#plotbunny oc
reyofluke-ocs · 1 month
Gravity Falls OC Plotbunny bc i started reading book of bill and i have a desire now for this
Melanie Pines
Age: 17
High School Student
FC: Natalie Dyer
LI: Bill Cipher
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The older sister of Mabel and Mason "Dipper" Pines, Melanie has always been protective of her younger siblings and close with them. Getting shipped off to their mysterious Great Uncle Stan in Oregon for the summer isn't ideal but at least Melanie can focus on her siblings and not their parents likely impending divorce. And then Dipper finds a journal and the Pines siblings realize Gravity Falls is anything but normal.
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wordspin-shares · 14 days
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I've been having fandom nostalgia lately and decided to revisit one of my old OCs. A slight revamp gave Morgan new powers and codename, but the rest of the essentials remain much the same. I doubt I will revise and share her story, but I wanted to share this.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 2 years
Alistair, exasperated: Dear Maker, just tell her already! Is it really that hard!
Ari: No no no, I can't do that, that would require me to talk about my feelings™ which I definitely do not have
Alistair: Okay, look, I'll pretend to be Leliana and you can-
Ari: NO
Alistair: *sits down in a prim and dainty position*
Alistair: Oh, my dear friend, what ever did you want to speak about? Your face is ever so red, like a fine Orlesian wine.
Alistair: Would it help if I did the accent?
Alistair: Omelette du fromage
Ari: *inhuman screeching*
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sunderedazem · 2 years
What Corrain's relationship with his siblings like? How much older is he then his half siblings?
After the dust settles...he's on surprisingly good terms with them, actually - and both Vaylin and Arcann survive.
Chronologically, he's less than a year older than Arcann - maybe around seven or eight months older - and therefore just about three-to-four years older than Vaylin. So...when he's finally freed from the carbonite, he's therefore younger than *both* of his siblings, a fact which they will forever rub in his face. The numbers are as follows - Corrain is taken prisoner by Zakuul when he's 24 and some change - at which point Vaylin is just 21, and Arcann is about to turn 24. Then, when he's unfrozen, he's still 24 (almost 25), but Arcann is 29 and Vaylin is 26.
What changes everything for their relationship - and more importantly, helps Vaylin to avoid death - is a combination of three things. - One - Arcann and Corrain are told by Valkorion that they're brothers to knock them off-kilter. It's a massive shock to both of them, but Arcann's focus thereafter twists to *Corrain being the rightful heir to Zakuul* and more Scion prophecies predicting his fall from power at 'his brother's hands' and etc. Arcann doesn't want to believe that he has another brother, especially one that Valkorion has appeared to favor over him for No Apparent Reason (again) - but that connection makes the fight between them personal in the "I want our father to acknowledge ME" vein, rather than "Emperor Trying to Crush Annoying Ant." So when Corrain displays both his strength in the Force, untainted by Valkorion, and how cruel Valkorion's hold on him is during their battle over Odessen, Arcann starts to understand why Corrain was the one able to kill their father and stops being quite so jealous and wary of him. - Two - Corrain hates Valkorion because of the Castellan Restraints. With every fiber of his being. It's a hatred that cannot be forgiven or forgotten - he will literally destroy himself (and has before) to kill Valkorion/Vitiate, and it all stems from Corrain's time on board the Emperor's Fortress. It's the depth and breadth of this fury that eventually convinces Vaylin and Arcann of his truthfulness in his overtures to ally with them against Valkorion - and in Vaylin's case especially, it's his understanding of what it feels like to be conditioned against your will. Corrain knows what it's like to be Vitiate's tool, and therefore intimately understands both Arcann and Vaylin's underlying motivations - Arcann's being to prove himself better than what Valkorion thought of him, and Vaylin's being to set herself free from Valkorion's control at any cost. - Three - Corrain and Vaylin are paired in the Force - they're a Dyad. They're two sides of the same coin, both of whom suffered near-identical forms of torture and control at Valkorion's hand, but their backgrounds split them - Corrain didn't completely break thanks to his Jedi training, while Vaylin did. So when their Force Bond first forms while she's visiting Arcann's carbonite vaults - he understands everything she's ever felt about Valkorion, but he came out of that horror able to heal from it. And his connection to the light side of the Force slowly helps Vaylin to grow more stable over time - it reintroduces her to emotions beyond hate and pain and cruelty - and by the time Corrain breaks out, she's both more stable mentally and more aware of her own motivations and emotions. Ergo - when Corrain calls out to her during her party on Zakuul, pointing out that she really doesn't want power, she wants freedom, but the only freedom she's ever known is THROUGH power and if she'd just give him a chance he could prove her wrong- she realizes he's right, because she's in a much less anguished state of mind. So she throws down the gauntlet - a "let me unlock my powers, then fight me to prove you're strong enough to do what you say you can, and I'll cede the throne to you" - instead of going on rampage. She's also more stable throughout Arcann's time on the throne, and gives Corrain insider assistance at times, because she's trying to figure out how Arcann sees her.
This all means that the Arcann in my plot surrenders to Corrain on Voss, because he finally trusts in Corrain's motivations and compassion - he doesn't feel the need to run. And when Corrain wins the duel with Vaylin on Nathema (and accidentally restores the planet in the process) Vaylin is thereafter loyal to him, because he did what he promised and is 'strong enough' to protect her free will from Valkorion.
Both Vaylin and Arcann in the Moonrise Legacy are stripped of any real decision-making authority, which they both understand, but Corrain names Vaylin the captain of his personal guard, and names Arcann as an advisor to the legislative body he creates on Zakuul after he takes the throne as a sign of trust in them on a personal level. And unlike him and Iomlan, who agree to have a more adult-to-adult kind of friendship, the three of them do manage to connect as siblings after a while, and Vaylin and Arcann are both part of the few in attendance when Corrain, Theron and Lana finally get married.
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
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Name: Eleanor “Ella” McGee
Fandom: The Flash
Faceclaim: Gillian Anderson
The younger sister of Tina McGee, Ella was often the golden child in their family, a role she resented. She loved Tina incredibly, but after her sister left for America and fell out of touch with her not long after, Ella began to resent her more and more for it. At times, she even believed their parents’ words about Tina being the one to drive the division between them. Years later, she’s made a name for herself as a novelist, under the pseudonym Ella Watson.
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @ironverseocs @vexic929 @raith-way
Send me an ask or DM to be added or removed!
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empire-at-war · 2 years
I wish to hear more about Var'lin and this Sith half brother. how did that happen? who are their parents? how similar do they look? why is Var'lin impersonating him?
I love talking about them, thank you for asking! For the longest time they didn't even know about each other's existence. Then the war happened and Var'lin was wounded in a skirmish with a group of Sith on Corellia. He was taken captive by one of them, who - to his complete shock - looked like his evil doppelganger.
I wrote some stories (here, here and here) about that story arc, but the conclusion happened in rp only (he eventually got back home and the brothers decided to stay in contact). They look eerily similar, even though Var'lin is younger (and prettier, he claims). Var'lock of course has only one eye and he generally looks more sithy with the pale skin, gaunt face and the corrupted orange eye. They share the same father. A Sith who fathered a lot of illegitimate children all over the galaxy. One of them was a little slave boy on an imperial colony world. Var'lin's mother fled to Coruscant where she gave birth and never told her son or anyone else the story of how she had gotten pregnant with a Sith's child (it's not a pretty story).
Var'lin is eventually going to help his brother with some pesky assassins. Draw them out by impersonating Var'lock. Just the usual Sith power struggles, you know? A normal day in the Empire.
Here's some lovely art of the two.
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
What about Its Not About The Armor and Leashes? what are those about?
WIP ask meme Thanks for these asks!
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It's Not About The Armor stars Xadya, my Bounty Hunter in the Halcyon Legacy, and it comes from an actual scene in the game. Its told from the point of view of Artus Lok, aka Mandalore the Vindicated, when he offers the new Grand Champion of the Great Hunt membership in the Mandalorians. Xadya's reaction to the offer is… complicated. Mostly because every mandalorian she's run into thus far has either been trying to kill her on behalf of Tarro Blood, or has been telling her she's not allowed to accuse Tarro Blood without hard evidence, even though everyone knew what he was doing. Xadya asks him what being a Mandolorian means, if that's how bad things have gotten. In other words, is the only qualification to be a Mandolorian is to own a set of body armor?
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Leashes stars Tali, my Imperial Agent in the Adas Legacy (among others) and it takes place during Chapter Two of the agent story. Tali runs into two individuals - Teeanah Malvern and Chria Malcor - who offer to help free her from the Castellan Restraints. In desperation, she accepts, but she worries she's exchanging one leash for another.
The first has in my journal for a looooong time. I don't know why, but the words just don't come.
Thanks for the asks!
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inexplicifics · 1 month
WIP List
Thanks for the tag, @nickelanddamned!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I...uh...have a lot of WIPs. I call it the Horde o' Plotbunnies for a very good reason. So this list does not include the AWAU WIPs (of which there are many). Also, I sort my WIPs by pairing (usually) or by 'verse, so any listing that has a number after it means there are that many WIPs with that pairing or within that 'verse's folder. If you want to ask for a snippet, give me a number within that range!
Broken Lock - Marika & Milena
E/L wrestling
E/OC x 4
Eldritch trio
Eskel & fae
Eskel vs wyverns
Fine dining AU (bullet points only)
G/E x 6
G/E/G2 x 2
G/E/L x 4
G/E/L/J omegaverse claiming
G/J x 17
G/OC prostitute
G/Y words
G2/S post tournament
Gen x 10
Gweld/Serrit modern college AU
J/W x 2
J/W/C golden 3 - KM
L/? X 3
L/?/M space pirates
L/A x 25
L/A/M x 35
L/A/V save that alpha
L/A/V/M x 4
L/M x 21
L/M(/A?) modern bear trap
L/V cloaked
L/V/M begone to the witchers
M/? x 2
Mafia AU
Modern werewolf pack
V&T sacking
Vanyel in AWAU
Vexart tournament
Vipurr x 2
Weird omegaverse war prize thing
Worth the wyvern barmaid
YW omegaverse acquiring Aiden
Cats Among Wolves x 3
Pirate Laiden - Aiden POV
gaetan/letho in modern AU
For obvious reasons, I will not be tagging this many people. What I will do instead is say that anyone who feels like playing should absolutely consider themselves tagged!
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goldenhand9107 · 5 months
so i've been thinking about long-term bucktommy stuff, and, im ride or die for this ship rn, i'm on this boat until it sinks. but i've been brainstorming about ways in which this series actually ends, more specifically how bucktommy ends.
i genuinely would be so down for them to be the endgame ship, even if it means we don't get to see Buck going on one-off dates with guys the same way he does with women (which i've kinda been plotbunnying abt in my head). but there's just no way to tell this far in advance, esp when we don't have the end of the show end in sight. so it's all just theories and speculation at this point.
but, i was wondering, yknow, if they do end with Buddie or even with Buck with someone else (or maybe he ends the show single! who knows!) I was thinking about ways which in which Tommy and Buck's relationship ends.
and i think the clearest answer is this: Tommy doesn't want kids.
we've know literally since the pilot that Buck has a soft spot for kids. for kids on calls, for his best friend's kid, hell, he's a donor dad. this has never been up for discussion and i think a lot of the fandom is in agreement that Buck should be a proper dad before the show ends. whatever that looks like, if it's just a step-up (pun intended) in co-parenting Chris or he has his own kid, via adoption or with a girl. anyway you look at it, by the end of the show, someone will need to have called Buck "dad". with how much they've built him up as loving kids, i'd be pretty upset if the show ends without that.
so, i'm wondering, like, if the plan isn't to have bucktommy endgame (again it's too soon to call one way or another, so this is just all hypothetical) then i think the clearest way to end their relationship as a late-series event would be that: Buck wants kids. Tommy doesn't.
it would definitely be a sucker punch, but i also think it would be interesting to explore how Buck handles this situation, where the relationship doesn't end because either person wants it too (Ali) or because his partners prioritized other things over Buck's feelings (Abby and Taylor) but because their outlook on life is simply different. it's a juxtaposition to all of his other relationships, and it would be an incredibly mature storyline to follow as Buck grapples with wanting to be with Tommy but knowing in his heart he couldn't live his life like that. it'd take a crazy amount of maturity on his end to go through this in a healthy manner, but i think a late-series Buck is developed enough to do that.
so, as much as it'd be heart-wrenching, if they don't go the bucktommy endgame for this show, this is a way in which i envision them ending their relationship. and don't get me wrong, i love the fics with Tommy being adorable with Jee or an OC adopted kid he has with Buck, and just overall loving kids as much as Buck, but we just don't know enough about his character yet to know properly if that is what his attitude is.
just some food for thought.
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astercontrol · 4 months
so I was brainstorming what sorts of creativeness I could try for next year's Mission Day, if I wanted to try and help reclaim that for the fans
which is me being SUPER overzealous, because I only just found out about the existence of Mission Day yesterday
lol who am I to even get involved in this
(BUT who am I to do anything... and yet I still do.)
... For those who are just a few days more behind-the-times than me:
apparently, back in 2016, there was a line in a TRON game which said that May 14 was "Mission Day." Some fans got excited that maybe something cool was gonna happen that day
akin to the Flynn Lives ARG starting in 2009 where fans were led on a whole fun adventure, following clues through a network of webpages (seriously, if you don't know about THAT, take a look)
but no, this time it turned out nothing happened, and people were disappointed.
and when I heard about that, my own rebellious side went:
Who wants to do this with me?? Like a fanzine but more... interactive, multimedia
Maybe it'll take a year, or more, but, like... what if some May 14 you start seeing fanfics posted on AO3 with mysterious clues in them, leading to a webring of Neocities sites all mysteriously connected in their own cryptic ways
Fanlore, fan-made stories, drawings, maybe even animations and games. Fan OCs getting their own place in all of it
Not beholden to whatever f'd up version of the Hays Code the mouse is currently following. So there'll be all sorts of LGBT stuff, all colors of the rainbow and all colors of circuits....
aaaand THEN
then my brainstorms got tornado-strength and I came back to reality some unknown time later with a mess of crazy plans just for the STORIES that could start this scavenger hunt
(the websites are breeding their own plotbunnies and I will face that later)
(I am still not even slightly convinced that I will have the time or energy for ANY of this)
BUT... there is a whole year til next May 14
just a whole disorganized pile of ideas, starting here
Hypothesis: the spiritual energy that makes programs alive is something that functions on many planes of existence, and can connect different realities.
Someone finds out a way to tap into this with the laser technology, enabling travel between different Tron worlds and different alternate timelines.
(Maybe the "miracle" of ISO DNA somehow ends up being relevant to this? Alan quoted Flynn saying this was supposed to revolutionize everything; he even mentioned quantum teleportation? seems like a powerful mcguffin that never got used, might as well use it)
Some Tron AUs that may connect here:
Post-MCP scenario where the originals of the programs that were copied for the Legacy Grid go on living happily in the ENCOM system (my main headcanon that I write in)
Other scenarios where the programs brought to the Grid were eliminated from the ENCOM system and there's no original left behind
Variations on 82, Legacy and Uprising:
Different interpretations of how digitization works, how consciousness forms within the system, etc.
Post-Legacy extrapolations of Tron's future on Flynn's Grid
Tronzler restored by Alan and Sam;
Tronzler regenerated as an ISO by the Sea of Simulation;
Tronzler regenerated into an eldritch horror by the Sea of Simulation;
Tronzler dead;
Tronzler emerging from the sea still broken and half-rectified
Other post-Legacy possibilities
Clu survived in some form after the reintegration;
Flynn survived in some form after the reintegration;
Clu and Flynn both survived in some form after the reintegration;
Clu and Flynn are one merged entity after the reintegration;
Clu and Flynn are dead;
Sam comes back again;
Sam comes back and brings Alan and Lora and Roy;
Sam never comes back and someone else has to try and make things work;
Yori and Ram are still there;
Yori and Ram are not there because they were never brought;
Yori and Ram are not there because they were killed;
Yori and Ram are still there but different because they were rectified;
Zuse survived;
Zuse survived and he turns out to be an amalgamation of an interpreter program hacked and taken over by Ram and he has an epic bitch session with Tronzler about their various struggles, betrayals, split personalities and changes of identity
Various post-Uprising and pre-Legacy possibilities:
Beck and Paige eventually join forces and/or fall in love;
Beck and Paige eventually kill each other;
Mara and Zed find out who the Renegade is;
Mara and Zed die or get rectified before they can ever find out who the Renegade is;
Tron becomes Rinzler because he is later caught and rectified while Beck is forced to watch;
Tron becomes Rinzler because the rectification process in the last episode managed to infect him before he was saved and he ends up suddenly turning bad at the worst possible time for Beck;
Beck becomes Rinzler instead of Tron;
Dyson somehow comes back;
the Uprising team meets Zuse,
Various non-canon-compliant AUs in all these settings
Ram didn't die in 82;
Ram did die and so did Flynn and then Tron defeated the MCP on his own;
Tron tried to defeat the MCP on his own but failed and MCP was never beaten;
MCP was beaten but Flynn died in there and died in real life;
Flynn survived and got out and tried to build the Grid but Alan and Lora managed to stop him from ruining his life by trying to do that alone;
Alan went into the Grid in Legacy instead of Sam;
Tron never becomes Rinzler;
Flynn or Ram becomes Rinzler instead of Tron;
someone else becomes the tyrant instead of Clu;
Able didn't die
etc, etc.
imagining a scenario where various versions of characters from all these timelines connect via the Laser (Head)Cannon
(terrible working name, but it amuses my terrible sense of humor, so there)
....gonna re-read Ram: Expanded by kesomon because there's a fic in there (Interlude- Reprieve) about a similar connected multiverse
there are many stories one could tell within this.
But I think I want to tell one with the theme of rebellion, throwing off oppression, expressing freedom and autonomy
example for one storyline within it:
the "In Ram Jurisdiction" plotbunny
After Ram is recovered and comes back to life in the Encom system, his original insurance company calls for his destruction.
they have their own backup and don't need the Encom copy returned, they just demand that Encom delete theirs.
because he was stolen from them by MCP
even though Roy wrote him at Encom, they bought exclusive rights to his code so they own him.
Ram and Roy and their friends launch a legal battle.
maybe upgrading Ram in the process so he can be considered a protected derivative work under Fair Use
also could take some inspiration from the brilliant fanfic "Anthem," a reprise of the story of TRON 1982 for the world of DRM and musical copyright
...this theme of seeking freedom comes up in every iteration of Tron
and the feeling behind this whole over-ambitious idea here… is a celebration of the vast diversity of fan-created content
an overarching theme of wanting to claim this world for the fans-- a theme of the copyright-holding corporation as Oppressor
Fan Mission Day Fission Day
(day of splitting, separation, becoming independent)
TRONdependence Day
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jmtorres · 2 months
I thought as a fannish tumblr I could stumble along without a *jazz hands* policy but I guess I gotta pin a post.
I am on Tumblr for fun.
If you send an ask for money I will block and report spam.
Below the cut: stuff I reblog, sideblogs, stuff I try to avoid, block policies, queue, do not ask me for money, and as a palate cleanser to thank you for reading, a nice picture of my cat.
I like to reblog:
pictures of animals and flowers
fannish stuff about shows, books and podcasts I'm enjoying (I like a lot of shit and I'm a fannish butterfly and/or magpie, it's not useful for me to post a fandom list, it expands often) (this includes thinking about characters banging, if you are an "anti" you will probably not enjoy my blog)
sometimes chronic health stuff, that's less fun but the spoonie community sometimes offers advice i find useful or just, relatable weariness
neurodivergent stuff too
food and recipes
art (no AI. if you see me reblog AI-generated content feel free to let me know) (by the way I HATE being suspicious of artists and trying to figure out if something is genuinely creative or machine-mixed.)
architecture and interior decor
hot people, often wearing fashion
if it makes me laugh. memes and shit.
language/linguistics stuff
filmmaking stuff
knitting and other fibercrafts
general nerdery
queer stuff (history, queer rep, talking about the queer experience, hot queer people flaunting it)
jewish stuff (usually cultural, some midrash, I try not to post about current events see below)
scifi & fantasy writing/what-ifs/meta
polls I miss LJ clicky-boxes but i vote in all kinds of polls it activates something in my brain
like literally whatever interests me, this is a personal blog, not themed*
* i have a couple of themed blogs, which I very occasionally update:
@teachdeathtodye, about both fiber and hair dyeing
@wheresmygoddamnlunarbase, about surprising or exciting scientific and technological advancements.
any other blogs that are not defunct? apparently as of 2023 I still post to @hewasonfogmachine, which was essentially a moodboard for an epic plotbunny I never wrote. it was a rock star AU, so lots of interesting musical instruments and performances. also an MCU/Mission Impossible fusion so hot pics of actors from both franchises, and my fancasts for OCs. either a very specific or very random themed blog, but if it's to your taste, enjoy.
But back to THIS blog!
I try not to post about politics (I am trying not to even read about politics on tumblr tbh) but sometimes the moment moves me. I will tag relevantly (I use "us politics" for American shit and "i/p" for the Israel-Palestine conflict).
I believe in curating my tumblr experience. I filter a lot of keywords and tags, but I also unfollow people if you post something that upsets me and gets past the filters. It's rarely personal. Who I follow is meant to give me an interesting and pleasing dashboard experience, not necessarily be a reflection of who I'm friends with.
I block fairly liberally. If I find your posts/opinions antithetical to my existence or my friends' existence, I will do my damndest to block you rather than argue with you (sorry if i was unable to resist arguing with you before I remembered the block button).
I softblock declared minors who follow me. I'm not an "adult" blog per se but I'm not filtering my content for children and also if you are a minor for your own safety you should not be announcing it on the internet, get that shit off your profile.
I periodically check who follows me and I might softblock (or hardblock) you if I do not think we are compatible (ie you have a DNI that lists people like me but followed me anyway for some reason??)
I queue shit and don't mark it queued so me posting is never an indication of whether I'm actually online.
And here's the thing I need to say that got me to pin a post:
I do not reblog ANY requests for money, I do not respond to asks from people I don't know personally asking for money. I'm on Tumblr for fun and my wallet is not available.
If you send me something like that and it looks spammy (which if you're cold calling, it does), I will report you to Tumblr. If you send me something like that and we don't know each other at all, I will block you. (If I know you I will probably gently remind you I don't do that. Unless I know you but you've been borderline annoying or upsetting in the past, in which case I might just block you anyway.)
Look. The world sucks. A lot of us are in financial straits and are not getting the support we need from our communities, our governments, our families. But I don't have the energy to figure out if you're "deserving" and I'm not loaded either. I do my volunteering/community aid locally in person, not online, to be sure I know who I'm helping, and because a lot of the help I am able to provide is via action rather than money. I am very sorry for the failures of our society that have made social media your best chance of getting help, but please don't ask me to participate in that.
Here's my cat.
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The end
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reyofluke-ocs · 3 months
Star Wars: The Acolyte OC Placeholder
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Arlon Delste
Age: 25 (?) FC: Kit Young LI: tbd Force Sensitive
A descendent of an unplanned affair by Jedi Knight's Dagan Gera and Santari Khri, Arlon has grown up knowing to keep his Force connection as hidden as possible. He ends up becoming a bounty hunter, and becomes involved in the Jedi killings of 132 BBY, expecting it to be an easy pay day - instead, he ends up in over his head.
help from @astarionbae with deciding fc and name and basically being the reason he exists
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wordspin-shares · 2 years
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“Both in lavender and in black, there is blue.”
Daria has lived in freedom — a feat to which few Grisha can honestly lay claim. She has traveled, seen many things, learned much. And after long years, a voyage on the True Sea brings her face to face with her past, awakening a buried sense of longing and setting her on a new course.
All OCs Taglist: @arrthurpendragon, @raith-way, @noratilney, @foxesandmagic, @airwolf92, @kbeescreams, @bi-ologistofthehills, @thecharmedburrowspn-files
ToT Taglist: @stachedocs (let me know if you want to be added!)
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sullustangin · 1 year
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Many thanks to @shywizardflower // @harukoo14 (I'm having trouble tagging your main) for illustrating my minor insanity.
Because you see, I'm in a guild with Khano Vexa, main OC of @vexa-legacy who has a heart of gold and a sometimes Rated R life....we talk about art and fic.
And I just finished a fic exchange centering around Vexa Pasan, one of the OCs of @starknstarwars. She's a child/young teenager and a super light-sidey Jedi with a destiny...
There are just some activities that one Vexa does, but not the other. And that goes both ways, as illustrated above! So I've been having some cognitive dissonance trying to catch and feed plotbunnies for "Vexa."
Here's to the Vexas!
@shywizardflower //@harukoo14 has a Ko-fi, and their commissions are open.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the time your Jedi Knight was possessed by the Emperor? My Knight is imperial so Vitiate had him walking around with the accent and insisting this was his true self. He also has some talents for torture that Vitiate got some use out of and a bunch of new scars. How did Corrain fair?
Ohhhh god. I have SO many headcanons...SO MANY...
So, headcanon 1: my Knight wasn't actually possessed - he fought it too hard. He was put under the same Castellan restraints brainwashing that my Imp Agent was, and turned into a perfectly-conscious weapon of mass casualty. Vitiate and the Emperor's Hand deployed him most often against civilian uprisings or rebel Imperial elements, because...a Jedi being forced to kill innocents or people fighting for their freedoms? Crunchy.
If he tried to resist orders or defy the brainwashing, not only would that hurt, but he'd also get uh. "corrected." by his Sith handler afterward. He has a lot of scars on his back due to that. But I thought it would be fun to have a knight who remembered the what the Sith made him do and have been completely incapable of stopping it. Bonus points for Cor being nineteen/twenty and a softhearted bean when he's taken prisoner for all this.
Headcanon 2: Bengal Morr is the only Jedi to come and try to rescue Corrain, but he's captured, and a brainwashed Corrain is forced to execute him.
Headcanon 2.5: Corrain actually falls to the dark side when this happens. He's been pushed to the breaking point prior to Bengal's murder, and this snaps him entirely, and he spends the rest of his time on the Fortress and in Chapter three swimming in blind hatred for Vitiate and a desire for vengeance. He gets really good at Force Lightning in the process. It's not until after he kills the Emperor that he finally allows the Jedi to try and help him heal. (It does Not Work Well lmao)
And headcanon 3: Once Corrain turns to the dark side and learns how to throw Force Lightning, he's named "Lord Lune" or the "Emperor's Blade" by Vitiate and is allowed to travel Dromund Kaas, Korriban, and other staunchly-Imperial worlds with Scourge and Chaskar, the Sith Overseer that the game gives you. So he actually ends up seeing a lot of the Empire that he wouldn't have known existed otherwise, and it helps him a lot as Alliance Commander to have that kind of insight. It also means that the Dark Council and many Sith know - and fear - Lord Lune, which turns out less-than-ideal later on.
These are three(ish) of my headcanons for Corrain and the Vitiate Trauma Arc (TM) But. He is also my Main Blorbo in the swtor Blorbo cast, and I have a fanfic plot outline for him that's easily like. 75k+ words of just plot points and worldbuilding notes, so. I could go ON LMAO
Thank you so much for the ask!!! I love getting asks 🥺🥺
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boundinparchment · 7 months
had an unexpected idea for a Pantalone/OC or a Neuvillette/OC story and I need the shotgun so I can kill the plotbunny
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