#please ignore the backwards sweater sobs
transjeffdr · 1 year
I like you *hits with my scrunklification beam*
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dizzying heights
a fic about guilt, and canaries. the two seem to go together often
{ 2,717 words | Gen | T for Teen cause Martyn swears twice }
{ Read it here, or on Ao3! }
Jimmy had walked out of his and Martyn's base some time ago. The clay dog eyes had watched him through the brightening lavender sky as he carefully shut the door behind him on his way towards the dimming stars. Martyn hadn’t seen him since.
...Eh, best to leave ‘im be. He’s probably just doing his task.
With that thought, Martyn pushed Jimmy out of his mind. Now, about that Enchanter of Cleo’s…
Down a half-heart or two and sporting some newly-shimmering boots, Martyn clomped onto the planks inside their base and dropped some stuff in the chests. Seeds, eggs, spare string, a few stray blocks of dirt... the kind of stuff that just clogs up your inventory. 
There we go. Now, with that taken care of, he and Jimmy needed… to… wait a second.
Jimmy had wordlessly left Martyn at their base a long while ago, and Martyn, in all his busywork, still hadn’t seen even a glimpse of him.
Where is he?
At the beginning of the day, Jimmy had silently stepped outside their base, into the pale, early morning light. And now, the sun was melting over the horizon, and Jimmy had not spoken to or seen Martyn since it had come up.
I’ve gotta find him.
Martyn looked in every room of their tiny base, looked beneath the floor, stared through his spyglass until his eyes hurt from strain... but of course, Jimmy was right under his nose. Martyn had mined through their wall in annoyance, and there he was. Curled up by the edge off their little terracotta cliff, gazing into the sunset.
“Jimmy! Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you all day, what were you…” Martyn trailed off when he saw the tear tracts on Jimmy’s cheeks.
“…Jimmy?” His eyes slid from the distant horizon to fall on Martyn. “What happened?” Jimmy dug his face furthur into his arms. His whole frame shook with his shoulders as Jimmy stifled sobs into his knees.
“Oh, Jimmy, I—“ Martyn went to lay his hand on his back, but Jimmy flinched away. His head snapped up enough for Martyn to see pupils contracted in fear and… guilt.
“I— just— just don’t, okay?” he whispered, fingers clawing at where his sweater fell around his elbows. “Just leave me be.”
“Well... I just found my ally crying his eyes out on a balcony, so I ain’t goin’ anywhere,” Martyn stated, sitting down next to Jim and ignoring the slight embarrased flush on said ally’s face.
“You are the absolute— Just, please, leave me alone.” Jimmy drew his wings up to shield his face, words tinged with thinly-veiled pain.
“I will, you just need to tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong!” he snapped, wings thrown backwards. The sight of Martyn’s startled face made him scramble to course-correct.
“I— I mean— I didn’t mean that, I— Nothing’s wrong, I just— I need to be alone.” He raised his wing again, overlapping feathers sliding over each other to form a wall between him and Martyn.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“I already told you, nothing’s wrong, you— you just need to go, okay?”
“I just wanted to see if you were alright!” Martyn pushed Jimmy's wings aside.
“Well— I— You shouldn’t have!” he stammered, shrinking back more.
“Shouldn’t have? I shouldn’t try to talk to my ally after not seeing him for a whole day?”
“Yeah! I don’t want to— I don’t want you to— you’re gonna get hurt, just— You shouldn’t be talking with me right now!”
“Yeah? Why not?”
Jimmy's stare landed in Martyn’s eyes, drowning in fire, rimmed with scars, his red eyes, and his defenses melted away.
“Because…” Jimmy took a deep, trembling breath as more tears fell. “Because I can’t hurt you again.”
Martyn’s face fell into shock and concern.
“…What?” Jimmy sighed, and shakily repeated himself.
“I can’t hurt you again.”
“Jimmy, you’ve… never hurt me. Not once. What are you talking about?”
He only got silence for an answer at first, as Jim’s glazed eyes stared into the sunset. Martyn opened his mouth to ask again when, finally, he spoke. 
“…I have worse luck than you think, Martyn,” he began.
“Every, every one of these damn games, I’ve been a warning. A— A premonition of death. When I go, it’s— it’s a sign, a sign that people are gonna start dying. I never wanted, I— I don’t mean it, I can’t help it, I—“ Jimmy was fully crying again, lower lip wobbling as he poured his heart out. 
“First out of the game, first to die. My last breath is just a warning, to get away, get away while you’re still here.” Jimmy’s hands came up to clamp against his hair; and the puzzle in Martyn’s brain started clicked together in a way he really, really didn’t like.
“W— When you fell, that day, it—“ he took a shuddering breath, “—it was my fault, Martyn. It was me, it was my curse! All I am is an anchor for everyone who’s ever met me, I just bring them down.
“Everyone I’m allied with will always die.
”I am an omen of death, Martyn,"he cried bitterly.
"I'm only destined to fall, and, Void, I— I can't bear to drag you down with me." Steeling resignation cut through the pain in Jimmy's voice.
"I'm gonna fall, but… I can't see you fall too."
For a moment, Martyn could only sit there, shocked, as Jimmy sobbed to himself.
“Y— You probably hate me now,“ he sniffed; then said, with the painstaking script of someone who’d been through this before, “I— I understand if you— if you don’t want to be fr— if you don't want to be allies anymore.
“I wouldn’t want to be friends with me either,” he breathed.
Martyn let the silence last one moment longer, emotion swirling in his head. His eyes flicked to the secret keeper—tall and proud, stonily staring down at him.
Cursed canary, first out of the game. The words echoed in his mind. Destined to fall. Destined to die. Sentenced to the chopping block, without so much as a trial.
“No, I don’t want to stop being your ally.” 
Martyn said it plain and clear, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He said it like he meant it, like it was absurd for Jim to think otherwise, like that ‘otherwise’ never once crossed his mind.
Jimmy looked up at him, trying to push down the hope in his eyes.
“No buts, Jimmy.” His eyes stole another glance at the imposing statue, watching them endlessly; at that wretched symbol carved on its blank face. He turned his gaze back to Jimmy, and gave a small, sad smile. "We’re in this together, through and through.”
Jimmy’s eyes darted around his face, looking for the lie written in the creases, looking for the cruel laugh on his lips and the contempt twisted in his brow. 
Of course, he couldn’t find it. (Martyn swore to the Universe that he never would.) He saw this fact dawn on Jimmy—he’s telling the truth, he wants to be allies, he wants to be your friend—and watched as silver tears of relief gathered in his eyes. Jimmy’s face twisted up into a smile that didn’t last for long as all his emotions came spilling out his eyes. 
Martyn just gently guided his friend’s head to fall forwards onto his shoulder. He stayed there while Martyn wrapped him up in a hug. 
"I'm your ally. Nothing's ever gonna change that."
Jimmy sank into Martyn’s arms, wings tentatively folding around his torso. Now, he couldn’t even try to stop sobs from bubbling up from where they’d been bottled inside his chest.
He could do nothing but cry. 
He cried for his lives, for his loves; he cried for worlds and stories left behind. He cried for bitter words turned to knives and costly mistakes with their claws sunk deep in his memories. For every drop of blood spilt, for every shattered hope and dream; for every precious moment torn from his grasp and every smile ripped off his face, he cried.
He cried for every what if, cried for every should have, cried for every ‘goodbye’ and ‘i love you’ he didn’t get to say, every apology left buried beneath headstones. He cried for the pain that found its home infested in his chest, for for the laughter and grief and heartbreak and love never shared, and scraped-out homes too short-lived and all those trapped feelings fluttering up against his ribcage. He cried for all the time that ran out, for every broken heart tied to his, for careless glass he never picked out of wounds, and for lives and loves left dead like flowers in their vases of water.
He cried for every burden that went unlifted, and he cried for every hand that couldn’t be warmed when his were cold and pale beneath the ground. He cried for his friends, he cried for his allies; he cried for every soul he couldn’t save, every star-crossed being with the misfortune of loving him, and every life he didn’t get the chance to mourn.
He cried for the canary, trapped in the coal mine’s clutches; for every breath filled with fumes.
And, if deep within, he told himself the truth, Jimmy cried a little bit for himself.
Jimmy cried, and Martyn let him. He poured out his very soul, dredged up the ugly pain in his heart, let his screams breathe fresh air. Void knows it all had been buried for too long. 
A stream of soothing words flowed steadily from Marytyn's lips, grounding Jimmy to the here and now: It's okay. You're gonna be okay, Jimmy. You're safe, you're here, I'm here with you, we're both alive, and everything, everything's gonna be alright.
(He could barely make out the meanings through his own gasping sobs, but Void, they were the only seams left to keep him from falling apart.)
Jimmy just kept on crying, cried until his eyes were puffy, until his throat was hoars; cried until he couldn't anymore. 
His tears began to slow, and eventually, Martyn was left to rub circles into Jimmy’s back in the silence, holding him together like the shards of broken porcelain.
“I’m tired, Martyn.” 
The sound was small. It barely reached his ears; but their weight was evident.
“I’m just so, so tired,” he rasped, bone-deep weariness so obviously heavy on his tongue.
“And… And I try. I try so hard to keep fighting—“ Jimmy’s voice broke as he buried his head in Martyn's shoulder and tried to hold his shoulders still.
“Truth is, I’m a mess, Martyn,” he started again. “I’m a mess, of— of curses and feelings and stupidness… all you’re gonna get is a bitter end.” 
Hot tears started to fall again into Martyn’s shirt, but Jimmy’s voice remained low and somber as it shook. “You’re— you’re just gonna go splat on the ground one day and I can’t stop it no matter how hard I try. I can’t be anything but the canary in a coal mine, and— and I can’t give you anything except a curse and a shallow grave.”
He sighed. “I am a walking promise of death. And… I can’t in good conscience let you team with me if you don’t know that.”
He seemed to hold his breath for one more second as Martyn spoke.
"Jimmy... I've already made up my mind. I'm not leaving you. Nothing, absolutely nothing will make that any different. Not secrets, not curses, nothing."
Maryn pretended he didn't hear Jimmy's hitching breaths as his tears turned relieved again. He just carded through his hair and tried to hold him together in his arms.
"You just hang in there, Jimmy, and I'll be right there at your side. I'll stay here, through fire and flood, I'll be your right-hand man, just...
"Please, don’t— don't ever stop fighting. Never let that fire inside of you burn out. Don't stop, don't quit, no matter what you do. I mean, I— I know you won't, Jim, I know you're so strong. And- Void, you're so, so strong, Jim, stronger than any of us, and- and you've been through so much shit that you didn't deserve."
Jim clung to him like a lifeline.
"Just know, that whatever happens—if the sky is falling, if the very world is crashing around us, if— if everything goes to shit, I'll be with you. I'll fight with you and die with you ’til the end. Please, Jimmy, just don't ever forget that."
Martyn held him like nothing else existed.
"Don't ever forget how much I love you."
Both of them were crying into each other now, sweet tears mixing with the bitter ones. They didn't seem to mind all that much.
The cold began to encroach on their golden little paradise- it seeped in through Jimmy's back, sunk its claws in where the sun didn't reach- but that was okay. Martyn was here, and his arms were warm and strong and steady. Warm enough to heal dead hands, steady enough to stop Jim from shattering, careful enough to pick up the pieces. 
Martyn was here. He was here and he wasn't leaving. Jimmy kept repeating that in his head like a mantra, over and over again. He's not leaving.
He's not leaving, and that's enough for Jim. 
His tears finally stopped.
He slowly pulled away from Martyn, not bothering to tuck his wings away and instead letting them stretch and brush the ground somewhere behind him. The silence stretched between them—comfortable now, enough to relax. Jimmy's hand stayed threaded through Martyn's. They ended up dangling their shoes off the shallow cliff; Jimmy’s head on Martyn’s shoulder; soaking up the warmth, basking in the peace.
He wondered, distantly, how he could've been crying; with the sun filtering through the atmosphere in that radiant way, smoldering and dancing like lava and glass, staining their own rusted mesa flats into shades of gold and violet. Light seemed to snag the cooling air just right, leaving streaks of watercolor in its wake. Trees in the distance whispered their steady, rustling white noise through Jimmy's eardrums: the Universe's sympathetic respite offered to block out the shadows—those creeping, quiet thoughts and dread rotting his mind away, burning him to nothing. It was quieter now, at least. Quiet enough to hear his thoughts, his breathing, his heartbeat.
The Universe had been kind to him lately, Jimmy noticed. Slower, softer; more hopeful. The worlds It created hadn't been so cruel; the earth's pull on him more like a comforting weight, cradling him in the dirt like cupped water. 
Jim thought It might have been making the clouds curl and ruffle, that It was tempting the windchimes to softly rattle and ring, and melting the sun until it pulsed a rich amber, just to chase away the fear, to grant him some futile kind of relief.
Still, it was quiet enough to breathe. To rest.
It was nice. 
“…Thank you, Martyn. For being here,” he murmured, a trace of waver still in his voice.
He smiled, and held Jimmy’s hand a little tighter. “That’s what big dogs do.
“Big Dogs forever. Woof, Woof—“ Jimmy laughed.
“Noohooo, don’t start that again!”
“Aw, come on! You just have to let that dog ou—“ Jimmy kicked him in the shin. 
“Oh, come off it! I didn’t even kick you that hard!”
"Yeah, you did, ya big liar!" Jimmy rolled his eyes.
"Martyn, you're acting like a five-year-old." Jimmy snorted, letting a small ‘ouch!’ escape when Martyn softly kicked him back.
“That was your own fault.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s fair.”
Jimmy took a minute to let his eyes wander- take in the view of their little golden paradise, their home.
"I love you, you idiot," Jim said, meaning every word.
Martyn let his head sag onto Jimmy's, and suddenly nothing else mattered.
(They both were here, and they were alive, weren't they? And Martyn's hand was like a little sun in Jimmy's palm and when the avian trilled softly it was the sweetest sound Martyn had ever heard.)
(What more could they wish for?)
"Love you too, songbird."
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Shoulder to Cry On (Agatha Harkness x Reader)
Request: Hello! I was wondering if I could request a reader x Agatha Harkness where the reader had a rough break up in Westview, and Agatha invites her over, and she makes her feel better? Rest is up to you, it's okay if you can't! Don't forget to drink some water, and have a good day! <3 (anon)
Contents: breakup, sad reader, comforting agatha, AU/non-canon
A/N: you’re so sweet anon 🥰 i def didn’t drink enough water today but i hope you did 😙 i really liked writing this and i’m almost tempted to do a part two…but we’ll see 🖤
Tag List: @nyx-aira @poetsdeadxo @crystalline-possession @sarahp-stan @clxwnnyy @lilibeth-tate @highgaytohell @nadjaharkness @amethyst-bitch @paulawand @shinkomiii @imstacysmomtm @agnessharknes @academiagaymess @midnight-lestrange
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Your House
“Get out!” You yelled at your now-ex. You’d finally confronted them about your suspicions that they were cheating, and lo and behold, you were right.
“Baby, please,” they begged as you shoved them out the door. “Let’s talk about this.”
“There’s nothing to talk about. Have fun with Lisa, or whatever her name is.” You spat, slamming the door on their face.
You slid down to the floor, feeling your anger turning into sadness. Tears quickly began streaming down your face until you were sobbing on the floor.
You’d spent three years with them. Three years of your life that you’d never get back.
How could you be so stupid? The red flags were there but you kept ignoring them, choosing instead to stay because they were familiar and you were comfortable.
Ugh. People don’t talk about the downsides of relationships nearly enough.
You stood up from your spot on the floor, suddenly remembering the pint of ice cream sitting in your freezer. That would cheer you up.
After a few hours of romcoms and ice cream, you weren’t feeling much better than before. Maybe fresh air would clear your mind a bit.
You threw on a sweater and slipped on your shoes, grabbed your keys and headed out the door.
You were making your way down your steps when you stopped in your tracks.
Son of a bitch. Their car was parked next to the curb, and they were sitting in it. The nerve of them.
“What the fuck?” You said, knocking on their window. “What’re you doing?”
They got out of the car and walked around to you. “I thought I’d give you some time to cool off so that we could talk.”
“Are you kidding me? I don’t want to talk to you.”
“You’re being irrational,” they said, grabbing your arm. “Are you really going to throw what we had out the window?”
“First of all,” you felt angry tears welling up in your eyes. “You threw what we had out the window, jerk. Secondly, let me go.”
You tried to pull your arm away but they held on. “Babe-”
“I’m not your babe!” You exclaimed, frustrated. “Let me go.”
“Come on-”
“I think she said let her go.” A familiar voice interrupted them. You turned to see Agatha walking up from behind you.
Your ex didn’t move their hand. “Mind your business, lady.”
“No, I don’t think so.” With a flick of her hand, your ex was pushed backwards by an invisible force, their hand leaving your arm.
“Now I suggest you leave, because you don’t want to see me when I’m really angry.” Agatha’s blue eyes turned purple briefly.
Your ex stumbled backwards. “Fine, fuck,” they muttered. They tried to make eye contact with you but you turned away.
When they finally got in their car and drove away, you let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. “Thank you,” you said to Agatha.
She wrapped an arm around your waist while the other clasped your arm, holding you close.
“Anytime dear.” Her eyes crinkled as she gave you a warm smile. “Now come, you need to rest that pretty head of yours.”
Before you could protest, the witch steered you towards her house, clearly not taking no for answer.
Agatha’s House
Inside, Agatha walked you over to her couch. “Would you like a cup of tea, hon?”
“Sure, thank you.” You smiled. You secretly always loved when she’d call you pet names.
Agatha conjured two teacups, one for the each of you, onto the table. “Two creams and a sugar, just how you like it.” She winked, handing you yours.
You accepted it gratefully and took a sip.
You’d been to the witch’s house a few times before. With her living across the street you’d become friends of sorts. She was really your only friend in the neighbourhood. You’d moved to Westview not long ago and you’d been dating your ex for most of your time here, so you hadn’t bothered to get to know many people.
The thought brought a frown to your face. So much time, down the drain.
“Oh sweetie,” Agatha give you a sympathetic look. She placed her cup on the table and moved closer to you on the couch. “I know you’re probably feeling a lot right now. It’s okay.”
Her arm pulled you close to her and you let yourself rest your head on her shoulder. Suddenly, your eyes were welling with tears again.
“Let it out dear, don’t fight it.” Agatha hummed, her fingers combing through your hair as you cried against her shoulder.
When it felt like you couldn’t get any more tears out, you sat up, shaking your head. “God, I’m sorry Agatha. I’m just a mess right now.”
“It’s okay doll,” she said, wiping your tears with her thumbs. Her blue eyes met yours. “To be frank, I think you deserve a hell of a lot more than them. You’re beautiful, smart, funny…I bet you could have anyone you wanted.” She said earnestly.
It was probably because your emotions were out of whack right now but Agatha’s words made a warmth bloom in your chest. “Thank you, Agatha. For being so kind.”
“Don’t worry about it hon,” Agatha said, placing a kiss on your temple. You felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach at the gesture.
“Now,” she smiled. “Why don’t we put on a movie, hm? That’ll take your mind off things.”
“Oh no, I don’t want to bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me, darling. Besides, I doubt you have much more going on than ice cream and TV.” She winked.
“Fair enough,” you said.
“Great!” Agatha clapped her hands together. “You pick the movie and I’ll be back with popcorn.”
She returned not long after, a large blanket and a bowl of popcorn in her hands. She glanced at the TV and back to you. “Princess and the Frog?” She arched a brow.
“It’s my comfort movie,” you shrugged.
Agatha let out a dramatic sigh, muttering something about “princess movies”, before joining you on the couch. She covered both of you with the blanket and as the movie began playing, you happily snuggled in closer to her.
You enjoyed the familiarity of the movie and having Agatha watching it with you was really nice. But you’d be lying if you said her hand on your thigh wasn’t a distraction. Especially when she started tracing circles with her fingers.
When the witch doctor transformed the prince into a frog onscreen, Agatha chuckled. “Hey that’s a good idea, isn’t it,” she whispered into your ear, sending chills down your spine. “Next time someone bothers you, I could just turn them into a frog.”
You turned to look at her and began giggling. The idea of her turning people into frogs was quite funny. Agatha’s smiled at you, and you watched as her eyes drifted down to your lips.
“Nice to hear you laugh again hon.” She whispered. You felt your breath hitch in your throat when her tongue darted out to wet her lips.
Suddenly, a loud sound from the movie startled the two of you. You felt like your face was on fire as you resumed watching the movie. Were we going to kiss?
Your stomach flipped at the thought. No- this wasn’t like that. You were just emotional, that’s all.
Get it together Y/N. You just got out of a relationship a couple of hours ago for God’s sake. You couldn’t be thinking about your (admittedly gorgeous) neighbour like that.
The movie soon came to an end and you took that as your cue. “I should get going, Agatha,” you said, standing up and walking with her to the door. “Thank you again for this. You’re the best, honestly.”
“You don’t have to thank me dear,” she gave you a warm smile. “I just hope I could make you feel a little better. I’m always here for you.”
Agatha pulled you in for a hug and gave you a kiss on the cheek before you headed out the door. “Goodnight!” She called as you crossed the street.
“Night!” You called back, waving at Agatha.
It wasn’t until you were back in your home that you remembered Agatha could read minds.
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Prompt: You, Fred, George, Ginny and the trio decide to have some fun over summer break and go on a camping trip, except without the magic tents. Just some friends and some nature. Well, except for you and Fred, who are both pining over each other while thinking the other doesn't share their feelings. That is until you get particularly cold one night.
Warnings: SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!, Camping, Swearing, Fluffy ending, I think that’s it.
A/N: Oh, to be fucked in a tent by Fred Weasley. The dream really. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! LMK if you have any requests!
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You let out a sigh of relief as you let your heavy backpack fall to the ground. The hike had been long, almost three hours, but the scenery from the mountain top where you and your friends were currently standing made it worth it.
It was Hermione's idea to go camping. She had talked about how fun it was when she had gone with her family, and thought it would be a good way to get out and spend some time together over the summer, and the twins only having been wizard camping with magic tents wanted the full muggle camping experience.
You were looking over the view when your eyes landed on Fred’s as he was looking at you, a smile on his face.
“Take a picture it’ll last longer” You joked to the older red head.
“Don’t mind me, just enjoying the view” He replied
You only smiled and rolled your eyes, moving to unpack your bag and start setting up the campsite. You and the twins were in the same year, and had been friends ever since your first day at Hogwarts, but you only saved your flirty jokes for Fred. 
“How in the bloody hell does this work?” Ron mumbled to Hermione, stretching out the fabric of the tent he would be sharing with Harry.
“You have to put the poles through it” Hermione explained, taking the fabric from him and showing him how to set up the tent, Fred and George watching from the side.
You and Hermione's family's had both had some camping supplies, so you brought everything you thought you would need, including four tents. Three doubles for Fred and George, Harry and Ron, and Ginny and Hermione, and a single for you. You honestly didn’t mind the solitude though, in fact you were pretty excited to get some uninterrupted sleep.
A few hours later, and sleep was the last thing that you were expecting to get. The temperature had gone down with the sun, and your sleeping bag was doing little to protect you from the cold that filled your tent.
You were just about to see if you had packed another sweater to put on, when you heard shuffling from outside, causing you to freeze up. You clenched your teeth to stop them from chattering as you strained your ears, trying to hear what the sound could have been before-
“Hey Y/n, you awake?” Fred’s voice whispered from outside the tent, causing you to huff out a breath, opening your tent flap to glare at the red head.
“Fred! You scared the shit out of me what's wrong with you?” You whisper yelled, backing up as Fred came to sit inside the tent with you, his sleeping bag wrapped around him.
“Oh stop it you love me” Fred shot back, now fully inside the tent and sitting cross legged across from you. “George wont stop snoring, can I bunk in here with you?”
“Fred... It’s tiny in here you wont fit” You tried to argue.
“Just scooch over, it’ll be fine” He said back, already moving to one side of the tent and pushing your sleeping bag over to lay his down, unwrapping it from around himself to reveal he was shirtless underneath. 
You averted your eyes, trying to hide the blush on your face.
“Fine, but I swear if you kick me-” You started.
“I’ll be gentle, I promise” Fred joked, causing the light blush from earlier to now heat up your entire face.
You shifted a bit, making more room before laying back down, facing away from Fred. A few minutes past and the cold had seeped into your bones, causing you to start shivering again. You pulled your knees into your chest, trying to preserve your body heat until you fell asleep, but you were interrupted.
“Y/N...” Fred whispered from behind you.
“What?” You whispered back a bit angrily, irritated that the cold was keeping you awake.
“Are you cold?” Fred asked, completely ignoring your tone. 
“No it’s a fucking sauna in here” you replied sarcastically.
“Come here” Fred said after a moment, causing you to roll over to face him, your eyes widening.
“What?” You asked
“Come here, I’ll keep you warm” Fred said simply. 
You looked at him dumbly. The possibility of somehow embarrassing yourself in front of your longtime crush was very real, however, you could already feel the heat radiating off of him, and your toes were practically numb-
“For Merlin's sake Y/N, your teeth are chattering, would you just come here so maybe we could both get some sleep?” Fred asked, lifting the edge of his sleeping bag.
“Fine, but no funny business” you said, trying to be casual, like you weren't about to practically cuddle your long time crush.
“You insult me, I’m a gentlemen” He replied
You opened your sleeping bag and carefully shifted yourself until you were in Fred's, turning so your back was once again facing him. Once you were inside, Fred lowered his arm, encasing the both of you in the sleeping bag before wrapping his arm around your waist, causing the butterflies in your stomach to erupt.
A few minutes had past, and you were still shivering a bit, Fred's body heat taking its time to seep through the three sweaters you were currently wearing.
“You know” Fred started “If you took your clothes off you’d get warmer faster” He said suggestively, causing you to roll your eyes.
“If you’re just going to make fun of me I can go, I’m sure Hermione and Ginny could make room” You shot back, your nerves getting the better of you.
“I’m serious!” Fred defended, any hint of joking from his voice leaving “Your feet are freezing and you’ve barely warmed up at all, but if it makes you uncomfortable you don’t have to” Fred finished. 
You pondered for a minute. Fred sounded genuine, and it was unlikely either of you would get any sleep with you practically vibrating from the cold. So without saying a word, you sat up and began to strip the layers off your body until you were only in your bra, underwear, and socks, laying down again, with your back facing Fred.
“Bra stays on” You mumbled, causing Fred to chuckle from behind you, before returning to his original position with his arm wrapped around you, this time his skin coming in direct contact with you.
You warmed up fairly quickly, both from body heat, and the fact that you and Fred have never been this close and your heart was racing at a trillion miles per hours. You had just started to get a hold on your jitters, when Fred moved his hand, trailing his fingers up your side and making small patterns on your arm, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake.
“Is this ok?” Fred asked, a gentleness to his tone
“Mhm” You mumbled, the action starting to lull you to sleep, before you felt his hand move from your arm to your shoulder, then to your neck, then to the side of your face, his feather light touches almost tickling your skin.
“Is this?” Fred asked once again.
“Yeah” You replied, a bit more awake now, then again, you could be dreaming. However the possibility of this moment being in your imagination was quickly whisked away when you felt warm lips connect to your shoulder, before moving up toward your neck, leaving short wet kisses in his wake, he finally landed just below your ear.
“Is this ok?” He whispered, 
You turned in the sleeping bag so you were now facing him, “Yes” You said before moving your hand to cup his face, and closing the space between you. Fred took no time to react, moving his arm to wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him, your chest now fully pressed against his.
Without breaking the kiss, you moved your hand from his face down to his chest, when you gently pushed him backwards, so he was now laying on his back, and you were straddling him, Fred's large hands coming to rest on your thighs. 
Fred gently bit your lower lip, and you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to intertwine with yours. As the kiss deepened, your hips began to rock against his, his hardened member now painfully obvious.
You trailed one of your hands up his chest, landing on his head before entangling your fingers in his hair and giving it a light tug. This sent Fred over the edge, gripping your legs to flip you over so you were now laying beneath him, a started yelp escaping your lips.
“Shh, darling. We need to be quiet” Fred rasped into your ear, placing open mouthed kisses along your jaw and down your neck, causing a chill to run down your spine, before his reached around behind you, unclasping your bra which you quickly discarded
Fred continued to kiss downwards, his hand coming upwards to grasp your breast as his lips met the other, nipping and sucking at the sensitive flesh, before continuing the attack on the other, most likely leaving marks for the morning.
He continued kissing downwards, stopping once he reached the elastic of your panties, looking up at you and kissing the inside of your knee, your thigh, your hips, everywhere except where you needed him.
“Fred please stop teasing I- oh god!” You started, protesting his slow pace before quickly moving the fabric to the side, licking a long stripe from your core to your bundle of nerves.
Your head fell back against your pillows, one hand moving to cover your mouth while the other went down to run your fingers through his hair, Fred moaning as you pulled on his fiery strands, sending the vibrations straight to your core.
As Fred continued to eat you out, you struggled to remain quiet, the hand covering your mouth doing almost nothing to contain your moans. You were just about to reach your high, your head rolling back and your toes curling when Fred pulled away.
“What the fuck Fred?” You almost sobbed, frustrated that he had stolen your orgasm. Fred crawled his way back up your body, quickly pulling his wand out from beside the sleeping bag, and casting a silencing charm on the tent.
“I want to be inside you when you come, and I want to hear you screaming my name” Fred whispered into your ear, causing your eyes to widen at the boldness of his statement. Your surprise was quickly overcome with lust as Fred leaned down to re connect your lips, allowing you to taste yourself on him.
You broke the kiss and quickly kicked your panties the rest of the way off, Fred moving to remove his pajama pants, freeing his cock which slapped against his toned stomach. You gasped as Fred guided himself to your core, teasing your folds before slowly pushing into you, his size stretching you perfectly.
He waited a few seconds for you to adjust, only moving when you nodded that you were ready. He pulled out half way, before slowly thrusting back, bottoming out completely before repeating his movements, gaining speed with each thrust.
Fred brushed past your spot with each snap of his hips, making it impossible to contain your moans. Your hands moved up his back, digging your fingernails into his back desperate to bring him closer.
“So fucking perfect, you take my cock so well” Fred practically growled, sucking marks into the crook of your neck as his high approached.
“Oh fuck Fred, I- I’m close” You gasped, the coil in your stomach getting tighter with each trust.
Fred reached down and lifted your leg over his shoulder, creating a whole new angle that hit that one spot perfectly every time, before moving his fingers to your core, making small fast circles around your clit.
“Cum for me baby” Fred said, and a few seconds later the coil in your stomach snapped, your back arching as you rode out your orgasm.
Fred’s thrusts became sloppy as he came shorty after you, helping you to ride out your orgasm, before finally slowing to a stop. You stayed like that for a moment, catching your breath as you came down from your high, before Fred pulled out of you, causing you to whine from the empty feeling. 
He laid back in him original spot, the both of you staring at the ceiling for a moment, before a chuckle escaped your lips, causing Fred to look over at you.
“No funny business” You quoted yourself from earlier, “That was a fucking lie”
Both you and Fred erupted into a fit of laughter, the sudden realization of ‘I just fucked my best friend, and it was awesome’ setting in.
“Bra stays on” Fred quoted you from earlier “Also a fucking lie” 
“Would you have rather it stayed on?” You asked through giggles
“Oh hell no, in fact, get rid of it I never want to see it again” Fred replied, sending you both into another fit of chuckles.
“That's what I thought” You said once the laughing had died down, suddenly becoming a bit self conscious about the whole situation as a thousand questions went through your mind. Was this a one time thing? Does he actually like me or did he just want to fuck? Should I move? Should I-
“I think I’m in love with you” Fred suddenly said from beside you, your head snapping to look at him, his eyes already on you.
“What?” You asked, not sure if you were hearing him correctly.
“I think I’m in love with you. I have been for a while actually” Fred started, causing your brain to short-circuit “Your so funny, and kind, and smart, and fuck you're so hot, but you’re also so beautiful and I just-”
You cut off Fred’s rambling by connecting the space between you once again, connecting your lips to his, one to show that you felt the same way, but to also double check to make sure you weren't dreaming. 
“I think I love you too” You said after you broke away from the kiss, a smile crossing the red heads face.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“Yeah” You replied, smiling back at him.
Fred leaned down and kissed you again, before wrapping his arms around you pulling you closer to him, your head now resting on his chest, his heartbeat beginning to lull you to sleep.
“Y/N?” Fred asked, whispering so he didn’t startle you.
“Hmm?” You mumbled back, already half asleep.
“Are you still cold? Because if you are we could always go for round two?” Fred asked jokingly, laughing when you smacked his shoulder.
Needless to say... there was a round two.
A/N: SMUT WITH PLOT??? In this economy??? 
Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed! I don’t write smut very often so I hope it was ok! Feel free to leave any requests or comments if you’d like. Also i have a taglist now so lmk if you want to be added! Love you all!
Taglist:  @levylovegood​
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
I Want You To Love Me (James Potter x Reader)
PROMPT: hi, i finally did it. this is part two to tell me that you love me!
A/N: i do prefer the first part but i also enjoyed writing this. 
WARNINGS: angst?
WC: 3.7K+ (sorry again)
i’m doing a writing challenge! 
i want you to love me (j.p one shot)
“Y/N/N, let me in!”
You lifted your head from your pillow to speak into the distance separating your bed from your door, “Go away, Pads! I’m staying in.”
“You said that last weekend… and the weekend before that,” you heard Sirius groan from the hallway. He continued to bang against the wooden door, rattling the metal components of it, “We miss you, Y/N/N! Come out to Hogsmeade with us!”
“No, I want to stay in,” you yelled, falling back into the solace of your bed, “Sirius, please just go without me. I’m sure my less than happy attitude would kill the mood anyway.”
“I’d rather have the mood be killed than not have my friend with me.” 
You smiled a bit at his words. Sirius always did know how to cheer you up. A part of you wanted to give in and spend the day with your friends. You did miss them terribly, as you’ve done nothing short of avoiding them for the last month. You even went so far as to switching out of the classes that you had with them. You were surprised you got permission to do so, but you had to thank your long-standing and pleasant relationships with your professors for that. 
As you opened your mouth to agree to Sirius’ offer, you began to remember who else would be there— James. A month in isolation was not enough time to mend a broken heart. So you sunk back in your bed, pulling the covers up to cover your chest, and squeezed your eyes shut. 
You heard Sirius sigh, disappointingly, before his footsteps echoed down the corridors. You were relieved he gave up, at least for the day. You didn’t know if James had told them about that night, you didn’t really allow yourself to be in the same space as any of the Marauders for enough time to have a conversation beyond “hi’s” and “hello’s.” Sirius was tired of it, as was Peter and Remus, but Sirius took it personally. You two have built a good friendship over the years and he didn’t know what it was that caused you to pull away from them so rapidly and so out of the blue. 
He had a hunch. He figured it had something to do with James, as the boy flinched every time someone was to mention your name. Not to mention the way James had changed drastically, more subdued and mellowed out ever since the night of the party. He hasn’t chased after Lily since, and it puzzled a lot of people, Sirius especially. He had to hear about James’ incessant pining for years and all of a sudden, Lily seemed to cease to exist? Something wasn’t right. 
Sirius talked about it to Remus and Peter but the two boys were just as lost as he was. Nobody knew what happened that night between you and James. And although they all had their theories, most of them being absurd, James never talked about it to anyone, nor did you. So your friends were left in the dark, wondering and guessing what on earth transpired. 
It wasn't until an hour after Sirius’ supposed departure did you hear a knock on your door again. You groaned, not wanting to have this conversation twice in the same day. You sat up, “Go away, Sirius!”
Another knock. 
“Padfoot,” you warned, “Go away, please!”
He seemed to ignore your rebuttals, continuing to pound harshly on your door. You closed your eyes, pushing two pillows against both of your ears to try to drown out the noise, forgetting for a second that you were a witch with the knowledge of a simple spell to do the trick. When you realized that the pillows weren’t working, nor did he show any signs of stopping, you got up from your bed and marched angrily to your door. 
You swung it open, looking down at your feet. You huffed, “Sirius, I’m really not in the mood—” 
It wasn’t Sirius. 
James’ back was turned, evidence that he’d been pacing in front of your door after he heard your footsteps. When he heard the familiar creaking of your door opening, he turned around, an unexplainable look on his face. His eyes were brimmed red, like he’d been crying. His curls were tossed around, not neatly styled the way he always did them. James wore pajama pants and a fluffy sweater. It was unfair, really, how good he still looked even when he quite literally just rolled out of bed. 
The two of you didn’t talk, not one word. You just stared at each other, taking in each other’s presence. You became so aware of how you must’ve looked— pajama pants that went past the tip of your toes, a large hoodie that you were half-sure belonged to James once, and your hair in disarray from spending the entire day and afternoon in bed. Subconsciously, you hid behind your door, trying to hide yourself from the boy who watched your every move. 
The silence was deafening. It was awkward and uncomfortable. It was like neither of you knew each other anymore, like you didn’t spend years being friends or months being wrapped up in each other’s arms in the most vulnerable way. You stared at James Potter, not recognizing the man who stood in front of you. 
This man was unsure of himself, not carrying himself in the confident way that James usually does. His back was hunched over like he was trying to make himself as small as possible. He looked small. He had this guard up in front of him and a face that you couldn’t read. This was unusual for the both of you. You weren’t used to not knowing James. 
You forced yourself to be okay with that thought as you stared him down, knowing that you had no choice but to accept that you two will be strangers to each other one day. Soon, even. But truth be told, you didn’t like it. You didn’t like not knowing him. 
You gulped, starting to close the door, little by little, in hopes he wouldn’t notice. At first, he didn’t. He was too preoccupied staring at your figure, your face, your being, that he didn’t realize that the door was shutting. When James finally did, he stuck his foot in the crack, right before you could close it. He hissed at the pain, but kept his foot there, not daring to move. 
“I miss you,” he finally said, breathing out every word, “And I-I won’t lie to you, I don’t know if there’s a word for what I’m feeling. I’m not even sure I fully understand it.”
James pushed the door open, letting himself walk in despite your silent protests. You walked backwards, stopping right before the back of your knees hit your bedpost. He continued to talk, looking down at his feet, distraught, “All I know is now I can’t stop thinking about you and I can’t stop worrying about whether you’re alright or not. And I think I’m going crazy, Y/N/N.”
“No, let me finish,” he shook his head, looking into your eyes. His eyes were clouded by tears making your breath get caught in your throat. He paced back and forth in your dormitory, “I haven’t slept in weeks because every time I close my eyes I just see you and I don’t know what it means! I’m so confused and I just— nothing makes sense anymore. I keep looking for you everywhere I go and I expect you to be there next to me and when you’re not, I just feel so empty.” 
You sat down on your bed, tears flowing down your cheeks. You twiddled with your thumbs in your lap, unable to look at James who stopped his pacing and stood in front of you. You didn’t say a word. You didn’t think you had any words to say.
After his rant, James looked at you. His heart ached as he watched you retreat to yourself, cowering after every word that he said. He ran to you, ignoring the warning signs that were flashing in his mind. “Y/N,” he whispered, crouching down to be eye level with you, “Please look at me.” 
You couldn’t do it. You gulped, biting your lip to stop the cries that wanted to escape. James wrapped his hands around yours, engulfing them in the familiar warmth you’ve missed in the time you were apart. He kneeled in front of you, his head hanging low. Neither of you said anything, the silence and the sounds of muffled cries bouncing off the walls of your dormitory. 
James began to shake softly, his chest rising up and down as his tears began to drop onto the floor. You watched the wood under your feet become pooled with his tears. He placed his forehead on your knees, his lips kissing the fabric of the pajamas you wore to cover your legs. 
“Y/N, I miss you. This month has been hell without you and the only thing that makes sense to me right now is that I need you in my life,” he sighed, lifting his head to place his chin on your lap, “I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“That’s not fair, James,” you sobbed, pushing him away. It took all your might not to scoop him up in your arms the minute you saw his hurt expression. You never once denied him, never once pushed him away, until now. You still couldn’t keep eye contact with him, his glossy eyes and trembling lips made you putty in his hands and for once, you wanted to put yourself first. You crossed your knees under your thighs, sitting uncomfortably on your bed, “It’s not fair that you just came in here and said all that.”
He sat in front of you, knees up to his chest. He respected your wishes and kept his distance, “Why?”
“Because I know what I’m feeling,” you stated, lips quivering. “I’m sure of what I feel and you can’t just come in here and say that you miss me without knowing what it is you feel! I don’t want to keep thinking that there’s something here when there’s not, James. It’s not fair to me.” 
“How am I supposed to figure out if there’s something here if I haven't seen you in a month, Y/N?” he replied, frustrated with the lack of communication between the two of you. “I haven’t seen you for weeks! You disappeared on me. I didn’t know what to think. The only thing I could think about was how I didn’t want you gone from my life. I tried, Y/N/N. I tried so hard to talk to you but you weren’t around anymore. I asked Minnie where you’ve been and she said it wasn’t any of my business—”
“Because it isn’t,” you interrupted. 
James rolled his eyes, ignoring your snarky comment, “The last time I saw you— if you even count that glance as seeing you— was when you helped bring Moony inside after the full moon. And the minute I tried to talk to you, you bolted! I felt like you didn’t want me around anymore and that killed me, Y/N/N.”
You felt a bit guilty, knowing that you did everything that he stated. You sniffled, finally getting the courage to look at him. James was staring at you intently, resting his cheek on his knee. His cheeks were squished, making him look so adorable with his red nose and messy curls. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, eyes widening in realization. 
“Merlin, you haven’t even been in the Great Hall for meals! How do you get away with that? Have you been eating?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his worried tone, not expecting that to come out of his lips. James always did have a motherly instinct when it came to you and the Marauders. He was shocked at the sound of your laughter, the worry in his eyes subsiding for a second. He missed that sound so much.
A lopsided smirk appeared on his lips. James looked at you, quirking his eyebrow. His tone changed as he spoke again, “Well?”
“Well what?” you asked, tilting your head to the side, dropping your smile. You remembered why you were in this conversation in the first place. 
“Have you?” he echoed, “Have you been eating?”
“I have.”
“Good, good,” he nodded. His voice never returned to his frustrated tone, as if that little moment between you two was enough to cure his broken soul. He awkwardly waddled closer to your bed, not bothering to get up as he inched to where you sat. James sent you a sad smile, “I missed you.” 
“You know,” he interrupted, ignoring the way you wanted to roll your eyes at his antics, “The only times you’ve ever called me James was when I’ve pissed you off, or when I’ve done something, or when we’re talking about something serious. Which makes sense since we are talking about something serious right now—”
To push his buttons, you decided to do the same to him, “Does this lead to a point?”
“Yes, if you would let me talk,” James scoffed, a playful tone in his voice, “As I was saying, you only call me James when I do something... That night in the Common Room was the first time you called me James for not doing something. And Merlin’s beard, every night since then, I wished that I did.” 
You wore a puzzled look on your face, not understanding what he was saying, “What?”
“I wish I did something that night, Y/N/N,” he confessed, “I wish I didn’t leave you on your own. I wish I sat down and talked to you that night. I wish I kissed you when you asked me to. Something! I wish I did something instead of just walking away.” 
You stayed silent as you let yourself process his words. You didn’t want to feel the butterflies in your stomach, but when you realized that he regretted that night for the opposite reason that you did, you couldn’t help it. You regretted that night because you lost James. You lost the years of friendship and history that the both of you shared because of one too many shots. You swallowed your pride and asked him to kiss you so you could have something to remember him by, something to keep you connected with him, even if it was nothing more to him than a memory. 
He regretted that he walked away from you despite the growing ache in his chest. He shut out the rest of the Marauders, hoping that he’ll have enough courage to face what he was feeling for you, rather than hide away and cower behind his far-fetched fantasy with Lily. James regretted that night because he let you believe that you lost him when in reality, he was completely and wholly yours to take. 
“Y/N?” he whispered, focusing on nothing else but you, “Please, say something.”
“You can’t do that, Prongs,” you didn’t miss the way his eyes twinkled with glee when the nickname rolled off your tongue so effortlessly. You blushed, embarrassed, “Sorry, it’s a habit.”
“Never apologize for that,” he shook his head, testing the waters by sitting down on your bed beside you. You didn’t push him off, which he took as a good sign, “Never break that habit either. It comes naturally to you and that’s what I want between us, Y/N/N. We fit together so naturally.” 
You closed your eyes, letting out broken breaths. You clutched your chest, feeling yourself crumble to his feet. James couldn’t hold it in anymore. He wrapped his arms around your shivering figure, only holding you tighter when he felt you stiffen under his touch. He cooed into your hair, sweet nothings that didn’t make any sense, but it was enough. 
James kissed the top of your head, letting you beat your knuckles on his chest in frustration. He knew he deserved this. He deserved your anger and your rejection and your denial. He deserved to be left for dust, as he did to you. But for now, he had you in his arms, and he’d take that over anything else in the world. 
You cried into his chest, “You’ve hurt me so much, James Potter.” 
“I know.” 
“It hurt so much to watch you run after someone else while I was just standing there, waiting for you to see me.”
“I know.” 
“Do you know how many times I’ve thought about why I wasn’t good enough for you?” you croaked out, not having the energy to pull away from him. You stayed idle in his arms, except for the occasional wiping of the tears that stained your cheeks, “I know I’m not Lily but Godric, I thought I would be good enough for you.” 
“You are,” he replied, holding your face in his hands. James pulled you away, hoping that if you were to see the sincerity in his eyes, you’d see how much he meant it, “Y/N, you are too good for me. I’m the one that isn’t good enough for you. I’ve been such a fool.” 
“James,” you pushed him away, creating some distance between you. The few inches that separated the both of you might as well be oceans because James had never felt so far from you before. 
He reached out for you, a ghost of a touch caressing your hand before you pulled it away, “Please, stop pulling away from me. Y/N, I’m trying.” 
And he was. You could tell he was trying to figure out what it was he felt for you. He stared at you differently this time— not in the way a friend looked at a friend or the way he used to look at you with lust clouding his eyes. This time, this time was different. James stared at you in adoration, like if he were to be separated from you again, he would lose all his senses. His eyes yearned to look into yours, hoping that if he looked into the swirls of your eyes long enough, he’d be able to see the future he desperately craved with you. 
“I know you are,” you smiled, though it didn’t reach your eyes. You leaned over to trace patterns on the top of his hand. “And I appreciate that you’re trying to figure this out but James, like I said, I can’t be ten steps ahead of you. I can’t wait for you to figure out what you’re feeling for me while I watch myself fall deeper and deeper in love with you because I love you, James and I—”
James’ breath got caught in his throat. The minute those words left your lips, his other hand placed itself on top of yours. He squeezed it, “Say it again.” 
“Say it again.” 
“Say what?” 
“Say that you love me again.” 
You shook your head, flustered that you confessed your unrequited love for him a second time. You tried to take your hand back but James held it in place, staring at the way your limbs seemed to melt together.
He spoke again after he realized you weren’t going to, “The night you told me you were in love with me, I felt something that scared me. At first I thought it was just shock and confusion, maybe, because I didn’t think you could ever fall in love with me. I stayed up trying to figure out what that feeling was in my chest because I couldn’t sleep, Y/N. There was this pressure in my chest that I’ve never felt before.” 
James locked his eyes with yours, “And when you said those words right now, I felt it again— that pressure, that something in my chest. Now, it makes sense. It all makes sense. You, your words, your love, is the only thing that makes me feel this way.” 
“What are you saying, James?”
“I’m in love with you, too,” he chuckled, breathily. His eyes pooled with his tears, the overwhelming feelings of realization too much for his emotions to handle, “I’ve been so blind all this time, trying to hide it behind an infatuation that could never and would never touch what we share— what we have.” 
“You can’t say things like that without meaning it. Just a few minutes ago you showed up saying that you didn’t know how you feel and suddenly because I said three little words, you have it all figured out?” 
“No,” he said, truthfully, “I don’t have it all figured out. I don’t know how I can make you trust me again. Or how I can show you how much I truly mean it when I say that I love you. Or how I can convince you that we can move past this. But those three little words helped me become more sure of myself than I ever have been this entire month and I would do anything for you to give me a chance to prove myself.” 
“I don’t want to get hurt,” you mumbled. 
His hopeful eyes wandered to yours, “I’d rather hurt myself a million times over than hurt you again.” 
Finally, after fighting thoughts, you gave in. You nodded, scooting closer to him. James let out a laugh, completely overjoyed that you found it in your heart to give him a chance. He wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you down onto your messy bed with him. He held you so close to his chest, allowing you to listen to his heartbeat and the way his chest rumbled as he spoke to you.
“Thank you,” he murmured. James caressed the side of your face. He inched closer, darting his eyes to your lips. He swallowed back his fears, taking a leap of faith as he asked the question, “Can I kiss you?” 
You found yourself lost in his eyes, lost in his presence. You couldn’t take your eyes away from the boy in front of you, the boy you loved who you watched love another. The boy who was now in front of you, staring at you in the way that you always craved. It took you a minute to find the right words. When you eventually did, you nodded, hovering your lips over his, “As long as it’s not the last time.”
TAGS: @littlegasps @sleep-i-ness @belledawnidk @heloisedaphnebrightmore  @chudleycanons @emcchi 
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21burritoseavey · 3 years
Hey love!
How are you?
I hope you are doing good.
Can we please get a pt2 of secret relationship and where’s my love
hey! here's pt.2 to 'where's my love'. FINALLY. The pt.2 to 'secret relationship' will come a little later:) 
a/n: without giving too much away...Daniel finds Y/n...and this sucks ergogeijhet
warnings: mental illness. please read at your own discretion:)
Where's my love Pt.2 (d.s.)
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 “Hello,” Daniel rubbed his dreary eyes with the back of his hand, holding his phone between his ear and shoulder tightly as he lifted an energetic Kobe up to his chest. 
“Hi Daniel, it’s me, Victoria.” 
Daniel took a second to recall who this person was. Victoria, he whispered to himself, finally remembering that she was one of Y/n’s work friends. A smile smeared across his lips slowly, and his eyes lit up with a small glimmer of hope that Y/n would just be at work, and she’d be safe...and warm...and okay. “Oh, hey! You work with Y/n, right? Is she at work right now?” He asked, trying to tone down the sudden excitement laced in his voice. 
“Actually, that’s why I called. She didn’t come to the office yesterday, or today.” Her voice was quiet, and despite only hearing her voice through the phone, Daniel could sense her worry. He tried to ignore the pit in his stomach. 
“W-what? No, no. There’s no way.” He stammered. “She went to work yesterday.” He clenched his jaw tightly. 
“No, she didn’t...Look, I just wanted to ask, next time you talk to her, can you tell her I called?” 
Daniel nodded. He didn’t have the guts to tell Victoria he hadn’t seen Y/n in more than a day and he simply let out a “yeah.” in reply. 
“I’m just a little worried is all.”
“Yeah,” Daniel nodded again, “I’ll tell her.”
“Great, thank you Daniel. She’s lucky to have you.”
He didn’t even try to mutter out a steady reply before hanging up the phone. He tapped on Y/n’s number and waited impatiently as the phone rang, ultimately going to voicemail after a few long seconds. Daniel didn’t know what to do with himself. With the new information he’d just been told he tried to piece together where Y/n might’ve gone but...nothing. His mind went blank, and he shamed himself for it quietly as he paced the living room. Christian’s door opened rather silently and padded from his bedroom to the kitchen, catching a glimpse of his brother. 
“Hey, Daniel.” Daniel looked over his shoulder. “What’s up?” He took a shaky deep breath before speaking. “Y/n’s missing.” “What?” “She’s gone. I haven’t seen her since yesterday and her co-worker called me, and she wasn’t at work yesterday or today and I literally have no idea where she could be. What should I do?” Daniel rushed out, scaring himself even more as stared at his older brother, awaiting his reply. The two boys shared identical panic-stricken faces. 
“Do you wanna call the police?” Christian asked gingerly. 
Daniel chucked humourlessly. “Y-you don’t think she’s actually in danger, right?” He answered the question himself. “No, no. Sh- she wouldn-” “Look, we should call them just in case, just to make sure.” Christian assured, walking back towards his bedroom to retrieve his phone. 
Daniel stopped in front of him and walked backwards, closer to the front door. “No, I can find her. I will find her. Don’t call!” Christian barely had time to at least compromise with his younger brother before the door slammed with a loud thud. Daniel was rushing out towards his car with his keys laced in his fingers and untied sneakers nearly slipping off his feet
The studio came into view as Daniel took his usual right turn - almost speeding - towards the contemporary style building. He knew it was far away from Y/n’s workplace, which was where he planned to drive next, but he always needed his best friends. Especially today. 
The automatic door gaped open as he rushed into the studio, running down the corridor that was lined with multiple studio rehearsal rooms. Daniel’s eyes flickered towards the window to look at his bandmates around their microphones and instruments. He swung the door open.  
“Hey,” Daniel started, lifting his gaze to his friends sitting on the mini sofas around the sound board. “Guys?” The overlap of voices that lingered in the room and the background plucking and strumming and playing of instruments sent him into overwhelm. “Everybody shut up!” Daniel hardly ever yelled, but when he did, it was more etched with stress than anger and the rise in his tone startled the boys working in the studio. They looked over their shoulders to peer at Daniel, who had a hopeless frown on his face and eyes shimmering with tears. “Daniel? Hey, we missed you this morning.” Corbyn chuckled gently, placed his guitar down to lean on a nearby chair and walked towards the doorway.  
Daniel stayed still, suddenly the reality of it all settled right there. “We need to go find her.” They boys knew what Daniel was talking about and they all exchanged concerned glances with each other before turning back to the fearful boy in front of them. 
“Like now. We need to go now, come on!” He gestured to his car outside. 
“Okay,” Jonah said, getting up as he grabbed his car keys. It took a little convincing from their management and other members of their team, but the boys did ultimately get permission to leave rehearsal early. The boys all followed Daniel’s request and headed out of the studio. Since Daniel was basically brimming with worry, Jonah suggested he should drive as they looked for Y/n. 
The car of concerned boys wandered the streets and roads with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes, peering out in hope that Y/n would be found. Daniel raked a quick hand through his hair. “God. I hope we find her,” Daniel melted further into his chair tiredly. “Can you drive faster?” he breathed. He knew Jonah couldn’t, but panic was running high, and he had no idea what to do with himself. 
Daniel’s gaze drifted out the window, and he kept his chin in his palm as he thought for a moment. “We gotta go to the beach.” Daniel said, glancing towards Jonah in the driver’s seat beside him. “Y/n loves the beach.” Despite the long car ride so far, the boys didn’t argue with him one bit. They all knew first-hand what it was like to feel that heart wrenching fear and concern that emerged when texts or calls go unanswered. Of course they all loved Y/n dearly, but they could’ve never imagined just how terrible Daniel was feeling. 
Daniel was right about Y/n. She was at the beach; a place she appreciated devotedly and always went when she wasn’t feeling like herself. The beach looked dozy as it rested in the afternoon glow. Y/n always liked it that way, where the rich blue surface rose and fell easily or where the sun illuminated the clouds with thin streams of light. Y/n ambled along the sandy shore, slowly at first. Hesitant. She took agile steps towards the sea that ebbed ever so gently beneath her feet. 
The band got to the beach not long after. Jonah stealthily parked the car on the edge of the curb. They had no idea where Y/n was yet, let alone that she had plunged deeper into the freezing water. And Y/n, was utterly clueless to the boys that were on the razor’s edge of panic only a few metres away from her.  
The coldness of the water stung her skin, futile compared to the sting of melancholy in her heart. The sea was like an icebreaker to her, and from there Y/n found it easier to wade across the water despite its aggressive waves pushing her towards the shore again and again. 
Daniel leaned his arms on the front of the car and leaned over to look for her from his spot on the pier. He was casting his eyes warily, straining to any sounds with eyes and ears. 
“She’s over there!” Corbyn called after hearing her feeble sobs from across the beach. He pulled at Daniel’s shirt so they could run over to her together. Daniel’s whole body shot up at Corbyn’s words but before he could even stumble out any words, the little, slightly blurred image of Y/n knee deep in the water made his blood run cold and he felt a wave of...something rush over him. Corbyn, Daniel and Jonah called Y/n’s name profusely as they clambered down to the beach towards Y/n. Jack and Zach lingered near the shore, shaken and scared. 
“Y/n!” Daniel yelled, wading through the relentless water as fast as he could to get to her. “Y/n! Baby?! Come here!”
Sorrowful body-shaking sobs racked Y/n’s body, weakened by her walking, each coming in a wave, and she let out soft whimpers. There was no doubt that Daniel was crying too. He let his tears roll down his face and drop into the water as he got closer to Y/n. 
“Hey, hey, hey...” He repeated quietly, finally able to get a hold of her. Y/n clung onto him limply and Daniel wrapped his arms around her, as sure as the sun shining down on them. Y/n couldn’t focus on much. The overwhelming hovering birds orbiting around her or the splashing of water against her skin filled her cloudy mind. “I’m sorry!” Y/n sobbed, “I’m so-sorry!” her sorrowful apologies infused with the crashing waves and surging tide. “I thought it would make me happy, Dani. I didn’t make me happy…. I-it didn’t make me happy she repeated. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Daniel repeated. “You’re okay,” 
Y/n’s voice was thick with tears and Daniel tried his best to wipe them away. Corbyn and Jonah were right at her side too. Their hands hovered over her back and arms just in case her or Daniel needed that extra help. They all walked towards the shoreline silently. 
The car ride was silent. Y/n was cuddled up comfortably in a cocoon of Daniel’s sweater, Corbyn’s jacket and a small blanket that Jonah found in his trunk - tending to Y/n was a team effort - and despite scaring the boys to death, she was glad to feel the sense of warmth and love that mingled with their wary supervision. Particularly Daniel. And she felt awful that she made him feel the way he did. She kept her gaze out of the window and let her mind drift to thoughts of sleeping in his warm bed when they’d get home. The security and cosiness of it all was comforting and she let her cool face lean against the glass to warm under the sun that cascaded down through the car windows. 
No matter how hard he tried not to, Daniel couldn’t stop blaming himself for what had happened that afternoon, barely an hour ago. He sat stiffly in the driver’s seat, his knuckles white from the cold water and the lingering glint of panic present in his eyes. The roads shimmered in the midday sun and the city buildings stood tall, piercing the blue sky as they sparkled in the distance. The faraway horizon was a feast for the eyes, but Daniel didn’t care. The world was all a blur to him, and the only view his eyes would focus on was the one right in the seat beside him. 
When they arrived back at his place, Daniel noticed Christian through the front window as he parked the car. He was standing right near the foyer with Kobe held securely in his arms. Daniel smiled to himself and glimpsed towards Y/n before he hopped out of his side of the car. As he walked around to her side, Y/n let her eyes linger on his figure trudging across the front of the car, particularly his tired, red eyes, either from crying or lack of sleep. She gazed at him as he opened her door. 
Daniel pressed a hand to her back with his hands gently holding hers as she stepped out. Y/n sighed tiredly as her feet hit the ground and she felt his protective hands upon her rosy cheeks, “You alright?” 
 Y/n nodded. He pressed a kiss to the same spot without a word and let his forehead rest against hers. 
“Y/n,” Christian breathed as they walked through the door, guiding the clueless dog away from her as he scrambled around her excitedly. His paws tapped lightly on the wooden floors and Y/n dropped her gaze at the gentle sound, pulling a smile towards the wide eyed puppy that hadn’t seen her in a couple days. She looked back at Christian. “Hey, Chris.” She spoke gently. Daniel kept his hand placed behind her back and he shared concerned glances with his older brother. 
“We should get you to bed now, Y/n.” Daniel whispered gently, linking his arm in hers as they walked to his bedroom.��
“Have a good sleep, my love, okay?”
Y/n nodded. “Okay,” she held out her hand to hold Daniel’s, and he placed it lazily over hers, bending down to press a kiss to her hair as she kissed his knuckles gently. “M’kay, I love you.” He threaded his fingers through a strand of her hair before pulling away. “I’ll just be in the living room.” He assured her. 
“Here you go,” Daniel turned around to Y/n, “your pancakes...or what I call, little bits of happiness.” Daniel beamed towards her the best he could and placed the plate on the tabletop. 
“You think I could get about a thousand of those right now?” She joked. “The...happiness, I mean.” She let a gentle smile tug at the corners of her lips as she spoke. It was a small smile, but a real one. 
 “There’s my girl,” Daniel whispered. He rested his forearms on the counter and leaned in closer to dust his thumb over her cheek. “There’s my happy girl…” His quiet voice wavered between them and he finally let the tears in his baby blue eyes drop onto the counter. 
Y/n’s heart virtually broke as she watched him cry and sniffle silently. She dropped her fork and cupped his face in her hands. “No, no, Daniel...” Y/n’s voice lowered in sadness and with best efforts, she tried to continue steadily for both their sakes. “I’m okay, I’m okay, really.” She rushed out, lifting Daniel’s limp chin upwards to meet her eyes. 
“Why did you do that?” 
Daniel’s strong words echoed inside her like a ripple of guitar strings. She thought for a moment, dropping her hands back to her plate of pancakes. “I don’t know...I don’t know what I was thinking.” Daniel didn’t answer. Her genuine response didn’t seem to heal the intense, aching hurt that lingered in his heart from the hours before. 
Y/n sighed before continuing, “I’m...I-I feel like I’m being pulled into different directions...I can’t deal with it all! I’m just getting overwhelmed with school and work..,and you’re always busy,”
“I knew it. This was all my fault.” Daniel sighed, lifting his hands up in front of his face.
“No, no. It’s not, none of it is. You are the sweetest, kindest guy I know and it’s not your fault I did...that,” Y/n said quickly. 
“We-were you trying to…” Daniel pressed his fingers to the nape of his nose before his tears could fall again. He took a shaky inhale before continuing, but Y/n did it for him. 
“No, I wasn’t…trying to hurt myself.” She said honestly. “I just need a break from…”
“Us?” Daniel asked quietly. 
“No,” she said strongly, meeting his gaze with a subtle smile. “I need you more than anything right now. I just...need a break from work, and maybe school.”
“Okay,” Daniel’s eyes misted over again as he spoke. “Don’t ever feel like you need to hide things from me, okay? I love you. And when you need to talk and I say I’m busy and all that, you let me know that you need to talk, okay? We can talk whenever you want.”
“Okay,” She muttered with a smile. 
 Daniel lifted her chin up to look at him. “I know this won’t all go away, but it’s a start.” 
“Yeah, it’s a start.”
taglist:  @chilling-seavey @marthagryffindor @randomlimelightxxx @hiya-its-amber @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @hackerXavery @jonahlovescoffee  @onlyangelavery 
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obxcunt · 4 years
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader.
warnings: death, angst, fluff, mentions of sex, typos. 2,5K words.
summary: “How are we supposed to live after losing the only reason we had to?”
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“I’ve never been in love.” He lied to himself, the words hurting his throat on their way to his thin lips. “Never.” He repeated, looking at the sea with melancholy.
The young boy wasn’t good with words or emotions. It wasn’t easy for him to admit it, but he was heartbroken. “Fuck— It hurts. I see you everywhere, but can’t touch you anymore.” He murmured to himself, tears rolling down his cheeks. “Your laugh is haunting me…”
It’s been days, weeks since you’ve been gone. “Y/N, the bed feels cold without you next to me. I haven’t changed the sheets yet — i can’t do it, because your perfume is still all over it.” He sighed against the pillow, his arm searching for your body through the empty space next to him.
“I know it sounds ridiculous, but i’m waiting for you. I know you're not coming back home, but i’m still waiting for you everyday. I look at the bedroom’s door, countdown to three while closing my eyes and wait for you to come in.” He cried, silently. “You abandoned me, Y/N.”
He remained silent, sitting on the stairs with a bottle of whiskey in hands. “There’s no more light around me, you were the brightest star in my life and my world stopped shining as soon as you disappeared.” He looked at the pictures on the wall, drinking some more.
“Hey, look at this one!” You exclaimed, pointing at the clouded sky above the two of you. “It— It looks like a puppy.” JJ looked down at you, your small head resting against his chest. “You’re right.” He murmured, eyes filled with love. “Obviously.” You said, chuckling. — The blond boy cried in his car, listening to your playlist while looking at the grass where you both used to lay on for hours. And it was raining today, but the pouring rain couldn’t wash his sadness away.
The silence seemed so loud to him. He walked in the empty living room, throwing objects onto the floor while screaming at them, cursing at each memory they owned. “How are we supposed to live, after losing the only reason we had to?” He thought, falling apart.
“Don’t— Don’t do that!” You yelled. “Put me down, JJ!” You laughed, the blond boy running around the house while carrying you on his back. “Say the magic word.” He demanded, turning around and entering the bedroom. “Please!” He smirked to himself, throwing you on the unmade bed before hovering your body. “It wasn’t that bad, pretty girl.” You giggled at the nickname, shaking your head and pulling the boy into a soft kiss.
“You’re the most handsome man on planet earth, JJ Maybank.” You said, looking at him from behind as the boy stood in front of the bathroom sink. “I’m really not—“ He paused, glancing at your reflection in the mirror. “Don’t say that.” You continued, wrapping your tiny arms around his waist. “You’re amazing.” He turned around, both thumbs gently caressing your cheekbones as he looked straight at you. “And, i’m the luckiest guy on planet earth.” You grimaced, laughing lightly. “We are so cheesy…” He laughed with you. “Let’s do something more… naughty.” — JJ punched the bathroom’s mirror, cutting his knuckles through the impact. He whined in pain, the memories overwhelming him. He walked backwards, his back hitting the wall through a sigh. He looked at the sink with disgust, remembering how good it felt to have you so close to him. “JJ— Fuck, you’re so good." You moaned, head falling against the mirror while scratching his back. “Wait, I’m—" He laughed, losing balance and almost making you fall due to his rapid pace, the two of you laughing through another kiss.
“Hey, look at me.” You whispered, kneeling down in front of the blond’s legs while he was sitting on the couch, both hands holding his head as he murmured inaudible words. “What happened, JJ?” You asked, hands resting over the sobbing boy’s knees. “My dad—“ He paused, sniffing.“ He said, you were going to leave me, just like my mom.” He sighed, his back falling against the couch as you sat down on his lap, both arms moving around his neck. “Don’t listen to him. I— I’ll never leave you, never.” He didn’t hesitate, kissing you hard, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you even closer. “It’s you and me, against the world.” You added, making him smile. — JJ looked at the couch from across the room while sitting down on the floor, remembering everything. You promised him so many things, but you lied to him, you left him, you weren’t there anymore.
Everyone was worried, everyone tried to help him. However, he wasn’t ready to move on, ignoring their calls and texts while crying on the bedroom’s floor in the dark as he held your red sweater close to him. “You were supposed to come back to me, Y/N.” He said, looking at the window. “You were supposed to stay with me forever.”
His lips were moving slowly against yours, the morning light slightly coming through the curtains to illuminate the scene. “Shit—” You moaned softly, pulling his sweaty body against yours, your legs pushing his hips deeper in yours. His movements were slow, sensually pleasing as you both looked at each other intensely while feeling the pleasure taking over. “I— I love you.” You murmured for the first time, tears emerging from the corner of your eyes. His blue eyes widened, his heart melting at your words. “I— I love you more, Y/N.”
“You’re an asshole!” You yelled at him. “I— I’ve done so much for you, you’ve been together for a year and you’re still pushing me away, JJ!” You cried, searching for your bag. “Wha— What are you doing?” He asked, looking at you with panic as you started packing. “You— What are you doing, Y/N?” You ignored him, putting a few clothes in the bag. “You’re not gonna leave.” He shook his head through the drunkenness. “I’m going to Kiara’s house.” You said, walking towards the bathroom. “You can’t leave me.” He followed you, closing the bedroom door before you had the chance to leave the room. “Let me— Please, JJ.” You murmured, eyes red and tired. “I can’t do this anymore.” He felt his heart breaking against his chest. “What do you mean, we—” He paused, crying and searching for your eyes as you looked away. “I— I love you, Y/N.” You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. “I’m really sorry for being such a mess—“ He wiped the tears, trying to remain calm. “You’re everything to me, don’t leave me.” You looked at him again, unable to imagine your life without the man you loved. “I love you, JJ. But this isn’t working anymore.” He shook his head, huffing hard. “I’ll change, i’ll do anything for you, please.” You sighed. “I— I don’t want to leave either, but—” He kissed you, pushing you against the door through the kiss, both hands gripping on your thighs as you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist, letting him carry you to the bed. “I love you, i’m sorry.”
“Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me…” You whispered. “Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me…” You repeated, wrapping your arms around his sleepy body. “Wake up, JJ.” You whined, moving on his back, making him groan against his pillow. “You’re so heavy.” He murmured, making you laugh as you moved from his back to lay next to him. “Take care of me…” He smirked, opening his eyes to look at you, admiring the morning glow you always had. “Needy.” You pouted, hiding under the sheets like a little kid. “I’ll remember that, JJ.” He laughed, before moving under the sheets to find you, hovering your body as you both giggled through another passionate kiss. “You can’t be mad at me.” He said, kissing your belly, slowly moving down between your legs. “JJ—“ You moaned, looking at the love of your life kissing your bruised thighs. “Happy birthday, baby.”
The boys remained silent, all looking at their blond friend slowly — but surely, fading away. They wanted to do something, they wanted to bring you back to him. “I— I miss her so much.” He looked at the fire, remembering their nights here, at the Chateau. “I can’t do this anymore.” The boys frowned, looking at him. “You have to keep fighting, JJ!” He chuckled at them. “I lost the love— I lost the love of my life.” He chuckled before breaking down again, talking through the tears. “She— She was the love of my life.”
It was raining again, and late at night. Pope noticed someone outside, in the backyard. He walked out, sighing at the sight of his friend, walking towards the beach. “What are you doing, JJ?” He asked, following the blond boy. “It’s late, you should—” He paused, looking at him sitting down into the sand. “I’m waiting for her.” Pope sighed, feeling devastated by his friend’s sadness and delusional thoughts. “JJ…” He walked closer, grimacing at the smell of alcohol coming from him. “She’s— Y/N, she’s not coming back.” JJ remained silent, looking at the waves from afar. “She’s go—” The blond boy groaned. “She’s coming back soon!” He shouted, turning towards him. “She’s— She’s coming back, she promised—” JJ paused, breathing heavily. “She’s just— She’s on her way.” He nodded at his own words, smirking. Pope knew it was too late, he wasn’t going to change his mind. “Maybe— Maybe you could wait for her inside, huh?” JJ shook his head, looking back at the sea, ignoring how cold it was outside, since he had so much alcohol in his veins. “Alright.” Pope said, sitting down next to his best friend. “I’ll wait with you.” JJ smiled sadly, looking at his friend. “She’s— She’s coming.” He repeated, smiling. “Look,” He pointed at the bracelet on his wrist. “She made it for me, she’s the best.” Pope sighed, placing his hand on his shoulder. “Yeah— Yes... She was.” JJ looked at the accessory around his wrist, tears rolling down his cheeks again. “She—“ He looked back at Pope. “She’s not coming back, right?” Pope shook his head lightly, which made him cry harder. “But— She promised.” He swallowed hard, breathing with difficulty. “It’s all my fault.” Pope frowned, shaking his shoulder. “It’s not your fault, JJ.” The blond boy wiped his nose, shaking. “It was an accident.”
“Y/N!” He yelled through the phone. “I got the job! I got the job!” You started screaming with him, holding the cellphone close to your ear. “Oh my god, JJ!” You smiled. “I’m so happy for you, i’m so proud—“ He interrupted you. “I— I need you, right now.” You laughed, looking at the clock on the wall. “Come back home, we need to celebrate.” You sighed, noticing the rain outside, it was a bit risky but you wanted to see him. “Alright, i’ll be there soon.” You said, grabbing the keys off the table. “Really? But, what about your friends? You don’t have to come back for me—” You laughed, putting on your jacket. “I was just joking— I mean, you have no idea how much i miss you but—” You laughed at him again. “Relax, it’s fine. I wanna see you, it’s important, we need to celebrate and—” You sighed, touching your belly. “I— I miss you so much.” JJ smiled to himself, overwhelmed by how much he loved you. “I’ll be there in an hour, i promise.” You opened the front door. “I love you, Y/N.” He said, almost in a whisper. “I love you more, JJ.”
“Fuck— Finally.” He whispered, leaving the couch to open the door. “Hey, baby—” He paused, noticing Shoupe and another police officer on the porch. “Wha— What’s going on?” He asked. “Can we talk to you for a minute, JJ?” Shoupe asked through the thunder. “Why are you here?” He sighed, looking at his colleague. “It’s about your girlfriend, Y/N—” He paused, noticing how pale the blond boy had become. “She’s— She got into a car accident.” JJ shook his head. “No, no, no.” He chuckled nervously. “It’s not possible—“ He pushed him. “Where is she?” He yelled. “She’s at the hospital—" JJ walked back inside, grabbing his keys off the counter. “We can drive you there—” He ignored him, shaking and running towards his vehicle as fast as he could.
“JJ!” Kiara yelled, noticing him running towards them in the hallway. “Where— Where is she?” He looked around, searching for help through he crowd. “Where’s my girlfriend?” He asked, grabbing a nurse’s arm roughly with his sweaty hand. “Where is she? Where is Y/N L/N?” She looked scared, pushing him away. “I— Room 29.” He ran towards the elevator with Kiara by his side, not noticing his other friends following them. “This can’t be real, this can’t be fucking real, this can’t be real.” He murmured to himself, getting angry at the elevator for being too slow. “JJ, calm down.” Kiara murmured, stroking his back. Once they arrived, he went to the room, pushing everyone on his way to get inside. “Sir, get out of—“ He cursed at the nurse. “It’s his girlfriend!” Kiara said, trying to excuse his awful attitude. “Y/N…” JJ murmured, looking at you with watery eyes. You were barely breathing, had one arm broken and many cuts all over your face. “She’s probably not gonna make it.” The nurse whispered to Kiara, who started crying at the sight of you, the others waiting outside. JJ couldn’t believe it, holding your fragile hand in his and kissing it. “She lost too much blood—” The nurse paused. “A few broken ribs and—” JJ looked at her, tears starting to fall down his rosy cheeks. “She— She was pregnant.” She admitted, the sentence going straight to the blond’s broken heart. “Wha— What do you mean, she was?” The nurse looked down, walking closer. “I’m sorry, she lost the baby.” JJ looked back at you, breathing heavily. His head fell down as he cried. “I didn’t even— I didn’t know she was pregnant.” Kiara joined him. “She was about to tell you.” She said. “She called me yesterday.” JJ cried, asking you to wake up, again and again, but you never did. “I love you, Y/N.” He cried, kissing your cold hand. “I love you so much.”
It’s been weeks, months since you’ve been gone. “Hold on.” The blond boy said, noticing a beautiful woman from across the bar. “Who is she?” He asked, admiring you dancing. No one answered, unfortunately. He finished his drink, before walking towards you with determination. “I— Hey!” He said with enthusiasm, smiling at you. “Oh— Hey!” You replied with the same energy, a bit confused. “I’m JJ.” He continued, his sentence making you chuckle. “I know—” He smirked, your cheeks heating up. “I— I mean, i’m Y/N.” He couldn’t believe it, how gorgeous you were and how sweet your name sounded as it echoed through his mind. “Nice to meet you.” He said, gently grabbing your hand and placing a soft kiss to the back of it. “I’m gonna marry you, one day.” He said boldly, blaming the alcohol. “Oh— Wow.” You laughed lightly. “Is this really working on most girls?” You asked, blushing as he kept holding your hand. “Only the cute ones.” He winked, making you laugh again. “Well, i’m intrigued, JJ.” And then, at this exact moment when you pronounced his name, he knew your were the one. “What’s wrong?” You asked, frowning. “Nothing—” He smiled, shaking his head. “You’re— You’re just so fucking gorgeous.” — It’s been months, years since you’ve been gone. But you were still very present, in his heart and JJ Maybank, couldn’t forget about you.
A/N: :) yeah, i’m hurt too.
let me know what you think of this fic babes!
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the muggleborn Slytherin
Draco Malfoy x Female!Reader
disclaimer; English is not my first language, I am sorry for any mistakes!
summary: as a muggleborn, it should be impossible to be sorted into Slytherin, right?! Well, it wasn’t, at least for you, you were sorted in Slytherin House and that’s when your nightmare started. Because of your origins, some of your housemates were bullying you, until one day, none other than Draco Malfoy rescued you. (set during the Half-Blood Prince)
warning: strong language, sensitive content (such as panic attacks, violence), graphic sexual scenes.
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“Watch where you going, mudblood!”, Gregory Goyle made a disgusting face, as he bumped into me in the hallway.
“You should watch where you’re going, Goyle”, I said back and had been about to move past him when he grasped me by my wrist, making me face him, “Let me go, Gregory”, I demanded and he only chuckled.
“I have a way to shut that pretty mouth of yours”, he whispered to my ear and I tried to get out of his grip but he had been too strong.
“Goyle”, I turned my head to watch two-thirds of the Golden Trio marching towards us, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, “Let her go, this instance!”, the redhead growled and Goyle sneered.
“You want to go the Headmaster’s office?”, Hermione inquired, “Prefects, remember?!”
Gregory released my hand.
“This ain’t over, Heywood”, he said glaring at me and walked away.
“You alright?!”, Weasley asked and I nodded, my eyes on Gregory’s retreating form.
“Amelia?”, I glanced at the Gryffindor Princess who had been offering a smile, “You sure, you’re okay?”
“Yeah”, I sighed, and then my eyes noticed a familiar presence behind them, blond hair and piercing gray eyes looking at me. “You heading to the Great Hall?”
They nodded at me and we walked together till there.
After lunch, we had Transfiguration Class, I had been sitting next to Blaise, one part of the Silver Trio, I had been extremely close with him, he had been my best friend. He had not cared about my heritage, probably the only Slytherin that hadn’t. Suddenly a paper flew in front of me, I opened it under the desk.
"I’ll soon have your lips around my dick, that would be a better use for that filthy mouth of yours. G.G."
I sighed deeply, I couldn’t even turn and look at him. I asked to be excused by Professor McGonagall and as I could, I rushed out of the classroom.
I had reached the Astronomy Tower without realizing it. I kneeled to the ground and buried my face on my knees, trying to calm myself.
A while later, I heard footsteps approaching me and I quickly withdrew my wand pointing it at the entrance of the tower.
“Heywood, it’s me”, he had his hands on the air and I sighed.
“What are you doing here?”
“What did he tell you?”, he asked back and I gave him a look, “Goyle”, he knew? How could he have known?
“Nothing”, I uttered and sat back in the ground. “It’s none of your concern anyway”
“Blaise told me that he has been harassing you”
“It isn’t only Gregory”, I exhaled, glancing at his eyes, “Since the beginning of the year, he and Crabbe have been saying what they plan to do to me once the war breaks loose”
Malfoy kneeled down beside me and leaned his head against the wall.
“You should leave England”, he let out and I looked at him, he had been staring at me. “Once the war starts there wouldn’t be a place that you’ll be safe here”
“Yes, there is”, I answered him, “Draco”, his eyes had been burrowing onto mine. “I plan to join the Order”
“You shouldn’t have told me that”
“Please, you must talk to the others and make them join as well”, I turned my body facing him completely, “We may be Slytherins but not even Salazar himself would approve of this”
“They won’t listen to me and even if they did, I’m not the one I should speak to them”
My hand shot to his left sleeve but he had faster and caught my hand before I could reach him, cursing his Seeker reflexes, pulling me into his lap in the process.
“Amelia”, he warned but I ignored him and took hold of his hand and pushed his sleeve down and saw the Dark Mark.
“I’m not shocked”, I traced my fingers over the blank ink, “I’ve suspected since you stopped writing to me”
“I don’t want to drag you along with me”
“Too late”, I muttered and crashed my lips on his, he replied immediately, fastening his arms around me.
I had shoved my tongue deep into his mouth and he moaned, sending vibrations to my entire body. Then his large hands slid under my skirt, gripping my hips harshly and I started to rock my hips against his, we let out a joined moan. He launched his mouth on my neck, I bent my head backwards, granting him more access. He placed his teeth on the sensitive spot on my collarbone, making me arch my back for him. He quickly unbuttoned my shirt, let warm kisses all over my chest while my hands had been gripping his soft hair. His fingertips had been close to my center and I attached our lips again, kissing hungrier than before.
“Amelia”, he moaned against our mouths and I stared into his gorgeous silvery eyes, “I’ve missed you, love”
“And I you”, he smirked and pecked my lips gently.
“I promise you that they shall not touch you”, Draco whispered to me, I grinned before kissing him again.
A week passed and they hadn’t approached me, I felt thankful. I have been spending most of my time with Blaise and Theodore, or Hermione, with whom I have been partnered for our Potions project.
Sunday. I had been heading to Hogsmeade alongside Theo and as we had been walking together down the snowy path, I saw Goyle and Crabbe approaching us.
“Nott. Heywood.”, Gregory greeted us with a smirk.
“Move it”, Theo warned as I stepped closer to him.
“Isn’t that sweet?”, Goyle sneered, “I wondered what Draco would have to say about it”
And before I could answer, Crabbe had already hexed Theodore, throwing him to the side while pointing his wand on Theodore’s throat. I’ve been standing alone with him. I’ve already been clenching my wand in my hand, Gregory smiled at me and approached slowly. I stood my ground, wanting to show him that I wasn’t fearing him. He brushed a curl of my hair away from my eyes, I shivered when his cold finger touched my cheek.
“So beautiful, yet a filth”, I glared at him and before I could react he snatched my wand and broke it, I felt the cracking in my heart.
“You’ll pay for this”, I swore and he just laughed, then he slapped me so hard across the face that I lost my balance and fell to the ground. I had been tearing, he and Crabbe had been laughing at me.
Gregory had been standing over me, I had wanted to move, to push him away, but I had been too afraid to do so. I had lost any hope until I heard voices.
“GET AWAY FROM HER!”, Gregory Goyle flew in the air and landed on the snow a few meters away from me, I opened my eyes to see none other than Draco, along with Hermione Granger and Harry Potter next to him, Hermione’s wand drawn.
Harry stupefied Crabbe, both of them now had been away from me and Theo.
“Draco”, he immediately wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to his chest as I sobbed hard.
“It’s alright, I’m here, love”, he muttered against my ear and pressed soft kisses on my cheek. “Let’s get you back in the castle”
“Amelia, here”, I turned to Hermione who had been holding my wand, brand new, I took it from her and thanked her. “Go get some rest”
Hermione exchanged a look with Draco like they had an unspoken conversation, which I found extremely odd, Harry nodded at us and we headed back to the castle.
Reaching in the Slytherin common room, Draco led me to his dorms, thankfully, everybody had been in Hogsmeade. Once I seated on his bed, I realized how much dizzy I had been and how much my head hurt.
“I swear I’ll fucking kill him”, Draco removed his coat and stared at me. “Wanna take you to the infirmary?”
“No”, I shook my head, “I just need to lay down”, he nodded and helped me settled on his bed. He took off my coat and my shoes and covered me with the blankets. “Could you lay down with me?”
He laid down next to me, spooning me, the curtains of the bed had been drawn closed, and I sighed as I felt him relax against me and his breath on the back of my neck. He had been a very possessive sleeper, I had learned that.
A couple hours later, I woke up, it had been late noon and none seemed to have returned from Hogsmeade yet. I turned around, Draco already had his silver eyes on me and had been smiling.
“I’m sorry”, I noticed the tears on his eyes, I cupped his face and brushed my hands over his rosy cheeks.
“It wasn’t your fault”
“Lia”, he sighed and sat, his head resting against the headboard. “I should have kept Gregory and Vincent under control but because of my task, I”, he exhaled again, you shouldn’t have told me that, and he must have realized it too late.
“I don’t care”, he glanced at me, “I don’t care about your task and about your business with Voldemort”, he flinched at his name. “I only want you to survive”
“If one of us has to survive, it has to be you”, he said and grabbed the back of my neck, before I could say anything, and kissed me hard.
I sat on him, our bodies pressed against each other’s. He yanked my sweater over my head and I ripped his shirt open, while his hands wrapped around my back, I let my hands roam all over his build chest, and then moved to his pants, unzipping them and slipping my hand into his underwear. He moaned when my hand grabbed him roughly, I nibbled his lower lip, his eyes gleamed at me, and as our eyes had been locked, he flipped us over. Draco pulled my jeans down my legs, dragging my soaked panties along with them. I then worked on my bra, the moment I had removed it, he dropped his lips around my erected nipple, while his other hand pinched my other one. I arched my back for him, my head thrown against the pillow because of the pleasure he had been bringing me. I had been too distracted by his mouth on my breasts to notice that he had already removed his pants and boxers. I gasped for air, as he thrust into me forcefully, it had felt so satisfying, so fulfilling. He picked up his pace, pounding like a hungry animal, shoving his member deeper and deeper until he had been fully inside me. He had missed me as much I had. It had been a year since we had sex, since we had been in each other’s arms. I welcomed my orgasm by screaming his name loudly enough that I had been sure the whole school heard us. Draco followed soon after, resting his head on my shoulder, while placing soft kisses on my neck.
“Amelia”, he muttered and I looked at him, “Whatever happens to me, I promise you that I won’t forget you”
“I have faith in you, Draco”, I kissed him passionately, “You’ll get through it”
Later the same night, after I had a refreshing shower with Draco, and changed clothes, I wanted to take a walk. Even though it had been far after curfew, I had learnt my way around school, we had been sneaking with Draco a lot the past year.
I unconsciously reached the Gryffindor Tower, I took a seat at one of the windows seats, gazing at the sky outside. I always loved how quiet Hogwarts became at night, and I have been thinking how much I would miss it.
“Amelia”, I nearly screamed if I hadn’t been familiar with the voice.
“Hermione”, I noticed movements behind her and I had been about to touch my wand when I saw Ron, Harry and Draco behind her.
“What’s going on?”, I asked and stood up.
“In order to protect you, I asked for their help”, Draco uttered.
“What are you talking about”
“You and your family would be sent into a safe-house of the Order out of England”, Harry explained, “You’ll remain there until the war is over and in exchange for that, Malfoy has already informed us about the plans of the Death Eaters”, I stared at him.
“How are you okay with this?”, I asked and Harry just stared back at me.
“I’m not”, he responded, “But I would have done the same thing if I had been in his place. Everyone has a role to play in the war, and yours is out of here”
“We should really get on with it”, Ron mumbled as he had been to the side, watching over the corridor.
Draco drew his wand and I instantly took a step back.
“Lia”, he said and approached me, he held my face in both hands and he kissed me deeply. “Remember, I’ll never forget you”
“Draco, I lov-”
“Obliviate”, he said, tears streaming down his eyes.
It had been the last thing I saw, his handsome face before everything blurred, and I completely passed out.
My name is Amelia Zoe Heywood. I’m a muggleborn witch and I have fallen in love with Draco Malfoy. He obliviated me in order to protect me, but I have been remembering everything and I have been waiting for the war to be over so I could be with him again. I had stayed in Spain with my family waiting for the war to end.
Until the Battle of Hogwarts came. I had to return to England. I fought against the Dark Side while Draco had to fight with them. I had been rushing down the halls, spells, curses passing over my head. A sudden explosion threw me off my feet and onto the ground, I instantly covered my head with my arms. Once the dust had cleared, I stood up again.
“Heywood!”, I heard somebody screaming behind me and I turned my head to find him. His blonde hair had been dirty, his face bruised, and his black suit ruined.
“Draco”, he hurried towards me and draped his arms around my waist, burying his face on the crook of my neck. “You remember”
I hugged him back, holding him tightly, he had been alright. He had survived. I cried, sobbed so hard out of relief, that he had been alive.
“I never forgot”, I whispered, “I was scared for you”
“I’m sorry”, Draco smashed his lips against mine and held me closely.
The war soon ended. We had survived. And we could finally start our life together.
Nineteen years later; we accompanied our daughter to platform 9 and ¾. Lyra Narcissa Malfoy had been sorted into Gryffindor, we had been surprised, to say the least, Draco nearly had a heart attack. And a few years later, Ara announced that she had been dating Harry Potter’s eldest son. Oddly enough, both Harry and Draco survived the news. In the end, all was well.
Sincerely, Amelia Malfoy.
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nighthaikyuu · 4 years
heather (t. oikawa x reader)
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pairing: oikawa tooru x reader
genre: angst
word count: 2.1k 
i would reccomend listening to heather by conan gray while reading this!
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you watched as his eyes trailed behind you. turning around slightly, you heard the familiar sound of laughter as your eyes fell upon her.
looking back to face oikawa, you noticed the way his eyes followed her as she walked by. if you had blinked, you would’ve missed the twinkle in his eyes as he took in all of her while you stood there, almost forgotten.
“tooru?” you spoke softly as you watched him slowly turn back to look at you, a smile on his face. however you didn’t miss the hesitation to look away, not even for a second.
“yea, you were saying?”
biting down on your lip, you averted your gaze from his as you let out a soft sigh. shaking your head, you mumbled, “it’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
pursing his lips together, he gave you a worried look before ruffling the top of your head, “you sure?”
nodding, you plastered on a wide smile in hopes of convincing him.
you stood there as a slight shiver ran down your spine. you rubbed your arms with your hands in effort to get some warmth when you suddenly looked up, teh sight before you causing your chest to tighten. 
as her eyes crinkled into soft half moon crescents, dimples popped up on her cheeks as she laughed at something oikawa had said; yet all you could pay attention to was the sweater that had draped her petite body. 
the very sweater you used to wear when you first started dating oikawa.
“aren’t you cold y/n?” you heard a voice say, causing you to rip your eyes away from the heartbreaking sight in front of you. turning around, you faced iwaizumi who had been looking at you with a slight frown on his face. you watched as he looked past you, his jaw clenching when he had immediately realized why you had been standing there with that look on your face. 
“you should talk to him, you know? this isn’t fair to you.” you heard him say. his words cut through you like a sharp knife; you didn’t want to acknowlegde this, that this was something that was actually happening, something that was tearing you apart slowly everyday. 
so instead, you rolled your eyes at iwaizumi, plastering on an amused smile as you waved your hands in the air, “talk to him about what? nothing is wrong, is there?” 
iwaizumi cocked a brow at that. you hoped he would just drop the conversation after you had just played dumb, hoping he wouldn’t be able to see past your act. 
but you were foolish to think that. of all people, iwaizumi was the one who could see through everyone, no matter how big a facade they played. 
“i get you don’t want to talk about it, but just trust me when I say the sooner you do, the better.” 
with that, he gave you a small nod before walking away, leaving you standing alone with his words repeating in your head like a broken record. 
oikawa’s hands ran down the sides of your body as he pulled you closer to him. his nose brushed yours softly, lips barely touching yours yet you could still feel the way he was singing along to the song that blared throughout the speakers in the club. 
the dj yelling. the people cheering. the music playing. everything and everyone around you exuded a lovely mix of drunk happiness and for the first time in several weeks, you finally felt good. 
your hands hung loosely around his neck, giggles spilling past your lips as oikawa pulled you even closer, his forehead falling against yours. 
“tooru?” you whispered softly. his eyes falling on you, he nudged your nose in response before you added with more desperation in your voice, “kiss me.”
without another second to spare, oikawa pressed his lips to yours. your grip on his shirt immediately tightened as you smiled into the kiss. hands gripping your waist, you felt a pleasent shiver run through your body as you kissed him harder. 
pulling away, your eyes fluttered open as you looked up at him through your dazed gaze. cheeks flushed and a soft smile on your face, your eyes trailed up to meet his when you felt a familiar ache fill your chest. you watched as his gaze fell past you, his lips that were smiling just moments ago now pursed into a tight line. 
slowly turning around, pleading thoughts filled your brain like a rushing waterfall, hoping you wouldn’t see what your brain was already painting an image of. however, soon enough your eyes fell on what oikawa had been looking at, and your suspicions had been confirmed. 
your grip on him faltered. feet shuffling backwards, you slowly pulled yourself away from his grasp before you turned around without another word, another glance, as you made your way through the crowd of drunken people. 
a hand on your shoulder stopped you momentarily and when you looked up, you saw the very face you wished had never existed. you watched as she gave you a smile, her lips forming a greeting. 
a scoff fell past your lips. uncontrollable amounts of anger, mixed with feelings of hurt and betrayal and jealousy filled your veins. biting down on your lip to prevent yourself from saying anything, you shook her hand off of your shoulder and shoved past her. 
you pushed open the front doors to the club, the cold air rushing to greet you as the doors closed behind you, the air suddenly turning still and quiet. except for the sounds of the racking sobs that broke through you. 
“how long are you going to ignore me for y/n?” 
your grip on your books tightened. the sunlight that was shining down on you suddenly disappeared as a figure stood in front of you, his tall stature blocking out the sun. 
your eyes trailed from his tightened fists at his side up to his clenched jaw; however, what caught you off guard was the tired look on his face. the usual sparkle was gone, replaced with a dull look in his eyes. 
you let out a soft sigh. even in times like this, you were worried for him. when you were the one with the broken heart, the heart that had shattered time and time again into pieces you weren’t sure could be put back together. 
“oikawa...” you started softly, when you watched him wince at the use of his last name. taking in a shaky breath, you pulled yourself together when you uttered the words you never thought you would have to say, “i think we should break up.” 
oikawa blinked at you. once. twice. before you saw the gaze in his eyes shift from confusion to anger. 
“what are you saying y/n?” he asked, his voice dangerously low. 
your felt the rough edges of your books dig into the palms of your hands when you replied again, this time a bit louder than the last, “w-we should break up tooru. i think that’s best.” 
you watched as he moved towards you, his hand reaching out to grab your arm but when he saw you flinch, his hand stopped midway, eyes widening at your reaction. 
“i-i don’t understand. what did I do? what’s going on?” oikawa pleaded, voice laced with underlying pain, catching you off guard for the second time that day. 
before you could say anything, you heard a voice from behind you. 
“oh! hi y/n, hi tooru!!” 
you and oikawa turned your attention towards the source of the voice, yet your gaze lingered on oikawa, enough for you to see the last confirmation you needed. 
even if it was just for a split second. 
you both waved as she walked past you two, completely unaware of what she had caused, of what she had done to you, of what she had taken away from you. 
turning around, you started to walk away when oikawa grabbed your wrist, books dropping to the ground as he turned you back to face him. face a mere inches away from his, you felt his lips brush yours but you quickly pushed him away, hands on his chest as you made him stand a few feet away from you, heart hammering in your ribxage.
“tooru, please. i can’t do this anymore.” you finally whispered weakly. you tried to keep yourself as calm and collected as possible, but you couldn’t anymore. not when the tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall over any second now. 
“y/n, why? please, just talk to me--” 
“why would you even kiss me?” you rasped. your eyes fluttered close as you took in a shaky breath, “god, i’m not even half as pretty as she is.” 
oikawa’s eyes widened slowly, brows furrowing in confusion. his lips parted, “y/n, what are you saying--?” 
your fists bunched up his sweater, hoping he couldn’t see the way they trembled, “i just--you won’t understand so please...please just leave me alone tooru...”
you felt his hands cover yours, fingers gently brushing over yours. 
“y/n...talk to me, please? who is ‘she’?” 
you wanted to laugh. laugh so loud so that you wouldn’t break into a sob. instead you settled for a bitter chuckle as you pulled your hands back towards your chest. you hung your head down low, hair covering your face as the tears ran down your face. 
at that moment, iwaizumi’s words from weeks ago appeared in your mind. “you should talk to him, you know?” “the sooner you do, the better.” he had told you  yet you ignored him. oh how you hated yourself for not listening to him.
now everything was too late. everything was far too deep, too broken to be fixed. 
“you gave her your sweater.” you whispered after several seconds of silence between the both of you. oikawa’s brows furrowed together in confusion when you finally whispered her name, her name that should’ve rolled off of your tongue venemously yet slipped through your lips softly, like a gentle whisper. 
realization dawned on oikawa for the first time in months. he ran a hand through his brown hair. the motion itself was enough for your tears to fall harder. you didn’t realize how much you would miss running your hands through them. 
“i-it’s just a sweater y/n, it doesn’t mean anything--” oikawa finally started, his voice laced with a hint of desperation yet you couldn’t hear anything past the words “just a sweater.” 
your fists tightened at your sides. 
“just a sweater?” you whispered. finally gaining the courage to look him back in the eye, your puffy red ones surprising oikawa, you repeated, “it’s just a sweater?”  
taking in another shaky breath, your voice trembled with every word, “it may have been just a sweater to you but to me that moment meant everything—“
“y/n what are you saying—?”
“you like her better!” you finally cried, chest panting as you felt your heart get stabbed with every word you uttered, every word you had kept safely locked away, hoping if you never said them, they wouldn’t mean anything.
“y-you,” you sobbed as you brought your hands up to your face, your body shaking as you finished, your voice cracking “you had me wishing I was her. for months, I wished I was her.”
oikawa stood there. eyes filling with tears as he watched you cry harder and harder, yet he couldn’t find it in himself to move another limb in his body, to move closer to you and hold you like he always would, safely in his arms.
you didn’t know how long you stood there crying, whether it was ten seconds or ten minutes. eventually your eyes were dry, tear glands unable to produce anything more, heart empty and body cold.
you looked up to see oikawa staring at you with the same look he had when you had first mentioned her name.
with another sniffle, you wiped the tears from your face and bent down to pick up the books that had fallen to the ground.
pulling them close to your chest, you turn around and begin to walk away. yet you stop. just one last time.
you turn around and give him a sad smile.
“goodbye tooru. i hope she returns what you feel for her.”
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izzyaro · 3 years
Yet another Clyde and Emily thing, because the idea would not leave me alone. It got quite a bit longer than expected.
It was meant to be a quiet evening out.
It was the end of a tough mission. They’d made the profile, caught the UnSubs, and saved a lot of lives. They definitely deserved a break. The locals had recommended a nice little pub, which turned out to be lively and half full of students, and Clyde had offered to get the first round. Sean had gone outside to call his wife, Jeremy was chatting up a young lady on the table next to them, and Emily and Tsia found a quiet corner where no one was paying attention to them.
“We needed this,” said Emily with a sigh. 
Her muscles ached from hours of being on the alert, and she couldn’t help a moan when Tsia rubbed gentle circles into her shoulders. “Oh, that feels good.”
Tsia’s answering grin was wicked. “Later I’ll show you what else I can do with my hands.”
Emily shivered. Tsia glanced round, and leaned in for a quick kiss. Emily’s eyes fluttered shut, but as Tsia drew back there was a sudden commotion from behind them. Both of them spun round, and Tsia sat bolt upright.
“What the hell is he doing?”
Clyde stood by the bar, but he wasn’t collecting their drinks. He had a yelling skinhead in a wristlock, and the ice cold fury on his face was enough to have Emily lurching to her feet.
Clyde didn’t so much as glance at her. His whole attention was on the young man he had pinned. Emily swore and started to shoving her way through the crowd, but the bartender was already there, a frown on his face.
“Sir, let go of him-”
“I’ll let go,” Clyde growled, “when he tells me what he put in this girl’s drink.”
The mood changed in an instant. A young woman standing nearby went pale. The bartender immediately zeroed in on the now-silent skinhead. “What’s this?”
The man glared, and Clyde spoke up, blue eyes sparking with barely-controlled rage. “He dropped a tablet in that drink a she looked away. I’d be surprised if it was the only one.”
“Fuck off,” the skinhead snarled, only to yelp as Clyde tightened his grip. “Oi, you’re breaking my arm!”
“Then stop moving,” Clyde snapped back.
The skinhead swore, and Emily finally managed to push through to them. “Clyde! I think he’s got the message.”
Clyde finally looked up, and Emily had to suppress a flinch at the expression on his face. It took all her years of training to keep her voice steady, “He’s not going anywhere.”
Clyde held her gaze for a long moment, then finally shoved the man away from him. The skinhead lurched up, swearing like a sailor, but Tsia planted herself in his path.
“Take one more step, and I’ll show you what a broken arm really feels like.”
“What is going on here?”
Emily had never been so glad to hear Sean’s voice. Their boss took in the situation, Clyde shaking with anger and the gawping crowd, and set his jaw. “Clyde, get some air.”
Clyde glared at him for a moment, then jerked his head in a nod. The crowds parted for him without a word, and Sean took a deep breath. 
“I trust someone’s called the police?”
“I did,” said another bartender, holding up her mobile. She was glaring at the skinhead. “I saw it too. We don’t tolerate that here.”
Emily let out a long breath. She hadn’t doubted Clyde, but another witness was always helpful. She crossed over to the trembling young woman.
“Are you all right?”
The girl’s eyes shifted from her spiked drink to Emily. “I…He would have…”
Her shivering intensified. Emily wrapped an arm around her. “I know, but you’re okay. You’re safe now, I promise.”
The girl gave a strangled sob, and Emily pulled her into a proper hug and let her cry. Tsia caught her eye, eyes flashing with anger and sympathy, and Emily rubbed gentle circles into the girl’s back.
“It’s okay. It will all be okay.”
After a long minute, the girl gave a shuddering sob and drew back. “How…How do I know he didn’t do it earlier?”
Emily’s stomach lurched, but the bartender who had called the police was already there, “An ambulance is on the way too. I didn’t see anything, but it’s better safe than sorry.” She bit her lip. “I’m so sorry this happened.”
The girl sniffed. She was silent for a moment, hands fiddling with a loose thread from her shirt, before she looked back at Emily. “That other man, the one who stopped him, is he your friend?”
“Clyde?” Emily asked. “Yeah, he is.”
“Will you thank him for me? Please?”
“Sure,” said Emily gently.
She glanced round, but though she could see Jeremy and Sean talking with the newly-arrived police, there was no sign of Clyde. Alarm spiked through her chest, and the bartender coughed. “I can stay with her, if you want to find him?”
Emily glanced at the girl, who sniffed and nodded. “I’ll be right outside if you need anything, okay?”
Both of them nodded, and Emily caught Tsia’s eye. Her girlfriend hesitated, then sighed. “You’ll get more out of him by yourself,” she murmured. “I’ll follow in a few minutes.”
Emily squeezed her hand, grateful for her understanding, and headed out of the pub. 
The November wind bit at her cheeks, and she pulled the sleeves of her sweater down to cover her hands as she squinted round. She ignored the skinhead being guided into the waiting police cars, instead scanning the passersby. There were a fair few spectators, but there was no sign of Clyde.
Emily bit her lip. Clyde could take care of himself, but the only time she had seen him that furious was when Tsia had been attacked by a particularly stupid racist. She had never seen him lose control of himself like that before, and it had scared her.
Now, she was becoming increasingly scared for him.
There was only an unbroken line of shops to the left, but there was an alleyway round the other side, and instinct had Emily moving towards it. 
The only light came from the streetlight on the other side of the road, but it was enough. Emily let out a shaky breath, and made her way past a pair of bins to crouch in front of her friend.
“There are nicer places to get some air, you know.”
She was expecting a reply, even a sharp one, but Clyde said nothing. His knees were drawn up to his chest, and he continued to stare blankly at the opposite wall, and Emily’s stomach twisted.
“Clyde? Can you hear me?”
Clyde blinked, but the shudders running through his body had intensified, and Emily bit her lip. She touched his arm, and when he blinked again she gripped his hands.
“Clyde, listen to me. You are safe. I’m here. There’s no danger.”
Clyde’s breathing hitched. He squeezed his eyes shut, breath coming in ragged gasps, and when Emily shifted her grip she found his pulse fast and thready under her fingers.
“Damn it,” she whispered.
It had been a while since he had a panic attack, and she didn’t want to think about what might have triggered it, but she couldn’t stand by and let her friend suffer.
“Clyde, look at me.”
Clyde’s jaw clenched, but Emily kept talking, “Clyde, I’m here. You know me. You know I won’t let anyone touch you. Look at me, Clyde.”
Clyde finally blinked up at her, eyes wide with panic, and Emily squeezed his hands. “Good. That’s really good. Now, I need you to list every Queen album in order for me, all right?”
For a moment she thought Clyde was too far gone to hear her, but then he sucked in a shuddering breath. His lips moved silently, too quietly for Emily to hear, but she could feel his shivering easing a little, and when he finished he no longer felt like he would fly apart. Emily managed a smile.
“Good. That’s really good. Now do every song that appears on ‘A Night at the Opera’.”
Clyde swallowed. “‘Death on Two Legs’,” he rasped. “‘Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon. I’m in Love with My Car. You’re My Best Friend'…”
He went through both sides of the record, and then did it backwards, and when he finally sagged back against the wall his shivering had eased so much it was almost unnoticeable. Emily sat back on her heels.
“Are you all right?”
Clyde nodded. His face was very pale, and he didn’t meet her eyes. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“You don’t have anything to apologise for,” said Emily firmly. 
Clyde didn’t look convinced, but he also didn’t seem like he had the energy to argue. Emily kept hold of his hands. She didn’t want to pry, but she couldn’t leave this alone.
“The girl at the bar told me to say thank you.”
If she wasn’t watching so closely she would have missed his flinch. It took him a moment to reply, “I did what anyone would have.”
Emily eyed him. Clyde was the most private person she had ever met, but she did know him. The last time she had seen him like this had been when a bad case had triggered memories from Bosnia. If this was something similar…
“Go on and ask.”
Startled, Emily blinked up. Clyde still wasn’t looking at her, and his shaking had worsened again. “Clyde-”
“I know you won’t let it go. Just ask so we can go back to pretending everything is fine.”
Emily chewed on her lip for a second, but he was right. She couldn’t not ask. Not if there was any chance that she might be able to help.
She still had to take a deep breath first.
“What happened?”
Clyde was quiet for so long that she began to think he had changed his mind, but just when she was on the verge of suggesting they head back to the hotel he took a deep breath.
“I was in my first year of uni.” 
His voice was so quiet she had to strain to hear it, and then it was all she could do to keep herself steady. Clyde continued, eyes fixed on the floor, “First week actually. Went out with my new classmates. I had one drink.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “I remember nothing of the rest of the night.”
Bile rose in Emily’s mouth. She had to swallow hard before she could speak, “Did you report it?”
Clyde gave a weak huff. “You think anyone would have believed a student was forced to take drugs? Back then?” He shook his head. “And…Cambridge wasn’t exactly accepting.”
It took a moment for Emily’s brain to process that, and then she could only stare at him. “You…Clyde…” She stopped, and tried again. “Did they…?”
“I don’t know,” Clyde whispered. He scrubbed his hands over his face, and finally looked her in the eye. “I had bruises and I hurt, but I don’t know what happened, Emily. I don’t know.”
His voice was rising and the panic was threading back into his voice, and Emily threw caution to the wind and pulled him for a hug. Clyde sagged against, trembling like a leaf, and Emily hugged him tight.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
Clyde made an incoherent noise in the back of his throat, and Emily caught the nape of his neck. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
She brushed her fingers through his hair, and felt him slowly relax against her. Tears burned at her eyes, and she blinked them away before they could fall. Clyde needed her right now.
“What do you need?”
Clyde gave a brittle laugh. “The ability to travel back in time and tell my younger self not to be a bloody idiot?”
Emily flinched. “You cannot blame yourself for that!”
“Of course I can,” Clyde muttered. “I was stupid.”
Emily drew back to look him in the eye. She could tolerate a lot of things, but she couldn’t listen to that. She was opening her mouth to argue when she had a better idea.
“Was that girl in there stupid?”
“What?” Clyde demanded. “Of course not.” Then his eyes narrowed. “That’s different.”
“How?” Emily asked, and somehow she managed to keep her voice calm. “She’s roughly the same age you were. She hasn’t had any training, just like you hadn’t. What makes her situation so different from yours?”
Clyde opened his mouth, then closed it again and looked away. Emily sighed. That wasn’t a battle she was going to win any time soon.
“Okay,” she said. “Is there anything I can do for you right now?”
Clyde met her eyes for a split-second before ducking his head again. “You’re already doing it.”
A flicker of warmth pierced through the shock and fear, and Emily took both his hands in hers. “I’m not going anywhere.”
The corner of Clyde’s mouth twitched into a weak smile. Emily chewed on her lip, then glanced up as a shadow fell across them.
“There you are,” Tsia said. “I was beginning to think you’d gotten lost…”
Her voice trailed off as she took in the scene, and her eyes hardened. She crouched next to Clyde. “I really will go and break his arm, if you want.”
Clyde choked out a startled laugh, but shook his head. “I appreciate the offer, but he’ll get what’s coming to him.” His amusement faded as quickly as it had come. “Is that girl all right?”
“She’s fine,” Tsia assured him. “She’s on her way to the hospital, but she wasn’t showing any symptoms.”
“Good,” said Clyde quietly.
Tsia quirked an eyebrow at Emily, who grimaced. She squeezed Clyde’s hands. “How about we get back to the hotel?”
Tsia nodded, but Clyde frowned. “I need to give a statement.”
“Tomorrow,” said Tsia. “There was a room full of witnesses,” she continued, when Clyde’s frown deepened. “Yours can wait ’til you’re not about to pass out.”
It was a mark of how rough he was feeling that Clyde didn’t even try to protest. He accepted the hand up Tsia offered him, and rubbed a hand over his face. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I’ll be fine.”
Emily glanced at Tsia, and saw her own concern mirrored on her girlfriend’s face, but she just nodded. “Okay, but if you ever want to talk-”
“I know,” said Clyde. He managed a faint smile. “Thank you, Emily.”
“Any time,” said Emily softly.
He was still pale and shaky. Emily couldn’t help pulling him into another hug, and Clyde clung to her like a lifeline. There was so much she wanted to say, but she had to swallow down the lump in her throat first.
“You know, that girl is safe because of you,” she said softly. Clyde stiffened, but Emily kept talking, “That guy won’t be hurting anyone else, because of you.”
“She’s right,” said Tsia. Emily smelled her perfume as she drew closer. “That girl will be okay.” She paused, and added more softly, “You will be too.”
Clyde was silent for a minute, then gently disentangled himself from them. He turned aside, and when he looked back his eyes were clear.
“Thank you,” he repeated.
Emily shook her head, and Tsia elbowed him very gently. “Stop that. We’ve got you.”
Clyde looked at the two of them, and for the first time in what seemed like hours a small but completely genuine smile touched his lips. “Yes,” he said quietly. “I believe you do.”
“Finally,” said Tsia, but her expression was very fond and very soft as she looked at him. She wrapped her arm around Emily’s waist, and held out her free hand to Clyde. “Let’s get back. You look like you could sleep for a week.”
Clyde gave a faint huff, but he took her hand and something in Emily’s chest settled. They would be okay. She would make sure of it. 
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zhe-lazy-fox · 3 years
Is it a Repeat of History
Fandom: Dream SMP Words: 1 827 Category: Gen Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 link: [Here]
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  “What are you doing?”
Wilbur froze, stood before the dark wooden button on the stone wall. The button connected to the 23 stacks of TNT that would blow up the prison and let Dream out.
  “Phil?” No no, Phil couldn’t be here! he shouldn’t be here! Wilbur had made sure Phil would be distracted with the others by fighting the withers!
  “What are you doing.” Phil asked again, his voice sounded tired and old.
Wilbur’s fingers twitched against the stone, hearing the rustle of feathers and cloth behind him. A shaky exhale left him as he slowly turned to look over his shoulder.
Phil stood there, Armour and clothes damaged and dirtied from the withers Wilbur had spawned earlier, from what he snatched from Techno’s stash of wither heads and soul sand, but Wilbur wasn’t able to concentrate on the damage his father had taken. Instead his eyes were staring at Phil’s face. Phil wore a tired expression with mixed emotions, he looked sad, worried, angry and disappointed all at once, and Wilbur hated the combination.
  “You couldn’t stop me last time. What makes you think you can stop me now?” Wilbur asked with a smirk. Phil sighed before he walked further into the room, but stopped when Wilbur gave away something akin to a growl, moving closer to the button.
  “I was misinformed and confused back then, you forced my hand! I regretted it! I still do! You lied to me in your letters, I couldn't understand why for a while, but I know the truth now and I understand. You don’t have to do this, Will.”
  “Phil!” Wilbur laughed, stumbling away from the button to face his father fully with a wild grin spreading his arms out “You don’t understand a thing!”
  “Then explain it to me so I can understand!” Phil cried out, a small burst of anger and desperation in his voice. “Will please-”
  “I have to do this, Phil! I have to repay Dream for saving me from the hell that was purgatory! I have to repay his kindness!”
  “Kindness?! Will, Dream did not bring you back out of kindness! He did it for his own gain!”
  “You can’t stop me! You couldn’t stop me last time! You can’t stop me now! I AM going to press that button!”
Phil clenched the hand he held his sword while grounding his teeth.
  “I won’t let you do that. I owe Tommy and everyone else that much, to make up for Doomsday.”
Wilbur grew still before he stared at Phil with cold eyes
  “Are you going to kill me again, father?” Phil shuddered, feeling memories of the first time flash through his mind, Wilbur’s manic laughter, wild eyes and crazed talk, Phil was forced to look away as tears burned his eyes.
  “No.” He said, voice steady and clear, he inhaled before he looked up at Wilbur, meeting his eyes head on “I won’t make that mistake again.” Phil sheathed his sword. Wilbur stared at him before he laughed.
  “You’re a fool!”
  “Yes, I am, aren't I? A fool for not realising my son was suffering on his own, and still is.”
  “I’m perfectly fine!” Wilbur snapped
  “Are you though? You were alone for 13 years… that’s a long time, Will.” Wilbur snarled and spun around to face the button again.
  “My mind is made up, You can’t change it!”
  “You’re making a mistake! What do you think Dream will do once he gets out? Huh?! He won’t care about you, he only cares about himself and his idea of being a god. Who’s to say he won’t kill you once you’re no longer of use to him?”
Wilbur stood still, staring at the button. Baring his teeth at what Phil said. Dream wouldn’t kill him, he was his hero! he wouldn’t- Dream saved him from purgatory! He would send him back there! Right?
  “Why are you doing this?” Wilbur asked in a cold voice. “Why are you trying to stop me?”
  “You’re my son, Will.” Phil said as easily as if Wilbur had asked him what the colour of the sky were. “You will always be my son. Your actions disappointed me, but I still love you, I could never stop loving you. I want you to be happy and okay… Is that such a selfish wish for a parent? You wanted what was best for Fundy too in the beginning, before things got bad. But if you press that button I can’t say the others will forgive you again!”
Wilbur clenched his fists, trying to ignore how the button grew blurry before him, only to clear up when he blinked and the clear drops of water fell to the floor. Phil should be shouting at him, be angry and demand answers, not- not say how much he loved him. Wilbur scrunched up his face before he gave away a scream, slamming his fists against the wall.
He distantly heard Phil call out his name in a panic.
Wilbur opened his eyes to stare at the button. The button that if pressed would let Dream out… and also destroy whatever chance he ever had left of rebuilding the bridges he burned during the 16th.
His arms fell limp to his sides. as more silent tears fell from his eyes. He had to press the button, but he couldn’t do it. He had to repay Dream for saving him, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t press the button… He couldn’t do it.
  “Will?” Phil asked, voice filled with worry from how quiet Wilbur was being. A sharp inhale followed when he saw how Wilbur raised one hand towards the button. “No!” he gasped “Will please!”
But there was no click of a button pressed, just the muted sound of a button being removed. Phil started when Wilbur slowly took a step away from the wall and turned to face Phil, the button held in his hands, tears streaming down his face.
  “Dad-” Wilbur’s voice cracked. Phil sprung into action pulling Wilbur into a hug, holding his son tight.
  “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
A keening noise left Wilbur followed by the clatter of the button falling to the floor as Wilbur threw his arms around Phil, hiding his face in his fathers shoulder as the two of them sank to the floor. Screaming his anguish and sadness out, choking on his sobs and tears. Phil pulled him closer, wrapping his wings around his son, like he had done so long ago when Wilbur was younger and small.
  “I’m sorry!” Wilbur choked out between his sobs and cries “I’m sorry dad-”
Phil shushed him, kissing the side of his head.
  “It’s okay, it will be okay, everything will be okay.”
Steps made Phil turn his head to see the others in the opening to the room. Techno looked worse for wear but relaxed at what he found.
  “Dad!” Fundy called out pushing past Techno.
Phil could feel Wilbur freeze in his arms, and try to get out, possibly to run, but Phil held him still. Fundy crashed to his knees next to them, worry clear on his face, ears folded back.
  “Dad?” Fundy glanced up at Phil, several questions on his face, Phil gave him a tired smile before pulling one of his wings back to reveal Wilbur. Fundy hesitated before he reached out his clawed hand placing it on Wilbur’s head. He felt Wilbur flinch under his touch before the older turned enough to be able to look at Fundy., eyes red and puffy from crying.
  “Hey Funds...” Wilbur croaked out with a wobbly voice. Fundy gave away a sniffle before he threw himself at his father, worming his way into the hug to cling to Wilbur.
  “You’re okay! You asshole! I hate you so much!” Fundy cried as he clung to Wilbur, Wilbur looked shocked before he pulled back one of his arms to hold Fundy instead.
  “I- sorry...” Fundy sobbed before he pushed his head up under Wilbur’s jaw, something he hadn’t done since he was a child.
  “You’re not dead, again… I don’t want you to go, you idiot father.” Phil couldn’t help but laugh at the expression that fell over Wilbur’s face, complete and utter confusion before he started to cry again, hugging Fundy even more.
The sound of a pickaxe hitting the stone made them look up to see how Techno and Tommy were both working on breaking down the wall to get to the TNT to remove it. Techno and Tommy both grumbling under their breaths as they argued but worked together. Wilbur once he calmed down, pointed out the other places where he planted TNT for the prison, Techno and Tommy, now joined by Quackity, Sapnap, George, Ranboo and Tubbo helped to clear it all away. 
The destruction from the withers wasn't as terrible as Wilbur thought it would be, but then again, everyone had been together fighting them, killing the withers fairly quickly.
  “Wilbur!” Techno called once the last of the TNT was removed and the holes filled with dirt. Wilbur blinked and had to tilt his head up to look at the older piglin hybrid, who glowered down at him.
  “Yes..?” Wilbur asked, panic rising in him.
  “Don’t steal my shit.” Wilbur blinked and spluttered, THAT was what Techno was focusing on?! “The same goes for you Tommy! You still have my axe!”
  “WHAT?!” Tommy screeched further away, patching up Puffy who had taken a bit more damage than the others.
  “Will.” a light voice asked, making Wilbur turn to look behind him, finding himself face to face with Niki. She gave him a small smile, but it was lacking the previous warmth he was so used to seeing her smile have.
  “Niki?” The slap echoed out causing everyone to turn and find Wilbur stumbling back.
  “That’s for blowing up L’manberg!” Niki shouted, another punch followed, causing Wilbur to winch as he stumbled backwards to try and get away from Niki’s angry advances.
  “That’s for dying!”   “That’s for brushing everything I said away!”   “That’s for betraying everything we stood for!”   “Wai- NIKI!” Wilbur yelped as he avoided another hit, hands held up in surrender.   “That’s for releasing the withers!”   “That’s for trying to free Dream!”
Wilbur steeled himself for another punch only to freeze and blink when Niki hugged him.
  “Wha-”   “And this is for listening to Phil and still being here.” she spoke, muffled by Wilbur’s sweater. Wilbur stood frozen in her arms before he gave away a congested sniffle.   “Thanks… Niki.” Niki let go and stepped back to look up at him.
  “Now don’t go and die any time soon okay.” Niki said as he turned to walk back towards where most of the others were gathered “I have so many new recipes I want you to try.” Wilbur gave away a wobbly smile before he rubbed at his eyes not wanting to cry again, before he followed.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
April Contest Submission #2: whisper to me
Words: ca. 2,200 Setting: modern au Lemon: no CW: brief mention of drowning
Anna doesn’t remember when was the last time she spoke to her sister. It was a short break, it was supposed to be a short break.
But what once was a couple of hours turned into days, then days soon turned into weeks. It was really dumb and stupid, but when you’re even struggling to find the right words to say to the person you’ve known all your life, the person whom you trust with everything, it suddenly made a lot more sense.
Elsa was the best big sister Anna could ever ask for. Elsa always looked out for her, Elsa was there to pick her back up, to clean up her scratches and to ice her bruises. The one who gave her the larger half of the cookie and took the blame from when she drew all over the Joan of Arc portrait in the hallway. 
It’s always been Elsa, and Anna’s always loved her. 
Even more so than Anna realized.
Anna woke early on weekdays, so early that the sun hadn’t even shown up with its shining presence. Even if she was tired, it was something that she felt in control of, because everything else spiraled out of her grasp before she could even blink. No one else was around to see that.
And for the first time in forever, she felt okay with being alone for once. 
Anna looked up, her spoon raised and halfway into her open mouth. Her eyes widened when she saw those familiar cerulean eyes.
“Hey,” Anna breathed out, setting the spoon down. “What are you doing up so early?”
Elsa quirked a brow. “I could ask you the same thing.“ 
“Well, the early bird gets the worm,” Anna bit her lip and returned her gaze to her bowl of cereal. “Did you need anything?”
Elsa eyed her, piercing blue and could read her every move without so much as a second thought.
“No, not really. I’ve always wondered why you wake up so early nowadays,” Elsa thankfully backed off from her staring. “And why you aren’t talking to me anymore.”
“Just wanted to try something new,” she glanced up at Elsa with a wry smile. “And really? I could have sworn that we talked yesterday.” 
“Anna, you walked away without so much as looking at me in the eye when I asked you about your day,” Elsa crossed her arms; not defiantly, but in the way that her teenage self poked through her facade and made her look more meek and worried. “You’re just- not yourself anymore.”
“I’m still me,” Anna insisted. “I’m okay.”
“I’m okay.”
It wasn’t until a couple of days later that Elsa had finally had enough. 
“What’s up with you?” Elsa demanded as she entered Anna’s room, slamming the door shut behind her and ignoring the way the picture frames on the wall rattled. Anna flinched.
“What’s up with me?” Anna echoed, fiddling with the sleeves of her ratty sweater. “What do you mean?”
Elsa frowned. “You know damn well what I’m talking about, Anna.”
Anna flinched at the tone of her sister’s voice.  She almost shouted out a haste apology.  Almost. Taking Anna’s silence as a sign to continue, Elsa let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through her pale blonde hair. 
“I’m just worried about you,” she said, gaze softening. “What’s wrong? It’s like you’re slowly drifting away from me.”
“I…” Anna stumbled. What the hell was she supposed to say then?
“I’m not mad at you,” Elsa said gently. “I just- stop hiding from me. Let me be there for you.”
Anna let her gaze fall onto the floor.  She wanted nothing more than to just escape before everything turned to shit. If Elsa kept pushing any further she was sure that she would be at the point where she was close to bursting into a million pieces.
“It’s nothing,” Anna insisted, already scooting by Elsa and out the door.  At this point she was unsure whether she was trying to convince Elsa, or herself.
As she was halfway down the hall, she could hear footsteps coming closer, approaching her. Anna quickened her steps until she broke into a full sprint by the time she reached the front door.
Anna ran down the steps of the front porch and turned a sharp left into the woods. This was stupid, really stupid. But she had to get away, to just not feel the gravitational pull she felt when Elsa was around.
“Anna stop!”
Anna’s heart beat a million times per second, but she kept moving. She weaved through the trees despite the aching in her legs and the soles of her feet. Elsa continued to give chase and ultimately caught up to her when she finally reached the edge of the dock, with her chest rising and falling rapidly. She felt Elsa’s presence behind her, watching her. 
“What do you want from me, Elsa?” Anna asked, whipping around to face the older girl.
“I want you to be honest with me,” Elsa said, the desperation in her voice nearly made Anna collapse, almost. “Just tell me what’s going on!”
“Please, stop hiding from me. You’ve avoided me long enough.”
There was a thick silence that followed afterwards. But before she knew it, Elsa ran forward and launched herself towards Anna. She could barely contain a surprised shriek when Elsa bodily slammed into her and suddenly they were falling backwards until the cold feeling of the lake water washed over her.
She couldn’t swim.
Anna panicked. She tried so desperately to just grasp onto something, anything, to keep herself from sinking further. Just as she opened her mouth to scream, arms wrapped around her waist and pulled until all she felt was the warmth coming from Elsa’s body. She wrapped her arms tightly around her sister’s shoulders in fear of losing her grip.
“What the hell is your problem?!” Anna yelled at Elsa, shoving water towards the blonde’s face. She could have sworn that she saw a hint of a smirk on her sister’s lips.
Anna parted her lips to say more but she froze, watching as Elsa reached and tucked a wet strand of red hair behind her ear. Suddenly she couldn’t breathe. Anna’s irritation almost immediately disappeared as she subconsciously leaned into the gentle and inviting touch. 
Elsa watched her, unmoving. Bright and silent, so magnificently beautiful that Anna almost forgot her own name as those arctic blue eyes pierced through her.
“I’m not going to apologize; not until you tell me what’s wrong,” Elsa insisted.
She was close enough that Anna could see the drops of water hanging on beautiful lashes, faint freckles spreading across the expanse of pale cheeks. 
Anna gulped audibly. Her heart pounded in her chest and she made the horrible mistake of inhaling because the scent of Elsa filled her head and she was sure that she was about to pass out right then and there. She glanced at Elsa’s lips.
They were right there. So perfect and beautiful and inviting that Anna had to strain to keep a far enough distance from those lips.
She smelled of lavender, vanilla, and home.
Elsa was so wonderful and caring; she always had been. The thought of losing her hurt Anna as much as loving her. She didn’t notice that she was crying until Elsa reached again and wiped the tears away. Her hands were cold but gentle and soft against Anna’s cheek. She almost sobbed at the touch. She had nearly forgotten what effect Elsa’s touch had on her. God she missed her sister so much.
“Oh, Anna…” Elsa murmured, Anna felt the thrumming of Elsa’s heart against her chest. “What are you so afraid of?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do.”
“I just…” Anna faltered. “I'm…”
Elsa inhaled softly. “Say it, out loud.”
Please, don't—
Elsa, I love you. I’ve always loved you—
“Just— get me out of the water…” Anna mumbled.
Thankfully, Elsa listened and boosted her up. Anna pulled away then.  Sobs were stuck in her throat as she reached behind her.  She pulled herself up onto the dock despite the burning in her arms and the heaviness of her wet clothes. 
Wordlessly, she reached down and helped Elsa up. Elsa stood to her full height and squeezed out the water from her hair. Anna turned away then to avoid any eye contact with the blonde.
“Now will you tell me?” Elsa questioned. She tried approaching Anna, but the redhead immediately took several steps back to distance herself until they were several feet apart.
“I just…” Anna bit her lip. “I’m scared of losing you.“ 
"You’re scared of losing me? I’m not going anywhere.”
“How would you know?”
“I just do,” Elsa replied confidently. “Anna, you’re my sister.”
Sister. Anna flinched at the word.
“Tell me.”
“I just—”
“No excuses, Anna. Let me help you.”
“You can’t help me this time,” Anna said. “I’m sick, and awful and fucking disgusting because—”
“I love you, Elsa,” Anna blurted, clasping her own hands and holding them against her chest. 
Elsa scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. “What—”
“Elsa, I’m in love with you.”
Suddenly all movement around them ceased. Nothing made a sound; not the water, the birds above them, or even the wind in the trees.  Elsa looked at her from across the dock with her face grave and unreadable. This was it; Anna had screwed up. She shouldn’t have said anything at all. 
And suddenly, it was colder than it was before.
“And— And I just—” Anna’s tongue felt thick in her mouth and she stumbled over her words. She looked at her older sister in hopes of getting her to talk but—
Silence. Complete and utter silence that confirmed Anna’s anguish and it took everything she had in her not to cry, because fuck, it hurt so much that it felt like something were clawing at her heart. 
She just needed to leave. 
Anna shook and her legs wobbled as she turned to walk away.  Rapid footsteps beating on the dock stopped her in her tracks. 
Elsa grabbed her hand and spun her around until their faces were mere inches apart. Anna gasped, exhaling shakily when her sister’s smooth hands came up to cradle her face. She stood frozen; this wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. 
Yell at me.
Elsa caressed her cheeks.  She gently rubbed away the tension in her jaws and brushed her thumbs over Anna’s freckles.
Be angry.
Anna saw a hint of a smile playing on Elsa’s perfect lips. 
Please. Hurt me, break me. Tell me this is wrong. Because—
Elsa stared back at her and she was leaning closer now. Their lips brushed and there was a spark of electricity that coursed through Anna’s veins when she closed her eyes and just breathed. In and out; unevenly as the rapid beating of their hearts filled the silence that threatened to consume them.
—Sisters aren’t supposed to hold each other like this.
“You love me?” Elsa murmured, in wonder, almost. The tone of her voice was so different from the one Anna expected her to have.
Anna nodded, but said nothing more.
“Oh, Anna,“ Elsa sighed. "If only I had known sooner.”
Anna parted her lips to speak but Elsa kissed her then, silencing her and successfully removing every thought that ran through her mind. 
She held onto Elsa, grasping onto whatever she could as if she would disappear; to prevent herself from jerking into a harsh reality she lived in for years. She returned the kiss with as much fervor. 
Break me.
Elsa’s lips were soft, softer than she could ever imagine. Her lips tasted sweet, despite the lingering elements of the lake water. They tasted of Elsa. They moved against hers slowly, but firmly. While Anna wasn’t entirely convinced that this was real, she was finally snapped out of her stupor when her sister’s tongue traced the seams of her bottom lip and it felt so good. 
Tell me this is wrong.
Elsa separated their lips and Anna nearly groaned out loud from the lack of contact. She already missed the warmth of Elsa’s lips against hers. 
"I love you too." 
Anna’s breath caught in her throat. The kiss was one thing but this statement was another. She desperately looked into Elsa’s eyes, seeking deceit or just anything. But she found none.There was only love and affection and sadness. A kind of shine in Elsa’s eyes that she failed to notice even before. 
“I’ve always loved you.” Another blow to the heart, she felt the need to gasp for air now. But she held still, for Elsa. She stood in place because running wasn’t the option anymore. “Anna.”
“Is this real?” Anna wondered out loud, still slightly dazed from- well, everything.
Elsa breathed out a short laugh. And suddenly everything felt so right.
"This is real,” Elsa grinned. 
“Are you sure? Because—” Anna started.
Elsa interrupted her thoughts by planting a soft kiss on Anna’s lips again in confirmation. She closed her eyes and kept them closed when Elsa kissed her forehead and just held her. The cold she felt from her damp clothes was long forgotten as a certain warmth bloomed in her chest. 
And those words; those words that were as beautiful as autumn’s song. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Anna breathed out a sigh of relief, and with a smile she encouraged Elsa to say them again. 
“Whisper to me.”
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goldensunflowers98 · 4 years
Coffee House Dreams
Luke Hemmings Imagine
Please let me know what you think❤️
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Aurora sighed as she blew a golden blonde curl from her line of vision once again, her fingers lightly pressing against the piano keys while trying to find the right sound. The small coffee shoppe nestled in one of the side streets of London, where her sister worked tirelessly, bustled with life, the strong scent of espresso overwhelming her senses with every inhale.
She was here almost everyday since she couldn't afford a piano this nice at home, knew most of the customers by name, and she always enjoyed a classic, sweet, vanilla cappuccino after a long day at Uni.
Aurora was a simple girl who loved the sight of rain droplets on rose petals, the sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore at night, and the scent of espresso as she played the piano. She loved the color red, especially her crimson colored scrunchie that currently tied her mess of golden curls up, and she found unkind people to be the scum of the earth.
She also found the mysterious blonde haired, blue eyed boy that hid his face being a pair of sunglasses and a steaming caramel latte to be the most beautiful creature she'd ever seen. He had started coming in just in the past week, but Aurora found his Australian accent positively enchanting and the dimples that appeared when he smiled made her slam her fingers down on the keys of the piano the first time she saw them, causing a loud crash of discord to sound through the small shoppe and for her to duck her blushing face when he whipped around confused.
He sat perched at the window seat across the way and Aurora noticed how he had a blueberry muffin as well today, his fingers picking at the treat as he watched the raindrops rolls down the clear glass beside him.
He looked sad today, Aurora noticed, the corner of his lips turned downwards and he anxiously fidgeted every few minutes, scratching his temple with his sweater paw.
Now, noticing she was staring like a crazy person, Aurora clears her throat, turning her attention back to the keys and the song she was trying to figure out.
Well the sky is finally open, the rain and wind stopped blowin'
But you're stuck out in the same old storm again
The notes just don't sound as perfect as she wanted and she tries again in another key.
You hold tight to your umbrella, well, darlin' I'm just tryin' to tell ya
That there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head
She groans to herself, placing her head down on the polished wood, frustrated that she couldn't even get the cords right to her own song.
"That's a beautiful song. Have you tried it starting out in 'G' though?"
She gasps in shock, jumping backwards, her sheet music flying everywhere, and she nearly falls off the piano stool as she hears the accented voice of the mysterious boy who loved caramel lattes right beside her.
He looks mortified at her reaction, his bright blue eyes that were no longer covered by sunglasses were wide and his long arms were out like he was about to catch her before she hit the ground.
"Whoa! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," he says but it's all muffled as Aurora stares up at him in shock and wonder.
This mysterious boy wasn't so mysterious after all. He was Luke freaking Hemmings from her old favorite band, 5 Seconds of Summer. She had been staring at Luke Hemmings like a certified freak for over a week now and didn't notice. She really needed to get more sleep.
"It's fine. Everything is fine. Just startled me is all. First, you're way over there and now, you're all the way over here. You must have some long legs on you," she mumbles frantically like a crazy person, picking up her sheet music and as she finishes her sentence, her eyes trail from his torso, down his long legs, and to his feet that were awkwardly doing this thing where they turned into one another. "I rest my case."
He laughs lightly at that and her eyebrows raise when he rests his latte cup on top of the piano as if he was staying awhile.
"Sorry, I tend to creep up on people without them noticing. I'm Luke, by the way," he reaches out his hand for her to shake and Aurora smiles at the sight of his red gel fingernails, her favorite color.
"Aurora... I love the red," she says, earning a brilliant beam from him with a hint of a blush. He mumbles a 'thank you' quietly, tucking a wild blonde curl behind his ear sheepishly.
"You come in here a lot. Do you live close by or something?" He asks, taking a sip of his hot drink as she assorts her music once more.
"Are you stalking me, Luke?" She smirks as he nearly chokes on his drink and starts to fumble over his words.
"N-No! No, I just hear you play every time I come in. It's quite nice and it's a small... it's a small shoppe. Oh, god... Please don't think I'm a psycho stalker," he winces behind his cup, knowing his previous words made him sound like a creep.
"I'm just kidding," she giggles with a mischievous grin, finding his nervousness to be quite funny. "It's a small and quiet coffee house. Not many new people come in, so you're a sight for sore eyes, for sure."
She furrows her brows as he doesn't really reply to her statement, looking back at the door as it chimes, lips bitten harshly by his front teeth. He looks disappointed as Andrew, the local dog walker who liked a double fudge hot cocoa after a long morning of trudging along behind a sweet saint bernard, two huskies that were brothers, Mrs. Henderson's prize winning poodle, and a teacup yorkie that had a bite of a lion, walked in.
"Waiting for someone?" She asked quietly, trying to be gentle as his face is crestfallen after checking the time.
"Uh.." he runs his hand through his curls, tugging at the roots anxiously for a moment before turning back to her. "My girlfriend. She... We've been fighting a lot recently, but she was supposed to meet me an hour ago to talk some stuff out."
Sierra Deaton, Luke's girlfriend, was a sweet girl from what Aurora observed from the tweets and Instagram posts, but every relationship had its downfalls.
"Maybe she's stuck in traffic. You know how London is," she once again tries to be gentle with his feelings and her heart aches just a bit when she sees his deep frown.
"Yeah... Maybe it's just London." He hides his upset eyes by a fake smile and Aurora finds it upsetting at just how good he seemed at that specific action; hiding his true feelings.
"Fuck," he suddenly curses, looking frantic for a second as he starts collecting all of his belongings.
"What's wrong?" Aurora asks, his nervousness making her anxiety spike.
"I'm late for rehearsal. Shit! I completely forgot," he shoves his phone in his pocket and shoots back the rest of his latte quickly. "It was so nice finally meeting you! Um, I'll probably see you tomorrow! Try starting the song out in G!" As quick as he stumbles out his words, he is out of the shoppe and Aurora watches in hazy confusion as he speed walks past the window, tugging at his hair nervously again.
"That boy is going to go bald one day if he keeps that up," she mumbles, turning back to her piano and feeling a bit confused and star struck by her encounter.
"What boy?" She hears her sister ask as she walks around the corner, taking Luke's empty mug from off the piano and placing it in the dirty dish tray she had rested on her hip.
"Just a boy, Cece," she smiles up at her older sister who looked disheveled after a long shift. "Damn, you look rough."
Celestia rolls her eyes playfully at her little sister, reaching up to maintain her jet black hair that was nothing like her sister's. You would have never have known that they were related if you had set your eyes on the curly blonde haired, green eyed, shy girl and the older, upbeat girl with obsidian hair and bright, blue eyes. "Want another cappuccino?" She asks, earning a grin and a nod from Aurora as she walks away.
Looking down at the ivory keys, Aurora hums to herself as she hovers her fingers over the 'G' key. Beginning to play the song, she can't help but grin and scribble down notes inside her tattered song journal. Maybe Luke knew what he was talking about after all.
The sun is dimly shining the next morning and Aurora inhales the smell of wet asphalt after the night full of rain, a small smile on her face. Turning the corner towards the coffee shoppe, she nearly stops in her tracks as she sees a familiar, teary-eyed boy through the window, sitting in his normal seat. He was alone, no coffee or muffin in sight and she watches as he buries his distraught face in his hands.
Trudging along slowly while taking looks back at the upset Luke through the window, Aurora frowns as she enters the shoppe and walks over to the counter. "Hey, Cece. I need a vanilla cappuccino, a caramel latte, and two blueberry muffins, please. Put extra caramel drizzle and whipped cream on the latte too."
She ignores her sister's confused smirk as she places the money on the counter, continuing to look over at Luke, who's shoulders were now lightly shaking with sobs. Her order is quick to arrive and she collects the cups and muffins carefully, making a beeline towards Luke's table.
"Hey, sunshine," she whispers solemnly, a gentle, comforting smile on her lips as he looks up with red rimmed eyes, a flushed nose and cheeks, and sniffles quietly.
"Hey," he croaks, wiping his eyes and looking embarrassed that she caught him in his weakest moments.
She slowly slides the muffin and caramel latte in front of him and when he looks up at her confused that she got his order right, she shrugs lightly. "Lucky guess," she says before taking the seat in front of him.
"I know we just met and aren't the best of friends, but I felt like you needed someone to talk to or else you wouldn't be sitting here in the middle of a public coffee house and crying, so... Here I am," she says, stuffing a large bite of blueberry muffin in her mouth and ignoring the crumbs that fall onto the table.
He doesn't say anything for a few moments, a dazed look in his eyes as he gazes out the window and stirs his spoon around and around the rim of his cup.
Aurora is patient, half of her cappuccino finished before he finally parts his lips to speak.
"She left me. She said she didn't want to deal with the distance when we go on tour again and that she didn't trust me to not h-hook up with other girls while I'm gone. I've never done anything but give her l-love and reasons t-to...to trust me! I would n-never cheat."
His words, heaving chest, and his trembling lip are enough to make Aurora wince in sympathy, nearly burning her tongue as he says it in the middle of her taking a larger gulp.
"I'm so sorry, Luke... I know she meant a lot to you or you wouldn't be having this reaction." He nods solemnly as her words before she continues. "If it's any consolation, she didn't deserve you after you kept trying to meet up and talk and she never showed. You tried. She didn't. Some people aren't worth your tears. I know that's not going to stop you from being upset, but it's a thought to think about."
His eyebrows furrow a bit at her words before he gives a small nod. "I guess you're right," he says, showing progress in his mood as he finally picks up his latte and takes a small sip.
It's quiet for a few more minutes and the second that Aurora sees his bottom lip start to tremble again, she panics and leans forward. "Hey," she reaches out and lightly touches his hand. "Want to get out of here? I've got this place I'd like to show you if you let me. It's a bit of a drive, but you won't regret it."
Looking down at his watch, he seems to weigh the pros and cons for a moment before giving in. "Why not?" He says, standing and throwing his jacket on as Aurora looks up, slightly dumbfounded that he accepted.
"Okay," she stands up and gets out an excited giggle, placing their cups in the bin. "Lets go"
With a wave to her sister, who was giving her a proud smirk, Luke puts on his sunglasses and they leave the coffee house, making their way to her car that was parked around the corner.
"Holy shit, this is amazing!" Luke laughs unbelievably at her cherry red 1976 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible with cream colored interior.
"Thanks! It was my granddad's!" Climbing in, she cranks the car and with an excited grin and looking both ways, she pulls out into the traffic.
The wind blows through their hair as the cruise down the roads and Aurora gently smiles when she looks over and sees Luke grinning as he looks at the scenery and people around.
"Here," She hands him her phone as she enjoys the cool breeze, placing her sunnies over her eyes. "You choose the music."
"Brave choice," he hums, taking the phone and beginning to scroll through the songs until he gets to a certain category.
"I knew it!" He shouts with a crazed laugh, Aurora giving him an odd look as she worries for his health.
"You okay there, bub?" She asks with a slight chuckle before he shoves her phone in her face with a wide grin.
"Every one of our albums, including our old EP's, and features. I knew you were a fan!" He laughs as her face drops, a blush taking over her cheeks.
"I never said I wasn't," she sticks her tongue out at him before smirking at his dumbfounded face. "Play a song, doofus." She shoves him playfully as he continues to grin, his thumb scrolling through the songs.
English Love Affair starts playing through the speakers and Aurora rolls her eyes behind her sunglasses. "I see what you did there," she laughs as he smirks over at her cheekily, his sadness hidden well, but Aurora knew it was still under the surface.
Oh tie up your boat, take off your coat, and take a look around
Everything is alright now
The door to the coffee shoppe chimes cheerfully the following day, making Aurora look up in curiosity. A smile tugs at her lips as she sees the familiar, lanky, blonde boy walk in but her eyes slightly widen as three other beautiful boys follow behind him.
"Holy mother of God," she mumbles to herself wide eyed as she sees Luke turn towards the piano and give her a smile and wave, making a beeline towards her with the boys in tow.
Gulping, Aurora tries to hide her shaking hands by sitting on them, nervously grinning as they come closer.
"Hey, Ro! These are my friends, Michael, Ashton, and Calum. I told them about your song and they really wanted to hear it." Aurora almost fell over as a pleasant nickname passed through his lips but what really made her vision blurry was the end of his sentence.
"O-Oh, that's so... that's so sweet, Luke. It isn't finished yet though," she frowns, biting her lip as he seems to deflate.
"Oh, well maybe next time then," he says sadly and the look on his face is enough for her to grab his hand as he starts to turn.
"Wait! I-I can show the parts I do have," she says, making his smile appear once again.
The boys all crowd around her, making her feel extremely nervous but with Luke's encouraging smile, she places her still shaking hands over the keys.
When it rain it pours but you didn't even notice
It ain't rainin' anymore, it's hard to breathe when all we know is
The struggle of staying above, the rising water line
She continues the song, trying to his cracking, nervous voice, until she no longer has any lyrics, trailing off with a quiet hum and shaky exhale. "That's all I've got so far," she looks up to see the four boys grinning at her widely.
"She's perfect, Luke," Calum says over to Luke proudly and Ashton nearly jumps up and down.
"Such a smart breadstick, you!" Ashton pats him hard on the back as Michael continues to smile but stay the calm one.
"I don't understand," Aurora nervously picks at her bottom lip as they continue to talk excitedly amongst themselves. That's when she realizes her music journal that was testing on the piano is in Ashton's hand and they are all flickering through the pages with excited grins.
"Um, excuse me," her eyebrows are now furrowed as they read her personal songs and words from her heart and Luke looks up as they hear the edge in her tone.
"Sorry, Ro," He yanks the journal out of their hands and places it back on the piano with an apologetic wince. "I think we owe an explanation." When she nods annoyed, he gulps and continues. "We are in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer."
"I know this... Plus, there's only four of you," she deadpans as Ashton snickers in the back.
"Anyway! We are in a band and we are looking for an opening act and someone to sign, but we didn't want anyone to mainstream or famous. We think you'd be perfect to open for us."
Aurora stares up at them in shock, her mouth becoming dry.
“So... what do you say?” Luke asks, his cheeks turning slightly red.
What should she say?
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mork-lee-bee · 4 years
Broken Lovers VI
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Summary: Y/n is a hopeless romantic in love with someone who will never love her back and Jaehyun is helplessly in love with someone who only continues to hurt him over and over again, sounds like a match made in heaven right?
Pairings: CollegeStudent!Jaehyun X CollegeStudent!Y/N X CollegeStudent!Jaemin
Warnings: cursing, 
Genre: angst/fluff/smut
Word count: 2.6 k
“Hey, ____?” Miyoung smiles sweetly and you know she wants something so you start to pack your books into your bag.
“I didn’t even say anything yet!” She defends but you knew what she wanted.
“No, but I know you, so just call me when you’re done,” you laugh and a deep red color floods her ears in embarrassment.
“Maybe I was just gonna ask you to go with me to get coffee!” She pouts but she was too dressed up for even coffee, she had a dark red lip and her eye shadow was a dark smokey eye.
“Just please don’t have him here too late, the library closes at 9,” you explained hoping she wouldn’t lose track of time and you’d be stuck having to figure something else to do until 2 am like a few nights in the past.
“I’ll try,” Miyoung smiles making sure you leave the building safely before she’s back upstairs getting ready. You were severely under-dressed for the colder weather at night as you could feel the cold air engulf your entire body, You shiver as you start to walk in the direction of the library on the campus. You and Miyoung happened to be in the newer dorms which were a blessing for the better facilities but were also further from the library. The cold air had a visible effect on you as your arms and legs were covered in goosebumps. 
“She owes me,” You mumble under your breath almost jogging to try and keep semi-warm, which turned into an awkward cold sweat that just brought discomfort by the time you got to the Library after being exiled.
It was cold inside almost as cold as it was outside and without any hoodie or sweater you were miserable as you find a quiet corner to set up for studying, there weren’t many people but those that you saw were stressed and cramming or almost passed out trying to study.
Just as you got relaxed you could hear someone sobbing from behind a bookshelf, you could either move or try to ignore it, out of pure laziness you dig through your bag trying to find your headphones only to remember that you left them on your desk at the dorm. You wanted to bang your head on the table at how stupid it was but you resisted instead leaning back at staring up at the ceiling, the library wasn’t huge but it was decently big although it was filled with a bit of cold dead space.
You figured that you wouldn’t be able to focus with the sobs of the girl behind the shelf so you might as well look for a book to help with studies getting up and looking around at the shelves that towered way above you. You were in the History section by the looks at it as most of the books read something about-
“Oh shit,” You hear after bumping into someone and you falling backward extremely hard to the point the breath in your lungs is no longer there.
“Wait… _____?” You can barely see the person through the gathering tears in your eyes but the voice is very familiar as you attempt to blink the tears away while coughing and trying to regain your breath the sharp pain hard to get through.
“I’m so sorry,” The person bends down to your level on the ground and you could feel them mindlessly draw soothing circles on your back trying to help you calm down as he coaches through breathing.
“Fuck- That hurt,” You manage to get out through the breaths, coughs, and slight wheezing. You wipe the tears away that had gathered.
“I didn’t see you,” They try to explain which only makes you laugh slightly at how bad they felt.
“Honestly, it’s fine,” You promise placing your hand on theirs and finally looking over to see who had taken your breath away, literally.
“Jaehyun?” You manage to make out his features easily as a shy dimple smile crosses over his lips.
“You’re correct,” He pats you on the back as you’re slowly starting to be functional again.
“What are you doing here?” You manage to ask and in hindsight, it was a dumb question, a public library on a school night. clearly, he was here to study.
“Can’t a guy go to the library to read about…” He looks at the bottom shelf grabbing a book off the lowest shelf and reading the cover.
“The in-depth History of Psycho by Red Velvet,” Jaehyun scratches the back of his neck before placing the book back on the shelf.
“I mean, if that’s what you read about, I’m not judging,” You finally get to feeling better but your back was still in a bit of pain as Jaehyun gets up from right next to you.
“It’s not my favorite thing to do but, school work is school work,” He stretches lightly glancing down at where you’re sat on the ground looking up at him an all too familiar feeling pounding in your chest as you quickly scramble to stand with him although still in a bit of pain.
“What brings you to the library?” Jaehyun pulls you out of your thoughts but noticed how you reacted smiling to himself as you try to straighten yourself out fidgeting with the bracelet on your right wrist
“Roommate kicked me out for her own… business,” You try not to explicitly say oh you know my friend is getting laid so I’ve been exiled to the library to suffer.
“That’s something I like about having my own room in the frat,” Jaehyun admits and you can’t help but follow him around the maze of bookshelves like a lost puppy enamored by his personality. 
“Yeah I can only imagine, the beauty of privacy,” You hadn’t had that in a while it felt like as on more than one occasion Miyoung loved to walk into the bathroom without knocking.
“And no one kicking me out of my room,” Jaehyun aimlessly walks occasionally running a finger along the spines of the books more focused on you of course as you let out a groan of jealously at the thought of being able to relax, while you did love Miyoung her presence could suffocate you with her constant late-night talks on the phone.
“God that sounds wonderful,” You pout thinking of the things you took for granted before.
“I mean sometimes it can be a bit… smelly,” You raise an eyebrow in confusion but a bunch of guys in one place is bound to create some kind of odor so you scrunch your nose in disgust.
“Every place has its ups and downs I guess,” You shrug not paying attention as Jaehyun stops suddenly which you run into him almost falling over again but he catches your arm keeping you held up before dragging you in the opposite direction you were headed suddenly, a bit confused but you follow regardless figuring he remembered why he was there and just dragging you to the correct section.
“Okay, where are we going now?” You question as he looks behind him occasionally as if trying to find something or someone else behind you, his eyes wouldn’t find yours as he looked past you almost like a ghost was there.
“Jaehyun?” You tug at his arm and planting your feet to the ground stalling him and dragging him out of his thoughts that seemed to cloud his mind and every single one of his senses.
“Sorry I was just…” His voice trails off as you see the worry in his eyes.
“Are you always so in your head? You don’t seem to be thinking in the present,” You offer a small smile as he touches the back of his neck nervously as you spot his ears redden slightly.
“Not usually,”
“Come on, let’s go get some ice cream,” You suddenly announce finally taking the lead and letting Jaehyun follow you which he does as he raises an eyebrow in confusion at the sudden change in action.
“Well, Ice cream makes everyone feel better, well at least that’s what my nephew says,”
“But don’t you need to study,” You laugh at this, any excuse not to study was the best.
“Originally, but I’m not in the mood to anymore,” You smile as you get to the spot where you had set up still untouched as you start to place things back into your bag to leave. 
“Okay…” He watches you sling your bag over your shoulder before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the exit, whatever reason he had come to the library in the first place was now completely out of his mind.
You hadn’t realized how long you were actually in the library as you push the heavy door open to reveal the darkness of night, when you had arrived the sun was setting but now it felt colder as the slight breeze hit your exposed arms because of your t-shirt.
“Cold? We don’t have to get ice cream, we could get coffee or something warmer,” Jaehyun offers while letting your hand go and starting to take his hoodie off as soon as he noticed how your hands reached for your arms to warm yourself up.
“Nah, I’ve had way too much coffee today already,” You admit while he finishes slipping off his hoodie leaving him in a basketball Jersey which was even less coverage than you had.
“If you insist,” He hands you the still warm hoodie which you hesitate to take seeing he would be cold.
“Take it,” Jaehyun sees your hesitation insisting that you take it as you slowly grab it from him looking up at him with sad eyes.
“Won’t you be cold?” You point out sadly to which Jaehyun laughs smiling and ruffling your hair.
“You’re sweet for being so concerned but I’ll be fine it’s not a long walk to my car,” He assures you and it was obvious he wouldn’t be taking any no’s so you carefully slip on the dark grey hoodie suddenly engulfed by Jaehyun without him actually hugging you. The Orange smell hit your nose causing you to smile and the warmth engulfed your body with the soft fabric clinging to your body.
“Thank you,” You say before taking a step towards him and wrapping your arms around him hugging him which he returns setting his head on top of yours for a minute just enjoying you.
Eventually, you pull away as he takes the lead walking over to where he’s parked in the parking lot, dimly lit by the overhead street lights that would occasionally flicker.
The music on his playlist was nice, it was the type of music perfect for a calm relaxing night to yourself as he focused on driving humming along to the music lightly as if you weren’t even there sitting in the passenger seat staring at his side profile, his relaxed features made him look kind and approachable which brought you back to when you first met him, he was so angry and seemed so unlike the man in front of you now.
“Why?” You ask, a simple unfinished question as he glimpses over at you raising an eyebrow out of confusion.
“Why what?” He answers with another question, 
“Why were you so mad when we met at that party?” You didn’t expect him to spill his entire life story or anything to you when you asked the question and he tensed, his once relaxed hands on the steering wheel held a tighter grip and you could see his veins stick out slightly more as you observed the gears turning in his head on an answer almost like he was looking at some kind of word search looking through the jumble of gibberish to find the right words.
“I was having a bad week and I didn’t feel in the mood for partying…” He admitted loosening up a bit and shaking his head as he pulled into the parking lot of Wayv Ice Cream Parlor Miyoung loved it because YangYang worked here but someone else was working tonight as Jaehyun opens the car door for you.
The little bell rings to alert the staff someone entered as soon as you pull Jaehyun into the small shop that felt all too familiar as you spot the person working look up and smile immediately. 
“Kun!” You excitedly run over to the counter, the place was dead empty so it was nice to see a familiar friendly face as Jaehyun made his way over next to you as Kun start to make your usual request.
“Where’s Miyoung?” The man you had gawked at when you had first seen him working because of his visuals asks.
“She decided to stay at the dorm, this is Jaehyun,” You look over to the quiet guy next to you and nudge him to give his order as you take your card out to pay for the two ice creams.
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” Kun speaks candidly as your eyes widen as you turn to correct him.
“Oh, no we’re just friends,” You explain as Kun sets the two desserts down and pulls up the amount due.
“Yeah, we’re just- Hey!” Jaehyun notices how you’ve taken out your card to pay grabbing your wrist lightly to stop you as he slips his wallet out of his back pocket but he’s too late as you switch the hand the card is in and insert the chip watching as the transaction starts.
“Dang that’s too bad you’d be cute together,” Kun wiggles his eyebrows at you which Jaehyun doesn’t notice as he’s too bust shooting glares in your direction as you type the pin in.
“Thanks,” You smile at Kun before picking up the two ice creams and going to sit at one of the two people seating arrangements setting the two ice creams down and smiling at Jaehyun who still looks at you angrily.
“Jae, why are you so mad?” You sit down leaning forward head resting in your hand as you look at him.
“I should have paid for it,” Jaehyun pouts as you roll your eyes and hold up three fingers for the three points you’re about to make.
“One, it was my idea, two you drove, three you let me borrow your hoodie. The least I could do was pay for the ice cream,” You point out before grabbing your plastic spoon and digging in smiling at the sugary taste.
“Fine but next time I’m paying,” He determines as your mind starts to think about his word choice Next time? There’s going to be a next time?
“We’ll see,” You wink sticking your tongue out before another spoonful of ice cream causes you to grip your head in pain at the sudden brain freeze. 
“What kind did you get?” You look over to the ice cream he got trying to finger it out, could it be rocky road? Coffee? Chocolate? There are so many flavors it makes it difficult. Yours was obvious with the bit of Oreo crumbs that sat on top.
“Guess,” He smiles as he picks up another spoonful holding it out for you to taste as you lean forward and eating the small spoonful of Ice cream before thinking and contemplating the taste.
“Chocolate?” You tilt your head trying to guess.
“Yup!” he says proudly.
“You’re basic,” You roll your eyes before taking a bite of your own ice cream happily.
“Can I enjoy ice cream without being harshly judged?” Jaehyun glares before digging his spoon into your ice cream and taking a bite letting out a small Mmmmm at the delicious taste.
“No!” You glare holding your ice cream closer to you he can’t steal anymore.
“But it’s good!” He pouts as your phone dings with a notification which you check and see Miyoungie Pop up with the message You can return now! 
“After we’re finished can you take me back to my dorm?” You plead with Jaehyun who agrees to as long as you let him eat more of your ice cream to which you groan in response.
“FINEEEE,” You pout as he smiles his dimples very prominent as he steals another bite.
it may be late but it’s done :)
Next chapter up on 8/19
Tag List (Let me know if you want to be added):
❤️ @yourchasingsunsets​ ❤️ @Justineasian ❤️ @Captainsjoongs ❤️ @theworld-accordingtocasey​ ❤️ @yee-hawwwwwwww​ ❤️ @renjunstarlight​ ❤️ @soothingjae​  ❤️
I had a job interview today and I’m nervous to find out if I got the job or not and i do updates are gonna be less frequent :/
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vanne-whump · 3 years
Badlands. Part Two.
BTHB: Crying Themselves to Sleep. @badthingshappenbingo for @no-whump-on-main
OCs: Achilles Vitalis, Cairo Arquette, Damascus Javaid
Content: Death of a named character, grief, manipulation, non-con kiss.
Cairo pulled his legs up underneath him as he sat on the couch. Achilles hadn’t moved from the bloodstained patch on the floor for hours. Silent tears shaking every part of his body. Cairo kept his eyes off of the corpse. His corpse.
The strangest thing was not the grief, and not of seeing himself like that, but the way he felt nothing. No sadness, or distress. Nothing more than a vague concern for Achilles. It was… unsettling.
To see something so graphically wrong and feel nothing.
Achilles had spent the longest time wiping away blood. Tidying his clothes. Fixing his hair. And Cairo wanted nothing more than to be able to tell Achilles to stop — to tell Achilles to look after himself. To get some sleep. Think about something — anything — else. Just for a moment.
But his words echoed only to himself.
Achilles desperately wanted to look away from where Cairo lay on the concrete. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. None of this felt real — it… it felt like Cairo was just out of reach. Upstairs. Like he would come back down at any moment, pull Achilles into his arms. Whisper into Achilles’ hair that everything was going to work out.
He gasped out another sob at the thought.
Nothing was going to work out. Not now.
Damascus had… he had threatened. But it was like — like he had lost control. And left Achilles to clean up the mess.
Achilles inhaled shakily, gaze locked on Cairo. Now, he did look peaceful. But that didn’t make processing it any easier. The haze surrounding them made it feel like nothing more than a vivid dream. One Achilles would wake from, sobbing into Cairo’s shirt in search of comfort.
When the door above opened, Achilles was too exhausted to even glance upwards. But he knew who it would be — it was only ever him.
“You should eat something,” Damascus spoke bluntly. “Keep your strength up.”
Damascus tossed a sandwich in plastic packaging across the floor and it landed near Achilles, who didn’t even look up. He wasn’t sure he could face Damascus now. Not after what he had done.
“Leave me alone,” Achilles finally noticed his sore throat. “I’m not in the mood.”
“You’re never in the mood,” Damascus hummed as he crouched opposite Achilles. On the other side of the body. “At least you’re not thinking about that nasty fever any more.”
And, as much as Achilles despised the notion, Damascus was right. He hadn’t thought about the fever in hours. About how thirsty he was, or how lighteheaded he felt. How uncomfortably hot the entire basement was.
“This is because I’m sick?” Achilles coughed, “You — you did this because I’m sick?”
Cairo pushed himself to his feet. Pushed. His hands went straight through the pull-out couch. He wasn’t even sitting on it in the first place. He’d been floating several centimetres above for the last… however long.
“Just back off,” Cairo put himself between Achilles and Damascus. “Leave him alone!”
His presence was ignored. Damascus looked straight through him, focusing his anger on Achilles. Cairo was doing all he could just standing here, and it wasn’t enough.
“I did this because he was getting in the way of what we have,” Damascus brushed a hand againt Cairo’s cheek, not unnerved in the slightest by the chill of his skin.
“Don’t touch him!” Achilles’ voice broke as he lunged forward, shoving Damascus backwards. “Don’t — don’t touch him.”
In response, Damascus only glared at Achilles, before standing up.
“Do you really think you have any say over that? I’ll do what I want, and you’ll follow instructions,” he hissed. “Am I clear?”
“You’re clear,” Achilles had no choice. “But — but we don’t have anything,” tears caught in his throat. “You — you didn’t have to do that… He — you…” Achilles’ face crumpled as he shook his head, tears creating new paths down his cheeks. Dripping onto the floor between gasps for air. “You didn’t have to hurt him.”
Achilles looked up at Damascus, tears caught in his lashes and vision blurred.
“But I did, because now he can’t get between us,” Damascus said, reaching across and using his thumb to wipe away Achilles’ tears.
Straight through Cairo. He felt vaguely nauseous and stepped aside, only able to watch the continued exchange. Unable to help.
“You’re delusional if you think that he wasn’t in our way,” Damascus comforted, “There wasn’t any other way.”
“You could have let him go,” Achilles’ voice felt — and sounded — hollow. “You could have let him go.”
“No, because he would have made a nuisance of himself. This way is better.”
“Is it?”
“Yes, because you can forget about him now. You don’t have to ever think about him again.”
“Can — can we at least give him a proper burial? He — he deserves that, at least.”
Damascus gave one short nod.
“You’ll owe me something in return, though.”
“Don’t!” Cairo pushed back into the conversation. “Achilles! Don’t you dare!”
“Alright, anything you want,” Achilles forced a slight smile.
“Great, see, it wasn’t that hard, was it?” Damascus grinned, before leaning across and kissing Achilles. “See how much better things are already?”
He nodded. But he didn’t see.
Nothing was better. Everything had just gotten so much worse.
“I’ll come back down later, we’ll move him, and clean up, and you can get an early night. How does that sound?” Damascus asked, almost as if he cared about Achilles’ response.
“That sounds good.”
Achilles could say nothing more, and was washed with relief when Damascus left him.
Cairo hadn’t been able to stop pacing until Damascus left them alone in the dim basement light.
“Are you stupid? You — you can’t promise him anything!”
Achilles stared at a point just past Cairo.
“Please, Achilles, don’t be so reckless!”
Achilles got to his feet — legs shaking under his own weight.
���I know it’s hard! Don’t let him use me to manipulate you!”
None of it helped. Achilles was blissfully unaware of Cairo’s presence. And maybe that was for the best.
Cairo kept his distance during the makeshift funeral. The digging of the shallow grave, near the property line. He wasn’t sure that he could watch it.
This wasn’t how he had imagined his funeral. Cairo didn’t want to be callous, but he had always thought that Achilles would be first. Not for a moment had Cairo thought Achilles would have to go through any of this alone.
By the time Achilles returned, it was late. His hair was dripping wet, droplets collecting on a clean sweater, and he smelled of honey and lilac. Perhaps the shower had helped — helped Achilles wash away the events of today. God knows he needed it.
Cairo remained on the outskirts of the basement as Achilles curled into himself on the pull-out couch. He hadn’t even bothered to turn off the light. And Cairo knew Achilles couldn’t sleep in anything less than absolute darkness.
He forgot for a moment, until his hand went through the lightswitch, that he was no longer able to help. That one realisation — everything reached boiling point.
Cairo yelled an incoherent string of curses and insults, ghostly tears disintegrating as they left his skin. Tears of anger and anguish faded out and Cairo couldn’t help but lash out. His fist passed through the lightswitch and everything went dark.
“I’m not in the mood for games,” Achilles spoke from across the room, voice hoarse with exhaustion. “Just leave me alone!”
Had Cairo done that? He tentatively touched the lightswitch again. Nothing. His hand went through it and into the wall.
Cairo eventually crossed the room again, perching himself beside Achilles on the bed, before lying down. For hours, it felt like, he lay on his back, staring at the ceiling.
Beside him, Achilles shook with violent tears as he descended into grief fuelled sleep.
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pit-and-the-pen · 4 years
25 and 54 from the prompt list you posted with Neville Longbottom please? If you don't write for Neville, could I get Ron maybe? Thankyou!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I don’t trust myself around you”
“I’m sorry but it’s very hard to focus when you’re dressed like this
A/n I tried to make this  longer as a sorry of this taking so long to get out. Hope you like it, lovely!
Also, I know I write the whole “I don’t think I’m enough” troupe with Slytherin! Readers. It’s mostly because I want to remind yall that no matter what people think you are all wonderful people and I’m sorry if it doesn’t come off like that. But that’s what I was trying to do. I promise
-Queen of taking should be suggestive lines and making them anything but. 
Taglist:@thoseofgreatambition @ickle-ronniekins @summer-writes @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrysweasleys
You’re Too Sweet- Neville x Reader
To say this year sucked would be the biggest understatement in all of history. Hogwarts resembled a prison more than a school and every time you walked under the “educational decrees”, you felt yourself wanting to scream. 
The one highlight was that Harry had started to teach some people and you were actually learning a lot from him. Plus you got to see your friends without that miserable toad looming over you. Speaking of which, you definitely had some homework you needed to do for defense. 
Packing up your bag, you decided to head over to the library. Hoping that will give you any motivation to do your work. 
Walking in, it seems like every single other student had the same idea as you. All the tables are filled. You groan and start scanning the room, looking for anyone you knew and could sit with. 
That's when your eyes spot Neville sitting all by himself. The two of you had started hanging out at DA meetings and he was really sweet, and when he wasn’t stumbling over his words, as adorable as that was on its own, he was really funny. Turns out the two of you both really like herbology and find that a common topic to always talk about. He seemed to have every book on plants memorized and it was always really interesting to hear what he has to say. 
“Hey. Care if I join you.” You whisper and he jumps before looking up. “Sorry” You say trying to hold back laughter.
“Uh. Hi y/n..Ye..Yeah. Of course.” He stammers and closes a couple books to make room for you. You smile at him as a silent thank you and set all of your stuff down. 
The two of you sit in silence, the only sound is papers shuffling and quills scratching on parchment. Finally, you finish the essay you’ve been working on and you deflate in your chair. Neville looks up at you, raises an eyebrow before he looks back down at whatever he’s working on with a slight smile. You give his foot a gentle little tap underneath the table and he looks up at you again.
“It’s getting late. Maybe it’s time we called it a night?” You say noticing how it’s just the two of you in the library. “At the very least, I’m going to leave.” 
“Wow. Didn’t realize I’ve been in here for that long.” His eyes are a little hazy and you reach over and close the book he was reading. The front has a picture of a very intricately carved tree. It’s not one you’ve seen before. 
“Yeah. It’s definitely time to wrap up.” You say with a laugh at his dazed expression. The two of you pack up as quickly as possible, both not wanting to get caught around this late at night. 
“Do you want me to walk you back to..?” He asks trailing off at the end. Every now and then he seems to remember that you’re a Slytherin and trips over himself when he does remember. 
“That's sweet, but I think I’ll be good. Have a good night Neville.” You say softly. He just smiles and waves as you walk away. It might be the long night but you swear you hear him mumble “I guess there are good ones after all.” 
You decide to brush it off and try to keep the tiny out the tiny skip those words threaten to add to your step. 
You knew you were in deep trouble. The smile that you couldn’t wipe off your face evident of that. But was it really that bad if you were falling for Neville?
Tension just seemed to keep rising throughout the castle as Umbridge kept cracking down and O.W.Ls fastly approaching. The only thing that made it any bit bearable was DA. It’s not because you get to see Neville
You kept trying to say to yourself. 
A few of your friends started to notice you two sitting in the library all the time now and how you were always waving at him, blushing like crazy when he looked away. 
“Of all the people. Really?” One of them commented which you just responded with “piss off”. You knew it was probably useless anyways. The odds of him, basically the poster boy for a perfect Gryffindor would never see you that way. That feeling would always hang around in your gut but you tried so hard to ignore it. 
You finally reached your breaking point one day, in DA you all were practicing simple disarming spells. After Neville finally seemed to be getting the hang of it, Harry decided to pair you two up to work on it a little more. 
“Expelliarmus” He tried again, voice shaky. Nothing happened. You tried not to focus on how his voice sounded. You were used to nervous Neville, but he sounded 
That probably hurt more than anything he could ever do with a wand. You fire the spell back at him and his wand goes soaring backwards. 
“Maybe I just need a new partner?” Neville says to Harry as he comes up to see what the issue is. 
That was it. You’ve had it.
“Damnnit, Neville. Why won't you duel with me?” You all but scream. “If this is because I’m a sl..” 
“I don’t trust myself around you” Neville shouts over you, effectively stopping whatever you were going to say. The whole room goes silent. Neville never raised his voice, they all seemed just as shocked as you were. He obviously meant it in the most innocent way possible but your cheeks still redden. “I’m miserable at all of this and I don’t want to hurt you if I do it wrong.” He continues. 
Your eyes flicker over to Harry and he tries to redirect the group's attention as you walk over to Neville. 
“You’re not miserable. You just don’t trust yourself. Plus, if something happens, I heal.” You say, trying to hide the fact that you’re just happy it’s not because he thinks you're going to hurt him. In fact it’s the exact opposite. 
“You’re actually doing really well. Up until you got paired with me, you were nailing it every time.” You say grabbing his arm lightly. “Just pretend I’m like everyone else.” Winking as you say this, you catch a glimpse of his ears getting pink. 
“I really don’t think I can do that.” There's no way he just said that. Your whole face heats up and you're thinking of something witty to respond with when Harry dismisses everyone. 
“That’s all for today. Good work today.” He says and starts to walk over to where the two of you are both still frozen. 
“Everything okay?” He says, looking to Neville. When neither of you respond, he looks at you and all you can do is nod. Sensing there’s something going on, Harry crosses his arms.
“Neville?” He says, a little more serious. You look at him and he just has this mortified look on his face and something in you breaks a little. Snapping you out of whatever fantasy you thought you were living in.
“Yeah. Harry, everything is fine.” Even you can hear the iciness of your voice. “Don’t worry. I know you didn’t mean it like that.” The tears are burning in your eyes and you have to get out of there before you start crying. 
“y/n!” Neville calls out as you grab your bag to get the hell out of that room. You pick up your speed as you feel the first tear drip down your face. 
“Y/n! Please!” He calls one more time. You freeze and turn around to see him running after you. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.” He says, panting as he catches up with you. That makes you let out a mix between a sob and a laugh.
“You didn’t make me upset. No. I did. For thinking this could be a thing.” The tears were falling faster than you could wipe them away. 
“What do you mean?” His voice is small, smaller than you’ve heard before.
“I don’t know. I just got my hopes up for a second that maybe you felt the same way about me.”
“Yo...You. Like. Me?” Every word punctuated. 
“Would I be sitting here crying like this if I didn’t.” You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault. You were just being kind like you always are.” A laugh slips out and it’s a genuine one. Realizing just how crazy it had been to think something would come of this. 
You turn to walk away when you feel him grab your hand.
“Please tell me you're serious. Like you’re not just messing with me?” His voice is shaky, like earlier. You only shake your head to let him know you were, in fact, far from messing with him. 
He lets out a deep breath and you see him visibly relax, he lets go of your arm.
“When I let that slip out earlier, you just froze. I thought I had read the whole situation so wrong and felt awful. Then you snapped at Harry and I just didn’t know what to think.” He starts to ramble. 
“OKay now you have to be messing with me.” You interrupt him.
“Y/n/ I’ve liked you since I first saw you. I just never thought you would notice me.” You can tell he’s serious. “You started talking to me in club and I knew it was only a matter of time until you saw how utterly pathetic I was.” You decide to just go for and leave a soft kiss on his lips to stop that sentence. It was short and sweet but it made you both smile. 
“Let me take you to hogsmeade this weekend to make up for all of this. For making you cry.” He says after a few seconds of you two just staring at each other. The only thing you trust yourself to do is nod and the smile you get in return could knock you off of your feet. 
You feel so stupid. Somehow your friends were actually really excited for you and spent most of the day playing dress up with you. Settling on a too-low-cut for your liking sweater dress with some tights underneath. It was winter afterall. Your friends refuse to let you walk by yourself and the whole time you just feel the nervous butterflies in your stomach and you are starting to regret the whole thing. You’re just waiting for the moment when you wake up and realize this whole thing was going to be a cruel dream. 
When you get to the door of the three broomsticks, you freeze. Your friend shooting you a concerned look. 
“You can always turn back around.” Your best friend chimes.
“No. No. I want to, just..Do I look okay?” You can't keep the nervousness out of your voice. 
They all just laugh and open the door as you walk into the warm crowded bar. 
Neville is sitting with someone, talking. You catch his eyes and you see him freeze. 
You shoot him a smile and the guy he was sitting with, who you vaguely think is Dean Thomas, nudges him on the shoulder before getting up to go sit with whoever he came with. 
Your friends giggle behind you and go grab a table somewhere else.  
“Hi.” You giggle at his still shocked expression. 
“Hi.” He says back, standing up. You unbutton your coat and he asks you what you want to drink. Responding back with butterbeer, he smiles and you sit down. Looking for your friends, they all shoot you a double thumbs up and you laugh again. 
He comes back with two tankards of butterbeer. He looks up at you and suddenly seems to trip over nothing. Spilling both of them onto the floor. You laugh before going over to him and offering a hand to help him up. 
“I’m sorry but it’s very hard to focus when you’re dressed like that.” He exclaims and you blush. As he stands up, you give him a quick peck on the cheek.
“You’re two sweet.” He gives you a big dopey smile and you laugh, nudging him with your shoulder. 
“I’ll grab the butterbeers this time.” He laughs and you go up to grab a replacement for the two glasses. When you look back at him, you notice him watching you. 
You could definitely get used to this.
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