoying how they are .”
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Jonc de mer and Acropora
For Maribat March 2021 day 3 prompt Warmth. (If you squint hard enough).
This is part one of an I don’t know how many part fic. I hope you stick around because it’s going to be a ride.
Jonc de mer is French (I think) for Seagrass while Acropora is a type of coral (purple coral actually). Sticholodinae is a subcategory of Ladybugs that, as far as I can tell, have either no spots or one big splotch surrounded by smaller spots. The email address in this is fake, please do not send emails to it because they may get redirected to a very real person named Menene.
Of course a big thank you to @maribatmarch-2k21 for putting on the event, now lets get on with the fic.
The only thing Marinette remembers of her mother is the warmth she provided against a harsh cold. She remembers very little about her mother’s family, only that she seemed to be surrounded by purple anytime they were close. She only remembers so little because her mother, and her mother’s family, were slaughtered by the false king and she was left for dead. Thankfully, a pod of passing merpeople heard her cries and carried her to the closest shore. She tearfully waved goodbye to the pod as the surf carried her ashore.
She was taken in that day by a wonderful man, stocky in build with short brown hair and green eyes. She knew her life would change, beginning with the man renaming her. The name her mother gave her would always be what Atlanteans called her, it was as much a part of her as her purple eyes and her permanently tan skin. The man, named Tom, renamed her Marinette because she seemed to rise with the sun.
Marinette and Tom met Sabine in Paris, France. Sabine was a beautiful woman of Chinese descent with black hair and grey eyes. She smiled at the father-daughter duo sweetly and when Tom wasn’t within hearing range Sabine told Marinette that whomever her mother was, she was one lucky lady.
Sabine was aghast at the sight of little two year old Marinette struggling to hold herself together while she has to tell the kind lady that her mother is no longer with her.
Sabine walked right up to Tom afterwards to demand he married her right that instant so they could raise Marinette together.
They were legally married by the end of the day and Sabine had started the process to legally adopt Marinette.
Marinette had always felt drawn to the Seine, it is what drew her parents to purchasing a building just down the street from the river. Tom and Sabine wanted to always be close by when she had access to the river. One of them would always accompany her, needing to know she wasn’t going to get swept away in the Seine.
Marinette was five when she met him. Tom was sitting a few meters away on a nearby bench reading a newspaper.
The boy, who could only be the same age as her, had short blond hair cropped close to his head, deep brown skin and pale green eyes. His eyes reminded her of seagrass, the way they seemed to be hundreds of different shades of green all at once.
Marinette smiled, her eyes following the lines his gills left as he began treading water. “Hello.” She bowed her head in greeting and was delighted when he bowed his head in return.
“Menenne. I am Kaldur’ahm, it is a pleasure to meet you.” The boy, Kaldur’ahm, extended his hand in greeting.
Marinette simply clasped his hand and shook it in greeting, tucking away that name for later. “It is certainly a pleasure to be meeting you.”
They continued to meet up for years, Kaldur’ahm getting more and more comfortable around her, eventually enough so that she could introduce him to her Papa. He introduced himself as “Kaldur Durham” and Tom is hard pressed to find anything he doesn’t like about his baby girl’s new friend.
In the end the two Dupain-Cheng’s introduced Kaldur to Sabine, who simply smiled and asked if he was staying for dinner.
The Dupain-Cheng family simply gave him what he needed, time to tell them about himself and the opportunity to relax. However, Marinette continued to feel a pull to the Seine.
They were eleven when Kaldur, who Marinette had taken to calling Jonc de mer, told her that his mentor, Arthur Curry, was joining a conglomerate somewhere in America and that he was going with him. Kaldur held Marinette as she cried, not knowing that he was surrounding her in a familiar warmth.
The very next day, when they were saying goodbye, Marinette looped a scarf made in orchid, black, melon green and pale yellow yarn around his neck. “This will keep you safe, no matter where you go. No matter how far away you are.”
Kaldur grabbed her hands and nodded. “I will have you with me wherever I go, Acropora.”
Marinette smiled and pulled her hands away so she could quickly write something down on a scrap piece of paper. “When you get settled in America, email me.” She handed over the piece of paper and smiled as he looked over what she’d written on it.
[email protected] ;) look me up Jonc de mer”
Since Tom had found her on the beach of Sicily, they took family vacations to Italy and it was on one of these family vacations that Marinette made a friend.
Marinette was eight, as was the little girl, when they met. The two were just running around and through the waves. They played for hours, just smiles and laughs passed between the two no words needed. The next day they finally introduced themselves before they continued to play.
They spent everyday together, so much time in fact that Marinette felt comfortable enough telling her about Kaldur, however whenever the duo were around someone who hadn’t been given special Marinette friendship rights, the duo referred to him as the boy with blond hair and green eyes.
When Marinette was eleven she finally became friends with Chloé Bourgeois. It was a few days after Kaldur had gone to America when Chloé happened across her while she was sketching something for a client.
“What are you making?” Chloé asked.
Marinette closed her sketchbook with a little more force than was strictly necessary. “It’s a commission and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t attempt to steal it.” Marinette would feel bad about being mean to Chloé later but for now all she cared about was making sure that her sketch was finished in time to present it to the client.
Marinette was sat next to Chloé in the classroom on the day she received her Miraculous. Chloé was being her usual bratty self when a girl who was classically pretty walked in the room and visibly stuck her nose up at Chloé.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.”
Marinette gave her a once over, noting her lack of sense. Why would anyone pair an orange flannel with light blue jeans and black shoes with giant tongues? Marinette let out a nearly silent “tsk” before placing her hand on her friend’s arm. “Don’t listen to her Blondie. I know you aren’t evil.”
Marinette debuted as Sticholodinae, although all of Paris just called her Ladybug while Chat just called her M’Lady, a day before Stoneheart. She was photographed and seen swinging over the Paris streets testing her capabilities and her limitations.
Her suit, which Tikki said was not what she was expecting because every past Ladybug’s suit was mainly red, was mostly black. While her body was encased in black fabric, it was Kevlar enforced and didn’t shimmer in the sunlight. She had what appeared to be a bulletproof vest under a thick leather jacket which was black and faded to a very dark red at the bottom hem and the cuffs at the ends of her sleeves. Her legs were reinforced with a pair of joggers which had a very dark red waistband and were tucked into a pair of black reinforced combat boots. Her suit looked segmented like a bug to the untrained eye, however she knew that her suit wasn’t segmented but actually appeared to be scaled like a fish. Her hair was pulled up and back into a bun that looked like a work of lattice on the back while her face was obscured through several methods. Her eyes were obscured by a pitch black mask with white eye lenses while she had a charcoal gray tactical half face mask covering the bottom half of her face so that all anyone could see of her face was her forehead.
She knew her suit wasn’t what most thought of when they pictured a Ladybug, but she would do whatever it took to stay safe so that she could reunite with her Jonc de mer.
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gayspiderman · 3 years
could u please do 2, 7, or 22 w/chloe from miraculous ladybug? thank u and have a good august
2. underwater
added marinette to the mix, hope you don't mind!
Chloe didn’t know how to swim. Which wasn’t usually a problem before - she didn’t need to swim to socialize by the pool. All she needed to do was sit down and dip her toes into the water, or jokingly push Adrien into the pool and laugh. 
But now, Marinette was determined to help her learn. 
She held Chloe’s hands gently as she guided her from the pool stairs and deeper into the water. They stopped once the water reached their chests. 
The cold water made Chloe shiver. She whined and gripped Marinette’s hands harder. 
“You should dunk your head underwater,” Marinette suggested. 
“You won’t feel as cold if your whole body is wet,” she shrugged, “And it’s fun.” 
Chloe scoffed. “That sounds ridiculous.” 
Without warning, Marinette disappeared down into the water. Their hands were still intertwined, and Chloe yelped. 
After a few moments of Marinette not coming back up, Chloe dunked her head in. She held her breath and shut her eyes tightly as she submerged herself. She would be lying if she didn’t say the cool water felt relaxing around her head. 
She felt fingers tap against her hand and she opened her eyes tentatively. The chlorine stung, but she wanted to look at Marinette. 
Marinette stared back at her with a wide smile, raven hair floating around her and bubbles escaping from her nose. Chloe wanted to laugh, but refrained from doing so lest she get water in her lungs. 
So she smiled back.
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purrincess-chat · 7 years
In other news, let me tell you all about an idea that I thought of while walking home from class today because my creative brain can’t be stopped even though I have a million ideas. 
So, I was thinking about what would happen if Marinette needed to have surgery or something and needed a blood transfusion, but she’s O- (super rare). They ask around to see if anyone is O- so that she can have this surgery, and low and behold, Chloe is the only O- person they find in the class. Chloe begrudgingly agrees to donate to her, but when Marinette finds out whose blood she’s getting she tries to refuse. After her surgery, Chloe comes to visit, and Marinette thanks her. Chloe reminds her that just because she donated her blood so that Marinette wouldn’t die, it doesn’t mean that she likes her, but the experience does soften some of the heat between them.
Just a thought that was in my brain. Do with it what you will. 
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mkw-raider · 4 years
So the soulmate AU is gonna focus on Chlonette, and have background DJWifi bc i do love them. I wanted to have names on the wrist, or soulmate pain, and then I just decided that the soul bond is gonna manifest in different ways for different groups of soulmates, with soulmate pain being the most common. Platonic soulmates definitely exist and the lack of soulmate is also around so I’m gonna have a few more classmates in the back rocking different types of soulmate bonding and some might have none.
Quick Notes
- Chloe has ‘known’ that Marinette is her soulmate since they were children, but doesn’t allow herself to pursue it even in friendship
- The plan is for Chloe to have a big stupid moment when Ladybug gets on the scene and she thinks it was all a coincidence that Marinette was thought to be her soulmate and Chloe eagerly accepts LB being her soulmate bc she’s unobtainable and the soulbound won’t be able to be pursued 
-Marinette just doesn’t know that Chloe is her soulmate, Chloe is rich and always kept away from situations that could hurt her, and any random pain Marinette might feel is usually masked by her own clumsiness and residual aches
- Marinette becomes Ladybug and feels soulmate pain that she can’t deny during the events of origins
The story is gonna kick into gear closer to a year into the events of the show, but I’ve made them all like 15 or 16 instead of the 13-14 they would be otherwise. I wanna tell a story about Chloe being better and working to be someone she thinks Mari would be proud of, and of course I want them to have shenanigans. Can’t make it too easy for them to end up together.
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
All your fic ideas sound so good!!!!!!!
A Siege in Paris: Okay, the name sounds familiar, but who is Armand D’Argencourt? And why/how would he bring Paris into the dark ages? 😱
Bluebird of Happiness: I would love to see more of Duusu and Marinette together! I loved “A Declaration of Love.” Ooooh would this be a double Miraculous option? Like, Marinette has the Peacock, but Fu doesn’t know that, so he gives her another Miraculous too? Chaos ensues as she has to deal with two kwamis and 2 hero identities? That would be fun!
Chasing a Butterfly: Ahhhhh I want another Butterfly!Marinette fic too! I feel like this could be a good Lukanette one - Marinette could be more withdrawn and shy and Luka hears her song despite that and knows she is just a caterpillar waiting to be a beautiful butterfly. But then, as a hero, he is wary of the new butterfly heroine. So we could see your take on the kinda love square sans Adrien lol
Claws Sunk In: I’m surprised (but intrigued) with this one! It sounds like a set up for a Chlonette fic, but I thought I remembered you saying that you didn’t want to ship them because Chloe was Marinette’s bully. Would this be a different set up for that? Or is Chlonette a no-go here too? Maybe just platonic?
Copycat: I’m always down for more Felix action! I love the way you write him, but I can’t really read Grumpy Cat because I get too sad about the ending. 😭😅 So, I would love a Felix fic from you that doesn’t involve….well. The ending of Grumpy Cat. 😂
Dodged a Beetle: It seems I’m in the minority here, but this is probably my least favorite. Probably because I dislike Lila so much. I would also hate to see Marinette wrapped around Lila’s finger. But the premise is super interesting though! I never would have thought of it! You’re right that Lila has a lot of potential. I just more see it as potential for bad lol. 😂
Never Met Fu: (Can I also just say I love these plays on words?) Ooooh this one sounds like you could improve on Fu a lot! And it would give you the option of adding heroes to the team that Fu approves of and Ladybug doesn’t know about! Ladybug wouldn’t be the one ha ding out the Miraculouses!
Unbound: I need more deets on this one ASAP. Alternate universe opens up? Magic goes haywire? Body swapping? WHAT’S GOING ON?! 😂
The Gamble of Renard Leroux: Can it be??? An OC INSERT STORY?! I never thought I’d see the day! No one else seems to like to write OC insert stories! I’d love to see your take on it. Or would it be Felix coming in with the Fox? Or maybe Alya or even Lila?
Okay, I think I covered all your ideas lol. Thank you so much for sharing them! I’m already looking forward to….we’ll, basically all of them. 😂😂😂
ASiP: Armand D'Argencourt was Darkblade and was running for mayor. No Andre taking the position, its open to be claimed. And he's got some villainy vibes to him, and a familial history that he can continue as his ancestor (also known as Darkblade) used to rule Paris.
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BoH: I am going to go with no as this is meant to be a Peafowl!Marinette centered idea. I don't even know if the Butterfly would be misused as we don't have the details and history of the Agrestes and how they get them. Only for sure is that Emilie is still around so no Gabriel trying to misuse it to revive her. They could misuse it for nefarious reasons, or maybe they don't have anything if they got the Peafowl first and that clued them in on the existence of miraculous. I'm hoping the ep Gabriel Agreste will give some answers, ideally...
CaB: eeeeh we'll see. I haven't decided on a pairing just yet. More focused on trying to figure out the story direction and what to do about lead heroes.
CSI: this is definitely not a Chlonette fic. This is more along the lines of Scarlet Lady au of Chleo at the start getting one of the two most powerful and Marinette's her partner.
Copycat: well its a good thing that this isn't a Grumpy Cat rewrite.
DaB: yeah it can be dicey depending on where it goes. Only thing I can reassure you is that Marinette's not going to be wrapped around Lila's finger. Though she will be regarded as a friend and that means she'll have a lot of tolerance for things that she shouldn't.
NMF: not going to go as your picturing. outside the ending, it's going to be more of a timeskip fic.
Unbound: when LB cleanses an akuma, she severs HM's connection with the victim, and purifies them, turning what's negative positive and turns them back to normal. When Cat does it, it just servers that connection and the victim still has that power and now no item or butterfly to cleanse and HM has no means to control them. They are an absolute wildcard.
TGoRL: ...ish. kinda but not really? Only thing for sure is that Marinette shall have a wily friend coming to her aide. Lila beware and readers, brace for some Alya salt.
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love how chlonette is both 'this is a crack ship cause it's funny as hell to see these two kiss and have tsundere-ish moments of realization that oh crap it's not competition it's sexual tension' and 'Chloe and Marinette are both extremely flawed characters that pick on each other's weaknesses but could further improve their strengths because they are so similar in a way that if they're both written with a good amount of decency they are very compatible as a duo (platonic/romantic). It also explores the different ways how trauma affects and changes people and the consequences of the actions driven by said trauma to the people around them and themselves.' but yk it's just me being silly
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Ok, I started reading Lady Luck, and am now done with Origins part two.
My question
Is this adrinette or
(Basically enemies to lovers chlonette?)
Or is this going to be platonic?
Also wow your too good at writing.
It's just Adrienette!
Well. Spoilers for season 2 but it might be leaning toward Lukadrigaminette. Still debating on it but the option is very much on the table.
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pessimisticlatte · 5 years
Glass Roses ~ Chapter 14
Miraculous Ladybug fanfic
Adrienette ~ Lukagami ~ Marichat ~ Alynino ~ Chlobrina ~ Nathemilie ~ Gabriel x death ~ Lila x an unexplained disappearence ~ Platonic Marigami, Adrinino, Lukadrien, Alyanette, and Chlonette
“In honour of my darling son, Adrien’s, 18th birthday, I would like to formally invite the superheroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, to celebrate with us at La Chateau du Agreste in Alsace in three weeks time,” Standing straight backed with his hands loosely clutched at the base of his spine, Gabriel spoke into the camera with an emotionless visage. He was widely known as a man of little emotion and he assumed that even when his son and heir the public would find it highly worrying to see him express anything. “Their friends, Carapace, Rena Rouge, Queen Bee, Ryuko and Viperion are more than welcome to attend too as this occasion is a celebration of my son’s 18 years.”
Finishing his spiel, Gabriel turned away from the camera. “Turn it off, Nathalie, I am finished,” Stepping forward, Nathalie ended the recording and pressed the SD card free, clutching it in her hand tightly but not tightly enough to break it. “I expect that edited and sent to all news networks within the hour. You may take your leave.”
“Thank you, Mr Agreste,” Giving a stiff bow, Nathalie began to stride to the door, keeping the boiling anger in her stomach from breaking the surface of her icy demeanour. 
“Nathalie,” His words caused her to pause as her fingertips brushed the doorknob. “You will service me tonight, oui?”
He used the word service like she was nothing more than a prostitute that he would dole coin out to for subpar sexual relief. Nathalie has convinced herself that she was in love with Gabriel but the more time she’d spent lamenting over his treatment of her, the more she’d realised that she was nothing more than a warm body to him. But she didn’t have the strength to fight him on this now, not when he was inviting Ladybug and Chat Noir to the chateau for Adrien’s 18th. She knew that they’d take the party as a sign to steal the Butterfly miraculous out from under Gabriel’s nose and she was terrified for the damage such an event would have on Adrien. Nathalie didn’t want him to think she’d had a hand in his father destroying his 18th, and she certainly didn’t want him to think that the destruction was intentionally to drive his girlfriend away from him. 
“Oui, sir,” Nodding half heartedly, Nathalie gave in and turned the doorknob, closing the white painted door behind her with a subtle click.
Lying with his head in Marinette’s lap, Adrien closed his eyes and sighed happily through his nose as he felt Mari’s long fingers thread through the golden strands of his hair. They were sitting in the park across from their school, a picnic mat spread out beneath them and the remains of their lunch packed back into the fabric basket Marinette had brought with her. The sun warmed his face but not as much as the presence of Mari, of his lady, warmed his chest and stomach. Soft fingertips brushed the corners of his upturned lips as he angled his head slightly into Mari’s caresses.
“You’re beautiful,” He didn’t open his eyes as he spoke, her fingers mapping the planes of his face in the shining daylight, despite the cold chill beginning to swirl around them.
“Your eyes are closed,” There was a laugh in her voice that brought a full smile to his lips as the pad of Mari’s finger flicked off the tip of his nose gently. 
“That doesn’t mean that you’re not beautiful,” Her hands returned to massaging his scalp, Adrien released an involuntary purr at the sensation.
“D-did you just purr?” The massage paused for a split second as Mari spoke in awed disbelief.
“What of it?” Not opening his eyes, Adrien nudged his head back into her hand to coax her into resuming her ministrations. 
“Silly kitty,” Before he knew it, Marinette had leaned down and pressed her lips gently to his, the warm breath from her nose as she exhaled fanning over his chin. She tried to pull away but Adrien raised a hand to the back of her head and pulled her back down, trying to deepen the kiss despite their awkward positioning.
“Public park, lovebirds,” Alya’s voice startled them both, causing Adrien to smack his forehead against Marinette’s chin as he dove to sit up. “That has got to be the least graceful I’ve ever seen you, Agreste.”
Rubbing his forehead, Adrien scowled at Alya as she and Nino approached them, hand in hand. Worried, Mari scanned her eyes over Adrien’s forehead before pressing a kiss to the middle of it and moving to settle into his side.
“Good to see you happy, dude,” Nino extended a fist to Adrien, the blonde boy bumping his against it with a broad grin. “But we’re going to have to pop the bubble for a second.”
“What’s up, Nino?” Mari’s eyes grew wider slightly as she glanced up at Adrien.
“Well, your dad has decided to throw you a big ass party for your 18th, Adrien,” Adrien groaned and hung his head at Nino’s words, there was a small gasp of excitement from Mari though that sent Adrien’s mind into a dizzying spin of excitement for Marinette to meet Nathalie formally as his girlfriend and terror for his father’s cynical judgement of her. 
“He knows I hate parties, why would he do this?” Groaning, Adrien raised his head and slumped his shoulders.
“I don’t think Nino or Alya can answer that, Chaton, as neither of them are your father,” Mari flicked the side of his head with her long fingers.
“The party is at La Chateau du Agreste in Alsace,” The way Alya’s tongue curved over the name of Adrien’s family estate was perfect, better than the Agreste boy himself had ever been able to pronounce the title of his ancestral home. “And your dad has invited Ladybug, Chat Noir and the rest of the team.”
“Shit,” Adrien was at a loss for words other than profanity. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!”
A nearby mother scowled in Adrien’s direction as she pressed her hands over her young daughter’s ears and steered the child away from the congregation of teenagers.
“Adr-Adrien, stop,” Placing a gentle hand on her boyfriend’s face, Mari turned his gaze so it met hers with wide, imploring eyes. “This could be the perfect chance to whisk Nooroo away from him.”
He was shaking, he hadn’t noticed that he was shaking until he raised his own hand to cover Marinette’s, squeezing her hand gently. 
“Do you two want to sit down?” Glancing away from Adrien for a second, Mari invited Alya and Nino to sit with them, the other couple gladly taking up spots opposite their friends on the picnic mat. “Adrien, you’re shaking.”
“Yeah, I know,” He smiled weakly and slid their joined hands off his face, holding her smaller hand between his larger ones in his lap. A faint dusting of pink began to rise across Marinette’s nose and cheeks as she smiled shyly. “I’m going to be there regardless of whether I want to go or not so it’s not like we have a choice to skip my 18th.”
“You know we’re going to throw you a party Adrien-style after your dad’s big ass fiesta, right?” Nino scratched the side of his face as Alya cleaned her glasses on a small wipe she’d pulled from his pocket, his eyes trained on his best friend as he spoke. “Laser tag, a cake made by Mari, Luka’s houseboat decked out in fairy lights, you know, the usual.” Nino shrugged.
“Sounds great, Nino,” Giving a sincere half smile, Adrien nudged Mari with his shoulder slightly. “But Father has invited Chat Noir and Ladybug so how are we going to get them in attendance if Miss Dupain-Cheng and I are going to be the centre of attention?”
A smirk curved on Alya’s lips as a devious twinkle lit in her amber eyes. Nino’s eyes flicked between his girlfriend and their friends as thinly veiled terror sparked in his eyes, he knew that look too well and it meant that Alya was planning something. Too often, the plan didn’t include telling him until after it had gone very right or extremely wrong.
“Rena Rouge at your service, milady and milord,” Pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, Alya’s grin grew wider as her three friends came to the realisation of what plan was cooking in her insane and intelligent mind. “If you need to see double, leave it to me.”
~~~~~~~~~~ “Maman? Papa?” Pushing the door of the bakery open with her shoulder, Marinette called out to her parents with a sweet sing-song voice. She could hear her father bustling through the kitchen in the back, the smell of baking cinnamon and date bread wafting through the beautiful interior of the bakery and reminding Mari of childhoods full of sticky dough and soft laughs, calloused hands teaching her how to make a perfect braided loaf as her mother sang gentle songs in Mandarin. 
“Marinette?” Closing the door behind her to keep the heat in, Marinette was greeted by the small, flour dusted figure of her mother, Sabine. There was a small apron wrapped around Sabine’s waist to protect her pants from the bakers flour that was an inescapable part of her life and to make wiping her hands that much easier. “Let me take your coat.”
Sabine reached to help Marinette remove her fleece lined jacket but was waved away by her daughter, Marinette comfortable with taking off her coat by herself and that she wouldn’t offend her mother by not accepting her help. 
“There is something for you, it came in the mail,” Sabine spoke with a slightly lilted accent that wasn’t the French Mari had grown up hearing. Her father had met her mother in Nanjing, China, and it had been love at first sight for the apprentice baker and seamstress’s daughter. Tom himself came out of the kitchen and leaned against one of the glass cabinets holding hundreds of beautifully made rolls, donuts, loaves and other baked goods as his wife gave their daughter a thick letter with a wax seal. 
“What’s this, Maman?” Pointing to the wax seal with a long finger, Mari looked at her mother with confusion. She’d gotten letters before, Grandmaman sent so many from her travels but she’d never gotten any letters with a large dollop of wax on them.
“That’s a wax seal, Marinette, the markings here,” Sabine ran her fingers over the Agreste family crest. “Are the crest of the Agreste family. I saw Gabriel Agreste extend an invitation to his son’s birthday to Ladybug and Chat Noir so I can only have the assumption that this is your very own invitation because you are a classmate of his son.”
“Open it, Mari,” Tom Dupain sounded more excited for his daughter to open the letter than Marinette herself was. She knew what it was but she’d thought she’d at least have a bit more time before telling her parents that she had a boyfriend. Mari knew that Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng could take things a bit far sometimes and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to subject poor Adrien to it just yet. “Maybe we’ve been asked to cater it?”
Sabine shot Tom a withering look that shut him up immediately, Marinette giggled at her parents before she carefully broke the wax seal and freed the note.
“Dear Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Gabriel Agreste would like to formally invite you to the 18th birthday celebration of his son, Adrien, at La Chateau du Agreste in Alsace. Dress in your finest and present this card at the door,” Marinette pulled a small card with beautiful calligraphy emblazoned across it, the thin outline of the words gilded in gold leaf. “So that we may address you properly. Accommodation will be provided for you and your parents at the Chateau itself. Adrien and I look forward to celebrating with you, sincerely, Gabriel Agreste.”
Deftly, Sabine plucked the card out of Marinette’s fingers with light fingers as Mari finished reading the letter out loud. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien’s girlfriend?!” ~~~~~~~~TAGLINE~~~~~~~ @lady-charinette @katieykat513 @mochegato @maniic-pixie-dream-girl @a-star-with-a-human-name @nifflerstorm @camelliaflwr @aussie-lesbian @beauty-and-her-books  DM to be added to the tag line!
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generalluxun · 2 years
That ship you ship that no one else ships and it'll never be canon but who cares?
For me, this is Adribrina. That's Adrien Agreste and Sabrina Raincomprix.
It started out innocently enough! I wrote a fun one shot where Cat Noir, Miss Hound, and Purple Tigress play a Miraculous game of tag for training. Then I wrote a one shot for Adrien and Sabrina, a fluffy friendship sort of thing. Then I built off that for a chapter fix where they would part ways and she would be a wingman for adrienette... only it didn't happen. Adribrinna were just a couple of wonderful goobers. Adrientte misfired (Ladynoir still strong if Platonic!) and the backup-Lukanette for Marinette turned into Chlonette. Ooops. Now it's my longest running AU.
I just love these two together. Sabrina is actually the YA protagonist character, only without the wink and a nod. She's actually clumsy, actually put upon, actually not liked by many. She means well, tries hard, and pays attention but it hasn't gotten her far. Adrien *pays attention*. Sure he's built up life skills living in a horrible family environment, but it works to his advantage here. Sabrina is desperately earnest in her desire to please(from her own damage) and Adrien is aware enough to feel that and want to be worthy of so much devotion. They're a feedback loop of support and snuggles.
Writing for them just makes me happy, even if the general reaction to the ship is 'That's a ship?'
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purrincess-chat · 6 years
Cat’s Writing Masterlist (Long Post)
So, it’s been a hot minute since I updated my last masterlist, so I’m gonna make a new one. I’m warning you all now that I have 81 published works on AO3, so this is gonna be a long list, but I’m gonna try to make it somewhat easy to navigate idk we will see.
Marinette’s Secret: G, Love square, crack/fluff
The Big Reveal: G, Plagg-perspective reveal, crack
Accidental Date: G, platonic Adrinette, fluff
Games We Play: G, LadyNoir, fluff
Better Together: T, Chat Noir/Adrien-centric, crack
Amour Chassé-croisé: G, Marichat, fluff/crack
No One’s Side Kick: T, Chlolya, crack, pre-Rena Rouge name reveal
Garbage Cliche MariChat Balcony Makeout Scene: T, MariChat, steamy/crack
Just For You: G, Chlonette, fluff/crack
Best Friends Forever: G, Alya&Marinette, fluff
Cat-astrophe: T, Love Square, reveal fic/crack
All Around Me Are Familiar Faces: T, multiple perspectives, crack
Never Trust Chat Noir Near Yarn: G, platonic Marichat, crack
Toddlers and Miraculouses: G, LadyNoir-ish, crack
The Fox and the Chat: G, Rena&Chat, crack
A Lesson in Love: T, Alyanette, steamy
Go Fish: M, kwami-perspective, post-reveal, crack/implied sin
Where the Sun Don’t Shine: T, platonic MariChat, crack
Heists and High Heels: T, Chlolila, crack
What If: G, Copycat-based, crack
Princess Adrien: G, classmate fic, crack
The Adventures of Beetlebug: T, LB!Nino, crack
The Greatest Gift of All: T, Chlolya, crack/fluff
The Secret Life of Kubdel: G, Kim/Max/Alix, crack
Kid Rebel, Boy Menace: G, OT4, crack
A Christmas Tail: G, Felinette, fluff
Fight Me Under the Mistletoe: G, classmate fic, crack
No Matter Who You Are: G, Adrinette, reveal fic, fluff
A New Life: G, Adrinette, fluff
Tell Me a Secret: G, Adrien&Plagg, crack
The Class Scheme to Make Kimax Canon: G, Kimax, crack/fluff
Holiday Spirit: G, Lilanette,Chlogami,Lukadrien, fluff
The Perfect Night: G, Adrinette & kids, fluff
Onto New Beginnings: G, Adrinette, fluff
Finding Happily Ever After: G, Adrinette, fluff
Sweetheart’s Ice Cream: G, Adrinette, Glaciator what-if, fluff
Home is Where You Are: G, MariChat, fluff
Checkmate: G, Ladrien, fluff/kwami swapish
A Day in the Sun: G, Adrien&Nino, fluff
Nathaniel’s Apology: G, MarcNath, fluff
Themed-Prompt Challenges:
Think Outside the Love Square: T, various rare pairs, fluff mostly 
A Collection of Tumblr Prompts: T, various ships, various genres usually described at the beginning
Miraculous Swaps Week: G, Master Fu & Emilie Agreste (though pre-Emilie name), unfinished
Fluff Month, Non-love Square Edition: G, various ships, fluff
When the Moon Found the Sun: T, Lukadrien, fluff/angst
Rare Pair March: T, various ships, various genres
Valentine’s Day Drabbles: T, various ships, fluff
Fluff Month, Love Square Edition: G, love square, fluff
August 2018: G, various ships, fluff
A Family of Friends: G, classmates, fluff
Rare Pair Month 2019: G, various ships, various genres mostly fluff
Completed Chapter Fics:
A Mile in My Shoes: G, love square, kwami swap/fluff
Colors of the Soul: T, love square-centric though other ships featured, angst/fluff
To Tame a Queen: T, Chlonette, Chloe-redemption, fluff
Bedtime Stories: G, Tom/Sabine ft. babinette, fluff
A Time for Love: G, Markov/Alix’s watch (you read that right), crack/fluff
Beyond the Line of Duty: T, love square, reveal fic, crack, might continue
Ladybug and Bumblecat: G, Ladrien, kwami swap, crack
A Merman’s Heart: T, Marichat, fluff/fantasy AU
How to Catch a Ladybug: G, Lilanette, fluff/drama
Honey and Spice: T, Chlolya, Chloe-redemption, fluff
Kiss, Kiss Learn My Secret?: G, love square, fluff/reveal fic
The Girl Under the Mask: G, Ladrien, fluff
On-going WIPs
A Night to Remember: G, Alyabug, fluff
The Adventures and Disasters of Living with Roommates: T, classmates, crack
Midnight Rose: T, Julerose, angst/fluff/fantasy AU
Within the Garden Walls: G, Myvan, fluff/fantasy AU
When the Chat Calls: G, MariChat, fluff mostly/crack
Teen Heart’s and Comic Pages: G, MarcNath, fluff
A Place to Call Our Own: G, QPP Adrigami, crack/fluff
The Fate of Misfortune: M, LadyNoir, angst/pirate AU
How an Angel Falls: T, Kimax, fluff/angst/fantasy AU
All’s Fair in Love and Superheroes: G, Ladrien, fluff/angst
Lady du Coeur: T, love square, angst/fluff/reveal fic/canon rewrite kinda
More Than Just a Friend: G, Adrinette, fluff/angst
Lady Luck: M, Adrinette, fluff/angst/college AU
Moves Like Jagged: G, Adrinette, fluff/crack
The Fall of Rome: G, classmates, Lila downfall, spite fic
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: G, Marinette-centric with Adrinette, spite fic
Taming Lies and Chasing Butterflies: G, akumanette, spite fic
Tumblr media
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 6 years
Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Enemies Closer
Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Enemies Closer by EpicLilKitty
If there is one thing Chloe Bourgeois hates, it's when others come in and try to take what is hers. So naturally, she isn't happy when Lila comes in and begins taking control of the class with barely any effort. But surprisingly, it's when Lila goes after Marinette Dupain-Cheng that Chloe snaps. After all, Marinette is her toy. Her plaything. That's all this sudden protectiveness is about, surely. It's not like a part of her actually likes her self-proclaimed nemesis or anything.
Words: 1211, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Kitty's Requests
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Chloé Bourgeois, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Lila Rossi, Caline Bustier's class
Relationships: Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Platonic Chlonette - Freeform, Chloè redemption, Yet Another Saltmine Fic, Saltinette, Chloe Being Supportive!?, Chlonette is my new BrOTP, Bisexual Chloe, fight me, That Girl is Bi as hell, Chloe POV, Cause I Need The Practice, Identity Reveal, just because, Post-Episode: s03 Caméléon | Chameleon
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/17835413
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