#platonic tommyinit
angstyx · 2 years
Ah ok I didn’t know!
What about streaming with the SBI?
Sorry I’m Nights friend Toby!
It nice to meet you!
Streaming W/ The SBI HCs!
TW: cursing, random stuff (i kinda just went off with random ideas), messy writing
Requested?: [Yes] [No]
Note: another fic? wow wow
This is kinda messy sorry
Masterlist // Rules for Requesting
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it'll be total chaos
and i mean total
i mean you probably could already guess what'll happen right?
tommy and wilbur would be arguing with each other over some dumb shit (probably over the game you guys were playing)
phil would be trying to calm them down but give up after a mere 5-10 minutes and just decide to chill with his chat and you instead
you would probably just be either try to calm the two down as well or just laugh your ass off at them while calling them dumbasses
would you be wrong tho? exactly
and techno? yeah who knows what he'll be doing
someone's stream would crash at least once or twice or maybe more than that
i bet 10 bucks itll be wilbur's cause i bet he'll knock or unplug something
but if it was a irl stream you guys were doing? then oh boy
buckle up cause itll be even worse than if you guys were playing a game
the stream would be named "chill irl stream w/ sbi" but once someone clicks on the stream they'll be met with screaming and cursing
again, the stream would definitely crash once or twice and itll be lagging most half of the time
maybe during the stream you guys would just be walking around places but still even if you guys were doing that tommy would find out a way to make it entertaining
maybe he'll publically embarrass himself or something close to that honestly
yeah maybe a irl stream wouldnt be a good idea
lets just stick to gaming streams cause tho itll still be chaotic, itll be less chaotic
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taglist: @thenotsohottopic @0-0littlem0-0 @bi-narystars @707xn @sakurapartridge @ryxjxnnx @boiciph3r @maxiewritesfanfic @nightwalkercrescent @missusstark @multifandomgirl-us @sophia902103 @sunnyxlove @marrymetheonott @voidgonemissing @alec-lost-bee @ttakinou @izuruus @chaoticotaku @joyfullymulti @oh-mcyt @sxltedcxramel @dawnfallx @blushingduckling @blueberrystigma @youngstarfishdinosaur @poookii @beepbopbee @sirsleeps @dazedgxth @wrenqueenisboss @saturnhas82moons @itsonlydana @bluvclouds @comonlokbut2 @lacunaanonymoused @toodeepintofandoms @sparkletash @luluwinchester @buckyswhxre @jadecameron69420 @sarahwasfound @isaac-foster-my-beloved @dukina @arcanine-doves @auralol
Send in a ask or dm me to be added! | bolded means you either changed your url or your settings makes it so I cant tag you
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winterzsurprise · 1 year
Man In The Mirror || SBI
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Characters: Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Technoblade (Allusions), Philza (Allusions).
Tags: Soulmate AU, Orphaned Tommy, Hurt/Comfort (?), Mentions of Death, Famous Musician Wilbur, Not Beta Read, Swearing, Crime Boys Centric.
Words: 3.7k
I haven't written in so long hence, no updates. But I'll post the other parts of Thorned Exhales later on in life, have this SBI short fic that I tried writing before shit went down.
This is inspired by that one tumblr post where in a Soulmate AU, you other half dies and shows up at your mirror, I forgot their blog name so if you know them, let me know :DD.
As usual, I accept criticism and welcome them as I want to do better with my writing :D, enjoy!
There’s a man in the mirror, Tommy observed.
He rubbed his eyes hard enough that they might fall from its sockets but there's actually a man in exchange for his reflection.
He already had a shit day after the clinic's nurse scolded him for dislocating a kid's jaw --- he still thinks the fucker deserved it --- to have his insanity proven by the hallucination in front of him was the icing on today's cake.
No matter how much he blinked, rubbed his eyes and pinch his arms.
There’s a man in the mirror, staring back at him and there's no denying that he's actually there.
The man was tall, gangly limbs hanging off to his sides almost longer than his torso if you count his hands, chestnut brown hair curling to themselves to form a puffy mess at his crown, the side of his head trimmed short enough for the eyes to focus on the mop of a hair he has. 
There were a couple of strands on his cloud fringe dyed in dark grey, like the old man he appears to be. Tommy thinks it's cool but he wouldn’t say it out loud.
He was dressed nicely, a thick and surely expensive trench coat with the hem stretching down to his knees, his yellow turtleneck, however was stained blue in shapes of fingerprints all around the fabric. The man looked well off and wasn’t that an irritating sight to see.
But what takes the crown was the bored look his eyes carried when Tommy met him first through his round glasses. 
Dark brown eyes overflowing with nonchalance and apathy, the dark bags under his eyes only solidifying Tommy’s impression of him.
A dickbag who dares to look more tired of the world than Tommy is. How dare this bastard hold those emotions in his gaze when he hasn’t tasted extreme poverty or live everyday with your life on the line?
“Hey, get that stupid look out of your face, bitch.”
People normally get scared of the supernatural but not Tommy Innett no, the world would have to follow his whims and bow before he’d think of ever following their rhythm.
Hell, his full name is Tommy Danger Strong Smart Innett for fucks sake, how could he pussy out with such a name?!
“Who are you to order me around, stupid child?”
Tommy was floored, recoiling from the raw annoyance in the guy’s voice.
He dares to have that tone when he’s trespassing his property?! Tommy decided there on there that this man is the most annoying prick he has ever encountered, real or not.
“Tommy fucking Danger Strong Smart Innett, don’t you dare call me stupid when you look like a Jared named bastard!”
The man scowled before sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose to mutter something unintelligible before looking up again with an exasperated gaze at Tommy before shaking his head and tilting his head back to stare at the sky.
“God, why are you so cruel to me?”
“Because you’re a bitch!”
“Why do I even bother…” He looked away from Tommy to stare at the space beside him, looking at his shabby mattress. "Say kid, where are we? Rather, where are you?"
Tommy stared at the man, squinting with suspicion. The man whose eyes showed nothing but apathy and boredom intimidates him, Tommy admits to himself. He has seen many movies where killers held the same dullness in their irises for him to entrust the man with his address.
Seeing the distrust in his eyes, the man sighed in defeat. "I'm not gonna kill you man, I'm stuck in the reflection dimension or whatever this shit is."
"No, you're a figment of my imagination bitch, the other kids have them!" Tommy paused, remembering something. “But they’re walking around unlike you.”
At that, as if he realised something, the dullness in the man's eyes softened a little as he stared back at the child in front of him. There was a sad cloud of conflict that grew in his irises, as if he’s withholding a truth he couldn’t say, forbidden even.
Tommy doesn’t like how this man stared at him like that, stupid adults and their hero complex, always thinking their actions are for the best of the other party.
"Ok, I won't ask about your location but what about your name? Tommy was it?"
"Tommy Innett, the biggest and bravest man there is." He said with chest puffed out.
This got the man to chuckle lightly, pocketing his hands in his coat as he stepped forward and to the stray light escaping the closed blinds. 
"How about you boss man? Are you a ‘Jared’ like I thought you are?"
The man's face scrunched.
"Fuck no, kill me if I were to be named so poorly like Jared. I'm a Wilbur type of guy."
“Wilbur.” Tommy repeats, the name rolling of his tongue smoothly, as if it was meant to be spoken by it. “That’s such a shit name.”
“You are so fucking rude, why didn’t your mother swallow instead?”
Wilbur looked around closely, eyes darting from one place to another. Unwilling to be subject to Tommy’s word explosion, he spoke once more.
"So are you alone in this room?"
Tommy scoffed, crossing his arms. "And why would I tell you that?"
First he comes to his room — or rather his mirror — unannounced and uninvited and now he’s prodding into his lifestyle in the orphanage, didn't his unwelcomed ass already done enough?
Seeing the scowl displayed clearly on Tommy’s face, Wilbur continued.
“Said this once and I’ll say it again, I’m not gonna kidnap you or some shit. The fuck am I even gonna need you for?”
Tommy shrugged. “I don’t know! Maybe you’ll sell me off or gut me and sell them to the black market!”
“I’m stuck in this stupid mirror, what even made you think I’d ever want to stay here with you?!”
That hurted him, was he so annoying that someone wanted to leave him the first time they met? It reminded him of the parents that returned him to the orphanage, every one of them annoyed by his antics. Wilbur’s words hammered itself deep into the creases of his brain, a constant reminder of the parent’s distaste for him.
A reminder of his failure to reach their standards.
“Shut the fuck up, you fucking bastard, you don’t know anything.” he spat out through gritted teeth, feet dragging himself out of the room and away from Wilbur.
When Tommy came back, exhausted from the overlapping noises outside and from the chores the caretakers gave him, Wilbur was still in his mirror, sitting crossed legged and his head supported by the arm he propped on his thigh. He was dozing off, he looked peaceful when he’s not being an insensitive prick, Tommy thought as he gently closed the door behind him.
He doesn’t want to wake him up, already sensing the awkward air build up if the man ever roused from sleep.
On his tiptoes, he trudged to his bed as stealthily as he could, his senses tenfold sensitive as he crossed the room.
“I’m sorry Toms.”
Tommy’s soul jumped out of his skin Wilbur’s raspy voice sliced through the silence, his heart rapping against his ribcage as he snapped his head towards the adult fixing his sitting position, eyes opening as he stretched his arms above his head.
He doesn’t know what to respond, honestly, he didn’t expect him to even apologise like any other adults in the area. Wilbur continues to ruin the expectations he had for people once more, maybe he’s from a fantasy world where ‘sorry’s aren’t a luxury.
"Do you really mean that Wilbur?" He asked, turning to him.
The man seemed taken aback by his reaction, furrowing his eyebrows before answering.
"Of course Tommy, I was such an insensitive dick to you earlier. I-I didn't figure out that you're in an orphanage until one of the caretakers went in to change the sheets."
At that, he turned to his bed to see his sheets were indeed switched with a cleaner one. Pristine white and a little ragged but it works just fine, providing him enough heat at night.
It must be pathetic to Wilbur, who seemed to be a silver spooned bastard, if not fed with a golden one instead. With such a fancy get up and expensive watch and rings, Tommy's living condition must be pitiful.
Of all the imaginary friends he could have, it has to be a rich guy.
"I shouldn't have said what I said. So I'm sorry Toms." Wilbur continued, hanging his head low as he picked on the laces of his boots.
Tommy felt uncomfortable by the man’s genuine apology. This is a first, he thinks as he stares at him.
He could monetize this shit, act upset and maybe he could earn a useful favor in the future from the ghost, scare off some kids or steal something for him, the possibilities are endless!
"You hurt me, Wilbur."
"I know, I'll make it up to you at some point."
A smile grew on Tommy's face. "Really?"
"Of course, is there anything you want to know about me or the world?"
Forgiveness in exchange for information? Tommy couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it but then again, what can Wilbur offer him when he's trapped in a mirror with no way out like he said he is? 
Staring at his expensive and thick silver watch, Tommy wondered if the man ever travelled around the world? He must've been a guy fed with a silver spoon, he must've seen the stunning sights of Switzerland or maybe even Italy.
"Have you ever travelled abroad before?"
"Of course, I was a part of a band once."
Tommy's eyes widened. Wilbur is a musician? A popular one it seems, considering how he had international concerts, that's what big names do right? He's a huge music enthusiast, it was one of the things in life that motivates him. For a musician to stumble upon his door...
Tommy is curious about all things music. Maybe Wilbur can teach him a few tricks or so.
"What band were you in?"
There was a quick shift inside Wilbur's chestnut eyes before he spoke, hesitation and conflict, Tommy identified.
But why?
"That's the thing… I-I can't recall everything just yet." He motioned to his head. "I ca-can remember the basics but there's... empty spots in my memory."
It was all Tommy could say, disheartened.
All of his hopes of learning thrown out of the window, he wanted to hide how upset he is but he couldn't stop it from seeping out from the walls he established around him.
Seeing this, Wilbur's heart clenched in its cage, the disappointment in the kid's eyes leaving a bitter taste on his tongue but it was better that Tommy stays in the bliss of ignorance, at least until he hits the proper age.
With a sigh, he opened his mouth once more.
"Well, I can still remember a few areas we visited during our tour. Wanna hear about them?"
Birthdays are overrated, Tommy tells himself.
Birthdays are boring, he said as he stared at the parties hosted on the 2nd floor of the fast food restaurant downtown when he passed by. Birthdays are boring, he muttered as he silently wished a celebration for his once in this lifetime.
Orphans don't get the luxury of celebrating their birthdays, Tommy knew that himself but he couldn't help but wish there was someone who'd valued them as much as he does.
Everyday he wakes up, he tells himself I'm going to be adopted today. But they never do, the adults don't want someone who's brash and loud, what they all wanted was someone soft, someone they can easily order around. 
He could act docile and kind like they all want but Tommy doesn't like that.
He wants to be accepted for who he is, Tommy Danger Strong Smart Innett.
All of the adults ignored such a festivity except the man in the mirror.
It's been a few months since he appeared and Tommy doesn't know if he calls Wilbur a blessing or a curse.
The man was an enigmatic fella. One moment he's a menace, teasing and laughing with Tommy till his jaw aches then Wilbur's mood will abruptly drop into his misery and never-ending sadness even Tommy couldn't remedy with his usual antics.
Even then, he never forgets to worry about Tommy. His voice is soft, albeit rough from lack of use that day, as he reminds him about dinner, noticing him skip his meals throughout the weeks they've been together.
So when Tommy's smiles didn't reach his eyes, Wilbur knew something was up.
"Why do you look stupider today?"
Tommy scoffed. "Do you mean amazing? I think I look more handsome today."
"Your smile isn't reaching your eyes, what's happening?"
Tommy could lie and say it's just a bad day but he could never escape Wilbur's inquisitive eyes, it was almost annoying if it wasn't secretly endearing for him.
"Nothing much, big man just got bigger by a year."
Wilbur's eyes widened as he muttered unintelligible words under his breath before his voice grew. "Oh god, I'm sorry Toms."
"No worries, I'm used to it. Besides, you didn't know so it's understandable."
"Still, happy birthday man. How old are you now?"
"10 and yet I'm the biggest, strongest man in this building." Tommy puffed his chest as he stared up at Wilbur who's eyes crinkled with joy.
Then came a pause as Wilbur's eyes seemed to hold the same conflict of last time, swirling deep in his dark brown eyes as he pondered over something. Curiosity rose in Tommy at the shift in the man's mood.
But after a few ticks of silence, the man spoke once more.
"Is there anything you want, kid?"
Tommy laughed at that. There's no way someone trapped in the mirror just asked him what he wants for his birthday. It was more comical to him that Wilbur looked determined and dead-set on it.
How can he even leave the mirror and buy him a gift when he couldn't leave the place through all of those months spent together?
"How can you even buy for me man? Aren't you stuck in the mirror dimension or some shit?"
Wilbur scowled. "Just spit it out child, I have my ways."
Tommy knew he shouldn't let the tiny hope in his heart fester, it was impossible that he'd ever get what he wanted anyways.
Yet a tiny voice at the back of his head urged him to obey him, tell him what he wanted to taste or hold for so long.
It was Wilbur after all, what can that man do to ever harm him? He knew his address and name and nothing bad has ever happened to him the whole time they've been together.
If anything, Wilbur helped him in many things.
"I think I'd like a superhero comic book, I don't care what it's about and also McDonald's."
Wilbur nods, crossing his arms. "And what do you want from McDonald's?"
"A shit ton of fries, chicken sandwich and maybe a mcflurry?"
"Gotcha, go do your homework in the meantime." Wilbur said as he walked away from his sight, blending into the reflection of Tommy's bedroom.
He couldn't help but be curious why Wilbur held such a grim expression the moment he turned away. The man thinks he's quick and sly but Tommy saw how fast his smile dropped when he thinks his face is hidden from him.
He wondered how the man trapped in the mirror dimension could even fulfil his birthday wish, his questions leading him astray from his current tasks at hand.
He knows not to hope but he couldn't help the budding light from swelling in his heart. 
So he followed Wilbur's order to finish his homework and wait.
Soon enough, the sun has set and the moon took reigns over the sky along with its dark background. Every tick of the clock after it went over 5 pm sent pricks into his heart as his already small hope trickled away.
Tommy knew he shouldn't have hoped for anything. He must've looked ridiculous sitting cross legged in front of the mirror, waiting for the man to reappear as if he held the cure to every illness and he's about to die.
But before Tommy could even stand up from the mirror to resign to his bed for the night, Wilbur returns with a triumphant smile, hands in his coat pockets as he strode into the view like a man who won the lottery. 
There wasn't anything new about him other than his changed expression, Tommy wonders what happened.
"Where did you go, boss man?"
"That's a secret, but we gotta go somewhere quick alright? Bring your spoon with you."
Tommy followed, taking the spoon from his bedside table and waited for Wilbur to jump into the utensil's reflection before taking the blue coat at the end of his bed and leaving his room.
With not a single cent to his name, Tommy stole a spoon from the cafeteria months ago to take Wilbur to his maths lessons for help in understanding the lesson better.
He's still smart, sometimes geniuses need someone to explain lowly things to them taught through complicated methods and Wilbur was the only volunteer to do such a work.
"This is stupid Wilbur, where are we even going?"
"Let's go to the park, I told them to go there."
Them? Who are they?
The mystery of it all makes Tommy anxious. 
What is Wilbur planning? Is he finally going to kidnap him after barely escaping this horrible place?
"If you think I'm abducting you, fuck off. I'm not that evil man, I don't even have the face for it!" Wilbur exclaimed as if he heard his thoughts loudly.
"You wanted me to go to the park at night, it's sketchy as shit man!"
"Whatever, you'll get it once we arrive."
Even the suspicion planted in his heart wasn't enough to trample the excitement that thrummed in his veins. He doesn't know what he was getting enthusiastic for when Wilbur might, for all we know, be out for his head after that time Tommy teased him out of the mirror.
The park was silent save for the rustles of leaves, the trees and shrubberies glistened lightly under the moonlight from the small downpour earlier. It was mildly made obvious by the street lights on the shining cobble pathways. 
But what caught his attention is the man with his helmet standing under a lamp next to his parked bicycle, a paper bag in one hand as he typed into his phone with the other.
Tommy wouldn’t have found the situation more suspicious if the man didn’t have a familiar logo of a delivery company on the side of his helmet.
"Go Toms, that's yours."
He couldn't say anything. 
For once in his life Tommy couldn't utter a word out of his mouth, not even a random stream of bullshit left him like it usually does. He was stunned, shocked and thankful all at the same time.
He pinched himself but he isn't waking up from his dream.
Wilbur really did give him a birthday gift. The first ever.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Wilbur?"
"No, get it."
The man turned to him once Tommy was close enough, handing the bag to him.
It shocks him that the man didn't even hesitate in doing so.
Is he not worried that the parcel might fall into the wrong hand?
Tommy looked around, he remembers those laughs for gag shorts on the television. Surely, this must be a sick joke where a camera is hiding behind the tree or something, waiting for him to be thankful before they jump out to ridicule him.
Turning to Wilbur again, Tommy's vision blurred, his heart clenching painfully in his chest as he registered the man's soft gaze and genuine smile.
Maybe not all adults are foul and annoying. Maybe some people do adore him. Wilbur really does love him, care deeply for him, so much that it pains Tommy to think of.
Is it alright for him to have such a luxury?
"Delivery from anonymous, there's two spider-man comics there." Tommy still couldn't believe his ears. Did he really get a gift on his birthday? "Happy birthday mate, he said."
Even when the man was long gone into the night, Tommy stood there astounded, the weight of the bag more apparent than it should be. His chest hurts and his heart swells from the thought, a smile broke from his lips as tears trickled out of his eyes.
Was he dreaming? If he is, Tommy wished he'd never wake up.
Seeing tears stream from his face, Wilbur's heart ached in its cage, his arms aching at his sides, he wanted to hug Tommy. Comb his hair back as he whispered reassurance into his head. Never has he felt so helpless as he does now, he wants so much but can't have any.
It was maddening but he shouldn't put a damper on their mood, it's a good day.
So Wilbur smiled and said. "Happy birthday Toms, I'm glad I met you."
Even after his birthday surprise, Tommy’s opinion of Wilbur never changed
The man in the mirror is as annoying and weird as he is helpful.
Wilbur is smart, being an adult with more experience than him, and taught him how to count and do his basic maths assignments. When there’s problems that arose from the shelter, Wilbur would tell him his own solution, explaining the hard words with care and playful teasing.
Surprisingly, Tommy understands it better even if the man fucked around than a teacher who ironed a stoic expression and wielded a book.
He was brotherly in his own way, never fleeing from the reflections around the center to watch Tommy go around his daily chores and warn him if the head cook is about to enter the cafeteria when he goes to sneak a cookie out of the jar.
Wilbur is his buddy, his shadow.
They were attached to the point of Tommy sneaking out a spoon just so he could have Wilbur hiding in his pockets. The adults will scold him later on but he could care less. He wants the man in the mirror to see the world with him. 
During the whole year with Wilbur in his pockets, Tommy has entered as many foster homes and left as much. It was embarrassing every time he was sent back to the orphanage, a reminder of his failure to reach a family’s vision of a perfect child.
Whenever the night is cold and dark with little sobs wrecking his small body, Wilbur would urge him to bring a spoon beside him, his eyes darkened with defeat and sadness as he whispered into his ears, offering warmth with his words till Tommy falls soundly asleep, a silent wish of feeling a phantom touch caressing his cheeks supporting the man’s comforting voice.
The whole year with Wilbur felt like magic, a stream of light after years of darkness and it couldn’t have been more perfect. Tommy wanted nothing more but to stay with his brother figure, although he wouldn’t say it out loud.
But today seems like a different kind of day.
On the morning before his 11th birthday, Tommy found himself staring at a new reflection on the mirror.
But unlike the gloomy cloud on top of Wilbur, this man had an aura of danger oozing off of his mildly muscular body, wide shoulders draped in white silk long sleeves and a beige pair of trousers hiding his well-toned thighs with a long, horizontal scar crossing his nose bridge and ending under his nonchalant eyes to boot.
He oozes nothing but pure masculinity.
Only if he didn’t wear those stupid rectangular glasses and had long bubblegum pink hair then he would’ve been truly intimidating.
The epitome of scary.
“Who the fuck are you supposed to be?!” 
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ficrecliterally · 10 months
dancewiththewaves (orphan_account)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game)
Relationship: all platonic and family
So....here I am, I promised I'd write something after every fic I read which I definately did not hold upto but!!! I have just read this amazing fiction by the above author named Extension (read here)
This fanfiction explores a found family trope where Wilbur and Technoblade are the princes of a flourishing empire which is lead by Philza and they are in search of having a new someone to call their brother. Enter Tommy, a blind child with a bright mind and extraordinary powers! He has kept the entire Kingdom on his toes and now is wanted alive and cuddled by the two princes.
This is a very heartwarming story with beautifully interwoven fantasy and magical elements. The plot is wonderful and delivers what the tags promise with wholesome feelings and emotions. It's a perfect balance of fluff and angst.
It took me around 4 hours to read it entirely in a go. It's very easy to read and comprehend. The language and theme are wonderful and absolutely amazing. Kudos to the author ( I don't know if they have a Tumblr account. If they do please tell me.
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kingsleywrites · 1 year
How They Would React To Seeing Your Top-Surgery Scars
Characters: Tommyinit (Platonic), Tubbo (Platonic), Wilbur (geared towards romantic), Dream (geared towards romantic), Technoblade (Platonic or Romantic)
A/N: For whatever reason my mind has only been giving me angst ideas like I like angst but I need some fluff 💀🤚
Y/N will be used (Meaning your name)
CW: swearing
This can be for anyone who has gotten top surgery and needs comfort about their scars (your beautiful no matter what <;3)
When he first sees your scars it doesn't really register in his mind that they are your top surgery scars
He just thinks that they are just scars that you've gotten in one of the countless battles
He definitely thinks they're super cool and asks you a bunch of questions about them.
"Hey Y/N- Woah! Where did you get those scars! These are cool as fuck!"
He would try and start guessing where you got them.
"Did you get them while in the nether? Was there a Piglin that tried to fight you and then they cut you with their tusks? Oh! Did you duel with Dream? or Techno? Did you kick their asses?"
You'd probably have to calm him down and explain to him that you didn't get into a fight and you just got them from top surgery
He would be very understanding of your situation, though he would apologize for jumping to conclusions.
He immediately wants to know if you have other scars and what the stories behind them are.
If you have more and decide to show them to him, he would listen very intently to the stories, and he finds the battles that you've been through (even if they aren't that big) very interesting.
If you have no other scars or you don't want to show him your other scars he is perfectly okay with that, even offering to show you his scars to make you feel better, telling you how he got each of them in a way that makes it interesting to listen too.
"And this one I got from when me and Tubbo were sparring, he felt so bad that he was apologizing for what felt like hours!"
If he ever felt that you were uncomfortable about the topic he would ask if you wanted to change it to make you feel more comfortable.
Overall he just wants to make you feel happy by saying "Hey, it's normal to have scars, and yours are just as valid as any others."
When he first saw your scars he was really concerned and started panicking asking you a whole bunch of questions
"Y/N, do you wanna- Oh my god! Are you okay? Where did you get these from? Did someone hurt you? You can tell me but I swear if it was Sapnap or something me and Tommy will literally kick his ass!"
After calming him down and explaining to him that no one hurt you and these scars are from your top surgery
He would apologize for jumping to conclusions but he would be a little confused at first, I don't think that he would know a ton about the LGBT community so he would need a little clarification.
"Uh, I'm sorry if i'm overstepping your boundaries and you don't have to answer this if you're uncomfortable but, could you explain to me what top surgery is?"
After knowing exactly what top surgery is he would immediately ask if there's any way that he can help.
Want to try and fade the scars? Words of affirmation about how having these scars make you human or how your struggles are just as valid as anyone else's? Or even if you just want a hug, he'll find some kind of way that he can help you feel comfortable.
Tubbo really just wants you to feel comfortable in your own skin even if he is a little new to the whole LGBT community and how to help.
Wilbur doesn't bring up your scars unless you come and talk to him about it first.
He starts to check up on you more and more.
"Hey Y/N, how are you doing? Everything is alright right?"
Just little check ups until you're ready to tell him about it.
If he ends up seeing your scars more than once he might bring it up at that point.
"Hey, um, what are those scars on your chest, if you don't mind me asking?"
Once you tell him that they're your top surgery scars he pulls you into a hug and assures you that he will always love and care about you no matter what.
Basically he will just praise the hell out of you, tell you how amazing you are, how brave you are for going through the surgery, how pretty and handsome and beautiful and cute you are.
Every time he walks by you he will just give you a kiss on the head as reassurance
He never wants you to feel like you are a burden
He will go to Fundy for advice on how to help and if there is anything that he should do to comfort you further.
Just a sweet guy who wants you to feel loved and appreciated.
First thought is that someone hurt you and he wants to know who so he can kill the fucker
"Hey Y/N- what happened? No, No it isn't nothing, what happened. It matters because who every hurt you will have about five seconds to count their fucking blessings before I kill them."
You being you might respond with something snarky like "hey the doctor who gave me top surgery shouldn't die, I'm living my best life because of them!"
To which he responds with a mental facepalm and he gives you a hug
He just wants to protect you and sometimes takes it too far
Your chest becomes his new favorite part about you
Every time he gets the chance he will give you a kiss to remind you how much he cares
Cuddling where his head is buried in your chest? Expect him to be kissing your chest till one of y'all falls asleep.
"What? Can I not kiss my beautiful lover and give them all of the love they deserve?"
Like Wilbur, Techno won't bring your scars up unless you make conversation about it
The difference is, He won't bring it up no matter how many times he sees your scars
I feel like with how many battles Techno had been in he has his own collection of scars some of which he would like to fade away and to never be talked about or brought into existence again.
So he won't talk till you want to talk
Once you do tell him he would say something like:
"Oh that's what those are? Yeah I've seen them before."
When questioning why he didn't say anything he would say something along the lines of:
"We all have our own scars, some you can see, some you can't, some you're fine with the world seeing and some you wish that they would disappear because they remind you of something that you want to block out and forget entirely. I've had my fair share of scars that should fade away just like those painful memories. I would hate to bring you back to a place that you wanted to forget."
As for comfort, he isn't too big on it, not because he doesn't want to give it to you but because he doesn't know how, maybe the occasional word or words of affirmation or hugs when you need them, but anything else and he would need Phil's help on what to do.
He is a great listener though, so if you ever need to vent he'll be the guy to go to.
Techno is just a piglin with a soft heart for you and he would hate to make you uncomfortable.
Another one done! My apologies if this isn't the best I have never done headcanons before so this was new to me. I also tried to keep it gender neutral as I know not only trans males get top surgery so I wanted to make it as inclusive as possible so I'm sorry if things are too geared towards trans males.
Word Count: 1255
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someone1348 · 2 years
This is a short one from Tommy's newest video! The sleepover one! So if you haven't watched it yet I suggest doing that before reading this one because it will make more sense
The people in this: Ler!Niki, Lee!Tommy
Tw: Language, other than that none this is incredibly soft!
This Strictly Platonic!! Thank you :]
And with all of that being said I hope you all enjoy!
-K :]
There she is!, Rawr!
Honestly Niki didn't really know how she ended up here but when you're friends with someone as convincing as Tommyinit you're bound to end up in a bunch of crazy yet fun things
So one sparkling blue eyed please later and she's painting someone's nails at Tommy's house for a sleepover vlog! She wasn't going to stay the night, and apparently neither was Jack but for what it was worth she had a great time!
There were some prank calls, late night outings, nail painting and more. They streamed for a bit too twice within the night but the vlog was mainly done after the streams! The behind the scenes.
While Niki was talking to Ranboo Tommy started filming her;
"Im gonna Zoom on you" He zoomed the camera in on her face
"I'm just gonna fuckin' Zoom like that, Oh fuck!"
"Oh fuck she's so powerful!" All while Niki is just starting into the lens,
"She's so fucking strong!"
Niki began to smile as Tommy zoomed out a bit, the two of them having fun.
"Oh Fuck! At any given moment she'll devour us aAAA-"
"RAWR!" Niki not only moved towards the camera but she pounced on the blonde as well sitting on top of his legs with a smile
"Niki! H-hold on! What are you doing?!"
"Devouring you! Like you said I would, hehe I've got you now Tommy!" Her smile only grew as she darted her hands down scribbling all along the length of his sides
"NIhihiKI!" Tommy dropped the camera so it was just a black screen for a bit before Jack picked it up and continued filming
"Yes Tommy~"
"Please what Toms, It's hard to hear you over all the giggles"
"Rwar!! Hehe!" Niki giggled with him playfully while wiggling her tickly fingers all over Tommy's ticklish stomach.
"Good! Good! It's supposed to! I am the tickle monster after all!" She stated before inhaling sharply preparing before blowing a gaint raspberry right in the center of his stomach
She shook her head as well so her hair would tickle him too while she blew the raspberry
She stopped immediately, rubbing away the ghost tickles and getting off of him, giving him a hand up before ruffling his hair.
"I told you, she'd devour us all! Quick! Save your selves!"
Everyone laughed before they continued with their normal antics trying to make a human triangle and all that.
"Maybe let's not keep that bit in the video"
"Which one, the zooming in bit or you getting tickled half to death" Ranboo said with a smirk
"Shuhut up man! You know the ahanswer to that!"
"Ughhh you are all so embarrassing!"
"Whatever you say giggles"
I hope you all enjoyedd! I know this was shorter than normal but I still hope you like it! This is your reminder to go get some water, stay hydrated, get yourself something yummy to eat too, Treat yourself, Take care of yourself, Remember that you are enough and that I am extremely proud of you! We all are! Have a great day my friends!
-K :]
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Tis' But a Flesh Wound
(Platonic!Tommyinit x Reader)
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Request 8: AlrightY now that I have said that I’m here to humbly request a Tommy (PLATONIC OFC 🔫) hc or drabble or whatever of like Reader getting very badly hurt and just Tommy like getting the hell scared out of him and being kinda protective over the thing??? Like reader is like “ah yea, don’t worry, it’s just a Lil wound” and Tommy is like “WHAT THE FUCK”
Requested By: Anonymous
You knew Tommy was coming before he even entered the building you were in, you could practically hear his yelling from halfway across the SMP. You felt bad for the messenger, who just so happened to be Ranboo. They already didn’t have the best relationship in the world so this probably only served to damage their friendship. Aside from Tubbo and Ranboo, you seemed to be the one person who actually considered Tommy a friend. You weren’t the only one who felt that connection, you were the only person Tommy really trusted besides Tubbo, he’d protect you with his life. When the teenager first heard the news he started laughing, thinking you were a complete idiot for getting hurt in the first place, however, the moment Tommy heard Dream was responsible the smile was wiped off his face. You were lucky you survived the run-in with the demon, but deep down you know he only hurt you to spite Tommy.
He rushed into your room a frantic look on his face, “You stupid bitch what the fuck did you do?”
Half of your head was wrapped in bandages and your entire arm was wrapped in a tight hand-made sling. “Nice to see you too fuckhead, very warm welcome. I’m doing great by the way.”
“Shut the fuck up!” He shrieked rocking on his heels very clearly trying not to touch your wounds and check them out himself. The both of you stared at each other for a moment before he huffed softly, Tommy rubbed the back of his neck before speaking up, “You alright?”
He watched your face soften a little, “I’m alright. Tubbo patched me up good, he stepped out to go collect more healing potions.” You used your good hand to give him a thumbs up. Tommy winced a little seeing the bruising that even littered your good arm as well as, he’d kick Dream’s green ass.
“What caused the green bastard to kick your ass exactly?”
“Didn’t Ranboo tell you?”
“Fuck no I ran away from him. He’s freaky as fuck.” You frowned and he narrowed his eyes, “He is!”
“He’s my friend.”
“Doesn’t mean he’s mine bitch.”
“Whatever,” You rolled your eyes leaning back against the pillow on your bed, Tommy sat down beside you. “I may or may not have tried to challenge him to a duel to try and win one of your discs back. I was hoping to get Mellohi because we liked listening to it together-”
“You WHAT!” He interrupted with a shriek his eyes blown wide, “You really are the dumbest person I know holy shit!” Tommy narrowed his eyes at you and you refused to look at him, he grabbed your cheeks forcing you to look at him. “Why would you ever think challenging Dream for me was a good idea?” He asked confused his heartbeat rapidly in his chest.
Was this what someone being genuinely kind to him felt like? He hated it, absolutely not worth it.
Tommy hesitated watching your eyes become slightly wet, almost worse than feeling affection was having to deal with others crying. “I just am so sick of everyone treating you like you don’t matter! You do matter and your feelings matter! People shouldn’t just take your shit and hold it against you for no reason, we’re fucking kids man!” You choked covering your mouth with your good hand, your chest began to rapidly rise and fall. Tommy knew enough to know what a panic attack looked like. “We don’t deserve this! I just want to go have fun and make mistakes and not fucking worry about someone banishing us because of it!” Tears began to roll down your cheeks at this point, you couldn’t seem to stop yourself, “Why is everyone here so fucking horrible?” Tommy’s eyebrows shot up onto his forehead and he stiffly wrapped his arms around your shoulders. He felt you tense a little but didn’t remove his arms, eventually, you melted in them and hugged him back just as tightly. You murmured a soft, “thanks, Big T.” Tommy grumbled in response,
“That’s enough mushy shit got it. I…” Tommy looked around rapidly for a moment before whispering, “you’re right. shit isn’t fair. But the fact is we can’t change it, only do our best to fight against it.” He sighed softly, “but I don’t want you fucking fighting Dream for me. That’s my battle and I’m going to be the one to kill the fucker got that?” Tommy narrowed his eyes at you and you laughed weakly.
“Got it, Big T. Trust me. I’m staying far away from him from now on.”
“Good.” He flicked your forehead causing you to yelp in pain, and him to snicker.
“You have to promise me something in return though,” Tommy stopped his laughter before he raised a suspicious eyebrow. “You can’t go after Dream to defend my honor or whatever.”
“Of course I won’t. I don’t care about you that much. Don’t flatter yourself.”
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, they’re onto me, fuck.’ He watched as you narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously, he began to sweat nervously and adjusted the bandana around his neck.
“I’m trusting you not to be stupid.”
“I’m Tommy Danger Kraken Innit of course I’m not going to be stupid! I’m never stupid, I leave that to Wilbur and Technoblade. Duh.” He watched your shoulders shake with laughter and he smirked proudly.
“Alright Tommy, you win. I’ll stop questioning you,” You hummed softly leaning the good side of your head against his shoulder. He smiled softly down at you as you closed your eyes, he stayed by your side as you fell into a deep sleep.
Tommy was for sure going to take his revenge on Dream for hurting you one way or another. He’d just have to make sure you never found out about it, that couldn’t be too hard right?
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soothinglee · 2 years
can I request c!tommy hcs (or anyone else with this concept) for him with a reader who does pvp and the reader sees him for the first time and it’s like “oh I’m ur bodyguard now” so they just rock anyones shit if they’re a threat to Tommy’s well-being
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warnings:: curse words, bullying, etc.
parings:: tommyinnit x reader (c!annon, p!latonic)
genre:: fluff, angst.
summary: when tommy can't defend himself, he needs someone else to do it for him.
a/n:: thank you for the request, I hope its up to your standards! (also sorry about the double line, they won't go away :(.
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m.list - ask - series m.list
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it was known throughout the whole server that you were a pro at pvp.
you could take down anybody no matter the height, weight, or skill.
but you still needed practice, some help mastering a move that kept tripping you up. So, you asked Technoblade for help.
and he was more than happy to. you guys practiced outside of his home, it was a undisturbed place with very few people, meaning less distractions.
or so you thought.
Philza had been sitting on the steps watching as Technoblade stood behind you- guiding your legs and hands to where they needed to be.
when out of nowhere from inside the house the sound of crashing and glass breaking caught Philzas attention.
Tommy waddled out with a pan on his head and his arms and torso stuck through a wooden chair.
he ignored Philzas questions and stared as Techno let go of your arms and watched as you swung your sword while simultaneously ducking and flipping.
but you stopped when the glare of the pan in the sunlight caught your eye. You bring your hand up to cover it up and laugh.
the sight of him in such a puzzle told you that he most likely did this a lot, and from what you heard from techno he wasn’t one for defending himself physically.
so you took it upon yourself to be the one to “rock anyones shit” if they messed with him (thanks anon)
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when he got bullied by dream and was shoved to the ground and you appeared behind him like a goddamn ender man- tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned the first thing he came in contact with was your fist.
if wilbur was ever being a absolute idiot and just started being a prick towards tommy (but never laid a finger on him) you’d give him a small slap on the cheek.
not enough to hurt but enough to let him know that he shouldn’t act like that towards him.
you always followed him everywhere just be safe. you had no way of communicating to each-other if something was wrong so you opted to following him around.
you sneak behind him, he knows where you are but never said anything- just taking in your presence.
if you were shorter than him and something went wrong you'd unsheathed your sword, slowly revealing it along with yourself from behind tommy, while he smirked.
if you were taller though, the person messing with him could already see you, you didn't even have to pull out our sword.
just pull that creepy ass anime smile and then you're good.
on occasion tommy would get insecure because he had to have someone else take care of him and protect him.
that added more stuff to the things he'd get bullied for.
honestly, it'll only take some kind words of encouragement to get him back to his snarky, arrogant self.
"if it makes you feel better, I could teach you how to fight? So you can defend yourself!"
tommy grins, grabbing your sword from off the table, "aw that's so badass! I can go swoosh then swoosh and-" the weight of it immediately weighs him down and both crash to the floor.
you suck your teeth, bending over slightly to pick it up from his hands, "yeah, lets just start with the basics."
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dat-bruv-person · 3 years
Tommy: Y/n, I want a pony for Christmas.
Y/n, on one heart: I don't even think I'll make it to Christmas-
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yettobedetermined7 · 2 years
Imagine hanging out with Tommy on his birthday
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Happy birthday Tommy!
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I'm Back~
Platonic Bench Trio x Reader
Yandere Wilbur x Reader
Part 2 Part 3
Summary- The Bench Trio protect you from Wilbur after you tell them what he did to you.
Warnings- Implied past abuse, trauma, panic attacks mentioned, cursing.
Author's note- I will be starting a tag list, check out this post on how to join! Also, I finished this last night, the same day I started writing-
Y/N was with Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo, they were having a sleepover and you all decided to play Truth or dare.
"Tommy, truth or dare?" Tubbo asked.
"Dare! Big men like me never choose truth!"
"Yeah because you can never tell the truth," Y/N said, causing Tubbo and Ranboo to laugh.
Tommy blushed in embarrassment as he gently punched Y/N's shoulder.
"Shut up," Tommy mumbled, still embarrassed.
"Hm... I dare you to prank Technoblade," Tubbo said.
"T-Techno?" Tommy asked, clearly being nervous.
"Well you're a big man right? Big men aren't pussies!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Phil yelled from downstairs.
"SORRY!" They yelled.
"Just go do it, it won't hurt you," Ranboo said.
"Have you seen Techno? He could kill all of us in a second."
"Eh, just go," Y/N said, pushing Tommy out of the room.
Tommy stumbled as he watched Tubbo, Ranboo and Y/N peek their heads out from the door. Tommy began to walk into Techno's room, slowly opening the door to see if Techno was there. After seeing no one, he walked in and looked around. He checked Techno's closet, under his bed, Techno's bookshelf, and even some of his chest. And then, Tommy found Techno's friendship emerald Phil gave him.
Snickering, he grabbed it and shoved it into his pocket, and as he turned around he was greeted with an axe.
"TECHNO! My old friend!" Tommy said.
"What are you doing in my room Tommy?" Techno asked.
"Well I mean what are all of us doing in this h-"
"Tommy. Put it back."
"Yes yes good friend! So sorry," Tommy said quickly as he placed it back on the dresser.
Tommy ran out and ran back to his room, hearing Techno slam his door shut. When he got back Y/N, Ranboo and Tubbo were laughing.
"That didn't sound like it went well," Ranboo said.
"Oh shut up ender boy!"
Tommy sat back down with a huffy while the others calmed down. Then, Ghostbur floated by with Friend.
"What are you guys doing?" Ghostbur asked as he entered the room.
"Truth or dare, wanna join us?" Ranboo asked.
Tommy noticed that when Ghostbur entered the room, Y/N started to act differently, they were bouncing their leg and biting their nails as they stared directly at Ghostbur, not even blinking, as if to make sure he didn't do anything.
"No thank you, I have to take Friend on walk."
Ghostbur waved goodbye to everyone before he left. Tommy looked to Y/N who went back to normal, while Ranboo thought about who to pick.
"You ok Y/N? You were acting odd when Ghostbur was here."
"Acting weird? What do you mean?"
"I- You know what, forget it, it's not that important."
"Tubbo, truth or dare?"
"Hm... truth."
"Pussy!" Tommy said.
"I'm not a pussy, I just don't want Techno to kill me!"
"Hm... Did any pranks you and Tommy pulled ever go wrong."
"Oh god!" Tubbo said, shifting his weight he wasn't sitting in his legs.
"There was a lot, but this one if funny as hell. Before the L'manberg wars and everything, we decided to prank Jack Manifold, uh, so we thought we dyed Jack's uniform, but uh, Jack was washing his so we ended up dying Tommy's instead... Niki was not happy since those uniforms took a while to make."
"I still have it too!" Tommy said, pulling out a plastic bag.
Tommy opened the bag and pulled out a L'manberg uniform that was covered with orange, pink, blue and red dye. Tommy placed the bag back in and went to the bathroom to wash his hands, since the dye got on his hands.
"I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be back," Y/N said, standing up and leaving the room.
When they left they ran into Ghostbur who was just about to leave.
"Y/N, hello! How are doing my beloved?" Ghostbur asked with a smile.
Y/N instantly got nervous as they stopped.
"I uh, I'm kinda in a rush."
"Is something wrong? Here, have some blue," Ghostbur asked.
Y/N looked at the blue and just looked at the ground. Ghostbur didn't do anything wrong, it was all... his, fault. But Ghostbur just looked too much like... him, it just brought back unwanted memories that still gives them nightmares.
"I don't want your blue Ghostbur..."
"Y/N, are, are you, scared of me..." Ghostbur asked, his eyes holding sorrow.
"Ghostbur I'm sorry... I know you didn't do anything and I know your not like... him, but, you look too much like him, whenever I hear you or whenever I see you, you remind me of... him, you bring back so much unwanted memories, and you remind me of my greatest fear, him coming back, him being around me, him touching me again, it, it makes me want to throw up. I still hear his voice at night, taunting me... Ghostbur, I know your a good guy but, you just remind me of... him, too much. I know you don't know what he did, and it makes me fucking pissed, but I know it isn't your fault... Maybe one day, once I heal, maybe we could be friends, but, I don't think that'll happen..."
Ghostbur stood there, not knowing what to do, he wanted to hug and apologize for... his, actions, but he knew that they wouldn't forgive... him. Ghostbur just walked out with Friend, waving goodbye before closing the door. Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo stood at the staircase stunned.
"I didn't want you three to find out... But even if I did, I wouldn't want you to find out about it like this,"Y/N said, not looking that the teens.
"Y/N, who's 'he,' what did he do?" Tommy asked.
Y/N didn't want to say his name, it scared them, but they knew Tommy, so they had to swallow their fear.
That was months ago, now Y/N was in the remains of L'manberg, Tommy said he was going to kill Dream in prison, they didn't think it was a good idea but, Tommy was maturing, meaning he didn't need constant supervision, he can hold his own now.
Y/N looked at the guitar they had, when L'manberg was first founded, Wilbur taught Y/N how to play the guitar. As much as Y/N hated Wilbur, L'manberg was a place they enjoyed. "Well, I've heard there was a special place, Where men could go and emancipate, The brutality and the tyranny of their rulers. Well, this place is real, we needn't fret-"
"With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret, It's a very big and not blown-up L'Manberg"
Y/N froze when they heard another voice from behind them, they stopped playing the guitar as they slowly turned around, seeing the last man they would ever want to see, Wilbur. Wilbur had a white streak in his hair and wore the same coat he wore during Pogtopia, except, it was a trenchcoat. Wilbur smirked as he took a step towards Y/N.
"13 and a half years, and you still as good as the day I met you," Wilbur said, taking another step forward.
Y/N was too scared to move, they dropped the guitar as it shattered into pieces.
"Come here, you're not going to give me a hug?" Wilbur asked, opening his arms.
"N-No... Stay away," Y/N said, taking a step back.
Wilbur's smirk disappeared as he looked at Y/N, he brought his arms into his pockets as he walked towards you.
"What? I've been dead for 13 and a half fucking years! I LOST MORE THAN A WHOLE DECADE OF MY LIFE, AND I ASK YOU FOR A HUG AND YOU DON'T GIVE ME ONE?! You're such a selfish ungrateful bitch," Wilbur said, stepping closer to them.
"No... I'm not! I'm not! He's just manipulating you again, it's not true, it's all lies," Y/N said, gripping their shirt.
"And you're lying to yourself too, great... Do I really have to train you again, do I really have to claim you again so you get it through you thick fucking skull?!" Wilbur asked, as he got dangerously close.
"No, stay away, stay the hell away from me. You abused me for years, I don't want to deal with it again."
"When did I ask if you want it or not? Y/N, love, you're literally a waste a space without me. You'd be a nobody without me. Only I ever cared about and everyone who said so were lying to you. I'm sorry to break it to you. Now, am I getting that hug or what?" Wilbur asked.
Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo all ran as fast as they could, they all knew where Y/N was and they knew who Wilbur was going after. Tommy got there first saw what happening, Y/N pinned against a wall with Wilbur dangerously close to them, he was too late, but Tommy didn't care. Tommy ran in front of Y/N and shielded them with his body while Ranboo and Tubbo caught up and guarded them from the side. All three of them staring daggers at Wilbur.
"Get the fuck away from them you fucking prick," Tommy demanded.
"Tommy, so glad to see you! Me and Y/N were chatting before you rudely interrupted us."
"Cut the bullshit Wilbur, Y/N told us everything. They told us what you did to them, and how you fucking abused and manipulated them through out your entire relationship, you fucking traumatized them so bad that they can't even hear or say your name without going into a panic attack!" Tubbo said.
Wilbur glanced at Y/N with anger and death in his eyes, which made Y/N flinch since they saw that glare only once, and the outcome was not nice to say the least.
"Did they now?" Wilbur asked, a smirk slowly starting to form.
"We aren't letting you hurt or touch them again, leave," Ranboo said, glaring at Wilbur.
Wilbur began to laugh, leading to the three teens getting more pissed off.
"What's so funny?!" Tommy asked.
"You think Y/N can escape me? Y/N belongs to me, I own them, they're my fucking toy! They're useless without and they know it! You think you can protect Y/N? Think again, one day Y/N will be back in my arms, and when that day comes, no one will see them again. Even when I was dead I still played a part in their actions, EVEN WHEN I WAS DEAD I COULD STILL CONTROL THEM! YOU THINK WATCHING THEM 24/7 WILL PROTECT THEM?! I've reprogrammed their brain so many times, even when I'm dead my words still haunt them. I may not be there physically, but that doesn't mean I still can't hurt them, but since you want to protect them so bad, keep them. I'll get them back soon, and once I do, they won't be the same. Oh, and Y/N, don't forget what's on your stomach, can't have my dear forgetting what's on there," Wilbur said, before lighting a cigarette and walking away.
Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo were petrified from what they heard, they couldn't even move. Y/N sunk to they floor and cried, fear washing over them. The teens snapped out of it and turned to see Y/N crying. Y/N did so much for them, they protected them and even sacrificed one of their lives for them, and what do they get? Abused and traumatized by their 'boyfriend.' Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo all hugged Y/N and comforted them. Even if Y/N wasn't going to be safe from Wilbur, they're going to protect them the same way they protected them.
Y/N felt sick as they ran a hand over their stomach, the letters W-I-L-B-U-R could be felt as they ran over the letters. Y/N still remembers the pain it felt. Wilbur had no intention of stopping until you were covered in blood, and he only stopped because you passed out from blood lost, so he left it at Wilbur.
Wilbur looked at a picture of him and Y/N and blushed with obsession as he began to drool, Y/N was always going to be his, and he knew he would always get them back. Just let the words he told them for so many years replay in their head, they'll come back once they break, they always do...
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a-jynx · 3 years
Hi love! How are you today? Also, I have a request for you. What do you think about, Platonic!Tommy x Reader, where they are bestfriends, and Tommy catches a cold, and gets all clingy with the reader, and ends up falling asleep in their arms. While he is asleep, reader goes live on insta, or tiktok, you choose, and “makes fun if him” for “not being clingy”. Just two best friends cuddling, ya know? 😅 (but nothing sexual)
Hello, hello dearest! I am doing pretty well, I hope you’re doing well! And I genuinely love everything about this request - it’s too adorable! Sick!Tommy definitely needs all the bestie cuddles he can get :D So I hope I do this request justice and thank you so much for the request !! <3
Platonic!Tommy x reader (I wasn't sure if you wanted C!Tommy or CC!Tommy, so I went with CC!Tommy since the Content Creators are who I've been writing for, however I can rewrite this! ) *Especially if against boundaries*
You knew! You absolutely knew when Tommy told you about going to the water course, on a partially frigid day, something was going to happen, now look where he was… Acting like a whiny, snot-nosed toddler.
“Y/nnnnn,” Tommy’s voice trailed from your bed, making you shift in your seat to see the tall blond sprawled out against your covers, groaning and sniffling. “Tom, if you get as one drip of snot on my sheets,” your warning - of course - fell to deaf ears as he sat up, groaning from what you could tell was the sinus pressure and headache. “Would you like me to turn off the lights?” You murmured, hoping to not agitate his ache more than it already was, however, he gently shook his head.
“No, but forget your stupid editing for two seconds and come ‘ere,” he all but coughed as you winced, hearing the rawness in his throat and with the soft lights you could see his eyes were slightly red and teary, as well as nose blushed red from blowing it. You couldn’t help the roll of your eyes as you pushed your chair back, shaking your head at your ill best friend with a tut. You flopped onto the bed, causing him to jump with the impact with an annoyed huff - glancing at you with a frown. “That ‘stupid editing’ I’m doing is actually for your stupid channel, so watch it or I’ll corrupt all your files,” you bit, wiggling your fingers towards him, attempting to possible irritate him, but he just pushed your hand away and scooted back against your mountain of pillows with a groan. You laid next to him, pressing your shoulders together as you both stared at the dinghy ceiling.
“You wouldn’t dare,”
“Try me, big man,” you both broke into grins at the nickname as Tommy broke out into a fit of coughs, making you frown. Scooting closer, you wrapped him into a hug, not minding the warmth from his hoodie. He slumped into you, sighing as you both laid peacefully. It didn’t take long for Tommy’s snores to rattle you, blinking as you glanced at him - his mouth parted and a bit of drool sliding down his chin.
“Gross,” you rolled your eyes, grabbing your phone from it’s charging port with a wicked grin. Opening your phone, you maneuvered yourself to be comfortable with the weight of the lanky blonde boy in your arms as you clicked onto TikTok, grinning as you clicked the Go Live.
Viewers began to pour in as you glanced between the “hello” and “hi’s.” Since becoming one of Tommy’s few editors, and even jumping onto the bandwagon of streaming - you gained a following quickly.
“Hey, guys!” You whispered, keeping your voice a low hum as Tommy moved, somehow cuddling closer as you snickered, attempting to keep the phone steady on the two of you. “I’m a bit pinned down at the moment, so Tommy’s new video may take a bit to go out! But, how’re you all today?” You watched chat - catching a few ‘good!’ and ‘better now.’ You were thankful for the community you gained - yes, it may’ve been because your best friend was a well-known streamer, but you could care less! You were proud to be by Tommy’s side as he accomplished his biggest dreams, and you couldn’t be happier for him.
“Yes, Tommy is with me, chat - I know! Look at this absolute teddy bear! He’s like a child with a death grip on their mother’s arm!” You snickered, as the chat agreed adding a few ‘haha’s’ and laughing emojis as a few questions came in, leaving you to answer a few while adding a few jabs at Tommy for clinging to you when he always mentions how ‘big man’ and ‘macho’ he is. It was the perfect opportunity!
“I’ve known Tommy for awhile - we knew each other from when we were younger and sort of became inseparable,” you giggled, remembering how Tommy used to ask you for help to reach his juice cup or the cookie jar, but now you’re always asking for help from your tree-height best friend. “Plus, he’s the one that pushed me to get into editing and streaming - so we all have him to thank for pushing me out of my comfort zone.” You smiled as an annoyed groan came from beside you, making you freeze as chat began to spam ‘HE’S WAKING UP’ and ‘RUN Y/N RUN!!!’
Tommy moved to sit up carefully, his yawn even sounding scratchy as he coughed some, mindful to keep it away from you. He blinked, his eyes switching between your slightly widened eyes and the TikTok live stream, as well as chat still spamming for you to quickly book it while you still could.
“Y/n…” Tommy hummed with his hoarse voice, the scratch in it as you slowly began to sit up, moving to try and give yourself at least a small chance to run. “Why’re you live… On the TikTok community… Hm?” Each word came out a bit breathless as you could barely contain your grin, sitting up on one of your knees while your foot grazed the floor.
“Tommy, Tomathy, Tom Simons, Big Man, come on,” you giggled, moving your hands up to keep him back if he tried to grab you. “It’s nothing!”
Your persuasive argument - you really tried to get out of that one - didn’t work as he reached for you, only to be pulled off the bed as you leaned back to get away from him. A shout came from both of you as you landed on your thankfully carpeted floor - chat was spamming as you and Tommy groaned, laying in defeat beside one another as he reached over, ending your little live as you turned towards him, grinning.
“A TikTok live? Seriously?” Tommy groaned, dropping his head back against the plush carpet as you broke into a fit of giggles. “What?” He huffed as you wiped at a fake tear, gesturing towards his face as he frowned, reaching up and wiping away a thick line of drool that had clung to his chin.
Your soft laughter caused him to break out into a smile, joining in on the laughter as he rolled his eyes as you both held your sides, still laughing before you both settled into the soft flooring, your shoulders touching as you sighed, glancing outside. The sun had begun to set, leaving the room in a soft light - you knew Tommy had another vlog to do tomorrow with Jack, Tubbo and Ranboo. You turned towards him, smiling softly as Tommy glanced at you, still holding a bit of a frown.
“You’ve got a busy day tomorrow,”
“At least I’m not stuck editing,” he snickered as you punched his shoulder, making him cry out and rub at the wound.
“What the fuck!”
“I should make you edit your own vlogs, dickhead,” you groaned, moving to sit up as he followed your lead, huffing as he began to massage his temples. The reason why he came over suddenly came back to you.
“Shit, what’re you going to do about tomorrows’ vlog? You’re still sick,”
“I’m a big man, Y/n, I think I can handle a head cold-”
“Yeah, okay, not even half an hour ago you were whining and grumbling about your much your head hurt and how much you needed your best friend,”
“Aye! Don’t make me sound like a pussy!” He grumbled as you rolled your eyes, snatching your phone and flopping back onto your bed, going onto Twitter to see all of the screen records and clips your fans had gotten from your small live. Tommy sat on the floor glaring at you before standing, still glaring before attempting to climb over your comforted body.
“Tomathy!” You growled as he flopped back into his previous spot, snuggling into the comforting feel of your pillows and even your own warmth. It felt comforting for him to feel your precious, but he’s not a pussy so he’ll never admit it.
“Are you done?”
He side-eyed you, pursing his lips with a huff. Not answering as you rolled your eyes before returning to your hunt on Twitter. Tommy side-eyed you again, before scooting closer and watching a few of the clips with you. Tommy couldn’t hold back the scoff as there was a picture of him practically on top of you as you tried to speak to your chat.
“I am so sick of you,” he suddenly grunted as you glanced at him, rolling your own eyes while closing your phone and staring at the ceiling, once more that evening.
“I know you’re not, you can’t lie to your best friend, TommyInnit,” you scoffed as he sighed, closing his eyes as you felt your own body slowly become warm and comfy on your comforter, sighing as you and Tommy both began to drift asleep.
“You’re right.. But, I don’t see Tubbo here,” he mocked, his eyes still closed as you snapped open your eyes, frowning. You moved around some before snatching one of your smaller pillows and smacking it against his chest, causing him to yell out again.
“Now, I’M sick of you,” you huffed, settling in and closing your eyes as Tommy scoffed, as you two settled in, too tired for any more bickering and allowing you both to find comfort in your best friends arms once again - this time no lives, no chats, and no more annoying sniffles.
a/n; I hope you enjoyed this anon! I definitely loved writing this, and I hope to see more requests in the future!
Until tomorrow, I hope you all have a beautiful day! ~ J
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angstyx · 3 years
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Better than the Queen
CC!Dream x Reader, CC!Tommy x Reader (platonic)
Word Count: 930+ words
Summary: Dream reveals you as his girlfriend and Tommy talks to them
TW: cursing
Requested?: [Yes] [No]
Part two // ty for so much support on this fic! <3
Masterlist // Rules for Requesting
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“Dream! I bet you never had a girlfriend before, I’m sure I have lots of women who want to be mine!” Tommy laughs as Dream rolls his eyes. They were voice chatting while Tommy was streaming a game, most likely Minecraft. Dream wanted to show you off so badly, to prove Tommy wrong that in fact he does have a girlfriend but was that the right decision to make? By now he was getting slightly annoyed at Tommy for his taunting.
You walked up the stairs, a water bottle in one hand while some snacks in the other. Clay was in his room for a while now. He never left to get something to eat so you decided to bring him some food up instead. Knocking on the door, you waited for a “come in!” before heading inside.
“Hey babe” You smile at him as he kisses your cheek. “I’ve brought some food for you.” You place the items on his desk and was about to head out when you hear a loud voice. “Is that a woman? Dream who’s in your room?!?” You look at your boyfriend to see his eyes widen and body tense up. He quickly turns around on his chair so he was facing his computer and checks discord. He didn’t mute himself.
He silently curses at his mistake as you walk towards him. “Is everything alright babe?” You hear a quiet voice coming from his headphones but you could only make out the words, “Dream,” “who is,” “room,” and “woman.” You quietly put the words together and gasp, “Babe did you not...” You gesture towards his computer that was on the discord tab. He silently nods. You sigh, Dream didn’t introduce you to anyone except his close friends yet so whenever he’s streaming or making a video with people that didn’t know about you, you had to be quiet.
You hear the same voice coming from your boyfriend’s headphones again, this time you could hear it clearly, “Dream! Can you tell the person in your room if I can talk to them!” You raise an eyebrow at Clay, who looked at you for your answer. You thought about it, you could just say no and Clay would just tell whoever he was chatting to that no-one was in his room and nobody would know about you... but what’s the fun in that?
You smile at Clay and nod your head. He unmutes himself and replies back to the person who you still didn’t know the name of, “Fine, be nice to them tommy.” You giggle at your boyfriend as he gets up from his chair and hands you the headphones. Sitting down, you unmute yourself, “hello?” “HELLO ARE YOU DREAM’S GIRLFRIEND?” You wince at how loud the person was as you turn down the volume on Clay’s computer. “Er yes.. who are you?”
Since you were on Clay’s computer, you could play Minecraft. Waiting for it to load, you hear the person reply, “My name’s Tommy! You can also call me big man or wife haver!” You were about to question his choice on names when Minecraft finished loading. “Cool.. I’m going to join Minecraft right now... wait what’s the dream smp?”
You heard banging from big m- er tommy and then shouting, “You don’t know what the fucking dream smp is?!?” You shook your head, “I only know a little about it.” You hear Tommy laugh as you roll your eyes. “Dream’s the creator of the world and you’re his girlfriend and yet he never told you anything about it? Impossible” Clicking on the world that was called “Dream Smp”, you spawn in.
“TommyInIt has joined the world.”
You look down at the corner of your screen to see Tommy join in as well. “Let me tour you around then!” You raise an eyebrow at his enthusiasm and realize that he can’t see you. “Cool,” you replied, oh were you in for a ride.
While being toured around, you saw some people. Some of them you recognized while others you had no idea who they were so Tommy helped you by telling you their names. You and Tommy had also made some jokes during the tour, making both of you guys laugh. He showed you the places where the most well-known events happened and even gave you history on them as well. Overall, you thought the tour was a success since you didn’t do something you weren’t supposed to do.
At the end of the tour, you two ended up at Church Prime. “Come over here and ring the bell!” You walked over to where Tommy was and rang the bell a few times. “What’s this for?” You questioned. “When you’re streaming and you’re not reaching your sub count, you ring the bell here and subs will appear!” He replied back. You freeze. “Wait.. you’re streaming? You never told me!” Tommy’s laugh could be heard. “Sorry about that, I forgot to tell you.” You sigh, at least you didn’t say anything that would be clipped.
“Is dream there?” You turn around, dream was laying on his bed scrolling through his phone. “No, he’s on the bed. Why?” “I didn't want him to hear me say that you’re my new favorite woman.” You laugh, “Really? Even better than the queen?” You heard of his 'obsession' with the queen so you decided to tease him. Tommy was quiet as he thought about it.
"Actually yeah! You're better than the queen! Pog!" You laugh at his answer, totally not expecting it at all. "Really? I guess I'll take that as a compliment then."
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Part two ♡
Taglist: @thenotsohottopic @0-0littlem0-0 @alec-lost-bee @bi-narystars @707xn @sakurapartridge
Send me an ask or dm to be added to my taglist! :)
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
Sisterinnit hcs
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word count: 501
just to clarify you are younger than tommy by like 1 year so you are 16
you cause fucking chaos on the dream smp, like when you catch tommy stream minecraft, you just get a chair and sit next to him, and just reek fucking havoc everywhere, from gogy’s house, to the prison, just everyone on the dream smp
you would not know minecraft, so he would try to teach you“NOOO Y/NN RIGHT CLICK RIGHT CLICK.”
damn you was so bad, that you actually raged-quit, talk about innit genes am i right (better like my joke bitch /j)
also, you didn’t know that they did rp on the dream smp, so one time you catched dream yelling at tommy“don’t fucking talk to my brother like that bitch, i’ll ruin your entire career.”damn, you are really tommyinnit’s sister
“uhhh, y/n, yaknow that this is rp right?”
you were so fucking embarrased, you fucking sprinted out of tommy’s room like naruto
you could hear tommy from your room laughing so you yelled so loud that the queen of england could hear it praise the queen, even though i’m american :(
“shut the fuck up bitch, i’ll tell mom what you did last night.”damn he shut up so fast, i don’t know what
you would steal his hoodies, since it was FUCKING cold in your guys’ house
“where the fuck is my hoodie, Y/NNN.”“yess tommy?” you would quietly say so he wouldn’t know where you were
then he would find you, you don’t wanna know what he would do to you, jk i’ll tell you, he will purposely try to get you in trouble, since you were a master black belt in karate and you could EASILY break his bones in one go :]
“hey mom, did you know that y/n actually crashed your car yesterday?”obviously this was false since you didn’t even know how to drive, nonetheless have a permit, also your a mommy’s girl (milfs am i right)
“hey mom, did you know that tommy is a bitch?”he would chase you around the house after that statement
overall, in general, in conclusion, the last thing i have to say, is that even though you fight literally almost every single day of your life, you guys are inseparable, like ham and cheese, hamburgers and hotdogs, pussies and di- (just ignore that last part)
but anyway back to the topic, even though under that very TOUGH exterior ;), tommy is a sweetheart
he tends to your stupid wounds from doing stupid stuff“how the fuck did you get this scrape?”
“i might have tried to skateboard down a railing.”
even if you side with technoblade on a LOT of matters, he still thinks you’re very pog 👍
you have a great friendship with tubbo and ranboo, it just comes with being siblings with the GREAT almighty tommyinnit.
in the end of the day, both of you love each other so much, and you would trade everything for that great sibling relationship
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littlelizzywastaken · 3 years
Nicknames the SMP gives you
If anyone in this imagine changes their preference on fanfics, I'll remove them imminently <3
Requests are OPEN
Lil mama (don't @ me lol)
Mi Ángel (sorry If i spelt that wrong)
My girl
Lil muffin
My love
My everything
Tommy (platonic)
Ranboo (platonic)
Little one
Tubbo (platonic)
Partner in crime
My best friend
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death-moth · 3 years
The Wiccan Next Door - New Places
CC! Tommy
Part 1
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Moving houses isn’t too fun when you have to make new friends but then there’s the neighbours kid
No pronouns used, will be gender neutral in the future parts
TW: Swearing and mention of a cult
This was supposed to be a one part but then i though ‘Why not give myself a challenge that i might regret later’!
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You sighed as you plugged the lag plug into the socket before leaning back in your chair. It had been a whole day of unpacking after finally moving into your new house. Well, your parents house but you get the idea.
A glare from the window caught your attention and so you made your way over. Looking out, you can see that the neighbours kid is screaming away at their PC. You snort and shake your head before closing the blinds. It’s definitely not the weirdest thing you’ve seen, in fact, you’ve definitely done weirder things.
You plop down onto your bed before picking up your phone and going onto Twitter.
 Wick @burntoutcandle
Hey guys! No stream tonight, I’m burnt out, but I’ll be back to things tomorrow night!
 Once the tweet is sent out, you scroll on Tik Tok for way too long before going to sleep.
 “It’ll be a good way to make new friends!” Your mum explains as she hands you a loaf of freshly made banana bread. You take it and softly sigh.
“Alright, alright.” You give her a pointed look, “But if the kid is an asshole can I throw this at them?”
She gives you the same look back, a small smile working it’s way onto her face. “Just a little bit.”
“Yes!” You celebrate as your mum laughs at you fondly.
She steers you to the door and opens it for you, “Just remember, if they seem sketchy in any way, you come back home as fast as you can okay?”
You salute her, “Yes ma’am!” She snickers and nudges you out of the doorway before closing the door.
Now in a better mood, you make your way up to the front of the neighbours house and knock the door. You’re only standing there for a couple of seconds before a woman opens the door.
“Hi! Me and my family just moved in next door yesterday and my mum wanted me to come over and give you this loaf of banana bread.” The woman has a smile on her face as you continue to ramble. “Just a ‘get to know the neighbours’ loaf.”
She lets out a small laugh, “Well come on in then, I’ll get you something to drink and we can dig into that loaf.” She opens the door wider and you step in, feeling awkward now that you’re in someone else’s home. She closes the door and leads you to the kitchen. “Would you like some tea, coffee or a cola?”
You smile at the offer while placing the banana bread on the counter. “Just some cola please.”
Suddenly there’s footsteps barreling down the stairs and a tall teenager makes his way into the kitchen but halts to a stop at seeing you. He looks you up and down, suspicion in his eyes. You smile awkwardly at him.
“You’re the new kid next door right?”  He ask.
“Uh, yeah, I’m (Y/N).” You hold a hand out and he shakes it.
“Tommy.” He looks you up and down again, “You just moved in next door but I’m 113% convinced you’re in a cult.”
His mum turns around sharply at that but you just laugh. “Thanks, I think.” He smiles, seeing that the comment didn’t affect you. “You look like something a cult would summon.” You say jokingly, making him burst out laughing.
Once he calms down, he nods at you, “I feel like we’re going to get along just fine.”
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ayamturd · 3 years
summary: reunited once again, y/n comforts their brother when he needs them the most
warnings: angst to fluff, death, slight spoiler to dsmp
pairing: in-game platonic!tommy 
a/n: sad tommy lore that i was able to tie into ‘safe’ (first pt)
edit: i’m honestly wondering if i should try doing another part to finish off the recent lore with tommy 👀 - send asks if should :3
wc: (1.3k) - m.list
safe - pt one
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Everything hurt until it suddenly didn’t. 
As if a wave of relief consumed his entirety, the pain became numb and every ache slowly washed away. He was floating, his body weightless and drifting in the endless void of darkness. The silence was soft, sound almost nonexistent while evading an empty ringing. When did I fall asleep? 
At the sudden realization, the memories over came him. Tommy panicked at the thought, remembering the last things that had happened to him. He opened his eyes but couldn’t see, fear overtaking him as he tried to yell or move but he could do anything. Nothing. 
Suddenly, he was falling. The feeling of a force dragging him down, gripping him till he couldn’t breathe set fear into him; he felt trapped like in the prison again for it was too dark, no one could hear him scream his heart out in his desperate cries for help, and despite the seemingly endless space, he was enclosed with no where to run. 
As the air picked up and he felt crushed under the heavy pressure above, Tommy anticipated the impact below and shrink into himself before striking the invisible ground. 
A light overwhelmed him and forced his eyes open. Blinking harshly to the immense brightness surrounding him, Tommy opened his eyes to the vast abyss as if he had just woken up. He glanced around him, confused, until a familiar voice spoke up.
“Oh Tommy.”
He froze, turning sharply to the sound. Standing across him was his older sibling, a sad smile adorning their face. They looked idyllic in the reflective white surrounding, standing, breathing, in front of him with their hands to their side. He noticed they were wearing the last thing he saw them, save for the blood, in during the war. Before their death. Scared and disoriented, Tommy started to tear up from the sight of them. 
“You’re not supposed to be here so soon.”
He let out a sob at that, loosing all sense in pride as he bounded forward to embrace them. Y/n anticipated it and wrapped their arms around him tight, pulling the boy’s head into their chest while he whimpered broken cries.
“It’s okay, it’s okay let it out.” He clung onto them firmly, refusing to break his grip like he was afraid they would disappear again. He wept and he wailed, for all the burden stacked against him had finally come undone, the build of expectations to save everyone and everything crashing all down at once. 
Y/n stroked the boy’s hair, Tommy bent down awkwardly to fit within their arms. They both couldn’t care for his height though as y/n held him securely, murmuring small words of reassurances until his cries slowly died down.
“I was all alone,” Tommy whispered, “I was trapped alone with him for so long.” His voiced cracked at the recollection, and Y/n gently hushed him.
“Shhh. I know, I know.”
“H—he… he said everyone left me. That no body cared or would come. He was right…” Y/n’s heart broke from Tommy’s words. He used to be so lively and eccentric, yet the years had worn him down despite being so young to the harshness of the world and the corrupt natures of greed and the evil. Y/n could do nothing but clutch him harder.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you then, but I’m here to hold you now. I’m here, Tommy. I’m here.” Their words only brought more tears, and Tommy continued to cry with deep, shuddered breathes between.
Eventually, he calmed himself to an extent, still clinging to their shirt like a small child hiding from the monsters that live in reality. Tommy buried himself deeper into the safety of y/n’s hold, now taking in their warmth for the fact that he could again. He sighed with content and relief, prompting y/n to feel they could speak their current thought. “You were so brave throughout it all, and you’ve made us so proud.”
Clearing his throat while sniffing slightly, Tommy couldn’t help asking the question and pulled away. “Who’s ‘us’?” 
Y/n chuckled in response and looked past Tommy.
“You didn’t think we’d leave you all on your own now, did you?” For the second time that day, Tommy’s eyes widened and he shifted to look behind him.
There he stood, grinning slightly, puffy hair and all. His eyes were kind and held an old piece of himself again, a piece thought lost to the insanity of man with nothing to gain. “Hello Tommy.”
Unlike with y/n, Tommy couldn’t move, still gaping from the idea his brother was also truly there. His brother as himself nonetheless. Wilbur noted this and chose to walk forwards, positioning himself next to y/n’s side. 
“Wasn’t expecting you here early.” He yelped as y/n glared and smacked his right arm. Wilbur rubbed his side from the strike and whined about his feelings being hurt, however, his smile said otherwise.
“Oh you know I was only joking.” 
Turning back to address Tommy, Wilbur didn’t hesitate to pull the boy in a strong hug. He held his brother’s head into his shoulder crook, with an arm reaching around to steadily lock the boy in place. Tommy lifted his arms to reciprocate the gesture, yet paused with his arms hovering over Wilbur’s shoulders, still in shock. It was only until Wilbur briefly squeezed him that he came to his senses and embraced the tall man. 
They rocked so delicately from side to side, and Tommy almost teared up again at the nostalgic  emotions that overcame him. It had been too long since Tommy was last embraced to feel small and had experienced any physical affection from his older brothers at all. Breathing in while breathing out, Wilbur smelt clean yet with a hint of ash, the scent from his old trench coat reminding Tommy of a past that still remained despite residing in the empty limbo. 
“Didn’t know this is what you meant when saying ‘see you soon’,” Wilbur said, his slight humor muffled against the fabric of Tommy’s shirt. Tommy took a moment before answering.
“Neither did I.” Sensing his internal distraught, Wilbur stepped back to closely observe him. It was there that Wilbur finally noticed the slight bags beneath his eyes and the cloudy film over his pupils, Tommy almost unaware that Wilbur was assessing him as he continued to stare downwards. His brother looked ragged and awful, Wilbur noted, but the most scaring visible factor was how scared Tommy seemed. Even emotionally and physically tired, Wilbur saw how unconsciously tense he was once let go of.
“Tommy.” Tommy faintly nodded, yet his gaze remained fixed. Wilbur shook his shoulders, trying to break him of his trance.
“Tommy, look at me.” The commanding tone in Wilbur’s voice spooked him, and Tommy’s eyes moved around, frightened at the demand. Y/n, who had been standing mere steps away to give them some privacy, rushed towards the pair upon seeing Tommy’s panic. They rested a hand to Wilbur’s shoulder with the other against Tommy’s cheek. Immediately, he relaxed at the touch and bowed his head, eyes closed. 
“You’re alright now, okay? You’re safe.” Without looking at them, Tommy nodded regardless. As Wilbur laid a hand to Tommy’s closets arm, Tommy raised his own hands to grip each of his siblings’ wrists on him, taking in the contact between them. 
“I missed you,” he quietly admitted. “I’ve missed you both so much.” 
Wilbur and Y/n both looked to each other before focusing on Tommy again. 
“There was no need to, Toms, we were always there.” Tommy peered up at the words, slightly lost to their meaning. 
“I made a promise didn’t I? No matter if you couldn’t see us, I said I would be there for you, and we always were until the very end.”
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