#please perceive my baby resting in a garden
moonxaela · 2 years
-𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
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oh-soo-diabolik · 1 year
hi! I'd like to request a DL match up, if that's alright? :) idk if this is all actually relevant, but I tried to make it as short and engaging as I could! thanks in advance, and please ignore if anything♡♡♡
I'm an INTP-A fashion design student, smart and creative as fuck but very stubborn and self-demanding on the downside. I spend most of my time on either assignments, passion projects or scholarship tasks (it's writing short interviews + articles and organizing a small event this year), while reading and watching stuff as recreation. I'm usually perceived as either 'cultured' or 'independent' by outsiders, but actually get really bubbly and talkative whenever I like someone. my current goal is to earn enough to be able to retire to the countryside (lol)
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I match you with Shuu and….
Now this can end in many ways; Shuu will find your smarts, artsy, and stubborn ways attractive.
Believe it or not, I believe Shuu would probably pay attention to your interests and hobbies more than you realize.
He will definitely appreciate that your a fashion student, it means your about self expression and being stylish.
(self headcannon: Shuu is a massive fan of fashion, whether he likes to admit it or not)
I feel like, you would keep him on his toes. He finds your self-demanding ways; bothersome for sure, only because Reiji is like that towards everyone in the house.
He’ll 11/10, prefer if you would give yourself breaks every two minutes. This man needs cuddles frfr, he just like me 🩵.
And the countryside? Count him in, Shuu is the kind of guy who likes to be grounded and prefer isolation; only because he’ll get peaceful sleep.
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Yuuma is a man who loves to garden, his garden is practically his baby. Yuuma, being a Leo like me, will admire your creative ways, and your stubborn attitude.
He’ll get a kick out of your stubborn ways, and your a fashion student? He’ll leave the clothes shopping to you, 100%.
Believe it or not, I believe Yuuma is the type of man to be on your ass about your projects— sometimes. Especially if something’s that’s important to you.
He’s practically a farm boy, so he fancies the idea of living in the countryside. He always likes that you’ll be able to keep the conversation going, there wouldn’t be a dull moment between y’all.
Yuuma is the type to prefer someone who’s bubbly and talkative, but just make sure to bring it down a bit when he’s gardening.
This man does not like being disturbed when it comes to his garden unless you’re helping whether it’s picking fruits and vegetables 🥕.
He would like that you’re constantly on the move, whether it’s talking over personal hobbies. Yuuma is the kind of guy who likes his partner to be independent—
but at an arm’s length, but if you go any further ya’ dead meat sow 👏🏽. He’ll let you have hobbies and be independent as long as you’re in his sight same with Shuu.
Fun Fact: both brothers will keep tabs; just like the rest of them really
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother.
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Medieval Au
Princess Y/N Stark of York New must marry a man chosen by her brother, by the time she is 21. Her brother's council have the perfect man in mind, one that is terrifying and hell bent on having his Queen. But Princess Y/N's heart belongs to another, and luckily so does her hand in marriage.
A princess is far more powerful than a king, my love. You have the power of merging families and kingdoms. You have the power of carrying hopeful heirs to the throne. You have more power than you know...'
Bold italics are flashbacks.
Series warnings: swearing, medieval views on women, arranged marriage, smut, bloodshed, violence, 18+ readers only
Part warnings: talk of arranged marriage,
<Part 8<
"What's the matter, Princess?" Lady Natasha asked.
The two of you were taking a stroll through the castle gardens before you had to begin getting ready for the ball. You had thought the time leading up to the ball would drag, giving you time to prepare yourself, but it seemed a month was no time at all to prepare yourself for meeting your possible future husband.
"Oh, nothing really, Natasha," You let out a heavy sigh as you came to a stop beside the rose bushes. You pinched one between your thumb and fingers, breaking the stem and lifted it to your nose, breathing in its floral scent. "Just dreading this evening, I think."
"But you have nothing to dread. It's just a ball, Your Highness." Natasha smiled at you.
You nodded, "I know but," You let out a soft sigh and looked at her. "I don't think King Steven will be attending." You frowned.
"There's still no word from him?" Natasha frowned.
You shook your head, "I don't think he's never attended a ball we've thrown, other than when he was at war." Your frown deepened at the thought of him fighting in battle. "It's not just Steven, I'll miss if he doesn't attend. There's James, and Samuel... anyone who comes with him, really." You chuckled to yourself, "They are far more interesting than anyone from here."
Natasha giggled, "I know what you mean, Princess."
You grinned at her. "I bet you do. How many times did you disappear with Sir James whilst we were in Brook?" You teased.
She began blushing and looked away. "You mean how many times did Lady Wanda disappear with Sir Samuel?"
Your eyes widened with a gasp. You reached out and took hold of her hand. "I thought it was just a crush?"
Natasha shook her head grinning. "Not anymore. Sir Samuel asked her to accompany him on a walk of the gardens multiple times whilst we were there, and they shared a kiss on the last night we spent there."
"Oh, wonderful." You sighed happily, "She deserves a little happiness. I'm glad she got to see her brother whilst we were there as well."
Lady Wanda's brother, Sir Pietro, was one of King Steven's knights. As a mark of respect for Anthony and the kingdom of York New, King Steven moved Lady Wanda to your court so she could be one of your ladies-in-waiting. It was two birds with one stone, he had no need of a lady-in-waiting in his castle due to the lack of female presence, and he knew she would be welcomed with open arms. He knew you would become one of her close friends in no time because you were such a caring and loving person.
"I hope you got to visit Sir Clint and his family whilst we were there?" You asked hopeful that your friend got to see the small family that she was so close to.
She nodded with the biggest grin on her face. "I did, Princess. Baby Nathanael is going to be strong like his father."
"I'm glad to hear. I must try to visit the next time I visit, Brook." You reminded yourself.
"Your Highness," Peter called out as he ran down the stairs and up to you and Natasha. You gave him a smile as you turned around to face him. "King Anthony wanted me to let you know that the Kings are about to arrive."
"Oh," Your voice was barely above a whisper. "I best, greet them then, hadn't I." You gulped, giving Peter a panicked look.
Peter stepped closer to you and gave you an encouraging smile, "There's nothing to fear, Princess. I'll be there to protect you. And Lady Natasha and Lady Wanda will also be close by. I'm sure the two of them can scare any unwanted attention off if you wish them to." He sent you a wink along with a cheeky smirk, putting a genuine smile on your face.
"Oy," Lady Natasha smacked the back of her hand against Peter's shoulder playfully. You let out a giggle as you looped your arm with Natasha's. "He's not wrong though, Princess. We'd gladly beat anyone you asked us to." She giggled making you laugh even more.
You nodded, "Yes, I do believe you would." You smiled at her. "But for now, we need to greet our guests or we shall all be in trouble." You smiled at Natasha and Peter. "Shall we,"
"It's a pleasure to see you again, King Thor," You greeted the King of Asgard with a small smile. You began blushing as he pressed a soft kiss to the back of your knuckles.
"The pleasure is all mine, Princess Y/N. You are more beautiful than your portrait does you justice." The King of Asgard gave you a flirtatious smile.
Your eyes widened a little, "So, you thought I wasn't beautiful when you saw my portrait?" You asked playfully, not being able to help yourself.
King Thor's mouth opened and closed before he looked away from you and up to your brother who began laughing. "I-"
"You are a fool, dear brother," Prince Loki snickered as he stepped from King Thor's side and took your hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you again, Princess Y/N. You've most certainly grown into an even more beautiful woman than the last time we met." He bowed to you.
"Thank you, Prince Loki." You quickly withdrew your hand and stepped closer to your brother.
"Gentlemen, if you'd like to follow Sir Hank he will escort you inside." Tony smiled warmly at his friend and his brother. He turned to face you with nce the pair of you were left alone. "Not so bad, is it?" He asked with a pleased smile.
You hummed. "We've only exchanged greetings, Anthony." You sighed, looking over towards the gate with a hopeful look in your eyes.
King T'Challa, the King of Wakanda had already arrived and just like last time you met him, he was a kind man and didn't make you feel uncomfortable like King Thor had. The Asgardian king was also harmless, just a bit openly obvious of his... kingly duties towards women. Prince Loki however, you weren't so sure about him, he gave off unsettling vibes but you knew for sure he was not going to be your future husband. The deep scowl your brother wore made that obvious.
"Are we expecting anymore guests?" You looked away from the gates to your brother.
Anthony nodded, "One or two other kings whom you've never had the pleasure of meeting before." He smiled softly at you. "Why?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as you let out a disappointed sigh.
You shook your head, "No... reason... may I be, excused from meeting the other kings at this moment in time? I don't feel, all that up to it, and I much rather rest and be... fighting fit for this evening. I'll make sure to spend extra time with them." You gave your brother a tight lipped smile.
Anthony nodded, "Of course, Y/N. I'll have lunch sent up to you, for you and your ladies."
"Thank you, Tony," You leaned up on your tiptoes and pressed a kiss to your brother's cheek. "Until this evening then, brother." You bowed to him before turning and leaving your brother's side.
It took everything in you not to show your disappointment or to let the tears that were threatening to fall to run down your cheeks.
"Come, Lady Natasha," You smiled at her as you once again slipped your arm through hers, "I'm to rest for the rest of the day until this evening." You smiled at her, "I'm going to need it if I'm to keep a fake smile on my face all evening."
Natasha nodded, "Oh, don't think it will be fake all evening, Your Highness. You seemed to genuinely smile when speaking to King T'Challa." She grinned at you.
You hummed with a nod, "I do quite like the King of Wakanda," You smiled with a slight blush. "He is a kind man, James said so himself," You wiggled your eyebrows at her making her giggle.
"And the King of Asgard? Is he a kind man?" She smirked at you knowingly.
You let out a soft sigh and leaned close so only she may hear your next words, "I believe his brains are in his breeches." You giggled along with her.
"I've heard he's a mighty lover, almost as if he was a God." Natasha whispered, "At least if you were to become his Queen that would be a positive. Most men are selfish lovers..." She sighed softly.
"Is Sir James?" You teased, letting out a playful giggle as Natasha let out a startled gasp.
"Princess, how dare you ask such a question?" She burst out laughing along with you. "I am in no position answer."
"You're not denying it either." You snickered.
As you came to your chambers the two of you stopped your giggling, bowing to the knights that were standing guard before heading inside. The door had barely been shut a minute before it was flung open and Lady Wanda skipped in extremely excited.
"Ah, Princess, there you are," She grinned at you. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
"You have?" You asked, sitting in the armchair that was by the fire. "And why would that be, Lady Wanda?"
"I've been making sure everything you require for the ball is prepared for you." She answered with a grin, "And your gown is just beautiful," She swooned.
"You really think so?" You asked. You chewed on the inside of your cheek nervously. You weren't sure if you had made a wise decision with your gown. It was most certainly different from the appropriate attire that a proper princess should wear. "I was a little worried it may perceive me as... a whore, or unladylike."
Both of your ladies-in-waiting let out a shocked gasp, "Princess, you can't think things like that."
"Lady Natasha is right, Princess. You will look breathtaking in your gown, I swear on the Kings life." She admitted.
You blushed at her words and gave her a thankful smile. "Be careful no one hears you say that, Lady Wanda." You smiled at her. "But thank you," You stood up from your chair walked towards her and Lady Natasha. "And I am sure the two of you will look equally as beautiful."
"Thank you, Princess," Both your ladies-in-waiting smiled at you.
"Now, there should be lunch on the way up, and I would like for the two of you to join me." You smiled at them, taking a hold of their hands. "Then I think, since the three of us have nothing to do for a while, we should take a nap." You grinned.
"Agreed!" The three of you began laughing.
Taglist: @fckdeusername @vxidnik @coffeebooksandfandom @flowery-mess @inumorph @heavenhatesme @andineversawyoucoming
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Alrighty,~ Congrats again on 2k!! You produce awesome content, so you deserve every single one of those followers, as well as all the love you get ^_^ 
I would still like to request Option 3 for your event if it's not too much to ask. ^_^  For a BC character, please 🙏
Appearance: I'm 5 ft 7 (170 cm) and I would describe my body type as lean (long limbs, B cup, a bit of muscle, lightweight). I have green eyes, blonde hair that reaches just below my shoulder blades. I like to wear a lot of darker colors (black, dark red, navy, petrol green). And I don't like to wear make-up. 
Personality: I'd say that I'm a fairly assertive person (but if I'm proven wrong, or otherwise know that I'm wrong, I become relatively meek). I do like giving people advice or help if I can, and while at work I do like being productive. I have been told that I can seem "scary" because of the aura I portray though, but suppose that just comes with the "assertiveness" 😅 I like to think that I have a long temper and that I'm an understanding person, but I can be very stubborn; especially when it comes to following my own goals. 
In terms of likes: serenity (overall; as an atmosphere, but also as a quality in people). I like knowing what I’m doing, or at the very least, I like to know which I certainly don’t know. (Which in the grand scheme is very difficult, yes.) I also like allowing myself some time to breathe and unwind. Good food, good people around me; life’s simple pleasures. But I do also like to be out there, trying different things and activities, even if it’s only for one time.
Hope that's enough ^_^ 💕
I match you with Fuegoleon! Unironically, I think you guys have a lot in common and I can honestly see you together so please enjoy~
A/N: thank you so much I hope you like this!
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“Come on Y/N I know I can do better! I can handle more!" Leo called to you as you stood up straight once again from the attack. It was training day and Fuegoleon wanted you to help out Leo on attacks.
"Leo you know we're only training on building your strength for now. Once you get the hang of it we can move to something more, come on let's take a break" you wave him over and he came whining, wanting to continue his training.
Coming to your side you ruffle his hair as you walk over to where your boyfriend was. You were lucky enough to be dating Fuegoleon Vermillion. He was much more than his title as a royal or as a captain. He was a gentleman, kind, and strong, and so many other attributes you loved.
"Good work today, both of you. Leo I can see your improvement and Y/N you're a wonderful teacher, as expected" he complimented you both
"Thank you, brother!"
"Thank you dear" you smile giving him a peck to his cheek. "so how was the-"
"Captain Fuegoleon~" oh boy here she came. Yeah recently got new recruits into your squad. And unfortunately, you had a new girl with a little crush on your boyfriend. She wasn’t subtle about it either she was very outspoken about it and has even hinted at them dating.
Now for someone who was a very intelligent man but when I came to this he was a bit dense. He simply replied with “I’m flattered by your feelings but I am currently in a relationship already, sorry."
you appreciate the effort but you still get annoyed by her. So at this point, you simply just stand up and go over to Fuegoleon and put on some PDA for her. Standing behind him you wrap your arms around his shoulders and rest your chin on top of his head. You make sure to look at her with a nice smile just to get the point across
"Yes, what can I help you with?" he asked
"Well, I...um...," she tried to concentrate on him but "n-never mind I can figure it out on my own" and with that, she was on her way back
"Y/N, I think you're scaring off the new recruits..." Leo pointed out
"huh? Me? Scary?" you ask confused
"Yes, you can sometimes have a very intimidating aura just like our sister," he explained as a chill ran down his spine.
I took your head to the side to believe him right now. You always try to perceive yourself as a nice person, or maybe you did have sort of a scary aura. It was the word is and powerful than any, some like Leo compare you to his sister. Huh, maybe that's why she liked you so much...
"Y/N, may we take a walk please?" Fuegoleon offered, standing from his seat. You nod with a smile and take his hand in yours. he took him to the direction of the gardens where a small walkway with available. It was very peaceful with many flowers, shrubs, trees. In fact, this is the same spot where he asked you out on a date. Only this time he was a bit more dazed out than usual. Like he was thinking but also hiding something.
"You alright there? You look a little zoned out," you ask him
"I'm fine, just thinking is all." he reassured you with a smile "although, I did want to speak with you. Nothing big, just a conversation with you."
"Oh? And what would that be?" you asked intrigued by his secrecy
"Just thinking back to when we first met was all. You had challenged me saying you could bring me down in 2 minutes or less. Little did you know I'd take you down in mere seconds," he chuckled "You know what I thought after I beat you?"
"Oh goodness, what? That I was a fool?" you chuckle
"No anything but that. I thought you were...cute." he admits "The fire in your eyes and how determined you were to prove you had what it took. And I found it very endearing, you truly are a wonder Y/N"
Bringing you to a fountain he sits with you on the edge and gazes down to the water. You take your seat next to him and gaze down as well.
"Awh Fueggy, you're so sweet." you smile
"I'd like us to marry" he said casually
"W-what?" you were shocked to say the least. That was something else you loved about him, but it also made you laugh. He was blunt and sometimes the sweet talking thing wasn’t his strongest suit.
“Was that not the appropriate way of asking?” He asked you confused “I had asked Yami and Nozel how to bring up the question and they told me to simply ask you.”
Sigh, poor baby “Fuegoleon, those two are the last ones you want to ask for romance advice. The way you would want to ask if just fine with me.”
“Oh alright then.” Standing up and closed his eyes and concentrates his hands dance in front of him as he writes Inter he ground with elegant fire “how about this?” He asked
In the ground he had wrote “please, be my wife?” Standing up you walk around the message and to him and peck his cheek “now this is more like you, but are you sure? There are plenty of eligible royals and girls of wealth”
His warm hand comes up to cup your cheek with a soft smile “why should I find them when I have you? I’m sure if it, I want to marry you….”
“Alright then, I will marry you, Fuegoleon” a loving, but passionate kiss was shared between you both in the garden.
I hope this was okay! ♥️( it most likely wasn’t :( )
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renee-writer · 3 years
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Love Never Dies Chapter 17 Where is Bree?
Hey Rabbie, have you seen Bree?”
“No Mistress. Not since we broke fast.”
“Thank you. If you see her, would you tell her I am looking for her?”
“Aye Mistress.”
She frowns as she searches the ground. Lallybroch is vast and Bree knows she is to stay in the front or back garden unless an adult or Fergus is with her. She wasn’t in the nursery, in her room( she doesn’t yet know it is shared with Jamie), not in the kitchen helping Mrs. Crook or in the Great Room. Where in the bloody hell is her child.
She had been to check on Jenny and the twins. They are doing well but her daughter hadn’t been in there this morning either. Did she follow Jamie and her Uncle Ian out to the fields? She lifts up her skirts and is about to go check when Jamie comes up.
“Sassanach, Rabbie says Bree-annah is missing?”
“She seems to be. I can’t find her in any the places I expect her to be. In truth, I was about to go check with you and Ian, to see if she had followed you out this morning.”
“Nae. Dinna fash, we will find her.” He pulls her into a close hug and then takes her hand leading her back in the house. “Where have you looked?”
She tells him as they walk towards the Great Room. “She knows not to leave the front or back without an adult or Fergus.” She is feeling on the verge of panic.
He rings the bell that summons Mary. “Have ye seen our daughter today?”
“No. Not today.”
“Fetch the bairns, the rest of the servants and send Wee Jamie after his da and Rabbie.”
“Aye, right away my Laird.”
“Jamie!” He sits her on the chair.
“I vow it. She will be found.”
Everyone is updated and sent separately out to search for her. Claire searches around the front and back garden, looking under bushes and looking  up on trees. Jamie searches the nocks and crannies of the old house. The sound of his kin and clan calling her name echoes outside. He calls out too as a constant prayer for her safe return goes through his head.
“Brianna Ellen Fraser, come out from where you are hidden right now! Mama is worried.”
“Bree-annah, if you are playing hide and go seek, you won. Come out now.” Wee Jamie calls.
“Come on out lass. I will take you to see the babies.” From her Uncle Ian.
“Sister, we are worried about you. Please come out.” Fergus pleads.
“Bree-annah, we need to know where you are at. Please lass.” He is walking towards the hidden hall where the old family portraits are hung.
“Jamie?” His heart seems to stop and then gallop as he sees his child standing in front of the portrait of his own mam.
“Bree-annah, lass, I’ve everyone out looking for you.” He keeps his hands fisted at his side so he doesn’t shake her. Relief courses through him battling with the fear. It makes him light headed.
“Oh sorry. I didn’t mean to be lost.” He walks over and kneels by her.
“You got lot?”
“Uh huh. I mean yes. Then I saw this lady. She looks like me. Why haven’t I meet her yet?”
“Weel, mo mighean, she is my own mam, Ellen.”
‘Like my middle name?”
“Aye, that is why your mama choose it.”
“My grandma then.”
“Where is she?”
He swallows. He takes a seat on the floor and invites her to seat beside him. She does, crossing her legs one over the other. “Bree-annah, my mam died when I wasn’t much older then you. She was having a baby and, weel, she didn’t have a good healer like your mam to see to her. She died, lost to much blood.”
“The baby? Aunt Jenny?” He smiles.
“No, it was a wee lad. He died also.”
“Oh,” she looks down at her hands then up at the picture and, finally back at him. “that is so sad. I always wanted a baby brother or sister. Mama said she has the perfect child why would she try to make another. But her and daddy never kissed. I think you have to kiss to make a baby.”
“Aye, you do.” He bites his lip not to laugh.
“You and mama both lost your Mama’s. Oh, is that why?”
“Why what?”
“Well, Wee Jamie said mama is your heart and Kitty said the light went out in you when she wasn’t here. So, is it cause you both lost your Mama’s early, is that why you love each other so?”
He is shocked at how much his nieces, nephew and, daughter, perceive. “Maybe a bit. But I knew Bree-annah when I first saw her that there would never be another lass I loved like her. That she was who God sent to me.”
“I think the light went out in mama too. She is happier here. Like she smiles and laughs more.” She sighs and sounds so very adult when she continues. “I want to go back but, I love my family here. Never had nobody but mama and daddy there. I know you are my daddy too. She,” she looks back up at the portrait of her grandma, “is my grandma and so, you must be daddy. But Jamie, he was my daddy my whole life.”
“Bree-annah, is that why you don’t call me daddy?” She nods her head. “Weel, let’s think of another name. How about da?”
“Da, is that Gaelic?”
He smiles as he stands.  He must let Claire and the others know she had been found. “Nae lass, just simple.”
“Alright. Ah, da?”
“I am sorry your mam and baby brother are in heaven.” She shocks him by hugging his legs. He feels tears drop down his face as he hugs her back.
“Thank you, mo ghrá. Let’s go tell your mama that you are no longer lost,eh?” She lets him take her hand and lead her out.
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angelqueen04 · 4 years
Hamliza Month, Day 29
@megpeggs @historysalt
Nap Summary: Alexander comes home to the Grange to find that things aren’t entirely as he left them.
The Grange was such a welcome sight, Alexander thought as he stepped out of the barn. The trip had not been an overly long one, but it had still been highly unwelcome. He had not wanted to leave Eliza or the children, but there had been no avoiding it. Still, at least he was home now. With the gig put up and the horse comfortably settled, there was nothing to stop him from entering the house and rejoining his family – the only place he wanted to be, and the only people he cared to see.
As he approached the house, however, he heard the sound of children laughing coming from the garden. Smiling, Alexander bypassed the front door and took the path around to the back of the house. There, he found five of his children. Alex had Liza by her hands and was swinging her around in circles, much to her delight, if her thrilled shrieks were any indication. James was on the ground not too far away, clearly having been wrestling with William, who now sat atop his brother with a triumphant grin. Johnny was also present, but was seated under a tree, his head bent over a book.
That just left Eliza, Angelica, and little Phil unaccounted for. Angelica, he knew, had gone to Albany to visit her grandparents, but surely Eliza would be out here with the rest of the children? Though autumn was rapidly approaching – he would need to begin the preparations for them to move into their house in the city soon – the air was still plenty warm enough. Surely there was no need to worry about the baby catching a cold?
“Well, well,” he called to his children, “here you are, quite the merry party! May I join you, or is this by invitation only?”
All five of them immediately froze at the sound of his voice. Alex lowered Liza safely to the grass, and she promptly leapt back up to her feet and threw herself toward Alexander. William also abandoned his position on top of James and raced to him. Even Johnny put his book down to come and greet him.
Alexander laughed as he swept Liza up into his arms, and he ruffled William’s already unruly hair after settling her on his hip. His three older sons approached at a slower pace, one they likely thought was more dignified than the excited leaping about of the younger children. Oh, how eager they are to be perceived as men instead of boys, Alexander thought fondly.
“Welcome home, Papa,” James greeted. Alex and Johnny echoed the welcome.
“I’m very glad to be home, my lambs,” he responded. Pressing a kiss to Liza’s temple, Alexander glanced around at their surroundings. “Where are your mother and little Phil?”
Alex and James shared a look, their expressions growing more serious, and Alexander straightened, growing concerned. When they didn’t respond immediately, he narrowed his eyes. “Boys?” he prodded, his tone growing sharp with warning.
It was William who spoke up before his brothers could. “Mama’s inside with the baby,” he told him. “Mama said we could play, but it had to be outside so Phil could sleep.”
“Oh, well, that’s not so bad, is it?” Babies napped all the time, after all. Still, James, Alex, and even Johnny now still had solemn expressions.
“Phil’s been crying all night,” Johnny said. “He won’t sleep. So Mama tries to get him to sleep during the day. She’s been upstairs most of the day with him. The doctor was here this morning.”
A nervous, painful knot began to form in Alexander’s stomach. “I see,” he said slowly. Was something wrong with Phil? Was he ill? Was that why Eliza had summoned Dr. Hosack? None of her letters had intimated that Phil was sick.
He gestured for Alex to take Liza from him, which, to the boy’s credit, he did without hesitation. “Why don’t you continue on here?” Alexander suggested. “I’ll go inside and check on your mother and Phil, and see about a little snack before supper.”
The suggestion of food gained him enthusiastic agreement from William and Liza, and even Johnny appeared interested, though he continued to do his best to imitate the more laid back, knowing reaction of his older brothers. Providing them with the most reassuring smile he could muster, Alexander then turned on his heel and made for the back door. As he hurried up the steps and entered the house, his thoughts raced.
Eliza had not had an easy time of it when she had been carrying Phil. Even before… Even before Philip’s death, her health had been precarious enough that Dr. Hosack visited several times a week. The dreadful blow of Philip’s sudden loss had been devastating enough that the physician had ordered her onto near total bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. It had been nearly two months before they’d even been sure the baby was still alive.
When Phil was finally born, just shortly before Alexander had moved the whole family out to the Grange for the first time, the reactions had been nothing short of hysterical relief. Though the labor had been difficult, Eliza had come through it as well as could be expected. Phil had all the appearances of a healthy babe, and did not seem to have been harmed by the terrible shock his mother had suffered while she carried him.
As he made his way toward the front of the house, slipping through the yellow parlor to the front hall, Alexander spotted their hired girl, Nan, coming down the stairs from the second floor, carrying a large laundry basket.
“Mr. Hamilton,” she greeted when she spotted him as she reached the landing. “Welcome home, sir!”
Alexander managed a small smile for her, even as his eyes remained focused on the stairs. “Thank you, Nan. When you have a moment, could you ask Mrs. Georges if she would arrange a small snack for the children and bring it out to the garden please? It’s not too close to supper.”
Nan nodded and she turned the corner to take the steps down to the lower level of the house. “Of course, sir.”
That taken care of, Alexander started up the stairs, taking two at a time. Coming up to the landing, he immediately rounded the corner and hurried to the door to his and Eliza’s bedchamber. The door had been left slightly ajar. Placing his hand on the doorknob, Alexander took a deep, calming breath before pushing the door open.
His eyes immediately went to their bed. Eliza lay curled on her side, facing a large circle of pillows. Her eyes were open and focused upon the pillows, but then turned to him as he appeared in the room. Her dark eyes, which had faint dark circles around them, brightened and a small, weary smile came across her face. Slowly, she sat up, being careful not to jostle the bed as she moved. Standing up, she quietly moved a few pillows, enclosing the circle around the sleeping babe in the middle. She then made her way toward him, a finger pressing against her lips in the familiar warning to stay quiet. Alexander nodded, and then he followed her back out into the hallway.
Once the door was shut, he and Eliza moved back down the hallway, coming to stand before the large, ornate window at the front of the house. “What’s happened?” he demanded, taking care to keep his voice low. “Is he ill? Was that why Hosack was here today?”
Eliza blinked, surprised at being on the receiving end of a barrage of questions instead of the loving, tender greetings she was usually granted when he returned home. “What?”
“Phil,” Alexander elaborated, waving his hand back toward their bedchamber. “The children said he won’t sleep, that he cries all night. What’s wrong?”
She stared at him, and then sighed. “Oh, darling,” she said, taking her hands in his and squeezing them tightly. “Nothing is wrong. Nothing that can’t be mended, anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
Eliza looked around, and then nodded to two of the chairs that were situated outside of Angelica and Liza’s chamber. They settled down in them, hands still clasped, and she began to speak. “Phil hasn’t been sleeping well at night, in his crib,” she explained. “But he’ll sleep perfectly well during the day when I make a place for him in our bed. He’s also had a mild rash on his skin, which is why I sent for Dr. Hosack.” She glanced over her shoulder toward their bedchamber. “He thinks that Phil is having a bad reaction to something in his crib, perhaps the feathers in the mattress. The doctor gave me a salve for his skin, which is already helping. He’s sleeping even better in our bed than he normally has.”
Alexander took a deep, steady breath, considering his wife’s explanation. He knew that sometimes people did not react well to certain things in their daily lives. His brother, when they had been very young, had not been able to abide cow’s milk, though he had eventually outgrown that intolerance, much to their mother’s relief. Alexander had even heard of some ladies not being able to bear the sensation of certain fabrics or dried dyes on their skin.
“So, Phil will be all right, then?” he finally inquired.
Eliza smiled at him and raised a hand to his cheek, brushing her thumb over the skin. “Yes, dear. Dr. Hosack says that it is a mild reaction, though he recommended that we throw out the entire mattress and scrub the crib thoroughly before Phil sleeps in it again, to be safe.” Amusement flared in her eyes. “He sleeps very well in our bed, and seems to like your pillow the best. He always grabs onto it when he wakes.” Eliza laughed. “Perhaps he finds his papa’s scent soothing.”
A reflexive smile came to his lips in response to his wife’s laughter. Even now, it was a relief to hear her sound so happy, after all that she had endured.
They sat together like that for a few moments, content in one another’s presence, until Eliza said, “I should go and check on him. I think it helps him to rest if I’m there.”
“May I join you?” he asked impulsively, standing up as she did. When she stared at him, surprised, Alexander could feel his cheeks heating up a bit and he added, “It’s still some hours ‘til supper, and it’s been a long trip.” He smiled at her, feeling unaccountably shy for some reason. “I’ve missed you.”
Eliza’s eyes softened as she gazed at him, and then nodded. “Of course.” Tugging on his hand, she began to lead him back to their chamber. “Quietly, now,” she whispered.
Alexander shed his coat, waistcoat, and shoes as soundlessly as he could after they reentered their chamber, leaving them on a chair nearby. Eliza had already returned to the bed, resuming the same position she had been in when he had first come upon her. Alexander carefully climbed onto the other side, curling his body around the circle of pillows. This allowed him a clearer look at his tiny son. Phil’s skin did indeed have an unusual pink tint to it, and he could see a few raised spots, though thankfully, nothing that had the look of smallpox or any other such disease.
He didn’t reach out to touch the sleeping babe, though he dearly wanted to, if just to reassure him of his continued health and existence. Alexander turned his head toward Eliza, and found that she wasn’t looking at Phil, but at him, her expression gentle and loving. Silently, she reached out with the hand that was closest to him, the one outside of the pillow circle. Alexander grasped it without hesitation, holding onto her as tightly as he could. Then, as one, they turned their eyes back toward the fragile life between them, their last child.
We are here, my little one, Alexander thought. We are here, and we love you. Stay with us.
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sagemoderocklee · 4 years
Hello! For the meta asks, would you do 1, 5, 8, and 17?
you did not come to play, lilac! thanks for all these questions! <3
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  –   what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
oh lord. that’s a... question. i have. so many current projects, i don’t even know where to start. this is gonna be long so please bear with me lol i’ll probably give more detail for some fics over others, and i’ll only go over fics I’ve got documents for because otherwise we’d be here forever.
The Art of Love: so this one is obvious because it’s been in progress for the last 2ish years? no i think it’s three now. I won’t go into detail with this because the fic is roughly halfway through, so there’s plenty of content for that up! I’d say the progress with that fic is actually going really well, though. Unlike Alliance, which took 8 years--five years of writing, three of editing--TAoL has been up for way less time, and is already about to hit the halfway mark! I really need to get back to it, tbh because it’s been way too long since my last update.
Honor Bound (sequel to Alliance): so this is.... kind of on pause. I’ve got the first three chapters written, but my focus has been more on TAoL when it comes to my more complicated, long running stories, so HB has taken a backseat. I think I won’t get back to working on the Allied Nations Saga until after TAoL is done, in all honesty.
Find Me: this is my HS AU, which has been on the back burner forever and I feel terrible because I think it may honestly be my most popular fic. Unfortunately, AUs/slice of life stuff is difficult for me because I’m more interested in politics, so I lost momentum on this fic. It is about halfway done. I have a good chunk of chapter six written, but not enough that I could say I’m close to finishing it.
It Eats Your Heart: obviously I just started this one, and it’s a horror fic. I’ve really gotta sit down and do some major plotting on it because I only have some very vague ideas currently.
Pearl-Filled Lungs: this is one of like three ningyo AUs I have--the other are pirate/ningyo AUs (and ones actually a selkie not a ningyo). I started it last year for the GaaLee fest, and it’s been sitting unfinished for far too long. I finally sat down recently and plotted the whole thing out, so I’m hoping to get back to working on it soon! It’s only 5 chapters in total, so I don’t think it’ll take me super long to get through once I sit down and do it.
Who Dares to Love Forever: This is a working title, and I may change it. This is a fic idea I’ve had for a couple years, inspired by the song Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen. This particular fic is a vehicle for my sage mode!rock lee headcanon, and explores just how effective Chiyo giving Gaara her life would have been given she was an old biddy. So the idea for this fic is that Gaara’s running out of time because Chiyo only had so much to offer.
Absolution: this is another fic that I’ve had on the back burner for years. it was initially inspired by art by @brianadoesotherjunk but quickly spiraled into something much bigger because of course it did. This particular fic is one I’m extremely excited about. I need to go back over the first part, because I feel like it’s not quite right, but I do technically have the first part done. This fic follows Gaara struggling with bouts of narcolepsy that trigger nightmares induced by trauma and guilt from his childhood. These nightmares are incredibly dangerous for obvious reasons, but even more so because Temari’s baby is on the way. Temari and Shikamaru are married, living in the Kazekage estate, and with their baby coming and both needing/wanting to get back to work, they also need a nanny. Unbeknownst to Gaara, the year prior to the events of the fic, Maito Gai died, succumbing to the 8th Gate finally, and Lee has since been spiraling. His depression has become so self-destructive that he’s been taken off active duty. Shikamaru, along with the rest of the Konoha 12 (minus Neji and Sasuke), get together and discuss what to do. Tenten believes that Lee being a nanny would be the perfect thing. And so Rock Lee is sent to Suna, hired by Shikamaru and Temari as their live-in nanny...
We Need Not Be Yellow Tulips in a Garden of Gardenia’s, Yet We Go the Way of the Red Camellia: true to form, I decided that a hanahaki fic was something I had to do, and I was not going to pass up the chance at being as Extra As Possible with the flowery language, ergo the ridiculous title. I’ve gotten part way through the first chapter of this fic, but the whole thing is roughly plotted out and each chapter title is just as extra as the whole fic’s title.
Thirteen Strokes: so this is a fic I have--once again--had on my mind for ages, and--once again, because I am nothing if not a caricature of myself--inspired by a Florence+the Machine song, All This and Heaven Too. I started writing this the other night, as I wanna use it for GaaLee bingo. It’ll be 13 chapters, as per the 13 strokes that it takes to make the character for love, ai, in Japanese. The fic is from Gaara’s PoV, and follows his journey with and his relationship to love, with lots of worldbuilding and politics because it wouldn’t be an Eeri Original without those things.
Scarification: this is another idea for bingo based around the prompt shinshoubyou, which is a fictional disease where your emotions cause physical marks on you
Fill in the [  ]: another bingo idea, based around the prompt bouaishoukoigun, the fictional disease where you forget the person you love if it’s unrequited.
The Eagle’s Augury: an idea that allows me to play around with more worldbuilding and focus on Karura. In this fic, the curse (mentioned briefly on the Naruto wikia) that has led to every single Kazekage being assassinated, is coming for Gaara, and Karura is trying to warn him from beyond the grave. At the same time, Temari and Shikamaru’s marriage is approaching, and their ceremony is being held in Suna, with all the fan fair a marriage for someone from the Kazekage line should see. Again, another fic inspired by Miss Florence+the Machine, the song is Mother
Pomegranate Sun: this is a fic that I am... so excited about. Another fic that was originally inspired by a Queen song, Under Pressure, and has of course taken on a life of its own. This fic, I am actually going to be writing with @ghoste-catte! It’s an arranged marriage trope, and I’m super pumped for it! We’ve only got a little bit started, and it has obviously not taken priority for either of us since we both have a lot of fics on our plates.
The Ballad of the Dragon and the Phoenix: this is a fic I’m really excited but is going to take a LOT of research to get off the ground. I had this idea sometime last year, I wanna say? This fic is another self-indulgent headcanon about Lee’s origins, his family, etc. This fic starts when Gaara shows up on Lee’s doorstep, asking him to accompany him to another country for reasons Lee cannot understand. Gaara has been in talks with Phoenix Kingdom, hoping to forge a new relationship only to find that the Emperor wants to use shinobi for militaristic purposes. Lee doesn’t understand what help he could possibly offer the Kazekage, but he can’t very well turn him down.
okay, i’m gonna stop there. these are the ones I have titles and documents for, and honestly that’s probably way more than you wanted to know about lol
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with? 
Despite the fact that most of my fics end up from Gaara’s PoV, I actually identify with Lee the most!
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Yes! Which is hard to find, tbh, because I am a sucker for political dramas with slow burn romances, but I don’t see a lot of that in the GaaLee fandom. I’m not as into like slice of life or short stories where the characters get together quick, I’m really not into established relationship fics unless it’s a sequel, so I tend to avoid those. I like AUs but it really depends on the AU, because I ultimately prefer the canon and I love seeing the way people write the shinobi world and all its rules and cultures and things. I’m just a big fan of worldbuilding, politics, and slow slow burns. Not this 25k SLOW BURN! crap because that is NOT a slow burn. I wanna see a fic that’s 200k words in and they still haven’t even figured out they’re in love! I like stories I can really sink my teeth into, ya know?
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
Oh gosh. I generally don’t think too much about it except like hoping people don’t think I’m like a stuck up asshole because of how I talk about my writing, writing in general, my hcs, etc. I mean, obviously I don’t expect everyone in this fandom to like me--and there are ppl I’ve gone out of my way to be vocally against because they do nasty shit--but largely I feel like I come across as too intense, so even the general population of GaaLee fans that I do want to interact with I’m always a lil nervous that people secretly don’t like me and basically are like “oh god this bitch again” when they see me in the tags. But I just get really excited and invested in my ideas, and honestly for the longest time this fandom was SO small and there weren’t a lot of people putting out content regularly so it was like a handful of us so I think it made me more emphatic about GaaLee lol I think I always like assume people aren’t as excited about my writing as I am or that people are like “too much politic, i need more romance”.
I’m always surprised when people really love my AUs, like Kado or Find Me have had such fantastic reception, and it’s like people just eat that shit up so much. And then I look at like Alliance or Art of Love and get kind of confused because I think by comparison those are more interesting and more developed than my AUs. I put a shit ton of work into everything I write, especially anything that requires research, so it’s not to say that I do less work per say, just that I feel like TAoL and things like it are more interesting and more developed, and the relationship feels.... somehow more to me there than in an AU.
a lot of my motivation really just comes from the lack of content this fandom had for so many years, and the fact that Naruto could have been a much more interesting series and I love worldbuilding so much. I think my motivation for each fic is different though. Like Alliance was started because I wanted to write something different from what was mainly in the fandom at the time because mind you I started that in 2010. But my motivation for TAoL is more wanting to tell a beautiful story with a complex narrative that looks at the failings of the shinobi world. Whereas like any slice of life fic is really just meant to be a fun break. And sometimes I write something literally just because I wanted to fulfill that trope for the GaaLee fandom--again, a lot of my ideas have been sitting for years and years and years (TAoL was an idea I had literally right after starting Alliance, but I didn’t get to it until 2017), so a lot of ideas that are old are because at the time that trope hadn’t been fulfilled yet in the fandom though that’s changing a lot with the recent GaaLee Renaissance of the last couple years.
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fairymadnessyeah · 4 years
That Little Bit of Me inside of You
Summary: What if when White Diamond used her powers on Steven something different happened? 
SPOILERS for Homeworld Bound. See the episode first.
As soon as Spinnel left the room, White Diamond started to work. Different light bath the room in their light, changing until White was completely pink. She opened her eyes and slowly blinked, getting accustomed to the light.
"That's weird, shouldn't I be able to move your body," Steven said after he felt nothing from the change. He started flopping his arms and jumping up and down, to try to activate whatever he needed to activate, and finally get some awareness over what was happening to him. He tried more movements, but stopped once he noticed White was crying. "Oh no, Am I hurting you!? Is it my Diamond powers!?..."
"No! No!" White's body said with a different voice. A... familiar different voice. Steven couldn't help but think he heard it somewhere before. White wiped away her tears and kneeled in front of him to get closer. "Oh Steven, I never thought I would be able to meet you... or see you face to face..." White said as she smiled at him, a few tears coming out as she watched him.
"Mom...?" He asked confused, happy, sad. He was going a million emotions at a time. He was already having problems, he didn't need this again. He thought he had put This behind him, that he already had an answer for it. He wasn't his mom, he was Steven. Not Rose, not Pink. Steven... Right?
"STEVEN!" His mother's voice snapped him out of his spiraling thoughts. "Please, stop thinking like that! You are Steven! You are your own person! There is still a little of me inside of you, White must have sensed that a pulled me through thinking it was you! Now please, slow your breathing!" He never noticed he was hyperventilating until she mentioned it. He saw his mother do exaggerate breathing gestures with White's body and tried to copy them. After a while, he calmed down. His mother let out a relieved sigh and smiled at him again.
She lowered her hand until it was right beside him, with the back of White's hand against the floor. Perceiving the silent question, he climbed on top of it and braced himself against one a pink finger when she moved the hand closer to her. Once he was in front of her, her smile got somehow wider. And prouder.
"...So... Ummm... What's up Mom...?" He said, looking at his feet. God, this is so awkward. What am I supposed to say to a mom? I never had one. And after everything she's done, everything I had to fix for her. What am I supposed to think of her?
But she seems to be able to read his thought, because as soon as he started remembering everything he had to go through because of her, she began talking again, making him look up to her.
"Steven, I'm sorry. I never meant for my actions to catch up with you. When I had you, I thought you would live a happy life with Greg and the Gems on Earth," She told him as the last of her tears dried.
"...Thanks. It's nice to hear that from you," He told her with a small smile. Then an idea crossed his mind in a flash. "You should come back with me. Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, they all miss you... and, the rest of the Diamonds... they'll all be so happy to see you again"
Rose's smile became more melancholic. "Steven, I can't do that. It wouldn't be right for me to just highjack White's life away. She has a new purpose. A good one, even. I can't just steal that away from her" She explained to him with sadness in her eyes. She wish she could. There was nothing she wanted more than to see her son every day and spend time with him and her family back on earth. But she couldn't.
"Oh, right..." Steven sighed as he thought better about it. "But.. you could come to apologize-"
"I can't do that either" She disagreed.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not sorry." She pointed out to him. "Every decision I took, every move I made, every battle I fought; they have all been choices I was ready and proud to make. Starting the rebellion, faking my shattering. I can't apologise for them if I'm not sorry about them. How could I be?..." She smiled at him again and petted his hair with giant fingers. "They all lead me to you."
He smiled a little wider at that and leaned into the comforting affection. Rose squinted her eyes at him, wetted her finger with her tongue and then stroked carefully his cheek, trying to clean him. Steven groaned at the embarrassing motion, but chuckled anyway. It was nice. He liked having a mom.
He had gone a lot of years being quietly envious on the sides as others celebrated Mother's day or did something with their mothers. He may have his dad and the gems and he would never replace their moments together. But somethings you had to experience. His mother consoling him, loving him in real life, face to face, was one of those.
"Anyways, you needed somebody to talk to?" She asked him cautiously and still a little awkward. "I don't know if I will have all the answers or solutions to your problems... But I have always been a good listener..."
Steven sighed and sat on the pink hand holding him. "It all started a couple of months ago...
"So I came here to see if maybe the Diamonds could help me."
Rose in White's body hummed in understanding. She had listened to her son's tale of events that had been driven him mad quietly. Sometimes adding a, "That such a Garnet thing to do" or "She did that?". 
They had changed positions and moved around to get more comfortable. From placing Steven in her shoulder, to sitting in front of each other. Now, Rose was laying down flat on the floor, with Steven on top of her, settled on top of her chest in a fetal position, as she caressed him lovingly. Her other hand placed on her tummy and ready to catch Steven if he slipped. It had happened and she had caught him. She was cuddling him like a baby when he was a 17-year-old teenager. But Steven did not care in the slightest.
He had never done or feel anything like it before. As if he was wrapped in the coziest and warmest of blankets, that left him feeling safe and light. The last time he had felt like this was when he was a kid and his dad consoled him after a nightmare. 
He liked it in here. He had torn open his heart to her, exhibited his fears and insecurities, his mistakes and embarrassments. But instead of feeling exposed, misunderstood or judged like he would feel with the gems or his dad, he felt like he could finally breathe. Maybe because he knew Rose had made a lot of mistakes? Because she was a part of him? Or maybe the simple reason that she was his mom and would love him no matter what made him feel more relaxed about his confession.
"Steven, what you have been going through is a lot." She said still gracing him tenderly. "Too much in my opinion. And you are so accustomed to being asked for help and putting your feelings aside that you don't know how to ask for help anymore." Steven felt her sat up and cradle him in her hand to look at each other again. "You have so many people that love you and cares for you. And you have asked them for aid, I know you have. But asking and letting them is very different."
Steven nodded and held onto his pink giant mother tighter. Pink embraced him tighter too. He loved having a mom.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Rose hummed, signaling him to continue. "Why did you bubble Bismuth? And leave Spinnel in that garden?" 
"Well," She balled herself up and left Steven on top of her knees. "When they first gave me Spinnel, I thought they were trying to get rid of me, give me something to entertain myself so that I would leave them alone... But then I realized that they saw me as Spinnel. I was a joke, an entertainment for them. They wanted me to be like Spinnel, always happy and content with what they gave me yet never complain or ask for more. To be treated like a Diamond, I had to leave her behind. And... she can be a little annoying sometimes." She whispered to him the last part and he chuckled in agreement.
"And Bismuth?... I was afraid she would shatter me on the spot if I told her I was Pink Diamond, when she showed me the breaking point. But I also didn't want her to go through the motions of shattering a gem... I had had gem shattered before, and it's one of the coldest and most horrific things someone can feel." Steven felt her shiver and she must have noticed his frightened expression at the mention of shattering, because without missing a bit, she began to calm him down. "Shhhh, It's okay," She told him as she stroked him warmly. "Remember, what happened with Jasper was an accident. Bismuth wasn't talking about an accident, she was determined to see her plan to the end... After everything, I couldn't face her." 
Steven, having the newest urge to not see his mother sad, jumped to her face, and embraced her, trying to pass his happiness and joy to her. She giggled and moved her hands to support him. When he lessened his hold, she moved him away to see him better. When they were again face to face, she started to rub her thumb against his belly.
Steven was laughing and telling his mom to stop since he was very ticklish when the doors slid open. Yellow and Blue Diamond stepping in with Spinnel in Blue's hair loop around her gem. Both parties ceased their activities, with Blue and Yellow stopping their chat with Spinnel and Pink halting her tickling and standing up straight with a jump, hiding Steven behind her. Old habits die hard and she had been hiding Pebbles a good chunk of her life.
"Well, White, it seems like you have discovered a new ability within your new power. Fascinating" Yellow stated, her eyes observant with interest and curiosity. 
"Yellow, please, we only came because Spinnel told us, you had been here for a while. I hope we weren't interrupting." Blue said and waited for an answer.
Rose raised her hands to make Steven face the other Diamonds with her. Mother and Son looked at each other confused and uncertain. Then, Rose giggled with Steven following her. She looked back to her sisters and said:
"You two haven't changed that much." 
The reaction was immediate. Both Diamonds let out a gasp, their eyes widened in disbelief. Spinnel got rigid and the little bouncing he was doing perched in Blue stopped.
Rose turned back to Steven and with a sad sigh said "I guess this is my cue. Now, promise me you will let your family help you. All your family. Even your... Ummmm.... what was that word that Greg had taught me...OH... Ants... your Diamond Ants. They may not seem like it now, but they can be very wise."
Steven smiled but it faltered easily. He glanced at the pink face of White and felt tears slide down his cheeks. He swipes them away with his sleeve and hugs her thumb. "I'm going to miss you Mom" He told her as he squeezed his face against her digit. To try and stop her from seeing him cry.
"But, Steven, I'm not going anywhere. I'm always going to be beside you. There will always be a little of me inside you. Remember that, okay?" She told him as he slowly let go of her finger. She kissed him on the top of his head, White's giant lips reaching even to his forehead. On that kiss, she left every littlest emotion she felt for him. How proud she was, how happy. "I love you, Steven."
"I love you, too, Mom"
Rose lowered him to the ground and when she stood up, the pink slowly left White's body, bathing her again in her original flawless white. The large Diamond blinked twice before the water-works began.
Not only was White crying but Yellow, Blue, and Spinnel, that had been quietly astounded from the shock, snapped out of it and bombarded Steven with questions. They were all crying. Some leftover tears, some heavy tears and some light but very angry tears. 
Steven tried to explain as best as he could. How White must have pulled out a little spark that was left of his mom, that they had talked and that she had helped him and cuddled him like nobody had ever before. The three Diamonds and Spinnel listened attentively, then the three younger gems looked at the eldest one and asked if she remembered anything.
"Not much..." White admitted. "I remember feeling, pain, sorrow, fear,  but they were all overshadowed by love, joy, and... warmth." White sniffed and rubbed off the last of her tears. "I might be a bit tired from it, so I will go lie down for a while."
"I'll help you there" The only male offered her.
White nodded as a thank you, and headed towards the door, with Steve hot on her heal. "Steven," Yellow called him. "I was wondering how much time you will be staying. We can have a room prepared for you with all your human necessities" 
"Yeah, that'll be nice. I kinda want to stay for a while longer"
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gunnerpalace · 4 years
If you're still accepting writing prompts can you do UraYoru and #5? Please!
It’s like… three years later… but here we are. I hope you still find it of interest and like it after the absurd wait!
1700 words with the prompt “Care to dance?” Yoruichi is wearing her second swimsuit outfit from BBS. I discussed my reasoning for the Urahara Shop having a garden here. The implication is not that Yoruichi assassinated JFK, she just happens to have been in several places throughout history around the times things went down. (In another fic I imagined her as being in Tangier in 1956; “crossing paths with a black cat” writ large and all that.) Kisuke’s computer is from filler but feels very him (it’s probably running Linux because he strikes me as that sort).
Without You By My Side
The sunlight which fell upon the garden courtyard of the Urahara Shop not only carried energy and warmth but almost had a sense of weight to it—a photon rain so fine it almost felt like being submerged in it.
Beneath that omnipresent pressure, Yoruichi shifted on the white pool lounger she was reclined upon. She first drew her legs together, then pushed herself up on her elbows into a sitting position. Sweat beaded down her toned curves as she slid her legs off to one side and by feel alone slipped her feet into the orange flip-flops waiting for her. After she scooted down the side of the lounger and moved into the shade afforded by the parasol that’d been set up, she finally opened her eyes.
There was a small, portable table under the parasol, and on it was a glass that was still frosted from the little bowl of ice it’d been set in. The content of the glass was a pastel but still vibrant green.
Yoruichi wiped the perspiration from her forehead, reached for the glass, and then brought it to her lips to take a hearty swig. She sighed in contentment as she rested her forearm on one of her thighs to cradle the drink in hand. A milk, matcha, and vanilla smoothie really is the best thing in the summer…
She pondered the concoction’s color absentmindedly before taking another gulp. The matter of reapplying sunscreen (as she was in the sun merely to enjoy it) was a foggy notion in the back of her mind that never congealed into anything, as her thoughts were derailed by a clatter and a loud crash emanating from the shop.
With a blink, she turned her attention toward it. “The hell?” She couldn’t perceive any reiatsu from the building, as usual; the gigai that Kisuke and Tessai used made sure of that, and Ururu and Jinta didn’t emit much in their normal states.  She spontaneously recalled that Tessai had been planning to head out with Ururu and Jinta for supplies too. So, the only person it was likely to be was, of course…
Yoruichi was on her feet and maneuvering through the garden in an instant, her drink still in hand yet simultaneously forgotten as she strode purposefully across the stepping stones situated around the koi pond, on her way toward the kirime-en deck and the shōji door beyond. She kicked off her flip-flops as she stepped up onto it.
“Oi,” she called as she entered the shop, looking about.
There was no immediate response.
The sound came from this side… From the dining room she headed for one of the storage areas, to the left.
In a few more steps she was in the main storage room, the door to which had already been open. “Kisuke?”
Her eyes were still adjusting to the rather darker interior of the shop, and for a moment she couldn’t see much.
Then she spotted him, underneath an oversized box that obscured his whole upper body, his legs wiggling about comically from under one side of it.
“Dumbass!” she exclaimed, looking down at the drink in her hand as she suddenly became aware of it again. She quickly glanced about and set it on another box before hurrying over to him.
Yoruichi grabbed hold of the box by the sides and did her immediate best to lift it off him. It was bulky, but not all that heavy given its size, and she picked it up easily enough. She was perplexed by that even as she leveraged it off him and set it to one side.
Kisuke immediately started in, as usual. “How fortunate, I’m saved! An angel has come to my rescue!” He got his hat on again and adjusted it as he looked her up and down. Her white, rainbow-trimmed bikini left little to the imagination even if it wasn’t particularly flashy or revealing; the top in particular provided him with a view of more than a little of the underside of her chest, given his angle.
“Oh, shut up!” she complained, her face contorting into something of a sneer. She glanced him over from where she stood and, finding that he looked no worse for wear, turned and retreated back to her drink. “How did you even wind up in this situation?”
He stood and brushed himself off while respectfully admiring the view. “I was overcome.”
Yoruichi scoffed. “Ha! By a box!?” She took another glug of the smoothie without waiting for his reply. He’d interrupted her leisure time for this?
Kisuke gave a smile and finally turned his attention back to the box in question. He picked one side of it up and started to maneuver it toward the door—and her. “It’s quite the unwieldy specimen.”
She rolled her eyes and turned to watch as he struggled with it. “Don’t expect me to help any more than I already have,” she deadpanned. She had made it very clear—well in advance!—that she’d set this day aside for relaxation.
“Surely observing my labor makes partaking of your treat all the sweeter?” he asked as he dragged the box up alongside her.
Yoruichi’s only response was a dubious stare, but the truth was seeing him struggle did kinda make the smoothie tastier. She took another drink to confirm the matter, following him as he pulled the box along through the shop. Only once she was satisfied that there was indeed something nicer about the smoothie under these circumstances did she speak again. “What’s in the box anyway?”
“Very helpful. Here I was, beginning to think perhaps it was a cube containing the vacuum of space or something.”
Kisuke stopped abruptly and looked up at her in surprise.
“What?” She frowned suspiciously and her tone grew dimmer.
“That’s a great idea,” he said in a hushed voice.
“Interplanetary, interstellar, or intergalactic?”
“Kisuke, no.”
He smiled again and continued pulling the box along. “The French once trained fourteen female cats for spaceflight, you know.”
“I am not going into space,” Yoruichi said severely.
“Well, not with an attitude like that. Though I suppose Félicette wasn’t willing either. She did survive! I think you were in Texas in 1963?”
Yoruichi’s expression grew a bit sour and she looked aside, sipping at the smoothie as she abruptly wandered down memory lane. “Don’t remind me.”
“Anyway, there are some parts I need in here,” he finally volunteered.
“Parts for what?” she asked, pushing the memories aside. They’d made their way back through the shop and living room and were heading into a side room Kisuke often used for working on small projects.
“I’m putting the computer back together.”
“Kisuke, I don’t know anything about computers, and even I know that thing is a hunk of junk.” She caught sight of it then: an obsolete-looking, single-unit thing clad in beige plastic. The keyboard and monitor were integrated into a single massive terminal which took up most of the surface area of a chabudai table. It was positively archaic.
“Don’t insult my baby that way,” he said, with what sounded like sincere injury.
Yoruichi stifled her own sense of being offended with another drink. “Your ‘baby’ belongs in a scrapyard,” she asserted instead, pressing the attack.
Kisuke peered at her from under his hat but said nothing, instead bringing the box over to where he needed it.
She moved around the other side of the computer, finding the back of it was open.
He opened the box and set about rifling through it, retrieving various parts and pieces from among its jumbled contents.
Yoruichi watched with studied disinterest until she finished her smoothie, then promptly left for the kitchen to refill her glass.
She sighed wistfully upon opening the fridge as she realized that had been the last of the batch. It was simple enough to make, and she could do it herself, but Tessai always got the ratio of the ingredients perfectly right and they were out of milk to boot. She sadly washed the glass out instead.
She was just finishing when she heard Kisuke laugh from across the building. After setting the glass aside to air dry, she returned to his ad hoc office.
He was sitting in front of the computer, using its absurd trackball to navigate around its interfaces. The GUI, at least, seemed very modern.
Kisuke double-clicked on something and then turned and stood. “It works!”
“Yes, I can see that,” she duly replied.
He moved closer and extended a hand toward her. “Let’s celebrate the occasion. Care to dance?”
She raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.
Right then, a very familiar drum, bass, and guitar section started up, following a 12 bar blues progression.
Yoruichi’s recognition of it was instant, and she blinked before scoffing again. “This song? You’re so s—”
She didn’t have time to finish as Kisuke moved in closer and took her hands in his, starting to move with her just as the lyrics to Queen’s “I Want To Break Free” started.
She glared at him, given the wholly appropriate nature of the lyrics, but grudgingly started to cooperate with him once it became clear he wouldn’t stop.
He smiled at her and began to mouth along with the vocals at, “I’ve fallen in love.”
It was possible to suppress her laugh, but she couldn’t entirely hide her own smile. Defeated, she started to dance with him properly, taking her own turn to mouth the words at, “It’s strange but it’s true,” turning the song into something of a dialogue.
They moved and pretended to sing together until the instruments faded out, ending their dance with a twirl that brought her close to him and left them considering one another in silence.
“You’re so sappy,” she stated, concluding her earlier thought.
“And you’re still very sweaty,” he replied with a smile.
She blinked and glowered, then unhanded him and slugged him in the stomach. She turned without further consideration and headed for the door.
“I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave,” Kisuke managed to wheeze.
Yoruichi flipped him off without looking back as she crossed the threshold. Still, she couldn’t keep a smile off her face as she went to pour herself some water before heading back outside. Idiot…
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forgetmenotaftg · 5 years
La Vie En Klosé
Nicky Hemmick huffed as he walked out of the gate at Berlin-Tegel after a rough Christmas at home. He was just ready to get back to his host family. The Stuttgart airport was never this crowded, so he tried his best to look confident and totally not lost as shit, and finally, with the help of the signs and his growing understanding of the German language, he made it out past the passport checks. Peering out over the crowd, Nicky saw a few people waiting around with signs and advertisements for taxis and rent-a-car services, but couldn’t spot either one of his host parents yet.
“Nicky!” he heard someone call. Nicky stood up on his tiptoes and saw who had to have been Erik Klosé standing by a shitty looking Burger King with a bouquet in his hand.
…And promptly tripped over a little girl’s bright pink suitcase.
As soon as he hit the ground, Erik was offering him a hand.
Nicky suddenly realized that he was staring. He’d seen pictures of Erik around the Klosé home, but wow. “Erik?”
“Hello, Nicky. These are for you.”
“Beautiful. I mean. They’re beautiful. The flowers,” Nicky stammered, taking the flowers and hugging them to his chest as Erik helped him up.
Erik grinned.“You’re telling me.”
Nicky and Erik shuffled their feet along the winding stone path ahead of them. The quiet there was almost unsettling–It felt like the only things in existence were the hundreds of lilies in the gardens around them, the two of them, and one word hanging in the air between them.
“So your parents aren’t okay with it?”
“No. In their eyes, I’m an abomination. They’re stuck perceiving the Bible the way they want to,” Nicky shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets in an effort to keep himself as small and contained as he felt.
“They don’t deserve to claim the title of ‘Christian.’ You do know that, right?” Erik said, stopping mid-step and turning to Nicky.
“I know. That doesn’t make it hurt any less.”
“I didn’t say that it should.” Erik placed a finger under Nicky’s chin and directed his gaze upward so they could make eye contact. “But hiding hurts even more, doesn’t it?”
Nicky swallowed hard and nodded wordlessly, reaching up to wrap his hand around Erik’s wrist. Before he could force the words he wanted to say out of his chest, Erik spoke up.
“Me too.”
“You’re— “
When Erik kissed him, those petal-soft lips made Nicky bloom as excitedly as lilies around him, and for the first time in a long time, Nicky felt the sun again.
“That’s your concerned voice,” Erik said, marking his place in his book and setting it down on the nightstand next to their bed. “What’s wrong, Love?”
“I never talked about him much, but…My cousin Aaron’s mother just died in a car accident. His…You know the long-lost twin thing. Andrew was with her. He survived.”
“Oh, Baby,” Erik whispered, motioning for Nicky to join him in bed. After his boyfriend crawled in next to him, Erik wrapped his arms around Nicky and kissed his forehead. “I’m so sorry.”
“They don’t have a mother anymore,” Nicky started, then paused. “They’re not old enough to be independent yet, either. That means that they’d go to—“
“Luther and Maria.” Erik knew what that meant, as much he didn’t want to acknowledge it. “You want to go take care of them, don’t you?”
“I don’t want to leave you,” Nicky sniffled, but then his voice broke. “I—”
“You know I will respect whatever decision you make. I will be beside you the entire way, if you’ll have me, Nicky. If you want to go, that is what you’ll do. I want to make this work, and if you do, too—”
“That isn’t fair to you, Erik,” Nicky shook his head.
“Nothing is ever fair. Not wholly. I love you, and I love your heart. I trust it. Right now, it belongs somewhere else. And as long as it can share,” Erik smiled. “I don’t mind. We’ll still make time for one another. We can visit on holidays. You should go. They need you. I can wait. I will.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Says the man who is uprooting his entire life to take care of family he hardly knows. No one deserves someone as selfless and bright as you.” Erik reached over Nicky and plucked a long stem of forget-me-nots from the arrangement beside their bed. He tucked the flowers behind Nicky’s ear and kissed the end of his nose. “You won’t be able to get rid of me that easily.”
“Any updates?”
“They found him. He’s alive. He…Well, he looks fucked, to be honest. But he’s alive, and he’s dating Andrew.”
“Holy shit.”
“I think Aaron almost had a grand mal seizure,” Nicky shook his head. “I think I actually did. Anyway. They’re with the feds working through everything. They want him to go into witness protection, but God knows we aren’t letting him go anywhere. And Andrew? I think he’d kill the next person that even looked at Neil for too long.”
“So it isn’t just physical? Andrew actually has feelings for someone?”
“Feelings might be an understatement,” Nicky teased. “He choked out Kevin over the fact that Neil was nowhere to be found.”
“That will make my next visit all the more entertaining, won’t it?”
“Speaking of, you’re still coming to the championship, right?”
“I got approved for time off and already booked the flight. I can’t wait to see you again.”
“I love you,” Nicky sighed dreamily. He could almost see Erik smiling in the stands, now. “Today just—The way Neil looked at Andrew today, it was…The same way you look at me. It was like the day you first kissed me, when you saw me for the first time. It’s…I miss you, and—Today just made me realize how quickly things can change”
“I miss you too, Nicky. I love you so much.”
“I know. I love you, Erik. Be good. Don’t get into trouble.”
Unbeknownst to Nicky, Erik popped open the small box that held Nicky’s engagement ring in his hand and closed it again. It almost made him laugh to know that Nicky would hear the click when it shut but would have no idea what it was. “I’m always good.”
“One: Bullshit. Two: Bye, Honey. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Love. Be safe.”
“Nicholas Esteban Hemmick, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Renee asked, closing the Bible in her hands with a soft look in her eyes.
“I do.”
“Do you have a ring for the groom?”
Neil smiled and pulled the simple platinum band out of his pocket before handing it to Nicky. Go get ‘em, he mouthed.
“Please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”
“With this ring…” Nicky slid the ring onto Erik’s finger, a single happy tear running down his cheek. “I thee wed.”
“Now for the part you’ve been waiting for. By the power invested in me by the state of South Carolina, I now pronounce you to be married. Erik, you may kiss your husband.”
Only Matt and Dan’s catcalls managed to pull the two of them apart.
“You’re insatiable,” Nicky laughed breathlessly, wrapping his arms around Erik’s neck and pressing their noses together.
“What can I say? Mr. Klosé looks good on you.”
Before Nicky could speak, Erik pulled him in again.
“He’s smaller than I thought he would be.”
“Wyatt is just a baby, Love,” Erik chuckled, leaning over to rest his chin on his husband’s shoulder. “They’re small.”
“He was just born so early. He’s too small.” Nicky pressed his hand to the glass wall of the incubator in which their son was placed with a sigh.
“I think he takes after Andrew,” Neil smirked (despite the look Andrew gave him). “Really though, Nicky. He’s perfect. I know he’ll be alright before you take him home to Germany.”
Andrew crossed his arms and shifted his weight to one foot. “Katelyn said we—You have nothing to worry about. He’s finally eating well and he’s been gaining weight for the past week.”
“Speaking of babies, we have to go feed ours. Sir is a menace when she’s hungry,” Neil mumbled, whispering something else and receiving a nod before taking his husband’s hand.
“When we were out late for Wyatt’s birth, she tried to escape in retaliation,” Andrew nodded.
“Thank you for stopping by, you two.” Erik gently squeezed Neil’s shoulder. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
Once Neil and Andrew said their goodbyes, Nicky pursed his lips and looked up at Erik. “Do you think we’re ready for this?”
“I know that we are,” Erik nodded, wrapping his arms around Nicky’s waist from behind and kissing his cheek.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Nicky, you’ve already been a parent. You were there for Andrew and Aaron when they had no one else. Because of you, they went to college. Because of you, they grew together instead of uprooting the support system you gave them. Because of you, they have a family outside of blood. You gave them all the love they never had. I have seen you love and care for people for so many years, Nicky. You are going to be an amazing father,” Erik whispered. “After everything you’ve been through and everything we’ve been through together, I think we can handle just about anything.”
Written by @reaching-my-summit, and posted here with permission.
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panda-noosh · 4 years
hello! i loved reading your work, they're SO GOOD and i don't think i've been happier 💕 do you mind writing a ghost cedric x reader? thank you i hope ur day is well!! ✨✨✨✨
Filch thought the halls were empty when he did his final rounds of the night. You know better.
  You only leave your room when you hear the knock on the gargoyle outside. Nobody else bats an eyelid, mistaking the noise for a gust of window, or a painting getting restless – again, you know better.
  No one else wants to admit what's really going on. Everyone else wants to think Cedric died, and he's peaceful now, living whatever life he wanted to live before the Dark Lord took it all away from him. People don't really talk about Cedric all that often any more, like his name is some kind of taboo. You don't complain; you see him almost every night, so it's not as if you're missing out.
  You hear the knock tonight, as per usual, and make your way out of the Hufflepuff common room. A swift glance left and right lets you know the coast is clear, and that's when Cedric makes his appearance, a dazzling glimmer in the dim darkness of the Hogwarts hallways. He's smiling, as he is often is, with his hair slicked back and his feet hovering just a few inches off the floor. He was always taller than you, but now you have to look up at him just to see his eyes. Eyes that are dead and grey, but his eyes nonetheless.
  Seeing him always has the same effect on you. Stomach flip, a moment if fear, disbelief that he's really here even though you saw his body in the gardens that day, cradled by Harry Potter. But then he reaches out, and his cold fingers brush a strand of hair from your face, and you realise with a start that none of this is fake, he is here, you can talk to him.
  “You look very shiny tonight.”
  Cedric chuckles. Cold air brushes your arms, and you have to fight to stop yourself from shivering. “Hello to you, too.”
  “Let's get walking before someone in the common room hears us.”
  “Aw, do they not wanna come out and say hi?”
  You scoff. “They all miss you like mad, Ced, but they're also wimps – they'll call for McGonagall the second they lay eyes on you.”
   Cedric scowls before the two of you set off along the hallway. It's so normal now, this feeling of bewilderment. You still have not been able to properly process the fact that Cedric is here, walking along beside you in his ghost form, that you were so lucky to have him come back and greet you.
  “Have you spoken to Harry yet?” you find yourself asking, because this is the question you ask every time you see him.
  He hollows out his cheeks. “You know I can't do that.”
  “Why not? You can show yourself to me.”
   “Because I want to show myself to you. Plus, you want to see me, and I know you want to see me.” He pauses, glancing back and forth as if waiting for someone to jump out at him. “I don't know if Harry wants to see me.”
  “Of course he does. That poor lad probably hasn't stopped thinking of you since you.  . . Well, you know.”
  “That's the point, though. I think it would be better if he just stopped thinking about me, and we're never gonna get to that point if I keep showing up outside the Gryffindor common room every night.”
  You sigh; it's Cedric's decision, of course, and you can definitely understand where he's coming from. Nonetheless, you're also the poor soul who has to watch Harry Potter mope around the hallways thinking he killed an innocent Hufflepuff. No matter how many times you let him know that Cedric isn't mad at him, he takes your words only as loose condolences. He has no idea that Cedric himself has actually passed the message along.
  Lost in your thoughts, you don't notice Cedric swoop down until his cold fingers are looping through your own. It takes a lot of strength, he once told you, to tether himself to the real world, to feel things are he once did in his living years. You glance over to see him gritting his teeth, clearly putting a lot of effort into getting your attention back on him.
  You chuckle, slipping your hand out of his. He immediately deflates, closing his eyes for a moment before grinning down at you.
  “You zoned out.”
  “Sorry,” you reply. “But don't do that again. You're gonna burst a blood vessel.”
  He scoffs. “Don't tell me you don't miss holding my hand.”
  You pause. You kind of hate it when he says things like that, because he says them with a smile. He says it like it's a joke, and maybe to him it is. To him, it's easy to perceive it that way, because he's just living his life. Nothing has changed for him. He gets to see the people he saw before, and he can speak to them if he so wishes – you, on the other hand, have the trauma of seeing your boyfriend laying dead in the grass. You do miss holding his hand. A lot. An awful lot.
  Cedric swoops down again, blocking your path. His eyebrows are furrowed, a tiny crinkle forming between them that you so desperately want to flatten down, just as you used to, but even if you try, your hand will go right through him. “Hey. What's wrong?”
   “Nothing,” you reply. “Let's just keep walking. I think the library should still be open-”
  “You're lying. I can tell when you're lying.”
   You hollow out your cheeks, stopping in your tracks. Cedric pauses, too, staring at you intensely.
  “I just. . . Miss a lot of things,” you mumble. “Like holding your hand, for example.”
  Cedric pulls back as if he's been slapped. You groan, making to reach for his arm, realising your mistake only seconds too late. Your fingers fall through his arm, and he notices, watching the action unfold as his expression slowly deadens to one of sadness and concern.
  His eyes flick back to you.
  You bite your lip. “Sorry. I know. . . I shouldn't be talking about stuff like this when I don't even get to see you that often. It just plays on my mind sometimes, that's all.”
  “No,” Cedric says abruptly. “No, you have every right to be upset. Shit, Y/N, I didn't even think about that. Not properly.” He runs a hand through his hair. It flops back against his forehead. It brings memories back. “I'm a bit of a shit boyfriend, aren't I?”
  Your eyes widen. “What? Cedric, no-”
  “And I've been thinking,” he continues, speaking quickly now, like he's in a rush to get the words out before you can say anything to contradict him. “If you want to move on with someone else, I'm totally cool with that. Like, I am technically dead – you shouldn't feel tethered to me in any way.”
   Your heart drops. It scares you, those words. The mere thought of moving on with anyone else makes you panic in a way that is most definitely unhealthy, but you can't help it. Cedric is right, of course – he is dead, and you should be moving on with your life, but it's early. You still have the image of his body planted behind your eyelids, can still remember how cold he felt when you fell to your knees and grabbed his hand, screaming out for help that was never going to be successful.
  You shake your head like a dog getting dry. “Cedric, stop. Stop talking like that.”
   “You're going to have to move on eventually,” he says. “Just because I'm here doesn't mean I expect you to stay with me the rest of your life. My life was over a while ago-”
  “Two months ago!” you exclaim. Cedric winces as your voice echoes off the stone walls, but you don't care any more.
  “Okay, two months ago,” he says. “But don't you think it's time you start forgetting about me? About us?”
  His voice trembles. You watch him when he speaks, the way his bottom lip shakes, his Adams apple bobbing, like the words are difficult to get out. You know he means it; he wants you to move on and be happy, and you know you're going to have to do just that at some point, but right now, you don't want anyone else.
  You step forward and reach out, letting your fingers glide through his delicately. He stiffens at the touch, looking down at you with heavy lidded eyes.
  “I love you, Cedric,” you say. “Now, and forever, I love you. Let's just enjoy what we have right now and we can worry about everything else when life catches up to us, yeah?”
  His shoulders slump. “Baby-”
   “Please, Ced. I lost you once. Let me recover before I lose you a second time.”
   He stares for a second longer before nodding. Then, gritting his teeth, he turns his hand over and gives your hand a squeeze, cold but familiar. You don't know how you're ever going to let go of it.
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goodbyecringe · 4 years
(Un)Natural Selection Chapter 14
“I’m pleased to announce that the Queen’s Annual Garden Party will take place one week from now! Her Majesty will be welcoming 500 citizens that have dedicated their lives to the betterment of Illeá through the practice of civil servitude. You will be expected to be the epitome of grace and manners, which is why we will be replacing history lessons with more etiquette lessons,” Claudia beamed.
The room became a buzz with girls smiling and giggling. Cosette turned to me beaming with excitement. While I was relieved to take a break from history lessons, etiquette could be equivalent to a death sentence.
“Oh Éponine, I need to tell my maids so they can get started on the perfect dress! I’m thinking a light baby blue so I can have little flowers in my hair,” she giggled.
“That sounds beautiful. You’ll look amazing,” I said half heartedly.
I didn’t need to tell Cosette that she would look great because it was just common knowledge. I focussed on staying awake rather than paying attention to the rest of the girl’s conversations. Even with the sleeping pills that Combeferre had prescribed I hadn’t been able to sleep since the nightmares started. After he cornered me in the hallway all I could see were his dark brown eyes and yellow smile. Montraparnese had tried to kiss me, which only resulted in his physical assault to the groin.
It was the first time my maids had seen me really lose it during my stay. Elise let me collapse into her arms while Laila went to get Mariam. After I calmed down Laila spent nearly an hour rotating between hot and cold compresses on my arm. The bruise that he had left on my wrist was an ugly red that Laila was unable to cover before my date with Enjolras. I didn’t tell them who did it to me because I remembered what Parnese yelled as I ran towards my room.
“I’d be careful who you tell about this, unless you plan on telling him about us.”
If I told Enjolras, he would find out about my history with Montraparnese and I’d be expelled from the Selection. Who could know what my father told Parnese before he was drafted. Did he know about Cosette?
“Éponine, can you repeat what I just said about the difference between drinking coffee and tea?” Claudia asked, marching in front of my seat.
“Ummm,” I stalled looking around the room.
Some girls were giving a vicious smile, happy to see who they believed to be Enjolras’ favorite fail in class. Some girls, like Cosette, looked horrified knowing that my failure would be reported to the King and Queen. Claudia, however, showed no emotion, as she always remained a neutral character.
“You put your pinky out when you sip tea?” I guessed.
The room immediately erupted into laughter.
“Musichetta, can you please help Éponine correct her mistake?”
“Of course Claudia! When drinking tea the middle finger supports the bottom of the cup and the thumb and index finger grip the handle. When drinking coffee, you can loop the index finger through the handle. Don’t worry Éponine, I made that mistake the first time I dined with members of a royal family,” she smiled.
For the most part I found Musichetta’s comment to be mostly empathetic.
I tried to hide in my seat during the rest of the lesson while other girls demonstrated their superior knowledge. Why couldn’t Royals learn about pickpocketing or how to lie? I would excel in those lessons. As the clock signalled that the hour of etiquette lessons had passed, I attempted to be the first person out of the door.
“May I speak with you for a moment, Éponine?” Claudia called.
“Might as well go pack your bags, Six,” Teresa sneered.
“Might as well go pack your attitude. It’ll be awhile before I care about what you think of me,” I smirked, wrinkling my nose.
“Miss Jondrette,” Claudia began. “You are obviously at a disadvantage here because of your upbringing, so I don’t fault you for that. However, at this rate it will take you a year before you’re at the level of some other girls. Now I am aware that you’ve been on several dates with Prince Enjolras, but I am obligated to report your progress to the King and Queen.”
“Well can’t we just do some extra meetings? I mean I’ve been trying to practice with my maids, but they can only help so much.”
“I’m not permitted to fulfill any such request unless you are chosen as one of The Elite. I suggest that you ask one of the other girls to help you. I just want you to know that if you can’t perform basic etiquette it doesn’t matter how much the Prince likes you, the King and Queen would never approve.”
Claudia didn’t say anything in a condescending tone. Although it was very easy to perceive it as such. If she didn’t want me to succeed she wouldn’t have talked to me today. I left feeling a strange pull between defensive and thankful.
“Lady Éponine,” I heard a voice call from behind me.
I turned around to see Bossuet jogging towards me.
“Would you be so kind to join Les Amis in the Men’s Room?” He asked with a cheery expression on his face.
“If I’m permitted in the Men’s Room then I would be honored to dine with you,” I smiled.
Lunch with Les Amis would be a refreshing change from the girls. Most of them had started to warm up to me, but a few were still acting like pompous princesses. As we approached the door I noticed that this was the first time I hadn’t seen Grantaire standing outside. Bossuet must have noticed my face because he laughed.
“Grantaire will be assisting with today’s demonstration, My Lady,” he said as we walked into the Men’s Room.
“Please Bossuet, just call me Éponine. We’re both Sixes, there’s no need for formalities.”
“Actually, when addressing the future Princess of Illeá, we would prefer to use proper formalities,” Courfeyrac smiled.
All of the boys were standing in a line behind a small table set for four people. The Men’s Room was brighter than the backroom of the Musain, and every boy appeared relaxed.
“You must have the wrong Selected girl. I was just told no matter how much Enjolras likes me I’ll never be royal until I can learn some manners.”
“That’s exactly why we’ve asked you here today! We, with the great aid of Grantaire, will be leading etiquette lessons in preparation of the Queen’s Garden Party,” Courfeyrac beamed.
“Éponine if you’d please sit here,” Combeferre said, pulling out a chair.
I sat down in the chair as Bahorel, Fueilly, and Bossuet joined me at the table. Joly, Jehan Prouvaire, and Courfeyrac stood behind them while Combeferre remained behind me.
“Everyone will have some one on one instruction while we go through lunch. Grantaire will be serving and I’m sure he’ll help as much as possible,” Courfeyrac said.
With Courfeyrac as my guide I felt comfortable and confident. His gentle reminders how to hold each glass and which utensil to use were subtle. For once I wasn’t the worst person at the table. During the first course Bossuet dropped his glass, leaving water and broken glass covering the table. It took two more courses for Joly to stop worrying about glass shards. Feuilly slurped everything that entered his mouth, which made Jehan Prouvaire almost lose his calm demeanor. Bahorel did well until he asked if he could light a cigarette during dessert.
“Clearly, we need to do a few more of these before the Garden Party,” Combeferre said, pinching his nose.
“Come on, Ferre you have to give Éponine the credit she’s due. She was by far the best at the table.”
“Oh no, I definitely shouldn’t be called the best,” I said, shaking my hands.
“I think we could make an argument,” I heard a voice say from behind me.
“Enjolras, Anna said she was having lunch with you.”
“We did, it was informative. Excuse me Friends, but I need to speak with Éponine,” he said, holding out his hand.
I grabbed Enjolras’s hand and waved to Les Amis as we exited the Men’s Room. We walked down the long hallway until entering the garden.
“So is there any particular reason you’re gracing me with your presence so unexpectedly?” I asked, as we walked on a pebble trail.
“You’ve inspired me to make an important decision,” he smiled.
“Why aren’t I excited?”
“Because there’s a possibility that it involves your money. Your points about the lavish spendings surrounding the Selection made me realize that my future wife isn’t here for the money. So I decided to forgo the stipend for all natural born Fours and higher. The money saved will go towards the Caste Relief Program,” Enjolras said, holding his breath.
“Only Fours and higher?” I asked.
“Well from my research all of the lower castes need the stipend. With a few Fours its need is debatable, but for the most part the Fours can do without it.”
“I mean what’s a few months stipend for a lifetime of security?” I turned to face him.
“Exactly. You’re only the second girl I’ve told so I would appreciate it if it could stay between us until I tell everyone. I hope to finish sometime this evening, and announce it to the media tomorrow morning.”
“That’s a good decision. People will see you as generous and considerate,” I said, sitting on a bench.
“Well what do you see me as?” He asked, sitting next to me.
Did my heart skip a beat? No. Would any other girl have gone into cardiac arrest? Yes.
“I see you as a man with good intentions that is passionate about his beliefs. You’re a good person,” I noted, nodding my head.
“You are too. A good person I mean,” he said, looking into my eyes.
My heart ignited with rage. I want to stand up and scream about how he didn’t know anything about me. But I didn’t stand and scream, I could only stare at my hands, folded neatly in my lap. Enjolras could never know anything about Éponine Thenardier.
“I hate to contradict, Your Highness, but I am not a good person. I’ve never done anything good in my life.”
“You’re humble too,” he smiled, not taking me seriously.
“No, Enjolras. I’ve never done anything with a good intention in my life. At the last meeting when you were describing the banquet and how all of us would help the hungry man, I didn’t. I didn’t get up from my seat to give him my food, even though I knew everything that man was feeling. I’ve been hungry,” I said, my thought trailing off.
“I can understand, Éponine,” Enjolras said, putting his hand on my shoulder.
“I’m sorry but you really can’t. There was a summer a few years ago when I hadn’t seen my father in days. Azelma and I were sure he had died in some alley. My mother was inconsolable and refused to leave her room. There was a point when I was staring out of a window in our apartment and I started to hallucinate. ‘Zelma said I opened the window and tried to jump, but she pulled me back,” I remembered, feeling a tear fall on my wrist.
There was a bit of a pause while Enjolras gathered his thoughts.
“I am truly sorry, Éponine,” was all he said.
We sat together in silence for a bit. I watched two Blue Jays play in a birdbath while Enjolras stared at them. He wasn’t really watching, it was just where his eyes had landed. He walked me to the Women’s Room, where he asked for Cosette to join him in the hallway. He didn’t say goodbye, which was fine because I didn’t know if I wanted to address him. I wasn’t angry with his reaction, or lack thereof.
As I read in the corner of the Women’s Room I heard Musichetta whisper to some other girls.
“I don’t know what happened on their date but she was hysterical when she came back to her room. I tried to watch her from my room but a guard came and shut the door,” she exclaimed.
“That’s horrible. She must have done something horrible to be sent home after just a lunch,” Liberty said.
Enjolras had sent Anne home right before he talked to me. He didn’t seem remotely affected by his sudden elimination, or any of the previous ones. Maybe his lack of reaction had shown me a colder side of him.
I stayed in the Women’s Room for a few hours and watched as Enjolras called girl after girl. After talking to Cosette about Anne’s elimination I decided to go back to my room and take a nap before dinner. When I arrived, Elise nearly attacked me with her excitement.
“This arrived for you about an hour ago!” She said, holding out an envelope addressed to me.
I’m sorry I didn’t have more to say earlier. You stated that you didn’t think that you were a good person, so I’ve compiled a list of every good thing you’ve done since you’ve been in the Selection. Thank you for confiding such an intimate story to me, and I promise that I won’t repeat it to anyone else. I’m looking forward to a real date with you on Thursday.
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isitgintimeyet · 5 years
The Ties That Bind
Thanks for reading!
Thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta and support
Chapter 23: A Meddling Matriach
I have more than once observed to Lady Catherine that her charming daughter seemed born to be a duchess, and that the most elevated rank, instead of giving her consequence, would be adorned by her. — These are the kind of little things which please her ladyship, and it is a sort of attention which I conceive myself peculiarly bound to pay. - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
The Glasgow office of Fraser and Sons Distillery was located in a solid nineteenth century building, originally designed to showcase the wealth of some Victorian industrialist. There was still an old-fashioned feel to the rooms, even with the state-of-the-art technology housed within.
Jamie’s office was no different. The generous proportions of the room were accentuated by the large pieces of furniture. Dark wooden bookshelves lined one wall. The enormous desk was of the same wood, commanding the centre of the room and two large bottle-green leather chairs were against another wall next to a tall cupboard and side table. The furniture had obviously been in place for many years but it didn’t look old or battered, merely as though it belonged. There were newer additions to the office: a coffee machine in the corner, a large screen on the desk, wireless speaker on the windowsill, but to John, as he looked around waiting for Jamie to return, it always reminded him of an Edwardian gentleman’s club or, at least how he imagined one to be. John knew that in the cupboard next to him there would be several bottles of whisky and Edinburgh crystal glasses. The only things missing from the picture were a haze of cigar smoke and the quiet murmur of elderly gentlemen.
John moved over to the shelves behind Jamie’s desk. He recognised many of the photos, the collection built up over the past couple of years since Jamie took up his current position in the company. There were a few new photos that he had not seen before. A black and white posed portrait of Ian and Jenny with the two children and a formal photo of Jamie and Claire dressed up for Angus’ wedding.
The third photo was a candid close up of Claire, obviously surprised by a sudden gust of wind, laughing as her curls flew around her face, her hands ineffectually trying to calm her hair. John was struck by her sheer...no, not beauty… Claire was beautiful, no doubt, but then so was Geneva… it was, John realised, her vitality, her warmth, her charm. Hard as it was for John to admit, he could see why Jamie was so in love.
“That’s a grand picture, is it no’?”
John had been concentrating so intently on the picture of Claire that he hadn’t heard Jamie enter the office.
“‘Twas taken at Lallybroch the other week. She had been chasin’ Wee Jamie round the garden and I jes’ snapped her.”
John returned the photo to the shelf and joined Jamie on the leather seats, declining the whisky that was offered.
“So,” Jamie continued. “Now ye’ve met Claire, what do ye think? Ye can see why she’s the one?”
“She is pretty special. It was great to meet her.”
“Ye must come round for dinner some night soon.”
“That’d be great… wait, you’re not planning to cook are you? Hopefully, Claire can cook?”
Jamie laughed at his perceived shortcomings. “Aye, weel, a wee bit more than me. She does a mean lasagne.”
“Sounds like she's a keeper.”
“She definitely is and, er, the thing is...er…” Jamie appeared flustered. “John, ye mustna tell anyone this, naybody at all. I want tae marry her. I mean it. This is no’ some fancy. I want tae be wi’ her all the time.”
John was not surprised at this pronouncement, but was unsure of the reason for Jamie’s hesitancy. Based on his observation of Claire and Jamie together, he did not, for one minute, believe that Jamie’s feelings were not returned in full.
“So, have you decided how you’re going to pop the question? Great romantic gesture planned?”
“That’s the thing.” Jamie ran his hands through his ginger curls, forcing them on end. John longed to reach out and straighten them but common sense prevailed and he focussed on the topic in hand.
“I’m no’ goin’ tae propose. No’ jes’ yet anyways. I want tae, but wi’ all that’s goin’ on at the moment, the engagement would get lost in all the other noise. Nah, when I do it, I want the focus tae be on Claire. And I dinna want her tae think I’m doing it tae make meself feel less guilty about the bairn. I want her to ken that I’m doin’ it for the right reasons. Plus there is one more thing…”
“Geneva, I’m guessing.” John knew where this conversation was heading.
Jamie forced a weak smile. Unconsciously, his fingers tapped against his leg. “Aye, Geneva. I do need tae think about how it’d look. Geneva could play the part o’ the wee wronged woman. She’d be all over it, with me as the bastard who dumped a pregnant woman and Claire as a homewrecker. The fact there never was a home tae wreck, she wouldna even consider.”
Having known Geneva for several years, John had no doubt at all. However, he did have deeper concerns than this potential movie-of-the-week scenario. “Jamie,” he began tentatively. “Please, think about this, I’m not an expert in family law, but I can give you the name of a good lawyer who is. Is it not worth consulting him now, find out exactly where you stand, get it all sorted?”
“John, I ken ye’re tryin’ to help but I dinna think we need that. Geneva has her faults, but she wouldna deprive a bairn of its father, if that’s what ye’re thinkin’. And if I have tae tread careful round her for the next few months, that’s what I’ll do. It’ll all work out, ye’ll see. And who knows, mebbe this time next year we’ll be planning a wedding at Lallybroch.”
This time, Jamie made sure there were no last-minute problems. He gave himself extra time for the journey to the hospital, the drinks holder in the car was full of change. Claire, he knew, was in theatre, so there would be no chance of an unscheduled meeting with Geneva.
He actually arrived at the ultrasound reception before Geneva with plenty of time to spare. The selection of waiting room magazines and leaflets didn’t exactly inspire him. He bypassed the ‘Postnatal care of your Perineum’ leaflet, although he did pocket a couple of breastfeeding leaflets for Geneva. He settled down with his phone to wait. A message appeared from Claire wishing him luck. For the scan, he presumed, although, of course, it may have been luck in handling Geneva.
Finally, Geneva arrived. She was still not giving in to pregnancy comfort, dressed today in black spike high-heeled shoes and a figure-hugging dress. Jamie was conscious of eyes, both judging and admiring, following her as she made her way over to him. He wasn't quite sure how that dress would work with the scan - she would perhaps have to take it off, or was that what she had planned?
She kissed him briefly on the cheek and sat beside him, crossing her long, tanned legs. The toe of her patent shoe lightly nudged his shin.
“Are you excited?” she asked, resting her hand on his jacket sleeve. “About finding out the sex, I mean?”
“Are we findin’ out, then?” Jamie shifted in his seat, dislodging her hand. “We havena talked about it. Can we no’ discuss it? Do ye no’ want a surprise?”
“We’re talking about it now, aren’t we?”
“Nah, we’re no’ talkin’ about it… we’re talkin’ about the fact that ye already made the decision. And ye dinna even ask fer ma opinion at all.” Jamie spoke in a whisper, aware that other people in the waiting room were bored and keen for some entertainment.
Geneva lowered her voice a fraction. “My body, my baby, my choice. Besides I need to know to decide on a colour palette for the nursery, and then there’s the printing for the baby shower invitations that Isobel is sorting out... and do you think we should have a gender reveal for family and friends?”
Jamie folded his arms across his chest. “No’ sure why ye ask me. Ye do what ye want. But, let me be clear, I will no’ be hostin’ any parties wi’ ye, gender reveal or no’, nor attendin’ and neither will my family.  I’ve already told ye plainly that there is no ‘we’ and never will be…dinna be thinkin’ I will change ma mind on this.”
“Geneva Dunsany, room three please.”
Silently they gathered their belongings and headed into the ultrasound.
Jamie sat in his car, breathing deeply, trying to stop trembling. Leaning over, he fumbled in the glovebox, pulled out a tissue and ran it across his eyes, trying to process calmly the events of the last thirty minutes.
The first realisation was that Geneva, despite the conversation they had when they last met, hadn’t given up trying to create a ‘Jamie and Geneva’ relationship. She wasn’t stupid but obviously thought that if she pushed hard enough she would get her own way… again. And her own way did not consider his opinions at all.
The second was that she would use any opportunity, including an antenatal appointment, to achieve it. Her knowing glance to Jamie as she pulled her dress up, briefly revealing her black lace panties before the sonographer modestly placed a sheet across her hips confirmed as much.
So far, so predictable.
But the third realisation struck him like a thunderbolt. When he heard the whooshing heartbeat and then the sonographer saying “Good positioning, I can see… it’s a boy,” Jamie absolutely realised that he was going to be a father and he felt a sudden rush of love for that little, blurry, slightly alien image on the screen. And, as much as he smiled at Geneva and offered celebratory words, there was only one person he wanted to share it with.
Jamie checked the time as he pressed the redial button on his phone. Hopefully, the theatre session would not have overrun.
“Claire, Sassenach, are ye around? Can I come and see ye? It’s a boy, Claire. I’m havin’ a son.”
Jamie had a quiet evening in ahead of him. Claire had decreed tonight to be a girls’ night, which meant the opportunity to catch up with Geillis and a couple of other friends. With Frank, she had felt herself slowly becoming alienated from them all. Fortunately the friendships were strong enough to withstand Frank’s isolationist tactics, but Claire was not going to let history repeat itself, no matter how wonderful the man.
And by now, Jamie thought as he idly flicked through the television channels, they would probably be on their second bottle of wine and comparing notes about their respective partners’ faults. Weel, they'll have plenty tae talk about there wi’ me!
The sound of the doorbell roused him from his contemplations, its frequent buzzing conveying a sense of urgency, if not panic. Jamie rushed to open the front door, expecting some emergency to be awaiting him in the door step. It was much worse.
Geneva's mother stood on the doorstep. She had, in her youth, been considered pretty, if not beautiful. Qualities which had attracted and held onto the wealthy landowner William Dunsany. Her prettiness had, over the years, transformed into a hard, majestic facade. Her only link to her glorious youth was the beauty of her much beloved daughter Geneva, who greatly resembled her and who she had always indulged without question. Isobel, who took after her father, had been more of a disappointment.
“Good evening, Louisa. Do ye want tae come in then?” Jamie was taken aback by her appearance at his door but chose to remain polite to minimise the unpleasantness that he presumed was about to head his way.
Without a word, Louisa brushed past Jamie and made her way into the living room.
Settling herself in the middle of the sofa, she began her speech. “You can be at no loss, James, to understand why I’ve come here this evening. Your own conscience must tell you. I believe in frankness, so I’m not going to beat about the bush.”
Jamie’s face assumed a passive air. He decided to let Geneva’s mother have her say without interruption.
“I’m here to remind you of your responsibility towards my daughter. You can’t think to leave her to do everything on her own.”
Jamie’s hands curled into fists, his nails digging into the palms, but still he remained silent.
“Geneva deserves a partner in this, you have an obligation to her. And what about the baby, my grandson? He deserves two parents, needs to be brought up in a normal family. Now...” Her tone softened, as if she was offering him a gift, a solution to his predicament. “Now, I’ve heard you have started a new relationship, and I’m sure she is very nice but you’ve not known her that long and  it would be easier to make the break now than let it run on and hurt her more with a messy split. And remember, you have a history with Geneva.”
Louisa looked round the room. ”At least you’ve had the sense not to let her move in with you. That makes it easier.”
“Her name is Claire, and I’ll thank ye not tae bring her into this. I dinna mean tae upset ye but even if Claire wasna around, Geneva and I wouldna be together, bairn or no’. I agree, this laddie needs two parents and that he will have. I will do my share and when he is a wee bit older and able tae leave his mam, I will look after him here too. We can sort out the arrangements.”
Jamie’s voice was calm and level, in direct contrast to the feelings building up inside him. He was trying to remain fair to Louisa, who, he assumed, was doing what she had always done - made sure Geneva got what Geneva wanted, whether it be the latest toy, another pet… or him.
“I’m no’ goin’ tae explain the reasons why Geneva and I are no’ and willna be together. That’s between her and me. I have said I will support her and I will, I promise ye that, but only as the father of the bairn. And I willna be giving Claire up, I can assure ye. If ye think ye can come here into ma home and make me change ma mind on this, well ye will have had yerself a wasted journey.”
Louisa stood up and moved closer to Jamie. “You have no regard, then, for the
feelings of my daughter? What she must be going through?”
“Louisa, I have nothing further tae sa tae ye. I have told ye the truth. I will not be moved on this. And I resent the fact that ye think ye can tell me what I should or shouldna do. This is no’ all ma fault, so dinna be acting like I’m some sort of … of...”Jamie felt his self control start to slip, his voice beginning to rise in anger. “... evil seducer. I willna change ma mind, no matter what ye say. And ye can go and tell that tae yer daughter too.” “Very well.” Louisa headed to the door, not waiting for Jamie to stand up. “I just hope this woman of yours is worth it.”
And with that she flounced out of his house, slamming the front door behind her.
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girlmeetsliv3 · 5 years
Paradiso: Eleven
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Warning: You should know by now
Appearances can be deceiving is a lesson that has been mentioned in this story multiple times and is one warning that should always be headed. Let us present another one: never underestimate anything or anyone. Nature has a funny way of rooting for the underdog and it is usually the dogs with no barks that do all the biting. Even something as inconspicuous as a simple leaf can lead to a disastrous rash. A simple manila folder that was worn out and slightly bent at the corners held the power to destroy everything you had ever perceived to be true – even though you knew very little as it was. Due to this, there was a hesitation, understandably so, to peek inside and open the pandora’s box; you knew that whatever it contained was only going to worsen your situation. Despite this, humans are naturally curious creatures, it is such a thing that has lead to uncovering some of Humanities greatest achievements and some of its worse. So, you opened it and looked inside.
           There were digital pictures of you clearly taken with a camera of sorts and tagged with the date. From what you can tell of the condition of the person in these pictures she looked like she might be the protagonist of a post-apocalyptic novel; her clothes were torn, skin badly dried out, cracked in other areas. The first picture was from your collars up, but the second was that of your entire body and it was impossible to believe you were still alive. For the bruises that were scattered almost sporadically along your body left little space for your actual skin to show. Hoseok hadn’t been lying, all the bruises were in different healing stages: some still purple and scaring, whilst others were white and fading. How have I not noticed them before? As you went to look under your shirt to see how you had possibly missed such things Hoseok finally spoke.
           “I used a combination of marigold, chaay, kachanar, neem, garlic, onion, and Devil’s horsewhip. They use them to treat people with severe skin diseases, plus you were in a self-induced coma, so all your body had to do is heal itself.” His tone was monotone as if he was bored with the conversation. It was the perfect explanation as to why you didn’t have any physical evidence – on your body at least. Too perfect. However, you were far too tired to fight any longer and you truly felt the longer you resisted Hoseok the worse the situation would become. There was no point in trying to put out a flame with nothing except your body.
           You closed the envelope and simply stared at it with such an intensity that was laughable. The behavior was almost like a childlike just because you wanted it to go away does not mean it would, and you had to come to terms with your current situation. This isn’t a dream. I won’t wake up and suddenly be a different person; neither will he. So…
           “Can we go for a walk? Please?”
           “Sure. Where do you want to go?”
           “Is there anything to do on the island?”
           Hoseok didn’t reply just stood up and walked out of the kitchen towards the back of the house. You followed silently after him always two steps behind just in case. He turned a sharp left and opened the back door, holding it open for you to walk through, just as you were about to step outside it dawned on you. “Hobi, I don’t have shoes or appropriate clothes.” Your feet were entirely barefoot and a bit dirty; the only clothes you had were an oversized long sleeve shirt, joggers, and his boxers. You never considered complaining because it was better than being naked, but now that you were going outside and could potentially –
           “Don’t worry no one will see you but me. Plus, I have a faucet outside to clean your feet once we come back.” He retorted with a calm smile which didn’t reach his eyes. All you could do was give a nod and step through the threshold; you stood on a small mat until Hoseok finished locking the door behind him. He grabbed your hand and interlocked your hands, the two of you strolling through the garden. Eventually, you reached the end of the garden and there was a large metal door which required a key; one that Hoseok pulled out of his back pocket. Then you entered the thick lush forest. The ground wasn’t soft but coated with thick leaves of all sorts, still, it was not uncomfortable. All you did was walk and observe your surroundings, in moments like this, you could pretend that everything was okay. That Hoseok and you were a normal couple living a normal life. Those thoughts caused an uncomfortable feeling to sprout, one that led to dangerous thoughts which reminded you of the story he had told you. You looked up and couldn’t help but admire how stunning he looked, his beauty rivaled the gods and you began to wonder if perhaps that is why he is the way he is. A punishment for being too pure, too beautiful, too naïve; this was done to him. Therefore, can’t it be fixed? It might be, even if just a little.
           “Hobi, what were your parent’s like?” This question caught him off guard, you could tell from his reaction. The smile faltered a bit and his hand tightened around yours. “I don’t really like talking about my parents, Jagi.” His words were soft and had a cautious tone to them. “Sorry.” An uncomfortable silence filled the two of you, it began to grow the longer it went so you decided to try again.
“Why do you call me that? What does it mean?”
“What? Jagi? It’s just a nickname, you don’t like it?”
“I do. I do. Um, I just didn’t know what it meant.”
He chuckled. “It means Honey or Baby, whatever you want.”
A tomato was less red than your face at that moment. Which caused a beautiful laugh to slip from his lips, he slipped his arm over your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. A small smile grew on your lips; if only things could stay like this. It must have been around twenty minutes before the beach was visible. The ocean was a beautiful deep blue-green color that just sparkled in the sunshine. The sand was warm and slipped through due to how fine it was. It was picture perfect, just like everything else on the island, just like the person who inhabited it. “It’s beautiful.” A wonder-filled you and you began to walk towards it, Hoseok simply let you tug him along, just observing you.
The edge of the water was freezing cold, but you didn’t really mind it letting the waves gently splash your feet as you sat on a mound of sand. Hoseok had rolled up tightly your shirt sleeves and pants so you didn’t die of a heat stroke or, so he said. The two of you just sat there his head leaning on your shoulder, as the two of you just listened to the sound of the waves crashing against each other. There was something sprouting in your broken mind, a feeling you hadn’t felt for two days ago: a longing, a desire, it would cause a lot of trouble. But it could not be helped, and you could not be blamed, you were simply a puppet on strings playing right into his hands. So, your next actions even though it might seem incomprehensible to anyone looking in. They were not in your shoes. So what did they truly know?
Simultaneously both of you looked at each other an understanding of sorts happening. A deal. You knew this was the point of no return, but you’ll be damned if you had to stay alone and isolated for the rest of your life – you needed this and he did too. You kissed him and the events that followed soon after would not only provide you great pleasure but great pain in the long run.
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pokepartners · 6 years
partner / team / trainer class / region request!
Hi! I’d like to make a big request! Partner+Team & Trainer Class+Region~
I’m a gay cis guy who is pretty fem leaning!
Zodiac: My birthday is November 1st, so that’s Scorpio! I kinda agree with Libra more, though. So I guess vedic/sidereal could make sense as well. 
MBTI type: ENFP, but I’m the more quiet/shy & lazy type. I still have all the goofy & weird antics ENFP’s are popular for.
Favorite Colors: white/cream, mainly cool pastels + pink.
Favorite animal: Rabbit, fish, panda, deer.
Favorite Types: Fairy, water, grass, normal, psychic
Favorite season: Spring & Autumn.
Favorite place: Forests, gardens, beach, mountains, small cities, my bedroom, somewhere new 
Things I Like: K-POP girlgroups, mythology, the environment, perfume, plushies & knickknacks, traveling, flowers+plants, mermaid stuff, ocean, moon watching, clothes+makeup, animals, sleeping, animal crossing, mysterious & weird themed stuff, being with friends, anything calming, emotional/artistic animation, nature documentaries, being comfy
Things I don’t like: Gore, violence, scary things, neon+loud colors, loud noises, busybodies, eating meat, bugs bothering me, sweating, grumpy people
Good Traits: Friendly, flirty, chatty, enthusiastic, very difficult to anger or upset, mellow & goofy, intelligent, capable of enduring tough times, adventurous, good with animals, very interested in friendship, witty, kinda have an innocent child like nature to my core, has a new main interest every week, adaptable to change, sharp humor
Bad Traits: Oblivious to how I come off to others, shy, erratic, naive, clumsy, forgetful, not super responsible, more interested in play rather than work, runs away from & avoids problems, comes off standoffish, bad at initiating social stuff, history with health paranoia, stubborn with my personal opinions, aggressive when truly annoyed/offended, sometimes come off as annoying & overly trivial, emotional intensity from others makes me feel uncomfortable, so I might not be good at handling touchy situations (but I will try), confidence issues with my appearance, lazy, allergic to most cats & dogs :((
I can’t wait to see what you come up with!! I’ve always wanted to have one of these done for me by someone else. xoxoxo
hello! it’s pretty great to see another enfp - i don’t actually meet them all that often. but anyway, this was a pretty nice request to start off with, since a good few pokemon came to mind straight off the bat!
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✧ this is a pretty impressive pokemon to start this blog off with, but i really feel like mew would be your partner! mew is a pokemon that’s drawn to people with a pure heart, and is very curious and playful. despite its immense power, it is incredibly gentle with everybody so long as it isn’t in danger - and rather than fighting, it prefers to make itself invisible so as to avoid conflict! being an adaptable pokemon that enjoys new experiences and sensations, mew would be the perfect partner for somebody adventurous and changeable like you - but equally, mew is small and affectionate, meaning that lazier days will be taken in its stride just as eagerly as the more exciting ones!
✧ being insatiably curious, mew fears very little, and is a sociable, outgoing pokemon. it shares in your childlike innocence, naivety and goofiness, but can also help combat your shyness, as it wants to meet everyone new it comes across, which can easily help break the awkwardness of social situations! furthermore, its eager energy may help to motivate you when you’re feeling like putting things off - it’s a brilliant cheerleader!
✧ being as rare as it is, mew doesn’t often come across members of its own species, if at all, and is very accustomed to the weird and wonderful, given its almost cryptic-like status - any unconventional interests of yours will be incredibly interesting to it as a result. all in all, mew is an energetic and adaptable pokemon that’s ready to take on anything it meets!
as for the rest of your team…:
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✧ granbull is, despite its appearance, a really shy pokemon - even more so than its pre-evolution! it despises fighting more than most pokemon, even though it has all the tools for it, and would much rather spend its time relaxing or enjoying life with its trainer. despite this, people tend to assume it wants to fight because of its fearsome looks - and as such, granbull can be quite self-conscious about the way people perceive it! i feel like training a granbull to overcome that timid nature and nervousness about its looks would really help boost your own confidence, and you can grow together!
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✧ like granbull, clefable is a pretty timid pokemon - it doesn’t like spending time in loud, crowded areas, and is pretty easily spooked around negativity and chaos. however, in the right environment, clefable is a wonderful companion; it’s mysterious and ethereal whilst also being really friendly, and it’s said to bring good luck to married couples (and possibly, by extension, those who are lucky enough to encounter it)! furthermore, clefable is the perfect friend for somebody who likes moon watching or stargazing; it loves nothing more than to gaze up into the night sky - and, if you’re really trusted, it might even dance for you!
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✧ audino is a very caring pokemon - it’s often used in hospitals and pokemon centres because of its natural urge to help. furthermore, its sensitive ears can tell how a person is feeling and check on their heart and other vitals just through listening! having this constant check of health would be a soothing for somebody with a history of health paranoia like you - and its naturally-calming disposition will help put any troubles to rest! audino is also very soft to the touch, so hugging it will feel much like hugging a plushie!
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✧ like you, chikorita is incredibly mellow and laid-back! very little disturbs this calm and docile pokemon - and, being a grass type, it likes flowers and forests just as much as you do! if you ever go for a walk through the woods, chikorita will happily be by your side, and whenever you’re feeling down, it can use its aroma to make you feel better. despite only being a baby, chikorita is actually very self-sufficient, and so long as it has sun and a nice place to sleep, it’ll be happy - but it does love cosying up to its trainer, so be prepared for a lot of affection once you get past its aloof exterior!
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✧ brionne (shiny) is an incredibly hard worker, and, like mew, is an excellent cheerleader - maybe even the best! brionne works tirelessly to achieve its goals, and never gives up regardless of how unmotivated it may feel on the day, because it knows that the end result is always worth more than the boring work it takes to get there. having a brionne around would really boost your motivation, as it’s impossible to not want to strive to achieve your own goals once you see how much effort brionne is putting in!
as for your trainer class, i feel like you’d be a fairy tale girl - or, err… the male equivalent? a fairy tale boy? fairy tale trainer? whatever it’d be called! fairy tale trainers specialise in normal, fairy and psychic-type pokemon, and have a mysterious - but elegant and inviting - aura about them! given that most of the pokemon i’ve given you fit into - or have the ability to fit into - one of the three types fairy tale trainers are known for, and given your love of the mysterious and aesthetically pleasing, it seems to fit that you’d be a fairy tale trainer!
finally, your region. since spring and autumn are your favourite seasons, it seems like you stray towards milder temperatures rather than the extremities - so i actually have two regions in mind, those being kalos and hoenn! my reasons for picking kalos are that aside from being a region with a mostly-mild climate, kalos is a place shrouded in mythology and aestheticism (the name kalos comes from a word for beauty!) - it’s a brilliant place for somebody who likes travelling to be, as the place is bustling with life no matter where you go, and every city / town is radically different from the last! as for hoenn, it’s a little more tropical than kalos is, but it has plenty of water for you to indulge in your love of the ocean, and, like kalos, it is also shrouded heavily in mythology and traditionalism. furthermore, hoenn is much more in touch with nature than kalos, and is very heavily focused on environmentalism!
sorry this got a little long, but i had a lot to talk about, haha! i hope you like everything, and feel free to request something different if things aren’t to your liking! <3
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thearrangment-phff · 6 years
XLV. Kensington
August 2017
Archduchess Sophia Marie-Astrid Mathilde of Austria was born on 30 of August in Geneva, Switzerland. Isabella had been the first to arrive in Switzerland for the birth followed by Marie Astrid and Carl Christian. Alexander and Gabriella had visited for a couple of hours but Gabriella had to leave back to Belgium due to her pregnancy. Imre, Christoph, and Marie Christine couldn't see their newest little niece because of their own families taking up their time.
Isabella had left Switzerland afterward meeting up with Harry in the gardens of Kensington Palace when she landed. Harry had mentioned that he wanted to talk to her and Isabella was honestly scared as to what he was going to say. Despite being married for almost 3 months they did not have much time to sit down as talk as before the wedding.
Most days they would try and eat breakfast but rather than have the two of them talk to each other it was usually Princess Christine and Princess Charlotte who spoke. Then after breakfast, they would part ways either going to the different Palaces or go around London fulfilling their engagements. Isabella made it a goal for her to be busy at least 4 days of the week filled with a minimum of one engagement a day or two depending on what was to be done for the day. She tried to work as much as possible in fear that the British public would not like her.
Despite the efforts, Isabella was not always perceived the best. One second everyone hates her then the next everyone loves her. Most articles were about what she was wearing but some loved to point out that she needed to not be seen as much since she was the wife of the spare. The press loved to point out that she was working more than Kate and that shouldn't happen rather than point out Kate's lack of work ethic. Isabella had been told the world wouldn't like her because she is the wife of the spare and not the heir. 
Seen and not heard is how Princess Charlotte had put it. But Isabella would be able to change her schedule even with the press at her throats. It wasn't as if she could change anything major in her life because that was left in control of her parents and ladies-in-waiting.
"Where are we going now?"
"Marbella, Spain and I was hoping you would come with me to Scotland after. I'm going to meet with my cousins Ferdinand and Frederick."
"I don't think I can go to Scotland. I have some meetings in Norfolk and London. I'm barely able to go to Spain with you," replied Harry.
"Oh, okay, well I'll only be gone for 2 days. I needed to catch up with Ferdinand and it seemed like the perfect opportunity," explained Isabella.
"I wanted to talk to about something else."
"What exactly?" Asked Isabella.
"I wanted to know where you go almost every evening?"
"Jonathan can you come here for a second!?" Yelled Isabella.
Jonathan nodded and walked closer to the royal couple. Jonathan was the royal protection officer for Isabella. She had met him the day after the wedding and never left her side unless for serious private matters. Jonathan was beyond respectful to Isabella and within days had gained the respect of Isabella and her ladies-in-waiting. He rarely talked but just enough that Isabella considered him a great acquaintance.
"Yes, your imperial highness?"
"Could you please tell my husband where I go at 6pm almost every day?" Asked Isabella.
"Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church sir."
"And what do I do for those hours?"
"Pray ma'am. With Countess Gaelle by your side at all times," replied Jonathan.
"Thank Jonathan. You've been great these past couples of weeks," smiled Isabella. Jonathan nodded and retained his space between him and the royal couple like before, "He wouldn't lie to you."
"He would if he meant he was protecting you. RPO's do a lot more than saving you from kidnappers and murderers," replied Harry.
"He isn't wrong because I do go to church in the evenings."
"You don't believe in a God Isabella I know that!"
"I find solitude in praying. I am unhappy Harry and I find bliss in sitting there and praying as if someone is going to listen and fix my problems."
"Are you unhappy because of me?" Asked Harry.
"God no, you have been nothing but supportive and loving but I am the one who overthinks and ruins things. I want to be happy but there something in my mind that's preventing that."
"Please don't say 'it's me not you'," begged Harry.
"It's cliché so I won't but it's the closest to the truth. You know how I am and I tend to be overdramatic over pressure and ever since the wedding all I'm feeling is pressure. From my family, from the press, and from the people," babbled Isabella.
"You don't always have to please them."
"See that's the thing, I do. I do have to please them because I know without the public's support there would be no monarchy. I worry about that and it seems like you don't," argued Isabella.
"I do, just to a certain extent. I learned a very long time ago that you cannot please everyone in the world it will drive you mad and from the looks of it you already are."
"I've lived in exile Harry and I won't do it again."
"Is it really that or the fact that the press loves to pin you against Kate and you want to win?" Asked Harry.
"The fact that you just said that to me is appalling. More importantly, I find it hilarious that you would think there is even a competition between Kate and me. I have little control over my everyday life. I have more important things to worry about a simple parvenu," argued Isabella.
"You doing it again."
"Doing what Harry?"  
"Being the stuck-up royal. The ones who only want a title. I know the only reason you married me was because of my title and position. I only married you because of your title and family ties-"
Isabella immediately interrupted Harry, "Don't, don't stand there and say that. It was the first reason but not the only reason I agreed to marry you and you know that. It isn't even the biggest reason I married you. What we have is complicated and unlike anything else, so we can't keep measuring ourselves to other people!"
"I have to Isabella! I just have to because this whole arrangement is driving me mad."
"I know that! I know Harry because I feel the same way but please don't sit there and hate me," cried Isabella.
Harry took a look at Isabella and her tears and immediately didn't talk. He stared at her for a couple of seconds before looking down at his feet. The couple stood there for a couple minutes longer in silence and it hit them both that they had an argument in public on the grounds of Kensington.
"I could never hate you. I'm sorry," replied Harry.
Isabella wiped away her tears, "Sometimes it feels like you really do hate me and I know it's just the situation we are in. I know that things are hard and we just have to take things minute by minute."
"You keep on saying that. Month by month, week by week, day by day, now minute by minute? What happens when we reach milliseconds? What then Isabella?"
"I don't know. I don't have answers Harry and I wish I did. I wish I had answers to all your questions so we could move on. Don't you think I want to love you? Don’t you think I want to have a happy family with you? I want all of that and so much more Harry. I just want to love you but it's so difficult for me," admitted Isabella as the tears came by.
"Can we please start over? Once we go to Spain we'll be different. I'll be different. We can make things work Isabella."
"I might be pregnant. I went to Switzerland to get the embryos implanted so I might be pregnant as we speak if everything works out," confessed Isabella.
Harry didn't have any words. In the middle of their fight, Isabella confessing she may be pregnant had upset him. She used the unborn child in strategy if there was even a child in the first place. Whatever he was feeling had been washed away at the thought of a child of his own. Isabella stared at him waiting for him to continue walking or to say something.
Harry did what he thought would be the right thing, he reached his hands towards Isabella. Her eyes looked at his outreached hands and his eyes several times before placing her hands in his. Harry brought her into a tight hug that made Isabella responded by saying 'I am sorry' over and over again. Neither one knew what she was sorry about but the words just kept coming out until Isabella had stopped crying.  
The couple walked to Nottingham Cottage in a tight embrace followed by their RPO's who took more notice in their space between them and the royal couple. Though it was still midday, Harry put Isabella to bed and let her rest for as long as she needed. As Harry closed the door he was met with the eyes of Isabella's four ladies-in-waiting.
"What happened?" Asked Olympia.
"Isabella is resting. You all can go home Isabella and I won't need you for the rest of the day."
Princess Charlotte was about to say something before Princess Christine had interrupted her, "Okay, we shall be back in the morning Isabella has an engagement at a hospital very early."
The wedding ceremony of Princess Marie Gabrielle of Nassau and Antonius Wilms was a true Nassau-Bourbon-Parma wedding. Many of the guests at her wedding were the same ones that were at Harry and Isabella's wedding. Because of the marriage between second cousins in Isabella family, many Habsburgs had been invited to Princess Marie Gabrielle's wedding as well.
Harry got kisses on the cheek, hugs, handshakes and the occasional question of when they could expect a royal baby. Isabella and Harry took turns making up excuses before Princess Charlotte had gotten mad at them.
"You cannot keep saying such things. They will be expecting a baby and soon," scolded Princess Charlotte.
"Well it's no one's business," argued Harry.
"It is because Olga is already pregnant," replied Princess Christine.
"She is?"
"Only 2 months but she is certainly pregnant and everyone is hoping for a boy. She has left Spain and is currently living in St. Gallen Switzerland with her uncle Archduke Simeon and his wife Archduchess Maria," answered Princess Christine.
"Is she here? Is the Grand Duke here too?" Asked Isabella.
"She is here and in the company of her brothers and sisters. Grand Duke George is not here though he should be. He needs to get his know his own family. We gave him a dynastic wife so the least he could do is attend these family events."
Harry pulled Isabella to his side knowing that Grand Duchess Olga being pregnant was a big deal for Isabella. Grand Duchess Olga was the first of her generation to marry for the sake of having another generation of dynastic marriages, Isabella had been the second, and Harry wondered who would be next. Then he remembered his brother-in-law Alexander would be next.
"I want to see her," demanded Isabella.
"Is that a good idea Isabella?"
"She needs me. I'm one of the few who understand what she really going through perhaps she can confide in me. You should look for Alexander while I talk to Olga it will be good," smiled Isabella.
"I think I should go with you to talk to her and you should come with me when I talk to Alexander," urged Harry.
Isabella looked into his eyes for a couple of seconds before nodding, "Okay. We'll do that instead." Harry had kissed Isabella's temple after her response. 
Things really did change between them. There was much more talking through situations and emotions. Isabella and Harry spent their nights talking and the morning was now the two of them rather than it just being Isabella, him, and her ladies-in-waiting. Harry had dedicated Sunday nights to him and Isabella having a homemade dinner for the two of them at their cottage. He even decided that Isabella would not help him that day so it could be something he had done for her. Of course, in their compromise Harry made dinner and Isabella made dessert. It had only been a couple of days since their fight but things were looking brighter for the both of them.
Harry had found himself looking at Isabella's stomach when they were alone wondering if there was a child in there. When he wrapped his arm around her waist it didn't stop at her hip but his fingertips lightly grazed Isabella's stomach over and over again. It was a small gesture none picked up, not even Isabella.
"If you will excuse us we need to find Olga," smiled Harry.
The couple had found Olga talking with her three sisters and one of her sister-in-law's, all pregnant. They were all obviously at different stages of their pregnancies and Harry once again grazed his fingers on Isabella's stomach a couple of times.
"Belle! It's so good to see you!"
Isabella was pulled into a hug by multiple women all with growing baby bumps and smiles, "It's good to see you all again. It's been too long," smiled Isabella.
"It's been what? 3 months since the wedding?" Asked Princess Xenia Galitzine.
"3 months is simply too long without seeing family. I was hoping for some more weddings and christenings," joked Harry.
"Christenings will be coming believe me. You have 4 Galitzine princesses pregnant and Gabriella too. How are Christoph and Adelaide since the birth of their youngest daughter?" Asked Princess Maria Galitzine.
"Her name is Sophia and she is such a beautiful baby."
"Have you seen your newest niece Harry?"
"No, unfortunately, I couldn't go to Switzerland because of meetings but I freed some time to come here to Spain and then Isabella and I are going to Scotland."
"For Ferdinand?" Asked Olga as Isabella nodded at her, "Could you leave Belle and I alone for a couple of minutes?"
The rest of the women had nodded, said their goodbyes and walked away, "Harry is going to stay." Olga nodded at her waiting for the three of them to be alone, "How are you Olga?"
"Happy. The moment I found out I was pregnant I flew to St. Gallen," answered Olga.
"What about your husband?" Asked Harry.
"We barely talk. We barely even see each other. The moment he found out I was pregnant his mother said I fulfilled my duty and told me I could go where ever I want as long I stay healthy enough for the baby."
"That's good. You have freedom," smiled Isabella.
"Not all of our husbands belong to a reigning monarchy," snapped Olga.
"You should come live in London. You could be close by."
"The townhouse Isabella's ladies-in-waiting live in has an extra room since our wedding. It's close to Nottingham that you could visit Isabella and me," suggested Harry.
"Live in London? I don't know."
"Princess Charlotte would love you and they would help you throughout the entire pregnancy and so would I," added Isabella.
"I don't know if I can do that," worried Olga.
"It doesn't have to be London. I can set you up in Austria or France. Alois gifted me a castle and I would be happy to let you live there until you have the child if you want."
"Thank you for the offers Isabella, but I'll be staying with my uncle and aunt until after I have the baby. It's the right thing," smiled Olga.
"Will you at least try and visit me in London or I could go to Switzerland. I haven't seen in almost 4 months. The last time I saw you, you were crying on your wedding night."
"I should apologize for that night. The things I said were highly inappropriate and rude."
"It's fine Olga. I understand what you were going through that night."
"I should go find my family again. The ceremony is about to start so I'll see you at the reception? It was nice seeing you again Harry."
Once Olga left Isabella and Harry went around greeting the other guests before the ceremony. He engaged in conversation with many royals. As much as he would say it didn't matter that Isabella's family had titles, he loved it. He loved that every family event had people who knew what he was going through. Of course, the press loved the British royal family more than the rest, the Luxembourg royals understood pressure.  
Since the wedding, many of Isabella's family had been thrust into the public eye more so. Articles and pictures were posted at least once a week about her brothers and sisters along with her cousins from both sides of the family. Despite Archduchess being a title without a kingdom some of Isabella's family were still Belgian nobles. Marie Christine, Isabella's elder sister, married a Count de Limburg-Stirum. Harry had recently found out the title was in the Dutch nobility making Isabella's three nephews Dutch nobles by birth. Gabriella, Isabella's younger sister, was having a child with Prince Henri of Bourbon-Parma whose family was similar to Isabella's. He was 6th in line to inherit his grandfather's Danish title making him a son of a Danish noblewoman. They had legitimate titles, though most people in the press didn't know.
During the reception, Harry and Isabella had been seated with her parents and siblings and the table to Harry’s right was with many of the Luxembourg royals. He was beginning to name the different houses and titles from one another, which was a good thing.
His arms were around Isabella’s shoulder as Alexander and Imre kept on talking, “So Harry, how does it feel to be married?” asked Imre.
“Interesting,” smirked Harry.
“Oh come on we all know how horrible Belle can be! You have to give us more than that,” laughed Alexander.
“When can we expect another little niece or nephew? asked Marie Christine.
“I want another niece!” yelled Alexander.
“Another boy would be lovely Belle. We have too many girls in this family anyhow,” smiled Gabriella.
“I agreed with Alexander. Another boy would be fine,” added Adelaide.
“How about we ask when Alexander is going to marry than when I’m going to have a child,” laughed Isabella.
“What happened with Eleonore?” asked Harry.
“A mere thought that never got past that believe me.”
“Well you’re the last of us so go on and get a move on with that! I want another wedding in his family,” smiled Isabella. The rest of the table laughed and agreed to Isabella’s statement.
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