#aether x plus sized reader
xxwhiskeyxx · 2 years
Love Trope February! Plus-Sized: Aether x Reader
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(Y/N) and Aether have been friends for a few years since they are the band manger/Copia’s assistant and before that, they had been Terzo’s until he retired, so it’s safe to say they are pretty good friends with everyone in the band. (Y/N) is closest to our lovely Quintessence ghoul and in fact, has had feelings for him since they have met him, but they can never imagine the attractive ghoul to ever even look at them like that. Why you’re asking? (Y/N) is a bit…bigger than most of the other Siblings, they have thick thighs, hips, love handles, and a tummy, all things that they have been made to believe make them undesirable. But little do they know, the thickest ghoul in the band has feelings for the thickest Sibling in the Ministry, he has been in love with them since he first laid eyes on them, but he has a similar fear cause of his thick thighs, tummy, and his pecs that are a little squishier than they should be even with the muscle he has. Along with the fact that Swiss has made it clear he has his sights set on them, why would they want the chunky dad friend when they could have the toned life of the party. Will these two thick lovebirds get together or will Swiss steal away the lovely (Y/N).
4k words
Welcome to the 2nd chubby/plus-sized reader of this series! I had this one planned out long before I made the Alpha one. That one was simply due to the coincidence of YN being Omega's sibling, and I headcanon that Quintessence ghouls are typically quiet thick, both with muscle and fat, so I thought it'd be cool. I tried to not make the fact that YN was chubby/plus-sized, given by their confidence, other than the bitch who tried to insult our lovely YN, but a bad bitch knows their worth and YN don't give a fuck. Anyways! I hope you guys enjoy this, I didn't wanna make this one a basic plus-sized reader fic and have them sniveling about their weight 3 paragraphs in (I am guilty of have another chubby reader where they do cry about their weight, but it's cause of mean bitches). This YN is insecure yes, you'll figure this out quickly, but they also know their worth for the most part, they are a bad bitch who knows how to do their job.
Again no smut, but there is some making out ;)
E/C = Eye color H/C = Hair color Favorite scent = Idk, pick whatever you think you smell like or what you think you'd smell like to a ghoul! There is one gendered nickname but it said "sweet girl/boy" so pick whichever you feel comfier with, if neither than jus say sweet thing in yo mind, its your life, idc whatcha call yourself its your experience
- Love Whiskey <3
Copia and the ghouls had just finished their final bows and tossing out picks and drumsticks, while (Y/N) was finishing up setting up their hotel for the night when they are suddenly tackle hugged from behind before being picked up and spun around by a laughing Swiss, “Put me down you Smiley faced dumbass before you throw your back out!” they screech, clinging to his arms, “Doll, you weigh nothing to me, your lighter than a twinkie, which by the way, I have a stockpile of on the bus that I snagged from the last gas station.” Swiss laughs, as he sets them down, they quickly whirl around and smack his chest. “Just because you guys have super strength compared to humans, doesn’t mean I’ll ever get used to being picked up by you.” they laugh, Swiss just grins as Aether comes up to them, “I see he got to you before I did, can I get a hug too if I promise to not pick you up?” he asks, holding open his arms, “I don’t know you’re pretty sweaty.” they tease, “I am less sweaty than Mountain, who I can easily convince to force you into a nice big ghoul hug.” Aether joking threatens, “Fine, fine, just because I love you.” they laugh, wrapping their arms around the Quintessence ghoul, not noticing how his face flushes a light violet that’s hidden by his mask nor the way Swiss glares at him, Aether simply rolls his eyes and squeezes (Y/N) tight against him, basking in their warmth and softness.
“Alright, get changed and get back on the bus in less than 30 minutes, I will be timing you. Last one on has to room with Copia.” (Y/N) says as they pull away, patting Aether and Swiss on the shoulder before running off to probably check in with Copia and let him know of their now reserved hotel rooms. “I felt how flustered you got Lover Boy, getting all hot and bothered by a simple hug?” Swiss snarks, Aether gives him a look, “No, I did not get ‘hot and bothered’, they just give nice hugs.” he returns, walking towards their shared dressing room, Swiss of course following to keep bothering him. “Oh, I’m sure that’s all it was.” is all he says as he yanks off his stage uniform and mask, tossing the helm onto the couch, and drops his glamor, gold and silver eyes now exposed as his light brown human skin fades to his normal grey, horns also exposed too. Aether says nothing as to not give the Multi anymore ammo. 
The pair emerge, Swiss wearing a pair of sweats and a simple black t-shirt while Aether is in black jeans and a half done button up, exposing chest hair, both remasked even with their glamors up. (Y/N) was standing near the door, typing on their phone, probably texting the other ghouls and crew to hurry up or their being left behind, they run a pretty tight ship and even though people have complained to Copia about it, all he says is “(Y/N) has helped us in many ways you don’t see, they’re the reason your sleeping in an actual bed instead of in the crew bus or van tonight so hush or your bed will be given away.” This doesn’t stop the gossip though, insults given towards the curvy Sibling before their back, though most quickly learned not to say anything in front of the ghouls, less they want a trip the hospital with a claim that they got attacked by a mountain lion. 
“I see you two finished quickly, head back to the bus, I’ll be there in a few, just have a couple things to finish up.” (Y/N) says, “I’ll stay with them, go ahead mate.” Aether says, nodding for Swiss to go ahead. Even though he clearly wants to argue, Swiss begrudgingly trudges off towards the ghouls bus, “You don’t have to stay Aeth, I’m fine by myself.” (Y/N) tries to insist, but the large ghoul shakes his head, “I’m not gonna let you stand here by yourself, that’s boring and dangerous for someone like you.” he says, (Y/N)’s face falls slightly, “Someone like me?” they ask. Aether realizes his fuck up, “I me..mean someone whose as beautiful as you shouldn’t be left where they could get snatched up.” he says, a blush, once again thankfully hidden by his mask, spreads across his cheeks. The curvy Sibling drops their head to hide their own blush, “You’re just sayin that ya big sweetheart, nobody would want to steal me.” they laugh nervously.
Aether frowns, stepping closer and, with a sudden burst of confidence, he tilts their chin up “I say it cause it’s true, if I had the chance, I’m snatch you right up and steal you for myself.” he teases. The light blush on (Y/N)’s face erupted into a violent red that reaches their ears, “I-” is all they get out when suddenly Sodo, Mountain, and Rain appear, “Hey guys, Copia says that the crew has everything about loaded so we ca.., did we interupt something.” Dew trails off, eyes darting between the human and ghoul, “N..No! Aether said he saw something on my face so he was just looking!” (Y/N) exclaims, its a poor excuse but it’s the first thing that came to mind. “Okay..anyways, he said we can head to hotel if we’re ready and he’ll catch up later.” he finishes.
“Awesome, I was just waiting for you guys so let’s go.” (Y/N) says, quickly turning and walking out the door, the ghouls look between each other, “Did you do something?” Mountain asks, not necessarily accusing but there is a hint of a threat to the question. “No, of course not!” Aether says, groaning as he brings a hand up and rubs down his face, “I..may have called them beautiful and made a joke about stealing them for myself..” he says quietly, face burning with embarrassment. The others stand there for a moment before Sodo and Mountain burst out laughing, “Man, I never thought you’d have the balls to make a move Cupcake, good for you.” Dew cackles, moving to slap the taller ghoul on the shoulder, “I didn’t make a move on them! I just complimented them and made a joke.” he insists, “Yeah yeah, let’s head to the bus, my feet hurt and I want a real bed, me and Rainy have a date.” he say slyly, tail wrapping around the Water ghouls wrist, “Shu..shush Dew, you just said you wanted to room with me so you don’t have deal with the others snoring!” Rain says, letting the smaller guitarist drag him out the door. Mountain pats Aether’s shoulder, “Come on Lover Boy, before Swiss can make a move too.” he says, pulling the Quintessence ghoul with him.
The pair make it back to the bus, (Y/N) was no where in sight, “They immediately ran and seem to be hiding in their bunk.” Sunshine says. Aether decides against bothering them right now, he’ll apologize for overstepping when they get to the hotel. Mountain takes the driver seat and puts in the address (Y/N) had sent to him when he texted asking where he was going, it didn’t take long, only about 20 minutes, to reach the hotel. Sodo bolts out the doors with his bag slung over his shoulder and Rain in tow, (Y/N) follows suit as they quickly dart out to check in and get the keycards. The others make their way in, Aether being the last in so he had the last pick, the girls of course grouped up, Swiss and Mountain paired up (he tried to convince (Y/N) to room with him but they said “Hell no, last time we roomed together, I woke up to you sprawled naked on my bed with Sodo!”), and of course Rain and Sodo. Copia tends to get a room to himself unless either the hotel doesn’t have enough room or (Y/N) decides to punish a ghoul (and Copia by extension) by making them room with Papa. 
“I guess we’re together then.” Aether says, (Y/N) nods, hiding their red face as they duck down to grab their bag, “Yeah, room 207, the other’s are spaced throughout the hall except for Sodo and Rain, they’re right next to us.” they grimace. “Oh no, I’d say let’s hope they don’t fuck but we both know Dew can never keep it in his pants and Rain can never say no to being fucked.” Aether jokes, trying to lighten the mood, the human laughs as they make their way to the elevator. They hit the button to take them to the right floor, standing next to the buttons with Aether on the otherside, there is an awkward silence as the elevator ascends. Just as Aether got the courage to speak, the elevator dinged and the doors opened, “Come on, this way.” (Y/N) says, lugging their bag as they start walking down the hallway, he sighs and follows. Soon they stop outside the door labeled 207, opening the door using the keycard and holding the door so Aether can enter.
Once they have their things set on their chosen beds, (Y/N) flops down with a groan, kicking off their boots, “Fuck, I never thought today would end!” they say loudly, throwing their arms up before letting them flop back above their head. “You’re telling me, it felt like today’s Ritual was 5 hours long! Papa kept going on and on during his monologues, I swear he makes them longer each time.” Aether groans, plopping onto his own bed after kicking off his own boots and tossing his mask onto the nightstand. Theres a beat of silence before they try to speak, “I’m so-”, “Wan-”, they look at each other and laugh, “Go ahead Aeth, yours sounds more important.” (Y/N) insists, sitting up and crisscrossing their legs, “Okay, I just wanted to say sorry if I overstepped earlier, I do legitimately think your beautiful (Y/N), I wasn’t messing with you.” he says, fiddling with his tail nervously. 
The curvy human stares at the ghoul in shock, no one had really complimented them outside of the ghouls, who all insisted that they were gorgeous and even called ‘smoking fucking hot’ by Sodo, who had winked at them, but they never took them seriously, thinking that they were just trying to make them feel better. But the way Aether apologized and the look of pure seriousness on his face makes them believe that he is telling the truth.
“You didn’t overstep Aether, don’t worry, I just..am not used to someone complimenting me and then saying something so…I don’t know, like they want me.” they explain, crossing their arms across their stomach in an act of self-comfort. “Oh honey, your absolutely gorgeous, you have to have all the Brother’s and Sister’s back home lining up at your door.” he insists, (Y/N) laughs, “Your funny Aeth, most of the other Siblings avoid me if you haven’t notice..most of them think I’m either stuck up due to my position or that I’m hideous, for obvious reasons.” they say, gesturing to their body. Aether frowns, standing up from his bed and walking over to the human. Sitting in front of them and grabbing their hands gently and with possibly the softest look they have ever seen in their life, he says “(Y/N), never call yourself hideous. You are the furthest thing from even the word ugly, you are breathtaking, forgive me if I’m being too much, but the second I saw you, I swear I thought you were a fallen angel, you are so beautiful you rival the angels themselves.” (Y/N) stares at the ghoul, mouth open in shock, Aether continues, “You might just be the most enchanting creature I have ever laid eyes on and anyone who says your less than gorgeous, then they have to be blind.” he finishes, taking a deep breath. 
(Y/N) is close to tears, simply staring at the Quintessence ghoul, the feeling of butterflies in their stomach when the ghoul had grabbed their hands turned into a swarm of hornets with bashfulness. Aether’s cheeks are covered in a violet hue as his own butterflies turn into a tornado of nerves, he decides to just say fuck it and land the final blow, “What I guess I’m saying is, I love you (Y/N), more than anything on Earth or in the Pit. You are exquisite and I hope you feel the same because I don’t know what I will do if I can’t hold you in my arms or kiss you.” he says, royal eyes staring in (E/C), his tail nervously flicking behind him.
A deep silence fills the room, the human never expected Aether to ever feel the same way for them that they did for him, his confession shocked them into silence, mouth opening and closing like a fish. The ghoul takes their silence as rejection, ears lower and tail drooping, he starts to pull away, but before he can, (Y/N) grabs his face and presses their lips to his, eyes shut tightly as they try to express all the emotions they feel for him through their connected lips. Aether freezes for a moment, but quickly melts into the kiss, tangling his fingers into (H/C) locks as he pulls them closer. 
The kiss turns hungry as (Y/N) tugs Aether closer to them, their hands migrating down to wrap around his neck, playing with the small strands of hair at the base of his skull. The large ghouls growls lightly as he hovers above the human, nipping at their lip, eliciting a gasp from them, before slipping his forked tongue into their mouth, their wet muscles fighting for dominance before choosing to simply tangle together as Aether strokes a hand down their side, slipping a hand under their shirt. This makes (Y/N) gasp and pull away, instinctively grabbing the intruding hand, “I..I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m quite ready to..go that far yet..I’m sorry if I seem like a baby.” they whisper, a look of shame overtaking their face. 
But before they could look away, Aether grabs their chin, forcing them to look him into the eye. Pressing a gentle kiss to their cheek then their forehead, “(Y/N), my love, I completely understand, never apolgize for establishing a boundary. I should be the one apologizing for trying to push things, I’m sorry for that.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to their swollen lips. He rolls off of them, choosing to lay next to them instead. (Y/N) turns to look at him, but before they can speak, he presses a finger to their lips, “If your thinking I would ever possibly be disgusted by your body, think again, I could never be anything but aroused by such a sexy body. But I am not going to force you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, if you rather, we can simply cuddle or I can go back to my bed if you’d prefer?” he states, grabbing a small hand and kissing their knuckles. “No, please stay. Cuddling would be nice.” they say softly, grabbing the guitarists hand and pulling it to place their own kisses. Aether smiles at the adorable sight, he grunts as he shifts to instead lean against the pillows, opening his arms in offering for them to lay against him. (Y/N) grins, squirming up to snuggle against the Quintessence ghoul, who wraps his arms around them and nuzzles his face against their hair, sighing contently as he inhales the smell of their (perfume/cologne) and their own scent of (favorite smells).
This is where they remain for a long time, simply basking in the warmth of each other, sharing soft kisses and then trailing them elsewhere, hands do wonder a tad but only over top of the clothing. Eventually (Y/N) speaks, “I think we both need to shower and change before we sleep, I don’t fancy falling asleep in jeans and the shirt I’ve been wearing all day.” Aether groans but he knows their right, he may have changed but he still smells like sweat and he doesn’t like sleeping in jeans either. He insists (Y/N) showers first, saying he’ll find a movie for them to watch while he waits, the Sibling presses a quick kiss to his lips before rolling out of his arms and off the bed, ‘Fuck I always sleep in shorts..well it’s not like he’s never seen me in them before.’ they think to themselves as they gather a pair of black, loose sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt, along with their toiletries, (possibly stolen from the ghoul currently in their bed, but they’ll never admit it) as Aether grabs the hotel tv’s remote and turns it on, some random tv show starts blaring from the speakers as they close the bathroom door.
(Y/N) makes quick work of showering, saving brushing their teeth once they eat, reminding themselves to mention ordering food to the room (that is what they were originally going to ask Aether about earlier) before the ghoul gets in the shower. Opening the door as a cloud of steam escapes the bathroom, they exit and toss their dirty clothes next to their overnight bag, Aether is lounging on the bed, watching some MTV show, when he turns to look at them. He can’t help the way he looks up and down the curvy Siblings body, eyes hungrily taking in their thick, bare thighs and the way their hips follow the curve of their love handles, “Eyes up here mister.” (Y/N) says in a jokingly serious tone, crossing their arms. Aether chuckles, standing up from the bed, coming over to wrap his arms around their waist, “Sorry sweetheart, you just look so good.” he says, pressing a kiss to their neck. They laugh, pushing him away, “No way buster, you’re still stinky and I just got clean.” they say, Aether whines but obeys, walking over to his own bag to grab some clothes for after his shower.
“By the way, are you hungry? I was going to ask earlier before…all that happened. Wanna order food before you get in the bathroom?” (Y/N) asks, jumping on the bed and grabbing their phone, pulling up Doordash and scrolling through the options, “Yeah sure, what’s around?” Aether asks as he grabs his bathroom things, pair of sweats under his arm. “Uhhh, fast food, burger joint, Chiles, and some Mexican place.” (Y/N) replies, “I’m good with anything, you pick.” he says, “Chiles?” they offer, “Sounds good, remember my usual?” Aether asks as he walks to the bathroom. “Yeah, still have it saved from last time!” (Y/N) chirps, already adding their order to the cart.
They place the order, and it arrives a few minutes after Aether gets out of the bathroom. They eat on the bed while watching some Adam Sandler movie that had popped up. Once they finished, they somehow shoved all of the trash into the small trashcan next to the dresser holding the TV and brushed their teeth before snuggling under the covers. (Y/N) with their head on the ghoul's soft chest, arms wrapped around him, while Aether has one arm around their back while he fiddles with the TV. Eventually, they fall asleep with the TV still droning on in the background.
The next morning, Aether wakes up first. He is at first confused by the feeling of a body pressed against his since he knows he was sharing with (Y/N), but then everything that had happened the night before comes flying back, he had confessed and (Y/N) reciprocated. They slept together in the same bed, (Y/N) is cuddled up on top of him, seemingly having moved in their sleep, head tucked into his neck and laying between his legs. He lets a dopey smile overtake his face as he gently hugs the human closer, rubbing his cheek against their hair and wrapping his tail around their thigh. Today was a simple travel day, so while they didn’t have to exactly rush, they didn’t have all day to lay in bed before Sodo and/or Swiss came banging on the door, demanding they let them in, usually ending up with the ghouls in one or both of their beds, cuddling into whoever their chosen victim was and making them late.
Aether chooses to let (Y/N) sleep a little longer, not wanting to ruin this moment just yet. The TV was still on, playing some random soap opera now, he chooses to watch for a little while as he takes in the warmth and softness of his new partner. Once the commercial break starts, he decides to wake them, “(Y/N), my love, it’s time to wake up.” he calls softly, pressing kisses across the bits of face he could reach, earning a groan on protest as the human tucks in further, trying to escape the albeit pleasant wakening but not wanting to wake up yet, “5 more minutes.” they whine. “No sweet girl/boy, you need to wake up, unless you want Dewdrop and Swiss to bust down the door and see you in those sexy shorts.” he purrs, nipping at their now-exposed ear. This gets a yelp and a cracked (E/C) eye at him, suddenly their head shoots up as they realize their positioning, but before the anxious human can move off of him, Aether wraps his arms tighter around them, “Ah Ah, I just wanted you to wake up, I didn’t ask you to move did I?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “Ar..aren’t I too heavy?” they ask, “No, not at all darling, now stay put unless you’re getting up to use the bathroom.” he states, they huff but accept the situation, laying back down as they grab their phone from where it was charging.
After a few minutes, (Y/N) has to get up to use the bathroom when there is a sudden rapid knocking on their door, “Aeth, (Y/N)! Open up, lemme innnnn!” Sodo’s whine comes through the door, Aether groans as (Y/N) opens the door, “Did you have to let the Gremlin in?” Aether asks, Dew simply sticks out his tongue, “You two love me, you can’t deny it.” he snarks as he wraps his arms around (Y/N)’s waist. “Someone woke up extra clingy this morning, did snuggling with Rainy all night not meet your quota?” (Y/N) teases, hugging the Fire ghoul back, “He kicked me out of his bed claiming I was trying to start stuff, I can’t help he has such a squeezable ass!” Sodo whines, “Don’t worry Aeth, yours is the best” he says with a wink to the Quintessence ghoul who flips him off. 
This is when the normally oblivious ghoul becomes quite perspective, he takes in how there was clearly only one bed used, the other only having slightly ruffled sheets from when Aether had sat on it for a minute, “Aeth did you finally tell them?!” he asks, mouth dropping open, looking between the human he’s hugging and the other ghoul. “Yes, I did. So don’t be getting any funny ideas ya little shit.” Aether grumbles from the bed, “(Y/N), you seriously got with Beefcake over here? You could’ve had your pick of the litter!” Sodo whines, the human laughs, pulling away to sit next to their partner, “Yes, I did. Love you Dew, but Aether is the comfiest thing I have ever slept on, no offense but I’m pretty sure my ass would break any of the rest of you.” they say with a wink. The Fire ghoul smirks as he joins the pair on the bed, wiggling his way into Aether’s lap, “Don’t say that before you try it Marshmellow, you’d find I can handle quite a lot~” he purrs, earning a tug on his tail by an annoyed Quintessence ghoul, “Their mine, hands to yourself unless otherwise told so Spice Boy.” Aether growls though he hugs the Gremlin closer. (Y/N) laughs and lies next to the ghouls, taking in what they hope is the first of many fun and cuddly mornings.
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lxvvie · 5 months
Couples Shit with Simon Riley, Lovably Pissed Grumpy Cat Editon:
cw: alcohol and alcoholic consumption
If you thought sober Simon had grumpy cat tendencies, drunk Simon is on another level of grumpy cattiness, complete with the way he'll look up and squint his eyes in catty judgment every time you cease to stop scratching his scalp. Fuck you stop for, lovie?
Simply put: Splooting and snoring. On you.
Simon getting the munchies after a night out and snacking on your favorite snacks, y'know, the ones that don't (lovingly) hold a candle to his? Simon confesses that actually yeah, you do have good taste in food and you're the reason why his taste buds aren't so shitty anymore. The food choices are just one more thing to lovingly bicker about, sweetheart.
Your big bear of a soldier being a bit more talkative than normal while pissed. It's not uncommon for you two to be laid up, staring at the ceiling, and conversing about life. One time, Simon pensively revealed that "Mum and Tommy would've liked you and Pa would've been jealous..."
Similarly, Simon confessing all these life plans he had in mind for the two of you, what he'd do after he left the military, how you two would spend the rest of your lives together, travel, and annoy the Cap'n. Maybe. More than likely. OH, and he can finally stay naked all day and sleep in with you. This being said from the bathroom where he's taking the longest piss known to man. Oh, Simon. ❤️
Hand holding. Drunk Simon really loves to hold your hand. Loves to intertwine your fingers and compare the sizes. Gushes about how soft yours feels compared to his. Always talks about how you two "fuckin' fit" and if he could, he'd hold your hand forever.
Drunk texting you like crazy. Even when he's right beside you. Simon wants you to know that he loves you and that your ass is better than any pillow he's slept on. Er, thank you, Si-bear.
Speaking of drunk texting, remember when he let the fellas know he's a missus now? Yeah, he also spoke of the wedding plans. The Cap'n would give him away, Gaz would be the best man, and Johnny would be the flower girl but because he's, y'know, Soap, he'll just spray bubbles or some shit instead of throwing petals. OH, and that he really wants a Spring wedding but whatever color they choose for said wedding, please don't pick the color purple because it's overrated and washes him out. Huh???
After Simon suggests you two adopt Soap, he comes home with a drunken Johnny in tow and introduces him like he just got him. From somewhere, you guess. Simon goes on and on about how you two have to be good "role models" for Johnny as if he isn't a grown man who had good role models growing up. The picture you snapped of them cuddled up together on the couch (that you later shared with Gaz) sleeping the alcohol off was worth it, and Simon would much rather you and Soap not talk about it. Ever. ("What we have is special, Lt.—" "That'll fuckin' DO—")
Simon telling you that, as your missus, he, too, will wear a wedding band. On his cock. Because you love his cock and you love him. OH, and because he won't lose it when he's deployed. They don't call it a cockring for nothing, lovie.
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katskitoshi · 2 years
synopsis: he helps you with something and it's only fair you pay him back, right? (mondstadt vers.) (liyue vers.) (inazuma part one vers.)
characters: dom! aether, venti, albedo, diluc, and keaya x gn! sub! reader
includes: (nsfw themes) aether's a menace, sweat kink, darcyphillia, rough sex, cumming inside, venti's a menace, fucking in a cathedral, wall sex, clothed sex, size kink, albedo's a menace, spanking, hot/cold play, orgasm denial, fingering, thigh grinding, outdoor sex, diluc's a menace, mister kink, begging kink, slapping, spit kink, deepthroating, blowjob, lmk if i missed smthg.
aether, the outlander.
aether is always doing favors for people, but when it's with you, it's never a chore. you needed help clearing out a domain, and you offered to do something to compensate him sometime. and now that he's finally alone with you, he gets the chance to finally use that favor you owe him.
-- "fuck, you're so hot, [name]." he smiles as his delicate, yet scarred, fingers trace across your tear-covered face. he lays above you, sitting on your torso, pinning your hands down as he admires your beauty. even through through pain and battle, you manage to stay as perfect as ever.
aether was thanked profusely for helping you with this domain, and the challenge was a little hard, resulting in a bit of ripped clothing and a bunch of sweat dripping down your body, while he was only left with a major problem in his pants.
and he just couldn't resist himself. plus, you owed him a favor after all. and you both wanted it, so what's the harm?
his smile is almost maniacal as he drags his tongue across your tears and sweat dripping down your face. the tears from the minutes of torment on your delicate nipples and hole. "you're disgusting aether," you gag despite being turned on. "yes, but you love it, darling."
he had to be quick to fuck you, because you automatically get kicked out the domain after 16 minutes. around 6 minutes have passed already, leaving 10 more minutes of torture to continue.
aether leans down and licks your lips, the salty taste of tears and sweat coming onto your own tastebuds. the kiss is quick, rushed, but still desperate. he finally gets off your stomach, "on all fours." he demands.
this commanding voice he has turns you on to unimaginable extents, and you do as he says. after all, the clock is running and the both of you've still yet to cum.
he pulls his pants down just enough to spring in growing cock out. it leaks milky white precum, and it looks a flushed red, just like his face. you're already prepped, his torture on your hole proof enough. he lines himself up and thrusts in quickly, the strength of it propelling you forwards.
your face smushed into the hard domain floors, and your hips were harshly grabbed by the blonde fucking you. "a-aether slow down!" you wail, using one hand to try to push his hips back, but it's far from enough to stop his brutish thrusts against you.
"can't, darling. there's only --fuck-- 4 minutes left and we have to cum and collect our rewards, remember?" he uses this as an excuse to fuck you harder, his nails digging into your hips and pulling you further back into him. his thrust get faster somehow, and you're used like a fucktoy in his hands.
"aether, i-i think i'm c-cumingg~!" you wail, feeling the high of orgasm quickly approaching. aether can tell, he's about too to, and he only thrusts faster to make the approaching high all the more satisfying. "fuck! me too!"
with a particularly deep thrust, spurts of aether's hot load paint your insides white.
you and aether both moan loudly, the sound echoing throughout the domain. you collapse on the domain floor, aether's cum dripping out of you.
you both pant. he slaps your ass, "get your clothes on and lets get our rewards and i'll take you back to mondstadt so we can finish, 'kay?" you nod, tears still slipping from your eyes. he helps you up, your legs still wobbly from your endeavors.
wait- it finally hit you. he said he can finish when he gets back, right? here, he was bound to 16 minutes, who knows what he can do with endless time on his hands? well, i guess you'll have to be the lucky traveler to find out.
venti, the windborne "bard".
you needed help with getting atop a mountain, and venti was conveniently there for you to make a little wind rift to boost you up. it was a favor, one you'd have to soon repay. although he could have used the nice view of your ass as a reward, he needed something more.
-- "v-venti! you're gonna get us caught!" you quietly wail as he fingers you faster inside a closet at the church of favonius. a service in worship to lord barbatos was going on not too far away, the same lord barbatos who was toying with you.
venti curls his fingers in a particular way that has you release a high pitched moan, quickly covering your mouth in embarrassment. he chuckles, thrusting even faster and curling his fingers even deeper into the spot that makes your vision white.
"for someone so scared of being caught," he places a kiss on your neck, licking the area over, "you sure do make a lot of noise. but let's see how loud you can get, yeah?"
your mind regrets even allowing him to get as far as leading you away from the church but your body is happy it made the decision of letting him drag you away from a holy service in order to make some unholy deeds happen. in most situations, it's mind over body. but for venti, your body's desire outweighs whatever logical thoughts you had.
he removes his fingers and licks them clean, much to your disappointment, resulting in a whine, "don't worry, [name]. this will be much better than what my fingers can do." he chuckles again, removing his pants and jerking his cock to full size. your eyes widen in surprise as you notice his large size despite his small stature.
"venti, there's no way that can fit. you aren't seriously gonna put it in me, right? venti? venti-" you panicked at first, scared of his initial size. he was huge! but you stopped panicking when he finally thrusted inside, stretching you open.
he ignores your concerns, only focused on the feeling of your wrapped around his cock. "you're so cute windblume~ remember, i'm doing this because you owe me a favor. consider this my compensation for helping you that day! plus, i'm sure that even if you hadn't owed me this we still would have found ourselves doing this at some point."
a high moan escapes you lips as you claw at venti's back, careful not to rip his delicate clothing. he continues to thrust into until he's balls deep inside you. pulling out until only the tip is in, he thrusts into hard, fast, and deep. you shake in his arms, quietly moaning out his name in hopes he'd slow down. but there's a slim chance he'll do it.
after all, he's the god of freedom in his own church and you're a consenting traveler who's willing to be a god's plaything.
albedo, the kreideprinz.
albedo has always been one for "if you give, you take." he's a generous soul, but he still must be repaid if he does you a favor. and since he gave you warmth in the freezing cold of dragonspine, it's only right that he takes something in return, correct? and who knows, maybe what he takes could benefit the both of you on this cold dragonspine night.
-- "tell me dear, are you feeling warmer now?" albedo breathes down your neck, one hand toying with your hard nipples and the other using two fingers to loosen you for his cock. you could feel his hard on against your ass, and it felt big.
in his camp, you could feel the warmth of a nearby fire which warmed you up instantly, but it suddenly felt too hot. "i feel too hot, 'bedo." you whine as you feel him pull your nipple a bit too hard.
he chuckles, "you told me you wanted to be warmer, so i made you warmer." he pulls your face close to his, kissing you and only adding to the heat forming between your legs
after striking a nerve deep inside you with his fingers, you moaned out loudly, almost shamelessly arching your back against him. "'bedo, too hot! i think i'm gonna cum!" you start grinding against his fingers and back onto his clothed dick.
"you are? really?" he questions condescendingly. you throw your head back further onto his shoulder as he speeds up his fingers. "cumming! i'm cumming!" and right before you cum onto albedo's pretty fingers, he pulls out, forcing you to not reach your orgasm.
the tears stream down your face switch from pleasure to pain. "albedo, please! wh-why'd you pull out?" you whine, grinding against him in hopes of received some sort of pleasuring friction.
albedo doesn't like this. he removes his hand from you nipple has it join his wet fingers on your hips to stop you from grinding. "i had to pull out because you said you were too hot. i would hate to make you too hot, dear."
you don't even think about what you're doing, only wanting to reach the high that was taken away from you. you try to pry off albedo's hands off your hips, pulling and hitting him. "'bedo, please! just keep fingering me! i'll suck you off afterwards or let you fuck me however you want, just continue please!" despite your fruitless efforts, you continue to try and grind against him.
he stares at you coldly, almost as harsh as the frozen winds that got you in this situation. "that's not very nice, now is it, dear?" he pushes you off him and pats his lap. shit. you just got yourself in more trouble than a single orgasm was worth.
you bend over his lap, mentally preparing yourself for whats to come. "m'sorry 'bedo," he shushes you in return, sliding is cold pointer finger drown your back and onto your ass. he rubs it gently, almost like he wasn't about to ruin you. he gives one harsh smack, demanding you count. and you do, until he reaches 12 and he starts to the knead the sore skin of your ass.
"archons, you're pathetic. i can feel you even through my pants. remember, if give you something, i will take in return. so i'll give you this punishment and i'll take you as i please. it's stupid how you think you have a say in this matter, dear."
diluc, the darkside of dawn.
diluc was a fair man. willing to help to an extent even with nothing in return. but when it came to sweet little you, in need of saving from some hilichurls, he was willing to help in a heartbeat without even needing compensation. but when you offer to do as he pleases, he was more than willing to lose his fairness all in the favor of finally taking you.
-- "m-mister diluc! what if someone from the adventurer's guild sees us? we're in public!" diluc only shushes you with a slow but desperate kiss. it leaves you wanting more, and you only wonder if it's your fault for offering to pay him back in such an unholy way. especially in the middle of windrise when you were supposed to be on a picnic? how shameful.
you whine into his kiss, tangling your hands in his hair and pulling him closer to your lips. diluc only thrusts deeper inside you, kissing you more desperately as you moan into his lips.
he loves this feeling. you being putting in his hands. he loves the control, -- the kind, fair man he's painted himself as is starting fade away as he feels you clench around him, moan into his lips, and pull him closer like a lover.
he relishes in your warm embrace, finally pulling away from your lips to kiss at your pebbled nipples. you moan- a sweet, yet loud out escaping from your lips. he kisses your nipples, licking across your chest before he works his way to your neck to leave hickies.
"thank you, thank you thank you, thank you, thank you!" you babble mindlessly, removing your hands from his hair and to the blanket underneath you, gripping it tightly.
he goes back to your lips, kissing you deeply as he keeps his steady pace of thrusting into you. the kiss is short, and he pulls away to ask you a question. "what are you thanking me for?" he asks. tears stream down your face.
yes, you're greatly indebted to diluc for saving you but you're already sore and you've barely been fucked. "i-" he slaps you across your face, annoyed with your stalling.
"remember, [name]. you're the one who wanted to pay me back. can you not handle your own decision?"
kaeya, the calvary captain.
kaeya isn't really one to help someone out unless it's commanded of him. but for you, his darling subordinate, he'll do anything. but you just can't get something for nothing while dealing with him. with his help clearing out some of your paperwork, you now owe him, and he's sure to not let your forget.
-- "poor slut can't take anymore?" he taunts. you're on your knees in front of your boss sucking him off like some common whore. you're not, you're only giving him whats due. with kaeya, there's not even a point in trying to change his mind. if he wants his cock down your throat, he'll get his cock down your throat.
but luckily you're more willing, and he'll only push you down further on his surprisingly huge dick. "just like that, slut." he groans, leaning his head back with a groan and pushing your head down further. "juustt like that."
you choke on his cock, the spit and precum being barely enough lubrication to make his cock slide easily in your throat. tears stream down your face and kaeya's eye meet yours. he only smiles, pushing your head down slightly further as a tease.
it felt good, the burn of the throat feeling like nothing compared to the satisfaction of pleasing your boss. the more you gag, the more your throat clenches around him, and you can tell kaeya's absolutely losing it.
he moves your head up and down his cock swiftly, pulling you off suddenly and jerking his cock to his release. and when it finally came, warm spurts of white cum ended up all over your face. he pants heavily and looks down at his creation.
before him kneels a desperate, panting, cum-covered slut for him and him alone to use. he uses him thumb to smear some cum over your lips and force you to taste it. the salty taste makes you gag, but it still tastes good. "open." and you open your mouth obediently. he spits in your mouth, "swallow." and you do obediently.
kaeya chuckles at your ruined face and he can only think ow much he can ruin your body. you're still in his debt, afterall.
"now that i've ruined your pretty little mouth, how about i ruin something else?"
(liyue vers.) (inazuma part one vers.)
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mvskedxrtist · 1 year
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A enemy of an enemy is your lover?!
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Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: Rough Sex, Slight Choking, Dumbification, Bondage, Size Kink, Sir Kink
Nᴏᴛᴇ: Y'all are really liking my posts and I love that a lot!! I'm also glad I've made my first mutual! But for this, I wanna show off the many fandoms I'm in so you're gonna get a Thoma smut. One that I had requested before but the account got deleted, so I'm taking it into my own hands.
Raiden Son!Reader x Thoma - A enemy of an enemy is your lover?!
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What had you done? Well, saved your househusband of a boyfriend from the puppet version of your mother who was going to take his Pyro vision away. And what were you doing in the moment? Kissing him senseless while he sat on your lap in the Kamisato Estate.
"W-we might get caught, babe..." Thoma whimpered softly while you kissed and left hickeys all over his neck. "While yes my mother is trying to find you right now, she's probably dealing with the new traveler. Plus I saved you from losing your vision, you did say you'd pay me back my love~"
The two were already naked, with Thoma's arm tied the same way they were with your mother but a little less tight. You chuckled and stood above him, your cock hovering right above his head. "Ready for your gift?" "Yes sir".
What had turned from a simple throatfucking with some gagging from Thoma, turned into loud moans echoing the shrine while you slammed into him endlessly. "God fuck you feel so good, baby~" You groaned in his ear, seeing Thoma's eyes roll to the back of his head, the only thing he could hear was small babbling from the househusband.
"H-hahh~ m-more..more... Too much!~" He whined softly and leaned his head back as he came all over the floor. "Aww... My little baby made a mess huh?~" You chuckled and kept thrusting inside of him, hitting his prostate with each thrust. The soft whines from Thoma could be heard clearly while you leaned closer to him and held him close.
"Such a tiny boy in my arms... Taking my big cock inside of you~" You teased your boyfriend while fucking him faster, seeing him slowly start to lose his mind over pleasure. "C-c-cumming sir!!~" Thomas cried out and came once again at the same time you did, passing out into your arms right after.
Hours had passed while the two men rested before Kamisato Ayaka walked into her home with Aether and Paimon. The traveller had spotted a door that was slightly open, seeing you and Thoma cuddling in the room before he had asked Ayaka who you were.
"Oh! That's [Name], he's the Raiden Shogun's son." The girl told him with a smile while Aether and Paimon had the same reaction. "WHAT?!"
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gravehags · 11 months
dream (a little dream of me)
Pairing: Aether x f!Reader
Tags: somnophilia (with consent), dry humping, Copia briefly cockblocking, plus size reader, quintessence magic
Words: 1,664
Summary: It's been a long, successful day for you. Perhaps a nighttime visit from a certain Quintessence ghoul will be the cherry on top.
a/n: Hooray for the first fun thing I've written in like a whole ass month jfc!! Once again, a concept that came to me in a dream. A Satanic portent if you will. I am the pythia of the Ghost ministry. All my cirrus x aether x reader lovers...i hope you enjoy that ending lmao
divider by @ghuleh-recs
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You don’t remember the last time you were this tired.
You’re already stripping as you push the door to your quarters open, dropping garments on the floor. Making your way into the room, you groan as you remove your bra and fling it somewhere where you think it knocks something over but you’re too exhausted to care. Leaning against the wall you unlace your boots and shimmy out of your trousers and underwear until you’re standing in the middle of the room stark naked and staring lovingly at your bed. You know you should shower, should remove your makeup at the very least but the soft covers of your duvet and fluffy pillows call to you like a siren’s song. Sathanas, what a day. You spent most of it cleaning the chapels and attending Papa Copia at mass, your most favorite task. Your devotion to the Olde One ran true, and attending services always moved you deeply whether you were participating or merely a devout spectator. Vaguely you recall something about Aether texting you earlier in the day, asking you to check in with him when you got back to your room so you fumble around in the pockets of your discarded pants for your phone.
I’m here, very sleepy. Coming over?
You think of the towering form of the ghoul, the way his strong arms encircle you when you bury your face into his chest. The rumble of purrs that come out of him when you rub your hands along his broad back. The sounds you can tease out of him when he’s at his most vulnerable, large hands gripping at your hips and his wonderfully thick cock pulsing inside you. Your lips curl up in a soft grin as you await his response, a rush of warmth spreading from your belly to the apex of your thighs. Before it can truly grow into anything more, your brain reminds you how exhausted you are and you feel the edges of your vision start to blur with the need for sleep. You hesitate only a moment before typing out an additional text.
Gonna go to bed. If you want me you can have me…
He responds right away and you nearly laugh at his eagerness.
On my way over right now
Walking over to your bed with a smile, you plug in your phone to the charger, fling back the covers and crawl in, sighing deeply when your head hits the pillows. The cool sheets and comforting weight of your blankets immediately sets you at ease and before you know it, your heavy eyelids shut and you drift off to sleep.
Twenty minutes have passed since you sent Aether the suggestive text and he is finally at your room after being waylaid by Copia in the hall who, in his peculiar way, began complimenting you and your devotion during the service that day. The conversation went on for far longer than Aether wanted, but finally Copia let him go with a wink and a little elbow-shove about how you’re probably waiting for him. Aether tried not to look too eager when he walked away from Papa, but Copia looked at his retreating back with a suggestive eyebrow waggle all the same. When he opens your door, he’s met with dim lighting and nearly trips on your discarded items of clothing strewn in a trail from the entryway. He smiles fondly when he spies you, bundled up in your blanket and softly snoring, and he immediately begins to strip. When he’s fully nude, he slips in beside you, groaning at the cocoon of warmth you’ve created. He wraps an arm around you and pulls you flush against him, a purr rumbling in his chest when your naked flesh meets his. He gently leans in and nuzzles your hair: you smell like the incense Papa uses in his masses and the unique, sweet, intoxicating scent he’s come to know as you. Unconsciously, his hips shift forward and his half-hard cock brushes against the curve of your ass. You’re so kind, so good to him, always giving and loving. He thinks about the text you sent earlier and a flood of warmth begins to rush through his veins.
If you want me you can have me
He can’t lie, he’s often thought about having you like this. Fucking against you or into you as you sleep, watching you shift and moan even through the haze of slumber. Slowly, he slides one of his large hands up your side, squeezing the meat of your hip briefly before moving over your belly and up to your breasts. When he cups one, thumb brushing over the nipple, you make a small noise in your sleep and shift your hips backwards against him, causing him to groan. He lowers his lips to your shoulder and begins mouthing at the warm skin there, tongue tracing up the curve of your neck as he gently pinches your now hardened nipple between his thumb and forefinger. His cock, now profusely leaking precum onto your skin, ruts against you slowly, every roll of his hips in sync with the movement of his mouth on your flesh. He pulls you closer, if that’s even possible, and with steady, firm movements begins to fuck himself against you. His breath stirs the hairs strewn around the side of your face and his hand abandons your breast to grip at your hip.
“So good for me, even in sleep,” he growls lowly, face buried in your neck. “So fucking soft.”
You’re providing so much pleasure for him, he thinks, but receiving none in return. That simply won’t do. With his hand wrapping around your body to cup the curve of your belly he concentrates his quintessence on your sweet cunt, making you feel the presence of his cock within you even as he ruts against you. He’s sure he’s woken you from your slumber when you let out a long, low moan but your eyes remain shut even as your breathing becomes unsteady. With every thrust, every drag of his cock along your skin he imagines being inside you, stretching you just how you like, the way you clench so tightly around him. He visualizes hitting that glorious sweet spot within you and when he slides his hand down to the juncture of your thighs, he moans loudly when he finds you sopping wet. Even as his phantom cock thrusts inside of you, he toys with your swollen clit, making you whimper and your eyes dart around behind your eyelids. Your breathing comes out in soft pants punctuated with beautiful little mewls as he presses his forehead to the back of your head, concentrating on your softness as his hips begin to jerk forward with more fervor. 
“Fuck, my love,” he groans, fingers sliding through your slick to rub at you, “fuck, you’re perfect. So perfect just - ah! - just for me. My sweet girl.”
He imagines how you must feel, mind drifting through subconscious thoughts even as you’re filled with the stretch of him. He wonders what you dream of, if it’s of him. His thrusts become shorter and faster as you tip your head back against him, mouth hanging open. With a gasp, you moan one word with your back arching, hips bucking into his touch.
It’s all he needs to drive him over the edge and suddenly he’s coming, hard, all over your ass and lower back. He barely notices that you’re stirring, cheeks flushed and eyes blearily looking at your surroundings as he fucks himself into overstimulation against you. He only stops when your hand shifts behind you and grabs at his hips, stilling him. Sweat slides down his forehead as his seed cools on your skin and you hold him flush against you.
“I’m sorry,” he pants quietly, hoarsely, “I’m sorry I woke you.”
“Mmmm don’t be,” you say sleepily, pushing your own hips back to brush against his softening cock. “That was gorgeous.”
He smiles against your hair and tells you not to move as he gets out of bed and heads to your small bathroom. After a moment he returns with a warm, damp washcloth and tends to the mess he’s left on your skin. Half of it has slid off you and onto the sheets - a problem for tomorrow.
“Thank you,” you murmur as he discards the cloth in your hamper. Reaching out, you make a needy grabby hand gesture, beckoning him back to bed. When he slides back in alongside you, you roll over to face him.
“How’d you do that?” you say with a yawn, sleep clearly falling upon you once more.
“How were you inside me while…not being inside me? That was…wow.”
“Ah,” he says, leaning forward to kiss your forehead, “quintessence magic.”
You waggle your eyebrows suggestively and reach up to stroke the base of his horn while his tail pulls you closer under the covers until you’re nestled against his chest.
“Felt amazing,” you whisper, fingers carding through his chest hair, “like being fucked on a cloud. You were so close but still far away. Weird feeling.”
“But you liked it?” Aether asks, looking down on you with his brow furrowed.
“Mmm fuck yes.”
“You’re not upset with me?”
“Love, the only thing I’m upset about is you not using that magic earlier. You were holding out on me.”
Your eyes are shut but your lips are curled into a mischievous smile and he strokes your hair.
“I’ve got all kinds of tricks up my sleeve. Maybe Cirrus and I will show you…”
You make one last noise - a mix of intrigue and contentment - before sleep overtakes you once more. Aether holds you close, the spade of his tail drifting up and down your leg under the covers.
Before his own eyes slide shut, he reminds himself to thank Papa for including you in his mass today. Maybe he could tire you out more often.
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xximperioxx · 2 years
Swiss Ghoul Drabble
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Inspired by this beauty. Also pls be gentle on me I’ve never been to a ritual before plus and it’s been a bit since I’ve written anything!
Swiss Ghoul x ghoulette reader
You were a nameless ghoulette who sang backing vocals and tambourines during rituals. Most shows you would go bug Sodo or dance with Swiss with your tambourine during Kiss the Go-Goat. It was a great show tonight and the crowd was wild. You’ve noticed the crowd got a little too excited when Swiss came over to you during Mummy Dust playing his guitar. You were singing back up when he walked over and got down on his knees, you tilted your head confused. You smile as you watched him lift his vape to you, still on his knees. You smirk, an idea coming to mind as you inhale plenty before holding it in. You lean down and grab his jaw before exhaling the smoke in his face.
Before you knew it the ritual was over and you had picked up some guitar picks that had found themselves on the floor after Aether and Sodo threw them at each other. You walked over to the crowd and tossed the picks out, your heart warmed at the cheers they gave when you came over. Putting your hand on your heart to show that you were thankful, you didn’t notice another ghoul coming up behind you.
Suddenly you feel two hands grab your boobs, causing your eyes to widen and the crowd to get louder. Your hand immediately went on top of the one hands and immediately knew who they belonged to judging by the size difference of your hands. You turn your head to see Swiss with a cheeky smile before he takes his hands off and wraps one around your waist and pulls you into his side. You let out a laugh when you see that smile and accidentally bump masks.
He lets go, walking away to continue to give picks away. Still smiling, you wave and kiss the crowd goodbye before going backstage.
You walk back to your dressing room with a water, barely noticing Swiss trailing behind you. “Hey, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, if I did…”, the ghoul trails off.
You jump a little, not expecting it but give a small smile before speaking, “You’re fine, Swiss, besides I think the crowd liked it a little more than you did.” You laugh.
You swear you hear him let you a growl, “I doubt it.”
Smirking, you drape your arms around his shoulders. Swiss subconsciously grips your waist, pulling you in closer.
“I liked it, in case you were wondering,” you let out in a sinful voice. Swiss immediately kicks the door of the dressing room closed before he kisses you desire.
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𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
For my Bloody Mary universe fics, there is a separate masterlist here!
For my Body And Blood multi-chaptered fic, there is a separate masterlist here!
For my multi-chaptered Cardinal Primo fic, What Was I made For?, there is a separate masterlist here!
The Ghouls' and Ghoulettes' Eye Colours - No smut here
Tits, Ass, Thighs with the Papas - 18+ only
All The Kisses - No smut here
Mistletoe Kisses - No smut here
Mary Goore Headcanons - 18+ only
Nihil's Favourite Child - No smut here
Secondo and Copia Romance Headcanons - No smut here
Mary introducing his new partner to his cat - No smut here
The Papas greeting you after you return from inpatient care - No smut here
Copia wearing dresses and skirts - No smut here
Secondo and an energetic reader - No smut here
Platonic Primo and clumsy reader headcanons- No smut here
Cardinal Copia looking after trans male reader after top surgery - No smut here
Secondo and a super affectionate reader - No smut here
Copia and an accident prone reader - Slightly suggestive near the end so 18+
Primo friends with a reader who has a crush on Secondo - No smut here
Angry Secondo headcanons - No smut here, tw for violence (not aimed at reader)
The Papas with a reader who bites affectionately - Slighty suggestive content so 18+
The Papas accidentally walking in on reader getting changed - Suggestive content, 18+ only
The Papas celebrating reader's birthday - Slightly suggestive content, 18+ only
The Papas with a reader who is also in a band - No smut here
Secondo with a sunshine reader (grumpy and sunshine trope) - No smut here
Primo friends with a shy reader who gets talked over and ignored - No smut here
The Papas with an outdoorsy reader - No smut here
The Papas with a reader struggling to find the right antidepressants - No smut here, tw for depression and mental health
The Papas comforting reader - No smut here
Mary Goore Headecanons 2.0 - 18+ only
Copia with a curvy reader - Suggestive content, 18+ only
The Papas finding reader wearing their clothes - A little smutty, 18+ only
The Papas with an immature and fun reader - No smut here
Terzo and Copia with a reader who has vasovagal syncope - No smut here, tw for medical conditions
The Papas with an angel reader - No smut here
The Papas with a reader who is scared of sleeping - No smut here
The Papas with a reader who loves to cook - No smut here
Shower/bath sex with the Papas - Smut, 18+ only
The Papas' Pronouns - No smut here
Messy make outs before a show - Suggestive content and a tiny bit smutty, 18+ only
Secondo with a clingy, chatty reader - No smut here
Cowboy Papas - No smut here
Copia confessing to a love interest - No smut here
Nihil with a platonic silly/goofy reader - No smut here
Cardinal Copia receiving a love confession letter from his crush - No smut here
Copia getting head while MOAC plays - Smut, 18+ only
Dominant Copia - Smut, 18+ only
Papas and anal sex - Smut, 18+ only
Papas with a bratty sub - Smut, 18+ only. BDSM dynamics so read with caution
Copia with a reader who watches him become Papa - No smut here
Papas with a plus size reader - Suggestive content, 18+ only
Dad Secondo with a teenager - No smut here
𝐅𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟
Seamstress (No ship)- Fic, no smut here
Copia being punished (No specific ship)- Short stuff, 18+ only
Those Pretty Eyes (Copia, Mary Goore, Aether, Sodo, Swiss, Rain Mountain) - Fic, suggestive content 18+ only
Those Pretty Eyes Part 2 (Cumulus, Cirrus, Sunshine)- Fic, suggestive content 18+ only
Mary Goore loves being pegged (Mary Goore x implied AFAB Reader) - Fic, 18+ only
Tender (Mary Goore x AFAB or AMAB reader) - Fic, 18+ only
Edging Dewdrop (Dewdrop x GN!Reader) - Short stuff, 18+ only
Daddy's Slut (Copia x Aether) - Fic, 18+ only
Bathroom Smut With Secondo (Secondo x GN!Reader) - Short stuff, 18+ only
Never To Let Go (Copia x Mary Goore x GN!Reader) - Fic, no smut here
Terzo x Omega Smut for Christmas 2022 - Short fic, 18+ only
Those Damn Shorts (Copia x Female!Reader) - Fic, 18+ only
Night Rain (Mary Goore x GN!Reader) - Fic, no smut here
Soft, Calloused Fingers (Mary x GN!Reader) - Short fic, no smut here
Insecurities (Primo x GN!Reader, Secondo x GN!Reader, Terzo x GN!Reader, Copia x GN!Reader) - Fic, 18+ only for suggestive content
Tell Me, Love is Endless (Mary Goore x GN!Reader) - Fic, no smut here but not suitable for younger readers
Very Much So (Cardinal Terzo x Male!Reader) - Fic, 18+ only
The Winner Takes It All (Hinted Secondo x Copia [not related]) - Fic, 18+ only for suggestive flirting
Anything (Mary Goore x Female!Reader) - Fic, 18+ only
Boot Rat (Mary Goore x Copia) - Fic, 18+ only
Nectar (Swiss x Aurora) - Fic, 18+ only
Taunting Touch (Mary Goore x Copia) - Fic, 18+ only
Mary kissing thoughts - Short stuff, 18+ only for suggestive content at the end
Mary teaching you guitar - Short stuff, 18+ only for suggestive content
Pretty Boy (Mary Goore x transmasc!Reader) - Fic, 18+ only
The Taste Of The Divine (Aether x trans!Copia) - Fic, 18+ only
A Bridge To Your Heart (transmasc!Mary Goore x transmasc!Reader) - Fic, 18+ only
I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus (Mary Goore x m!Reader - Fic, 18+ only for suggestive content
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genshinluvr · 2 years
Crave 2
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader, Childe x Isekai'd!Reader, Foul Legacy x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You end up having an interesting dream about Childe's Foul Legacy form, causing you to feel guilty about it. You end up ignoring him for two days, only for Childe to confront you at the bathhouse as to why you were ignoring him. One thing led to another, you suddenly find Childe buried deep inside of you.
Note: This part of Crave focuses on Childe for my Childe/Tartaglia simps on AO3! There is triggering content in the smut, DO NOT READ THE FOUL LEGACY PORTION (literally the first 2k words of this story) IF YOU GET TRIGGERED BY THEMES OF RAPE/NON CONSENSUAL SEX. I won't be tagging people in this one because I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable. The Foul Legacy portion will be bolded and in red text, so you will know where to skip if you want to skip the triggering scene of Crave 2. The smut doesn't immediately start, but there are events that lead up to the smut. Minors, DO NOT INTERACT! I tried to keep the smut as gender-neutral as possible, but this smut does lean more towards AFAB!reader/female-bodied reader. For those who are new or returning readers, I post on AO3 as well, so if you have an AO3 and see a work similar to this, it’s me (Aaliah_exo on AO3). I don’t post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: Non-Con with Foul Legacy, Soft dom!Childe, breeding kink, hair pulling, Foul Legacy has a monstrous cock, spanking, cervix fucking, monster porn (????), creampie, orgasm denial, size kink
Word Count: 9.1k
Crave "Chapters": [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
You were lying on the ground, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. You stared up at the ceiling, too exhausted to move or sit up. You hear loud footsteps approaching where you lay. You blinked slowly when the light was completely blocked off by the person— or thing— that peers down at you— Childe’s Foul Legacy form. With the deep noise rumbling from Foul Legacy’s chest, you couldn’t tell whether he was purring, growling, or laughing at you. You swallowed the lump in your throat, still trying to catch your breath.
“Okay, you win. What did you want to be your prize?” You whisper.
Earlier today, Childe had proposed that he wanted to teach you how to fight. Since you did not belong in Teyvat, Childe wanted to teach you how to fight in case there are scenarios where you have no other choice but to defend yourself. You agreed to Childe’s offer, and after getting the green light from the other men (who seemed reluctant to let a bloodthirsty Harbinger train you how to fight), Childe takes you to the Golden House to help train you. 
At first, you thought it was strange for Childe to take you to the Golden House to teach you hand-to-hand combat since it has more room compared to the abode; you didn’t see many issues with it. After all, before you were brought into Teyvat, you’ve fought Childe numerous times in the Golden House for weekly boss drops. You’ve fought him before and have beat him multiple times! It should be a piece of cake, right? 
Oh, how you were wrong.
“I don’t understand why you need to transform into Foul Legacy when sparring with me. I’m not Aether, nor am I a fighter.” You chuckled. Childe knelt down in front of you and reached his hands out to caress your face with his large hands.
“You put up quite a fight back there for someone that’s not from this universe,” Childe states. Childe’s voice was even deeper as Foul Legacy than himself. The sound of Foul Legacy’s deep voice sends heat straight to your core, causing you to press your thighs together tightly. You couldn’t tell if the heat that was rushing to your face was from the spar that both you and Childe had with one another earlier or if it was from embarrassment. Or arousal.
“Well, I didn’t want to die.” You joked, staring up at Childe as he continued to hover above you. “Plus, I know how you are whenever you fight. You love the adrenaline running through your veins, and you feel the thrill when adrenaline is pumping through your veins from a good fight.” You reply.
“Interesting…” Childe hums, continuing to caress your face in his hands. You couldn’t tell what was Childe’s facial expression due to the mask that was covering his face, but you knew that he was examining you closely. “Strip,” Childe states, catching you off guard.
“E-Excuse me?” You squeaked, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“Do I have to repeat myself?” He asks; behind his mask, Childe was raising his eyebrows at you with a stern look on his face.
“Yes, because why would I strip under your command?” You challenged Childe, sitting up.
A deep rumble emits from the Foul Legacy’s chest; he is laughing at your question. He grabs onto your ankles before yanking you in his direction. You yelped when your back collided with the floor, sliding to where Childe was at.
“I have won this round of sparring with you. I believe that it’s right for me to claim my prize.” Foul Legacy’s deep voice made heat rush to your cheeks. Why did you find Foul Legacy so attractive compared to Childe himself? Maybe it’s because he’s so tall that he towers over the people around him, and his voice— oh, archons, his deep voice. You have no shame but to admit that you do find Foul Legacy pretty attractive. Maybe you’re into monsters and monster porn; perhaps you’re not into it! Either way, the view in front of you caused you to feel your underwear starting to become soaked at the sight of Foul Legacy towering over you. He looked so…. Regal and dominate. Your mouth was almost salivating at the thought of Childe fucking you in his Foul Legacy transformation. Oh, wait, perhaps that’s what he’s going to do after all.
“A-And what would that prize be?” You squeaked, feeling the heat between your legs pool in your underwear, and your groin throbs with need.
“Oh, don’t play coy, [Y/N].” He chuckles, his hands trailing up your legs before his large— very large hands gripped onto the plush of your thighs, lightly squeezing them. You feel the metal talons of his gloves graze your sensitive crotch, sending shivers down your spine. “You know what I want to be my prize, don’t pretend like you don’t know.” He purrs, leaning close to your face.
“But I don’t!” You squeaked, squeezing your eyes shut when you felt his hands creep closer and closer to where your throbbing core is at. Embarrassingly enough, you bet that Childe can feel the heat pooling in your underwear.
“Oh, looks like I’ll have to do it myself then.” Childe sighs in fake disappointment. Before you could react to what he had said, Childe grabs onto your pants and underwear, tearing them entirely off of you. You yelped at the sound of your pants and underwear ripping to shreds; Childe threw it over his shoulders carelessly before grabbing both of your thighs, spreading them apart.
“Childeeeeee!” You whined, your face becoming flustered when you felt the cool air blowing down on your soaked entrance.
“Oh, what’s this? You’re so wet for me.” Chile coos. His chest rumbles with laughter as his long fingers trail up to your heat. You squeaked when you felt the cold metal talons poking and prodding your entrance. You looked away from Childe, too humiliated to watch what he was doing. “Don’t be shy now. Look at me.” He demands, grabbing your face with his left hand and forcing you to look at him.
The way you stared up at him with doe-like eyes, your face was bright red from embarrassment, your legs trembling in his hands. Just the slightest sight of you beneath him stirred something deep in Childe’s chest. Childe feels his dick harden in his pants, forming a tent. Childe has this overwhelming urge to fuck you until your lower belly is swollen with his seed, your entrance dripping with a mix of your and his cum. He wants to feel your tight walls around his cock, sucking him in. He wants to breed you until you’re begging for his cum to be deep inside you.
“You are my prize, aren’t you?” Childe asks, stroking your face with his massive hands. You trembled under his gaze, feeling his index finger on his right hand massaging your sopping hole. “Well? Are you?” Childe demands, pressing his index finger up against your aching groin. Pleasure shoots up your body, making you arch your back with a strained yelp.
“Yes! Yes, I’m your prize. I’m all yours, Childe.” You whimpered. 
Childe purrs at the sound of your whimpers, his cock swelling up in his pants as he takes his hands away from you. You let out a panicked exhale, craving for his touch again. You leaned on your elbows, looking up at the Foul Legacy’s monstrous form. You watched Childe start to take his pants off, your eyes widening at the sight in front of you. Childe pulls out his long, monstrous cock from his pants. The bulbous tip of his member was bright red, a bead of precum coming out from the slit of his dick. Childe’s cock was very long, veiny, and thick— you couldn’t tell if his dick was already that big or if the size of his dick was enlarged to fit the size of Foul Legacy. Other than that, there was no way that thing would fit inside of you. You’re confident that if Childe were to insert that long, thick, veiny cock of his inside of you, it would tear you to shreds. While the thought of you dying with Foul Legacy’s fat cock inside of you, you did not like the sound of it because it sounded painful.
“Like what you see?” Childe laughs, grabbing onto his girthy member before stroking it with his hands.
“I don’t think that’s going to fit inside of me.” You said weakly, trembling at the sight of the enormous cock in front of your face.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, snookums. It’ll fit just fine.” Childe coos as he continues to pump his cock with his fist, soft groans were escaping his mouth. You feel yourself becoming wetter at the sound of his moans and groans, the sight of him stroking and squeezing his member. “If it doesn’t, I’ll make it fit inside of you.” Childe grunts, leaning over you with his left arm while continuing to fondle his hardened cock. Childe spreads your legs further apart with his thighs, lightly tapping his length onto your hot entrance. The warmth of Childe’s cock tapping onto your groin made you jolt. Was this going to happen? Have you died and gone to heaven?
“Wait!” You said, tapping on his shoulders. “A-Are you sure you want to do this?” You squeaked, looking up at Childe nervously.
“Oh, I know that I want this. I’ve been wanting to do this ever since I first laid my eyes on you, snookums.” Childe purrs, his face leaning down, nuzzling his face (mask?) into the crook of your neck. As you opened your mouth to say something, you felt your breath get caught in your throat when Childe began to insert the mushroom tip of his cock into your entrance. You grabbed onto Childe’s biceps, whimpering in pain as Childe struggled to slide into your heat.
“Archons, you’re so tight.” Childe grunts, clenching his jaws as he bucks his hips against yours.
“You’re too big! It’s not going to fit!” You shrieked, tensing up at each thrust.
“Stop clenching! Relax!” Childe growls, planting both of his arms down beside your head, continuing to nudge his cock deeper inside of your hole. Tears pool around your eyes before cascading down your cheeks, your face pinched up, teeth grinding down on each other. You tighten your grip on Childe’s biceps, nails digging into his armored arms.
“You’re too big, Childe! It hurts.” You whined, writhing under Childe’s body as he continued to rut his hips against yours. Childe groans, thrusting his dick into you. You felt like you were being split open. You can feel yourself stretching out to accommodate Childe’s wide cock.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” Childe breathes, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath he takes. “Relax a bit for me, baby. I’m not close to being inside of you completely.” Childe grunts, lightly tapping on your thighs. You didn’t listen to Childe, too deep into your thoughts, whimpering from the feeling of being stretched out by the Foul Legacy’s ginormous cock.
“I-I’m trying, but I c-can’t!” You wailed, your thighs tensing around Childe’s waist, causing Childe to groan from both annoyance and frustration.
“If you can’t relax, then I guess we’ll have to do it the hard way.” He growls, leaning back on his legs before grabbing onto both of your calves. Your eyes widened in horror when he spread your legs far apart before roughly thrusting into your aching hole. A shrill scream emits from you; your head flies back against the floor of the Golden House, your back arches, and your thighs tense up from the sharp pain. Childe’s head rolls back from the pleasure he felt when he had fully sheathed inside of your walls. Loud and deep pleasured moans escaped from Childe. His head was thrown back, feeling his eyes roll to the back of his head. The way your gummy walls squeeze so tightly around his cock, made him almost cum right on the spot, but he held himself back from doing so. Childe feels his body quivering with pleasure, fighting the urge to ram into your tight walls.
Childe pulls his hips back before sending another powerful thrust up against your hips, his dick sliding into your entrance. The searing pain in between your legs was making it hard for you to focus on what was going on. Childe begins to send short, hard thrusts. Childe wraps your legs around his waist, and he leans on both of his arms, continuously plunging his dick in and out of your entrance. The pain between your legs was gradually becoming dull; soon, the pain was replaced with pleasure. Small, weak moans and whimpers escape your lips each time the bulbous tip of his cock hits the sweet spot inside of you, causing you to see stars dancing in your vision.
“Come on, snookums. Don’t hold back your cute moans from me now.” Childe coos, stroking your chin as he continues to deliver harsh thrusts. His hips were slamming against yours, and the sound of skin-to-skin contact echoes throughout the Golden House. Aside from the sound of skin slapping echoing in the Golden Hose, both your and Childe’s moans were accompanying it. Childe’s balls were slapping against your ass with every thrust, his balls coated in your slick. One strong thrust against your hips caused his cock to reach deeper parts inside of you, causing you to arch your back with a loud cry. Childe groans and reaches up to grab onto your hair before yanking it back. Your walls were beginning to tighten around Childe’s dick, his hips stuttering against yours. Childe’s head falls on your shoulders before hamming into you; you cried out in pleasure, holding onto his shoulders while your nails dug into his clothes.
“C-Childe! I-I’m going to…” You wailed, burying your face into his chest.
“Don’t cum yet! Don’t you dare cum until I tell you that you can!” Childe growls, lifting his head off your shoulders before proceeding to plunge his thick, monstrous cock in and out of your hole. You shrieked, your eyes squeezing shut as you tried to resist the urge to cum on his dick.
“But! I-I can’t!” You whimpered, feeling the tight rope in your lower abdomen becoming tighter. Childe clenched his teeth together, rolling his hips against yours, hitting the same spot deep inside of you once more. The coil in your lower abdomen suddenly snaps, and your jaws drop, a silent scream escaping from your mouth as you creamed all over Childe’s cock. Childe pistons into your hole before cumming deep inside of you.
You jolt up in your bed, covered in sweat. You looked around your bedroom, your chest heaving as you tried to take deep breaths to calm down. You took a gulp of air; you threw your legs over your bed to get up for the day, only to feel how soaked your underwear was. You feel heat rush to your cheeks; you cover your face with your hands and groan.
“It was all a dream.” You patted your cheeks, trying to erase the very vivid dreams out of your mind. There was no way you’re going to be able to face Childe after having a wet dream of him in his Foul Legacy transformation, railing you so hard with the Foul Legacy’s monstrous co— you slap yourself on the cheeks. You’re going to need a hot shower, that’s for sure. Hopefully, a nice hot shower will calm your nerves and take your mind off of the dream you had of Childe and his Foul Legacy transformation. The dream felt so vivid; it’s almost like it actually happened. Your thighs were aching, and your legs felt funny. Each step you took was a limp rather than how you’d normally walk. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you reached down to press down in between your legs. You can feel a dull ache. At first, you didn’t know what the cause of the soreness between your legs was, but then it dawned on you. Zhongli and Diluc. It had been only a day since the little…. Intimate moment between you, Zhongli, and Diluc happened. You covered your face in embarrassment before limping to the bathroom. Great, how are you going to face the others after the whole incident? 
“Is [Y/N] still asleep?” Diluc asks, setting a plate of pancakes down in front of Scaramouche before heading over to his seat with his own plate of breakfast and sitting down right beside Zhongli. It was quiet, and the atmosphere was almost tense among the men. Diluc was the first one to speak up out of the rest of the men. The others seem to hold some hostility against both the wine tycoon and ex-archon.
“It appears so, [Y/N] must’ve been really tired.” Zhongli hums, sipping on his coffee after gently blowing air onto it to cool down.
“Huh, I wonder what could be the cause of them to be so tired.” Childe huffs, crossing his arms over his chest with a deep frown on his face.
“It’s quite obvious as to why [Y/N] is taking so long to get out of bed.” Albedo sighs, shaking his head as he cuts his pancake with a knife.
“Oh? And what would that reason be?” Zhongli asks nonchalantly, setting his coffee mug down on the table before grabbing his utensils.
“Don’t act like you don’t know the reason as to why [Y/N] is taking so long to get out of bed.” Dainsleif rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You guys do know that we heard everything, right?” Ayato asks, lifting up his milk tea before sipping from it as he keeps his eyes trained on both Diluc and Zhongli.
“Yeah, the three of you weren’t quiet at all,” Itto says, shoving pancakes into his mouth with a huff of breath, clearly annoyed about the incident from a few days ago.
“What does it feel like?” Scaramouche asks, stabbing his pancake before shoving it into his mouth and chewing on the pancake bitterly.
“What does what feel like?” Diluc asks, cocking his eyebrow at the electro Harbinger.
“Oh, you know what he’s asking.” Xiao rolls his eyes, his jaws ticked.
Kaeya rests his elbow on the table before he rests his chin on the palm of his hands. “What does it feel like to be inside of [Y/N]?” Kaeya asks as a bitter smile appears on his face. “Warm? Tight?” He raised an eyebrow at both Diluc and Zhongli, who kept calm the entire time.
“Ahem!” Thoma clears his throat awkwardly before giving everyone an awkward smile. “Listen, I know most of us are upset, but let’s not talk about it while we’re having breakfast.” Thoma says gently, cutting his pancake into small bits before eating it.
“How can we have breakfast when [Y/N]’s not even down yet?” Venti asks, pouting at the rest of the men.
“I’m sure that whenever [Y/N] is ready to eat breakfast, they’ll come down from their bedroom.” Baizhu says, drinking his valberry juice.
The sound of your bedroom door opening made the men go silent. They hear your footsteps walking toward the stairs. You were finally out of the shower and fully dressed, but the minor issue was it was a little bit hard for you to walk casually without making it evident that there was a limp in your walk. You have decided to walk down the stairs slowly, hoping that it will make your walk look a little bit normal. You’re just mentally praying to the archons that no one will notice the limp in your walk. You paused in your steps, realizing that you’re currently living under the same roof as two other archons. Well, one archon and one ex archon. The ex-archon was the one that caused you to have the limp in your walk, whereas the red-headed wine tycoon was the reason why you feel even more tired than you usually do. To say the least, you were surprised to see that there are people who have that much stamina. Whether they wield a vision or not, people with high stamina levels never cease to amaze you. Considering you are one of the people that wish to have high stamina, only to run out of breath while walking up the stairs.
“Good morning, [Y/N]!” Kazuha gives you a polite smile, lifting his cup to take a sip from it. He was secretly sipping sake, telling the others that it was water.
“How was your sleep last night? I hope you slept well!” Gorou says, giving you a bright smile. The men give you a smile as you sit down between Childe and Scaramouche.
“Good morning! I slept pretty well, actually! Like a baby.” You said, grabbing onto your knife and fork before cutting into the stacks of pancakes in front of you.
“Did you now?” Ayato hums, cocking an eyebrow at you as he continues to drink his milk tea.
“Yes, I think it’s the best sleep I’ve ever gotten.” You hummed, lifting the slice of the pancake before putting them into your mouth. 
It was nice to have breakfast after doing some rigorous activity yesterday; who knew that exerting your body can cause you to be so famish! You hummed in delight when the flavor bursts into your mouth. You lift your eyes, only to see the fifteen men stare at you intently, barely touching their breakfast. You blinked at all of them in confusion, your head tilting to the side. The looks they had on their face was rather odd.
You cleared your throat awkwardly before asking, “Is there something on my face by any chance?” You reached for a cloth napkin before lightly wiping your face.
“Yeah, another man’s cum and not mine.” Childe huffs, causing Gorou and Xiao to choke on their drinks at Childe’s terse response.
“Excuse me?” You squeaked, looking at Childe like a deer caught in headlights. How are you supposed to respond to a comment like that when you literally had a wet dream about the man himself!?
“You don’t have anything on your face, don’t worry about it,” Dainsleif interjects, looking over at Childe with a glare. Childe rolls his eyes before continuing to eat his breakfast grumpily. Oh boy, an unhappy Childe is a problem Childe.
“So! What do you think of the pancakes, [Y/N]?” Venti asks, drinking his wine. You blinked at the drink in Venti’s hand before pointing at it, raising an eyebrow at the anemo archon. 
“Breakfast is fantastic, but isn’t it too early to drink wine?” You ask.
“It’s never too early to have a sip of wine or two.” Kazuha hums, swirling the sake in his cup.
“If you say so.” You sighed, continuing to eat your breakfast.
“Ah yes, the wise words of an alcoholic.” Itto chimes, letting out a hearty laugh before roughly patting both Kazuha and Venti, causing the two to jerk in their seats at the impact.
“Hm, seems like the perfect nickname for those two and the cryo vision holder over there,” Xiao says, gesturing his head towards Kaeya’s direction. Kaeya smirks at Xiao’s comment, leaning back in his seat with an amused look on his face.
“Let’s not start any problems at this time! After all, it is still early in the morning.” Gorou laughs nervously.
“Why is everyone so weird today?” You sighed, reaching for your drink to hydrate yourself. While you may have a guess or two as to why the men have been acting off today, you didn’t want to say it because it would make the situation even worse. Or, at least that’s what you think is going to happen. Even if you didn’t say the apparent reason as to why everyone (except for Diluc and Zhongli) has been acting tense, the men look like they wanted to explode. Either from their jealousy and anger or because they want to blow their load onto your face. Either way, it’s bound to happen any time soon.
“Everyone is acting weird because all of us heard you, the ex-archon, and that wine tycoon getting it on yesterday,” Scaramouche says, giving you a look. You feel your face becoming hot when all eyes land on you, Diluc, and Zhongli.
“Were we that loud?” You squeaked; you could tell that your face was just as red as Diluc’s hair, if not perhaps even darker.
“You were loud,” Childe muttered, looking at you from the corner of his eyes with a deep frown on his face.
“O-Oh, was I now?” You laugh sheepishly, feeling the heat travel down your neck and chest.
“Literally singing to Celestia and everything.” Baizhu chuckles, shaking his head while Changsheng hissed with laughter. Oh great, even the snake hears you moan and whine Diluc and Zhongli’s name, not just the men.
You covered your face with your hands, trying to keep yourself calm while your heart was racing in your chest. How are you going to face them now? You can’t go anywhere or be around them without knowing that they heard you getting your organs rearranged by Zhongli and Diluc. Zhongli and Diluc didn’t seem to mind that everyone knew they were the first ones to be inside of you (technically, it was Diluc, but both were able to bed with you before the others could).
“Well, I think [Y/N] singing to Celestia is beautiful,” Diluc says, the corner of his lips quirked up into a faint smirk.
“You should see their face when they’ve reached their peak of pleasure,” Zhongli adds, a victorious smile appearing on his face.
“Okay, no need to brag that you two were able to rearrange their guts, okay?” Itto says, his mouth full of pancakes. He looked concentrated as he tried to chew a mouthful of pancake in his mouth, his cheeks puffed out.
“Let’s not talk about this now at the table, shall we? We still have breakfast to finish.” Venti says, taking another sip of his wine.
“Yes! Let’s eat breakfast, and then we’ll talk later!” Gorou nods his head in agreement before chowing down his breakfast.
Breakfast was quiet; the only sound that was heard was the sound of utensils clinking against the plates. Sometimes, one person would say something, and the other would reply. The silence was comfortable, but the tension was still there, and the tension was heavy.
“So, anyone had an interesting dream last night?” Thoma asks, wiping his mouth with the cloth napkin.
“I had the strangest dream about being on an island, and the ocean was milk tea,” Ayato says, furrowing his eyebrows as he tries to recall the dream he had the previous night. 
“Maybe your dream is trying to tell you something!” Itto says, letting out a loud burp before excusing himself with a sheepish smile.
“And what would that be exactly?” Scaramouche rolls his eyes, taking another bite from his pancake. The men pondered for a moment, their left and right hands caressing their chins as they tried to decipher what Ayato’s dream could be trying to tell him. Alas, most men came up with nothing, except for Xiao, who rolled his eyes with a loud sigh. The men look over at Xiao curiously, waiting for Xiao to say what was on his mind. You just hope that none of the men ask you about what you’ve dreamt of the night before because you don’t think you can tell them a lie. After all, they know when you’re lying. Especially Childe.
“His dream could be a sign, telling him to stop drinking so much boba because it’s not good for you,” Xiao says, getting up from his seat with his empty plate in his hand.
“While milk tea is delicious, drinking that much sugar is not good for you. I agree with Xiao and your dream on that one.” Albedo says, dabbing his lips with the cloth napkin.
“I think drinking milk tea is far less dangerous than the three drunkards in this abode.” Scaramouche retorts, looking over at where Kaeya, Venti, and Kazuha sat.
“Hey, we know our limits! We don’t go overboard with our alcohol intakes.” Kaeya says, holding his hand up as if he was surrendering.
“Well, some of us are better at controlling the amount of alcohol we drink than others.” Kazuha chuckles softly, looking over at the drunken bard.
“And yet the three of you continue to drink over the normal limit.” Dainsleif sighs, shaking his head in disapproval.
“What about you, [Y/N]?” Thoma asks happily, looking at your curiously, a sweet smile appearing on his face as he waits for your answer. 
“What about me?” You blinked at Thoma, tilting your head to the side while looking at him quizzically.
“Thoma is asking about what you dreamt about last night!” Gorou replies, sipping on his sunsettia juice.
“O-Oh! I don’t think I remember my dream.” You laugh nervously, scratching the back of your neck.
Childe furrows his eyebrows before turning towards you, “You don’t think you can remember your dream?” 
“Shit. He’s onto me.” Was what echoed in your mind as you tried to come up with excuses not to tell them what you’d dreamt of the night before. You sipped from your drink awkwardly while nodding your head slowly.
“I don’t have the best memory; there are times when it’s hard for me to remember dreams and other things.” You reply. Technically, you weren’t lying at all. There are times when you have a hard time remembering the littlest things. While you excel in your academics, remembering the simplest things is a bit challenging for you.
“I think you should see a doctor about that. That doesn’t sound good.” Baizhu says; Changsheng nods her head in agreement.
“Oh, no! It’s nothing to worry about. I hit my head a lot when I was a kid.” You said, brushing Baizhu’s comment off as if it was nothing. 
The men stared at you, their mouths agape, not knowing what else to say. You continued to eat your breakfast while the men continued to stare at you as if they were waiting for you to give them an explanation as to what you meant when you said that you hit your head a lot when you were a kid. That’s concerning; how were you even alive? How often did you hit your head when you were a kid? Did you ever go to a doctor to get a checkup, just in case there were some damages done to your skull?
“Anyway! Please, tell us what you dreamt of last night. If you can sleep that long, I’m sure you can remember small bits of your dreams.” Itto says, looking at you with an expectant gaze. If he had a tail, you’re pretty sure that it would be wagging with anticipation like how Gorou’s tail is currently wagging.
“Okay, fine.” You sighed in defeat. “I had a dream about Childe, there. You happy now?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“About the bloodthirsty Harbinger?!” Scaramouche asks, looking at you in disbelief.
“Um, aren’t you a bloodthirsty Harbinger too?” Ayato asks, cocking his eyebrows at the electro Harbinger with his arms over his chest.
“No, no! He’s the deranged psychopathic Raiden Shogun puppet Harbinger.” Venti corrects the Kamisato heir, ignoring the murderous look Scaramouche was giving him while taking a long sip of his dandelion wine.
“What was your dream about?” Xiao asks, turning towards you as he sits across from you.
“I’m not going into details!” You squeaked, looking at Xiao with an incredulous look on your face. You turned your head away from Xiao with an exasperated sigh. “You all asked me what my dream was about, and I answered your questions!” You huffed, getting up from your seat before walking to the kitchen to wash your dishes.
There was no way in hell you were going to give the men details as to what had happened in your dream when it came to Childe. You technically did and did not have a dream about Childe. It was his Foul Legacy form, but you didn’t know whether you should mention that it was Foul Legacy and not Childe, but that would give away what you’ve dreamt about. After you had left to go wash your dishes, the men looked over at Childe, who was deep in his thoughts.
“So, [Y/N] dreamt of another man right after getting their insides rearranged by two different men?” Albedo asks, stroking his chin.
“I wonder what [Y/N] could’ve dreamt about when it came to Childe,” Kazuha whispers to Albedo.
“Probably a dream about them avoiding Childe at all cost. I don’t blame them.” Kaeya jokes.
“Maybe that’s why [Y/N] has been acting a little bit strange when they’re around Childe,” Dainsleif mutters to himself.
“[Y/N] has always acted strange around Childe.” Diluc snorts, shaking his head. Childe frowned at Diluc’s comment before looking over at where you’ve disappeared off to. What could you be dreaming about him?
“Alright, alright. That’s enough. Since we’re all finished with our breakfast, let's clean up after ourselves now.” Zhongli says, getting up from his seat before heading to the kitchen with his empty plate and cup in his hands; the others soon followed after Zhongli.
Since you’ve revealed who your dream was about, you have been avoiding Childe all day as much as you could. Every time Childe comes up to you to talk to you, you would give him a shitty excuse to avoid talking to him. Even if Childe were to ask you where Itto or Zhongli is, you would give him a lousy reason before walking off, leaving the poor man behind, standing there watching you go in confusion.
Just when Childe thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did. Whenever he stepped into the room, you would get up and leave the room. If you’re in the same room as the fourteen other men and Childe comes along, you will act like Childe did not exist. Aside from the vulgar comment that he had made earlier that morning, Childe didn’t really know what he had done for you to avoid him like this. Sure, there are times when you would steer clear from him (playfully), but this one bothered him. It was almost like you were afraid to be around him. Well, the word afraid isn’t the perfect word to describe you whenever you’re in the same room as he was, but it felt that way to Childe. Perhaps the way you’ve avoided him seems like you’re embarrassed to be in the same room as him, and he didn’t know what the actual reason for you to avoid him. This dragged on for two days, and it was driving Childe crazy.
“Hey, has anyone seen [Y/N]?” Childe asks, walking into the living area where the men were resting.
“I think they’re in the bathhouse.” Ayato hums, flipping through the book in his lap while sipping on his beloved milk tea.
“Why’d you ask? Going to bother them or something?” Scaramouche asks, gazing at Childe skeptically.
“What? No! I’m going to try to talk to them because they’ve been avoiding me for two days now!” Childe exclaims, his shoulders slumped in defeat, a quiet sigh escaping from his mouth.
“Oh, yeah. I’ve never realized that [Y/N] was trying to ignore you.” Kaeya hums, scratching his chin with an amused look on his face.
“I don’t know. It was pretty obvious that [Y/N] didn’t want to be in the same room as Childe,” Zhongli murmurs, crossing his arms over his chest. “Perhaps the dream they had of Childe is bothering them,” Zhongli adds. After hearing Zhongli's comment, a lightbulb appears on top of Childe’s head.
“Oh my gosh, why haven’t I thought about that?!” Childe gasps, slapping himself on his cheek. The loud smack resounds in the living room, causing the others to flinch at the sharp sound of the slap. “Be right back. I’m going to have a talk with [Y/N]!” Childe says, turning around to walk off, only to be held back by Diluc.
“Are you sure you want to talk to [Y/N] while they’re in the bathhouse? I’m sure [Y/N] is in there to relieve their stress.” Diluc says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Surely seeing you again while they’re at their most vulnerable state would put them in more distress,” Diluc continues.
“Well, I’m not going to let them avoid me any further.” Childe huffs. He turns around before walking upstairs to his room.
“Uh, the bathhouse is outside, not indoors,” Kazuha calls out after Childe.
“I know! I’m just going to change out of my clothes before joining them in the bathhouse.” Childe replies, looking over his shoulder at the men.
“Join them?” Dainsleif asks, his eyebrows shot to his hairline after hearing Childe’s response.
“This can’t be good,” Xiao mutters, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff.
“Should we follow him just in case?” Itto whispers, looking at the others with a questioning look on his face.
In the bathhouse, you dropped your robe onto the ground before getting into the nice warm hotspring. You can feel the tension leaving your body, making you sigh in relief as you sink into the water up to your chin. The water was nice and warm. You close your eyes and rest your head on the edge of the hotspring, feeling yourself slowly doze off. Just when you were about to fall asleep, you heard the bathhouse door open and footsteps approaching towards where you’re resting. 
“Wow! Feels nice in here!” Your eyelids flew open at the sound of Childe’s voice echoing in the bathhouse. Your eyes widen when Childe comes into your line of sight. His towel was hanging lowly around his waist; faint pink scars decorated his pale, muscular chest, and the ginger-colored hair from his belly button trails down to wherever it leads to. You feel your face turn bright red when Childe smiles down at you. There was a strange look in his eyes that you have a hard time deciphering.
“Mind if I join you snookums?” He asks, placing both of his hands on his waist as he gazes down at you curiously, his head tilted to the side.
“I was hoping to have some alone time, Childe.” You said, looking away from the ginger Harbinger with a faint frown on your face.
“Oh, come on! You’ve been avoiding me for two days now!” Childe lets out an exasperated sigh, throwing both of his hands in the air out of frustration. “What did I do to make you ignore me for two days in a row?” Childe demands, frowning at you.
“Nothing! I just want some alone time. After all, this is a bathhouse, and people are usually naked in bathhouses.” You muttered, pressing yourself against the wall of the hotspring.
“Stop lying to me, [Y/N]. I know when you’re lying.” Childe rolls his eyes, his towel dropping to the ground as he gets into the hotspring. 
You quickly looked away from Childe, feeling yourself becoming even more flustered as he got close to you. Childe stands in front of you, his arms caging you against the wall of the hotspring. He tilts his head to the side to make sure you are looking at him. Using his left hand, he gently grabs your chin and tilts your head up, his eyebrows furrowing with concern.
“What made you avoid me?” Childe asks softly.
“It’s nothing.” You muttered, looking anywhere else that isn’t Childe. Childe clicks his tongue with annoyance, his right hand lightly tapping your cheeks. You look back at Childe like a petulant child, the bottom of your lips jutting out slightly. Childe’s eyes fall onto your lips, then back at your eyes.
“Is it the dream you had about me?” Childe asks. You nod your head slowly in response. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asks; you didn’t know what else to say, really. It was a sexual dream about Childe himself, but Foul Legacy, and it wasn’t consensual at all. You know that Childe would never hurt you in that kind of way, but the dream made you feel uncomfortable. Not only because it was about rape, but it felt wrong because it was Childe, and you knew he wouldn’t dare to hurt you.
“The dream was about you, yes. But it was more about your…. Transformation.” You said slowly, unsure of how to explain your dream to Childe without feeling very awkward about it.
“Transformation? You mean my Foul Legacy transformation?” He asks, looking at you in confusion. You nod your head.
“Oh, archons, I didn’t injure you in your dreams, did I!?” He asks, looking at you like a kicked puppy.
Your eyes widen, “No! No! You didn’t hurt me at all! Well….” You trailed off, scratching the back of your head awkwardly. “It was a wet dream, okay? Only, the sexual part was not consensual at all.” You said, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“So, is that why you’ve been avoiding me? Because you were afraid that I was going to rape you like how Foul Legacy did in your dreams?” He asks.
“No! That’s not the reason why I was avoiding you!” You exclaimed, your voice echoing throughout the bathhouse. “I felt bad about having an inappropriate dream about you when all I’ve been doing was hurt you.” You frowned, tears forming in your eyes. Childe cups your face in his hands, both of his thumbs wiping away the tears that made their way down your flushed cheeks. You cleared your throat and looked away from Childe; tears continued to cascade down your bright red cheeks. 
“You’re not hurting me. The only time that you’re hurting me is when you ignore me.” Childe says softly, pressing his forehead against yours. “Please don’t shut me out.” He whispers, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him.
You wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face against his muscular chest, hearing his heart beating softly against his chest. You knew that Childe had a soft spot for you, but you didn’t think it would be to the point where he would be so vulnerable around you. The guilt of having an atrocious wet dream about Childe’s Foul Legacy form performing nonconsensual sexual acts on you horrified you because you knew that Childe would never commit these things against you.
“I’m not trying to shut you out, Childe. I feel really guilty for having a dream about you doing awful things.” You whisper, tightening your grip around him.
“Don’t feel guilty for having a dream you can’t control. No one can control their dreams, ever.” Childe says, pulling back from the hug, cupping your face in his hands. “Please, if you would allow me to do so, let me erase the awful dream from your mind,” Childe says softly, brushing the stray hair away from your face.
“How are you going to do that? Give me amnesia?” You look at him in confusion. Childe snorts and shakes his head. Childe lightly pinches your cheeks; the way he stares at you makes your heart throb painfully against your chest. Why must Childe look at you that way? Does he want you to fall in love with you or something?
“Can I kiss you?” Childe asks, leaning his face close to yours, the tip of his nose lightly brushing against yours.
“I don’t know, can you?” You teased, looking up at Childe with a shit-eating grin on your face.
“Listen here, you little shit…” Childe states, looking down at you with an exasperated look on his face. You let out a loud laugh at his comment before burying your face into his chest. Childe begins to snort before breaking out into soft laughter, his arms thrown over your shoulders.
“May I kiss you?” Childe asks.
He’s doing that thing again! Gazing you with that soft gaze of his, the tiny endearing smile that makes your heart race against your chest. You feel your face warm up at the sight of his smile. You swallowed the lump in your throat before nodding your head slowly.
“Yes, you may.” You whisper, your hands slowly grabbing onto Childe’s biceps.
Childe caresses your face in his right hand, his thumb brushing over your cheek lightly before slowly leaning down towards your face. Both you and Childe close your eyes before your lips meet in the middle. The kiss was soft and gentle; Childe held you in his arms as if you were fragile glass. The kiss gradually got heated between the two of you. Childe pins you against the wall, his lips slowly leaving yours as his lips trail down your neck. You let out a soft gasp, feeling his lips brushing the sensitive area on your neck. Shivers wracked through your body when he began to lick and suck on your neck lightly.
“C-Childe.” You whisper, your grip on his arm tightening.
“Fuck, baby. I need you so bad.” Childe breathes, his hands reaching up for your hair before tangling his fingers into your hair, lightly tugging on it. Your head was pulled back, a soft moan and whimper escaping from your lips as Childe began to mark it up by leaving gentle bites and sucking on the base of your neck. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when you felt Childe’s right knee push your legs apart, pinning your waist to the wall. His knees rub your most sensitive parts, making you gasp at the sensation. Your nails dug lightly into his biceps, and you bit down on your bottom lip, trying to hold in the sounds of your whines.
“Let me show you that I’m better than the Childe in your dreams, please, please, please.” He whimpers into your ears, his fingers tangling in your hair. You feel his cock hardening against your thighs as he lightly ruts up between your legs. You let out a gasp, feeling the head of his dick prod your entrance.
“Show me. Do it.” You whisper back. “Please, please, Childe.” You dug your nails into his back. Childe groans at the sound of your pleas before crashing his lips against yours. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, fingers gripping onto his ginger locks, gently tugging onto them. Childe lets out a moan, rubbing his stiff cock between your legs.
“I’ll be gentle with you, I promise.” Childe coos, peppering kisses on your face as he grabs onto your right leg and lifts it up over his shoulders.
You yelped loudly and held onto Childe tightly, afraid of slipping and falling in the hotspring. Childe grabs onto your left leg, wrapping it around his slim waist before grabbing onto the base of his member, pumping it lightly in the palm of his hand. 
“I’m going to make you feel so good.” He grunts. Childe lightly taps the bulbous head of his cock against your hole, lightly rubbing it between your legs. You shivered with anticipation, waiting for Childe to insert his long cock into your entrance. Childe slowly enters your sopping wet hole, his jaws clenching tightly as he sinks slowly into your entrance.
“F-Fuck! Childeeee!” You whimpered. You closed your eyes and buried your face into his neck.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby.” Childe groans. His head fell onto your shoulders. Childe lightly bites down onto your shoulders, making you whimper and involuntarily clench around his cock. “You’re squeezing my cock so firmly. Archons, you feel so good.” Childe groans, continuing to sink further into your hole. You tried your best not to tense up, knowing that it would make it harder for Childe to slide into you smoothly and painlessly.
“Why are you so big?” You whimpered; your hands were shaking at the feeling of Childe’s cock breaching your walls. 
It felt so good, but it hurts. It hurts too good. You bit down on your bottom lip, feeling Childe come to a complete stop. You let out a gasp of breath when you felt the mushroom tip of his cock nudge the sensitive area deep inside of you. His chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace as he tried his best not to lose his mind at the feeling of your walls wrapping around his cock very tightly. You whimpered at the overwhelming pleasure, feeling yourself shake in Childe’s arms. Childe buries his face further into your neck, his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head from the immense pleasure he was feeling.
“I’m going to move now. Are you okay with that?” Childe asks, his lips pressing against your ears. His hot breath fanned against your skin, causing goosebumps to form on your body as you quivered in his arms.
“Y-Yes, please do.” You squeaked, burying your face into his collarbone as Childe pulled back his hips before lightly snapping his hips up against yours. A breathy gasp escaped from your mouth, your jaws dropping in the shape of the letter “o,” as your eyes closed in pleasure from the feeling of Childe’s cock leaving and entering your hole. Childe continues to thrust in and out of your entrance, his pace slowly picking up with each thrust. The sound of water slapping from where both you and Childe were connected resonated throughout the bathhouse. If you weren’t so deep into the pleasurable feeling, you would’ve been embarrassed at the sound and shied away from it. But instead, the breathy moans, whines, gasps, and yelps coming from you were gradually getting louder and louder each time Childe thrusts up into your most sensitive spot.
“I just want to breed this pretty little hole.” Childe grunts, pinning you up against the wall while continuously thrusting up into your sopping wet hole. 
“Do it, please breed me.” You whined, tightening your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you. Childe felt the last bits of sanity within him snap at the sound of your pleas. Childe grabs your face in his hands, pressing his lips against yours. You tangled your fingers into his hair; both your and Childe’s tongue intertwining against each other. Childe pulls away from the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours. His dicks continue to plunge in and out of your entrance. 
“Archons, you drive me insane, baby.” Childe grunts, pressing his lips hard against yours. You yelped when the mushroom tip of his cock kissed your g-spot, causing you to see stars dance in your vision. “I’m going to breed this pretty little hole of yours.” Childe pants, the tip of his nose pressing against your cheek.
He grabs onto the back of your neck before pressing his lips against yours once more. Your hands automatically reach for Childe’s hair, lacing your fingers in his messy ginger locks. Childe’s thrusts become sloppy as he is nearing his end; the coil in your lower belly starts to tighten as Childe’s dick continues to hammer in and out of your entrance. The last thrust Childe sent snaps the tight coil in your lower stomach. 
Your vision suddenly turns white as your mouth drops, feeling yourself cumming around Childe’s member. Childe’s moan fills your ears, his hot cum spurting deep inside of you before overflowing out of your entrance and into the hotspring. Both you and Childe collapse against one another, breathing heavily. Childe slowly pulls his soft cock out of your warm entrance, groaning softly.
“That was….” You trailed off, gulping air as you tried to catch your breath.
“That’s the best sex I’ve ever had,” Childe says, wiping the thin layer of sweat from his forehead with a boyish grin on his face.
“Oh, you’ve had sex with someone else aside from me?” You ask, looking at Childe with your eyebrows raised.
“Hey, you had sex with Diluc and Zhongli yesterday,” Childe says, pinching your cheeks tightly. You whined and swatted at Childe’s hands; Childe snorts before stopping. You muttered under your breath and looked away from Childe, your arms over your chest.
“Great, looks like the hotspring will need to go through some deep cleaning after this.” You grumbled, scrunching your face in disgust.
“Yeah, no kidding! Way to sully the water, you two!” A voice interjects, startling both you and Childe. Itto walks into the bathhouse with a tiny frown on his face as he approaches where you and Childe are at; he squatted in between you and Childe, his face pinching up in disgust.
“Now that Childe had his fun, it’s my turn now!” Itto huffs, snatching you out of the water before walking away with you in his arms.
“What?! Hey!” Childe exclaims, watching you get snatched up by Itto. Childe groans and runs his hands through his hair with a sigh of frustration. He can never have alone time with you, he swears! Childe got out of the hotspring and wrapped the towel around his naked waist before following you and Itto out of the bathhouse, a couple of feet behind. Once Childe had left the bathhouse, he saw the other men standing there with their arms crossed over their chests. They look like they were about to scold him at any minute, and Childe is not ready to get an earful from the thirteen other men.
“Oh, so all of you are going to lecture me and not Itto for carrying [Y/N] out of the bathhouse while they’re butt ass naked?” Childe asks, crossing his arms over his bare chest with a huff of breath.
You shied yourself away from the eyes of the thirteen men when Itto walked out of the bathhouse. Your face was bright red when you made eye contact with some of them while wishing that Itto could have at least let you put on your robe before carrying you out of the bathhouse.
“Itto! If you’re going to snatch me up like that, at least get me my robe!” You whined, weakly punching his bare chest while covering your face with your left hand. Your face felt so hot; you could still feel the remnants of your and Childe’s cum mixing and leaking out of your sopping wet hole.
“Psh! Why need a robe when you’re going to be naked again in a moment?” Itto laughs boisterously, tossing you over his shoulders before slapping your ass. You yelped and winced in pain, gently rubbing the area where Itto had smacked you. Just when you thought you could relax after your and Childe’s intimate moment, Itto has other plans. 
Note: To be honest, I think this is a slight improvement of the Zhongli x Isekai'd!reader x Diluc smut. It's still cringey to me since this is my, what, third time posting a smut? I have officially graduated from college, but I'm still not done with college itself. I am on summer break now until September. Oh, from late June to early July, the posting schedule will be weird because my friend is coming to visit and we're going to anime expo together! I won't be able to post lengthy posts like this until after anime expo week. Please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for "Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader" and my overall taglist: [Didn't tag anyone for this post because I didn't want anyone to be uncomfortable. If you want to be tagged in this particular post, let me know by responding to this post]
Taglist Google Form is currently closed at the moment due to Tumblr having tagging limits on posts ;-; Masterlist [here]
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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(Thanks to @bubbaswife for helping me with this)
slasher hc:
Planting your face on their daddy milkers (sinclair edition)
Slashers and their memes
Slasher when they get old
Slasher with a dom reader
Slasher with a reader who kills for them
Slasher with reader who suffers from low blood pressure
Slashers with cats
Slasher with agender reader
Slasher with cats pt2
Slasher with a s/o with adhd
Slashers celebrating your birthday
Reader sucking on the slashy milkers
Slashers with a deadpool kind of reader
Slasher doing sh aftercare for the reader
Slasher adopting a kid
Baking with the slashers
Slasher adopting a kid pt2
Slasher faceplating on your chest
Slashers getting humbled
Seducing the slashy babes
Slashers when their s/o dies giving birth (one shots/hc)
Slashers getting humbled pt2
Slashers with a reader who has a degradation kink (sinclair twins edition)
Slashers at the beach
Slashers when reader flinches away from them (one shots/hc)
Slasher with a s/o scared of them
Bo Sinclair:
you're favourite angst boy ( one shot)
Bo being soft
Dilf Bo headcanons
Brahms Heelshire:
Worthy of love (one shot)
Vinny Sinclair:
Dilf vinny headcanons
Michael Myers:
His favourite game (one shot)
Og michael with a plus size reader
Baking with rz michael myers
Og and peepaw Myers with a reader who talks in their sleep
The shape effect 1 2
Not meant to matter (rz michael one shot)
Love and Mercy pt1
Thomas Hewitt
Gentle touches (one shot)
Guilty (one shot)
Asa Emory
Dancing around it (one shot)
Only you Babe (one shot)
Jason Voorhees
Jason headcanons
Jesse Cromeans
Jesse taking care of reader's sh
Pyramid Head
Grabbing pyra tits
My takes on the slashers:
Scents Lester likes
Why Bo and michael never cry
Michael Myers is anemic
Vinny is the one with anger issues
Bo talking about his parents
Michael myers might be asexual
Bo family's life rant
Brahms and michael rant about them with s/o who's sleep deprived
If Bo really had anger issues this would be his song
Why Michael does not sleep
Bo likes to sleep
Brahms is not just a stinky angry man
How vinny has been affected by his trauma
Bo knows how to sing rant
Brahms is too tall rant
Michael myers rant about his s/o leaving pt 1 2 3 4 5 6
Songs that remind me of Michael
Jason finding the good art of masterbating
Aether getting high
🪖 call of duty mw2 🪖
König random hc part 1 and part 2
König nsfw hc
König hot take
It still hurts one shot
König x reader headcanons
Helping the reader through grief
Helping the reader through grief
Ghost x reader headcanons
Helping the reader through grief
🫀🦾 Detroit become human 🦾🫀
Elijah Kamski backstory hcs
Kamcon angst one shot
306 notes · View notes
lonely-layla · 2 years
✩ 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕖 / 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 ✩
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Read this before requesting to prevent confusion if I deny
Name: Layla any pronouns(genderfluid)
✩Content under cut ✩
Hello there! I’m Layla! This is an information post about requests and what you are able to do. Let’s get to it<3
『 𝕋𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥: 』
LGBTQ! characters/readers(being part of the community myself I have no problem with it<3)
POC! reader(I am a person of color myself <3)
Chubby/plus sized!reader(also me <3)
Female/male/gender neutral!reader
NSFW(my forte)
Fluff(I love comfort posts)
Angst(I’m not good at it but I’ll try)
『 𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 𝕚𝕗 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥: 』
Pedophilia/child porn(if the character is aged up then it’s okay)
Incest / Stepcest / Pseudo-cest
Trans Male/ Trans Female (I am not trans and I don’t know how it feels. I don’t want to offend anyone by spreading misinformation about how it works)
Vomit/ Piss/ Scat (wtf-weirdos…)
Characters x OCs
Reader with disabilities(I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable or spread misinformation about it.)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
✩ 『 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕀’𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 』 ✩
My hero acedemia
Demon slayer
Danganronpa (all except ultra despair girls)
Haikyuu! (I’m just starting it so I might not know some characters)
Genshin Impact(only some characters lol)
Yandere Simulator
✩ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 absolutely 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ✩
Any characters that are not on the lists I will write about unless stated otherwise
Class 1 A: izuku midorya, Katsuki Bakgou, Shoto todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Momo yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Kyoka jirou, Hanta Sero, Tenya Iida, ocho uraraka,eijiro kirishima
Class 1B: Neito Monoma, Hitoshi Shinsou
Pro hero’s: Shouta aizawa, Keigo takami(hawks) mirko, ms joke, midnight, mt lady
Villains: Touya todoroki(dabi)
Extra characters: Mirio togata, tamaki amajiki
Kamaboko squad: tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira
Hashira: rengoku, giyu tomioka, gyomei himejima, Sanemi shinazugawa,mitsuri kanroji, Tengen Uzui (and his wives ofc)
Trigger happy havoc: mondo Owada, Leon kuwata, aoi asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenburg, yasuhiro hagkure, sayoko maizono
Goodbye despair: nagito komaeda, Hajime hinata,ibuki mioda, Gundham Tanaka, Akane owari, Milan tsmiki, Sonia nevermind
Killing harmony: Rantaro Amami, shuichi saihara, Miu iruma,Kiibo, Tenko chabashira, maki harukawa, Gonta gakuhara
(I’m just started watching this anime so sorry if there aren’t a lot of characters to chose from)
Karasuno: Shoyo hinata, Tobio kageyama, kei tsukishima, yuu nishinoya,ryunosuke tanaka
Nekoma: kuroo tetsuro, Kenna kozume
Genshin Impact: Keaya Alberich, Childe Tartaglia, shikanoin heizou, Aether, Zhongli, Dilluc
Yandere Simulator: Budo Masuta, Umeji kizuguchi, Shoku Tsuburaya, Osaka Najimi, most 1980’s characters
✩ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 ℕ𝕆𝕋 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ✩
Class 1 A: Rikado Sato, koji koda, Fumikage tokoyami,Mashirao ojiro, Mezou shoji, Tooru hagakure, minoru mineta, Tsuyu asui, yuga aoyama
Pro heroes: all might, present mic, endeavor, Mickey Mouse lookin ahh principal
Villains: kurogiri, Himiko toga, twice, tomura shigaraki, all for one, the ficking lizard dude
Kamaboko squad: nezuko(sorry my soul just can’t)
Hashira: iguro obonai, shinobu kocho
Trigger happy havoc:NO MONOKUMA,toko fukawa(or genocide syo),Sakura ogami, kyoko kirigiri, makoto naegi, Hifumi yamada, chihiro fujisaki, Sayaka Maizono, kyotaka ishimaru,
Goodbye despair: NO MONOMI, teruteru hanamura, l nekomaru nidai, Peko pekoyama, Byakuya Twogami, kazuichi soda, mahiru koizumi
Killing harmony: NO MONOKUBS, kokichi oma, Himiko yumeno, Angie yonaga,Korekiyo shinguji
Yandere simulator: Gema taku, ayano aishi
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
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xxwhiskeyxx · 2 years
Swiss x Chubby Reader
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Summery: (Y/N) is the new multi-ghoul added to the band by papa in order to help cover all the spots he thinks is needed and increase quality of the sounds. Two things to know about (Y/N) is that, while they aren’t ashamed of their body, they are the heaviest of the band ghouls. You heard me correctly, they have more ass than our dear Aether. The second is that (Y/N) and Swiss hold a small rivalry as they are both Multis, while normally just playful jests or challenges to guitar or singing battles, one day Swiss just so happen to have had a very shitty day and of course Sodo is Sodo and has to be a pain in the ass. This leads to unfortunate events happening but Swiss kisses it better ;)
(Y/N) is the newest ghoul summoned by papa to help out the band and just so happens to be another Multi-Ghoul, but even though they are new they have caught onto the skills of the others quite quickly. They were tasked to be a second bassist or acoustic for some songs, percussion and backup vocals for others, jumping on the piano and synths with Cumulus and Cirrus for Mummy Dust, and even joining Papa Nihil for what is now a sax duet in Miasima (Idea surprising brought up by the eldest Papa when he discovered the curvy Ghoul had taken an interest in the saxophone); all of these skills have led to Dew joking that their here to take Swiss’ place causing a small rivalry between the two Multis, mostly led by the smiling ghoul. Though mostly playful bouts, such as Swiss challenging (Y/N) to prove who can hold out the climax of Mary on a Cross the longest ((Y/N) kicked his ass due their breath holding practise for sax playing), imitating Dew and Aethers guitar battle but actually trying to play better than the other while hurling picks at each other (Swiss actually won this one because (Y/N) threw a pick that missed and instead nailed Mountain in the face, causing the Earth Ghoul to leap from behind his drum kit and chase down the laughing ghoul and hold them upside down by their ankles until they apologized), once Swiss even tried to play their sax to show that he’d be better for the duet but instead just let out loud honks that brought Seestor sprinting in the practise room asking who let Nihil out of his office. Now, while this “rivalry” between the Multis have brought them closer as friends, it has also led to both growing feelings for the other.
Now today, Swiss has had a terrible day. He woke up late for his chores, immediately tripping and stubbing the shit out of his toe on his desk when he scrambled out of bed to try and rush to get ready, had run out of toothpaste so he had to make due with just mouthwash, turned out his uniform was slightly stinky and wrinkled due to him just tossing it on the floor and not hanging it but he didn’t have a spare due to him procrastinating on laundry for the last two weeks, and when he finally managed to get out of the ghoul dorms with no other injuries or mishaps, he just so happened to run into the pair of Sisters that have been pestering him for the last month to “come visit them in their dorm” even after he had tried to politely hint he wasn’t interested in them. But the Sisters either didn’t get the message or believed they could get him to change his mind. They had immediately latched onto his arms, whining that they had gotten lost and if he could help them find Secondos office, batting their lashes at him and pout thiers thin lips to their and entice him. He was forced to help them due to the fact they wouldn’t let go of him until he practically dragged them to Secondos, where he was finally released and promised that “they’ll find and give their thanks later”, the wink the taller one gave sent a disgusted shiver up his spine as he was finally able to begin his chores, which was only one due to there being a band practise today. What is his one chore you ask? Nothing too hard, just having take his turn in deep cleaning all of Copias rat cages, giving them fresh water and food, and then bathing every single of his 42 rats. It’s not the worst chore the ghoul could have been assigned, he could have been like Dew and have to do the kitchens inventory which always left the poor Fire Ghoul with a terrible headache and incredibly grumpy due to his ADHD and Dyslexia. But Swiss hated it because while Copia is an amazing rat dad and didn’t let the cages get too dirty, deep cleaning it is a whole other story when you realize there are 4 cages, all of which have at least 4-7 levels filled with hay, toys, rat droppings, food bits, nesting material, and all the other things needed to keep the rats happy. Then he had to bathe the rats, of the 42, only about 18 like to be bathed; every other one will squirm, bite, screech, and fight him as he tried to scrub them clean while hunched over copias tub. He always leaves wet, smelly, and with a headache that matches Dews. Normally he wears old clothes and brings his uniform to change into when he had band practise after he finishes, he also normally finishes with enough time to lie down on the couch in Copias room and rest his eyes or scroll on his phone for at least an hour before practise. 
But today, Satan decided to punish him for whatever reason and he had forgotten in his rush to grab his rat day clothes and because he both woke up late and was even further delayed by the Sisters. He is finishing his last rat around 10 minutes before he needs to be set up and ready to go in the practise room for tonights 4 hour practise. He dries the final rat and places them with their siblings in one of the cages, he grabs his uniform shirt from the back of the couch from he had left it in order to try and not get it as smelly as the rest of him but with a groan he realizes that he is still damp and smells like dirty rat water, so despite his efforts he is still going to smell. He looks around the room and spots copias cologne and body sprays, he quickly runs and sprites a little bit of what looks to be the cheapest one and begins his journey to the band room. Making it ith 2 minutes to spare, he sits on his stage and leans his head against his guitar so he could have a few moments to shut his eyes as the others, minus Dew who is mimicking Swiss, mill about. “You look like shit, are you feeling okay?”, a soft voice that reveals itself to be (Y/N) as he opens his eyes and fixes them with a playful glare. “Bad day, on top of that, it was rat day.”, he states simply before closing his eyes and leaning back down against his guitar. He hears (Y/N) move before he feels a hand hesitantly be placed on his head, he is curious to what the younger ghouls motives are so he keeps his head down, a second hand joins the first and they begin to soft scratch his scalp then massage his temples and neck, working the headache and aches from the taller Multis head and a soft purr to erupt from his chest as he leans into the touch. “Fucking hell that feels better than any orgasm I’ve ever experienced,” Swiss jokes as (Y/N) chuckles and continues their motions, “I know rat day is a pain in the ass, I did this for Aether after his turn last month and he just about melted into my bed, so I figured it might help you too.” (Y/N) informs him as Papa claps his hands and announces that it is time to begin, “Feel from to come by my room after practise if you still feel bad and I can continue this okay”, they offer as they jump off his stage to ask papa where they need to begin since they bounced all around the stage depending on the song. The taller Multi stares after the curvier as he flushes lightly at the lingering feeling of their hands, they were plump with calloused fingers but not unpleasently so. He shakes the thoughts of them moving much further south than just his neck as he stood, waiting for Papa to announce the first song.
Timeskip to After Practice
The four hours passed surprisingly fast, the band went through the set list a few times with small 15 minute breaks inbetween every couple of songs before Papa decided to let them have a little bit of fun and asked each of the ghouls, one at a time, what song they would like to play. Some were obvious picks, Sodo began Year Zero almost immeditaly after Papa said his name, Rain wanted Con Clavi Con Dio, Cirrus asked for Mummy Dust, and some were a surprising, Aether suggested Faith, Cumulus picked Per Aspera Ad Inferi, Mountain requested Kiss the Go-Goat, and Swiss asking for Mary on a Cross. The Multi had absolutely nailed the vocals, outlasting (Y/N) for the first time, and this had made him smirk at his “rival”, “Think you can beat that?” No one was truly expecting their newest member to ask for Miasima as their revenge piece, but no one could blame them because they had noticed how much they loved switching out their silver and black bass for the silver tenor sax with golden buttons that Nihil had gotten made for the curvy ghoul, though at times it could be quite humorous to see the smaller multi dancing around with a sax nearly the size of themselves. They did start out on their bass but during the time that Nihil was wheeled out is their time to quickly run backstage, switch out the bass for the sax, make sure it is in tune, and run back on stage just in time to join in; though with it being a practice, they were on their own for the entire thing which they had absolutely no problem doing, just having to switch out a little faster, which having the sax next to them on the stage vs backstage helped, but they also couldn’t tune in the middle of the others playing. Swiss had absolutely nailed the vocals, outlasting (Y/N) for the first time, and this had made him smirk at his “rival”, “Think you can beat that?” It started off normal, the guitarists having fun with each other but (Y/N) soon backed off from where Dew and Aether were playfully circling them, before towards their sax as the time to switch intruments came closer. They set their bass in the stage that was next to their sax before quickly picking up the tenor sax and throwing the neck strap over their head; but before they head back up towards the front of the stage, they looked up at Swiss and noticed that he was also looking at them, this is when (Y/N) decided this is a chance to mess with the leaner ghoul. (Y/N) lets their tongue trail up the neck of the sax and over the mouthpiece in a obviously over exaggerated way of rewetting their reed before winking at Swiss and turning towards the front of the stage with a whip of their tail, swaying their hips much more than necessary. This both shocked and turned on the now blushing Multi as his eyes cannot leave the wide hips swaying away from his stage, the angle accentuating the curve and size of their ass in their mandatory uniform pants as their tail flicked up flirty in small flips that drew more attention to their backside. This teasing motion also caught the attention of a certain perpetually horny Fire ghoul and bulky Quintessence ghoul who both couldn’t look away from the sexy ghoul who had just started the intro of Nihils solo. tThe pair quickly walk over to them, Sodo from the front and Aether from the back, (Y/N) smirks around their mouthpiece as they play into their game of backing up towards one before leaning and walking forward the other, keeping their eyes on Swiss as they did so. Their fellow Multis hungry gaze had not left their form from what they noticed, sending another wink towards him as they turn towards the front, finishing the solo with the longer than needed last note. They let the finally note and sax drop with a exagerated bow, but before they could fully stand up, their being hugged by Aether and Sodo. 
The pair were hyping up and teasingly requesting that the curvy Multi to join them in the Fire gremlins room for some fun later that night, Dew whispering in their ear how turned on he was by their movement with a not so subtle grind into their hip/ass as Aether nipped their neck, purring out his praise for them. This type of attention is unfamiliar to (Y/N) but still brings a bright blush to their cheeks and neck whenever their given it as they aren’t entirely used to it, laughing, “I may take you guys up on that, but I also promised Swiss I’d help him out if he still had a headache and felt bad since today was his turn for rat day,” (Y/N) says, “So if he doesn’t need me, I’ll come by a little later.”, they promise with a stroke to Dews hair and Aethers cheek which draws a growl from the gremlin, ”He was singing, dancing, and playing with no issues, so I doubt he still feels bad. Come onnn, you know we’re much better company than his sorry ass. What do you two even do when you hang out, all I ever hear from your room when he’s in there is the TV or music playing?”, Dew whines, feeling incredibly tuned on and impatient, he may or may not have a slight crush on (Y/N) too. He had at been an ass to them when they were freshly summoned but quickly realized the quick tongue and talent that (Y/N) had, along with them being hot as fuck, who couldn’t resist. “Just because I’m able to sing and play my instrument, doesn’t mean my headache is gone dumbass. I wasn’t “dancing around” either, you didn’t look at me at all this practise cause you were busy eyefucking (Y/N)!”, the said ghoul growled out having come up behind them to give (Y/N) their congraduations since they had clearly won this last ‘competition’ and to ask if their offer was still up, when he had heard Dew’s proposition, with flared up a feeling of jealously within the lean Multi. He knew that (Y/N) had spent time with the pair of ghouls and even with Rain and the Ghoulettes once or twice, but he still didn’t like hearing it. “Guys calm down, if (Y/N) wants to help Swiss out with his headache and shit let them, we both know you always want to be coddled and babied after your turn for rat day Sodo, so shut it. They said they’ll maybe come by later, lets go.” Aether had broken from the hug when he noticed Swiss approaching, knowing Dew was probably going to try to piss him off so he could have his way, “We’ll see you later doll, hope you come by and visit~,” he adds with a wink as he drags the protesting Fire ghoul out of the room, leaving the pair of Multis alone. “You don’t have to help if you wanna go hang out with them..my headache is mostly gone and my neck feels better,” Swiss offers, rubbing the back of his neck with a slight wince which makes (Y/N) roll their eyes, “It’s obvious it’s not fully gone Swiss, I offered to help so I’m going too, those two will and usually fuck without me there so it’s nothing,” they giggle as they rock back and forth on their heels, “I still gotta put up my bass and my sax, if you wanna get a head start, I’ll meet you in my room?”, they suggest as they turn to complete the said tasks, “Nah, I gotta put up my guitar and stuff too, might as well walk together.”, Swiss says as he does so too. Within 5 minutes, both have finished and are getting ready to leave the band room, turning off the lights as they were the last ones out.
The pair of Multis were walking down the hallway towards the ghoul den, making small talk to fill the silence of the old chapel surrounding them when an high-pitched squeal suddenly interrupted the pairs talking, Swiss groans and tries to drag (Y/N) towards the ghoul den but realizes it’s too late when he hears the Sisters call him name, “Swissy! We knew you’d come by, we were just thinking you abandoned us again!”, the taller Sister called out to him, her black hair shining in the candlelight that illuminated her lingerie covered body from behind through the door of her dorm. Her slim figured was outfitted in a sheer pink babydoll with some kind of strappy bra and pantie set underneath, the raven headed girl was leaning against the threshold in a sexy-esc pose as her roommate came up behind her in similar lingerie. The smaller, big breasted brunette pouts as she steps out of the room, crossing her arms as she calls, “Yeah, we knew you guys got out of practise around this time, but we hadn’t heard from you so we were about to just, get undressed and go to bed~,” she takes a step closer to the pair, (Y/N) was trying to hide their insecurity when compared to the sexy pair of Sisters in front of them as they hide behind Swiss as much as they could, not noticing Swiss trying to subtly hint that he wants to leave. The smaller brunette grabbed Swiss’ hand when she came within reach and tried to pull him towards the dorm room, “So why don’t you ditch the cow and come have some fun with us baby.”, she looks (Y/N) up and down before batting her eyelashes up at the tall ghoul. “I..I’m sorry, I did..I didn’t know he had plans with you two, he..he had asked me to help wit-”, (Y/N) tried to explain themselves but was cut off by a scoff from the taller, “Yeah, yeah I’m sure you asked him to hang out with your pathetic fat self to make yourself feel better, do you think he actually likes you, you think any of the ghouls like you? I’ve seen you around, your fat, annoying, and a show off; all you do is show off and put Swiss down in practice and at rituals, just because you play more instruments doesn’t mean your better honey. The others only put up with you because summoning Multis is as rare as ones like Aether, I’m sure Copia makes them hang out with you because he insisted that no one feels left out.” 
(Y/N) had tears spilling down their cheeks as they pull away from Swiss and takes off down the hall towards the ghoul dorms, the Sister holding Swiss’ hand tries to pull him again while giggling after what had just happened with (Y/N), but the Multi stood staring after the shorter ghoul. “Come on Swiss, lets a-”, “Shut the fuck up and get the hell off me!”, he snatches his arm away from the Sister and steps back, staring at them in disgust. “I don’t want either of you to ever fucking touch me, I don’t like either of you, you both fucking disgust me. I tried to be nice, but when you disrespect the one I care about you don’t deserve niceties anymore,” he spits at them, “You don’t mean you actually like that pig?”, the black haired Sister questions from the door, her arms crossed over her chest, “Yes, I fucking love them if you’d care to know, they are the sweetest, most caring, funniest, and talented person in the entire fucking abbey. If you can’t see that pass the fact their a little bigger than you, then fuck off and suck Nihils cock. Stay the fuck away from the ghouls, Papa will be hearing about this you cunts.”, he finishes and runs off after (Y/N), trying to figure out where they could possibly be.
In the Ghoul Dorms
The little Multi was in their room, buried under their blankets and sobbing their heart out, “They’re right, I do show off a lot…I just want to always do my best but I didn’t realize that annoyed others…I don’t think I’m better than anyone…I thought me and Swiss were just having fun…I don’t mean to be annoying…”, (Y/N) sobbed, hugging onto the small stuffie that Aether had given to them soon after their summoning and one of Swiss’ shirts that he had left after a sleepover, the scents of the ghoul had always brought them comfort even before they had realized their feelings for the other Multi, “The others don’t hate me do they…Dew is an ass but he wouldn’t use me..Aether either..right?”, their sobs are cut off by a soft knock at their door, “(Y/N) are you okay?”, it was Aether, he had heard their cries as he was walking back to Dew’s from the bathroom, “Ye..yeah, I’m fine. Jus..Just saw a sad video about a cat..”, they slap themselves mentally at the pathetic answer, “I’m coming in okay, maybe you can show me this video huh.”, the Quintessential ghoul obviously didn’t believe their answer and makes his way to where the curvy ghoul was hiding under the blankets. Aether sits next to them, gently running his hand up their side to the top of the blanket before gently flipping it down, revealing the soft Mutli curled in on themselves with the small panda plushie and what he guessed was Swiss’ shirt from the scent. “Oh lovey, what happened, I know you enough that a sad video no matter what animal wouldn’t cause this,” he says softly as he gatherers them up into his lap, cradling them against his bare chest and rocking them, he had taken off his shirt when making out with Dew earlier and they had been planning on going further when Aether returned from the bathroom. “Noth..nothing serious,”, (Y/N) hiccups while tring to deny it as to not get Swiss in trouble, “(Y/N), please tell me, you haven’t cried like this since Sister screamed at you when you had accidently broken a vase in her office. I understand you might not wanna tell me, but it might make you feel better?”, 
Aether continues rocking, gently shushing their sobs, “Me and Swiss were walking back from the band room when these two Sisters…I guess they heard us talking and came out talking about how Swiss was supposed to come see them..I guess for sex…I tried to apologize because I didn’t know he already had plans..but the taller girl..”, the Multi let out another sob at the memory of what she said, “What did she say lovey?”, Aether pressed gently, he knows the girls (Y/N) is talking about, Swiss has been complaining about them for the last couple weeks. (Y/N) takes a shuddering breath as they continue,”She said..I’m fat and annoying and a show-off…That Swiss and the rest of you guys only stay around me because Copia makes you..I’m sor-”, (Y/N) is cut off by Aether gently cupping thier face and making them look at him, “Oh sweetness, I’m gonna stop you right there. Nothing those sluts said is true, Swiss has been complaining about them for weeks and I can’t imagine what made them believe that saying that to you would make Swiss want them. You are far from any of those things they said. You are not annoying, we all love being around you. You are also not a show-off, you show the talent that you hold and just becayse you happen to have a lot of that, doesn’t mean that your a show-off. I also can’t believe they called you fat like its a bad thing, it means you so much softer and better to cuddle!”, he annunciation this by squeezing (Y/N) tightly, nuzzling his face into their neck, “Not to mention , I at least think so, having some meat to grab on while I’m pounding you into the bed is feels much better than some itty bitty girl with sticks for legs. We’re not gonna mention that to Dew though.” (Y/N) giggles as they flush at the Quintessence Ghoul’s words, “Of course not, he’d try to fight me to prove whose better!”, “Is that such a bad thing? You sure didn’t complain when he did it the first time~”, Aether purrs into their ear, their giggles filling the room when theres a loud, frantic knock at the door.
It reveals both Dew and Swiss. “There you are Aeth, the fuck you doi..(Y/N) were you crying?”, Sodo asks when he notices the lingering scent of sadness in the room and the tear tracks on thier cheeks. “Ye..yeah but Aether helped me, it wasn’t really anything important.”, they try to not get Dew angered at the girls knowing that he’d definitely go and hurt them, they notice Swiss looking at the ground in shame. “It wasn’t unimportant Dew, I’ll tell you in a minute. These two need to talk.”, Aether stands after gently moving (Y/N) off his lap and stands, softly kissing their forehead, before turning and ushers the questioning fire ghoul from their room, closing the door with a click and leaving the two Multis in silence. “I’m so..”, “They we..”, both ghouls try to speak at the same time causing the both of the two to laugh, “You first Swiss, I can tell you wanna explain what happened,” (Y/N) insists seeing the tall male in front of them practically vibrating to say his side of the story, “I am so so sorry (Y/N), they were way out of line. I have been trying to get them off my tail for the last fucking month. They didn’t ever seem to get the hint that I wasn’t interested even after I had explicitly said no thank you a thousand times. Everything that stupid cunt said is wrong, you are the sweetest, most loving person I have ever met. I love our dumb little rivalry, I love watching you try to one up me each time with any possible instrument because it’s an excuse to watch you do something you love. I’m sorry I didn’t stop them when they were saying all that dumb stuff, I was just so filled with rage with every word that left their blabbering mouths I was frozen, that isn’t an excuse ut I just hope you can forgive me.” Swiss is sitting on the end of the bed, holding onto (Y/N)’s hands as he spilled his heart out to the softly smiling ghoul. “Oh Swiss, of course I believe you. Aether told me about those two but I didn’t know in the moment. I thought they were some of your cult members, and I didn’t know what to say. It hurt a lot, what they said, but Aether set me straight and I know you would’ve too if you had found me first. Can we just hug and forget about those dumb sluts?”, (Y/N) laughs holding out their arms in an offering that Swiss just about launches himself into, burying his face into their chest. “Fuck yeah, just trust me when I say I set the picture very straight when I told them I loved you and..fuck! I shouldn’t have said that, I’m going to shut my mouth now.” Both ghouls are now sitting bright red, Swiss keeping his face hidden in their chest as they let their mouth fall open in shock.
“Do..Do you really mean that..?” (Y/N) askes, “that you lo..love me?”, they look down at the flustered ghoul as he sits up, “Yeah..I shouldn’t have said that..that isn’t how I planned on telling you, it was suppos-”, his silver eyes shoot open as the soft hands of the other grab his face and pull him into a kiss. His eyes slide closed after a moment, his arms wrapping tightly around their waist as the kiss turns messy. Swiss allows his tongue to brush against their, soft lips falling open as tongues fight for dominance. The larger moans at the taste of the smaller, leaning onto them till they lay on their back and Swiss hovers above them, not breaking the kiss as they explore the others body. The two Multis continue to kiss till a knock at the door, interrupt the moment, Swiss groans as he tries to make (Y/N) ignore and continue their makeout, but the curvy ghoul giggles at him, knowing its exactly who it is. “Come in guys, it’s fine!”, Aether and Dew open the door and make their way inside, spotting the pair curled around each other on the bed. Swiss’ face pressed into (Y/N)’s hair with a smile on his face, “I can see that you guys talked it out, any new relationships we should know about,” Dew teases as he lays out on (Y/N)’s lap, Aether sitting on the other side of Swiss, “Well we didn’t exactly have time to get to that part yet, but I’d like to think so, don’t you my darling?” Swiss teases the blushing ghoul that was laying against his chest, “I’d agree my love.”, they end their statement with a wet kiss to their new partners cheek that he jokingly groans at, “By the way, I didn’ get to thank you for earlier Aeth, I don’t know how I would’ve been if I had been alone for much longer.” (Y/N) presses second kiss to Aethers forehead as it was all they could reach with Swiss’ grip on their waist. “Since we’re giving kisses, where’s mine!”, the ever jealous gremlin demands in their lap, which they plant on his forehead as the Multi ghoul lights up a loud purr in their chest. Happy to have their friends and a new partner next to them after a quite eventful day. “Hey I think I feel another headache coming on, we should kick out these idiots and you can show me how you were going to help me earlier~”, Swiss purrs into their ear, “Oh no, maybe Aether and Dew here can help you feel better Swissy, we both know how much you love Aether’s Quintessece is used on you and we have our own heat pad right here?”, they suggest with a sly glance at the bigger ghoul to Swiss’ left, “Oh I think that’s genius, you two up for it?”, the two other ghouls look at each other then back at the pair, saying nothing as they growl playfully and pounce on the new couple. Let’s just say we had several sated and happy ghouls, with no aches and pains in sight excluding maybe Dew and (Y/N) the next morning~
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blushy-peach-blog · 3 years
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if the request asks for a specific gender, i will write for that gender, but the stories will tend to be gender neutral if it is not specified.
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have a beautiful day! hope you enjoy my blog <3
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We’re All a Little Mad Here
Pairings/Characters: Loki x Reader, Mr. Gold, Captain Hook, Prince Charming, Jefferson/Mad Hatter, Steve, Tony, Sam, Wanda, Vision, Thor, Natasha x Bucky mentions
Summary: Loki is surprised by the reader and what a surprise it is.
Prompts:  The TV Show Once Upon a Time and the Marvel character Loki.
Word Count: 5,231
Warnings: Nipple play, ice play (maybe?), bareback sex (it’s fiction people: Wrap it before you tap it.), shapeshifting, & marking the skin.
A/N: This is for @angryschnauzer and @feelmyroarrrr #FallForYou challenge. Hope you lovelies like my little spin on a somewhat classic fairytale. I know that I’m a bit late because life sucks sometimes so thank you for waiting so patiently. I did change some of the Marvel storylines to fit my story so any mistakes, I claim freely as mine. Thanks to my grammar beta, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid.
*All Gif’s/Images used are not mine*
“Natasha, you grab the drinks and popcorn and I’ll start the que. Extra butter please.” Y/N shouted as she got comfortable on her beige couch.
“Yea yea yea, you heathen! Extra butter for you and cinnamon sugar for me. So, what episode are we on now?” Nat asked while noisily munching on her snack.
Y/N shot her a dirty look and smirked when Nat gave her the cross eyes while shaking her head back and forth. “Your favorite. How Jefferson became the Mad Hatter…” A faint blush rises on Natasha’s cheeks as Y/N snorts in glee.
Natasha gives her the stink eye and pushes her lightly in jest. “I never should have told you I think he looks like a younger, sexier Bucky. I’m never gonna live this down, am I?” Nat smiles widely as Y/N shakes her head no and continues to chuckle softly.
With the back to back missions lately, finding time to unwind with her fellow Avengers has been scarce. After a mission gone bad two years ago, Nat and Y/N became as thick as thieves, lending each other the support needed to come back to a small semblance of the new normal. Nat watches Y/N out the corner of her eye critically and her rapid-fire thoughts make a quick connection. Now to be subtle and ease the confession out of Y/N is the tricky part. She’s almost as good at keeping secrets as Fury and her.
“I have an idea. Why don’t we play the shots game with Once Upon a Time? F.R.I.D.A.Y. can record the rules and let us know when to take a shot or do a dare or truth or something. Like every time Gold says “dearie” or Snow gives a hug and so on. Come on, Y/N. We deserve to let loose after the shit we’ve seen in the last few weeks. PLEASE!” Natasha begs as she crawls over Y/N’s legs and pouts in her face using her best puppy dog eyes.
“FINE! But none of that nasty ass tequila. Tony still won’t let me use the pool by myself after last time….” She mumbles as Nat squeals and heads for her private stash of vodka. Y/N is in awe as she sees her remove a back panel of the freezer to pull out her almost full bottle of Diva Vodka that Tony lost to her in their last game of poker.
“Been saving this for just the right occasion. Tonight sounds good. Tony really knows his alcohol…” Nat murmurs as she sips the deliciously crisp vodka with a satisfied smirk on her ruby red lips.
Y/N eyes the shot glass like it’s going to jump up and bite her. She hesitantly downs the shot and comes back up gasping for air at the wicked burn the alcohol has going down her throat.
“Fuck Nat! Warn a bitch why don’t you? I really don’t want to know how much this costs do I?” Y/N wheezes as Nat sends a saucy wink her way.
“Nope. Just know that Tony never does anything by halves, alcohol especially. So let’s get started.”
As both women laugh while they make a standard set of rules, the men of the Avengers are back from a grueling mission. Mostly scratches and battered, war-torn suits but luckily the men walk away with no major injuries.
“Debrief and then take the rest of the week off guys, no missions pending of course. Thanks for the assist Thor and Loki.” Steve thanks them as he and Bucky discuss seeing a ball game tomorrow instead of staying in. Tony is helping Bruce to his quarters so he can de-stress from Hulking out for most of the mission which leaves Loki and Thor with no immediate plans.
“I think that a certain female would like your company brother.” Thor laughs while heartily patting Loki’s shoulder hard as Loki throws him a glare and a grimace.
“No idea what you mean. And take a shower. You smell like burnt wiring.” Loki huffs as Thor laughs at his poor mis-direction.
“I do believe the fair Natasha and Y/N are engaged in a... oh yes…. A binge in the entertainment room.” Thor suggests kindly as a brief flash of green sparks in Loki’s otherwise emotionless face.
“Brother, a word of advice, if I may?” Thor asks softly.
Loki sighs in resignation and faces Thor, standing resolutely still in a closed off position.
“As if I could stop you. Go on, Oh Great and Wise King.” Loki snarks as Thor waits patiently for some sign that Loki is open to what he has to say. Once he sees a slight softening of his posture and his eyes express his inquisitive nature does Thor impart his thoughts.
“Waiting too long and keeping secrets leads nowhere. Look at Father. Tell her how you feel before it’s too late. Or she may find another...I believe the Captain said that he admired her greatly the other day…” Thor states boldly as he sauntered out of the room, leaving Loki to ponder his words carefully.
“She would never be interested in someone like the good Captain Rogers. His is too by the book. She takes risks all the time. Well-calculated but risks just the same. She needs someone to fuel her passions as well as her mind and Rogers is a dullard in comparison to her wit and beauty.” Loki mumbles as he slowly proceeds to his debriefing.
After a quick shower and change of attire, Loki makes his way towards the entertainment room only to come to attention at Y/N’s shout, “NATASHA!”
With daggers is both hands, fingers gripped tightly to control his anger and magic, Loki stalks towards the slightly ajar door to be faced with the most unusual sight he’s ever seen. And he’s thousands of years old.
Natasha is standing in front of the viewing screen making kissing faces at the face of a man who looks suspiciously like a younger Barnes while Y/N cackles from the couch, steadily counting down to one.
“Three...Two...One! No more making out with Jefferson. I know he looks as fuckable as Barnes, Tash, but the amount of tongue you just used has me wondering just how cozy you and Winter have been lately….” Y/N pouts as Natasha takes a shot and plops down onto the couch with a silent sigh.
“Fine, I’ll tell you but you gotta swear on your collection of Howlies comics to never repeat what I tell you or I’ll burn them in Tony’s fireplace.” Nat whispers as Y/N’s face suddenly becomes serious. She takes a couple of moments to study her friend who has suddenly gone quiet and contemplative over her empty shot glass.
“Deal now what's going on in that spider-brain of yours?” Y/N whispers back as she gets comfortable in her mound of stolen pillows.
“James has been having frequent nightmares for the last few months with the upsurge of Hydra takedown missions. A lot of it is just memories of the torture he was inflicted but a couple times have been where the team was the people he killed. He sleeps better with a warm body by him at night to whisper things like what year it is, where he is, his full name and birthdate. Then he has someone to ground him in this reality.”
“Some nights he just needs a release, like something or someone to wear him out enough to get some solid sleep. So two months ago, we kinda hooked up. And they do not lie about super stamina!” Nat laughs at Y/N’s wide eyed stare.
“Details woman! I need details! Size, shape, favorite move, all of it girl!” Y/N squeals as she hugs Nat tight.  As she fills Y/N about the nitty gritty details about her and James, Natasha spies a certain God standing still in the doorway, taking in everything Y/N is doing. She has enough sobriety in her system to catalogue his reaction to Y/N’s more than oblivious nature.
“So while we’re talking about attractions and likes, anyone catch your eye?” Nat smirks as Y/N drunkenly tries to pour another shot. Some spills on the table and in a surprising move, she swipes up the liquid with her tongue and smacks her lips in satisfaction. Y/N fails to hear the low groan of hunger from the doorway as Nat laughs at her friends drunken antics.
“Well, Hook is hot cause ya’ know, badass and all. Charming is okay for like the one night stand. So is Jefferson to be honest but I think I’d rather bang Gold. Just imagine the experience the man has plus the accent combines with his magic, fuck I could come just from his dirty talk alone.” Y/N sighs as she looks at Tasha through hazy eyes.
“Oh sweetie, I meant the real world, you know like Sam or Cap or Tony. Why the men from the show though?” Nat asks honestly as Y/N takes a moment to collect her scattered thoughts. Dark smiles and lingering gazing float heavily in her mind as with a sigh, Y/N hugs a pillow tight to her chest as she feels the tears start to gather in her eyes.
“You know how everyone says that they’ve been in love, Nat. Even Tony, the…..how did he put it? Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. I’ve never been in love and no one has loved me either. Family love is different than romantic love. Who wants to be with a woman who can do what I do, Nat? I’ve always been on the sidelines looking out at the world as the world around me falls in love. Hell, Cap experienced love before the ice so that means I have a chance though, right?” Y/N whispers with a choked hiccup, as she valiantly tries to suppress the deep sadness her disclosure revealed.
“Sorry for the sudden pity party Tash. I just needed to get it out into the Aether so I can move on. Who knew a woman of my age still dreamt of her own Prince Charming? I think it’s time for bed for me though. Stay and finish the episode and keep taking care of James. I know you both need each other more than you let on. Goodnight sestra.” Y/N kisses the top of her friends head and walks quietly back to her room with a melancholic air. She just misses the slight flash of green of Loki’s magic as he makes himself disappear. She also doesn’t acknowledge Tony or Sam as they pass her in greeting and both look to Loki with questions he cannot answer.
A few days pass and things seems to get back to normal. Y/N keeps up the cheerful face her friends have come to expect from her but a pair of somber forest-like eyes watch as cracks appear in her facade which none but he and the widow catch. Nat corners Loki later in the library and confronts him on his feeling for Y/N. Once she judged him sincere, they plot of a way to show Y/N how appreciated she really is.
Y/N is laying facedown on her queen size bed, pillows strewn haphazardly around her frame, covers bunched over her cold feet to ward off the sudden chill in the air. When she notices a puff of white breath escape her lips, she rolls her eyes and shouts for Loki to enter. He laughs low and mischievously and it resonates through Y/N’s frame like a lust-filled fog.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, oh God of Mischief and Revelry?” Y/N snarks as his grin grows slightly wolfish.
“Do I need an excuse to see such a beauty as yourself, oh sweet princess of my heart.” Loki states softly as he stands near the head of her bed, looking at hY/N expectantly with his hands crossed over his heart and his lashes flutter like a cartoon princess.
A soft blush graces her cheeks as she scoots over to allow room for his lithe form.
“Join me in the clouds, Prince Loki. It will be an experience you shall never forget.” Y/N coos as she gives him a sultry pout. His sudden bark of laughter has a spark of glee flashing in Y/E/C eyes.
“Seriously, park it oh great and powerful God. I want snuggles and your body has a nice chill I like to cuddle with. Don’t tell Tash or she’ll mess with my thermostat again. A whole month of near freezing temperatures is cold enough for me….” Y/N whispers as she resettles the pillows around her head.
Loki removes his green leather cover and unfastens his weapons belt to gently lay them both on her black recliner. Another moment has his shoes kicked under the bed and his shirt unbuttoned and falling to the floor with a soft thud. Y/N barely bites back the moan at the sight of his unblemished skin but something catches her eye. A deep scar appears on his torso but the next second, is winked out in favor of smooth skin.
As Y/N continues to stare at Loki’s chest, he begins to fidget and squirm under her intense scrutiny. He is stunned when she quickly rises to sit at the edge of the bed, firmly grabbing his sides and places his form directly in front of her panting lips. She licks her lips slowly in concentration and the low growl he emits shocks her out of her focused inquiry.
“Loki, is this an illusion?” She whispers while trying to read the truth in his eyes. By the darkening of his pupils and his sharp intake of air, a moment of stillness takes over the once over-loud room.
He coughs a little to clear his throat and croaks out, “Everything can be an illusion with the right mindset.” He watches on in fascination as she seems to sweep away his illusion to reveal bits of his Jotun form. He growls low in warning as she edges closer to his natural state. His illusion is completely shattered by her actions as she gently places a kiss to the deepest of the scars and murmurs a low hum of sorry’s that have tears falling from both their eyes. His in shame and fear and hers in sorrow and pain for the tortures he had to have faced to garner such scars.
A quick knock on her door has both jumping apart in guilt as Y/N yells a watery, “Come in.”
Steve pokes his head around the corner of her door with a sheepish grin. “Sorry if I’m interrupting anything but have you seen Buck and Nat? We’re supposed to have a TV marathon of one of the shows on my list and I’ve looked everywhere.”
At Loki’s snort and Y/N’s giggle, Steve looks them in the eye and tries to use his best “dad voice” to get some answers.
“Sorry, Steve but I think that you’re shit out of luck on this one. Ask Sam and Wanda to watch with you since Tony, Thor, and Vision went out earlier.”
With one last questioning look, Steve huffs out the door, kinda pissed his so called friends decided to ditch him. As the door clicks shut once more, bothe occupants burst into maniacal laughter at their truly clueless friend.
“You would think one in such an advanced age might catch on to the fact his two best friends have hooked up would cross his mind but he really is that clueless…” Loki mutters as Y/N takes in his relaxed demeanor. She gently takes his hand and pulls him to sit next to her on the bed. They both take a moment to relish the comfortable silence as peace settles over their minds.
“How did you see? Not even Thor can see through the elaborate illusions I create. Fools him every time, the dolt.” Loki asks in honest curiosity.
“It’s a part of my unique ability. I can see to the heart or the truth of a matter, if I concentrate enough that is. I’m an emotional empath on a good day but wading through so many emotions constantly clouds the pathways. I guess it was the right time to see the unseen. Are you mad?” Y/N asks softly as she nervously fiddles with her fingers in the blankets.
“Mad, no. In awe, yes. You have no idea how much I need someone to see. Not just the illusion but to see the real me and not cower in fear or to rise in anger to battle.” Loki whispers as he gently takes her twitching finger and places them in his hands calmly. He clears his throat and asks in trepidation, “Do you wish to see it all? My true form. I must warn you, it is quite a shock.”
“If I can handle a naked Bruce after a Hulk-out, I can pretty much handle anything.” Y/N states proudly as she squeezes his hands in reassurance.
With a flurry of green flashes, Loki’s Jotun form pops into existence. Where once pale skin and forest-green eyes was, a sky blue of swirls and scars shadows a sullen and wounded crimson eyes of red. A subtle flinch is the only reaction he has as she gently traces the patterns across his cheeks and brow. At a nearly silent sniffle, Loki meets her teary eyes and she whispers it’s okay as he clings to her trembling frame.
A harsh bark of laughter proceeds the psychological breaking of the dam of Loki’s emotions that is released in the arms of an understand Y/N. As she gently coos nonsensical words while rubbing calming circles in his war-torn skin, Loki feels a feather-light touch in his heart as a glow of warmth fans into an ember of peace. The ember flames into a warmth that he has not felt since he was in Frigga’s last gentle embrace. The rush of emotions leaves Loki weak and tired so Y/N gently lays him in her bed and makes to leave so that he may rest.
“Stay, love. I need...well…” Loki trails off as his illusion gradually returns him to his former state. However the lingering look of pain, panic, shame, and fear in his emerald eyes have Y/N pulling back the covers and snuggling in close to his slightly chilled chest. With a sigh of acceptance, they both drift off to sleep, dreaming of each other.
The perception of a cool breeze across her neck has Y/N stretching into the sensation. As the breeze descends her body, gooseflesh rise in reaction across her flesh.  Her nipples pebble as she moans in sweetest of agony when the breeze seems to swirl and suck as a lilting male voice whispers from her dreams.
“Open your eyes, Y/N. Dreams are meant to be made into reality.” Loki whispers across her chest as the chilling sensation ebbs and swirls around her neck like a gentle kiss.
Y/N gradually opens her sleepy eyes to see a smirking God lingering over her scantily clad chest.
She watches in fascination as a cloud of cold air escapes his sinful lips to twirl and twist around her beaded nipple. A low moan escapes as Y/N arches into the phantom lover. “Loki, please.” She begs as the wind gets harsher and colder. Just as she’s on the razor’s edge of ecstasy, the mist disappears as if it never was.
Y/N’s harsh panting has a smug grin forming on Loki’s lips as she tries to collect her thoughts in order. They scatter like the wind as Loki gracefully slides his slender fingers along the bottom of her lace bralette, looking in her eyes for permission to continue. At her shallow nod, his grin turns wicked as he tears it in two and descends on her breasts like a man starved. He manages to nip and lick at every sensitive spot except the beaded pearls throbbing for his touch.
A pained groan of denied pleasure has Loki chuckling darkly across her sensitive flesh. “Did you wish for something, my dear? Or is it someone you wish for?” He whispers as he suddenly changes into Prince Charming.
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“Do you wish for a noble knight to take you to heights of pleasure you’ve only dreamt about?” he whispers as he lightly pinches her left nipple.
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“Or do you wish for man to make you mad with desire?” As Loki morphs into Mad Hatter, dark kohl-lined eyes and all as he harshly nips and licks the throbbing tips.
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“Or do you wish to be taken over and over again until nothing but the sea can calm you?” Loki whispers as with a flourish of green mist, Hook appears with a realistically sharp hook on his left hand. Y/N watches in equal parts fear and fascination as he takes the tip and gently rakes it across her sensitive tip, grinning in approval at the lusty moans Y/N tries to suppress.
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“Or would you rather have a Dark Lord magically make every wish come true, dearie?” Loki pants as his features transform into Gold, wicked grin and all. “Do you wish for magic hands or teeth, my dear?” He asks in his gravel-laden accent as phantom hands play with her over-stimulated breasts while sharp teeth nip and bite her painfully hard nipples.
“Hmmm, dearie. What will it be: A Prince, a Madman, a Pirate, or Me? Choose wisely for magic always comes with a price…” Gold whispers into her ear as everything suddenly fades into silence. Y/N takes a deep breath and looks at the illusion of a forgotten fantasy as soon as her Dark God appeared next to the God of Thunder all those years ago.
“I choose you. The God of Mischief and Revelry, Loki Laufeyson Odinson. All parts of you, Jotun included love.” Y/N whispers as she hangs all her hopes and future dreams on the one being with the ability to crush her into dust, if he so chose.
All of the illusions fade away to reveal the crimson orbs of her love, silent tears falling down his beautiful sky-colored face. In a voice choked with emotion, his whispered plea reaches her ears on a breath of chilled air. “Again, my love. Say it again.”
“I.” *kiss* “Love.” *kiss*  “You.” *kiss* “Loki.” *kiss*  “Only you.” Y/N murmurs softly against his tear-stained cheeks, ending with a soft press of lips and a sigh of relief.
The kiss quickly turns hungry as Y/N moans at the chilled relief to her pleasantly tortured nipples. Loki uses his magic to make all of their clothing disappear. At the insistent throbbing of her core, she surprises Loki by rolling them until she is riding his thick, muscled thigh. The delicious friction of his flexing thigh has Y/N panting as she glides her wet, swollen lips over his muscles, straining for the release she was denied with Loki’s earlier teasing.
“Pet, slow down. We have eternity to seek these pleasures. Let me show you how to be worshiped by a God.” Loki pants as Y/N’s slick leaves a trail up and down his thigh, her leg occasionally brushing his shaft. Her mewls of need cause the rise of his magic to ebb and flow around her tender and aching bud in a swirl of suction. Y/N’s eyes go wide before they roll back into her head and she screams his name to the heavens in release. Her fluids run free down his thigh and pool under him while she shivers and shakes.
She slumps onto his ridged form and attempts to even her breathing. Y/N absentmindedly is tracing circles and swirls around his sensitive nipples and with a sharp flick of a nail, she grazes the tip. A stuttered moan from Loki has Y/N looking at him in a haze of lust. A truly sinful smile graces her features as she rises above him to rest her mound on his torso. A slow roll of her hips as she braces her hands on his shoulders has his eyes crossing in pleasure and Y/N chuckles darkly over his lips.
“Ready for more, my Dark God?” She pants as she grinds on his shaft, her juices coating his painfully hard cock.
“Are you, Y/N?” Loki breathes across her lips as he suddenly grasps her sides with his nimble fingers and glides them across her dewy skin.  She moans quietly as his hands and magic work in tandem across her back and ass while he sucks a dark mark upon the delicate curve of her neck.
“Loki.” She moans and he helps her grind across his aroused flesh by grabbing fistfulls of her ass and directing her motions. A drop of precum oozes from his shaft and his mind is suddenly overrun with filling her with his seed. Y/N feels his shaft throbbing and with every slow grind across her clit, the waves of her arousal threaten to break.
“Loki, more please. I need you...oh” Y/N cries out as a tendril of his magic pulses within her depths. As he sucks and bites at her nipples, his magic thrusts gently into her sheath with a life-like intensity that sends her senses reeling.
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“Fuck, oh, Loki, I, oh…” Y/N moans as his magic sends tendrils of icy waves to caress her g-spot with an insistent rhythm. With a choked cry and tears of joy streaming down her face, Y/N’s cunt spasms uncontrollably as her second orgasm breaks and her vision goes white. When she comes back to herself, she is lying on the bed with Loki’s face poised above her clit. With a gentle puff of air across her clit, Y/N whimpers as the over-sensitive bud throbs in time with her erratic heartbeat.
“Welcome back love. Ready for more?” He whispers as he adjusts his position and his shafts glides smoothly across her slick covered lips, flushed red and pulsating in need. She lazily drapes her arms around his neck and gently guides his lips to hers as she whispers her wish.
“Make me yours, my Dark God.”
Y/N has no time to brace herself as Loki takes his shaft in hand and guides it slowly into her quivering sheath. Once his hips rest flush against Y/N’s, they both take a moment to relish the closeness of being joined as one. Y/N looks into his eyes and watches as a spark of magic swallows the pupils while they darken to a midnight sky, Loki pulls his shaft out till only the tip is resting inside Y/N. He waits a heartbeat, waiting for a sign from Y/N’s body that she is ready for him.
When she squirms and tries to lower onto his shaft, he grins wickedly and licks his suddenly dry lips. “Loki.” Y/N whines and the air leaves her in a rush as he grips her legs and spreads them as wide as they can go while gently pushing them out till she is white knuckled and gripping her knees tight to her chest.
“Hold on, love.” Is Y/N’s only warning before Loki begins a punishing pace of thrust and retreat. The very air is lost to Y/N as each stroke fuels the raging fire and passion that is Loki. All the while, his lips hover over her ear, crooning filthy words of lust and desire.
“I'm going to fuck this pussy so hard that you won’t be able to walk for a week. Look at this cunt taking me so well. Can’t wait til you strangle my dick as you cum from my voice alone. You’re just a slut for my cum, aren’t you pet?  Do you want that, Y/N? To be my little cum slut? Want me to cum in you all night and day, only stopping to sleep. I want to cum so hard Y/N that my cum will leak from you for hours after I’m done with you. I’m going to cum in this pretty little pussy. You’d like that, wouldn't you pet? Your hungry little sheath milking me dry, waiting for my seed to take root. Will you let me take you, anywhere, anytime, just a receptacle for my cum until your belly is nice and round with my child?”
At the image of being pregnant with Loki’s child settles in her mind, Y/N screams her release into the room, Loki’s pleasured grunt echoing shortly after as he picks up the pace of his thrusts. She feels a foreign pressure below as her cunt flutters with her ongoing climax. Loki looks her in the eyes and when he has her full attention, he slowly licks her nipple and sucks it into his warm mouth. Her eyes widen in arousal and a tiny bit of fear as he suctions hard and nips the aching bud between his teeth. At the exquisite pain, her sheath clamps down once and Y/N’s entire body bows hard as a sudden rush of liquid gushes around his shaft. The pressure sends her senses into overdrive and without a break in its intensity, Y/N is rendered unconscious.
“Y/N!” Loki shouts into her chest as his neck strains and his back bows hard while his shaft pulses warmly within her clenching walls. He collapses ungracefully onto her unconscious form as his cock continues to spasm and jerk with his prolonged release. He lets out a ragged sigh as the pulsing of her walls slows to a gentle throb which caresses one final pulse of cum from his sensitive cock.
Loki lifts his head to ask Y/N a question and is startled to see her snoring softly with a blissed out expression on her face. He gently moves around a little so that she is not crushed under his weight without removing his cock from her depths and settles in to sleep. He likes feeling connected to her and when they wake, they can work out where they wish to go from here. All he knows is that without her understanding and loving nature, he might as well be as Mad as a Hatter.
Source link: Diva: the premier bottle of Diva Vodka - $1,000,000.
Sestra: Sister
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xxwhiskeyxx · 2 years
Welcome to the Barrel of Chaos
Hi, I’m Whiskey, I emerged from a barrel one day and decided to help fuel the addiction of some fanfic addicts like me, I don’t know what I’m doing half the time and I’m struggling to find time to write between work and school, so I do headcanons in between cause they fun and easy. Forgive me if my writing is shit, I don’t always beta read and Grammarly is my savior (but mine decides to stroke out a lot and not wanna work) I’ll try to come back and edit shit, but it might take a minute. Anyways love from the barrel so come get ya’ll juice whores <3
For request rules:
I’m comfortable with just about any, minus of the course the standard nothing sexual to do with kids & animals. I don’t do watersports (or vomit and shit), character death (most I'm comfortable with is near death experiences), full on SA, or torture. I might add more if someone requests something that makes me uncomfy but I’m willing to try to write anything to. I will add that if you do request something that does make me uncomfy, I will apologize but feel free to make another request and I’ll try to make it happen! 
Feel free to spam my ask box, I typically will respond pretty quickly if I have the time! I love answering questions and asks, I also will take requests here!
I also would like to add that as a plus-sized person, I am probably gonna make quite a few of these plus-sized/chubby reader for readers, dw I will make size-inclusive as well. But it is hard as shit to find the certain characters x Plus-sized reader on anything!
you can also find me on ao3, I post everything on both and usually at the same time so if you prefer ao3 over here then click da link
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/XxWhiskeyxX
All Because I Fell: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
One-Shots: Swiss x Chubby Reader | Swiss x Aether | Elsa and Her Fire Boy
Love Trope February: Enemies to Lovers | Suddenly Parents | Best Friends Sibling | Soulmates | Second Chances | Submissive Male | Only Soft with You | Friends to Lovers | Pretend Relationship | Plus Sized | Forced Proximity | Destined to be Together | Unexpected Bond | Childhood Friends to Lovers | Mutual Pining | Single Parent |  I Hate Everyone But You | Jealousy |  Sad Person falls for Someone that Helps them through Sad Times | Opposites Attract
Headcanons: Pronouns | Eyes/Dogs | Kink Boundaries/Some Trauma | Heights | Love Languages | Randoms #1 | Papa’s Heights | How Ghoul’s Sleep | Randoms #2 | Favorite Positions
Whiskey’s Nose Candy Fun: Mountain’s Problem with throwing people | The Ghouls Steal a Continental Breakfast
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Stray Dove 6: Failed Redemption
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Stray Dove Masterlist
Thor Odinson x Plus!Size Reader
Warnings: Angst!
A/N: This takes place during Thor: The Darkworld
Devotion, it is love, loyalty, enthusiasm for a person, a god, a fate coupled with the stubbornness to not give up on the one that holds warm beating heart in powder blue hands that belong to the lover that has frozen her own. There was no hope of getting what was once to be had back, no matter how any of them pleaded, reasoned, or warred with themselves, wanting so desperately to explain what happened but knowing it would serve no one any good at this point.
It had been seen to that books were brought, furniture, clothes, whatever possible to make sure that the two didn’t have the opportunity to slip further into the dark recesses of troubled minds. Subconscious that frolicked with death, torture, complete evil every time, tired eyes closed in a vane attempt to rest.
“I see that you have been getting the gifts mother & I send,” Thor began as Y/N turned from the book in pale hands, stretched out on the chase lounge & thankfully in the nicer wardrobe that Frigga had made for Y/N.
“I have. Your early by the way, thought you weren’t due to arrive for a few more months,” the warrior began.
The pale fate putting bare feet over the edge of the lounge looking over the gods change from the usual Midgardian garb to that of Asgard. Lips wanting to turn up in an excited smile that he had come to see her but forced it down, Thor needed to get the hint to move on, she was lost yet he kept coming back.
“Something came up. The Aether was found,” Thor began coming to stand with Y/N who looked over his hair & clothes closer, the god wasn’t acting excited at getting to speak with her as usual, cocking loose longer, Y/H/C/ head at him as if she could read him, having heard rumors of he & Jane as of late.
“Your mortal is it…,” Y/N began, knowing how to get him fuming in no time & hearing a snicker from Loki as she smirked at Thor.
“She is not MY mortal Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that you are the only one for me,” Thor snapped, obvious he was trying to keep anger in check but it wasn’t working as he bared beautifully white teeth & scowled over at Loki leaned against the barrier closest her cell with a vicious grin on almost matching pale face.
“Shut up Loki,” Thor snarled at his brother blue eyes hardening as both gods didn’t seem to be backing down, Y/N filling the charge in the air, “this is your fault!”
“Oh, come now dear brother, your precious fate did quite a bit of damage herself did you not pet,” Loki laughed looking to Y/N who turned her head, trying to hide the impish grin that was threatening to spread over insipid features
Y/N didn’t have to look at the god to know the worried gaze she was fixed with, one of pleading & begging to tell him what happened. Y/E/C orbs meeting troubled blue gaze that told Thor it wouldn’t be happening today but still worth a try.
“Tell me dove. Please tell me what happened on Midgard, it can’t hurt,” Thor began watching her close as bare feet strode the marble floor, quick glance to Loki then the fresh batch of prisoners that mulled around in their own cells before finally turning back to Thor who was closer than expected.
“But what good will it do Odinson? No one will listen to what we have to say, it never mattered. I'm just the daughter of a traitorous, murderous frost giant that followed in her father’s boots am I not? We were both naïve for believing that it would be simple for us, I, the appointed sentinel of the royalty of Asgard for recompense,” Y/N tried to speak calmly but failing when anger escaped in a hateful snarl that Thor didn’t recoil from watching the fate worriedly, noting confinement was getting to her.
“Do you think so little of my love that you think I would believe that the Y/N that attacked Midgard is the same that I was betrothed to? I saw the look of your eyes sweetheart, that wasn’t you, that wasn’t MY Y/N, my betrothed, MY dove…,” Thor began to rant till wrath consumed the fate, golden blue seidr erupting from pale hands to flare up covered arms, even noting Loki out of the corner of his eye take a step back.
“I AM NOT YOUR DOVE,” the fate snarled, glaring at Thor.
Y/E/C eyes going wild with seidr that burned in curvaceous body, wanting out but there was no such outlet. Nothing to take it out on, nothing to wound but herself, something in all truth Y/N had honestly thought of recently, had it not been for Loki seeing the signs & talking the fate out of it every time. The smiling Thor pissing her off more, trying to calm herself as the apparition turned as if there was someone speaking or entering into the room he occupied.
“You should go,” Y/N spoke quietly, turning from Thor to go back to the lounge to pick up where she left off filling him eventually leave.
“You were very harsh pet, more so than usual, are you…,” Loki spoke over to Y/N trying to get distracted mind to register he was speaking to her.
“I'm fine Loki,” Y/N spoke not looking away, turning the page focusing on the book, thankful that for one he didn’t badger her to death & leaving her to her own thoughts.
Jane was here, the Aether, the Aether? It was hidden away on Midgard wasn’t it? Was that mortal stupid enough to have stumbled upon it & how? The convergence was close, even they felt it, knew Frigga did, having spoken to Y/N just the other day, even bring up Jane to the queen curious to her input but not wanting to sound like a whiny little girl begging attention from an old lover. Quiet moment shattered by the yelling in the cell directly next to her getting their attention to watch the cell filled with black smoke.
Chaos filling the dungeon as both looked on at the scene that unfolded before them, the first Kursed that either had seen but knew what it was as it began to free itself, then the others in the dungeon for distraction. Though it was quick to back away from Loki, turning to look at the fate who cocked Y/H/C head at it to stand unflinching at her barrier, the thing meeting Y/E/C gaze for a moment then looking away to the stairs.
“What’s the matter? We make you nervous,” Y/N hushed to it as it took one last look at the two before starting to the stairs.
“You may want to take the ones to the left,” Loki spoke after the creature that stopped, seeming to take it into account before doing as Loki instructed.
Both prisoners watching the others running back & forth, the guards trying to round up who they could as the two casually went back to their books, no conversating over the chaos, best to wait it out.
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It was quiet, eerie silence between the two after they had been informed of Frigga’ death, well after both had a violent outburst, Y/N going to a corner while Loki went to the back of his cell to sit in silence as well. The fate finding interest in the flesh around short nails, picking at it, biting, bringing blood at times, not bothering to heal it as thoughts began to go dark at the sight of bright red pricking at the picked skin. How easy, how easy to take that final step, that was means, means to….
“That’s enough Y/N,” came a dry lifeless voice form across the aisle, knowing Loki had seen a tic to have spoken & looking to realize she rubbed along forearms as if to find a place to start.
“Afraid I would leave you in this Hel alone aegis,” Y/N spoke, not looking away from pale forearms until movement next to Loki’ cell caught her gaze, looking up to find Thor standing next to it, movements telling Y/N that this was more than just a consolation for the death of Frigga.
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Can you guarantee me death like I know you plan, Y/N spoke to Loki as she stood back with Jane protectively though they both loathed each other.
Loki & Thor plotted to get the Aether free of Jane, the weak woman that the fate stood with, looking the mortals weak state over, she would treat Thor well. If the frail mortal survived this feeling Loki tickle at her mind to draw attention away as the scene played out in the gods head.
Of course, but this is your chance to escape with Thor, he will be wanted as well, Loki commented worriedly as he spoke with Thor on other matters.
He has her if this works, just do as I ask for once, Y/N huffed out the god chuckling in heavy head at her impatience.
Anything for you pet, though I must warn you it will be painful, he chuckled darkly before pushing Thor from the cliff, looked like it was time to act as the god tumbled from the ledge.
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Tags: @dark-night-sky-99​  @prettybubblesintheair​  @gramaeryebard​  @reallyheckinggay​  @jovanna-shewolf​  @andiyholly​  @katstablook​   @nickyl316h​  @beets1bears1battlestargalactica​ @aslandia726​ @moonfaery​ @furstinnajoelle   @itsbqueenthings​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​
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