#platonic shinsou x reader
frickingnerd · 21 days
taking shinsou to a cat cafe
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pairing: hitoshi shinsou x gn!reader
tags: platonic or romantic, lots of cats, mentions of food
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shinsou isn't the type of guy who knows a lot of places to socialize, so he had never heard of a cat cafe before!
but when you mentioned that one wasn't too far away from UA, he was more than eager to accompany you there!
the moment you entered the cafe, he froze at the sight of all the adorable cats and kittens running around the place, yet trying to brush it off and act cool
he tries not to show just how excited he is, but you keep noticing him staring past the menu and towards the cats nearby, while the two of you place your orders
of course, the two of you get some cat themed cake, as well as something to drink
and while shinsou thinks the sugary cat faces on the cake are cute, they don't compare to the real cats in the cafe!
luckily for him, shinsou is like a magnet for cats! they just swarm to him, resting on his lap or rubbing against his legs
shinsou makes you stay with him at the cafe for much longer than initially planned, as he just can't get himself to get up and push the sleeping kittens off his lap…
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fluff-n-cookies · 10 months
mrrps n chirps
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Shinsou and Aizawa with a child with a Cat quirk owns my heart.
For example, imagine the reader is Just a lil' baby and whenever they need her attention, they Just call out her name, and in return. she, on instinct, will mrrp in response and whips her head around to see what happened an hopefully get/earn some head Pats. (like a cat!)
unless you're shinsou Since HE has been ABUSING his Mrrp powers.
he will Just randomly Call out your name to annoy you and now, you Just ignore him.
and now, he could be PLEADING for help as he is eaten by feral dogs but you won't budge. if anything you'll attempt to play with the dogs as he is eaten.
Conversations with aizawa go something like it is:
Aizawa:"(y/n), baby, honey, have you Seen Shinsou?"
baby (y/n): "mrrp."
Aizawa : "oh, I did not Know that!"
baby (y/n) : "mrrrp"
Aizawa: "well okay, it's been nice talking to you but I need to go find your brother BUT I WILL tuck you in tonight K? K.''
and when your excited and do that Iil' chirp IT'S OVER THEIR HEARTS ARE MELTING oh would you look at that it's now a puddle.
and they do anything for it!
plushies? done. Snacks? done. ALL the CUDDLES in the WORLD?!?! DONE. Just please chirp, they are addicted to it like it's the worlds strongest drug!
and if you ever cuddle up to them while they are grading or studying and start purring it's practically a dream come true! that's it. this is their life now.
Because everything is right now, all is good in the world and there is no-where else they'd rather be. maybe that's because they can finally relax now, Knowing you, their top priority, is safe in their arms, purring.
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kywaslost · 1 year
Hiya! I read your platonic shinsou fanfic and I was wondering if you could write a fanfic where y/n (fem please) is a pre-teen and gets adopted into the erasermic family but she has a fear of men, and she struggles to do things because she's worried she would look bad/they might do something. Thank you if you do xxx
You’re Safe Here - Shinsou Hitoshi
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A/N: Now that I’ve written this entire thing, I’ve realized my dyslexic self read your request as mainly Shinsou. I feel stupid. I’m so sorry lol. If you’d like me to rewrite this I will. I was going to but I really like how this turned out. Please forgive me <3 I also used the prompts below that I found because I thought they’d fit the request.
Prompt/s Used: Lighting whumpee’s favorite candles, or listening to their favorite music, to tell whumpee that the space is theirs and that it will always be safe. / You don’t have to tell me. But if you do decide you want to. I’ll be here. / You don’t feel safe here, do you? 
After being tossed between foster homes for so long, you should be ecstatic to finally be adopted, right? Except you weren’t. You were petrified, to be honest. Usually, you’d meet your supposed new adoptive family and spend time with them while papers and forms were filed and signed, or at least that’s what you’d heard from other foster children throughout the years. But for some reason you were told to back your bags one day to meet your new family. And to top it all off, you were being adopted into a house consisting of only men.
It was a childish fear, to be afraid of almost every male on the planet, but it’s not like you can help it. Men from your past weren’t kind to you, resulting in an aversion to guys of almost every age. You avoided them when you could, fearing they would criticize you, or worse, use you. Being a young female in today’s society isn’t always easy, and you thought it would be safer to just avoid men as best you could.
You met your new fathers first. They were the ones to pick you up from the park where they agreed to meet you with your social worker. They seemed nice enough, but you couldn’t help but hide behind your social worker as they approached you.
“Excuse her,” your social worker smiled. “She’s a bit weary around men.”
“That’s alright!” The one with blonde hair smiled widely. “We understand!” The man was practically vibrating with excitement. So much so the man behind him had to place a hand on his shoulder. “Calm down, Hizashi. You are going to overwhelm her.”
You shot the black haired one a grateful look, thankful for his calmness. You were overwhelmed with anxiety and fear, and you couldn’t help but fear the blonde.
“I’m Shouta. Shouta Aizawa,” the second man said, crouching down a few feet in front of you.
“And I’m Hizashi Yamada!” The blonde smiled brightly, standing beside Aizawa.
Shouta slowly extended a hand out towards you, offering a small smile. “I understand that this is very overwhelming for you. A lot of new changes and new scenery, and I understand you are a bit afraid. How you feel is valid, I promise you. We will be here every step of the way to help you through it.”
You looked between the two men, then to your social worker. She just smiled and nodded encouragingly. Taking a deep breath, you slowly reached out and took Aizawa’s hand. That’s when your social worker patted your shoulder, then voiced that she’d be taking her leave now that you were in the hands of your new caretakers. Your breathing hitched as you watched her leave, panic slowly taking over your body. You jerked your hand back from Aizawa, pulling it to your chest without any thought, too caught up in trying to suppress an oncoming anxiety attack. 
“That’s alright, you don’t have to touch me yet. That’s ok, take your time,” Aizawa said calmly. Both him and Hizashi started to notice your growing panic, glancing quickly at each other before Aizawa stood. 
“Hey, why don’t we sit, yeah?” Hizashi offered, worry clear in his eyes. You nodded sharply, slowly following Hizashi over to a bench. He let you sit down before asking, “Can I sit over here?” He motioned to the other end of the bench and you nodded. You pulled your knees up to your chest, closing your eyes to concentrate on your breathing. 
Eventually you evened out your breathing and calmed your nerves ever so slightly. Uncurling yourself, you stood as you took in one last deep breath. Aizawa was sitting in front of you again, watching you closely. So was Hizashi.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “I’m ok now.” 
The two men also stood. “Don’t apologize,” Aizawa said softly. “Take as much time as you need. We can sit here longer if you’d like?” You shook your head.
“You’re sure?” Hizashi asked and you nodded in response.
“Let’s get you home then.” 
You followed them to their car, freezing as Hizashi opened the door for you. You began to shake slightly again. Getting into the car encloses you with two men whom you barely knew. Needless to say, you were uncomfortable.
“Would you feel more comfortable if we walked?” Aizawa offered from the driver’s side of the car. “We aren’t too terribly far, it shouldn’t take too long. Would you feel safer if we walked?”
After thinking about it, you mumbled a quiet, “Can we?”
Hizashi responded, “Of course!” He turned to his husband. “I can come get the car later after patrol.”
You met their son later that night once dinner was served. It took a while to get used to the thought that you had a family now, and you spent several hours on the couch in the living room trying to grasp the fact that you were now living with three men. It calms your nerves to know that Aizawa and Hizashi were pro-heros, and their son was a hero-in-training, but that didn’t mean you were still on edge. You knew very little about your new family, and until then you would hypothetically sleep with one eye open.
Shinsou seemed nice enough, and he even watched whatever you wanted while your new fathers got ready for patrol. You assured them that you would be alright staying behind with Shinsou, and they apologized profusely for not being able to get out of work for the night. 
Once they had left, it was just you and Shinsou sitting in the living room. You were curled up on one end of the couch, and he was at the other end, giving you your space. You couldn’t help but watch him out of the corner of your eye, afraid he may make a move when you weren’t looking. The purple-haired boy noticed your staring, then turned his gaze from the tv to you.
“You don’t feel safe here, do you?” He asked. His question caught you off guard, and you didn’t answer. “Dad and Pa told me that you may be on edge for a while, that you had an aversion to males. I can only assume it has to do with childhood trauma? You don’t have to tell me. But if you do decide you want to. I’ll be here. I’m a good listener, and I don’t know, I always find it easier to talk to people closer to my age. And if there’s anything I can do to help this transition be smoother for you, please tell me.”
Tears brimmed your eyes as you looked away, nodding. “I think I’m going to go take a shower,” you said as you stood, hugging yourself tightly.
Shinsou nodded, eyes softening. “Ok. Do you remember where the bathroom is?” He helped you find everything you needed, even offering you a pair of his sweatpants and an old shirt to change into.
You took your time in the shower, even taking a moment to sit and cry. It had been a long and tiring day. You were so excited to have a permanent home, but still nervous given the situation. Once you had composed yourself, you stepped out of the shower and got dressed.
The house was silent as you stepped out of the bathroom, just as it was before. You could hear the TV in the living room where you assumed Shinsou still sat on the couch. Except when you entered the hallway, you could hear music coming from further down the hall. You made your way to your new room, not thinking much of it. Shinsou’s room was across the hall, so it could have been him.
You pushed your door open, standing still in the doorway when you took in the room. Your stuff was still sitting on the end of your bed, except now there was a lit candle on your night stand. And the music was coming from your room. A laptop sat open on the small desk in your room, spotify open and playing your favorite music artist. 
“I hope you don’t mind,” Hitoshi said behind you. You turned around to see him standing in the hallway. “Dad and Pa had a list of things you like, so I looked at it.” He smiled softly, putting his hands in his pockets. “I-I wanted you to know that this is your space. You’re safe here. So,” he chuckled, “the candle is, uh, it’s (fav. scent). And I made that playlist while you were in the shower.”
Your eyes welled with tears again. You couldn’t believe how thoughtful Hitoshi was.
“I’m adopted, too, and it was difficult for me at first. And dad did something similar for me. It helped me so I thought it’d help you.”
Shinsou froze as you dove into him, hugging him tightly. He snapped out of it quickly, though, and hugged you back just as tight.
“Thank you,” you cried into his shirt. “Thank you, Hitoshi.”
He smiled, so proud of you hugging him despite your fear. “Of course. Anything for my new sister.”
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shallyouobeyme · 8 months
Platonic!Yandere Vampire ErasterMic!Family x Toddler!Reader (GN)
Summary: Upon a hill over a small town stands a castle. It's vampiric inhabitants get a sacrifice every generation, but one year, they find a little child bundled up in a blanket at their door.
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Sacrificing a child (you), mention of mugging, fighting, attacks, murder + torture (not descriptive and not towards reader), vampires, being turned into a vampire, illness, dark content, I do not condone this - this is all just fantasy
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There was a custom in a small town lying in the valley under a hill which adorned the horizon along with the great castle standing on top of it unshakable, permanent, unaging - just like its inhabitants. There were legends going through generations of people living in the castle's shadow. According to them, the castle housed four very specific, mythical creatures. A man of shadows who could only be seen in the night and whose sight was said to be linked with an imminent death. A banshee who could act like a siren and lure you in, only to them scream with the voices of all the souls who have lost their lives because of him. An undead boy who could make you see things, hear things, do things, which would shake any living thing to their core. And at the last, a girl pale as a sheet, with hair white as snow - a ghost, said to be one of their former victims (according to some even their first), who was hunting the castle to warn others who'd share her fate and remind the creatures who had caused her death of their rotten soul.
Along with the legends and myths, the custom developed as well - it came from a place of fear and dread, from a time when deaths rid the town of most of its people and the only cause they could discern was that they had attracted the anger of their mythical watchers - and now it was common practice for every generation to chose a sacrifice to bring to the gates of the castle to gratify the rage of it's owners. Usually, it would be one of the elderly who volunteered themselves, knowing that they had not long to live and wanting to see what all the legends were about at least once in their life. Because except for the sacrificial rite no one was allowed to climb the hill to the castle.
By the time the most unusual and determinative sacrifice happened, the medics of the town had realized that the deaths they had in the past blamed on the creatures were caused by natural reasons - most crucial, the plague. But still, the custom stayed, because why would they change the habit that had kept the townspeople safe for all these years? There was just one thing that was different by that time - it had probably been the result of more health and people having fewer children - but for the first time in generations, there were no elderly who were close to dying, all the elderly who were around were still healthy and fit. And so, one family offered to make the ultimate sacrifice, as they had a young child of only a few years of age who they'd be bringing to the gates. The child was old enough to walk and talk, but not old enough to understand what was happening. And furthermore, the child was ill and sickly. They had been born with their ailment and the doctors saw no possibility of betterment, giving them only a few more years of life before the ailment would take them.
And so it was decided for the best all to lose their child in exchange for the happiness of all the other children they would have and that were living around them. On the night of the summer solstice, their parents put the child into warm clothes and carry their sleeping form up the hill. They knew that the least they needed to do was bring them away together and spend their last moments on this earth as a family. When they arrived at the gate, they rolled their child in a blanket and laid her down in front of it, before the father took the mother's hand and used the knocker that would never work from that distance at any other house. The parents gave their child one last kiss and then solemnly made their way back down the hill to their lives.
On the opposite side of the gate were a family at dinner - or at least as similar to dinner as it was possible for this family. They were sitting around a table with chalices before them, filled with dark, red, liquid that some might assume to be wine. It was not. The family had been living in the castle for centuries. And it was not the fathers and mothers of the people living in it now, no, it had been the exact same people as were sitting around the table now, unchanged like the building they were living in. Unlike what the townspeople assumed, the family of vampires had no interest in ending the lives of the people below them, they had long since switched to an animal-based diet. Still, they also had no interest in stopping their little habit of sacrifices, because it kept them unbothered, and kept the people of the town just afraid enough to not dare enter their homes. And since the sacrificial humans were usually already smelling of death, they had no issue putting them out of their misery - giving the old humans the happiness of letting them know what they had been wondering about for their entire lives.
As the family was talking about the latest news and interests that had been going on in their very exclusive, very secretive society of vampiric creatures spread around the entire world, Aizawa looked out of the window and sighed. He wondered about how fast the last 25 years had passed, but stood up and went out to the gate nonetheless. He wondered a little bit about the unusual breathing and heartbeat pattern heard coming from the human. It had been centuries since he had bothered with visiting or listening to other humans so while his ears were as good as ever, he had some difficulties distinguishing between the differences in them just based on their sounds and smells. So he assumed that this human was just weaker than usual.
All this led to all the more of a surprise when he opened the gate and found not an elderly human looking to find their end for the greater good, but instead a little bundled-up child. You - looking slightly younger than their own daughter had been when she was turned by a nefarious vampire looking to extend their clan - looked so weak, so frail, and as Aizawa looked at you, for the first time in centuries he was reminded of his own time as a mortal. Back then he and Yamada had to hide their love, their romance forbidden for multiple reasons. Not only were they both men, no they were also part of opposite sides of a war, though on the nights when they both sneaked away to spend their time embraced without having to worry about the rest of the world, they spent their time dreaming of having a life together, living without fear and most importantly, taking care of a little life of their own. A child. And when they had been turned, that dream had been mostly fulfilled.
Now they were powerful enough to live without fear together and a few decades later they stumbled upon a dying boy - a mugger who had stolen from them earlier, but as they hunted him down to get their stuff back they found him giving away the stolen goods to the children living in the street without a way to make their own way of survival. When he had also thrown himself in the way of a fight that had escalated and an attack meant for Yamada, it had been clear to them they could not leave him to die. And so they turned him and gained their son. And while they loved him as if he was their own - he was in a sense, the bond forged by turning someone almost as strong as the bond of blood mortals had - he had still already been a young adult when they had 'adopted' him.
Their gaining Eri for their family had been similar. She had already been a vampire for years when they had saved her and while she still looked the part of a young child, she had already been mindful and conscious of things a child would never be, she was a teenager or even an adult trapped in the body of a child.
So when Aizawa looked down at you, he saw this dream of theirs, the dream of raising a child of their own, and he saw the possibility of that now happening. When he brought you back in it was safe to say that his idea was taken in with a lot of enthusiasm, Yamada taking you out of Aizawa's arms and cuddling you close to him - so very happy to have a little you like you so close to him. Oh, how adorable you were, how precious - it was like he finally found what he was waiting for all of his immortal life. Eri was over the moon as well, stating that she had always wanted to be a big sister, that she'd do her best to make sure you'd grow up safe and surrounded by love, and that she wouldn't let anything harm you.
Shinsou was the one who stated something that the rest of the family had forgotten to think about through their joy. Someone had sacrificed you to them, had left you to what they thought to be a soon and possibly painful death. Shinsou's eyes were filled with rage, infectious rage and bloodlust that he hadn't felt since he'd been turned first, as he thought about how someone could leave such a little, weak thing as you to your death knowingly. And so, you were left with Yamada who was not quite ready to let go of you yet, and Eri who insisted on you getting a room near hers (even though you'd spent your next years sleeping in your new parent's bed) and to be there when you awoke to keep you calm in your new surrounded.
While they were already planning your new life, Aizawa and Shinsou made their way down that hill for the first time in a long while, with fire and fury in their steps, knowing that they'd leave no one alive - all of the townspeople at fault for letting you be sacrificed in their eyes. They had only had you with them for less than a day, but one look at you cuddling into Aizawa and Yamadas was enough to have them put you into their hearts and they'd bring hell before letting you go again. So no matter if young or old, male or female or in between, sick or healthy, every single mortal in that town paid their due that day, most of all your own parents whom they recognized by their smell and made suffer for as long as they could before they felt like they needed to see you again to make sure you were doing okay and ended your families misery.
It was clear that your life would be very different from now on, you would be coddled and loved, spoiled and protected. You were still so young that you didn't really worry about the fact that there were these strange people calling themselves your daddies and siblings for longer than a month or two, after that, you accepted your new situation. You enjoyed the attention, loved playing with Eri, dressing up with Yamada, taking naps with Aizawa and getting told stories by Shinsou. Your new life was happy and joyful and you didn't even notice how protective and obsessive your new family was. Leaving the castle wasn't an option anymore - which you didn't worry about too much given how big the castle felt to you - and neither was being alone. There was always one of them with you unless you were sleeping, and even then someone was close to you, close enough to race to you when they heard the difference in breathing patterns of you waking up.
Upon multiple protective measures, it was Shinsou who took it into his hands to tell you stories that made you scared of being alone and leaving the safety of your home - it hurt him to see you so scared, but the feeling of having you run into his arms for comfort when you were afraid of a shadow outside of the window, made it all worth it. Only once you started seeing evil in anything outside and started fearing things around you once you were alone did he tone it down a bit, knowing that he would not have to worry about you leaving them for the time being. His parents had claimed that it wasn't necessary since someone was with you at all times, but they didn't intervene when he started so he assumed they were fine with it.
Aizawa and Yamada loved having your young innocent around them, it reminded them that there was still goodness left in the world, but they still decided that they would not turn you until you were old enough to agree to it. They couldn't promise that they'd listen to you even if you didn't agree - already knowing that they could never let you go - but they at least wanted you to have the opportunity to feel like you made the choice on your own.
Of course, there was still your illness. Your family had many connections in the world thanks to their community of vampiric friends so they had access to the top medication and the best doctors and you got all of that. Everything to make sure you were as healthy as possible and relieved of any pain. The only thing that might change the way they had decided your turning would go would be if your condition worsened if there was no chance of healing anymore. Then, turning you would be an immediate reaction. And who knows, maybe them having you being their little toddler for the rest of eternity - never growing and being coddled by them to make sure you stay as innocent as you are now - was the best thing that could happen to you since they had found you at their gate.
N/A: Thank you to @dumpster-dive-reading for the inspiration behind this and thank you all for reading this. If you enjoyed it I'd love to read your thoughts. Tomorrow's entry for Yandere Writetober is going to be 'dagger' and let's just say while I'm not sure yet, I have a very mischievous character in mind for this. See you then ❤️
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Yandere aizawa family who is aizawa and hisashi ( mic sensei) and shinzo and eri who wont let reader become a hero even tho she is shinzo's twin sis and have the same quirk
Yandere aizawa family who wont let reader have a relationship cuz they might hurt the reader
♡ Your Own Good ♡
(A/N: I have so many platonic yandere requests right now, everyone just wants platonic yandere and I am here for it!! I hope you like, I think erasermic family is a very cute idea 💖)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, child and teen!reader, overprotectiveness, mentions of bullying
Summary: You want to be a hero yet your family refuses (Platonic!Yandere!EraserMic Family x Teen!Reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You slam your bedroom door behind you, crawling into your bed with fat tears rolling down your cheeks. It seemed as if everyone in your family were heros. Both of your fathers were heroes, your brother was a hero in training.
Even your little sister was allowed near heroic stuff yet they all treated you like a child and told you it was to dangerous. You just wanted to be a hero, you just want to help people.
Shouta kneels down next to your bed, gently wiping some tears off of your sleeping face. It’s hard for him not to see you as the small child he saved along with Hitoshi.
He knows that you just want to save people but he’s just so scared that you’re going to be hurt. It makes him feel like a asshole to shut down your dreams, but he wants to keep you safe.
“It’s for their own good, Shouta” Hizashi says from the doorway. Shouta glances up at his husband for a moment.
“I know” he says simply. You had the same quirk as Hitoshi, both you and your brother were heavily bullied because of your quirks. Hitoshi tended to internalize all of the pain from the bullying, instead opting to comfort you when anything would happen.
Hizashi and Shouta still remember you coming home from school sobbing because people called you a villain. They remember you coming home covered in dirt after bullies pushed you down.
They remember you hiding in your room so you wouldn’t have to been seen in public. They even remember you sobbing and telling them you were scared that you were going to end up a villain simply because of your quirk.
After all you’ve been through, how could your family not be overprotective of you? You couldn’t be a hero. You were to fragile. You were to fragile which is why you need your family to protect you.
“They just need to be protected” Shouta mumbles, finally standing up from the side of your bed. You had gotten into a fight with your fathers about how you wanted to become a hero but they refused. So you went to your room, slamming your door and crying yourself to sleep.
“I know, but we’re doing the right thing” Hizashi smile, leaning down to give you a kiss on the forehead. They turn off the light as they leave your room, they’ll have to talk to you later about why they won’t let you become a hero. They’re only isolating you and they’re only prohibiting you from your dreams so that you’re safe.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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dqllzdqys · 2 years
• MHA pro heroes and how they met you / reader <3 •
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Okay, so, plz request things, I need ideas for content :'). Requests are allowed just about anything thats, 1. Legal 2. Consensual and 3. That I'm comfy writing.
This part contains Hizashi Yamada & Aizawa Shouta.
This is how Bnha pro heroes met GN!Student!Reader :))
Nonbinary/gender fluid/ gender neutral Student reader. (platonic)
• Hizashi Yamada ° Presentation Michael.
You met him on the first day, you were walking with a kid you went to middle school with when he ran right into you while turning a corner.
"Oh shi- shoooot... Aha, you okay little listener?" He asked, reaching his hand out to help you up. You take it and he pulls you up with ease. "Yup! I'm okay! How about you, hope you didn't get hurt" you said. "I am A-Okay little listener! Anyways, yo ha go, hope to see ya soon!!" He says speed Walker by down the hall.
You did indeed see him again. He came in during the end of 3rd, you believe, period.
"SHOUTAAAA!!!!!!!" he yells making you wince slightly. "OH! Sorry little listener. Hope your okey, again, haha!!" He says in a softer tone. You nod and continue drawing/reading/writing. "Mic, what do you need." your homeroom teacher says, err, asks (?) Monotone in his voice. Yamada-sensei walks closer to his desk. "I met the cutest little listener earlier, so polite aswell!" He says, too quiet for you to hear if you had been listening. "okay?" Aizawa-sensei replies. "and, I was hoping to yk..maybe....read their file with you??" Aizawa groans.
He ended up convincing Aizawa to read it with him.
He gets you small gifts whenever you get top test score, or do the best in training that week.
Normally its a ring or neckless, but he's gotten you a few bracelets by second year.
Nemuri calls him "Dadmic" whenever they talk about you in the teachers lounge.
• Aizawa Shouta ° Erasurehead.
• you met during the Sports festival, surprisingly, you and shinsou, aka your best friend were against each other and they had to call a tie between you two.
• You throw a punch to his nose and he almost immediately kicks your ribs. you kick his leg and he falls a bit, you go to use your quirk but he's back up. He throws a punch and your pretty sure your nose broke. "L/N how much do you hate [bad person / bad parents name] ?" He asks, you stay silent. "Hm.. Getting smarter aye?" You still stay silent. He attacks again and your sure you and his hands are busted. Its more a street fight at this point. You throw a kick and he stumbles. He gets back his stance and kicks your side again.
•this went on for like, another ten minutes before Mic yelled out.
• "OKAY LITTLE LISTENERS, ITS A TIE, LETS NOT KILL EACHOTHER, HAHA!" He yells out. you sigh in relief. "Good one hito" you say walking off to recovery girl, him following behind you. "thanks n/n, same to you." He replies.
• Aizawa walks up to you and shin after your in civilian clothes and walking to the gate.
• "Hey, N/N wanna go get coffee at the Cate cafe?" Hitoshi asks. "Oh, which one? Kitty frappes??" "Yeah, or we could go downtown to meowing maids to see snowflake. Either is fine." He replies. "L/N. Shinsou." You hear a gruff voice say from behind you. "Hey Monona we were- ...uuhm, hi?" Hitoshi says to the person. "Uuuhhh, hello??? You need something?" You ask. "Yes, I'd like to ask if you'd want me to be both yours, and shinsous mentor." Your eyes open slightly wider. "y- woah.. Wait. You as in pro hero Erasurehead wanna train the 'villains' of class 1-b?" Shinsou asks in shock. "Yes." Erasurehead says. "Oh my god... Oh my god. N/n. N/N. BROO..." Hitoshi says in shock. "Uuhh, yeah uh, yeah.. Mr. Uh, Erasurehead uh, me and toshi would love that." You reply still shook.
•thats how you and hitoshi ended Up outside the 1-a doors on a fine Monday morning.
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Btw, thanks for all the support on our last post !!!! I'm so exited RN ur all so sweet !!
Anyways, I won't rant for long, just drink water and eat something if you haven't <3
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Welcome To The Family (9/???)
Warnings: unwanted touch, unwanted cuddling, minimal clothing?(not of reader), slight swearing
I’m so freaking conflicted whether or not to leave canon MHA. Found out things that make Mic no longer a comfort character for me, and just losing interest altogether of MHA. I should also mention if it isn’t clear: erasermic sees you romantic, other 2 platonic. You’re also mid 20s.
It was like a stalemate. Time is frozen still. He also glares for a second at Tadao, whom looks like he’s about to pass out where he stands. 
Shouta snaps out of it first, grabs his capture weapon, eyes turn red, and hair waves upward. That must be with his quirk. 
I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever seen his quirk. It’s so rare that maybe I forgot. Or is it the headache not letting- now’s not the point! 
He goes to grab her, but she manages to dodge him and his weapon. 
A shiver yet again wracks through my body. “Ugh.”  
Shouta stops in his tracks and locks eyes with me. He easily dodges a hit Aiya tries to get on him. Is she really so far out of her mind to try attacking a pro hero???
Like a dance off, every time he tosses his scarf, she dodges. Every swing of fist, foot, or even body, she dodges as well. It’s like she knows his attack patterns down to a T. She tries to hit one back, and he manages to dodge as well. 
I’d almost jokingly call it a tango in a way. But with a lot more violence. And that they seem to despise each other’s existences. 
Tadao comes back in front of me and kneels, grabbing the cuffs between my hands. “H- here- uh, try to pull them apart while I do the same. Us pulling together should-” 
He tenses severely as something comes behind him. Make that someone, who is Shouta. 
His glare is murderous. I have to make sure he doesn’t kill Tadao. “Stop!” He’s helping!” 
Shouta’s eyes narrow for a moment before he pulls out a knife. Tadao freezes fully and lets out the most girlish shriek I’ve ever heard from a man as the blade swipes down onto the center of my cuffs between his hands. The blade missing his hands by mere millimeters and breaking the chain before continuing fighting Aiya. 
Tadao scrambles to stand back up. He stands up with his back so tense he could be even more straight than a needle. 
A strange, yet familiar faint smell hits my nose. Did he just?...
His face is extremely red, even in the dim lighting. His hands cover his face. “Not a word… ever, please.” 
“Can you focus on my tied up feet instead, then?” I may as well not tease him, especially because of the situation right now. 
Shouta manages to finally crack a hit onto Aiya’s face. It makes her more angry. 
Tadao at the same time reaches down and tries to mold the ropes. It’s slowly taking over, but not nearly fast enough.  
“How the hell did you even find us!?” She dodges another swing he tries to make. He almost seems more intent on trying to seriously harm her more than capture her. “We covered all our tracks! Sure, we could have been farther from your house, but still! It hasn’t even been an hour!” 
Shouta remains silent, and stays silent through every insult she throws at him. Even the ones including how he stole Hizashi. 
She lets loose another punch, this time Shouta catching her hand. 
He quickly wraps her wrist much more tightly and excessively than needed, then pulls her to him. He swings his leg to be behind hers, and makes her legs buckle by hitting the back of her knees. She loses balance and falls to her knees. He doesn’t wait a second to wrap her up with more of his scarf so tightly to the point it almost seems like she can’t breathe. He then pulls out a phone and calls someone on a phone I didn’t realize he had until now. 
“The suspected abandoned wearhouse. Ex-hero assistant BodyFrost,” his smirk widens as he yanks the binds to tighten it more before releasing it back to the way it was. 
“I’m… going to go. He looks like he’s going to kill me still.” Tadao whispers to me, booking it up the stairs and out the door. 
Shouta thankfully doesn’t go after him. He does however walk over to the- why the necklace? 
He picks it up and walks back over to me. He pulls out the blade again and easily cuts the half-molded ropes binding my ankles. 
He stays still for a second, staring into my eyes, then hugs me bone-crushingly tight. The warmth seeping through his outfit is extremely hard to resist not trying to give into. He stills, seeming to notice my abnormally cold body. He pulls away just enough to lock eyes with me. His face so grossly close I could feel his still rather even breath. His eyes narrow. “Did she use her quirk on you!?”
I slightly nod as a shiver wracks my body again.
“FUCK,” he whips his head towards her and glares at her. She glares back. 
He takes a breath in and sighs. He passes me the necklace, making me so utterly confused. It really shouldn’t be this important. He reaches for me and picks me up effortlessly into a princess carry. 
“She’s lucky I can’t kill her.” He says so quietly that almost not even I could hear him say it.
… What??? 
He ignores my expression. He goes up the stairs with me and gives her another glare before we left as the sound of other people arrived. 
I fiddle with the necklace, trying to forget his body against mine. Being so pressed up I can feel the curve and bulge of each muscle- stop mind!!!
My hand felt a fairly sharp edge sticking out. 
I turn it to the side. There was a fairly large crack. I look closer and something that doesn’t seem to be part of the jewel sticking out. I manage to grab it and pull it out, realizing what it was immediately. Ice cold fear floods through my body to the point I’m pretty sure it’s not just the quirk making me shiver. “You… You put a tracker in the necklace!?”
Shouta grunts in confirmation, moving to a sprint and easily keeping the pace. He looks down at me and then glances at the chip that is now in my hand, then back forward. The lights on the streets showing up temporarily as we pass them. “It’s a good fucking thing we did! You have ANY idea what could have happened if we didn’t!? 
I’ve never heard him so angry and it terrifies- yet it also greatly pisses me off. They could have at least told me! I would have willingly then if it was such a concern! Or maybe something simpler so it wouldn’t be such a blaring red flag to wear! No wonder they’ve been freaking out so badly over a fucking necklace! 
Ugh, I seriously should have known with their obsession over the damn thing. Should I drop it?
You know what? I’m going to drop it. Fuck both parties for lying. Fuck being kidnapped. Fuck getting a stupid quirk used on me. Man, I’m so exhausted from all this. 
I open my hands and just let them fall onto my stomach, then falling to the ground from Shouta’s running. “Oops.” I say “genuinely”. Though not feeling remorseful even the slightest bit. 
He looks down to give me a slight glare, but looks back up again after a second. “It was already damaged anyways. That’s how we knew even faster than we would have. It was set off while I was already in this direction to start my parole for the night. It’s already been over half an hour since you left.”  
Sure hasn’t felt that long. Then again maybe the head pain is a part of it.
It doesn’t take too long for us to get back to their house, though I desperately wish he’d just drop me off at my house. I know that’s out of the question however from how tightly he’s holding me. 
Shouta somehow manages to open the door without even placing me down. Hitoshi is sitting in the living room and stares at us when we get into the house. Most of the lights are off except for the T.V. 
Hitoshi stands up and takes a step closer. “You managed to get them?” He asks in a rather hushed tone. Eri must be sleeping already. 
“A certain nuisance is the one who kidnapped them. Her quirk was lightly used, so Hizashi and I are going to keep a very close eye on them.” 
Hitoshi’s face morphs into one with more concern than he tries to let on. “Will she try to come back?” 
Shouta shakes his head. “Fortunately, she was caught.” He didn’t say anything, yet they kept staring at each other as if having a whole conversation without words again. I seriously question how they’re able to do that. 
“Just don’t stay up too late again.”  
“I’m not making any promises.” 
Shouta narrows his eyes. “I will not have you sleeping in class again. We have those medications for you for a reason to help with your insomnia.” 
Hitoshi quirks a brow. “You’re really going to talk about sleeping in class?”
Shouta just turns and starts heading towards- wait, his and Hizashi’s room!? I start to squirm, making him tighten his grip. “You’re not getting out of this. Like I was telling Hitoshi, we need to keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t get worse. We have a couch in there if anything like this were to happen.” 
Liar. I know I would have remembered seeing a couch in your guys’ room at some point. 
He opens their bedroom door, and closes it with his foot. The light is still on in the room, and it doesn’t take long for Hizashi to notice. Worry laces his face upon locking onto my body. 
I refuse to meet eyes with him and look around the room.
Oh. There really is a couch in here. Huh, wonder when that was added. 
“What happened to our sweet Lovesong? Are they injured? Nothing’s broken right? Should I get the med kit!?” He’s rather frantic, but is noticeably trying hard not to be too loud. Did they really put Eri to bed already? 
Shouta shakes his head. “No. Like I just told Hitoshi, Aiya got a hold of them. 
His silence with nothing but a glare is honestly terrifying on a whole different level. “What?” 
His quiet is so much worse than his loud. Like the silence before the storm. Except it feels like the storm skips right over you and destroys everything of your neighbor. 
“She has used her quirk on them, so we need to keep a very close eye to make sure it doesn’t get worse.”
Hizashi goes into his thoughts, and I don’t like the mischievous glint that appears in his eyes. 
“I have the best idea! You could share the bed with us! That way we can keep you warmer too!” 
I internally recoil at the thought of that. Sleeping with a married couple? Specifically even a hero couple? Fuck. No. That’s just awkward and incredibly weird! Why would they even recommend that!? He must not be thinking! I look up at Shouta, who is still carrying me. My face is pleading him to get some sense into Hizashi, but he stayed surprisingly quiet about it, as if actually pondering the idea.
“It could be the best idea in your state. Until the quirk wears off and your body can generate heat normally again.”
… Am I hearing Shouta right? He’s… AGREEING to this!? 
I get placed onto the bed in front of Hizashi, and he doesn’t waste even a second before yanking me back to be pressed up on- oh my god he’s shirtless and I’m pretty sure he isn’t wearing pants. I feel the heat of his legs touch mine. He wraps his arms around me as well. Gross, gross, gross, stop touching! Let me go! 
I start trying to squirm, but Hizashi is surprisingly strong, preventing me from moving much. 
His warmth is making it really hard to want to get away. Even more than with Shouta earlier. 
Shouta takes off everything but his boxers and gets into the bed as well. My face feels like it’s on fire. He quickly shuffles to be on top of me and puts a hand on my mouth before I could scream at them to let me go. 
“Shhh, you don’t want to wake Eri now, right?” 
Hizashi nuzzles his head into my neck. His small facial hair slightly tickling, 
A strong part of me says it doesn’t matter. That she wouldn’t do anything. Another part of me hopes if I did yell, she’d see and be upset by them or even me ruining their parent’s time together. With the hand covering my mouth though, it’s impossible. 
Tired… their warmth makes me so tired. My body too quickly stops struggling. It gives Shouta the time to also have an arm wrap around my body. The other staying close to my mouth to make sure I don’t wake Eri though.
“That’s it, dear Lovesong. We won’t let you get taken again. See your lovely face in the morning.”
This makes me decide I’m going to resign. I’m done. 
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thehusbandoden · 3 months
< Shinso's masterlist
Pregnant Reader part 2 (requested)
Self explanatory<3 | 165 words \\ posted: 12/06/2023~~~~
You flinch during an argument
Self explanatory<3 | 1,594 words \\ posted: 08/25/2023
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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1-sasha-stuff-1 · 6 months
The Hunger Games: The Rise of the Phoenix
Sorry I haven't posed on either story; I'll start writing for the other story soon enough. But I hope you enjoy the new chapter for this one! 
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Y/n sat quietly in her compartment, the clatter of the train blending with the distant hum of conversations that Effie was having with Mineta.
Gazing out the window, she watched the landscape as they left District 12. The trees merged into a continuous green blur, and her eyes caught sight of a figure, shrouded within the trees.
Sitting up straighter on her bed, she focused on the figure standing behind the tree.
They wore vibrant dresses. The skirt was a cascade of ruffles, boasting hues of raspberry pink, royal blue, and sunflower yellow. The bodice resembled a corset, adorned with a blouse underneath. Their dark curls danced in the breeze as they seemed to lock eyes with her, beautiful brown eyes meeting Y/n’s own.
Noticing movement behind the mysterious woman, Y/n saw other faces—some younger, some older. As she leaned towards the window for a clearer view, a knock interrupted her, prompting her to pivot towards the door and invite the visitor inside.
Effie entered, striding towards Y/n’s closet and flinging open the doors as she spoke.
“Oh, why haven’t you changed?! You need to be ready for the Capitol, darling. You can’t present yourself in…um, that.”
Looking down at her attire, Y/n saw nothing amiss with the faded colors and the slightly frayed edges of her clothes.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“What’s wrong?!”
Effie stared at her as if she had seen an apparition. Composing herself, Effie smiled at Y/n and gestured towards her outfit.
“What you’ve got on, young lady, is—no offense—horrendous! The Capitol won’t approve, and I certainly don’t! Come here; I’ll fix you right up!”
She grasped Y/n’s arms and guided her to sit on the edge of the bed. Effie then rummaged through the closet, muttering her thoughts on each garment she examined. “Too dark, ew, too mucky, mmmmm…. that’s not bad, but it isn’t you…”
“Effie, it’s fine. I can keep wearing this—”
“Ha! I found the perfect one!”
Effie produced the ideal shade of f/c dress from the closet, presenting it to Y/n with a beaming smile. The f/c silk flowed through Y/n’s fingers like water, devoid of any wrinkles or creases.
“Well? Try it on!”
Effie encouraged as she headed for the door. Opening it, she stepped through and offered a few parting words before closing it behind her.
“I’ll be waiting in the main area.”
As the door shut, Y/n proceeded to the bathroom to shower. It took her a moment to figure out the shower’s mechanics, but once she did, she never wanted to leave.
Immersed in the shower, Y/n’s thoughts drifted away from the figures in the forest. But unbeknownst to her, they hadn’t forgotten about her—and they never would.
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“Oh, darling, I told you you’d look beautiful!”
“And hot! Oh, I would give anything to have a peek underneath that—”
“I will kill you right here, right now if you don’t shut the hell up, Mineta. I don’t care if the games haven’t started yet.”
You sat in an empty royal blue armchair with gold lining, crossed your leg over another, and glared daggers at the boy as his face had gone white and he had started to shake uncontrollably. You guessed it was a good thing that you wore black leggings underneath the dress after all.
“Oh, honey, those shoes? Out of all the other ones, you chose those?”
“Yeah, I like them, and I’ll die in them too.”
The shoes you wore were f/c Converse. Like hell you would change into those uncomfortable high heels. And besides, you always dreamed of these shoes since you first saw them on some random tribute who had gone into the Hunger Games a couple of years back.
“Well, at least they match.”
Effie smiled at you, and you returned it, now turning to stare out the window. You noticed a tunnel coming up ahead, and once the train entered, everything turned pitch black.
In the dark, you could hear a door open and close as someone seemed to have entered. Mineta gave a small squeak, and Effie gasped as you all heard something shatter on the floor.
Suddenly standing, you grabbed the nearest thing within your reach, which happened to be a lamp, and gripped it in your dominant hand, pulled back and ready to throw it at the mysterious person in the dark room.
You walked silently towards the person’s silhouette, wondering who it could be—a guard? Another tribute you had yet to meet. You didn’t know, nor did you want to wait around and find out. These were the Hunger Games, after all, and like hell you’d die before they even got to the Capitol.
Now walking right behind the person, you raised the lamp and bashed it on the person’s head. Their hands flew up to their head, and you prepared to bash it once more, but they whipped around and grabbed hold of the lamp and threw it across the room, causing a few dishes or something to crash on the floor and shatter.
Mineta was now fully crying, while Effie was shouting.
“What is going on?!”
“I don���t wanna die! I promise not to say those words again, Y/n! Don’t kill me!”
The mystery person was now walking towards you as you started to back up. Desperate, you grabbed something (a wine bottle, if you had to guess) and swung it at their face, the sound of glass shattering was heard.
What seemed to have been hours, the train finally came out of the tunnel, and the light flooded back into the room.
As you looked around the room, you saw that Effie was slightly shaken up, while Mineta was still crying and hugging Effie’s leg. You looked in your hands and saw the remains of a wine bottle, blood slowly dripping from the glass edges and onto your hand.
Looking up, you saw that the mysterious person you had hit was a middle-aged man. His hair was a dark blond color, with streaks of gray. His gray eyes bore into yours, and the room became quiet. Effie, seeming to recognize the man, gasped slightly, but cleared her throat.
“Mineta, Y/n, he’s your mentor—”
The man, Haymitch, said as he finished Effie’s sentence. He brought his hand up to his cheek and touched the wound that you had just given him. Blood trickled down his face, staining his stubble.
“Great, you just gave me a new scar, kid.” He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He glared at you, as if daring you to attack him again.
A surge of anger and fear flooded into your mind as you glared back at Haymitch. You knew who he was, everyone knew him. He was the victor of the 50th annual Hunger games, and a drunk man who wasted his life away in the victors village, drinking his life away with every bottle of alcohol he could get his hands on. You felt anger because he’s glaring at you, but you also felt fear. Fear because this sad excuse of a man is supposed to mentor you and teach you how to survive. Somehow, you don’t think that’s going to be happening anytime soon. 
“Sorry, I didn’t know it was you,” you said trying to sound calm and collected. “I thought you were someone else, an intruder.”
“Intruder? On a train full of guards and cameras? Don’t be ridiculous kid, you're lucky that I didn’t kill you right there on the spot.” Haymitch said as he grabbed a nearby napkin and wiped off the blood from his face.
“You must have been really brave, or really stupid to have attacked your own mentor.”
He was getting on your nerves, so you decided that staying quiet had lasted long enough. 
“Well at least I’m not some drunk guy wasting my days when people are dying out there.”
“Excuse me?” The older man said as he took a couple more steps toward you, but before anything else could happen Effie interfered, placing herself in the middle while holding a hand out at Haymitch and taking the broken bloody bottle out of your hand and placed it onto the table.
“Now Haymitch, she didn’t know any better, she’s only a child.”
Haythich snorted, as if he found what Effie had said amusing. 
“A child? She’s a tribute, Effie, and a good one that is. She’s a fighter, she’s no child. And she’s a weapon, a damn good one too.”
He looked at you once more, a hint of admiration in his eyes. You felt a curiosity and confusion rise, why did he switch up his attitude and opinion on you so fast? You didn’t have time to ask as Haymitch continued.
“But she’s reckless, impulsive, and naive. Why? Because she didn’t think twice or about the consequences on what would’ve happened after she attacked me. I’d be lying if I said she wasn't something I needed to see one day.”
“Haythich, I don’t know if that’s you really saying those words, or just the liquor talking.” Effie said as she now stood beside you so you and Haymitch now faced each other and he answered back to her. 
“It’s not the liquor or I’d be saying all sorts of shit right now.”
He then gestured towards Mineta, who was still sobbing on the floor. Y/n felt a pang of disgust and pity for him. Haymitch looked at the younger male, he was there when they picked the tributes. He knew right away -and the events that had just occurred confirmed it- that he was nothing like you. He was weak, cowardly, and not to mention perverted. 
“That boy, he has no chance of surviving my training. And if he can’t handle me, then he has absolutely no chance of surviving the Hunger games.”
Effie slightly tried to stutter out a response while Mineta stopped crying and was now sniffling as he talked. 
“I’m not gonna d-die, right? I-I want to go home!”
Haymitch raised his hand and Mineta stopped talking, he then pointed at the purple headed boy with slight disgust in his eyes. 
“Why would I train and waste my energy on someone weak like you, when I have this,” He grabbed onto your shoulders and pushed you in front of him, shaking you slightly as if showing off a new toy he received for his birthday. 
“A monster in the making?”
Mineta looked heartbroken, but it was true, all of what Haymitch had said. He was weak and useless. He had no muscle whatsoever, no skill, always relying on others, and just plain out useless. There wasn't even a slimmer chance that he was going to get at least one sponsor to help him out in the games. 
Effie hadn't said anything more as she looked at Haymitch, a questioning expression on her face. 
“Then what are you going to do with him?”
Haymitch laughed.
He really just plain out laughed and it unnerved you, you tried to move away from him but his grip on your shoulders increased and held you in place. 
After a few minutes, he finally settled down and stopped laughing. Sighing, he looked at Effie. 
“Oh Effie, Effie, Effie, I’m not going to do anything about him. He’s all yours, train him how you like. But this one,”
He gestured at you as he patted your shoulders.
“I’m turning this one into a killing machine.”
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I actually felt bad for Mineta for a second 💀. 
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I had to run this thing through AI so it could detect any words or phrases that didn't make sense so I could fix it and suggest some tips on how to improve my writing, since I'm a newbie at writing. But I also started journaling in a notebook I had laying around so that should help me a little. I also just got off for winter break at school, thank god for that 🙏🏽.
I hope you enjoy your winter break and have a good rest of your day!
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goldenhypen · 9 months
。⋅✴︎。⚬⋅ WHAT ARE WE?
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syn. the way you and riki act as best friends has everyone questioning what you two really are.
riki x reader ⋅ fluff + best friends acting not so platonically? ⋅ 0.6k ⋅ 100% based off a dream i had recently- enjoy! :’>
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laughter. riki’s favourite sound. and not just any laughter. your laughter.
with your eyes half shut, head swung back and tummy hurting in pure bliss, sounds of joy left your lips, all because of something silly riki had said that you already barely remember. you don’t even know why you found it funny, but perhaps that’s a quality that ran in your close friendship with riki: any crazy, ridiculous thing your best friend would do or say could so easily elicit laughter from you. he likes to call it a talent, and you just roll your eyes at the thought.
you and riki weren’t the only ones at the table. on the other side of you was jake, and sitting across was sunoo and jungwon as you all shared a nice, warm meal together that jake had ordered earlier. and there you five sat on their empty practice room floor after a long day.
a satisfied sigh finally left your lips once you recovered and got control of your breathing again. realizing you were full, you turned to your side and faced riki with a grin. he looked at you through the sides of his eyes but didn’t question your motives. and before he knew it, his body was being pushed away slightly as you adjusted the position of his legs that were once crossed, now spread apart.
already knowing what you wanted, he opened up his arms for you, and you sat yourself right in front of him, back facing his body, and you leaned against him, letting your weight fall onto his.
his arms wrapped around and encapsulated you before you brought yours out from under his, your hands easily finding their way to his wrists.
“you better not fall asleep,” he said quietly beside your ear, almost sending a rush down your spine. his tone was as though he was offering you some sort of deal, that if he were to let you do this with him, the only condition would be that you don’t fall asleep.
and so you nodded but decided to be a little rebellious, closing your eyes anyway, despite it being against what he had told you.
the few minutes that went by weren’t enough for you to fall asleep yet, and suddenly you heard sunoo and jungwon giggling across from you. you were still fully conscious, just unable to see behind your eyelids, and you could hear as they snapped a picture of you because someone forgot to turn their phone’s sound off. you only continued to pretend to be asleep as you heard and felt riki chuckle against you as he found you cute and funny.
however, you lulled into such a relaxed state that you eventually did fall into a nice–though short–slumber, content in riki’s arms.
the way he brushed your hair from your eyes, and the way he watched you adoringly went unnoticed by you who was asleep in his arms, and is something you’ll never be aware of… that is until you see all the pictures and videos sunoo took but were not long lived as his giggles were a dead giveaway and had riki stopping him (not only because he was embarrassed but also because he didn’t want anyone to wake you).
just know that riki adores you–and he’ll never let this reach your ears, but… he wishes that you’d use him like this more often.
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A/N. had a dream that was exactly like this and so i decided to write it for y’all to experience it too :’> idk why it was riki and NOT JAKE THO???? but i think it turned out pretty cute so :D hope you enjoyed! letting me know you did would mean a lot to me <3 thanks for reading!
TAGLIST 1. @raimbows4u @sultrybaby @kpop-nct @ajayke-reads @enhacolor @enhasfever @nokacchan @yizhoutv @xiaoderrrr @soobin-chois @tyunni @shinsou-rii @softkpopplace @belle643 @nar-nia @pshchives @sunjakes @ethereal-engene @yeosayang @4ri-ki @sunoksunny @jaeyunjakesim @whoschr @enaus @hoes4hoseok @palajae @clarakyunisageek @annoyingbitch83 @wonswondrland @rcrystallocks @stepout-09-15 @zeraaax @enhasengene @ktttwwn @pistachiophobia @svnoofy @sweetjaemss @vatterie @mnsnts @yeseoist @azurez @milisabunny @wonniestars @iamliacamila @rikislady @kazmura @nicholasluvbot @vickytodoroki @en-chantedtomeetyou @s00buwu
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reallyromealone · 7 months
Hello there, I was wondering if we can get a part 2 of the alpha Kirishima x alpha Bakugo adopting to mega pup reader and the reader is meet most of their aunts and uncles?
Title: adoption part 2
Fandom: my hero academia
Pairing kirishima x Bakugo x male reader
Type: platonic fluff
Warnings: omegaverse, child reader
Notes: none
(Name) was an absolute precious little guy, always following one of his dad's when he could and trying to help in the best way he could with such little hands as the two adults tried to include him in their day to day, currently on maternity leave to acclimate (name) better.
"Yaaay! Good job!" Kirishima congratulated (name) as the babe put his plastic bowl in the dishwasher, (name) beaming at this and hugged his dad's neck for comfort "were getting ready to meet some people, they're your aunt's and uncles and are very excited to meet you" when their friends learned if their tiny pup they practically exploded with excitement, mina taking everything within herself to not bust down that door to see the pup.
(Name) held the Dynamite toy close, either that or an old sweater of Kirishimas that the babe saught comfort from, a quick Google search showed Omegan pups saught comfort from their parents items it was early stages of a familial bond settling in.
Bakugo was the one to collect the little one after his nap, the aunts and uncles sitting in the livingroom to meet him "hey squirt, it's time to wake up" they changed the crib to a toddler bed when (name) tried climbing out, the little one starfished with a cute pair of pajamas on "nnh" the boy grunted as Katsuki huffed and gently lifted him "come on you" the boy nuzzling into his dad's shirt as he was brought out to the livingroom "(name), can you say hi?" Katsuki was surprisingly soft with the pup who looked confused and face had marks from the sheets "awww he's so little!" Mina gushed as she stood up and (name) clung to his dad nervously "slowly mina, he's shy" Eijiro said watching his sons movements.
The itty bitty pup looked nervous as Katsuki spoke to him "this is your aunt, she's a bit annoying but she's not gonna hurt you"
Carefully he set (name) down, the boy fidgeting before running to his other dad for protection, the redhead holding his stuffed doll "awww he has a dynamite toy!" Ochaco cooed and they watched (name).
Eventually everyone began chatting and (name) grew more comfortable and began wandering around as he normally did as he noticed the snacks on the table, things the others brought "oh look he's staring at the (treat)" denki snicked as the babe reached out and grabbed a handful, little hands getting messy in the process "well at least he likes it" Momo said as the dad's looked at each other and Katsuki cleaned him up and Eijiro got the boy a small serving "so how's being a parent?" Iida asked as he sipped his tea, glancing at the pup "he keeps trying to make nests everywhere, we don't think he knows what he's doing though" Eijiro chuckled as he let (name) get comfortable in his lap.
Later on came his former teachers + Eri and Shinsou, the two tagging along.
Katsuki saw the two as his own parents, his real parents and him had.. a hard relationship.
His mom and him never got along and when he showed up with Eiji... That went bad fast, he was seventeen at that point.
He hadnt even graduated yet.
His dad loved him but being an Omega, he couldn't really go against his alphas word but did send letters to him in secret.
After that Aizawa stepped up, using his custody over Bakugo and taking care of him and by proxy so did Yamada, the men treating him like a son.
"Hi little listener" Yamada was soft with the pup as Aizawa looked at the two fondly, Eri chatting with kirishima about her classes and her plans to join U.A under recommendations by not one but multiple heroes.
"Oh? Thanks..." Shinsou was awkward around children and when (name) handed him a Cheeto he wasn't expecting it to be so...soggy "you don't gotta eat that, just walk to the kitchen and toss it" kirishima whispered and the other man nodded and did so.
"Hello there" little (name) reached to the black haired man who had the forethought to have his hair put up "you can smell I'm an Omega" Aizawa smiled softly as (name) sniffed his face and bounced slightly "omegas feel calm with other omegas" he explained "safety in numbers sort of deal"
(Name) smushed his face, a silly baby attempt at scenting "I think he thinks I'm apart of his pack"
"Well you are" Eri said simply and everyone smiled at the interaction.
"Minas gonna be pissed that he's getting this and she's not"
When everyone left, (name) was tuckered out "he sure enjoyed those snacks"
"He's so sleepy" kirishima gently traced the boys face "let's get him to bed yeah?"
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kywaslost · 2 years
A/N: I don’t know what this is, to be honest. It was going to be self-harm comfort, because these past few weeks have been extremely hard for me, but I just kept writing and it turned into this. Idk, I’m just really craving some Shinsou comfort right about now. If you’ve been keeping track of my other posts, I’ve been having a super hard time right now with the loss of a teacher that meant the world to me, so I’ve been super scatterbrained while writing. I’m sorry for the monstrosity this has become.
Also, it’s platonic. Shinsou and Reader are adopted siblings. They become close, so that’s why I wrote it this way.
Warnings: self-harm, mentions of abusive family, nightmares
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You were the newest addition to the Yamada-Aizawa family. Aizawa brought you home after rescuing you from your abusive family, and you were incredibly shy. Luckily, your new family understood it. Aizawa quickly discovered your social anxiety and sat with you all night after a patrol on his couch. You wouldn’t leave his side, and he understood. He let you curl up next to him, lean against him, and hold his hand when you got too anxious. He even slept out there with you the first few nights when you were too afraid to sleep in the room Hizashi and Shinsou put together for you.
But the time came when Aizawa had to go back on patrols, and Hizashi had to go back to his radio show. The two men wanted you to feel comfortable in their home, especially during the night, so they introduced you to Shinsou. You’d met him on your first night in, and had seen him around during the next few days, but you never spoke to him. Not until Aizawa and Hizashi sat the two of you down together.
It was a calm afternoon. Hizashi was putting groceries away in the kitchen as well as starting dinner. Shinsou was sitting in the armchair playing on his switch, and you were curled into Aizawa’s side reading a book, one of the few belongings you brought with you to this new home. Aizawa was working on lesson plans for the upcoming school year, occasionally scratching your head lightly.
After 20 minutes of everyone doing their own thing, Shinsou rolled off of the chair and onto the floor, turning his switch off in the process. Aizawa chuckled at him, asking, “What was that?” The purple-haired boy shrugged, reaching out to pet one of the cats that rushed over to him. He sat there a moment before standing, brushing the dirt and cat hair off of himself.
“I’m getting a drink,” he stated, then turned to you. “Would you like something, Y/N?” You stopped reading and looked up at him slowly. This is the first time he’d spoken to you.
Water, you signed. Aizawa and Hizashi made it clear that everyone in the house knew JSL since Hizashi was slowly going deaf and didn’t always have his hearing aids in, and Hitoshi went through periods of time where he’d go mute, so JSL was a major form of communication in this house. You didn’t know much, but Hizashi was slowly teaching you how to say certain things.
Shinsou smiled, nodding as he left the living room. He returned a minute later with a bottle of water and a glass of soda, plopping down on the couch beside you. He set his glass down on the coffee table, then handed you your water. He offered a small smile as you took the beverage, then reached for the tv remote. He flipped through the channels, searching for something to watch. Eventually, he gave up and began looking through the several streaming services they had.
“What do you want to watch Y/N?” he asked, turning to you. You looked up from your book, and Hitoshi caught a glimpse of what you were reading. “Dear Evan Hansen? I love that book!” he beamed, moving to sit cross-legged to face you. “Have you read it before? Or seen the movie?”
You flinched slightly at his outburst and Aizawa began scratching your head again, side-eyeing the two of you. He didn’t want you to get too panicky.
You sat in silence before nodding, mouth opening slightly as if you wanted to speak but couldn’t. “Both,” you muttered quietly.
You didn’t notice, but Hizashi had stopped preparing dinner and was standing at the entrance of the living room, absolutely beaming. He shared a smile with Aizawa. You had said maybe two words in the few days you’d been there. They knew it’d be a process, but nevertheless, they were so excited when you finally used your voice.
Hitoshi didn’t show it, but he was excited too. He’d been watching you the past few days, seeing how you’d react to certain things. He was preparing himself to talk to you. He wanted you to be comfortable around him, so he sat back for a while. Now you’re talking to him. You didn’t even talk to Hizashi!
“That’s awesome!” he smiled. “We should totally watch it again together!”
“Well, Hizashi and I will be returning to patrol tonight,” Shouta commented. “You could do it tonight if you’d like.”
“Yeah!” Mic chimed in. “You can make a fort! Or just a massive pile of blankets and pillows! I just bought popcorn too.”
Hitoshi turned to you with a massive smile. “What do you say?”
You smiled too, offering a small nod.
Aizawa and Hizashi were beyond grateful for their son. They were afraid of how he’d feel gaining a sister, and even more afraid of how she’d feel around them all. So when Hizashi and Aizawa left for patrol that first night, they pulled Hizashi away for a special talk.
“Stay with her,” Hizashi instructed.
“And if something goes wrong, call us immediately,” Aizawa continued. “She’s been having nightmares, and doesn’t sleep easily, so if she falls asleep I’d feel more comfortable if you’d stay with her.”
“Dad, papa,” Hizashi smiled. “I think I’ve got it. I was once her, ya know.” Aizawa and Hizshi ruffled the boy’s hair and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead.
“We’ll be back in the morning.”
Hitoshi saw the two men out the door before returning to you, who was curled up in the corner of a couch. “Would you like to help me make a nest of blankets?” he asked kindly. “I know where the softest blankets are.” You nodded hesitantly, standing up. Hitoshi smiled. “Great! Let’s go!” He reached a hand out to you. “Would you feel more comfortable if you held my hand?” You looked at him, and then his hand.
“Please?” your voice was soft. You took his hand and let him let you deeper into the house. He led you into a bedroom. The walls were a light gray, and it was somewhat bare.
“This is your room,” Shinsou stated. “We put a lot of soft blankets in the closet for if you’d ever need them.” He turned to you. “This room is ready for you when you are. I know we’ve already shown you around, but my room is right across the hall, and Dad and Pops’ room is at the end of the hall.” Shinsou opened the closet and pulled out an armful of blankets. “Could you hold these for me?”
You nodded, taking the blankets from the boy. He then led you across the hall and into his room. You watched as he pulled the blanket off of his bed, then stacked all of his pillows on top of each other to carry to the living room. You followed him, and helped him set up in the living room. When the two of you finished setting up, you settled in the giant fluff pile. Hotishi returned with snacks, popcorn, and water.
2 hours and 17 minutes later and you and Hitoshi both were in tears. Used tissues were flowing out of a nearby trash can. You took in the sight and giggled. Shinsou looked at you in shock. In the time you’d spent here, you hadn’t laughed. It caused him to smile.
“Thanks for agreeing to watch this with me,” he said gently. He looked down and hugged the cat that had been sitting in his lap for almost the entire movie. “I know it’s scary, suddenly moving to a nontoxic environment after being in one for so long, but I think you’ll really like it here. Dad and pops love you.”
He heard a sniffle, and shot his head up in worry. You were crying harder now, and something told him it wasn’t because of the movie. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “I didn’t mean to bring back bad memories or anything-” He was cut off when you hesitantly held out a hand. Shinsou started at it for a second before smiling gently and taking your hand in his.
“Thank you,” you muttered, wiping your tears away. You took a sip of your glass of water, avoiding Shinsou’s eyes.
“I,” Hitoshi hesitated. “I’ve been through a lot. So if you’re ever struggling, with anything at all, you can talk to me. If you’re too scared to go to dad or pops, you can come to me.”
“Hug?” he almost didn’t hear you. But he did. And he opened his arms, pulling you against him. The two of you sat there for who knows how long. The only reason Hitoshi moved was because your weight depended on him fully. He peered around your head to see you passed out on him. He smiled softly and leaned back to make you even more comfortable.
From then on, you stuck more to Shinsou instead of Aizawa. You’d sit next to him during dinner, and stay by his side when he’d hang out in the living room. He even got you to finally sleep in your own room by sitting with you until you fell asleep, and then he’d head to his room. The only thing you asked was that he left his door cracked open, as well as your own. He was happy to do so if it made you comfortable.
One night in particular, he had just stepped into his own room after you had fallen asleep. He hadn’t been sleeping well lately, and it all piled up and he was ready to knock out and sleep for a week. Hitoshi flopped onto his bed, crawling under the covers and burying his face into his pillow. He was nearly asleep when his door creaked open, and he poked his head out from the covers to see one of the cats. He sighed and went back to sleep.
You woke up several hours later in a cold sweat, tears dripping down your face. You couldn’t breathe, and your whole body shook. You inhaled sharply, trying to comprehend what was going on. You looked around. You were in your bedroom. The door was left open, like you asked. You could see the purple LED lights coming from Shinsou’s open door, and jumped out of bed. Aizawa and Hizashi were out on patrol, and you really didn’t want to be alone right now. You tripped over your blanket, falling onto the bed. You kicked the fabric off of you and bolted across the hallway.
Shinsou was dead asleep in his bed, a cat resting on his chest. It stood up at your entrance and made its way over to you, meowing. You kept your attention on Shinsou and noticed that he had headphones in.
Your breathing hadn’t settled and it was getting harder to stand upright. The world was moving around you, and you braced yourself on the side of the boy’s bed. Your added weight caused Hitoshi to stir, pulling his headphone out of his ears. It allowed him to hear your struggling breathing, waking him up. He opened his eyes groggily, looking around his room. His eyes settled on you in your panicked state, and he immediately moved. Shinsou sat up and moved closer to you on the bed.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” he asked groggily, but still panicked. He reached out to put a hand on your shoulder, but stopped himself. What if you didn’t want to be touched? He didn’t get the chance to ask though, because suddenly you were pressed against his chest, tears soaking his shirt. Hitoshi quickly wrapped his arms around you, rocking you side to side. The cat that was once laying on top of him now sat beside the two of you, rubbing its head against Shinsou’s arm.
He let you calm down before speaking again, pushing tear-drenched hair away from your eyes. “What’s got you all worked up?” he asked calmly. You tried to speak but you only choked over your own breaths, causing you to panic again. Shinsou gently took your hands in his and lifted them up. “You can sign, too. Remember what pops taught you?” You nodded your head and wiped at your eyes.
Night Terror, you signed. Really bad.
“Oh,” he replied. “I’m sorry. I get them really bad, too.” He stood up from his spot on the bed. “Can you walk?” When you nodded, he led you out into the living room, grabbing his blanket along the way. He sat you down on the couch and tossed his blanket onto you. “Tea and TV helps me come back down to earth,” he smiled gently. “I’ll be back.”
True to his word, he returned a few minutes later with two cups of warm tea, handing one to you as he sat down beside you. Shinsou turned on the tv, then opened Netflix. “I usually turn on anime,” he said. “One that I’ve seen before, so I don’t miss anything if I fall asleep. What ones have you seen before?”
You pointed to the tv, then held up the number 2.
“Demon Slayer,” Shinsou smiled. “Good taste! I’ll turn that one on then.”
The two of you continued to sit in silence as the show started. As it went on you leaned more and more into Shinsou’s side, slowly calming down. The panic attack/nightmare took a lot out of you and it was catching up to you. You don’t remember much after that.
A month or so passed and you had adjusted well to your new home. You learned that Aizawa, Hizashi, and Hitoshi all loved you, and were willing to help you through everything. You knew that, but you still refused to ask for help in certain situations.
Your old parents had tried reaching out to you. You didn’t want to open their messages, but did so. You had gotten a new phone number, but your email was still the same. You saw several emails from both your mother and father, and the little preview made your heart drop. You opened them, reading them slowly. They wanted you back home. They called you names, called you worthless and in need of a lesson.
It was the final line of both emails that scared you the most: We are going to find you, and then we’re going to kill you.
You knew they held no real power, and your new family would protect you, keep you safe. But they couldn’t keep you safe from yourself.
You had a few bad habits from your childhood, ones you wish you could forget. And you had forgotten them when you grew comfortable with your new family. But with these emails, your habits came crashing back at full force.
The clock on the wall read 3:14 a.m.. Hitoshi was the only other person in the house, asleep in his room. It was one of the rare nights where he got a full 8 hours of sleep, and you didn’t want to bother him. You had begun sleeping with your door closed, and so did he. It allowed you to sneak into the bathroom without being caught.
You were leaning against the porcelain sink, hands gripping the edges. Silent tears streamed down your face, pooling at your chin and splattering down into the bowl. You looked down to see thin, red lines along your upper thighs, crying even harder when you added another one, and then another. Your exacto knife slipped out of your hand as you slid to the floor, a sobbing mess. You were sitting on your heels, back bent to bury your face in your knees as you cried. You wanted to scream, to yell and sob as loud as you could.
The door beside you opened slowly and you cursed yourself for forgetting to lock it. But it’s too late for that now.
“Y/N?” The voice was soft and concerned. “Wh-” Shinsou cut himself off when he saw the drops of blood near the sink. His eyes drifted over to the bloodied knife not too far away. “Y/N?” his voice was a whisper, shaking with fear. You were still on the floor, sobbing harshly into your knees. The purple-haired boy immediately dropped down in front of you. His breath shook as he thought of what to do. He tried to pull you to a sitting position, but you wouldn’t move.
“Come on Y/N,” he pleaded, beginning to cry. “Look at me, please. Please look at me.” He tried again, and succeeded in pulling you into an upright position. His eyes immediately drifted to your legs, taking in the various red and white lines. They weren’t deep enough to cause any harm, but that didn’t mean they were harmless. They showed just how much you had been hurting.
“Hey,” he cooed softly, moving one hand off of your shoulder and to your cheek, wiping away your tears with his thumb. He offered a watery smile. “It’s ok. You’re ok.” He pulled you into a hug, holding you tightly against his chest. One hand held your head against his neck while the other ran up and down your back.
“Don’t tell dad,” you choked out. “Please.”
Shinsou didn’t speak until you had calmed down, leaning on him with all of your weight. He let you lay there, moving you so you were propped up against him but he could still reach under the sink to grab the first aid kit. Hitoshi silently began cleaning the wounds on your legs, holding you just a bit tighter every time you whimpered. He then dressed the wounds to keep them from reopening or getting infected.
“You can come to me, you know,” he said quietly. “I’ve,” he hesitated, “I’ve been here before. I’ve done what you’re doing.”
“Really?” you whimpered.
“Yeah.” Hitoshi sighed. “I didn’t have a really good home life before I was adopted, too. And I did exactly what you’re doing now. Only I did it in my room, and I had lost track of time. Dad and pops came home and pops had come to check and see if I was ok. He does that every night, in case you didn’t know. But he caught me, but in the end I’m grateful he did.” Shinsou’s eyes brimmed with tears again. “I don’t know what lengths I would have gone to if it wasn’t for them helping me.”
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered. “I didn’t mean for you to find me.”
“Hey now,” Hitoshi said softly. “I’m glad I did.” He moves to support your back with one arm as the other slides under your knees. He pulls you close to him as he stands, carrying you to his room. He gently placed you down on his bed. Hitoshi stepped away for a moment, digging through his dresser. He pulled out a pair of gray sweatpants and a t-shirt, turning around and handing them to you.
“Put these on,” he instructed. “I’m not leaving the room, but I’ll be in the corner.” Hitoshi shifted to face the corner, head leaned against the wall and eyes closed. You giggled slightly before changing into your brother’s clothes. It felt nice to be in something else. You hummed softly to let your brother know you were done, and he sat down beside you on the bed.
“You need to rest,” Shinsou commented. “And I’m not letting you be alone right now. I’d like you to stay here with me, please.”
You didn’t argue, instead offering a nod and nothing else. Shinsou guided you to lay down between him and the wall, laying his weighted blanket over you. He sat in bed, leaning against the wall behind the bed. He turned to you, “I’m not sleeping, but you are. I’m the insomniac in this house.” He huffed out a quiet laugh. He then turned to you and his eyes softened. “Will it bother you if I read?” You shook your head, watching as Shinsou reached to grab a book from beside the bed.
“Good night, Y/N,” he said softly. “I’m right here if you need anything. Always.”
A few minutes passed and although your eyes ached and your head throbbed from your crying, you couldn’t sleep. So you shifted to lay your head on Shinsou’s lap, looking at his book. Shinsou relaxed slightly, and let a hand fall to card through your hair. Within seconds you were out like a light.
There was a knock at the door before it creaked open. Hizashi poked his head into the room, sighing with relief.
“There she is,” he muttered. The man leaned against the doorway, arms crossed. He offered a soft smile to Hitoshi. “Hello, ‘toshi. Can’t sleep?”
The purple-haired boy shook his head, closing his book. “No, something happened,” he said quietly. He looked down to your sleeping form, head still in his lap. He ran his hand through your hair in hopes of keeping you asleep.
“Everything alright?” Mic asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Do I need to call Sho? He’s not off patrol yet.”
Hitoshi shook his head. “I can tell him later, or you can.” His purple eyes shifted from you to his dad. “It’s N/N.”
“Is she ok?” Hizashi asked immediately, sitting on the bed by Hitoshi’s knees. “Was it another night terror? Panic attack?”
Shinsou shook his head again. He then went on to quietly explain the situation, tearing up a bit. He kept his hand running through your hair, calming himself down. Hizashi began to cry as well, looking down at you.
“Thank you for telling me,” he said sorrowfully. “I’ll definitely need to talk to Shouta, and her. See what we need to do to help.” He pushed hair away from your closed eyes. “I hate that she feels this way. That you felt this way.” Hizashi’s green eyes met Shinsou’s. “Are you feeling alright, little listener? Any urges or thoughts?”
“No pops,” Shinsou said with a sad smile. “I’m alright. I’m just concerned for Y/N. I don’t want her to go through what I had to go through.”
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shallyouobeyme · 9 months
Okay so I read some of your recent stuff.
Whoooo boy I love Yandere Erasermic. Power couple right there- especially once you add Shinsou and Eri to the mix. Arguably they’re all a different type of dangerous, even without their quirks, but with them? You’re absolutely doomed.
Oh, absolutely. You're basically done for. I mean Shinsou alone is basically a powerhouse of Yandere-ness. I mean one answer of you and he has you right where he needs you. 'Come little sibling, our dad's are waiting for us at home.' And then we add Aizawa who has the ability to stop your little 'tantrums' if you have a quirk which could be harmful, and with his status as a pro-hero, he has pretty easy access to quirk-cancelling accessories.
Also in general, Aizawa and Mic are both pro-heroes, with one of them actually having a pretty big reach thanks to his own radio show. So it's safe to say that no one would ever believe you if you came out and claimed the two of them had kidnapped you. Like, are you serious? Two very respected pro-heroes kidnapped you and made you play house with them? Yeah, sure, time to call the psych ward. Don't worry though, from the kindness of their hearts, the two will get you out of the psych ward and get you the help you need (aka. back to playing house with them you go.)
And then there's Eri -sweet, amazing, cute, Eri - how could you look at this adorable, little angel and traumatize her by throwing a tantrum or becoming violent? And while you wouldn't think Eri to actually be a Yandere in herself - I mean she's just a kid, what bad could she do, right? - this little girl can fit so much trauma that having you introduced into her life as a sibling to protect and care for, only for you to try and escape? Well, can you blame her for going a little wild trying to keep you safe?
There's a fanfiction from @lolita-lollipop (whose stories I adore) where Eri panics while the reader is trying to escape and turns them into a literal baby and I absolutely love that idea as like a last resort when none of the punishments, manipulation and tactics get them to come to terms with their reality so go and give that a read if you like this idea.
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pandenewie · 1 year
Dress Coded Masterlist
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Dress codes are dumb. And everyone in school agrees. So why is the dear student council president Yang Jungwon so insistent on upholding such a stupid rule? And why is Y/n so insistent on changing his mind?
Y/n finds a new way to break the dress code each day, purely to spite the student council president and make him change the stupid rule. But what started as a simple act of rebellion soon takes a turn as more is found out about the goody-two-shoes president. 
PAIRING: jungwon x gn!reader
GENRE: nonidol!au, highschool!au, socialmedia!au, sorta fake dating (you'll see), mild enemies to lovers, fluff, suggestive, angst (light), cursing, attempted humour. Ft. Enhypen Ni-ki + Jay + Jake, P1Harmony Soul + Jongseob, Kep1er Bahiyyih + Hikaru (+ Youngeun mention), Le Sserafim Eunchae, IVE Wonyoung, ZB1 Ricky, Seventeen Wonwoo
**any pictures used of "yn" are for outfit descriptions only and do not represent yn's gender/race/physical appearance in any way :))**
STARTED: 08/04/23
FINISHED: 02/10/23
STATUS: completed
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Sk8ter Bois | H2hoes
00 - The Dress Code | 0.3k words
01 - White Privilege
02 - Pu$$y Gang
03 - A Little Manipulation
04 - Manifesting
05 - when bae gets you in trouble | 1.9k words
06 - Shota's Minecraft Girlfriend
07 - It's my turn to use the braincell
08 - It's Giving Control Freak | 1.7k words
09 - Enemies 👹 to Enemies 😊
10 - Damage Control
11 - I have the mind of a mastermind
12 - Potato Chips | 1.8k words
13 - DRUGS?? 😱😱
14 - Real Men Clean Bathrooms | 2.4k words
15 - Dr Dilf
16 - L + Ratio + Y/n will never love you
17 - Stuco Rizz | 2.1k words
18 - From homies to nomies
19 - De-yassified
20 - Mama I'm in love with a criminal | 1.6k words
21 - Prison Wife Era
22 - Family Vacation | 2.9k words
23 - Please No Feelings | 2.5k words
24 - Trauma Bonded ❤ | 1.9k words
26 - This wasn't part of the plan | 1.9k words
27 - Gold Star
28 - Good Boy Gone Bad ❌ Good Boy Gone Sad ✔
29 - If it isn't the consequences of my own actions
30 - No More Hobocore
31 - Somebody that you used to know | 1.2k words
32 - Jongseob Marriage Counsellor
33 - Cute, platonically
34 - Where we went wrong | 3.2k words
35 - Ronald McDonald if he slayed
36 - No More Mr Nice Guy
37 - It's Giving Grease | 3.0k words
38 - The Updated Dress Code | 0.5k words
39 - Do-over Date | 2.6k words
FINALE - #savejungwonfromyn
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TAG LIST (closed): @kang-yeosangs-initials @kpopstanmeg @b1ndignity @soobiverse @dudufodd @mikadorbs @pagesofmiracles @tya0 @ilovewonyo @bringer-ofchaos @huening-ly @latriii @callmeblondie @run2min @straykids-riley (can't tag) @rikimylove @chaechae-23 @lacimolela @n1ght-maring (can't tag) @luvvsjungwonn @yenqa @tzuyusluv @viyqe @vocaloshin @deadgirlwalking3 @flamiricky @hanniesss @grayscorner @wonqr @neozon3nha @beomgyusonlywife @ahnneyong @lani-heart @jayujus @str4wb3rizz @yunwonie @danielleismyname @spilled-coffee-cup @jaylans-stuff @oceanmsxoxo @j-wyoung @mrowwww @lazy-miya @shinsou-rii @minkyungseokie @s7noo @beatr2x @thatoneembarrasingmoment @soobawrz
@miumiuoi @lucyinthesky-00 @wrapmeinatortilla
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tangyangie · 1 year
Hello I hope you are doing well! You can ignore this but I appreciate you for taking the time to read this!
Could you maybe do a Denki kaminari and Shinsou Hitoshi as well as Tamaki Amajiki with a Sly Fox best friend? (As in they have a fox tail with fox ears as well)
Other than that everything else could be whatever and you can add your own characters and stuff and make the reader whatever you want like gender neutral and etc! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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underhand 🌁
characters. denki kaminari, shinsou hitoshi, + tamaki amajiki
summary. mha boys x gn!reader with fox tail/ears, written as platonic but you can consider it whatever
notes. you wrote sly fox so i'm kinda assuming the personality here... but i hope you enjoy it!!
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— d e n k i
you're totally his favorite person ever.
you laugh at him his jokes, you hang out with him, and you're adorable??
he likes watching your tail. mostly when you're happy. he doesn't mean to be creepy, he just enjoys watching it sway side to side...
one time he accidentally shocked you. both your tail and your ears stuck straight up, so you can expect more shocks from him from now on—oopsies.
you put people in funny scenarios together. what do you mean that mistletoe wasn't there earlier? what do mean it's not christmas?? i see the ornaments right there.
you guys basically get all of your ships together. people have become scared of you guys locking someone into a trunk to get them to kiss someone.
one time, he asked you how well you can control your tail. you whacked him in the face, and he fell backwards, with his head leading the fall.
(he was fine. a little emotionally damaged, but fine.)
— s h i n s o u
he's intrigued. he wonders how it works, that's all.
one time, he hypnotized you, and your tail automatically started to move like a ticking clock. it was so funny, he couldn't stop laughing. even after you snapped out of it.
little did you know, not only was your tail moving, but your ears were turning in synchronization with your tail.
shinsou likes to touch your ears. and tail. he doesn't mean it, he's just drawn to it. we already know he's a cat person, and foxes aren't too far off.
he gives really good ear scratches, by the way. one time, you swore you began rolling on the floor because of how nice the scratches felt.
he lets you lay your head in his lap. he finds it relaxing as he feels your tail swing back and forth to the beat in your head.
sometimes you guys accidentally fall asleep on the couch together while watching tv. he awakes to being suffocated by an oddly fluffy rope. attached to your butt.
— t a m a k i
your personalities are like night and day.
he's too scared to even face a crowd, yet you're running around, smiling and screaming.
he likes to hide himself behind you. no matter how short or tall you are. if it's not enough, he'll take your tail to cover himself up even more.
please please please take care of him and make sure nothing you say could come off as insulting!! he'd probably find something else to hide behind.
but, as sly as you are, you guys are a pretty perfect match. he's quiet, but you're able to brighten him up. (mostly when you're alone, though. don't get your hopes up)
one time, he accidentally stepped on your tail. he disappeared for hours.
once you found him, you had to convince him that it was okay for him to come out.
he thinks it's interesting, though. he wondered if he could get a fox tail and ears as well... but decided against it.
because, being his best friend, you'd know how his quirk works. and... you'd have known what he did to get your cute little ears and tail.
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notes. i'm so sorry this was kinda short but i totally ran out of ideas for tamaki. i'm really sorry if it's ooc but i racked my brain and this was the best i could do 😭😭
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weirdthinkingdragon · 2 years
Welcome To The Family (8/???)
Surprise bitches. Short chap to try getting back into it (eventually) 
Tw- language that would probably make a sailor blush. Maybe I should tone it down (probably won’t), kidnapped, blackmail, delusional “friend”, light hypothermia (will make sense when reading).
Muffled voices were the only thing being heard while waking up. One of them was Tadao. And the other?...
...Ryo? Why are they yelling at each other? Wha- how long was I- wait, where am I- what happened? All I remember is Tadao… Right. Damn, my head hurts severely. I can’t even rub it with my hands being bound. As well as my legs to the chair. Wait, bound? Fuck, now I’m regretting not taking their advice of walking with me. I just really wasn’t expecting Tadao to do such a thing.
I attempt to open my eyes, but the brightness of the room makes the pain in my head at least three times worse, and my vision is incredibly blurred. Okay, focus on where I am for now.
What feels to be a wooden chair, and metal cuffs around my wrists, keeping them together in front of me. Really? They couldn’t have at least given my ass a cushion or something? Right, not the time for that type of complaint. I try to listen to their yelling conversation without giving away that I woke up. Their loud voices are killer on my headache. Even though most if not all the pain is the back of my head where I was hit.
Trying to feel a bit more, there’s a bit of a crusty type of feeling slightly down my back. The hit must have somehow punctured my skin or something since I can only think of that crusty feeling being blood. I better not have fallen in dog poop or something or I swear I’m beating the daylight out of Tadao more if I ever will be able to.
“Why didn’t you use your black mold or something to make them pass out!? Your hits to them could have killed them!” Ryo? They’re in on this too!? There’s not really a way this could get worse, is there? My two closest friends?... Can’t really say that anymore.
“Are you stupid!? Black mold could have killed them too! That would also give them breathing problems! Do you KNOW how deadly strong amounts of exposure of mold is to people besides me, especially black, since I’m immune to it!?”
Pain stabs through my head yet again. Urg, do they really need to yell?...
“You fucking idiot. You should have kept chloroform on you like I said to do.” I swear my heart stops completely for a minute. I know that voice anywhere. Aiya. Fuck, I just HAD to jinx it, didn’t I?
“I’m sorry, okay? It was a brash and stupid decision! But I couldn’t risk being followed! With the multiple heroes at the time taking care of a few low villains on the other side of the city, and tons of people drawn to that, it was the best chance I had to not be seen!” He sounds rather exasperated.
She sighs. “Doesn’t matter now. If there’s any damage done to their head, we’ll just have to focus on that later. Our main priority is having everyone think they’re dead. I guess you were good in that regard by leaving the bloodied bat there. At least you were smart enough to still be wearing gloves.”
My only question is why are they working with her? It’s obvious she hates me. I can still feel the “friendship” ring on my finger I kept wearing for one reason or another. I’d care for nothing more than to rip it off now and smash it to the ground. Stomp on it for good measure. Regret overwhelmingly taking me over of ever being friends with Ryo in the first place.
I end up shifting after way too long of a weird stare-down silence because they couldn't have at least given me a fucking cushion, signaling I’m awake. They all must notice since they all go quiet for a moment. “Y/N! You’re awake! That’s good! Now that you’re here, we can finally hang out again, and the heroes will find a new sitter!”
… Are you fucking mental? How many people around me are truly sane right now? First the heroes are acting weird, and now my friends. Starting to wonder if the heroes aren’t the ones struck by some sort of quirk. I try to glare at them, but my eyes are forced closed by the damn light. It’s like an interrogation because the only visible light is the one above me glaring down for the tiny second I try to open my eyes again.
“Come on Y/N, people die all the time. Those heroes won’t bat an eye when they find you “dead”. Don't flatter yourself.” Aiya sneers.
!!! Fuck, she must have told them. She must have noticed my expression sour. “Oh please, I informed Ryo about the heroes after I found them angry one day. Aw, all they wanted was to hang out with you.” The end of what she spoke became incredibly degrading. She’s lucky I’m not able to put my foot to her face and break a few teeth. Or maybe breaking her nose. That would suffice too. I can already hear Zashi in the background like some sort of funny show edging me on to do it. Really starting to hate her, and I hardly know jack shit other than her name and her personality that could possibly rival Endeavor’s.
I finally manage to force my eyes open and clear, showing Tadao behind the two of them with an incredibly horrified look on his face. “WHAT!? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THEY WERE HEROES!? Oh man, oh man, oh fuck! I KNEW it was a bad idea! Why did I listen to you two!?” The pain in my head majorly spikes. Hng, fuck. Can he PLEASE at least keep it down!?
His complaints must have pissed off Ryo since they walk over and grab Tadao by his hair, yanking it down. He tenses in pain and closes an eye to prevent yelling. They turn towards me and look at my hands. I do as well and notice the metal cuffs look too similar to wood. Almost like a coverup for something.
“You’re wearing our friendship ring! You must still want to hang out with me!”
You’re beyond stupid if you think I will after this stunt. Is this where they were the time I was going to hang out with them? Wait... Please for the love of everything, tell me they didn't get hit by the same fucking quirk. That or going back to the idea I might be the problem. Ryo's almost acting like it. My mouth feels incredibly dry as I try to speak. "Why this way?" Eventually manages to come out. It’s not slurred, which must be insane luck. Aiya seems disappointed. "Well, miraculously somehow doesn't seem to be any brain damage or concussion, so I guess that's good."
I snap at Ryo harming Tadao and that Aiya wanted me to be injured. Same with how the others have been acting. Really getting pissed off at whoever has this quirk. I’d like more than just a word with them, even if it’s a child at this point. "Could you break out of this weird fucking quirk already? I'm getting sick of all this weird personality bullshit." So I’m crabby. Sue myself. Not my fault they could have killed me and are the cause of this stupid pain in my head. They deserve a snappy attitude at least.
Ryo looks at me confused. "I was never hit with any quirk.”
What? Did I stop breathing? I think I stopped breathing. No, they have to be lying! Ugh, really must have been me.
Aiya laughs maniacally for a moment at my probably bewildered expression. "Is- is that what you THINK? They and Ryo were never hit with such a ridiculous thing!"
My mind blanks into fear of what that means. It's not possible they're just acting like that normally! It has to be me then! I refuse to believe two pro heroes, one in training, and a child ALL have some weird obsession for just a plain babysitter. Ugh, I might have to resign being their babysitter, or even just one in general, if this is the case. Well, if I get out of here that is. I’d rather not get involved deeper with whatever the fucks going on with them.
"They were probably just acting to keep your pathetic excuse as a good sitter so they could finally stop looking for another!"
Me, a pathetic excuse? I'm not the one who kept trying to hit on a married gay man or ignore the children, which, I don't know, IS. THE. JOB.? A major part of me is doubtful of them just acting it as well. There's no way they'd go to such extremities and make me so uncomfortable sometimes if that was the case. With how desperate they are, maybe? But Shouta really doesn't seem to be the type to mess around or act differently than himself under any circumstance.
I give her a disbelieving look, which seemed to be the wrong thing to do, and her face became a harsh glare as she stomps up to me. She reaches out towards me and wraps her hand around my pendant. She gives a firm tug, breaking the chain around my neck, then glares at the pendant.
"This should have been mine. I was so close to finding a way I could squeeze back in and steal Hizashi for myself, but then you had to come in and ruin everything. I don't know what stupid trick you pulled, but they're dogs at your fucking mercy, almost like Tadao is for me."
My brows crease in confusion. What does she mean by that?
Ryo finally stopped pulling on Tadao's hair, and he steps a few feet away from the psychotic duo. He's also on thin ice but seems to really not want to be a part of this. He glares at Aiya from behind and gently rubs his scalp. She turns to look at him while trying to squeeze the pendant as tight as she could. It's sturdier than I thought since it isn't cracking in any way. "Why don't you tell them, my little errand boy?" She says "errand boy" in such a demeaning way that even I feel like throwing up.
He physically cringes hard at that name but doesn't stop his glaring at her. She doesn't seem to care in the slightest. "It's true. She's got me on a tight leash that could easily make me lose my job as a waiter for my parent's business. Two of her friends help set me up one day while I was their waiter. She purposefully tripped me, making me fall onto one of her in-on-it female friends,"
He greatly cringes again. "My hands ended up in... unsavory places trying to catch myself. Aiya snapped a picture, and if she were to send it to my parents, they'd kick me from my job for sure. I'm trying to earn my place to take over their business one day. They understandably would have no tolerance for such behavior. Everyone is more than willing to believe three women complaining about a man assaulting them before they'd believe a man claiming to be gay was framed."
I hate to say it, but that does seem like a pretty logical assumption many would make. Has he mentioned being gay before? My still kinda messed up mind can't remember.
Aiya laughs sadistically. "Right you are, my little errand boy."
I cringe as well this time. Ew. Out of all things? Seriously?
"It was a miracle it worked so well in my favor! Now I can just dangle the little carrot whenever I need dirty work done, and he has to do it or lose his job and family’s faith in him permanently."
Now I'm feeling a bit bad for Tadao.
"In speaking of loss." She turns back towards me and glares harshly again. She throws the pendant to the ground and tries to break it with a few firm stomps. Is she seriously acting like a child right now? If I wasn’t in such a dire situation, I’d probably be laughing at how pathetic this is.
The stomps do little to nothing. She yells in frustration, picks it up again, and chucks it at the concrete wall as hard as she could on my left. It just bounces off and clatters to the also concrete floor. Concrete? Of course I'd be in a fucking basement. She’s acting like a child throwing a massive tantrum.
She stops after a moment and pins her hands on my forearms. The grip almost hurts. With her glare locked onto my eyes and her quite obvious thirst for power or something, I could almost joke about her being kinky.
That thought nearly makes me physically gag. Ew. Okay, definitely not with her involved though.
“What are you doing? This wasn’t part of the plan!” Ryo has the audacity to almost sound panicked. Why?
She looks back toward Ryo for a moment.
"Oh, they deserve a little punishment, don't you think, dear Ryo? They chose the “family” over you after all. All they had to do was deny them a bit better, and all of this could have been avoided!~"
I'm pissed they didn't think I tried. How the hell are you SUPPOSED to just stand up and refuse two pro heroes to something they were already dead set on? Especially if they’re quite high in ranks?
Ryo has a torn expression. “I… yeah, I guess that makes sense. But we can’t afford to have them suddenly needing to go to the hospital. They’d be found then!”
She turns back towards me with a highly unnerving smirk. “Don’t you worry. I’ll just go to stage one.”
Stage… one? Wait, It almost feels like everything around is getting colder? No, worse. It feels like heat is slowly being sapped out of me. What is she doing!?
Tadao seems to pale a few shades lighter than he already was.
“Y-You can’t just use your quirk like that! You’re purposefully giving them stage one hypothermia!?” He rushes towards us to try to stop her.
...She’s what!?
She puts one of her hands in a “stop” form towards him. “Come any closer, and I won’t think twice of posting that delightful pic to your family.”
He freezes in his tracks.
“Besides, stage one is harmless enough anyway. Mostly just some shivering and loss of blood circulation. We can warm them back up to normal easily enough later.”
“B-but what about the chance of it worsening after? It could get worse itself since it’s already fairly cold down here!” He almost seems to beg for her to let go.
She rolls her eyes. Damn, I’m feeling the effect fast. My body is already starting to involuntarily shiver. “Every time you open your whiny mouth, it makes my longing stronger of wanting to post it just to get you sorry excuse for a man finally away from me.”
He looks like he desperately wants to say something else, but his mouth snaps shut.
“I- uh, I’ll come back later. I can’t really handle being around Y/N while you do that to them.” Ryo admits and heads towards the stairs starting at my right front corner and goes up towards a door above and behind me. Seriously? You’re so DESPERATE to get me, finally do, and then can’t even stick around to watch your new friend basically torture your old best friend? Just how pathetic are you?
The door slams as they leave.
She immediately gets way too close to my face. Back up, back up, backup, backup,backup-
“You’re lucky I promised to keep my word for them, or I’d have absolutely no problem forcing it to the third stage and laugh at you while watching you die.” She seethes, and lets go not long after.
She's lucky I didn't spit on her face. Would have greatly loved to. I really should have.
She looks toward Tadao and glares again. “I’ll be back shortly. I need to make sure you weren’t stupid enough to leave any other tracks that would lead them to us. While I’m gone, don’t think of doing anything else stupid,” She leaves pretty quickly as well. However, I didn’t hear a door open and close.
I look up to try to see why, and there’s a bit of purple mist that disappears not long after. Purple mist? Was there another or something? Maybe that’s how I got here? Now thinking back, I think I saw something purple forming to the side of me before being knocked out.
Tadao bolts to be right in front of me and puts his hands on my shoulders. The little heat is a surprising relief from the serious chill I’m feeling now. His brown eyes look like they’re about to start crying.
“I’m sorry! I’msorry, I’msosorry, so, so, so, sorry! I didn’t want this to happen and purposefully started to avoid you because they were forcing me to get you and they would have known if I met you and didn’t get you with that other watching and so many things this is so frustrating-!” He quickly started speaking so fast I almost didn’t understand a word he said to me. It took a moment to process, but then it made sense why he wasn’t around the past few days.
Kind of stuck on what to do now, other than…
I slip the ring off my finger and drop it to the floor. Can’t exactly stomp on it from my legs being bound, but it’s enough in the rage I feel.
Another involuntary shiver comes over my body. Has it always been this cold in here? I know the whole hypothermia and stuff going on, but this seems rather odd. Was she possibly lying about only stage one?
He quickly kneels down to be right by the cuffs still on my wrist sitting in front.
Metal cuffs that are detailedly painted to look wooden. After a second of him holding them, The paint chips off with what I guess to be some sort of mold, leaving the metallic glint underneath.
A surprised and extremely terrified expression takes over his face. “I thought I told her to make them wood! I lied saying you wouldn’t be able to break out of it so I could use my mold to dissolve them!”
Aiya laughs behind him and re-enters. A test. Of COURSE she was testing him, not going back to the scene. It would have been beyond suspicious if the heroes saw her there.
She walks down the stairs to be in front of us. “You honestly think I’d listen to you? I know you were planning on letting them go before you found out the family they babysit for are heroes. Sadly, I actually did get rid of that picture, as promised to Ryo with your cooperation, but I can easily get more. All it takes is another friend who still has it, or even just have other friends do the same thing at your workplace,” she puts her hand on her chin and looks up in thought. “Hmm, I might just post it anyways. You didn’t fully keep your promise either!~ Oh! And it would be so much better if next time it’s when your parents are-”
The door gets slammed with so much force, that it flies off the hinges and falls flat right behind her. She freezes in her place, staring at the entrance where the door was.
A man with all-too-familiar hair and certain grey clothing jumps down, and turns toward Aiya with a very harsh glare.
… It’s Shouta, and he. Is. PISSED.
yikes, lost and fully forgot about the taglist until now.
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