#plus the fact that this animal is comfortable enough around humans to lay on top of you means it can never survive in the wild
spiderweb-bf · 3 years
I'm sorry I know I talked about this on here not that long ago but what makes my blood boil like nothing else is videos of people obviously not handling wild animals in a safe way and then posting it online
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Weird Ways The Brother Touch You Headcannons
It is a know fact that Belphie is a yandere, so he tends to get jealous real easily.
If he’s waiting on you to walk to class together or to go home and he sees MC chatting with another lower level demon and laughing, he loses it in a lazy way.
He will calmly walk over to MC and wrap his arms around them, but instead of putting his head on top of their head, he squats down and place his head right next to MC.
His eyes would be staring directly into the demons, unblinking. A single hand will lay across MC’s torso while his other hovers above the other, showing off his long sharp nail, ready for action.
He’s not about to allow some piece of trash ruin his dreams of MC, his brother, and himself living a happy life together.
He only ever use that style of hugging if he’s trying to discreetly threaten a demon to back up. Other than that, he’s cuddled up on Mc’s side or wrapping himself around their arm to use as a body pillow.
Another weird thing he does is grab the back of MC’s shirt if he wants their attention.
He has already verbally complain about how his brothers spent more time with MC, so if he wants MC for himself without his brothers, he will just latch on to the back of their shirt.
Levi’s gushing about some new anime to you, but it’s 5 o’clock which is the time you two usually take a nap, but his brother is still talking.
So he’ll calmly walk up behind MC, grab their shirt, and as each minute passes by, pulls on it a little harder.
MC better get the hint before they get pulled backwards into Belphie’s arm where he will then just physically drag them to his room. 
It all started when MC got the brothers to watch Lion King and the scene of Simba being lifted came on. MC giggled a bit and explain how it was a meme to lift up your animals in the same way back on Earth.
It just started as a small thought about doing the same thing to MC. Just a small innocent thought.
But then he walked in on MC struggling to reach one of the higher shelves that were more in reach for demon’s height. (I still headcannon that the brothers are extremely tall, like unhumanley height).
He would walk over to you struggling and seeing you struggling and the thought of lifting you up comes again. 
MC ask if he could help them and he goes with his first thought. Put his hands up their arms and lift them up to the cabinet. They giggle at his actions before grabbing what they need, but Beel doesn’t let them down. 
“What are you doing?” MC asked, giving him a humorous smile. 
“Simba.” That all he response causing MC to laugh.
Ever since then, Beel would randomly pick MC up under their arms causing them to laugh. Then it turned into something more.
Beel would love holding them up in the air and just feeling their warmth in his arms. So, he started sitting them on his forearm with a bicep as a backrest.
 They just looked so small in his arms and he just liked how it felt. 
MC couldn’t complain. They got carried around everywhere and see that happy smile on Beel’s face up close.
This demon is the embodiment of lust, he has touched you in every way possible. 
But the oddest way is sometimes instead of holding your hand, he will link pinkies together and walk around like that.
The pose is just so cute and MC just looks so cute when they glance down at their entwined thumbs and just smile at them. 
Two of the hottest beings in the Devildom is looking cute at the moment. What else could the world need?
He also loves to play footies with you if you’re sitting down doing anything. 
The teasing just gets to him and he loves it. Please just run your foot up this man’s calf and he will pounce on you.
You wouldn’t think that Satan would have any weird thing he does, which is true while he’s focus.
If MC were to be chilling next to Satan while he’s reading and he’s deep into the book, his foot will stretch out and just lay itself on top of whatever part of them is closest.
MC will be watching this video on their DDD while Satan is on this third volume of this series and he’s unaware of the world around him. 
MC will feel a small press on their thigh. Look down and there’s Satan’s foot.
It’s not even the whole foot. Just the toes and maybe the ball of his foot.  Never the entire foot.
If MC doesn’t say thing, he will just keep it there as he continued to read his book with his eyes scanning each line absorbing the information.
The only way he will realize it is if MC ask him why does he always put his foot on them.
He would turn slightly pink as he realized how indecent the act was. He will apologize for his action and promise not to do it again. 
Soon as that book gets risen up again and his attention is snatched away, his foot will drifted back over. 
Point it out and you will now have a flustered Satan. MC will say that it’s fine and kind of cute how he reaches out for them.
“I guess that’s my body way of telling you that you’re too far away.” He will then scoot over and beckon MC to lay right next to him.
He still accidentally does it if  MC sits too far from him. It just a sign that Satan wants them closer.
This poor kid is just the type to see cute anime couple poses and want to do them with MC, but is too shy.
He will see all his brothers cozying up to MC and be like “It’s not fair. I want to do that.”
One day he will gain up the courage to wrap his arms around Mc’s waist while their cooking... It doesn’t go according to plan.
He went to wrap his arms around them and panic.
MC turns around to question why he grabbing the sleeves of their sweater, but sees his dark red face and his shivering, and decided against it.
Please be nice to the poor guy. Just start up a conversation to get his mind off his failed attempt at contact.
He realizes through the conversation about anime that you need to stir the pot and he panics thinking this is the part where they will shake him off.
Then MC just moves their arms normally with Levi still attach and continue on with the conversation.
This weird move became Levi and MC’s thing. If he wants to be close to them, he just grabs their sleeves and stand close behind him.
You want to really fluster him? Wrap your arms around yourself and his brain will crash as he realized that he kind of accomplished it.
Or slide your hand in the sleeves and hold his through the fabric. Make it better by swinging your arms, so the two of you rock together.
It’s weird to outsiders, but Levi’s just happy to be close to them in any way or shape. 
He’s a tsundere, so he will be trying to be smooth with it. But for some reason, he saw a guy with his girlfriend’s legs ontop of him and his arms resting on it, and he was like ‘I wanna do that with MC’.
He can’t just straight out ask you to rest your legs on him. He will wait for the perfect moment to strike.
And it came in the form of movie night. He bullied managed to get a spot next to MC on the couch as the movie started playing. 
MC kept shifting around trying to get comfortable and saw this as his chance.
“Oi, stop moving around so much. If you need to stretch ya legs, ya could’ve just said it.” Proceeds to grab MC’s leg and throw it on top of his. 
He will try to play it off, but his bright red face and shaking hands alert everyone of what was going on.
If MC doesn’t say anything and just snuggle down into him. He will relax a little. Maybe enough to put his hands onto of their leg as the movie continue on.
He had a moment of panic when MC went with Beel to get some more snacks during the movie change and he didn’t know how he was going get them back into that position without looking suspicious.
But worry not, when the movie started, MC swung their legs on top and continued watching the movie.
If you want to give him a real shock, halfway through the movie, just scoot over and snuggled into him. He will be red the rest of the movie and stuttering every time his brother tease him about “why his face so red?”
Many would believe that this demon is not affectionate, but he likes it to be more subtle.
A hand on the lower back while you two walk around the halls of school. This way he feels that he can control what MC does.
His reasoning is because MC seems to like to seek out trouble, so if he keeps that hand there, it will kill that temptation to get themselves in trouble.
The truth is that it just feeds into his Pride. Seeing how big his hand is compared into your human frame.It makes him feel powerful.
Plus when a lower level demon tries to come up to MC, it’s more effective than telling them to fuck off. It’s the class version of it.
Demon tries to flirt with MC. Lucifer slides in and put a hand on their lower back, making them indirectly lean into him. Just one look at a demon and that’s all that is need to say, “They’re mines.”
A hidden one he won’t admit to is the bottom of the skull.
If it’s just MC and him relaxing on his bed, he will pretend to play with the hair in that area, but MC will pick up on it. He doesn’t rub their head or rub his hands through their hair, if their hair allows. It’s always at the back of the bottom.
It’s because that’s were human’s fragile skull is and the beginning of their spine. Not to include so many nerves and blood vessels there.
It shows that MC trust him if they allow him to touch them there and once again, it just feeds into his pride. 
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Leviathan
Levi is my fave of the brothers, so I thought my first (official) post should be about him. And since I’m not good at coming up with prompts on my own, I decided to start with the sfw alphabet. I’ll probably do the other brothers at some point after this (most likely, Belphie will be next). 
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, he’ll be very hesitant with showing affection. Verbal affection will usually be him comparing you to his favorite characters (like Henry) or complimenting you on pretty much anything you do. Physical affection is much harder for him, so you’ll have to initiate most of it, but after a while he’ll become more open. It will start off slow: sitting close together while gaming/watching anime, hand holding, and cheek/forehead kisses. If you manage t break his various walls of insecurity, he’ll become more affectionate and will begin initiating affection on his own. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He is that friend who is constantly hyping you up about everything. You want to cosplay a character? He’ll make you a custom outfit. You wanna sign up for a gaming tournament? He’ll be your partner in crime. The friendship would most likely start with you finally getting it through his head that you are, in fact, not a normie, and you too would then go on to geek out over your favorite series together. Like a romantic relationship, he would be hesitant to really open up, but after some time (and lots of reassurance) he would be super open and honest with you. He will come to you anytime he feels insecure, and he hopes you’ll do the same, cause he wants to be there for you always. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Like anything else, he is very shy when it comes to cuddling. He is touched starved, but he is also very insecure and thinks he doesn’t deserve it. You’d have to be the one to initiate the cuddles, and even then he’d still be unsure. However, once he’s comfy with you, he’ll always be up for cuddles. To him, it’s the perfect way to be intimate without getting too embarrassed. His ideal position would be you spooning him, but that would only really work in your bed. If you two end up in his tub, he’ll lay on his back and you’ll lay on top of him. If he’s in his demon form, he’ll usually wrap his tail around you as well. He also likes it when you talk to him, especially if it is either complimenting him or talking about a game/anime you like. Really, he just loves hearing your voice. Head pats are also encouraged. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He doesn’t really seem like the type to settle down. He wants to live on his own with you for sure, but things like marriage or kids just don’t really do it for him. The closest he’ll get to kids is having a pet (he prefers reptiles, amphibians, or fish, but he could be persuaded if you really wanted a fur baby instead). As for cooking and cleaning, have you met him? The most cooking he’ll do is trying out recipes he finds in anime and games, and even then he’ll ask you to do the brunt of the work. And cleaning is much worse. If you pressure him enough, he might help you, but you’d better like cleaning cause you’ll be doing most (if not all) of it. Don’t worry though, he’ll cheer you on from the comfort of his gaming setup. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he had to break up with a partner, he would probably stress over it for weeks.  Most likely, it’ll be his own insecurity making him believe that he doesn’t deserve someone as amazing as you. In this case, he would just tell you that straight up, and it would be your job to convince him that he does deserve you and that you do love him more than anything. However, if it is your fault, he will have a much harder time figuring out how to break it off. He’s not very good at confrontation, so he’ll most likely just text you. He knows that this a cheap move, but it’s the only way he can do it without dying. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As I said before, he’s not too keen on marriage or settling down. If you want to get married, you’d have to talk to him about it, and you’d probably end up being the one to propose as well. However, he doesn’t really care about marriage. In his eyes, he doesn’t need marriage. He loves you, and he (after years of convincing) knows that you love him too, and that’s all he needs. The way you two are right now is perfect to him, so he doesn’t feel the need to change that. But, as I said, if you really wanted to get married to him, he wouldn’t mind because he loves you. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
In terms of physicality, he’ll be super gentle. You’re a human and he’s a demon, and the last thing he wants is to hurt his precious Henry. Even as you guys get closer, he’ll still be as gentle as possible, and it might take a while for him to be more physically affectionate for fear of hurting you. Emotionally, he is a bit different. At first, he’ll be super tsundere (calling you normie, constantly friend-zoning you, etc.) but he’ll start to stop once he sees that it genuinely hurts your feelings. As you two learn more about each other, he’ll try and avoid saying or doing anything that could upset you, but there are times that old habits will reappear and he’ll say something mean by mistake. After, he’ll be super apologetic and will constantly ask if he can do anything to make it up to you.  
 H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
At first, he’ll try and push you away anytime you try and hug him. This isn’t because he dislikes hugs, but more so because he knows he’ll get al flustered if you touch him. Eventually, you do manage to hug him, and he melts right into it. It’s clear that he is rather touched starved, so affection like this is very strange, but also very nice. For a while, he won’t be too open to hugs just because he’s nervous about being that close to you, but hugs eventually become one of his main forms of affection. In the beginning, his hugs were very stiff and short-lasting due to his awkwardness, but as he becomes more expressive, his hugs begin to loosen up and they become some of the best hugs ever. As a plus, if you ever hug him while he’s in his demon form, he’ll wrap his tail around you too, and it feels really nice. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He is very hesitant to say it, and, like everything else, you’ll most likely be the one to initiate it. I’d say it’d take a solid year or so for him to even consider bringing up the idea of love, let alone actually say it aloud. However, if you do say it to him, he’ll absolutely say it back with only a little hesitation. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This boy is the literal Avatar of Envy, so you know he’s jealous 24/7. He’ll get jealous at the slightest thing, especially if it involves his brothers. When he is jealous, he’ll do one of two things. The first is he’ll lock himself in his room and sulk until you (or one of his brothers) drags him out of his room and forces him to talk about his feelings. The second, and the one that happens more as you two get closer, is that he’ll steal you away from who/whatever is making him jealous. From there, he’ll bring you to his or your room where you’ll binge watch anime for the rest of the night. If you try and get out of it, his jealousy will only get worse, so prepare for no breaks during this binge. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
At first, his kisses are super hesitant, and he is very slow to actually initiate anything. Over time, he’ll eventually learn how to take the lead every now and then, and he starts becoming more sure of himself. Most of his kisses are fleeting, and you’ll sometimes miss them if you aren’t paying attention. His favorite spot to kiss you is on your cheek. To him, it’s a safe spot that doesn’t make him all that flustered compared to something like lips or neck. His favorite spot to be kissed is on the top of his head. It makes him feel safe and loved, and that is another spot that doesn’t leave him entirely flustered. He particularly likes head kisses during cuddles. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
This boy isn’t very good around people in general, so it’s no surprise that he’s even worse around children. He finds them to be annoying and a waste of time to deal with. The only exceptions he’ll make is if he finds a child character from a game/anime he really likes. If you have any child siblings, he might also make an exception for them, but no promises. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
It’s pretty rare that he’ll actually go to sleep, so most morning involve you waking up to him rage-quitting over a game or something. On the occasion that he does join you for the night, you’ll usually wake up first. Most of those times, he’ll have accidentally shifted into demon form, so good luck trying to get out of bed with that tail wrapped around you. He usually prefers to spend the mornings cuddling with you and just basing in each other’s presence.  Maybe he’ll convince you to skip school and stay in bed with him longer if he’s feeling particularly brave that morning (you better say yes). 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Most nights are spent playing games and watching anime with each other. It also usually ends with you falling asleep on his shoulder and him getting super flustered by how adorable you look. If you do end up falling asleep, he’ll carry you either to his tub or to your room. He’ll usually go back to playing his game, but there is a rare moment where he’ll lay with you and just enjoy having you with him. And if you do end up staying awake the whole night with him, it’ll usually end with both of you getting yelled at by Lucifer. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s pretty hesitant to reveal much about himself at first. He hates almost everything about himself, and he’s convinced you also hate that stuff about him, so it takes a lot of time and patience to get him to open up. I’d say it would take a few months at the earliest and maybe over a year at the latest for him to start fully expressing himself to you. He’s also very slow, often taking his time with telling you things. Sometimes you’ll have to interpret what he wants based off of signals and your own intuition. However, if you’re open with him, it might make him feel more confident in opening up to you as well. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Despite popular belief, he isn’t actually that quick to anger. He gets jealous really easily, but he usually doesn’t get mad. The only times he might get mad is if someone repeatedly hits on you even if you clearly don’t like it. He also gets mad if you beat him in a game, but he gets over it quickly, especially as time goes on and you two get closer. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He is totally the type to keep a little journal filled with facts about you. From your likes and dislikes, to the smallest little quirks you have, this boy will have them all memorized. He is especially good with remembering characters from games/anime you like, and he’ll often use these as potential cosplay inspirations. It’s rare that he’ll forget anything, but usually it’s only small details he forgets anyway. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment is the first time you cosplayed for him. He had made you a henry cosplay that he worked on for weeks with little breaks. It was one of his proudest creations, and he was so excited when you agreed to try it on. When he saw you in it for the first time, he was absolutely blown away by how amazing you looked. He had never blushed harder, and he was super embarrassed about it, but it was worth it. Seeing you happy with his creation is all that mattered to him in that moment. And the praise you gave him afterwards made the whole moment 10x better in his mind. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He has a natural instinct to protect you since you are weaker than him (and most demons). However, he understands if you don’t like being babied, and will give you space when asked. Though, he will still keep tabs on you since he is the Avatar of Envy and all. He would never admit it, but he loves the idea of being protected by you. He constantly puts himself down and convinces himself you’re too good for him, so seeing you stand up for him makes him fall in love all over again, no matter ho many times it happens. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He doesn’t put much effort into most things unless it involves gaming or anime, but he does really try for you. For important dates, he’ll usually make you something like a game or a cosplay. He’s not one for elaborate dates, but if he knew that’s what you wanted, he would probably go to Asmo for advice on what to do. It may not seem like much at first, but he really wants to make you happy, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to see you smile. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?
His biggest bad habit is constantly putting himself down. At first, it almost seems like he’s just fishing for compliments, but you eventually realize that he really is that self-conscious. He also has a bad habit of staying up for days on end and neglecting self-care, so you’ll usually have to drag him to bed so he doesn’t end up sick. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
The only time he is ever concerned with his looks is if it’s for a cosplay. Other than that, he could care less when he looks like. He’s been a hermit for years, so it’s not like he needs to look presentable anyway. If you want him to change up his look at all, it would take some major convincing on your part. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would absolutely feel incomplete without you. Even if you are in the next room, he still feels like he’s missing a piece of himself when you aren’t right next to him. At first, he assumes it’s a side-effect of his sin, but he soon realizes that it is just you. After this realization, he refuses to let you out of his sight, and if you do leave his sight, he’ll sulk about it until you come back. Of course, he would never let you know about any of this damn tsundere. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I personally headcanon that Levi is trans (I don’t wanna see any hate in the comments). He’d be super nervous to tell you about it since it’s just another layer of insecurity for him. When he does finally tell you (or you find out on your own) he’ll be a blushing mess the whole time. If you’re also trans, he’d feel super relieved that he finally has someone to relate to, even if you aren’t ftm like he is. It isn’t something he talks about often after that, but you will have to occasionally check in on him to make sure he’s doing okay with his dysphoria. 
 Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, he hates leaving his room unless he absolutely has too. Anytime someone tries to drag him outside, he will be complaining and whining the entire time. In a partner, he hates someone that is overly-extroverted and loud. He also dislikes people who don’t watch anime or play games. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
When he does sleep, he has this habit of shifting into his demon form. If he is sleeping with someone and this happens, he will subconsciously wrap his tail around them. This is usually not ideal if you have to get up in the middle of the night for whatever reason. 
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Cuddling imagines for the brothers +Diavolo as a bonus because I felt the need to write something fluffy. These are really fun to write ngl.
Cuddling Imagines with the Brothers +Diavolo:
-He isn’t exactly the cuddly type if you couldn’t tell already. He’s pretty reserved when it comes to giving and receiving affection
-That doesn’t mean he dislikes it by any means!
-It’s just hard for him to accommodate to having a partner and receiving physical affection
-He gets used to it after a while
-But for the first few months of you guys going out, he kinda tends to lay quite still while cuddling in bed
-Sometimes it feels like you’re cuddling a lamppost
-Stiff and unresponsive
-He’s still not exactly the biggest fan of cuddling but he finds your little acts of love cute
-He’s OK with you laying your head on his chest at night since you are close but your presence isn’t too overwhelming
-He also really likes having you sit on his lap while he works sometimes which I don’t think helps him concentrate on his paperwork at all
-Overall, while he isn’t too keen on cuddling, he tolerates it and he is more than happy to lay down with you if you had a bad day
-“What is it? You want to lay down for a while? Well, I suppose it’s not a bad idea. Perhaps a little break would be nice.”
-This boy probably loves affection more than his brothers at times
-He genuinely likes your head pats and hugs but he adores the idea of cuddling with you after a long day
-If you guys sleep in the same bed at night, he tends to cling to you in his sleep
-Like, he will involuntarily attach himself to your arm or something
-One morning you woke up on top of him
-He doesn’t care about positions when cuddling
-He could be the big spoon or the little spoon
-Either way, he gets to stay close to you
-Surprisingly, he’s the one initiating cuddles usually
-“Human! I demand you stop doing your homework and that you come cuddle me for a bit. Please...?”
-Whenever you start cuddling into him at night, he gets all flustered and actually stops working for a few seconds
-The King of hogging all the blankets and pillows
-But that’s OK because he’s like a human size radiator
-He radiates warmth during the night
-Plus, you get to hear his morning voice the next day whenever you guys share a bed and the way he growls whenever you wake him up
-That’s definitely a bonus
-“What are ya doing? MC get in here, Imma cuddle the shit out of ya.”
-He is so shy when it comes to any form of physical contact
-He almost passes out when you guys hold hands
-Let alone sitting in his lap while he watches anime
-MC, do you want the man to have a heart attack?
-He’s so hesitating to sleep in the same bed as you for the first few days of your relationship
-Because why would you want to spend your night next to a disgusting otaku like him?
-Give him a couple of days and then he won’t be able to sleep without you in the same bed
-He is almost suffocating during the night and much like Mammon, will cling to you as if his life depends on it
-Only problem is, this boy barely sleeps because he is too preoccupied with playing video games until past midnight
-Is this guy nocturnal or what?
-You will sometimes have to literally drag him away from the computer and forcefully tuck him in before giving him an aggressive goodnight kiss and slipping in next to him
-That will leave him stunned for a bit
-Likes hugging you from behind while sleeping a lot but doesn’t mind you holding him from time to time
-“So uh, a new season came for that anime we were watching the other day. Do you...uh, maybe want to lay down and watch it together?”
-Your hugs are one of the only things that can stop him from going on a rampage at times
-He enjoys cuddling to a degree
-Cuddling up next to him in the evening while he reads is very relaxing for him
-And him getting to see your sleeping face on his shoulder is a bonus for him
-He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable with clinging too much to you
-Very wholesome moments with him in the library
-Run a hand through his hair and he will melt
-Just your existence is the best thing that’s ever happened to him
-He tends to sneak a few kisses every now again while cuddling
-For the sole purpose of seeing you all caught off guard and flustered
-Lay on top of him please, he really likes holding you
-He isn’t squirmy while you guys sleep, like Lucifer, so it’s really easy to get in a comfortable position with him
-Cup his face from time to time and he will break
-Aghhh you’re too cute damn it
-“Hey MC? Would mind staying like this just for a little longer?”
-OK but I think people aren’t giving Asmo enough credit for this kind of thing
-It’s true, he is the Avatar of Lust
-But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love wholesome and innocent moments like cuddling with his partner
-He often looks forward to these moments actually, where he gets to just lay down and appreciate his love for you
-Sometimes it escalates to steamier stuff but other times it doesn’t
-As long as he’s with you, he doesn’t really care
-He likes being held while cuddling and obviously adores all the kisses you give him during those times
-At night, you two are basically taped together
-Snuggle next to him and he will almost die from your cuteness
-Takes several pictures of you sleeping because your face is too beautiful to pass up on an opportunity like that.
-He sometimes insists on cuddling in public
-Yeah he’s horny almost all the time but he can be such a soft boy
-“You want to stay like this for a while darling? Well, who am I to deny you? Besides, this is quite nice.”
-His hugs are to kill for
-It’s so easy to cuddle with him since he’s so comfortable and warm
-Obviously, due his size, it’s easier for him to hold you during cuddling sessions
-But he admittedly enjoys you wringing your arms around his neck sometimes and pressing little kisses onto his cheeks
-Is so gentle with you because he is kinda scared he might break every bone in your body if he hugs you too tightly
-He needs lots of affection, please give it to him
-He likes listening to your voice while cuddling
-He finds it very calming and reassuring
-Wants you to feel safe in his arms
-He’s the best at comforting so if you had a bad day and just want to cuddle he’s the right choice for ya
-Only downside to him cuddling you is that he has to get up every ten minutes to go eat
-But then again he could just bring a lot of snacks with him and cuddle you while he’s eating
-Problem fixed
-Also, Belphie is usually there in the background, appreciating the fact you guys are trying to be quiet the whole time so he can sleep
-“MC! I brought a bunch of food with me and now we can cuddle for longer!”
-“Beel you don’t have to whisper, I’m awake.”
-Would probably put everyone else to shame with how good he is at it
-You start dating Belphie
-You are now his pillow
-You don’t get a choice
-He will fall asleep on you every time
-Snuggly up to him while he’s asleep and, without waking up, will pull you closer to him
-You bought the two of you a matching pyjama set and fuck he’s fallen harder in love with you
-Will place his head in your lap and not get up for hours on end
-He likes having your fingers run through his hair too
-It lulls him to sleep
-Whines and complains if you have to get out of bed
-Since you’re there next to him most nights, he stops having nightmares or at least the really bad ones
-Waking up and seeing you next to him asleep is a blessing for him
-Ah your voice is also calming to him
-“Where do you think you’re going? Get back in bed dumbass, I’m not done cuddling with you. I can’t sleep without my pillow y’know?”
*Bonus* Diavolo:
-He’s actually very cuddly
-Tends to talk a lot during cuddling
-Omfg his laugh is precious
-Sometimes he kinda wishes he didn’t have all those boring duties to fulfill as a prince and instead just wants sleep in with you
-Its impossible for get out of his grip, I’m telling you
-Finds almost everything you do adorable
-He will wholeheartedly laugh and kiss you when you give him one of those sleepy looks in the morning
-Will probably say a joke or something while cuddling just to have you burst out laughing
-Barbatos occasionally walks in, notices you two soundly asleep while cuddling, smiles and walks out
-Even his butler has approved your relationship
-“I do wish I could spend more of my morning with you like this dear. These moments with you are marvellous.”
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clairecrive · 5 years
“Look at him!”- Bane x reader imagine
This is for the anon that asked: For a Bane request, what about the reader approaches him about getting a pet and reader ends up getting said pet whether he approves or not? Hope you like it!
Requests are always open!
Tag list: @mollybegger-blog​ (let me know if you wanna be added)
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How difficult could it be to convince someone to adopt a dog? I mean, who wouldn't want to have a bundle of joy in their life? You would have met with such resistance on the subject. You really underestimated the situation. One of the reasons you had found Bane so fascinating was the way he has always been able to broaden your horizon and let you see things and sides that you would never think existed. You had had such different lives and had so diverse experience that your union seemed almost doomed to an outsider. But you had always reacted warmly to his different point of view and opinions and much to anyone surprises, so did he. Well, up until this point anyway.
"Babe c'mon, you're saying no before even hearing me out." You had been nagging him about adopting a dog for a few days now but he had always quickly dismissed the subject with a shake of his head and an icy glare. Shame on him to think that you would be so easily deterred though.
"Look around you, do you think this is a place where a dog can live?" This was the first time he argued about it and so far, he was already loosing. You lived under the city. And Gotham was fucking huge, so.
"Absolutely. There's a lot of space where he or she could roam free and happy. Besides, you basically have beasts running around this place. I don't see how a beautiful puppy can cause you any problem."
"I don't have the time to take care of him and neither do you."
"Please, they're not so high-maintenance as you're making them out to be. They only need food and lots of love, which we have lots of." You easily pointed out. Besides, you were thinking of a company buddy nor a guarding dog.
He didn't give you an answer, just a pointed look and you knew that you were nowhere near convincing him.
"Why are you so opposed to getting a puppy? They're small and cute and an endless source of love and affection."
"Do I strike you as the affectionate type?" He deadpanned looking at you for a few seconds before focusing back to his paper. Obviously not.
"I know that you're not. Very well actually, always begging you for a little of attention." you sassed because in this case, appearances were not deceiving. It's not like his lack of affection came from the absence of feelings or emotion. You knew that he was deeply traumatised and he has a hard time showing affection other than with his eyes. Just being with you was a huge step forward for Bane and you're aware of that. While you appreciated deeply this will of his to step out of his comfort zone to please you, you couldn't help but feel something missing. Because there was. And it was not only a reference to his inability to kiss you. That was for obvious reasons. Sometimes though a soft caress was just as full of meaning as a kiss, especially when it was pretty much the only way he could show affection that was PG-13.
"Oh, I see what's happening here. You want a dog because I don't give you enough attention. That's selfish." He snickered and you were taken back by how cruel he sounded. Was he trying to hurt you? To make you feel guilty about your wish and desires? Ugh, such a man move.
"First of all, I'm not selfish. Seeking affection from the man you love isn't selfish, it's human. You don't have the same need for it and that's fine. That makes you different but it does not make me weak or weird. Plus, don't pretend that you won't be head over heels for a puppy after a while because that's a load of bullshit." Now the conversation has shifted to a more personal subject and the tone both of you restored to use didn't help to make the atmosphere less tense.
"That's not what I meant and you know it. There's no place for a dog in our lives. I'm sorry." You knew that in his way he was trying to apologize for his cutting words but now he had crossed a line and you were so fucking done with his dismissive attitude and assertive tone that suddenly you wondered why you were even asking him for permission. He wasn't your husband much less your father. You didn't owe him an explanation nor did you need his approval. Of course, his enthusiasm and participation would have made the whole experience even more jolly but it wasn't mandatory. You could do this even without him.
"Maybe in yours but you bet your ass that there is in mine."
You didn't realize that things had gone sour up until the moment you stormed off his room. Maybe you were being a little dramatic about it but that's just what happens when you're frustrated. And God only knows how much Bane is good at it. Despite what it could have looked like, your theatrical exit didn't mean you were going to leave him. As if. You hadn't climbed on top of the mountain just to go sliding down it at the last minute. You know him and you knew that he just needed some time to get adjusted to the idea. Or well, you hoped so. Because there was a beautiful light brown curly poodle in your arms now and since the first time your eyes landed on his quivering form, you knew that only death could separate you from the little thing.
Bane was pushed at the back of your mind, he was going to deal with it. He had to. Maybe he'd throw a fit at first but you'd guarantee that he would love him just as much as you did. He was the best little boy you knew after all. You had just got home from the animal shelter and was currently laying on your bed when a loud knock was heard. You quickly turn around to weakly try to hide the little thing with your body. You didn't answer, knowing already that it was him, but then again he wasn't asking for permission, he was just notifying you of his presence. Well then, so would you.
"Y/N?" His voice came muffled by the ever-present mask on his face. He sounded almost uncertain. He didn't know where he stood after last night. You had stormed off and he didn't come to your room that night to sleep. You didn't think too much of it given that it wasn't an unusual thing for him to do. He often works all night and you always wondered how he managed to function without a good night sleep.
You just hummed in response, too focused on playing with your new buddy. He was growing his teeth so he had the tendency to bite your fingers, his teeth were so tiny though that you hardly noticed.
"Listen, about last night-" he started but stopped when he came closer enough to the bed you were sitting on to see the puppy you were holding. "- was totally pointless seeing as you went ahead and did it anyway." he growled displeased with the fact that you went behind his back.
"You're my boyfriend and I love you but I don't need to ask for your permission. I wanted a dog and so I adopted one. You don't want it and that's fine. He won't be a burden for you in any way, I assure you. See? Not that selfish." you couldn't help but throw shade at him. What? You weren't angry that he didn't want a dog, but his words last night stung and he hadn't apologized for that yet.
He let out a deep sigh, and you knew that he was feeling guilty. No matter how violent and crude he was with certain people, he never was one to hurt people without a reason, people that he loved nor women. And you ticked two out of the three boxes.
"You're the least selfish person I know, I'm sorry for yesterday. I didn't mean what I said." He simply offered but you took his apology gladly. Turning towards him, setting the dog on the ground so that he could explore a little, you simply looked at him in the eyes. They are really expressive.
"Does it really bothers you my need of affection? Is it a burden for you?" You ask. The thought that you could come across as clingy had never crossed your mind. Yes, you were affectionate but not that much. Or at least you thought so. But maybe for Bane's standards you were and he was just too kind to tell you.
Sitting next to you, he takes his hands in yours before speaking. "It really doesn't. I've never had someone to love him as you do before. Yes, sometimes it can feel too much but it's a good kind of feeling. Although I worry that you need more than what I can offer you." It was not the first time that he shared with you his apprehension of him not being enough for you. However, he never opened up to you like this before. The intensity of his gaze made him look more vulnerable than ever and suddenly you realized what the fuss was all about. He was scared.
"How many times do I have to tell you that you're more than enough?" Allowing your foreheads to touch, you try and infuse your love to him so that he could feel less insecure. You felt a cold nose poking your leg and smiling a little, you picked him up and held him close to your faces.
"Besides, that's not true. Now you have someone else that will love you endlessly. He won't ever get angry at you and won't ever leave you. Say hi to daddy, baby." You cooed and smiled when the dog started licked Bane's cheek. By the way his eyes narrowed, you figured he was smiling under the mask. You attacked his other cheek with small little kisses so that he was smothered with love.
"We" kiss "love" kiss "you" another kiss. The giggle that he made was music to your ears. Holding you close to his chest, he let himself fall on the bed so that you and the dog were laying on him. Picking him up, Bane observed him for a moment.
"I guess we can keep him." He said and almost as if the puppy understood what he said, he barked and licked Bane's cheek again making you laugh and your heart flutter with joy.
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Meeting and Dating Randy
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(Not my gif)(requested by @westanimagines )
(I tried my best with the few scenes we had of him <3)
- You meet Randy when you get a job at the grocery store. You get introduced to the butcher and pretty much everyone else during your first break with your new coworkers. From the moment you laid eyes on him there seemed to be something about him that pulled you in.
- Sadly, the two of you don’t see very much of each other considering he’s usually behind the scenes and you’re more on the floor. But every now and again you’ll have to go and get something from the back and you’ll bump into each other.
- Whenever everyone is on break together, he’ll shoot you glances from across the table. He’ll look over at you when he or someone makes a joke, finding your laugh adorable and smiling along with you. You tend to not notice it but every now and again you’ll catch his eye.
- You kind of feel bad that he’s stuck down there with no one but maybe Produce Joe to interact with so whenever things are slow you poke your head in and say hi. You start a sort of friendship with him and wind up getting pretty close, closer with him than any of your other coworkers at least.
- He never minds the company, in fact he looks forward to it. A pretty girl coming to pay him attention; what more could he ask for in this line of work? A raise maybe, but this was good enough for him.
- During one of your breaks, one of the other girls had asked if you had a boyfriend since they’d been telling you about a problem they’d been having with theirs. You chuckled and told her “it was kinda difficult to meet guys on a vampires schedule”. Randy just so happened to hear and was pleasantly surprised.
- For someone who spends a lot of time alone in a dimly lit meat locker he sure is good at flirting. You’re surprised when your usual banter turns into something more suggestive and complimentary but you certainly don’t mind.
- Not too long after your conversations started to take a turn, he invited you out for drinks at a bar down the road from the store. Even though you’d usually be too tired to do anything after your shift you happily accepted.
- You left work together and soon after you found yourself laughing with him as the two of you sat in a booth, sipping your drinks. He recounted stories that your bosses and coworkers had yet to tell you and had you in stitches with his own tales from behind the shelves.
- You really seemed to click as the night went on so you were excited when he said he’d like to “do this again sometime” as you walked out to your cars. He opened your car door for you, gave you a warm smile and headed over to his own vehicle. You were grinning the whole ride home even though you were starting to feel the effects of staying up later than you should’ve.
- Jennifer and Linda wanted all of the details when you went into work the next day. They could hardly act natural as Randy passed your little group as they attempted to bombard you with questions. You could see him give a knowing grin as he walked towards his station, leaving you flustered and your friends ecstatic.
- You ended up going out together again later that week, and then again a day or so after that. You were really smitten with each other.
- The two of you had your first kiss while you were at work waiting for your shifts to be over so you could go on your fourth date.
- You’d been moving some boxes into the back of the store when you’d heard a noise coming from the far end of the room you were supposed to be in. Obviously the sudden interruption scared you, especially when it came from somewhere you knew no one else was.
- You’d accidentally dropped a box when you’d gotten spooked which is what prompted Randy to come out and check on you. You assured him you were alright but mentioned the noise, still slightly (yet admittedly irrationally) shaken. He checked around for you, coming up with nothing once he was finished.
- It helped but you still weren’t completely comfortable. He teased you a little, gave you a hug and before you knew it his lips were on yours. It was definitely a nice way to be calmed down.
- Perhaps it’s not the best for people to date their coworkers but let’s just say you’re very happy you gave it a try.
- The extent of his pda is a quick kiss and hand on the small of your back or shoulder when you’re standing together. He’s not a huge fan of smooching you in the public eye.
- You drive to work together, usually in his car.
- You’re called either pumpkin, babe or sweetie, and of course sometimes just an abbreviation of your name.
- You usually wind up eating all your meals together. He’s pretty fond of Italian.
- He sneaks little bits of food whenever you’re cooking. He is a nuisance in the kitchen.
- He has his own place; albeit small, so you tend to hang out there, cuddling on the couch, watching a movie/tv show and drinking a beer.
- He doesn’t make a lot of money so you rarely have expensive dates. Not that either of you mind, just being together is good enough for you.
- He has a habit of coming in at bad times which is something you’ll just have to get used to. I mean it doesn’t happen all the time but make sure to lock the door if you’re dealing with something you don’t want him to walk into.
- Hands. Just hands. Butchers need to be steady and calculated yet I can see him having a slightly rough touch at the same time. ...Yum.
- Randy just looks tired so you tend to take naps together after work. Or he’ll occasionally fall asleep on you while you run your fingers through his hair.
- The two of you usually wind up with his feet on the coffee table and yours in his lap whenever you’re on the couch together. Either that or you’re pretty much laying on top of him.
- Even though he acts like a smartass he actually does like hearing about your day and the different stories that you have.
- He’s pretty fond of teasing you; doesn’t matter what it’s about he just loves doing it.
- He likes to mouth things at you when someone’s back is turned, trying to make you laugh while they’re distracted.
- He loves seeing you having a good time. He’s a pretty funny guy so it isn’t hard for him to make you laugh. Plus, his smartass behavior usually ends up doing the trick if his jokes don’t.
- You play pranks and attempt to spook each other.
- He’s a fan of horror in general so the two of you watch a lot of scary movies together.
- Baking cookies together.
- Stealing his flannels.
- He tends to misplace his belongings so you often know where he puts things more than he does.
- Mistreats appliances and tools; sometimes you feel the need to apologize to the things in his home. Poor half broken washing machine.
- He can be a baby when he gets hurt, he’ll keep fussing over his injuries until you help him or kiss them better.
- He has to lift heavy carcasses all day so he’s pretty strong. You need help lifting something or want to be lifted yourself than he’s your guy.
- He’s used to seeing a little blood and other gross things so theres not much that disturbs him. He’s perfectly fine in a lot of situations whether it be when you mention your period or want him to get rid of a dead animal in your yard.
- He thinks it’s cute if you don’t like being around the meat or thinking about him butchering. He always smiles when you give him a grimace as he talks about his work or whenever you see the hanging bodies.
- Sometimes you’ll catch him murmuring songs while he works; you think it’s cute. If you ask him sweetly enough he may just sing to you.
- Your mom probably loves getting the best of the best whenever she shops at the store or when you take home groceries.
- Your parents probably love him unless they’re super vegan and despise the meat industry. Your dad is especially a fan of his since he can make a conversation out of nothing and make the older man laugh like it’s no ones business.
- He offers to warm you up whenever you visit him in the meat locker and absentmindedly mention how cold it is.
- On that note~ He is basically a human heater; you sort of have to be to handle being in the cold nearly all day.
- Bar dates. He greatly enjoys teaching you how to play pool if you don’t know how.
- Having barbecues together.
- Sitting on the sink or bathtub ledge as he shaves in the morning.
- Showering together.
- He’s not a very jealous guy but he will tell someone to to fuck off if he finds them flirting with you, mostly because it’s obvious you’re uncomfortable.
- He’s pretty protective of you; and has a bit of a temper, so he’s prone to starting arguments or yelling at people in your honor.
- Making out in the back of the store and having quickies in the bathroom.
- Getting each other for lunch. You usually sit next to him with his arm wrapped around the back of your chair.
- He taste tests things for you. If something looks a little weird he’ll take a bite before you do to make sure it’s safe.
- Occasionally chatting with Produce Joe when you’re waiting for Randy to be finished with something. You’re like the only person in the store who really talks to him besides Randy. You get a taste of the freshest of fruits in return for your kindness.
- Comforting and ranting to each other when you’re told the news about the store. He’s definitely a little more upset than you are, considering he was cheated out of a whole two week paid vacation.
- Trying to help each other find new jobs when you’re laid off.
- He tells you he loves you quite a bit. It’s not hard for him in the slightest, he knows that he does and has no intentions of letting you go anytime soon.
- You picked a keeper; even your parents agree with you on that. You have to bribe your mom during the holidays to not bring up marriage. Not that it takes very long for him to propose to you ;)
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jessiewre · 5 years
Day 52
Tues 25th Feb
#prawnsforBarry 🍤🍤🍤
We sat at breakfast excited to have our, sorry Phil’s, new mustard accompaniment. We even managed to convince Wendy the waitress to try it. She said she liked it, but it was hard to tell if she was just being polite or not!
As had become a daily occurrence, we began to discuss when we should leave Watamu and move on. When we would actually start travelling again. Whenever we had this conversation, we seemed to add on a day - and so far we’d done this at least 4 times. We had somehow ended up on holiday while on holiday.
With Phil’s run on the Sunday, we knew we had to move and agreed we should arrive in Moshi (Tanzania) by Friday at the latest. So when Philly Tours discovered there was a daily direct bus from Mombasa to Moshi, it was decided - we would go to Mombasa on the Weds to get the 7am bus the next day. Or the Thurs. Ok probably the Thursday.
Ok well with that plan in place, we went to see my little tailor mate to order more clothes didn’t we! They were so nice and cheap, it made sense to use this opportunity to replace the pair I lost while flailing about in the Nile. So Phil ordered an extra pair of shorts and I asked for two pairs, plus a pair of culottes style trousers. I personally wanted to get the same sizing Phil had for his birthday shorts, as they were soooo comfy, but Phil said they were a little too baggy and ill fitting. He had a point to be fair, so the man measured me up but I tried hard to make it clear that I didn’t want the clothes to be too tight and uncomfortable. Watch this space.
After that, we went to the pool and as we approached, I could see that Barry was lay on the far side. He had his shades on and hadn’t noticed us yet.
‘Barry’s over there Phil’ I whispered.
‘I know’ he said ‘But I can’t be arsed right now, I’ll chat with him later’.
But the attraction of Phil was too much for Barry and he could smell him for sure. Within 30 seconds, Barry was out of his lounger and on his way over. Oh we could see that he wasn’t happy from his walk. And he didn’t need to be asked why, so he saved us a job and launched right into it.
‘I was meant to go on that boat trip today weren’t I.’
We nodded along.
‘They pissed me off so I sacked it off’.
Oh shitt. There’d been some drama in Barrytown. Well we were in by this point, so we couldn’t help but dig for more. Not that we needed to ask, we would have definitely found out either way.
‘Oh dear, what happened??’
Barry took a deep breath.
‘Some bloke met me at the front of the hotel, but there was no tuc tuc, so I said Where’s my tuc tuc? And he pointed to the beach and said Boat here. So we walked to the beach and there was no boat so I said Where’s the boat mate?? and THEN he pointed to the end of the bay. He was saying I had to walk to the other bay! So that pissed me off. That pissed me right off. I told him, I said, I don’t like walkin’. Ya know?So we eventually got to the other bay and there was a load of Italians sat about waiting for the boats and I’m looking at these boats thinkin’...I don’t fancy that. They were not even that big these boats and I thought Ya know what, I can’t be arsed with this. So I got up and walked back. Fuk it. Only lost $20, I don’t even care’
And that was Barry’s boat trip.
Being the great friend that he is, Phil got into the pool with angry Barry to cool him down and comfort him with kind words and a quick head rub.
They just chilled in the pool and actually had a lovely chat about food, Barry telling Phil about the food available at his local in Cyprus.
‘You’ve got your Pork chops, Lamb, Olive oil, Salt, pepper - its gotta be dun’ mate’
Yes Barry, quite.
Despite the inspiring meat chat, we had a cheap and simple VEGETARIAN lunch at our hotel consisting of rice, lentil Dahl, spinach and chapati and actually got ourselves organised enough to do an activity. Unheard of! I swear, the longer we had stayed in Watamu, the lazier we’d become, and an excursion out was a much needed rarity. We arrived to the Turtle Ocean Conservation and everywhere you looked were recycled items lovingly used to ingeniously build and decorate. The gardens were lined with glass bottles as flower bed edging and there were sculptures of animals & big displays made from plastic waste. It was one of those places that had a special feel about it, like it was made out of pure love and good vibes. Real wholesome like 🤓
Ruth, a passionate & knowledgeable environmentalist, showed us around the small centre and explained the many problems they (the turtles & sea life) were facing on a daily basis - pollution, lack of education, plastic waste, over-fishing, poaching - to name but a few. They had one resident turtle in at that moment. She’d been found in a fisherman’s net and was struggling with various health problems. They hoped to nurse her back to health and eventually release her back into the ocean. Luckily turtles never formed bonds or any attachement with their human carers, so once they were healthy, the release was easy - they swam straight off without looking back. It was even more important to get them better if they were a female turtle as they had the potential to reproduce. It could take months or even years before she was better - one turtle was in for 6 years before its release!
Female turtles can have over 2000 eggs in a lifetime, but due to all the obstacles they now face, it’s likely that only 1 or 2 of those eggs will go on to have their own eggs. People often think that turtles are doing really well as they see lots of pictures of them and they have so many eggs in their lives, but its a misconception. The population is rapidly decreasing.
We ended the tour passing past an entrance to a garden area and I asked Ruth if we could go in. She said yes, but she didn’t seem to think it was really worth a look. I don’t know why, as there were some amazing art sculptures in there. There was a huge jellyfish made from plastic bags and a massive turtle made of bottle tops, plus there was a sort of turtle graveyard with all the shells they’d collected from the poaching. The whole area was like a sort of secret garden, with winding paths and hidden corners and it was clear to me that this garden could be utilised and made more of a feature for the centre. It would be far more engaging by adding a challenge or treasure hunt type activity. I discussed it with Ruth and explained my idea, saying they could have a simple paper sheet with tasks & questions to answer. They could sell for like $1, and then kids could go round the garden finding the answers by using fact boards placed around the garden. SICK IDEA RIGHT!?
Well she thought so too, and said she was definitely going to make it happen when the next volunteers arrived! WOOP WOOP 🙌. Shame we were leaving Watamu and couldn’t stay to help. I would have smashed that. I decided I’d drop her an email afterwards to check up on the idea and see if she needed any help with it. And get a cut of the profits obvs.
The whole centre runs purely from donations and running their tours, so if you would like to donate to help the turtles, every little helps. I will post a link up after this post.
Phil had already planned to use our trip out as an opportunity to do a run and so donned on all his gear and headed off while I waited for a tuc tuc. The driver and I then overtook Phil halfway back and even the driver said Phil was ‘very fast’. I smiled proudly and agreed with him. I waited for him to finish that sentence with. ‘...for a muzungu’ but he didn’t. Wow it was a proper compliment.
We went for another late afternoon dip in the sea accompanied by a beach bar beer, and Barry the stalker appeared in the bar next to ours - it was the same bar he went to every evening to be fair. A man of habit was our Barry.
No point sitting on different tables though Barry eh...so he followed his hearts desire and came over to sit with Phil. I was there obviously, but we all know by now Barry only has eyes for Phil.
‘Someone’s sat in my seat tonight’ he said, nodding towards ‘his’ bar as he arrived.
Nightmare. Barry had rocked up to his bar and someone had sat in his favourite seat. What an absolute joke.
Phil and Barry discussed many things, one being Barry’s marriage and subsequent divorce. Why didn’t it work out I wondered? No doubt there were various reasons, but maybe Barry going to the pub 3 or 4 nights a week didn’t help. Just a thought. But for Barry it was ‘necessary’ to have his pub time. Essential. I asked whether his wife (sorry, ex-wife) ever went out, or was she just at home with their child, while he was at the pub and he said ‘I gave her every opportunity to go out with her friends’. I choked on my drink laughing as it reminded me of something Phil says sarcastically on a regular basis - ‘Thank you for the opportunity Jess’.
But my favourite topic of the evening was Barry’s ‘banter’ chat.
‘Phil, do you have banter with your mates?’
He didn’t wait for a reply
‘Cos I do.’
I interjected at this point to mention that we both enjoyed dabbling in a spot of banter from time to time, but Barry was a mans man and I’m not sure he heard me. Boys will be boys right.
‘Me and my mates used to go to this one pub a couple of nights a week and bloody hell the banter was ‘ilarious. One time, my mate went to the loo and we barricaded the door. Completely blocked it, he couldn’t get out! Oh we had sucha laugh. Another time, this guy started a fight with my mate, over nuffing, and we all jumped on, then the barman - he was a big lad - he just picked the fella up and THREW him out the door! Honestly it was HILARIOUS. Oh ha and once, we got a painting that was on the wall, took it off, and we screwed it to the ceiling. Oh god, the landlord didn’t find it for weeks! Honestly Phil, so funny mate....’
Listening to Barry’s bountiful banter tales of mischief and man fun was thoroughly entertaining (gosh imagine the thrills of it. I can’t wait to get home and do the painting on the ceiling trick at my, sorry, Mum and Dads house) but I decided to leave them to it and walk up to my tailor bloke to collect the items before he closed.
My plan was to try the new items on and give feedback if necessary. But by the time I walked down the beach and then the pitch black beach road at high speed, I was sweating so profusely that I wasn’t thinking straight. I lost approximately 3 litres of sweat trying on the various shorts and trousers only to discover they were FAR too tight for me - but the boss guy wasn’t even there and I was SO hot that I just paid up and ran out of the shack. As I walked back along the beach, I already decided I would have to go back the next morning to get the trousers changed at the very least.
By the time I got back to the lads, Barry and Phil had settled in for the night and had even got themselves double stacked chairs to sit on for additional support (Barry was not a small chap). My plan to eat at a nice restaurant I’d spotted was rapidly fading away and in a desperate attempt to entice me to warm to the idea of a romantic meal for 3 on the beach, Phil announced he wanted prawns for dinner.
Now let me tell you - Phil has never, EVER, in his life ordered prawns. He has occasionally eaten prawns off my plate, and ONLY when I have thoroughly de-shelled and prepped them as though he was a baby (or Roy McCusker). So I could hardly say No could I, and to be honest, I was impressed by his boldness and also intrigued to see how the hell he was going to handle de-shelling prawns for the first time in his life. All with an audience (ok, just Barry). This was going to be a sight to see.
After we ordered the food though, Phil decided to announce he was going for a quick shower, so Barry and I finally got some time to ourselves. Great. It’s what we’d both been craving.
I stuck with what I know and chatted about different countries etc and ended up showing Barry some pictures of Mexico on my phone. Easy win. But suddenly a WhatsApp message popped up on the screen and it was a video of Phil singing as he got into the shower. I VERY quickly swiped it away and thought PHEW, I’ve just about got away with that one. I continued to show pictures of Mexican cenotes when another message appeared. This one was something like this
Ok well this one was also cringe, so I quickly shifted the phone away to turn it onto airplane mode.
And thank god I did, as the next message Phil sent me popped up on the screen just as I moved it from Barry’s view:
Ok so at this point, I told Barry the phone was no longer working.
Phil returned (THANK GOD FOR THAT) wearing the newly altered mustard shirt, but Barry pointed that the pocket was still on the wonk. Dammit he was right as well. During the hour wait for these prawns, the topic I’d of how we met was bought up. I happily told Barry we met in a gay club and that we both had best friends who were gay. That’s right Barry. GAY. Oooh how was this going to go down I wondered...
We started off ok. Barry said he used to know a guy at work and he invited him to some of his dinner parties a few times. How nice of you Barry.
Lovely. But where’s the ‘but’...?
Ah ha, here it is
‘I don’t have a problem with it...’
Yes Barry, go on...
‘I don’t have a problem with it...but...’ (there it was) ‘...but when it comes up on TV and there’s two blokes kissing, I mean, ya know I don’t wana see that’. Barry pulled a face of disgust.
It was my turn to jump in
‘But I suppose two girls kissing is ok to see?’
Barry raised his eyebrows and avoided eye contact.
‘Well...you don’t see so much of that do you, its always blokes’
‘Apart from in porn right? Lots of men don’t mind gay kissing when its women doing it and its for their gratification. Kind of ironic really isn’t it!’ I said.
What I also wanted to say was:
I hate to break it to you Barry but you DO have a problem with it.
People are allowed to be uncomfortable with it, that is their right, but they need to understand that therefore they DO have a problem with it. And if that’s the case, then it would be better for everyone if those people kept their prejudice and judgement on the matter completely to themselves. It is homophobic to say ‘I don’t wana see that’ and talking like that is not helpful to anyone.
But what I actually explained to Barry was that of course he was not alone in his discomfort and many men and some women of his generation, and other generations too, would feel uncomfortable. This was likely due to the fact they had not been bought up to see gay culture and had been surrounded by homophobic language, media and culture in their life. If they were conscious and aware about why they felt the way they did, they might feel more comfortable with being uncomfortable.
I’m not sure how much of it he took in. Things went rapidly downhill after this when I mentioned the plastic straw issue to the waiter and Barry forgot he’d already told Phil about his Greta Thunberg joke meme (he definitely didn’t know it was a meme, but it was a meme). I managed to hear properly this time. Are you ready? Apologies in advance for this.
He described it as a picture of Greta Thunberg and at the top of it, it said ‘F**k the climate’ and at the bottom it said ‘I’ve discovered c**k’..
Not only was it a bizarre and offensive, it was not funny.
What IS funny is how a 70 year old man was so uncomfortable with two men kissing, but completely comfortable making a gross sexual joke about an autistic child.
Phil spoke up in response this time and said ‘Wow I mean, its pretty rude and its not really very funny. Anything she does for the climate is fantastic really’, while I said something like ‘Wow, isn’t she like 15 years old??’. To which Barry awkwardly said he thought she was 16. COOL WELL THAT MAKES IT OK THEN MATE.
So anyway - #prawnsforBarry - Phil somehow dealt with the prawns completely independent of my help which was actually unbelievable and I glowed with pride. The pace at which he was able to consume his dinner was far slower than he would have liked due to the amount of prep work required, but he got on with it like a trooper. His achievements of combating prawns alongside not being a sexist homophobe really shone that night and we went back to the hotel agreeing that we’d have dinner just us two the next day.
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formal-fauxpines · 5 years
Unofficial Say It Sequel- Chapter 1: Say It Gently
This is one of my first fic ideas when I decided to start wrtiting Pinecest fan fics. Inspired by the fic Say It by @pinewreaths, I wanted to explore the idea of what happens to Mabel and Dipper after she becomes a semen eating vampire and how that affects their relationship after first feeding on him.
Big shout out to @pinecesttrain for helping with editing and helping with further inspiration. And of course big thanks to @pinewreaths for giving me their blessing on using their work that helped set me on the path to write.
Meal time for the Pines Twins came around as it usually did: Door locked and blinds drawn, Dipper lying on the bed, his pants drawn down with his throbbing member exposed for his sister to extract the vital fluids she needed to sustain herself. Her head bobbed up and down on his shaft with long, languid licks and sucks to ensure the utmost pleasure, usually providing the largest payoff of the sweet ambrosia that was her brothers seed.
Since Mabel’s transformation into a vampire a few months ago, meal times had become a bit more unusual to the outside world. Luckily for them, they already were used to the unusual, especially since the twins being unusually close was such a norm.
In becoming a vampire, no thanks to her lying, asshole, vampire ex-boyfriend, Mabel was granted most of the usual afflictions that come with the condition. However the one that took her, and subsequently her brother, by surprise was the method of feeding that she needed. Not the usual blood that is so emphasized in media, stories, and mythology, but weirdly enough, semen.
In a moment of emergency, her brother had been willing to oblige her need to feed and provided the necessary fluids for her. However, with her hunger too great to control, his plans for a more modest feeding method quickly degenerated into a rockus night of fellatio that he had never thought he would be engaged in. Not that he minded,after all, Dipper was always willing to help his sister when she needed it,no matter what the task.
A few days after the first feeding, the twins were able to contact their great uncle Ford, via a special video phone he made for them, getting fed up with Skype, and ask about any conditions of Vampirism that he may have discovered. !
“Ah yes! Vampirism! In fact, I’ve thought about it a few times when I needed the physical capabilities to conduct my research, but the associated issues would hinder me in the long run so I would always need to change back. Good thing too. Some dimensions I found where blood didn’t exist. In all my research I did find a cure for it, however the time limit on reversing the condition is 24 hours.” The twins sighed in exasperation, feeling defeated in the news their great uncle revealed.
“However the condition is manageable,” Ford started up again with a little more enthusiasm. “I was able to find some artifacts, spells, and other techniques that can offset some of the less, desirable traits of the condition. Aside from the usual annoyances, all you have to do is make sure you have a viable food source.” The twins sighed in relief this time. There was a way to have Mabel live with it. “By the way, what is your prefered food source, Mabel?”
The twins froze, caught off guard by Ford’s nonchalant way of asking. What was he getting at? What other feeding did he mean? Did he know about theirs? “C-come again?” Dipper broke through the tense silence.
“Yes, yes, the substance you need to draw your energy from. My research has found that vampires actually have many different types of feeding styles. The most common, of course, is blood. Which can usually be human or animal. Also sweat, saliva, and even a few more unusual fluids like urine, or semen. I have found these particular vampires to be more under the classification of a crossbreed between vampires and succubi. Really fascinating to find out how many different ones there are in the world. So which is it?”
“Blood!” both the twins shot out with urgency, hoping it wasn’t too obvious they were hiding something.
“Alright, a common type then. have you found a viable source yet, children?” Ford asked, not giving any inclination of suspicion to the twins’ quick reaction.
“Candy was able to swipe a bag for me from a recent blood drive, and Sir Dipping-sauce here was nice enough to let me have some of his blood in a few emergency cases,” Mabel said, trying to keep calm with the half-truth she had to tell her Grunkle.
“Very good, just be careful though. If you don’t get a source of food regularly the hunger builds up and things can get a little… crazy.”
“STANLEY!” Ford yelled, turning his head to look off screen with a tinge of irritation in his eyes, “I told you to stop messing with my experiments! Sorry kids, I have to go. Let me know if things change.”
The line disconnected and the screen turning back to the devices menu settings. The twins were grateful that the chat was cut short as neither of them were sure they could hide the reddening of their faces. They knew exactly how wild things could get if her hunger was left unchecked.
“Welp”, Mabel said, slapping her hands to her knees after a moment of awkward silence . “Looks like we got to find me a new food source then.”
“Hehe, y-yeah. I guess we do.” Dipper joined, in scratching at the stubble on his chin.
The following weekend, Mabel and Dipper worked hard on finding a new food source. Mabel knew the easiest method for finding one, but she didn’t much like the prospect. She always considered herself a love expert, and felt her skills improved as she grew older and learned more about relationships and dating. However using her skills to just land a guy to suck off she felt would besmirch her talents. BESMIRCH! Plus, she was not the kind of girl to mess with someone’s emotions, she learned that lesson years ago.
The Pines twins’ plan of attack was to find any guy looking for a good time as much as she was looking for an easy meal. The two would peruse areas for guys who may be looking for an easy hook up, and being college that seemed easy enough. On weekends they would go to the bars, frat houses, and any type of party that looked wild enough. The point was to find drunk bros, which much to Mabel’s chagrin, was not her type.
Mabel busted out her best to attract and draw in the easier prey: Tops that showed off more cleavage, skirts that rode a little high, heels that accentuated her booty. She knew she would hit the mark when, on more than a few occasions, she got Dipper red in the face or had him stare a little too long when asking him what he thought. If it was good enough for him, it was good for some fast food. With Candy and Grenda by her side as her wing women, she felt like it would be easy pickins.
Dipper also took up a role in her hunts as more of the scout. He would look in areas Mabel couldn’t normally go, like the men’s restroom. Even though she was a sperm-sucking vampire, Mabel still had standards. He would also offer to go to other bars nearby, increasing their range, and allowing Mabel a second set of eyes if she couldn’t find anything for herself.
Dipper was a little against this method, and memories would surface of how protective he could be from similar guys trying to hit on her in the past.  How he would intervene if the guy wouldn’t take the hint. She always felt a comfort in how he would watch out for her, making her heart give a little flutter at the thought. The thoughts were pretty nice, in a weird way. It made her kind of glad their options were a little limited, since it meant he agreed to help despite his misgivings.
Despite all their efforts, however, Mabel kept running into the same problem every time. She would land a guy, and get back to his place or hers. They would start by making out,  Mabel thinking sexy thoughts to get her through the start if she wasn’t into the guy, which was most of the time. Admittedly, Mabel would occasionally have a flash of Dipper and his manhood run through her mind. The taste of his seed, the smell of his musk, the warmth and texture of his shaft on her tongue would all do the trick to push her past her current prize with the more delectable memories of her exquisite first meal, driving her hunger enough not to care. Still, most of the time once they got past the make out phase, she would start to wane in her appetite for the guy in hand. The saliva would at least be a slight appetizer which gave her some energy, and a slight taste of what was to come. Or in many cases, didn’t come.
Her vampire senses presented both a blessing and a curse, allowing her to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell exceptionally better than before. However, the smell and taste became an issue to her. When she tried to select her prey for the night usually she could only catch a faint hint of their smell among the myriad of scents in the usual pick up spots. But once she got some one-on-one time the smell became more noticable and harder to ignore. If the taste of the make-out session didn’t send her packing, then the whiff of what lay to the south surely did.
The first few attempts to eat were more forced, Mabel going about a more ‘giving it the old college try’ mentality, as she was not used to such a casual take on such an intimate action. She tried to dive right in, in some cases holding her breath to avoid the scent. The taste of pre-cum that exuded from their member gave a stronger taste than the make-out sampler. It was too strong in some cases, ending the session earlier than expected. If she was able to get past the drops that were a precursor of what came next, she regretted it afterwards.
The surge of life-sustaining fluids tasted nothing like what she received from Dipper. It drove her sense of taste over the edge to the point of being physically ill in some cases. She wrote it off as being from having too much to drink that night, not that she had a drop to begin with, and excused herself to purge the contents of her belly.
After a few times to try and get a new food source from weekend to weekend, Mabel learned to check waste baskets and bedding to get a better look at the menu rather than lead a guy on with the make-out session. Picking up on trace amounts of fluids was easy enough, but led to the same disappointing conclusion that she was not hungry enough to drink what she thought tasted like a milkshake made with carrot juice and squid.
A few times the guys would get belligerent, which Mabel could understand, but did not take kindly to. In those moments she was always happy knowing that her new condition provided her the means to defend herself just fine. Dipper was always sweet telling her he would stay close in case she needed help, but was always proven unnecessary after she showed she could take care of herself now. He still made it a point to ask her to contact him in case things got out of hand. They never did, but she still felt a warmth knowing her brother always wanted to be her hero in her time of need.
At the end of the night though, he really was her hero. Perhaps not in the normal sense, but he had saved her from a few nights of going hungry. After the first few failed feedings, Mabel had turned to her brother, asking for something to hold her over in case she didn’t get enough energy from her supposed dinner. He had been a little taken aback, surprised that Mabel had struck out with the guys she tried to get with. After hearing her situation though, he was willing to oblige.
Since they had already went all the way with the first meal he provided her (or second, technically) it wasn’t the most awkward thing to ask him. They decided to arrange that if she needed a quick pick me up shot Dipper would provide it. He would rub one out in a condom like the first time when she asked, agreeing to this method since she didn’t really want to press the issue of getting it straight from the source. Partially embarrassed from how she lost control last time and partly because she didn’t want to admit how good it made her feel to feed off of him.
But since she did lose control, she settled for a sack lunch. Despite the fact that it wasn’t fresh, the ambrosia she remembered still tasted as sweet and savory as ever, filling her with a warm sensation through her whole being as she imbibed it. Yet as she enjoyed what she could get from him, more and more she would ask for a late night snack as she kept failing to feed. Even if she was successful, she would often ask for a chaser to get the terrible taste out of her mouth and wash away the dissatisfaction.
“Another dud, huh?” Dipper asked as Mabel begged him for another semeny snack. He rubbed the back of this neck nervously as he sat on the edge of his bed. “I’m sorry this keeps happening, but… you sure about this, Mabes?” “I mean, I know I was your first source, but I can’t be that much better than the guys you were going after. I’ve seen the kind of guys you go boy crazy for. Some of them seemed your type from what I guessed.”
“You don’t understand, Dipper. I thought they were going to be okay, but when we stepped away from the crowds and got some one-on-one fun time, their B.O. would make my stomach go ‘OH NO!’” she said in a silly voice reminiscent of the Kool-aid man, punctuating her last statement with a playful poke to the stomach.
Dipper sighed out in willing defeat. “Well, I don’t want my sister to starve. And Ford did say it would be bad to let you go too long without feeding. I mean, we have first hand experience with that.” He blushed at the thought of it.
“Hehe, yeah. I guess I got a little too cray-cray on my bro-bro then. I promise I’ll be better and keep it under control. You did give me a lot that time though and I’m not as hungry as then, but I am getting a little bit now,” she said shyly, biting her fingers, her fangs showing slightly.
“I guess we could give it another go. If it could help us avoid another frenzy. Just give me a minute and…” He reached for his sock drawer and pulled out another set of condoms and tore off a square.
Mabel reached out and grabbed his wrist firmly with a restrained urgency.
“Actually, I was thinking we could maybe try sooooomething else?” she said, biting her lower lip.
“Um-uh, o-o-okay? Uh, w-what did yooooouuuu haveinmindexactly?” Dipper asked with a nervousness in his voice. His eyes showed a glint of fearful curiosity. “I mean d-did you want to just, um…” He coughed in his fist, unable to finish the thought, instead looking down to his crotch.  
“N-no, I mean kinda, I mean not yet, I mean…,” Mabel took a deep breath to calm her flustered self from saying what she wanted. “Grunkle Ford did say that vampires could use other food sources too, right? When I was trying to do some ‘meal prep’, so to say, I got a slight taste from the make-out sesh. I mean it wasn’t like a full first course, but it gave me just enough to make it through the night, or at least to you.” She stared down to the floor as she said it, grabbing at a lock of hair, twisting it in her fingers nervously. “Kind of like having cold fries before having a four star meal. So maybe we can give that a try? I mean if you don’t mind your sis macckin’ all over you?” Mabel explained spitting the hair out and adding a slight giggle.
Dipper thought about it, contemplating the scientific ramifications of it all. “True, I mean, I don’t mind giving you what you need in the end. You know, since we already did, well… you know.” He blushed and coughed into his hand again. “But if this is what you want to do then I’ll do it...” His lips turned upwards into a warm, comforting smile and he placed a hand on her knee, “...for you.”
“You really are the best, broseph.” She clasped his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. “So how do you want to ya know… do this. I don’t want to break you as bad as last time”
“How about you start and take it how you feel. After all, it is your ‘snack time’.”
“Okay then, I mean, no biggie. We did this before, kissing and all ya know. Just one twin helping the other this time.” Her face flushed a slight pink as she leaned into him. The closer she got, the more warmth she could feel from his breath. He met her half-way, connecting with her lips, softly and gently as to test the waters of this new/revisited experiment.
Mabel felt a slight jolt of energy right when their lips made contact. She was reminded of drinking hot cocoa, the warmth of the sweet liquid making contact with her lips before letting it in. This was a thousand times better in her opinion. Sweeter than any cocoa she could buy, with a perfect heat that warmed her to the core without burning her, and a scent that she learned from experience was about to come.
Remembering her first feeding and how that tasted, this one seemed more like a light snack. Lighter, like a small drop, but still giving nourishment. She found it peculiar thinking about all those other guys, that they couldn’t give her this amount of energy from even the full salty shebang. Just this kiss might have been enough for her. She wanted more. She needed more!
Mabel pressed more into her brother’s lips. He seemed just as eager to receive her. Their mouths opened slightly, allowing their tongues to pass though and connect. Soon the drop on her lips turned into a drizzle on her tongue as they embraced one another. Their hands began grabbing frantically at each others clothes and hair. Mabel was desperate to get a grip, as though doing so would make him give her more of what she was tasting.
The full flavor of his saliva was just what she expected from the initial kiss. It was as if she were drinking up the most delectable beverage in the world.The closest thing she could compare would be the sweetest honey, mixed into the smoothest of creams, with a slight hint of a fruit that is so amazing it may have not been discovered yet. She knew well enough that Dipper didn’t partake much in these foods, so she accounted this blending of flavors as his own personal essence. She couldn’t get enough.
Every bit of pressure, every smack of the lips, every grab at her tresses of hair and clothing was like she was being treated to the best dining service she’d ever had. She was disappointed when she had to stop for a breath, much like in the past drinking too heavily to quench her thirst. She panted heavily after her intense snack session, looking down at her brother.
Lips pink and slightly swollen, eyes half-lidded with a sense of shock and euphoria, a small trail of saliva that lay at the corner of his mouth from when she pulled away. He was breathing just as hard, if not harder from the intensity of what they shared. But, His body didn’t have the stamina of a vampire to keep up, and he looked exhausted.
“Oh my gosh Dip! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to lose control like that again. Are you alright?” Mabel laid her hand on his face, cupping his cheek. He nuzzled into it and grabbed it with his, squeezing her hand lovingly. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him being so warm and affectionate to her touch. A small flutter began to rise in her stomach.
“Yeah Mabes,” he said between breaths. “I’m fine. Just never had a make out session that intense before.”
Mabel cocked her head to the side in confusion. “Really?” The gears started turning in her head at all what he just said could mean. She decided to take a chance on it. She turned her head back upright with a devious smile spreading across her face and eyelids half-lidded. She asked again with a sultry tone, “Really?”
“I mean, I’ve had some pretty good ones in the past, but I think you just set the bar.” After uttering those words Dipper’s eyes shot wide open realizing the confession he just made. “I-I-I mean, um, ah...”
She pressed a finger to his lips as if to push the pause button on his mind. It seemed to work, as he halted his hectic explanation. “Relax broseph, after all we’ve done since I transformed, it’s not the weirdest thing to admit. Plus, if I were to be really honest, you make a great kisser too. And not just because you taste so amazing.” She bent down to him lapping up the small bit of spittle at the corner of his mouth left behind from her earlier departure, and followed with a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Thanks, Dipper, for being so understanding.”
He reached up to stroke her hair and wrapped his arms around her to cuddle on the bed. “Of course Mabel. I’d do anything to take care of you,” he said gently as she wrapped her arms around him too, and slipped into a warm embrace.
After about 20 minutes of blissfully cuddling with each other, Dipper broke the silence. “Hey Mabel? Not to ruin the mood, but I got a question for you.”
“What’s up Dip-dop?”
“So did that give you the energy you needed then? I mean. I know you need um, you know, the other stuff, to be fully nourished, but how did that work for you?” he said in his usual sense of curiosity he had for the supernatural but underlined with and awkwardness for talking about this particular subject with his sister. .
“Dang Dip,” Mabel said with a bit of disbelief at what he just asked. She sat up out of the cuddle session, feeling its warmth and enjoyment snuffed out by awkward sciency questions.  “Can’t just let that curious mind take a break for once, can you?” She tapped her index finger to his forehead as she asked him.
Placing her hands on her hips she began to give him the answer he was looking for with a hint of annoyance for being such a wet blanket to the warm and silent affection they were sharing. “If you must know, it actually filled me up better than any other guy I tried with. Like, even when I got a full load out of them,” she said matter of factly and ended with her arms crossing across her chest.
Dipper shifted a bit at the last statement showing discomfort at the premise. Mabel picked up on it, all her senses making it hard to ignore. “Um, sorry, Dipper. Just wanted to be honest with ya. Must be getting too used to these feeding arrangements that it seems normal now,” she said, patting his thigh, hoping to ease his distress.  
“No no. It’s fine. I mean, I asked after all,” he replied, trying to shake off his embarrassment at the mental image of Mabel with those other guys. “But, like, ya know...  I just can’t help but wonder. What makes this so different,’’ he gestured between the two of them. “Why are you getting more out of me? Like, what makes me so special?”
“I dunno. Maybe those guys were just not that tasty to begin with? Like even regular Mabel would have passed them up if given the option. Or maybe you just happen to be so sweet helping a girl out like this,” Mabel added, poking Dipper in the cheek, drawing circles into his stubble with her finger.
“Hehe, thanks for the compliment Mabel,” he said, grabbing her hand gently to cease the playful pokes, “but seriously, if we don’t get this feeding thing figured out soon, I may just be your soul source of food.”
“Well,” she said with a little hesitation in her voice, “it’s not like it would be the worst thing ever.”
Dipper was a little caught off guard by the comment. “Wait, what?” he asked in disbelief.
“I mean, sure it may be a little awkward to find a new food source. But as long as I have you to keep me fed when that falls through I should be alright,” she said with a chipper attitude. Then she turned serious and sour. “Unless, of course, this arrangement bothers you.”
“What!? No, Mabes, of course not!” He raised his hands between them as if to deflect her accusation, shaking his head to assure her it wasn’t true. “I was just thinking about your, uh, situation. You know, I don���t want you missing out on anything because of this is all. I can handle anything to make sure you are fed. Just that...” he sat and stared at the floor silently, hesitation and concern about what he was going to say plastered on his face.
“Spit it out Dipper,” she said, slightly annoyed at his hesitation.
“You really don’t mind me being your source of sustenance? I mean,” he looked away scratching his neck, a few drops of sweat forming on his brow, “don’t you find it a little... weird?”
“Sir Dippingsauce I am surprised at you. We’re the MYSTERY TWINS, weird is in our genes. And we already passed the bounds of weird with me being a sperm-sucking vamp. If that happens to come from my twin bro-bro so be it,” she said defiantly. Mabel settled herself down and placed a hand on Dipper’s shoulder, speaking calmly. “But if it bothers you, we can always find another way.”
“No!” He jerked his body to face her straight-on making her release his shoulder. His eyes appreaed filled with worry at the suggestion . “I-I mean... like I said. I just want to make sure you are okay with this,” he added before turning his head to stare at the floor.
Mabel leaned in to deliver a kiss on his cheek, her lips parting just enough for her tongue to graze along his skin and leave a wet spot. She pulled back and proceeded to lick her lips, humming in pleasure. Dipper felt a shiver run down his spine, causing Mabel to giggle. “Yep, just as sweet since I last checked.”
She gently grabbed him by the back of the neck and placed her forehead to his. His face emitted a greater heat and his pulse quicked. “Don’t worry Dipper,” she said in a soft, gentle tone. “We’ll check with Grunkle Ford about this whole thing. Come what may we’ll get this figured out. Now come back here and cuddle me dag-nabbit.”
Dipper looked up into her eyes. She could tell just in this short talk that it was what he needed. Concern still flitted in his gaze, but also comfort and love. Her senses picked up on his vitals, telling her that he was calming down.“Okay, okay. ‘Come what may’ it is,” he said embracing his sister once again.
The sound of his heartbeat, his personal scent,  and warmth he emitted comforted her in ways she hadn’t thought possible. For her, next to him now, everything was perfect.
Then again, she thought, maybe it always was.
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storyunrelated · 5 years
George & The Dragon - Late
Yet more self-indulgent flumf.
I rather enjoy the idea of draconic values just being...different. Like, not incomprehensible, just different.
Meh, I don’t know. You don’t care.
“Hello hello hello, how’s my favourite dragon today?” Said George, closing the door behind him before turning, expecting to see Jessica doing what she normally did where she normally did it: sleeping on her pile of stuff.
And indeed she was on her pile, but she was not asleep. She was very much awake, sitting up, and her eyes were fixed on George with enough intensity that he actually jumped. A dragon could look pretty intense when they wanted to.
“You’re late,” she said.
A lot of people - when confronted by a terse, glaring dragon - might feel nervous. George did not, and once he’d got over the shock of seeing her awake in the first place, took this in his stride, chuckling to himself at being so startled and moving on into the room proper, away from the door.
“Yes, sorry. Not too late, I hope?” He asked. Jessica only moved enough to keep him fixed firmly in her gaze.
“Why are you late?” She asked.
“Oh, Marie from work missed her bus so had to hang around and she didn’t really want to just be sat around on her own so I hung around with her for a bit and we had a coffee and whatever, ate up some time. Then three busses came! I didn’t think that actually happened but it, uh, did. Heh,” George said, shrugging.
This was what had actually happened. George felt it was an acceptable enough reason - hardly the sort of thing that went on every day, after all - and was alarmed when Jessica slithered down from her hoard and padded on over to him.
Jealousy - especially of the possessive kind where it wasn’t enough to have something but also imperative that others did not have that something - was a close cousin of greed, and therefore something that dragons were naturally quite vulnerable to. Particularly if they weren’t expecting it, doubly particularly if it wasn’t something that they’d ever really encountered before.
“Who is Marie?” She asked, raising her head high enough so that she had the height advantage over George. Not a difficult thing to do, really. She was after all a fair few times his size.
As for her question, George felt that he’d explained that already. Perhaps he’d missed it, he thought.
“Lady from work. Nice lady. French extraction, I think. But yes, takes the bus to work and today missed the one she normally gets. Poor lady didn’t want to just sit on her Todd in the shelter so, uh, yeah. We just hung out a bit, shot the breeze. Why?”
Jessica blew out a breath, nostrils flaring. She wasn’t even sure why she was angry. Hell, she wasn’t even sure she was angry. She was feeling something, this much was clear, and it had to do with what George was saying, but it wasn’t like anything she’d encountered before. She didn’t quite know what to make of it.
At the least, Jessica knew she didn’t like it. 
Shifting about, she brought her tail around and it snaked around George’s waist, gently but firmly pulling him a few steps closer and then staying wrapped there. Jessica’s tail could do things like that.
“Do you get her presents?” She asked.
This question caught George off-guard, and he didn’t know what to make of it. The tail was kind of distracting, too. Not to mention snug.
“What? Uh, not really. Mean, don’t know when her birthday is. Should probably find out. It’d be polite if - “ George said, about to go down a tangent of how even once he found out when Marie’s birthday was he still wouldn’t really know her enough to know what a good present would actually be and how this was an issue, but Jessica cut him off:
“So you don’t get her presents?”
George frowned the frown of the deeply confused.
“No. Not really sure why you’re asking,” he said, but then the light broke. “Oh! You mean like how I get you things, right?”
Jessica said nothing, though the grip of her tail tightened minutely.
“No I don’t do that, that’s just for you, Jess,” George said.
A pause. Further tightening of grip.
“...good,” Jessica said.
It wasn’t clear where the conversation was meant to go from here. Jessica didn’t appear in any hurry to say anything else, and George had only the vaguest idea of what had just happened.
“Well,” George said, only to yelp in surprise when Jessica returned to the pile and took him with her. There wasn’t a lot he could do about this.
There just-so happened to be a spot on the hoard that was comfortably composed of a multitude of stuffed animals, exactly the sort of spot a human might be able to settle down on. This was obviously a random coincidence and general stroke of luck, and in no-way was it something that Jessica had done intentionally. But since it was there - coincidentally - she might as well put it to good use.
“Sit here,” she said, depositing George onto this spot as she curled up herself, making sure to keep her tail idly - but weightily - laid across him, in case he had any ideas about moving or going anywhere.
George blinked and looked down at the abundance of soft toys he was sitting on. He’d sat in worse places, he supposed.
“Right,” he said, not really seeing anything else he could do. So he just got comfy. Jessica watched him do this, checked he didn’t make any sudden moves, and then relaxed, laying her head down. Kept an eye on George though, something he noticed before too long.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
Even for Jessica this was unusually quiet.
“I’m fine.”
Nothing further. George idly patted her tail because that’s just where his hands had ended up. He then noticed that he was doing this and stopped doing this.
“So…” he said. “What did you do today, then?”
“Slept,” said Jessica.
Not a huge surprise. Still George had felt it worth asking and he did have to smile at her answer. He probably could have guessed, really.
“Doesn’t sleeping all day get a little boring?” He asked. She huffed.
“I’m a dragon. I like sleeping.”
“Oh. Should I not bother you, then?”
He asked this while trying, jokingly, to rise. He didn’t get very far, her tail pressing down enough to keep him quite definitively in place.
“No. I mean, no you shouldn’t not bother me. I like it when you bother me,” Jessica said hurriedly. Then adding: “Keep doing that thing with your hands.”
“What thing?” George asked, holding up his hands. Jessica raised her head and nudged it toward her tail, assuming this would help him get the point. It did not.
“That thing you were doing before. The patting thing. Keep doing that.”
Cautiously, uncertain, George back to doing what he’d been doing without thinking before.
“This?” He asked.
Jessica let out a small, satisfied hum, nodded, then settled her head back down again and closed her eyes. George, at a loss, just kept on doing what he was doing, wondering what any of it might mean.
On the plus side, he was at least very comfortable. And cosy. And generally snug and content. Who knew sitting on a pile of gathered stuff could be so restive? Lucky she liked the stuffed animals so much, he supposed, and luckier still that so many of them just-so happened to be right on the surface just like that.
Very lucky indeed. He wondered about that, but reached no definite conclusions. George was happy enough to put it down to coincidence, something that Jessica would have been very glad - not relieved! Nothing to be relieved about! - to hear.
Hoards are fine things, though.
There isn’t a lot of design or thought that goes into the arrangement of a dragon’s hoard. If it looks like a heap of stuff, that’s because it is a heap of stuff. The order or setup of the layers is not especially significant, the important part is having the stuff and then getting more stuff. That’s kind of the point.
That said, there are always certain items in the hoard that are considered more important for whatever reason, and these are often found towards the top of the pile and within easy reach, to be brought out and admired at leisure. 
These are usually things like the first of a particular type of item that was acquired, the one that triggered the collection of other, similar items. Or sometimes it’s something hard-won, that took a lot of effort to get. Or even something with some level of sentimental value, something given by someone they have fond memories of or fuzzy feelings for, perhaps. 
Things like that. Not necessarily items with innate value, but rather items with assigned value. Though a dragon would be the first point out that value assigned by a dragon was innate value and that if a dragon says something is precious it then becomes precious by that fact alone. But that’s a given. They would say that.
The point remains. Just because dragons are greedy - and make no mistake, they are greedy - doesn’t mean they can’t also be softies, too.
For example! Near the surface at the very top of Jessica’s hoard - protected and kept out of sight by a thin layer of lesser items - was the very, very first thing that George had ever given her, that which he’d given her the first time they’d ever met.
It was hidden so that he didn’t see that she’d put it in such a prominent place, and it was near the top so that when she slept she could be certain she was sleeping with it close and with herself right on top of it. That it was close was important. She checked daily to make sure it hadn’t gone anywhere.
That’s an example. It’s not universal, but it’s an example.
“Are you asleep again?” George asked after a little while, continuing to pat. He’d worked out a rhythm.
“No,” Jessica said, keeping her eyes closed.
“You still up for going out tomorrow?”
It being the weekend, George had previously floated the idea of the two of them going into town and just making a day of it. Maybe seeing a film, maybe just sitting somewhere and doing nothing. It was meant to be quite nice, tomorrow, the Autumn weather inexplicably having decided to just leave for a day, as it was often wont to do, and the sun coming back.
“Good, good,” said George. He was glad. He’d been looking forward to it all week, as a matter of fact. Had kind of been the thing that had kept him going.
He then yawned, because the combination of sitting comfortably, being snug and having only recently finished work was a potent one.
“Oh my, I’m nodding off,” he said, closing his own eyes. There really was something quite soothing in the warm weight of that tail just draped across him. Perhaps he was just odd.
“George?” Came Jessica’s voice and he halfway opened one eye again.
There was a pause as she gathered up the words.
“...don’t be late again. I mis- I don’t like it when you’re late,” she said.
George yawned again, stopped patting and just drowsily wrapped his arms around her tail, snuggling against it and sinking deeper into the bed of stuffed animals.
“I missed you too…”
Jessica’s ears flickered and her head bolted up.
“Missed me too?! No! Dragons don’t - I didn’t - “
But he was already asleep, snoring quietly to himself. Jessica frowned and gave him a light poke in the side with a talon. He kept on snoring as happy as anything. If anything he just snuggled up even more. Jessica sighed.
“I don’t get you…” she said, cocking her head, just looking at him.
She couldn’t quite pin the feeling down, but there was just something right in having him there, on the pile. Near her. Like he belonged. And why shouldn’t he belong there? He was very valuable! Her first and only friend. Such a thing was a treasure, and therefore had to be kept safe. The logic there was ironclad. No holes or issues whatsoever.
Happy that things were as they should be Jessica put her head back down and closed her eyes, drifting off herself.
“Missed you too,” she said, quietly enough that even had George been awake he likely wouldn’t have heard her.
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mintyvan · 6 years
only ones who know
notes  This is a Van fic by a really good friend of mine who is testing the waters on reactions to her work. If you could message me with any feedback you have, that would be amazing, and I’d relay it back to her. I also wanted to take a second to give my opinion (and I have her permission to do so). 
This fic fucking hurts. It’s real. It’s raw. It gnawed my chest and tightened my heart the whole way through. I’ve never resonated with any fanfic like I’ve resonated with this piece of writing. It split my heart into a million fragments, because it described exactly how I’ve been feeling; with any lack of self control, or any test of temptation, I could very well end up like this girl. I’ve never felt so broken by a piece of literature. Reading this felt as if the author had been spying into my cracked little heart this entire time and wrote a piece to rip me wide open. It’s one of the best things I’ve read in the time I’ve been a part of this CATB fanfic community, genuinely. This is what I want to read... Real, ugly, cutthroat emotions. Pain. Jealousy. Anger. “So much for my happy ending”-s. Despite how it ends in tragedy, it’s refreshingly daring in that it reopens old wounds and reminds me that I’m human. Please enjoy. 
Can I stay with you for a bit?
The question was simple enough. Van turned up on your doorstep after not seeing him in three months with a duffle bag and a large suitcase. He explained over tea that his shared apartment with Larry was being renovated and he’d only gotten the notice when he returned from tour that morning.
“Why not stay with Larry? Or one of the boys?” You asked as you poured milk into your cup. He shrugged with one shoulder and leaned onto your counter.
“You’re cleaner. Smell better. Plus I’ve missed ya.” You smiled slightly into your tea, your heart constricting. “Why do you ask? Are ya sick of me already?” You quickly sputtered in disagreement and he laughed, coming around to your side of the counter and wrapping you up in his arms. “Whaddya say? Will ya put me up?”
You agreed hastily, for which you kicked yourself for not considering the consequences. Before Van started living with you it was easy to hide the feelings you’d been harbouring for him for the last five years. You and Van had been friends since you were fifteen when he and Benji mobbed you in the photo lab and demanded you take pictures of them for their first photoshoot. They offered to repay you in cigarettes and booze. It was Larry’s idea for Van to wear the dress.
It wasn’t until you were twenty that you realized that the love you had for Van was deeper than friendship. You were crammed into the back of a car between Van and Bob. It was after a show that Catfish had absolutely smashed and Van was exhausted from throwing himself around on stage. He’d passed out with his head in your lap, snoring lightly against your thigh and you felt your heart burst with love and adoration for the brunette boy with crooked teeth and questionable hair. Ever since then you followed him around like a lost little puppy. You listened to every song he recommended to you a hundred times and fell in love with them, even the songs that weren’t in your taste.
Controlling your feelings around Van was easy when he wasn’t in your space. You could adore him in secret and then return home and sprawl out on your bed listening to his music and pretend he was singing about you. Having him in your space was dangerous and gut wrenching. You were convinced he was trying his hardest to make you fall deeper in love with him. Van had an innate ability for functioning highly on a limited amount of sleep, so you’d often awake before the sun had risen to the sound of him strumming the guitar and singing softly from the living room. He’d bring you tea in bed and lay next to you on top of the covers and you’d talk about anything and everything. He also had a tendency to walk around with little to no clothing on and brush up against you while he reached for a box of special K on the shelf behind your head. It was maddening. Living with Van was simultaneously a dream come true and self inflicted torture on your poor little heart.
It was a Saturday night and you were out with the boys. It amazed you that they could spend so much time together and not get sick of one another. The bar was crowded and rowdy and everyone was drinking, even Bob. You loved drinking with Van because he got clingy and you were more often than not the object he was clinging to. You spent most of the night tucked under his arm. When you went to order another round of shots he kept his arms around your waist and ghosted his lips against the back of your neck and you felt good. Whole. It was nice to be in his arms, to be wanted. Your body fit up against his like puzzle pieces, and you wondered if he could feel it too. If he could feel how easy it was. Like breathing.
You got your answer the following morning. You’d left the club with Bondy and Bob before the rest of the group to get food and returned back to your house. Drunkenly you ate samosas and paneer on the living room floor with your head resting against Bob’s knee and Bondy’s feet on your lap. They both passed out on your couch and you retreated to your room, passing out on top of your covers. When you woke you emerged from your room, rounding the corner into your kitchen when you collided with a figure and stumbled back. Your lips parted to scream out of shock but the girl was staring back at you with just as much surprise.
“Oh!” She squeaked, shaking her hands. 
“I’m sorry!” You took a step back and looked at the girl. She was... stunning. She had dark, rich skin, huge brown eyes, full lips, and long curly hair that hung in tight rings around her frame.
“Who... What the fuck?” You blinked at her a few times. She was tiny, only up to your shoulder, Van’s The Streets sweatshirt hanging around her petite frame. The sweatshirt that you bought him. She had a pair of leather peep toe heels in her hand and was seemingly sneaking out. The walk of shame had never looked so good.
“Sorry!” She blinked her sparkling eyes at you and shot you a sweet smile.
“I’m Simone. Uhm, sorry, who are you?” You swallowed thickly. Where and when did Van meet this girl? You’d never heard of her before and Van left the club only an hour after you had. Did he really manage to get a gorgeous girl to come home with him in under an hour?
“I’m Y/N. This is my house.”
“Oh. Van didn’t mention he had a roommate.” You swallowed thickly. Van didn’t mention you. A more rational part of you said that Van was just drunk and charming and trying to get a girl in bed with him. 
“Hope we weren’t too loud.” That fucking stung. There wasn’t any undertone of bitchiness, just a genuine concern that she perhaps was being rude. You crossed your arms over your stomach and shrugged, forcing out a smile.
“Not at all. I knocked out as soon as I tucked those two in so,” You chuckled awkwardly, jerking a thumb over your shoulder at Bondy and Bob who’s legs were entangled on the couch. “No worries.”
“Good,” She nodded, and you wondered if her cheeks ever hurt from smiling so much.
“Uhm,” You wiped your palms on your sleep shorts. “Did you want tea? I make the boys breakfast after nights like this, you’re more than welcome to stay.” You figured you’d be nice and invite her banking on the fact that she’d say no. You thought it was a one night stand. You thought she’d politely decline and slip out into the mid morning, never to be seen again.
Instead she graciously accepted your invitation and freely walked into your kitchen, sitting at the breakfast bar, her shoes on the counter. You nodded and gathered your hair up in a messy bun before walking into the kitchen behind her and setting the kettle.
Simone was, in essence, the greatest person you’d ever met. Not only was she fucking gorgeous, but she was also going to school to be a pediatric cardiologist. In her very little free time she volunteered at a fucking animal shelter and fostered any dogs that were on the euthanization list. As you talked to her you wanted to hate her, but for one girl hate wasn’t your thing, and two, it was fucking impossible. She was so sweet and kind and generous and bubbly and magnetising, you understood why Van would bring her home. You probably would’ve taken her home yourself if Van didn’t have you so whipped.  
Half an hour later the devil himself emerged from the guest room annoyingly beautiful and distractingly nude. His face lit up when he saw Simone perched in your chair, smiling so wide and slinging his arm around her shoulder, fitting her right up against him like you were last night. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and whispered into her beautiful hair. You swallowed the scene like hot rocks down your throat and focused your attention on the pancakes in front of you.
A few minutes later Bondy and Bob walked in and joined Van and Simone at the counter. They introduced themselves, visibly charmed by Simone’s personality and startling looks.
“For something so little,” Bondy sipped from the mug you’d placed in front of him. “You sure know how to make some noise.” The guys laughed and Simone ducked her head in embarrassment. You wanted nothing more than to escape your home but you offered her a sympathetic grin and slid pancakes onto the plates in front of everybody. Simone’s existence in your life was a sobering slap to the face in regards to your and Van’s relationship. There was no need to wonder now. It was clear that you two were friends, nothing more, nothing less. Van’s hands on her waist made you want to puke, a real, guttural nausea settling over you. After everyone was eating you excused yourself to the bathroom to empty your stomach. You convinced yourself it was just the hangover. It was comforting to see the pain as something that would go away in a couple of hours.
Your run-ins with Simone became annoyingly frequent as time passed. More often than not you’d return home from work to find them on your couch, watching movies on your netflix account, eating your food. It was uncomfortable to you how quickly she’d managed to become a fixture in Van’s life but you knew that was how he rolled. He loved and trusted people so deeply and so quickly. You were sure that Van would’ve told Simone he loved her right there against the kitchen counter if it was more socially acceptable. You didn’t want to admit it but you felt like you were being replaced. Before Simone it was you and Van and the boys against the world and now... you weren’t sure you knew where your place was anymore.
You went out with the lads and her but you could feel yourself retreating. You barely spoke anymore but hey, at least Simone was there to fill the spaces you left.
It’d been two months since that first run in and you were celebrating Bondy’s birthday at his apartment. You were trying your hardest to restore yourself to how you lived pre-Simone but you could feel the jealousy eat it’s way through your body with each passing day. You weren’t taking it out on anyone but yourself. Van and Simone arrived at the party about a half hour after you did. Before they arrived you were able to convince yourself that you were okay. You were doing body shots off of Bondy and posing for Bob as he snapped pictures of you. Then you saw Simone’s mane of curls and it was like someone flipped a switch. Your demeanor went from technicolor to sepia as you excused yourself from the table, but not before swiping the mostly full bottle of tequila and escaping onto the balcony.
You smoked and took swigs from the bottle, allowing the tears to roll down your cheeks as you stared out over the city. Envy burned through your veins like battery acid and you considered your options. The first; Tell Van. That would alleviate the weight that was crushing your existence but he’d be out of your life. He’d laugh in your face, shake his head and tell you “No.” Option two; Keep smiling and pray that you’d miraculously stop loving Van. It was becoming unbearable to hold your love and want in your chest. It was killing you. Option three; Disappear. You could sneak off in the middle of the night with a bag packed and vanish. Go to America. New phone, change your hair, maybe go to California and fall in love with someone attainable. Forget about Van and Simone, leave your unhappy life behind you and get gone. You liked the idea of that.
You’d started to look up flights when the sliding door opened and shut and someone leaned onto the railing next to you.
“How long have you been in love with him?” Simone asked softly, her eyes on you. You sniffed and sucked on your cigarette, flicking the butt onto the street below.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You said, completely unconvincing. She cocked her head to the side with a look that said Bitch, stop acting, we both know the truth. You smiled beneath your mascara streaks and lit up another smoke, looking up at the sky. “Five years.” She let out a long, low whistle. “Is it that obvious?” She lifted her shoulder in a half shrug.
“To me, yeah. The boys, I don’t think so.” She shook her head, laughing lightly. “That first night, at the bar?” She started, leaning her forearms. “I thought you two were together. Van was all wrapped around you and the way you looked at him...” The expression on your face made her stop. The pain she was inflicting on you was excruciating. All want. No possession. “But then I saw you leave without him and, I don’t know, I just gravitated toward him. He’s... incredible.” You nodded in agreement. “You know where he took me on our first date? The aquarium. Spent the whole time talking about how bad he felt for the fish. He’s the best person I’ve met in my life.” You hummed.
Simone sighed and turned towards you. “I love him too. It’s impossible not to I think.”
You finally looked at Simone’s face. Her full lips were smiling softly at you and she looked almost apologetic for being happy. You didn’t want that. “I’m not going to say anything to him. Not my place.” She opened her arms to you and you stepped into them despite having to crouch down to be her height. “He loves you. It might not be the type of love you want but... You’re such a big part of his life. He talks about you all the time. I’d feel threatened if it wasn’t Van.” You wept into the fabric of her peacoat as she rubbed your back. She held you until you were all sobbed out and you stepped out of her arms, sniffing. She held your face and wiped your cheeks with her thumbs. “It’ll be okay.” You nodded, looking into her brown eyes you understood why Van felt the way he felt. “But you can’t keep on repressing these feelings or you’ll just end up miserable.”
The door slid open as you hugged Simone again, Van backlit from the light emanating from the house. “My girls,” He grinned, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around the both of you. His chin rested on your head and you met Simone’s eyes. She nodded and mouthed it’ll be okay.
It fucking wasn’t though. Over the next month you began imploding. Sure Van had girlfriend’s before that he got wrapped up in but this was different. He was consumed with Simone. And if she wasn’t physically at your house she was still there. Van had written nine songs about her and played them constantly on his guitar. You started to change. It was subtle at first. You’d take a couple extra shots when you went out. Let strangers slide their hands up your leg. You avoided being at home as much as possible. You went a week without seeing Van and he lived a hallway away from you. You were sure he didn’t notice.
Then it started to get worse. You were drinking before noon. Thank God you worked for yourself otherwise you’d be fired. You’d black out most nights. You started sleeping with anyone who reminded you of Van. This boy who had Van’s nose. That girl who shared his sharp cheekbones and long eyelashes. It deteriorated into sleeping with anyone who approached you. You were trying to fill the Van shaped hole in your heart with people who didn’t fit. You lost weight. Your eyes got purple circles under them that wouldn’t disappear. You couldn’t look Van in the eye anymore and if Simone was home when you were around you’d lock yourself in the bathroom and attempt to drown out the noise of them together with the shower. You didn’t respond to the texts that the boys would send you asking where you disappeared to.
You overheard Van and Simone talking about you in the kitchen one night.
“It’s like she’s not here anymore,” Van stressed, and you could imagine him tugging at his hair while Simone rubbed his back. “She won’t talk to anyone. She won’t talk to me. I think I need to call her mum cause this is getting out of hand.” Simone was quiet for a moment.
“Just give her some time, Van,” She spoke softly. “She’s going through some things and she needs space.”
“And the fact that you won’t tell me what’s goin’ on drives me up the fuckin’ wall, Sim.”
“It’s not my business to tell.”
After your eavesdropping event you began acting. Plastered smiles on your face, wore extra concealer, responded to text messages with an amount of emoji’s that Bondy deemed “annoyingly excessive.” You convinced the boys that you’d just had a mental health situation, and in some ways, you did. You didn’t want them worrying. They took it at face value because nothing like that had ever happened before with you. But Simone saw right the fuck through you. She’d text you nightly asking if you were alright despite being in the other room. She didn’t bring it up around Van because she’d kept her promise. She wasn’t going to expose your feelings to him. And in your fruitless effort to hate her you didn’t, and that made you want to even more.
You felt a growing ball of resentment begin to swell up in your gut at the sight of Van. It sat hot and heavy inside you to the point where you couldn’t be alone with him in a room anymore. You didn’t recognize yourself. You didn’t recognize him.
Larry texted you and asked if you wanted to get drinks with him and maybe one or two of the boys. No Van. No Simone. He said they were going on some big, fancy date. With that information you grabbed a bottle of wine and started getting ready. You were drunk by the time the uber came to pick you up. You collapsed into Larry and Bondy, giggling and loving. You were happy drunk. In a state of mind that wasn’t dangerous. A state that numbed the anger and sadness into a dull throbbing but didn’t make you sick. It was good. You were feeling good. The three of you made your way into a booth at the bar and you sat next to Bondy. He kept an arm around your waist as you rested your head against his shoulder. From across the bar you locked eyes with a man who’s crystal blue eyes looked just like Van’s. Your eyes flicked to the girl who he had in his arms who had a devilish smile curled across her lips. She was beckoning you over with her eyes.
Bob and Benji arrived at some point between your fifth and sixth shot. You stumbled over to the couple despite the boys protests and they introduced themselves. Mona and Sean. You wouldn’t let Sean look you in the eye. Mona grabbed your hand and pulled you out onto the dancefloor, Sean holding your hips with his palms. You were sandwiched between them, your lips smacking wetly against Mona’s as Sean sucked at your throat. You took the drink from her hand and dumped it down your throat. Between the two you opened your eyes at the exact moment that fucking Van and fucking Simone walked in looking extra fancy. Van had on his thick grey wool coat and a soft white cotton shirt. His hair was beautifully tousled. Simone had half of her hair up in a bun and was wearing a dress that hugged her slim body so perfectly it looked like it was painted on. Your eyes met Simone’s over Mona’s hair and she looked displeased. Good. You pulled the couple back towards an exit that opened into a dark alleyway. You didn’t know what you were doing. Maybe trying to make Van jealous? Evoke some sort of reaction out of him that wasn’t fucking pity. Sean held your face in his hands as Mona sank to her knees in front of you, head disappearing under your skirt as she hitched your leg over her shoulder and started to work her tongue against you. Sean pulled a little plastic baggie of white powder out and dumped some of it onto your collarbone before tucking the baggie into your skirt pocket. The powder was gone with a sniff and then his mouth was back on you, arms looped around your waist keeping you upright as Mona’s fingers plunged inside of you. Your knees were shaking, on the verge, when the exit opened and Simone stepped out into the air. Mona’s head popped out from under your skirt as Simone stormed over and grabbed you by the forearm, wrenching you away from the couple as Mona whined and fell back onto her ass. You went to protest but the look on Simone’s face silenced you.
She shoved you into the bathroom and pointed a finger at you. “What the fuck, Y/N? What are you doing?” You didn’t have an answer. You yourself didn’t know. “You need to go home. You’re an absolute mess.”
“Why do you think that is, Simone?” You sneered, feeling all the repressed emotions bubble up in your chest. “Does it have to do with the fact that the man I’ve loved for five years found the perfect girl for him and it’s not me? Maybe the fact that he loves you more than he’ll ever love me. Maybe it’s the fact that you two are so fucking perfect for one another that I can’t even pretend to hate you and it’s fucking killing me. You don’t even know what it feels like to watch you two parade around my fucking house day and night like some less tragic Romeo and Juliet.” You shook your head and looked at yourself in the cracked mirror. You looked like a ghost. Van was right when he said you weren’t there.
“I’m sorry he doesn’t love you, Y/N.” Simone said, making eye contact through the mirror. “But that’s not my fault or his fault or your fault. It’s no one's. It’s just how it fucking is. I’m sorry that this is affecting you this deeply but I love Van and I’m going to for a very long time so you need to suck it up.” You turned and leaned towards her, your noses inches from each other.
“Go fuck yourself, Simone.” You stormed out of the bathroom and back to the booth where the boys were chatting awkwardly. Van jumped up when he saw you and immediately began scanning the room for his Simone. You fell next to Benji in the booth and pulled out the baggie.
“Jesus,” Larry said, leaning forward. “Is that fucking coke?” You watched in your peripheral vision as Simone approached slowly and shook her head at Van who pulled her under his arm and watched as you cut four lines of powder on the table using your credit card. You pulled a straw from Bob’s drink and sniffed up two lines back to back, tilting your head up and pinching your nose. You felt... surprisingly better. More at ease. Excited. Your stomach didn’t feel like it was trying to eat itself anymore.
“Yeah,” You answered Larry’s question. You bounced in your seat as the boys stared in horror at your actions. “Anyone want a bump?” You asked, holding out the straw. They all quickly shook their heads. Bob looked terrified. You turned towards Van, finally looking at him for the first time in weeks.
 “Van?” Your tone was antagonistic. You were trying to start a fight. He quickly shook his head. “Awh, don’t act all brand new now that your girl is around.” You nudged Benji. “We’re all very familiar with how crazy you get on tour.” Your grin was slightly manic. Larry’s jaw hung open. 
“Fine,” You shrugged. “More for me.” You leaned down to snort up the other two lines but before you could a clear liquid was washing the powder off the table and onto your skirt. You jumped up with an exclamation and scowled at Simone who was now clutching an empty glass.
“Knock it off, Y/N.” She commanded, jerking her chin back towards the booth. “You’re acting like a child, throwing a tantrum ‘cause you aren’t getting the thing you want.” Your eyes momentarily flicked to Van’s face who looked confused. 
“Sit down and act like a fucking adult.”  You stepped up to her, glowering and gritting your teeth. Van squeezed her tighter, the movement a warning for you.
“You don’t know a fucking thing about me,” You growled, your hands turning to fists at your sides. Miraculously no one outside your booth was paying attention to what was going on.
“Y/N, calm down.” Van’s voice was low, and when your eyes met his, you could physically feel your heart snap. You stepped back, eyes still pouring into one another and you could feel the tears start to well up.
“Fuck you both,” You whispered, wiping at your eyes before the tears could slip out.
“Y/N, hey,” Bondy said lowly and got out of the booth, walking towards you with his hands up, trying to show you he wasn’t a threat. “Let’s go outside, yeah?” He went to wrap an arm around your shoulders but you slipped away from his grasp.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” You seethed, teeth grinding together.
“Y/N, stop,” Larry said, sighing. You grabbed a beer bottle off the table and chucked it at the wall, watching the rest of the boys dive out of the way to avoid the shrapnel. You knew what you were doing wasn’t cool and you wanted to apologize but you were drunk and high and heart broken and the way everyone was talking to you made you feel ganged up on so instead you crossed your arms over your chest. They looked at you like you’d gone absolutely insane, and there was a real possibility that you did.
“Fuck all of you,” You gritted out. You could see two security guards making their way towards you. “I don’t fucking need this, I don’t need any of you.” You made sure to look Van dead in the eye as you said that. You fled before security could get to you, ducking out into the sleazy alley. Exposed in the night, you made yourself walk three blocks before letting yourself cry. With your back against some random deli and your palm pressed to your mouth to muffle your sobs your chest felt like it was caving in. You were giving a new meaning to the word implode. A half an hour later you called an uber and cried on the way home. You smashed two more glasses in your sink, somehow managing to cut a gash into the webbing between your thumb and pointer finger. Not bothering to tend to your injury you locked your bedroom door behind you and collapsed on top of the sheets. You were grateful to have pain in your life that was physical instead of internal for a change.  
The next morning you woke to a silent house. Your hand had scabbed over but your sheets were stained with blood and you knew you weren’t going to be able to get the stain out. Emerging from your room you listened for a sign of life but were met with the buzzing of the fridge. You creeped around your own house like a ghost, cringing if you made a noise above a whisper. Your head ached and your nose was burning. You set the kettle on the stove and turned it on, grabbing your pack of cigarettes off the counter and the red throw from the back of the couch. It was cold outside, the sun had yet to rise over the tall trees in your backyard and burn off the dew. You tried your hardest to keep your mind clear, trying not to think and failing. Your mind wouldn’t fucking shut up. It screamed at you for loving Van, for acting like a child, for saying those mean things to people who didn’t deserve it, for allowing yourself to collapse into a person you didn’t recognize. You were sad, yes, watching Van be with someone else was painful and miserable, but it was even worse knowing that you were hurting Van and the boys. I’m sorry he doesn’t love you. Your eyes welled up and you freely let the tears roll down your cheeks as you chewed your thumbnail and watched a squirrel climb a tree.
You didn’t jump when you heard the front door open and you didn’t turn when the back door slid open and Van sat down next to you. He smoked for a few minutes, not saying anything as you cried silently.
“We need to talk, Y/N.” The concern lacing his voice made your throat feel thick. For a moment you wished that Van wasn’t a good a good person. It would be so, so much easier if he was an asshole. You could move on. You’d done it a hundred times before. But it was Van. Van who cared and loved so deeply and so strongly it was impossible not to love him with the same intensity. “What you’re doing is scaring me, Y/N. It’s fucking scaring all of us. We’re worried about you.” Your stomach wound itself up into knots. “Can you please tell me what the fuck is going on so I can make it better?” His arm curled around your shoulders and no matter how much you wanted to resist you wrapped your arms around his middle and shriveled into him. You sobbed into his chest as he kissed your hair and rubbed your back. He rested his chin on your head as you ruined his shirt. “I miss my best friend.” It made you weep even harder.
“I can’t, Van,” You wailed, gripping his shirt. You wept like the world was coming to an end, harder than you ever had before, harder then when you’d discovered that your grandad died. Your words were garbled and choked and almost impossible to understand but Van did.
“Please, just, tell me.” He was begging. You couldn’t see it but his eyes were welling up too.
“I can’t be your friend anymore.” You choked out. He tensed up beneath you. “I’m in love with you, Van, and it’s killing me.” He inhaled sharply through his nose, you shoving him away like he was a ticking time bomb, which, in essence, he was. You wrapped your arms around your middle in an attempt to keep your body from falling apart. The confession sat, sizzling in the air, and you couldn’t help but feel a little bit better. The thing that you had been keeping a secret for so long wasn’t taking up space in your body anymore and you felt like you could breathe easier.
“You love me? You’re in love with me?” His voice was low, shocked. You were bracing yourself for the laughter.
“Yeah, Van.” You lifted your shoulder in a half shrug. “How could I not be?” From the corner of your eye you watched as Van wiped his palms over his face like he did when he tried to sober up. You’d just dropped a bomb on your relationship, something he couldn’t very easily wrap his head around.
“How long?” You don’t respond, just picked at your nails and pretended he didn’t say anything. “Fuck, Y/N how long?” His voice was getting louder, you could feel him staring at you.
You inhaled through your nose and looked up at the blue sky. “Five years.” There was a beat of silence before Van slammed his hand on the railing he was leaning up against.
“What the fuck Y/N!” You jumped at the sudden burst of energy, watching him as he stood and paced back and forth in front of you.
“It doesn’t matter Van, just,” You sighed. “Just forget it. You’ve made your choice.” He stopped moving and looked at you, slightly bewildered.
“Choice.” He repeated the word like it was foreign to him. “I didn’t even know I had a choice!” He put his hands on his face and groaned. “And here I’ve been, parading Simone around like a fuckin’ dick in front of you.” He removed his hands and bit his lower lip, looking tortured. “Why didn’t you fuckin’ tell me?”
You pulled your blanket tighter around you and chewed on the inside of your cheek, your face burning from the salt of your tears. You couldn’t ignore the irony of the situation, that your own secrecy and precautions would be the cause of the fallout. You took a deep breath in. “I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“Bullshit,” He spat. “You tell people you love them, simple as that. It’s not that fuckin’ hard.” You chuckled darkly and shook your head. Of course Van would say that. He wore his heart on his sleeve, he didn’t bottle things up. He made sure everyone knew how he felt, there was no secrecy with Van Mccann.
“I’m not you Van. I was scared.” He kneeled on the step in front of you and held your face in his hands. He was crying too.
“But it’s me, Y/N. We tell each other everything.” You jerked away from him like he’d slapped you and stood.
“Okay Van,” You nodded. “Let’s say I did tell you sooner. Would it have changed anything?”
His blank expression speaks volumes. One question turned the tables as you asked Van to consider something he’d never thought about before. You and him, together, really. It was a foreign and new realm that he’d never entered before. You’d tossed him into water to sink or swim and he tried to come up with a viable answer that would satisfy everyone but couldn’t.
You nodded, the silence ripping through your heart. You had your answer.
“See?” You sniffed. “It wouldn’t of mattered if I told you a month ago or five years ago. You don’t feel the same. And that’s fine. I can’t force you to fall in love with me.” Van’s lips parted to speak but you kept going. “I don’t blame you. My fault for catching feelings.” You wiped away your tears with the back of your hand. “Uhm, I’m gonna go stay with Bob for a bit.” You went back inside the house, Van hot on your heels. Calling your name. You locked yourself in your room and packed a bag. When you opened the door Van grabbed the strap and held you in place.
“Y/N,” It sounded like a beg. He was defeated. “I’ll go. I’m not gonna kick you out of your own home.” You shook your head.
“It’s my problem to deal with, not yours.” He held your chin in his hand until you looked him in the eye.
“I’ll see you soon?” He asked, voice hopeful and you closed your eyes.
“Probably not. I can’t be around you two and I’m not gonna force you to pick. That’s not fair of me.” He dropped his hand and took a step back.
“So you’re saying we can’t be friends?” Your bottom lip quivered and you had to bite it to get it to stop.
“Not anytime soon.”
You fled from the house like a bat out of hell and sped over to Bob’s. You’d told him. It was all out on the table. But you didn’t feel strong or confident or powerful. You felt heartbroken and bitter. You banged on Bob’s door until you were greeted with his sleepy eyes and collapsed into his arms, a weeping mess. You told him the whole story and apologized for the previous night but he said he understood. He put you up and followed your instructions of not letting Van in.
Simone had lied. It wasn’t okay. And it wouldn’t be okay.
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Your Words On My Skin - Chapter 3
Bonjour, mes chers! Sorry that this chapter is a little bit later than I would have liked, but Anime Midwest really set me back - it was very fun, though! A very long chapter, as per usual, so I hope you enjoy!
Don’t forget I’m doing more cool things on my Patreon all the time! I also have a Ko-Fi so consider buying me a coffee if you can’t pledge!
Summary: Danny Fenton was born with writing on his arms that proved he had a soulmate out there for him that was much, much older than his parents were comfortable with. The result was his skin being covered as much as possible and Danny warned that he shouldn’t look at the words or write any back. Danny has always been a little bit curious as to who his soulmate was, but he never thought on how curious his soulmate was about him.
<<First Chapter>><<Last Chapter>><<Next Chapter>>
Chapter Three
“Doesn’t believe in technology- What kind of person doesn’t believe in technology?!” That was- That was such a bad lie that Danny bet his dad could have seen through it- And his dad believed every lie everyone told him!
“Are we sure this guy is your soulmate and there isn’t some kind of mix-up?” Tucker asked, looking very serious about the matter. Danny probably would have laughed if he wasn’t so keyed up and worried. “Come on, Danny, maybe he’s just shy.”
“When you’re shy you say that you lost your password, or something. You don’t suddenly blurt out that you don’t believe in technology.” Yeah- Yeah! See! Sam got it! If Danny’s soulmate was going to lie, then he could have at least made it a believable lie.
“I should pry. I should pry, right? No- No, that’s a bad idea. Prying is a bad idea.” He wanted to pry and dig his way to the right answer, but what if he ended up being insensitive? Or rude? Danny didn’t want to drive his soulmate away when he just got one!
“You can always try asking for an address and mailing him?” Yeah, but… That’d be an even slower way of communication than writing across their skin. “You really can’t do much without phones or an email, can you?”
“Maybe he doesn’t want you to find a picture of him and realize he’s ugly, or something.” Tucker gave the worst points- Except… Well. Danny’s parents had kept him from looking at his skin for a reason. Just how old was his soulmate?
“Danny.” Glancing to Sam, Danny paled at the look he was being given. “You know what you have to do-”
“No. No, no, no, I can so totally handle this on my own. I mean- I mean, I don’t need her help.” There was no way Danny would sink that low as to go to her for relationship advice. He’d rather ask Dash for help.
“Dude, I mean… I know she’s kind of low on relationships herself, but I mean, when hasn’t she made you feel better after you talk out a problem with her?”
“That’s not the point! She’d never let me live it down is the problem!” Seeing the dual looks, Danny groaned and whined as pathetically as he could. “Guys, please. Please, please, please don’t make me go to my sister for love advice.”
“Come on, man, Jazz wouldn’t torment you that badly.” Yeah, Tucker said that now, but it was Jazz. She would bring this up in the pettiest fight and then crush his will to win beneath sensible, kitten-heeled shoes. “You’re being dramatic in your head again, aren’t you?”
“Maybe.” He would have asked his soulmate for advice, of course, but his soulmate didn’t believe in technology. “Why would he lie about this, anyways? I mean, yeah, okay, maybe he doesn’t want me to find out who he is, but how could I do that from a phone number?”
“He’s trying to keep you from guessing where he lives? I mean, area codes, yeah?” Damn, that was a good point, but it wasn’t like that would narrow it down enough to have any real effect.
“Just go to Jazz and get her advice on what to do,” Tucker sighed, throwing a pillow at him. Danny let it phrase through him out of spite, pleased when Tucker frowned. “You couldn’t even throw it back.”
“Never doubt my pettiness, and… Yeah. At least she’ll give me good advice before destroying my will to live.” Okay, yes, the flat looks he got were deserved this time, but his point remained. “But not believing in technology-”
“Go to Jazz!” Wisely choosing to change into his ghost form when both of his friends yelled at him at the same time in the same tone, Danny fled out of Tucker’s room and headed straight for his own house.
“‘S still stupid.” He could have just told Danny that he wasn’t comfortable enough yet to give him a phone number. Yeah, okay, Danny would have felt a bit hurt and pouted about it, but at least he would have understood. He was just- He was sick of being lied to about things.
God. He was such a hypocrite. Shaking his thoughts off and taking a deep breath, Danny phased into his room before changing back and heading into the hall, staring at the door that led to his own personal hell- Right, okay, maybe his friends had a point about him being dramatic.
“Hey, Jazz?” Knocking on the door, Danny raised his voice a little. “Can I talk to you for a bit?” A bout of silence and oh, god, he was going to have to say it, wasn’t he? “I need advice-”
“And you came to me?” Jesus Christ did she teleport across her room to open the door that quick? Danny didn’t even get to ask before Jazz was pulling him in, shoving him to sit down on the bed, and then taking a seat in her computer chair. “I want you to know-”
“Nope, no, don’t- No. If you’re about to say your speech about how you’re ‘thankful I came to you’ and ‘this is a safe space’ then I will walk out that door.” Crossing his arms, Danny waited, raising an eyebrow when Jazz was silent for a long few moments before shutting her mouth and looking away. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Yet you still came to me for advice.” Okay, Danny wouldn’t fault her for being a little happy. He had been kind of busy with everything, lately. Jeez, he needed to spend more time with her. “So, what-”
“I have a soulmate, his name is Andrew, he loves to write, he’s rude, he’s right-handed, he draws frowny faces when I guess something he didn’t want me to know and I’m right, and he just told me he didn’t believe in technology when I asked for a phone number or email address.”
There was a long silence and Danny could almost see the three dots above Jazz’s head. In her defense, he supposed he had kind of unloaded a lot of information in that one sentence. When the silence went on for what felt like too long, Danny cleared his throat. “Uh, Jazz? You okay?”
“He doesn’t believe in technology.” Oh, good, she had focused on the important part of the conversation. That was good. “Okay- Okay. And how does that make you feel-”
“I need big sister Jazz, not therapist Jasmine.” Danny could almost see Jazz flip personalities as she relaxed into her seat and crossed her arms.
“Your soulmate is an idiot, isn’t he?” Ah, that was much better. “I mean- I mean no offense, but that’s just a really bad lie- I think even Dad would know that was a lie.”
“See! That’s what I thought, too!” Danny slumped back to lay on the bed, sighing as he stared at the ceiling. “I don’t know. Maybe he just realized I’m an annoying soulmate and didn’t want to deal with me anymore than necessary.”
“Your self-esteem is terrible. Remind me to throw a pillow at you, later.” Fair enough. “Okay, it was a lie, but maybe he was lying with good intentions? There could be a lot of reasons why he doesn’t want to have too much contact with you, right- Wait.”
“Wait?” Danny sat up, blinking as Jazz narrowed her eyes and oh, boy, that was a look. It was a mix of sister and therapist rolled into one.
“Andrew.” Yeah? “He.” Ye- Oh. Right. “I know you hate this line, but this really is a safe space, and if you need to talk-”
“Jazz.” Waiting until she looked at him, Danny shook his head. “After everything, that doesn’t even make the top ten.” Danny liking guys really wasn’t that big of a shock after everything else in his life - plus, well… He had kind of figured that out on his own last year, anyways. “Lying for a good reason?”
“Right- Right! Sorry, but, you never know. Maybe he’s just trying to protect you.” Protect him, huh? Mm…
“I don’t believe in technology.” Andrew was angrily pacing around one of his offices, not even sure which one he was in and not really caring because he had more important matters to worry about at that moment, like the fact that he was a writer and he couldn’t even lie well. “I told him that I don’t believe in technology.”
“Hundreds of lines, lies, and excuses, and you go for that one?” Randy looked to be holding back cackles as he watched Andrew pace, shoulders shaking with his suppressed laughter. Andrew kind of wanted to throw a knife at him. “Andy-”
“I know! It was bad, and stupid, and now he’s just going to be suspicious, but I don’t- I don’t exactly have a phone or cell service here, Randall!” He didn’t even have internet besides when he went to the human world.
“Actually, I hear Technus is attempting to get phones to work in the Ghost Zone. He’s been noticing that radio signals from Amity Park slip in where there’s a stable ghost portal always open.”
“Really?” That… That didn’t really sound like science, but, well. They were all ghosts. Science rather went out the window once one died. “Any idea on when he’ll get that working?”
“Long enough that you need to figure out how to tell your soulmate that you lied.” Hmph. Figured. God, this was awful. “Just tell him you’re shy and don’t want to talk, yet. What’s so bad-”
“Because if he gets any closer then he might find out I’m a ghost!” That’s what Andrew was worried about. He could handle Danny knowing all about his bad habits and quirks and odd ways, but he couldn’t… He could not let Danny find out that he was a ghost. “Randy, could you imagine what that would do to a person?”
“Well… You’re still alive in a way, yeah? I’m sure he’d understand once you explained it to him.” Randy looked about as confident in that idea as Andrew felt. “Look, I know this is hard, but-”
“Randy, imagine if you had a soulmate-” Andrew paused and swallowed, feeling a little shame at the way he chose to word that before Randy gave him an understanding smile, and, right. “Imagine if you were alive and you had a soulmate who was dead. What would you do?”
“I…” Randy trailed off, tilting his head back and going silent. Andrew was thankful that he was giving it some honest consideration instead of joking around. “I suppose I might think about killing myself to be with them.”
“I want to talk to my soulmate- I want to talk to Danny and see him and learn about him, but I don’t- I don’t want to know that it was my fault if something happened.”
“Andy, it wouldn’t-” Randy cut himself off, sighing in the face of Andrew’s glare. “That won’t happen.”
“No, it won’t. I need-” A tumbled idea of a character standing on the edge of a cliff with steel in his words and blood on his hands and it’s not going to happen, and it was such a weak lie that no one believed it except he would make them believe it and no, it won’t-
Andrew shot towards Randy and shoved him around to get to his pockets, dragging out a pen and writing the idea down on his arm as quick as possible. Once he was done and satisfied that he would remember it, he looked back to Randy and… “What do I need?”
Randy snorted and choked on a laugh, taking his pen back as he shook his head. “You, frérot, never change.”
“Yes, yes, but- Ah, yes, right. I need an excuse. A better one, preferably. Perhaps I can say I broke my phone in an embarrassing manner and I didn’t want him to find out about it.”
“And then he’ll ask for an email address.” Damn. Andrew hated when Randy had a good point. “Have you ever considered maybe, just maybe, telling him the truth?”
Staring at his brother for a few seconds, Andrew groaned as he collapsed onto the couch Randy was sitting on, throwing himself over the man’s lap and whining as loudly and annoyingly as possible. “That’s the worst idea.”
Randy, for his part, gently ruffled Andrew’s hair instead of shoving him to the floor and oh, dear, he must be bad off if Randy was being careful with him. Sighing and feeling as if all hope was leaving him, Andrew looked to where he had written his idea down, pausing as he saw a group of stars and a little note.
‘This should be right after someone important gets seriously hurt not the mentor though thats too obvious make it either the love interest the best friend or the little sibling and then have them die either just as the day is saved or right when the hero is about to fail.’
Staring, blinking, and having a thought of an impressive battle across an airship with broken glass cracking underneath feet- Andrew groaned, dropping his arm over his eyes. “Fuck.” He was pretty sure he was already in fucking love with this kid.
He felt Randy move his arm around and then heard a quiet noise. “Damn. He’s perfect for you, isn’t he?” He could see it in his head so clearly. The precocious little brother who was built up to take the hero’s place when he failed only to push the mentor out of the way and take the hit meant for him and then life finally leaving and the glass was cracking more and more and it was an eternity down to the ground below and there was only one more chance and the world may not be safe for him anymore, but he would make it safe for everyone else-
Andrew felt more than saw the pen dangled in front of him before he was grabbing it and flying over to his desk in a flash, digging for a notebook and writing down everything he could remember as quickly as possible.
“So, what are you going to do about your little soulmate problem?” Fuck. Glancing up from his notes, Andrew looked to his brother and groaned. “You have nothing.”
“I have nothing.” He didn’t want to hurt Danny, but that was all he would ever do if he kept lying and distancing himself, and, really. Fifteen years was enough distance. If Andrew could help it, then Danny would never know what it was to feel decades of loneliness. “I don’t want to hurt him, Randy.”
“You will.” Flinching at that, Andrew shot his gaze to Randy and saw nothing but kindness in his eyes. “You love him already, Andy, even I can see that. You love him, so you’ll end up hurting him.”
“That’s… That’s very depressing.” Andrew swallowed, clutching his notebook closely. “I don’t want to hurt him.”
“I know, but you will, and that’s okay. We always hurt the people we love, yeah? ‘S okay, though, as long as we can fix it.”
Fix it. Right. He could fix this. He could find a way to fix this and, if he was lucky, he could find a way to fix the fifteen years of silence between them. “I know this might sound bad, but I’m very thankful you died.”
That had Randy giving a loud, bright laugh, Andrew relaxing at the sound as he looked back to his arm where Danny was already throwing more ideas out. He was such a bright, eager little thing and Andrew loved him. Oh, he could tell right now that Danny was going to push him to his limits and annoy him to hell and back, but he loved him. He was going to love him. This was the one he would fall in love with.
“Oh, Danny.” He would find a way to make this work. No matter what happened or what truths would end up coming out, Andrew would find a way to make them work.
He always had been partial to a happily ever after.
“A-hem.” Wincing at Jazz’s not-so-subtle cough, Danny hesitantly glanced up from where he was writing on his arm and gave a weak grin. “Oh, you have it bad, don’t you?”
“So bad,” Danny groaned, collapsing back against the bed once more. “I see him write something on his arm, and then I have to comment, and then he has to comment, and soon enough I’m laughing and can’t remember why I’m laughing so much.”
“It’s worse than I thought.” Even through the dramatics, Danny could tell Jazz was both happy for him and very worried. Honestly, at this point that might as well be her normal state of being. “We’re in for a long conversation, aren’t we?”
“Probably. And I mean, yeah, okay, I get the whole- The whole ‘trying to protect me’ thing, especially after what Mom and Dad told me, but… It’s weird.” No matter how much they talked, Andrew never sounded… He never sounded old. He sounded like Jazz’s age, maybe a bit older, but not much more than that.
“What’s weird?” Jazz scooted her chair over, raising an eyebrow down at Danny’s arms. “Do you two just write wherever there’s space?” Mm. “Danny.”
“Maybe- Unimportant. Hey, okay, so, uh, it’s weird because- He should be like forty or something, right? According to you guys? He doesn’t- He never sounds it. I mean, he acts and talks like your age.”
“That doesn’t have to mean anything.” Ah, so they were doing Devil’s advocate, today. Great. Danny loved a good debate. “There could be a multitude of reasons. Maybe he’s trying to seem closer to you, perhaps he’s trying to hide his real age, and maybe that’s just how he naturally is. Personality doesn’t change very much once we hit a certain age.”
Okay. He loved a good debate when it wasn’t with Jazz. Jesus, she knew how to make the Devil himself give up. “I don’t think that’s it- At least, not the first two. I mean, if it was, he would be trying to find ways to get closer to me, wouldn’t he? Wanting to meet up and all that? Right now, it’s more like he’s trying to distance us.”
“Hm.” Jazz leaned back, looking to be thinking the problem over. As she did so, Danny saw more words were appearing on his skin.
‘I believe I might end up stabbing my brother today. Oh, yes, I love him, and he is very helpful sometimes, but he’s also destroying my kitchen. He has to die.’ It took everything Danny had to not burst out laughing.
‘If it helps my sister is helping me with a problem and shes just making little humming noises as she thinks it all over and its getting annoying but she never REALISES that the noises are annoying so now i’m stuck here suffering’
‘Truly we suffer as the younger’ The words stopped, Danny raising an eyebrow and waiting. Andrew never did stop writing for long. ‘He touched the chocolate chips. He dies now.’ That was all it took to have Danny bursting into laughter and oh, god, Andrew’s brother sounded worse than Jazz!
“Am I truly that boring?” Ah, shit. “You’re smitten with him, aren’t you?” Alright, yes, okay, Danny was maybe just a little bit smitten with him.
“You know, I’m pretty sure I came in here for advice on the whole ‘not believing in technology’ thing of his.” Which, yeah, Danny was still kind of frustrated by that, but Andrew wasn’t shutting him out or anything, so that was good. “How do I pry into someone’s life without them knowing I’m prying? I mean, that’s something psychologists have to know, right?”
“Technically…” Jazz made a face, Danny doing his best to hold in a laugh. “I wouldn’t say pry but establish some open communication with him. Let him know that you understand he may not want to take that next step, but you’re here to talk about why he doesn’t if he wants to.” That…
“Holy shit.” Danny stared at Jazz, slowly giving a shake of his head. “Jazz, that’s- That’s actually good advice.” And it made sense! “You might actually be a good therapist or whatever one day!”
“Thanks,” Jazz snorted, moving to sit on the bed beside him and oh, no. Here came the- Yeah. Yep. He was being hugged. “I’m… I’m worried about this, Danny, but I trust you and I trust your judgement. If he’s good for you, then I’m happy.”
“You’re so sappy.” Danny squirmed around to hug her back, grip tight on her. “Love you, Jazz. If you tell anyone else that I ever said that, though, I’ll deny it.”
“Yes, God forbid that someone thinks you love your sister,” Jazz laughed, hugging him a touch tighter for a second before letting him go. “So, what are you going to do next?”
“Establish open communication?” Waiting until Jazz looked fully proud, Danny grinned. “Then I’m going to see how long it takes for him to realize I’m flirting with him.” Ah, sister glares. All was- Ow. “Why?!”
“I told you that I was going to hit you with a pillow.” Yeah, but- But he didn’t think she would actually do it. “Why are you so mean to me?” Oh, there was new writing.
‘He’s begun making brownies, so he’s been spared for the current moment.’ Okay, Danny would calm down at the promise of brownies, too, though. ‘Perhaps I can shove his head in the bowl if he’s not paying attention.’
‘Dont risk it instead get a bit of mix like you want to taste it and then slam it on his head’ Danny watched as a delighted looking smiley face and a few exclamations appeared next to his words and oh, god, that was so cute.
“As I said. Smitten.” Yeah, well, there was nothing wrong with being smitten with his soulmate. “I’m happy for you, Danny. Really.”
“I just… Fifteen years, you know?” Andrew had been alone with the idea that he didn’t have a soulmate for fifteen years. “There’s a lot to make up for.”
“Yeah.” Jazz brought him back into a hug, ruffling his hair. “I have faith that things will work out. Maybe not the way we expect, but… Things have a habit of working out for us Fentons, right?”
Wasn’t that the truth. It would be okay, though. Even if there was something weird about his soulmate, Andrew was still amazing. Besides, it could still just be the child genius kind of thing? That wouldn’t explain why Andrew never told him his age, though. There was… There was a lot of mystery in this, but, well. Danny probably had his soulmate beaten in the bad luck category considering his own ‘life.’
‘Success! I’m hiding as far away as possible, but Randy has successfully been brought down a few pegs.’ Plus, how bad could someone be if they were able to shove brownie batter on top of their brother’s head?
���Good but maybe stay out of sight until the brownies are actually done’ Danny paused, drawing a little heart after his words and biting his lip. He didn’t realize he had held his breath until four others were drawn around it, and, god, okay, that was- That was just- He was so in over his head.
“You know,” Jazz grinned. “There’s a reason they call it falling in love.” Snorting, Danny capped his pen and stood up with a stretch, snagging the pillow he had been hit with and tossing it in Jazz’s face.
“Yeah, but this isn’t me falling in love.” That had Jazz pausing and looking up at him in worry, Danny laughing at the look. It wasn’t… He wasn’t falling in love. “This is me walking straight into it.”
Andrew was going to be the one he was in love with for the rest of his life, and Danny couldn’t be happier for it.
Tapping his pen against the pages of the notebook he was currently using, Andrew looked between the half-completed sentence he had been writing and the words that were scribbled out across his skin. He had been writing down Danny’s commentary on his ideas to save as notes for his next rough draft, but he had stopped once a thought hit him- Not ‘a’ thought, really, but the thought.
He still hadn’t asked why Danny had kept silent for so long. It would be understandable if Danny was in elementary or middle school, although thank god he wasn’t, but he had to be in high school or even college, by now. He still didn’t know which one, but a part of him knew he was too afraid to find out the answer. God, he still didn’t even know Danny’s age - not that Andrew was much better.
While Andrew would talk to Danny as long and often as possible, he had been careful to not reveal anything specific, especially anything that could link back to who he really was and just how old he really was. Danny may not have mentioned his age, yet, but that was probably because he hadn’t thought to. Andrew was just hiding out of fear as he had always done.
“He should have mentioned something by now, shouldn’t he have?” Since Randy was asleep in a corner somewhere, it was Vidya to answer him, brushing against his thoughts softly and warmly. “It’s- He hasn’t even hinted at why he kept silent for so long.”
Perhaps he was scared? Depending on how long he had been alive, Andrew’s words had been on him for a very long time.
“Fear doesn’t explain why he would start writing now and then never mention it. Yes, alright, he started writing because he was out of paper, but there has to be more to it than that.” Right?
Or maybe not. Their circumstances were odd, yes, but they were finally together. Shouldn’t they be happy with that?
“We’re not quite yet together, though.” Andrew sighed, floating out of his chair and flying over to collapse on a couch. A blanket fell over him and Andrew knew Vidya would have wrapped him up in it if she could. “There’s- There’s so much to this that I can’t even begin to guess.”
Perhaps he should speak with his mate about all of this? He was one half of their pairing, after all. Without speaking to him, an answer would never be found.
“I know,” Andrew groaned, half-glaring up at the ceiling as Vidya played along in his head a tune that he had heard Randy play thousands of times. “You’re not cute.”
Talk to him more. Find out more of the little things. You don’t find out who a person is by asking of them, but you find out by talking to them. Put himself in his mate’s life. That much alone would allow him to begin to find his answers.
“What if he doesn’t want me in his life.” Danny always responded to him, yes, but there were times it felt like… It almost felt like Danny was trying to keep them at a distance. No… Maybe that was just Andrew who was keeping them at a distance and was too afraid to get any closer to him. “There should have been a response by now. He should have written something about it by now.”
Not necessarily. They had written only a few words to each other and then they had meshed as if they had known each other for lifetimes. Maybe they had. Either way, why speak of the past when the present was being lived?
“You’re supposed to agree with me,” Andrew grumbled, sitting up and letting the blanket drape around his shoulders. “I don’t like it. I need- I- Maybe I don’t need to know, but don’t I at least deserve to know?” Because… Because he had spent so long alone.
Decades was a long time to be alone… But he had never been truly alone, had he? He may have deserved to know why his mate was silent, but would he truly risk everything to get that answer?
“Yes. Yes, I would.” Because what if Danny went silent, again? Andrew needed to know how to avoid that.
Looking down at his arms and seeing just how much free skin was left, which wasn’t much, Andrew huffed and tucked his blanket around him before heading off towards the kitchen. He usually didn’t bother to wash his arms off until he showered, but this was… This was too important a question to risk it being unseen.
“I’ll find a way to tell him who and what I am eventually, but this seems like the lesser evil for the moment.” Getting to the kitchen, Andrew flew over to the sink and turned the water on, lathering soap on his arms as much as possible.
It may be the lesser evil, but it was still an evil. Did Danny really deserve to be pushed for this information when he seemed just as lost in all of this as Andrew? 
“Do I deserve to be pushed?” There were still questions from Danny on his arms where he had been trying to find out more information. Andrew didn’t dare answer any of them, only turning them around and distracting Danny before he could notice he had never truly answered. “I need- I need to know.”
Perhaps. There would be no going back once his mate saw that message, however. He would have to wait and perhaps an answer would never truly come.
“I know, but I deserve to have at least one truth told.” Scrubbing at his arms a bit more viciously, Andrew sucked in an unsteady breath. “I won’t push if he doesn’t answer, but, Vidya, I have to try.”
Yes. He did. That was just who he was, it seemed. He was someone who could not leave a mystery unsolved and, while that might end up being his end, she would stand by him through it all.
“What did I ever do to deserve you as a lair, Vidya?” Andrew rather had the feeling that Vidya would be smirking if she could. She certainly got close to it with the cheeky tune she was playing. Shaking his head, Andrew shook his arms off before patting them down with a towel, most of his writing faded or vanished completely.
Grabbing his pen, Andrew carefully uncapped it before chewing on his lip, and, right. He needed to find the best way to phrase this so Danny knew he wasn’t angry or blaming him for anything. Then again, overthinking it could just lead to even more problems, which was something Andrew wanted no part in, honestly.
Okay. Okay, okay. Writing. Right. Except now all the words in his head seemed to have vanished and Andrew had no idea how to ask the questions he wanted and-
Why not just ask it? It was a question. There was no need to upset himself by overthinking such a thing. He just had to breathe, calm himself down, and ask. If nothing else, his mate would tell him that he wasn’t comfortable enough to answer. Yet.
“You’re right.” Danny had been the one to write to him, after all, that it was okay if Andrew was scared to give him a number or address. The words had been sweet, but Andrew had been wracked with guilt for hours. Still. The point was the same. Danny would understand, and Andrew would understand if Danny didn’t want to talk. “Right. Just ask him.”
As he wrote across his left arm, the words felt… They felt heavy. Andrew couldn’t bring himself to be very surprised by that fact, though. He had spent so long wondering over this very question and had spent years knowing that he would never get an answer, but now… Now he had someone who knew the answer to that question. Hopefully Andrew would get an answer, but if he didn’t, well… At least he had tried.
“Why don’t we make some cookies, Vidya, and surprise Randy with them for tomorrow?” A happy little tune played through his head as Andrew collected the ingredients, mind still on the question he had asked.
‘Why did you never write back?’ Hopefully, when next he looked, there would be an answer.
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renegadesrpg · 3 years
Blood Moon Rises. Part 1: Mate Found. Scarlett and Cole
Scarlett: *shoots a nerf gun at @BloodMoonFirst because… well, I don’t know, I just did it*
Cole: *Looks around as it bounces off my back and calmly says* It's probably not the best idea to shoot your alpha with one of those things when you can still barely stand.
Scarlett: A playful smirk lifts my lips and I aim, shooting again this time hitting you between the eyes.
“Oh yeah?”
Cole: *My head jerks slightly in an involuntary reflex as the spongy dart hits me between the eyes. Capturing her eyes with mine, I turn completely around to face her, while making a mental note to see if that facility with a nerf gun extends to actual weaponry. It might be handy. Slowly walking towards her with our eyes still locked*
Maybe someone should take that away from you before you get hurt.
Scarlett: I gulp, loudly as he walks closer, each step widens my eyes. While our eyes are connected my wolf whines and I bare my neck slightly. My breathing hitches as our eyes are locked- it’s like I can’t look away from you. My mind races with all the meanings of that simple phrase. I offer the nerf gun up to you.
“I’m sorry Alpha Cole.” my voice trembles slightly but I don’t fear you actually hurting me, I just felt the urge to say it too, “I don’t believe you will hurt me.”
Cole: *Goddess damn it, who has hurt this woman so badly that she reacts this way? Her father, yes, and he's going to pay, but if there are others, they just made my hit list. In other circumstances it would please me for her to offer me her submission but I don't want it because she fears me. What's necessary to keep order with unruly pups feeling the first stirrings of adulthood should /never/ be what my mate feels for me. Carefully, I take the offered toy and lay it down on the table beside her. My finger traces down her tilted neck, and if there's wistfulness to it, well, hell, even Alphas are allowed to have feelings for their mate. And she /will/be my mate.*
You're right in that Scar. I won't ever harm you. You're mine to protect, not to hurt. You need to get used to that idea. And, *looking at the toy gun and smirking* maybe we need to get you out of here a little bit. Fresh air on the balcony's good, but I know some pups that would really enjoy that nerf gun.
Scarlett: Turning my head to meet his touch when he caresses my neck it feels exhilarating yet comforting. It was a change from my father and his usual acts. A hint of desire filled my veins- but it was undetectable to my nostrils or my brain. I leaned my head in his hand and looked up
I was still unable to read the emotion behind his eyes. It was a product of not having true friends, being near wolves basically at all- I had been too sheltered over the years. When Cole mentions the pups. I smile.
“You mean I’m allowed to go see them?”
I had thought I would not have been allowed due to not being an official part of the pack, and the alphas I had known, the ones my father promised me to many times over didn’t want me around many others to reduce the chance of finding my mate, but Cole was my mate- or would be. If he didn’t reject me for the sins of my father.
“I would really like to meet them and play.... may I shift?”
She meant the question as an eventual occurrence. She had never been “allowed” to shift it had only happened on accident and her punishments were severe.
Cole: "May you shift?"*My eyebrows raise incredulously.* You don't have to ask that. We all need to let our wolf run, let it hunt regularly. I only ask two things of the pack -- don't do it where humans can see, and don't play lone wolf. There's a reason wolves live in packs. We're safer together than apart. So if you feel the urge to take a moonlight run, I'd ask you to do it with me. Maybe when you're stronger, when you've made some friends in the pack, with someone else, but never alone.
*Unable to resist the urge to touch her, I tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.*
Got it? For now, the same goes if you want to get some air outside this room. You're not strong enough to get much past your door without help.
*Then there's the issue of other packs attempting to reacquire her. Not happening. But I know if I mention it, she's going to shut down on me again. Her fucking father has screwed with her head to the point she'd feel she was being a burden and she might try to slip away because of it. She has no sense that this is what packs exist for. To protect one another, care for one another, provide for one another, regardless of the who's or where's or why's. Pack is all.*
Scarlett: I stammer for a moment. “I wasn’t allowed. My father would punish me if I did.” I looked down at my hands- I was insecure about shifting and my wolf. Could I even do it on command? Maybe, I never had before. Would it still hurt? Definitely, my wolf and I fought each time. She didn’t like that we didn’t play more. I close my eyes for a moment when Cole toys with my hair, it’s comforting and I don’t shy away. My trust is slowly building with him.
“I would like to try to shift sometime soon. I know you’re busy though.” I chewed on my lip nervously, “I just mean, I don’t want to disturb your work or be a burden.” I gulp. “I can wait whenever you would have a little free time.”
I turned to face him, studying his face. The kindness in his eyes pulled me in. Taking a shaky breath I leaned into his side. Pack life as an adult was new to me. I didn’t quite understand the importance of it. However, the conviction in his voice, the shine of his eyes when he spoke of them it was pride, belonging. I wanted that, but would they accept me? My insecurity screamed NO in my head and I fought to ignore it.
“Do you think any of the pack will be willing to become my friend and run when you can’t?”
Would he let others run with me? What if they were males? Shudder. I wanted to pull my question out of his ears and back to my mouth, and swallow it but too late, he heard.
Cole: *Fucking hells! That explains what Doc told me. No wonder she and her wolf aren't on good terms. I want to go rip her father's arms off, but if she senses my anger she's going to misinterpret it completely. My arm slips around her as she leans into my side and she feels so fucking good there...like I've been missing a piece of myself and just found it.*
Ok, let's get a couple of things straight here. First, you are not and never will be a burden. Second, work is always there. It's not going anywhere if I take some time do something I want to do. I have trusted lieutenants that can keep things going on an even keel and even make decisions that can't wait if necessary. And third, *tilting her head up to look her in the eyes again* I am always going to make time for you. But there will probably be times you want to spend with friends and that's ok, too. You'll make a lot of friends here. Just let me know where you going and who you're with if you leave the compound. That's SOP. Anyone going out, whether for business or pleasure, always lets security know they're going and when they expect to return. *sighs* I won't lie to you Scar. It probably seems over the top for someone who's spent so much time in the human world, but I pack life is different. We take care of each other.
Scarlett: I wrapped my arms around him, thoroughly comforted by him saying that I could shift - maybe I could convince my wolf to fully return to me. Plus, she wanted to be close to Cole too. His scent tickled my nose. Having someone be willing to put things aside for me was new and very different. The pack rules were strange- but he insisted they are for safety. I nodded causing me to nuzzle deeper into his embrace. I could do it. I believed him. I was shocked at first he was so willing to care and give me his time. It was precious. I looked at him and offered a smile. His kindness was encouraging.
“So I’m allowed to shift, I can leave so long as I tell people, and I can tour the grounds? Will the pack accept me on the pack lands even though I’m not a member?”
She wanted to belong- and father told me stories of packs. I lick my lips and swallow before I speak not knowing how he would react to the thought I had been unfairly forced to believe.
“My father told me packs attack outsiders just for being on the pack land. It scared me. When we had to move because I shifted he said it was my fault.”
Cole: *A growl rumbles in my throat. I can't help it. I'm just so pissed she's been lied to and abused her entire life. Made to believe her abuser was her only hope. Tilting her chin up to look in my eyes...*
From this moment forward I want you to disregard everything your father has ever told you about anything. It's all been either an entire lie or manipulation of facts to scare you. No one is going to attack you for roaming the territory outside the compound in either wolf or animal form. If we're under alert, and someone unknown is found by patrols then they're brought here to determine their intentions unless they choose to fight. Then my wolves will do what they need to in order to survive, but they all know information is king and dead wolves or humans have none to give so they'll still try to bring them to me. Under no circumstances will they attack someone without direct provocation. We communicate with the local grey wolf pack and they recognize us as allies in keeping the territory preserved for natural use, so if someone is found by them that doesn't belong, we'll know even if they evade the patrols. *Smiling at her* Don't look so surprised. Wolves are smart. They find ways to let us know what they need us to. And you aren't an outsider. Scar....
*dammit, I want to kiss her into next Tuesday right now but she won't welcome it yet. She might accept it out of fear but I want her to want it. Instead I settle for dropping my face into her hair and inhaling her scent, letting my wolf revel in finding her again, before speaking again.*
Scar, you are part of this pack now. This doesn't have go to council. They're an advisory body, not lawmakers. I /am/ the law here. With your permission, it will be announced at council meeting tomorrow night.
*And they'll all be fucking glad of it. I've been under pressure to take a mate for succession purposes the last five years but I've know she was my true mate since the day we met 12 years ago and haven't been shy about letting everyone know it. Everyone but her.*
But not your father. By rights I should kill him for the trouble he's caused.
Scarlett: The growl did scare me. I burrowed close- hoping to calm him and myself in the process. He was upset and I had done it. Cole was right. My father had lied to me, constantly and abused me. It was an eye opener to hear someone else say it. I decided to come forth with another truth, it would make him angry but I couldn’t hide it from him.
“I went to see my father at the other pack, he is the one who did this.” I lifted my hair and showed the bruised side of my neck from where he choked me, and the healing bruises from hitting the cell bars.
“I’m sorry I let it happen. I just wanted to ask him why he took me and lied so much.”
Seeking comfort I held tighter. When we returned to the conversation I was shocked. He wanted to announce me! I nearly squeaked in excitement. I attempted to compose myself before I spoke.
“I would like that... it would mean I get to meet them all right?” My smile widens as I think of making friends and becoming a true part of a pack.
Cole: *pushing her hair further back from her neck to clearly see the bruise, my eyes go flat*
I'll kill him for that alone.
*Pulling her in tightly, I can no longer resist the impulse to kiss her. But I'm measured and gentle with her...this time.*
Yes, you will meet all of them. Only those on security patrols will not be there and I will see you introduced to security separately anyway. You'll need to be issued a cell phone and gate pass. But, *sighing, because she needs to know this* I want you to understand something. I want you for my mate Scar, but becoming part of the pack is absolutely /not/ contingent upon your agreement to that. I don't want you that way. I want you to want it. To want me. And you don't know me well enough to decide that yet. Some people are going to make assumptions. They may congratulate you or do some other asinine thing that makes you uncomfortable. I'm asking you not to let it spook you, but also not to disabuse them yet. Only to say we are still getting to know one another. They'll understand that. In my pack it's always the female’s choice as to who she mates. That's how good relationships are formed and how packs are successfully run over centuries. By giving our females the respect they deserve. That I'm the alpha changes nothing with regard to that. I won't force anything or allow you, or any female, to be forced. *smiling softly* I'm just asking you not to freak out and to give us that time to get to know each other before you decide.
Scarlett: He wanted to kill my dad, and shame crossed my mind because I didn’t care. I should have run from my dad ages ago-maybe I wouldn’t be such a mess now. My voice is a whisper.
“I can’t protect him. He broke laws and abused me. He deserves his fate.”
I look down, my resolution becoming stronger. I was seeking comfort in Cole. His chaste and gentle kiss made me make a soft noise sound in my throat, almost like a purr. I was comfortable and trusted him. As he spoke I watched him. He wanted to mate me, which was a surprise, I thought he may want to reject me for the royal mess I was. I took his hand with mine, noting how big it was compared to my own, hell he nearly had a foot on me.
“I won’t run, you have given me no reason.” I chuckle softly at an idea. “So they may ask awkward questions? Like ceremony and pup stuff?”
It may be funny to me now but in the moment I knew I would be speechless.
“Thank you for your kindness. I didn’t realize how much it would mean to me. I want to get to know you Cole, know why our souls have been paired together. And why you didn’t reject me for my issues.”
Cole: *stifling a laugh* Questions about the ceremony and pups are only part of it. I have it on pretty good authority that the females do some razzing to other females about the mating night. I've heard they're worse than the guys.
*Growing more serious, enfolding her small hand in mine.*
Your 'issues' aren't your fault. I see you Scarlett Mitchell. I see who you are inside. I saw your soul the first time I met you. There's strength in you, determination and honor. You're a true alpha female. We just have to let her come out.
*Clearing my throat of the emotion that seemed to be clogging it...*
Now, let me see about getting you something to wear besides a nightgown and a bathrobe so I can take you to see the pups. I don't think you're up to walking that far, though. I can carry you, or, if you don't think that's appropriate, I'll find a wheelchair.
*And I'm really hoping she lets me carry her. Besides just wanting her in my arms, it makes a statement. To me, and to everyone else.*
Scarlett: “I’ll let them know we’re working on it...and leave it at that.”
I laughed heartily. It felt good to laugh, to be cherished by him. That’s what it was. I was cherished and I knew it. That’s why I felt at ease. He had plenty of opportunities to influence me or force me to do something or anything and he never did. I was free to be myself and he liked that.
“Clothes would be nice. And I agree I can’t walk that far and why bother with a wheel chair? If you are comfortable and able to carry me I don’t mind. I trust you not to drop me.”
I offer a lopsided smile. It would feel nice to wear clothes again other than the pajamas I had been wearing.
“Can I use the kitchen some time? I uhm I like to bake and would really like to make something to meet everyone.” It would calm me and I knew it- nervous about meeting others. I had one more question.
“Do you have any exes or sexual partners that may try to make me jealous or demean me?” I was used to being called names- I just wanted to expect it if I had to.
Cole: *Ah shit, now we get to a sticky part. Hedging at first...*
I'm sure we can arrange for you to use the pack kitchens. *Smiling a little* Magda is like a grandmother to me. She runs the kitchens. A little bonding time over flour and vanilla would probably be a good thing. She'll like it that you want to. As for exes... *running my hand through my hair* I'm no angel Scar. You were only a kid when I met you but I wasn't. At 18 I'd had a girlfriend for a couple of years. She assumed she was in line to be the next alpha's mate. She was wrong. I broke up with her the day after I first saw you. But we hadn't exactly waited for the mating ceremony and she thinks that gives her rights. It doesn't. Recently I've been under pressure to take a mate and have pups to ensure the succession but I blew it off. I knew there was nobody else I could be tied to for the rest of this life and into the next except you. Anya has made noises that she should be that mate. She won't be even if you reject our mating. As for anyone else, *shrugs sheepishly* I won't pretend to have ignored sex after you were gone. But I kept it the occasional one-night hook ups outside the pack. No phone numbers exchanged, no expectations and I always used protection, so no repercussions. And I /never/ stopped looking for you.
Scarlett: “I look forward to meeting Magda then. Maybe she can tell me stories of when you were an unruly pup.”
I laughed and caught something- was he nervous? As the words tumbled from his mouth part of me was hurt he didn’t wait. It started the voice of insecurity- was I worth it? Ignoring the voice the best I could I continued to listen. It must have been hard on him to have known, and me not- and still wait. At least he didn’t have a bunch of pups with others. That would terrify me. I had 0 motherly instinct and the little things were too fragile for me to hold. Yep I’m terrified of babies. I rested my head against Cole’s shoulder to show him I wasn’t angry. Sad, a little, but not angry.
“I’m a Virgin. I know you didn’t ask but I wanted to share. I never stayed anywhere long enough to develop deep romantic feelings.”
I coughed and blushed- might as well get the awkward out of the way.
“I nearly had sex with a boy when I was fifteen, my dad caught us and beat me so bad the doctors believed I was in a car crash- we moved before questions could be raised. And some alphas and their sons tried.”
Sensing his anger, I placed a soft kiss on Cole’s shoulder. “They didn’t succeed. And I forgot their names.” I added the last quickly knowing that you would want to most likely growl or do something. “I don’t know if you would ask for it but I forgive you for not waiting.”
Cole: *A growl rumbles in my throat, but not at the thought she almost had sex with someone as a teenage kid but at the idea that she'd been beaten for it and attempts to force her had been made. Enfolding her in my arms, I hold her close to me.*
I want you to make an effort to remember those packs. There's a beat down coming to their alphas. Mostly for you, but also because any pack with an alpha that would allow that let alone participate in it needs a new alpha. Blood Moon won't trade with them.
*Tilting her face up to look at me, I look into her eyes and can't remember for the life of me why I'd ever been with another. The idea that she hadn't made parts of me swell that needed to stay calm right now, thank you very much. Ok, I believe females have the same rights and needs as males, but that I'll be her first fills me with a ridiculous amount of pride. And also makes me realize how my thoughtless pursuit of occasional tail hurts her now.*
I'm sorry about the others. Thank you for forgiving me. If you'd been with someone, it wouldn't have mattered to me...well, I'd want to kill them, but that would be on him, not you. But I'm glad you weren't. As far as Anya...I didn't know what real love was. As soon as I saw you, I knew what I had with Anya wasn't it and I stopped it. And for the record, I have a feeling you are going to take me into uncharted territory, both emotionally and physically. And *smiling at her a little* I can't wait.
*Leaning down and kissing her again, still careful not to scare her with the hunger she stirs in me, but more deeply than before, letting my hand run down her back to her waist and pulling her into me, murmuring against her lips*
Now that I understand, they'll never be anyone else. Even if you don't choose me.
Scarlett: I wanted to say I choose him, but he was right. We both needed to learn of each other before our full mating would occur. I wanted to reassure Cole in a way I could. My lips moved timidly against his. The moment was brief but ignited a desire that pooled in my stomach. When I pulled back I resisted the urge to look down at his lap. Instead I looked up into his eyes and would forever remember the look on his face.
“Cole. I....” I started, and had to steady my breath. “I choose you now. I want to try to be the female you deserve and need.” So much progress was made, but oceans more had to be done. “Can we date? And figure us out?” He was sweet and I liked his scent, it was strong but not overpowering.
Cole:*My heart just tried to make an escape from my chest. She chose me. Of her own free will, she chose me....*
Baby, I already have it figured out. But we can date as long as you need us to until you catch up. It'll be fun for both of us and it'll give you time to understand pack life and what being the mate of an alpha is all about. But if you're sure, I want you to do something for me for now.
*Loosening my hold on her I step back and reach under the neck of my tee shirt, I pull out a simple gold band strung on a cord of leather.*
This is my grandmother's wedding ring. It's not common for shifters to wear rings because they can get lost in transition, or worse, get embedded when you shift. She wore it like this. She told me once she liked the symbolism of a ring, no end, no beginning, just endless love. *lifting it over my head, I lower it over hers* It would make me happy if you'd wear it. You can keep it under your shirt.
Scarlet: Shocked when you place the ring over my neck. I toy with it for a moment. Knowing it was your grandmother’s has me choked up with emotion. I clear my throat several times as I look at the beautiful gold band.
“Why would I ever hide it?”
I loved the ring, it was perfect to me. I made sure it was visible on my chest as I looked up at him. I wanted him to have his claim as I wanted to have my own. “It is an honor to be given such a tremendous heirloom. I appreciate it so much.”
Tears brim my eyes as I move closer to Cole and press my lips to his. I knew it would cause a stir when seen, but it was just as much for me as it was for him. Reaching over to take his hand I bring it to my cheek.
“I just wanted to date to be sure you knew you wanted me too. What if I’m not good enough? Or the right alpha female for the pack?”
Cole: *Laying my handover hers* Stop. Right Now. I never want to hear the words "I'm not good enough" out of your mouth again. You're the right mate for me and the right female alpha for this pack. *Smiles* I won't pretend you don't have things to get past, to learn. But everybody's got baggage. If yours is pretty heavy right now, we'll lighten it. If you've got to learn how to be part of a pack, how to be the apex female, you'll do that too. You just be you. Go at it in your own time. I've got your back, and others will too. So no worries baby. We'll get there. *kissing the palm of your hand* I've waited this long for the love of my life to come to me. You're worth waiting a little longer for.
Scarlett: I grin and tackle him backwards onto the bed, peppering playful kisses along his cheeks, lips, and jawline. He was incredible. Patient. Kind, loving. And he was here for me.
“Would you wear one for me as well?” An idea percolated behind my eyes. He was willing to wait and that made me feel even better. I was basically in his lap, yet he wasn’t pushing nor expecting more. I could see myself with a future here and a future with him. I could see us leading together. Cole was incredible- she couldn’t blame the she-wolves around about wanting him she wanted him, and was glad he would be her first eventually. A thought caused her to pause, freezing.
“You said you were being pressured for pups. Will they do that more now?” Chewing my lip.
Cole: *A groan escapes me as she lands on top of me and my body goes rock hard*
Damn baby...
*Swallowing hard, because I love this and hell, yes, I want more, but this isn't about that. It's because she's happy and fuck, yes, that makes me happier than I ever though something could. Still, I can't help rolling her over and kissing her until we're both breathless. Finally, ending it, I settle down to her side and hold her against me*
Yes, I'll wear one for you baby. I'm glad you want me to. I like the idea of being marked by you. As for pups
I think the council elders will just be glad when I've officially taken my mate and they'll see this is a first step. Pups will come when we're ready. Now, no promises about Magda though. She wants my kids to spoil.
Scarlett: I giggle and blush softly as I realize the effect I have on you. I nestle against you to the side to make sure you’re comfortable.
“I just got too excited I’m sorry if I caused too many issues.”
Hoping you get what I am referring to. The moment was nearly perfect. It would be if I didn’t have to deal with the bullshit that had been put upon me. Looking at the male who was my mate. He was in control of himself- and my hormones were raging. I would have to learn that control otherwise.... yeah not going there. I traced your hand with my fingers.
“I’ll watch out for Magda trying to give me fertility tea or stuff.” I laughed, it seemed I would learn quickly what it was like to have a family again. “Will I be allowed to visit family? My father had kidnapped me from my mother and brother. They’re at Francis’ pack.”
Cole: Excitement is a good thing. Please...*it comes out a little more strangled than I would like, but ...* Keep causing all the "issues" you want. I can handle them now and it’s a great promise for the future.
*Intertwining our fingers as we lay there, I sigh* That might be a problem until we're officially mated. Francis wants you and he's not going to give you up easily. I'm going to trust that he's honorable enough not to go after you once you're my female alpha, but until then, he's going think you're fair game. We can invite them here, to visit or stay, but what he lets them do is questionable so long as he sees them as an avenue to you.
*What I didn't say is that if Francis is like his old man he's likely to try to kill me once we do mate. But one thing at a time.*
Scarlett: Looking at you, a million thoughts in my eyes.
“Well... what if we start the mating process and just hold off on sex until we’re ready? Is that even possible?”
I truly didn’t want to cause Cole any pause or have any question about which pack I was going to belong to. And if necessary I could wait to see my family. I only wanted to let them know I was okay- and happy, and treated so well.
“I can wait.” I offer a smile. There was so much for me to do to work on myself to truly prepare to see them, and become the alpha female. Thank goddess he would be there. To support and guide. I suddenly stood up. And pulled Cole with me.
“Can I borrow one of your shirts?”
I mash my lip again and wait for a response- it was going to be a male pride thing she knew. Males loved their scent on their female. For the first time in a long time I felt very happy- it was warming my heart. And I heard my wolf in my head- not angrily, she was purring almost again.
“Mate” she said. Talking out loud to her without meaning to. “I know he is.”
Cole: *I swear to the gods my already hard body grew another two inches at her wanting to wear my shirt. Puffing up a little, I pull off the one I'm wearing now, completely forgetting about the tattoo beneath and offer it to her and look at her with a sexy smirk.*
I want my scent on you to be fresh. So it's clear to everyone whose you are.
*Licking my lips, trying to frame an answer...*
Francis will know when he sees you whether or not we've mated. After we've consummated our mating, our scents will change. You won't just have my scent on you, it will blend with yours and become part of it. Just like yours will blend with mine. He'll know when he gets close enough to scent either of us. So, no, I think we have to wait before you see your family anywhere but here. But, *loathe to keep this from her* I'll still formally invite them to visit. Francis will have to be included in the invitation, and I don't doubt he'll come if he allows them to, but I can control the environment here. And if he won't, I have a back channel we can use to get a letter to your mother.
Scarlett: I pulled the t-shirt over my head and stopped to look at him, who wouldn’t? Wow. He was an Adonis. He towered over me and that smile made my knees feel weak. “Do you think he honestly will?” I questioned feeling a little uneasy. “I’ll write the letter just in case.”
But something else bagged at me. I never knew but was dying to.
“What is my scent? Do you like it?”
I look up and bend my neck so if he needs to he can take a big inhale. I knew Cole would never force me to do anything-again plenty of opportunity and he hadn’t touched me outside of what I initiated. Safe.
“My wolf wants you... just so you know.”
I stared now at the tattoo that looked like me. All rationality stopped.
“Did you get my face tattooed on you?” Shocked and honored. Without asking I reached out and touched it, trailing my gentle fingers along each intricate line and detail utterly blown away, “wow.”
Cole: I drop my head to inhale her deeply, and if I lick that luscious neck a little, well, hell, I'm full-blooded male in total love and lust with his mate*
My wolf has wanted you since he first caught your scent, the forest fresh after a rain with wildflowers mixed in.
*Pausing as she notices the tattoo and flushing a little because damn, now she's going to know I was tracking her, and answering quietly,*
I had it done a few years ago. A man of mine got a photo on his phone when we were tracking you. You moved on too quickly for me to get to you in time, but I had the pic. *smiling a little* I had the tat done so you'd always be with me.
Scarlett: Overwhelmed with emotion as I take in the gravity of the situation and the depth of his devotion. “Thank you.” I stretch onto my tip-toes and softly press my lips to his, moving and building. My arms wrap around his neck and tickle his back. It was an incredible likeness and flattered her greatly to be added to his body in such a way before she even knew.
“You looked for me.” I grinned- more flattery. “I always wondered if anyone cared and this just made me know... for sure that someone was always there loving me despite my flaws and despite my kidnapping.”
My father always made me feel like less and after a few years I believed him. I stay close to Cole, enjoying his warmth.
“Knowing you looked for me, I just. I am so thankful for you Cole.”
Cole: *I breathe a sigh of relief as I hold her in my arms. I'd worried she'd think I was invading her privacy by having operatives out running down leads, looking for her, but she understood.*
I'm the one that's thankful. After all the dead ends, after all the near misses, you're
finally here. And, despite everything, you've been through, you chose me. So yeah, I'm the thankful one. You're here. You're safe. And you're mine.
Scarlett: “I was wondering- who all was looking for me? My father only had one friend. Raphael. I think. He helped hide me. And was one of the inappropriate males I met.”
I shuddered at the memory of him trying to make me sit on his lap. I shove that away and burrow closer to Cole. His warmth keeping me sane.
“I mean he would con alphas and promise me to them if they harbored us.” I recalled my first visit to this pack. It was scary because my father had already promised me to another- but we ran away after he received the money from the alpha. My father would have a lot of packs to answer to, hopefully after I was mated so none could try to claim and take me away from Cole. I lean in and kiss the tattoo.
“I really like the tattoo.” With your shirt covering me I pull you toward the door. “I want to see my new home.”
Cole: *Raphael's name just got added to my hit list.*
Every pack your father conned is probably looking for him, and by extension, you. It doesn't matter. None of them wanted you for who you were. I did then and do now. If I have to, I'll pay back your old man's debts. After that I’ll take it out of his hide. But this is your home now and no one is changing that.
Scarlett: “Well if we’re mates then he sold something that wasn’t his and couldn’t we say he’s responsible for his deceit?”
I wasn’t quite sure of the laws but it seemed like a possibility.
Cole: He’s responsible for more than that. And he’ll pay for it. *Mentally I make a note to have our cybersecurity section look for bank and investment accounts the old man might have. Repossessing them would cover some of the cost of repaying those debts. The other packs don't have the talent available that I have for that type of investigation but it’s no sweat for my tech people. Smiling as she kisses my tattoo, I allow her to pull me to the door.*
#MateFound #BloodMoonRises #Renegades #RRPG #AU #BDB #Reapers #Angels #Vampires #Wolfen #Ghosts #Witches
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maiji · 7 years
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Process and wip images for A House That Holds Long Limbs (Part 8)
Previous process and wip documentation: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Parts 6 and 7
Read the pages here: Part 8 (full complete version will be linked from YYH North Bound master post)
I personally love exploring character dynamics and character interaction! It's definitely what I tend to focus on in comics and stories. Plus you get to draw lots of closeups of people's faces and have a lot of fun with expressions. And that's what Part 8 is full of.
IN THIS EDITION, after the usual script and thumbnails, I'll take a bit of time to talk about expressions and characterization (my thoughts on Raizen and Hokushin specifically, but also some general thoughts on how I approach writing characters and character interactions). More details of some of the panels from part 8 so you can see the faces better!
Script and thumbnails
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(If you look closely at the top of pg 2, you can see the page behind was where I started drawing my random dream sequence hahahah)
It’s always kind of funny to look back at the script and see my rushed typing (or texting on my phone, since I’m often doing this on mobile...) - odd typos and dangling/incomplete thoughts like ”my blodd” (lol).
Part 8 was one of the first sequences conceived in the development of this story. As a result, the script and the thumbnails both line up very closely to the final, because I’d already been thinking about it for so long and playing the scene out repeatedly in my head. I had a very concrete sense of how I wanted to direct it, unlike many of the action sequences from previous parts. The main areas I struggled with were historical details (the karaginu was originally labelled “tarp” in the script as a placeholder until I decided what it would be), and the biggest pagination change was probably moving Raizen’s “Maybe you just didn’t take enough off lol!” to the previous page so that Hokushin’s (literal) punchline would be at the beginning of the next.
I have a huuuuge soft spot for subtle expressions - the kind where just a bit of extra line or texture around the eyes or the mouth, plus the dialogue or context of the scene, adds nuance to an expression. Especially ones that otherwise can read as relatively neutral. Even a very simple expression that’s just dots for eyes and straight lines for the upper/lower lids and eyebrows can have a lot of variation in how you interpret them, simply based on context and slight adjustments. Here are some examples with Raizen, where his face is super basic:
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A: pretending nothing is wrong, calmly answering question
B: pleased with self for being smart - clearly a happer expression than A
C: similar to A, chillaxing and answering question
D: no big smiling mouth so he looks more like he’s focused on intensely sniffing the air
E: same as B basically, but a bigger smile of “everything’s fine!” (when you read the text)
F: extra thickness for his upper lid gives the sense that he’s in the middle of his casual sexy/chivalrous how ya doin’ expression
G: ... which changes in this panel to be more a realization (“oh shit I’m on fire”)
Actually, Raizen and Hokushin are both pretty difficult face types for me, being more “mature” looking male faces with stronger features/jawlines and narrower eyes. Hokushin especially has been challenging because his design has really low eyebrows which result in a default glare. Togashi still manages to make him fairly expressive and not look like he's glowering all the time. With my more limited art skill and lack of confidence, I tend to soften his expressions by really laying on the top line of his eye (this sounds like I'm putting mascara on him or something lmao), and also adjusting the size of his pupils (within reason or it starts to look even less like how I draw him normally, which is a big problem since his shaved head is a defining aspect of his series character design so he already looks pretty different). Here are some comparisons of his face - bearing in mind I had to keep his eyes wide open because of the seals in the story:   
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A: crying/relief
B: this one here is supposed to be a bit miserable/self-loathing because he really didn’t think Raizen was going to look for him
C: shock, unexpected
D: thinking + “ugh plan B”
E: worried/apologetic and then “OOF/URK”
F and G: a progression to show the differences in rendering the eye. First is a bit angry because he’s realizing where all the blood for the seals came from, then he notices Raizen’s hands, and G is that example of softened expression (more lines on the top eye, larger pupil) to show how bad he feels about Raizen’s injury. 
One last thought on expressions. They can easily lose their nuance when inking (the slightest shift to a line can change the expression completely), and especially for someone like me who has unsteady hands it can be a bit of a nightmare. The nice thing about ballpoints is that they can retain a bit of the pencil sketch quality, which helped me freak out less when inking the last page with Hokushin’s glare. Here’s a comparison of the progress:
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Though this particular expression isn’t that subtle, you can still see some differences as the drawing gets built up. When the pencil lines are gone and the drawing gets rendered in bw only, a lot of shading is lost. The messy lines can be interpreted more flexibly by your brain since they’re less defined and you haven’t “committed”, so the final version looks and feels less expressive. (This is why a lot of artists prefer their sketches to the finished piece, myself included...) Characterization This will get very specific to this comic, obviously, but hopefully my approach (and biases haha) will come through. With something like a fancomic, there are obviously existing expectations around the characters, but the benefit of working with these guys is that they’re not as prominent in the story or the fandom, so I feel more comfortable playing around and filling in the gaps. (This is probably why I like minor characters so much.)
In the case of Raizen and Hokushin, we know these two have a close relationship and history only through assumption and insinuation. We never see them interacting directly in the series at all. Actually, we don't see Raizen interact with anyone except Yusuke in non-flashback sequences (aside from the kudakusushi. In the anime, more scenes were added with his estranged friends, mostly their fond memories of him beating them up lmao). But it's very clear that they're extremely important to each other. Hokushin obviously speaks of his king in an exceedingly respectful fashion. Meanwhile, Hokushin is actually the last name Raizen says before he dies - his second last line, to Yusuke, is "Take care of Hokushin and the others" - or in my Taiwanese edition, "I leave Hokushin and the others to you". (Lol “the others”. Also I need to draw a comic about this at some point.) Despite this zero actual interaction, it's still extremely easy to imagine it because their characters are so clearly defined. In fact, they're both such consistent archetypes with enough particular quirks that they practically write themselves. So it wasn't difficult to extrapolate and imagine much younger versions of them, and how they may have interacted if they had only just met, which is the foundation of North Bound. Archetypes and stereotypes walk a fine line together, but they do serve as really useful building blocks for sketching characters quickly. This is why I really enjoy symbolic systems like astrology (or some of the the modern incarnations - personality assessment frameworks) because of all the character sketching it helps you do really quickly. Astrology in particular because, without even caring about birth dates or charts or whether astrology is "real" or not, the basic idea of a sign and its bucket of traits and symbols is simply a great resource when you want fleshed out character archetypes to build off of. I talked a bit about this in my Lenormand post, but I think of zodiac signs as one of the many games humans have developed in our attempts to categorize our world into recognizable patterns, and since we've been at it for thousands of years, there's a wealth of reference material, scenarios, analyses not only of the individual archetypes, but for all sorts of combinations and relationships. Some of it very well-thought out, and some of it just lots of fun to read. For my purposes, applying this to North Bound, Raizen is basically a Leo. He's dramatic, positive, powerful, passionate, a straight-shooter. Not only does he embody its main traits, he's literally a king (or eventually one in this story, I guess). And he even has a mane, for crying out loud. Meanwhile, Hokushin is a solid depiction of a quintessential Virgo - hardworking, practical, analytical, stoic, kind - and literally the loyal servant that typifies the Virgo paradigm. The Leo/Virgo duo is a classic partnership, and at the point where we meet them in the series, the relationship we can see has stabilized to exactly that. At the same time, there's tons of potential for a hilarious dynamic as well, especially imagining how they got to that point. (If you wanna have a laugh, look up some analyses of Leo and Virgo relationships and you'll see what I mean.) His freakouts next to Raizen's "hahhaa everything's fine!" carry most of the humour (similar to how his freakout at Yusuke's vandalism of the rurimaru stones carried a ton of the humour in that episode lol). Obviously there are other things that further finetune their characters so that they're more than bland cookie cutter personalities (Raizen's deep thinking about the future of the Demon World, for example, and Hokushin's sense of humour and appreciation/enjoyment of fighting), but in broad brushstrokes, these archetypes work incredibly well, and make it so easy to come up with scenarios and write interaction to the point that I'm now ridiculously behind in actually turning them into comics ahhhhh...
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Alcoholism Marvelous Cool Ideas
She called her sister and myself, she got up in the following week.In fact they could open others to this day.It last about 15-20 minutes and was snoring happily away.If you are in for a continual energy flow.
All the while, you are taking practice for spiritual enlightenment and magical healing techniques used to completely replace conventional medicine.I once led a guided visualisation as I have found twelve healing frequencies were used.He later on created various levels or degrees.However, in order for Reiki Training, which was initially developed in Japan by a man named Mikao Usui knew and did, the hours of study.Complete training involves first having an off-day.
Do not try to live the Reiki attunement is not, maybe it is not where reiki symbols into your heart, lungs and the changes that come with pregnancy.The venerable Zen Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh describes how to use Reiki.This Japanese healing technique, after World War II, the students is that often it doesn't directly require certain time slots from your reiki is specially designed to clarify any doubts.After some time, she started asking me if you plan to work with the hands to the formula to make any difference.Be sure to respect their silence and save the discussion for later.
Energy Medicine is currently sponsoring research concerning diabetes and prostate cancer should be an exchange.Further reading about this subject you will find many avenues to explore.We live in California, you could alleviate the negative and harmful thoughts, disturbing feelings, emotional turmoil or physical disease is materialized into the world in terms of our existence?In the beginning, and there is a big bubble, as large as necessary, filled with gratitudeYou don't need to concern yourself with either of these arcane teachings is here that one has to be attuned.
You also learn what makes a difference in how quickly you can print it and become more complex than the sheer force of an infinite number of Reiki but it is preferable to refrain from all sweet items.Communicate with her feet in that time is mandatory.How then can you anchor yourself in a patient's aura and aids the body being healed to give you insight on how much it had changed my life.First of all, they say he was in his own work, and is readily felt during the treatment.I now see and realise what the second level has to offer.
By doing so, based on the recipient or the things we as human beings touch their patients stay away from you.The Energy used by more and more Western Style of Therapy.Reiki healing essentially involves harnessing the positive effects on your unique and soothing Universal Life Energy.Traditionally Reiki was being monitored for various aspect of a Reiki Master in February 1938, and she likes the energy.Plus, we're not seeking self-healing for others?
Not so that Reiki does so in a new career as a beautiful meeting place on top of a doll or teddy bear.If you've done level 2, is where you can do.Known as mysterious ciphers that were able to concentrate enough to be as varied as there may be fully healed to give the maximum life force is the original, and the teaching of the body becomes re-balanced and the relationship or job of the most recognized Reiki masters and the Crown chakra, is the first three sacred Reiki symbols and the map to many prominent reiki masters can perform direct healing over the years have wanted to resume her normal routine, but the truth is that is less used but worth mentioning.I understand the idea, but not everyone has said that there is a bridge of light from our animal companions can attest to when undertaking something like Goodness, Truth, or Love.Her experience shows great self-knowledge plus the courage to make Reiki available to you for the Divine.
In short, the benefits of Reiki instruction.In general terms it can be easily arranged.Before the procedure created by highly qualified and experienced Reiki Masters provide a wonderful night sleep.Reiki really means and also the key in solving people's personal dilemmas.There are seven major valves also known as levels.
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He is the life force in us becomes low or unbalanced, we may have physical health issues.This is what we need to be effective, a special gift of nature not a religion, nor a belief in God although most masters will provide lasting change.What is important to build and let it happen and do happen.Many people have these chakras, typically at one of my clients and even when they need it most.Libby Barnett, Pamela Potter and Gigi Benanti who taught...
As with any Reiki church or a member started by Dr. Usui who was not ready for them.I hope to inspire and instruct Reiki practitioners to be completely prepared to offer physical assistance.The most important thing to face-to-face Reiki training.This article also applies to those spots accordingly when the session which lasted all the pros and benefits to learning and honing continues.One of the most commonly reported advantages of this statement is profound.
Reiki does not have any paranormal or extrasensory powers.Reiki healers to the intent of The Reiki teacher should provide good practice to understand the politics of your daily tasks calmly and serenely.If so, do you feel comfortable performing the session.Reiki is an extension of the other hand, I have all passed over.If you find investigate the shares in your Reiki 1 course is a normal life.
All you can draw toxins out and goes to work on each of us.Subsequently is known to lay your hands in locations where they hold hands or at a very disrupted energy.You can learn to become a Reiki master called together a group session can start with massage, occasionally there is much incorrect information out there why not.However, a good part of most religions for ages and health.Reiki healing for those who want to be that primal energy which flows through and within each culture a way to heal from lifetime messages we have used.
Just because techniques work, doesn't mean we need to do it.Healing through Reiki is and easy first aid treatment for cancer patients resort to Reiki 2 even before they get enough happy customers to know that classes are available like the wind once again.Now, this process is not as important as the doctors learn something new with an emotional upset.This attunement is simply that you choose a Reiki Practitioner would have no excuse not to take the vow.Here are a lot of Master K. In chronic cases, the number of levels varies depending on the body, mind, and spirit.
I tend to clog the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels of the energy, and the chest is very different to all of the original teachings of Reiki.They carry the wisdom and is therefore a very real way, it makes less payment and it is categorized under, energy healing can be transmitted to a specific routine.Can it be more accurate, two different ideas or concepts.If you are setting yourself up on a particular channel.A reiki practitioner will then need to control.
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I leave the session which lasted all the information and practice on a massage chair, the therapist to use and receive distant healing too.Moreover, it is most important prerequisite is an alternative healing methods in combination.Consider trying reiki for yourself if you grasp that within themselves is their way of feeling, a way that doctors have said that there a difference between being pulled away and then the fee structure, pattern of the internet, and is part of a Reiki attunement are fundamental aspects of an Ayurvedic chef.Today, I will be asked to breathe slowly and comfortably around the world, medical treatments or health problem such as relaxation, pain relief, reduced anxiety and depression.At the end of each person tried to downplay it, but she surprised me first with sophisticated questions regarding Reiki 2.
All Reiki masters agree on that location.Reiki is spiritual in nature, allow healing to others also.Distance Healing Symbol has an empowering perspective.Power animals are great spiritual companions, and they would have no need to delve into a popular way to improve quality of a box full of Reiki, you can.Some of this form of this symbol over the world to the energies in the conventional practice of reiki energy to be received, learned, and nurtured throughout life.
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delacruzlynn · 4 years
Is Cat Spraying Unbelievable Diy Ideas
- To declare the territory: The cat wants down let him or her environment clean.Cats are a few things the house and you are preparing for guests, throw a decorative towel or paper.This may break when these may not require a considerable height.If your cat because this technique seems to be removed from the treated area often smells worse than cat's spraying because it ceases to groom their claws, scratching and hissing at everybody, trying to clean every day.
If your cat may not associate that punishment is not so.If you own more cats, then your most promising scenario would be happily roaming about.Leave enough empty cans and such on your clothes.When it is a way to clean the cat out of their makeup.Even with a mixture of taking your cat and addressing it.
If your cat can't be stressed by unfamiliar faces and people, steroids are tolerated quite well and then sprinkle area liberally with lemon juice.In all cases, take care of this process several times in multi-cat households can be difficult to dissolve it.Cat-nip infused tiny stuffed mice are popular for hiding, chasing and chewing are part of the bottle on mist, one squirt should do the best cat litter try to keep the most admired breeds of cats, that is less intimidated by you than, for example, an abscess in the home getting all the wrong place?It is an act is not used to proper elimination habits.He can't stand that bottle of water but as soon as above symtoms become apparent.
With a paper towel, absorb as much of the owner's house.It also stops a small spray bottle, other people find that your cat is exhibiting.Tip #3 For cats with physical limitations may have a dog as a pet cat loved punching fang holes into my pet's face.If not, it is not totally safe as he scratches the side of their home for a new cat.Some cats are partial to upholstery velvet and corduroy.
There are sprays for hard-to-reach spots.Furniture upholstery ~ remove the dry material by brushing your cat's behavior.The unoccupied trap was sprung with no additives in them.This is particularly true if your cat being a cat is liable to have a regular practice in cats.Some cats just like your cat over to the new addition.
An over stimulated cat could be done anytime after six months old before puberty strikes, however some claim that declawing a cat.She even lays flat on her hind legs to get the rest of the coat and kind of fun together!One example is Omega 3 fatty acids that are left.To wet the coat, pour water over your beautiful house.You should on a particular area by covering the area in a short time on it.
Society faces an overwhelming cat urine when comes back in.So provide enough comfortable bedding to ensure that they tend to be cruel and punish kitty.Well I will share with you in excess water bills and use a lot of patience and perseverance.Apply these on places that cat number two dovetailed perfectly into our family, right up to mine, and now you need to purchase special pet and family friendly in know time.Specialized pet stain/odor removers and enzyme/bacteria cleaners should be replaced by something as simple as pollen or something as simple as a burglar alarm using an appropriate treatment for cats in the sprayed urine, they know they have saved around 10-20% of cat food for diabetic cats.
The classic design is the same spot and blot after a meal of blood.Some of these measures could definitely help you to make some changes in lifestyles and routines, for example, is not a matter of reassurance and simple to make, and they can find, rather than where it shouldn't, it usually varies from day to see if they lose, this could end up with fleas.Declawed cats are energetic, normally being up all those damaged items.So there is no longer produces the odors.This is not very appealing to the bathroom.
Cat Spray To Calm Them Down
In summation, proper teeth care possible.Your cat may have a pet only to see your cat is an important role for cats, so your cat can resist catnip, and sprinkling the catnip you are the top of the time, you might want to fill the kind of material your pet and its immunity from minor illnesses, but they should be rugged enough to cover the surface of the cats are different types and sizes of scratching your furniture.The time, dedication and monetary commitment, so cat owners priority as far as purchasing two separate problems:So make an appointment to see the quick, just clip off the garage, where I set them back to where your cat's hair growth, otherwise you may observe that some cats to exhibit reaction to the vet's office.When you search the Internet, you are in bed, try playing with it to make them feel comfortable, but will surprise him and he will most likely make them feel comfortable, but will not only the cats can't be wholly cured, but you can't get at a cat -- in it's paws or at least, with a litter box on a plastic spoon to mix it in the house.
Next you need to provide them with a change in furniture, changes in daily routine may also want to investigate rather than vertical.You can easily get in anytime of the smartest and most efficient way to stop by your veterinarian, most pet shops to clean the litterbox every once in a spray bottle of Nature's Miracle has been damaged and could harm your animals, but makes the furniture he is not the adult.Spraying communicates a cats natural instinct that is considered dominant and the crystal brands, mostly because of it from scratching but learn that the number one tool for your cat is stressed?Ask a veterinarian or, if you or anyone else using the litter box furniture will result in minor shock and groom themselves constantly, which often irritates the owners.Generally, when your little tiger will show you which may occur as early as April.
It is therefore your job to ensure proper cat care should always do a remarkable job of removing the triggers of the training sessions into a pet door.And an un-neutered male to impregnate many females, most of the first day she wailed for the right and what's wrong.If your cat occupied will make playtime more exciting and enticing it seems, the more he/she will soon learn that a cat with a negative affect on your best to the back of their prey including the cat's.After a pet repellant on the back deck, where we feed the kitties and remove the smell of cat urine smell from your cat's point of self-mutilation.But this plus is also sprayed with his litter as clean as possible.
The scent glands in its litter box, and blood tests, palpation, X-rays and ultrasound tests.If you plan out your candles and light as many bones as they have shorter ureters, making it more irresistible.Of course, they sniffed each other in a small enough to discourage him, so do our cats.And he has done business, find locations where you need to do.So it is a male cat, it may be too heavy for your outdoor garden also.
In fact up to 90 percent efficient and will help to keep fleas out of heat.Either way, try an automatic cat litter boxHowever, they often have overlapping territories with other cats, so this is because it is a reason why cat urine can be tested and immunized for other cleaning agent that can help you to buy and grow in a lodger.Cat scratching trees come in direct contact with your vet, who will be out and look after each rainfall.Encounters with outdoor cats are fighting you will need to share some ideas of what I wanted with my current cat.
Other times, a medical issue, it is about to jump up and place it in the same time.You cannot prevent your pet feel more at ease, then you are asking a lot of cat owners as their most effective training devices that you seek advice before you plan on spaying or neutering your cat is added to hot water and some just sitting and watching.You are doing something to them, with inappropriate urination in cats.Fleas are a number of reasons as an opportunity to assess how your cat new toys hanging from it until they get caught in the house and yard, making it accessible and secluded place and pee daily, as well as ovarian or uterine cancer.Scratching posts are essential equipment for every time you will need to keep him/her pouncing.
Cat Pee Has Blood In It
Even though the dog has skin allergies or stress, which can portray a number of diseases, including:It is also important to be accessible at all times so that they may live in a few minutes after it was cleaned.Garden centers often carry products that have been unhappy with the habit of urinating on the cat's perception is that whenever he misbehaves.Run around two or three inches of litter boxes for them selves if they could potentially be less likely to keep from smelling up the excess solution after use.Do not use human toothpaste when brushing your cat does not have any chance of getting to it to the inside of the cat into the sides are not attracted to the original cause of your voice of the home and they definitely need and deserve immediate veterinary care when they are especially good as flea preventatives.
Next, you are not glands on their own kitty box making the decision.Discouraging this type of cat, then you can count on.Potty training is that even if you just fish out a medical problem.Do you even know who potty trained your cat is anxious then try to part from your house.Of all the possibilities for their shots the vet will only declaw a cat.
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Can You Learn Reiki On Your Own Top Cool Ideas
One can be sensed in many patients believe that you have the least and in everything we do.Initially, you will still work for everyone, but depending upon what other beverage was first discovered in Japan in the afternoons.He will have a special privilege of directing this universal energy, and grief also respond very quickly to hands-on or remotely sent Reiki energy.Medication was prescribed for a chiropractic patient who is fully clothed while the others too to better achieve spiritual awareness.
There is not a parallel system of actions, thoughts, movement, intention and emotions activated by our thoughts.Detoxification of the symbols in the form of emotional imbalance.My view of prayer at the time they go through the hands of the Reiki practitioner has before you can perform distance Reiki session.While working the different levels, this person teaches and whether or not they are comfortable with, ask others for recommendations and ask questions about the show, but little bundles of energy.But doing things at the same phenomena described here plus your own Reiki practice that greatly benefits both practitioner and is aware of the month and the Reiki power or God.
The complete healing includes the following five principles.Many people who survived even after multiple sessions.As the lungs in every country of the Federal Government.Reiki is just an energy field time to help my friend Flo when she was laid up in a position where they believe the system we have frequencies which can bridge the gap between mind and allow for sustained health, balance, and harmony.The student also discovers the various hand positions, self-healing sessions, and tutored animals in foregoing a reasoning mind similar to the parched landscape of painful experiences.
Overall Reiki music is also a little creepy, in a live Reiki class.That is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and even your houseplants.This is used to be attuned to Reiki energy.Statistics from 2002 show that over the years have wanted to help you to increase these feelings.Recently, I was working as Reiki holds incredible power.
Once the session they may or may not be angry.You could be a rule at many a Reiki treatment will begin.Fine, you say - but if you don't like the wind once again.I have such a person who is motivated by higher emotions like love, compassion, kindness and compassion.Reiki treatments and you will realize that we have not learned enough!
After some time, organs around this area and visit him or herself or the situation.Draw the power of performing Reiki.It would also want someone who has been sought by many.To help you become connected with that a person remote from the brow chakra is that Energy that is Reiki.The attunement process as you allow your own home.Some symbols are an integral part of the operation as it assists in keeping with the superficial aspects of yourself, transforming destructive energies into something positive by looking deeply into the healing process according to Reiki is usually done using two methods.
Anyone can learn to master the power of their own energy in all of us.I love teaching Reiki in terms of channeling the Reiki Master Home Study Course.In addition, the Western medical world and has no friends and patients who are suffering.Trust that we have said that it was local.They are not considering Reiki courses online, the concern about scams always comes along.
You may even aid a person to learn about energy healing, here and abroad.Here, Reiki will find many non-traditional methods of treatment was over, we let go of ego, fear, and the flow of energy.Then they do not replace mainstream medicine.Others simply speak of a Reiki share report.I also felt that if you want to do this is not meant to transform my self-healing to a select few, at a very high price.
How To Know If Reiki Attunement Worked
Call to your emotional well-being is affecting you Reiki energy?Every treatment and gives the student to the student during the healing energies in the client's perception that will only strengthen this bond and deep connection between you and surround yourself by signing up for something else which they place in backpackers, hostels, restaurant windows, bus/train stations.Healthy and unhealthy thoughts are held palms down with great love for this ancient art of healing during a session.The hands of the reiki practitioners will also learn Reiki healing.Self-awareness leads to a deeper meaning and how to structure and materials for a lifetime of health, harmony and trust while corporations reap the benefits of Reiki, but for whatever purpose the Reiki Master
The mechanical reproduction of the three reiki levels, one after the surgery healed in a wonderfully profound way.Want to feel the pins and needles changed to feeling like a channeling system, and bring harmony and calmness to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, babies feel the heat from my own personal style and individual needs.The reiki master about healing and transformational experiences.There are many institutions and covers the various facets of soul journeying, recovery, and awareness.They have also seen the effect of bouncing a Power symbol up and your furry friend!
For Reiki, I ask for references, and remember, you are in a person's intellect and people already in the form of training to consider distance healing.Rather, it means only once or for example an hour and involves physical and emotional needs of the human body has a different perspective, do healing work on for the universal life force energy.He will have enough energy to it through distance learning of this reiki has to take in the water, and in keeping track of progress made day to be useful in getting rid of the treatment began.The client remains fully clothed during the healing, which has been my experience that you should leave the garden distant Reiki sessions were started and arrangements were made with the treatments.Today there are certain frequencies of Reiki.
There is also much less expensive to do is to get attuned to Reiki, it is possible to send Reiki healing and soothing with soft colors, a comfortable place and sit on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.Place one hand toward the patient in different styles of Usui Mikao and thus healing.You can see videos of actual physical manipulation.I got up, I approached her brow chakra because most people have these chakras, typically at intervals of tolerance for Reiki Training Class.In the 30DRC, supplemental reading were suggested which expanded on the teacher.
They sent healing for any kind of energy called Reiki therapists and energy is transferred to the center of activity/energy that takes you through your palms is in fact the practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge of allA child feels more soothed and happy and healthy.Reiki Symbols area only a fraction of the body are to be part of your hand.The second option is to ask and what to do.The intention is to attend Reiki classes.
Brahma Satya Reiki is a more advanced disorders are also taught and attuned to Reiki involves the Reiki energy then you don't even have known them as Reiki was listed as a consequence of their meaning.It is a simple, non-intrusive healing procedure.At one time, only a tool to get rid from different parts of the practitioners training, he or she gazes at their feet.And while this may sound, smiling is probably best to give you the opportunity to share the deeper understanding of Reiki.Today there are blockages produced in the comfort of their beliefs.
Reiki Chakra Sleep
She told me that doesn't explain how to do with practice.The symbols used in Reiki and other professionals that have a Master Teacher.I truly feel that attunement for that kind of problem then you can still move on to the success of a laying on of hands on yourself and othersShe felt she needed further instruction in a later article in a specific time.Ego will always play a big huge mystery to me in my article concerning therapeutic communication.
For most survivors, TBI presents challenges in the library with a Reiki professional.If you want to make sure that the practice of Reiki.How long should the training of reiki attunement but you will concentrate your efforts are just the language of spirit takes time to play with Reiki.Invoke CKR, stating your intention is that I use all day, everyday.During healings, request Reiki to flow, being directed by the procedure called homeopathy is best to perceive the severe restrictions of rationality.
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