#plus there's a lot of selection bias for it to even end up on my dash
echo-bleu · 1 year
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Just finished the second part of this piece, I think it's my most complex artwork to date... Now I'm scared of posting it because everything lately just kinda flopped :'(
[ID: Screenshot of Procreate, on a detail of a digital painting, showing marble statues of Celegorm and Huan, Caranthir and Curufin.]
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
@kriskubed says: I think maybe bc it was only for S2 and Brittana weren’t an official couple yet?
Maybe? I suppose I won't be surprised when they watch Season 3 - but if they try to sell me that early Season 3 is better than any of Season 2.... I just won't know what to say...
@ipwarn says: Oh yes. They have absolutely no interest in Klaine and Jenna at least seems to hate everything warbler related. But it's still nice to hear them chat about the show. Hopefully the strike ends soon and they can start having cast and crew back on.
I give Kevin some credit for at least trying every once in a while. Idk what's going on with Jenna but she doesn't seem to like anything -- and kind of seems to latch onto whatever Kevin's opinion is. It's weird to me that she seemed so into doing this podcast. Idk. I agree, though, it'll be nice when they can start having cast and crew back, because the interviews have been, by far, the best part of this experience.
@1908jmd says : My impression was Klaine came first in the poll but they continued to talk much more about Britanna. Plus in the songs poll - how many people really voted? Say they had 200 votes and Kevin said there could have been 50 selected songs - probably because most songs only got a handful of votes. And maybe some of Santana’s songs got more votes than others because Kevin and Jenna had talked so much about them in recent weeks. They were totally surprised SOWK was top 5 -well we know on tumblr that’s one if Blaine’s most loved songs, so I’m not surprised. I find it much more surprising TD also wasn’t top 5, probably Bico and several of Kurt’s should have been in there too, but kj hadn’t given those much attention on the podcasts.
Yeah, I can understand recency bias -- and Kevin's opinions probably swayed thing as well. and that does make sense that a lot of other things would be split.
I'm glad they mentioned, at the very least, how great Chris was this season --- even if they really didn't mention Kurt's whole arc. It is sad to me that they didn't bring up any of his solos.
Man all of this really makes me want to podcast again -- and just do an in depth podcast on every aspect of the show, not just the parts I like. *shrugs*
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dctrreids · 1 year
------SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog !
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if we're talking CM canon ships i was very much a fan of maeve and reid, even if i'm not fond of how it ended up ( let them be happy? would it kill you to not fridge maeve and to let spence be happy for more than 12 seconds???? ) but beyond that there's no other "true canon" ships i'm really fond of for spence. he's a bit niche and doesn't really need romance to develop imo.
if we're talking blog canon, obviously it's gloria (@medicbled). setting my bias aside for frigga as a writer, gloria is an excellent compliment to spence and helps bring him out of his shell in an organic way without sacrificing the true nature of his character for the ship itself. plus he really loves her. a lot. it's cute.
here's the thing, spence's age ranges anywhere from 22-38 on the blog, depending on the season. (22/23 being pre-show, then following the seasons.) i'd say i'm safely not wildly into anyone whose like 3 years younger than spence at any given time, and i'm really not interested in writing ships with spence pre-bau (so nothing 22/23.) i tend to operate with spence at like 30-35 primarily, so i'd say nobody below like 27?
that being said ... age gaps are subjective to the ages of the people involved. i don't want to write 38 y/o spence with a 25 y/o, that's ick to me. likewise, i don't want to write 28 y/o spence with a 45 y/o muse. i know these gaps exist irl but i'm just not interested in exploring them. his characterization suggest spence is attracted to women more around his own age-range.
so reid isn't ... the most sexually experienced person. i've spoken that he's, canon ... maybe had sex twice in his life. it's not hard to fluster him, but he's also not very good with social cues. it depends entirely on the mood and context of the thread because sometimes something as simple as kissing can be nsfw depending on the exposition and entire scene being set. but a typical rule of thumb for me is ... if they're getting naked and the connotation is sexual, it's probably good to consider it nsfw. but you can also be pretty sexual with your clothes on so ... context matters. especially with reid.
yes and no. all i really want is to have chemistry between muses && writing chemistry with the mun. we don't need to be besties irl ( and honestly these days i'm really wary becoming pals with people ooc ) but if our writing styles don't match or if i have a hard time staying mentally in the moment when i reply to you, it's going to be hard for me to ship with your muse. and that's nothing against anyone or a commentary on anyone's writing ... sometimes people's writing styles just don't jive and that's ok.
but also our muses have to have some sort of chemistry. especially someone like reid, who requires a bit of an emotional connection ( a lot of an emotional connection ) before he'll consider anything romantic or sexual.
aside from gloria (@medicbled) i definitely ship him with evie's sharon (@thirt13n). we've chatted some about the dynamic there and it's super cute + they riff well off of one-another. she's very intelligent and patient with him and he certainly gets flustered around her in non-work settings because of that. but his comfort with and around her is pretty flawless because of her dedication to work and intelligence.
i'd also say mari's melissa (@stingslikeabee). melissa is a very shamelessly sensual woman who is very in-touch with her sexuality and it's a nice contrast to reid. she absolutely flabbergasts him and tongue-ties him which is cute, and it puts a fun spin on the conventional dynamics between man/woman relationships.
and that's the fun part with ships with reid, i think, is that he tends to take a more passive ( but not submissive ) role in the relationship because of his social anxieties, or generally being socially unaware, but is also very shamelessly in tune with feeling and expressing his emotions. so it's fun to see how he plays off of these absolutely strong and fierce women because they bring out a more confident spencer.
that being said, i am ... always open to more ships. i love them, and ships are a very fun way to explore nuances and developments in a muse.
for the sake of being clear that we're on the same page, i'd say yes. there's a strong chance i can see a ship happening / working in some fashion. if there's chemistry between muses, if the plot makes sense, and if there's equal interest then i'm probably down to try it out.
that being said, i'm not picky. as stated above - if i can see it happening, i'm willing to try it out.
i obsess over ships i know have substantial growth for both parties and have equal interest from the writing partner. i think the reason i feature frigga so much ( aside from the fact that i love her ) is that she fundamentally understands spence in a way where i trust her to assume actions / thoughts about him because she knows his character and motivations. so it's really easy to hyperfocus them because i trust frigga, her writing, and know gloria relatively well ( or so i'd like to think .)
otherwise, while ships are really fun ways to develop a muse, it's not necessary. as a whole i'd say i'm ship more-or-less, but it's situational.
again, per CM canon i'm a big fan of reid and maeve. they were really sweet, and i think they really complimented one-another. i wish we got to see more of it.
send in a meme. ask. express interest in spencer as a muse and character and interest in developing YOUR muse with me in that vein. i'm not gonna hold you - while spence is an expert at reading behavior and intention, i am not. just tell me if you feel it and we can go from there.
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The Grishaverse Ship Survey Results
So! After all of that, we finally have the results! What is the general opinion on the ships in the Grishaverse? Well, that’s for you to read below! It’s actually pretty interesting and, while some parts make sense, there were definitely some parts which... surprised me... Anyway, onto the results!
Everything in this post can be split into:
The Grisha Trilogy
Six Of Crows Duology
The Nikolai Series
Shadow and Bone: TV Series
Most Enjoyed Ships
Least Enjoyed Ships
Crack Ships and Shipping Discourse
Notes from the Survey 
(note from mod emily: i tried to bold all of fritz’ comments, but i might have missed a few! be aware there are two of us analysing here :))
The Grisha Trilogy
The first book series we asked about was, of course, the first chronologically: the Grisha Trilogy. The most popular ship, with 83% voters for this series selecting this, was Genya/David (Fritz was glad to hear that; Yes I am). This is likely due to the lack of alternate romantic interests in the series, which seems to be a major issue for Alina’s ships. It also seems to be one genuinely enjoyed by most fans, in contrast to Darkling/Alina and Mal/Alina (each around 30%) and Nikolai/Alina (just under 20%), for which I have definitely seen plenty of debate. The second and third most popular ships for this series were Tamar/Nadia (55%) and Nikolai/Zoya (47%). Interestingly, Genya/Alina (43%) and Zoya/Alina (30%) ranked surprisingly high, especially considering how few of my friends and associates I hear talking about them. Good for them!
Honourable mentions:
Alina/Sun (no doubt inspired by that crack fic I wrote a while back) (Still havent read that out of fear)
Alina alone (a common concept among those surveyed, though most mentioned it later)
Zoya/Genya or Alina/Zoya/Genya
Six Of Crows Duology
This series was a little less divided, I would say. Predictably, Kaz/Inej came out on top with a whopping 96% of voters (:relieved:), with Wylan/Jesper next (90%) and Nina/Matthias just after (83%). None of the others really came close, despite Nina/Inej gathering 35% of the votes and Colm/Aditi at 25% (yeah, I’m not sure why that was so popular on AO3 either, but nobody really has objections so I assume that’s why it amassed so many votes). As Six of Crows is decidedly less divisive about ships and doesn’t have such controversial ships (more on that later), it seems the fandom agrees with canon pairings and the votes are... pretty unanimous.
Honourable Mentions:
Polycrows (platonic or romantic)
Whoever didn’t read the instruction about this being for only the book series and put Jesper/Milo. I will never escape. 
The Nikolai Series
This one is a little harder for me because I actually haven’t read this... so over to Fritz for analysis! But first, the stats. At 85%, the most popular ship is Genya/David, followed by Zoya/Nikolai at 77%. Tamar/Nadia and Nina/Hanne draw at 61.5% and Nina/Matthias has 56% voters onboard. There’s no real honourable mentions for this one, sadly. Hello Fritz here! Read the books and very glad to see Genya/David as the top ship as it damn well should. Although still a bit surprising since its more of a side-arc of the two and only ties in with the importance of the story at a specific chapter that I feel like I don’t need to elaborate about, if you read Rule of Wolves. (I believe the popularity of the ship also sky-rocketed due to ROW) Following of course Zoya/Nikolai, the high ranking makes sense, it is the main ship and lets be honest they deserve it <3
I think the only really surprising thing about this is the high votes for Nina/Matthias since [SPOILERS CROOKED KINGDOM] he’s dead so I feel like people should move on from that. Nina/“Hanne” having not as high a ranking as I would’ve thought, but with Matthias still being in the frame I guess we shouldn’t be surprised either.
Shadow and Bone: TV Series
This one is really interesting, with the exclusive show watchers now taking part! We have 89% voting for Kaz/Inej, 76% for David/Genya, 71% for Matthias/Nina, 67% for Ivan/Fedyor (that’s a thing???-->Yeah they had a few somewhat sweet interactions in the background-->nvm i watched it you’re right fritz) and 62% for Mal/Alina. What’s really surprising is how high Malina is compared to Darklina, with Darkling/Alina at 36%. Who knows, maybe Fritz’ analysis can shed some light on this?
Yes yes Fritz to the rescue: First of all we have to see their interactions a little different from what we already knew of them by the end of episode 8. I still think it is a surprising number, since the Darkling in the show isn’t as nasty as he was in the books BUT over all his actions are now seen on TV. We all thought the deer antlers were a necklace amirite? Well no apparently not, the darkling used the worst kind of small science to fit Alinas collarbone to the bone and out comes a gruesome sight: a reason why many people might have started thinking: Wow what a disgusting person he is. And on the Malina “ship”: Mal finally has personality!! jkjk :eyes: Mals and Alinas friendship has been portrayed way better in the show and I believe that the people noticed more chemistry between them especially by the end of season 1. So I’m still a little surprised Darklina has such a low ranking (what with him being all sweet and cuddly in the middle of the show) but it makes sense and the Malina ship as well. Their vibes are just *chefs kiss* and thats coming from someone who didnt even like any of these “ships” <3
Loving the quotation marks for the word ‘ships’, Fritz. Over to the honourable mentions!
Honourable Mentions:
Jesper and Milo (isn’t milo a goat? guys, why?)
Nadia/Marie (huh that didn’t appear anywhere else)
One person had several - Kaz/Inej/Jesper, Dubrov/Mikhael, Dubrov/Mikhael/Mal - and yeah, you can really see the show differences in these mentions right? (whose dubrov...and whose mikhael...)
16% actually voted for Inej/Alina which is wild to me because of book context (they did have chemistry in the show tho :cowboi_smirk:)
Another person with several! We have Nina/Inej, Genya/Alina, Zoya/Alina, Zoya/Genya/Alina. Very sapphic. Good for you.
Kaz/Jesper and Nina/Inej all in one
That’s a lot of honour and mentions but it’s so interesting to me and I think you should see too
Most Enjoyed Ships
The most enjoyed ship was Kaz/Inej. This had unparalleled support, being at 35%. Jesper/Wylan, which was next on the list (23.5%) and Nina/Matthias (18%) were also pretty popular. Most of the others were quite low, though interestingly Mal/Alina only had 1 vote (plus one for the show version). Overall, the SoC ships were a lot more popular in this section, which makes sense - this part is really about your favourite ship, and those were more unanimous in the last sections.
Least Enjoyed Ships
Most people said Darkling/Alina, which got 47% of the NOTP votes. A lot more people disliked Darkling/Alina than liked Kaz/Inej. Make of that what you will, but I take it as a somewhat general agreement among many of you guys. Mal/Alina was also strongly disliked at 22%, but around a half or more of these were clarified to be about the book version of the ship specifically. They really must’ve upgraded in the show! Jesper/Kuwei and any other Darkling ships were also voted by a few, but all of these pale in comparison to the anti-Darklina votes. Shoutout to the person who said Apparat/Anyone. I agree, though it’s not something I thought of before seeing this response. Also one person said they didn’t like the poly ships, which I hope meant just the ones mentioned earlier and not all poly relationships in general... Another shoutout to whoever said Kaz/Heleen, because why did I have to read that. A fun question, all in all!
Crack Ships and Shipping Discourse
I love talking about crack ships, so let’s start with that! This time, I really don’t want to have to count and list because... well, let me show you:
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I think that sums up the sheer variety, to be honest. Then again, it would be rude not to mention that the most popular were Jesper/Milo, Darkling/Nikolai and Alina/Sun. (If you’re still confused about that last one, I take full responsibility.)
Honourable mention to this:
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which was a lot to take in, and:
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Now for the discourse. Yep, the part you probably came for. 
Actually... maybe you didn’t? Looking at all of these responses, I see a lot of people genuinely don’t care about ship wars and so on, and often enjoyed the books regardless of the romances involved. Quite a few disapproved of the ongoing (though small) wars between Darklina and Malina, and others had a similar line of thinking, saying we should maybe stop focusing so much on it. You guys are right. I know this is a ship survey, and the conclusions should not include that shipping isn’t as important as we make it (Yes it should), but... that’s where it’s at.
And then again, a lot of you guys expressed disapproval for Darkling/Alina, discussing how it is often one-sided and manipulative and overall unhealthy, so I could be completely off with that last one. Some people mentioned that they ship this but as a slightly different version that the one given to us, recognising the flaws of the canon ship.
Someone said they headcanon Tolya as aroace (OMG YES!!). We need more aroace characters, so thank you for that headcanon :) We also have a few gay ships mentioned here, and one person telling us they love Malina. Yes, you’re right - it’s pretty unpopular, it turns out. Someone else said Alina should’ve been single, and I agree, actually!
One person rickrolled me here. Thankfully, Youtube’s ads saved me. *wipes forehead*
I leave you all with this, in the end:
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Notes from the Survey
Statistics Stuff:
The top ships were taken from AO3, so some ships may be more focused on in other books and may not provide accurate statistics for an earlier series.
The main circles this was sent around may have had bias as most people are from the same discord server, which has debated these topics in the past. Hence certain ships may have lower-than-average results. In future, this could be improved upon by sending this to other servers and areas of the fandom.
Personal bias may be present in the analysis, though I have tried to minimise this in the more formal sections.
Observations and Notes from Me:
You guys really don’t like Darklina. Or you love it. Usually one or the other. Wow.
Be glad I didn’t talk about any of the cursed ships in this. The things I have seen... (:cowboi_eyes:)
I thought more people would rickroll me, ngl.
What Surprised You Guys:
A few of you guys saw some of those cursed ships, and that surprised you. Well, me too!
Nikolai ships being in the TV Show section at all, what with his character not being in the show (yeah what was up with that huh tztz)
The existence of The Severed Moon
How fun the quiz was :D
Things You Sent Me:
Bee Movie copypasta
“Nobody expects The Spanish Inquisition!”, except via an AO3 link
A fun fact about enzymes! I liked this one
Fic recs for Feriku and Sarai (esp for Wylan/Jesper shippers)
Another rickroll
Nice compliments :) aww you guys
I asked everyone for some kind of placeholder name and never used it. Sorry! But hey, anonymity, right?
Closing Statements
If you got this far (I feel like ive been sitting here for hours), thanks for reading! This was fun to do and I hope you enjoyed all of this too! The survey is still open for anyone who hasn’t done it but wants to. If I get a huge amount of new responses, I might update this post! But for now, adios!
-mod emily (and mod fritz)
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taehyung-rambles · 3 years
My Top 3 BTS Outfits in Each Era (Up to Permission to Dance)
Disclaimer: These pictures are hella grainy because I used the wrong edit and only realized after I’d done like 10 eras. Plus it’s hella hard to catch a shot of the boys during the MV when they’re not moving.
Okay, so I don’t know why I wanted to do this. That’s a lie; there’s a very specific outfit that made me want to do this, so look out for that one if you want to know why I’ve decided to dedicate myself to this terribly long and arduous post.
This post is what it sounds like. One thing I’m gonna say before we get going is that I skipped the Make It Right era because the boys didn’t actually film anything for it (it was just a stage mix); ergo, I’d be ranking the outfits they had for the Love Yourself Tour, not the outfits that were selected for them for that particular song. So, I figured it’d be pointless to be like, “Oh, you see this outfit that Jimin wears for these four songs on tour that he happens to wear in the Make It Right stage mix? I like it.”
This isn’t based on my bias or the members themselves at all; it’s literally which outfits I liked the best.
That means that there are eras where there’s two of one member plus one other member in my top three since the boys usually have at least two outfits. Actually, there’s one era that only has three outfits from one member in it because that member was styled really well for that era.
I will be, like, talking about the outfits through the members’ names, though, because... how else am I supposed to do it? “Yes, so IDOL outfit #9 was really cool”? Not gonna work.
Some of the representations of the members’ outfits aren’t actually that good because I literally could not take a full-body screenshot of them since they were always moving.
As such, I’d advise you to actually go to the MV for outfits you wanted to see in full.
I didn’t use any promotional shots, behind the scenes MV shootings, or outfits from secondary versions of the MVs (with one exception I’ll talk about later)--such as the Manifesto Film for ON or the Japanese version MVs--because I wanted to pull them all from the main MVs. Plus, there was always the chance that the outfit I liked wasn’t shown in the behind the scenes shooting or didn’t have a promotional shot taken of it, and I wanted all the pictures to be taken from the same place.
So, you should prepare for some funny faces from the boys because some of these screenshots are questionable for the sake of capturing the outfit.
I’ll probably talk about their hair if I feel like I need to because it’s so good that’s it’s almost like a part of the outfit; that’s gonna be rare, though.
Disclaimer #2: I do not have any real knowledge about fashion, so I’m just here to say, “Wow. Don’t they look so good?”
Disclaimer #3: I sincerely apologize to the boys for all the ridiculous faces that are to follow.
No More Dream
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Boy oh boy, was this era hard to decide on. BTS’s early MVs had a certain mood to them, you know? And that meant there outfits weren’t always amazing. However, I did my best to understand the concept of putting the boys in over-the-top outfits to sell the genre of music and image brand they were going for; that being said, I did end up picking the most basic outfits from the No More Dream era.
Taehyung: I mean, it’s a basic outfit, you know? I’m a sucker for all-black outfits--though the all-black wardrobe in the No More Dream MV was not exactly my flavor of fashion--and Taehyung in a leather jacket is always gonna be awesome.
Jin: Jin’s arms said wassup, you know? That’s not really why I picked this outfit for my top three, though; it was mostly because I liked the shirt they put Jin in, and the accent with the bandana on his pants was nice.
Jungkook: So, the print on Jungkook’s pants was used for all members in one way or another--like, for instance, Taehyung had a T-shirt with it--but I like the print being on the pants Jungkook has on. Also, the style of his pants is a style I love; I have no idea what style they’re in, but the loose fabric at the top is nice. Also, his high-tops (or boots?) are a nice contrast to the rest of black in his outfit.
We Are Bulletproof Pt.2
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Talk about another era of questionable fashion. It’s not really the style of clothes they were wearing or which pieces they’re wearing because I know BigHit did the best it could with the money it had at the time; I mostly don’t like the early eras’ stylings because there was a lot going on. Like, you got the leggings under the shorts, knee socks, shirts tied around waists, etc. They’re doing the most, and I don’t really vibe with it. Not that layering is bad because BTS has outfits that are layered later, obviously, and some of those are really nice. I think it’s just awkward to look at when it’s a bunch of sportswear. Anyway, that’s not what this is about.
Jimin: I know Jimin’s got eels or fish on his shorts. I didn’t realize until I look at Taehyung’s T-shirt and realized that he was also wearing the same print. However, Jimin’s shorts being gold looks nice between his black socks and shirt. I can’t explain why. Because pants are usually the darker color in outfits, so the fact that it’s inverted is interesting? Maybe I like the eels after all? Who can say?
Jungkook #2: I’ve no idea what’s going on with Jungkook’s outfit in the middle photo, but the print on his shorts in nice. I mean, I like that he’s got red accents throughout the entire outfit because it’s less gaudy than the gold accents on the boys’ other set of outfits for this MV. Other than that, I just like it better than the rest of the outfits (besides my number one, obviously).
Jungkook #1: No, there is not a full-body shot of this outfit in the MV, and yes, I’m still listing it as my number one. Is this partially because I didn’t like any of the other outfits? Maybe. But, I also really like the print on Jungkook’s--what I’m going to tentatively call--shoulder-pad-jacket. Like, the sports uniforms were a little dumb, but I like that Jungkook’s was a bit more fancy, if you will, than just a jersey. Even if I can only see the top half of it.
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Now we’re getting into some fashion, kids. I mean, the N.O concepts weren’t the best, but it’s better than fish-shorts, you know? Throughout doing this project, I realized that the boys have done the all-white thing a few times--like in Black Swan, Boy With Luv, and Film out, to name a few--and I really like it. Just like in N.O, it’s always a really nice contrast with, either the music, or the members’ images or both. The white clothes make everything seem softer, but then you put a song like N.O on top of it or an image like attractiveness-can-kill Kim Taehyung, and it offsets everything in a really interesting way.
Taehyung: I mean, honestly, I didn’t know what outfit to put in this spot, but I like Taehyung’s shirt, so here we are. The texture on it is nice, actually, because the boys were mostly wearing stuff on top of plain white hoodies or shirts, so Taehyung having a shirt with a bit of visual to it was good.
Jungkook: I don’t know; I like casual clothes, okay? It’s a baggie hoodie, sweatpants, and some chains, but I like the look a lot. Don’t @ me--not that this is a controversial opinion. Maybe I’m influenced by the choreography or something, but I liked this particular Jungkook outfit in N.O.
Yoongi: Can I say Yoongi looks a bit like a ‘90s rapper or is that inaccurate? Yoongi’s got the curly, red hair with a bandana in it, y’all. That shit’s wild. And he’s got a fluffy, white vest. Legit, his outfit says, “I’m cute,” but his expression and rap verse say, “Sit the fuck down,” you know what I mean? That’s the type of shit I’m here for.
Boy In Luv
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This era was difficult to decide on, as you can imagine, because they were all in school uniforms with very tiny differences in between them. I think, because of that, this era was a little bit about how each member looked in their outfit for the MV because I didn’t have much to go on.
Jimin: You can’t see it in the picture I was able to get, but he’s got little metal pieces on the collar of his shirt, which is also a black collar, and both of those little details are cool. That’s literally it all I have to say.
J-Hope: Hobi was in all-black, y’all, so I wanted to include him. Would you like to know why his picture is so terrible? There were zero full-body shots of him during his rap verse. Why? So difficult it was to get a shot of Hobi looking fine as hell in this uniform.
Namjoon: I think one other member had a plaid shirt under their button down--Jin, I think--but the pattern of Namjoon’s plaid shirt was the one I liked the best. It’s a really nice pop to the black-and-white the other guys had.
Just one day
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This MV was so difficult to find good shots for, let me tell you. Take a shot every time I say that from now on if you want to, you know, poison yourself. Anyway, the outfits for this era were pretty simple. The boys also had school uniform-esque outfits, but they were all the same, so I didn’t include them. At least, they were close enough to the same that I didn’t like any of them individually.
Jimin: When I tell you Jimin only has close-up shots in this MV--I digress. You can’t really tell with the picture I was able to get, but the patches on his pants looked really cool, to me. He also had a long, baggy shirt on on top of the tight pants, so the entire outfit ended up looking really nice.
Jungkook: I don’t really know how to explain this one. I just like the look of it. Jungkook looks like a ballet dancer, you know? I like the asymmetrical sections of his shirt, I like the leather pants, I like the neckline; it’s a good outfit, simple though it is.
Yoongi: This is a boyfriend look if I’ve ever seen one. I’m also a sucker for denim jackets, so that’s part of the reason I liked this outfit on Yoongi. Also, the layering of the jacket, hoodie, and shirt is a combo that can rarely ever go wrong. This is another neutral-toned MV in terms of the outfits, so I like the bit of blue from Yoongi’s jacket, as well.
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This is the first BTS era in which everyone’s outfits killed, and I had a difficult time picking out which ones I liked the best. These outfits definitely fit the Dark & Wild concept well, and I think each member was styled amazingly for this MV.
Taehyung: There is a strong part of me that loves Taehyung in this ballcap. I also love the leather accents on his blazer and the fact that he’s got a white shirt on for that bit of contrast. I don’t know; the entire visual for Taehyung in this outfit was working. 
Jimin: Isn’t Jimin’s shirt so cool? It’s, like, kind of a stiff material, so when he dances, it looks really cool. Plus, the button down and chain he has underneath it are such cool little accents. It almost looks like he’s wearing a turtleneck from a distance because the button down is buttoned all the way up, and I like that vibe.
Jungkook: I don’t know how to explain the emotional attachment I have to Jungkook’s outfit in the Danger MV. The plaid shirt around his waist, the denim jacket, the dark and ripped jeans; I mean, please. This is an iconic MV look, and you can quote me on that. Legit, this would be in the catalog of “Jungkook’s most iconic looks,” for me.
War of Hormone
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Can I talk about how cool the concept was for the War of Hormone era? Like, the punk look was such a good choice. It made them look like British teenagers from the 80s, but I’m not mad at that. Also, the mussed hair? What a look these guys had during this era. I don’t think there’s a whole lot of BTS eras that kind of come with their own predetermined fashion themes like War of Hormone came with the punk one. You got Dynamite with the 70s theme and Dope with the costumes theme, but that’s kind of it. The rest of the time, the boys kind of just match while the outfits compliment the song, rather than the outfits embodying the song. So, War of Hormone is a special era because of that.
Jungkook: These stripped sweaters and skinny scarves were such a fad for me when I was in elementary school, but somehow Jungkook makes it seem actually cool. Plus, he’s got all those holes in his sweater that make it look all grungy, and it’s so fun that that’s how they decided to add a focal piece to his outfit.
Taehyung: I wasn’t initially thinking Taehyung would be on this list since the other members have louder outfits than just a leather jacket, but Taehyung’s outfit is so cool. It’s got the print on the back of the jacket plus the buttons on the front that really sell the punk vibe, but he’s also got pinstriped pants, y’all. What a combo.
Namjoon: I don’t like to say “daddy,” but this outfit on Namjoon is, you know? I mean, it’s just a really nice suit in the first place. You got your little pocket square, really nice lines, gorgeous pinstripes; plus, Namjoon’s got that white shirt under it instead of a button down. It all works really nicely, and the overall outfit stuck out to me right away when I was looking at this MV.
I Need U
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It was so difficult trying to grab the outfits for I Need U and RUN because they’re basically short films, which meant there was no choreo I could pause during to get a full body shot or cuts of the boys singing their solos. However, I managed to grab these three, so let’s get it.
Yoongi: It’s simple, I know, but I like simple sometimes. I think it’s mostly the jeans that made me choose this Yoongi outfit in I Need U because the shirt was plain white, and the jeans being ripped an rolled was just enough diversity to make me love the outfit. Plus, Yoongi’s shirt is tucked in, so it’s a nice vibe.
Taehyung #2: The outfit in the middle photo is kind of a weird outfit, to me. I think it’s because the jack and the pants are the same material, but in any case, I like it a lot because it looks strange but simple at the same time. The outfits in I Need U were a little geeky, if I can say that, which is totally fine, but I just ended up liking Taehyung’s the best because of the fit of the outfit and the material.
Taehyung #1: It’s that jacket-hoodie-shirt combo again. It’s also all black; it’s also got a leather jacket. It’s the stuff I love, and it’s all on Taehyung, who I love. I mean, there’s also the factor of him wearing the hood up to mimic the dark tone of the MV and song, so all of that contributed to me liking this outfit a lot.
For You
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I didn’t expect to like the outfits in the For You MV all that much since it’s a bit of a basic song, but I thought a lot of the pieces were really beautiful. Jungkook had a nice outfit during the choreo, Jin had a nice outfit for the scene when he was washing cars; I mean, all the members had several really nice looks for this MV.
Namjoon: I was trying to decide between this and Jin’s denim jacket outfit, but I really like the dark wash on Namjoon’s jacket and jeans. Also, the jeans being rolled to expose the boots is something I also really liked. This is an aside, but doesn’t Namjoon fucking wear this shit? He looks hella good.
Yoongi: I really like the stark white of Yoongi’s jacket and pants against the black of his shirt. Plus, the shirt has a really gorgeous pattern on it, which is a big reason why I ended up choosing this outfit for my top three.
Taehyung: That jacket is so pretty, isn’t it? It’s not just the floral pattern of it, but the stripes underneath the floral pattern are so lovely against the white in the rest of Taehyung’s outfit. It makes Taehyung look older, too, which has nothing to do with the outfit, but I figured I’d mention it.
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Does anyone know why the concept for this MV was basically Halloween costumes? Was it because the song is about dudes who work hard for their dreams and they wanted the boys to be dressed like various kinds of employees? Anyway, it was a fun MV to look at.
J-Hope: I thought Hobi’s outfit was fitted very well, so I ended up choosing it mostly because of the cut and shape it had. However, the actual leather itself looked really cool, too, with the white and red accents.
Jimin: Like, all the boys wore the white-shirt-black-tie ensemble, but it was Jimin’s only look for the MV, and he wore it the best, so I had to put it down. This one is another case of it being kind of about the member, but sue me, okay? I stan this Jimin.
Jungkook: We all knew, didn’t we? I mean, the police officer’s uniform is iconic. The pants being tucked into the boots gives Jungkook such a nice silhouette, and the fit of the uniform did the same thing. Jungkook looked incredible in this era.
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This era gave me so many issues; you don’t understand. You see how shitty these pictures are, right? None of the members were still during this entire MV except for that one shot of Jungkook sitting on the floor; I mean, I guess that’s indicative of the song being called “RUN,” but ya know. Honestly, I really liked a lot of the outfits during the RUN era because all of them had so much character. It was really difficult to choose only three, so let me know in the replies which outfits you liked from this era.
Jin: A lot of my decisions are based on jackets, but you’re gonna have to bear with me on that one because it’s gonna continue. The picture sucks, but go to the MV and look at Jin’s jacket because it’s got such a nice pattern. It stood out a lot to me because it was different from the other members, and Jin doesn’t usually wear jackets like this.
Taehyung: You’re also gonna have to go check this one out for yourself, but I though the brown jacket and red flannel together looked really nice, especially on top of the dark jeans Taehyung was wearing. I mean, the sunglasses are a vibe, too, but that wasn’t really on my mind when making this decision.
Yoongi: I love this Yoongi outfit in the RUN MV. It had just enough going on to make it look interesting but not busy. The red-and-black striped shirt under the ripped, acid wash jacket provides such a nice contrast. Plus, Yoongi’s got moe sleeves here, which is adorable.
EPILOGUE: Young Forever
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This was sort of an awkward MV to do because it’s such a short song, but I got there in the end. The outfits weren’t terribly complex, so we won’t be here all that long, especially since all the members were wearing just about the same types of outfits in terms of color profile.
Yoongi: I like the pattern on Yoongi’s shirt a lot, and I like the little ribbons or whatever they are hanging from his sleeves. This isn’t a style I see on Yoongi that often, but regardless of who was wearing it, the outfit did it’s job because it looks awesome.
Taehyung: I really like the cut of Taehyung’s shirt. Like, the way it buttons looks really interesting, the lack of a collar looks cool, and he’s got a little ascot/scarf thing that has a nice pattern on it. Plus, the scarf was sitting underneath the neckline of the shirt, which was a cool detail.
Jungkook: So, Jungkook was the only member with color in his outfit? I know he’s the center of BTS, but it’s a bit weird? I’m not complaining, though, because the color of his shirt is gorgeous. The rosy-brown was such a nice pop of contrast against the grey background of the MV. It also tied in nicely with the warm tones at the end as the sun is setting.
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This was an era for outfits, y’all. They kind of a SoCal vibe going on in this MV, and all the members looked super cool. It was interesting to see their outfits shifting as the scenes changed, too. Like, when they were outside, they had outfits with more pops of interests, but when they were inside or when it was dark, they had slightly grungier outfits with more subdued patterns. Or, when they were just messing around and singing or shooting skits, they had goofier outfits on. Anyway, this MV is rad, and so are the outfits.
Taehyung #2: I just really love Taehyung’s jacket that he has on for the majority of this MV. On top of the black shirt and jeans, it became a nice focal piece. Taehyung’s jeans are ripped, too, and it provides some shape to Taehyung’s legs that’s super nice. I mean, all the members have knee rips, but in an all-black outfit, it looked awesome. Also, though you can’t see it in the picture, he has brown boots on, and it’s such a weird addition to a black-and-denim outfit, but somehow, it works really well.
Jungkook: It’s the cardigan for me, fam. It’s such a pretty piece; actually, that’s not all I love about Jungkook’s outfit in the middle picture because he has this band around his leg that stands out so much for some reason. I don’t even know what the band is or if it’s a part of the jeans or what, but it actually really does elevate the look.
Taehyung #1: This fit is it, y’all. First of all, the jacket is bomb; the color is stunning, and the fringe is so fun. The belt Taehyung’s wearing pops--at least to me--and the black jeans work really well with the jacket. And Taehyung’s boots plus the jeans? Please.
Save ME
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This was the most difficult MV to get screenshots for by far. This, War of Hormone, and Film out are the only MVs where the boys only have one outfit, right? Boy In Luv might, as well; I can’t remember. There’s probably more, but anyway. I’ll keep it a buck: I’m not gonna have a lot to say about Yoongi and Namjoon, but we’re gonna try our best.
Yoongi: The ripped jeans are nice, as always, and I love Yoongi’s boots, but other than that, this is just about me liking the type of outfit this is. I mean, having a long-sleeve tee under a T-shirt can be kind of lame, but when it’s a nearly all-black outfit with pops of light coming from the undershirt, it can look good.
Namjoon: I picked Namjoon’s outfit because the jacket he was wearing was fitting pretty tightly, and I thought it made his silhouette look really sharp. The ballcap did the same thing since Namjoon’s hair wasn’t out in the wind. Also, he’s got converse high-tops on--I think--and that’s always a vibe.
Taehyung: Taehyung’s outfit is the only outfit I freakin’ love from Save ME. He’s got the moe sleeves, guys, and it makes Taehyung look so soft. Plus, the sweater that’s on top of his long-sleeve tee is cut really nicely so the sleeves are really big and make Taehyung’s silhouette look really cool when he’s dancing. Also, red-haired Taehyung is an icon.
Blood Sweat & Tears
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So, I kind of both loved every single outfit in this MV and didn’t find any of them particularly stand out-ish. That’s probably because they were all awesome so none of them could be more awesome than another. Still, I came up with a list. Let me tell you, I was so mad that the suits the boys were wearing in the beginning were not shown that much in the MV because they were all gorgeous.
Jungkook #2: Which is why Jungkook’s face is covered because I could only get this shot of his suit since it’s basically invisible the rest of the time. How pretty is the print on it, though? The flowers are gorgeous on top of the black.
Yoongi: I really like light nude-colored fabric because anything you put on top of it looks a little bit lacy, and that’s what Yoongi’s blazer looked like in this MV. Plus, he’s got a choker, which looks really interesting since he’s wearing a suit.
Jungkook #1: It’s basically just the shirt that I really loved, but it’s got such a beautiful print on it, and it’s pale nude, and he has--I think--a velvet choker on. Plus, his shirt’s all flowy and nice. It doesn’t get better than this, kids.
Spring Day
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Is it just me, or were their outfits a little bit strange in Spring Day? Not a whole lot, but the winterwear they had on was really unique. Especially the heavily patterned sweaters a few of the members were wearing. Quirky is the word I want to use, but it’s not really quirky as much as it’s just a bit off center.
Yoongi: I honestly didn’t know what the third outfit should be, so Yoongi is kind of here because I liked the simplicity, and the pink of his sweater is a good pink and not that gross hot pink that never looks good. He’s also got rips in his jeans in a really weird spot, which is probably not that good for the winter, but it looks nice.
Namjoon: I can’t tell if Namjoon is wearing a white hoodie with an orange hood or if he’s wearing a long-sleeve sweater on top of an orange hoodie, but either way, he looks great. Also, the blazer on top is, like, kind of weird but also a vibe. It’s an outfit that doesn’t really match, but it doesn’t clash, so I guess you’d call that complimentary?
Jungkook: It’s a simple black-and-white outfit, but the specific pieces Jungkook was wearing were all really pretty. The stripes being concentrated in the middle of the sweater and the jacket having flecks of white that look like paint go together so well.
Not Today
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Everybody was poppin’ in this era, outfits and otherwise. I really like the red theme that colored everybody’s concepts, and it kind of makes me think of Not Today as a red song. Is that weird? Who knows? Anyway, this era was hard to choose from.
Namjoon: Namjoon looked like a king in this MV. He’s got purple hair that actually really pops against the rest of his outfit, and his pants being red is so fun. Also, the bleached out area of his button down shirt looks really awesome. Jungkook has a shirt like that in this MV, as well, but the stripes on Namjoon’s make the bleached spot stand out more.
Yoongi: The leather pants were a good choice because Yoongi looks awesome in them. The red detailing on them is also awesome, but the money piece is his jacket. What a nice color that jacket is, I tell you what. It stands out so much because of how vibrant it is, especially against Yoongi’s pitch-black hair.
Taehyung: This is one of those outfits that I’ve always loved, and now I get to talk about it. I cannot tell what is hanging from his hips, but the tie-dye look of it is fun; the shirt Taehyung is wearing is super weird, but I love it a lot. Also, Taehyung in a bandana always slaps. The jacket, though, is so cool. The pure white of it is already eye-catching, but the actual fit and shape of it is really unique, too.
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This era doesn’t have the outfit that made me want to make this post, but it did have the MV that made me want to make this post. I mean, we all know the DNA MV is vibey as hell, and the bright and bold colors and patterns in everybody’s outfits sold that theme really easily. This was another era that was difficult to choose from because I liked a lot of the individual pieces the members were wearing, but I didn’t like many outfits as whole packages.
Taehyung #2: Taehyung looks so elegant in this outfit, and I know it’s also because of his hair, but damn. I wanna say it makes him look rich, but that’d be stupid since, you know, he is rich. Again, it’s simple, but the silk, red shirt Taehyung’s wearing is stunning.
Yoongi: I don’t really know why I chose this outfit, but I still love it. Like, it’s just a jersey and a blue jacket, but the colors are coordinated really nicely, and the blue is a pretty blue. I don’t know; I just thought it was well put together.
Taehyung #1: I did not think Taehyung in sweats and a dress shirt was gonna end up being my favorite outfit in DNA, but here we are. The red-white-and-blue theme is all over the place in the DNA MV, but it doesn’t look too gaudy of a color combo in Taehyung’s outfit in the leftmost picture. He looks comfy and cute, and I like it a lot.
MIC Drop (Steve Aoki Remix)
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Is it okay to say that this MV has some of the best stylings for the boys in any MV? I mean, they all looked dope, no? It was so hard to get these screenshots, and I couldn’t even get the best ones in the world, but I really liked everyone’s outfits in this era since it was like sportswear but more swaggy.
Yoongi #2: This is a shitty screencap, but I couldn’t get a better one without Yoongi being three pixels. Anyway, the all white tracksuit is a vibe and half. Yoongi looks so damn cool. You can’t see it in the picture, but his sweatpants have black stripes on them that look awesome, and he’s got red shoes. Epic.
Yoongi #1: I hate camo, but this look is it, fam. The top half with the hoodie and the bandanas is enough, but I think Yoongi was also wearing a really long, black shirt underneath that hung the middle of his thighs, and it’s awesome against the black pants.
Taehyung: Taegi really was blessing us with the headbands in this era. This look is badass, periodt. The loose pants, the combat boots, the leather jacket with the orange lining, the Mastermind World hoodie--I mean, it’s a legendary look for Taehyung, no doubt.
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This era was a good era. Jimin’s hair looked like a tiger, Taehyung had a mullet, Jungkook had a jacket that made him look like a ruby; I mean, everyone looked amazing in the Fake LOVE era. I don’t have it in my list, but I do wanna talk about the ruby jacket Jungkook was wearing because, wow, was it pretty. That is all.
Taehyung #2: I don’t know why I like this outfit so much, but I think it’s because it’s weird? Like, it’s all neutral colors, which is why it’s not too much, but the leather straps are so strange. I love it, though, because it’s like Taehyung’s in a straitjacket, which was the point, I guess. Also, his shirt is a bit asymmetrical, so that’s fun.
Jungkook: I mean, this whole ensemble is iconic, to me. The jacket is so sporadically colored because it’s, like, tie-dyed but also sectioned off by color, so that’s awesome; then you got his ratty tee and the plaid shirt tied around his waist. And if that wasn’t enough to butter your bread (pun intended), JK’s got ripped jeans and blocky shoes, baby. What a combo.
Taehyung #1: How pretty is Taehyung’s shirt? It’s flowy and flowery and the colors are absolutely gorgeous. Taehyung’s jeans are also really interesting because they’ve got different shades of denim, little frays and rips, and striped details that make them look interesting. I guess it’s just a shirt and jeans, but the pieces are so beautiful.
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I take it back; this era was the worst era for getting screenshots. The pain I went through to get Taehyung in that suit and Jungkook in that hanbok was ridiculous. Anyway, as IDOL is a chaotic as fuck song, the outfits were equally chaotic, and all of them were kind of awesome in their own quirky ways. Like, even though Taehyung’s red-and-white outfit with the suspenders is ridiculous under normal circumstances, with Kim Taehyung and the IDOL MV together, it was somehow an awesome outfit. That’s basically how I felt about 90% of the outfits in the MV.
Yoongi: It’s just a really nice outfit. Is that enough? The color of his scarf is stunning, and he’s got a pretty turquoise shirt that you can see beneath the hemline of his white shirt, and both of those add nice pops of color to an otherwise neutral set of outfits the boys had during these shots.
Jungkook: Jungkook’s hanbok is a revelation, for real. It was so hard to get a screen shot of it, and the one I have doesn’t do it justice at all. The faint red details in the jacket are so pretty, especially when they pop up here and there as Jungkook is dancing. Also, the dandelion print on the pants is beautiful. It’s all-black, so it can kind of look basic depending on the shot, but the accents of the hanbok are stunning when you see them.
Taehyung: Taehyung is the only member who’s suit pants did not match the jacket, and I do not know why, but it kind of looks better than the rest of the suits because of it? Like, Taehyung’s blazer pops more to me because his jacket is the only piece of print he has, and the print is gorgeous. There’s these orange sections on his dress shirt collar, too, that are fun. Also, can you see his shoes in the picture? They’re super cool looking, aren’t they? I’ve no idea what they’re called, but I like them a lot.
Airplane pt.2 - Japanese ver.
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The boys’ outfits were so fun in this era. I don’t know what style I should call it, but it’s like summer in Mexico, you know? Anyway, I thought all the members looked really unique in this MV because all the pieces were put together really well. Plus, everything was really sandy in tone, which felt like a solid representation of the song for whatever reason.
Jungkook: Is it the dark red jacket? Is it the weird red-and-brown striped shirt? Is it the white pants? It’s a lot about the white pants, actually. Regardless, I can’t explain why Jungkook’s outfit in the beginning of the MV is so nice to look at, but it is. Is it the--I think they are called--spectator shoes?
Taehyung #2: This looks like a plain outfit, I guess, because it’s almost all white, but the individual pieces are awesome. I can’t tell if Taehyung’s got a white cardigan over a white button down or if it’s the same shirt, but two of them; either way, the layered look came out really well. Also, the hat and the glasses straps are a mood. I think what made me love this outfit as a whole, though, are the pants because, I think they’re silk, and they’ve got blue dots all over them, which I apparently really like.
Taehyung #1: I don’t know why I think of Taehyung’s outfit in the leftmost picture as the outfit that represents this era, but I guess that’s why I like it so much. It’s hard to tell in the photo I have, but the lacy cardigan is so pretty. It almost has a glimmer to it because of the material, so that’s nice, but then there’s the scarf and the tan pants and the moccasin-like shoes, and--listen, this is a good fit, okay?
Boy With Luv
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If you’ve made it this far, congrats! You’ve found the only era in which I’ve chosen one member for all three outfits. We’ll talk about that in a minute, but Taehyung was styled so damn well for the Boy With Luv MV. I don’t know why they decided on two seperate styles for the boys that was all-pink and then all-white, but they looked so damn good. Like, their other two sets of outfits were just kind-of-retro-and-goofy randomness, but then they had such strong color themes as well. Whatever; it turned out amazingly.
Taehyung #3: I really couldn’t find a third outfit that I really like for the last slot, but I chose Taehyung’s outfit in the rightmost picture because the light denim, white dress shirt, and white detail on the jacket was simple yet interesting. I don’t know if that’s weird, but the little details like the cuffs of the jacket or the cropped jeans with the detail at the bottom made me love the outfit.
Taehyung #2: I thought I knew this was gonna be my number one, but I digress. I don’t know why the other members were basically just in sweats that looked like pajamas--besides Namjoon, who, for some reason, was in a suit and sweater--for the pink theme, but they put Taehyung in a gorgeous jacket that made him look like the dude that invented sex. Does that make sense? Anyway, the tone of pink for outfit, the tie-dye shirt, and the silk jacket are all iconic.
Taehyung #1: No, but Taehyung’s white suit is so stunning? I don’t think the material is silk, but whatever the name of it is that escapes me right now is gorgeous. It’s got, like, a sheen to it that’s really beautiful. And the fluffy sleeves? Please. They’re such a cool texture, and it makes Taehyung look so elegant. As an aside, they definitely darkened the blue of his hair for the shoot with the white suit, right? Because it looks like they did, and the blue his hair is in the leftmost picture is amazing.
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I mean, this era was basically just clothes the boys already wear rather than costumes for the MV, but I’m talking about it anyway. I guess the idea was for the outfits to be casual but colorful to mimic the message of Lights and the tone of the song.
Jungkook #2: This is yet another case in which I didn’t know what outfit to put in the third slot, so I said, “Hey, Jungkook’s pick jacket is nice,” and I arrived here. I mean, it is a nice jacket. Normally, I don’t like hot pink, but I think since Jungkook’s jeans are light and he’s wearing a light shirt, the jacket almost acts as a dark color and offsets the light pieces.
Jungkook #1: I mean, how do I talk about a simple outfit, you know? It just looks nice. He’s got a blue shirt underneath, so that’s a nice pop of color. I think I mostly like the shirt he has on over his tee because it’s pinstriped, and I like pinstripes. That’s all I got, but I really do like the outfit.
Jimin: Can you say, “This is my favorite outfit because of the jacket?” Good. Genuinely, though, this is the nicest outfit, by far, in the Lights era. The way the color is printed on the black is super interesting because it’s like one long stripe, but the stripe is a bit of a gradient with the black from the rest of the jacket creeping in. I don’t know; I like it more than I probably need to.
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We’re going with the main MV, kids, but let the record show that Taehyung’s outfit in the Manifesto Film was bomb as fuck. Actually, they were all bomb as fuck. Anyway, I guess this MV was going for a peasant vibe? I don’t mean that in a rude way, but it’s supposed to be about people fighting their fears, right? So, it makes sense that the concept would be about scruffy characters that stand up and fight. So, yeah; a chic peasant vibe.
Jimin: You can’t at all see it in the picture I have, but the reason I chose Jimin’s outfit is because it has some synching in down the front that looks really cool. I don’t want to say that made my decision, but that one detail turned it from a basic outfit to something that looked a bit more elevated. I mean, it’s the same thing with the boots and the fact that the jacket on top is cropped. Little details matter to me.
J-Hope: It’s a basic outfit, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t cool. I think part of the reason I love it so much is because it’s dirty. Is that weird? It’s an outfit that reminds me of scuffed boots because it’s black but a little mussed. Anyway, the overall affect was awesome.
Taehyung: I think this goes down as an iconic Taehyung look, for me. It’s such a good costume. There were a lot of browns in this MV, so--much like with Hobi’s outfit--the charcoal of Taehyung’s pants stood out a lot to me. He’s also got this grey-white combat boots that stick out so much when they’re on camera. Mostly, though, it’s the vest and shirt that got me wild. The vest is such a nice color, but it’s got that ragged feel, the shirt is ratty and antique looking, and the entire ensemble is a win from head to toe. Including the thorns on Taehyung’s neck because, holy shit, are those the coolest additions to any concept in any BTS era.
Black Swan
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I tried so hard to capture these outfits, but you really do need to go look at them yourself to understand how pretty they are. Black Swan has kind of a simple MV if you think about it, but honestly, the wardrobe brings so much life and character to it. In the same way I Need U has the shorts stories in it and IDOL has all the CGI in it, I really think the magic from the Black Swan era has a lot to do with the outfits. Especially considering how well the wardrobe looked in conjunction with the choreography.
Yoongi: This was almost another entirely Taehyung era with Taehyung second all-black outfit, but Yoongi really had a stunning concept for his black swan ensemble. I really love that they put him in boots, and his slacks are really pretty, but the shirt they styled him in is such a good piece. It’s entirely black, but it’s still striped, and the contrast in it is so beautiful to look at.
Taehyung #2: So, Taehyung had the most black showing in his white swan outfit, and I don’t know if that’s because Taehyung was supposed to seem like the member that would transform the fastest or what, but I loved his suit a lot. The jacket is super asymmetrical, as you can see in the photo, and it looks gorgeous during the choreo. Also, underneath his black vest, he’s got this sheer turtleneck that looks absolutely beautiful when you see it up close. Plus, the feather detail on Taehyung’s necklace is really pretty, too.
Taehyung #1: Please go look at the suit in the leftmost picture in the MV because it is stunning. I don’t know anything about who designed it or who put Taehyung in it, but it’s crazy beautiful. Like, his shirt is velvet, I think, which is already an interesting textural piece, but then the suit itself has detail work everywhere. The base material has a sheen to it, but then there’s patches that are glittery and gorgeous, as well, and when the light hits them, they’re so, so pretty. I love, love, love this suit.
Stay Gold
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This is another era that’s kind of full of typical outfits, but they’ve got some interesting pieces going on that make the wardrobe for Stay Gold stand out more than in Lights or RUN, for example. Because the MV moves from inside to outside, their main outfits look different in each area since you see them in cool-toned scenes and then warm-toned scenes, which is pretty fun.
J-Hope: I’m sorry these photos show, like, nothing, but let me tell about Hobi’s outfit. So, initially, there’s a blue cardigan on top of Hobi’s other two shirts, and that’s not a piece we need to concern ourselves with. The button down Hobi is wearing is blue primarily but the fabric is plaid at the bottom of one of the sleeves and the shirt, which looks awesome. Plus, his pants are kind of mossy looking, and I think they’re red, as well. I don’t know why that looks so cool to me, but there it is.
Yoongi: Yoongi’s just got a lot of nice layering going on. First of all, the boots are awesome. Secondly, the cut of his pants is really nice, especially since he’s got boots on. The baggy sweater he has on is nice, as well, because of the holes in it--I understand that’s weird--but the part that makes his outfit look awesome to me isn’t even in the photo I was able to get. Yoongi’s got a plaid shirt around his waist that’s, like, sand colored, and it compliments his boots so well. Basically, the outfit was built around the boots, and I vibe with it.
Taehyung: I mean, all Taehyung is wearing is a white shirt, and denim jacket, combat boots, and what I believe are black jeans, but it looks so nice because of the specific pieces they are. For instance, the denim jacket is a really stunning shade that I don’t feel like I see enough, and it worked really well with the black jeans. It’s a simple outfit, but I love it because of the solid elements.
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This was, without a doubt, the most interesting era of BTS’s wardrobe. Maybe you’d give that title to IDOL, DNA, or War of Hormone because those outfits were so song-specific, just like Dynamite, but the disco theme on these boys is a cultural reset. I think I can confidently say that, for me, the Dynamite era had the absolute best set of outfits as a whole. Every single era has had an outfit I don’t like, but every outfit in the Dynamite MV was fire.
Yoongi: I mean, look how cute he looks, you know? My man’s got a Space Jam jersey on for fuck’s sake; how can I not include this outfit? Real shit, though, the black and white sweatpants and shirt or whatever it is that Yoongi is wearing is so pretty. Like, the print on it is so pleasing to look at, and the cut and stitching of the top piece is super nice.
Jimin: I struggled between choosing this Jimin outfit and the denim outfit with the rainbow details, but I love Jimin’s bomber jacket so damn much. It looks like candy. Whether you think that’s weird or not is your business, but it’s colorful like candy, and it’s shiny like candy, so that’s what the outfit it. Also, he’s got those jeans on that you can tell are hella expensive because they look really nice, and I like those, too. Just as an aside.
Taehyung: This is the reason I’m making this post. This fucking green suit has lived in my mind rent free since I saw it. Whoever it was that put Taehyung in this suit deserves to rule the world because it’s such a focal piece. Legit, like, you put everyone else in loose shirts and denim, but you put Kim Taehyung in a green suit that makes him look like the richest man alive? How could it not be a focal piece? I could talk about Taehyung’s shoes, I could talk about the tan silk of the vest, I could talk about the striped tie, I could talk about Taehyung stunning blonde hair for this era that makes the outfit and the song even better for days. Just know this look is iconic, and it’s probably my favorite look on this list.
Life Goes On
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So, I cheated for this one, but I also kind of didn’t. None of these photos are from the main MV because I couldn’t get good photos of these outfits from the main MV; however, these outfits are actually shown in the main MV, so it’s not really cheating. I just went to the other MV versions to get better pictures of them. Anyway, what a comfy vibe they went for with Life Goes On; I love it a lot since the song is what it is. It’s nice to have MV outfits that represent the song so well and play into how you take in the music.
Yoongi: It’s the pastel cardigan, for me, fam. I mean, obviously, the entire outfit is nice, what with the light wash jeans and the white tee. It’s just that the cardigan adds an interesting piece to it to make it less basic.
Jimin: It’s kind of the same thing with Jimin. Well, Jimin’s also got a bear on his shirt, so that’s adorable. Honestly, the violent green of his sweater is both appealing and not appealing, in a way, but I think that’s why I like it so much. It’s fuzzy and has nice texture to it, as well. Jimin definitely looked the most comfy of all the members in this outfit.
Taehyung: Why I love Taehyung in tan-and-white pajamas, I couldn’t say. I think it’s because the pajamas are already nice and have a nice pattern on them, but then you put a cozy looking cardigan on top of them, and it makes it look even better. Or do I like it so much because the cardigan is a solid color where the pajamas have a pattern? Whatever; Taehyung looks cute. That is all.
Film out
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I’ll be honest: this era was hard to choose outfits from because everyone kind of looked the same since everything was almost entirely white sweaters and button downs. The outfits were all nice, it’s just that none of them stuck out that much. I mostly went for the outfits that looked the best as a whole rather than considering the individual pieces.
Jin: Jin looked the most unique out all the members; that’s for sure. I like that he’s wearing black pants, but I also really like the short-sleeve shirt he has on top of his white tee. Rather than it being a plain white outfit, the pants and the stripes made it look a bit more interesting.
Yoongi: Yoongi in a white suit always slaps. I don’t know; I like the suit because it’s not really a real suit. It’s a thinner fabric, so I guess it looks a bit more casual than a usual suit, and I like that a lot. Plus, Yoongi’s got some really pretty white shoes that he wears with it.
Taehyung: Of the sweaters and button downs in this MV, I liked Taehyung’s sweater the best. His is similar to Jungkook’s but Jungkook’s sweater was a bit darker, I think, and I like the shade of Taehyung’s. Plus, Taehyung’s got white shoes and white pants, which make the whole outfit look really beautiful. The textural difference between the pieces makes the difference, I think.
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So, the queen came out and broke records. She also gave me a Taejin goldmine. Y’all, it’s not like the other members aren’t flirty as hell in Butter, but Taejin were absolute other beings. Anyway, I think the boys had something like five outfits for this MV? Mostly suits, but there were two sets of outfits that were odd but also fun. Those ones, I didn’t love, but suits are hard to choose from. These three are the ones that really stuck out.
Taehyung #2: I think it’s the shirt. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what in the world is on it, but I like the texture. I liked JK’s suit in the beginning, too, but I think I liked the Taehyung’s lighter shirt a lot better. Otherwise, the two are close to the same. Oh, the sunglasses are a vibe, too.
Jin: Why has no one put Jin in yellow before now? Why did take a song about a yellow spread to put Jin in yellow? Honestly, of the yellow-detailed outfits at the end of the MV, I liked Jin’s the best because the yellow was used in a few, small places that popped rather than being too understated or overblown (no offense to Taehyung and Hobi’s yellow jackets). Like, Jin doesn’t have a tie, so it’s not blocking the shirt, the yellow stripes on his pants look so cool when he dances, and the pocket square is a nice detail. So, Jin looks good as fuck in this MV.
Taehyung #1: I was done for the second I saw Kim  Taehyung in a bright orange suit. Taehyung is always the one that gets the suits like this, isn’t he? I mean, he can work it, though. The nude tie was a really gorgeous detail, I thought, because it didn’t retract from the suit at all. I guess the same can be said about the shirt, too. I don’t know, I just really love the entire package of Taehyung’s outfit in the leftmost picture.
Permission to Dance
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This was such a cute little music video, and I thought the cowboy/Western theme was super fun since the boys have never done this concept before. I knew what my number one was gonna be from the teaser, but the last two were difficult to pick. I liked Yoongi’s outfit at the end of the MV, and I liked Jungkook’s outfit in the last frame (but there were no close-ups of it, unfortunately). Ultimately, I settled on what I did because I liked the details.
Jin: Sometimes I like simplicity, and Jin’s outfit was simple, but the gold paisley design on his pants--which are leather by the way; I know, absolutely criminal--is gorgeous. I also liked his boots a lot and the fact that his fringe was on his shirtfront pockets.
Taehyung #2: Initially, I had Namjoon’s first outfit in this list, but after watching the Permission to Dance MV way too many times, I ended really loving Taehyung’s all-red outfit. I liked the fringe on the legs, I like the fit of the slacks, I love the cut of the shirt, I love the way they styled this outfit, I like the boots, the accessories are awesome, and this outfit flatters Taehyung so damn much. Basically, even though it’s just red on red, it’s a damn good way to do red on red.
Taehyung #1: This fit is it, fam. It’s it on Taehyung specifically, and it’s it in general. Especially on Taehyung, though. That’s not what this is about. Anyway, the pieces of this outfit are really nice. The hat, surprisingly, fits this particular outfit really well. The denim wash on the shirt and the jeans look really nice together, and all the details--from the rips in the jeans to the bandana at the hips to the belt to the chain--were all things that made me think this outfit was awesome the moment I saw it. Not to mention the boots and accessories.
Alright, that’s it. I don’t know if you actually read this post or just looked at the photos (which, if you did the latter, I’m so sorry for the shitty screenshots.) If you have a favorite outfit, era, or set of outfits, let me know in the replies. And if you know the types of clothes these boys were wearing in any of these photos, I’d be interested in actually knowing what I’m talking about next time I talk about their clothes, so drop me some info. Anyway, thanks for reading!   
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iamyoursinblog · 4 years
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Pairing: Choi Youngjae x Reader
Genre: fluff smut
Word Count:  2,9 k
Summary: The annual masquerade ball, which was held for idols. You still could not believe that you miraculously managed to get an invitation to this ball. What will bring unexpected lucky?
You walked around a huge hall filled with laughter, talk and music. Everything was new to you. You didn’t know anyone here, or rather you knew everyone in this room, but nobody knew you. Although you started working at the  entertainment agency, you were only an intern. You straightened the mask, which hiding your face and went to the bar. The biggest plus of a masquerade is that you can be what you want - you just need to put on a mask. It was a closed party where everyone could relax. To get drunk and dance, to joke with each other, to sing, even to bathe in a huge fountain in dresses and suits. Today it was possible to do everything, without any consequences.
“The game will begin in 15 minutes,” the host announced. When you went in, for each person on wrist was tied a ribbon with a pendant, on which was a number, you got the lucky number 7. Closer to the end of the party, should be played a game. The host randomly selects the numbers of the guy and girl who become a couple. A race is organized in the maze. If a guy caught a girl before the end of time, then the girl fulfills the guy’s wish. If the girls managed to hide in the maze, then the guy fulfills the wish of the girl. They handed out cards to everyone, and you wrote “Kiss” in neat handwriting. You put the card in an envelope with your number and gave it to the staff. You smiled, in any case whoever you paired, you will win.
You took a few sips from your glass and walked closer to the middle. Everyone began to gather in a huge hall. The game started. The host continues to take out numbers from two black boxes, announcing pairs. The host got the next two numbers and laughed.
“The next pair is clearly meant for each other. Lady number 7, gentleman number 7.” Everyone around laughed and applauded such an accident, you didn’t even at first remember that you had number 7. You hurried to the stage, meeting your partner. He was a handsome guy in a gray mask, a black suit and a black shirt. You smiled, because even yours masks were the same color and in the same style. Maybe this is really fate. Stepping closer, you immediately recognized one of your favorites from GOT7. You greeted and moved to another room.
“It's nice to see new faces this evening,” he said when you were by yourselves.
“I so stood out, that you can immediately see that I'm here for the first time?” you got nervous
“In a good way, yes. You are like a breath of fresh air here, where all the faces are too familiar. Although I’m not sure that you recognized me.” He said and smiled
“You are Choi Youngjae from GOT7. It’s hard not to recognize you, even if your face would be completely covered, because of mole under your eye, person would definitely recognize you.” You laughed softly.
“Wow, I even didn’t think that someone recognized me so quickly. ”
“If you constantly look at a person, it does not matter how he is dressed, or how covered his face will be. Habits and voice don't change. "
“So it's means that you look at me all the time?” his smile widened. While you were talking, you went outside where the other couples were already.
“I will leave this question unanswered" you tried to hide your smile. Today your dream came true you with your bias and you talks as friends. Now you just have to win!
“You know my name, but I do not know yours. Is it fair, what is your name? ”
“Isn't a mask needed to hide your identity?”
"It's true." You stopped by the stairs that led to the maze. He bent down to you and you felt a hot breath on your neck “Then I will do everything to take off your mask today”
You did not have time to answer, just at that moment all the others came up, and the host began to explain the rules of the game. You could not concentrate, the words of Youngjae said in a low voice, flowed heat through your body, causing a thrill inside. He gave you a hand while you went down the stairs. Perhaps the atmosphere of the evening or the fact that the guy you really like was too close, your face shone with happiness. You haven’t felt so good for a long time. He was, as always, a sweet and polite guy with a wide smile. He squeezed your hand more tightly, intertwining your fingers together, when you swayed slightly. Someone ran by accidentally hitting you with his hand, because of which you lost balance. Youngjae caught you, tightly pressed to his body. He turned and cursed in trace of this man.
"Are you okay?"
“Yes, thanks,” you still hugged his neck tightly.
“It seems that you will find myself in my hands even earlier than I expected” his eyes darkened and his glance changed. Now he was completely different, your heart was swoon when he looked at you like that. You quickly leveled off and took a step back.
“I plan to win today! So I do not advise you to count on an easy victory, "you sent him a flirty look.
“Good luck. But no one except me knows this maze so well. But you sparked my interest, I hope the race will be exciting. I can’t wait ” his eyes burned with anticipation, while he took slow steps in your direction, and you stepped back.
You felt a trembling inside from a hidden challenge in his words. The game definitely promises to be fun. You came to yours entrance to the maze, and you went ahead, the girls were given ten minutes of head start. You started walking along the grass, but high heels did not allow you to move quickly. You got rid of your shoes and ran barefoot, wandering through the green corridors of the maze. You ran without looking back and hoped that you would not be caught in the first second. You were glad that there was soft grass under your feet that hid the sound of your footsteps. But it also meant that you could not hear the steps of Youngjae. A loud pop sounded, indicating that the guys went into the maze. Your heart beat faster and your speed increased. You continued to change directions. But it seems you yourself are already lost. Twenty minutes passed, you slowed down, carefully choosing your path. Each turn brought fear; it seemed that the children's game had grown into something more. You turned the corner and froze. At the end of a long corridor stood Youngjae.
His appearance was dangerous and sexual. He was without a mask. His shirt was unbuttoned on several buttons, exposing his skin, and his sleeves rolled up. He just stood there waiting for you to come into his hands. 25 minutes, that's how long it took you to get into his trap by yourself. Everything inside you shook. Turning back, you ran at full speed changing direction. You could hear his low laugh because of your escape. You wondered how dangerous a man he could be ... his image still stood in front of your eyes, causing heat in your body. Your skin was wet, and you had to collect hair fixing it with a hairpin. You continued to run hoping to hide in the dark branches. Another loud bang sounded and you jumped in surprise. There are ten minutes left before the game ends. Fear fettered your body when you heard a branch crunch nearby. You ran even faster hoping to run away from Youngjae, again...
You turned the corner and felt a tight grip on your hand. “Caught!!!” Your eyes widened when Youngjae covered your mouth with his hand and drowned out a scream. He pushed you forcefully against the green wall, pressing you completely with his body. You met his dark eyes with excitement, and his face was too close. You barely breathing, a mixture of fear and intense excitement enveloped your body. He sent you a cheeky smile and ran his free hand through his wet hair. He slowly lowered his hand which covered your mouth. "For a long time I did not feel such feelings. It usually ended in five minutes." He grinned. Even through several layers of the dress you could feel how hard on he was. He snuggled closer to you before retreating. It seems that only now you could take a breath. Your body was trembling. He took out a rocket launcher and shot up, showing that he won, and literally half a minute later sounded the final clap of the game ended.
You followed him slowly, while he without hesitation turned over and over. It took you a little over five minutes to get out. He really knew the maze. You were surprised when you found your shoes near the entrance. You put on shoes, and he picked up his mask from the grass again hiding his face and put his clothes in order. When you approached the general crowd, everyone congratulated you on winning, as the most persistent couple. You sat on a bench in the garden, your legs refused to walk anymore after such a run.
“Let's go,” he said, returning after receiving the prize.
"Where?" you asked at a loss
“We are the most persistent couple, dinner awaits us in an interesting place. Plus you lost, ”he smiled. You completely forgot about the wishes you wrote for the losers.
You got into a car that was already waiting for you in the parking lot.
“Today I saw you from a new perspective," you said breaking the silence
He laughed softly. “Good or bad?” He turned his whole body to you, meeting your gaze.
“The unexpected!” He reached out and ran his fingers through your hair, which made you slightly startled
"Are you afraid of me?" he asked in a whisper, leaning forward towards your face. Before you answered, he returned to the place and smiled broadly, showing the leaf that he took out of your hair.
You arrived at a country club, and you were given key cards from your rooms. “Your dinner will be held in the garden. I hope you enjoy it.” The driver bowed and sat back in the car.
“It seems we are stay here until the morning,” he said, taking off his mask. This thought made your heart beat faster.
“Apparently it is,” you raised your hand and looked at the key card. You looked at him and hesitated for a second whether it was worth taking off the mask or not. Although this no longer made sense, it would be foolish to dine while sitting in a masquerade mask. You pulled the ribbon and untied the mask.
“You are even prettier than I thought. Does that mean you finally say your name? ” You walked towards the garden to your table.
“I think it didn't make sense anymore.” you pointed to the mask. “My name is _______ "
“Nice to meet you,” he said, raising your hand and leaving a light kiss on it.
You had dinner, telling stories from your life, to get to know each other better. After the dessert, you took the wine and switched to a sofa in a circle of trees.
“I think it's time to move onto to reward,” you said
“You picked the right word,” he said with a grin. He pulled out an envelope with a blue seven and handed it to you. You opened it and pulled out a card that said “one wish”.
“Your wish is ‘one wish’?” you asked
“Of course, I don’t know who will be paired with me. Therefore, it is better to be able to make it up after graduation. Although every time it was something banal, more likely an obligatory formality than a wish"
‘And why didn’t you think about this before?’ You asked yourself mentally. "Good. You can make your banal wish" you smiled at him, but his look has changed.
“Who said that this time I’ll make something banal?” he ran his fingers over your face, removing a strand of hair behind ear “It can include your desire too” he took out a second envelope with a pink seven, and you seemed to stop breathing. “Judging by your reaction, you did not know that the winner gets both envelope" he laughed when your eyes widened. “You're brave enough to write something like this, not knowing who can get it,” he took out a card and showed you the written word “Kiss” by your handwriting.
“I really didn’t know that the winner receives both envelopes.” You were as red with embarrassment as your dress. How awkward it turned out.
He moved closer and pressed his lips to you. His taste was unbelievable, and from his masculine smell your head was spinning. You groaned when his arm hugged you around the waist, pulling you onto his lap. He continued to kiss you while his fingers led up on your leg under the dress. His fingers sank into your skin as he deepened the kiss. Your back arched as he ran along your panties and pressed the clit. He continued to rub your clit until his tongue captured your mouth. It all seemed unrealistic. He spread your thighs with his fingers, revealing the access to your pussy. You moved slightly on his lap and covered his bulging dick with your hand, running fingers on it.
“Fuck ...” he groaned, breaking the kiss. He stood up abruptly, raising you in his arms, and you were surprised at his strength. He lowered you to his feet and grabbing you by the wrist and headed toward the hotel. You almost had to run after his quick steps. Before entering, he quickly put on a masquerade mask, and you did the same. Several people rode with you in the elevator, but he continued to caress your bare back with his fingers, causing goosebumps. You took a side step, so that he would be behind you. You hid your hand behind your back and squeezed his hard flesh with your fingers. A flash of pain made your clit throb when he bit your shoulder to hide his moan. He squeezed your wrist with force, but did not remove your hand, you smiled, continuing to tease him. He practically ran out of the elevator when you arrived at your floor. A few people followed you, and you heard a growl while you walked quickly toward your door. Quickly opening the door, he will drag you inside. Having removed his mask, he threw it to the floor. He pushed you into the wall next to the door with force, taking all his excitement into a kiss. It was all-consuming. All you had to do was moan while he practically tore off your clothes in this narrow corridor near the front door.
“From the first second you entered the hall, I wanted to tear off this mask from you and fuck you in some hiden pantry. I had to make enough effort to find out your number and make us a couple," he said, taking off your mask.
"What?" your eyes widened at his words
"Coincidences are not coincident. Do not you think so?" he sent you a lecherous look.
“I ...” you couldn't keep talking when he put your nipple in his mouth. Now you didn’t care, you were absolutely happy with where you ended up and what you did.
He lifted your foot, and you rested against the wall opposite. He tore off your panties and forcefully pushed inside you. You screamed, and he covered your mouth with his palm. He continued to make hard jolts inside you. Your body burned from his passion. He moved his hand into your hair and squeezed it with force, forcing him to meet his eyes. “Say you wanted me as much as I did” he growled, amplifying the pushes.
“I wanted that you to fuck me, as hard as now, at the same moment as you caught me in the maze. I could hardly restrain myself from kissing you.” Confessed you
He laughed out loud “You can’t even imagine how much self-control I spent to pull away from you then” his laughter turned into moans when he accelerated the pace. The orgasm was getting closer with every push he made inside you. He covered your clit and fingering it. Your body broke into small pieces of an orgasm. After a few pushes he also hard cum, clutching your body in his arms.
You slide down to the floor, and you turned your head towards the room “The bed was not so far” you said, and you laughed together
“Then it seemed that at least one mile to it” he hugged you tight “And now it also seems that it is too far away. There are so many comfortable surfaces on it way, I think we will get to the bed by morning,” he said and laying you on back, he kissed you, dragging back into the world of lust and debauchery.
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dandyvespa · 4 years
Calling All K-Pop Survival Show Trash (I-Land Edition)
What’s good everyone
In the past I have talked about my interest in  kpop survival shows and my preferred lineups for shows like Produce 101 X and Youth with You.  These such posts got some attention and made me befriend some cool mutuals so I thought why not do more for any other shows I come across so I can also discuss with people and fangirl with them? Though I myself continue to like these shows despite evil editing and clear favoritism from producers/global fans, I still wish to share with you some hardworking trainees that I think you guys would be interested in, especially if ya’ll kpop survival show tl’s are dry and looking to fill the void with something different.  Well, I-Land happens to be that different show.  Now I know not everyone is a big fan of BigHit or even Mnet for that matter, I do encourage this show because it is a lot different from the format of the Produce series, or any past kpop survival show for that matter.  The standard for ranking trainees is not entirely up to global votes and the producers in the show give their valuable take.  Not only that but their living conditions, music choices, and selected trainees are very distinct and refreshing in my opinion.   Not only that but you have big names like Rain, Zico, Bang PD, IU, and much more contributing to the show to create the best global kpop group.
Now when posting this I realized I should have done this earlier because the show is already on its second part hehe.  I-Land is split up into two parts so I’m just gonna give a brief rundown.  The first part of I-Land involves these 23 trainees that all arrive individually or within groups to do this isolated and intricate building in the woods.  These trainees then go through a series of performances to see who is the most competent member in entering I-Land, this really swanky and high-tech living space fit with training areas, a kitchen filled with a bunch of food, very pristine and spacious dorm rooms, etc.  The catch is that only 12 members are only able to be apart of that paradise and will be determined by voting amongst themselves (already pretty political off the bat lol).  Those who are unable to attend the I-Land are sent to The Ground, basically a way more downgraded version of I-Land with much fewer resources.  This first part basically has these two groups pitted against each other and shifted between the I-Land and The Ground based on this trainee voting system and the producer voting system after completing various tests/competitions.  The only time where the global voting system mattered was towards the end of Part 1 in which the global votes determined the 6 trainees eligible from The Ground to be with the other 6 I-Landers (which have been selected to stay by the Producers).  These 12 trainees then dive into Part 2 of I-Land which is really the start of the actual competition to make it to the official 7-member debut line.  The 12 to 7 members are shaved down again based on a series of tests that will showcase their individual and teamwork skills.  This time the voting is completely based on an alternating system of producers and global fans deciding the ranking, the lowest such member being eliminated every other week.
So like I said I should have started this sooner since this show premiered back in June, but because a lot of people are just starting to know about the show because BTS and now Seventeen (Performance Unit) guested or are about to guest on the show (this includes possibly TXT and Gfriend given they are also tied to BigHit), might as well update ya’ll now on why you shouldn’t just be watching just because your ults are there for barely an entire episode.  Though I admit that there are shady moments and complaints I have with the show, there is no denying that these trainees that are picked are all really good in their respective areas and are incredibly dead set on becoming idols.  Now you may have heard people saying that this show is a “flop” based on Korean ratings.  Given I don’t know how tv ratings work in South Korea and know that this show is steered more towards global fans, a number of people I have talked to already about this show just watch on different video sharing websites or apps the next day so subtitles appear or they watch during the scheduled time of the live broadcasting on YouTube which I have to say is SOOOO pleasing for us international folks.  Ratings and famous artists contributing to the show aside, I once again stress that you guys should give the show a try just for the sake of getting to know these kids because I feel like with time and practice, even if they don’t make the final lineup, they will achieve their dreams eventually.
Now as much as I want to talk about the entirety of the show, I will once again post my top 7 members down below in the (Keep Reading) section.  If ya’ll don’t want spoilers and wish to look up the show first then by all means go ahead!  If you guys are curious about the show or even want to scream and talk about the show if you are caught up, please message me ya cuties!
1) Lee Heeseung
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No question about it Heeseung is one of my biases on this show and for a good reason.  This boy, a former BigHit trainee, is considered the ace of the show, an all-rounder who so far has shown stability in both dance and vocals (have yet to see rap being portrayed a lot in this show, but the producers, specifically Bang and Pdogg have said he really excels in rap and it was strange to them because he entered the show to focus more on vocals lol).  Not only that but he is selfless, a trainee that has been putting a lot of his fellow members first and sacrificing his own time to help them or steer them in the right direction.  Bro is also dorky and a total crackhead behind the scenes of I-Land lol.  As of part 2 I believe he is the trainee with the most seniority, as in years of training.  Despite showing his playful side here and there, he seems to be the most well-spoken and mature of the trainees, putting him as a major candidate to become a leader.  It is just a bonus that he looks this good too!  At this point in the show, it would be insane for anybody to not include Heeseung in their final debut lineup predictions.  Plus this is legit Bang PD’s favorite son ya’ll already know.
2) Park Sunghoon
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Ah the little ice prince! Another former BigHit trainee (and my second bias lol),  Sunghoon is incredibly charismatic and knows how to show the right facial expressions on stage.  I honestly kind of see him as a dark horse in the show.  His vocals are pretty decent and he can really keep up in dancing.  Overall just so hardworking, and it definitely shows because he really has been consistent through the show! It’s pretty known he is a major visual in the show but a lot of people also like him for his clean-cut and simple personality. He is also very observant of the other members and can be just as doting and selfless as Heeseung.  What irks me is that the producers and even some viewers complain that his personality “overlaps” with other members, which is honestly an odd reason to have when considering the debut lineup.  He seems quiet at first but the kid can be so hyperactive, funny, and radiates crackhead energy as time goes by in the show, giving us more of his personality to work with.  What is more fascinating is that he used to figure-skate for 10+ years and decided to choose this path as an idol after seeing BTS.  He is also determined to show his parents that they shouldn’t have doubted him and that he took the right path and I just love that.  Please look out for him because with his popularity and competence, I am sure he will make it to the lineup!
3) Yang Jungwon 
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Pack it up ya’ll we found our little maknae of the group who is a cutie and an all-rounder!  He is also a dark horse to me, but then again a lot of people consider him to be a “hidden ace” in the show.  Jungwon may be one of the youngest members in I-Land but amongst the other younger trainees, but he stands out as the most skilled by a landslide.  He excels at singing and is very stable.  In fact I think he is one of the few trainees that has a really good singing voice next to Heeseung.  He is also really good at dancing as well as free-styling.  I think he is also a former BigHit trainee (I... yes I know a lot of my picks just happen to be BigHit trainees but trust me I’m not just being biased lol).  I think Jungwon is someone who, though he excels himself, really appreciates his hyungs who he respects and wishes to learn from.  Coincidentally, his role model is Jungkook haha.  His ability to adjust to concepts, even the most mature ones, is also very astonishing.  Hoping that global fans not only see him as a cute kid but as a talented, caring, and hardworking soul.  Baby did not quit taekwondo to follow his dreams as an idol too!
4) Jay Park
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Ya’ll you see this kid?  He is a fighter.  A competitor who brings the heat.  And behold he is also formerly from BigHit lol, but also SM entertainment! Jay is incredibly skilled at dancing and is very charismatic on stage. I think he is one of the few people who showcased rap pretty decently, but again this show barely showed the rap skills of any of these trainees to really conclude that.  The kid has been through a lot of humiliating moments in the show, even coming up with the iconic and meme-worthy line to accept such moments: resentment, anger, humiliation.  He has been placed in compromising situations, but he owns up the the situation and accepts responsibilities that no one would.  He is not as intimidating as he may want to look as he also very caring and helpful (plus his fear of ghosts is adorable). Even other trainees approach him to teach them choreography or get advice.  Also the way he was able to lead the Grounders in the Fire performance made me appreciate him even more since then.  I feel like he has the potential to be a great leader for the group as well.  He is also honest in what he feels and has no problem stating that to the viewers, but is never someone who whines about not getting his way.  His stubbornness will take him all the way to the debut line in my opinion haha.  Go hard my sweet potato boy!
5) Jake Shim
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Our Aussie boy and the icon of improvement in the show! He happens to be one of the trainees with the shortest training time.  Despite this, he has had potential since his entrance test with Crown.  Jake has had some rough criticism that lead him to work very hard.  In fact he always feared that he may get behind others or not keep up.  I think out of all the members--and that is saying a lot because they all really do try their best--he is the one who is the most hard-working and constantly practicing the choreography, even when others are asleep.  I also think he has a pretty good vocal range, and it definitely improved since Flicker recently.  The fact that he came all the way here to South Korea by himself to achieve his dream of being an idol after witnessing BTS is so brave. I really respect him and his friendship with a lot of the members in I-Land, especially with Sunghoon! I think he will only continue to rise up and gain more traction from the global audience.
6) Kim Sunoo
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Sunshine boy coming through! Sunoo came along with Jake and performed Crown together and since then I always thought he had some real talent.  This thought was only proven later on, but really set it for me his Save Me performance.  Listen his vocals are so promising despite also having a short training period.  I honestly think it would rival Heeseung’s vocals.  I do think he has room to improve in dance, but he really works for it.  He is always so positive and nice to others.  He is very modest and eager to learn and I love how he is basically this aegyo king who never cringes at the slightest when he acts like himself.  As someone who wishes to be on tv, I hope he gets there.  I feel like a lot of people have slept on him because he was mostly known as that one cute kid with adequate skills, but they are far more better than a lot of the trainees since the beginning of the show.  His popularity already puts him really up there so I can only hope he just continues to prove himself to the producers because they have already complimented him on his more masculine and skilled side in Fake Love.  Fighting my son!
7) K
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Our last member is K! Now I have had my eye on K because his visuals really stand out for me, like something out of a comic or drama.  Handsomeness aside, K hails from Japan and is the oldest member on the entire show.  He is very experienced in choreographing and is undoubtedly one of the best dancers on the show, which was definitely established in the dance unit competition.  His vocals are also pretty underrated.  I think he that knows how to grab attention and make us wanting more.  Now as much as I adore his skills and ability to lead other members in the choreo, I have noticed that he is the type to be very straightforward, and it may come off as intimidating to other members.  I am not sure if this is just South Korean etiquette of respecting elders and just trying really hard not to upset them, but the way that members have had their fair share of discussing issues with how K just turns icy whenever he doesn’t see things his way or makes a mistake leading them to be frightened to the point of not being able to chime in with their thoughts is very alarming.  I get that no one wants to step on his toes further, but I hope this attitude and relationship doesn’t persist.  I like K and I can see that he dotes on other members and helps them out as much as he can, but sometimes his hypocritical and isolated attitude gets the better of him.  Now granted this may be a result of MNET’s evil editing, but seeing all these trainees share their uneasy thoughts regarding him makes me feel another way.  Even when these issues happen, it ends up with him having to talk it out with his members and reflect, which is highly appreciated.  Even the producers feel like K is important and is promising in his ad-libs and skill set.  May he recover from all these issues and keep himself together!
★ Hanbin
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I thought I would add an additional member that I have been on the fence about if one of these other potential trainees do not make it, especially considering I am a bit scared of K’s placement due to global fans being easily persuaded by how MNET edits their shit.  I actually have never laid eyes on Hanbin since the entire first half of the show because he was always in The Ground.  After seeing him lose confidence their I was scared if he would ever recover.  Luckily, he opened up this time around! Not only do I see him acting more like this sweet older brother towards the other trainees, especially in times of conflict like with K and Niki, but he has really been standing out with his dance and vocal skills.  I already know he used to be part of a Vietnamese cover dance group, but I never knew how stable and clear his vocals were.  Though I don’t think he is as stand out as other members in these skills, he definitely showed more of his confidence and improvement since Part 1.  I was honestly wondering why so many people have been hyping him and I guess I was the one wrongfully sleeping on him and his hidden talents heh.  I also hope he is getting more recognition now and it would be nice to see another member who is outside of South Korea appear in the group, especially since Bang PD is going for a global group. Call me a Hannie now lol.
ALRIGHT end of this thread.  Again feel free to talk to me about the show or finally start watching the show.  Even though I did not list your favorite, understand this is my personal debut lineup.  This in no way means I am hating on any of the other members.  I think they all have what it takes if they were all able to get casted onto this show, and I hope they eventually will.   Given that I was looking for much more trainees that caught my eye, have had experience, a good personality, a natural and improved skill set, and just an overall good connection with them, these were the trainees I was most enticed by.  It is pretty set like this and I doubt it will change, but who knows.  Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope check out the show or continue to stream it! <3
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dearlinong · 4 years
by your side ; wang ziyi
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[hi ! is it okay if i request a scenario where wang ziyi is a mentor for a show you are in and its the final stage and you narrowly miss debuting with the rest of the group. he comforts you but everyone knows you both have a crush on each other? mentor au i guess,,, from a mentor or a lover?? im not sure where i was going with this, sorry if its a bit weird... thank you so much !!]
(a/n: girl holy shit i forgot that i had this in my draft and didn’t finish it wtf. i literally forgot how to do this ;-;. so.. uhm... I MISS YOU GUYS LIKE SO MUCH!! hope you guys are staying safe and staying inside your homes. i’m just clearing off all my requests and once i’m done i can continue making requests again :>. so yeah, pls tell me how guys have been doing in my ask box! so there hope you enjoy this one <3)
genre: angst plus floof
requested: YUP!! omg 2 years in the making kjnKJNAJKDNSKAJDN and sorry if it was all over the place :<
you were currently competing in the 2nd season of idol producer
and you were one of the top competitors
you’ve ben voted as top 1 for multiple times now
and not only was it because of your talent
but you think that it was also because of your friendship with ziyi (which is is bad guys lol vote contestants bc of their talent okay)
yes, you’re friends with the very famous wang ziyi
who was also one of the rap mentors in the said show
actually you two go way back
you two have been friends even before he got into simply joy music
you two were trainees for a company called faded ent
and you two were supposed to debut as a co-ed group
so you two would practice all day and all night just to perfect the dances, singing and rap you had to do
and even after those long and tiring practices you two still had time to hang out with each other
you gotta admit, those were the times that you started developing a crush on him
so when the day he told you that he was leaving the company it was basically your own personal apocalypse
not only did you lose ziyi
but you lost your chance to debut which was on the tip of your fingers at that time
so you tried your luck this time by asking your company to let you join the new season of idol producer
and to your surprise you were doing better than what you expected
as the weeks go by, you and ziyi have been catching up on each other’s lives
but only when you and him have overlapping free time which is a 5 minute break once every week, so that’s not a lot of time
and because of your closeness with him, people have been saying that he has this massive crush on you, which you totally ignored and didn’t believe
and if they were true you’d still ignore it because you were here to compete and debut, not to find love
it was currently the last week in idol producer
while all of the other trainees were fast asleep
you in particular could not sleep for some unknown reason
and what better way to tire yourself than to practice some more
so you got up and walked towards the practice rooms
you first checked if all the staffs were gone, and when they were all gone you entered the room and started practicing the dance routine for the upcoming final episode as you were still in need of some practice
20 minutes into your practicing and you hear some footsteps walking towards the practice rooms, specifically the practice room that you were in
behind the piano was a good place to hide, so you did
as the person entered the room you peeped your hear out so you could have a look at who it was
you were surprised to see that it was ziyi who entered
you were wondering why he was still in the dorms as all the mentors were supposed to be out with the other mentors
so you went out of your hiding spot
ziyi jumped in surprise as he saw you come out
“y/n? why are you here?” he asked 
“i was just practicing, but i’ll head out now, bye.” you said while rushing to head out of the room
but then he caught your wrist which made you stop
“hey, can’t you stay for a while. i really want to spend more time with you. please stay.” he said while smiling softly
you really couldn’t say ‘no’ to a guy like ziyi, so you agreed to stay with him
“so how’ve you been these past few weeks?”
“pretty good actually, but this week in particular was really draining for me and the other trainees.”
you two then eventually became comfortable with each other, like the good ol’ days
after a while you checked the clock to look at what time it was, it was almost 1 in the morning and you had to wake up early to teach the other trainees the dance for the final stage
“hey it’s getting late, better get going now.” you were about to stand up but then ziyi got your hands which stopped you from doing so
“thank you for staying with me y/n, i really miss spending time with you. i hope we can do this more often.” after saying that last word he was leaning in and getting closer to your face
he then pressed his lips to yours
you wanted to savor the moment, but a part of you says that what you’re doing is wrong
so you quickly parted with his lips and stood up
“i’m sorry ziyi, t-this just isn’t right. i have a future ahead of me, and so do you. i don’t want this to be the reason for us to fail in the future. goodbye.” after you bowed you left without even turning back
for the whole week you only thought about that moment
there were times when you couldn’t even sleep just because it was in your head
the day of the final episode has come and you’ve prepared for it since before you entered this show even
okay so this is the part where i transition from 2018 to 2020 bc im a dumb bitch and forgot to finish the au back in 2018
ok back 2 the fic
bc you already know that anything can happen during the span of these 3+ hours
the last time you checked you were still the reigning #1
and because of that you were really anxious about everything that’s gonna happen
before everything starts you guys practiced for the last time and got your last messages from the trainers
and while they were leaving ziyi handed you a small note which made all 20 trainees go BONKERS
you became so flustered after all of them started teasing you
“YAH! Y’ALL STOP! if you guys don’t stop i won’t share my remaining facial cleanser!”
deadass everybody went silent JASNXANSDJ
and while everyone was leaving the hall you stayed behind so that you could read the note he gave you in private
it read
“i know what i did a few days ago really surprised you which made you say those words. but i know in my heart that what happened to us was right, but since you asked for it, fine i won’t bother you for now. just remember that i love you and i’m always supporting you, jiayou! with love, ziyi”
ff to the live show
the whole live show was a blur to you because you were too nervous for the final ranking
you were center for your team tho!
you saw some of the people you hoped to be in the final group got called and you couldn’t be happier
but sadly some of them weren’t
it’s now time to call on the prospected 1st and 2nd ranks
your anxiety levels are OFF THE CHARTS NOW as you haven’t been called yet
you were hoping to all the gods that you would turn out to be the 1st pick
or even 2nd place
but to everyones horror
your face wasn’t shown on the LED screen
which means you weren’t gonna be selected as the 1st or 2nd rank
you heard both people from the audience and from your fellow trainees a collective
at this point you didn’t know what to do anymore
you felt numbness in your body
you can’t cry yet because there is still hope for the 9th place
and then it hit you
so again with all the praying to every god thing
and then
the 4 faces were shown on the LED screen
and luckily you were there
the PD then one by one started to announce the trainees on the screens ranks
for 12th place
it wasn’t you
for 11th place it wasn’t you either
this is it you were either in or out
you and the other trainee held hands just to relieve you both from the pressure
and then
the PD finally says the ranking
“the 9th pick is...”
“yuehua entertainment’s xi jiamo!”
that was it
all your hard work
of course you were so happy for your fellow trainee
but you still have to think of yourself as well
you were then asked to give a final message
you were still in shock and didn’t know what to say yet
but you stood there and just said anything that came across your brain
“ohh, honestly i’m just so very thankful to everyone who supported me through this journey. and for every single trainee that has given me nothing but love i hope i can repay you guys some day. let’s all remember that this is not the end of our journey rather it is a stepping stone for us in order to succeed in the future. and to our dear mentors”
the audience and the trainees went wild
“i’m just very thankful that we had the opportunity to be guided by all of you, and we promise to always keep in mind everything you taught us. once again thank you for letting me stand on this stage. i will never forget this experience. thank you everyone” and then you bowed for a very long time
after the whole program all of the trainees went to the stage to congratulate the final group
but almost all of them went to you
the trainees started to flock your area and shower you with nothing but love and support
you even heard the crowd chant your name
which made you cry even more
“Y/N JIE I’M SORRY FOR TAKING YOUR SPOT!” jiamo said to you
so you had to tell her that its not her fault and she should think that way
if she thinks that way again you told her that you would be so disappointed
the staff now asked everyone to vacate the stage and go backstage
little did you know
ziyi was there waiting for you
you didn’t want to talk to him yet but the trainees insisted that you do
so they left for you two to have some privacy
once you two were alone there was nothing but silence
but he went in for a hug
which you really needed right now
a hug from one of the people that you love the most
while you two were hugging ziyi said something to you
“i know this is a really hard time for you and i just want you to know that i’ll always be by your side from now on. i’ve lost you the first time now i will never let you go”
you just wanted to be in his arms forever
and for now
you do stay in it
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brave-braveman · 4 years
PS chp 5: Diagon Alley
- I really do want to know more about the goblins. How did they come to run Gringotts? Was it because of a riot? Was it a sign of trust or enslavement? Also, Hagrid says that Gringotts is a wizard bank. Does that mean that there are other banks?
- The Hogwarts uniform consists only of plain black robes. That means that they, or at least Harry, wears muggle clothing under his robes. Does this mean that the robe shops in Diagon Alley sell other clothes that you can wear under your robes? I doubt racist purebloods would wear muggle clothing so there must be something. 
- The Leaky Cauldron is a “famous place”. I can only imagine this is because there isn’t much competition plus its position is the entrance to Diagon Alley. It’s described as “grubby-looking”, “dark” and “shabby”. Not exactly appealing imagery. I hope Hannah fixes this up later.
- The discussion of the Houses is already setting up for a bias against certain Houses. Hagrid calls Hufflepuff “a lot o’ duffers” which essentially reduces the whole house down to being stupid. This is a theme that will come back during the series and is something I want to talk about more in chapter 7 and the effect it has on the rest of wizarding Britain. Slytherin is treated similarly. Hagrid says “There’s not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.” This immediately paints the Slytherins as the ‘bad guys’ despite the fact that they are literal children. The fact that this is said by an adult really highlights how this way of thinking is bought into by the wizarding world. Hagrid also says that Voldemort was a Slytherin and this is something that is going to affect harry’s choice in chapter 7. It makes the prejudice against the Slytherins more personal by drawing a connection between the house and the man who murdered Harry’s family.
- The Malfoy family dynamic is hinted at here, though I’m always surprised upon rereading that Lucius and Narcissa let Draco go off alone. I know we couldn’t have this scene if they had been there but I still find it odd. Draco says his fathers buying his books and his mothers looking at wands - we’ll see later how Lucius wants Draco to do better in school and Narcissa is concerned about Draco’s protection. It amuses me that it was Narcissa that looked at wands because, while she can’t select Draco’s wand for him, she will end up giving him her own wand.
- It only just hit me that Harry and Draco bought their wands on the same day. It’s ironic considering Harry will end up being the master of both of these wands as well as a third wand that Draco was also a master of...
- “Everyone thinks I’m special”. I sometimes forget how overwhelming this must have been for Harry. Within twenty-four hours he goes from unloved burden to a young, very famous wizard. And he learns the truth about his parents. It’s something I didn’t mention in my notes on chapter 4 but Harry seemed to be more outraged by the Dursleys lying to him about his parents than him being a wizard. Though the chapter was about finding out the truth about Harry it was structured around the story of James and Lily. In this chapter Harry enters the wizarding world for the first time since his parents deaths and visits his parents vault at Gringotts, defends his parents to Draco and learns his parents wands. Everything he learns is framed around his parents. And it is here, where Harry acknowledges how everyone has treated him as though he is special that Harry once more reframes the story. He says “I’m famous and I can’t even remember what I’m famous for. I don’t know what happened when Vol—sorry—I mean, the night my parents died.” Everyone is so impressed that Harry survived and defeated Voldemort but Harry can only think about his parents deaths. The tragedy of the Potter family will go on to haunt the whole series and is something that continues to effect how Harry views situations - whereas others will see survival and victory Harry sees grief and death.
Other Observations: - The Daily Prophet costs 5 knuts - Hagrid knits - All the students clothes have name tags - Gringotts uniform is red and gold - The Philosopher’s Stone was kept in vault 713 - Hagrid’s allergic to cats - Lily’s wand - 10 and a quarter inches, swishy, made of willow, nice for charms - James’ wand - 11 inches, mahogany, pliable, a little more power and good for transfiguration - Harry’s wand cost 7 galleons - wizards call their favoured arms their wand arm
Favourite Quote: It is curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when it’s brother—why, it’s brother gave you that scar.
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theyoungkleinwriter · 4 years
Books, books everywhere #1
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Ladies and gentlemen today I’d like to start something a little different. Today I’d like to try doing a book review at least once a month to both update those of you who have shown interest and to hopefully inspire you guys to read some of the books I review and recommend. Also to be a little different I’m going to review both a fiction book and then a non-fiction book not only to appeal to different people but perhaps to help you branch out in what sort of books you read.
Title: What is History?
Author: E. H. Carr
Year of publication: 1987
Synopsis: The books is the second edition of a series of written lectures by the author. The second edition was published after his death as he was working on revising some of his previously established thoughts. That’s what the books mostly consists of, a discussion on theories and ideas of history ranging from an exploration of the historians and the use of facts to the interrelation between history, science and morality.
Thoughts: Now since I am doing a history degree this book was naturally right up my alley. Plus unlike a lot of history books it didn't focus on particular periods in history but rather took a broader approach in its exploration of history. I found it really useful for generally helping me find new ideas and theories that I had never even considered which is one of this books strongest points. Moreover most of the lectures are from the original publication in 1961 and as such it is a real reflection of its time. You can feel the cautious warning tone that a lot of Cold War books used. There’s this overall feeling in each lecture that he’s trying to set a precedent/predict the future course of how we study history. That’s another good benefit of the books is it never ignores or dismisses any opinions. Instead it actively explores and looks at all aspects of the arguments using supporting historians to show how these ideas have developed. of course its a very dense books and certain times the thoughts feel a little more meandering as originally these are lectures so certain things will obviously be lost in translation so to speak. Overall, I find this books to be a worthwhile read although an obviously very niche one as well. What I would say is that if you’re a historian this book is very useful to explore different ideas on history but even if you don’t fancy it, it is still an interesting book to feel what tensions were like during that period of history.
Rating: 7/10
Title: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Author: Suzanne Collins
Year of publication: 2020
Synopsis: I mean most of us probably know the basic world of Panem at this point but it can never hurt to remember. In the future ruins of America there is the country of Panem constructed of the Districts and the Capitol. Ten years before the events of the book a vicious civil war was fought and the Capitol won. The story follows Coriolanus Snow who is a young boy at a prestigious school in the capitol. It is his final year and he has been selected to be a mentor to a tribute that will compete in the annual hunger games. A fight to the death between the tributes from each district. The biggest problem for Snow is that he is given what is viewed as the worst tribute possible, the girl from District 12.
Thoughts: So I think there is a little bias here because the Hunger Games trilogy was and still is my favourite YA Dystopian series of all time. My personal favourite has to be Catching Fire. The scheming and deception was one of the most appealing parts of that book. As such I loved this book as a large part of narrative is about deception and cunning. The best bit is that the main character Snow is brilliant at this. Also as villain origin stories go its really good at helping you to understand how he became the way he did. However the real strength in Collins’ writing is in her characters and this book does not disappoint. I thought all the characters were excellent and had very understandable motivations that naturally stemmed from their life experiences. I think the main character was certainly my favourite but there were a few others who caught my eye. The head Game Maker for example was certainly a real favourite of mine. Even better Collins doesn't restrict her story to a singular setting and just because we know how it all has to play out in the end doesn't stop it from being any tense and in my opinion it made the final chapters much more impactful as I could only pity all these characters since I knew where they were all heading. On a side note I would also say that if you like the songs from the original trilogy then you’ll really like this book since there are songs present all throughout in a fashion that reminded me of reading Tolkien's work. However the songs are interjected with Snow’s response to the lyrics which was a refreshing development. However there was one thing that I have to mention which was the main characters name. Now obviously when Collins first wrote Snows full name she never thought she’d write a prequel where he was the main character but still, I found that when reading I had to pause every time to read out his first name. And she uses it a lot, so I would say stopping to read ‘Coriolanus’ each time was a little taxing. Otherwise I'd find this book overall to be Worthing of including in the Hunger Games world as it really showed a different perspective on something we’d previously learned to hate. It also showed me a side of things that I hadn't really considered before such as what a post war Capitol would be like or how the Hunger Games evolved as the years went by. I won’t spoil anything here but let’s just say that the 10th Hunger Games is most definitely not the 74th.
Rating: 9/10
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componentplanet · 4 years
2020 Subaru Legacy Tech Dive: EyeSight, DriverFocus, Starlink Shine
Subaru Legacy Touring XT 2020 (April)
The 2020 Subaru Legacy is a near-perfect car if you’re looking for solid transportation and extensive safety technology across all trim lines. Every Legacy has all-wheel-drive, and enough driver-assist technology to be virtually self-driving on highways while protecting pedestrians in town (called Subaru EyeSight), track and alert inattentive drivers (DriverFocus), and call for help in an accident (Subaru Starlink).
The new, 2020 seventh-generation Legacy also has front cupholders deep enough to not spill a 32-ounce Big Gulp, were the car capable of a 4-second 0-60 run (it’s more like 7 to 9 seconds, depending on the engine). The engine’s “boxer” technology, similar to what Porsche uses, lowers the car’s center of gravity. The front and back rows are spacious and the trunk is enormous. Highway mileage is in the upper thirties.
So what’s not to like? Not much. This Subie won’t move the excitement needle quite like Mazda or Honda does among midsize sedans. It’s not as dazzling as the 2020 Hyundai Sonata. There’s less ground clearance than the similar Subaru Outback crossover. The new infotainment system and navigation had a few quirks, the kind a firmware upgrade typically cures, and stop-start twisted the steering wheel and my thumb a couple of times (more below).
The Nappa leather cockpit of the 2020 Subaru legacy.
The Car for Inattentive Drivers?
You say you’re a good driver; I say I’m a good driver. Yet surveys find the majority of Americans self-describe themselves as above-average drivers, which is statistically impossible. And yet, we also know people close to us whose driving skills or cognition worry us: teenagers and others in their first few years of driving, aging parents, a spouse or partner who’s had a couple of fender-benders that were the fault of “the other guy,” and people who text or create on-the-fly playlists even when they know it’s unsafe.
Subaru is a leader among automakers in making virtually all its safety technology standard across every one of the six trim lines, or model variants, of this new 2020 car. Buy any Legacy Base, Premium, Sport, Limited, Limited XT, or Touring XT and you get:
A dual front-facing camera system, Subaru EyeSight, to keep you in your driving lane, warn of / brake for possible forward collisions, detect and brake for pedestrians at speeds up to 20 mph.
Full-range adaptive cruise control as part of EyeSight.
An active driving assistance system that controls speed and lane centering, pacing any car in front of you, also part of EyeSight.
LED low and high-beam headlamps with automatic high-beam control.
All-wheel-drive for extra grip in snow or rain, or on gravel roads.
Any Legacy other than the base model has safety telematics (called Subaru Starlink) standard. Blind-spot warning is available, optional on two trim lines and standard on three; it also includes rear cross-traffic alert and automatic braking while backing up. An excellent eye-tracking driver distraction system, DriverFocus, is standard on the top two trim lines and optional on a third.
One feature not offered is a surround-view camera array that primarily improves tight-spaces parking, but it also protects you (if you watch the screen) from running into kids’ tricycles or kids on tricycles. Rear auto-braking provides that protection.
With the 260-hp turbo engine (top two trim lines only), you’ll hit 60 in 6-7 seconds. Add 2 seconds for the 182 hp engine on other Legacies.
Legacy on the Road: Mostly Smooth Sailing
I drove the top-of-the-line 2020 Subaru Legacy Touring XT, about $37,000 including shipping, with warm brown Nappa leather, moonroof, an 11-inch portrait-orientation center stack LCD, vented front seats, heated fronts and rears, onboard navigation, and immense amounts of back-seat legroom and trunk room.
Subaru lie-flat boxer engine: two cylinders go left, two cylinders go right.
With the new, 2.4-liter turbo engine of 260 hp and continuously variable transmission on the Limited and Touring XTs, it was quick, hitting 60 mph in 6-7 seconds. Highway miles went by quickly. Under foot-down acceleration, there wasn’t much noise from the CVT transmission; some testers have noted it on the non-turbo Legacy that has to be pushed harder to get up to highway speeds.
Most four-cylinder-engine cars have an inline design. Most Subarus including the Legacy have horizontally opposed, flat or boxer engines. They are effectively V engines where the angle is 180 degrees, not the 60 or 90 degrees of V6 or V8 engines. The engine is more compact, has less inherent vibration, gives the car a lower center of gravity, and allows for a lower hood and better driver sightlines. Against that, the engine requires two cylinder heads. Porsche also uses flat-six engines in the 911, Cayman, Spyder, and Boxster. The term boxer alludes not to the small crate it fits in, but rather the in-out motion of the two adjacent pistons that looks like a boxer’s fists.
Where most automakers use a combination of radar and a camera for driver assists, Subaru’s Eyesight system uses stereoscopic cameras. It’s standard on the 2020 Legacy, Forester, Outback, and Ascent; and available on the Impreza, Crosstrek, and WRX.
Pedestrian Detection Saves Another Jaywalker
Highway driving was enjoyable with the driver assists, a nicely sound-insulated cabin, very good Harman Kardon premium audio, Wi-Fi on Starlink telematics cars, and USB jacks for four people. In town, the driver assists work well; a jaywalker who popped out mid-block was picked up and the car came to a quick (sudden) stop. But spirited back-roads driving was not as much fun as some other cars in its class, notably the Mazda6 and Honda Accord. The 2020 Subaru Legacy is based on the same new platform as the 2020 Subaru Outback crossover-almost-wagon. But the Legacy’s ground clearance is 5.9 inches to 8.7 inches for the Outback. So the Legacy is fine in the rain, snow, and on gravel roads, but not the first choice in Subarus if the road to your country cabin is deeply rutted.
Subaru has rudimentary self-driving capabilities utilizing EyeSight, although Subaru doesn’t consider it to be formal self-drive tech and has no Eye-something shorthand name such as, say, EyeDrive. (BMW might not be amused.) Once activated, it centers you on a highway and proceeds at a pre-set speed, slowing for cars in front of you. It combines Subaru’s Advanced Adaptive Cruise Control feature with Lane Centering. As with other vehicles, activation is a multi-step process.
DriverFocus, on upper trim lines, combines a camera and infrared illuminator. It watches to see if the driver’s eyes are on the road ahead.
DriverFocus: Big Brother Is on Your Side
Take your eyes off the road, and the DriverFocus eye-tracker tells you to pay attention.
Subaru DriverFocus, an eyebrow module at the top of the center stack, contains a camera and IR illuminator to track where the driver is looking, and rats you out after 10-15 seconds of not looking ahead. GM’s highly regarded Super Cruise self-driving technology uses eye-tracking also.
Some driver-attention monitors count the micro-movements a driver continually makes as he or she drives.
I had two concerns with my test car: I was startled a couple of times by the gas-saving stop-start system. Occasionally as the engine came to a stop at a traffic light, the steering wheel on my test car abruptly turned a couple of inches and twice caught my thumb that was loosely holding the wheel next to the spoke. After the second time, I decided to keep my thumbs off the thumb grips once this car stopped at a light.
The infotainment system had trouble parsing some spoken commands, wanted to drive me to the intersecting street with the same name plus “Extension” at the end, and occasionally would not connect an iPhone using two different Apple cables or with Bluetooth. On sunny days, the LCD was sometimes hard to read and the brushed chrome-look trim strip around the center display reflected the sun’s glare.
The Subaru Legacy instrument panel. The center multi-information looks busy. (It is.) But it also gives the driver lots of information at a glance. If this feels like TMI, you can flip to simpler views.
EyeSight Is Improved, Still Unique
Subaru says EyeSight has been improved and I sensed that both in the ability to pick up a car ahead from a greater distance and to be less affected in the rain. In some ways, EyeSight in snowy conditions may be better than radar in that windshield wipers clear the paths in front of the two cameras. If snow blocks the radar sensor, you have to get out and scrape it off with a brush or your gloved hand, assuming the driver knows where the sensor is located in the grille. Also, snow and rain reduce the effectiveness of radar to some degree.
Subaru Legacy Touring XT, the top trim line.
Safety Features Abound
Even if you are a statistically good driver, a car such as the Legacy improves your odds of staying safe. It also improves pedestrians’ odds: A 2019 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study found Eyesight-equipped Subarus reduce pedestrian-injury claims by 35 percent. IIHS also found Subarus with second-generation Eyesight did better than first-generation systems dating to 2010. IIHS said it found no significant self-selection bias, meaning the idea that safety-conscious good drivers might seek out safe-seeming Subarus and Volvos. Separately, IIHS found Subarus with EyeSight had up fewer rear-end collisions and passenger injuries.
How solid is Subaru on driver assists and safety technology? Here’s a rundown:
2020 Subaru Legacy Key Safety Technology, Driver Assists
Trim lines: Entry Middle Top Lane departure warning Std Std Std Lane-keeping assist Std Std Std Lane centering assist Std Std Std Blind-spot warning — $ / Std Std Adaptive cruise control Std Std Std Forward collision warning Std Std Std Auto emergency braking Std Std Std Pedestrian detection/braking Std Std Std Safety telematics (Starlink) — Std Std Driver-assist package (EyeSight) Std Std Std Driver monitoring (DriverFocus) — — / $ / Std Std Active driving assistance Std Std Std The table shows features as standard (Std), optional ($) or not available (–) on entry (Legacy base), middle (Premium, Sport, Limited, Limited XT) and top (Touring XT) trim lines.
Should You Buy?
The 2020 Subaru Legacy is a solid midsize car for people who don’t need a status symbol. The Legacy wins a lot of awards but not all of them. Consumer Reports has it as the best midsize sedan and one of only 10 CR Top Picks among 300 models for 2020. In contrast, Car and Driver put the Legacy eighth behind the Honda Accord, Hyundai Sonata, and the Mazda Mazda6, among others. Guess which publication favors safety features and comfortable ride versus spirited handling? The Legacy is also a 2020 IIHS Top Safety Pick+, which means good ratings in crash tests, advanced or superior ratings in available front crash prevention, and (the plus part) acceptable or good headlamps standard.
We like the Legacy a lot, even if within Subaru this is an outlier, a sedan in a company known for outdoorsy crossovers and SUVs: Crosstrek, Forester, Outback, Ascent. The Ascent had arguably been the best midsize SUV until the Kia Telluride / Hyundai Palisade came along last year. The Legacy had been unique in offering all-wheel-drive, but the Nissan Altima and Toyota Camry added it for 2020.
The steering wheel has big buttons and rockers, all legibly labeled. If only all cars were this clear with switchgear.
Subaru is a relatively reliable brand. The car is eminently practical. From the side, though, it’s hard to distinguish from a half-dozen other brands. Fuel economy is good, an EPA combined rating of 23 mpg for the turbo models, 29 mpg for the non-turbo. Real-world mileage should be several mpg higher, and with judicious driving, the non-turbo could approach 40 on the highway.
If you’re shopping Subaru for max safety, we’d suggest: Move past the Legacy base ($23,645 with freight) because you can’t get blind-spot warning / rear-cross-traffic alert or safety telematics, and past the Legacy Premium ($25,895) because you can get BSW / RCTA, but not reverse automatic braking (RAB). Blind-spot warning matters: Not all young drivers know to check side mirrors and look over their shoulders; older drivers may know, but may not have the dexterity to turn their heads sideways.
Every Legacy has dual front USB jacks (above) and, except for the base model (below), two more jacks in the back. Note how every jack and switch is nicely and legibly lettered.
The Legacy Sport ($27,845) lets you get BSW-RCTA-RAB in a $2,245 options package, along with a power moonroof and onboard navigation, for $30,090 total. Or for $30,645, you can get the Legacy Limited that includes BSW-RCTA-RAB, and the one options package, $2,045, gives you the moonroof again, a heated steering wheel, and DriverFocus. The top two trim lines, the Limited XT ($35,095) and Touring XT ($36,795), give you nice and nicer leather, DriverFocus, and the moonroof. So the sweet spot may be the Legacy Sport plus the options package, or the Legacy Limited, at about $30K each. Cross-brand shoppers comparing front-drive-only midsize competitors should attribute about $1,500 of Subaru’s price to AWD.
The Subaru Legacy should be at the top of your consideration set along with the Hyundai Sonata, the ExtremeTech 2020 Car of the Year. If you want a sporty car, look to the Mazda6, the Honda Accord, or – this is not a joke – the segment best-seller Toyota Camry with the TRD Sport, as in Toyota Racing Division.
Now read:
2020 Hyundai Sonata Review: Car of the Year? (It’s That Good)
Honda Accord Review: Way Better, and Honda Even Fixed Display Audio
2020 Subaru Forester Review: The Safety-First, Can’t-Go-Wrong-Buying-One Compact SUV
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/309080-2020-subaru-legacy-review from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/04/2020-subaru-legacy-tech-dive-eyesight.html
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lightlorn · 5 years
Ship bias for your KH Muses! :D
i am a flawed human being. ll accepting.
Terraqua. This ship is part of the reason I kept crying so hard in KH3, now catch me admitting that on the internet. I love the way they are there for each other in spite of their stark differences, and that they have a lot of unexplored, threadable area in both their coming of age and post-KH3 timelines. Plus any ship I can draw a parallel between my fandom otp and another ship is a good ship.
Xemqua. Nomura was setting something up here and he dropped the ball and I will not take that lying down. You’re telling me they don’t even so much as look at each other during the DLC? Dishonorable, Nomura, truly despicable. There’s so much to work with there, what with the armor and the way you can read a lot of Xemnas’ closest allies in the Org being answers to Terra’s inner circle. If Nomura won’t give me their story, then I’ll write it with a partner.
Aqua/Larxene. There’s basically no other adult women in this series and I am a simple dyke seeking the wlw. I think it would make a fantastic opposites attract cliche with the added bonus of someone that won’t take Larxene’s attitude lying down while simultaneously being able to match her step for step. The Taming of the Nymph, coming soon to an AU near you.
Xehaqus. This is my end all, be all OTP for the fandom. I have spent almost 100 dollars overall at cons commissioning art of these idiots. They are my phone background and lockscreen. I have an entire fic in my head of their apprentice days and frankly if Dark Road does not live up to the relationship development I have hyped up in my head I will go canon divergent. These fuckers are beautiful and heartbreaking and awful and wonderful and I love them. Bring me all the Xehaqus.
That’s it. I’m so disappointing. I have like one or two OC for him ships and I mean whatever happens in RP happens if relationships develop but oh my God. Xehaqus consumes me.
Real talk my Invi is a lesbian and my take on the Foretellers is that she sees them all as her siblings underneath all of her posturing that it’s nothing personal, so I don’t even know what the fandom ships for her are. I’m not even sure who is available to ship with her. Throw whatever of age lady muses you have at her, mutuals, and let’s see where this goes.
Isalea. Akusai is also good, but there’s something about their life together after the war ends when they are trying to rebuild and find everything they lost that speaks to my soul. I would never say that if I see an Axel/Lea it’s ‘on sight’ shipping because that’s shitty, but I will say I am that Saix/Isa that is always down to discuss your take on their dynamic and see what we can cobble together.
Xemsai. This will never be a healthy ship, I think, based on the fact my Saix is as likely to use his alleged loyalty and affection to try and get some form of control over his Superior, but there’s a lot that could be fleshed out here. Whatever heart he grows will always belong to his oldest friend, but he will do whatever it takes to see his ambitions fulfilled. He’s trying to use the creature that has used him for over a decade. God. The potential.
Xigsai. By the same card as above, I think if Saix clued into Xigbar being more than simply a bombastic menace, he could try and pull the same using sex and false loyalty to obfuscate his true means on Xigbar. The difference being that Xigbar is, at heart, far more deadly and aware than Xemnas is when it comes to the bigger picture. It’d be Saix putting himself in the mouth of the beast willingly, and not expecting how deeply those teeth can cut when they snap shut on him.
Full disclaimer: I am 25 years old and fleshing out the romantic drama of a teenage boy is not something that super interests me. That said, I do like the concept of Roxas and his brand new heart forming all kinds of bonds, and him eventually starting to register feelings beyond the platonic for certain people. So as far as character development goes, i can see him taking interest in the following:
Hayner. There’s something so coming of age adolescent aggression as a front for latent or closeted affection about them in the simulation, and in the real world they have endless potential. I think Roxas could definitely feel safe enough around Hayner to have something more develop feelings wise. Also Hayner has muscles and that makes Roxas 404 error sometimes regardless of shipping, just as a general Roxas thing.
Xion. It’s a cliche, to be sure, but depending on the Xion and their development, I can see Roxas starting to feel more at home in her presence after they’ve had time to heal and become their own people. This isn’t an on sight shipping thing, and in fact I am super selective about this even while shipping it, but there’s groundwork for a good dynamic and a sort of reunion between them as whole people who come to appreciate each other as more than their initial, shallow idea of friends.
Namine. Was not super hip on this as a kid, especially when I was less discriminating in my Xion tastes, but as an adult I can appreciate their bond. They have a lot of the same trauma in terms of being dehumanized and used by two separate factions in setting, and the two take a lot of risks for one another within the data Twilight Town. I think there’s something to be said for them both to have irrevocable individuality and come together and develop as more than friends over the years.
Riku. Is it trashy? Yes. Is Roxas still tied to Sora somehow? Yes. Would it be hilarious to see Roxas turn a would-be rivalry into accidental flirtation because he’s confused about his feelings? Yes. Riku just standing there suffering while Roxas demands they engage in a passionate battle of lips -- WITS. I don’t even know how serious I am in shipping this, but Riku being Roxas’ emotional training wheels amuses me.
Aaaaand you can’t really have biases for an OC because at that point anything with plot potential, chemistry, and aligning sexualities goes so instead I am just going to shout out Kokoro’s established ships + the muns for being so good to my little mary sue.
Xemkoro/Foxhole. I don’t know how me dipping my toe in the water of shipping with Lucky by saying ‘hey my OC and your Xem could have a cool dynamic’ became like... my entire shipping brand, but here we are. Their entire dynamic breaks me, the way Xemnas is clinging to a past that he wants so badly to have been a part of while Kokoro can’t afford to look back anymore, working too hard to meet future goals is... Everything. Especially in the fact she regards him as a person without hesitation or knowing how much that will come to mean to him. There’s so many layers to them, and they truly work to earn their happy ending, and that is everything to me. Here’s to successful risks and their payoff.
Aquoro.  Everything my gay little heart ever wanted: the dichotomy of childhood romantic friendship giving way to adolescent rivalry and a shell of what your relationship used to be that appears so often between girls. That they also represent the Responsible Daughter and Rebel Daughter in Kokoro’s secondary verse, furthering the gulf between them as Aqua continues to follow the Master’s teachings where Kokoro embraces her own ideas about what Eraqus preached is... Chef’s Kiss... And through it all, it’s still Aqua that Kokoro wants to find the most, the one for whom her heart breaks the hardest when she sees what became of her. I owe Lucky my life for giving me this phenomenal wlw content.
Koterra. Kleffy does spoil me. The difference between what Terra dreamed of as a boy and what their reality became, where she is instead his knight and protector while he calls the shots as part of reclaiming his identity is perfect. The way they grow from teenage misunderstandings and dick moves into adults that have a touch more kindness for one another is also good, because it’s all about the character development. Their bond is strong and their support for one another immeasurable. I am heterosexual for one (1) ship. All because Kleffy came up with it on the spot and then put in the effort to make it work, God bless em.
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gendercensus · 6 years
A survey on the prevalence and pronunciation of the title Mx
I’ve run two surveys that focused on Mx in the past. One was in 2014 and had 118 responses, and the other was in 2016 and had 505 responses.
This one ran from 5th until 19th January 2019, and there were 3,204 responses, of which 3,179 were usable, meaning I deleted 25 responses that were abusive or obviously duplicates. Of the 3,179 that were usable, 579 were in the UK. (I single out the UK here because I’m in the UK and I’m particularly interested in collecting UK-specific data.)
The survey was promoted on Tumblr, Twitter, Mastodon, and /r/samplesize on Reddit. The promotional text that I wrote didn’t mention the title Mx at all, in an attempt to get more diverse points of view into the results.
Ultimately my goal was to find out how people are pronouncing Mx these days. I ran the first Mx pronunciation survey in 2014 because I kept seeing people condemning Mx on the basis of not knowing how to pronounce it, so I thought information about how it is most commonly pronounced might help. I’m curious to see if over time people are asking that question less and whether one pronunciation is becoming more popular than others.
Plus I figured it might be interesting to find out a bunch of other stuff along the way while I’m there quizzing you all anyway, so I collected information about
where people were raised and with which first spoken languages (so that people can compare the responses to all the other questions to this information and find out, for example, how Mx is pronounced in Australia or how often it’s on forms in the US vs. the UK)
whether Mx is your title or you’ve just heard of it
how often you see Mx on forms
whether you think it’s gender-inclusive (anyone can use it) or gender-exclusive (nonbinary-specific title)
You can see the spreadsheet of responses and the associated tables and graphs here.
Here’s the ten countries whose participants are most familiar with Mx:
United Kingdom: 85.5%
France: 71.7% *
Australia: 71.6%
Finland: 70.4% *
Germany: 66.4%
United States: 65.9%
Ireland {Republic}: 65.5% *
Sweden: 61.8% *
Canada: 60.9%
Netherlands: 40.8% *
All countries had at least 27 responses. Countries with less than 100 responses are marked with an asterisk (*).
So at first I was like, “whaaaat, how is France more familiar with Mx than the US, even though the main language of France isn’t even English?” But France had only 53 respondents, compared to over 1,500 from the US, so I imagine there is some bias involved. People filling in the survey will notice that a lot of the questions are about Mx, and when at the end of the survey they’re prompted to share the survey URL they are more likely to do so if their title is Mx or they have friends whose titles are Mx.
So then I moved onto which participants had seen Mx on forms, and which countries they were from. Here’s the top 10 for “participants have seen Mx on English forms in the wild”:
United Kingdom: 36.7%
Ireland {Republic}: 21.7% *
Netherlands: 20.0% *
Canada: 18.0%
Australia: 17.0%
United States: 15.4%
Germany: 10.6%
Finland: 9.5% *
France: 7.3% *
Sweden: 4.5% *
Again, the asterisk (*) specifies that a country had under 100 respondents.
Someone from Australia said in the feedback box that Mx is on every government form, which I thought was excellent! It may not be surprising, since they were the first country to grant a passport with an X gender marker on it to someone who couldn’t be categorised as M or F, way back in 2011.
I guess the thing you’re most interested in here is the way most people pronounce it, right? If you answered an earlier question by saying that you had heard of Mx, this question asked: “How do you personally pronounce Mx when you're speaking English?”
For this question it was possible to select multiple answers, and there was an “other” textbox. None of the “others” got more entries than the least chosen pre-written option (Mixture, 4, or 0.2%).
Mix: 25.5% (573 people)
Məx, with a schwa (ə, toneless vowel): 9.5%
I don't know: 8.0%
Em Ecks, spelling out M-X: 3.9%
Mux: 2.7%
Mex: 2.3%
Mixter: 1.1%
Mixture: 0.2%
In the UK the pronunciation varied from this significantly - Məx (the schwa option) was in the lead with 41%, though this percentage is lower than both previous surveys.
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The spreadsheet goes into more detail on pronunciation, including chart for pronunciation in the 10 most popular first spoken languages, but to summarise: In the US go with Mix, and in the UK go with Məx (with a schwa).
This is the biggest survey I’ve seen on the pronunciation of Mx in the UK at least, with 506 participants in the UK taking part who had heard of the title, so this is probably the best we have to go on right now.
I did ask about gender in this survey, in quite a roundabout way. I wanted to group people into roughly three groups, while also acknowledging that gender is ridiculous and a lot of people who’d be categorised as cis and binary wouldn’t necessarily feel 100% their gender all the time.
Which of these statements is most true for you?
I'm a man/boy pretty much all the time
I'm a woman/girl pretty much all the time
Neither of the above options fully describes me
It was possible to check more than one box for this question, and several people did.
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I then made a few comparisons between gender and other answers.
So we have some obvious details first. For example, of the people who said their title is always Mx, most people checked the “neither of the above” option (89%). And then there were more interesting details, such as that women and girls were significantly more likely than men and boys to use Mx for themselves “sometimes”. Could this be related to a few comments entered into the feedback box expressing discomfort with Mx because it sounds too much like Miss?
I learned that people who checked the “neither of the above” option for gender were the gender group most likely to have heard of Mx at 94%, and men/boys were least likely. Of the people who had not heard of Mx, men and boys made up over half. I’d love to suggest that men and boys are least likely to have heard of Mx in part because their privilege permits more obliviosity, but that would be pure speculation and possibly impure judgemental attitude and nothing more.
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I asked participants whether they thought Mx was gender-inclusive (anyone of any gender can claim it) or gender-exclusive (generally used when addressing or referring to someone of a particular gender, denoting that gender).
Do you consider Mx to be a title that is gender-inclusive or gender-exclusive, generally speaking?
Gender-inclusive - anyone of any gender can claim it for themselves
Gender-exclusive - it's broadly a title for nonbinary people, in the same way that Mr is broadly a title for men and masculine people and Ms is a title for women and feminine people
I don't know
People whose titles were not Mx considered it to be a nonbinary title by a wide margin, but people whose titles were Mx considered it to be inclusive. This is interesting compared to several of the comments written into the feedback box, which I would paraphrase and roughly generalise into the following:
I’m cisgender and binary and I would really like to have a title that doesn’t express a gender, but I’m scared that it’s a nonbinary title and I don’t want to take it away from nonbinary people.
I’m nonbinary and my title is Mx and I wish some binary people would start using it because I would really like to be able to have a title that doesn’t cause dysphoria but also doesn’t out me as nonbinary.
That’s going entirely on what was typed into the feedback box, of course. There were many other diverse points of view, this was just a pattern that I saw while browsing. It’s possible that other comments were entered elsewhere in the form that I didn’t pick up on, too.
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It might be interesting to note that of the people who only said they were men/boys, 14% said their title was sometimes or always Mx. For women/girls it’s 15%. Because of other biases I’ve mentioned above this is probably not representative of the general public, but it shows that binary people are using Mx for themselves in a gender-inclusive way, and over half of people who claim Mx think of it as an inclusive title, the most popular combination on this board:
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When you split the inclusive/exclusive vote by nonbinary/binary participants instead of people claiming Mx, the results are much closer:
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But again, nonbinary people are more likely to see the title as inclusive and less likely to see it as exclusive.
In most surveys I usually just ask whether or not someone lives in the UK, but this time I tried asking which country people lived in as a sort of experiment. I’m interested in collecting country-specific data for the much bigger annual survey, and I wanted to see how things might work out on a larger scale.
My hope was that enthusiastic people in other countries might be able to use the data specifically about their own country for their own cunning ends.
What I found was that lots of people said “I actually live in [location] but it wasn’t on the list” when [location] was a territory of another country that is probably culturally and linguistically very different from the governing nation. There were also a lot of people who complained about having to scroll too much to find their country (and language) on the list, so I’m sure there were many people who started to fill in the survey but then gave up and left no feedback.
The most popular country by a long way was the US with 49.6% of responses (1,567), and after that the number of people per country dwindled fast. Number 10 on the list, Finland, had only 27 responses (0.8%).
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I think I will omit this question in the annual survey, and stick to “UK or not UK?”
Mx is pronounced Mix or Məx, with a schwa.
More nonbinary people use it than men or women, but there are binary men and women using Mx in a gender-inclusive way and most people whose titles are Mx are pretty okay with that actually.
The UK are totally winning at adoption of and familiarity with Mx, followed by (eyeballing it) Australia and the Republic of Ireland.
Nonbinary people and people whose title is Mx are both more likely to consider the title to be gender-inclusive, open to anyone who wants to use it regardless of gender identity.
Thank you everyone! Thank you for your honest and open answers, thank you for the interesting and helpful feedback comments (shoutout to the sweethearts who commented just to remind me to take regular breaks and to thank me for my hard work, ilu), and thank you for helping to boost the signal and get as many eyes on the survey form as possible. Without you, my survey and spreadsheet obsession would be 95.36% more boring. <3
So, this was kind of a warm-up. The past few weeks have been intense, and more intensity is coming, but I feel a bit more prepared for starting the 2019 survey. Hopefully I’ll be able to get started in a few weeks. Stay tuned...
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solarheiress · 5 years
I’ve got some words so if you don’t want to hear them I’ll be putting in a read more later.
I’ve seen some complaints circulating around about miraculous, unsurprisingly, but one caught me off guard.
Apparently, some fans that don’t like Marinette think that there is a double standard in the fact the a lot of fans encourage Marinette to find someone else, while chastising adrien for doing the same.
First, I’ve heard the exact same complaint mounted towards people encouraging adrien and being salty about Marinette, so, there’s that.
Second, this is... wrong? I’ve seen about the same amount of support and salt regarding both Marinette’s and Adrien’s pursuit of others. If you follow particular people or particular tags, you’re bound to encounter disproportionate amounts of each (I’ve tried really hard to keep my feed rather balanced in most regards to all subjects, just because bias can easily lead to misinformation). So, if you think that you’re encountering a lot of adrien salt/Marinette support and it upsets you, check and see if someone you’re following reblogs a lot of it and unfollow? Or block the tag they use or whatever.
Anyways! My thoughts, on this matter, are most definitely swayed by my interpretation and my opinion. So, I advise you to keep that in mind.
Between Adrien and Marinette, i do think Adrien deserves a bit more scorn than Marinette for his behavior. To be fair, they are both teenagers and learning how to express their feelings and understand them, so their behavior is understandable. But understandable is different from excusable.
To put my mindset into a better frame of reference, I’ll explain, separately. Marinette is a 14 year old girl, in something similar to junior high (my attempts to understand the French school system have been.... less that successful). She’s reached a point where emotions get hard. She met a boy who completely took her off guard with his earnest attitude and overall personality. Marinette is known for feeling incredibly strongly about a lot of things, and can be a bit impulsive at times. She’s also got a strong sense of self, but can be incredibly impressionable at times (the characterization of Marinette flipping back and forth between impressionable and independent is a consistent pattern, despite the overwhelmingly contradictory nature of the pattern). Her emotions tend to get in the way, even in her own opinion, which is one of the reasons she’s so dedicated to the professional nature of her interactions as ladybug. She has, kindly, considerately, and patiently turned her partner down, not because she doesn’t like him, but because she likes someone else more, and has the emotional capacity to priorize her affections while simultaneously not wanting to distract herself from her mission in bringing down hawkmoth and protecting Paris. However, after repeated failed confession and date attempts, and seeing the boy she loves go out with someone else and assume said date went well, she can only really take so much emotionally. And here is another boy, with similar interests who’s never been anything but kind, and she doesn’t even have to tell him that she likes someone else, he noticed, and he wanted her to be happy, so he encouraged her to be with someone else. And he later confessed his own feelings, all while being clear that it would be her choice to be with him if she wanted, which is a starkingly contrast reaction to the passive aggressive and bitter behavior of her crime fighting partner. At this point, she’s been disappointed repeatedly by adrien, chat -in addition to being unreasonable (yes, I’ll explain after)- has flat out turned her down as her civilian self because of his love for her masked self, which is probably not a good feeling (he could have said it was because a hero could not date a civilian, or even just said he didn’t feel the same but he went as far as to say that he loved another person and not her).
Additionally, up until recently, Marinette has been bolstered by her friends and family, and adrien hasn’t outright turned her down (as far as she knows). Remember, being impressionable is something she is known for. Her dedication to her feelings for adrien is a bit.... icky, but that’s why I think the introduction of luka is a good thing. He’s got some qualities in common with adrien, which makes it even clearer why Marinette liked adrien so much to begin with. It also puts an axe into the “she likes him because he’s famous/connected to her favorite designer” angle that some people still try to use because luka isn’t really either. The idea of her dedication to adrien being broken down and rebuilt into something healthy when she eventually goes back to him at the end is fine by me.
So honestly, if Marinette decides to spare herself anymore pain with adrien for a while and try dating a nice boy who actually likes her back, I would be neither upset nor surprised. It would be a good arc too, emotional growth and being able to grow and move on, not to mention realizing what she really wants and having an amicable break up would be a great example for the audience of young soon to start dating peeps.
Adrien on the other hand....
He’s grown up privileged, no matter how sad his childhood is. He’s got a lot of skills and knowledge from being trained by excellent instructors. His story is harder to assess because we don’t know the whole story, just that his mom is gone (for how long? Who knows) and his dad is harsh (and also a super villain but adrien doesn’t know that). He’s at school for the first time sure, so you could somewhat excuse his lack of social experience, but he’s been with the class for a while now. As chat noir, he flirts overtly, a tendency that I kind of believe he picked up from Chloe. Outside his chat persona, he is selectively reserved in an attempt to not be kicked out of school, and attitude that melts away when he is allotted freedom.
As an aside, the fact being that he is a celebrity, I think that’s why his costume is so extensive. Even when he’s wearing a mask he’s still afraid of what could happen if he’s discovered and his father finds out what he’s been up to. All his extras on his costume, plus his ramped up to an eleven joker act as Chat Noir all serve to distance chat noir from the pristine and reserved public figure that is Adrien Agreste.
He decides day two that he loves ladybug, which is fast and strange even for a teenager. Like is one thing but love? It sounds a lot to me like a teenager desperate for something solid who recently lost a significant source of love and affection but that’s just me. On the other hand, it also sounds like he got a very strong feeling that he didn’t know how to identify (likely a combination of admiration and respect) which he mistakenly labeled as love. Also, we know everything Gabriel is doing is in dedication to his wife, so I can only imagine what he was like when she wasn’t dying. So, as far as we know for certain, his role model for the behavior of a male suitor was incredibly (overly) dedicated.
As soon as he decided he loved her, he followed suit and dedicated himself to that idea, so much so that he is in denial about his feelings for others. Normally, I don’t like the denial trope but this is one place where it makes sense a little. One overly dedicated role model (who famously is unaffected by the feelings of his assistant), plus a magic gem that indicates he is two halves of one whole with a magic problem fixing butt kicking superhero would likely lead to a similar problem of overfixation. However, unlike Marinette, he can’t gush with his friends without being dishonest, or accidentally revealing himself. He has no one to be honest with, or to encourage him directly except for Marinette (who had the right energy, but helped with kagami) and kagami (who he could be honest with to a point, but she misunderstood and also encouraged him to pursue someone else).
His idea of romance is dedication and extravagance, which is fine. However, as we’ve all seen, he does not take rejection well. Which is where my sympathy for him dies a little. He is bitter and immature, and while he eventually pulls himself together, he just goes back to flirting and forcing his affections on her.
As we move farther and farther into the series, I’ve also realized he’s incredibly selfish. It’s something I didn’t quite grasp at first and was willing to write off as teenager behavior, but it’s not just that. His attitude towards Marinette and Lila speaks volumes, as he prioritized a lack of conflict over Marinette’s obvious distress and the eventual anguish of his classmates, because he doesn’t like conflict, which is selfish no matter how much traumatic childhood you throw in there. His attitude towards Chloe was always hard to explain, however Chloe is a constant in his life and in order to completely tell her off he would probably have to run the risk of losing her, which is something he wouldn’t do if he was, well, selfish. It’s understandable, and putting ones self first isn’t always a bad thing. But there are limits, where it stops being understandable and starts being a bad thing. He took Kagami out without much thought of how she would feel if he decided not to go back to her, and continues to disregard feelings left and right for his own purpose.
Lastly, and most importantly. His moment with Kagami, and the rejection of the fist bump. at first, it was a sort of nice moment, and also a little sad. Marinette’s own insecurity relating to Kagami came through, first Kagami got adrien and now she might lose chat as well. She came over to fist bump, almost out of desperation. It was a nice reflection of her own feelings for chat that she beats down out of duty.
However, then Adrien did what he does best. He was petty. She didn’t want him, so he was going to flat out ignore their ritual for someone else. It was passive aggressive and inconsiderate, in the same way that his reaction to the oblivio kiss was. He assumed ladybug fell for him, completely ignoring 100 other possibilities and ignoring ladybug’s obvious distress in favor of his own interests (ring any bells?).
So, long story short, Marinette’s own insecurity and emotions would probably push her towards luka, who she gets along well with and probably wouldn’t mind dating. On the other hand, Adrien moves to Kagami out of pettiness and convenience.
Adrien isn’t getting what he wants so he acts petty in front of ladybug. Aside from that, Kagami seems like a convenience. He gets along with her, sure, but he only ever seems to move towards her romantically when he isn’t getting his way with ladybug. Outside of that it’s just him being kind, and ending up with her at places because of things his father signed him up for (voicing chat and the party following could only have been because of Gabriel, being on the train in the first place with Gabriel, even fencing is something he was put in, which is a tad suspicious considering Gabriel’s chats with Kagami’s mother). I’m not surprised if he was her friend, like the way that Marinette and luka are already friends.
That being said, when Marinette moves towards Luka romantically, it seems to be because of the two of them, either Marinette’s appreciation or Luka’s kindness and the time they voluntarily spend together culminates in them getting closer. Adrien’s affections for Kagami seem inspired by a natural feeling, however they only really show when he is being blatantly turned down by Ladybug or in order to spite her, and the time they spend together, while occasionally endearing, feels orchestrated by outside forces, which Adrien undoubtedly has little say in.
It’s a bit hard to explain. I have no doubt that he enjoys spending time with Kagami, however it feels as if his attitude towards her is passive. He ends up with her a lot because of things he’s signed up for, and he’s been corralled towards her by similar activities. If he wasn’t so bound by schedules, and she was just a regular classmate I have to wonder if she’d have caught his eyes at all (and in my opinion Kagami deserves better than that).
Also, she does, in many ways, look like ladybug, and has a similar can do serious attitude, plus she’s constantly wearing red. It’s a bit of a stretch, but I don’t like the idea of Adrien being okay with Kagami because she’s a suitable stand in for the actual object of his affections, ladybug.
So! That’s all my thoughts I think. I’m okay with Marinette pursuing other people because I can see an emotional and earnest reason for her to want to move on. Adrien on the other hand, I do think it would be okay for him to date other people, but the fact that he went with someone who was more of a convenient ladybug stand in that he was (theoretically) subtly pushed towards, all the while maintaining his serious pursuit of ladybug is less okay with me.
On a lighter note, to alleviate tension, I was very frustrated while typing this because Kagami kept autocorrecting to Alabama, a word I have never typed in my life, leading to a confusion and sadness and frustration smoothie.
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eggoreviews · 5 years
Top 10 New Remixes in Smash Ultimate!
Hi! I'm here to give some love to an often overlooked part of this frankly enormous game, the 30 hours of music. It made me extremely happy that it wasn't just the newer series games that were getting all the attention in terms of new remixes, that the music team were going back through Nintendo's history and giving us a great selection of remixed tracks from much older titles too. So here comes Bias McGee to give you their top 10 remixes new to Smash Ultimate!
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10. Main Theme (Luigi's Mansion)
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The music team really went ham on making a full on Scooby doo-level spooky remix of the original Luigi's Mansion theme, and it definitely ended up being one of my faves. This one is a fully orchestral, catchy accompaniment that obviously goes especially well with its home stage. For the first time since Brawl, it feels like Luigi has been given his own identity within the game again! He's not just Mario 2: Electric Boogaloo and Smash is finally giving a bit more of a nod to his own franchise.
9. Brinstar Depths (Metroid)
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This one is another that sort of goes into the realm of 'spooky', but perfectly encapsulates the feel of Metroid in Smash, specifically the character of Dark Samus. This track feels a little disjointed and weird and builds an atmosphere that blends well with the genre Metroid belongs to, sci-fi with a bit of horror thrown in. I'm a big fan.
8. Termina Field (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
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Boy, I hope you're ready for a lot of Zelda! Because I pretty much adored every Zelda remix in this game, but one of the standouts for me was this adorable redo of the Termina Field theme from Majora's Mask. I always loved this theme anyway, with the series' main theme snuck in there, it's a suitably epic but at the same time fast paced and catchy melody to go gallavanting around Termina with, but it's been given new life in Ultimate and I'm so happy that there's new music for the older Zeldas too.
7. Delfino Plaza (Super Mario Sunshine)
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Definitely my favourite Mario remix in the game and, if it wasn't for the existence of Jump Up Superstar, it'd be my favourite Mario track altogether. Another criminally catchy redo of a classic track, in this case the Delfino Plaza theme from Sunshine, is also a little underrated in my opinion. Plain and simple, this song slaps, and it's got a cheeky bit of accordion at the start so it's a big thumbs up from me.
6. Destiny (Ablaze) (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
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I'm going to preface this by saying I know basically nothing about Fire Emblem apart from what's in Smash, so the actual origin of this track as well as what the original version sounds like is totally lost on me. But what I do know is this is incredibly catchy and cool and I'm a bit in love with it. Noticeably, I've got very little to say about this but oh boy does it get stuck in my head way too often.
5. Vampire Killer (Castlevania)
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Again, I know very little about Castlevania. But what I do know is that this remix is awesome. Smash has gotten me interested in picking up Castlevania at some point, and it's pretty clear that the music team were pretty hot on making some cool remixes for the game. They really didn't need to go all out and give us 34 tracks, but they did and it was glorious. I nearly gave this one to Divine Bloodlines, but Vampire Killer was the track that amped me up the most to go hunt some mythical creatures and, on top of that, it was the backing track to the brilliant introduction of Simon. Doesn't get much cooler than this.
4. Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
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Oh look, Zelda's back again. And here's a remix of one of my personal favourite tracks from BotW, the game's main theme. A sped up, souped up and fully orchestral war cry of a track that certainly has more of a fighting vibe do not than the original (even though I do prefer it). My almost obsession with Zelda might be what put this so high, as any Breath of the Wild content will pretty much make me cry. Not really related, but whoever's idea it was to put the Hyrule Castle theme in the game needs a raise.
3. Gang-Plank Galleon (Donkey Kong Country)
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This needs to appear in everyone's list. It's fast, catchy, intense, involves many trumpets and has a rap section. This is a total masterpiece and I'll forever cherish it. Plus, I was really hoping for more DK content in Ultimate and boy did I get my wish.
2. Beneath the Mask (Persona 5)
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As the most recent remix to appear in the game, I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw this pop in the music menu when the first fighter pass dropped. I'm a fairly intense lover of Persona 5 and it's one of my favourite games now, so this totally unexpected remix of a track you really wouldn't expect in Smash kind of blew me away. The original is one of the most chill tracks in gaming and is great to have in the background of basically anything. But this remix picks you up by the limbs and swings you around in the air and IT SLAPS.
Before I ramble aimlessly about my favourite new remix in the game, here's some that didn't quite make the list:
King Bowser (Super Mario Bros. 3)
Death Mountain (The Legend of Zelda)
Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Trailer BGM
Staff Credits (Kirby's Dream Land)
City Trial (Kirby Air Ride)
Battle! (Trainer) (Pokémon Sun/Pokémon Moon)
Fourside (EarthBound)
Lost In Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem Fates)
Main Theme (Pikmin)
Bloody Tears / Monster Dance (Castlevania II: Simon's Quest)
Divine Bloodlines (Castlevania: Rondo of Blood)
1. Kass' Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
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And of course, I had to top it all off with a bit more Zelda. Much like Persona 5's awesome and unexpected remix, this was a track I never thought they'd put in the game. I expected the main theme, the Calamity Ganon boss theme and Hyrule Castle made a lot of sense. But this track in its home game is a chill, atmospheric piece composed completely by accordion to relate to everyone's favourite Rito bard, Kass. But the Smash team plucked this one out, sped it all the way up, gave it some percussion and now holy heck this track makes me want to go outside and accomplish things. Or, you know, at least play another round on the Breath of the Wild stage. Point is, they nailed this and I never knew how much I could loved this song until I heard this remix. A big ol' well done from me.
Thank you for reading if you got this far! Let me know down below what your fave Ultimate remixes are if you want to and I'll be back at some point with another post. Maybe about music, maybe not. Who the heck knows. Stay hydrated.
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catrectorauthor · 6 years
2018 Reading Wrap Up
It’s almost the end of the year and I thought I’d revisit the best books I read this year. I got through 50 books according to Goodreads but around 10 of them were for book club and a good portion was for research. Next year I want to make sure I’m reading more novels I’d just ENJOY. But anyhow, here are the ones that really stuck out to me. 
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The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss
Growing up, my Dad was obsessed with Tolkien. He couldn’t even tell me the number of time he’d read the Lord of the Rings. He was in love with it.
Rothfuss is my Tolkien. 
His writing is like poetry. Each word is carefully selected and each tiny thing in these books is meant to enhance and build the world. If ever I was as good a writer as he is, I would die happy. 
If you haven’t tried his work, have this photo of the one-page prologue. If you don’t like that, you won’t like his work. His books are huge, which can be intimidating, but don’t let that deter you. Go on. Try it out: https://tinyurl.com/yabf47lt
But enough of that. On to the next books
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Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
This book was SUCH FUN. It was a brilliant take on The Chosen One trope. It didn’t take itself too seriously and its magic system is both hilarious and well thought out. And the CHARACTERS. I’ve made the mistake lately of trying to read to many “serious” books and had forgotten what it was like to be screaming internally for two people to JUST KISS ALREADY. What I felt reading this book is what I want to get back to in the coming year. Pure, life-enhancing joy. 
The Art of Asking - Amanda Palmer
Well if this doesn’t get me flagged for porn, nothing will. 
This is the second time I’ve listened to this audiobook. I pulled it out because I was feeling lost. Palmer’s beautiful storytelling and insightful take on the world was just what I needed. She reminds the listener of the good in the world and commiserates with them about pain, loss, and self-doubt. Plus it’s a great marketing class as well. She talks about creating a community and following your passion. And most importantly for me, she reminded me that any soul you touch with your work is enough. It doesn’t take millions. The book is probably great, but the audiobook is an experience. 
Ancient Bodies, Ancient Lives - Sex, Gender, and Archeology - Rosemary A. Joyce
The research for my book has taken me in a lot of directions, but this may be the most unique. The book is a quick read and despite the ancient art on the cover, it had very little to do with Nordic cultures. However, it did teach me to question what we know about old cultures. The author, an archaeologist, reminds us that our internal bias colours our assumptions about how ancient objects were used. She calls old archaeology into question, asking what we’ve gotten wrong by assuming that all cultures operated within modern constraints of only two genders, only one man one woman marriage, etc. She sites her own research as well as others to push back against harmful assumptions that keep us from exploring pure fact. 
I’m happy to have reached 50 books this year, but I’m not happy that most of the ones I did read didn’t make an impression on me. I’ve already purged my bookcase of stale books and made room for the new and exciting. I’m ready for another year of books! 
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