#plus I feel bad for all the Gavin fans out there
arrowfleur · 1 year
It’s been two years something something horny on main blah blah NSFW Gavin headcanons…. And post
Will foreplay for 1 hour+ before any clothes are even removed. He loves knowing how much he can make your heart rate speed up without even touching there. It gets to the point where your skin is so sensitive just sliding your jeans off is difficult.
Draws everything out until you are BEGGING for it. He loves it so much.
Prefers things that aren’t too rough, wax play, shibari etc but will try (pretty much) anything once.
Will magic up the Cutest toys and ropes and shit. Everything is pink or heart shaped or both.
BODY WORSHIP. Makes you feel like the hottest person alive, he does not run out of compliments. Kisses everywhere, soft touches, constantly pointing out how good your body makes him feel.
Positions: Canonically loves Missionary the most but just practically anything with eye contact is his favourite, he finds it sooo romantic.
Twist at the top and his eyes roll to the back of his head.
Actual magical mouth. God he will eat like his life depends on it. He literally doesn’t need to breath, your thighs will be trembling everytime.
He has piercings 👀
Kind of canon but loves talking you through it when he first puts it in. Puts it in so fucking slow omg.
Will either not let you hold in ANY noises, if you try to he just goes harder and harder until you don’t have the brain capacity to hold them in.
Cue him moving your hand from over your mouth and pinning it above your head, ‘I want to hear every single pretty sound you make.’
OR get you off in a public place and get off on you holding the noises in and squirming against him.
Encourages you to grip onto his horns when he’s being rougher or you’re on top.
When you’re in charge he wants you to tell him exactly what to do. Guide his hands, his mouth, his dick, put everything exactly where you want it.
He is not ashamed to beg. He will become a complete and utter mess and just repeat your name and ‘please’ over and over and over.
Same goes for whining.
Lots of ‘I know’ s and ‘does that feel good?’ s when he knows damn well you’re on the edge. The ultimate tease.
Overstimulation is Gavin’s specialty, he can go for so long and is weirdly good at keeping pace even when he’s climaxing.
Does that thing where he doesn’t pull out the whole way he’s just basically jerking inside you and hits your spot every second without mercy.
It’s really hard to get him to cum unless you do first. Nothing makes him feel as good as you feeling good.
MASSAGES. They’re so fucking good it’s like he went to school for it or something. Especially you thighs and hips. It’s a skill he uses for both foreplay and after care.
Loves falling asleep after, looks so radiant and soft afterwards and will just cuddle you forever.
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I think Kennys a good character but I can't help but HATE him and his behavior in season2 tbh
I feel that.
For me, Kenny is a case where he's an interesting character study but I don't like him, either. We have two seasons [plus bits in ANF] worth of his story to watch him grow [or rather, spiral downward] and I believe, for the most part, he's well-written..... but boy, I struggle with him. He's such a bastard, and by the time we get to the second half of s2, I can't stand him.
He's chill in S1 if you help him kill Larry, he's a real bro.... but if not, he lets out a lot of his uglier colors. I do my best to help him through losing his family, let him know that we gotta have each other's back if we're gonna survive.... but then Clem gets kidnapped and he's all "I dunno why yer lookin' at me! >:[ You ain't done nothin' for me!" like bruh.
And then S2..... ughhh
I want Clementine to get the hell away from him and that's always been conflicting with me since my favorite ending for s2 is Clementine and AJ staying at Wellington.... which means I have to allow Kenny to kill Jane and then stay with him after everything and it's not great.
If the Wellington ending wasn't an option, I would've shot him and gone with Jane... which yeah, I know, I can hear it: "Kenny good, Jane bad," yes, I get it, Jane is the worst... but also no, she's not. Calm down, it's okay.
I'm not saying Jane is great and did nothing wrong because I don't believe that, either. I get the criticisms of her, but I believe her character had great potential and she has some depth to her when you bother to look.
But anyway, Kenny.... Kenny is just a sad man. A sad, broken man who has lost everything and then some, who clings on to any potential hope given to him which results in some harmful behaviors. He can be incredibly selfish and uncaring to those he doesn't consider family or important, has the mindset of "either you're with me or fuck you," that I take issue with, and he becomes increasingly violent to where he feels justified in beating Arvo- and I don't care if you hate Arvo or not, he's still a young dude who didn't want the shit to hit the fan the way it did and Kenny uses him as an outlet for his rage with no thought to what it'll do to the group or how it'll affect Clementine to see him behave like that.
There's just so much I hate about Kenny.... but, I'm willing to admit that he has a charm about him and I give credit to his voice actor, Gavin Hammon, for that. His performance as Kenny is damn near perfect.
Not only that, but Kenny has his moments where he can be pretty funny, and he has moments of vulnerability that remind you that he's a broken man with humanity still left in him. He's not a lost cause, with right help and time, he could improve.... but with the situation being what it is, he's not getting what he needs and any help that is offered, he mostly rejects.
Ugh, I dunno..... Interesting character study, but can't stand him.
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letterboxd · 3 years
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Work Horse.
Taking on a rare leading role in his decades-spanning career, national treasure Tim Blake Nelson speaks with Mitchell Beaupre about demystifying heroes, reinventing genres and something called a quiche Western.
“This film is unapologetic about all the tropes that it’s deploying in service of telling the story... You’ve got a satchel full of cash. You’ve got gunslinging, physical violence, and feeding somebody to the pigs.” —Tim Blake Nelson
Described by Letterboxd members as “a national treasure” who “makes everything better”, Tim Blake Nelson is a journeyman actor who has tapped into practically every side of the industry since making his feature debut in Nora Ephron’s This Is My Life back in 1992. Whether you are a Marvel fanatic, a history buff or a parent trying to get through the day, the actor’s distinctive presence is a charming sight that’s always welcome on the screen.
Tim Blake Nelson is one of those rare actors who unites all filmgoers, a man genuinely impossible not to love, which certainly seems to be the case for Hollywood. Checking off working relationships with directors ranging from Terrence Malick and Ang Lee to Hal Hartley and Guillermo Del Toro, Nelson has covered the boards, even crossing over into directing and writing, both in films and on the stage.
Yet, despite being a renowned talent who can take a smaller supporting role in a massive Steven Spielberg blockbuster starring Tom Cruise and carry the film, Nelson-as-leading-man sightings have been few and far between. In fact, it’s quite a struggle to find a film with Nelson in a leading role, as even playing the titular role for directors who understand his greatness still results in him only appearing in the opening section of an anthology feature.
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At last, the leading role Nelson fans were in need of has arrived in the form of Old Henry, a new Western from writer/director Potsy Ponciroli. Nelson plays the eponymous Henry, a widowed farmer with a mysterious past who makes a meager living with his son (Gavin Lewis), doing his best to leave his old life behind and hide away from the world. Things get complicated when Henry stumbles upon a satchel of cash and a wounded stranger (Scott Haze), bringing them both into his home. Soon, a dangerous posse led by an intimidating Stephen Dorff comes calling, setting the stage for an old-fashioned throwdown in this twisty Western siege thriller.
Premiering at the Venice Film Festival, Old Henry has been warmly received on Letterboxd. “Old Henry feels like the culmination of Tim Blake Nelson’s twenty-plus-year career, but from another dimension, where he’s highly regarded as a leading man”, writes Noah, speaking not only to the strength of Nelson’s performance, but also to the fact that this leading role shouldn’t be such a rarity. Todd awards Nelson the prize for “Best Facial Hair in a 2021 film”, before applauding the actor for pouring “every emotion in his body to play Henry”.
Letterboxd’s East Coast editor Mitchell Beaupre saddled up for a chat with Nelson about the intentional hokiness of the Westerns that made him fall in love with filmmaking, how the Coen brothers put other directors on notice, and the fatherly joy of keeping it all in the family.
I’ve seen a lot of interviews with you discussing your career as an actor, a writer, and a director. You always speak with such reverence for the art. Where does that passion come from for you? What made you want to pursue this field? Tim Blake Nelson: It’s funny, doing these interviews for Old Henry has been reminding me of my introduction to filmmaking as an art. I’ve realized that I had never quite located it, but it really started with the Sergio Leone Westerns, which I would see on television when I was growing up in Oklahoma in the ’70s. Before that, going to the cinema was always invariably a treat, no matter what the film, but I would just be following the story and the dialogue.
The Sergio Leone movies were the first ones that exposed subjectivity in telling stories on film to me. That was where I became aware of the difference between a closeup and an extreme closeup, or how you could build tension through a combination of the angle on a character with the editorial rhythm, with the lens size, with the music in addition to the dialogue and the story.
How old were you when this shift in your understanding of cinema was happening? I think it was across the ages of ten and eighteen, where I suddenly realized that this was an auteur here, Leone. There was a guy behind all these movies I was seeing—and in Oklahoma, you could see a Sergio Leone movie every weekend. This was a man making deliberate and intelligent decisions in everything that I was seeing.
I started noticing that a character was in a duster that goes all the way down to his boots, even though that’s not necessarily accurate to the Old West. That’s something else. Also, why is he wearing it in the desert? Would that have been very practical? And look at that cigar Clint Eastwood is smoking. It’s not smooth, it looks like it was a piece of tree root. Then later I learned it’s a particular kind of Italian cigar, but somehow it was defining this genre of Western. I marveled at that, and found it unbelievably thrilling to discover. I loved the stories and the dialogue and the intentional hokiness of it all. All of it was conspiring to teach me to venerate this form.
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Sergio Leone, his daughters, and Clint Eastwood on the set of ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ (1966).
The connection there is interesting between the Leone Westerns to where Old Henry is at now. You’ve talked before about how the Western genre is one that is reinvented over and over throughout the years— Oh, you do your homework!
I try my best! What would you say defines the current era of Westerns that we’re seeing, and how the genre is being reinvented? Well, Joel and Ethan [Coen] did a lot of mischief, in a good way, with The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. Genres are always about genres, in addition to their story. So, I would say that Buster Scruggs is the quintessential postmodern Western, if you look at it as one movie instead of as an anthology, because it celebrates the history of the form. The magic of that movie is that it engages you in each story while also being a meditation on death. That’s what connects each one of those tales, and then it’s also a meditation on storytelling to boot. In the final chapter, you have a character talking about why we love stories, and he’s telling it to a bunch of people who you’ll learn are all dead.
The stories are a way of delaying the inevitable mortality. I mean, look at that. It’s such an accomplishment. With that movie, I think Joel and Ethan put filmmakers on notice that Westerns had better always be also about Westerns, because whether you like it or not, they are. I think they probably came to understand that when they were making True Grit, although knowing the two of them they probably understood it already.
Do you feel there’s a direct correlation between a movie like Buster Scruggs and Old Henry, in this era of postmodern, revisionist Westerns? How it impacts a movie like Old Henry is that you have Potsy embracing the Western-ness of the movie. This film is unapologetic about all the tropes that it’s deploying in service of telling the story. You’ve got the cantankerous old man hiding a past, who’s a maverick who wants to keep the law and the bad guys off his property. He wants to be left alone. You’ve got a satchel full of cash. You’ve got gunslinging, physical violence, and feeding somebody to the pigs. Yet, it’s all accomplished without irony in a very straightforward way that is utterly confident, and in love with the genre.
I think ultimately that’s why the movie works, because it’s very front-footed. It’s not hiding from you. It’s not deceiving you and trying to tell you it’s something that it isn’t. It’s a good, straightforward Western.
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Tim Blake Nelson as the titular singer in ‘The Ballad of Buster Scruggs’ (2018).
That’s a bit different from those Leone Westerns, with all of their anachronisms. I remember when the movie Silverado came out when I was growing up, and people were calling it a “quiche Western”, which was funny. That was what they would call it in Oklahoma because it had a bunch of movie stars in it, who weren’t known for being in Westerns. It was the Sergio Leone crowd calling it that. I went and saw it, wondering, “Well, if it’s a quiche Western, then why is everybody talking about it?” I saw it, and I loved it. Those folks putting it down like that were wrong. It’s actually a straightforward, hard-boiled, hardcore unapologetic Western. You don’t like some of the movie stars in it, but get over it. The reason that movie works is because it’s straight-ahead and well-told, and I think that movie holds up.
Old Henry is the same kind of animal. It’s more in the tradition of Sergio Leone—or, actually, I would say more in the tradition of Unforgiven. That was a big influence on Potsy.
Unforgiven was marvelous in the way it demystified that old black hat/white hat mentality of Westerns, opening up a more multi-dimensional understanding. You’re no stranger to that. A series like Watchmen takes that approach with superheroes, who in a sense hold the position now that Western heroes used to hold culturally. Do you find there’s more of a demand these days to challenge those archetypes who used to be put on pedestals—be they superheroes, cowboys, police—and provide a deeper analysis? Absolutely, yes. At the same time, I think the demystified Western hero goes back to John Wayne in The Searchers. I think it really started with that character, one of the greatest characters ever in a Western. There’s One-Eyed Jacks, with Marlon Brando, which was made just after The Searchers, and again embracing this concept of an extremely complicated man. I don’t think you get the Sergio Leone movies without that.
I always think of McCabe & Mrs. Miller as a Western that was doing something totally different than anything I had seen before. That’s another one, with that final image with the character smoking opium, going into oblivion after the demise of Warren Beatty’s very flawed character, after you’ve watched what it has taken to really build that town. You have a director, Robert Altman, making the deliberate choice to shoot in order so that they can build the town while they’re shooting the movie, and you really get the cost of it. I think there’s a lot of history to get to a place where a movie like Unforgiven can happen. Then Clint comes along and, as he often does, moves it forward even more.
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Gavin Lewis as Henry’s son Wyatt in ‘Old Henry’.
That’s a film that tackles legacy, as does Old Henry, which at its core is ultimately about the relationship between a father and his son. You got to work on this film with your own son, coincidentally named Henry, who was part of the art department. What is that experience like, getting to share your passion with your son on a project together? Well, I think something that is true for the character of Henry and for myself, and perhaps all of us, is that we all want our kids to have better lives than ours. I want that to be true in every respect. Mostly, I want them to be more fulfilled than I have been. My kids look at me when I say that and say, “Thanks a lot Dad for raising that bar”, because they see that I have a pretty good life. Which I do, but I still think they can be more fulfilled than I am, and I want that for them. One of the great privileges of this movie was to watch my son—who was the on-set decorator—work his ass off.
Those are the words of an incredibly proud father. He’s a work horse, and he’s learning about filmmaking, and I think on his current trajectory he will go beyond where I’ve gone as a filmmaker, directing more movies than I’ve been able to direct. Do a better job at it, too. He’s also a singer-songwriter, and I think he can have a venerable career doing that if he wants, but he wants to make movies too, and I hope that’s going to happen for him. It was a thrill to watch him do the work, the twelve- and fourteen-hour days, and after every take resetting and making sure everything was right. It felt like an accomplishment to see him take on that responsibility and do the real work every day.
Related content
SJ Holiday’s lists of Essential Neo-Westerns and Essential Modern Westerns
The Best Neo-Westerns of the 21st Century, according to JS Lewis
Our interview with Slow West director John Maclean
Follow Mitchell on Letterboxd
‘Old Henry’ is in US theaters now and on VOD from Friday, October 8.
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ontowanderlust · 4 years
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Bet., v.
As much as how nice their boss is, being slaves of the corporal world means that you won't have a life outside your job. This entails to running errands for difficult people, getting shouted at by people who aren't even your boss, negotiating with divas, and doing overtime just to beat the deadline.
Looking at it, employees in Kiseki Entertainment are thankful that at least their boss is nice and empathetic to their plight. Having her as their boss is the one saving grace in this craziness they call job.
And so, it's no wonder that they all look to her as someone who needed to be protected from anything at all cost- this includes the men hovering around her.
Because of this, whenever the boss isn't around, these men had became a hot topic during one of those breakroom talks.
"I'm just saying," Minor's voice ringing through the cacophony of voices in the break room, having gathered for a moment of respite. "That out of those punks, my bro Gavin has the best shot of becoming her boyfriend."
Willow snorted at his claim. "Oh please. Haven't you ever heard of the saying nice guys finish last? Women like boss will go for genius bad boys like Shaw. He's got the smarts, the looks and those fingers...mmh mama!" she fanned herself for more effect while other ladies giggled in agreement.
"If boss is looking for geniuses, she'd definitely go for Professor Lucien!" some dude at the back yelled, earning some laughter from some of them while Minor and Willow glared at him, effectively shutting him up.
"Oh but what about Kiro?" Kiki spoke up, brandishing the donut she was eating. "He and the boss are super duper close! Like two peas in the pod! Plus- out of the rest of them, he and boss are the closest!"
"Being close with each other doesn't mean they're in love." Willow grumbled.
"My bro is close to boss too! In fact he is super close that he even knows boss' preferred color on bras- ow!"
"Aren't they all close with the boss?" Homer asked earning a nod from Liz.  
"Wait hang on," Jade spoke up. "Is there no one who's betting for the CEO?"
"Oh that's Anna," Kiki said with a wave. "But since she's not here so-"
"-I will."
Instantly, the occupants of the break room froze as if someone dumped an ice bucket on them collectively. They could never mistake that low baritone voice and for a moment, it feels as if they all had their lives flash before their eyes.
No one dared to move.
"Shouldn't you all be working on a project that was entrusted to you or is this how the company usually is?"
Willow took a deep breath as she turned to face the imposing figure by the door, overwhelmed by the sinking feeling in her gut- even more when she saw Goldman frantically slashing his throat behind the CEO's back.
"Mr. Li!" she plastered on a fake cheery smile. As a seasoned staff, it fell on her shoulders to diffuse the situation. "Rest assured we're working on the project boss had left for us, it's just that you caught us during break time and..."
Victor's gaze swept their faces before turning to her. "Do make sure you don't make a habit of gossiping about the life of your superior outside work." he said in all seriousness- was it just them or is there a threat lodged in between his words?- before turning around to walk away while Goldman shook his head at them.
"You all realize that you all lost to Anna, right?"
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Let it be known that I suck at dialogues. Or am I just overthinking this? Anyway, this one came to me this morning and since my inbox is kinda empty as of the moment, I decided to write it. Kiseki is the name of the company in the anime so I am borrowing that as the default company name for the time being. 
Anyway, woooh. I need to shine some light for these amazing other characters! They are awesome and should be showered with love. 
Send in some prompts!
MLQC Dictionary Prompts
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travel-hopefully · 4 years
A collective post of everything I watched on Netflix in 2020
I finally found the watch history function on Netflix which I wanted in order to reminisce over the TV/film I watched over the last year, including the good and the bad. I’ve included a little round-up of my thoughts for each, as lockdown has got me with plenty of time on my hands. If anyone has watched any of the below feel free to give me a message- happy to discuss anything!
Travelers (season 3) - this was an unforgettable show with some great characters and definitely put me through hell (in a good way), I am a David x Marcy shipper for sure!
IT Crowd (season 4 & 5) - my favourite comedy show ever, and I mean the UK version
Explained (random episodes) - interesting bite-sized episodes on a variety of topics
Sherlock (season 3 & 4) - it kinda went downhill from season 4...and doesn’t help that there is no season 5 in sight
Unforgettable - must be pretty forgettable cause I couldn’t remember watching, a typical revenge plot romp I think
The Mind, Explained - same as for Explained above, except more pyshcological
You (season 2) - binge-worthy! I love to hate Joe Goldberg.
Don’t F**k with Cats - wow, this was disturbing but so gripping.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle - geniunely a good remake and rather amusing
Sex, Explained - as for Explained but a little more intriguing ;)
The Stranger (season 1) - full of suspense and a good binge watch but ultimately full of plot holes with an unsatisfying conclusion
Gavin & Stacey (season 3) - a classic which I only started watching in 2019
Sex Education (all of it) - comedy gold!
Unbelievable (limited series) - very harrowing, an emotional rollercoaster based on a real-life rape case
Atypical (all of it) - light-hearted and fun to binge
The Sinner (season 1) - it was okay... wasn’t spectacular compared to other similar dramas I’ve seen
Love Is Blind (season 1) - cringey but satisfying
In the Shadow of the Moon - I hardly remember this one :)
Dunkirk - a stand-out historical movie
The Stepfather - typical killer stepfather plot but rather enjoyable
The Super - an interesting premise, but not that super
Saw VI - all gore not much plot
Doctor Who (random episodes) - no words needed :D
Louis Theroux and Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends (random episodes) - I love his style of interviewing - what a man!
The Revenant - a lot of... well, not much
Nightcrawler - it was decent, but something was missing which I couldn’t put my finger on
How To Get Away With Murder (seasons 1-5) - probably my biggest new watch of the year, a rollercoaster of suspense, drama and murder, another season to go...
Ocean’s Eleven - fun but cheesey
Blumhouse’s Truth or Dare - creepy faces and an interesting ending
Eli - it started one way then went another, I wasn’t convinced
Star Trek (2009) - I couldn’t really get into this one...
In the Tall Grass - a lot of running around in grass
Bloodride (season 1) - i loved this, a quirky idea, i binged it
Apostle - intense, a satisfying religious cult horror
The Platform - great idea, not sure on the ending
What Keeps You Alive - what happened in this one again?
History 101 - didn’t watch many episodes :P
The Prodigy - a decent child possession horror
Into the Night (season 1) - really enjoyed this, a highlight of the year for me, hoping for a season 2
It - pretty chilling and creepy, but a tad cheesey
Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - the first one has a brilliant dinosaur fight scene, the second one has too many plot holes and inconsistencies to take seriously
Knowing - a Nicholas Cage sci-fi/apocalpytic classic, pretty decent
Stranger Things (random episodes) - i tried to get my bf into the show but sadly he still isn’t much of a TV fan
Miranda (random episodes) - such fun!
Black Mirror (seasons 1 & 2) - another one i introduced the bf to, i got a bit further with him on this one, the very first episode being the highlight
The Last House on the Left - a decent remake, but nothing outstanding
Dark (season 3) - this, my friends, is one of the greatest shows of all time. want a timey-wimey story where everything is connected and has an amazingly satisfying conclusion? this is the show for you!
The Silence - a bad ‘A Quiet Place’
Geostorm - i’m a fan of disaster movies but this one wasn’t in the same league as some of the greats
Panic Room - a mum and kid hides in the panic room when a group of thugs break into the house, it was enjoyable but not all that memorable
Prisoners - a very long film with some enjoyable parts but overall unsatisfying
Girl on the Third Floor - it was okay, i can’t remember much of it
The Woods (season 1) - another Harlan Coben adaptation- not as good as ‘Safe’ or ‘The Stranger’ but still a gripping thriller
Time Trap - a fun time-travel film with some interesting turns of events
72 Dangerous/Cutest Animals (random episodes) - just ‘cause i love animals
Slasher (all of it) - some very gory deaths, especially in season 3. quite disturbing but keeps the suspense up throughout.
2012 - a guilty pleasure of mine, realistic or not
Kingsman: The Secret Service - a fun spy film, will be looking to watch the second one soon
Blackfish - this was harrowing, it really made me think, but overall i’m on the side of tilikum
Unsolved Mysteries (season 1 & 2) - watching some of these my jaw dropped, love theorising on this kind of stuff
Down to Earth with Zac Efron (season 1) - Zac is great in this, he seems so chill and literally ‘down to earth’
The Call - I love this film, seen it 3 times now
Contagion - very relatable right now, interesting to see the parallels with todays situation
Next in Fashion (season 1) - i didn’t get too far with this, i found it a little superficial
Searching - another of those internet web-cam based films. decent but not memorable.
Non-stop - another Nicholas Cage classic, this time a suspense thriller
Freaks - as the title suggests this one was rather weird, i didn’t quite gel with it
The Perfection - wow, that was an experience. definitely memorable, even if some characters make questionable decisions...
Extraction - not usually a fan of action-type thrillers, but i actually enjoyed this one, plus it has Chris Hemsworth in it!
Line of Duty (season 2) - full of suspense, a great build-up in the first 5 episodes, but the way they tied it up really grated on me 
Insidious - watched this one with my sister. a genuinely good horror film on rewatch with an amazing cliff-hanger
A Quiet Place - another one watched with my sister. labelled a horror but its more sci-fi, either way its a classic. bring on the second film!
The Dark Tower - disappointing mostly.
Gladiator - i’d never seen this before and now i understand the hype- what an epic movie!
Criminal UK (season 2) - didn’t disappoint following the exceptional first season
Venom - a fun comedic marvel film, definitely need to watch more from Marvel in the next year- i need an order to watch them in as don’t know where to start
Our Planet (season 1) - chill David Attenborough to put on in the background
The Equalizer - a great action revenge thriller plot with a badass Denzel
Merlin (random episodes) - who doesn’t love a trip down memory lane with some nostalgic bbc merlin?
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) - pretty scary remake
The Witcher (season 1) - rewatched in order to familiarise myself again before season 2 - i didn’t realise how funny the show was until this time round, gotta love Jaskier!
American Murder: The Family Next Door - this was haunting
The Haunting of Bly Manor - phenomenal, emotional, creepy, heartbreaking - i much preferred it to Hill House
Abducted in Plain Sight - seriously, how naive are the parents in this? i could have a rant for hours about this!
The End of the F***ing World (seasons 1 & 2) - very bingeable, Alyssa makes me laugh too much, i love how relatable the show is
Fractured - didn’t expect much from this consipiracy-type film but it kept me guessing right till the end
The Ripper (limited series) - very intriguing, but the mysogyny in this was shocking
Inconceivable - a typical mother looking for her baby revenge plot but still entertaining
The Midnight Sky - i’d heard rave reviews for this but was disappointed by a lacklustre plot which was sacrificed for award-winning cinematography
Killer Women with Piers Morgan (season 2) - a pyschological interview series which looks into the mind of murderers, rather interesting
May the Devil Take You - scarier and jumpier than i thought it would be!
So 2020 obviously gave me a lot of time to watch a s**t load of stuff and looking back at it i feel like i got a decent amount of my watch-list ticked off! And obviously this is not including shows watched on other media so there’s that too (a special shout-out to the William Hartnell era of Doctor Who which I watched this year on BritBox). In all, 2020 has definitely introduced me to a few new fandoms and progressed my love for others. 
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chibienvychan03 · 4 years
MC Learns How to Cook
No way. No how. It just could not be. You followed the recipe exactly. No short cuts. No substitutions. Yet somehow you wound up with this thing… While you would rather not waste food, you were definitely not going to it or gods forbid show it to a certain CEO/chef. You recalled the last time he witnessed your cooking.
 Victor takes one look at your latest cooking creation if it could be called one. “… Congratulations. You’ve created a new substance. I’m sure the scientists will be interested in how you managed this.”
 At this point, your eye is twitching, and you struggle to fight off the urge to strangle your boss. After all, he’s in charge of your paycheck along with everyone in your company. Think of your poor employees. Must remember them.
 “Thanks for your… suggestion. I’ll keep that in mind.” This is the last time you’ll let Victor come over before you’ve finished practicing on whatever dish you’re trying to create. You dump your creation into a container you’ve brought before cleaning up. All the while you’re purposely ignoring a certain person.
 Victor sighs a long one. He says something that you pay little attention to as you’re taking out your frustrations on the poor cookware. They won’t clean themselves after all. Once you’re finished and Victor’s kitchen is back to normal, you grab your dish and storm out of there.
 Your anger and frustration are completely apparent, and if Victor doesn’t pick up on it, well he may as well be the dummy or blind. As tempting as it is, you somehow manage to refrain from slamming the door shut. No need to owe Victor any more than you already do.
 The strange multicolored black lump had to be useful for something. The first thing that came to your mind was paperweight, but it might attract unwanted pests and would probably start rotting. Out of the question. Using it as a weapon? No. First of all Gavin would hear about it, and second you couldn’t think of anyone in your life that warranted such a treatment including Victor. At the same time, you hate wasting what was supposed to be food. Maybe it would make good fertilizer? Surely it wouldn’t kill the plants. If it did… oops?
 After taking out your frustration on the black lump, you shove the now pulverized stuff into a container and took it outside your home. You glanced around to make sure no one (or camera) was looking before you deposited your “fertilizer” onto a random bush. The leaves hid the evidence.
 Back at home, you went online and searched for available cooking classes. Even if it costs a lot of money, there was no way you were going to him and asking him for lessons. You’re already deep in debt with him. Plus that smug smirk of his even if he looked handsome wearing it. It took awhile to find a good instructor within Loveland, but you found someone who was about to start classes. When you went to register, your jaw dropped at how much, but then again, the classes were small, and they provided everything including the ingredients and apron.
 So worth it.
 You open your wallet to pay for these classes. If the teacher was anything like the reviews said, you knew this was going to be a great learning experience for you.
 On your first day there, you managed to get lost until you ran into another person who was in the same class as you. At least he knew how to get there. The two of you arrived a few minutes ahead of the class starting in spite of you getting lost. Well he didn’t. There was a total of six students. Hence the high costs, but you kept thinking how great it would be to show up Victor… not outdo him, more like show him you could do more than what he anticipated.
 Your teacher looked awfully familiar. Had you seen him somewhere? Not recalling where you had seen him frustrated you. Maybe once introductions were done, you’d remember… wait a moment, you recalled reading a name when you signed up. Why couldn’t you pull that information up? It was like your brain needed rebooting.
 “My name is Kalvin, and I’ll be your instructor for the next three months,” the guy introduced himself. That was when you realized he had many cooking videos where he showed step by step how to make quite a few dishes. Not that you were his fan or bookmarked his profile on the video website. Nope.
 As it turned out, the person who helped you find the place was name Levi. He looked like an expert when handling the knife. You, on the other hand, appeared to be drunk. Your vegetables were lopsided no matter how hard you tried. It was frustrating.
 “You’ll hurt yourself that way. It’s better to have a good grip on both the ingredient and your knife.” It was that guy. When you looked over at his station, his vegetables were perfectly cut. He picked up one of your and showed you where to position both your hand and the knife, but he didn’t cut the eggplant. Instead he handed it back to you.
 You attempted it and almost cut yourself if it weren’t for his quick reflexes. “Thanks.” On your next attempt, he helped you by moving your hand and knife where they should be in order to not cut yourself. It felt different than what you were used to, however, you managed to cut the eggplant into decent sized pieces. Not as good as certain people though a lot better than when you first started.
 Your neighbor gave you a few tips on handling a knife and returned to his station. Maybe the two of you could be friends after this or something. The other students appeared to not be the friendly type as none of them bothered to greet you during the break nor did they help you when you were struggling. At the end of class, you all made a couple edible dishes… at least yours was. When you looked at your classmates, they all looked good… and smelled good too. Sigh.
 Once you finished cleaning up your station, you found that guy waiting for you. “It’s not safe for a lady to walk alone at night.”
 What a gentleman and caring too. “Thank you for staying… and helping me out.”
 The guy shrugged it off. “Everyone has to start somewhere. Myself included. Let’s just say I have a way with knives.”
 Something told you that you didn’t want to know what he meant by that. “Whatever it is, you’re an expert with it. Me? I’m clumsy.” You walked alongside him, and he even slowed down his speed to accommodate yours. If only a certain person… then again, it wouldn’t be him and didn’t feel right.
 “It takes practice. Trust me I cut myself a lot when I first started.” Ouch. It reminded you of yourself when you first attempted to cook. Needless to say, you now kept a first aid kit and a couple of fire extinguishers in your kitchen.
 “Sounds painful.” If he wasn’t there while you practiced outside of class, you knew you’d need those bandages perhaps several.
 “Anyways if you want help practicing, let me know. I’m self-employed.” Did he just read your mind?
 “Please. I don’t want to look like a fool in front of him.” Your cheeks become a bright red.
 “You’re learning how to cook for your boyfriend?” he teased. When you glared at him, he held up his hands. “Sorry. I’ll avoid that landmine.”
 You shake your head. “We’re not dating.”
 “But you like him, otherwise, you wouldn’t be doing this.” How observant he was! Could this become any more embarrassing?
 “How can you tell?” You hesitantly ask.
 “Because there’s a guy I like.” Did he just say he liked a guy? “If that bothers you…”
 You shake your head. It didn’t bother you at all. “No, I’m just surprised since you know… a lot of people don’t admit it to someone they first meet.”
 “This guy doesn’t even know I exist… He is rather selective about what he remembers, and he cares about only one person who isn’t me.” You want to comfort and reassure him, but it’d feel a bit awkward or at least until you get to know each other.
 “So you’re hoping to win him over?”
 “The guy’s probably straight, and even if he isn’t, I probably don’t stand a chance,” your classmate sighed a long one. “But still his dietary habits are… not good for his profession. It’s physically demanding, and bad eating habits wind up with complications later on in life.”
 You began thinking of your own dietary habits and wince. His words were true. If anything, you’d at least learn how to cook healthy for yourself. “When you cook, you can control the salt, sugar, and fat contents.” He nodded his head.
 “You forgot it’s cheaper too.”
 “Yeah, easy on the wallet.” You two laugh… well his was more of a chuckle. “You want to exchange numbers?” You took out your phone and show it to him.
 “Why not?”
 After exchanging numbers, you reached the bus stop. You were about to board the bus when he started to walk away. It turned out he didn’t need the bus, but rather wanted to make sure you got on safely. This reminded you a lot of a certain cop, but he was away on a mission.
 Since you knew when classes would be held, you were able to change your work schedule to accommodate it. Anna, being supportive of your desire to learn and the fact she knew why you decided to take lessons in the first place, took charge whenever work ran late or for any sudden changes like a shoot being postponed and reports being delayed. She said it was for only three months, not three years. You decide to treat her to a well-deserved vacation once you finish your classes. Thanks to her efforts, you never missed a class.
 Also thanks to Kalvin and your friendly classmate your cooking improved by leaps and bounds. This time you could handle a knife without cutting yourself! You still needed to work on cutting the ingredients into the same size and shape, but that came with practice as they told you. Focusing on your cooking had become easier. You’re able to cook a dish without having your mind wander too far. It helped to have more than a pair of eyes watching your cooking. It was embarrassing at first being reminded to turn off the stove, lower the heat, or something else. About a third into your class, you didn’t need that many reminders which your new friends praised you for. Friends as in the teacher and the nice classmate.
 You were excited for today’s lesson. Dumplings! Two classes ago, Kalvin announced you’d be making dumplings and that you’d get to decide on which ones you wanted to make. He also needed to know as they needed to buy the ingredients for it. Once you handed in your list, you were told not to change. Otherwise you risk not having the proper ingredients for the filling. Trading ingredients was sometimes done, but not that often. Somehow with the way your classmates interacted with you, you doubted they would trade any of their ingredients with the exception of that one person. Rather than risk it, you had made a list of what you wanted to make and gave it to them last class.
 When you reach your station, you started preparing for your lesson. You glanced over to your classmates. They were all busy with their own preparations. Your only friend was already prepared and waiting for your teacher to arrive.
 “Looks like someone is in high spirits today,” he said in a casual tone, no teasing. “But it’s no surprise. We’re making dumplings, and we get to pick the filling.”
 Nodding your head, you completely agreed with him. “There’s someone I want to thank. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be able to attend every class.”
 “She covered for you?”
 “Yeah, and she volunteered for it too! She’s someone I can count on.” In fact, you thought of her more as family than an employee.
 “That certainly deserves a thank you gift.” She wasn’t the only one you plan on thanking. You also wanted to thank him for mentoring you in spite of his work even if he was his own boss. That was something the two of you had in common except he didn’t have employees. He was what they called an independent contractor or something similar to it. “What did you pick?”
 You listed off what you wanted to make much to his amusement. The ingredients were mostly the same, and the way they were cooked too. Plus you wanted to learn as much as possible. You rolled up your sleeves. “I can do this.”
 “Don’t rush yourself. We have class tomorrow and can finish it then.”
 “Yeah, but I don’t think I can keep quiet about the gift any longer.” You felt like you had drunk several mugs of espresso. “And what if they don’t like it?”
 “Have faith in yourself. Don’t forget. Failure is an option. Take it as a learning experience instead of beating yourself over it. It doesn’t do you any good ruminating on what if scenarios.”
 The way he said it, something terrible had to happen in his past and that something changed him. You weren’t close enough to ask and you doubted he would voluntarily tell you. Some things were better left unsaid as someone once said. “You’re right. I may stumble, but I get back up on my feet and move forward.” After everything that happened in your life, you had become a stronger person.
 You chat about everyday things, namely you complain about your work and unreasonable boss. Thankfully he was willing to listen to you vent. Some of his commentaries were hilarious and gave you ideas on editing certain pictures. You didn’t plan on showing anyone else, lest, they managed to make their way to that person.
 Then you noticed him looking at his watch and frown. “Our teacher is late. He’s never late. I hope he’s okay.” As soon as he mentioned it, you pulled out your phone and looked at the time. He was right. Your teacher was definitely more than late. Kalvin usually arrived there early in order to prepare for the lesson. Your lesson should have started about ten minutes ago.
 You jerked in the direction of the sound with a start, heart racing. It couldn’t be Kalvin as he had never slammed a door, not while you were in class with him. Your friend didn’t appear to be affected by this as if he was used to this. Why couldn’t you be that way? But no, you had to be jittery and full of nerves. Instead of your friendly teacher, you see a taller and much thinner man make his way to where Kalvin normally stood when demonstrating to the class. It turned out your usual teacher was sick, and he was there to help as he owed Kalvin a favor. Two classes. You hoped you would be able to survive this.
 “He looks familiar,” you blurted out.
 Your teacher looked in your direction as if he heard you, and you could see his eyes widen a lot. What? He never introduced himself but launched directly into the lesson. Still you get the feeling you know him from somewhere.
 You didn’t have much time to dwell on this as your teacher instructed you to gather your ingredients from the walk-in fridge. Room temperature ingredients were already at your station, but the ones that needed to be chilled were in in the colder room. Each student had a couple bags with their names on them. You groaned upon finding yours. They had to put it just beyond your reach. Stretching out was useless as was jumping and tippy toeing.
 A hand reached over your head. You turned around to find your male friend. He was definitely taller than you, but not a whole lot. “Thanks.”
 “No problem.” When he handed them to you, you almost fall forward. Those ingredients were heavy, yet, he handled them as if they weighed nothing. “Here, let me help you.”
 You followed him out into the much warmer room and discover you were the last two to get your ingredients. Your instructor narrowed his eyes at the two of you. What was his problem? It wasn’t that long, and helping others was a good thing, not bad. Your only friend in this class, Levi, placed your ingredients at your station before heading to his.
 Mystery teacher appeared to be less than pleased by this. Now that you gave it some thought, he looked downright pissed. Was he angry or upset at you? It wasn’t like you could help being that short. Maybe your strength could be improved… okay, it needed a lot of work on it, but that took time. Gentlemen were rare and far between these days. A rare species even! Your other classmates, who happen to be all females, weren’t fond of you. Now your substitute teacher wasn’t either. You hoped he would be there for only a couple of days. There were only two nice people in the class, and one of them was absent.
 As he began explaining the method for making the filling, there was that nagging thought in the back of your head. No matter how hard you tried to kick it out, it kept returning. You knew this guy from somewhere and sometime. It was a matter of figuring out where and when. Something hit your leg. You glanced over to the only male student who nodded towards the front of the classroom.
 Oh crap. It looked like you had spaced out for a bit. Instead of being caught by the mean teacher, it was someone on your side. Phew. You focused your concentration on learning how to make those delicious dumplings. Then maybe just maybe you wouldn’t have to spend a fortune buying them at your favorite place. Yours wouldn’t be as good as theirs, but that would be akin to comparing a first-time student to an experienced teacher.
 Grumpy, your substitute teacher, moved onto filling and folding the dumplings. He showed the different techniques and dumpling presentations. While he made it look easy, you knew your first dumplings would wind up as lumps of dough with meat fillings. Easier said than done as the saying went. After Grumpy answered a few questions and showed the others again, he told you to get to work.
 Your filling turned out to be acceptable. Eating raw meat was definitely not a good idea. Grumpy taught you to take a spoonful of your filling and cooking in order to taste test it. It took a few attempts to get the seasonings right. First time you couldn’t taste anything. Second time there wasn’t enough salt. Third was too much salt so you added some extra ingredients. Third time the veggies were undercooked, but the taste was good. You mentally noted you needed to add more time in cooking the filling.
 When you looked over at the others, they were well on their way to finishing their dumplings while you were just starting the assembling portion of it. You had an extra day, but did you really want to spend it with Grumpy over there? Not really. All right, time to get marching or rather folding. You had an idea of how much to add and what to do, but your clumsy fingers kept messing up. As you thought, your dumplings looked more like blobs, tasty ones. The first few batches tended to be the practice ones. You planned on eating your failed dumplings and giving the rest to your friends. Hopefully you’d end up with more successful dumplings than failed.
 By your tenth one, you had made a little progress, but you still wouldn’t give them to your friends especially Kiki. You would never hear the end of it from her. Just as you were about to start crying, Levi came to your rescue yet again. “Need some help?”
 You nodded your head. “I can’t get them right.” The failed dumplings proved your point.
 “It’s not hard once you know a trick,” he said as he grabbed a wrapper. He then proceeded to make a dumpling, explaining every step.
 Grumpy was there for only two days. After that, you wouldn’t have to deal with him or so you thought. Through his explanation, you couldn’t help but think that you had met this person somewhere. Not only that, but his voice sounded awfully familiar, one that you heard several times. Hard as you tried, your mind couldn’t pull out a name. It frustrated you to no ends. Yet, you couldn’t put too much thought to it as your teacher appeared to be the no nonsense, get it done type.
 Making the filling was the easy part. Assembling was a different story. Your clumsy fingers kept messing up your first dumpling. At this rate, you’d need a third day to finish all the dumplings you planned on making. The others managed to get the hang of making theirs. Why did you have to be the slowest? Just as you were about to cry, your friend walked over to your station.
 “Don’t you have dumplings to make?” Your teacher glared at the guy. Where did Grumpy come from? Was he secretly a ninja or something?
 Your friend raised his hand to show he meant no harm. “We didn’t want to trouble you since you were busy helping another student.”
 “That is why I’m here,” Grumpy said, still glaring at your friend. “I’m the teacher. Got that?”
 “Understood.” Your reinforcements made a strategic retreat, leaving you to face the Grumpster by yourself. At least there were other witnesses. He wouldn’t try anything while there were others who would witness it, right?
 “What’s your problem?” Grumpy asked. That was what you wanted to ask him.
 “Err… folding it, but I think I got it!” You demonstrated your new folding technique. While it wasn’t that good, it was a lot better than your first dumplings.
 “Do it again.”
 Okay. You repeated the process. This time Grumpy made some suggestions on how to further improve your dumpling as well as speeding it up. Oh oh oh! Why didn’t you think of using that? It saved you time and effort. In spite of his cold attitude, Grumpy turned out to be a knowledgeable teacher. Yet, you kept thinking that you were supposed to know him.
 Those hours were a lot shorter than you imagined them to be. Thanks to Grumpy’s and Levi’s assistance, you were able to assemble all your dumplings, but cooking them all was a different story. Class ended. Your last batch of dumplings were not fully cooked. They needed a little more time.
 “Aren’t you going home? You’re finished.” Why was he still here when he did not have to be? He already finished his and packed them too.
 “I could, but I’m not letting you go the bus alone,” Levi stated. It reminded you of Gavin, the way he was protective of you, but more of an overprotective big brother way than someone who could be interested in you. “It’s getting late.”
 “Go home,” Grumpy said, appearing out of nowhere again. “Class is over.”
 “Sorry teacher, it’s dangerous for her to be alone at this time.” The two men seemed to be in a glaring showdown. One of them was definitely taller than the other. Was Grumpy this tall? You hadn’t noticed as you were too busy trying to make dumplings last time he came to your station.
 “I will take the young lady home,” Grumpy said in a very authoritative tone. This was too familiar.
 “You have a vehicle?”
 “What do you think? Of course, I have a vehicle. A lot safer than your motorcycle.” That arrogance and haughty tone could only be… no way.
 If he was who you thought he was, it was mind blowing. Wasn’t he already busy with TWO business? Granted one of them was a side business than full time, Still… You didn’t want to believe, but all the evidence pointed in that direction.
 You pointed your finger at him. “VICTOR!?”
 Good thing the other students already left. Otherwise, you’d make yourself look like a fool again. If Victor was in disguise, then he also didn’t want anyone to know…. Oops? You just outed him to your newest friend.
 “Took you long enough to notice, Dummy.” With that, Victor took off his disguise.
 “… I heard nothing. I saw nothing. See ya next class.” Levi didn’t appear or sound intimidated by Victor. No, it felt more on awkward being the third wheel.
 “Who is he?” Victor demanded to know as he stepped close to you, pinning you between himself and your station.
 “He’s a classmate… and a friend. Why?”
 “I don’t trust him. Stay away from him.” Victor sounded very cold and very angry. There was a look about him, something feral. It sent chills up and down your spine.
 “Are you jealous?” you blurt out. Open mouth and insert entire leg. Why stop at your foot? Why not put in your entire leg?
 “Me? Jealous? Where did you get that absurd idea?”
 You giggled, not believing him. “You’re jealous of my gay friend.”
 “Are you deaf? I’m not jealous of your what did you say?” Victor blinked in disbelief as if he couldn’t comprehend what you just told him.
 “My gay friend. Yes, Victor, he likes guys. You have a problem with it?”
 The bright blush on his cheeks spoke volumes. “No, I do not.”
 You decided to press your luck. “He’s more of an older brother to me. You know? Looks after me, helps me, and encourages me without being interested in that way.”
 “How do you know he likes guys? He could be lying.”
 You were now giving him the ‘I can’t believe I have to explain it to you,’ look. “We went to the mall to shop and look at cute guys.” Victor’s eyes widened. “Kiki and Willow came too. You can ask them. They’ll vouch for us and that my friend likes guys.”
 “You looked at ‘cute guys?’”
 “Is there anything wrong with appreciating the aesthetics of men?” Apparently those were the wrong words to say as Victor’s attitude darkened quickly. “I can’t believe I have to say this to you of all people.”
 You cut him off. “Just because I like how something looks doesn’t mean I love it. I like looking at art, but I’m not in love with art. I love cute animals, but I’m not in love with them. I love eating good food, but I’m not in love with them either.”
 “This appreciation is superficial?”
 “YES! If a good-looking guy is mean and nasty, I wouldn’t like him even if he paid me to.” You hoped this would drive home your point.
 Victor appeared to be distraught over something. Was it what you said? Why was he suddenly quiet? Wait a moment, did that mean you’d lose your funding? Victor wouldn’t be this petty, would he?
 “You’re heavy. Mind giving me some space?” At this point, he was practically on top of you.
 “Do you dislike me?”
 “Never mind.” Victor pulled away from you, not letting you answer the question he just asked. However, you weren’t about to let it drop.
 “I don’t dislike you. Sure, you give me a hard time and are annoying, but that doesn’t amount to disliking. I guess you can say I’ve gotten used to you.”
 “I’m annoying?”
 “At times, yes.”
 “When have I ever been –”
 DING! Your timer went off.
 “My dumplings are finished.” You rushed over to turn off the stove, ignoring Victor’s attempts to find out what you find annoying about him. They were finished. You began taking them out and placing them into your containers. It gave you time to think of an answer. Your mind was in overdrive trying to figure out a way to redirect his attention.
 “Are you listening?” As soon as he opened his mouth to ask, you shoved an earlier dumpling into his mouth. Why didn’t you think of this before?
 Rather than spitting it out, Victor ate it. He wasn’t the type to waste food. “Not bad… for a dummy. Why are you smiling like that?”
 “From you, that’s practically a complement,” you sounded pleased. You knew your cooking would get better, but for your first lesson, it was good.
 “What are you going to do with them?”
 You glanced over to Victor who had that look. “I’m giving them to my friends.”
 “You’re not getting any.”
 Victor’s stance became rigid as he narrows his eyes at you and folds his arms over his chest.
 “I’m going to make more with better ingredients.”
 Victor relaxed a little. “You noticed the quality of the ingredients?”
 You laughed at his observation. “Of course, I did. I may not be an expert at cooking, but I am when it comes to tasting. Besides it should be obvious.”
 “Cooking classes aren’t going to give you the finest ingredients… at least this level.” Done! You finished packing your dumplings. As you were about to start cleaning up, you notice Victor grabbing the pots. They still needed to be washed.
 “What are you waiting for? Get the rest.”
 Between the two of you, you cleaned up your station in no time, and Victor insisted on carrying your dumplings to his car. You wanted to split the load between you two, but he wouldn’t have any of it, saying that you were too weak to carry it. Consider it a reward for improving that much in such a short amount of time, according to him.
 “Why didn’t you come to me?”
 You blushed. “You have a large company to run and a small shop. I didn’t want to be a burden to you.”
 “What’s one more thing?”
 “Hey!” You pouted and puffed your cheeks while looking away from him. “I also wanted to surprise you with my cooking skills. Besides weren’t you encouraging me to be more self-motivated?”
 Victor appeared to be stunned for a moment. “Heh. Never thought you’d be using my own words against me. That’s a first… and it’ll be the last time.”
 “Is that a challenge?”
 “You want it to be?”
 “Bring it on, Tsundere!”
 “Dummy, I’ll make you regret saying those words.”
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fandom-necromancer · 3 years
Hi there Toasts!!! 🧡🌽 For the writer aks, I'm hitting you with these!!!
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
8. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi chaptered stories?
13. When did you start writing fanfic?
14. How do you feel about your older work?
26. Are titles for your stories easy to come up with?
38. What story of yours are you surprised that people liked as much as they did?
I was curious about a lot of them but I opted for these!! 🧡🧡
Have a nice day!!!! <3
🌽 Hey there ! 🌽 Okay, let’s go XD
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of? For the story definitely the pebble series (162/907) Still super proud of it and soft!Nines and soft!Gavin just has me feeling emotions. For the headcanon I would go with Gavin becoming an investigative journalist if he is fired/replaced. There will eventually be a bigger story about this in a few years because I really liked the setting of the short.
8. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi chaptered stories? I enjoy both for various reasons. But by just a tiny bit I enjoy writing multi chaptered stories more. You have more space for plot decisions, you can have more than a few scenes and you can take your time with story arcs. Also you can put different purposes of scenes into different chapters so the story feels more diverse. But one-shots are faster to write and more people will read them or interact in the comments so that is a big plus too.
13. When did you start writing fanfic? I started writing in 5th grade, so around 2010. I discovered that something like fanfiction is possible four years later with Assassin’s Creed. Stayed with that and wrote a lot in the fandom, but mostly OC stuff. When Tokyo Ghoul came out I wrote in that fandom for I think one and a half year, also OC. All of that was in German though. The moment I think my writing really started though was when Detroit become human came out and I started writing in English for the first time with three short stories. Then I started A Soldier’s Purpose (what will now become a original book) and what’s now Human at Heart. And then shit hit the fan in the health department and to cope I started this blog to get back into art, what didn’t work (as I knew from the beginning but didn’t want to accept). Changed it to writing shorts now nearly two years ago and here we are. I won’t ever stop and I really, really want to make writing my job.
14. How do you feel about your older work? Proud. Especially looking back at my early German stories, I know that objectively they aren’t good. The stories and OCs were okay and some I even still like. But I also did a lot wrong, especially considering I had an anti-LGBT+ mindset back then and in hindsight I am now really ashamed of how that bled into my stories. But all of my stories, even those old ones helped me through hard times and every mistake I see has to mean that I improved in some way up to now. So yeah, I’m proud of all my stuff, even if some of it is bad. And I absolutely love the shorts on here, even sometimes read them myself. It’s funny, some of them feel like time capsules because I remember writing them after a hard exam on the train or how one was a hastily texted idea on my way to some convention.
26. Are titles for your stories easy to come up with? Holy phck, yes. I was so happy as I was still writing the number prompts, because I could use that. Now that this has shifted for whatever reason, I’m sitting there happy with a finished short but oh shit you need a title still and that has to draw people in so you can’t just use a generic thing but the generic thing is the only thing stubbornly staying in your brain so in the end you take it and- Yeah, it’s hard. It’s really rare I simply get an idea for a title. A Soldier’s Purpose came to me like nothing, A Road beneath the Sand too. Somebody to die for is really just a song title but it fit so well and I was listening to it on loop so I didn’t bother changing it.
38. What story of yours are you surprised that people liked as much as they did? A little distraction. By far. I wanted to write a big story for that, figured I wouldn’t get to it in the next few years and then thought to convert it into a Christmas story in case no prompts came in. There were prompts in the end but I thought to just upload it too because I enjoyed writing it. It kinda went under though until I reuploaded it on AO3 this year. And I got to write six continuations so I figured people really must have liked it. Didn’t expect this to happen XD It’s now my top by hits and my fifth by Kudos on AO3, surpassing my big stories, I put far more effort in. But I really liked that I could get back to it and weave in stuff from my old idea so I’m happy how it developed.
Thank you for the questions! I hope I didn’t ramble too much, but I can’t help it XD
Have a nice day yourself!💕
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sebbybooks · 4 years
Our Vintage Summers(PT3)
Sebastian Stan x Fanfiction
"All I need is to remember
how it was to feel alive."
My eyelids were heavy as I tried to flutter them open. Slowly my vision came back to me as the blurbs of light and shapes began to take on real form. I had to steady my breath careful not to let my nerves takeover because it took me a while to adjust to my surroundings to figure out where I was and how I ended up back in this old bedroom of mine. I stared mindlessly up at the ceiling watching the cracks that formed around the dandelion shaped crystal chandelier that once radiated the most calming ambient light. As I stare at it now I see that it is nothing more than a hideous piece of architecture from my hellish childhood. Memories began to accompany the pain then right on time images of Sebastian fading into nothing flashed through my brain.
I jolted myself forward when realization finally kicked in but my attempt to get of out bed was short lived. I was met with a stabbing pain that shot through my head at full force that made me wince. I squeezed my eyes shut feeling like at any minute I was going to be sick. You would think I took a nasty beating to the skull from how badly it hurt.
I couldn't move the lower half of my body if I wanted to. I was tightly tucked underneath the duvet that I was burning up under. I laid there immobile and in misery. I couldn't call out for anyone all of my energy felt depleted and I was starting to feel dizzy on top of it. The thoughts in my head wouldn't slow down as they danced around taunting me. The only face I wasn't able to escape belonged to the one person that made me feel like I was going completely insane. Hell, maybe I was going a little mad. There was no way what I saw was real. How could I explain seeing a person vanish before my very eyes? The short answer was I couldn't.
Suddenly the door to the bedroom shot opened I was able to lift my head to look to see who had entered. Quickly coming over to the bed I saw out of the corner of my eye it was my sister Anya. The look of concern she wore on her face quickly diminished when she looked down and saw that I was conscious.
"You're awake!" She whispered. Anya's pinched expression was replaced with a toothy smile. "You had us worried sick Sia. Justin just found you face down on the kitchen floor." I could hardly find it in me to speak so I just let out a exasperated sigh in response. She brushed through my hair gently with her hand careful not to press down on my head too hard, brushing my hair away from my face. I was grateful for that because my hair was starting to cling to my skin. It felt like I was getting hotter and hotter by the second I needed a fan or a window to be let open. I feared I might be at risk of passing out again.
"Jesus Sia you are burning up." Anya said finally stating the obvious as she flipped her hand back and forth over my forehead. I used all the energy I had to raise my hand to motion that I needed air. "Let me go get you an ice pack and turn the AC up." She said as she started to turn around to leave.
"Anya." My voice came out like a croak.
"Yeah sis?"
I had to move my tongue around in my mouth a few times to get a bit of moisture flowing. My throat was so incredible hoarse I could hardly understand my own voice. Plus it pained me to even move my jaw in the slightest. I needed to know so I used all that I had to say his name. "Sebastian?"
Her brows furrowed in confusion as she looked back at me like I had a horn coming from the center of my forehead. Thinking she didn't hear me I attempted to utter his name again. This time she reacted as if I was the one confused. "Sia you hit your head pretty hard now you're just saying random names. Maybe Remi was right and we need to call an ambulance."
I began to pull myself up, but again quickly regretted it. "Anya where. . . where did he go?"
Standing in the middle of the doorway. "Where did who go?" I could hear the genuine frustration laced in her tone.
"Sebastian?" I spoke his name like I was unsure of who I was referring to myself.
Defeated she stared back at me with pity and worry in her eyes. "We met a lot of people at grandma's funeral, but we don't know anyone by that name. The only people here with us is Justin, Remi, and Gavin remember? I'm going to give Dr. Thomas a call after all to see if he will come out and look at you just to be sure that you're ok." She huffed out as she pulled her cellphone from her back pocket.
I don't know why but my eyes began to cloud over with tears. "He showed up to the house tonight right as the storm rolled in." Listening to the sound of my own voice it sounded like I had an ugly cold. I could tell she was trying to ignore me. Despite how badly it hurt to talk I kept going. "We met him earlier on the beach Anya, mom introduced him to us. Sebastian told us that he knew our grandmother why aren't you listening to me?" As delusional and pathetic I must've sounded to top it all off I started to sob uncontrollably. It hurt to even puff out a breath of air. Wet hot tears rolled down my face. I was losing it.
"Hello Dr.Thomas this is Anya Foxwood, Nora and Keith's daughter. I am terribly sorry to be disturbing you this late I wouldn't have called if I didn't think it was an emergency." I began to block the sound of my sister as I reclined my tired body back onto the bed.
The rain that continued to pour down from the sky loudly started to pick up and beat against the windowsill. The drumming sound of thunder accompanied it in the background to add to the mix of noises. Teardrops pooled from the corners of my eyes. I was engulfed in an uncomfortable wave of sadness that I myself couldn't even explain. I didn't want to admit it but I swear it felt like my heart was crying out for him. Which was the strangest sensation I didn't even know him! I started to even second guess if he was real. An that all of this was just apart of a cursed day that refused to end.
I sank my body down further into the bed trying to hold on to the last details of Sebastian and I's conversation. I had this gut feeling about him that I had trouble deciphering if was good or bad. Yet, my wild emotions that jumped out in his presence urged me to quell any doubts that I had. Which was an unsafe mindset I found myself trapped in. He was on the verge of telling me something that he so desperately wanted me to know. Then shit went supernatural.
The room fell silent I didn't even notice when Anya stepped away. She closed the door closing off what little air I did receive. It felt like a sauna in here. I could barely catch my breath. I assumed the pain in my head was worsening because it started to feel like I was spinning, despite the fact I was laying completely still. In all honesty at the risk of sounding dramatic I was convinced in this moment I was dying. I've never had a migraine make me feel like my brain was hemorrhaging painfully slow. I wanted to scream out in agony but my throat felt restricted unable to call out for help. I barely could move a muscle and that was the scariest part of it all. I waited for it to get worse so it would finally be over. I had no choice but to accept whatever was to come freeing me from this torment.
Gasping for air at this point I closed my eyes thinking it would help bring me an inkling of comfort to ease my suffering. Almost on an instant my limbs began to feel more relaxed and a sense calmness washed through my body. I could feel rays of sunlight grazing every inch of my skin. Through my closed eyelids the lights grew brighter like I was laying under direct sunlight of some sorts. When I tried turning on my side I felt tiny grains of sand underneath me and that's when my eyelids shot open. Clearly I died or was dreaming. Somehow I ended up back on the beach
As I raised myself from the sand I looked around in confusion as I watched the strangers around me partake in the elements around them. Couples were strolling alongside the water, children were playing in the sand, families were huddled together smiling and laughing. I scanned the area around me all appeared normal, except something was definitely off.
Pushing myself up I had to quickly access my attire it felt like I was nearly naked. I was dressed in a blush pink high waisted polka dot bikini with a swim top that left none to the imagination. It didn't take long for me to pick up on the attention I was attracting. Mothers with their children stared back at me with disdain while their husbands were doing a poor job hiding the fact that they were skeevy. While it was apparent I stuck out like a sore thumb I noticed something about everyone's choice of modest swimwear and style. They all looked like they stepped out of a scene from a Fitzgerald novel.
A loud nervous laugh escaped from me and I quickly clamped my hand across my mouth. I could sense myself starting to panic, clearly I was experiencing a very realistic dream. I felt every sensation like it was happening in real time. Squinting my eyes from the bright sunlight I was slightly terrified to move and explore my new location. What startled me the most was the fact that I recognized exactly where I was. Spinning around on my bare feet in the hot sand the only thing that was familiar to me was seeing that my grandmother's house was still sitting on the sand dune up ahead.
"How in the hell?" I said aloud, my voice trailing off as I tried to screw my head on straight. The Victorian styled beach house was nearly unrecognizable. Its previous cold and uninviting essence on the outside was replaced with a great deal of decadency and warmth. There were no longer old vines that clung to every crevice on the house. Lively blue and violet hydrangeas adorned it instead as they climbed up the structure of the house. The dead shrubbery was replaced with vibrant yellow forsythia plants that lined against the house. On the front lawn children joyfully chased after a rabbit while men and women whose faces I didn't know were scattered across the front of the house engaged in a party. From the looks of it they were having a good time. All the years I've seen that house it never looked more alive.
"HEY LADY WATCH OUT!!" Before I could move fast enough to see who was shouting to get my attention I was taken out by a flying blue frisbee. Thankfully it missed my face but the thick plastic disc went straight to my neck knocking the wind out of me. Doubling over in pain I crouched down trying to stop my uncontrollable coughing attack. I gasped for air right as I noticed two sets of feet quickly pick up that weapon and take off running in a fit of laughter.
"Those little shits are you alright Miss?" By now surely I could recognize that voice which made my heart flip in my chest. I looked up as I brought my hand to massage the area of impact on my neck. "Sia?" Sebastian said my name carefully upon recognition.
I couldn't blink. If I did I was one hundred percent certain he would waste away again. He didn't look like he did when I last saw him in my grandmother's kitchen. Eyeing him I noticed that he was an exact replica of the man I saw in the photo I found. There was a sun kissed tan to him, his hair was shorter and tindruls of curls fell on his forehead. He was even dressed in the same opened buttoned white linen shirt and blue and white swim shorts. The more I noticed that the similarities were exactly the same my knees started to tremble and I was close to falling onto my ass until Sebastian reached out and grabbed me. Slightly tilted off balance he kept his arms arms secured around my waist so that I wouldn't fall down. I gave into my weight trusting that he would hold me steady. I no longer cared to try to rationalize what on earth was happening. I tipped my head back up at him still in utter disbelief , "You remember who I am?"
He looked down at me and I'm sure we mirrored the same shocked expression. "Of course I remember." Sebastian's chest was rising and falling at a fast speed. The grip he had on my frail frame tightened but it wasn't an uncomfortable feeling. He was holding onto me almost as if he was afraid to let go.
His focus never drifted away from my face which caused me to feel bashful underneath his affectionate gaze. For a minute I was concerned that he had gone mute, sensing what I was thinking he positioned me back on my feet backing away to put distance between us. Sebastian looked like he was fighting with himself to come near me again. My hands twitched just to touch any part of him. I was tired of fighting what I couldn't understand.Hiding my disappointment I looked away just long enough to catch my breath stealing a glance of the house once again. "I have been telling myself not to freak out, but I'm starting to fail miserably."
"None of this is going right." His shoulders were tense like he was unable to relax any muscle. It was visible that whatever was bothering him was making him upset. "I'm still trying to make sense myself, but for right now I need you to trust me so we can get you somewhere where she won't be able to find you like this."
(A/N* Hi beautiful creatures! I know it's taken me a while to update this fic, for a minute I was unsure if I wanted to continue writing it. I promise not to take forever to upload the next part! Just an fyi If you had ever asked me to tag you the reason I didn't was only due to the fact it has been such a long time. Therefore I had it in the back of my mind you simply forgot about it (which is fine!). If you want to know when I post the next part just let me know and I'll happily do so! I hope you guys are having a wonderful day or night! If not I promise it'll get better😘)
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gradiancharles · 4 years
We Meet Again
Who: Charlie & Gavreel @gradiangavreel
What: Charlie and Gavreel meet again after year and years.
Where: Pies & Whiskey
When: September 2020 (three months ago)
Gavreel was a little nervous to walk into the pie shop. It had a cute sign outside, ‘Pies & Whiskey’ but an even cuter owner inside. He'd been back in Gradian for three months already and he couldn't help but look up his old school crush. It was a smallish town, afterall, they were bound to run into each other at some point. He might as well get it over with. He bit his lip and took a deep breath before physically shaking off his nerves reaching for the door with a nod. "He's just a man," he muttered to himself as he stepped inside. He took a look around and was genuinely impressed. It was a nice set up, everything well put together and displayed. The pies even looked great and he wasn't a big fan if he was being honest.
Charlie was still getting used to running the shop, it was fairly new to him. Baking was his thing, alcohol was his thing but finance was definitley not his thing. Good thing that in a town like this, shops never got too busy. He was pressing in some dough for some pie crust in a pan when he heard the bell of the door ringing meaning he had a customer. "Be right out!' he called out from the back of the shop where they baked their goods, finishing the crust and taking off his gloves so he could help the customer. He hadn't even really seen who had come in as he blindly came up to the register, he just noticed it was a man and from a distance, he wasn't half bad looking. "Hey there, welcome to Pie's and Whiskey, what can I get started for you, handsome." His eyes traveled to the man's face and oh shit, yeah he was definitely handsome, and he looked familiar for some reason but Charlie couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Gavreel was struck still in place by the deep voice calling out to him. This had, indeed, bee a terrible idea. He'd barely been able to speak to Charles as a teen, there was no way he'd be able to speak to him now that he had grown into such a gorgeous man. When he came out to fully greet him they locked eyes and Gavreel tried desperately to get his shit together. He cleared his throat and smoothed his shirt of nonexistent wrinkles, not having any idea what to make of the handsome comment. "Hello. Charles. It's been some time. Gavreel," he stated awkwardly. "Is me. I'm not sure if you remember. But... yes, I suppose I've come for... pie."
It took Charlie a moment to register the name and put it with the face. It had been years since he'd seen the guy and damn if he hadn't grown up so fine. A big smile plastered onto his face as old school memories started trickling in. "Holy shit, man. Gavin... Woah, you're a whole fucking bloke now. Of course, I remember you." He huffed with a laugh. It was honestly so good to see him. He was always so kind to him in school, Charlie even found himself crush on the older guy back then but that was high school and now they were grown-ups, of course, that didn't mean Charlie couldn't look. Especially with those incredibly blue eyes. "Pie, of course. " He shook his head with a chuckle. "How have you been, man? What kinda pie are you in the mood for?"
Gavreel couldn't help the slight blush on his face, first from Charles recognizing him and second from the compliment. He shifted on his feet and nodded awkwardly with a small smile. "Yes, um, I've been well. And.. you?" He looked down at the pies and then around the shop a bit more. "I'm not sure which pie though."
Charlie nodded, watching the man look around his shop. “I’m doing pretty great. I finally got to open this place. Dreams do come true, Gav.” He smiled at the older man. “Well, whatever you decide, it’s on me. Although I do recommend the Apple pie, it’s my specialty.” He winked at him, Charlie just being naturally flirty.
Gavreel certainly didn't know what to do with the wink. He stared at the man, heart beating wildly because he was a complete idiot. "I... um.. yes. Apple. That sounds good." He looked down at his feet and then back over to the man. "Congratulations as well. On the business. It's very impressive."
“Awesome.” He grinned. The man was still as awkward as he remembered him and honestly it was very charming to him. Hearing the praise for his business made his chest flutter, at least someone appreciated it and Charlie was extremely proud of it, so to be congratulated and complimented on it made Charlie really happy.  “Well thanks, man. I really appreciate the compliment.” He says sincerely. “Let me go warm up that piece of pie for you.... I’ll be right back.”
Charlie walked away from the counter slicing up his piece and placing it his reheating oven. After, he added a scoop of vanilla ice cream wanting to make it special for his friend before returning back. “Alright, one slice of apple pie, a la mode.” He grinned proudly to himself.
Gavreel nodded and once again looked around the store, mainly trying to avoid actively staring at the handsome man like a complete freak. "Yes, of course." He wasn't entirely sure himself if that was in response to the thanks or the promise of pie. He took a deep steading breath once Charles was not longer facing him. He just had to keep it together for a little longer. When he returned Gavreel took the plate with an appreciative nod. "Thank you. It looks delicious. Um, how long have you been baking?" He asked both out of curiosity and a need to keep talking to him.
Charlie nods and purses his lips in thought. “Uff, it’s been quite a minute. I mean I used to bake with my surrogate mom and my dads all the time when I was little and it’s just something I’ve always loved.” He answered as he grabbed a rag to wipe down the counter, trying to feel busy. “I went to culinary school in France and learned a few more techniques but yeah, here I am now with my new shop.... Did you want a drink to pair? I have a really good burbon that taste fantastic with the Apple pie.” He said excitedly, not waiting for his answer before pouring him the drink and placing it in front of him. “You need to try it.”
Gavreel settled himself down on one of the bar stools and picked up his fork to start digging into the beautiful looking pie. Now, while it was true he wasn't that big of a sweets fan, he could still appreciate a good dessert every now and again. He took a bite and tilted his head. It was actually very good: warm, flavorful, complex. He licked his lips of the thick filling. "The culinary school is evident," he complimented. He didn't have time to really respond to the question of the drink and simply accepted it as it was given. "Oh, yes. Thank you. I'll admit I'm not typically a big drinker so I'll have to stick with just this one unless you want to carry me out of here."
Charlie wiped his hand on his bar towel  and leaned against it as he watched Gavreel try his best pie, loving to watch the satisfaction on a customers face.  “Awe, don’t tell me you’re a lightweight, buddy. Don’t worry, I’ve been working out so I could definitely carry you out if needed.” He chuckled. “So, tell me. What have you been doing all this time?”
Gav let out a small laugh. "Uh, yes, unfortunately I am telling you I'm a lightweight." The thought of Charlie picking him up bridal style popped into his head and almost had him choking on his pie. "It shows," he said awkwardly while openly staring at the younger man's muscled arms. He blushed heavily after a moment and took another bite to occupy his mouth for a moment. "School as well," he answered after a bit. "Down in London. I um.. I'm a counselor now. At the school. And also a life coach," he added. "At.. the community centre."
Charlie grins at the compliment and follows the mans gaze to his arms. He couldn’t lie that he was definitely liking the attention, especially from Gav.  “Thanks, I try a bit.” He chuckled and  sighed softly. “Well, you just tell me if you need a ride home, I got you. Plus I’m closing up in like a half an hour.” He nods and bites his lip. “Oh nice, you’re helping out the kids. That’s awesome.” He smiled
Gavreel blushed and took a drink of Charlie's bourbon and grimaced at the burn, despite the  pleasant taste. His eyes widened. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I didn't mean to come in so late. I can finish up here and go."
Charlie shook his head and dismissed the man with his hand. “What no, don’t worry about it. I have mostly everything done. Maybe I’ll even have a slice myself before I head out.”  He said as he started wrapping up the left over pies. “So I usually take home any leftovers, just cause I can’t sell day old pie, and since you’re and my last customer of the day, you’re the lucky one. Doesn’t hurt that you’re also very handsome, I mean you always have been” he winks. “So your pick of leftover cherry, pecan, or apple.”
Gavreel relaxed a bit after the reassurance that he was not being a bother to Charles. He looked between the man and the pies questioningly. "How do you stay in such amazing shape eating all this pie every day?" He blanched and shook his head. "No, I'm sorry that was incredibly rude of me. I just meant... well you are also very handsome and this is a lot of pie to take home." He paused. "That seemed equally rude. I will take the cherry."
Charlie laughed, charmed by the man. "Oh, man. I'm not as in shape as you think I am. No six-pack under here." He chuckled as he pulled at his shirt. He chewed at his cheek with a grin and started wrapping up the cherry pie for him. "I also don't eat all this pie myself, usually hand some off to my neighbors or guests if I have them over. The pie definitely gets around." He nods and hands him the wrapped up pie.
Gavreel stuttered a bit. "O-oh. No I didn't mean.." He gestured towards the man's abdomen. "I'm not assuming what you have under there." He paused and looked down at the pie, blush growing on his face.  "Thank you."November 30, 2020
Charlie shook his head with a grin. “Gav. It’s okay. We’re both adults here, right? It’s okay to assume.” He winked. “Actually I’m quite flattered that you’re imagining me with abs.” He chuckles. He leans against the counter in front of Gavreel, hovering over the wrapped up pie. “Is there anything else I could do for you tonight? You know before I close up?”
Gavreel cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes... well... the apple pie was very good," he said changing the subject entirely out of embarrassment. "I believe you've won me over as a customer. Do you... work every day?"
Charlie noticed how quick Gavreel was to drop the conversation, guess he had read the signs wrong and he wasn’t all that interested in Charlie. At least he liked the pie. “Sometimes... I do like to give myself a day off, so I’ll close the shop every other Monday. It’s my slowest day and my best customers know where to find me if they need an emergency order.”
Gavreel stood and hugged the wrapped pie to his chest. He attempted to project nonchalance rather than nerves. "You'll be here tomorrow then?" He asked. "I may feel the need to try some more of you delicious creations. And perhaps we could... catch up?"
Charlie leaned back to stand straight up. “Yeah, I’ll be here tomorrow.” He nodded with a small smile. “You’re welcome anytime, man.” He says as he starts keeping busy again. “Yeah, I’d be down. Maybe somewhere else though? Where  I’m not working all day and actually smell nice.” He laughs
Gavreel nodded. "Oh, yes, of course. Although, I think you smell fine." He paused for a moment, mortified that he'd felt the need to say that. "Perhaps a... restaurant?" He suggested to change the subject.
Charlie laughed at Gavreels charm. “I suppose to you I might smell sweet. But it’s all sugar, flour and bourbon to me.” He shook his head with a chuckle as he ran a hand through his hair. He thought  for a moment before agreeing. “I wouldn’t mind dinner. You buying?” He asked, not actually being serious about Gavreel paying for dinner.
Gavreel felt his nerves return as it was sounding very much like a date, although he knew it wasn't. "Yes, of course. The invitation was mine, after all."
Charlie nods. “I was joking. You don’t have to pay for dinner, man.” Charlie put down his rag, looking at the time. It was time he locked the doors so he could prepare to close. He came around from behind the counter, finally nothing separating the two. “Just gonna go lock the doors so I don’t get any stragglers coming in. You’re more than welcome to stay and finish your drink.” He serves him a smile and goes to the doors. “Also, dinner, you pick the place, my treat.” He looked back as he jimmied the key.
"Dinner," he repeated, getting a feel for the idea. "Yes. I will pick somewhere." He paused and then followed Charlie to the door. "I should get home actually. But I enjoyed seeing you again. And I look forward to dinner."Message #we-meet-again
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mythiica · 5 years
Reader x Gavin - Officer’s Punishment
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Title: Officer’s Punishment
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Character: Gavin
Genre: smoot
Warnings: ;)
Kinks: handcuffs, nipple play, name play, face fucking, fingering, also good ol’ missionary idk
Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 1905 words
POV: second person w/ (Y/n)
Other comments: okay so i wrote this on the plane but then i got another request for a gavin smoot so i was like lemme really go ham on this and make it ultra steamy and knock out 2 requests in 1 - hope that both of yall like it ;) 
You can feel Gavin’s gaze burning on the back of your neck as you conversate with Victor. Despite insisting there is nothing between you and Victor, Gavin always found himself suspicious of the young business man. He’s wearing too much cologne. He’s flaunting his money too much. He’s trying to bed you. You heard it all from him, so it is no surprise that he interrupts the conversation.
          Victor swallows his words as his eyes rake over Gavin. “Ah, I didn’t realize you needed security, (Y/n). I would have been more than happy to provide.”
         Gavin snarls, but you catch his arm and hold him back. With a wry laugh, you try to keep things friendly. “Gavin is here to celebrate the success of our show and company. And he is also here as my plus one.”
         Victor’s eyes widen, betraying his emotions, but he quickly recomposes himself and takes a sip of champagne. “I see.”
         To add to your statement, Gavin tucks his arm around your waist and brings you closer to him. “Do you know anyone she might need protecting from, Victor?”
         You tug on Gavin’s shirt. “Let’s go talk with Lucien, shall we? I think I just saw him over at the desert table.” You give Victor a small smile before leaving quickly.
         As you had mentioned, you find Lucien prowling the buffet – his plate was loaded with enough to feed a few people, but that did not stop him from getting more.
         “Lucien!” you exclaim, letting go of Gavin. The doctor turns to smile at you, but his mouth is full with food, so when he responds, it just sounds like muffled words. He swallows and smiles at you.
         “Hello. Congratulations on the party, and your company of course.”
         “Thank you.”
         “You are growing ever popular with the introduction of interesting people. Do you think you would have time for me to slip in for an episode again?”
         “Of course!”
         Gavin hands you a plate with some food and stands directly behind you. His aura extends forward in an attempt to scare off Lucien – you can feel it sweeping around you like his jealousy had earlier. It only makes you giggle though, knowing that it would be a very long night if Gavin continued to act like this.
The moment you enter your room after the party has ended, Gavin pushes you against the wall and begins to kiss you deeply. His hands explore every part of your clothed body before throwing you onto the bed. You squeal when you land, but you don’t have a chance to as him what is wrong.
         “Gavin… what’s gotten into you?” You tuck your leg around his waist in an attempt to get him to stop. “Baby?” you ask softly, looking deep into his eyes, searching for his normal self.
         He leans down and kisses your forehead. “I’ve just…” He bows his head. “I think the alcohol has made me more adventurous than usual. Are you okay with that?” His caramel colored eyes go wide, waiting for your response.
         You nod your head and spread your legs apart slightly. “Should I call you Officer~?”
         He straddles you, his knees keeping you down to the bed and reaches from his back pocket. Gavin pulls out a set of handcuffs and lets them dangle from his finger. A smirk dances across his lips and he nods. “That would work…”
         You’re not used to this side of Gavin – after cuffing you to the bed, he kisses you ferociously and drags his hands down your body. If you could move, you would, but the cuffs keep you from squirming away. The metal clanks around against the headboard of the bed as you tense your muscles. He smells like strong alcohol and his lips are hot as they graze your skin. Gavin kisses every bit of exposed skin he can find before leaning back to look at you.
         Your hair is fanned out underneath your head and your makeup is smeared down your face from the passionate kisses. Your clothes are disheveled, but the scene only makes Gavin’s heart beat faster.
         “Officer, have I been bad?”
         Gavin groans and presses his forehead to yours. He is too shy to admit that he likes the name calling, but you understand that he does. Tipping your head upwards, you give him a quick kiss, but then he grips your jaw with one hand as the other one crawls down your torso. His fingers lift the edge of your skirt and he begins to rub the inside of your thigh. “Damn right you have. You act too friendly with the others. I don’t like it.”
         You laugh at this truth; you had not expected Gavin to be the jealous type despite all the obvious signs.
         This makes him scowl, so he leans back on his knees and unbuttons the top of your dress and simultaneously lifts your skirt to your waist. Now, nearly completely exposed, Gavin unclasps your bra from the front and immediately attaches his lips to your nipple. His tongue circles around your bud mercilessly, making you extend your neck.
         Making sure not to leave your other breast unattended, Gavin cups his hand over your mound and kneads your skin. Just like his lips, his hands are warm and send electric pulses throughout your body, making you charge with bliss.
         “G-Gavin!”          “Sh… this is your punishment…” he retorts, leaning up to give you a hickey on your neck. Moans escape your lips, fueling his actions more. “Just a bit more,” he promises before dragging his tongue down the center of your chest. Goosebumps raise in his wake, making you shiver.
         He trails his fingers over your clothed nethers and watches your expression contort. Gavin’s eyes shine with desire, so he gives in to the lust and pulls his shirt off. It flies into a corner of the room, quickly followed by his pants as well. Pressing his body to yours, Gavin tucks an arm around your body to pull you against him.
         You wrap your leg around him once more, inviting him to do more. Nipping your earlobe, Gavin pushes the elastic band of his boxer briefs down, exposing his hardened member.
         It does not take him long to rub himself against your entrance, and you really wish that you were not handcuffed to the bed. You want to drag your nails across his back while he pounds into you, but you know that Gavin won’t humor you.
         “P-Please,” you mewl.
         He positions himself so that his knees are on either side of your shoulders, and he holds his cock with one hand.
         “Open up then,” he barks, licking his lips.
         You do as you are told without delay – saliva drips from your tongue as he pushes the tip of his cock past your lips. You wrap your tongue around his shaft, but choke when he bucks into you. His member hits the back of your throat, causing tears to prickle in the corners of your eyes, but you would be lying if you said that you were not aroused by this position.
         Gavin holds your head with one hand, but keeps the other on the wall to balance himself. He grunts when you rub your tongue against his frenulum, and his fingers rake through your hair. “Nghh… yes…”
         Precum dribbles down your chin, and you know that he won’t last much longer. With your restricted range of movement, you bob your head back and forth until you feel his cock tense up. Another strangled grunt escapes his lips, and then he pulls out suddenly, leaving you a breathless mess.
         He pumps his shaft and curls over, his forehead brushing across the crown of your head. Gavin cums shortly after, his seed landing on your face and chest. Panting heavily, he leans back and runs his hand through his hair. “Fuck.. sorry…”
         Keeping eye contact with him, you flick your tongue out and catch some of his semen.
         His eyes seem to glaze over and Gavin pulls your leg up, exposing your cunt to him. “You really are asking for it…” he snarls.
         With that, he enters you, his member stretching your walls apart. He gives you a moment to adjust to the sensation, but then begins to thrust in and out of you at a rapid speed. You’d call it nearly desperate, but you do not blame him.
         “K-Kiss me.”
         You whine as a blush spreads across your cheeks. It is rather humiliating to ask him for something so simple, but with your hands out of commission and the desire blazing strong in your body, you had to taste his lips again.
         “Since you asked nicely.” Gavin’s mouth collides with yours and his tongue invades your mouth. His kiss burns your lips, making them numb from the pressure and faded taste of alcohol. When the tip of his cock hits your most intimate spot, Gavin bites your tongue slightly, making you cry out in surprise. “Be less friendly to them… you might give them wrong ideas. Especially the stuck up and the doctor.”
         “Don’t worry, I prefer police enforcement over businessmen or physicians,” you tease, arching your back against him so that your wet nipples rub against his own.
         The muscles in his arms tense, allowing you to witness the full beauty of his toned body. Gavin reaches for the small key to the handcuffs and releases you. Before you have the chance to hug him, Gavin pulls your arms forward and forces them around his neck. Moaning happily, you drag your nails across his skin as you wanted to.
         Gavin’s thrusts become sloppier, but you are beyond satisfied with the pleasure he delivers you. The knot in your abdomen releases, drowning you in his love. As you ride the climax, Gavin laps at your nipple, overwhelming you with euphoria. When you arch your back, it allows him to hit even deeper into you.
         He cums again, and you feel his warmth spreading into you. Tucking your face into the crook of his neck, you curl your fingers in his hair, tugging slightly. “G-Gavin…” you mumble meekly. “You feel so good…”
         “Ahh, don’t say that,” he replies suddenly bashful about it. He pulls out and sits in the middle of the bed to catch his breath.
         After rubbing the spot where the handcuffs had dug into your skin, you push the covers back and reach out for Gavin. “Come here,” you whisper.
         Gavin looks away for a moment, but then stands up and pulls the blanket upwards. He slips in next to you and grips your thigh, guiding you to keep your leg over his hip. Nuzzling against him, you wrap your arm around his torso and plant a kiss to his collarbone.
         Silence passes between the two of you, and for a moment, you think that Gavin might have fallen asleep, but when you open your eyes, you are surprised to see him looking – admiring you. He brushes his thumb over your lips, and his gaze does not waver.
         “I was going to pick them up and hold them over the edge of a skyscraper to get the message across… but this was better.”
         You burst into laughter and hug him tightly. “There is no need, Gavin. My heart is yours.”
         He blushes again. “Good. Now go to sleep.”
         “Alright, officer~”
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10 Questions:
Tagged by @anomalous-appliances ❤️ sorry for the wait, my answers were LONG!
1. What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you? I’ve had . . . A lot of weird shit happen to be honest. Depends on your definition of weird, and what you’re willing to believe. A few of the oddest are mentioned below.
2. Have you ever had any kind of supernatural experience? I have had several. Used to live (briefly) and spend a lot of time at a friend’s house that was haunted when I was very young. Our moms were best friends and there were four of us kids, all one to two years apart. All of us, plus several other visitors, all had encounters one way or another. The house came with rules, but otherwise whatever occupied that house was easy to coexist with. If anyone is interested I can get more in depth, but that’s a post unto itself.
More recently, several years back, my boyfriend Josh and I were donating things to a local thrift store. One of those items was a glass vase that we had set down on the pavement (donation center was outside) as we waited for an employee. The vase slid a foot by itself on an upward slant. Needless to say, we dropped our stuff off and beat a hasty retreat. It took me MONTHS to go back to that thrift store.
3. What kind of pets do you have/want? I have one black Betta fish named Gavin (named after my favorite asshole from DBH), had one gold mystery snail (RIP Roomba!), and of course my baby girl Caeli, aka the Monster. Caeli is a 14 year old ½ Arabian horse (almost a pony, she’s barely 14 hands tall). I always wanted a horse growing up, and I got Caeli when she was just seven months old. Taught her everything myself! She will be my first and last horse. Josh agreed to buy her for me as an early Valentine’s Day present. ❤️
4. Favorite place you’ve been, and why? Monterey Bay Aquarium. It’s my happy place and where I go when an emotional or spiritual recharge. I don’t even need to go with anyone! I’ll pick a day and then get up early and make the drive solo. There is nothing more magical than walking through the Open Sea exhibit while listening to Phildel. The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History is also amazing! (Only been once)
5. What’s your current fandom, and what other notable ones have you been into? Currently into DBH hard. I also love Assassin’s Creed (I have a story planed for that. I have four chapters written and a 5,000 word story outline. It’s a daunting undertaking), and of course I love SPN! I read a lot of MCU and HP as well. Yu Yu Hakusho (way back, Kurama was my first Cosplay). Transformers (G1, the first Bayverse movie only (even then it’s love/hate), and the Bumlebee movie). My favorite OCs come from my TF/SPN crossover series Disregarded. My main character Jodi is also the first asexual I have ever written. 🥰 I’m also being dragged (willingly) into the Witcher fandom by all the amazing content people have been putting out! (Now I’m two episodes in and I love Geralt’s relationship with his horse, and Jaskier is just adorable)
6. Favorite fanfic trope (it’s a good question!)? OOOOOOooohh, I love so many? I’m a sucker for soulmates, time travel fix its, and found family in a wide variety of flavors. I’m weak for characters being fiercely protective of each other, and love nothing more than hurt/comfort as a result. Give me fluff, and angst with a happy ending! Also love a well written Sentinel/Guide AU (never seen the source material but I love when the mechanics are applied to fics, and there are some fantastic fics out there!)
7. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you? Josh and I were at a red light, discussing an upcoming anime convention. We were excited and did this little synchronized dance with alternating fist pumps to the air. We look over and this stone faced biker on a Harley was staring at us. This guy was like a living stereotype. Skullcap. Sunglasses. Big beard. Biking leathers. Light turns green and he guns it, and then cuts in front of us. This dude lets go of his handlebars, does our fist pump dance and then roars away on his bike. We were dying in hysterics! We still love telling that story!
8. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? Soursop smoothie. This was delightful if you’re a fruit lover (spoiler, I am!). I have also had Sweetbread, and I am not a fan (it’s not sweet and not bread).
9. Combine some animals into a new creature. What would it be? When I was in elementary school I was asked to create my own creature for a habitat. I was assigned desert. The resulting critter was this wolf/cheetah/hyena thing with webbed paws, long ass legs, Ginormous ears and a weaponized tail. I called it a Carthage and I still want one So BAD!
10. What’s your favorite thing to cook/bake? Cook- Taco Salad. It’s easy and my repertoire is tiny! Bake- pumpkin chocolate chunk cookies. It was a baking improvisation that turned out delicious! I’ll happily offer the recipe if anyone is interested! And Adult Butterbeer! (Aka a bottle of cream soda with 1 ½ shots of butterscotch schnapps!)
Now, what to pick for my questions? Hmmm.
Favorite fanfic trope? ( it really is a good question!)
Favorite dessert, and/or favorite breakfast?
Ever been to a convention and/or festival? It there’s a lot then what was your favorite?
Your ideal form of transportation or dream car?
What’s the most outrageous hair you’ve had?
Urban living or wide open spaces?
What fictional character would you genuinely want to meet?
Favorite holiday?
Beverage of choice?
Favorite extinct creature? If none, then favorite Pokémon! 😉
(No Pressure!) Tagging: @berry--blonde @ausp-ice @ilikechampagne @its-a-lisbee @the-horny-bisexual-spaniard
Anyone who feels like playing really! Fun if ur bored. Not pressure!
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15 (I return you the question :D) for the aa ask meme :)
What kind of things are you hoping for in the next AA game?
So I should add first of all, that I’m at the point where I would much rather have Investigations 3 or a one-off spinoff (Mia Fey: Ace Attorney–anyone?  Or  Ema Skye: Scientific Investigations?) than AA7. There would be less discourse around it, and I tend to prefer the games that aren’t afraid to be their own thing. 
But assuming that we’re much more likely to get AA7 (assuming Capcom eventually realizing they can’t just keep releasing the Trilogy whenever), here are a few things.  Obviously, it’s not realistic to expect all of them and in fact, a few of my wants kind of contradict each other. 
1. Apollo stays in Khurain at least until the final case. I think most fans would agree that we’re currently suffering from character overload at this point, especially given that Capcom is also trying to appease the Trilogy diehards by bringing back Edgeworth and Maya, etc. SOJ gave Apollo a nice justification for leaving the WAA (even only temporarily). Let’s not retcon this before we’ve explored the possibilities. (Plus, this is another really great spinoff game idea. Apollo Justice: Khrainese Attorney. With Rayfa or Datz as his assistant.)
2. On a similar note, Athena is leading counsel for at least 2-3 cases in AA7. Phoenix can stay on as her co-counsel and/or assistant. Or we can see her team up with Trucy or Blackquill again. But it would really allow us to see her as a full-fledged WAA partner in her own right and help win over some of the fans that aren’t sure about her (because she’s always in Phoenix’s and/or Apollo’s shadow). Plus, it would get the bad taste of the soba case out of my mouth for the accidental sexism it perpetuated. 
3. It’s unlikely to happen, but I would like to see older Kay. Possibly as a detective. I miss my  little thief. I would also settle for seeing Gumshoe again.
4. Give me the Gavins backstory I was denied. I know there’s something Apparently, Capcom were planning on exploring it before they decided to make DD instead (which I’m mostly okay with as I think DD is one of the strongest games). . Even if it’s just a flashback case with younger Kristoph that doesn’t really give us concrete answers as to *why* everything happened as it did. I feel that we should get something. Or even if they just want to show me tiny Klavier or short-haired younger Kris. 
5. I would like for them to incorporate the mini-sprites feature from AAI for crime scene investigations. I wanna physically  see my little lawyers running around as they look for the next clue.
6. The Big Bad is a Judge.* We’ve had villain prosecutors (several), we’ve had villain defense attorneys (Kristoph and Callisto Yew), we’ve had villain detectives ( Gant and Phantombright), we’ve had villain clients (Engarde), we’ve had several villainous witnesses, we’ve had villainous mentors/assistants/co-counsels (Kristoph again) . I want the whole set.  Give me an evil judge. 
I mean I guess you could argue that Ga’aran did technically make herself judge in the last case of SOJ by pulling “I am the queen; you must obey” card, but she presented herself primarily as a prosecutor, so that’s how I consider her. 
It can be one of Udgey’s many dopplegangers (to give us all a false sense of security) or an entirely new character designed to be a judge for this game.
Let him/her/them be forced out of the trial at the very end and replaced with a new judge/revived MASON system because it’s revealed that they have a huge conflict of interest and shouldn’t even be allowed to  preside. The DRAMA of the eleventh hour evidence coming in and the detective yelling that the judge is the mastermind of everything. I just… give it to me now. 
*(I have not played either DGS game, so it’s possible this has already happened there. But even if it has, I am still owed an evil judge in the main timeline given the number of evul prosecutors I have had to put up with).
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madisonrooney · 5 years
im not that involved in the tangled fandom but i have some Thoughts on the finale/series overall now that its done so i figured id share. im a little under the weather so sorry if these are kinda scattershot
(spoilers below)
for starters, ive been watching since the beginning and was hype since it was announced. i love tangled the movie, probably in one the higher tiers of my fav disney movies, not to mention it was the first tv show wed gotten based on disney movie since emperors new school 11 years prior.
at first i was skeptical about them giving rapunzel her long hair back. it was pretty clearly just a marketing ploy but it was done pretty well in the pilot which i really liked so i could get behind it.
i thought the first half or so of s1 was really good and really cute. it was just a sweet little slice of life in corona. 
i started to get disappointed in the show once queen for a day came around. varian is my fav character (more on him later) and i didnt really like his villain arc. it felt really out of nowhere. not an obvious villain, not a surprise twist villain, just a character that didn’t feel like should’ve been a villain at all. it just didn’t bode well with me. 
i also felt that the jump from slice of life show to high stakes, serialized show was far too abrupt. even tho i liked the second half of s2 and all of s3 better (more on that later as well), it still seemed to have an uneven balance of light and heavy plotlines. i dont wanna sound like one of those people who hates filler episodes. filler episodes are good, but need to be done in the right way at the right time, and i feel like this show didn’t do that very well.
speaking solely on the high stakes, i really feel like they were too high for a show of its kind. in a way, i felt it was somewhat disrespectful to the source material. the show isnt canon, and i feel like it made some big changes that effected the story and characters from the movie, which i think is taking a step too far if youre working on a tv show thats made by an entirely different crew than the film (even tho its the same cast). like, eugene’s dad being revealed and being given a backstory, gothel having a daughter, it just felt like too much for me. compare it to, say, the dragons series, which had very high stakes but also fit snugly between the first and second movies, and took great effort so that nothing they did effected the films’ stories. the showrunners on the dragons show were even consultants on the third movie, so they all flow together nicely.
but rapunzel and the great tree reeled me back in and i was much more invested from there forward, main reason being it gave me my favorite trope (that was kind of already there, but even moreso from this point on): a bubbly girl and an angsty girl who are somehow best friends, though they may be at odds sometimes, like during this arc. i became way more invested in cass as a character and rapunzel and cass as friends (or a ship, im fine with either).
my problems with the imbalance and too high stakes didnt go away with the remainder of s2 or with s3 but my investment in cass’ arc (AND THE REDEMPTION OF VARIAN WHICH I WAS HOPING FOR) was enough for me to put my issues with the show at least somewhat aside.
as far as more things i liked about the show:
he is my fav character and has become one of my new fav characters of all time. i have this thing i think ive mentioned before where if i like an actor and like a show he’s in i love the character twice as much as i otherwise would. so having one of my fav broadway actors whos in one of my fav broadway shows play him made him an instant fav. but i also just love how cute and quirky he is.
like i said, i love cass and grew to love her more through her newest arc. partially for the same reason as with varian with the VA thing. i dont know much about eden espinosa but ik shes played elphaba and i love that they employed so much broadway talent for this show (more on that later). since the show has started, ive gotten into rent, and she was broadways final maureen, so thats cool too. but beyond just that, i love her arc and personality and of COURSE her relationship with rapunzel, that being one of my fav aspects of the show. it fits right in with liv and maddie, riley and maya, trish and jessica, webby and lena, luz and amity (depending on how the rest of the owl house plays out lol) and im HERE FOR IT. also, despite the fact that i wasnt a huge fan of the high stakes, i give the crew a lot of credit for making a main character a villain for an entire season. thats a big step for disney to take that i dont think theyve come anywhere near before and i give them props for that.
the broadway and disney alum cast!
weve got james monroe iglehart, pat carroll, christian borle, gavin creel, laura benanti, jane krakowski, etc. and as a broadway nerd i love that, not to mention that some of these people had worked with alan menken before which is awesome
the fact that they brought back the ENTIRE movie cast PLUS alan menken is amazing. i dont think any other show based on a movie can quite attest to that
so, onto the finale itself
- i was worried varian may go bad again especially given his initial resistance to eugene suggested his dad might go bad but that didn’t happen so yay. i noticed other people mentioning musical call backs but the only one i noticed was let me make you proud and it made me so happy - ALSO VARIAN BEING THE ROYAL ALCHEMIST IM SO PROUD OF MY SON - this being disney, i figured cass getting redeemed was probably inevitable, but i’m still relieved it happened. now i dont have the bad taste left in my mouth jessica jones gave me. and i loved how her redemption went, seeing her so vulnerable and letting herself be that vulnerable in front of rapunzel CRYING INTO HER ARMS LIKE MY HEART. they really made her very broken, it reminded me a lot of maya hart. sometimes disney channels not willing to go that deep but im impressed they did. - i was kinda hoping it would be revealed that gothel wasn’t actually cass’ mom, i remember seeing some people hoping for that, cuz, again, i feel like thats a bit much to change from the movie canon, buuuut that didnt happen. oh well. - I WAS HOPING FOR I LOVE YOUS BETWEEN CASS AND RAPUNZEL AND WE GOT IT AND WE GOT A HUG AND IM ALIVE - lance adopting the kids was adorable - all the movie parallels were *chefs kiss*
everything wrapped up so nicely and im really happy with it as a finale!
that aside, again, i do still have some issues with the show. so im gonna take a moment to shamelessly plug big hero 6 the series bc imo that does the movie to show adaption FLAWLESSLY.
tl;dr: great finale, despite both loving and hating some things about this show, yall should watch big hero 6 the series, im love varian
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Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag some people. I was tagged by @throughtimeillbethere
1. Magnificent Seven (1998)
2. Midsomer Murders (Series 1-6 at least)
3. Miss Marple 
4. Agatha Christie’s Poirot
5. Frozen
Who is your favourite character in 2? Gavin Troy (Hence why he’s over on “ANoseForRottenApples”). I just get a kick out of him because he’s young, he’s learning as he goes and he has really decent instincts but he often talks himself out of following them. He’s also a little rough around the edges sometimes but he really is trying. Sometimes you’re like “Troy, you’re an idiot” but he’s also trying to hard that I find it endearing and his character grows quite decently over the years he was on the show.
Who is your least favourite character in 1? M7 is one of those rare shows were all the characters are pretty solid and I like them all (or dislike them in the best way possible if they’re a baddie). If I had to pick one, I’d say it was probably Will Richmond from “Wagon Train Pt. 1 & 2”. Namely put, he’s just kind of an idiot. Treats his wife bad and then gets bent out of shape when she starts flirting with Vin. He’s busy telling Josiah how much he loves his wife and what she means to him but it never occurs to him to actually tell her that. Spends a lot of time being somewhat needlessly antagonistic with the guys (Vin is understandable given that Vin tried to run off with Will’s wife but the rest of the guys are just doing a job and Will’s pointlessly making everyone’s lives harder).  He’s just kind of an ‘ehhh” character for me.
What is your favorite episode of 4? All of these episodes are works of art but “The Lost Mine” from Series 2 is one that I find myself watching particularly often.  There are just so many little bits in it that I love—Inspector Japp still has his sergeant backing him up, the on-going Monopoly game that Hasting and Poirot have going and the conclusion is just really well done. Also the complete face-palm moment of Japp, while investigating the murder of a Chinese man, finds a notebook in the man’s suitcase and declares that the fact it’s all written in Chinese is “very suspicious”.
What is your favourite season of 5? There are no Seasons in Frozen, given that it’s a set of movies. My favorite movie is the first one though—Frozen 2 is good but I feel like Frozen 1 just had better pacing and didn’t feel quite as rushed as the second one. The second movie was better on re-watches but the first time through it was just like “This plot is moving at a breakneck pace! What is happening???” (Or I’ve just been spoiled by watching too many British murder mystery series that tend to be slower in pace and build things up carefully.”
Who is your favourite couple in 3? There are no long-running couples in this series but I ship the daylights out of Louisa Oxley and Alfred Pollock in “Greenshaw’s Folly”. They’re only in one episode (which are all movie length) and they’re so freaking adorable!
Who is your favourite couple in 2? Again…shipping was not the main focus of this show but I do like Inspector Tom Barnaby and his wife Joyce. In American shows, if cops are married, they’re usually getting divorced or having constant fights with them. It’s nice to see a cop who’s in a stable, happy relationship for a change. Also I feel like there could have been some fun things done with Troy and Barnaby’s daughter Cully. They hinted at it off and on for the time he was on the show but nothing ever really came of it, sadly.
What is your favourite episode of 1? At this point I’ve seen all of them and love all of them but, hands-down, “The Collector” is really just a fun episode and the hijinks among the guys is top-notch. “The Witness” is also a fabulous episode in a much sadder and darker way. “Sins of the Past” kind of marries both of these concepts—Vin and Chris’s storyline is very dark and serious while Ezra and the other guys (and his mother) are up to their eyebrows in hijinks. But really, all the episodes are very, very good.
What is your favourite episode of 5? Again, no episodes so I refer to my comments on Frozen 1 and Frozen 2.
What is your favourite season of 2? Don’t really have a favorite but Series 3 and 4 were pretty solid. Series 5 had some really good episodes and some really weird ones so it’s hit-and-miss. Series 6 (what I’ve seen of it) is pretty solid too.
How long have you watched 1? Hmm….a few years now. I think I first saw M7 in….2014? 2015? I found a page of Geology notes from my first degree with volcanoes, the chemical formula for ozone and Vin Tanner doodled on it so I know I started watching the show before I finished my AA. Just can’t remember exactly when I started watching it.
How did you become interested in 3? I’ve watched and read Agatha Christie shows and books since I was 7 or 8. While I watched Poirot from that time, I watched Miss Marple off and on whenever I could find episodes on TV or at the library.
Who is your favourite actor in 4?  Tie between David Suchet (Poirot) and Philip Jackson (Inspector Japp).
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? 5. M7, Midsomer Murders, or Frozen? Sorry, my pair of valiant Inspectors and my Ice Queen but the Cowboys’ win this round. I adore the dynamics of this show, I adore that it’s got great adventure and can go super dark without ever getting gory, pornographic or vulgar. All of the characters are great, the stories are great and it’s just a really wild ride in a very good way. It can be a bit cheesy but in the absolute best ways possible. Besides, I will always pick 1860s westerns over modern stories or Disney princesses if I have to choose one.
Which show have you seen more episodes of - 1 or 3? Probably the same in both of them. M7 only had two seasons but there were more episodes per season. Miss Marple had six series but only three or four episodes per season—plus I didn’t watch all of them. The first three seasons weren’t nearly as good as the last three, mostly because the woman playing Miss Marple in the first three series wasn’t that good in my opinion. So I think I’ve seen an even number of both.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?! I don’t want to be any of them—they’re all good the way they are and I wouldn’t want any of their jobs! I’m content being some poor person who realizes too late that Poirot is vacationing at their hotel and now dead bodies are going to start turning up XD
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Most likely, seeing as they were both created by the same woman. Interestingly enough though, even with Miss Marple series and Poirot series being made at the same time, no one ever wanted to have the two detectives officially meet in canon. I heard a rumor though that there was an anime somewhere that had them meet? I haven’t been able to conform that though, yet.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? (I have thought about this a lot) Captain Francis Riley (Ghosts of the Confederacy) and Terri Greer (Safecracker). They would be such a cute couple and Francis would probably be a good dad for little Olivia Greer.
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Sorry Disney—I’m going to have to say Miss Marple. I’ve been a fan of murder mysteries before I was a fan of Frozen.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? I’m going to say 4 (Poirot) because the theme from that show just….a huge amount of nostalgia is held in that intro for me because I’ve been watching it since I was about 8. Plus, the fantastic art deco style of the introduction and the titles is just so smooth and I love it.
Tagging: @princelyrogue @shadowyavuz
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shadeofazmeinya · 5 years
It's been a while, and as such i have a really long idea for you
@endragh submitted: Like i said this will be a long one because this is a three parter.
this is set in Fake Ah crew, like most of my stuff is for you. Matt, Jeremy, and Trevor are on a crew of their own called the stream team. each part is how they each joined, kind of, the fake AH crew.
Starting with Jeremy he is the muscle of the Stream Team. when it is just the three of them he is hired out to other crews. He starts being hired by this crew(don’t know the name, going to use the snakes for now) on the regular. To the point they start calling him just Tim.
after working for the snakes for a few month he is suddenly kidnapped on the way home. When he finally wakes up he has a bag over his head. Eventually he heard someone enter and then started to hear ryan talking “It seems you luck has finally run out. since you are going to give us the info we want i’m feeling generous i’ll give you a last wish”
jeremy knows that he will die since he is a fan of fake ah crew. he can tell this is the vagabond. so is just like “when two people come to pick up my body they are my friends can you just give my body to them?”
and vagabond is like “i’m surprise you have friends.” while taking off the the bag and looked at Jeremy. Both are shocked Jeremy because he can see ryan’s face ryan for a different reason. he just sighed and left.
he eventually came back with the rest of the crew and they all freak out because Jeremy was not suppose to be here.
The leader of the Snakes is also named Tim and so the people were suppose to grab the leader but instead grabbed jeremy. the crew talk with jeremy and eventually invite him into their crew. he asked to go think about it and they let him but he does eventually join them.
unknown to the crew Matt also technically joins to because he is a hacker and starts to hack to keep jeremy safe. once jeremy joins their coms never have a problem(because matt takes care of that) all doors are unlocked(because matt hacks them) the crew keeps mentioning it and jeremy just smiles. and they are never caught on film(because matt copies it(for cool moments) then wipes all feed) which the crew just thinks they are lucky. ~*~*~*~ Eventually the crew finds out mat is part of the crew when a heist almost went fully wrong. The crew is going to take another crew (called rats?) because they went against the fake ah crew. the plan is for the crew to sneak in from different spots and get to the bosses room then all come in as a surprise attack. 
we then follow geoff listening to the crew talking about their locations and where they are moving plus banter. he eventually gets to the room and walks in pointing a gun at the rats boss.
rats boss is listening to something on his computer. he turns to geoff and laughs. starts taunting how he is going to kill the crew and geoff is all like “yah how?”
rat boss is like, “you all didn’t notice we were listening.” he pulls out the headphones to the sound of the crew giving out locations to. geoffs eyes go wide. “don’t you want to know why you haven’t run into my crew? now then why don’t we listen to them die before i kill you?”
geoff tries to stop him but then shooting is sounding and he is trying to not freak out while the rat leader is laughing before the rest of the crew walk in fine. both geoff and the rat boss are confused, though most of the crew is also because they heard their voice but didn’t say it, jeremy is all like “yeah i get it. hey axial”. “hey” “who is that?” “my fellow crew member on Stream team, does the hacking.” “how long has he been listening to us” “since jeremy joined” and everyone is kind of freaking out. “look i spent like an hour setting up voices recording for like an hour to set this all up so no complaining.”
once they take care of the rats they do hire matt but it takes him a while to be okay with meeting the others. ~*~*~*~ Trevor hes a special job i would call is informant.
First he gets a big car one that has two rows of back seats. he then fills the whole thing with stuff, like books and sweaters and stuff. to the point of the floor is covered and the seats are covered.
what he does is finds out when a crew, any crew, is going to do a heist. he parks his car in the parking lot, waits until the heist is started then leaves. when he passes the police line they check his car to find nothing. he does this enough to the point that the police start recognizing him.
to the point where when a new cop tries to stop him the conversation goes like this:
“we need to go through your car” new cop says. Trevor sighs “you’re new here i can see.” looks around to see cop he has talked to a lot “Miles, new guy?” miles comes over. “man still got the bad luck?” trevor shrugs “i only got caught in two heist this week. so it’s a good week.” miles shrugs “i wouldn’t say that, but you’re good.”
he also has a tendency to stop by the police locations to get a bunch of extra info as he is friends with them.
the main part of the car is that when he gets known by/becomes friends with the cops. and can just go by the police line. he then takes out the mess of his car and puts a wooden box on the floor in front of the seats. he then covers them with a mess again so that they are hidden.
when it was just the stream team he would be the get away for jeremy waiting in the parking lot of jeremy’s heist and then letting jeremy hid in the box(with the entrance being in the side near the door) so that he can help jeremy get away without the police knowing. how the crew meets hims is a heist gone wrong with gavin and micheal freaking out and jeremy looking around. he shoves them to a car and shows them to get in. the two are confused but once he shows them hiding spot they go with it. once the three are inside the car starts moving and the two are holding their breath. they hear some talking but then feel the car moving again. trevor drives to the penthouse parking lot and lets the lads out. and when he shows the crew they are all surprised of the idea. trevor jokes that he had been to all their heist and that anytime they had a messed up heist he was the reason jeremy got away safe. yeah…..so very long but hey lots of stuff for you? I hope you like it
I do love it!!!! I adore them being Stream Team before joining the Fakes initially. And Jeremy’s introduction is hilarious the poor guy. Thinking he’s gonna die when its instead the others being idiots and grabbing the wrong guy. And I’m always here for hacker Matt and informant Trevor. Trevor has a great unassuming smile and easily gets the police to believe his innocence. I love the plan of having a car that he can hide people in that the police recognize and always believe to be innocent. Always great when the police have someone they talk with who can secretly learn information. He gets all the best gossip too haha.
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spellmanmortuary · 5 years
What do u think of the season in general?
what i thought of the season ?? sweet baby jesus lemme TELL U
     i loved it sooo much. i really really love that the season had an even theme and i loved every single episode ( except for doctor cerebrus’ house of horror, that i only liked bc it was like an hour of hypothetics yknow ). i wish that they had focused a little more on sabrina’s feelings for nick because it felt a little one sided at times, and i wish that they would have given a little more depth to roz and harvey’s relationship. 
     i especially adored episodes that focused on sabrina’s relationships, mainly lupercalia. it was so nice to see more of the witch lore, see development for nick, and see her relationship to roz and nick deepen and gain more texture, that was super nice. then on blackwood,,, blackwood was a Trip, but seeing the Spellmans in conflict was super interesting. we were so used to seeing them always working as a unit, or at times ambrose and sabrina’s aunties being a unit on raising sabrina, it was interesting to see these other sides of him where sabrina is the voice of reason, zelda is the stubborn one that doesn’t want to listen, ambrose being moody and hilda trying to keep the house functioning. that was super interesting and i just wish it had been resolved before leviathan’s untimely death :/
about lupercalia, i adored the costumes and i loooved nick and sabrina in it from the start. they just have such great chemistry and they look so good together and their characters just compliment each other SO well. plus, gavin is an amazing actor and i loved watching him shine during this episode.
     another episode i really really loved was the mandrake. godd kiernan was SO good in that episode ! she was so great playing mandrake!sabrina and i loved that they put old wardrobe pieces on her, while the og sabrina had her new black and red leathery wardrobe on. i loved nick’s role in it and i love that he was a key point in her discovering the truth about miss wardwell. another thing i really loved was theo and mandrake!sabrina’s scene -- theo SCHOOLED her ok ?? and i loved the formation of the fright club ( well, the mortal side of the fright club ) when theo woke up on the mandrake first and freed them, then roz explained what was really going on and harvey was,, there. 
     speaking of harvey, they reeeally need to give him something to do bc he is literally the only powerless character on the show. doctor cee is possessed, dorian grey is dorian goddamn grey, roz has her cunning, theo can communicate with his aunt dorothea ( and perhaps more spirits ? ), ambrose is an amazing warlock TA, hilda and zelda are powerful and super smart witches whose personalities compliment each other, the weird sisters are The Weird Sisters, nick is the greatest conjurer since edward spellman aka one of the strongest warlocks ever, sabrina was given her powers by LILITH HERSELF and she is also part SATANS DAUGHTER as well as part EDWARD SPELLMAN’S daughter so she is literally the most powerful witch Ever, and heavens, even mortal!wardwell has more play than harvey because she is the unofficial town historian, so she knows all about the witches in greendale and can at least help the fright club with research. meanwhile what does harvey have going for him ? his gun and the mine maps he steals from his dad ? give the boy something to do !! you’re wasting a perfectly good ross lynch !!
     and now let’s talk about nick. i know that there’s really no valid reason for him to betray sabrina like he did, but i understand why he did what the dark lord asked. he is an orphan and his only parental figures were a werewolf and blackwood. blackwood also had a hand in raising the weird sisters, and look at how deep and non-faltering their faith in the dark lord is. they’d do anything for him, even if he doesn’t directly ask them to ( see feast of feasts -- the three of them would love to be queen of the feast to honor him ) and that is what nick grew up with/around. so when he gets access to edward spellman’s texts, it sends him and his faith for a loop. there’s this new figure that is just so opposed to what he has been taught, of course he becomes a big fan. he starts believing in his word and it changes him, but what does he do when the dark lord himself shows up and simply asks him to keep sabrina en route to the path of night, it’s obviously hard for him to refuse because opposing to an ideal is one thing, but opposing to such a powerful and dark force face to face is something else entirely. however, he never asked him to fall in love with her, nor did he ask him to spend so much time with her, and mainly, he didn’t ask him to break so many rules and traditions for her. plus, the fact that nick went against witch law and against every tradition in the book for her despite knowing he was being watched by the dark lord only heightens how much he knew he was risking. i just don’t think nick had any idea of how far that simple request really went, i think he just pushed it to the back of his mind after he fell in love with her. 
ambrose and prudence have soooo much potential and it will be very interesting to see how the weird sisters act when they are separated, as well as seeing the church of lilith rise with our queen zelda as high priestess and the queen of hell lilith as their main deity. 
now on to the ending,,, god oh GOD. i can’t. first of all, everyone looked SO good and i can’t BELIEVE harvey deigned himself to cast a spell on someone. the musical number was gorgeous and i love everyone’s voices, i also love luke cook’s face and i think he did a great job in the role he was given. i wanted nick and sabrina to make it out of the season safe and sound SO bad but alas,,, that had to happen. it really goes to show how much he truly is willing to risk for the girl he loves. plus that shot of madam satan carrying him into hell was STUNNING ok 
i squealed when i heard sabrina say “let’s go to hell and get my boyfriend back”. i really love that her friends ( mainly roz and theo ) are willing to support her in all of these crazy supernatural missions and i realy appreciate that harvey is beginning to dip his toes into all of this magic stuff with the three of them. 
i would really, really love it if they are able to get back nick because he is such an amazing love interest for sabrina and he is a very fun character, not to mention a male character that i need to see more of ! ( also, i want gavin to stay on because he kills the role and he deserves all the notoriety !! ) also, i want to see lucifer wreak more havoc because who else is gonna be the villian, then ?
overall, i really liked this season and i liked it better than the last one. i wish they would’ve focused more on sabrina’s side of her relationship with nick and that they had used that cerebrus’ episode better, and i really really want to see sabrina and the weird sisters become real friends, and maybe they could include roz in their friendship. i can’t WAIT for part three.
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