#plot stirring
enchantingepics · 6 months
Story Prompt 44
In a city cloaked in shadows and secrets, there existed a group of friends who danced on the edge of the law. They moved like shadows in the night, their laughter a blend of mischief and recklessness. But beneath their camaraderie lay a darker truth - a heinous crime committed on a fateful evening that would bind them together in ways they never imagined.
It was a night like any other, the air thick with anticipation and the streets alive with whispered promises. The friends gathered, their hearts pounding in unison as they embarked on a dangerous escapade. Among them stood a figure, the quiet observer who would unknowingly become the linchpin of their fate.
As they ventured deeper into the night, their actions spoke louder than words. They were rebels without a cause, seeking thrills in the darkness that threatened to consume them. And when the moment of reckoning came, it was the quiet one who found themselves behind the wheel, a silent accomplice to the chaos that ensued.
But as the sirens wailed and the handcuffs clicked into place, there was no protest, no defiance. For in the eyes of society, they were all guilty by association, bound by the threads of loyalty and betrayal.
The trial passed like a blur, the weight of their actions heavy upon their shoulders. Yet amidst the whispers of condemnation, there remained a sense of solidarity among them. They had chosen their path, and together they would face the consequences.
As they emerged from the courthouse, the world outside seemed to blur into a haze of flashing lights and probing questions. The quiet one, their gaze unwavering, met the glare of a journalist with a smirk.
"For our cause," they declared, their voice cutting through the chaos, "it was worth it."
And so, as they were ushered into the darkness of confinement, their journey had only just begun.
Years passed like grains of sand slipping through an hourglass, and the once-forgotten friends found themselves thrust into a world that bore little resemblance to the one they left behind. Technology had advanced, society had changed, and they were but relics of a bygone era.
Yet amidst the chaos, they found a glimmer of hope. For in the ashes of their past, they discovered a new purpose - to defy the very system that had cast them aside. And as they stood on the threshold of freedom once more, they knew that their journey was far from over.
"Looks like we're the villains now," one of them remarked, their voice tinged with bitter irony.
"But maybe," another replied, their gaze fixed on the horizon, "it's time for the villains to save the world."
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avantgardetheseventh · 3 months
I don't really intend on getting into Bridgerton but having watched the first season, I can safely say Marina Thompson deserves so much better.
Like she was easily one of the most interesting characters. When she talks about how she didn't have any guidance, nobody to show her the way, I literally wanted to cry. She had to make a whole new living for herself under the Featheringtons, everyone treated as if she didn't belong there, she had to treat her pregnancy all on her own.
I would have absolutely loved to see her actually get a decent conclusion instead of having her solemnly part ways. I also loved her friendship with Penelope initially and well..
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jabberwockypie · 18 days
*frown* I keep telling my friends how evil I am, but they seem to mostly just say things like "Yeah I think you were in fact being straight-forwardly nice there, dude".
I must try harder at this evil thing. >:(
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that-octavian · 1 year
Goodbye Luka :')
Very sad Luka left Paris (aka will be more uninvolved in the show). For me, that episode was the end of Miraculous. I've stopped watching and just lurk in his beautiful fanart...but of course, I'll still draw him!
Music is from Owseymusic - Memories Are All that I Have Left (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0U5AjfiRLE&t=0s)
Also uploaded this on yt!!
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marcobodtlives · 8 months
Scale of 1-10 how tear-jerkingly awful would a Bridge to Terabithia JeanMarco AU be?
(Ask inbox open and I would love to hear people’s thoughts? 🥹)
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whattraintracks · 6 months
28. Broken Vase - TMNT 2012
Little Raph goes out with a crash.
Mikey looks up from his comic at the sound of a crash. Little Raph runs into his bedroom a moment later, and Mikey's just thrilled the tiny troublemaker came to him first. He beckons Raph to his lap, where the kid tucks inside his shell. With a blanket and some adjustment, the lump looks just like a pillow. Mikey snickers, practicing his innocent face for whoever inevitably comes looking for their mini maestro of mischief.
Seriously, five-year-old Raph is the prince of pranks. The same sweet face and small form that nobody suspects make him the perfect accomplice. Mikey had no idea Raph was so devious. He actually has to reign in some of the kid's ideas. Even then, they've gone through more water balloons, silly string, and air horns in the last couple of weeks than Mikey does in a few months. The guys are still setting off bang snaps around the lair.
Pranks or no pranks, Mikey loves getting to spend so much time with Raph. He and Donnie were thick as thieves when they were all little, and these days Leo's his best friend whenever they're not fighting, so it makes Mikey pretty happy that, right now, he's kid Raph's go-to brother. The others will joke about Mikey being easy to get along with because he's the most childlike, yadda yadda yadda. But you know what! Maybe that's not such a bad thing. What's wrong with dressing up, and playing pretend, and arts and crafts and coloring? Is it just 'cause they're a little older now? Mikey couldn't care less. It makes him happy, it makes Raph happy, and that's all that matters.
He gives Raph's shell a little rat-a-tat-tat and settles back to read. He doesn’t get very deep into his stack when he realises two things. First, no one's come calling for Raph. Second, his lapful of turtle is shaking pretty hard, and it's not with giggles.
He lifts a corner of the blanket. "You good, little man?" 
The only answer is a hiccupy sob.
"Aw, buddy,” he winces.
Sometimes Raph's deviousness comes back to bite him. One of their early pranks caught Leo on a bad day. Leo got really startled and almost started embarrassed-crying, and then Raph was devastated and started actual-crying, and it just went downhill from there. So Mikey's been trying to keep their antics harmless and random.
"No one's come looking for you. They can't be too mad," he assures.
Raph just keeps crying. Mikey’s debating if he should ride it out when he has a brief flash of panic. Mentally shaking himself for not checking sooner, he asks, "Are you hurt?"
More sniffles.
"Hamato Raphael," he says in his best impression of Leo's leader voice, "Are you hurt?"
Finally, a thin, watery voice replies, "No." 
"Okay,” he heaves a sigh of relief. “Okay, that's good, little dude." That took years off his life. No wonder Leo acts so old; Master Splinter must feel ancient.
He slumps against the headboard, tugging Raph a little closer. "No worries, you can chill with big bro Mikey until you feel better. I won't let anyone bother you."
Since Raph usually settles down with snuggles, Mikey returns to his comics, mostly at ease. Sure enough, the quaking and sad noises stop by the time he finishes his last one. Oh, hey, it's probably close to nap time.
"What should we make for your pre-nap snack, kiddo?" he asks cheerfully.
No response.
He repeats Raph's name a few times. Poking him gets nothing, too, so Mikey assumes the micro turtle fell asleep. Oh well, there’s no point in waking him now that he’s out. Someone'll feed him when he wakes up hangry.
With nothing to do and pretty hungry himself, Mikey uses his rad ninja skills to slide Raph to the bed—oh, ouch, numb legs, very numb legs—and wobbles out to find some food. Good old 'out of sight, out of mind' takes over, and Mikey promptly forgets about all things Raphael for the next three hours.
He's having a dinner-making-jam-sesh in the kitchen when Leo peeks in to ask, “Have you seen Raph?”
"Hmm?" He tugs an earbud down. "No, not since I left him to nap in my room."
"In your room?" Leo echoes.
"Yep," Mikey pops the p with a smile, "'Cause I'm obviously little Raph's favorite big brother." But Leo doesn't take the bait. He just furrows his brow and heads back the way he came.
Something pings in the back of Mikey's head. An annoying noise he figures is the universe telling him this is important. So he tosses everything into the slow cooker and races after Leo. Mikey follows soft murmuring to his bedroom, where Leo's crouched beside Raph still tucked in, still in his shell. His big brother rubs a gentle hand across the turtle tot's carapace. Raph hasn't moved an inch since Mikey left, and it fills him with anxiety. The little guy's not moving, not making any noise, he can't even tell if he's breathing.
"Little brother," Leo croons, "will you come out and tell me what's wrong?"
Mikey thanks everything for the gasping, whiny sob that echoes out. Leo catches him with a free hand as he stumbles to the foot of the bed.
No amount of coaxing or bribery draws Raph out, so Leo picks him up and motions Mikey toward the dojo. Right. Getting an adult is absolutely the call in this situation.
They trek to the dojo, picking up a fretting Donnie along the way. Bowing as they enter, Mikey's faintly impressed Leo can manage the correct angle with Raph in his arms and without falling over. Master Splinter is kneeling beside a pile of ceramic shards. After a quick rewind, his brain finds the audio of the crash that started this whole thing. His eyes catch on the dusty robe and an old repair kit, and he wonders if Sensei went to the storage room between then and now.
Furry ears flick in acknowledgment. "Sit, my sons."
Mikey's heart twists when Raph's breath hitches. Leo must notice, too. He kneels to face Master Splinter but doesn't let the little turtle go, arms bundling him tighter. Mikey and Donnie kneel on either side of them, and it feels like falling into rank.
Master Splinter watches them settle from the corner of his eye.
"When Raphael was quite young," he pauses, snout twitching, "the first time, that is—he broke this bowl in a fit of anger." He gestures at the dish before him. It's a beautiful gold-veined thing, and it takes Mikey a minute to notice the original interrupted pattern beneath.
Sensei's voice sharpens subtly, "What have I taught you of kintsugi."
Mikey and his brothers recite the old lesson with practiced ease. They could probably repeat Sensei's cultural lessons word-for-word in their sleep, dreaming about a heritage that can never be theirs. Mikey stumbles over his words only when Raph finally pops out of his shell, rubbing at his eyes and curling against Leo.
Sensei nods approvingly. "Things broken in anger can never be fully restored, but they can be made functional again."
He looks directly at Raph, "Tomorrow, you will aid me in mending this vase you have broken, an active meditation on the consequences of your anger. Do you understand?"
Raph bobs his head miserably. Mikey has just enough time to think, that's it?, before Sensei dismisses all four of them.
That evening, Raph hardly says a word. He's not moping, just quiet, reserved, like he's trying to avoid attention. Mikey's heart breaks when even his best jokes and silliest faces can't bring out the smile that usually comes so easy to his little brother. The three elder turtles wordlessly agree to tag team bedtime, and Mikey feels a little better knowing Raph went to bed with big hugs from each of them.
Then, just like that, it’s over. Donnie cracks the reaging agent, and Raph is back in all his slightly-taller-than-Mikey glory before lunch. And it’s great! It’s Raph whole and himself and 100% back to normal, and he predictably insists they forget the little thing ever happened.
Except Mikey can't. Can't stop thinking about how crappy little Raph's last full day with them was and that it's kind of maybe his fault for not noticing it sooner. He dreams that night of a little big brother with golden veins but broken eyes and that no matter how tight he hugs that tiny turtle, his pieces just won't stay together.
He wakes with a shout that gathers all his big brothers. He lunges teary-eyed at Raph—normal-sized, too big to wrap his arms around Raph—babbling half-formed apologies. Leo and Donnie join the hug, and Raph is pressed in from three sides. Mikey prays that will always be enough to mend whatever tries to break him.
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plaguethewaters · 5 months
kinda batshit insane but. dsmp sk8 au where beeduo are matchablossom. Hear me out.
older beeduo perfectly comfortable in their marriage keeping it a secret at S because its fun. Ranboo's competitivness stirring up that "tactical flirting" theyre too socially anxious to try in their daily life and tubbo having loads of fun showing off his "lawyer with a stick up his ass" worksona while also cursing his husband off at any point in time.
Tommy is shadow, in this dynamic, a little bit different than in og sk8. Ig he's a little closer to adam inn that hes the same age as beeduo and went to school with them but also hes not a pedo with weird codependent relationships. And i love the idea of him having a little flower shop but also dressing in full punk demonic regalia at S. Let him be fucking weird and extra.
if i want to have adam be close to sk8 canon Dream is the obvious choice. Weird obsession with a singular kid and an incessant need to have power over everyone and everything, with a couple of guys who where super friends with him in his youth but ended up dropping him because of the weird controlling behaviour? perfect. I like the idea of tadashi being punz in this situation, even if george would probably fit better but idk.
It works very well actually because - reki and the babygang would be second gen dsmp kids. In particular, reki would be michael, langa would be shroud, and miya would be yogurt (little subplot- wilbur is Oka in this au, fundy is a random guy thats his son and kinda hates that his own child chose the same hobby as his father). Thus we would have dream getting super super obsessed with shroud - not inn a weirdly sexual way like adam for langa, but as a replacement. Tommy's all grown up, hes not fun to play with anymore. What better than tommy's precious son to fill up the role? Especially since it gets tommy so worked up.
This also opens the way to another secret plot, because te kids would have absolutely no idea its their parents in the masks at S. Michael probably finds out when Nuke gets decked in the face by dream's skateboard during the beef, they have to call the ambulance and - oh prime thats my goddamn dads.
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umbracirrus · 9 months
WIP Wednesday 💛
So, in spite of the absolute disaster that has been my life over the past few days, I've finally today been able to keep myself together enough to get words written down for the start of Chapter 16 of The Perfect Storm.
I've been tagged by @oblivions-dawn and @thequeenofthewinter, but I'm not going to tag anyone back at this point though do feel free to tag me in any WIPs... I love to read them! 💛
The pursuit of relaxation was becoming harder and harder for Elyse – no matter where she went and what she did, something would always need to be done or crop up at the most inconvenient of times, just like the recent events at the Honningbrew Meadery.
She was contemplating seeing whether she could just lock herself away in Breezehome for a while just for some peace, but a weird feeling of melancholy settled in when she thought of her home – she had only been in Dragonsreach for a few weeks, a few months at best, but it almost didn't feel like hers any longer. Almost none of her belongings were there from when she helped Lydia tidy after the roof repairs, and it felt more like her housecarl's home than her own afterwards. But Dragonsreach was not her home either. Her existence there was temporary, even if for the long-term, and that thought lingered persistently at the back of her mind. And that wasn't even getting started on the mess which was Lakeview.
Instead of choosing to venture out to wind down though, she instead decided to stay within her temporary home of Dragonsreach to see what more there was to do there. Before long, she found herself sat in the main hall in a table tucked away in a corner, with a few select books she had picked up from the nearby shelves.
She did had to admit though... watching things unfold as Balgruuf handled his daily audiences had their moments on the occasions where they managed to catch her attention.
Some were enough to tug at the corners of her lips because they were quite silly and handled incredibly well by him – including a hunter who had dragged in her 'proof of killing sabre cats which were plaguing the hold', saying that he had put a bounty out for it… just for him to ask Proventus when the last time he had put out a bounty with regard to the creatures, and it turning out to be five years prior and long-since completed. She had overheard the woman grumbling about having to get a refund as she was escorted out by guards.
Other times though… she would wince, because they were just painful to listen to. There were a few occasions where somebody would come in and yell at Balgruuf for not picking a side in the war, where she could see him trying to keep a straight face and a sympathetic ear depending on the circumstances of their need to shout at him, but ultimately having to dismiss each of them because he had no intentions of dragging Whiterun into war until the time came that there would be no other option.
It was during one of the latter scenarios, when she was silently listening as somebody tried to persuade the Jarl of the importance of siding with the Empire, that she ended up with company. She didn't actually notice until a quiet voice piped up from beside her.
"He likes to brag about that sometimes. It's probably because he feels pathetic in comparison."
Body tensing up, Elyse quickly turned her head to the side before letting out a small sigh. Nelkir was glowering at the book in her hands, huffing quietly as she tried to process what he had just said. "I- I'm sorry, what…?" She closed the book, and glanced at the cover for a moment. Olaf and the Dragon. "Who likes to brag about what, exactly? Owning a history book?"
The boy already seemed exasperated at her response. "My father, obviously. He likes to brag that we are descendants of Olaf, and that Dragonsreach is all important… But he's just a foolish old man who can't make decisions except stupid ones, and uses the past to feel all high and mighty."
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girl-bateman · 6 months
Ok blue lagoon was kind of intriguing but as soon as there's a baby in the picture I'm like half mentally checked out. Sorri
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xinyuehui · 2 years
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Minmin is done 🙃 get her out of here!
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yikes077 · 3 months
Kabru is acting like his Sherlock fucking Holmes and Liaos is just skipping through a field of daisies
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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hehee.i unnersand it all now.
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( Imagining some kidnapping bullshit like a third party attempted to capture and hold Ari hostage to try and get Edward to relapse out of his reformed life, and Edward getting the ultimatum and just smirking to himself while tutting the poor bastards sent to go get her. Like Oh Sweeties You Know Not What Hell You've Decided To Provoke Have Fun Getting Your Brains Vitrified By A Psychic Trained To Administer Torture And Extract Information From The Comatose 🤣
Still probably shows up just to ensure she's okay, and if accused of trying to come to the rescue is downright Offended cause He'd Never Take Interest In Someone Who Was Helpless In A Crisis or somesuch of her Capability making her Worthy and Ari's got this lil smile cause she knows its his guarded way of admiring her without just saying Step On Me lmafo )
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everythingisubtext · 3 months
Suprised no ones offered Trans Micheala yet....
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death-rebirth-senshi · 4 months
On the one hand I don't believe in buying extra characters, especially a character I don't think I'll really like and who's gonna mess up the feng shui of the party/dragon age 2 as I've known it thus far.
On the other hand. Tasty tasty exp. And does Alistair and/or Leliana show up or something? Which feels. Also like it messes up the feng shui of dragon age 2 for me actually, I much prefer Hawke just kind of freeballing it without Leliana talking about an exalted march or Alistair talking about Hawke being Kirkwall's only hope or whatever.
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why am i not surprised to hear that disgraced english dub voice actor and sexual predator vic mignogna emotionally/mentally abused his lover
his lover whom he was apparently cheating on his partner with
and the abuse went on for roughly a year
which included blackmail, gaslighting, and efforts to manipulate her into murdering someone he doesn't like
that should be shocking, but somehow it isn't. it's just classic vic mignogna shit
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