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a-magical-evening · 2 years
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Take my dumb uQuiz and find out! (for @mattandtrey-advent!)
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maritotoy · 5 months
MAUGA X Support/Medic Reader ((Part. 1))
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NOTE: Believe it or not, I never realize how long I've written this one.
This narrative tracks Mauga's obsession with Y/N as it grows to the point where he is prepared to kill everyone who stands in his way. With this in mind, Mauga's commitment would gradually grow. He would start out softly and then this need on you would get stronger.
It all began when your talents were initially utilised for recruitment. You were a terrific help, willing to assist your teammates in whatever way they needed.
Your main issue was that you could never truly let them handle things on their own. As a result, it became increasingly difficult to care for yourself.
They promised you riches if you helped them fight back against their threat. There were only so many ways to profit from rival worlds, after all. You were aware that you were going into a whole new universe when you agreed, but you also felt that you had no choice but to accept them.
Ultimately, you didn't wish to pass away, did you?
It was stated to you when you first joined TALON Organization, that you should concentrate only on the battlefield. Up until you met Baptiste, an exceptional combat medic, it was great with you. Your shared enthusiasm for curing illness is what unites the two of you. It turned into a shared passion. As you try to acquire experience in several areas, like medical supplies, you both hope to discover some more useful abilities, like healing or even a unique kind of combat capability.
But you can hardly ever get to Baptiste, he's constantly at the top. Both a combat mercenary and medic. You're always looking for ways to sharpen your skills.
Even after meeting him again at your base and on missions, you are still determined to improve your ability to deal with any possible emergencies. Not until later do you find out what happens when a member of your unit gets injured.
Baptiste surged in, carrying an imposing stature and a solid, muscular frame. His voice sounded desperate, asking, "I'm sorry if I came to you! I know you are busy, but I need help with my friend, please, Y/N!" The urgency was so obvious that there wasn't much resistance. Even if he was a doctor himself, it must have seemed urgent enough.
Besides... You were in the right place to help.
You rushed over to his side and helped him stabilize his huge friend. "What happened, Bap? Are you hurt?" He didn't reply, but his eyes told you all you needed to know.
You fix your sight on his pal. He does not appear to be hurt or seriously damage. However, the man's body is completely soaked, which looks very suspicious to you. "Is he alright, Bap? I don't see anything wrong." He shook his head and gave a sigh.
"We were attacked. Mauga and I found the source of the enemy attack and got separated."
"How long has it been since then?"
"Four hours, maybe five."
"Do you have any idea of what may have caused the damage?"
"I'm not sure. However, I had already discovered him unconscious but unharmed on the ground. It should not take long for him to awaken.." You glance at the unconscious man again before you say, "Let me take a look at him." He nodded and stepped aside.
"Mauga could never be wounded by shots like that. Despite his size, he could easily absorb one hit thanks to his physique." He explains.
You crouch down and check on his comrade. He seems fine to you. There's nothing unusual about him, other than the fact that he's a bit too heavy.
You knew Mauga.
And with such.
You just don't know how to engage with him.
On a conversation? Yes. Your profession is your duty.
You don’t really get along with those who rely solely on themselves as an advantage, even though you respect their abilities.
The feeling is mutual. Every time someone gets hurt because of something beyond their control, you are there to help them.
Because that's your job as a medic.
You both have quite a difference in interests, though. You can't stand the fact that he’s so reckless, you can't understand why he doesn't think more carefully before he acts. As soon as he sees blood, it's always the most important thing.
Mauga stands tall, towering over his opponents with an impressive height of 7'5 ft tall. (My headcanon)
Mauga is a formidable opponent on the front lines thanks to his strong, muscular physique. His broad shoulders and thick neck gives off an air of strength and power, and his body is well-built, demonstrating his strength and capacity to deal severe damage to rivals.
Did I mention he has two hearts?
Unlike you, Mauga is a ruthless and cunning individual, driven by his own motivations. He never lets anyone interfere with his goals, whether or not they involve you. While he might act with reckless disregard sometimes, he is also able to calculate the best course of action.
Not anyone knows this. But you knew nontheless with Baptiste.
You may be underestimating him in some way, or you may have witnessed the genuine thing, up close and personal, but he always brags about his achievements without hesitation or shame. His fighting style turns wild and unpredictable when he fights. If Mauga doesn't want to win, he will take his time, before using ChaCha and Gunny, his chainguns, to grab the victory, and he won't give up until he achieves his objective.
He definitely is careless, isn't he?
"He's breathing just fine, Baptiste. I would say he is in perfect health, aside from the injuries, I can't detect any signs of any damage injuries either." You said as you stood up. Baptiste sighs relief. "I'll leave him to you doctor. Don't worry, I trust that you have everything under control." He says this to you while nodding in satisfaction.
This gesture of his is a way of gratitude towards the medic's work.
"I will be back later," he says as he leaves to make a round to prepare for battle.
While Baptiste was gone, you sat next to the downed mercenary soldier and begin to observe him. In the midst of his unconsciousness, he seems to be in a good state. There was no sign of discomfort or pain. His pulses are fast but steady, knowing that Mauga have two hearts, one that allowed him to replace his damaged, organic heart with a cybernetic one. That way, his heart will beat twice as fast. You can easily tell that Mauga is in his natural state.
Your eyes began to feel heavy after observing him for some time. You weren't sure if it's due to fatigue from watching him, or simply exhaustion from your duties as a medic.
Before you knew it, you fell asleep.
When you awoke, you find yourself staring back into the face of Maugaloa Malosi, whose lips formed into those flashing, same pasted smile as usual. “Ah, Doctor. How nice to see you again.”
You quickly wake up, sitting straight up on the chair. “M-Mauga!" You exclaimed, alarmed. "H-How is you- I mean are you feeling alright?”
He grinned at you. “I am feeling rather fine.” You let out a long, sigh of relief. However, you didn't anticipate that this would happen frequently. “I see..." You replied.
Silence takes over for a while. Mauga stared at you intensely before taking a step forward. “Your Y/N, correct? Baptiste little assistant. I've heard much about you, but never expect that I would get to get treated from you.”
You flinched slightly at his words 'assistant' and the word 'little', but you remained calm. “I'm glad that you feel better now. You should rest and recover. If you still need them..."
“I appreciate the concern,” he says as he reaches towards your shoulder. You instinctively raise your hands in preparation of blocking. This caught him off guard, causing him to pause in his movements, then booms laughing.
“My apologies, Teuila. I thought that you might have forgotten what I do here,” he said in that familiar, friendly tone.
“If I recall correctly, I haven't given you permission to touch me.” This comment caught him off guard as he chuckles deeply.
He stares at your hand for a while longer. You're beginning to become worried. After a brief silence, he reaches forward and lightly holds onto your wrist.
“That’s a very sensitive spot…” He whispers gently. Your heartbeat begins to accelerate. “And your pulse is fast. Is this normal?” he asks. “Yes,” you respond in a soft voice.
“Then why are you afraid? You know I'm not going to hurt you...” He grinned. His sharp teeth glinted menacingly in the dim light. "Surely you've already made a friend? You also gave him a lot of attention than you do with me. Or have you grown to dislike me?"
"...I... I beg your pardon-" your speech is interrupted by Baptiste with a tired expression.
"Hey... Sorry that I took so long. I went to gather supplies. Mission was a success." He sighed in relief as he approached you.
"Mauga, I'm glad your awake bud." Baptiste sighs in relief and smiles at Mauga. Mauga returned the gesture before looking back at you.
He still has that huge grin plastered across his features while his eyes darted towards yours. "You're crazy out there Mauga. Do you really think that you can defeat the enemies single handedly?" Baptiste says with a chuckle. “You know me Baptiste, I never do things without planning them out.” He grinned, revealing that row of dazzlingly white teeth. “I still don't understand how you've been knocked down so easily. It's hard to believe that you can be beaten like that.” Baptiste gives a half smirk, half frown.
You listen to their conversation, and you try to make sense of it. Mauga laughs at the situation, as if it's all so obvious. "C'mon, Baptiste, we have bigger problems than me right now. The mission is a success because we finally found the enemy camp. But it was a close call, and we needed your medical expertise to treat the wounded," Mauga explains to Baptiste while looking directly into his eyes with a sly smile. "I carried your massive ass in this camp with support of your weight alone. You ought to be pleased to have a subordinate with such skill." Baptiste smirks. He was referring to you. Mauga laughs at his friend's criticism, displaying his amusement at the circumstances.
"So yeah. It was pretty rough, but we managed to secure the objective! Isn't that great news?"
It's not really a surprise to you.
Mauga does tend to put himself in danger, especially when he's in an unfamiliar place.
This guy is completely reckless, which is why you can't believe that he managed to survive so many battles without falling apart or breaking down.
"Your a loose-canon, but I hope ended well..." you say calmly, hoping that you sound convincing enough.
"I can assure that I have the highest respect and admiration for your abilities as a medic. I would never doubt your skills, even if I hadn't personally experience how skilled you are in dealing with wounds." Mauga comments, he sounds sincere as ever.
Baptiste grins again. "That's a big ego of yours, my friend. You should consider giving a few compliments to the people who did more than you."
"I would love to, my friend, but there's nothing wrong with being modest about our accomplishments."
"Alright," Baptiste said, sounding annoyed.
After several hours, days, months of treating your patients at base. You cannot help but wonder seeing Mauga quite often, whether that is purely because of duty or something else. Although it is difficult to tell what he's thinking, there are moments where you notice the way that he is constantly staring at you. Like he's trying to figure out something about you:
studying your appearance, facial expressions, mannerisms. Sometimes he gets lost in his thoughts, sometimes he appears to be lost in his own world, occasionally, you could catch him smirking knowingly, or even smiling to himself. These small gestures usually only occur during times when it's with you with him. Sometimes, the man is just too cheerful, or too energetic in general.
You could hardly handle the stress of handling all these patients in the infirmary on your own. You're starting to miss having Baptiste around to keep him occupied while you go through patients. You sighed loudly not until Mauga appears behind you
You found him with wounds on his chest and torso. You turn to look at him, "What happened?"
"Nothing serious..." He grins, showing his sharpened teeth.
"Just a minor injury, eh?" You raise an eyebrow at the mercenary, crossing your arms over your chest. Mauga simply shrugs as he sits on a table.
There was another period of silence between you two, and the atmosphere seemed to tense up considerably. This time, it's you who breaks the silence. "I'm sorry that you got injured. I don't know how I should react seeing someone else getting hurt so casually. You could have died out there. And that's not the worst thing that can happen," you said sarcastically and sternly.
He chuckles. "Oh really? Tell me more." He leans closer to your face, gazing deeply into your eyes. "Ah. So that's how it is."
You glare at him angrily, but he ignores you as you continue working. "Are you seriously going to mock me for worrying about you?"
"Not at all," he replied, with a hint of sarcasm. "But there is one thing that concerns me."
"What? You're going to insult me too, aren't you?" Mauga laughs while Y/N tends his injury.
The felt of your touch sends shivers throughout his entire body. He tries hard to suppress the sudden urge to grab her hand and hold on tightly. It's becoming harder to control these urges though. He shakes his head rapidly as he pulls away from you. He looks at you with narrowed eyes. "I'm not mocking you, you know?"
Your gaze flicks briefly to his. "Hm."
There was a short silence between you two, until you began to clean a cut on one of his legs. You noticed his gaze follow every movement of your fingers. "Why are you staring at me like that?"
"I'd prefer that you didn't ask questions so frequently, Teuila."
"Teuila?" You face him. "You know, I never asked you of this... But why do you call me that?" He lets out a deep chuckle and replies. "Because you look like Teuila. It fits well, doesn't it?" He flashes you a warm smile before turning his head away again.
You shrugged of his answer, continuing your work without saying anything further, although you were extremely curious. "Teuila... What does that word mean?" There's a brief moment of silence in between the two of you once you finished cleaning up the blood staining his leg. A faint smile plays across his lips again. "I thought you were better than that."
"And you think that you're better than me?"
"Yeah," he replies smugly.
"Then... You've obviously underestimated me, don't you?" You give him a challenging smirk. He returns the smile with a smirk of his own, but he then turns serious again. His eyes narrow. "Let me enlighten you. That name means 'flower'. Do you understand what kind of flower it means?"
You gave him a blank stare. He continues to smirk, waiting for you to understand his meaning. Eventually, you sigh, putting your hands on your hips. "Do I look like I care to know?" You scoff, rolling your eyes lightly.
Mauga laughs. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter what you think of it..."
There was silence between you two for a few seconds, and you looked away with furrowed brows.
You finish patching up the mercenary, placing some bandages around him and securing them securely. "Now that I finished helping you, you're dismissed." You professionaly said after you made sure that everything was covered properly. Mauga laughs at this. "Really? Now? Just like that?" He asks mockingly.
"Yes Mauga, I don't have any other duties besides tending to your wounds. I've been doing that for quite some time now," you responded coldly.
Mauga raises an eyebrow at this. "You know, if you start beginning to care about those wounds, you might find yourself losing them. If you want me to leave your clinic quickly, then you'll have to earn my trust first, which requires some work."
You sigh heavily. Of course Mauga will insist on making things difficult for you. "I am no doctor Mauga, I cannot cure your injuries." You sarcasticly said.
"Oh I know that. But you're still willing to take the risk." He chuckled.
"You wouldn't had to waste precious time coming here in order to talk shit."
Mauga laughs at you again, grinning like a cat that ate the canary. "I wouldn't waste too much time coming here either, but I also wouldn't be able to enjoy it quite as much because you'll be gone by then," he says confidently. "Besides, you're not exactly known for your patience." You roll your eyes, turning back to the table in front of you.
"You know I've always wondered what it feels like to be your patient," Mauga mused. "To be the one receiving the attention of the most skilled medic in your battalion."
"You must be joking," you replied, you know what he meant, not wanting to think that you would ever become his patient.
"No. You know me... " He grins. You groaned. "Don't' make such assumptions, we don't know each other all that well yet."
You glared at him as he laughed. "Whatever. It seems like there's no stopping you, is there? We haven't even officially met yet, and already you're acting as if you have a good relationship with me." You sighed exasperatedly, massaging the area of your forehead in irritation.
"Listen, Mauga. My job is simple, I care for my patients and treat them well. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Oh yeah? Well, maybe I'm different," he said cockily.
"How? Are you not afraid of dying?"
"No... No I'm not... I've done so much more reckless things than death." His expression suddenly shifted to an emotionless one. For a moment, it felt almost as if he wasn't looking at you anymore. Then he chuckled softly, giving you a playful wink. "But I'm no saint."
"It must be hard to admit being human." You shook your head slightly.
"Sometimes." His grin returned to his features.
You couldn't help but stare directly into his eyes for a little longer, taking in how dark they actually are.
Mauga shows a huge plastered face. His still wearing his dumb smile.
You blinked at him.
He blinked back.
You rolled your eyes. "Stop smiling so much." He continued to laugh, as you turned away from him again. Mauga stood up and stretched lazily, "I have something to attend to, I'll be seeing you later," Mauga teasingly said as he made his way towards the door. He opens it, but he glances back.
A small smirk forms on his lips.
You watch him disappear outside the door, closing it behind him with a click. Once the door closes you let out a heavy sigh, resting your back against the wall behind you. Your heart is racing a mile, a minute, both at the prospect of having finally been alone with Mauga again, and the strange feeling within you after you spent several hours alone with him.
This feeling...
It's definitely not normal.
End of part 1
Part 2- ???
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projectbluearcadia · 16 days
Don't Call Me Controlling!
Lucifer: Annelie, you're still shaking...
Lucifer sets a hand on her shoulder, and she flinches.
Lucifer: We're home. You're with your family.
Annelie: I... I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Lucifer: Honey.
Lucifer tilts her chin up and suddenly kisses her.
Annelie: Mmn? Mm... Mmm...
Lucifer pushes her against the arm of the couch, and she falls backward into the cushions. She looks up at him, her lips parted. Lucifer smirks to himself.
Annelie: ...here? In the common room...?
Lucifer: I see someone doesn't need much encouragement to put her mind elsewhere.
Annelie blushes as Lucifer loosens his tie.
Satan: Can you two please keep it in your pants for five seconds?
Lucifer: No one asked you to watch.
Satan: And no one asked you to do that in a shared living space!
Annelie: ...sorry, Satan.
Annelie sits up, embarrassed, and Lucifer tsks, apparently disappointed.
Asmo: Aw, don't apologize, hon; you're a succubus. We all know Lucifer has to satisfy his queen or she'll get hungry~
Belphie: Nmgh... Ew.... Zzzzz...
Lucifer: Yes, I've been neglecting my duties, haven't I, darling?
Annelie glances at Lucifer and has to stop herself from laughing.
He could just be honest, the idiot. They already know what a horny little shit he is.
Annelie: Yes, you have. I didn't get my mid-morning snack or my appetizer for lunch.
Lucifer: What a spoiled thing you are. You're going to get fat.
Annelie: That "fat" will disappear in nine months, I'm sure.
Satan groans, covering his face while his ears blaze red.
Satan: Just please go! Stop rubbing it in!
Lucifer: Then if you will excuse me, I have to attend to my very needy soon-to-be wife.
Lucifer grabs Annelie by the hand and leads her upstairs, into their bedroom.
[ timeskip ]
Lucifer, Annelie, and Diavolo sit together in a small room in the castle. A packet lies in the center of a table.
Diavolo: Barbatos has recovered enough to return to his duties, so he was able to give us an accurate autopsy of the student Annelie killed. The results are a bit...
Annelie pales, and she takes hold of the packet and starts to read it; Lucifer quietly reads with her.
Annelie: "While I am unsure of necessary conditions to activate this ability, it is apparent that Annelie is capable of controlling her target's body to some extent. This includes forced cell death, the misfiring of nerve endings, asphyxiation, and in my own experience, the ability to steal and use someone else's life force. I strongly suspect that Annelie is capable of fully controlling her target's body, and potentially, their mind. "
That's fucking broken. And scary. And horrible. What am I even supposed to do with that?
(Use it)
Lucifer: "I would like to strongly recommend that Annelie is accompanied by at least one capable healer at all times, and under no circumstances should she face severe stress. I trust that while she means no true harm, her magic reserves have grown substantially thanks to my foolishness, and as such, even mild flickers of anger will cause devastating consequences until she is able to adjust."
Diavolo: I'll leave it to you, Lucifer, on whom you choose to appoint. I'm afraid I can't negotiate this. As angry with Barbatos as I still am, I still trust him to tell me the truth when he speaks.
Lucifer: ...I'm not sure if I'm familiar with any skilled healers that I would trust off the top of my head...
Annelie: I think there's a clear choice you're forgetting about.
Lucifer: ?
Annelie: Simeon.
Lucifer: No. Absolutely not.
Annelie: Lucifer, you know that Dia is much more of a threat.
Diavolo: What? Me? Why?
Diavolo looks like he's just been kicked.
Lucifer: Don't ask. And anyway, Diavolo is my best friend; Simeon is not.
Diavolo: Aw... I love you too.
Annelie pinches Lucifer's ear, making him yelp in surprise before he can reply to Diavolo.
Annelie: Do you have a better idea?
Lucifer: ...
Annelie: That's what I thought.
Diavolo breaks the awkward silence as he clears his throat.
Diavolo: So, about that wedding we're having...
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bucksdaffy · 1 month
can i ask about your thoughts about this vertigo-esque storyline with eddie and what do you think buck's role in this?
oh boy, this is a long one. i'm sorry in advance.
i'll be honest, i haven't watched that movie so i don't feel too confident speaking on this, but i'm not really worried.
from what i have gathered, it's a story about a retired detective, scottie, who is hired to follow the wife of his acquaintance, madeleine, and he becomes increasingly obsessed with her. he learns that she visits a grave of her grandmother, who committed s**c*de, and he is worried she is possessed by her ghost. he then rescues her when she attempts to jump from a bridge. they spend some time together, and then at some point she runs up the bell tower, and scottie can't follow her because he has a fear of heights, so he essentially watches her plunge to her death, and as a result, he spirals into depression.
so, up until this point, the only common theme between this story and eddie's is that the women they are in love with die, and both of them have a hard time dealing with it. i don't think there is anything else, but if someone who actually watched the movie wishes to correct me, please do.
later, scottie encounters a woman named judy who bears a striking resemblance to madeleine, and he becomes obsessed with transforming her into the image of his lost love because he is convinced that will allow him to overcome his grief.
so, this is basically what we see happening with eddie right now. he meets kim, and he is so struck by her resemblance to shannon he can't help himself but think he can rebuild with her what he had with shannon. so, he makes some questionable choices by telling her he's single, going on a date with her, and lying about it not only to marisol but also to buck and chris. we obviously haven't seen him trying to transform kim into shannon (i think at this moment he is only fascinated by her), but it is possible he is going to attempt to do so. maybe not in the same way scottie does, but perhaps in a more subtle way. he has looked for shannon in every relationship he has had so far. and now that he met her lookalike, he thinks that god gave him a second chance, and he doesn't want to waste it.
then, scottie learns that the acquaintance who originally hired him to follow madeleine actually orchestrated the whole thing. madeleine was never madeleine – she was judy. she was hired to impersonate his acquaintance's wife. they took advantage of scottie's fear of heights because they knew he wouldn't follow madeleine up the bell tower, and then the acquaintance killed his real wife (and she was the body that was thought to be madeleine/judy). madeleine/judy was never dead. scottie takes judy to the bell tower and confronts her about it. he overcomes his fear of heights so they are together on top now. at some point, a nun appears to investigate the noise and surprises judy, causing her to fall off the bell tower.
now we don't know yet what they are going to do with eddie and kim, but i don't think any of that is going to happen. we have to keep in mind those are two different stories. yes, they do share some common themes, but at their core, they are vastly different. i don't want to speculate about the outcome of it much because 911 always manages to surprise me, so i'll just leave it there.
but now on to the real question of this ask – what's buck's role in it? i suppose you have seen buddie shippers screaming from the rooftops that this is basically a confirmation that buddie will go canon because oliver/buck is mentioned on the poster as well (in a place where there originally is the name of the actress that plays midge, a character who is scottie's friend and who is in love with him). so, i guess everyone thinks there is going to be some kind of feelings realization (god do i hate this phrase) moment on buck's part and whatnot. SIGH.
well, first of all, i want to point out that midge's feelings are one-sided. and from what i've heard she does move on in the end. she and scottie do not end up together.
and second of all, i have said it already, but those are two completely different stories. the only common denominator is that in both cases, a male character becomes infatuated with a female character who eventually dies, and later on, they encounter their lookalike. for buck to be midge, there would have to be some already established romantic feelings for eddie on buck's part, and there simply aren't any. not in canon anyway. i don't think this is the time or place for "feelings realization".
i think buck is mentioned simply because he will be present in this arc, but certainly not in the way midge was. i think his role in it will be actually more important than that.
we know that he and kim do have a scene together. so i assume he's going to find out about eddie's shenanigans one way or another. i doubt eddie will tell him voluntarily, so i'm guessing he's going to run in on them somehow. and i don't think he's going to be happy. well, first of all, i think he's going to be confused. because what do you mean you're here with a woman who resembles your dead wife? but once he realizes what's going on, he's going to get a little angry. both for marisol, because this is NOT how you treat a woman you supposedly love (or any woman for that matter), and for himself, because eddie lied to him. and for chris, of course, don't get me started on that! one thing i'm pretty certain about is that he will be disappointed with him.
perhaps they'll also touch more on this honesty issue, actually. we all know buck is a pretty open and straightforward person, whereas eddie likes to keep things to himself unless he's directly asked about them. so, how this lie affects their friendship would definitely be very interesting to see.
either way, i think their bond will be a bit severed as a result of that. i don't think buck's going to support what eddie's doing and will call him out on it instead (will eddie fight back? that is quite possible, yes. and because of that they might take a longer time to patch things up). but they will make up eventually. if that's going to be this season or next, only time will tell. i also don't think buck will completely turn his back on eddie. he still has to work with him, and i think he's going to see him struggle, which will for sure hurt him inside. he might not support what he's doing, but he still cares about him after all. that's his best friend.
also, this is not really what i think will happen, but what i really hope to see – buck leaning on tommy throughout all of this, especially if it continues into the next episodes or even season 8. i think that would be a great way to kind of solidify their relationship. and if it continues into season 8 (which i doubt, but who knows?) i'd LOVE if tommy was encouraging buck to patch things up with eddie and perhaps encouraging eddie to patch things up with buck as well. i think that would introduce a great dynamic between all three of them.
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zombeebunnie · 26 days
Trembling Essence:💙Background + poll results💙
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Hello hello and welcome new followers! :]
Firstly I just want to say a very big thank you to everyone that participated in the poll I did last week, I was really surprised but happy with the results and responses! This will help me a lot moving forward! :,] If you missed it and would like to say which route you preferred feel free to comment!
Anywho, this week mainly focused on art practicing again but I did work on the game and managed to get my bearings even more!
Here is the new background for the start of the game:
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This took a long time to draw up since I sketched out the background instead of looking at references this time. Once I got a basic idea of how I wanted it to look it felt.. too empty and flat. At first I couldn't figure out why until I added more shrubbery and grass. After that I started adding the trees and then added a few more to give it depth and adjusted some of the coloring. So far the immersive symbolism I'm going for is slowly coming together! Since it just finished raining where you're located I tried to give the background the illusion of looking tolerably humid but slowly getting colder over time with a hint of decay in the distance. This is a better look of the dreary foreboding atmosphere compared to the "fairy-forest" from last week. >:,] It took a while but I also added a parallax effect here and optimized the images to save space. I kept getting an error when it came to the middle ground so I had to find and fix the problem which delayed things. I don't have a video to show it in action but maybe next time. I do want it to be known again that these automatically happen and don't follow the cursor. :,,]
Here's a sneak peek of the new choices you can do when you're in this area now. >;]
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This part required a lot of brainstorming before I figured out how I wanted the explorative part to go. This was originally going to go a different way completely but a particular day caused me to just scrap it and start everything over. I have a very solid idea on how I want all of this to go better than ever so I can't wait to show some of the new areas! I didn't expect this background to take as long as it did to draw up but hopefully next week I'll have more done!
Progress doodle layout:
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Since certain endings are being changed I thought it would be cool to animate a progress layout to visually show how everything is going! It shouldn't take too long to finish this section up since I already have a foundation laid out.
Noah's sprite sheet update:
As far as Noah sprite sheets goes, it's still in sketch mode and I haven't messed with them yet since I've been practicing. :,,]
There are some old drawing prompts I wrote down and sketches that I'm still doodling up behind the scenes so hopefully I can get to them at some point with some attached lore. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is still open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
Thank you to those who have sent in asks after everything got reset! I'll try to get to them when I can along with the ones that come to mind that got deleted. I just need time to answer since I like to respond with doodles/drawings as practice. :]
Overall that's everything I have to share so far, thank you guys for your continued encouragement and support through all of this, I wholeheartedly appreciate it! :,,]
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rdhadastroke · 1 year
So this straw-masked dumbass decided to do a thing and share some personal tips about writing fanfiction/writing someone else's character/writing in general!
Please keep in mind that I am a hobbyist writer, not a professional! These are just suggestions/things that help me that may or may not work for you, please feel free to correct me or add your own anecdotes :)
Tips for getting ready to write:
Make sure that you're in an environment where you can concentrate.
Whether that be in a quiet room, a chatty café, or blasting your eardrums out with music, whatever gets you in the groove is good. Not everybody can focus in the same environment, so your choice of surroundings for when you right aren't going to be the same as everyone else's. I (personally) listen to long video essays, my current favorite song on loop, or a playlist about the story/characters.
Clear a space for where you want to write.
Clear the space of excess clutter and keep only what you need. If what you need to write is a lot, that's fine! Having too much going on at once in your writing space can overwhelm and/or distract you. I know from personal experience.
Have all of your materials at hand.
Character sheets, previous stories, note paper to jot down ideas, rough environment & scene sketches... Whatever references and tools you need, keep them with you! Also, keep a glass of water or some other drink nearby. Hydrate or diedrate, my friends.
Make sure that you won't be interrupted while you're writing.
This may not be an option for those of you living with your parents or a roommate, but it's ideal for your creative flow to go undisturbed, uninterrupted, and unwatched. Is your father really watching you write your fanfic? No, probably not, considering that he's snoring. But it still feels weird to write when he's sitting in his armchair right behind you. No, I am not projecting my experience onto the reader under the cover of an absurd joke, why would you say that?
Now that setup is out of the way, let's go over some actual writing stuff:
Always, always, always block out what you want to write before you actually write it.
By "block out", I mean give a basic summary of the events you want to take place in that chapter or segment. I usually do this event-by-event because I struggle to carry on a story without an outline, but you can do it by chapter or by paragraph if you'd like. Make jokes in your mini-summaries, and phrase things in wacky ways (that convey things to you effectively)! You don't have to be too serious about it. After all, if you're in a lil silly goofy mood, you can get an epic sentence like this:
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If you get stuck on a part of a story, move on and save it for later.
If you're anything like me, you understand the screaming, crying, pissing, pants-shittingly frustrating experience of not knowing how to describe something or figure out what should be said next. As angering as it is, it's okay. Just write a mini block-in for what you want to happen, want to describe, or the general tone of what you want to be said. Or use a keyword that you can Ctrl+F for to finish those pesky scenes when you're ready. If your writing software can do it (I have no clue if any one program does this, I only use Google Docs), mark the spot for review to return to it later. If you're one of those frighteningly powerful people who write stories by hand, highlight it and paste what you want to go there over it once you're ready. If you aren't familiar with this infuriating part of writing, you're a lucky bastard and I envy you immensely.
If you have writer's block, there are 8 potential strategies (that I can provide) you can use to alleviate it.
These are NOT surefire fixes for writer's block and are EXTREMELY subjective and results will vary from person to person, but they can potentially help you.
Read a book. Sometimes reading how another author writes (dialogue, scenery, figurative language, etc.) can help you get a better grasp of what you want to write, and how you want to write it. You might even get inspired to make a different story, which bleeds into the next point.
Work on/start a different story. (This isn't always the best way to get out of writer's block, so if you can't get a word down, this probably won't help.) Sometimes changing what you're working on can free up the ink clogged in your pen, for lack of a better phrase, and give you an, "aha!" moment.
Eat and drink something. Brains don't work when they don't have fuel, so feed your machine. Frequent maintenance keeps an engine running smooth, so occasionally get a snack and make sure to keep hydrated.
Take a walk and get some fresh air, and touch some grass for the love of god. Jokes aside, getting your body moving can excite your brain into working and clear some brain fog, since exercise gives your brain a dose of serotonin. As silly as it sounds, sitting in the sun and touching some grass can actually make you feel nice and rejuvenated, it helps me a lot. Even if you don't go outside, moving around is a good way to give your brain a break.
Talk to a friend and get their input. Their ideas can get you through a tough spot and inspire you to get writing again.
Look at pretty pictures and distract yourself from what you're doing. I have pictures of art pieces and doodles I like hanging in front of the desk where I write, and losing myself in pretty stuff helps me work through what I'm struggling with.
Jot down notes by hand on what you're trying to do. Planning things out on pen and paper, despite being tedious, imprints information in your mind and can be useful to your writing needs
If you're writing a fanfiction, look at the source material. Chances are, there's something there that could help you along.
If you don't have the motivation to write anything, don't.
This isn't the best advice for someone who's on a time limit, but works wonders for passion projects and fun stories. Very few do their best work when they force themselves to do it. Besides, there's no point in having a hobby if you don't get joy out of it and overly stress over it.
Writing someone else's character? No problemo, here's some fanfic help:
Always look at the source material, and don't be shy to explore new territory with the character.
It's important to stay true to the personality of a character when you're writing someone else's creation, but don't be afraid to throw in some headcanons and artistic flair. Remember, there's a difference between writing a character unrealistically (pertaining to personality, likes, interests, and universe/world/time period) and changing the circumstances of the original story. Characters are people too, and people react differently to the same thing depending on the world around them. A character may not have [x] trait if [y] event never happened, likewise [y] event never would have happened if this character didn't have [x] trait. Take into consideration the people around the character, as well, as they can also affect what the character does and how they develop. Change up small events in the original source material's story to get a different story and a different reaction out of the character. Experiment, and have fun! It's your story, write it your way!
That's all the advice I have for now, and I hope I was helpful! :)))
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neonscandal · 5 months
Hello.... Another fanfics ideas, cause you also love BNHA. Your top 5 fav JJK characters will be besties with who (in your opinions) if they were in other universe, with your top fav characters from BNHA? Hope my questions are not confusing.....
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Wait, I love questions like this lol 1) I feel like there are such obvious connections but still, the chemical reactions would be funny ✨ 2) it reminds me of tiktok series I've seen a few creators do which I will now spend several hours tracking down just to hyperlink them here (unless I get distracted by something else.. okay there's one more but I lost steam). If you end up writing something, please feel free to share but also, I apologize if I misinterpreted your question. I wrote everything out then reread it and realized maybe you meant to inquire whether my top faves for each would be friends with each other... which, tbh, I guess is kind of addressed based on the results of this previous ask? Thank you for asking!
Nobara Kugisaki 🤝 BakuSquad - I mean, Ashido and Kugisaki are kind of a no-brainer, no? Except that's not Kugisaki's in to the BakuSquad. No, no. No one joins that band of idiots without the eponymous leader's express invitation and, characterwise, Kugisaki is who Uraraka could be with more intentional fleshing out/personality. She snatched Bakugo's respect by being equally headstrong, aggressive and capable of backing her smack talk up.
Additional Prospects: She would, of course, be on track to intern with Mirko in any capacity for the same reasons above. She would give Todoroki and Fushiguro a hard time in equal measure.
Yuji Itadori 🤝 Eijiro Kirishima - Itadori gets along with everyone. Midoriya is a very obvious choice, as well (sunshine, cinnamon roll, green flag and sunshine, cinnamon roll, green flag), but there is a gravitational pull that keeps two himbos in orbit of one another and I'm not strong enough to deny that. Literally, look at Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. Plus, the physical prowess that follows him from universe to universe makes him an ideal sparring partner for Kiri and an interesting combatant against Bakugo.
Additional Prospects: While he'd generally be in the inner core of the BakuSquad (re: Bakugo and Kirishima), something tells me he'd spend a lot of time with the outer ring as well (supplementary classes with Kaminari and Ashido...). He'd be able to stomach convo with Mineta and, considering the generosity, Mineta would be mindful of toeing the line of decency so he wouldn't lose an ally. Only with Itadori since Kaminari is sometimes just as depraved as the little grape. Itadori would earn Bakugo's respect but Bakugo would still be wary any time Itadori and Midoriya's paths cross. Even though he sees Itadori as an ally, he's still gunning to be number 1 of whatever is at stake and both Itadori and Midoriya are capable of giving him a run for his money.
Megumi Fushiguro 🤝 Kyouka Jirou - TBH this could have gone so many ways. Kaminari would be all over invading Fushiguro's personal space as soon as he debuted, much to Fushiguro's dismay. He would be a great fit with Shinso too but... neither of them would go out of their way to socialize unless someone extroverted forced the issue, let's be for real. They would also hate that. But Jirou's mellow and shares an interest in music so she wouldn't be entirely grating to be around and I think they'd just kind of mesh well without overcrowding one another.
Additional Prospects: That's not to say Kaminari still wouldn't be a force of nature in including Fushiguro in class 1A hijinks. I just think Fughiguro would prefer the company of less volatile personalities like Ojiro, Shoji, Koda and Tokoyami. He can't help but attract extroverts like there's blood in the water. He and Todoroki would, of course, get along to an extent but I don't think Fushiguro would tolerate constant mention of Endeavor and Todoroki's subsequent family issues. Todoroki's of the talk it out camp and Fushiguro would prefer to never discuss it again. One ill timed trauma dump and Fushiguro would be fixing his hands to summon Mahoraga.
Kento Nanami 🤝 Naomasa Tsukauchi - Nanami would consort with and tolerate a number of adults: Rock Lock and Aizawa come to mind because they are rational and understand that kids are meant to be kids. Tsukauchi in particular is far enough from the fray to suit Nanami's passing desire to leave the chaos of his moral obligations (as a sorcerer or whatever he's imbued with in universe). But he's also patched in enough to be the tip as to when Nanami needs to resume his responsibilities.
Additional Prospects: Depending on where Oboro is in his origin story, I think he'd also be a necessary counter balance to Nanami's staunch, straight lacedness in the same way Haibara is. Haibara and Oboro would be a force to be reckoned with for all parties considered. Nanami only meets up with Aizawa when he knows Present Mic is on patrol or DJ'ing. Also, The Black Parade once summoned both he and Tokoyami but they never spoke of it again.
Satoru Gojo 🤝 Keigo Takami - One could make an argument for All Might (strongest and strongest in each respective universe) but... I think Hawks and Gojo's predisposition to be weapons at an early age kind of embodies the burden that Gojo otherwise carries alone. Always looking to quell that isolation, Hawks would understand. PLUS, who else has a "strong" moral code (... using figuratively as applied to both) and a bluntness to keep others in check? People overlook how silly goofy Geto has to be to keep up with Gojo. The three of them would wreak havoc, naturally.
Additional Prospects: Gojo would go out of his way to endear himself to Aizawa, as well. Because how grating to be adopted by yet another loud extrovert? Gojo would not be successful but, for the kids, Aizawa would do as needed. Aizawa probably sees Gojo as a slightly more competent teacher than All Might. He likely also recognizes what festers under Gojo's facade of frivolous indifference in the same way he sees past All Might's bravado. Student wise, Gojo would still gravitate toward the most unhinged for mentorship: his Big Three + Midoriya and Bakugo. Iida might be demented enough but the knife handed attention to rules would not work out in the long run.
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1cecreamwillfixit · 2 years
hello! i adored your sub tenya and izuku fics (well all your fics really, but them especially), do you have any general headcanons of them as subs? if you don't want to answer that's fine, i love your work! dom readers are really underrepresented, especially in the anime community. tysm!!!
𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕦𝕓 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Hiii :)
Thanks so much for the ask, i always have headcanons to share
I was thinking of making this a series, so anyone can feel free to request characters for the ‘General Headcanons’ series
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Tenya Iida
This work is NSFW
Anyways, my headcanons:
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𝕀𝕫𝕦𝕜𝕦 𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕪𝕒
ok to start
general kinks i think sub Izuku would have
praise - idk just feels like a no brainer really. he wants you to be proud of him, constantly seeking your praise in and out of the bedroom. any praise makes him melt and praising him is a really easy way to induce him into a submissive state
overstimulation - kinda goes hand in hand with the praise, he just wants to please you. if that means cumming for the third time in a row, so be it. plus he looks so cute when he’s overstimulated, flushed and teary eyed
pegging - (or just anal play in general) y’all knew it was coming. i headcannon him to be one of the most peggable characters, purely because i think he’d have an open mind about it. hed be wary at first, partially coz its a new experience, partially coz he didn’t want to disappoint you. but after the first time, omg he fell in love with it. he loves the feeling of being stretched out and full, the way it makes his thighs shake
rimming - ok i added this one separately coz i wrote a whole fic about it, but i think he’d like rimming specifically. i think theres an element of humiliation to it, the idea of your tongue being somewhere so dirty (figuratively) adds an extra layer to the pleasure. good choice for quickies coz i makes him cum really fast
impact play/spanking - i think theres a fine line between him enjoying this and hating it, depending on how far into subspace he is. if he’s in too deep, spanking is a hard no and could result in him having to end the scene. he needs to be treated with care when he’s feeling vulnerable. but spanking works as a quick punishment for when he is not behaving or talking back. i don’t headcannon him as much of a brat, but i think he’s still playful during sex, which can result in bratty behaviour from time to time
hair pulling - look at his fluffy hair and tell me you don’t want to pull on it. and he’d let you. he loves the pleasure it adds and he makes such beautiful faces when you do it. if your fucking him from behind, pull his hair, it drives him crazy
mommy kink - listen, i don’t think it would happen often but i really think this man would call you mommy if he was deep enough. it would take a lot effort to work him up enough to the point of calling you mommy, but it would be so rewarding. he wouldn’t even notice he was saying it at first and would get so embarrassed when you pointed it out, but once you tell him you don’t mind the name he’ll feel less embarrassed about saying it. its still only saved for special occasions, when he really loses control
edging - i don’t think he’d like the edging itself that much, but he loves the way you praise him every time he holds back his release.  only something you’d do as a punishment or if he specifically asked for it tho
breeding kink - giving and receiving
ok, with all that out the way
i think he’d prefer a more gentle dom, but sometimes he just needs it rough
like i said earlier, i don’t think he’d be much of a brat, but that doesn’t stop him from having an off day every so often. a simple punishment is all he needs to put him back in his place
honestly tho, he worships the ground you walk on
loves giving head coz he knows he’s making you feel good
also loves the way your thighs squeeze around his head when you cum
could probably cum untouched from giving head if he’s in the right headspace. like if you pull his hair the right amount and squeeze his head between your thighs, combined with your taste and moans, he could probably cum
the only other way to get him to cum without touching his cock is by fingering him, he’s very sensitive
is very open with what he wants and likes (still gets embarrassed about it tho) and trusts that you will be the same
v trusting
like, he’s putting his whole heart into your hands, so be careful
very rarely enjoys degradation
his praise kink is just so strong that he will always associate degradation with punishment
cries super easily as well
almost everything you do has him tearing up, hes just so easy to overwhelm
he enjoys the idea of exhibitionism, but its hard to achieve coz of how sensitive and tearful he is. just the feeling of your hand on his thigh has him blushing bright pink, eyes welling up with tears
this man is LOUD
he’s lost count at this point how many times neighbours have complained about the noise, which is always an embarrassing interaction
he’s just so whiney, so vocal
he mumbles the whole way through, but once he gets close to the edge he loses control of his volume
and nothing that you try helps to shut this boy up
v open to toys as well
he loves dildos and being fucked with your strapon, but he also enjoys vibrators just as much. they overwhelm him easily tho, so you have to be very attentive to his body cues
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𝕋𝕖𝕟𝕪𝕒 𝕀𝕚𝕕𝕒
i’m not gonna lie almost all headcannons i have of him as a sub are based on other fics i’ve read so i’ll link them
some general kinks i see him having
bondage - i think he likes feeling completely at your mercy, like he has zero control over the situation. i think he’s the type of person to feel a lot of responsibility in his day to day life, so having no responsibility during sex is *chefs kiss*. i also think that he would start to express an interest in shibari if you’ve been together for a while (and he would look so hot tied up lets be real)
praise - i think he feels that people have high expectations for him, and he doesn’t receive praise very often in general life, so when you praise him for very basic things it fills him with pride. 
degradation - not so much in a mean way, but i think Tenya likes to be scandalised. like, calling him a slut or asking him what someone would think if they saw him like this typa thing. just coz he’s so formal and put together i think he’d love to be made to feel like a dirty whore in bed
rimming - specifically rimming, i don’t think he’d be that into pegging personally, but having your tongue inside him drives him crazy. i think he’d like being fingered as well, but rimming is just top tier. i also think that the only time that he’ll be truly loud in bed is if he’s being fingered or having his ass eaten. this headcannon is basically based on this fic
nipple play - ok maybe this one is just me but he’s so big and buff that i just wanna suck his tiddies. but i feel like he’d enjoy it more than he expected to and it would actually become a regular part of your play just imagine this man in nipple clamps
role play - this again is based of another fic i’ve read and i don’t really have much to add so i’m just gonna put the link to the fic here (the fic involves switch Tenya tho so only read the start if you want sub Tenya)
breeding - uhh, yeah 
ok so enough of that
i feel like Tenya would start out pretty vanilla and would only start to explore his kinks once he was comfortable with your dynamic
and the more you explore, the more open he becomes
i still feel like he’s quite traditional tho, so i don’t think he’d want sex to take place outside of the bedroom
his so big, he really gets off on the feeling of you throwing him around and folding him into whatever position you want
not the most vocal
occasional grunts and moans and he will communicate, hes just generally quiet
if you’re fingering him/eating him out
the first time you tried it you genuinely thought you hurt him, he was moaning so loud
all he can hear is the blood rushing in his ears, he has no idea how loud he’s being
record him being eaten out and make him listen back to how loud he was being, he gets off on the humiliation
i don’t think he’d care that much for toys, maybe you own some nipple clamps and fancy handcuffs but other than that
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i think i got a bit carried away lol
if you want to request a character for headcannons please do id love to make this a series
also check out the fics i have for these two characters linked here: Tenya, Izuku, Izuku
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
Tips and Resources for curating your fandom experience across platforms
Hi loves,
I wanted to write up a curating resource post for fandom spaces, so here are some things I’ve learned along the way, and though only you can decide what your digital boundaries look like, I do hope that for anyone looking for them, this list might find its way to you.
For tumblr
How to make your DM’s only open to people you follow
How to make it so only people you follow, or people who follow you for a week can reply
How to have your ask box open, but closed to anon’s - no longer needed, there's a simple toggle button near the ask settings for whether to allow anons or not :)
Use the filtering function for your dash (this is also an option for a blocked user - who you might still see if a mutual reblogs them.  You can add their name to your filtered list, and then their post will be hidden on your dash).  This tip brought to you by @quiquimora tumblr resource post (great post if you’re new to tumblr)
For AO3
How to filter out keywords that might appear in summary or author notes, but not in tags (handy for when an author is trying to understandably avoid spoilers in the tags)
A script option for filtering (especially nice if there are certain tags you'll always avoid across fandoms).
Muting authors (a nice option if you don’t necessarily mind engaging with authors in comments, etc, but don’t want to see their content) - this secondary link includes a how to video you can now use the muting feature on AO3, no scripts needed :)
You can block authors now on AO3 as well, and here’s a tweet thread that shows you how, but also what it does, and doesn’t do
If you’d like to avoid certain ship pairings
How to use a few extra search symbols to filter out certain content
Quick tip: don't forget to save your curated search results in either a bookmark, or as a link on your mobile home screen - that way you can just do all the filtering once, vs typing it all over again every time you're loading up AO3
For twitter
Muting words/content
How to set up various privacy settings
For discord
Privacy & Server settings master list
Accessibility settings
Please feel free to reblog with your own tips!
Under the cut, a few extra tips for dipping into new fandom spaces:
Interact with reblogs and hashtags (this isn’t the end all to be all, but one way to showcase your sense of humor with commentary, or digitally applaud a content creator). People can get to know you a bit ;)
If you enjoy content creating, sign up for fandom events: big bangs, reverse big bangs, zines - a fantastic way to connect with several people at once sharing the same hyperfixation as you <3
Look up certain hashtags in someone’s blogs - not in the sense of digging up ten years of posts, but a quick search if you have squicks and triggers that someone might blog about a lot.  It’s not a judgment on them, for many might not follow you for the things you post about either.  It’s just self care to be aware of things you do not want to see on your dash and keep your following list to things that bring you joy - nothing says you can’t do the occasional reblog, or even connect with them on other platforms!
On the flipside - block liberally.  If you look up their blog and you both are on opposite ends of a spectrum on a topic?  Want to ensure they can never say such things to you in DM’s, etc?  Block.
And guess what?  People have the right to do the same to you.  Do not under any circumstances block evade.  This includes going to other platforms to engage with them if you know you’ve been blocked.  Just.don’t.do.it.please.
And if you've made it to the end, you get a digital cookie or hug of your choice 🍪🫂
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bluebudgie · 2 years
Hello peeps!
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Thought some of you might be interested in some tips and tricks for making gifs of your GW2 characters. Don't get me wrong here please, I'm by no means the be-and-end-all of gif-making, but maybe a handful of you might enjoy this? I do at least have experience with throwing myself in front of chak for hours. You decide if that's good or bad.
This is how I personally proceed and maybe some of you have better ways to do it! Feel free to share your own advice here :D
Let's get started! ・°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°.
Choosing a location
So you chose a victim and have a neat little idea of what you wanna show. Now all you have to do is find a fitting location. Here's some things to consider:
How's the ambient lighting? Rotate your newly found top model at your location of choice to make sure the light hits from the best angle. Keep day and night cycles in mind. Some places also simply have bad light for your character; in that case try to think of a similar location that might look more flattering.
How busy is the background? You probably want your character to pop out, so the choice of scene is important especially if you don't have access to 3rd party depth-of-field filters. Keep in mind that moving background elements might look distracting.
If there are enemies around, can you get rid of them reliably or will they keep interrupting you? Are there safe spots to stand in outside of enemy range? Most enemies really don't hate you as much as you think. Unless you're in the Crystal Desert.
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Strike a pose!
The basics:
Play around with the camera sliders in your options. Having your character big in the frame goes a long way! The vertical, horizontal and zoom sliders are your best friends.
Remember the UI doesn't have to be visible for you to type emotes in chat. Just to be safe from (public chat) typos though, I like to type the command with the UI turned on, then hide the UI, and then once I've adjusted the camera hit enter to play the emote. This is especially useful if you're trying to pose around enemies and don't have the time to frantically type things in chat.
Some tips for posing:
Rotating the camera while in first person mode rotates your entire character. This way you can turn around without having to redo your /emote all the time. This is especially useful if you use persistent emotes that last an infinite amount of time (as opposed to emotes that play an animation once and then return your character back to the default idle).
Similarly, zooming into first person mode and zooming back out will (client-side only) display your weapons and back piece. Those usually get hidden during emote animations.
If you swap weapons via keybind mid weapon idle animation, the animation will usually keep playing despite not fitting your newly swapped in weapon. This will often look silly, but can sometimes get you some cool poses too. Try out some combinations!
The technical side
So you're a master at staging the perfect shot, how do you get all of this into a neat little moving image?
To capture your gameplay, any recording software of your choice works. Windows 10 should by default come with the ability to record your game (press the Windows key + G to bring up the overlay; you can change keybinds for active and retroactive video recording & other things in the settings).
Once you've made your video file, the tricky part begins. It's kind of difficult to write a definite guide for this since programs and methods for making gifs vary so much. Different programs might compress your file differently, giving you different results in terms of file size and quality. Personally I've been using an ancient student version of Photoshop CS6 since the dawn of time, and it took some trial and error to figure out a good balance between quality and size.
About posting on tumblr:
tumblr currently allows a file size of 10MB max per gif (you can have several <10MB files per post).
The tumblr dashboard displays images at a width of 540px, so make this your gif's absolute minimum width if you want to ensure a crisp image.
Now for some subjective observations based on my experiences with how I create gifs. ! Important ! This is how my particular version of Photoshop handles sizes. You might get completely different results using any other software that compresses files differently.
Getting a good balance between image dimensions, quality and length of animation is hard if you're limited to a maximum file size of 10MB.
Your file size will depend on: The amount of frames your animation is using, the amount of colours, how much movement there is, and of course the dimensions of your image. Editing your image in terms of colours, saturation, contrast etc. can also impact the file size (it can go both ways).
Using a video recorded at 60 fps I can usually squeeze about (give or take) 3 seconds of animation into the gif before it gets too large (given a – by my standards – decent image quality). Take this into consideration when you pick your poses.
Things you can do to reduce file size, other than the two obvious solutions of simply making your animation shorter or image dimensions smaller:
Lower the amount of dither. This has a huge impact on file size in my experience. If you have many transparent effects (e.g. smoke, fog) or use strong depth-of-field filters in your image it will look bad if you go too low.
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Limit the colour palette when you export your gif. Highly dependent on the scene, sometimes you can get away with reducing your colours by half, sometimes it will look atrocious.
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In the end I don't think there's one formula that works for every situation. It really depends on what you're showing, so mix and match different methods to try and get the best compromise between quality and size!
And that's all I can think of right now! I hope that maybe one of these points could help someone :D
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blakeswritingimagines · 8 months
Dating Yandere Criston Cole would include:
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As a yandere, he is a person who loves deeply and intensely and becomes uncontrollably possessive, possessive to the point of obsession. It's his deepest wish that you stay at his side, and he'd do anything to ensure that, including resorting to violence and even murder. He has an unhealthy fear of losing you and a strong desire to "own" you completely. He'll do anything to make you love him, even if it means forcing you.
As a yandere, Criston would be obsessed with his love interest, possessive of you, and often prone to violent outbursts at the slightest provocation. He would likely be obsessively protective of his love interest and willing to do anything for you, all the while maintaining a calm and collected demeanor. When around his love interest, Criston would be overly flirty and affectionate, but would become cold and distant if you were to show signs of disinterest or even so much as look at another person.
As a yandere, Criston is possessive and obsessive, prone to bouts of extreme jealousy and rage towards the object of his obsession. He even resorts to violence and manipulation in order to keep his loved one close and prevent you from leaving or hurting you. Criston may often feel jealous and threatened by others who may come in contact with you, and this can result in unpredictable and dangerous behavior.
Apart from being possessive and aggressive, Criston may also be overly controlling, trying to ensure that his loved one stays with him by any means necessary. He may also be paranoid and suspicious, constantly doubting your devotion to him and questioning your actions and motivations. This can lead to excessive monitoring and surveillance of your activities. Criston may also become emotionally unstable, often alternating between fits of rage and depression, especially when you do not return his affection or act in a way he perceives as disobedient.
Additionally, a yandere may become emotionally dependent on their loved one, to the point where they see them as the source of all their happiness. This can lead him to take extreme measures to keep you close and ensure you never leave or betray him. He may attempt to take control of your life, trying to isolate and control your behavior to ensure you don't stray. This may even involve violent stalking, kidnapping, or harsh outcomes. However, beneath the obsessive and violent tendencies, a yandere still cares deeply for you, to the point where he would even go to great lengths to protect you.
As a yandere, Criston may also exhibit extreme attachment and devotion towards you, going to great lengths to please you and make you happy. He may also be overly protective, often trying to prevent you from experiencing any negative emotions or hardships. This can be both sweet and endearing, but it can also be suffocating and overbearing. Criston may also share overwhelming feelings of love and devotion that can often border on the obsessive. In his mind, you are perfect in every way and he cannot bear to lose you.
Criston, as a yandere, may also suffer from a deep fear of rejection and abandonment, which can lead to a desperate and desperate need to keep you close by any means necessary. Attempting to control your behavior and choices through threats, manipulation, violence, or even kidnapping. Criston may also experience extreme highs and lows of emotions, with extreme joy and love when he is with you, but intense rage and sadness when he feels neglected or abandoned.
As a yandere, Criston may also become violent and aggressive in trying to achieve this goal, even going as far as to harm you or your friends, family, and even innocents in order to assert his dominance and maintain control. He may also have a warped understanding of what constitutes appropriate behavior, justifying extreme acts as acts of love that are for the betterment of the relationship. Criston might also resort to manipulation, blackmail, and deception to achieve his aim of gaining total control over his love interest. In other words, he may not be a very pleasant individual.
Further aspects of Criston's yandere behavior may include a disregard for the other person's opinions and desires, an emphasis on his own emotional needs and feelings, and viewing the object of his affection as an extension of himself rather than as your own autonomous person. Any rejection or perceived threat to the relationship may result in violence or other aggressive actions towards the object of his affections, or those that he views as threats to the control over you. This can lead to emotional and physical abuse in the relationship, as Criston attempts to exert absolute control over his love interest.
Criston's methods of showing affection towards you may be extreme and obsessive, reflecting his dependence and possessiveness towards you. He may shower you with unwanted or unwelcome affection, seeking to monopolize your time and attention and get upset if you show any interest in others besides himself. He may be quick to react with anger or aggression if his love interest does not reciprocate his romantic feelings, or if he perceives any threat to his control over you. He may become possessive and controlling, attempting to limit your freedom and prevent you from spending time with others, while becoming even more emotionally manipulative and dependent.
Dates with Criston as a yandere can be difficult and even dangerous, as he is prone to obsessive and controlling behavior more so when out and about with you. Any attempt by his love interest to challenge or limit this behavior may result in anger, violence, or manipulation. On dates, he may become overly attached and want to spend every waking moment with you, or may struggle to maintain any kind of emotional or physical distance. Instead of a normal romantic connection, a date with Criston can turn into an intense and possessive encounter.
It is possible that the object of Criston's obsession could push back against his attentions, either by rejecting his advances, avoiding him, attempting to flee, or calling for help. However, due to Criston's yandere tendencies, he could become aggressive if he perceives any threat to his control over the object of his affections, and may resort to violence or manipulation to maintain his fixation.
If Criston were to marry in secret, he would have to keep the marriage and any children that result from it a well-guarded secret, as there could be serious repercussions if the marriage were ever to come to light, such as being dismissed from the Kingsguard, incurring the wrath of House Targaryen, and potentially being charged with treason by the king. However, if Criston could keep the marriage a well-guarded secret, he could possibly be able to have a happy life with his spouse and children while being a member of the Kingsguard, as long as he remains vigilant and careful.
Criston is fiercely loyal and protective of the object of his affection, willing to do anything to ensure your safekeeping. While usually calm and calculating, he can become aggressive and territorial when it comes to defending his beloved. He will go to great lengths to prove his love, and the thought of losing his loved one can send him into a fit of rage.
While Criston may be fiercely protective of the object of his affection, he would never resort to forcing you to do anything against your will at first. He would most likely attempt to persuade you to do what he wants through words and actions rather than force. If he does not get his way, Criston would probably respect his loved one's decision even if it makes him feel upset or disappointed. However, if he feels that his beloved is in danger or is acting in a dangerous or self-destructive manner, he may resort to more forceful methods to ensure their safety.
Aside from the obsessive behavior previously mentioned, Criston's love may cause him to act in ways that are not typical of his usual behavior. He may become over-emotional, overly sensitive, or even paranoid. This is particularly true if he perceives a threat to the object of his affection, either from within or without. To cope with his strong negative emotions, Criston may resort to compulsive behavior, such as frequent communication with his beloved, and excessive checking up on you or your activities.
When Criston feels that he and his loved one are at odds, he may resort to manipulation tactics in order to gain control over the situation. He may resort to guilt-tripping or playing on the object of his affection's emotions in order to get you to do what he wants. He may also become overly suspicious of his beloved, questioning your motives and intentions, and becoming fixated on your behavior and movements. Furthermore, Criston may become obsessed with monitoring his beloved, wanting to know where you are and who you are with at all times.
Criston may have a deep desire to possess and control his beloved. If this is the case, he might take steps to isolate his loved one from others and make you solely dependent on him. This could include manipulating the object of his affection into cutting off communication with friends and family making it seem either like a good idea or like it was your own idea or even relocating to a different place to make it more difficult for you to get away. He may also try to use your love for him to manipulate you into doing what he wants.
Besides his possessiveness and jealousy, Criston can also be very insecure and anxious when it comes to losing his loved one. He may have an intense fear of abandonment or rejection, which can lead him to worry excessively about his loved one's actions and behavior. This can result in a need for constant reassurance and validation from his loved one, resulting in him seeking attention and affection from you constantly. However, if he feels like he's not getting the attention and reassurance he needs, he may resort to desperate measures to get it.
Despite his protective nature, Criston is not without weaknesses. He can feel jealous and insecure when it comes to his beloved, fearing that others may try to steal you away from him. This can lead to feelings of possessiveness and clinginess, as he tries to guard his loved one away from potential rivals. Additionally, Criston can become easily triggered by other men's advances toward his beloved, leading to a violent or volatile reaction. He might also start to feel anxious and paranoid, imagining potential threats that might not be real.
As a dedicated protector, Criston may be a fan of the role-playing dynamic of the strong "protector" and the "protected" partner in a relationship. In the bedroom, Criston may enjoy acting as a dominant or even controlling presence. Criston is also very loyal and protective of his partners, so he might prefer to show his affection through physical intimacy, such as cuddling and kisses or through gifts and thoughtful gestures. Criston is traditionally a man of few words, so he might also appreciate more subtle forms of communication, such as eye contact or small touches.
Criston might also be receptive to other kinks that could include rope bondage, bondage toys, restraints, blindfolds, and role-play elements of kidnapping and rescue. The idea of being the "knight in shining armor" who helps his partner escape from a dangerous situation could be an exciting and erotic experience for both parties.
Criston may enjoy being a dominant force in the relationship, with his partner submitting to him. He might enjoy using his strength and physical power to assert his control in the bedroom. This might involve rough play, light BDSM, and light punishment.
Another kink that Criston might be interested in is the idea of being "worshiped" or treated like a god by his partner. Since he is often in a position of power and authority in his professional and personal life, he might appreciate being treated as the object of someone else's reverence and adoration when in the comfort of his own home. This could involve elements of submissive behavior, kneeling and other acts of reverence, and even elements of worship such as offerings and prayer.
Criston might also be open to other kinks such as dirty talk, degradation, and humiliation. In these cases, his protective nature could be explored through various forms of praise and worship. He might encourage his partner to call him "Sir" or "Master" and allow you to "Serve his needs." He might even demand verbal recognition of his dominance and superiority.
Another possible kink that Criston might enjoy is the idea of having a special or even exclusive bond with his partner. While Criston may be protective and possessive of his beloved, he may also show appreciation for the idea that he and his partner have an intimate relationship that is unique and set apart from others. His dedication to protecting and caring for his partner could lead to feelings of possessiveness and exclusivity, making him less open to the idea of sharing them with someone else.
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viatagrinner · 1 year
William Rex. Bond Stories 1-3.
Bond Story No1: I want to know.
William: Do you have a question for me? Of course, I'd be happy to answer. What do you want to ask?
1. About The Crown.
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William: These are all fun guys, including the founder Victor. I'm sure you'll enjoy it too.
2. About the curse.
William: The word "curse" sounds exaggerated, but it's basically one of my building blocks. You can think of it the same way you think of carbon and oxygen.
3. About ability.
William: By looking a person in the eye and giving an order, I can move him or her as I command. Regardless of the other person's will.
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William: Evil is the only word that describes this ability, isn't it?
William: But ever since you came to this castle... Robin only cares about what's in people's hearts.
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William: I'm interested in your heart. What do you like, what makes you laugh, cry and get angry?
William: Oh, don't answer that. I like to enjoy the process of unraveling.
William: Also, the words are clear, but because of this they distort the truth.
William: ...I'm really looking forward to the moment when I see the real you.
Bond Story No2: Sharing a meal/Eat together.
William: Ahahaha ... Sorry, you look so annoyed looking at the grapes in front of you, I laugh at how adorable you are.
William: Politeness is important. The beauty of people lies in not hurting each other, changing the charm depending on the place and the person.
William: But tonight, it's just you and me at dinner. And I'd rather see your manners than the etiquette book.
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William: You can use a fork or your dainty fingers. It would be fun if I fed you, though. What would you like to do?
1. I eat with a fork.
William: It's an elegant choice. Be careful when stabbing/piercing that the grapes don't slip away.
2. I eat with my hands.
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William: I see. That might actually be the most sensible way to eat.
3. I would like you to feed me.
William: Excellent choice. Others can be done alone, but this one can only be done by two...... Sure, I'd love to.
William: I want you to be more liberated and honest around me.
William: No idea what kind of person, character, how you listen. What's good and what's bad?
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William: The only way to know your own heart is to feel it. ....Right?
Bond Story No3: Hobby/Skills
William: Instead of hiding, come to me.
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William: So you like my piano? Shy Robin.
1. Applauding.
William: Hahaha! Thank you. That touched my heart more than any other words of praise.
2. It drew me in unintentionally.
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William: That's an honor. Because I was playing to lure you out.
3. Please tell me more.
William: Of course, with pleasure. ....But it's never too late to have a little more fun interacting with the audience, is it?
William: ....The song I just played was left by the composer to his lover, who asked him to throw it away without letting it out.
William: Her lover made this public, betraying his promise to the dead. I don't know his motive.
William: As a result, the music that should be buried disturbed your mind, awakened your desires, and lured you out into the dark night.
William: Was the act of a lover betraying a dead man and making that song known to the world a good or bad thing?...
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William: Which one do you think it is?
Ikevil Bond Story Masterlist
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mcl-ng-hr · 2 months
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The links to the illustrations and dialogues' guides of each character: Illustrations, Objectives, Amanda, Devon, Jason, Thomas, Others
The personalities associated to some answers are represented by emojis in this guide. ❤️ represents the sweet personality, 💛 the energetic personality, and 💚 the rebel one.
Colors are also used to show the positive and negative reactions the characters can have depending on our responses. Positive in this green, negative in this dark pink, and illustration in this yellow. Unknown results are depicted with a simple non-colored (?), and no indication means no consequences.
Keep in mind that this guide is still unsure, if you notice errors or have more infos you wish to share, please do not hesitate!
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Jason: (Choice) 💛️ After your little ditty when I got here, I think I believe them, Jason… (Positive with Devon and Roy) ❤️ (I didn't say anything. Clearly, I don't have all the information…) (Negative with Jason) 💚️ Maybe we shouldn't play his game…? (Positive with Jason) (Negative with Devon and Ron)
Jason: I'll apologize in advance for inflicting a defeat on you for your first mission, but it's not personal. 💚️ Don't speak too soon, and may the best win! (Positive with Jason) (Negative with Devon and Ron) ❤️ As long as everyone follows the rules… 💛️ It is for me, now. We're going to crush you. (Negative with Jason) (Positive with Devon and Roy)
Roy: So, you've made it? Your dive into the deep end! 💛️ At the same time, he didn't hire me to twiddle my thumbs! (Positive) 💚️ Yes… I would have preferred him to ask me directly if I had any ideas, but hey... (Negative) ❤️ Yes, it's very nice of him not to leave me on the sidelines.
Roy: Chic restaurants, palaces, that’s not really my natural environment. ⤷ And you don’t ever work on anything else? (?) ⤷ At the same time, the client seems to have as much ambition as Amanda, right? (?) ⤷ Yes, I was planning to go see her too.
Roy: And word of mouth often works well, and allows me to make new, original or little-known contact. 💚️ It's funny, I thought you'd have a much more aggressive approach. (Negative) 💛️ Cool! I hope you'll help me meet lots of people! (Positive) ❤️ So really, your job is to be nice? That's cool!
🛍️ Choose the shirt and tie outfit to get his illustration. 🌆️ Choosing Roy leads to his illustration.
Roy: Don't you think? 💛️ Totally! Now I can imagine a pirate ship coming in the distance. (Positive) 💚️ Yeah, I agree, like an imaginary creature from the depths… (Negative) ❤️ I don't know, I never really thought about it…
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laurfilijames · 8 months
Okay, I’m here, I’m making myself comfortable 😌
I’m avoiding SOA talk until I finish season seven, so I don’t stumble onto anything (honestly shocked I’ve managed to stay spoiler free for so long)
So, our man Will Miller… do you have any of your own head cannons for the most reserved of the Triple Frontier boys?
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Ooooo yay!!!!!!! I was so happy to see this in my inbox you have no idea 🤗💗 Sorry it took me so long to answer, I'm hosting family at my cottage this weekend and there are dogs and children everywhere and not a moments peace 😅
Totally fair to avoid SOA talk! I'm glad you've managed to remain spoiler-free until this point!
You bet your ass I have headcanons about the Captain! This man is on my mind day and night and each time I watch TF, more thoughts (and thots) and ideas come up and I simply can't get enough.
So, here's a few I'll share that maybe some will agree with and maybe some won't!
The Miller's had a rough upbringing. Their dad was a drunk and their mom left when they were fairly young, resulting in Will stepping up to care for Benny and making sure he was looked after, earning Will his seriousness and maturity far sooner than he should've.
Because of that, Will was out of that house as soon as possible, having enlisted the day he turned 17.
Growing up, Will taught Benny how to fight and defend himself, making him feel less guilty about leaving his younger brother at home without him when he went away.
Because he saw what happened to his parents, Will doesn't drink much. He doesn't like the loss of control and hates the emotions it stirs up in him when he does have a couple more than he normally would. He will have a beer or two with the guys or enjoy a glass of wine with dinner occasionally, but never enough to even get a buzz. 
He keeps track of everything because it helps him process things. He never wants to forget the things he's done; good or bad. It helps him stay accountable for his actions and he's not the type of guy to kid himself into thinking his position can justify it, and he's learned over the years to acknowledge rather than bury what's happened. The numbers are sort of a certainty for him and help ground him.
Will doesn't sleep well. He suffers from nightmares often, and on nights when they don't happen, he's usually awake on account of his own thoughts. When a nightmare does happen, he wakes up in a full sweat and more often than not it's accompanied by screaming and thrashing around. To help pass the hours when he isn't able to fall back asleep, he'll go for a run to get rid of that anxious energy or hit the 24 hour gym.
I'm one to believe that his relationship with his ex-fiancée wasn't the best, that maybe they had been together since they were young and over the years grew apart and fell out of love as they changed and got older. Will's choice in career caused a lot of stress between them and wedged them apart even more, and unfortunately she took advantage of his deployments to indulge in affairs with men who suited her better. The Publix incident was the last straw for her; she wasn't willing to stick around to try to help him through things and abandoned him completely, leaving him to spiral before picking himself back up again with the help of his brother and friends.
I honestly could keep going but I'll stop there! Please, please, please if you or anyone else has opinions on any of this and wants to discuss it further send me an ask or reblog this. I just love talking about my man 😩💗
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Daughter of the Pirate King Book Quote Rp Meme
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book by Tricia Levenseller - feel free to change pronouns or edit quotes for rp purposes
“Everyone has something dark in their past. I suppose it's our job to overcome it. And if we can’t overcome it, then all we can do is make the most of it.” 
“The sea watches over me. She protects her own.”
“You are here because I want information.” 
“That’s nice. I want a clean cell.” 
I owe him my life and my allegiance. He is the best thing I have, and I would never do anything to hurt or betray him.” 
“A challenge and an insult all wrapped into one. My specialty.” 
“Oh, the ridiculous things one has to do when one is a pirate.” 
“Lass, you've the face of an angel but the tongue of a snake.” 
“I live on the cusp of two worlds, trying desperately to fit into one.” 
“I am me because I choose to be me. I am what I want. Some people say you have to find yourself. Not I. I believe we create ourselves to be what we want.”
“I am me because I choose to be me. I am what I want. Some people say you have to find yourself. Not I. I believe we create ourselves to be what we want” 
“then remembers he’s not wearing a shirt. A fact I haven’t been able to forget.” 
“I’ve no choice but to seduce the captain.” 
“I want to kiss you again.” 
“No I can only tell what you're feeling."
“He’s an ugly drunk because it takes away the pain. He has no desire to live, yet no desire to die, either. It’s a tough spot to be in.” 
“It’s a bold and stupid move. I like it.” 
“Anyone ever tell you, you can't be hurt by something you don't believe in?"
“Your gun would have a hard time working once it’s wet.” 
“I didn’t say I had to be the one to shoot.” 
“But let’s face it, you’d like that pleasure for yourself.” 
“You’re welcome to ask one of the crew to share. I’m sure any of them would volunteer.” 
“Just as there is a destination far beyond this one, there will be a time far beyond this one when there won't be any pain, just the memory of it.” 
“My father controls the ocean.” 
“I know all the horrible things he’s put you through. And I am here to liberate you.” 
Do you think a single member of the crew would be able to focus on their duties if you wore that?” 
“If we’re to survive this, you need to stay put.” 
“There you are. You’re a bit younger than I expected.”
“What the—I misread where that was going. I wanted to irritate him. To get under his skin. To mess with him because he’s working for the enemy. I hadn’t exactly expected him to get all mushy as a result.”
“She’s got a fiery temperament that matches the red hair atop her head.” 
"Please. I want this. Don't you want this?" 
“Being underestimated always works to my advantage. But sometimes I find it offensive. That often makes me violent” 
“There are different kinds of fathers. Those who love unconditionally, those who love on condition, and those who never love at all.” 
“I think you’re acting like a jealous husband.” 
You know, men that women shackle themselves onto.” 
"Yes. I just can't figure out if you're a good pirate or a really good pirate.” 
“I value other traits above an affinity for torture and power over those weaker than oneself. I value brilliant minds, honest souls, and those with long endurance. I forge relationships based on trust and mutual respect, not fear and control.” 
“Pain goes away eventually.Death is permanent.” 
“My own crew back at the keep is nearly entirely composed of women. A fact I am proud of.” 
“I am always the one in control.” 
“You saved me.” “
Yes, and then you took credit for it. What kind of thanks is that? That was damned insulting.” 
“How can I be betrayed by someone who was never on my side to begin with?”
“When fancy strikes, a man gets this notion in his mind that everything a woman does is for him.” 
“Which means if I’m to keep up appearances, I’ll have to escape the ship. Then get caught on purpose. Oh, the ridiculous things one has to do when one is a pirate.” 
“I’ll say whatever I please. I’m not a lady, I’m a pirate!” 
he only said I ‘probably’ shouldn’t speak to her, on account of beautiful women have a way of playing tricks on a man’s mind. But it wasn’t a direct order.” 
“Yes, we should all worship the stars. They are as useful as they are beautiful. Some never change position. They are constants in the sky. Without them, we would be lost.” 
“If you ever try to make me lose face in front of my men like that again, I may just leave your cell unlocked at night so anyone can wander in, and I will fall asleep, listening to your screams.”
 “You’re daft if you think you will ever hear me scream. And you’d better pray you never fall asleep while my cell is unlocked.”
“You`re a woman. Act like it. You shouldn`t be saying such foul-'
“He wears his confidence as if it is merely another article of clothing upon his person.” 
'Because pirates aren`t supposed to look like you and talk like you talk and do what you do. You`re confusing, and it`s messing with my head.”
“He said I was beautiful?”
“I think you’re acting like a jealous husband.” 
“You know, men that women shackle themselves onto.” 
“Even a man who’s spent his whole life at sea has reason to fear her when she’s angry. But not I. I sleep soundly. Listening to her music. The sea watches over me. She protects her own.” 
“Imagine that you traveled all over the world, looking for happiness, looking for thrills to pass the time. Imagine seeing everything there is to see and still not finding happiness.” 
“Well, I made you something. Look here. I gave this squid your face.” 
“If you’re sorry, that means you want forgiveness. Is that what you’re asking for? If you want forgiveness, that means you want to make things right. And if you want to make things right, that means that you don’t intend to put me in harm’s way again. So, if you are saying you’re sorry, I don’t think you understand what that entails.” 
“Many can’t even grow hair on their chins.” 
"You stole my blanket, “
“Just as there is a destination far beyond this one, there will be a time far beyond this one when there won’t be any pain, just the memory of it.” 
“Has he been conscious at all?” 
“Yes. He woke up once and looked at me funny.” 
“Did he say anything?” 
“He said, ‘You don’t have red hair.’ Then he fell back asleep.” 
“But if I’m being honest … it’s because he said please.” 
“Everyone has something dark in their past. I suppose it's our job to overcome it.” 
“Imagine that you traveled all over the world, looking for happiness, looking for thrills to pass the time. Imagine seeing everything there is to see and still not finding happiness. Well, that would give you a very bleak outlook on life, would it not?” 
"I was born to the pirate king.” 
“I am me because I choose to be me. I am what I want. Some people say you have to find yourself. Not I. I believe we create ourselves to be what we want. Any aspect of ourselves that we do not like can be altered if we make an effort.” 
“Easy? Do you think it was easy for me to watch you? Seeing you up there, knowing the pain you must be in, it … it made me feel—it would have hurt less if I had been the one hanging. I hated myself for what happened. And the only way I could punish myself was to force myself to watch you in pain. That was my punishment.” 
“he turns me to the right, where we face a set of stairs leading belowdecks. It’s an uncomfortable trip downward. Twice I miss a step and nearly tumble all the way down. he catches me each time, but his grip is always firmer than necessary. My skin will likely be bruised by tomorrow. Knowing this makes me angry.Which is why when we are three steps from the bottom, I trip him.He’s clearly not expecting it. He falls, but I didn’t take into account that tight grip of his. So, naturally, he takes me with him.The impact is painful.” 
“Easy? Do you think it was easy for me to watch you? Seeing you up there, knowing the pain you must be in, it … it made me feel—it would have hurt less if I had been the one hanging. I hated myself for what happened. And the only way I could punish myself was to force myself to watch you in pain. That was my punishment.” 
“mostly human. But when I allow myself to use the gifts my mother gave me, I become something else. And it kills me a little inside each time I have to fight it back off.” 
“I stay because he’s my brother. Because he is the only family member who loves me unconditionally. Something you could never understand.” 
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stnaf-vn · 2 years
Hi!! I am hoping for clarifications, and I wanted to share my theories & analysis. I'm bad at paraphrasing and getting to the point, so please be patient with me. (I'm so glad asks don't have character limits anymore lol This will be long)
In the very beginning of the demo, a voice colored with an unsaturated purple says "...you better do as I say...", "...I can ruin your life, you know?" The next phrase is has red (threatening?) colored text, "I can make you wish you were never born." The MC wonders who is speaking. The faded purple reappears with "Yeah, that's what I thought. It shouldn't be too much trouble right?" You are then given a choice to open your eyes or not. If you select "Open your eyes?" the MC sees nothing but darkness, but they feel something touch their shoulder in a soothing manner. The unidentified person(?) cuddles the MC, saying "Shh. Go back to sleep, my dear." and the MC falls back to sleep to the sound of humming. If you select "Don't." the result doesn't change. After falling asleep, the MC has a nightmare. The nightmare involves running away from something in a dark, foggy, cold, and empty city. There is a quote on a nearby building wall: "They who walk into the lion's den will surely be swallowed whole." The sidewalk has the word "R U N" on it. There is also an upside-down stop sign that says "Wrong Way". The MC is lost, out of breath, and terrified. Any cry for help echos around them without a response. Eventually, MC begins hearing footsteps. A hooded figure with a bit of blonde hair peaking out approaches from across the road. MC begs the stranger for help from a distance. Glitched thought text appears saying, "Wait, that's not right... Something isn't right... "
The faded purple text reappears, labeled as "Stranger" and glitching as well, "Where do you think you're going?" The stranger laughs and causes the MC to shiver. "You can't get very far without me!!" He(?) yells. "YOU NEED ME!!!!" MC's heartbeat rushes with fear. Glitched red text appears, "You have to hide." "... No..." Then a glitched purple colored text that is more saturated (I think like the color of Friend's regular text) says "Y o u nee d to ru n." You are then given the option to run or hide. Regardless of which you choose, you are met with a flashed cg, like a jumpscare, of the Stranger close to the screen with a hand reached out to grab you. At the sound of an alarm clock, MC shoots up in their bed, covered with sweat and alone.
So, now that everyone reading has the details, let's discuss! Feel free to tell me what you can, and let me know if an answer is too spoiler-y.
First set of questions, did the beginning dark part before the city nightmare actually happen? Was it a memory? Was it a part of the dream? If it did actually happen, was it actually current Friend watching, touching, and talking to a sleeping MC? If it was a memory, could it be something MC heard from Kegan?
It would make sense if Friend was there that night, for two reasons: 1) he is in your apartment when you wake up, 2) his license plate says "ICUzzzBBY" lmao
It confused me a bit how the faded purple text went from threatening manipulation to comforting the MC back to sleep. That detail led me to believe that perhaps it was part of the dream OR the person was attempting to drill these things into MC's subconscious mind OR they were speaking their true thoughts that they are not ready for MC to hear out of fear of scaring them...
Is the red text only used for threatening emphasis or is there more significance?
Was the "Y o u nee d to ru n." actually a different shade of purple? Was it Friend's purple? If so, was it purposeful and significant to the lore? I know Friend wants to protect and be close to MC more than anything else...
Who is faded purple text?
I believe the faded purple text, eventually revealed as "Stranger", belongs to either the Original Friend (who was ultimately retconned for being too mean), or a nightmare version of Friend made from MC's subconscious worries about his strange behaviors. I have watched the original animation you made with Original Friend that started STNAF, and from what I can tell Stranger behaves and speaks very similarly to OG Friend.
The faded purple text could also just be indicating Friend speaking with a more sinister tone.
(Also, it's a little funny to me that he's called "Stranger" and Friend is "Friend", cause the names make it sound like Stranger is a dark version of him in a Markiplier-Darkiplier kind of way.)
Stranger is dressed in all black, with a hoodie and a face mask. Even while mostly disguised, I believe the physical traits that are visible (hair, skin color, eyes, body size) all match up with the person MC knows as Friend. Is there a reason the MC did not recognize the Stranger? I guess it's fair if they were just too panicked, but *looks at the blonde bangs* you would think they would recognize their best friend. If not in the moment, then retroactively.
How did MC know something was not right? Was it just a feeling, something they saw, or did they start to realize they were dreaming? Was the Stranger the "thing" MC was initially running from?
Will the choices made in the beginning (opening eyes, run or hide) have significance for the full game? Does it already have significance in the demo? (Significance as in will it influence the ending or the storyline the player gets, does it affect the MC's personality.)
Why did you want to include this beginning sequence? (Don't get me wrong, I love it! I am genuinely curious.)
Perhaps it was to make the player less trusting of Friend, or to give them a spook and a taste of OG!Friend?
I believe what we see in the city nightmare is a warning and a commentary on having a relationship between MC and Friend. With the quote on the building "They who walk into the lion's den will surely be swallowed whole", Friend is the lion, and walking into the den refers to time spent with him, getting close. Being swallowed whole probably has a few meanings... Friend will get rid any competition for MC's attention, and he will manipulate them until he has them exactly where he wants. Friend wants to be the only person in their life. He wants them to be kept close, and to be the one to take care of all their needs. Under certain conditions he will kidnap MC and completely isolate them. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
The "R U N" on the sidewalk, the Wrong Way sign, and the "Y ou nee d to ru n" are obvious warnings of 'Danger! Quickly go in the opposite direction you are going!'. I think the warnings were applying to Stranger who is about to approach from ahead of them in the nightmare, and also a warning about entering a relationship with Friend. They make me want to always choose the "Run." option.
There was also an Edgar Allan Poe quote at the beginning I forgot to mention before: "I was never insane except for instances in which my heart was touched." The quote was accompanied by the sound of static, and a tape(?) beginning to play (lore or just spooky sound design?). I believe the quote is just fitting for Friend's character. He is willing to do anything for MC, because he loves them.
Additional Comments & Questions:
-I love the art style!!
-I melt when he calls me sweetheart or love 😍
-He's so cute and kind!
-I am very in love, consider me thoroughly wooed. I have considered the potential consequences & outcomes, and tbh I would still be willingly obedient to his every desire.
-Should I be worried about how pale he is? Also, the black eye bags! He needs to sleep more!
-I really want to write something for the contest, but I've had terrible writer's block for months 😭 I have ideas, it's just the actually writing part... I still have time to try! I hope to get inspiration by replaying the demo and listening to music. (Friend: 🎶 I wanna be your boyfriend, I wanna be your boyfriend~ I wanna go on walks with you, I wanna have long talks with you~ You can be my [partner], you can be my [partner]~ I'll compliment you frequently, I wanna treat you decently~ 🎶)
-I love the banter <3 Makes me happy
-I'm scared of driving, so it works out that he is willing to drive me places!
-When he pats MC's knee in the car and then asks if they're comfortable with it?? Then if they give the go ahead he puts his hand on their thigh and strokes it with his thumb... Hhhhhh 🤭
-The intimate scenes are very well written, I'm still blushing...
-I am sending this on anon, because I am an anxious person. If I want send another ask after your response, I need to be identifiable. I would like to be recognized with this emoji combination: 🐻🌻 It's a bear head and a sunflower emoji. Let me know if it's already taken.
I hope you are doing well!!
- 🐻🌻
Words cannot express how much I love theory asks, it's like eating a good meal. Just so satisfying. I've built this world with the intent to have some story with enough wiggle room for theorization. So some things will be left up to your own personal interpretation because I find it more fun that way. I will say that the beginning before the nightmare(?), Friend was actually on the phone with your boss threatening him to give you the morning off. (He only "asked" for the morning off because he assumed you would fight him when it came to taking the WHOLE day off, but he wanted to spend time with you.) Also, thank you so much for noticing the small details I put in there! And I'm so glad you enjoyed the demo! Chapter 1 is currently in the works, and I hope you and others will catch on to the small details once again.
Thank you Sun-bear for this awesome theory ask.
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