#please don’t rb obviously please
dreamlanddoll · 3 months
I want every native English speaker, if you haven’t already, to take a moment to really sit with the fact that every Palestinian currently making donations posts, sending people they don’t know asks, pleading us for help, have to first, translate what they want to say in their heads from their language, to ours, then type it out, which can be a frustrating and for some people lengthy process. A lot of usamericans, and Canadians like myself, are probably, without really knowing it, thinking it’s a given that they should know English, because our internet is so America centred. When no, it’s not, or at least it shouldn’t be. I’ve been listening to a lot about bilingualism, and how for white people, to us, it’s never even a second thought for us that people coming to this country, or people that have internet access even, need to learn to speak English. Whether you realize it or not, a lot of us, I’d say most of us, still have that “well you’re in America so of course you should speak our language” mindset. If you are an immigrant, it is excepted of you, but if you’re say, a middle or upper class white citizen, learning a second language automatically makes you seem more “worldly” and “well rounded” and “intelligent”. We always praise the people who learn it for fun, and not the ones who learn it out of necessity. And obviously none of this is a new take by any means, but I just wanted to bring it back since I feel that it just needs to be recognized. I saw a post recently, on Tumblr, of a what I’m assuming was an American user, saying that they didn’t want to receive anymore messages from people asking for donations because they were broke. And they sounded very frustrated, at least through their tone of text. And a Palestinian user, whose blog I was looking through, responded by condemning them, saying that this person is sending people asks that they do not know, in hopes of receiving any aid, and that their response to that being “I’m broke” was vile and showed how they don’t actually see the gravity of the situation, and I completely agree. And it also just reminded me how, most of these people, do not speak English as a first language, so not only do Palestinians, and not just them, but people in Sudan, Congo, really any country suffering at the hands of colonization, not only have to put themselves out there to millions of people they do not know, they have to make sure that they translate it for us, since English is The Language of the internet. Again, none of this is new information, but I wanted to make this post, as a white person living in Canada, to bring attention to it for other white people in this and other English speaking countries, and not even just white people (though it is mostly us), but any person who is a native English speaker and hasn’t given this much thought, to just.. think about it. Sit with it. Appreciate it without dismissing how fucked up it is. And instead of viewing it as a given that every Palestinian reaching out for help learn English, just recognize the extra work they all have to do on top of already being fucking exhausted all the time, and the real strength and intelligence that that takes. Learning a second language is fucking hard, especially if you have a learning disability (I myself have adhd, and it makes it incredibly hard for me to adapt to new speaking patterns/remembering words), so just… idk, be kind, recognize the duality and strength these people have, and maybe take up learning some phrases/words in Levantine Arabic/Palestinian Arabic. We should all be coming together to try and make things easier for them, yes they are strong, but they shouldn’t always have to be. Humans are not meant to be strong 24/7/365
TDLR; if you’re white, or any native English speaking person, take a minute to sit with the fact that Palestinians asking for help have to translate everything they say from their language to ours, recognize it is fucked up that they even have to do it in the first place while, maybe take up some basic Arabic to help make things more accessible.
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sinnbaddie · 9 months
when sukuna dices teenagers & kills thousands of innocent people: cool and majestic
when geto goes crazy and wants to kill thousands of innocent people: problematic, yucky
Sukuna is a villain and I enjoy him as such. Is what he does morally ok? Absolutely not, but I don’t like him because of his morals. He is a well written villain who has an incredible impact on the mc, the plot, the surrounding characters and the story overall. He’s a vital and interesting piece to the narrative.
No one just “goes crazy” and kills thousands of people and wants to commit genocide. You already have to be a psychopath to do that. The reason I don’t like Geto is because his rationale is deeply flawed, his character writing isn’t nearly as well done, and he’s just a rather boring character. The fandom of Geto is also a factor. To diminish and babyify what he’s done is an incredibly stupid thing to do.
The Geto fandom completely erases what he did / tried to do and just pushes this narrative that he’s a sad soul who fell off the path and should be saved by his “gay lover”. If you believe he could’ve been saved, you completely misunderstand him, which is embarrassing as a Geto stan. Is the Sukuna fandom great? No, i don’t interact much since they’re weird, but I love him for what he is - a bad person, a villain. I’m not morally challenged for liking a villain, but I would be stupid if I liked a villain with faulty reasoning.
To make my like and dislike of these characters based on morals is ignorant and a loss cause. Especially since this is a shonen manga. I never said Sukuna is right either, but hyping a villain who’s entire character is doing what he wants and existing as he is while hating another who wants to commit genocide for punctured reasoning is not bad nor does it make me a bad person.
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jingledbells · 6 months
oh my god can we not have this fucking argument again istfg
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yellowharrington · 7 months
sugar sweet -- carmy berzatto x reader
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pairing + fandom: carmen "carmy" berzatto x reader, the bear fx
word count: ~2.5k
warnings: brief mention of body image issues (not towards reader) and suicide (mikey's death), eating dessert and a lot of food talk, gn!reader (but mention of wearing heels), use of y/n briefly in texts. reader is mentioned as an accountant or adjacent professional person and smoking is mentioned (reader and carmy). please let me know if i missed anything :)
a/n: hey team !! i hope y'all enjoy this fluffy little blorbo about carmy's birthday bc i needed to write about being soft to him. this is an old wip i finally finished so pls rb and leave feedback and comments ily
summary: it's carmy's birthday and you want to make it special for him again.
It’s not that Carmy doesn’t like his birthday.
No, it’s not that. 
It’s just that he’s never had a good one.
When he was 9, his mom tried to make him a birthday cake. French vanilla, with buttercream icing, multicoloured sprinkles on top. But she had somehow managed to get so frustrated that she had thrown the whisk across the kitchen, the burnt cake thrown in the sink, and taken to the backyard for her millionth cigarette of the day. She was breaking down, as usual, and Carmy was the one that had to go out and rub her back and tell her it was fine. That he was fine, that he didn’t matter, and no, she didn’t ruin his birthday. 
When he was 13, he ended up spending the afternoon consoling Natalie in her bedroom, after his mom had again, made a backhanded comment about her body. That yeah, she’d gained weight in her midsection, and yeah, the stress was showing on her hips. She was sobbing into her pillows, clutching her pink sheets and wailing, leaving Carmy with nothing to do but kiss her on the cheek and leave her alone. He assured her, again, that he was fine, that he didn’t matter, and no, she didn’t ruin his birthday. 
And when he’s 24 and scrubbing the floors of The Beef at midnight, sweat dripping down his forehead and into the collar of his shirt. Michael had just died, so yeah, it was a little raw. The fluorescent lights were beating down on his back as he dumped hot soapy water on the floor and scrubbed everything away. Scrubbed away his memories, every Christmas with his brother, every screaming match. He let it all go down the drain. He’s assured himself that he’s fine, he didn’t matter, and no, Michael’s fucking suicide would not ruin his birthday.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
He meets you later that year. Sitting in the park, doing a crossword at 7:00am, your BEC and hot coffee cooling off on the bench beside you. You’re obviously a professional of some kind: tight black slacks and a matching blazer, white dress shirt stretched over your torso, hair pristinely styled. Black heels, he notices, that you’ll switch out in the middle of the day because they squeeze your toes. 
When he sits beside you, you don’t pay him any mind. He’s disheveled, sandy curls pushed back on his head, a grey crewneck sweater over a white t-shirt, collar peaking through at the neck. He sets his identical breakfast next to yours, taking out a cigarette and slipping it between his lips. You look over when he flicks his lighter, a soft exhale leaving his nose. “Oh, sorry,” he takes the cigarette from his lips and wafts the smoke away. “I forgot not everyone in this city smokes.”
You smiled tightly, nodding, letting yourself relax onto the back of the bench. “I don’t mind.” He nodded back to you, letting his hand rest on his knee as he took another drag. “Anything worth reading in there today?” He gestures to the newspaper balanced on your knee. You look at him again, shrugging your shoulders, only to tap your pen against the side of your leg. “No, there never is. I just do the crosswords. You wouldn’t happen to know a 4 letter word for ‘kitchen second in command’, would you?”
He laughs a little, taking another slow drag. “Sous?” You look down at the newspaper, penning in the small boxes, sitting back to smile at him. “Thank you,” you raise your coffee cup to him. “‘m a chef, over at The Beef in River North,” he has a mouthful of his sandwich now, as he points in the general direction of the restaurant. “Oh, yeah, I think you guys catered one of our events one time. It’s like, sandwiches and stuff, right?” He nods, taking a sip of coffee. You follow after him, letting the hot coffee touch your lips. 
“Yeah,” he laughs. “I, uh, just took it over. It’s kind of a shit show right now but we’re tryna fix it.” You unwrap the sandwich and sink your teeth into the soft bagel, covering your mouth before beginning to speak. “What happened to the guy who used to own it? Did you just buy it off of him, or what?”
“He died,” he says, deadpan, letting the cigarette come between his lips again. “He was my brother and uh, yeah - he died.” You nod at your own embarrassment, at the thought of asking a random stranger about his dead brother by accident. “Oh, I didn’t-uh, God - sorry,” you stammer, letting yourself turn towards him. “It’s fine,” he waves the smoke away again. “It’s not a big deal.” You almost laugh at his demeanour, so nonchalant. You pull a cardholder out of your blazer pocket, the small clasp opening. Cream cardstock, black writing - a business card, handing it over to him, but not before scribbling your personal number on the back. “If you need anything, accounting related or otherwise, call me.” He takes it and looks for a second, raising his eyebrow at the pristine card. “I can’t afford you,” he laughs. “No charge. Thanks for the help on the crossword…” you wait expectantly for a name. “Oh, Carmen. Carmy,” he finishes. “Nice to meet you.”
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
It had been a few months since your first meeting. Now, you chose to spend almost every Sunday with him - his one day off. He’d usually make you breakfast, sometimes an omelette with gouda cheese and chives, or fluffy pancakes with a berry compote and homemade whipped cream. For a man that cooked all day, every day, he certainly didn’t mind making any meals for you, especially when you woke up next to him in his old t-shirt and nothing underneath. 
You’d known Carmy for long enough now to have pieced together the whole story - a few nights here and there coming around The Beef after closing had granted you the pleasure of meeting Richie, who Carmy affectionately called Cousin. “He’s a little fucked up,” Richie had told you behind the slightly ajar door of the office, as you sat and waited for Carm to finish up. “With Mikey and everything. He won’t let ‘ya know, but he is. I’m happy he’s got somebody,” he looks back at the kitchen, the usual pots and pans clanging behind him. “You didn’t hear it from me, but it’s his birthday on Sunday,” Richie gets closer to you, his hand coming closer. “Back up Richie,” “Sorry. Force of habit. Do not tell him I told you. Take it to your grave. He likes red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing like a little bitch boy, they’re his favourite, alright?” You nod, looking to see if he was anywhere near. “Heard.”
You catch Marcus on the way out while Carmy fucks with something else in the kitchen. “Hey, Marcus,” you grab his arm, right before he’s about to put a headphone in and start on his way home. “Hey, what’s good?” “I need a red velvet cake recipe. And a cream cheese icing recipe. And a walk through of how to bake a batch of cupcakes. Please.” He nodded slightly, looking down at his phone. “I’ll text you what I’ve got. Is it a special occasion?” You look over at Carmy, who was wiping the sweat from his forehead. “Yeah, uh, it is.”
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
Marcus had let you borrow a few cupcake pans and a package of liners, as well as his KitchenAid stand mixer for the batter. You’d gathered all of the ingredients from the recipe he’d given you, set everything up in your tiny apartment kitchen on the Saturday before Carmy’s birthday, furiously mixing wets and drys in different bowls, sifting flour and separating egg whites from yolks. The cigarette was taught between your lips, tank top strap falling off your shoulder as you slowly began to mix the batter together. 
[Carmen] 11:18pm
How are you baby?
Just finishing up here
You flicked the cigarette ash onto the fire escape as you nodded your head in rhythm with the song on the speaker, letting the batter mix in the background as you started to sift the powdered sugar into the clean bowl. You weren’t even looking at the time until you heard the familiar chime of your phone, sticky floury hands grabbing your cell phone to see the text from Carmy. 
“Shit, fuck,” you turned the mixer off, putting the remnants of your cigarette out in the sink. 
[(Y/N) personal] 11:26pm
Hey, just busy right now
Will text in a bit
Love you
When Carmy reads the text he’s a little… surprised to say the least. For you to have plans on a Saturday night was not unheard of by any means, but it wasn’t what he was expecting. Anxiety creeped up a little, because what could you be doing at 11:30pm?
[Carmen] 11:27pm
Love you too
You ok?
[(Y/N) personal] 11:27pm
Of course
Come over when you’re done
A smile tugs on the corner of his lips as he continues to wipe down the stainless steel counter in front of him, nearly spotless already. Most of the other crew has gone home, save for Marcus in his station proofing his donuts for tomorrow and Richie texting someone at the expo line. He slips his phone in the pocket under his apron, undoing the knot on the back and dropping it in the hamper by the back door. “You guys can lock up, yeah?” Carmy calls, seeing Marcus nod at him and bid him goodnight with a small wave. “Heard,” Richie calls. “‘Night, cousin.”
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
Carmy had called a few times, your phone ringing and ringing, but the chaotic kitchen had forced you to miss the calls. It was past midnight now, and you’d spent your whole day in the kitchen, the night getting away from you way quicker than you had intended. You had a small box in your bedside table, a thin gold chain you hadn’t wrapped for him yet, and your apartment was a fucking mess. Pans and bowls strewn across every surface, flour on the floors and walls, and somehow, and you had cream cheese icing under your fingernails. It was a bit of a mess.
When the icing was done, you managed to squeeze some on the tops of the cupcakes just in time to hear the lock on your door click. You stood, silently, as you heard Carmy quietly kick off his boots. He thought you might be sleeping.
Ha, far from it.
When he rounded the corner, it was a sight to see for sure. Your hands twisted around a makeshift pastry bag, which was really a ZipLoc with a hole cut in the bottom. Apron tied in a bow around your waist, only accentuating the curves of your body. Carmy drinks you in.
“What are you doing?”
You looked at him like a deer in the headlights.
“Yeah. I see that.”
He stepped forward tentatively, an amused smile on his face. His hand reached to the small of your back, a kiss adorning your cheek. 
“Why are you baking?” He takes a finger to the end of the bag, sticking it in his mouth and marvelling at the taste. “Why are you killing it at baking?”
You smiled. “Don’t be mad.”
His eyebrow cocked, noticing the desserts in front of him, really, for the first time since he stepped in the door.
“Fucking Richie,” his hand found his forehead. “Fucker.”
“Happy Birthday, Carm.” You let the bag of icing flop on the stovetop, while your arms wrapped around his neck. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips, slotting them together to quiet the thoughts in his mind. You started to pepper kisses all over his face and neck, giggling between them, before he couldn’t help but burst into laughter himself. 
“He told me they were your favourite, and I asked Marcus for a recipe and I haven’t tried one yet, even!” the words tumbled out of your mouth as he pulled you impossibly closer, swaying a little with you in his arms. 
“Sorry. Richie told me not to make a dig deal, I just thought,” you shrugged, letting your hands slide down his biceps and tracing the faded tattoos there with your pointer finger. “I thought we could make it special again. If you want.”
The wild look in your eyes was enough to have him push forward again, lips crashing into lips, the amalgamation of all the tastes from his day on your tongue.
“Thank you.” He peers over your shoulder at the cupcakes, still in the tin, suddenly very interested in tasting the fruits of your labour.
“Should we try these?” His hand drops effortlessly to your waist, letting his body push past yours. He picks up a cupcake, handing one to you and ‘cheers’ing them playfully. He unwrapped the foil on the outside, sinking his teeth into the soft, sweet dessert. 
“Mmmh,” he moans, letting his eyes roll back into his head slightly. “Wow,” the red colour coats his teeth. “Yeah.”
You nod along with him, your own teeth sinking in. “Oh yeah, I kinda killed it with these.” 
“Hm, wait,” you put the cupcake down, pushing past him. You take the opportunity to put your hand on his broad back, feeling the muscles underneath.
When you return, he’s licking the rest of the icing off of his fingers. The way his lips wrap around his fingers makes your breath hitch.
“Before you say anything, it’s just small, if you hate it you can return it, blah blah blah…” you trail off, but you can’t hide the excitement across your features. 
He pulls open the clamshell box, the gold chain reflecting against the warm lights of the kitchen and dancing along the walls. His lips part slightly, forming an “o” shape, with surprise. 
“You’re…” he seems genuinely speechless. Carmy usually isn’t a man of many words, anyway, but this was noticeably different.
“Do you like it?” Your bottom lip is folded under your teeth in anticipation, eyes flickering up to meet his. 
“You’re perfect,” is all he can say, and you swear you can see his eyes get a little glassy.
“Aw, well, don’t get soft on me now,” you let your arms wrap around him once again, pulling him into a hug this time. Your head fits perfectly into his chest, smelling the distinct scent of his signature cologne, long now covered by the smells of the restaurant. Him.
His nose fits perfectly into the crook of your neck as he leans down, deepening the hug to pull you in impossibly close. His lips latch onto the soft spot beneath your ear, enraptured by your presence. 
For the first time in his life, Carmy is actually going to have a good birthday. 
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
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reguluswife28 · 3 months
Hey can you make a one shot or two parter about regulus and fem reader, arrange marriage trope where regulus is distant due to his past relationship and one day yells at the reader and regrets it? With a happy ending please!! Also I don’t see many RB imagines, so glad you are writing them, okie luv u byeeeee
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I love Reg with all heart so im glad you requested this!
Warnings: angst, fighting(screaming/yelling)
I’m married to Regulus Black. Not by choice though. It was arranged by our parents and it wasn’t a happy marriage. Regulus hated me or atleast he was really distant.
I tried my best to get his attention or even do something with him as husband and wife but he never budged. Today I was trying to get him to do something with me since he had the day off.
“Regulus? Can we please go out and do something? We never do!” I said sitting down next to him as he read a book. “No.” Is all Regulus said causing me to look at him confused.
“What?” I asked sounding a little defeated.
“Don’t you get it?” He asked angrily standing up. “I do not love you!” He now yelled and I winced. “This was only a marriage of convenience! I did not want to marry you!” He snapped viciously and I couldn’t help but start crying.
“Now leave me alone.” He told me not yelling now but still annoyed and angry. “As you wish.” I said getting up and going to our shared bedroom.
I owled the only two people I knew who would let me come over to their house. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.
I couldn’t stand being in the same house as Regulus right now. They’d understand it. As the owl flew off I started packing the absolute necessities.
A few hours later Regulus had not appeared upstairs any and I had not seen him downstairs when I had checked. My owl also reappeared with a letter from Sirius and Remus saying I could come over.
I wrote Regulus a note saying that I was leaving for a few days but not saying where then grabbed my stuff and went to the fireplace.
I grabbed the floo powder and went inside the fireplace. “Lupin-Black house!” I said clearly and dropping the floo powder. As quickly as I did that is as quickly as I appeared in the house.
I stepped out into the living room to be greeted by Remus, Sirius, and shockingly James, Lily, and their baby Harry.
“What did my brother do now?” Sirius asked as they all gave me a quick hug. Lily led me to sit on the couch as I explained. “Your brother doesn’t love me is what he said. Told me to leave him alone when I tried to get him to do something just us.” I muttered as Harry crawled over sitting up in front of me babbling.
I smiled picking him up and holding him in my lap. “My brother has never been one for love. Just a stuck up prick.” Sirius told me and I tried to suppress a laugh.
“You’re just a cute little bundle of joy aren’t you, Harry?” I cooed playing with the child. “That he is.” Said James now sitting next to Lily who was next to me.
“You two are sure I can stay for a few days?” I asked looking between Remus and Sirius. “Yes. We’re sure.” Remus said with a soft smile and I thanked them.
Harry needed a nap so Lily took him and Remus showed me my room I’d be staying in. Once he showed me and left I put my stuff away and decided to lay down and take a nap myself.
As I was drifting off to sleep I layed there wondering what Regulus was doing despite what happened earlier. Soon I was asleep.
Regulus pov
After I had yelled at Y/n I had felt bad which confused me because I never felt bad before. So, I just went out but when I got home half of me expected what I was seeing right now and the other half somehow didn’t.
Y/n had packed her stuff and went away. She didn’t say where and now I was worried. I shouldn’t be, I didn’t love her. Right?
I mean I didn’t want to and was distant because of a past relationship and because our marriage was arranged. I figured that’s what she would want too.
Obviously, it wasn’t and now I regret everything. Some part of me had always admired the girl.
I tried thinking of where she could be. Her parents? No, they would be mad about her running away because they were the ones who arranged the marriage. Her sister? No, she doesn’t exactly like her sister.
My brother. That’s where. She was always friends with him and his friends in school.
Without warning my brother by owl at all I used the floo network to get there. As soon as I got there and got out of the fireplace I was met with the angry eyes of my brother.
“What are you doing here Regulus?” He questioned sternly. “I’m looking for my wife.” I sighed rubbing my forehead tiredly.
“The wife you yelled at and said you didn’t love?” Asked Remus also glaring at me. “The wife you said you never wanted to marry?” Asked James who now stood next to Sirius and Remus. All of them coming to her defense questioning him.
“Yes…” I muttered distaste in my mouth. I then looked at them with some look of determination in my eyes I had hoped. “I regret it. I’ve come to apologize to her.” I said seriously and then a different voice other than them was heard.
“Regulus?” Asked the voice and I stepped beside them in front of the others to see Y/n coming down the steps rubbing her eyes tiredly. “Y/n.” I whispered in relief.
A/n: I'm so sorry this has taken so long! I've had writers block and I've been busy with things. Btw this will have a pt 2!
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. . . 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐲.
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please read thoroughly before you follow/interact!!
✦ 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭-𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞
this is a smut-free blog!! the reason i say that instead of just sfw blog is because i occasionally rb suggestive content (whether it’s fanart or fics), and write + post mild dark content (mild gore, other horror elements, twisted dynamics, etc). those posts are usually tagged with cw dark content or cw suggestive! some of my general posts might also be suggestive/dc-leaning. in other words:
i won’t write or rb full on smut, but that doesn’t necessarily mean all my content is sfw. please mind the distinction!!
and with that being said — please don’t tag me in smut / explicit fanart / heavy dc, or send me any nsfw asks!! :’) suggestive stuff (jokes, tension, bare bodies, suguru’s tits, etc) is obviously fine, but i’d prefer to keep this blog free from anything too explicit </3 (additionally, i’m uncomfy around pregnancy/childbirth topics!!)
i understand that the line between sfw and nsfw can be really thin, so don’t hesitate to shoot me a dm if you have any hesitations or questions!! i don’t want anyone feeling like they have to walk on eggshells around me, especially those of you who regularly write/interact with nsfw content!! i’m sensitive to quite a few smut tropes and dc topics, but still an avid supporter of smut/dc writers, and very anti-censorship in general :)
✦ 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰?
minors can follow and interact, but once again; please please mind any suggestive/potential dark content that i might rb or write!! :’) i would ask that you stick to the sfw stuff for my peace of mind… i don’t curate this blog to be a safe space for anyone other than myself, so i can never guarantee that the content i post is suited to you + won’t make you uncomfortable — if it does, then you’re always more than encouraged to unfollow/block! i never take it personally, so please don’t hesitate!!! even if this blog is typically on the sweet side, it’s still run by an adult!!!
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i don’t take requests, but you’re always more than welcome to drop by my inbox with brainrot or concepts <33 or for any other reason at all!! i don’t bite!!! neither do the mice…. probably……..
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with that being said: please don’t send me hateful asks, whether they’re directed towards me or any other creators + asks with uncredited fanart attached!! i’ll delete them and block you based on the severity of the ask :’) please understand. and please keep in mind that my brain is a big mess — sometimes i might answer your ask instantly, other times it could take me weeks. it never has anything to do with you or your asks, i promise!! i love receiving them and thinking about them 🥹 just pls be patient with me!!!!
✦ 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬
many of my favorite characters are awful human beings <3 i’m a lover of all villains and that extends to characters like kenjaku and sukuna, but also ones like makima (csm) and mori (bsd)!! 
if that makes you uncomfortable, or if you think that equates to me condoning their actions / that liking them reflects my morality irl, then please block me for your own peace of mind!! i understand that certain characters can be triggering to some, and i will never ever take it personally if you block or unfollow because i happen to like them!!! i post about my blorbos regularly, and i’d hate to make anyone uncomfortable, but this is my little blog bubble at the end of the day. so please look after yourselves!
✦ 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬
i don’t read leaks for jjk, so please don’t send me asks about them until i’ve had time to read the chapter on my own!! (usually on fridays or saturdays)… and please, please please tag your leaks in general :’3 PLEASE . 
any posts i make about new chapters will be tagged with both #jjkmangaspoilers and #jjkleaks!! block them if you need to!!!
✦ 𝐝𝐧𝐢
last, but not least; please do not interact if you fit any of the basic dni criteria (racist, ableist, queerphobic, misogynistic, pro-israel, etc) + if you harass people over the fictional content they create or consume!! (under any circumstances)!!!!
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(thank you sm for taking the time to read all this, i appreciate it more than you know 🥹 if you have any questions, feel free to send an ask/dm!! i hope i made everything clear & concise!!!)
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Hiiiii Nivi. Saw a Preath post and now I am back in my Preath days all over again, but I wanted to talk about how similar Pazzi is to Preath 😭
I know we’ve talked about the basics and how Paige = Tobin, and Azzi = Christen. But it’s crazyyy how true it actually is 😭
Paige/PB are your basic white girls that are attractive and have that masculine vibe to them. They both have their flashy ways of playing, but always put teammates over anything. Tobin and PB give “quiet leader vibes” (I think PB is probs more vocal, but that’s just bc of her team and who she plays with). I also would say that Tobin and PB are both all around players. Tobin being a great winger, was amazing in the midfield for us for a while, and also has a good defensive presence and played RB for us as well during that cursed Rio Olympics 😭😭. And obvs PB is a 3 level scorer, but also a 2 way player (I think we do not appreciate her defense enough tho!!)
Azzi/CP are your “they were so pretty they were bullied in school and called ‘pretty girl pretty girl’” meme (LOL). Both are princesses and sweet, but lethal on the court/field. (Azzi and Press being sharp shooters and also quick asfff respectively). I constantly think about how silky smooth Azzi’s shoot is and how you always want her to be taking the shot. Meanwhile, Press is amazing at creating her own shot and any sliver of daylight, she’s pulling the trigger and it’s going to be a GOLAZO. I also think both players could have been in the limelight more, but bc of other teammates (Paige for Azzi, and Alex Morgan for CP) and their bad timing with injuries, people/media don’t appreciate them enough.
All 4 of them have battled injuries, all of them being knee injuries as well 😭 I just think it’s insane how we’ve talked about the dynamic of Preath/Pazzi and how similar they are, but individually, they are all so eerily similar as well LMAO
Okay, I’ll get off of my soap box now. I hope you slightly enjoyed this breakdown Nivi! Can’t wait to see what you say and what other comparisons you can think about haha 🫶🫶
Hi lovely <3
I love soapbox asks. They're my favorite so like y'all please never hesitate to send me long asks.
I think I've subconsciously had all of these thoughts but damn seeing it all laid out like that, the parallels go kind of insane. I think we often talk about it in terms of personality, but yeah Paige-Tobin and Azzi-Christen have such similar playing styles, it's actually uncanny.
Okay I actually do have a parallel that I've been thinking about and it's about Gemini-Capricorn (Preath) parings and Libra-Scorpio (Pazzi) pairing. Both of these pairings are very much opposites attract pairings (which we see in real life obviously) to the point where honestly in most situations, these pairings aren't compatible. Except from what I've read, there are certain exceptions who know how to take their opposite approaches to various problems in life and find the perfect way to mesh them together. As a result the "exception" are some of the most strongest couples there can be and I think that's kinda beautiful because I think both Pazzi/Preath together and individually are the exception to so many supposed rules.
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gloriousburden · 10 months
another question for loki fans. including those who are fans of/tolerate the variant from the series.
Please rb this poll for reach. would love to see how different the votes are from each demographic.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 months
...So...about the second episode of RWBY Beyond...
It skips over the return of RWBY and Jaune, reuniting with their comrades in Vacuo and getting to see everyone’s reactions to being reunited with their missing comrades after so long.
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Alright. I guess they're saving that for V10 if it gets greenlit. Fair and fine.
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That being said, it skips over the reunion to focus a whole episode on Jaune in the aftermath of the return from the Ever After?
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I’m sorry. But for the sake of being that person, I’m gonna be that person.
Just to set the record straight, I don’t hate Jaune. I've never hated Jaune as a character. I have mostly had issues with the way the Writers just love to have Jaune’s development usurp others who deserve the screen time and focus more than him.
Personally, I do not care for Jaune’s development right now. Jaune’s whole experience in the Ever After, for me, did NOT need to be a focus episode for RWBY Beyond.
Especially since there are other characters who had more tragic experiences in the Ever After whose feelings I would’ve liked to see in the aftermath.
And by other characters, I mainly mean Ruby!
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I do, however, love the detail of Oscar being someone that Jaune gets to talk to.
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That was nice and I’m pleased to see that for a second time, Oscar is featured in RWBY Beyond. I actually hope that’s a thing for the final two episodes. I hope that Oscar appears in each episode of RWBY Beyond, even if he’s just in the background.
But going back to my original rant, Jaune is NOT the person I was itching to see Oscar talk to especially in respect to their experience in the Ever After.
If there is any body I wanted to see talk to Oscar, it’s RUBY ROSE! And no, this has nothing to do with Rosegarden or shipping potential at all. I’m talking about this from a narrative perspective.
Ruby’s whole arc in the Ever After was basically about life, death and rebirth in a sense. A complete deconstruction of her character, resulting in her committing the Ever After equivalent of “suicide” and be faced with an ultimatum of choosing to become someone else or be herself in which she chose herself.
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Ruby lost herself in the Ever After for a moment. Oscar is on the cusp of losing himself at this moment.
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Ruby saw Oscar “die” as part of an illusion that hinted at her being responsible for his death and/failing to save him just like she did with other friends like Penny.
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Oscar is on the cusp of “dying” metaphorically right now.
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And speaking of Oscar, don't think I didn't notice his little awkward cough and shifty eyes, immediately redirecting the conversation when Oscar made a point about being in similar situation to Jaune and Jaune be like "You mean Ozpin, right?" and Oscar be like "Aah yes, of course". Ya'll ain't slick dropping dem Merge crumbs! For what it's worth, I do hope an episode focus more on Oscar and Oz in the cards for the final two episodes.
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Overall, this second episode of RWBY Beyond was alright. As was the first.
The artwork of RWBY Beyond is absolutely breathtaking to me and is easily my favourite part of watching the anthology. Inspite of the limited animation, the beautiful artwork more than makes up for it. I definitely wouldn’t mind an actual physical RWBY storybook anthology series done in this same art style.
Makes me wish that Fairytales of Remnant animated series was done in this exact same style instead of the awkward Camp Camp style that DID NOT feel like RWBY at all.
All in all, onward to the next episode of RB. Makes me wonder who will be the focus of the final two episodes.
Like which characters will be we get to have an episode about? Obviously, speaking for myself, I would love an Oscar-centric episode. I mean…he’s been in every episode thus far so it’d be nice to see on all about him for once.
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Outside of Oscar, I wouldn’t mind an episode about the Schnee Family done from Whitley’s perspective? That’s also a good one to see.
And of course, if there is one person an episode needs to be done on, it has to be Ruby. I mean the Oscar and Whitley ones are probabilities but a Ruby-focus episode for RWBY Beyond has to be in the cards, right?
If they can touch base on Jaune’s feelings during the Aftermath of the Ever After then surely, they gotta talk about Ruby's whole experience with her literal death and rebirth, right? RIGHT?
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I guess only time will tell. 2 Episodes down. 2 more to go so see ya’ll next week.
~LMS (2024)
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ace-race-ace · 5 months
I am once again asking for opinions for my Strollonso aka LEGACY AU (which I promise I am making progress on)
I’m essentially debating whether to weave in a plot line I’d be recycling from an old Wip I had. It centers on Max going to Ferrari. Basically, RedBull would have been banned from the 2025-26 season for regulation breaches. Max misses the 2025 season and Charles wins. Come 2026, Max ends up joining Ferrari.
Now, why I would want to add this plot line
Changes the grid dynamic, explains how Aston Martin and others are actually able to be competitive
Ferrari!Max being a cool concept in general
Tight championship fight between Ferrari and Aston
Why I wouldn’t want to add this plot line
Means Lewis would have stayed only a year in Ferrari and retired? Which seems a little unlikely.
If I ever end up writing this as a Lestappen spin off of this AU, the ending would be kinda spoiled. And Ferrari wouldn’t win until at least 2028 but then the whole point of the ‘Legacy’ aspect for Aston kinda falls apart??
Obviously this story is focused on Strollonso, so adding this aspect might over complicate
I think I know which way I’m leaning but at the same time, I’m not sure on many aspects. Please help!!
Apologies for the slightly chaotic post, which most people probably don’t care about.
I promise once this detail is ironed out, I’ll be hitting you all with my Magnum opus of a Strollonso AU.
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sillylittleraccoon · 6 months
hiii :3
this is my personal therian account that i mostly post therian related content on-
you can call me tom and i use he/him pronouns :P
i am autistic as well as a raccoon + golden retriever + calico cat therian + brown ragdoll cat >:3
(i am also a fictionkin but i wont be disclosing who i am a fictionkin of, ive made one specific post and if you wanna know that bad- you have to search for it lmao)
asks are welcome (pls pls pls ask me stuffs!!!) but nothing nsfw pls as i am a minor as well as aroace :)
i act a bit childish most of the time- if you don’t like that please don’t interact !!
if u have any questions about therian/alterhuman related things pls feel free to ask and i will do my best to answer<3
everyone who is respectful and kind is welcome here, as long as you are not rude or disrespectful, you may interact with my blog. just please, don’t be an asshole
ANWAYSSS!! i think that’s all-? hope everyone has a good day and a good eep<3
(also, not forced, but i prefer no swearing when interacting with me specifically. this is not forced but encouraged. obviously if you are not interacting with me specifically then use whatever swears you want)
(also also—— don’t tell anyone but this is my main : @tomkittycat shhhhh :))
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rickybaby · 4 months
please say what you wanted to say about the chris medland and daniel article 😭😭😭
Daniel Ricciardo is a pay driver
Don’t kill me for saying this but the way things moved so quickly once he got announced for 2024, it makes you wonder if it truly was simply just his ‘Netflix image’ that got the new sponsors onboard or to what extent his team was truly involved in it. And even at the beginning of the year, when he was struggling for a driver of calibre, the certainty he had in his seat seemed to go beyond just his team having his back. Like it’s all pretty insignificant now because he was never going to lose his seat for this year, but given how he’s now on an upward trajectory with his performance, it’s pretty much certain he’ll stay on at RB for next year even if he’s probably out of the conversation for the Red bull seat.
But also the whole ‘I’m just concentrating on myself right now’ is (to some extent) just PR talk to me. I know this man and I know he is a hustler. That’s the guy, when he hadn’t even yet been back in a car, who sat down and told Christian Horner he wanted to be back driving for Red Bull. When he got announced for 2024, he was all like ‘I’m so grateful to Red bull for extending a hand when I was down on my luck blah blah’, but yet he was out there flying to Austria to kiss up to helmut marko. He’s a fucking hustler and I just know he’s still hustling for that Red bull seat behind the scenes. Like obviously, consistent good performances will be the selling point, but that doesn’t mean he’s not still angling for that seat
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f0point5 · 9 months
going through my saved reels on Insta, and it made me think that we didn't talk enough about the shift between Max and Charles.
at the beginning of the year there still was some tension between them. they didn't talk much, were more cold towards each other... maybe it was the fact that the championship was still in fight. but then summer break came, and it was like you turn a switch. suddenly, so much Lerstappen content EVERYWHERE, the atmosphere between them changed completely. their times at press conferences? during driver parades? shared padel match? shared interview? Max calling Charles "Charlie"? the overall shift of vibes between them? they actually look they like the presence of each other now! like, I really wanna know what happened between them, what changed that atmosphere so suddenly.
and don't let me even start about the RB x Ferrari sticker war. because that. took. the. cake.
I love a chat…but I may not be the person to talk about this with because I just never got picked up by the lestappen hype train I’m not going to lie 🫣🫣🫣 (please don’t hate me 🥺)
If I’m being honest, I think what happened is marketing picked up “Lestappen” and ran with it. For whatever reason, in the second half of the year Charles has been doing a lot more work on branding himself away from Ferrari (I got theories but obviously we don’t know why). The intensity of his racing persona has dropped a bit, I think, which coincides with his less “rival” attitude with Max. Also, his increased visibility around another top team probably didn’t hurt his bargaining position for contract negotiations. Also, Max could always do with looking a bit less like the Darth Vader of F1…it’s been undeniably helpful to see him publicly having a good rapport with Charles.
(Plus, wasn’t Max wearing a pair of shoes from Charles’s brand in one of his holiday pictures? You can’t tell me Charles just randomly gave them to him?)
On vibes, I’ve always said, I think Max just copies other people’s vibes most of the time. Like in the cool down room he always waits to see if the other person will talk to him and how open they want to be before he follows suit. I think he was probably always open to being more friendly with Charles but it was Charles that was a bit more reserved with him so he just matched the energy. Now that Charles has more rapport with him he’s happy to build on it. Just my take.
Imo the sticker war was probably a fun thing that started between the engineers and when it blew up on social media there were so many comments wanting Max and Charles involved.
I might be cynical but I think the shift was well timed
Maybe I’m just crazy because SO many people see chemistry between Max and Charles and I just never have. Clearly they get along, but I think racing and a competitive mentality is the only thing they have in common, and I think they know it. To me they’re friendly, but definitely not friends.
I agree with you though I would die to know what the general shift was really about, if it was collusion etc 😂 I would die to know how Max got the shoes (if indeed those were Clace shoes). I would die to know what Charles’s PR strategy has been all about lately.
Basically I’m nosey as hell
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syaamethyst213 · 2 years
SPOP and “Choice”
Spop has a secret theme, something that connects all the characters, and that theme is “Choice” and every important character embodies it. I mean, look at the best friend squad, each of their stories explores a different facet of choice.
Adora- Adora has never had choice. Everyone, from the Horde to Light Hope to Shadow Weaver to the Rebellion all deny her choice. In season three, she called out Catra’s choices, figuring out what is and isn’t her fault. In season four she rejected her destiny and made a choice to save the world by smashing the sword. In season five she finally makes a choice that benefits herself (the choice to go back for Catra near the heart, and then the choice to stay alive and kiss Catra at the heart). Obviously there’s more to say about Adora and choice, because she’s the main character and so the theme is most obvious with her.
Catra- Catra’s story, like Adora’s, is about embracing choice and rejecting destiny. Her destiny just isn’t as obviously stated as Adora’s as it comes from trauma and is most enforced by Catra herself rather than an external force like light Hope. Her “destiny” is to be trapped in the cycle of pain and abuse forever, and although it seems like she’s making choices, she’s just reacting out of fear and anger for most of the show. However, when she chooses to live and try to be better, she is finally making choices and not letting her life be defined by those who hurt her.
Bow- Bow is a fairly static character, but his arc with his dads is about him making a choice to go against the plan others had for him. (Because unlike sexuality, being a fighter is actually a choice)
Glimmer- Sparkles is the odd one out. She has already rejected authority (Angella) and is making choices all the time. Her arc is about learning that her choices have consequences when she becomes queen. She learns that she has the power of choice (and she maintains this power on horde primes ship no matter how much he tries to take her choice away) and that she has to do the right thing with it.
Also Horde Prime is literally the embodiment of an absence of choice. I don’t feel like I have to explain that one it’s pretty obvious.
Also light hope and shadow weaver both manipulate people into thinking they don’t have choice. I could go on forever.
Please please rb with your thoughts I know there are so many smart ppl in this fandom I want to hear what y’all think.
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slythereen · 10 months
Helloooo, i have a genuine question about Charles going to redbull (let me just quickly say that i am not in any way hating on anyone, they're all very talented, so if it seems like i'm shitting on someone, i promise i'm not, it's 2am where i am, i'm very tired and i really just wanna know, and please corrcet me if i'm wrong when stating facts)
Yes, Max and Charles have the same driving style, and have all the lore from their karting days
But what I want to know is, in what world would redbull let Charles (consistently) beat Max? Max has been/ is redbulls golden child, he's been with them since 2016, and he's been very succesful with them, and maybe what i'm saying is wrong but i'll say it anyway: i do kind of believe the team is built around Max? (let's remember how many people were the other driver at rb with Seb and after he left now with Max, like he's the constant and obviously building a team is complicated and idk what goes into it but you can steer it into a certain direction)
And if Charles were to join rb, would he be content with playing second driver to Max Verstappen (who is a 3x wc, like we get angry when Charles has to be 2nd driver to Sainz (who has won like 2 grand prix's) on the occasion (happens too often))
( with this i want to mention the mercedes situation with Rosberg, schuhmacher and Hamilton, where after Michael had left, technically Nico should have been a priority (bcs he'd been there longer), but because Lewis already was a WC, Nico had to be 2nd driver again and brocedes happened) (not that the whole situation is even comparable to brocedes imo, lestappen doesn't even compare)
I truly think redbull are using the whole lestappen thing as a marketing strategy (let's all remember what it's build on) and to create a better image around Max, since they can't really use Daniel anymore because a) he's in the AT seat and b) we saw the uproar from Checo's fans who (rightly, imo) got mad at the whole situation during COTA
This turned out to be way longer than i thought
Hope you have a nice day/evening
Hello and happy (early) thanksgiving if you’re celebrating !!
I think everything you said is very true actually. I know Red Bull likes to say they aren’t built around Max, but they definitely are. And he’s definitely their golden boy. There’s no getting around that, as much as I think the Red Bull team genuinely likes Charles and would support him.
The reasons why I think that can work regardless:
A) Like you said, Ferrari treats him like a 2nd driver to Carlos half the time — which is just insulting, seeing how Charles should be their prioritized driver and Carlos is most certainly not the caliber of driver Max is. I don’t think he would want to be a true “number two” to Max nor do I think he deserves to be a second. However, if he’s going to get treated that way in Ferrari, I’d rather he get second driver treatment in a competent team where being less prioritized won’t damage him as much precisely because he and Max prefer the same style of car mostly.
B) I think if Red Bull were to sign Charles, they’d be doing it with the intention to try to be the team to do two number one drivers and succeed (unlike Mercedes). Liberty Media was very open and public about wanting Red Bull to have two top drivers for the entertainment value. Plus, it would be just one more thing for Red Bull to completely dominate and do that no one else can, which is very on brand for them. Obviously Max may get a bit more preference initially, but I think they’re smart enough strategically to be able to balance their support if it deserved to be balanced.
C) Mostly, however, I think Red Bull is also thinking ahead to the future. Max has been open about wanting to pursue other categories and other opportunities. Half the time he sounds like he might retire in 2028. So Red Bull needs to be prepared to 1) try to keep Max for longer and 2) have a new number one lined up for when he does leave.
I think Charles is a good candidate in their minds for many reasons, aside from the fact he’s just as talented as Max (arguably). Charles is extremely marketable and likable, without the baggage that Daniel brings (and frankly with more talent than Daniel brings). He gets along well with Max and they’ve been able to be friendly about their (f1) battles, both like to drive aggressively against eachother and therefore are more forgiving with eachother, etc. I think if you’re going to try to make Max accept an equal driver it needs to be Charles.* He’s also shown that he can play the team game and he’s historically been angelic about Ferrari in the media, despite how badly they’ve fucked him over. That’s very useful for Red Bull.
(*Lando is potentially a good candidate and Red Bull obviously has tried to get him before. But I don’t think he matches Max and Charles, which means he’d probably just be a good number two and not a true equal. Plus he and Max were always friends, and I think part of why Max and Charles could manage the more tense aspects of being competing teammates is the fact that they decidedly were not friends through karting.
Also, if the rumors that the Hamilton camp reached out to Red Bull are true? And that Red Bull said no because he and Max couldn’t work as teammates? I think that indicates that they know a second top driver would have to work on a personal level, and they think Charles can work. Helmut Marko indicated that Red Bull approached Charles, after all, which means they must have thought it could work.)
Another major thing with Charles that could make him an ideal choice is that he more openly appreciates the… “show” that Liberty Media is trying to bring to f1. Especially with his Vegas commentary, about how he understands why they are trying to bring in new fans, etc. If Max retired earlier or at the end of this contract I think a huge reason will be because he hates all of the show. So lining up a replacement for Max who won’t end up retiring for the same reason is also beneficial to them.
Which actually loops back to that I think Red Bull knows Charles challenging Max and entertaining him / bringing him fun on track again would help keep Max around. I remain convinced that Charles in a good car could keep Max in f1 longer. Red Bull could very much plan on trying to use Charles to coax Max to stay, and if that doesn’t work out then they have Charles still to continue dominating with. It’s a win-win for them.
Now, that’s not to say Red Bull aren’t just using the lestappen angle to boost Max’s likability. That’s very possible and my second top theory behind it. It may even be more realistic, all things considered. But I don’t think Charles considering Red Bull is as far-fetched as some believe, either.
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fraidy-farfelle · 2 years
"You're Not Alone."
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CW: Parenthood, babies, Vincent being a cute dad
Notes: female afab reader, established relationship, marriage, for the sake of clarity I’m giving your twin sons names, but obviously feel free to change them! Also: I did not make this edit, if someone knows the artist plz let me know to credit them.
As always, constructive criticism is welcome, but please be gentle as I do cry. Idk if I'm gonna write more for the Sinclairs but if you want to be added to the taglist feel free to rb or pm me!
‘This is thoughts.’
“This is speaking”
“This is Vincent signing”
You awoke with a start, sitting straight up. As your eyes adjusted, you saw you were tucked into bed. ‘This is not where I fell asleep.’ You thought to yourself, yawning and stretching your arms. The afternoon sunlight trickled in through the curtains, and you realized you had been asleep for a while. 
Your oldest twin boy, James, had woken you as the sun rose. You remembered feeding and soothing him as you sat on the couch, not wanting to bother your husband or his brother if he cried again. So, how did you get here? Your eyes settled on the pair of cribs to the side of the room. They were empty. “Where are they?!” You exclaimed and threw the covers off of yourself in a bout of maternal panic. 
Running through the house, the bedrooms, kitchen and living room were all vacant. Trying not to panic, you took a deep breath. There was only one place left to look. You carefully made your way down the stairs to Vincent’s workshop in the basement. As you descended, you heard his radio softly playing classical music. You turned the corner and breathed a sigh of relief. 
Contently working away in this sketchbook was your handsome Vincent. He was shirtless with his hair tied into a messy bun. (the twins liked to pull on his long soft hair.) James was tied to his chest with a baby wrap while Andrew was in a basket on his workbench, both sleeping soundly. You shook your head at yourself. Of course there was no reason to panic. 
Vincent turned his head, picking up your footsteps over the quiet music. You were only mildly surprised to see his face, as he’d read about the Still Face experiment and was doing his best to overcome his insecurity to be the best father he could be. He gave you a gentle smile as you approached him and kissed his scarred cheek. “That skin to skin contact stuff is no joke, huh?” You said softly, gazing at your son’s sleeping face. Vincent nodded and cupped your chin delicately, pulling you in for a proper kiss.
“Did you have a good rest, love?” He signed, tilting his head. “Yes. You didn’t have to carry me to bed, you know.” He shrugged. “I didn’t mind. I slept through James crying, it’s the least I could do.” You huffed and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “I’m glad he didn’t wake you up. Hopefully he didn’t wake Bo up, either.” You said, resting your cheek on his head. He made a noise of indignation. “The lazy bastard was still snoring when I went to find you. Don’t worry about him.” He felt your shoulders shake with a silent laugh at his words. “You were the picture of beauty this morning, you know.” “Aren’t I always?” You teased. He snorted softly and tapped his sketchbook with his index finger. 
Looking at the page he indicated, you saw a sketch that was undeniably you and James. He captured the way he had found you on the couch that morning. You were lying on your back, with your baby asleep on your chest. You had apparently fallen asleep before you had put your breast back in your nightshirt from feeding him. James’s head was resting on the exposed side of your chest, curled in on himself adorably. Both of you had sleepy smiles on your face. 
“It’s like you took a picture. I’m really glad you’re the one that found me and not one of your brothers.” You said. “Me too. Saved me some ass kicking.” You could tell he was joking and squeezed him gently. “How long have they been asleep?” “Not long. Fed them and they conked out.” You smiled. You felt so blessed to have a husband like Vincent. “You know, next time you shouldn’t let me sleep so long. I’m their mom, it’s my job to take care of them.” “And I’m their father. You created two human beings cell by cell. That’s more incredible than any art I could ever make. You’re entitled to a break when you need it.” 
You bit your lip. “I know, but I just-“ Vincent sighed and tugged you around to sit on his lap. He put your hand on Andrew’s head and his own on James’s back. “We made these masterpieces together. We’ll care for them together. Their uncles love them, and will help us when we need it. Whatever happens, you’re not alone.” Tears began to fall from your eyes, and you gave a watery smile. Vincent smiled back at you and rested his forehead on yours. “I… love… you!” He startled you by speaking, the gravely, strained timbre bringing a blush to your cheeks. “I love you too!”
Taglist: @rottent33th
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