#pls ignore how it's split up into 2 parts
gh0stlain · 4 months
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scenario smp clowns! (pt.1)
sneve design that inspired the rest of these guys is by max!! (i just gave him a hammer)
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amyispxnk · 7 months
And if you were my little girl
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Summary - your dad sucks and you finally turn to Joel for help (summaries are my specialty can you tell)
A/N: SO my dad’s being a little bitchy and making me genuinely want to unalive a little bit, I remembered this song existed, Joel is the father we all wish we had, and here we are. Also I’ve (fortunately) never had to deal with an alcoholic so I’m sorry if it’s not written very well?
Pairing: platonic/father figure!Joel Miller x f!reader (can probably be read as gn tho?)
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: paternal issues (i refuse to say daddy sorry), alcohol mention, language, angst, comfort, a lot of tears, father Joel, implications of using certain methods to get things you want, verbal/physical abuse, blood
Part 2 here
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You reckoned you had stopped really taking the words in that he tried to threaten you with a long time ago, letting the curses and attempts to break you apart in through one ear and straight out the other. That way you wouldn’t be able to linger on them for too long; it was better that way.
“Where’s the fuckin’ drinks?” Your dad yelled, stumbling around the kitchen and throwing open the shelves in his search, met with nothing but dust. You skated around him as best you could but after he had almost torn apart the wood trying to find the alcohol, he turned to you.
Red in the face, sweating furiously with a look that could definitely kill you. Hands balled at his sides as he took a step towards you.
“D’you hide it again?” He said menacingly, trying to instil as much fear as he could into you, desperate for the liquid relief.
This time, you hadn’t hidden it. You knew better than to try and help him anymore, he couldn’t be fixed and you had to just accept it. When you were younger, when you were more stupid, more hopeful, you had tried hiding it or disposing of it in secret to try and discourage his alcoholism - only to be met with a split lip and hundreds of salty tears spilling from your eyes, only to be ignored and discarded and yelled at and told you were useless before being sent out to go get more. Sometimes without money, him saying that you’d just have to find another way to get it.
You were so disgusted with the prospect of what he was surely insinuating, but thinking about what he might do if you came back empty-handed was somehow scarier to you at the time.
“Fucking answer me!” He snarled, pulling you up by your collar and glaring at you.
“I didn’t hide it- there’s none left, and there’s no way to get any right now. If you just calm-” You began, trying to keep your voice steady and your face void of too much emotion. You weren’t going to let him do anything. He didn’t scare you anymore.
“Well you best fuckin’ find some, you bitch!” He shoved you towards the door, knocking you onto the hard wooden floor in the process and watching you cry out in pain without so much as batting an eye, too fucking stubborn to even feel any remorse since he was always fucking right about everything like he was now.
“Don’t think about coming back here unless you find me it.” And with that, he slammed the door in your face, leaving you outside the apartment door in the hallway.
You let out a shaky exhale, hands raising and covering your face as you furiously wiped away any tears that threatened to spill. Your hands balled up in your face as you hit your head over and over. You had to think of something. No matter how much of a poker face you put on in front of him, you were still terrified deep down, that feeling would never go away no matter how long you’d been putting up with it for.
You ran through all of your usual options, but you genuinely couldn’t think of one that would work today. It was nearly impossible to get your hands on alcohol in the apocalypse with ration cards, without them you had to resort to other means and you couldn’t bring yourself to do that right now.
Just when you thought that all hope was lost, the familiar and far-too-comforting Southern drawl of Joel Miller sounded from across the hallway.
“Y’alright sweetheart?” He asked cautiously. He had heard some banging coming from your apartment and had opened the door to find you standing there, tugging at your hair in frustration and looking like you were about to explode.
You turned to face him, opening your mouth to speak but not really knowing what to say.
How many times had this happened? How many times had your own father terrorised you for any minor inconvenience and blamed you for everything, made you feel stupid and worthless of any attention or love? And how many times had Joel still given you that attention, that love, or whatever it was. Maybe it was love, maybe he was just being nice to you, but you told yourself that’s what love was since you knew no better. Growing up in this world was cruel enough, but without anyone who truly loved you and liked to make sure you knew that every day, nobody to protect you from the monsters - infected and human - that inhibited it, that felt like the worst fate you could suffer.
So were you alright? No. No, of course you weren’t. But you’d say you were just like you had every time, because you didn’t want to bother people with your ‘issues’. As well as numbing yourself from feeling any intense fear or sadness as a result of your father’s endless torment, you also found it incredibly difficult to take pity on yourself. You always felt like your issues were never that real, that your father had a hard life and maybe you should just let him take it out on you.
“I’m..” you began, mustering up a pathetic excuse for a smile as you glanced from his face to the ground in front of your feet, “I’m fine, thank you.”
You knew the exact expression which would be on his face without even needing to look up, having seen it too many times. That one where he looks worried, his brows furrowed as he tries to pick you apart and figure out what the hell was actually going on, slightly angry too as this kept on happening and you still refused to tell him anything. Did you not trust him? Did he do something wrong? He knew he was threatening to people, that’s what he was known for in the QZ. But he had never done anything to you, he’d always tried helping you but you never talked or anything at all with him.
“Do you um- do you have any beer? Any alcohol would be fine really, I just need it right now. I can pay you but I don’t have any ration cards so it would have to be later on unless you could think of anything…” You trailed off at the end, not wanting to say it and give him the option in case he hadn’t thought of it yet, praying he wouldn’t want that.
“Yeah, I got some.” He murmured, before blinking a few times and opening the door to his apartment again, cogs turning in his brain as he still tried to figure out what happened.
“Come in, don’t need ya standin’ there like a lemon.” He said when you stayed fixed to the ground beneath you instead of following him inside like he had very clearly offered when he left the door open after walking in himself.
“Right.” You nodded as you entered his apartment, closing the door gently behind you and watching him as he went over to his cabinets and reached for some whiskey.
You took in his living space. It was clean, organised. The small entryway led straight into the living room which was linked to the kitchen space, a dusty couch in the centre of the room and a coffee table in front of it. A few books were on the table, along with some slightly cracked glasses. You never took Joel to be much of a reader, clearly you were wrong.
There were 2 more doors which were closed and you could only assume that they were the bathroom and his bedroom.
“Hope this ‘s okay.” He said as he appeared in front of you, bottle of whiskey in hand.
“You’re not drinkin’ this all by yourself, are ya?” A smirk appeared on his face as he attempted the light teasing with you, maybe that would cheer you up a bit.
Your expression bore a smile which faltered and faded quickly. If only he knew.
“No, no. It’s for my dad. He ran out so.. Yeah. How do you want me to pay?” You said quietly. Whatever it took, you supposed.
He noticed the dejected look on your face as you looked up at him. So tired. That’s what came to mind whenever he looked at you. Barely an adult and already looking like you were at death’s door whenever he saw you. Exhaustion clouded all of your features and your mind when you trudged up the stairs, down the corridor and up to your apartment door, entering as your shoulders somehow slumped even more.
“Y’ don’t needa pay, sweetheart.” He told you, and you blinked a few times in confusion.
“Really?” There was no way. Alcohol was so hard to come by, and here he was giving you a bottle for free?
“Yeah.” He nodded, making sure you had a good hold on the bottle before letting go of it and pursing his lips as he thought deeply yet again.
“‘F you ever need to talk or anythin’, I’m always here for ya, okay?” He said before you could leave, making you stop with your back towards him as you stood at the door.
“Thank you, Joel.” You whispered before leaving and returning to your own apartment.
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After that, you found yourself on Joel’s doorstep a few more times - you didn’t go every time you needed something, not wanting him to think you were taking advantage of his kindness, so sometimes you were just genuinely hanging out with him.
He had some little books and crosswords, stories to tell you, and one time he’d even come across a VHS tape with a movie from the dawn of time on it which the two of you had watched one evening.
You stayed too late and definitely paid the price for it, but it was worth it, you told yourself as you cleaned the blood from your arms and hissed at the sting of a newly-formed bruise.
Then, one evening, it finally fell apart. He threw you out of the house, quite literally, and you were already knocking on Joel’s door before you could realise what you were doing.
He opened the door and you slammed yourself into him, causing him to let out a little cough as he stumbled back, arms tentatively wrapping around you.
“Woah, woah, y’alright sweetheart?” He asked, taken aback by your sudden action.
“Joel, I- I'm sorry.” You choked out, tightening your hold on him and fisting his shirt.
He ushered you gently into his apartment, closing the door behind you and sitting you down on the couch.
“What's goin’ on? What happened?” He said, watching as you trembled, lip quivering as you tried to formulate a sentence without bursting into tears.
You ultimately failed at that. Only managing the words my dad before a pained sob wracked through your entire body and you were crying into your palms.
Joel rushed to your side, pulling you into him and rubbing his hands up and down your back soothingly.
“‘s okay. You can talk to me, tell me what's goin’ on honey.” He told you, pulling back slowly from you to try and make you look at him, frown deepening on his face when he saw how upset you were.
“He- he- kicked me out, ‘cause I didn't- I lost the cards and- he got too angry at me so then- I was mad at him back and he hurt me so I said I didn't want to stay and he-” You stuttered, trying to actually remember what had happened in the first place then explain it as best you could.
His jaw clenched with anger. How could someone do that to their own child? Your father had clearly put you through so much emotionally and physically, and you had done nothing wrong. You were a good kid, and you deserved better than that. He could be better for you.
Your shaky breathing filled the room as he came back to his senses, willing his fury to stop clouding his head so he could focus on what was more important right now - you. He'd deal with him later.
His thumb reached up and wiped a stray tear from your face before he pulled you close again, hugging you tight.
“You stay here, okay? ‘m so sorry sweetheart. I won't let anythin’ bad happen to ya. Y’just gotta let me help you.” He said as you nodded into his shirt, a weak mm-hm muffled by the fabric before he slowly rose from the couch and walked into his kitchen.
He came back with a glass of water, offering it to you. “Drink this.” Your cautious fingers closed around it and brought it to your lips.
“‘s gonna be okay. You can stay here, if you want?” You had come to him, obviously hoping he'd ask you that, but hearing him actually say it gave you relief like nothing else could.
“Y-yes, please.” You said, putting the glass back down on the coffee table as he nodded, helping you up and taking you to his room.
“I'll stay out there on the couch for a bit, okay? ‘til we can sort somethin’ a little more proper out for ya.” He told you, going to find you some clothes that weren't almost completely torn up.
When he returned, he saw you blankly staring at the floor, hands fingering the same strand of hair mindlessly and not even realising him walking up to you.
He sighed, handing you the clothes and placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“It'll be okay sweetheart. Nothin’ bads gonna happen anymore, he can't hurt you here.” He assured you, hugging you one more time before he left, closing the bedroom door behind him.
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Thank you sm for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated and requests are open 💞
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Me, thinking everything that I say is funny: 🤣😂
Everyone else: 🧍🏻‍♀️
Don't need to read this for continuation, but Part 1 here.
SOS Men of Lookism: Urgent Bathhouse Meeting Part 2
!! Spoilers for latest arc. Massively breaking the fourth wall. Part 3
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Another call for a meeting in as many months.
Samuel's lip curls as he reads the invitation. He doesn't remember the rest of the men being so needy.
Once again, they find themselves in the bathhouse.
Many absent this time, having made their peace with the storyline and their development. No obvious division to be seen, although they have naturally split into their own groups.
Still, the room is full of intimidating and powerful men naked and half merged in the water.
Sweat drips down their chiselled bodies, beads of water collect and pool in collarbones, rolling down hard pecs and sliding across cut abs.
The dampness from the vapour leaves a slick sheen on any exposed skin, highlighting scars and muscle. Hair damp, tendrils curling at the nape and locks framing their face. (Gun's 438 panel and the fan's reactions still at the forefront of most of their minds.)
Few of their usual guard and defenses are left, instead the heat of the water and the steam softens their edges, making them placid and pliant. Their voices mingle together, filling the air.
"Hey fuckos," Vin places an arm each around Hudson's and Jay's shoulder, "Do I complete the team or what. You guys are lucky to have me."
"It's nice to see you," Daniel agrees as the two blondes shrug Vin off, "Although it would be good to have Mary too,"
"True," Vin scratches his chin in thought. "Haven't see her in like 200 chapters."
"Yeah bro, when's our backstory dropping?" Taejin adds, sitting a little further away.
"Fuck OFF asshole, I'm not talking to you!" Vin throws a punch towards his former friend.
Vasco, ignoring Vin and Cheonliang's business, interrogates Jace about the status of his beloved Burn Knuckles, checking that all the welfare of his crew is ok.
"-And I like your earrings." Vasco inspects Jace's right ear.
"Thanks," Jace's hand reaches up to fiddle with his new jewellery, "It was painful, but I guess we're really going for Gun's vision with your scar and our leather jackets too."
"What about you?" Zack observes the rest of Allied with disinterest, instead seated besides Johan.
"I dunno. I really miss Eden and Miro," Johan worries his lip between his teeth, "I've been in this coma for forever."
"Shame." Samuel comments with a smirk as Jinyoung cackles next to him.
"Aish!" Sinu exclaims in frustration, "I can't believe I got arrested again. Yeonhui has been giving me grief non-stop."
"Huh? I thought it was unclear with you. Didn't you make it out?" Brad's brows knit in confusion as Jason shrugs.
"Sorry man," Jake apologises anyway, looking sheepish and scratching the back of his head.
Jerry, along with the other members of Big Deal, assures their boss that it's fine before addressing their No.6. "Lineman, looking forward to your power up."
Lineman gives them a winning grin, chest puffing with pride.
Taesoo watches a young!Gapryong wading towards him and the Kwak brothers. Their conversation stops, silence falling upon them as they notice his presence.
"Forgive my interruption," Gapryong starts, "Taesoo, please tell me how you managed to appear in so many flashbacks?"
Jichang's eyes drift over to Taesoo, "Share your secrets, Ansan."
Eli, standing bare by the showers, examines his reflection in a mirror, "I'm thinking of going blonde again."
Warren watches his friend, quickly losing interest in the conversation. "I [don't] care-"
"NO!" Goo jumps out, "There's too many blondes as it is." His fist waves in Eli's face. "I'M THE OG!"
"Put that away," Gun shoves his partner's hand roughly, "You'll find that that is Jay Hong."
"You fucking-!" Goo aims a kick in his direction, and a fight breaks out.
"So... what usually happens here?" Baek Hangyul directs to DG and Eugene, the three of them lazing in the water together.
Eugene gulps as he eyes up Hangyul's torso and abs, thinking that he should up his own workout routine.
And it's not that he is insecure with his body, but he can't help but shrink below the water a little when sitting in the middle of these two sex symbols.
"Not sure," DG says, running his fingers through his pink tresses and watching Gun and Goo squabbling at the far side of the bathhouse. "More fan service, I guess."
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trumpkinhotboy · 2 months
Fight, fight, fight!
Pairing: reader x twilight wolfpack
Type: requested (thank youu)
Warnings: mentions of a fight, but nothing graphic
Word count: approx 1k
A/n: loved writing this little scenario, i'm maybe... even tempted to write a part 2 if that's something you guys would be interested in and also pls don't hate me i promise 'I'll keep an eye on you' pt.3 is coming!!! I've just had so many other things to work on, but I PROMISE IT'S COMING BABES anyway, hope you'll enjoy xxx
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You were not a violent person. In fact, you hated any kind of physical confrontation and considered yourself a pacifist. You always were one to stay calm and walk away whenever someone tried to get under your skin.
You never thought the drive to protect others would make you go feral, but you discovered it the day someone endangered someone you love.
It was stupid. The classic, popular high school kids gave other students a hard time. When they nagged as you walked by, you did as always: royally ignored them. Honestly, their words didn't even filter through your brain. You knew they didn't have anything important or original to say anyway.
But suddenly, their lousy comments started filtering in. Confused, you turned around to understand they weren't talking to you but to your friend. You could see how she slumped her shoulders and tried to disappear into the ground as they circled her. Your heart started beating faster, your blood boiled in your veins, and unconsciously, you clenched your fists until you felt a slicing pain in your palm.
The comments and nagging continued until you planted yourself in front of them, shielding your friend from their eyes. They sized you up, laughing at your attempt at bravery. While you weren't looking, one of them pushed your friend on you, hopping to make you tumble down pathetically, but something got ahold of your blood, of your every muscle, and very soul. This ever-growing feeling and instinct to protect yourself and the ones you loved took over. That's probably how you ducked so fast, pushed your friend out of harm's way, and swung your fist as hard as you could.
"I can't believe you would ever get in a fight!" said Emily for the third time.
You stared at the ground as she hurried around the kitchen, grabbing supplies to wipe the blood from your nose and split lip. You didn't say anything, and neither did the boys.
You hadn't said anything since they forced you out of the crowd before you injured one of the bullies too seriously.
Emily kept blabbering about violence and how fighting was never the solution while she grabbed a bag of frozen peas. She stomped to you, dropping it in your hands as she asked. "Don't you have anything to say for yourself?"
You leveled your gaze to hers, looked at the group around you, and only said, "They deserved it."
She let out a frustrated sigh, confused and frustrated with your attitude. You were a good kid, had always been. She knew there must have been a good explanation for why you did what you did.
You hoped she would finally give up the lecture and leave you alone, but when Sam entered the room, you knew you were still in for a while. His dark stare communicated much more than his words ever could. Sam was your cousin, but he also was your legal guardian ever since your parents died. You grew up with him, and he had become the most important parental figure in your life. He walked over to you with deadly calm, making all the other boys thankful not to be at the receiving end of his anger.
He grabbed a chair and sat right in front of you. "Why?"
"They deserved it," was all you answered once again. "You will have to do better than that if you don't want to be grounded for the rest of your life." You leveled him a look, and he noticed there was something there, something different. "Y/n, what happened?"
The same light of uncertainty and fear shone in your eyes. "I don't know," you finally whispered. "I don't know what happened. One minute, I was walking away from them, carrying on with my day as I always do. The other, I was in their face, feeling this rage gnawing at me."
Complete silence.
"Do you know what made you feel that way?" softly asked your cousin. The angry look had left his eyes, replaced with the soft and compassionate one he only let a few people see.
"I'm not sure, but I know once I heard them talking shit about my friend and saw how scared she was… I just wanted to protect her. One of them tried pushing us from behind, and I have no idea how, but I managed to duck, push Leila away, and punch him right in the face in the span of a second," you stared at them all, the shock and confusion in their face. "But the worst was that once I started punching, I didn't have to think about my moves… They all came naturally. There was this thing inside of me just repeating I needed to protect, and so I did. I honestly have no idea when I would have stopped if they hadn't stepped in." You finished with a grateful look at your friends.
Sam stayed dead silent, lost in thought. Unsure whether what you were telling him meant what he thought it did. This was all going too fast. He couldn't, wouldn't tell you about this right now. He would need to discuss with the rest of the pack and see what they thought before making any more moves.
You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Even Emily, always so joyful, seemed lost in an inner world of only her knowing. You looked around at the people surrounding you, your gaze jumping from one to the other, trying to find answers in their eyes.
Until Jake broke the loaded silence, "Then I guess you were right. They did deserve it."
The smile slowly lightening up your features made them all breathe a little easier. "Now come on, put those frozen peas on your eye before it turns all blue and mushy. We wouldn't want to be deprived of the sight of your beautiful face, uh?" he said while walking to you with his signature grin.
Sam gave him a quick thankful look before looking at the other members of his pack, wondering how on earth they would deal with this.
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found you - ch. 2 (part I)
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pairing: gojo satoru x female oc (ara natsuna)
tropes: psycho! rival! athlete! yandere! gojo x introvert! booksmart! oc
warnings: 18+ only babes, profanity, mentions of abusive parental figure, stalking/possessive themes, death, pet-names (princess, kitten, baby), grinding, fingering, dub/non-consented sex, begging, rough sex, creampie (pls don't b silly & cover ur willy irl), manipulation
word count/plot: [9.5k!] ara catches gojo's attention when news breaks that she is the top academically ranked student in their grade. he is ranked second. he tries to befriend her but she ignores him. despite her obvious disinterest, his obsession begins...
a/n: hi guys so yes, i've decided to make this into a mini-series. honestly i was a bit hesitant to post shi like this bc its obv hella messed up/toxic so pls read at ur own risk. i also want to mention that it is never my intention to glamorize or romanticize a relationship like this-this is simply a dark "romance"/smut story that i happen to write in my free time. i also split this chapter into 2 parts bc it got too long LOL. The second part of this chapter is already written so hopefully i can edit and upload it fast enough but pls look forward to that!
ch. 1 , chapter 2 [ part 1 | part 2 ]
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“No. fucking. way.” Millie gasped through the phone, “You had sex with Gojo?”
Ara lowered her phone as she shot a nervous glance towards her bedroom door. It was the weekend so her Dad was home.
She raised the phone to her ear again, whispering-her tone laced with disappointment, “I just told you that Gojo might’ve hurt Noel, Jaemin and Arman just for talking to me and that’s what you're worried about?”
“Wait, you didn’t hear? Jaemin’s dead.”
Ara froze, “What.”
“You left when the cops came but when they searched the house they found his dead body in Nanami’s freezer.”
Ara went silent in shock as Millie continued, “Yeah, there’s like a whole fucking investigation going on. Nanami was pisssssedddd. Poor guy’s probably never gonna throw a party again.”
Ara sputtered, “What-how is that even-“ Ara shook her head, “Is Jaemin really dead?”
“Yes, girl. Why would I lie about that?”
Ara’s heart pounded in her chest. “I-I can’t believe it.”
“Yeah, it’s fucking insane. His pretty face will be missed-but how the fuck do you lock yourself in a freezer?”
Ara’s eyes widened, “He didn’t.”
“He did.”
“No-no, I’m saying he didn’t lock himself in. Someone else could’ve locked him in.”
Ara closed her eyes, fear making her voice waver, “It was probably Gojo.”
“What? Are you serious, Ara.. There’s no fucking way. I get the guy’s into you but that would just be extra.”
Ara swallowed, “Millie—“
“You really think Gojo would do all that cuz Jaemin talked to you?” she asked, doubtfully.
Ara spoke fast, “Yes, he was the one who laced Arman’s drink as well.”
“What? No way. Everyone knows Arman’s took Molly before, he probably overdid it and sent his own bitchass to the hospital.”
“Millie, you don’t understand. He showed me the Molly he used to lace his drink.”
“Huh—Girl, I know you're not super crazy about Gojo and yeah, he’s a total narc but he’s not the type to do that or commit murder.” she stated, flippantly.
Ara’s heart sank.
Millie continued, “Anyway, tell me how the hell you lost your virginity to him because that’s like, major.”
Ara closed her eyes once-more, her brows furrowing, “It wasn’t my choice.” she gritted out.
Suddenly she heard someone call Millie’s name through the phone.
“Shit, my mom’s calling me—“
“Wait,” Ara nearly yelled but quickly clamped her hand over her mouth-eyeing her bedroom door nervously. Her Dad could enter at any second if he wanted to.
“I-I need plan B.” she whispered. (a/n: if u don’t know what plan B is, it’s a contraceptive)
Millie gasped, “For real? Jesus—y’all went at it, huh? No condom?!”
Ara squeezed her eyes shut, “Millie, I’m serious.”
“Shit, I don’t know if I can get it to you today. My brother’s out of town so he took the car but-why don’t you ask Gojo?”
“I did-“
Suddenly there was a knock on her window and Ara froze, her head swiveling to see a shadow behind the curtain. He was here.
Ara swallowed, “I-I gotta go.”
“Shit-okay, okay, I’ll try to get it to you by Monday, okay? You better tell me all the details about you and Gojo on the bus.”
Suddenly the sound of the window opening could be heard and Ara quickly ended the call.
Gojo popped his head from around the curtain and stepped out, a bright smile on his lips as he ran a hand through his tousled white hair.
“C’mon, princess—when you gonna open the window on the first knock?”
He had stayed over the whole night since the party. He’d even wanted to shower with her-which she adamantly refused. She just wanted him to leave.
He finally left this morning, telling her some excuse that she didn’t care for—she just needed him to go. She just hadn’t expected him to be back, especially so soon.
He tossed a McDonald’s bag onto her bed.
“You hungry? There’s fries in there. I don’t want em, I just wanted the apple pie. There’s one in there for you too.”
Ever since he entered he kept walking towards her and she kept stepping back.
He went still before raising a brow, “What’re you doing, kitten?”
Her throat felt dry as she stuttered out, “Y-you shouldn’t be here, my Dad’s home. He’s awake.”
“So? Isn’t your door locked?”
“He has a key.”
He smirked, smugly, “I’ll hide if he comes.”
He searched her face before adding, “Happy?”
When she didn’t respond-merely rooted in spot-he tilted his head, “Now let me give my baby a hug.”
Before she could move he sauntered over and pulled her into a hug. Due to her shorter height he had to hunch over to press his face into her neck—planting kisses under her jaw. His hands caressing her sides.
He squeezed her hips while nuzzling his nose further into her neck, “Just wanna squeeze you to death.”
His words sent a shot of fear through her body.
And yet, his intoxicating cologne filled her nostrils—the scent so inviting and rich it was almost seductive. The slight masculine husk at the end of the scent only enhanced its effect. He’d changed his clothes to a simple long sleeve and pants. The shiny watch on his wrist glimmered.
She pushed herself out of his grasp, shaking slightly. His blue eyes attentive as he stared at her.
“I- I need plan B.”
A grin split across his lips, “You’re still on that, kitten?”
“I’m not joking, Gojo. I can’t get pregnant.”
He reached over, placing his hand over her stomach. His hand so large it felt like he covered most of her torso.
“We’re both adults now, aren’t we? We’ll make it work—“
She shoved his hand off.
His grin widened, “You think your tits would get bigger?”
“That’s not funny.” she spat, face flushed, “I need plan B, Gojo—I’m not joking.”
Suddenly he moved towards her, easily cupping the sides of her face as he kissed the top of her head.
“Okay, okay—so stubborn,”
She trembled in his hold but did her best to not wrench herself away just yet. She needed to get him to bring it for her. She looked up at him.
He was already looking down at her, “Be a good kitten and I’ll think about it.” he mused.
He slipped his thumb past her lips and her eyes widened. His other hand moved to her nape-to hold her in place.
“Suck.” he ordered gently.
When she didn’t move, his fingers at her nape tightened, “Or do you want the real thing?”
She wrenched herself away from him. Fear bouncing within her body as she stared at him, out of breath.
His eyes flashed with desire as he stared down at his glistening thumb, “If you weren’t sore I’d fuck you so hard right now.” he murmured.
He’d tried to fuck her again last night. But the second he cupped her cunt, she’d writhed so bad—he decided to listen to her little mewls and whines. He figured she was sore due to the number he’d done on her.
He lowered his hand before looking at her, “I’m leaving. I won’t be back till Monday.”
She was frozen—keeping her face as blank as possible to not show her relief.
He stepped towards her, cupping her chin to keep her looking up at him, “You better answer my texts, okay? Don’t make me upset.”
She swallowed before nodding.
A light smile slipped across his lips, “Good girl.”
He bent low, tilting his face to kiss her. She fought the urge to wrench her face away. Her lips trembled as he pressed his lips into hers—letting him nibble on her bottom lip before he pulled back.
The small smile still on his lips, “Don’t miss me too much.”
She nodded slowly.
His eyes dropped to her lips once-again, his hand slipping around her back to draw her chest flush against him. She fought the urge to wince when she felt his hard-on press into her lower belly through his jeans.
Her heart raced a mile per minute as she looked up at him. She was terrified.
His hand on her chin slid to her cheek, his thumb playing with her bottom lip.
“So pretty, kitten. Too pretty,” he mused.
His hand on her back slid down to her ass, giving it a nice squeeze. She jolted a bit, a slight gasp leaving her lips.
“M’gonna miss you so much.” he muttered, before kissing her once more. His lips more insistent this time.
He finally pulled away, his eyes wistful as he looked her up and down.
“Don’t know how I’m gonna go without you.” he spoke huskily.
She closed her eyes, locking her jaw as he showered a trail of kisses down her temple to her neck. Each kiss making her pulse go faster.
His lips found hers once more, giving her one last kiss before finally stepping back, his face flushed and lips parted—as if he didn’t want to be done. His blazing blue eyes were half-lidded and hazy with lust.
She shivered.
He raised his hand to playfully tap her nose.
An easygoing smirk slipped across his lips, “See you at school, princess.”
She swallowed before looking away from him and nodding. School? How am I gonna face him at school? Just thinking about it made her uneasy.
He turned around and pushed the curtains aside. He easily pulled the window open and jumped out, disappearing downwards somewhere.
She waited a beat before running towards the window. She looked around to see that he was nowhere to be seen.
She swiftly closed the window and pulled the curtains over.
She stood still for a moment before falling to her knees. She felt like a complete mess. She covered her face with her hands.
What do I do?
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Everyone was talking about Nanami’s party. Everyone.
People seemed worried, confused and shocked. Especially after it came out that Arman had died. He supposedly went into a coma at first and then his heart had completely stopped.
An unnecessary amount of police officers loitered the halls. They were calling in students-that had reportedly been to the party-to the office. Luckily, she hadn’t been called in yet.
To say Ara felt sick wouldn’t be covering it. She felt absolutely morbid. First, Jaemin and now, Arman. She had hoped that Arman would make it. Noel hadn’t shown up to school either.
The rumors were spreading like wildfire. Everyone seemed to think that Jaemin locking himself in the freezer was a drunk accident. As well as Arman overdosing. Just a bad mistake. But Ara knew the truth. Gojo had flat out told her.
But would anyone believe me?
She frowned as she remembered Millie’s reaction. She had completely thought she was crazy. Even when she’d met her on the bus and she tried to bring it up again, Millie dismissed it—saying that she must've been envisioning things because she was crossed. She even went as far as saying that she would trust Gojo with her drink.
All Millie had wanted to know was how her and Gojo’s night had gone. Ara didn’t even bother trying to express that he’d forced himself on her. Simply just saying that he was horrible in bed and that she never wanted it to happen again. Millie had been astonished.
As much as Ara wanted to be mad at the girl she couldn’t help but be grateful for her because she brought her the contraceptive that she asked for. She was terrified of having waited too long to take one. She had googled it and heard that they were the most effective the sooner they were taken.
She needed to take it as soon as possible.
She stepped out of the classroom, readjusting her bag’s strap over her shoulder. She walked quickly down the hall.
She slowed down her pace when she turned the hall and saw a policeman walking down the opposite way. Her throat went dry.
For a second her mind wandered to what would happen if she just stopped the police officer and told him everything. From top to bottom what happened at the party—Noel’s and Arman’s parents deserved to know the truth. And the students deserved to know that their fellow ‘heart-throb’ classmate was a psychopath murderer.
And maybe she could get justice for herself—before it was too late.
But admitting that meant it was definitely going to get back to her father. And if her father had even heard about her whereabouts that night.. what she’s done and seen…
She stopped in the middle of the hall, indecision making her tense up.
The officer frowned, stopping mid-step before approaching her.
“You okay, miss—“
“Officer Miles!” a familiar, enthusiastic voice greeted from down the hall.
Ara’s heart stopped.
The officer’s face lit up, “If it isn’t Gojo Satoru.”
She took a couple steps back to watch Gojo approach the Officer, greeting him with a pat on the shoulder before effortlessly roping him into a conversation.
It was common knowledge that Gojo’s father was the past Director of National Intelligence for the former President. Despite that, money had always been flooding in his family for generations. Eitherway, it wasn’t unexpected that Gojo knew the cop by name because his family was closely integrated with law enforcement. It seemed not only on a federal level but also local.
Her throat was drier than the Sahara desert as she quickly scurried away—barely looking in Gojo’s direction. She did not need to catch his attention right now-but in the back of her mind she knew she had.
Questions ran in her mind a mile per minute. Did he interrupt the police officer on purpose? Did he know I was considering snitching? Does he think I’m gonna snitch? Is he going to ask me about it later—
She shook her head. She needed to focus on getting to the bathroom right now and downing that contraceptive pill—worry about everything else later.
She entered the bathroom and sighed in relief when she found it was empty. She glanced back to make sure no one was behind her-she felt the need to, for some reason.
Her heart raced as she placed her backpack on the counter before pausing when she realized maybe she should take the pill in the bathroom stall. That way if anyone entered the bathroom no one could see her.
She quickly went into the bathroom stall only for a hand to stop the door a second before it closed. Suddenly Gojo stood before her, locking the stall closed behind himself.
His platinum hair was left in its typical ruffled state. His uniform was perfectly ironed, as usual. His classic black sunglasses peeked out of his dress-shirt’s chest pocket. And his scent, that masculine, deep yet alluring cologne that felt too expensive to be filling the air between them.
Her eyes widened in fear. She was certain he was going to be angry-he’d just seen her almost speak to the police officer. There was no way he wasn’t—
“Fuck, I missed you so much, baby.” he cooed.
He reached out to touch her and she immediately backed away, despite the small space.
Her heart raced in terror. “Gojo, w-what are you doing?”
“What else? I saw you in the hall and followed you. You saw me too—“ he pouted, “but you ignored me, meanie.”
He reached out to grasp her chin, making her look up at him, “You didn’t miss me?”
She could hear her heart pounding in her ears. He felt too large in the cramped space of the bathroom stall. Her body had broken out in a cold-sweat.
Her instincts screamed at her to get as far away from him as possible—and yet, she was terrified to do anything too rash. She was still in shock that he hadn’t suspected her of snitching on him.
Fear made her voice waver as she looked into his intimidating, diamond-like cerulean eyes. She felt like they were going to swallow her whole.
His platinum brows drew together at her shakiness, “Yeah, kitten?”
She locked her jaw, hating the concern in his eyes. She was terrified to even bring this up but she knew she had to.
“Arman and Jaemin—they’re dead, Gojo. They’re dead.” her voice cracked.
Something dark seemed to blaze within his eyes before his fingers tightened around her chin.
His voice was tight, “You worried about them?”
She grabbed his wrist, attempting to pull away from his grasp.
“You killed them.” she spat-an undercurrent of hopelessness in her fierce tone.
Before he could respond the sound footsteps entering the bathroom was audible. Her eyes widened.
Suddenly his hands were on her, turning her around so that her back was flush against his chest. Her heart jumped in terror when she felt his hard-on against her lower back.
Just as she gasped, his hand clamped around her mouth. He leaned low, his lips brushing her ear with each word he spoke, “They died because of you.”
She writhed in his grasp, only to easily have her head shoved back against his chest by his hand on her mouth. His other hand pressed into her lower belly, making him feel more of his erection—this time against her ass.
“Don’t make a fuss, kitten, you don’t want anyone to hear you now, do we?” he whispered into her ear.
Her eyes widened as she heard feminine voices speaking a short distance away.
His hand at her navel slipped down to her leg, slipping right around her upper thigh to hoist her smaller frame higher so he could press his throbbing erection fully against her ass.
He began to grind his cock against her.
“Mmm, missed you so much.” he muttered, lowly.
Just as she made short noises of protest, his hand squeezed around her mouth. “Don’t whine, kitten. It’s your fault I’m hard. I couldn’t stop thinking about you all weekend.”
She squeezed her eyes shut, locking her jaw as she tried not to be too loud despite wanting to desperately get away from him. The feeling of his hard-on sliding between her ass was the oddest sensation.
“F-fuck,” he gritted out in a harsh whisper.
His hand on her upper thigh slid to her cunt, his fingers rubbing against her clit through her underwear. She jolted in his grasp-a light squeak leaving her lips.
The feminine voices in the bathroom went quiet.
Gojo froze-only to continue rubbing at her sweet spot when the voices resumed. He chuckled darkly in her ear.
She writhed against him as his fingers worked her clit through her underwear. She bit back the squeals threatening to leave her lips at each of his ministrations.
Her hands went to his at her core, attempting to shove his wrist away but he released her mouth to clasp both of her wrists in one hand. He held her hands to chest.
She attempted to get his hand away from her cunt by squeezing her legs together but instead his fingers dipped deeper into her core. Another low chuckle left his lips when she gasped.
His hand gripping her wrists tightened, “You’ve got to stay quiet now, kitten-since you wanna act so bad.”
She bit into her lower lip when he slipped a finger into her warmth. Somehow she was incredibly warm down there-almost slippery-wet.
She felt his chest vibrate when he groaned into her neck. She clenched her teeth when she felt his hard-on throb behind her. He began to grind himself against her once-more.
She resisted the urge to squeal when his finger slipped deeper inside her. His finger was just too long. Her body jolted when he slipped another in.
“Ha-aah,” he bucked his hard-on further into her, “So warm.” he groaned.
He nipped on her ear as he rubbed his cock against her, letting himself fully revel in the soft curve of her ass. Her breathing was all over the place as his actions made her cunt squeeze tightly around his fingers.
He stopped grinding against her, instead bending lower to drop a kiss to her temple. His fingers moved within her.
“You need some attention down here, don’t you?”
His fingers in her cunt began to pump in and out of her. Her body jerked forward—if it weren’t for his hand pinning her wrists to her chest she would’ve certainly fallen over.
His fingers never left her cunt, only traveling deeper when she jerked forward.
“You know,” his voice husky at her ear, “You never came last time.”
His fingers pumped in and out of her faster. She glanced down to see her skirt bunched up and a hint of her underwear shoved aside for his fingers to gain access to her cunt. His fist was slick with her wetness as he pumped in and out of her.
“Need to change that.” he spoke lowly into her ear.
Her thighs squeezed around him.
Suddenly the sound of the bathroom doors closing echoed. Before she could even think to get away from him, his hand at her cunt ripped off her underwear. Her body buckled at the action but he gripped her hip to steady her.
He then straightened up, letting go of her hip to unbuckle himself.
“Can’t wait anymore.”
Her eyes widened in realization and she shoved herself away from him. She struggled against his hold on her wrists but managed to make him let go.
Just as she moved towards the door, her head was slammed against the stall wall. His hand was at her nape, holding her still against the door. He pushed her head lower, making her ass stick out.
He flipped her skirt up, revealing her bare, slick cunt. He shoved the full length of his cock in her.
She cried out. His hand slid around her nape to her jaw—cupping her mouth. Her body writhed at the sensation of feeling so stuffed.
She shivered when she heard a low, relieved sigh leave his lips. His dick twitched within her.
He slammed his cock into her once more-making her body buck against the door. She cried out into his hand, turning her face aside to reach around and place her hand on him anywhere—in attempt to stop him.
Before her hands could make contact, he grabbed both of her wrists in one of his once-more. Pinning her wrists to her back.
She squealed when he delivered another harsh thrust of his hips to her bruised cunt.
“N-no, Gojo-please-please, not here..” she begged-her low voice muffled by his fingers.
His hand around her wrists squeezed. He bent over her, pressing his dick deep into her as he did so. The tip of his cock seating itself in places no one else had been. She writhed against the stall door.
He spoke right beside her ear, “I’ll keep your hands cuz you’re still being bad.”
“Gojo, please, let me go. Let me go.” she whisper-cried.
“Call me Satoru, princess, Satoru.”
She closed her eyes, tears slipping down her cheeks. How did I get here?
“Please..” she begged, helplessly.
His cock pumped in and out of her slowly. She felt her wetness travel down her thighs.
“C’mon, say it.” he urged, like a devil in her ear. “Satoru.”
She was silent, merely taking in the sensation of his cock fucking her slowly as quietly as she could.
Suddenly his cock snapped into her sharply, making her wince as she cried out. The tip of his cock hit somewhere deep enough to hurt, though she couldn’t deny the jolt of pleasure that ran up her spine.
“Please!” she whimpered.
His hand on her mouth tightened, “Say it.”
She squeezed her eyes shut, “S-satoru-“
Suddenly his cock slammed into her again and again—much, much rougher. Her body bucked against the stall doors. Tiny gasps leaving her mouth with each rough fuck. The sound of his balls hitting her cunt echoing within the bathroom.
“Again.” he ordered huskily into her ear.
“S-satoru.” she mumbled, her mind going blank.
His pace picked up. His cock pulsating appreciatively in her cunt. She swore it’d grown in size.
She moaned, her thighs squeezing together in pain.
“Ha-aah,” he breathed into her ear, his cock pummeling into her so hard she forgot how to think.
“Sounds so fuckin’ pretty coming from your mouth.” his voice rough against her ear.
Her cunt squeezed around him once more and he groaned. He ground his cock into her, letting the tip of his cock touch places that felt too deep for her. Suddenly he withdrew his hips, keeping his cock halfway buried in her before shoving his full length into her again.
Her body jerked against the door again, wincing, “Gojo!”
“Satoru.” he corrected, darkly before delivering a series of deep fucks at an unwarranted pace.
Her mind was too fucked out to think.
His cock moved too fast—too deep within her. Accessing spots she didn’t think possible. His cock felt too thick, too hard-pulsing as he moved roughly in her slick walls.
“How can you ask me to let you go when you feel like this?” he gritted out.
Just then, his cock hit a spot she didn’t know existed. The tip of his cock simply pressing a spot so delicious she crumpled in his grasp. Her whole body shook so hard, she lost all her balance. 
She was too shocked to moan. Simply letting her body quiver as Gojo slid his hand down from her mouth to her neck, pulling her flat against him to hold her up.
He kept-up his rough pace, only slowing down when her body stopped quivering. She was completely out of breath, simply too overwhelmed.
He released her neck, letting his hand slide lower to squeeze her tits through her uniform.
“Fuck, that’s it, kitten.” He closed his eyes, reveling in the feeling of how her cunt continued to spasm around him. The feeling was heavenly, especially coming from the narrow space of her cunt around him.
He palmed her hard nipple, “I made my pretty princess feel good, didn’t I?”
Her cunt walls twitched from the aftereffects of her first orgasm—from anyone that wasn’t herself.
He drove his cock into her once more. Making her groan in pain. Bits of pleasure scattered throughout her body as his cock began to slowly thrust into her.
Her arms were still at a rather uncomfortable angle, pinned behind her back-causing her to arch against him. The angle all too perfect for his cock to continue abusing her cunt.
He pressed a deft kiss to her temple, “I know it hurts, baby, but it hurt too good just now, didn’t it?”
His cock gradually thrusted faster into her, “I’ll keep making you feel good.”
She couldn’t find it in her to speak. Simple too mind blown and worn-out by the overwhelming sense of pleasure she’d just experienced. It was almost scary how good she’d felt.
She winced as his cock seemed to take full advantage of how soft her cunt had grown. Her insides felt completely messed up as his cock pumped in and out of her.
His fingers tightened around her neck before he buried his face into her hair, “Missed you so much.” 
Suddenly he thrusted into her far too deep, searing his cock completely into her. Her soft insides squeezing around him so tight, his cockhead twitched.
She felt the entirety of his cock pulsate before feeling spurts of something warm fill the narrow space between her legs. The substance all too sticky as it slipped down her legs, simply already too full inside.
Her eyes were wide in shock as he slowly thrusted into her a couple more times—letting her feel his cock twitch till it didn’t anymore.
Finally he went still, his breath completely haggard as he removed his face from her hair.
His diamond blue eyes scanned the side of her face before he slowly withdrew his hips from her. Just as his cockhead was about to slip out of her, he slammed himself back inside.
She flinched, moaning.
His fingers on her neck caressed her, “Sorry, baby, don’t wanna go just yet. Feels too good.”
She stood still for a moment. Completely stunned to silence as she caught her breath. She was absolutely terrified of how to proceed.
She squeezed her eyes shut-wanting to sob. He came in me again.
She slowly wriggled her hips, “L-let me go.” she whispered.
His hand on her neck tightened before he nuzzled his face into her shoulder.
“No.” he whined, reluctantly.
He pressed his cock into her slightly, making her shiver. He stayed like that for a moment before finally pulling out. He took his absolute time, dragging out the action enough for the sound to echo in the quiet bathroom when his cock finally popped out of her.
Her body trembled when she felt that familiar substance leak down her inner thighs. She glanced down to see streaks of white lining the insides of her leg.
Her insides twisted at the sight.
“Made a mess, didn’t I.” he muttered before reaching over to swipe a streak of his cum and stuff his finger into her. She jolted sensitively.
“Want you to keep every drop.” he mused through gritted teeth.
She immediately stepped away from him, yanking her hands from his grasp to turn around. She stood with her back pressed to the stall door.
His hands went to her hips to keep her upright as she stumbled.
“Baby.” he warned, subtly admonishing her for moving too fast.
She shoved his hand away, “Don’t call me that.”
A handsome grin split across his lips, “You like kitten better?”
Her eyes widened at the playfulness in his tone. She couldn’t understand how he was like this.
She sharply looked away, not wanting to look at his half-erect cock that he still hadn’t tucked away.
She quickly reached for the stall’s lock—the urge to get away from him growing stronger by the second. He blocked her hand a second before she could touch it.
“You’re not gonna clean yourself up?” he asked before his spare hand squeezed her hip. “Naughty girl.”
“I’ll clean you up.” he added.
She shoved herself out of his grasp. “I can clean myself up.” she spat-unsuccessfully trying to keep the shakiness out of her tone, “J-just get out.”
“Get. out.” she bit out before whispering, “please.”
He was quiet for a moment, she couldn’t see his face due to facing aside. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears.
“Fine,” his voice was low, “Only if you look at me first.”
She squeezed her eyes shut, resisting the urge to scream. Instead she spoke-even quieter than him, “T-then zip up your pants.”
She thought she heard a faint chuckle before the sound of a zipper was audible in the silence.
She opened her eyes, facing him.
His face was completely devoid of emotion. The only emotion was a touch of softness swimming within his sky-blue eyes.
He cupped the left side of her face, “Don’t be mad at me, okay?”
She resisted the urge to flinch. She wanted to say so much but she was scared-terribly, terribly scared. He could react so differently-it gave her whiplash.
He pressed his forehead to hers, “I just missed you so much. I got so happy when you texted me y’know, but it wasn’t enough. I need you. Just you.”
She hated how strained he sounded, as if he were helpless to his impulses. As if those words could justify his actions. She had texted him over the weekend-her responses short, dry and inconsistent compared to his timely, emoticon-filled ones. She was just scared of what he would do if she didn’t.
Not that it mattered because he ruined her the second he saw her anyway.
“I just like you too much.” he murmured.
She squeezed her eyes shut-wanting to cry.
He pushed his forehead further into her, “Talk to me.” he urged.
Her lower lip wobbled before she burst out-unable to hold back as she whispered, “Y-you’re hurting me.”
His sterling blue eyes widened as he searched her face, wildly, “No-no, I made you feel good, didn’t I? Tell me-tell me what-“
Suddenly the bell rang and his expression grew distraught. They both knew the bathrooms were bound to fill up in seconds during the five minute breaks between classes.
She resisted the urge to shove him back, merely facing elsewhere instead. Her rapid heartbeat making it hard for her to focus.
“Shit, kitten, we’ll finish this convo after school, okay? Or later-at your house, okay?”
She froze at the idea of him coming to her house again.
“Okay?” he insisted.
She nodded, quickly. He pressed a deft kiss to her lips before unlocking the stall door and stepping out.
She stood still for a long moment after that-biting into her lower lip to resist the urge to break down and cry.
She shakily reached into her backpack, pulling out the contraceptive with trembling hands. She hoped-prayed-it worked. Out of all nightmares occurring in her life, she needed the nightmare that was pregnancy to not become real.
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She was shuffling around the books in her locker. Too lost in a funk to realize she was already holding the book she was looking for in her hand.
“Ara Natsuna?” an unfamiliar voice spoke from nearby.
She looked over to see a girl she didn’t recognize, but from the aura the girl exuded she had to be a junior or a senior, like herself.
“..Yes?” she croaked out, before clearing her throat.
She hated the once-over the girl gave her. She didn’t miss the look of judgment that passed over the girl's face-though it did nothing to her state of confidence because her father's looks of judgment were much worse.
But she couldn’t blame the girl. She knew her skirt was slightly rumpled after what Gojo had done to her in the bathroom hours prior—and her eyes were probably still swollen despite the countless amount of times she’d splashed water on her face.
She just wanted to go home.
Instead of saying some nasty comment, the girl merely smiled. A smile so wide that Ara immediately saw through its fakeness.
“Are you and Gojo dating?” she inquired, with an innocent blink of her eyes.
Ara was instantly stunned.
It was then she noticed that a couple of the surrounding students were eavesdropping on their convo. Some were trying to be discrete but after one look at her surroundings it was rather obvious.
She spotted the girl’s friends huddled a little distance away, staring eagerly. It looked like a little fan club of juniors-or underclassmen.
Are you fucking serious?
Ara spoke fast, “What makes you ask me that?”
The girl’s eyelashes fluttered-Does that really work?—“Gojo said it.”
Ara wanted to scream-but instead her response was impulsive. Her voice tight, “No. We aren’t dating and we never will.”
She slammed her locker closed, not bothering to look back as she fast-walked down the hall. She needed this day to end.
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I need to get rid of him.
Ara squeezed her eyes shut—terrified out of her mind. She’d come up with a short term-very half-assed-plan in the midst of doing her school work earlier.
She didn’t know how she’d managed to complete all her homework but she had. If there was one thing she wasn’t willing to fuck up it was her grades. Sure, she had her dad on her ass about them but it was her only ticket out of ‘here’—aka this hellhole called her family house and now high school. She needed to go to a good college-far, far away from here.
She glanced back at the window before hesitantly opening her bedroom door. It was a weekday so her Dad usually slept early. She peeked through to see her Dad’s bedroom light turn off through the crack underneath the door.
Her heart raced as she grabbed her pillow and blanket from the bed. She knew Gojo was going to try come over today and she was going to do everything in her power to avoid it, if possible. She knew she shouldn’t trigger him—that she should think of a better plan but she couldn’t help but feel bile rise up into her throat whenever she thought of him. So acting on her short-term plan would do.
She just didn’t want to see him.
She stepped out of her room and wandered downstairs. She was going to sleep in the basement. Lucky for her, the basement was furnished but she was sure when Gojo arrived he wouldn’t go there.
At first she had contemplated trying to find a way to lock the window—but it was no use, the lever on the window was broken. She wasn’t sure when that happened but she wouldn’t put it past Gojo to have done it on purpose.
Then she had contemplated sleeping in the living room and finding a way to lock her bedroom door from the outside-but then she knew Gojo would automatically know she was locking him out and she was terrified of what reaction that might invoke.
So she settled on simply sleeping elsewhere in the house-the basement. She would simply lock the basement from the inside and sleep within. She was sure he was going to search the house but she refused to think too hard about it. She almost hoped her Dad would catch him sneaking about. She just had to be cautious of making sure her Dad didn’t catch her sleeping in the basement.
Gojo had called twice and texted several times since school had ended. Giving her short random updates of his day and asking about hers but she hadn’t responded. She wanted to block him but she was scared—too damn scared. She was relieved he didn’t seem too angry over text just yet though.
But she knew she was playing with fire.
She shivered when she entered the basement. The heating wasn’t the best down here but it would have to do. She quickly locked the door before laying out her pillow and blanket on the couch and laying down.
Her fear made it hard for her to feel relaxed enough to sleep. She rubbed her eyes, a wave of exhaustion overcoming her.
She was so tired of feeling scared. First her Dad and now Gojo. When is it all gonna end?
She sighed, sleep overcoming her rather quickly as her mind wandered to dark places.
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She hastily closed her bedroom window before falling to her knees. Her legs trembled as she buried her face in her hands.
Her plan had worked. She hadn’t seen Gojo last night—and she muted his messages so she didn’t see the 150+ unread messages he’d sent her throughout the night. But she was scared shitless—she didn’t want to go to school.
She’d set an alarm to wake up before her Dad so she could make it back to her bedroom in time-in case he decided to check on her. She was terrified that she might find Gojo in her room but he was nowhere to be seen. The only thing that signaled he might’ve been there was the curtains being pushed aside. She tried not to think about it too hard.
But it all came crashing down on her when she was trudging to the bus stop in the morning. She had been staring at the home screen of her phone, at the daunting number of 157 at the corner of her message app. She knew who all 157 of those texts were from. It didn’t help that there were about 23 missed calls either.
And she realized she couldn’t go to school. She knew-knew-something bad was going to happen. He’d violated her in school before so what was going to stop him from doing it again?
She started to sob.
The little voice in the back of mind reminded her that she needed to call the school before they called her Dad to notify him of her absence. She’d only done it twice before, but sometimes she pretended to be her Mom and call the school about her absence before they contacted her actual parents.
She threw her backpack off. She was so tired of having to worry about things like this. She felt like everything she did she had to overthink because of the egg-shells she had to walk around with everyone. It was exhausting.
Everything she did could cause a reaction. Like sleeping anywhere but her room would not only upset Gojo but her Dad. Just like taking a day off from school would make her Dad livid. So much so, that she avoided coming back home through the front door because she knew her Dad would see it through the camera.
Why couldn’t her life just be normal?
And now-on top of everything-she had a killer obsessed with her.
Why is this happening to me?
She wiped her tears, frustration making her weary despite her rather pleasant sleep. For some reason, she’d slept decently in the basement-even if she’d woken up in a cold sweat.
She slowly stood up, forcing herself to head downstairs and grab the home phone to call the school in the best Mom voice she could muster. Her Mom was still out of the country. Lucky her.
She plopped onto the couch in the living room. She grabbed the home phone from the coffee table and cleared her throat, making the call in the most assertive, motherly tone she could.
Once the call ended, she laid back against the couch. She turned on the TV for some background noise. The several churning emotions running rampant within her making her feel completely worn out.
She closed her eyes, telling herself that she’d just relax for a bit, only to become lulled into a deep slumber.
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The sound of the TV turning off woke her up. She blinked, sitting up groggily as she looked at her reflection in the dark screen of the TV.
She squinted when she noticed a tall, white-haired male standing behind the couch-behind her.
She bolted up, scrambling to the other side of the living room.
His expression was blank as he watched her stand in front of the TV. Her eyes blown wide in fear.
He tilted his head, strands of his icy hair falling over his forehead in the process, “You’re avoiding me.”
She didn’t like how flat his tone was. Or how absurdly imperfect he looked. He always looked perfect but his hair was more messed up than usual, his uniform’s blazer nowhere to be seen-not that he ever wore it in the first place-and his dress-shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbow, showcasing the prominent veins crawling up his forearms.
He held up her phone and her heart jumped to her throat.
“You changed your lockscreen,” he mused, before a dry chuckle slipped out of him.
He had changed her home and lock screen to a shirtless mirror selfie of himself in her bathroom. An obvious thirst trap. He’d taken the picture the night he stayed over after their 'first time'. She assumed she was asleep when he changed it.
“Fine, I can take that but.. ignoring my calls, my texts-“ another dry, incredulous chuckle leaving his lips, “-you didn’t even open them. In fact, you muted me—and now you don’t show up at school?”
Her throat went dry. She had no choice but to assume he either knew her phone password or used her Face ID to unlock her phone while she was asleep. Eitherway, he clearly had seen that she silenced his notifications.
Suddenly his intricate blue eyes zoned in on her, any humor in his voice dissolving, “Where did you sleep, Ara.”
Her breath stopped short.
His eyes never left hers-his half-lidded gaze would’ve made him appear bored if his tone wasn’t so offhandedly calm, “I know you were home, but where.”
She took a hesitant step backwards.
He took a step around the couch, playing with her phone in one hand. “I know you weren’t with Millie so where’d you go? Did you leave your phone here and go somewhere?”
She couldn’t believe it. He must’ve activated her phone location.
His gaze hardened, “I’m asking you something, Ara.”
She couldn’t find it in herself to respond. How the hell am I supposed to respond to that?
Her whole body was alert with fear. She wanted to run but she was terrified he would outrun her. He was an athlete after all.
She hadn’t missed that the wire attached to the home phone on the coffee table was now disconnected. Undoubtedly, his work.
She needed to think ofsomething-anything to get out of this situation. And because she couldn’t think, she simply acted.
She ran so far down into the downstairs hallway, swerving into a turn into a wall. She was certain he could’ve easily chased her if he chose too but he somehow hadn’t.
She thought she heard a faint chuckle a distance away-probably still in the living room.
“Okay, we can play the cat and mouse game,” his voice seemed to carry into the hall, “but I’ll tell you right now, Ara. You won’t win.”
“I’ll always find you.”
Her body seemed to go cold at his words. She couldn’t go on like this-she needed a plan. She contemplated running straight for the front door-it would alert the front door cameras and automatically notify her Dad of her presence at home.
But contacting her Dad made her throat constrict. It didn’t help that Gojo might be anticipating that course of action.
She trembled. Maybe the back-door? Through the garage? But that meant passing the living room. He could still be there.
She had to do something. She had to try and check.
She slowly walked further down the hall, turning to peek into the living room from the opposite turn of the corridor. He was nowhere in sight.
Her heart jumped in her chest. Her gut told her not to do it—to not run across the living room. She was certain he was near. Her gut told her he was anticipating it.
But what he wouldn’t anticipate was her going upstairs. There was nowhere to get out upstairs. Except for the balcony attached to her Dad’s office and the master bedroom. Then there was her room window.
She dashed up the stairs as quietly as she could. A scream nearly ripping from her throat when she swore she saw his blurry figure move downstairs from the corner of her eye.
She ran into the guest bedroom, before scurrying into its attached bathroom. She quickly stepped into the bathtub, pulling the shower curtain to hide herself.
Fuck! That was too loud!
She silently jumped out-her heart pounding in her ears as she hastily stepped into the bathroom’s walk-in pantry. She slipped inside, hiding behind the pantry door just as the bathroom door opened.
She stopped breathing, watching his tall figure through the crack beside the door. The look of precision and focus in his gaze was unlike anything she’d ever seen. His straight posture exuding lethality.
His footsteps were soundless as he walked over to the bathtub. He harshly pulled back the curtain—making her flinch.
He stood there for a second before opening the other bathroom door. This bathroom was attached to two guest bedrooms.
He didn’t spare the rest of the bathroom a glance as he swiftly exited through the other door. He clearly assumed she’d left through there—and she nearly had, if she hadn’t spotted the bathroom pantry first.
She covered her mouth as she remembered to breathe. This was bad. He knew she was upstairs now. There was no way she could go anywhere.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
All he needed to do was chill in the main upstairs hallway and she’d reveal herself eventually. That was if she moved.
She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling incredibly uneasy. She couldn’t sit and wait like this. It was gonna kill her. She couldn’t risk Gojo coming back into the bathroom to catch her like this.
She shook her head, staring down at her wobbly legs as she ran her hands through her hair. Think. Think. Think!
In the midst of her despair, an idea flashed within her mind. Something so unlike her and risky, she wanted to puke. She wasn’t sure if it was even gonna work.
There’s no way I can do this. She wanted to gag, but in the back of her mind she knew she had to. It was the only way.
Suddenly-something within her turned off. Turning off the tremors running along her body. The tight feeling in her throat. The mind-numbing fear.
She waited a beat before stepping out from behind the pantry door. She walked into the guest bedroom he’d entered moments ago, her restless heart rate stuttering as she walked further into the room.
To her surprise, he was nowhere to be found. Instead the other door leading out the guest bedroom was left partly open.
She closed her eyes, she knew she wasn’t going to be alone soon enough.
She closed her eyes, “Satoru.” she called out, her voice sounding weak to her ears.
She squeezed her eyes shut tighter, resisting the urge to tremble as her hands shook imperceptibly at her sides.
“Satoru.” she called out, her voice clearer.
Suddenly the aura in the room changed and she knew. She knew.
Her body tensed instinctively. Every nerve in her body backfiring as her instincts screamed at her-telling her this was wrong-downright wrong. Signaling she was in danger.
She squeezed her hands into fists, forcefully willing herself to calm. Forcing her thoughts to go quiet at the pain of her nails digging into her palm.
She slowly opened her eyes and caught sight of the mirror in front of her. The large mirror was attached to the vanity and showcased the sight of him.
He stood as still as a statue, directly behind her—yet not close enough to touch her. His tall frame towered over her.
But his eyes. His eyes are what made her stomach flip flop. He was looking directly at her, jaw locked. He looked at her as if he wanted to rip her apart.
But since he was looking down at her, he didn’t seem to catch her alert gaze staring at him through the mirror. She felt her body tense up further. She couldn’t lose her resolve..
“S-satoru..” her voice a soft plea.
She saw him tilt his head, his eyes flitting closed. She swore she felt his cool breath run down her spine.
She saw him slowly open his eyes, “Why are you saying my name so prettily.”
Despite knowing he was behind her, she nearly flinched at the sound of his voice anyway. She bit into her lower lip-doing everything she could to resist the natural instinct of wanting to scurry away from him.
Her voice quavered, “Because I'm tired of running from you.”
Her breath caught. She didn’t know how he managed to sound so cold yet amused at the same time. He always caught her off-guard but she had to convince him.
She hung her head, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth. She didn’t want to say her next words.
She lowered her hand-her voice coming out oddly calm, “What’s there to quit, Satoru.. I’m already yours.”
His eyes widened.
Suddenly he grabbed her hair, pulling her back flat against his chest. He dug his face into her temple, nearly growling, “Then why ignore me?”
She gasped slightly before swallowing. The sight of herself in his immovable grasp in the mirror was doing something to her.
“Because I’m scared,” her voice cracked as she whispered, “I’m scared of falling for you, Satoru.”
She saw his eyes flash with surprise before his hand in her hair suddenly forced her eyes away from the mirror, turning her head up to look at him.
Tears swam in her eyes as he searched her face. His sterling blue eyes unreadable.
A moment of silence ensued before he suddenly pressed his forehead to hers, “But I want you to fall for me, kitten.”
Just as he lowered himself to kiss her, she impulsively turned her head away. Her heart thumped rapidly when she realized she shouldn’t have done that.
She came up with something on the spot, “I-I can’t fall for someone who doesn’t care about me.”
She saw his white brows furrow in the mirror, “You don’t think I care about you?”
She turned around, staggering out of his grasp. “I know you don’t. You don’t care about what I want.”
His gaze was attentive as he stared at her, “What do you want.”
She swallowed. She had to be careful about this..
She took a step back from him, “I.. I don’t want to be a Mother till I’m 25. J-just like my Mom.”
He paused before his gaze hardened, “You want me to wear condoms.”
She bit her lower lip, before speaking as softly as possible, “For now.”
His hand clasped her hip, drawing her close. “I’ll be the one to put a baby in you anyway.”
She closed her eyes, keeping her face down—resting her forehead against his chest. She had to see how far she could push her luck.
“What else.” he asked.
She paused, “I want to keep.. us private.”
He grasped her chin, forcing her to look up. She didn’t miss the subtle disappointment in his expression.
She hesitated before speaking quietly, “I think.. keeping things secret is funner.”
A devious smirk split across his lips as he teased, “Such a naughty girl.”
Suddenly he nuzzled his face into the side of hers. She resisted the urge to freeze up.
“I wanna show you off though.” he whined.
“L-later.” she stuttered out, half heartedly.
His hands found the sides of her waist, easily fitting his large palms into the slight curve. He squeezed her sides before sighing as he reluctantly withdrew his face.
“Anythin’ else?” he asked, weary.
She was terrified of even bringing this up. But he was being.. somewhat understanding right now, so she wondered..
She shifted slightly in his hold, her hands coming to lay flat on his chest before her.
“No more.. hurting people.” her voice wavered.
“What do you mean.”
She swallowed, her eyes searching his before she spoke hesitantly, “T-the party.”
Noel. Jaemin. Arman.
His eyes seemed to narrow slightly, his voice somewhat cold, “That’s not up to me, kitten.”
She tensed, unsure what to make of his words but she was too scared to speak on it further. 
Suddenly his face was nudging hers, “Kiss me.” he ordered, gruffly.
She hesitantly tilted her face up and he took full advantage. His lips kissing hers intently—as if trying to take all of her in by the lips.
He tilted his head, letting his tongue slip past her lips to taste her. The action making her tense slightly but he easily took the lead. His hand went to the back of her head to hold her in place as he kissed her deep.
By the time he withdrew his lips, she was breathless.
His diamond-like eyes searched her face, “I can get you anything in the world you want. Just tell me and it’s yours.”
She didn’t doubt his quiet, confident words. She knew he had access to money like that. But how could she tell him that she wanted him to forget her.
His fingers caressed her hair, “You’re scared because it’s your first relationship, hmm?”
She merely nodded.
A small smile tugged at his glossy lips, “S’okay, it’s my first too.”
Everyone knew Gojo didn’t have to try when it came to girls. Ever since he moved here girls threw themselves at him. Maybe he hadn’t been in actual relationships but she was certain he’d fucked around enough for the both of them.
Besides his long-time fuck buddy, Katrina, liked to act like she was his ex.
She stepped away from him, her face red. “You don’t have to lie to me.”
His smile widened into a grin, his eyes glittering with amusement. “Jealous?”
Before she could look away, he caught her jaw–easily turning her face to look up at him as he said, “This is the only relationship that matters to me.”
He pulled her into a hug. His scent engulfing her, as did everything else of his huge stature. She closed her eyes, willing her body to stay calm and not cry. He hadn’t hurt her yet so she supposed she’d done well.
His hand ran over her hair as he murmured, “I’m gonna make you love me.”
Her eyes flashed open—her heart rate picking up. He sounded so calm, so definitive.. It was then that she realized getting rid of him was going to be a lot more dangerous than she thought.
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a/n: wooooohoooo ty for reading this ish if u made it this far. the next part of this chapter still occurs on the same day which is y i didn't wanna make it a whole nother chapter but pls lemme kno ur thOTS or whatnot. ill link the next part of this chapter in this post once it's uploaded. also excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes bc i kinda skim edited this (oops) have a good dayyy ya'll
previous chapter | next chapter
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imagineitdearies · 4 months
god I'm still reeling after the 22 chapter. what a mindfuck. also since you said you can talk about Astarion for hours let me take advantage of that.
so we know what Tyrus thought about this whole situation with forced bj but what about Astarion. i need his pov. was he dissociating by default, or enjoying himself despite the circumstances because it was Tyrus and feeling hella guilty afterwards?
and with the second part of the chapter what prompted his breakdown? pls ramble away ;)
Hi anon 🥰
Haha oh no, I've revealed my (very obvious) achilles heel!!
Yes yes, let's talk about Astarion in this scene 👀
As Astarion mentioned, he'd been studying up on Polymorph, hoping to prove he could be useful and an equal partner in their relationship, when Tyrus walks in.
Then Tyrus is acting off (the poor boy is not subtle about it) and 9/10 times it's thanks to Cazador, so Astarion assumes at the beginning that Tyrus has been assaulted again. And after hearing what Cazador has manipulated Tyrus into agreeing to instead, Astarion is both relieved and terrified. Their last time was absolutely awful for both of them, and at first that's all he associates this with--it's why he's so tense even whilst agreeing that he'd rather Tyrus do this with him than Cazador. Ch7 flashbacks 💀
And then he gets pulled out of it when Tyrus starts getting on his knees, reminding himself this time can be different to some extent, thanks to their bond and the lack of conditions Cazador set. At first, he's of the mindset "do the least harm," much like he was in ch4 first "teaching" Tyrus during initiation. Except this time he's sooooo much more attached to Tyrus and worried about his discomfort--not to mention feeling an unpleasant, niggling feeling of guilt about how much Tyrus has done for him of late only to now be giving him a blowjob as well. And Astarion has to shut his mouth and not offer one back even though he desperately wants to even things out because, well, he knows Tyrus too well 😂
We also have to remember that receiving a blowjob/oral sex isn't all that common in the prostitution business. Sure, it happens if the customer wants it, but very very rarely, and even then the point is always to make sure they're enjoying themselves, not Astarion, and it's usually just foreplay for the main event.
But with Tyrus in this scene, it ends up being very strange for Astarion . . . because he knows that Tyrus is not going to get his rocks off doing it. The point (besides Cazador's gross enjoyment) is Astarion's release, Astarion's pleasure. Which Tyrus does seem to care about, despite the circumstances. It's quite the novel experience.
So, while he's at first very focused and checking in on Tyrus's comfort throughout the scene, once Tyrus gets into a groove so to speak (😂) Astarion finds himself caught up in enjoying it, almost able to forget everything else, and just focus on the good parts: the physical pleasure, feeling close to Tyrus, and the pretty sight of watching him.
He's a bit confused when Tyrus ignores his warning, but his brain really isn't working enough to think hard about it before he reaches his peak and has to come down from that. Aaaaand that's when it all goes to hell in a handbasket, of course. For a split instant he doesn't understand why Tyrus would say such a thing--and then he does understand, his faculties returning to him enough that he knows who sent him this message. And all he can feel is disgust and anger, both at Cazador and at himself for enjoying it, because that means he accepted the gift.
Afterwards, his main concern is Tyrus, and then the discontent of feeling so helpless, so useless. Cue him bringing up Polymorph, and everything that follows!!
....I may have to make this a two-parter, because my ramblings are already huge now without getting more into what prompted Astarion's breakdown 😂😂
Part 2 of this Ask
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str4wb3rry-newsboy · 2 years
okay but i need a steddie childhood friends to strangers to friends to lovers fic
like imagine steve subtly asking dustin so many questions abt eddie after he finds out dustin had become friends w him cuz he hasnt talked to eddie, like /rly/ talked to him, since 8th grade and wants to know how hes doing.
and like it could have flashbacks throughout the story of eddie and steves friendship from like 2nd grade to their falling out in 8th when steve decided he thought popularity and fitting in was more important than his friendship w eddie.
(eddie had a crush on steve the whole time they were friends and as much as he hates himself for it, it never fully faded after their falling out)
so throughout the whole of s4 theyre both just avoiding the topic but during the scene where eddie tells steve him biting the bat head off was "totally metal", steve brings it up and apologies for being such a dick to him. eddie tries to brush it off, saying its not a big deal, but steve doesnt drop it. he stops eddie and looks him in the eye and says some thing like "u didnt deserve that shit, eddie. i was an idiot that thought fitting in was worth kicking u to the curb and idk if ill ever forgive myself for that." eddie just kinda looks at him all stunned and starts to stutter out a response but steve just /keeps/ talking "i get it if u want nothing to do w me after this is all said and done but uh, idk i think id be cool if we started to hang out again. only if u want to, tho, its okay if u don't. i get it." eddie, not having a clue how he should react to that, says something like "ya, man. id rly like that." w a stupid smile on his face and then completely changes the subject, starting his speech abt the stancy tru luv bullshit.
further more, when it gets to the scene where theyre splitting up for their kill vecna plan, eddie steps forward and says steves name, searching his brain to say something, /anything/, but hes a fucking idiot so he ends up just saying "make him pay". steve nods at him and starts to turn away but just decides 'fuck that' and he turns around again. he just walks right up to eddie and pulls him into a hug, giving him no time to protest before burying his face in eddies curls. eddie stands stunned for abt 2 seconds before hes hugging him back. still holding onto him, steve tells him to pls pls be careful, munson. and eddie laughs nervously patting his back before pulling away, saying something like "u too, man. i wanna see ur pretty face walk back here alive." and softly slaps his cheek or something equally awkward and gay before they both part ways, eddie getting weird looks from dustin which he promptly ignores. (robin would know exactly what was happening ofc, steve told her absolutely everything, so she would just give steve an awkward thumbs up or something)
idk what would happen after that this kinda got out of hand- im sorry lmaoo but i cant get this out of my head i need someone to write this or i might have to take matters into my own hands😭(and god knows id never finish it or have the confidence to post it anywhere)
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unohanaswetdream · 1 year
Now we're lying about the nights
Hiding all it behind the smiles
Take a look at what you did
You probably thought that you'd break my heart
You probably thought that you'd make me cry
But, baby, it's okay
I swear it's okay
♡♡♡ summary: - A glimpse into yours and Ignacio's relationship -
Something happened to your insides as you gave the girls one last glance at their state before you left them for Ignacio, nonetheless you choose to ignore it.
AO3 | PT.1 | PT.2 | PT.3
3.2k words
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A/N i would recommend reading pt.1 ! but it doesn't matter if you read it before or after this part. smut ! smut ! and more smut ! was all it was meant to be but dw it will still be there, i just got carried away with reader's interactions w jo n amber n accidentally made them have a threesome ; / partly bc I want one with them LOL. so bc of that i had to split this into two chapters and have reader x Ignacio in the next one. But if you want to skip the threesome i will place '-----' at where it starts and finishes.
also, there is just more focus on reader's internal monologue than originally planned. bc of this there are dark and heavy themes of addiction where the reader is not the nicest which was reflected on in pt. 1 by the reader when they talk abt their and Ignacio's treatment of amber and jo. so pls be careful and remember to put yourself first .
WARNINGS - 18+ please - explicit depictions of sex - talks of addiction and usage of drugs - unhealthy/toxic depiction of relationships - swearing
Stepping out of the car, phone against your ear ‘yes baby, I will be safe, yes… yes we have a designated driver… no I will not be drinking much… what do you mean ?.. oh, no I will not be doing drugs, honey you are like a worried mother hen… yeah yeah, I understand you are looking out for me, well if I have an overdose which I won’t the only drugs I will ever be doing is weed, the other shit increases my paranoia tenfold’.
Arriving at the door you knock only for Jo and Amber to welcome you in as you continue talking on the phone, ‘yeah I just got here… girls say hi’.
Liar. Cheater.
In their inebriated state they responded with a slurred yet confused ‘hi’ making it apparent they were not in the right mindset to be talking to anyone let alone knowing what was happening in the world around them.
You huffed in annoyance at their mindless state, how dare they embarrass you in front of your husband acting like out-of-control addicts, you wish you could have told him that they really weren’t your friends. You would never be caught willingly hanging out with people like them and knowing your husband probably thought you were voluntarily chilling with them frustrated you to no end, these bitches just did not know when to stop embarrassing you.
You are a disgusting and horrible person.
‘Are they ok-‘.
You cut him off, ‘okay well I’m here baby, see you tomorrow’.
‘Just please stay safe, I love y-‘, you end the call not caring what else he had to say.
You do not deserve him.
Turning to the girls you flash a grin almost reminiscent of the infamous striped pink and purple cat, The Cheshire Cat, thinking about what drugs were on the menu and what you fancied for the night.
‘Girls, girls, girls’, your voice like a siren calling them in as you walked up to them, moulding your body into theirs.
You lower your lips to their ears, giving a soft nibble on Jo’s lobe ‘what is on the menu tonight’.
You think you are better than them ? You are not nor will you ever be, you are worse than them combined or even times two.
None of them were in any state to respond but that did not mean their cognitive ability was completely impaired as they both understood what you meant, Amber grabbed your perfectly manicured hand and led you to the living room so she could present you the goods. The small glass table was covered in little bags with different substances, from clear and hard to opaque and fluffy like freshly fallen snow.  Little buds scattered around the red leather two-seater, the one which was closest to the kitchen, the bong tipped over saturating the couch and buds.
You took a deep exhale at the mess, what a waste you thought as you looked at the now dampen buds.
This is a cry for help don’t you see ?
‘My loves do not sit on that wet two-seater until I clean it up okay’. They just nodded and sat on the dry couch to continue watching tv.
You grabbed the loose buds and bong to take it into the kitchen, grabbing the paper towel next to the tap you sandwich the buds between the two pieces of paper, drying them off as well as you could. Once satisfied you left the buds on a fresh piece of paper towel to continue drying off, while you filled the bong up with fresh water. It was an ordinary bong, it had green and blue tinted swirls on the glass with a classic base, a ring of decolouration on the inside of the bong demonstrating it had not been cared for. You could tell Ignacio bought it for them without a care in the world if they would like it or not. It was probably the first one and the cheapest one he saw, something that would get the job done, he was not a thoughtful person, especially if it was for someone, he did not give a flying fuck about them or what they wanted.
You decided to take the whole roll of paper towels to dry the couch off with, yet something caught your eye as you were about to leave, the top kitchen drawer which in any other house would be the cutlery drawer. You carefully opened it so the girls would not notice you, allowing you to snag a little baggy filled with white powder to take home – a normal occurrence when you would come to Ignacio’s house, you’d refuse to call it a habit even with the glaring evidence that you started coming over to his house more and more frequently since you discovered what was hiding in there – not caring that technically you were stealing, but what would they do, call the cops ? Like hell, the worse they could do is cry to Ignacio yet, he would just chalk it up to them being too high to remember and even if they blamed you, you were the favourite and you would take whatever advantage that would come with it.
You are just as reliant on that shit like they are and yet you judge them without knowing how they got to be here.
Running your hand over the laminated bench that tried its hardest to look like marble, you were disgusted. With the sheer amount of drugs Ignacio had within this house he could easily get real marble for the whole house let alone the bench, what was he doing with his life.
Projecting much, huh ?
You’re so miserable it is embarrassing.
Slipping the bag into the pocket of your jacket, you beelined back to the couch with the bong in one hand and the roll of paper towels in the other determined to have the couch cleaned as soon as possible so you could begin to unwind.
Finally, you place the back of your hand on the couch to make sure it was dry enough to sit on, the paper towels you used to wipe the water thrown on the floor, honestly you did not care if it was wet, you just wanted to take a hit and a drink of the Smirnoff that was on the floor eyeing you seductively.
‘Hey, Jo could you be a dear for me and pass me that grinder on the floor and the bottle of Smirnoff, thank you baby girl’.
As you received your gifts from jo, you sat yourself in the middle of the couch your legs spread like you were man spreading not caring if your skirt wasn’t covering anything. You placed the bottle to the left of you and checked in the top compartment of the grinder to see if there was any weed left to grind only to find it empty and this is where you started to pray that there was some either in the chamber or kief compartment but knowing how mindless they were they probably forgot about that bottom compartment.
Just because they do drugs does not mean they are idiots; you are still one when you are sober.
God pulled through and low and behold there it was, in the chamber so as prophecy would have it you started packing the bowl, yet Jo was still standing in front of you, causing you to look up at her.
Jo looked down at you almost frightened causing you to smirk ‘can I light it for you ?’.
It was a question in a question, can I sit on you ? You knew that was what she was actually asking permission for because every time you came over, she would ask you that exact question, look uncomfortable while lighting it so you would ask her if being in your lap would be more comfortable for her. She’d say yes with no hesitation.
‘Hop on princess and light me up.’
Two face.
And she did what she was told, sitting across your legs, your left arm cupping her ass occasionally drumming your fingers on one of her cheeks. You brought the bong to your mouth as she went to light the weed up, sucking in, creating bubbles in the water encouraging the smoke to move through the water into your mouth, you felt it glide down your throat like a sailboat on calm seas as you inhaled it into your lungs, holding it there for a second then exhaling and emptying the bowl out on the floor for the girls to clean up later. You repeated these steps multiple times; pack it, light it, smoke it, dump it.
You felt a warmness creeping up on you, dispersing itself throughout your body, reminiscent of what it felt like to be on the verge of falling asleep as your eyesight began to flicker. The long-awaited high had finally arrived and now, your mind finally silenced itself as you felt your body sink itself into the couch.
You rested your eyes, focusing on the environment around you through smell, touch and taste. Jo’s soft, slim bodying pressing up against you while her hand went to play with your hair lulling you into bliss, her shampoo infiltrating your nose relaxing your body. The burn of the branded vodka as you skulled it down like water, heating up your insides like a bonfire.
Wet kisses on your neck was occupied by an ‘I miss you’by Jo, sighing at the sensation it gave you, you tilted you head to the side giving her more access until,
‘No hickeys’.
Causing her to stop, earning her a ‘good girl from you’. Yet, you still hadn’t opened your eyes until now taking in her tinted cheeks and how her eyes had darkened significantly, you reached around to the back of her head to bring her closer to you so your lips could touch. There was no slow and sensual kiss, it was hot, fast and passionate, teeth grazing, nose bumping, constant moaning and grinding looking for any friction possible as your tongues infiltrated each other’s mouths like they were looking for treasure. Her lips pillowy yet slightly chapped, you could taste remnants of harsh liquor on her, yet you found yourself trying to drink as much of it as possible off her lips. Your hand slithering into and under Jo’s top to cup her tits and fidget with her harden nipples. You glanced over at Amber and despite all of the sounds you guys were making, Amber did not remove her focus off of the tv which played an ocean documentary, you not remembering when the channel changed.
Pulling away from the kiss, you move you lips to Jo’s ear giving it a quick swipe of your tongue ‘be a good girl for me and take of your pants and sit between my legs’, tapping her butt as she got up to follow your instructions.
As she sat between your legs on the couch you used both of your hands to run them over the tops of her thighs to reach her inner thigh so you could pull them a part making her knees rest on top of your thighs leaving her ankles barely hovering above the ground, ensuring that her sheerly covered cunt – for the time being – was exposed to anyone who dared to walk into the living room. Jo’s hair was perfectly parted into two buns that sat atop of her head making it easier to latch your mouth onto her neck while you kneaded the smooth flesh around her hot and achy core which you swore you could feel heat radiating from between her legs. Your mouth finding her pulse, you began to suck causing her to softly whimper, leaving your mark on her.
Using your hand, you lightly ran your fingers up and down the thin fabric covering Jo’s pussy almost like you were patting it, ‘wow already that wet that it is soaking your panties ? Just from kissing ? What a needy little slut you are’.
Feeling her pussy clench against your hand in response, you smirk ‘you know baby, you need to use your words, let me help you, okay ?’
Not caring enough to wait for her to respond you continue ‘repeat after me, my wet pussy needs your finger in it so you can make me cum’.
Doing as she was told; she responded her tone shaky ‘my wet pussy really needs your fingers so I can cum’.
You smile proudly at how well you taught her as you go to kiss her cheek ‘you are such a good girl; I am going to make sure that, that cunt of yours will be satisfied by my fingers’.
Moving her panties to the side, you dip your middle finger in between her cunt lips causing her to lean into you, her ass brushing against your pussy causing you to jolt forward due to the much-wanted friction as she rested her head on your shoulder. This movement allowing you to clearly see her puffy and glistening lips almost making your mouth water. You use you middle finger to spread around her slick that rested at her hole all around her labia, barely grazing her now stiffen clit, earning a low mewl from her as she tried to roll her hips against your hand. Not trying to stop her from her desperate attempts of getting some sort of relief, you continued to tease her, moving your finger to lazily play with her vaginal opening, you circle your finger around it occasionally, barely inserting your digit into her causing her pussy to flutter with anticipation pushing more of her juices down coating your finger.
Finally, you plunged two fingers into her, causing her to moan out of shock, luckily due to her high arousal state her pussy had relaxed enough to easily accommodate your fingers. You kept thrusting your fingers in and out of her wet cunt which filled the room with lewd noises sometimes inserting your fingers so deep into her that your knuckles would rest against her puffy lips, to push your fingers downward to stretch her so you could fit a third finger in. Every time you  did that, her moans would louden while her pussy would clench around you, once you got the third finger in you decided it was time to focus on her g-spot by firmly brushing the pads of your fingers against the top wall, feeling her wetness drip down the palm of your hand.
Hearing a moan that was not Jo’s, you pull your eyes from where your fingers delved into Jo’s cunt to look at the only person in the room, Amber, to find that her hand was in her pants playing with herself at the sight of you fingering Jo.
Your voice was filled with lust as you ordered Amber to ‘come here and play with yourself on this couch, I don’t want you to feel left out’.
She followed your order, her eyes not moving away from Jo’s filled cunt, you looked at Amber, ‘before you sit down, let me get a taste’, as you moved your eyes to her shiny fingers.
Amber did as you asked, your tongue rolling around the two digits in your mouth causing her to moan, pulling back you flash her a lustful smile, ‘sluts always taste so good’, signally to her you were done for now, she sat down and continued to play with herself.
Using your spare hand that was used to hold Jo’s thigh in place, you begin to play with her clit, no teasing instead going straight to the point of wanting to make her cum, rubbing the bud up and down, left to right and round and round in circles. Your handy work causing Jo’s breathing to become erratic due to the overstimulation of her pussy being stretched open and her clit being played with.
While your hands were occupied with Jo, your mouth became occupied with Amber’s. The kiss was wet and heavy as Amber was constantly moaning into your mouth as the feeling of your lips on her and your tongue invading her mouth helped in conjuring dirty images of you. This pushing her over the edge, cumming around her fingers as she began heavily moaning into your mouth but not pulling away from the kiss.
Your core ached with need as you had two beautiful women around you lustfully moaning and as if Amber had noticed your neediness, she put her hand under your skirt only for you to hear her mutter into your mouth ‘no panties’. The rough pad of her finger began toying with your clit causing you to groan and thrust into her hand while you could feel the tension in your lower tummy slowly building. The roughness of her pad felt amazing as it helped to alleviate the hunger that formed from neglecting your desires.
Feeling Jo’s pussy clenching more and more frequently around your fingers, you knew she was close, so you fastened your pace on her clit so she could hurry up and get off and as you hoped she came violently, her hips jerking up while you could see her legs start to shake, her moans and sobs loud enough that the whole street what know what just took place. She went limp in your arms almost knocking Amber’s hand. 
Feeling frustrated at Jo for almost making Amber stop, you move your lips to her ear and mutter harshly, ‘get off’, and she did, shakily getting up Jo moved to the other couch.
And Amber took the opportunity to warm the spot Jo had left empty, still keeping her fingers on your clit and mouth on yours she moved into your lap to straddle you. The vibrations of her moans in your mouth sent shock after shock straight down to your tummy almost breaking the dam that tried to stop your tension from reaching climax. In order to illustrate your need, you started grinding into her hand at a faster pace so she would go faster but she did not get it.
‘Finger me’.
‘Just do it’.
Slipping her two fingers into your wet cunt she started to stroke your g-spot, sending jolts to your clit making you eerily close to cumming however, to compensate for the lack of attention she was giving your clit you took it into your own hands. All the different sensations you were experiencing all over your body started to blend into one overwhelming explosive sensation causing your eyes to roll back to help hold onto this feeling for as long as possible, a habit that you always tended to do when you orgasmed.
After regaining your strength and remembering the real reason you were here you turned to look at Amber who had moved to sit beside you, staring off in space while Jo was messing around with the remote, ‘where’s Ignacio ?’.
‘Last time I heard, he was in the study’.
Getting up you leave them to search for your man yet, something happened to your insides as you gave the girls one last glance at their state before you left them for Ignacio, nonetheless you choose to ignore it.
thank you so much for reading this part and feedback is always welcomed !!!!!
and as always have an awesome saucesome day/night(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
resources: Directory of non-governmental organizations working in drug demand reduction, unodc.org, 1999 so it is quite old unfortunately but all continents are covered Drugs contacts, health.gov, 2019 Useful links, health.nsw, 2022 Organisations, drugpolicy.org
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
HOME (part 2 :D)
Nothing too crazy this part but YEAHH 💃🕺pls again don’t bully me !!
“Champ?” Dude repeated to himself, putting the rest of his health pipes and god knows what else away in the old drawer before shutting it and seemingly remembering where his beloved pup was. “Oh yeah. I asked Uncle Dave to watch him for me for a bit. Had this thing come up where I would be gone for a bit. Yknow how it is.” Dude vaguely replied before making his way to the small, equally covered with random junk, kitchen and rummaged around. Beat raised a eyebrow at the reply. It was a answer that left questions but he supposed it was good of a answer as any, especially from his dad. ���I guess..Anyways-” Beat was cut off by Dude grumbling and closing the fridge. “Shit..barely got anything good to eat around here. Especially not enough for a little kid.”
Beat decided to ignore the ‘little kid’ part of that for now. “Oh, uh I’m sorry. You don’t gotta worry about me though. I could probably find some kinda way-” Beat stopped talking again when his dad shook his head. “Nah. Don’t worry about it. The thing I was out busy doing got me paid the other day. Besides, we haven’t had a father-son outting in ages and we can pick up Champ after.” Dude picked up his old black leather jacket off a ‘dining’ chair as he continued with a grin, “Cmon, It’s a nice day out.” This made Beat even more confused. “A nice day out?! It was hot as hell on my way here!! I was practically melting out there… I don’t know how you go around wearing that coat…” Dude only chuckled in response as he patted his pockets, making sure he indeed had everything on him. Assured with the fact he did, he made his way over to Beat and placed a hand on his back and helped lead him out of the trailer, kicking whatever shit was blocking the path out of the way. “You’ll get used to it. You grew up here for a couple years. You just need that American blood to kick in.” Beat rolled his eyes with a small huff of a laugh “I’m not sure that’s how that works.”
Somehow, something only just occurred to Dude about his son as they rounded over into the second block. Something that made him roll his eyes with a grin. “Yknow, you’re really aren’t the one to talk about what someone is wearing right?” He pointed out with a soft nudge. “Huh?”“You’re wearing roller skates on a trip to the store.” Dude clarified, he almost gave a little kick a skate but luckily he realized that maybe kicking his sons skates isn’t the best idea. Beat had to look down, like he didn’t even realize he was still in them. “Oh..yeah. Well, I mean it’s nothing new for me. I go around town in these everywhere back home.” He explained with a shrug before looking back up. “Hmm…You didn’t bring a normal pair of shoes? You came all the way here with only those? I guess I can get you a pair while you’re here.” When either Dude knew it or not, he always ended up offering pretty much anything Beat could ever need or want when he visited. Even when he was younger and when Beats mom and Dude had split and Dude was left with barely enough to get by himself. He would have loved to have been able to have done so much more for the two of them to be honest. If only had the whole thing had happened later in his life and not when he was facing the darker parts of his mental health…but those thoughts are the kind he tries to push to the back of his mind for the most part. And usually when the thoughts do come to the forefront of his mind, he would like to have a drink in his hand and whatever else he could find to help get his mind away from dwelling on it- away from the thoughts of all the could have beens in his life.
“I’m good. I did bring shoes but left them in that bag I brought. Just forgot to switch into them before we left. These are fine anyways..getting around in these feel about as natural as walking to me.” He assured him with a grin. Dude thought for a moment before shrugging also. “Alright then. Just don’t wanna hear you trying to diss my style again.” He joked before focusing back onto the street and the area around them. Man….it was really hot out. He wasn’t gonna tell Beat that he was right about that though… Hopefully it wasn’t too hot outside for Champ if the mutt was playing outside at Dave’s.. wait a minute. “Do you even remember uncle Dave? Man, I don’t think you have seen him in forever either…he had that high pitched voice?” Dude asked. Not that he really cared if Beat didn’t know what little of Dudes side of the family he had left. Beat thought to him self for a moment with a quiet ‘hmm’ before answering. “To be honest..not really. Maybe a little? I think I remember some guy at a birthday party once that might have been him but I’m not sure.”
“Ah well. That’s fine. He asks about you sometimes. I never have much to tell him besides that time you told me you got a dog of your own and you were so excited about it. Hey wait, where is your dog? Potts? Or whatever its name was.” Without thinking Beat answered “my boyfriend-” Beats face started to burn a bit at the slip up “Shit. I mean.. my friend back home is looking after him.” He quickly looked somewhere off to the side, hoping his father would just ignore what he’d accidentally confessed. “Boyfriend?” Dude asked with a smirk. He really didn’t give a shit about whoever Beat found himself liking and told him so. “Dumbass, I don’t care if you’re gay or just into guys…you know there is this one gay bar in town and sometimes when I have nothing else to do on a Friday night-” Now it was Beats turn to nudge Dude with a chuckle of his own “Okay,okay! I don’t wanna know about how that goes or ends.” Dude grinned as well before ruffling Beats hair that color matched his own so closely. “Fine then. Didn’t wanna relate to you and make you feel better anyways…take this turn up here. We’re about there.”
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dreamrecorder · 2 years
Blake and Weiss
Ingo used to seek Truth, but now, he embodies Ideals.
Emmet used to seek Ideals, but now, he embodies Truth.
Ingo was Weiss; Emmet was Blake.
Blake and Weiss; Emmet and Ingo.
Word count: 3,873
Notes: This story happens before everything else and ignores canon of BW/B2W2. I also made some creative liberties about the twin heroes' names.
Anyway, this is based on the fandom hc that emmet is a reincarnation or is the hero of truth himself as ingo is to Ideals- but i decided to switch it up bcos based on game canon, the younger twin hero follows Ideals, while older twin hero follows Truth. 
 Happy reading^^ (no blnkshipping pls ty)
Contains war, blood, violence, and identity crisis.
When asked about one’s thoughts regarding Gear Station’s Subway Bosses, often people would reply that the black one is hopeful, a visionary, encouraging, and idealistic; the white one is blunt, frank, honest, and truthful. However, in the eyes of the Mother Land, Beloved Unova, Ingo did not always embody Ideals nor Emmet to Truth.
Legends say that there were twin heroes who ruled over the land and its people. The older twin sought out Truth and the younger twin sought out Ideals. Those legends are true, but what the people do not know is how the reverse now runs for these twin heroes.
Ingo used to seek Truth, but now, he embodies Ideals.
Emmet used to seek Ideals, but now, he embodies Truth.
During the reign of the twin heroes, war plagued the region (are they even deserving to be called heroes?). The twins argued on whose guiding principle should be followed to assist them in their rule. As it happened, the twins did not agree on the other’s Belief, hence the war, and of course, the splitting of the Dragon.
The twins admit that they were foolish- no, actually not foolish. They were actual fools. They were fools during their first life and they wish to correct their wrongs in their own ways during their second life. Three goals to accomplish as guides for this life. One (1) being to serve the masses through public transportation; Two (2) by understanding the other; and three (3) by making whole what’s been separated.
The first item mentioned above is very understandable. The twins were rulers who served the public. It only felt natural to perform a job that serves the people, hence public transportation (they’re love for trains and pokemon battles are pleasant bonuses). As for the second… If they are to continue their co-existence (which seems to be the intention of fate seeing that the twins are reincarnated), it is imperative that they should truly know the other. Ingo let go of his life as Weiss, embracing Ideals but not fully relinquishing his Beliefs over Truths. Emmet let go of his life as Blake, embracing Truth but not fully relinquishing his Beliefs over Ideals. If the twins want to understand each other, they decided that it is best to give a part of themselves to the other. They wish to not cause another chaotic event in the lives of Unova, not if they can help it. The twins will do their utmost best to amend their wrongs from the past.
Now, one must be wondering how did the twins recall their first life? Did they grow up already having their memories? Was it a sudden onset of memories at one point of their lives? Did they slowly remember their memories while growing up? Are the twins already aware that they are reincarnations of their past life?
The answer is no, no, no, yes, and yes. The twins are smart even as children. They are verrrrry quick to connect the dots.
The memories came in pieces during specific times of their lives. When the first set of memories came, the twins assumed that they were merely lucid dreams- too lucid and too violent for their young 9-year-old minds.
Ingo and Emmet had a petty argument of which pokemon is stronger than which. Despite their Uncle Drayden’s intervention and rigorous child-friendly explanations for both sides of the argument, the twins still slept in a sour mood which triggered their first memory as Weiss and Blake. And of course, the memory was of one twin killing the other. It wasn’t the most pleasant thing to dream about.
Drayden woke up to sounds of loud crying, as in loud. Bawling even. He’s never moved so fast in his life because no one has the right make his boys cry like that. His footsteps thundered through the halls of their home with such speed. Within seconds, he’s already at their door and when he opened it, his fists were ready to meet the cause of his boys’ tears, but what he didn’t prepare for is how broken and fearful the boys appeared to be as they clung to each other for dear life, desperate and distressed.
“Boys? Boys, what happened? Who did this?”
But no reply came from the twins. All he got were more heart-wrenching cries and wails. Drayden concluded that comfort first, questions later; therefore, hot chocolate with mint and mallows are in order. He carried the still bawling twins, one for each arm, and his neck and shoulders were immediately greeted by hot tears and snot. But Drayden did not care when his boys are shivering like leaves.
When the twins were calm enough, that’s when the man started asking for answers and the children were willing to give them. They relayed in great and specific detail on how there was war and blood around them and at the middle of the war were two men fighting ferociously. One had a crown of white gold adorned with ruby red gems and the other had a crown of black onyx with sapphire blue gems. Ingo and Emmet were far from the fight of these two figures, but all of a sudden, as one man was about to bring down the killing strike to the other, Ingo and Emmet found themselves replacing these two figures; And (not) Emmet pierced his black sword through (not) Ingo, blood seeping into the white tunic of the Truth seeker.
Relaying their dreams had caused another burst of tears from the two, with the both whole-heartedly apologizing while they held each other. Eventually, that is how they slept, in each other’s arms as they unconsciously muttered words brimming with emotion.
I’m so sorry, Weiss… muttered Emmet.
I love you so much, Blake… muttered Ingo.
It was from this event that Drayden learned- suspected rather, a few things. There are more to his boys than what meets the eyes. His boys did not even realize that they had the same dream, or that they weren’t even saying their own names. Blake and Weiss; Emmet and Ingo. As quick as the first memories came, those dreams of terror were immediately ignored by the twins when they woke up to a new day. They never had that horrible dream again, nor did they speak those forgotten names again; But Drayden began to keep a closer eye on the twins’ personalities, habits, and behavior for the following years.
The next set of memories came after the twins received their first pokemon as a gift for their tenth birthday. Uncle Drayden gave Ingo a litwick, and a tynamo for Emmet. The man still clearly remembers how the twins’ eyes shined with delight and happiness as they cooed and cuddled their pokemon. Drayden also remembers how the twins exclaimed that the electricity and the flame from their respective partners were so familiar, despite having no fire nor electric type pokemon in their humble abode.
“Tynamo reminds me of Zeky, yup!”
“Bravo! My Litwick has flames like Reshy!’
Drayden almost choked at his water. He wants to tell his kids about his… suspicions, but they’re still too young. Especially if those suspicions involved death. The twins are aware of the Unovan legends- thanks to their Uncle who is deeply rooted to the lands’ history, and could have made the pokemons’ similarities just for the awe of it; but the way his boys spoke of the Dragons- they spoke of the Dragons as if they were long old friends. This is one of the instances the twins slipped into ‘Blake’ and ‘Weiss’ without realizing it. One of many given the numerous observations Drayden made this past year.
That night the twins dreamt of comfort coming from the dragons of legend. Each twin, through the eyes of the twin heroes, saw the lands of past Unova as they flew above on their dragons. Ingo felt the softest fur underneath his fingers; all warm to the touch and Emmet felt the smoothest of scales underneath his fingers; all electrifying to the touch. Ingo listened to the cackle of fire while Emmet listened to the snaps of lightning as their Dragons flew majestically.
Unova was beautiful, and so were the memories of its landscapes and their Dragons; but the memories were quickly plagued by people and pokemon adorned with armor, weapons at the ready, and banners signifying the division of Unova. What came next, the children did not prepare for.
Thick clouds and heavy rain began to roll and fall from the grey sky. Smoke was suddenly rising out from the ground. Plants were dying and consumed by rot. Death began to crawl its way across Unova.
Weiss (Ingo) and Reshiram summoned flames; Blake (Emmet) and Zekrom summoned thunder.
It was the beginning of the war.
That night, again, Drayden woke up to loud noises. But they were no cries nor wails. What Drayden heard were angry shouts and screams this time.
“You ruined everything!”
“I did not! It was your fault because you did not listen to me!”
“Just because you’re older doesn’t make you my superior, Weiss!”
“But I am the eldest twin and son and there is nothing you can do about it, Blake!”
Blake (Emmet) screamed his frustrations and charged at his brother, tackling him to the floor, uncaring if he fell along with the other. They punched and scratched each other; emotions belonging to someone else compelling them to hurt their own blood.
“How do you expect a kingdom to progress if Truth is the only thing you see?! You have to have Ideals if you are expecting to lead!”
“Then what?! Be blinded by Ideals too grand? I’d rather have Truth than have my sights defiled by Ideals because the Truth is the Truth and nothing else!”
These are no words of a pair of ten-year olds, Drayden concluded and wished that he had told them his suspicions earlier to avoid a parallel of events to happen. In the twins’ bedroom is a recreation of the war between Weiss and Blake. Whatever dream the children had, had made them fall and slip into their past lives and personalities so bad and too deep.
“You want the Truth? Well here’s the Truth! You’re too loud! You’re too bossy! You’re scary because you don’t know how to smile! I hate you, Ingo!”
Weiss (Ingo) was baffled, but his surprise quickly evolved into anger. As retaliation, he grabbed Emmet’s Notebook about pokemon battles and strategies. His twin’s eyes widened- “No-“
Ingo tore the notebook to pieces.
“You can never win you dreams of pokemon battles or become an Ideal subway boss! How can you when you always hide behind me and you don’t know how to talk to people other than me?! And you know what people say about you, Emmet! Your smile is too creepy like a Zorua and I hate it! I hate you!”
The twins screamed again as their anger began to reach its peak. But before they could even harm one another again, their Uncle came and swept them by their collars.
“Enough! The both of you are grounded for the month!”
“No buts! What happened and who started this? I want answers immediately.”
The boys were quick to point at each other, but Drayden did not miss the hesitancy in their actions as indicated by how their movements paused midway. He also noted how the clouds of anger began to fade from their eyes, replaced by the haze of doubt. The man tried asking again.
“Who started this?”
The twins’ lips wobbled for an answer, for a name to utter- but how could they? Both twins felt guilty, but at the same time, they felt that they are innocent because there is no way they would hate each other like that, would they? They wouldn’t argue and fight like that would they? They wouldn’t say those words like that would they?
But they did, did they?
But at the same time, they weren’t… them.
Something must have snapped within them as gravity of the situation settled in in their young minds. The twins began crying, arms reaching out to each other in hopes for comfort and forgiveness.
Emmet is Emmet, he does not have a mean bone to have said those words. No- He wasn’t Emmet back then. He felt like someone else and the thought is terrifying. Ingo felt horrible. He loves his brother so dearly and he can’t believe that he just said those words and tore his younger brother’s notebook. But that wasn’t him... Right? He is Ingo, he is better than this. That anger- that hate and anger belonged to someone else. Ingo loves his brother so much, he wouldn’t say such hurtful words to Emmet, even if the other hates him now.
Just like last year, the brothers are shaking, broken, and desperate again.
And just like last year, hot chocolate with mint and mallows were served.
Sounds of sniffling and the occasional sobs filled the kitchen as the kids sat at the islet while their Uncle washed the mugs. Emmet and Ingo were holding hands as they shivered under a shared blanket. Their eyes were red and their cheeks feel so puffy. Icky. Emmet leaned on Ingo’s shoulder and he could only sigh in minimal relief. Ingo shared the sentiment by placing his head on Emmet’s. Just like that, things are fine.
The twins are not ignorant of their Uncle’s mind. They knew that they would still have a Talk about what happened and they are honestly wishing for it right now for two reasons. One is they want to be done already and head to bed, and the other is that they want answer, too.
To their Uncle, it seemed to him that they have forgotten about their dream a year ago, but they did not. Their only verbal comment about it is how cool it is that they just had a shared dream. Other than that, they just never said anything about it because they really didn’t think much of it. It’s just a dream. In addition, thinking about that dream just makes them too sad (Their heart hurts when they think of it). Thus, they simply buried that dream in their minds, ignored it, and forgot it until there comes a time it will make itself known from the grave.
Even if the twins are young, they’re no fools. Somehow, they knew that the dream they just had moments ago and the dream last year are connected. What they did not know is how those dreams were actually memories belonging to the names they did not know used to be theirs.
So, the family talked.
With a sense of finality, Drayden dried his hands with a towel and faced his kids.
“How are you two feeling?”
Ingo and Emmet looked at each other, momentarily lifting their heads from their previous positions- pale silver meeting pale silver, then returning again.
“We are doing better, Uncle,” Ingo replied in a meek voice, but confident, and Emmet nodded alongside in agreement.
Their uncle released a gruff affirmation as he grabbed a chair and a first-aid kit then sat in front of the twins. He observed each twin- pale gold meeting pale silvers- and believed Ingo’s statement.
“Now, would any of you like to explain what happened?”
The twins looked at each other again, engaged in a silent conversation only the twins are capable of.
“We fought,” Emmet spoke as he winced at the application of an antiseptic on a scratch on his right forearm.
“But it wasn’t really… us,” Ingo continued, his thumb rubbing circles on Emmet’s knuckles to provide comfort.
Drayden raised a brow at the twins, but he did not stop his movements on applying medicine on Emmet’s wounds. “How so?”
“It felt like…” The eldest paused, trying to find the right words.
“We were not Ingo and Emmet,” the younger twin supplied. “I do not like that. Being… being Bla- being someone else. It’s wrong.”
Their uncle absorbed their words, thinking on how would the three of them proceed on this track. There are many tracks on tackling this delicate topic, but only one remains clear. His kids are smart, and there is no use to beat around the bush. “Who were you two then?”
“Blake…” Emmet whispered.
“Weiss…” Ingo muttered.
“And are you two aware of who are they?”
The twins shook their heads.
“But you have your guesses, I assume.”
The twins nodded.
“And those are?”
There was silence at first. But the fight of trying to come into terms with something is loud. They saw the war, the black and white banners, the Dragons; they saw the princes of Truth and Ideals. It just all points to one thing.
“The twin heroes of the Unova…” Both twins answered synchronously.
“And from where did you hear the names Blake and Weiss?” Their uncle asked.
Ingo and Emmet took a moment to think.
“N-Nowhere…” Ingo replied, a realization slowly sinking in...
“There are no records of the heroes’ names…” Emmet added, speaking more to himself rather than to their Uncle as the same realization is also sinking in.
Silence again settled in but the way the realization has hit their understanding was like a crash and burn. Those dreams were not just dreams. Those were memories.
“I-I… I don’t want to become Blake,” Emmet sobbed. “I do not like it if it means h-hurting, Ingo. U-Uncle, are w-we becoming Blake and Weiss? Will Emmet and Ingo d-disappear?”
That question shook Ingo to the core. Is… Is he going to become Weiss? Is he going to hurt Emmet? Is he going to disappear, too? The train of questions only served to bring more tears in his eyes. Ingo looked at their Uncle for answers and when Drayden met his eyes, all Ingo can see is the fear in his reflected by Drayden’s yellow orbs. This reflection sparked a certain protectiveness in Ingo.
“No!” Ingo shouted, suddenly full of courage and resolve, then grabbed Emmet by the shoulders. “We are not going to disappear! We are Ingo and Emmet! We are twins who love each other and do not fight like Weiss and Blake!”
“If you become Blake, I promise to bring you back, Emmet! I swear!”
“T-then, if you become Weiss, I promise to bring Ingo back, too!”
It was that promise that signified the beginning of the union of Truth and Ideals, and the healing of what has been one, now separated.
The following years, Ingo and Emmet looked out for each other fiercely now that they are aware of who were they. When they regain new memories from the old, they talk it out, finding a solution if the memory was about a fight or a problem; or simply relish in the memories if they were something fond to Blake and Weiss. If the memory is about an argument between the heroes, Ingo and Emmet would exchange their thoughts about it; what caused the fight, who started the fight, which Belief was being ignored? Ingo and Emmet would always work on these memories to exchange Ideals and Truth; To gain a balance between the two Beliefs.
In the event that one twin accidentally slips into ‘Blake’ or ‘Weiss,’ they simply bonk their heads and talk about what happened, what triggered the slip. These slips are often caused by someone’s too bland Ideals or heavy denial of the Truth.
When an Ideal is too great and unrealistic, or when Truth is denied into lies- Ingo falls into ‘Weiss’ and fiercely proclaims the importance of Truth.
When a Truth is too blunt and realistic, or when Ideals are lackluster and plain- Emmet falls into ‘Blake’ and fiercely proclaims the importance of Ideals.
(One time, ‘Weiss’ straight up bit a stranger who lied to the twins that he was lost and needs help with directions. Turns out, the stranger was a kidnapper and Ingo and Emmet quickly escaped. After reporting what happened to the police station, ‘Weiss’ wouldn’t shut up about ‘how dare that man lied to my face!’ Emmet flicked his brother’s forehead and Ingo’s back.)
Seriousness aside- sometimes, Ingo and Emmet use the fact that they were the princes of lore for fun.
(“The hero of Truth won the war, but the soldiers of Ideals quickly retaliated, killing the hero of Truth.” Their 8th grade history teacher narrated.
Later, the twins would laugh off the misinformation.
“I was the one who survived!” Emmet huffed, “It was Blake who dealt the killing blow on Weiss! Not the other way around!”
“Oh calm down, Emmet. We both know how history tends to twist and turn with time.”
“I am Emmet. I like winning more than anything else! This is unacceptable! A lie! That is not the Truth!”)
By the time they became Subway Bosses, Ingo and Emmet have already regained most of their memories as Blake and Weiss. But one must reiterate that they are not Blake and Weiss. Ingo and Emmet will heavily disagree with this fact. They were, but they are now not the heroes of legend. Blake embodies Ideal while Weiss embodies Truth.
In this new life, they are Emmet and Ingo who both embrace and share the same Ideals and Truths. Subway Boss Ingo encourages trainers with praise in order to keep their Ideals to become the best continue burning. Subway Boss Emmet makes trainers face facts and Truths on what is lacking in their stratagems needed for victory. Through this union, they serve the public to correct their wrongs; And only one crime remains unresolved.
Emmet and Ingo have regained most of their memories as Blake and Weiss, but memories surrounding the Dragon seems to evade them. If they had their memories about the Dragon, it would immensely help Ingo and Emmet on how to amend this last crime. However, regardless of having memories or no, they still wish to help Kyurem, the symbol of their sins from past Unova.
But how can they help Kyurem if the legendary does not wish to be found?
And how can they help Kyurem if one of the Subway Bosses suddenly cannot be found?
Warden Ingo, previously Subway Boss Ingo, reincarnation of Prince Weiss, Hero of Truth.
What does this mean for Hisui?
What does this mean for Ancient Unova?
What does this mean for Emmet?
“Uxie…” Warden Ingo called his companion, feeling uncertain, “Why is it that even if you have helped me unlock all my memories… I still feel hollow… I remember Emmet. I remember the Gear Station, Elesa, Uncle Drayden and everything else.”
Ingo, can you tell me your previous request again?
“I said, ‘Uxie, please help me uncover the memories of my past life.’”
You only said ‘past life.’ Singular. Therefore, I did as you requested. Regain your memories as Subway Boss Ingo, your life before becoming Warden Ingo of the Pearl Clan.
“Wait- what? You mean- The reason I feel hollow-empty- incomplete- is- I have more memories? From a different life?”
Come on, Prince Weiss. I believe we have a goal number three to accomplish and I know it’s going to help you bring you home.
What's next???
Anyway- im terribly sorry if the dialogues are wonky- i wanted to try writing a scene involving more than two people T-T
buy me a kofi?
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the mondstadt crew
characters included: diluc, kaeya, and jean
gn! reader as always <3
tw: fluff??? domesticity??? crack??? ideal relationships w people who will never be real??? also mentions of alcohol!
an: so i’m back w a sequel to my “fluff/relationships w the liyue crew” since you guys seemed to really like it <3 thank you my heart is literally melting 😩 this post was getting too long so i excluded some of the characters but expect a part. 2 (more like part 3 but part 2 to the mondstadt version)! 
man. this MAN.
that’s it, that’s the headcanon. 
he would literally be the most doting lover in the softest ways
SUCH a soft romantic like you thought you knew love??? nah this man will show you what love is
will constantly leave you things around the winery to convey his silent thank you’s and appreciation for you putting up with him being busy for most of the day
it’s always the most thoughtful things ever too like-
you mentioned how nice it would be to have some fresh lemonade with the hotter weather outside but it was too late in the day to actually go to the market in search of fresh lemons 
the next day you walked downstairs only to be greeted with a pitcher of cool lemonade with a side of lemon bars
there was a note attached to the handle of the pitcher <3 
“i recall you mentioning how lemonade would be perfect for the warmer weather so i decided to make some for you this morning. i hope it’s still cool by the time you drink it. love, d” 
pls sir your hand in marriage
he secretly loves it when you usher him to bed after waking up in the dead of night to see him working by candlelight on reports 
soft hands on his cheeks gently whispering about how, it’s been far too long and come to bed, darling and there will be time for this in the morning
his protests are light given the dark purple hues under his crimson eyes but he’ll still make a little fuss 
don’t let this man fool you tho he’s so so touched that you care enough to check up on him and drag him to bed!!
sometimes on the days he has a bit more free time, the two of you will quickly grab your dinners and race to the highest spot in the winery to watch the setting sun
these moments are always filled with laughter, something you’ve found you’re easily able to pull out of diluc, simply because it’s you 
uncontrollable sobbing
he would let you paint his nails black like the angsty man he is 
frankly he would let you do anything to him if it makes you happy <3 
ok but wait diluc w bLACK NAILS?? AND RINGS??? i would die on the spot ⚰️
on the topic of makeup, this man is surprisingly really good w it 
i like to think he learned after practicing on kaeya when they were younger bc kaeya was really into makeup
you found out after babysitting klee one day and trying failing to draw eyeliner on the sweet girl after her “big brother ‘bedo!”
you hastily grabbed some wipes, gently wiping off the messed up design before attempting to dive back in 
diluc however, had some down time so he decided to check up on his favorite chaotic duo 
only to be met with a pile of dirtied makeup wipes, your frustrated expression, and klee’s growing jitteriness 
swiftly moving to your side, he quietly asked if you needed help 
you glanced up quizzically before handing him the eyeliner, already looking around to find more makeup wipes when this inevitably goes wrong 
to your utter surprise tho the eyeliner is perfect??? two perfect winged lines??? in less than a minute??? WHAT
you just stood there like 😦 before diluc got back up and handed you the eyeliner 
you were short-circuiting, klee was ecstatic, diluc was worried about you 
ok last thing abt diluc 
crack! warning but the both of you like lowkey pranking kaeya 
for diluc it’s revenge on his annoying brother; for you it’s good - natured sibling rivalry fun 
every time the two of you see kaeya, one of you always swipes something of his 
small things really, it could be a pen or a handkerchief
one time, diluc swiped kaeya’s spare eyepatch and from the looks of it, kaeya’s only spare black eyepatch bc he was frantically looking for it yk he’s desperate when he even asked diluc if he saw it
the two of you spent an hour nearly laughing your asses off 
all in all, life w him is so sweet 
pretty boy? pretty boy. 
while i can’t guarantee stability, life would never be boring w this man that’s for sure
piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 
he LOVES it, the feel of you on his back while he’s walking around mondstadt most likely carrying you to your commission 
he finds it comforting especially since he can hear the rumble of your voice against him while you recount stories, or just babble on about everything under the sun 
he is SO dramatic so obviously when y’all reach the site of the commission he has to kill all the monsters even tho the both of you agreed to split it up evenly 
he makes quick work of his set before stealing some of yours much to your chagrin 
you scold him but can you really be mad at him when he looks drop dead gorgeous freezing the hilichurls the answer is no, no you cannot be
oh my god ok wait-
he does this thing where he tries to spook you in public 
so say you’re getting groceries at the mondstadt general store
you round the corner just minding your own business, looking around, taking in the sunshine 
and suddenly you just hear someone drop in behind you but before you can register anything you hear a soft “boo” and hands circle your waist 
you jump SIKE let’s be honest you shrieked 
meanwhile kaeya’s just laughing his ass off 
you can hear his rich peals of laughter while you attempt to regain your bearings 
he does this so often you SHOULD be used to it but you really aren’t bc mans is SNEAKY-
he cards his fingers in your hair whenever you’re speaking 
he doesn’t know why, it’s just a cute habit and he finds the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing
oH on the topic of comfort, kaeya really likes resting two fingers on the back of your neck???
ik he seems like the type to throw his arm around your shoulder which yes he totally is but during more serious conversations his hand automatically seeks out the warmth of your neck 
your neck feels amazing especially during the warmer months due to his chilly fingers contrasting with your warm skin  
he likes that he’s able to access such a vulnerable part of you and you would willingly let him 
no i will NOT take criticism on this i just kNOW he’s that type of guy
it would be those stupid “i’m his” and “they’re mine” sweatshirts like BYE 
it’s so cringy but for some reason it’s oddly adorable and you truly despise it but you can’t seem to say no whenever he asks 
you pretend to ignore the look of pity diluc throws your way whenever he sees you like this
kaeya really loves accessories so i think he would be the type to give you a promise ring or something similar to show that he truly does care for you 
he would brush it off, flirting a little like usual before handing you the ring 
with the way his cheeks softly darken though, you know he’s being genuine 
TICKLE FIGHTS ik i mentioned this for childe but shhhh
he has tickle fingers??? his hands just loOK like they’re itching to tickle someone so you’ll most likely be the unfortunate victim 
he will not show you mercy. at all. he’ll tickle you until there are tears streaming from your eyes, your face is hot, and your voice is hoarse from laughing so damn hard 
it gives him such a rush of serotonin its SO CUTE 
i feel like this goes without saying but he’s super into pda,,, anything and everything is on the table 
hand holding? duh. ass grabs? ofc. carrying you bridal style around mondstadt? why not 
ik he’s typically very playful but once the relationship reaches a certain stage, he’ll slowly start to let down the walls that surround his facade 
very very slowly show you the more realistic parts of him 
the real, damaged pieces of his soul 
he’ll be carefully monitoring your reaction though, any sign of fear or disgust will have him recoiling within himself again and you most likely will never see his true nature ever again 
once you’ve seen the parts of him he’s offered to you, the hushed whispers of his past, and the uncertain lines of his future, he will take off his eyepatch 
pretends like he’s not super nervous but he’s SWEATING- 
the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen though hands down 
you can understand why he covers it up but you would like it if he felt comfortable enough to take off the eyepatch occasionally when he’s with you 
also!!! sleeps with his eyepatch side facing you (in the event he wears it to bed) 
if this happens you KNOW he trusts you bc it’s his blindside <3 
anyways life w kaeya will never be boring but he is a very complicated man 
stay with him though, i promise it’ll be worth it 
the key to jean’s heart is coffee and food 
i am begging you she deserves it 😭
the poor woman works so hard bc the knights are so mf understaffed, this is literally the best way you can ever show her your love and appreciation when she has work
she will MELT if you have a hot shower and dinner waiting for her when she inevitably returns later than she promised
will completely refuse at first with, “you did not have to do this, it’s too much” but shush her as you shOULD bc she deserves the entire world 
she’s the definition of “you do something for me, i’ll return the favor ten times grander”
you leave a flower on her desk bc it reminded you of her??? you’ll wake up to find a whole bouquet of the prettiest windwheel asters you’ve ever seen the next morning along with a thank you note
she’s so sweet BYE
she gets flustered extremely easily so you obviously use this as an opportunity to tease her 
when you’re in public rest your hand on her waist and inch it higher until your hand is underneath her shirt and in contact with her warm skin 
she’ll actually short-circuit its quite adorable 
sometimes y’all will be cuddling and you’ll hear whispers of her insecurities 
“am i a good grand master? will i ever be as valiant as vanessa?”
reassure her!!! tell her that she doesn’t need to be like vanessa, she’s already amazing as jean 
if you haven’t seen her in awhile, track her down and schedule a lunch date 
she never misses appointments and if it’s for you, she’ll gladly make time to see you even if she has to stay up even later than usual 
she has so much tension and the sorest muscles from hunching over papers and running around on errands 
if you sneak into her office and quietly stand behind her before gently pushing down on the sore tendons of her neck, she’ll genuinely fall over on her desk 
so make sure you steady her 😀
after you feel how tight her muscles are though, you drag her to barbara bc she needs a healer asap 😭
while most of your time is spent in her office - you helping out in the ways you can while jean is overseeing knight duties - you still have your fair share of life outside of the favonius headquarters
jean never likes to sit still so whenever you have free time, the both of you head off looking for monsters to clear
bouken da bouken???
adventuring w jean is seriously the funnest thing you could ever do 
it’s just non-stop you accidentally getting into trouble and her having to come help you 
even tho the both of you are dead tired after fighting, what? 20 hilichurl camps now??? the laughter and joy in your eyes shows how you both truly loved every minute of it
it’s both a stress reliever, good fun, and a work-out <3
you’re definitely prone to getting dragged to angel’s share w kaeya 
kaeya and jean sometimes hang out after work at the tavern so inevitably you’re dragged along too 
all three of you are drunk out of your minds which just makes everything a MILLION times funnier 
kaeya slurring over his words makes the two of you start cackling endlessly while diluc just shakes his head making sure to not give you more wine despite your pleas 
angel’s share ft. kaeya and bartender diluc are always the best times fr fr 
life with her literally feels like y’all are married 
so much domesticity it’s so NICE ALJDKSFH
your house is always so clean and the color scheme is impeccable bc jean has such a good eye 
you have a chore schedule 😎 but it almost never works out bc jean ends up doing everything without you knowing- 
you always confront her abt it and she’s like 😁 “i had some time so i did them! no worries tho” like i- time??? where bitc-
oH- she has amazing style so you can bet shopping w her is literally the best experience 
she takes you to all of the hidden gems some places lisa recommended and helps you pick out things 
will 100% get really blushy if you come out in something and ask her for her opinion tho she’s literally the cutest
basically jean is a sweet girl who deserves the entirety of teyvat that is all. 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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mono-blogs-art · 2 years
Hi this got very long so feel free to ignore but wanted to share my revue starlight movie experience! (so sry for any spelling errors I wrote this in a rush) I split it between theater experience, personal reaction, and translations changes that I noticed
Theater Experience:
- very very very loud throughout, before Masai's scream preemptively covered my ears and was glad i did - think some of the songs suffered from it being too loud but still loved them all - teared up but thankfully managed to not actually cry - movie theater only about 20-25% full :( - pretty quiet with the exception of a pair one of whom had clearly not watched the movie before and was very confused - inconsistent song lyric subs, didn't always cover the song if it was too background - I love this movie so much I'm so grateful i got to experience it on the big screen and surround sound 11/10 will watch again Personal/Friend Reactions: - forgot men existed in revue starlight and got the shock of my life - how many straddles and declarements to stay together or wait forever for each other can you have before the audience realises they're gay - so many divorce arcs - friend who had not seen movie before audibly choked at maya's "I'm always adorable" line - didn't love their translations of maya and claudine's lines with hero and saint but the line "give me you" absofuckinglutely redeemed it - when maya thought she won proving that an empty and lonely existance is the best path foward she looked so sad :((( good thing claudine is always ready to kick her ass and ruin maya's god complex - before their revue:    claudine: you're so weak    maya (pouting which was freaking adorable!!!): but the baby chicks    claudine: fair but you're still weak - i love that nana flat out states she has an obsession with junna love nana so much - love that the 5 who were in the audience for the episode 10 revue of claudine crying were also there for part 2: revue of maya crying - why are they crying for each other? what are they, gay? - so funny that while everyone is already married/getting there in the anime and having their divorce arcs in the movie maya and claudine are so dense that it takes them until the movie to get together and then they have to have a long distance relationship when they had 3 years in the same school - saw that bird on claudine's window very cute (was it a gift from maya or rep of maya's soul from the revue?) - all the divorce arcs were sad but i think their relationships are better for it!! sometimes things need to break and time apart to grow stronger - that metal bird was so ugly maya pls no you deserve better - the fact that hikari has dropped out of prestitious acting schools like 3 times and they keep accepting her back is just - only realized after that the reason hikari freaked out so much is while the other 7 encountered their dead bodies and blood with tendo maya keeping them calm Hikari was in London, flat out missing everything - its been mentioned before by many people but the fact the claudine both passively and actively causes divorces is never not funny to me    anime: accidently helps in futaba and karuko divorce    movie: actively caused the futaba and karuko divorce (if its futuba you can do it), possibly helps in the junna and nana divorce (if it's junna you can do it)    game: helps start the hikari and karen divorce (movie) in her revue with hikari, also is forced to mediate between fumi and shiori (deserved karma sorry claudine) - kinda sad that they changed the selfish line  for hikari in the final lines as one of the many things i love about revue starlight is how they are selfish and have it be a good thing - the groupings in the credits scene have so so so much potential i love them - mahiru got to kick hikari's ass and love hikari but mahiru deserved to kick her ass - mahiru: I'm going to kick your ass so you can go kick our girlfriend's ass Translation changes: (i think the translations made some of the lines lose their bite/impact, but i enjoyed some like the switch to co-stars for mahiru and hikari)
-revue of X -> X revue - malice -> resentment (karuko vs futaba) - competition -> co-stars (mahiru vs hikari) - always waiting -> can't tie me down (resentment revue) - dazzling -> bright (hunting revue) - your star is just a piece of trash -> star is stardust (hunting revue) - for a hero there are trials, for saints there are temptations, for me there is you -> give a hero trials, give a saint temptation, give me you (soul revue) - in you I lose myself -> i am captivated by you (final lines) - i am the most selfish -> most willful self (final lines)
If you made it this far sry for long post and thank you!
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shanscript · 3 years
hi love! if you still have spots left in your playthings matchups: (if not ignore me ily!!)
1. Bokuto and Iwa 🥺
2. She/her!
3. V
4. Morning dove I’m up at like 5 everyday lol
5. Hot tea
6. Youtube
7. Ambivert- though introvert leaning
8. neutrals (but i fuck w the avril lavigne lime green/hot pink combo lmao)
9. shuffled!
this is such neat idea, I think it’s great! thank you 🥺💗
your toy matchup is the frisky bunny 💕
part of my playthings 1k matchup event!
who: iwaizumi x v!reader
what: adult characters, comfort, getting on top, size kink, no prep, use of a cock ring
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okay. OKAY. so originally the idea in my head was “he had a long day, so you get on top and do all the work. and the vibe helps you get off on him.” but uhhh i errr i uh my hand (size kink) slipped and i just.. i’m not sorry okay. anyways pls enjoy this filth i made, just for you!! 😘 (i assumed you have some long days since you’re up so early??)
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“Long day?” you comforted Iwaizumi with a warm hug.
He nodded, soft grunt muffled in the crook of your neck. You squeezed him a little tighter and rubbed his back. “Well I missed you,” you whispered.
“Oh yeah?” He drew back enough to look you in the eyes, his voice crackled with exhaustion, “How much?”
You dropped your forearms to the small of his back before pulling him in closer. Your gaze flickered between his smirking lips and his dilating pupils. Was he really going to make you say it?
Oh, he would. But not until you were full on his cock. His broad hands raced to strip off your clothes off before pulling you on top of him. You swallowed hard as you helped him free his impressive length. Before he let you get your hands on it, he slipped on a little something extra. Once the silicone ring was snug at his base, he wrapped your hands around him for a few leisurely strokes. You marveled as he hardened in your palms, your little hands dwarfed by his.
“Alright c’mere,” iwaizumi muttered, hands sliding up to grip your hips. You needed all the help you could get to sink down onto that. You whimpered as you felt his swollen tip tease your tiny hole. Your hands clamped over his as he brought you down lower, his sheer girth splitting you open. You hung your head and gasped as your walls struggled to take him. You both watched with labored breaths as Iwaizumi’s fat cock squeezed in to the hilt. Your vision sparkled with a few stars, your full pussy had no room to flutter.
Iwa clicked the toy on with his thumb. You barely registered the vibrations on your clit as your orgasm violently rushed up through your body. You cried and shivered, catching yourself with both palms on his stomach.
He laughed through gritted teeth. You always inflated his ego just as much as his cock. “Now tell me, what did you really miss? Me...” his tone was low and rough, “or my dick?”
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taglist: @nepenthendline @kou-taro @toonpai @devilgirlcrybabiey @omiishii
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Hands | jjk
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Warnings: ALL sexually explicit lol, vaginal fingering (female recieving), use of vibrator, overstimulation, asking to stop but not using 🚨safe word🚨, light choking, light degredation (use of slut), praise, light dumbification, dirrtyy talk 😚, some pet names (mostly baby), finger sucking, double penetration(?)(fingering and vibrator, both in vagina), squirting.
WC: 1.4k
Genre: Smut 18+. DNI under 18
Summary: porn without plot honestly lol. Just some mindless ol good times 😍
A/N: I haven’t written smut in years, let alone write fanficiton 😫 this shits gonna suck but bear with me
“C'mere, baby," Jeongguk pat the spot between his legs. You slowly crawl towards him, settling between his thighs.
"Safe word is lavender," Rough hands started at your waist and began rubbing over your stomach, occasionally around your breasts. Milky skin contrasted with yours as his hands caressed your torso.
“What’s your safe word?” Jeongguk tests you.
“Lavender,” growing impatient, you whine.
Reaching up to cup your breasts, he runs a finger over your left nipple looking for a reaction. And a reaction is what he got. Lightly mewling under his touch, you pressed into his chest. Fingers trailed up to your lips, pressing against the part.
Immediately accepting, you suckled on his fingers, tongue gliding over his callouses. "Hmm. Gotta prep my fingers for you, but it seems like you're already wet enough for me to wedge my cock in," You felt what he said more than heard, his chest rumbling with low timbre.
Moaning around his fingers, he pulled them out. A string of saliva followed them down to your aching pussy. Pressing two fingers to your clit, you bite back a moan as his they swirled around your button.
"Uh-uh, baby. You're not gonna do that," he scolded you. "I want to hear everything. When I play with your clit, stuff my fingers in your pussy—" Jeongguk slid two fingers in you, making your back arch. "When I split your poor pussy apart with my cock,"
Clenching around his fingers at his words made him groan, as he curled and scissored his fingers in attempts to find your sweet spot. The edge of a spongy like texture inside of you caught his attention as he pressed into the center of it.
"Fuck!" You moaned. Suddenly his fingers curled and he began to thrust his hand in and out of your pussy. The cramping in his hand went ignored, he was only focused on making you cum. Jeongguk was nothing short of addicted to you.
Your pussy was so soft, so warm. The sounds you make and the strings you make him feel only ever egg him on. Always fantasizing about his cockhead stretching you no matter how much preparation was done beforehand.
You were in the palm of his hands and he was afraid you'd slip right through his fingers like sand. The pleasure growing in you felt like a flower becoming ready to bloom. Heavy breaths came from Jeongguk as his left hand came to rub at your clit, making your moans louder.
"Yeah, you gonna fucking cum? Come on baby, cum for me, all over my fingers. Gonna make you beg for me to stop," chaste kisses pressed to your neck as the flower finally bloomed within you.
"Oh, fuck!" You groaned. Soon, the fingers working inside you caused pain. Suddenly causing small shooting pains, you clamp your thighs over his hands. Didn't seem to stop him though.
"Gguk, I — ah — m too sensitive~," you squeaked out, his hands not letting up. "Stop..." attempting to push him away only made his fingers go harder.
"You know your safe word baby," You did know your safe word. And you didn't use it. You’d be stupid to.
Wetness pooled under you, leaving dark spots on the sheets. Jeongguk relished the pornographic sounds you made, the fruits of his labor. Your thighs opened up wide for him, more access given.
"Wanna fuck you dumb, baby. Til you can't think a single thing other than how bad you want to cum again,"
Honestly, you couldn't even hear what he was saying anymore. The only thing you could think about were the fingers inside of you.
A third snaked its way in, burning slightly. Jeongguks hands were way bigger than yours, and you usually only used 2 fingers at most. Jeongguks two fingers already amounted to your three. You'd be embarrassed by the squelching coming from your push if you weren't focused on just cumming again. You grabbed onto Jeongguks forearm covered in tattoos as you pushed your head back into his chest.
“G-god...I'm s-s— ah! — so close," The words you say aren't even intelligible, rather sounding like blubbering.
"C’mon baby. You gonna cum again? I can feel your pathetic cunt begging to cum," Jeongguk growls.
"Please, please, please, pl— oh!" Your third release finally found you, nails digging into Jeongguks arm. His thumb replacing his forefinger as his left hand reaches for your throat. Lightly pressing on the pressure points prolonged your orgasm.
Sounds no longer come from you, instead your vocal cords no longer work. The ability to breathe also stops working, as Jeongguk continues to rub tight circles onto your clit. The pace of his hand doesn't let up.
Jesus fucking Christ. No wonder the man complains about carpal tunnel.
The aftershocks hit you and so does the pain, thighs twitching and trembling. "Good girl. That's a good little slut, huh?" Jeongguk coos in your ear, stamina still going. Pulling out without warning, you whine at the emptiness in you despite having came 3 times.
He leans over to open your drawer, and you assume he's grabbing a condom.
“I actually don't have an con-...." Words die in your throat when you see what he pulled out. Your black vibrator. He was planning on giving you more?
Slouching back on him, he uses the wetness on his fingers to lube up the vibrator. You can't lie, you were intimidated. He had some skill. Bringing the toy down to your needy, sensitive pussy, he swirls it around your ringed entrance.
The sheets below you were undoubtedly soaked. Jeongguk shoved the toy inside of you, eliciting a high pitched moan. But you were in for way more. Once the toy switched on, you knew you were fucked.
"Oh, shit!" Immediately you gasp, hips bucking off the bed. Jeongguk retracts his hand away from you only to slam his palm down onto your clit. A small scream rips from your throat at the sting, but god did you want more.
“Yeah, you fucking like that? You’ve already cum so many times but you want more, don’t you?” Jeongguk taunted, using a condescending tone. In any other situation, you would have slapped him silly
The internal vibrations ramped up from the fact you were still so sensitive. Your eyes, once clamped shut, opened wide when Jeongguk squeezed 2 fingers into your pussy along side the vibrator. When his fingers start curling and uncurling, constantly rubbing against your G-Spot, your mind fully caves in.
His left hand grabs the vibrator and starts making shallow thrusts, sturdily hitting your cervix. Moving wasn’t even an option at this point. Everything in your body had shut down, and Jeongguk loved watching you fully submit to him, fully succumbing. No thoughts crossed your mind that weren’t “Jeongguk”.
The mind numbing pleasure was just at pleasurable to him, even if he wasn’t even recieving it. He was high on your facial expressions, eyebrows furrowed, eyes rolled in the back of your head or crossed, teeth claiming your lower lip.
Feeling the walls around his fingers clench, it was a telltale sign. Except it wasn’t quite what he expected, but was sure as hell welcome. “F-fuck!” You shouted out of reflex, hips spasming.
A stream of clear liquid shot out, and Jeongguks eyes widened. Pulling his hand out, he opted to use his whole hand to swipe back and forth on your clit to prolong it. His own breathing labored as you relaxed back into him. “I was gonna fuck you, but I have to do that again,”
A shit eating grin plastered on his face and you knew, even if you couldn’t see him. Instead of returning to two fingers, three fingers stuff inside of you alongside the toy, making a slight burn tinge your already on fire pussy.
“God, I love this fucking pussy. You’re so goddamn sensitive,” You could only whimper now, it was the only thing that didn’t consume too much energy to do.
Your breathing had no pattern, and your head was practically empty. Occasionally Jeongguk would kiss or bite at your neck, but you couldn’t care to notice when you’ve been fucked open with his fingers for 45 minutes.
After probably only 40 seconds later, you came again. The sensitivity and the extreme stimulation all were adding factors. Chest heaving, eyes drooping. One more small stream of cum shot out, and Jeongguk looked at you like you were Aphrodite.
Absolutely delectable.
Jeongguk let you rest, he knew you needed it. Rolling over, you curled into a ball. He stood up to grab you a water from the kitchen. Once he stands, mini Jeongguk makes himself known. Man sized Jeongguk only frowns down at him.
“Next time, buddy. Next time.”
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germvity · 3 years
leon s kennedy x reader // 8 // two-way mirrors
"ah..!" he sighs, letting you off as you swallow. "good boy. you feel okay?" you ask softly, fingers tracing lines on his outer thighs. leon nods, drowsy from his intense peak. "good, this trial will probably last for a little while longer and i wanna see how many times i can make you cum." you grin as leon whimpers.
tags: protective!reader in this one, david being a bully 3.0, fighting (physical and verbal), leon being a sub part 2, smooches, he's a simp for you pls
warnings: fighting (physical and verbal), mild smut, hurt/comfort
sorry this chapters late i was writing a lot theres like-- 7 drafts in here 😭 enjoy!
you wake up with leon curled around you. memories of yesterday came back to you, and you can't help but smile. leon was truly smitten with you after it, clinging to you like butter on bread. "leon~.." your voice is soft as you comb your fingers through his hair. the blonde mumbles slightly, nuzzling your collarbone as he exhales slowly. "come on, wake up for me. trials will start soon." you purr, gently tapping his cheek. "mmn. y/n?" leon yawns, tightening his hold on you. "be a good boy and wake up for me." you tease, watching leon's ears turn red as he whines. "stop..."
you giggle, kissing his head softly as he stretches. "sleep well?" you grin, letting him kiss you before nodding. "i haven't slept like that in years." he jokes, his nose kissing your neck as he cuddles into you. "i'm not surprised that you slept so well, you went for about 4 rounds." you tease as he makes a small embarrassed noise. "what? you don't like being my good boy?" you tease, and he shoves your shoulder slightly. "shut up.." leon pouts, and you chuckle, kissing him sweetly.
melting into your lips, leon hums into your mouth as he tilts his head for you. "good boy." you smile when you pull away, admiring his soft blush and slightly parted lips. "knock it off-.." he huffs, sitting up and shuddering when your fingernails traced soft lines over the hickeys on his back. "you did so well for me." you breathe, and leon hums softly, back arching into your touch. leaning forward, you kiss one of the hickey's softly, making him jump. "sorry, you're too tempting." you smile, kissing his shoulder.
leon's back is to you, but you can just tell how flustered he is at your attention. "aww, is my baby embarrassed?" you tease, and leon groans slightly as you press down on one of the hickeys. "please-.." he mumbles, but you tut. "not now, we have to get ready for trials." you smile, kissing his neck softly. "you're so mean." he fauns hurt as he leans back onto you, placing his forearm over his eyes dramatically. "oh hush, you might get a treat tonight." you grin, kissing his jaw.
leon seems satisfied with your answer, getting up to get dressed. a bell tomes, signalling that trials will be beginning shortly, so you join leon in getting ready. "need anything?" you ask, rummaging through your items. "no, i'll be alright." leon smiles, grabbing your hand to get your attention. "for good luck?" he asks, and you catch on immediately. smiling, you give leon a soft kiss as black fog rolls in to collect you both.
unluckily, the two of you start separated. in fact, all of the survivors were separated. cursing, you step over to a generator, starting it up carefully. a yell catches your attention, and you stand slightly, turning to look over your shoulder for the source of the noise. silence. sighing, you turn back to your generator, connecting the wires carefully. nea finds you, giving you a small smile as she crouches next to you. "y/n, long time no see." she teases, and you glance at her with a polite smile. "yeah... how is everything?" you ask, not really that interested in knowing about the survivor camp. "eh, same old. david's still a tyrant." she sighs, falling silent before murmuring a small. "and i miss you."
you sigh at her confession, not knowing how to respond as your dull eyes stare at the belly of the generator. "will you ever come back if we manage to knock david off his pedestal?" she asks, trying not to seem hopeful. "i can't... i'm sorry." you sigh, falling silent once more. "oh.." she mumbles, and it was clear she still had feelings for you. "i just... really miss you." nea breathes out, and you nod. "i know... i just... me and.." you take a breath and turn to nea. "i'm seeing leon.." you whisper to her, and she seems so hurt. "what?" her hands are trembling and you're nervous she'll fuck up the generator.
"i'm sorry... he just.. cares for me, a lot." you sigh, looking back to your hands. "and i don't?!" the rebel yells, standing from the generator. "shh..! i'm sorry! it's just... we weren't official, nea." you huff, standing to soothe her. sniffling, nea storms away, and you sigh. "nea wait..!" you want to go after her when another yell comes from around the corner. furrowing your brows, you decide to leave your gen, not caring that ruin was currently eating away at it's progress. upon following the source, you see david standing over leon, a foot on his throat and a bloodied stick in his hand. "leon!" you yelp, charging david off of him. "you fucking whores! i hate you both!" david snaps as you struggle to get the heavy stick from his grasp. "you ruined everything!" the fighter growls, pushing you away to try and hit you.
quickly, you evade his swing and snap a sharp piece of metal off of a nearby hook. "david, please." you try to reason, arming yourself and not caring if it cut your hand. "y/n..!" leon rasps, trying to get to you. "stay there, leon." you demand, keeping david's focus on you. "you fucker, i swear. all you had to do was not say no-!" he swings, and on instinct, your sharp metal finds his throat. spluttering, david drops his weapon and grabs the metal, falling to his knees. you gasp, ignoring the way his blood had splattered onto your face as david collapses. the fighter gurgles, and you glance at leon, seeing his broken form. grabbing the stick, anger fuels you as you bludgeon david brutally.
gasping at the small whimpers, your attention shifts to leon, his hazy eyes are fluttering closed as he looks away from you. "leon!" you scramble to his side, cradling him in your arms. an ugly bruise blooms on his throat as he coughs sharply, blood seeping down his face. "y/n..?" he mumbles, clutching you tightly. "hey, it's okay, you're okay! tell me what happened, baby." you smile, ignoring your shaky hands as you hold his hand tightly.
"i was working on opening a chest, and he just-..." leon pauses to cough again, and you hush him softly, rocking him carefully. "he hit me, and tried to choke me and-." leon can't finish as his eyelids flutter. "hey, hey..! open your eyes for me, it's okay..!" you breathe out, your tears dripping onto his face and mixing with his blood. "it hurts.." he admits, managing to keep his eyes open for you. "i know baby, i know." you sigh, looking around for nea. the rebel stood nearby, clearly terrified of the situation, but she clutched a med kit tightly.
"nea, please help him!" you beg, and she sighs softly. moving over to you, nea crouches and unzips the med kit. "i can't stay mad at you... i'm no monster." she smiles, pressing some antiseptic onto his gash. leon whimpers, and you hush him, easing your rocking so nea could heal him. the antiseptic gives him a bit of oomph to sit up slightly, letting nea bandage the gash on his forearm where he had defended himself. "you poor thing.." you gush through tears, gently stroking his face with your hand. nea's hands freeze at your words, but she keeps going despite her own feelings. "thank you so much nea.. i owe you big time." you sigh as she presses a small needle full of red liquid into his arm. "yeah, you do." she smiles despite her watery eyes.
"i'm sorry that we didn't work, but despite us being separate.. can we still be friends?" you ask softly, and nea nods. "of course." she smiles, wiping her tears away as she hugs you tightly. "thank you.." you smile, hugging her back despite leon being squished between the two of you. heartbeats pick up as the killer approaches, and nea pulls away. "shit.." you mumble, grabbing leon's hands. "can you stand..?" you ask softly, and the officer nods slightly. "i think so.." he says, still holding you tightly as you help him stand. "come on, we gotta go." you usher leon away from the scene, but ghostface cuts you off.
"jesus christ, what happened here?" he laughs, voice modulator crackling. "leon, stay behind me." you mumble, stepping in front of the blonde protectively. "damn, relax cutie. i'm in a good mood today so i'll give you time to run." the killer is masked, but you could tell he was smiling. quickly, you push leon the other way, staying behind him as he runs. footsteps gain on you, and you grunt as the ghostface's knife slashes against your back. you split up from leon, vaulting the killer shack's window adeptly. "fuck, i hate this place." the killer grumbles, climbing through the window clumsily. "good! get used to it!" you snap, darting out the door.
you keep him there for two gens, and he huffs, leaving agitated as the third one pops. you sigh, resetting the shack pallet carefully before heading off in the other direction. "y/n!" leon calls, and you turn to see him ushering you over. "leon, are you alright?" you ask, jogging over as you cup his face with your hands to inspect him. "i'm feeling better yeah, those syringes are good shit." he chuckles, and you smile, giving him a soft kiss. "i'm glad you're feeling better." you say, grabbing his hand to lead him to another generator. "come on, let's try and get out of here." you say, crouching before the generator.
"i saw you looping ghostface.." leon trails off, and you glance at him. "it was hot." your blonde grins, and you laugh slightly. "thanks, maybe i can teach you a thing or two." you chuckle, grinding on the generator as nea pops danny's ruin. "let's go!" you smile, letting go of the gen to kiss leon lovingly. he gasps, letting go of the generator too. "y/n..!" he whines, grabbing the wires once more. "sorry, but letting go of a gen every now and then feels good." you smile, brushing his hair out of his face.
finishing the generators was easy as nea now keeps the aggravated killer on her tail, and you lead leon to the gates. luckily, your spine chill managed to carry you in small bursts to 99 the gate, and the two of you wait for nea to find you both. "so.. while we wait-..." you tease, pulling leon's jacket to kiss him. "open the fucking gate!" nea calls, and you look over to see her hauling ass towards the two of you. "got it!" leon calls, opening it quickly and pushing the two of you to safety.
the three of you cheer as danny storms off, angry at his loss. "take that you tosser!" you yell through the thorns as leon pulls you into him for a kiss. "gross..!" nea fake gags, and you roll your eyes. "hey, before we split... are we good?" you ask, and nea nods. "as long as we can kick ass in trials, we're good." she smiles, hugging you once more before waving and heading off to the survivor camp. leon seems confused, going to ask you what was going on but you cut him off. "come on, let's go relax before any more trials." you smile, pulling him along to your shack.
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olafur-neal · 3 years
So I’ve seen S2E1 of Ted Lasso like 4 times in a row now and
1) Ted DEFINITELY HAS ADHD! For all the neurotypicals who don’t know what Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria is Ted’s reaction to the therapist is it. He’s not necessarily jealous or threatened by her BUT he feels like her being there is going to make him obsolete, and people will abandon him. Like I love this episode but his discomfort is like making me so uncomfortable because it’s so relatable.
2) I will forever hate Michelle’s therapist for ambushing Ted like that. I’ve had bad therapy sessions before and like 100% that therapist should’ve said hey why don’t you go ahead and see another therapist as a couple, here’s their number. Please feel free to continue therapy with me but I wanna focus on your stuff and since I’ve been your doctor longer I don’t feel it’s appropriate to bring Ted in here to council you together but if you need support to tell him how you feel we can do that but also in tandem with ANOTHER therapist seeing you as a couple.
3) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE NEW THERAPIST! Like people who live with dysfunction don’t notice the dysfunction until someone else points it out. (ie me: *me laughing about a traumatic event* so this happened in my childhood pretty funny right??? My husband: *horrified* that’s abuse…) Ted is not mentally healthy and he’s masking it so much and so well, that the people around him sorta ignore it because he’s so friggin “positive” all the time (another thing people with adhd do). But this new therapist walked into the room and clicked the dynamic in two seconds. I fully believe by the end of this arc (maybe not this season, I’ll get to that in a minute) she’ll for lack of a better word “let” him be his silly positive self around her because he won’t be using it to mask his poor mental state.
4) All the ESB references are scaring me especially with Sudeikis saying that this season is their ESB. Let’s recap ESB for a minute: everybody SPLIT UP and went on some side quests to level up, had some character development, C-3PO spends most of the movie in parts, they picked up some more characters, AND THEN Han Solo ends up in Carbonite; Leia, Chewie, and Lando run from the empire, A MAJOR SPOILER ABOUT PARENTAGE IS DROPPED (whoever meta’d about Nora possibly being Rupert’s 👀👀👀), And Luke gets his hand chopped off. Ultimately tho they realized they all needed each other and were better together.
There’s gonna be a ton of growth happening this season but I doubt the season’s end is gonna be completely satisfying and is definitely gonna have some bad stuff happen with some loose ends. But in S3 I bet we get the sense of solid found family only this time they’re all a little better.
5) I think this might be my last thing for now but I think Ted’s comments about John Wingsnight show where he’s at about relationships and he’s in the same place Rebecca was when he made those comments: if a relationship is fine then what is the problem? So thinking Ted is right Rebecca was like okay yeah overthinking this, lemme test nail polishes now (which I’m gonna need a thousand fics of that pls). She was fine until she got the penny drop moment when Roy told her not to settle for fine. But Ted hasn’t yet he still isn’t dealing with his divorce (he ignored the text from Michelle which says a lot because he loves Henry so much) and he was dragged to the conclusion of separation and divorce kicking and screaming.
When he realizes that it’s gonna be a lightening bolt moment for him and Rebecca mark my words.
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