#pls. punctuation
oldmanffucker · 7 months
Thinking abt house telling the fellows he’s going to a pottery class with Wilson and they’re like ‘fine. Enjoy your hookers.’ And he’s like. ‘Unfortunately there’s no hookers at the pottery studio.’ And they roll their eyes like ‘Keep your secrets’. And he’s just amused. Comes in the next day and they’re like. ‘How was “pottery class”?’ and house is like. ‘Great :) we made a pour over.’ And they’re like ‘yeah sure. Where is it?’ & he shrugs like ‘takes a couple weeks before it’s done in the kiln’ ‘riiiight’ hes like. ‘Here. I took a photo in the class. Look. That’s us.’ *shows them a pic of him and Wilson smiling holding up pour overs and pointing to them* ‘okay I’ll admit your photo shop skills have gotten much better’ ‘why don’t you believe I went to a pottery class???’ ‘Bc it’s you??’ ‘Fine’
Okay so then they go to Wilson to confirm. ‘Did house show you the picture?’ ‘Yeah. We think it was photoshopped’ ‘you really don’t believe Gregory house would make pottery do you.’ Bemused. House is like. Well there’s another one next Friday. 6pm at so and so. Plains boro art center or whatever.
ALL the fellows show up to the happy hour ceramics class that Friday half ready to catch hilson in a lie half ready to enjoy a ceramics happy hour. All shocked and giddy to see hilson sitting and smiling at a table chatting away with the art instructor who clearly already knows them.
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Uchihas and How They Experience Deep Love
Shameless headcanons bc we all know that no one loves like an Uchiha. (Exploration of how the deep, Uchiha-type love manifests for each individual).
(Read below cut)
Sasuke - Naruto
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He begins to love him when they’re both children, when he senses that kinship between them that they’re both completely alone.
Naruto doesn’t see him pitifully like the rest of the village does. He just sees him as a rival, and Sasuke appreciates that. He gets to just be Sasuke, the talented, stuck-up genin with Naruto, not Sasuke, the lone survivor of the Uchiha Massacre.
Naruto pulls him out of his toxic need for vengeance from the time the Haku/Zabuza arc happens to when he sees Itachi again when he tries kidnapping Naruto. He works alongside Naruto as his comrade and friend, and believes that maybe he can be happy just like this in the village.
Then Itachi reminds him of his avenger goal and he’s fold he needs to kill Naruto to obtain new power, the way Itachi allegedly did to Shisui.
He leaves the village in search of new power because yes, he wants to beat Itachi but no, he doesn’t want to kill Naruto. He thinks he can get stronger another way.
This truly shows how deeply he loves Naruto—he’s willing to put him above his ultimate goal to kill Itachi by refusing to gain power by killing him.
And when he gets the opportunity to kill him, he doesn’t. Naruto is open and unconscious and he doesn’t kill him.
To Sasuke, Naruto is his biggest weakness, his Achilles heel, the one who he just can’t get rid of no matter how hard he tries.
Itachi - Sasuke & Sasuke - Itachi
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Because they’re both Uchiha & love each other insanely strongly I imagine their connection as an endless vortex of undying love
Itachi tried to die when he was around five years old because he couldn’t cope with the world’s darkness.
He didn’t understand what the point of anything was if one day everyone dies.
Until Sasuke was born.
Now, to Itachi, the world isn’t just death; it’s also birth.
Sasuke saved Itachi, and gave him something to fight for.
He wanted the world to be a better place so that Sasuke would never see what he had to see as a child of war.
And everything Itachi ever did (though many actions were questionable), was for Sasuke.
Sasuke was the only one he couldn’t kill on the night of the massacre, so he instead made his brother hate him to make him stronger.
He lived for eight years with declining health just so that Sasuke could get revenge and become a hero.
Even after death he tried protecting him from Madara/Tobi.
And Sasuke always held a degree of admiration for his brother, even if the memories were tainted.
He still loved Itachi to the very end, because killing him gave him the Mangekyō.
If he truly hated Itachi, killing him would have meant nothing.
He was just acting out of a broken heart, the pieces all still holding affection for his brother even despite himself.
The inner turmoil is what made him angrier. He hated Itachi but more than that, still loved him.
When he found out the truth, he made it his life’s mission to defend Itachi’s honor and protect the village as his dying wish.
He devotes his life to him even now.
Itachi - Shisui & Shisui - Itachi
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Uchiha-love-ception pt 2
They are my Bonnie & Clyde
Itachi saved Shisui by giving him someone to care for and nurture
Shisui saved Itachi by showing him someone understands the complexity of his thoughts & feelings and shares them too
Itachi felt so alienated his whole life and then in comes Shisui who finally finally understands him just inherently
Idk about you but I long for someone to understand me that well, without ever needing to explain myself
I think Shisui understood Itachi better than Itachi understood himself
And for that, Shisui was Itachi’s home
Itachi looked up to him for all things; skills, technique, morals, and aspirations.
Whenever Shisui said anything, Itachi took it as the law.
There was no one he held as much respect for. Shisui made the impossible seem possible to Itachi. For him, he could do no wrong.
When he lost Shisui, he lost his North Star. This is evident in his awakening of the Mangekyō—there was no greater pain at that point in his life.
He made Shisui’s will his guiding force.
Shisui showed him that a true shinobi sacrifices, and he himself adopted that attitude.
“You must always remain calm. A worried expression just doesn’t suit you” — some of Shisui’s last words to Itachi, and from then on, Itachi hardly ever let his calm facade drop from his face. That was the law.
Itachi was just adorable to Shisui.
Everything he did, his thoughts, his determination, his will to get better—he admired it so much.
He wanted to keep Itachi away from the clan and village feud, which is why he tried using his powers without Itachi’s help.
He died with a smile on his face because he trusted Itachi implicitly, and knew he’d make the right choice.
He probably knew where things were headed, and was at peace with it.
Because he knew Itachi’s strength and will better than his own.
But it did break his heart to put Itachi through witnessing his death.
Obito - Kakashi & Rin
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Loving Rin made Obito insane
Loving Kakashi made Obito hang onto his last shreds of sanity
Rin always believed in Obito when he himself didn’t. She was his pillar. For that he formed an unhealthy codependency on her.
So when he lost her, he lost his mind. He believed he couldn’t be anything worthwhile without her, and spiraled into something unrecognizable in her absence.
She became limerence to him, an unattainable dream.
Kakashi was the only one who remained constant in his life.
Kakashi brought out the last shreds of his former self.
Once Minato told Obito about Kakashi’s father, he understood immediately the cause of his actions.
He reached deep into Kakashi’s heart and told him what he needed to hear, that his father was truly a hero. Someone everyone else thought of as a disgrace, a sentiment Obito fearlessly challenged.
Because Obito never cared for his reputation. Sakumo cared too much. This difference is what drew Kakashi to Obito subconsciously.
While recuperating in Madara’s hideout, he thought equally of returning to Rin and Kakashi. Because, before they parted, he and Kakashi finally became friends.
Kakashi was in his dreams as well as Rin. They were both equally important to him.
Despite watching Rin die by Kakashi’s hand, when he went on his rampage, Obito didn’t lay a finger on Kakashi.
And he watched Kakashi live on by his grave all the time. He followed him around. He just couldn’t let go of him.
Because he wanted to be there for Kakashi through his suffering in some form.
And when they met again, Obito never ever days he hates Kakashi. He tries to entice him to support project Tsuki no Me, telling him that it’s okay, he doesn’t need to suffer anymore.
This shows Obito’s real motive for Infinite Tsukuyomi. Not to see Rin again, because the caster can’t be inside the jutsu.
But to give Kakashi an end to his suffering. To end all suffering, at his own expense.
He became Kakashi’s hero. Kakashi never gave up on him, and Obito never gave up on Kakashi either.
For him, love meant suffering greatly for the one he loves, going to great lengths to make them happy, even when the ends don’t justify the means.
He would happily become the villain in order to give his love peace.
Madara - Hashirama
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Though he lost three brothers to war, when Madara met Hashirama he immediately trusted him, disregarding that he was a stranger.
They shared the same dream, just as Itachi and Shisui did. This brought them together, and this showed Madara that there was hope.
Turning his back on Hashirama awoke his Sharingan. He didn’t get them when any of his siblings died, but when he had to sever his friendship with the Senju. It put him through that much strife.
He never truly wanted to kill Hashirama. If he wanted to, he would have. Much like Sasuke couldn’t kill Naruto.
The peaceful time in the village together were his happiest days.
He named the Leaf village, and Hashirama kept the name despite its simplicity.
They would ignore responsibility to talk and be with each other. This annoyed Tobirama.
Madara’s heart broke when after being told he’d become Hokage, he overheard Hashirama accept a vote instead. He felt Hashirama hadn’t fought for his honor enough. He felt betrayed.
He showed Hashirama the stone tablet though no outsiders had ever seen it, and left because he wanted Hashirama to hurt as much as he did.
His love was so strong it turned into a deep hatred.
But not so deep that he could kill Hashirama.
Even when Hashirama killed him.
The only time he ever felt alive was when Hashirama was unleashing all of his fury onto him.
Because Madara equated love to hate, and feeling Hashirama’s animosity was the same as feeling his love.
Kagami - Tobirama
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Admiration turned into unconditional love
Kagami being treated special by Tobirama probably went to his head a little
“I’m his favorite Uchiha and he makes exceptions for me what does that mean”
The second he got an inkling that Tobirama may feel some type of way for him he got tipped off the edge and fell hard
He awakened his Mangekyō when Tobirama sacrificed himself to the Kinkaku unit
Changed the way Tobirama thought about the Uchiha by proving not all fall victim to the Curse of Hatred (oh boy would I love to see how Tobirama acknowledges this play out)
I hc it as he probably was put in a situation between clan and village and chose the village in front of Tobirama (not as serious as Shisui & Itachi’s case but political of some sort maybe)
Tobirama then went “hmm this one is different”
Maybe Kagami saved Tobirama somehow?? And that’s what warranted his trust? Ugh I wanna know
Tobirama hand-picked Kagami and trusted him with his life, so it made Kagami feel important
Overwhelming protectiveness and responsibility constituted Kagami’s love for Tobirama
And since he had nothing left to protect after Tobirama (in his eyes), his spirit was broken, and a year later he succumbed to the war
Tobirama was his heart’s fire.
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lloydgaymerdyke · 6 months
LLORUMI PARALLELS ARE SO CRAZY. esp season 1 lloyd to season 8 harumi
they’re both just traumatized kids trying to become evil bc they don’t feel safe when all they rlly want is their parents. lloyd just found the right path bc of the love he got from the ninjas found family, but harumis resent just grew and that’s rlly why lloyd is so insistent on convincing her she doesn’t need to do this, bc he SEES her. he’s been right there and people loved him back to life but harumi had no one but him to do that for her. that’s why he never rlly gave up on her. not for a second
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doriansbutt · 3 months
@ Y’all tagging veilguard stuff: can you tag as something other than just ‘dragon age’ or ‘da’? Folks who want to block veilguard stuff have to block ALL dragon age tagged content if you only use the generic dragon age tag.
Also note that adding punctuation in a tag does not get filtered, even if you block that tag. For example: if you block ‘da:tv’ it won’t actually get filtered bc it has punctuation in it.
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buckypascal · 2 years
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Mission Report. December 16, 1991.
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bisexualgorgeous · 8 days
Could you clarify?
this might be kind of long because there’s a lot of elements to this but like the tldr; version is very much that if you’ve been a fan of her even pre 2020 everything was very different and these past few years it feels like finally people do recognise generally how great she is (ignoring like the haters are always gonna be there). but it’s come at this huge cost where she is more than just a person she is this huge concept that people look to and expect to solve problems and she’s become a cultural phenomenon - which don’t get me wrong to an extent is amazing and genuinely obviously there’s some element of her choice to that. however, like, seeing the way she’s being used in the election campaign and other recent events it feels like people know now how much weight her name has and they are using that and disrespecting what the core of taylor has always been which is she’s just a song writer who loves her job. and somehow despite all of this popularity and fame it’s never her music or generosity or integrity that’s the headline it’s politicians using her for personal gain or just the most inhumane takes on her character and I just don’t see how things are now, the way people treat her, as being worth it all if you knew her ten years ago, fifteen years ago as an artist we’ve lost so much of our own fan culture and our connection with her we cannot get back and I also just think as a human being it’s hard to watch someone you care about and are a fan of knowing how dehumanised they are on a daily basis even if it comes with people finally recognising how great she is it’s just very bittersweet
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southparkblo · 8 months
Hey, does anyone know the name of that one creek fic on Ao3 where Kenny is flirting with tweek, and so tweek asks Craig to give him hickeys to prove that they're dating? ( tweek thinks they're still fake dating, craig thinks they're dating for real and tweek just needs time) Tweek doesn't want people to know that they are faking because then they wouldn't have a reason to hang out anymore. So he asks Craig to give him more hickeys and then kisses him randomly in front of everyone, so craig gets mad that tweeks' first kiss with him was just to prove a point?
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the-juicywizard · 3 months
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Reverend H.W. Smith
Deadwood S1.E1 - Deadwood
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nostalgia-tblr · 7 days
Two Sentence Tuesday
From the sylki con artists AU because 1) it proves I am actually working on that still and 2) lol doggerland.
Loki’s own ‘moral high ground’ being at approximately the elevation of the Netherlands doesn’t change the fact that Sylvie’s is similarly situated, or perhaps even lower; if he is the Netherlands of morality then she is that bit of land under the North Sea where fishing boats sometimes dredge up Neanderthal bones.
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anarchomitsumi · 18 days
biggest pet peeve is when people abuse single sentence paragraphs in fics
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alto-tenure · 2 years
thinking about the trans themes connected to descole and layton...it's about taking the name you were born with and choosing something else it's about looking in the mirror and making a person you want to be it's about being able to take the identity and the person you are and invent your own human being. hershel layton is his name he needs no other and jean descole is self-invented there isn't anyone else he wants to be it's about defying your fate and the person you were born as it's so much
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jinkushiroll · 1 month
whenever i encounter a deku hater the urge to point out how he has a six pack AND thicc thighs so literally no one can compare with this 5'6 guy who will brave entire tragedies and still seek out the good and the beautiful and could also punch a crater into the earth becomes really very strong
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clochanam · 1 month
u ever just forget how to send a message to new mutuals? like? i'm in my kitchen just torn between cooking the dinner and trying to compose a text, i've emailed and professionally emailed and composed group messages with barely a glance but idk how to text you guys. you're just too cool tbh--
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alightcaseofohno · 11 months
My brain is consumed with Jonah Magnus, Wolf 369, Oscar from Malevolent (fellow Irishman), Religious Imagery™, and eye Symbolism.
... Also the Oxford comma!
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andreisvechnikov · 1 year
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“Thank you @marianhossa81” Goodbye Game 81.
via teravainenteuvo IG stories
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anime-lettuce · 4 months
I’ve been trying to find to find these two shows I watched as a kid and a movie my French teacher played in middle school but every time I try to ask my friends or google abt them I feel insane so what better place to ask than tumblr (Reddit prolly but that’s my last resort). Idk why I didn’t think of this earlier but any help is appreciated.
The first show was about this girl whose name I think was Luna and she had a mostly black and white outfit that would change colors (depending on her? emotions) and all? of her friends were aliens or bunnies (bunny aliens?) that I kinda remember wishing I could eat. Luna (I’m just gonna call her that) traveled to different planets (I think she rode on a star Kirby style) in a 2d animation (almost like a flat jelly jamm), trying to solve her friends problems and I think combat some villain who had evil bunnies (I’m probably making this part up). I’m pretty sure the show was originally in Spanish but ik I watched it in both English and Spanish so maybe not.
The second show I remember watching on Netflix around think in 2013-2016. It was about this cartoon brother & sister duo living in France during ww2. I think the sister was older and she and her brother lived with their grandparents on a farm, (I think their parents died) trying to keep living their old lives but finding it hard cause of the war. I distinctly remember their classmate who liked poetry getting on my nerves, a blue bike, and an episode where they tried to buy butter but kept having issues. I’d say the art style was more story book-ish (maybe water color) and I wanna say there were at least two seasons.
The (live action) movie took place in some French speaking country (or it was in Italy and the actors just spoke French) and followed a young boy on a vacation? with his family and a friend out to the mountains where the boy and the friend found an owl that they tried to take care of until I think the dad shot it at the end. There was one scene either in school or church where some authority figure hit a kid with either a ruler or paddle and another scene where the two boys were bathing together outdoors. To be honest I’m not sure I ever want to see this movie again but it makes for an interesting tidbit should I ever find myself in a conversation where this would be relevant, and I’d like to know the name of it (that I think was either kind of long or involved some sort of religious reference)
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