#please i am so touch starved
xxwhiskeyxx · 2 years
Love Trope February! Plus-Sized: Aether x Reader
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(Y/N) and Aether have been friends for a few years since they are the band manger/Copia’s assistant and before that, they had been Terzo’s until he retired, so it’s safe to say they are pretty good friends with everyone in the band. (Y/N) is closest to our lovely Quintessence ghoul and in fact, has had feelings for him since they have met him, but they can never imagine the attractive ghoul to ever even look at them like that. Why you’re asking? (Y/N) is a bit…bigger than most of the other Siblings, they have thick thighs, hips, love handles, and a tummy, all things that they have been made to believe make them undesirable. But little do they know, the thickest ghoul in the band has feelings for the thickest Sibling in the Ministry, he has been in love with them since he first laid eyes on them, but he has a similar fear cause of his thick thighs, tummy, and his pecs that are a little squishier than they should be even with the muscle he has. Along with the fact that Swiss has made it clear he has his sights set on them, why would they want the chunky dad friend when they could have the toned life of the party. Will these two thick lovebirds get together or will Swiss steal away the lovely (Y/N).
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Welcome to the 2nd chubby/plus-sized reader of this series! I had this one planned out long before I made the Alpha one. That one was simply due to the coincidence of YN being Omega's sibling, and I headcanon that Quintessence ghouls are typically quiet thick, both with muscle and fat, so I thought it'd be cool. I tried to not make the fact that YN was chubby/plus-sized, given by their confidence, other than the bitch who tried to insult our lovely YN, but a bad bitch knows their worth and YN don't give a fuck. Anyways! I hope you guys enjoy this, I didn't wanna make this one a basic plus-sized reader fic and have them sniveling about their weight 3 paragraphs in (I am guilty of have another chubby reader where they do cry about their weight, but it's cause of mean bitches). This YN is insecure yes, you'll figure this out quickly, but they also know their worth for the most part, they are a bad bitch who knows how to do their job.
Again no smut, but there is some making out ;)
E/C = Eye color H/C = Hair color Favorite scent = Idk, pick whatever you think you smell like or what you think you'd smell like to a ghoul! There is one gendered nickname but it said "sweet girl/boy" so pick whichever you feel comfier with, if neither than jus say sweet thing in yo mind, its your life, idc whatcha call yourself its your experience
- Love Whiskey <3
Copia and the ghouls had just finished their final bows and tossing out picks and drumsticks, while (Y/N) was finishing up setting up their hotel for the night when they are suddenly tackle hugged from behind before being picked up and spun around by a laughing Swiss, “Put me down you Smiley faced dumbass before you throw your back out!” they screech, clinging to his arms, “Doll, you weigh nothing to me, your lighter than a twinkie, which by the way, I have a stockpile of on the bus that I snagged from the last gas station.” Swiss laughs, as he sets them down, they quickly whirl around and smack his chest. “Just because you guys have super strength compared to humans, doesn’t mean I’ll ever get used to being picked up by you.” they laugh, Swiss just grins as Aether comes up to them, “I see he got to you before I did, can I get a hug too if I promise to not pick you up?” he asks, holding open his arms, “I don’t know you’re pretty sweaty.” they tease, “I am less sweaty than Mountain, who I can easily convince to force you into a nice big ghoul hug.” Aether joking threatens, “Fine, fine, just because I love you.” they laugh, wrapping their arms around the Quintessence ghoul, not noticing how his face flushes a light violet that’s hidden by his mask nor the way Swiss glares at him, Aether simply rolls his eyes and squeezes (Y/N) tight against him, basking in their warmth and softness.
“Alright, get changed and get back on the bus in less than 30 minutes, I will be timing you. Last one on has to room with Copia.” (Y/N) says as they pull away, patting Aether and Swiss on the shoulder before running off to probably check in with Copia and let him know of their now reserved hotel rooms. “I felt how flustered you got Lover Boy, getting all hot and bothered by a simple hug?” Swiss snarks, Aether gives him a look, “No, I did not get ‘hot and bothered’, they just give nice hugs.” he returns, walking towards their shared dressing room, Swiss of course following to keep bothering him. “Oh, I’m sure that’s all it was.” is all he says as he yanks off his stage uniform and mask, tossing the helm onto the couch, and drops his glamor, gold and silver eyes now exposed as his light brown human skin fades to his normal grey, horns also exposed too. Aether says nothing as to not give the Multi anymore ammo. 
The pair emerge, Swiss wearing a pair of sweats and a simple black t-shirt while Aether is in black jeans and a half done button up, exposing chest hair, both remasked even with their glamors up. (Y/N) was standing near the door, typing on their phone, probably texting the other ghouls and crew to hurry up or their being left behind, they run a pretty tight ship and even though people have complained to Copia about it, all he says is “(Y/N) has helped us in many ways you don’t see, they’re the reason your sleeping in an actual bed instead of in the crew bus or van tonight so hush or your bed will be given away.” This doesn’t stop the gossip though, insults given towards the curvy Sibling before their back, though most quickly learned not to say anything in front of the ghouls, less they want a trip the hospital with a claim that they got attacked by a mountain lion. 
“I see you two finished quickly, head back to the bus, I’ll be there in a few, just have a couple things to finish up.” (Y/N) says, “I’ll stay with them, go ahead mate.” Aether says, nodding for Swiss to go ahead. Even though he clearly wants to argue, Swiss begrudgingly trudges off towards the ghouls bus, “You don’t have to stay Aeth, I’m fine by myself.” (Y/N) tries to insist, but the large ghoul shakes his head, “I’m not gonna let you stand here by yourself, that’s boring and dangerous for someone like you.” he says, (Y/N)’s face falls slightly, “Someone like me?” they ask. Aether realizes his fuck up, “I me..mean someone whose as beautiful as you shouldn’t be left where they could get snatched up.” he says, a blush, once again thankfully hidden by his mask, spreads across his cheeks. The curvy Sibling drops their head to hide their own blush, “You’re just sayin that ya big sweetheart, nobody would want to steal me.” they laugh nervously.
Aether frowns, stepping closer and, with a sudden burst of confidence, he tilts their chin up “I say it cause it’s true, if I had the chance, I’m snatch you right up and steal you for myself.” he teases. The light blush on (Y/N)’s face erupted into a violent red that reaches their ears, “I-” is all they get out when suddenly Sodo, Mountain, and Rain appear, “Hey guys, Copia says that the crew has everything about loaded so we ca.., did we interupt something.” Dew trails off, eyes darting between the human and ghoul, “N..No! Aether said he saw something on my face so he was just looking!” (Y/N) exclaims, its a poor excuse but it’s the first thing that came to mind. “Okay..anyways, he said we can head to hotel if we’re ready and he’ll catch up later.” he finishes.
“Awesome, I was just waiting for you guys so let’s go.” (Y/N) says, quickly turning and walking out the door, the ghouls look between each other, “Did you do something?” Mountain asks, not necessarily accusing but there is a hint of a threat to the question. “No, of course not!” Aether says, groaning as he brings a hand up and rubs down his face, “I..may have called them beautiful and made a joke about stealing them for myself..” he says quietly, face burning with embarrassment. The others stand there for a moment before Sodo and Mountain burst out laughing, “Man, I never thought you’d have the balls to make a move Cupcake, good for you.” Dew cackles, moving to slap the taller ghoul on the shoulder, “I didn’t make a move on them! I just complimented them and made a joke.” he insists, “Yeah yeah, let’s head to the bus, my feet hurt and I want a real bed, me and Rainy have a date.” he say slyly, tail wrapping around the Water ghouls wrist, “Shu..shush Dew, you just said you wanted to room with me so you don’t have deal with the others snoring!” Rain says, letting the smaller guitarist drag him out the door. Mountain pats Aether’s shoulder, “Come on Lover Boy, before Swiss can make a move too.” he says, pulling the Quintessence ghoul with him.
The pair make it back to the bus, (Y/N) was no where in sight, “They immediately ran and seem to be hiding in their bunk.” Sunshine says. Aether decides against bothering them right now, he’ll apologize for overstepping when they get to the hotel. Mountain takes the driver seat and puts in the address (Y/N) had sent to him when he texted asking where he was going, it didn’t take long, only about 20 minutes, to reach the hotel. Sodo bolts out the doors with his bag slung over his shoulder and Rain in tow, (Y/N) follows suit as they quickly dart out to check in and get the keycards. The others make their way in, Aether being the last in so he had the last pick, the girls of course grouped up, Swiss and Mountain paired up (he tried to convince (Y/N) to room with him but they said “Hell no, last time we roomed together, I woke up to you sprawled naked on my bed with Sodo!”), and of course Rain and Sodo. Copia tends to get a room to himself unless either the hotel doesn’t have enough room or (Y/N) decides to punish a ghoul (and Copia by extension) by making them room with Papa. 
“I guess we’re together then.” Aether says, (Y/N) nods, hiding their red face as they duck down to grab their bag, “Yeah, room 207, the other’s are spaced throughout the hall except for Sodo and Rain, they’re right next to us.” they grimace. “Oh no, I’d say let’s hope they don’t fuck but we both know Dew can never keep it in his pants and Rain can never say no to being fucked.” Aether jokes, trying to lighten the mood, the human laughs as they make their way to the elevator. They hit the button to take them to the right floor, standing next to the buttons with Aether on the otherside, there is an awkward silence as the elevator ascends. Just as Aether got the courage to speak, the elevator dinged and the doors opened, “Come on, this way.” (Y/N) says, lugging their bag as they start walking down the hallway, he sighs and follows. Soon they stop outside the door labeled 207, opening the door using the keycard and holding the door so Aether can enter.
Once they have their things set on their chosen beds, (Y/N) flops down with a groan, kicking off their boots, “Fuck, I never thought today would end!” they say loudly, throwing their arms up before letting them flop back above their head. “You’re telling me, it felt like today’s Ritual was 5 hours long! Papa kept going on and on during his monologues, I swear he makes them longer each time.” Aether groans, plopping onto his own bed after kicking off his own boots and tossing his mask onto the nightstand. Theres a beat of silence before they try to speak, “I’m so-”, “Wan-”, they look at each other and laugh, “Go ahead Aeth, yours sounds more important.” (Y/N) insists, sitting up and crisscrossing their legs, “Okay, I just wanted to say sorry if I overstepped earlier, I do legitimately think your beautiful (Y/N), I wasn’t messing with you.” he says, fiddling with his tail nervously. 
The curvy human stares at the ghoul in shock, no one had really complimented them outside of the ghouls, who all insisted that they were gorgeous and even called ‘smoking fucking hot’ by Sodo, who had winked at them, but they never took them seriously, thinking that they were just trying to make them feel better. But the way Aether apologized and the look of pure seriousness on his face makes them believe that he is telling the truth.
“You didn’t overstep Aether, don’t worry, I just..am not used to someone complimenting me and then saying something so…I don’t know, like they want me.” they explain, crossing their arms across their stomach in an act of self-comfort. “Oh honey, your absolutely gorgeous, you have to have all the Brother’s and Sister’s back home lining up at your door.” he insists, (Y/N) laughs, “Your funny Aeth, most of the other Siblings avoid me if you haven’t notice..most of them think I’m either stuck up due to my position or that I’m hideous, for obvious reasons.” they say, gesturing to their body. Aether frowns, standing up from his bed and walking over to the human. Sitting in front of them and grabbing their hands gently and with possibly the softest look they have ever seen in their life, he says “(Y/N), never call yourself hideous. You are the furthest thing from even the word ugly, you are breathtaking, forgive me if I’m being too much, but the second I saw you, I swear I thought you were a fallen angel, you are so beautiful you rival the angels themselves.” (Y/N) stares at the ghoul, mouth open in shock, Aether continues, “You might just be the most enchanting creature I have ever laid eyes on and anyone who says your less than gorgeous, then they have to be blind.” he finishes, taking a deep breath. 
(Y/N) is close to tears, simply staring at the Quintessence ghoul, the feeling of butterflies in their stomach when the ghoul had grabbed their hands turned into a swarm of hornets with bashfulness. Aether’s cheeks are covered in a violet hue as his own butterflies turn into a tornado of nerves, he decides to just say fuck it and land the final blow, “What I guess I’m saying is, I love you (Y/N), more than anything on Earth or in the Pit. You are exquisite and I hope you feel the same because I don’t know what I will do if I can’t hold you in my arms or kiss you.” he says, royal eyes staring in (E/C), his tail nervously flicking behind him.
A deep silence fills the room, the human never expected Aether to ever feel the same way for them that they did for him, his confession shocked them into silence, mouth opening and closing like a fish. The ghoul takes their silence as rejection, ears lower and tail drooping, he starts to pull away, but before he can, (Y/N) grabs his face and presses their lips to his, eyes shut tightly as they try to express all the emotions they feel for him through their connected lips. Aether freezes for a moment, but quickly melts into the kiss, tangling his fingers into (H/C) locks as he pulls them closer. 
The kiss turns hungry as (Y/N) tugs Aether closer to them, their hands migrating down to wrap around his neck, playing with the small strands of hair at the base of his skull. The large ghouls growls lightly as he hovers above the human, nipping at their lip, eliciting a gasp from them, before slipping his forked tongue into their mouth, their wet muscles fighting for dominance before choosing to simply tangle together as Aether strokes a hand down their side, slipping a hand under their shirt. This makes (Y/N) gasp and pull away, instinctively grabbing the intruding hand, “I..I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m quite ready to..go that far yet..I’m sorry if I seem like a baby.” they whisper, a look of shame overtaking their face. 
But before they could look away, Aether grabs their chin, forcing them to look him into the eye. Pressing a gentle kiss to their cheek then their forehead, “(Y/N), my love, I completely understand, never apolgize for establishing a boundary. I should be the one apologizing for trying to push things, I’m sorry for that.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to their swollen lips. He rolls off of them, choosing to lay next to them instead. (Y/N) turns to look at him, but before they can speak, he presses a finger to their lips, “If your thinking I would ever possibly be disgusted by your body, think again, I could never be anything but aroused by such a sexy body. But I am not going to force you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, if you rather, we can simply cuddle or I can go back to my bed if you’d prefer?” he states, grabbing a small hand and kissing their knuckles. “No, please stay. Cuddling would be nice.” they say softly, grabbing the guitarists hand and pulling it to place their own kisses. Aether smiles at the adorable sight, he grunts as he shifts to instead lean against the pillows, opening his arms in offering for them to lay against him. (Y/N) grins, squirming up to snuggle against the Quintessence ghoul, who wraps his arms around them and nuzzles his face against their hair, sighing contently as he inhales the smell of their (perfume/cologne) and their own scent of (favorite smells).
This is where they remain for a long time, simply basking in the warmth of each other, sharing soft kisses and then trailing them elsewhere, hands do wonder a tad but only over top of the clothing. Eventually (Y/N) speaks, “I think we both need to shower and change before we sleep, I don’t fancy falling asleep in jeans and the shirt I’ve been wearing all day.” Aether groans but he knows their right, he may have changed but he still smells like sweat and he doesn’t like sleeping in jeans either. He insists (Y/N) showers first, saying he’ll find a movie for them to watch while he waits, the Sibling presses a quick kiss to his lips before rolling out of his arms and off the bed, ‘Fuck I always sleep in shorts..well it’s not like he’s never seen me in them before.’ they think to themselves as they gather a pair of black, loose sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt, along with their toiletries, (possibly stolen from the ghoul currently in their bed, but they’ll never admit it) as Aether grabs the hotel tv’s remote and turns it on, some random tv show starts blaring from the speakers as they close the bathroom door.
(Y/N) makes quick work of showering, saving brushing their teeth once they eat, reminding themselves to mention ordering food to the room (that is what they were originally going to ask Aether about earlier) before the ghoul gets in the shower. Opening the door as a cloud of steam escapes the bathroom, they exit and toss their dirty clothes next to their overnight bag, Aether is lounging on the bed, watching some MTV show, when he turns to look at them. He can’t help the way he looks up and down the curvy Siblings body, eyes hungrily taking in their thick, bare thighs and the way their hips follow the curve of their love handles, “Eyes up here mister.” (Y/N) says in a jokingly serious tone, crossing their arms. Aether chuckles, standing up from the bed, coming over to wrap his arms around their waist, “Sorry sweetheart, you just look so good.” he says, pressing a kiss to their neck. They laugh, pushing him away, “No way buster, you’re still stinky and I just got clean.” they say, Aether whines but obeys, walking over to his own bag to grab some clothes for after his shower.
“By the way, are you hungry? I was going to ask earlier before…all that happened. Wanna order food before you get in the bathroom?” (Y/N) asks, jumping on the bed and grabbing their phone, pulling up Doordash and scrolling through the options, “Yeah sure, what’s around?” Aether asks as he grabs his bathroom things, pair of sweats under his arm. “Uhhh, fast food, burger joint, Chiles, and some Mexican place.” (Y/N) replies, “I’m good with anything, you pick.” he says, “Chiles?” they offer, “Sounds good, remember my usual?” Aether asks as he walks to the bathroom. “Yeah, still have it saved from last time!” (Y/N) chirps, already adding their order to the cart.
They place the order, and it arrives a few minutes after Aether gets out of the bathroom. They eat on the bed while watching some Adam Sandler movie that had popped up. Once they finished, they somehow shoved all of the trash into the small trashcan next to the dresser holding the TV and brushed their teeth before snuggling under the covers. (Y/N) with their head on the ghoul's soft chest, arms wrapped around him, while Aether has one arm around their back while he fiddles with the TV. Eventually, they fall asleep with the TV still droning on in the background.
The next morning, Aether wakes up first. He is at first confused by the feeling of a body pressed against his since he knows he was sharing with (Y/N), but then everything that had happened the night before comes flying back, he had confessed and (Y/N) reciprocated. They slept together in the same bed, (Y/N) is cuddled up on top of him, seemingly having moved in their sleep, head tucked into his neck and laying between his legs. He lets a dopey smile overtake his face as he gently hugs the human closer, rubbing his cheek against their hair and wrapping his tail around their thigh. Today was a simple travel day, so while they didn’t have to exactly rush, they didn’t have all day to lay in bed before Sodo and/or Swiss came banging on the door, demanding they let them in, usually ending up with the ghouls in one or both of their beds, cuddling into whoever their chosen victim was and making them late.
Aether chooses to let (Y/N) sleep a little longer, not wanting to ruin this moment just yet. The TV was still on, playing some random soap opera now, he chooses to watch for a little while as he takes in the warmth and softness of his new partner. Once the commercial break starts, he decides to wake them, “(Y/N), my love, it’s time to wake up.” he calls softly, pressing kisses across the bits of face he could reach, earning a groan on protest as the human tucks in further, trying to escape the albeit pleasant wakening but not wanting to wake up yet, “5 more minutes.” they whine. “No sweet girl/boy, you need to wake up, unless you want Dewdrop and Swiss to bust down the door and see you in those sexy shorts.” he purrs, nipping at their now-exposed ear. This gets a yelp and a cracked (E/C) eye at him, suddenly their head shoots up as they realize their positioning, but before the anxious human can move off of him, Aether wraps his arms tighter around them, “Ah Ah, I just wanted you to wake up, I didn’t ask you to move did I?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “Ar..aren’t I too heavy?” they ask, “No, not at all darling, now stay put unless you’re getting up to use the bathroom.” he states, they huff but accept the situation, laying back down as they grab their phone from where it was charging.
After a few minutes, (Y/N) has to get up to use the bathroom when there is a sudden rapid knocking on their door, “Aeth, (Y/N)! Open up, lemme innnnn!” Sodo’s whine comes through the door, Aether groans as (Y/N) opens the door, “Did you have to let the Gremlin in?” Aether asks, Dew simply sticks out his tongue, “You two love me, you can’t deny it.” he snarks as he wraps his arms around (Y/N)’s waist. “Someone woke up extra clingy this morning, did snuggling with Rainy all night not meet your quota?” (Y/N) teases, hugging the Fire ghoul back, “He kicked me out of his bed claiming I was trying to start stuff, I can’t help he has such a squeezable ass!” Sodo whines, “Don’t worry Aeth, yours is the best” he says with a wink to the Quintessence ghoul who flips him off. 
This is when the normally oblivious ghoul becomes quite perspective, he takes in how there was clearly only one bed used, the other only having slightly ruffled sheets from when Aether had sat on it for a minute, “Aeth did you finally tell them?!” he asks, mouth dropping open, looking between the human he’s hugging and the other ghoul. “Yes, I did. So don’t be getting any funny ideas ya little shit.” Aether grumbles from the bed, “(Y/N), you seriously got with Beefcake over here? You could’ve had your pick of the litter!” Sodo whines, the human laughs, pulling away to sit next to their partner, “Yes, I did. Love you Dew, but Aether is the comfiest thing I have ever slept on, no offense but I’m pretty sure my ass would break any of the rest of you.” they say with a wink. The Fire ghoul smirks as he joins the pair on the bed, wiggling his way into Aether’s lap, “Don’t say that before you try it Marshmellow, you’d find I can handle quite a lot~” he purrs, earning a tug on his tail by an annoyed Quintessence ghoul, “Their mine, hands to yourself unless otherwise told so Spice Boy.” Aether growls though he hugs the Gremlin closer. (Y/N) laughs and lies next to the ghouls, taking in what they hope is the first of many fun and cuddly mornings.
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cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
Snuggle Company
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can be read as platonic ((because platonic love is valid!))
Summary: Umbridge has been giving everyone nightmares. You especially, given she is well aware how close you are to the twins. Has you paranoid she will hurt you in your sleep. So, who better to keep you safe than the twins themselves?
Warnings: Anxiety, Umbridge, stress, sleepy snuggles, and it’s very short 😣 Going through ALOT right now. Pls forgive me
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Here you were again. Standing just outside the dorm doors that belonged to the seventh year boys. A pair of boys would be in there that you needed. Needed badly, because you had yet another nightmare. A nightmare about her.
You worried they would be getting annoyed by this. By you waking them up again, just to climb into bed with them. Would it be better that you just straight up moved in there with them? Would the other students in their dorm be annoyed by your presence? This wasn’t your assigned bedroom after all.
You tried to power through those worrying thoughts, as you pushed the door open. You were too scared of Umbridge to give a care about what others thought. She hated you. Hated you because those twins liked you. You were the enemy by association.
You would tip toe across the room, and would hug yourself tighter. Just worried about being a burden, and a bother. Something she would often say you were. Just attacking your insecurities. She was good at that. She was good at making people hurt. Oh she was damn good at hurting people, and getting away with it.
Finally, you reached the familiar bed. Fred’s bed. Well, Fred and George’s bed. They never really out grew sharing a bed. George’s ended up being a make shift work shop table for their inventions. You found it utterly adorable how they would hold each other. They had a special bond. Magic tended to play a heavy role in that, but you still found it sweet. How that no matter how old they get they would still make sure to be there for each other. No matter what. Was comforting to see that guys don’t always worry about masculinity.
“Psst….Guys-“ You gently shook George’s shoulder, as you tried to wake them up. Didn’t want to wake the other students up, but you also didn’t want to just climb into bed either. Could startle them. Or worse. They didn’t want you to, and you invaded their personal bubble. Consent is important after all.
“Hm-?” George would rub at his eyes, while Fred yawned. They were annoyed as hell, until they saw it was you who bothered them. George gave a comforting smile, before scooting away from his twin. Fred, in turn, lifted the blanket up. You gave a sigh in relief, before climbing between them. Snuggled safely between them both.
“Thanks.” You whispered, as they would wrap their arms around you. A tangled of limbs, just like that. Was so warm. So warm, and safe. No one could get to you now. Safe between a pair of tricksters. Just like that. The smell of fire crackers, and cinnamon. That was such a comforting scent to you. Baked goods, and fire.
“No pink toads will get you-“ “Not on our watch.” The twins would tease you, as they gave you a tight squeeze. A reminder that they weren’t going anywhere. Not without you, at the very least. That had you smile, and feel a weight lift off your body. Safe. Safe again.
“We’ve got plans for her. Don’t worry.” George would reassure you, as he would nuzzle into the back of your neck. Enjoying the warmth you gave him, as his arm reached over to keep physical touch with Fred. The two most important people he has, right in his arms.
“And it’s going to be utterly spectacular. Just you wait and see.” Fred would echo, as he rested his head on yours. Forcing your nose into his neck, as his arm did the same thing. Keeping George close, as you were all safely hidden under the blanket.
“Promise.” They would share, as you were already drifting to sleep. Safe in their strong arms, and knowing you’ll be safe by morning all the same. No scary toads to haunt your dreams. Just a pair of pranksters to defend you. No matter what.
Safe snuggles. What a dream come true.
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bleed-ing4u · 1 month
I just really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want be held by someone
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mlm-blues · 11 months
haha what if we shared our morning coffee out of a giant mug together and i was sitting on your lap and we were giggling and boyfriends and in love
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listen. sometimes i just really need a hug from someone like hinata. yknow??
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tchotchkez · 3 months
iunno guys i just want to be loved & held tightly for a moment or two is that so much to ask
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dizzysilhouette · 4 months
[looks at the awesome (and very queer) WKF art ppl have made]
[slams fist on desk repeatedly] GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME
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xxwhiskeyxx · 2 years
Heacanons w/ Whiskey  Random Blurbs
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I’m sitting in the library at my college, I’m done with my work for the day and I’m procrastinating writing today’s trope because I am the king of procrastination.
As many people have come to headcanon, Mounty grows plants around his horns and in his hair whenever he is focused on something or thinking of someone, also gives people plant nicknames. The way he comes up with them is seeing what flowers or plants grow whenever he thinks of a specific person. Such as with Swiss, Edelweiss, Spider Lillys, and Hydrangeas tend to sprout whenever the Multi pops into his mind, or Iris’s and Nightshade appear when Aether was helping him in the greenhouse for the first time.
Dew has chronic dry mouth, which is funny because when he had more Water ghoul traits, he had a problem with over salivating.(Poor baby was forced into a ritual by upper Clergy members to force his Fire to be his almost exclusive element and took away about 80% of all his Water traits, more on this in an upcoming trope) Now this is why he almost always has a drink on hand, or he is constantly coughing due to his mouth being so dry
Swiss is the Just Dance king but the one song he can never seem to beat is surprisingly the Cotton Eye Joe dance simply because he wants to do the proper line dance and it infuriates him that they changed it
Sunshine, Swiss, and Dew are known as the Chaos Triplets and are absolutely not allowed to be alone with each other without supervision, last time they managed to sneak away and they created a bomb in the kitchen that they set and exploded in Nihil’s office, their reasoning? “He’s mean to Papa!”
Cumulus is actually pretty chaotic herself; she is known to set up pranks around the ghoul den for unsuspecting ghouls to fall into. Water balloon filled with shaving cream set just right so that it falls and splatters on Aether when he walks into the kitchen, Poppers under toilet seats (Mountain once fell in and had to pried out by Aether and Swiss cause his legs got stuck upward), she once even switched out the milk with baking soda water and made Dew throw up when he had chugged it straight from the carton.
Aether needs to wear glasses for reading and all the other ghouls swoon when they find him perched in a chair, dad stance with the knee crossed over the other, with his reading glasses on his nose. Swiss will typically dramatically fall into his lap and beg for him to read to him.
Rain has days where he is very touch-adverse and the others have learned to ask before touching him for the first time in the morning, Cumulus is a slight exception because he can never be disgusted by her hugs. (Quick head and shoulder are his accepted form of affection these days, also finger touches)
Cirrus has somehow managed to wrangle Dew into makeup and skirts quite a few times, always showing him off and calling him her “Pretty Girl” which always makes his knees weak, and he will happily chirp and trill as she applies the makeup.
Copia has been accepted as basically a member of their back and they WILL go into his room and force him into a ghoul pile if they feel he’s been too distant lately, usually initiated by Dew and surpringly Rain
Mountain is quite possibly the touchiest of the ghouls, always patting someone on the head or hugging someone if he feels like it. He’s also been known to drag people into his lap, shove his face into their back, and forcefully cuddle them if he’s had a bad day, Swiss, Cumulus, Sunshine, and Dew tend to volunteer for Mountain cuddle duty if it seems he’s particularly snippy, cause usually a good couple minutes of snuggles will bring back their happy Mounty.
Swiss actually can play the saxophone, along with trumpet, piano, trombone, piccolo, harmonica, and drums, he’s aiming to learn everything possible but he’s limited to what he can buy on amazon and what he finds around the band storage closet
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averysmallcetacean · 3 months
ok, so someone might've noticed that I've been talking alot about this one friend in tags and stuff, this is going to be about them and might be a bit rambly/overdramatic so bear with me. If you do read this I would really appreciate any advice inc just saying "you're being stupid, stop worrying" I literally have no one I can talk to about this so I would really appreciate it <3
ok so this friend and I have gotten much closer in the past few months which I've been really happy about. I haven't had close friends in a long time so it's been nice to have someone I actually look forward to seeing, it makes the hellhole that is school more bearable. Also, we are both quite physically affectionate people while none of my other friends are that physically affectionate so that's been nice yk. Anyway, I get attached to people quite quickly and they've rapidly become my favourite friend (and maybe my favourite person). I care about them so much and honestly just want to see them happy, I love them (platonically) yk.
But I'm worried that I've just gotten way too attached and that to them I'm just a friend and not someone they care too much about. Cause, like for me this is a really special friendship, I really value the time we spend together and the fact that we can be physically affectionate. But they have other friends who they are arguably much closer with and who they are also physically affectionate with and I'm worried that I've misinterpreted and that we aren't really that close and that they're just like that and I've just gotten overattached. It's not like they've been awkward with me or anything, if anything they've gotten more affectionate lately but like, it probably means nothing to them but to me it's like the highlight of my day when I get to hang out with them.
tldr: I really care about my friend but I'm worried that I've misinterpreted and that I am not really important to them at all
p.s. If you are my friend and you've seen this for some reason (if you have then like, you know who are lol), then like no you haven't, this was all a weird dream
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eros-ghoulette · 3 months
I need cuddles. I fucking need them
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void-tiger · 6 months
Actually…? No. Tell me the odds. I need the likelihood of success and got nothing else to lose might as well try even if extremely unlikely. Because I need help sustaining the hope that everything’s gonna be okay and motivation to get there that I just can’t do for myself without burning out almost completely.
#tiger’s musings#mental health bullshit#…I am just. overwhelmed#by not knowing how to make this work#and being unable to beat the ED keeping me from taking the two steps that I DO know exist#because…I need a moral support body double. and one who won’t get disgusted as my lid flips the whole time I try to do this#and…I just can’t see someone WANTING to MAKE time for me. a small pocket. for us to both relax and catch our breath and enjoy eachother#I’m tired of ‘oh we’re totally friends Tiger!’ but. are we tho?#you set time aside for friends to either just. talk. share memes. or hang out no matter how infrequently#guess my love language really IS quality time#in addition to being very touch starved for Platonic Human Intimacy#and a side of acts of service. because…my chronic illness(es) force me to rely on others#beyond ‘I’d scratch your back if asked. can you please return the favor sometime so I don’t feel used.’#…I’m just. I’m tired. I’m tired of giving out love platonically and feeling Liked but Disregarded#while things also falling apart when I’ve either decided to leave or have to leave due to neutral circumstances or because I’m hurting#I…feel like I’m being Expected to be the one to reach out…again…over Just a misunderstanding#but if I do. it has to be with ‘look I KNOW we miscommunicated but THIS is what hurt me and I NEEDED That acknowledged or clarified’#but…the circumstances that led to the method being blamed for this miscommunication still. y’know. exist#so…what’s the point
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glitzybunny · 1 year
Sometimes I just wanna be given a small little kiss :<
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wannabepapa · 11 months
screaming, crying, and begging for a hug
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I need cuddles so bad rn
I want a person to let me cuddle with them for at least a few minutes
please I'm in need of cuddles the last time I ever had cuddled with a person was when I was 2
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emissary-of-the-moon · 8 months
I want skyward sword link to be real for one reason and thats that i want him to lay on top of me like a weighted blanket
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my-dessert · 1 year
Whoever sees this, please please please PLEASE, (yes I am begging) recommend me some T.V. shows were the two MCs are canonically gay for each other and canonically inlove. Something like GO but not so much heartbreak. But not Heart Stopper. Already watched + read it.
SM platforms; Prime Video, Netflix
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