#like the few mutuals (or not mutuals) who always reblog and leave nice tags should be enough
echo-bleu · 1 year
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Just finished the second part of this piece, I think it's my most complex artwork to date... Now I'm scared of posting it because everything lately just kinda flopped :'(
[ID: Screenshot of Procreate, on a detail of a digital painting, showing marble statues of Celegorm and Huan, Caranthir and Curufin.]
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meguemii · 9 months
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Bro’s the Type to :: Satoru Gojo
synopsis :: silly head canons, you guys already know ^_^ except it’s dovey gojo not the canon hoe 😓
satoru gojo’s playlist. navigation station🚉.
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Bro’s the type to..
୨୧ make a bet that if you can catch him in a game of tag he’d [___] but then turn his infinity on so you can’t touch him.
୨୧ instead of sitting on his lap he’d sit on yours
୨୧ to buy you expensive gifts without you even asking him to buy it
୨୧ to tease you if he ever caught you reading smut and literally never let you live it down. “oh so thaaat’s what you’re into?” is what he’d say when he catches you, and if you’re out somewhere public he’d probably say something shameless along the lines of “i decided to read that book you were reading, reminds me of that one scene in chapter 6. should we recreate it?” (#cringe #ilovehim #yesletsrecreateit)
୨୧ to beeeeeg you to play with his hair all the time, like this guy def asks for head scratches
୨୧ to hug you from behind. i know this man’s favourite way to give hugs is from behind. like if you’re washing dishes, cooking food or doing anything and it gives him the chance to do so, he’s doing it. i just knooow it. you’d feel his arms wrap around your waist and his head lean into your shoulder and he’d probably say a soft “hey baby”
୨୧ to be most comfortable with you. he’s for sure always taking off his blindfold around you and staring at you with his freakish blue eyes but he still cute though.. i guess.
୨୧ to stand in the doorway and say “i’m not in your room” as he’s only a centimetre out when you tell him to leave your bedroom. god he’s so annoying.
୨୧ to poke at you constantly when you tell him to stop touching you. I TOLD YOU HE’S ANNOYING.
୨୧ to sit in the most awkward positions
୨୧ to ask for chocolate milk and chicken fingers at nice restaurants mostly just to embarrass you
୨୧ to constantly brag about you to his students. we love a man who brags
୨୧ to make you walk home in the rain all angsty because he thinks it looks cool and builds character
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he’s a loser. and we all love him. why?
comments + reblogs are appreciated ♡ yuji, megumi and inumaki versions of this are located in the navigation station!!
emi’s notes— i haven’t made an actual post in so long so i wanted to put something out and ik a few people wanted a gojo version of this so here it is!! ^w^ LUV U POOKIES
mutual tags :: @kasumitenbaz @lees-chaotic-brain
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softcitrus2345 · 10 months
Hello! This may sound a bit weird, but do you have any advice or recommendations on getting into this niche? I've kind of been watching from afar on several blogs, and I really want to try and test the waters! But I'm not really sure how to go about it, and I'm super scared that I'll end up just talking to a brick wall, having my mutuals find out, or have people ridicule me :')
Thank you for any and all help - I love your art!! Been hanging around for a while now and the progress you've made is so cool
- Clueless Anon
Oh I totally getcha! That's not a weird question at all! /gen /pos
Starting out with this kinda thing is really difficult, I know from experience. It took me months to hype myself up enough to even create this blog, let alone start posting on it, and I had (and still kinda do) those same fears you expressed, they're all very valid but hopefully what I share can help a bit with making your experience more manageable :3
The information I'll share here consists of opinions based on my personal experience posting on this blog, and getting into the belly kink community in general
I'll break it up into steps from what I sorta did when I started out so it makes a bit more sense.
STRUCTURE YOUR BLOG - Make an introduction post with general information about what to expect from your blog, and some other information about yourself if you want to. I like to include a few other things like some of my hard boundaries and leave it as a PINNED POST so that anyone who comes across your account will see this information
BLOCK YOUR MUTUALS - I have the same exact fear of being "found out" by people im close to or just know outside of this space, so once you set up the bare essentials on your blog, look for your mutuals accounts and block them. If you think a mutual of yours might have a blog but you're not sure, ask them! (Something I did was I asked my mutuals to send me their blogs so I could check them out when in reality it was so I could do this exact thing) Don't see blocking as something inherently malicious or bad, it's just a protective measure and a way to curate your experience on the internet in a way that is comfortable for you!
INTERACT WITH YOUR FELLOW ARTISTS! - I know it may not seem like something super important, but interacting with other artists is a very good way to establish yourself in the community, reblogging, tagging and replying to posts you like with nice comments have the potential for others to check out your blog or interact with you as well! I got lucky enough that I found similar communities outside of Tumblr beforehand, but it's still an effective way to get yourself out there and seen!
START POSTING! - Besides my intro post, my first post was something that I wanted to curate in a way that would encourage conversation. I shared several of my ocs that I planned on posting here and some basic information about them, and opened up asks! It's always gonna be a pretty slow start, but as long as you put the time into your work and are passionate about what you want to share, people will find your stuff! It's hard sometimes, especially when comparing yourself to others is such a common thing for people to deal with (including myself sometimes) but everyone's gotta start somewhere!
Starting out anywhere is difficult in itself, but with things like this that are more sensitive subjects for people, I completely understand your uncertainty and nervousness about sharing this kind of content online. But as long as you're not hurting anyone or sharing harmful content, I don't see why people should be so stinky about others just trying to explore different parts of themselves and their interests.. Kinks shouldn't inherently be seen as something to be ashamed of just because someone doesn't understand it. I've been lucky enough to have close friends in this community who have helped me become more comfortable with myself and with sharing my chonky art, and I'm incredibly grateful for that.
I'm flattered you came to me for advice, I hope some of that can help you on your journey, and thank you for sticking around for so long, it means a lot to have your support ;;w;; 💖
I hope things go well for you! I'm cheering you on anon!!
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reputayswift · 1 year
hi, how do you make friends on tumblr? tbh i've been here for a while (3 years) & i technically do have a few mutuals but i feel like barely anyone interacts with me or my posts... If you have any tips at all, or any thoughts, would love for you to share them
Hi anon! Well it also took me 3 or 4 years to start dming anyone regularly and that’s only because @declanwidow showed up in my dms one day asking for playlist advice and I inherited a bunch of friends/mutuals through her 😭💜 but if you DON’T want to wait around for a spontaneous dm, here are some things that help:
reblogging art and edits: there’s a kind of reblog drought going on rn and creators are constantly refreshing for that sweet sweet validation. so when you see something you like, let them know with reblogs, tags, and replies! it’s very likely they’ll take notice :)
general tagging: along with making sure your original posts are properly tagged so people see them, leaving funny/insightful/kind tags on others’ posts will allow people to get to know you and your personality
personal posts: I have some mutuals with MAYBE 1 fandom in common with me that I continue to follow just because I enjoy their personality so much! post about your day, what’s stressing you out, opinions/suggestions/advice you might need, theories, what you’re loving at that moment, etc etc. of course, ONLY SHARE WHAT YOU’RE COMFORTABLE SHARING, but giving people a peek at the person behind the blog will make you stand out. ALSO interact with others’ personal posts!
personal creations: contribute something new to the fandom with your own edits/art/writing/takes (whatever your talent is! you have one, I promise) and people will start to recognize your personal style
participate in games: it’s always a little embarrassing when you reblog an ask game and no one sends asks—be that person who sends asks! then reblog it yourself and they might send you something back. also, I’m not sure how popular this is outside of the Swiftie fandom but sometimes people will host fandom-wide activities like bingo night or watch parties, those are another great way to get to know people! follow users who host these kinds of events so you can stay up-to-date.
Pick and choose the tips that feel most natural to you, Tumblr should be a nice little escape and at no point should you feel like you’re forcing yourself to post a certain way. Sometimes gaining mutuals/friends is just a matter of time and it’s normal to not see a ton of interaction in your first few years :)
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caroldantops · 3 years
hey! im quite new here and i have seen a lot of talk about readers interactions and i was wondering what is the best way to support my favorite writers (like you) because i think i have been doing this wrong and i really want to support writers who do this<3 ps. sorry if that was confusing, english isnt my first language
not confusing at all babes! you're 100% clear.
also can i just say, i very much appreciate you asking this. i would much rather more people speak up and be like "hey, we dont know the best way to support our favorite writers so how can we?" other than just. Not Knowing and Not Doing Anything.
so, im going to speak from my own personal experience but also what ive seen many of my mutuals/writers i follow talk about. this might get a little long but i wanna answer as thoroughly as i can because people should know!
im putting it under a read more because it got hella long, but please i encourage everyone who reads fics but don't interact to read and consider these things.
fellow writers i encourage you to reblog and add any other commentary you think is helpful!
before anything else (this is absolutely not directed at you, anon, you're perfect), i just want to get this out of the way. never come to a writer's blog and get angry with them for complaining about lack of engagement. like jesus christ. writers are putting hours of work on tumblr for you for free. the least we ask is for comments and reblogs. that's it. if you go and act shitty towards writers who ask for more engagement, yet still follow and wait for the next fic, like what are you even doing bro. just stop.
anyway. now let's get to the actual question!
basically all writers on tumblr will agree, reblogs are vital. and i feel like that gets said a lot but maybe people dont actually understand how impactful it is so lemme give an example.
so let's say hypothetically i have 100 followers. that is 100 potential people who see a fic that i post (i say potential because timezones exist so you might not see it as it's posted)
and let's say one of my followers (Person A) reblogs it, and they have 50 followers. that's 50 more people that can read the fic.
and let's say Person B followers Person A and they also reblog it to their 50 followers.
with only two people reblogging a fic, that's already doubling the number of people who have read the fic.
now imagine Person C followers Person A and reblogs the fic, and Person C has like, 1,000 followers. that's so much more exposure for the writer.
and that's only from two followers of the writer. so imagine if all 100 that read the fic reblogged it? the numbers skyrocket at an exponential rate.
plus, more people reading means that the writer could get more people follow them. so they get a more consistent audience.
likes, on the other hand, do not guarantee this exposure. i would say that most people don't have their likes public on tumblr. and also, even if they do, i know that I'm not about to scroll through people's likes rather than scrolling thru their blogs. likes up the notes, and that's about it. of course i understand liking a fic so you can come back to it later, i do that all the time. but if I've liked a fic, i always reblog it once I've read it.
now, say you're reading hardcore smut that you might not want on your main blog for whatever reason, so that's why you don't reblog a fic. look, i get it. sometimes irl people follow your blog, or sometimes you just don't want people to know what you're getting up to. but that's why i made a sideblog specifically for fics.
this entire blog BEGAN as a way for me to reblog fics i liked. and then it grew and grew and grew into all this. not saying that you have to start writing if you do that of course, but i guarantee, i'd rather see a small sideblog blog with like 3 followers reblog my fic than a blog just like the fic and leave. because that's still 3 more people who will see my fic and possibly read it and reblog it. 3 is better than none.
comments. reblogs are important, but comments are really what keep writers writing. they inspire us with new ideas, help figure out what it is that people enjoy from us, help us improve our writing, and most importantly, they make us feel good. and like writing and posting is worth it.
now, i know that sometimes it can feel awkward reblogging with a comment directly on the post. i even usually don't do that unless it's with a friend. but here are some alternatives/tips!
send an ask or DM! if you're really intimidated, sending an anonymous message is by far the easiest way to bypass that awkwardness.
write in the tags!! i cannot express this enough. comment in the tags. ramble about the fic. just put three tags worth of screaming. literally ANY comments in the tags are my favorite thing. i promise you that writers will scroll thru like basically every tag.
also, if they post it on both tumblr and ao3, don't feel weird about giving a little comment on both! i do that all the time. you can even be like 'hey i read this on tumblr first but wanted to say again how much i enjoyed it' and that is like, heart burstingly nice to hear.
also, if you're having trouble coming up with something to say, my like top commenting tip as both a writer and a reader is point out something specific that you like about the fic. when i comment on a fic (this is moreso when i comment on ao3 bc my comments are always longer there) i try to point out a particular line i like. literally if you just copy and paste it and go 'wow i really really like this line especially' that is the number one way to a writer's heart. seriously. it's the simplest thing, but it makes SUCH an impact.
however, if your comments are only asking for more fics, then that's not a comment, that's a request (which not all writers take).
saying something like 'hey i loved this fic a lot! if you have more in store for this in the future, i'd be really excited to read it!' is a million times better than 'will you do a part 2'. i know they don't sound that different, but i promise you that the tone makes a big difference.
(i honestly have more thoughts about good ways to get over commenting fear/know what exactly to comment that doesn't feel generic, so if people would like me to make another post about it i'd do it.)
and last but not least, if the writer has a way to donate, like a ko-fi, that always is so appreciated. of course, take care of yourself first, but if you have a few bucks and wanna show some support to your faves, that's a great way to help :)
oh! also, if the writer ever reblogs those little ask game things, just send them something! engagement outside of writing is also so much appreciated.
i think that's about everything i can think of! i hope this is helpful and that my explanations weren't confusing (if i need to clarify anything let me know). and again, thank you so much for asking! even doing that shows that you're a reader who cares, and that means the world ❤
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glorified-red · 4 years
Classify the boys as they types of fanfic writers you've encountered. :))))
Thank you so much for the request! Don't think I have to tell you how much it means to me to open up my Tumblr and see 10 asks sitting in my inbox.
The BatBoys as Fanfic Writers on Tumblr
word count: 1100~
warnings: none
Dick Grayson: The Popular One
Mostly known for his AU’s because he comes up with completely original AU’s no ones ever even considered writing about
Focuses more on plot rather than feelings, very dialogue heavy
Has done a coffee shop AU
Probably a mermaid AU if you dig deep enough
He likes to go into detail about minute things in his storyline that have nothing to do with the plot but it makes the read much more interesting
Longest taglist ever
Gets plenty of asks asking to be put on his taglist and he's always super sweet when answering them
Very, very interactive fanbase
Spends hours making headers just because it looks cool
Uses pretty dividers
His master list is so aesthetically pleasing you could stare at it for hours, probably even has a key
Dick doesn't like posting regularly, instead he likes to post whenever he has the time or feels like it
Makes up for lack of new content by reblogging things
Reblogs like a champ and WILL spam reblog
Leaves an insane amount of nice comments on every fic he reads
If he follows your blog you have his profile pic memorized because he likes to interact incredibly often 
Super bright pfp that's easily memorizable
Does not mind doing a face reveal
Huge following and very popular
Insane amount of mutuals and their biggest supporter 
Always does tag games and tags like twenty people
Super long bio
Jason Todd: The Realist
Has a “Dark Blog”
Jason likes to bring awareness to real world situations through his writing so it can get dark real quick on his blog
Makes sure to tag thoroughly and has plenty of warnings throughout his blog
Mood-boards Mood-boards Mood-boards Mood-boards
Probably doesn't use dividers but uses ----- or ~~~~
NSFW blog but super kinky that his summary/warnings can be a whole story in itself
Puts his own poetry up ONCE and his fanbase begged him for more because it was so good
Regularly has a poetry night where his fans can send some of their poetry in and Jason will give advice/react/add on etc
Has a horny night right after just to spite his followers
Jason has two separate blogs, one dark and one is a casual one for ‘normal’ fics so his fans can stay comfortable
Probably has a cheesy name for his dark blog like “After Hours” or “Dark Mode”
His profile picture is an aesthetic picture like smoke or a gun on his dark blog and the colors are just inverted on his light blog due to laziness
A good amount of followers but they’re all really interactive and act like a small family circle
Doesn't do tag games
He has like 3 mutuals he regularly talks to and one of them is an irl friend
Likes to remind his followers to drink water or go eat at random but then is the one to get snarky with them or bonk them on the head for getting too horny in his inbox
Writes about feelings a lot, goes very in depth to what his characters are feeling at any given moment, physically and mentally
Has his pronouns in his bio
Tim Drake: The Original Novelist
Very elaborate writer
Sucks at dialogue but makes up for it with his lore and descriptions
Does a ton of original work, has like ten original series’ in his master list with more than fifteen parts each
Makes his own worlds with his own lore but adds in the characters because he still wants to write for his fandom
Basically an author already
Uses words you have to google sometimes
Requests are closed and doesn't respond to feedback in his inbox but secretly rereads them
Tim’s master list is intricate with multiple links to other master lists
Pretty basic/boring headers/dividers to not distract from the links
Posts at random, can go a month or two without posting a fic and then posts nothing but fics for a week straight
Too scared to reblog things at first, barely ever likes things either
Uses the tags very often to scream into the void
Reblogs things that has nothing to do with the fandom he writes for that you'll get whiplash every time you open his blog from how random it can be
On the rare occasions Tim does comment or reblog, he’ll quote a specific line from the fic and scream about how good it was
His profile pic is a random ass photo he liked one day and refuses to change it even if it has nothing to do with his fandom
Refuses to do a face reveal but does post cosplay photos with his face blurred or a mask on
Decent following and only popular because of one original series that blew up
Tim had a few mutuals and hypes them up in private so he can tell them each and every moment he enjoyed in their fic
Does tag games but always says “I tag whoever wants to do this” because he never knows who to tag
His bio is literally just his masterlist because he has a separate bio in there
Damian Wayne: The Conversationist 
Mainly does headcanons but when he does sit down and write, its hella long and very well thought out
Loves writing body language and going into depth about the flaws of his characters
His writing is not fancy at first but its very immersive - one line in and you can easily picture everything, very good at imagery
Damian opens his askbox for headcanons from his followers and will disprove them with facts or add on with his version of canon 
Amazingly good at characterization as if he wrote the character himself 
No headers, he only uses titles
He doesn't even see the point in dividers until someone shows him then he decides to makes his own (insanely good btw)
Posts on a regular schedule to the point that you don't even need his notifs on, you can just open your phone on a certain and know Damian posted
Does not reblog things, its his own blog so why should he reblog other people's things? 
Strictly a writing blog so its very easy to scroll through and see nothing but fics
He has his pet as his profile picture
Not the biggest follower count but he doesn't care about it, he came to write nothing else
No mutuals, only people he knows of and interacts with but does not consider them mutuals
His bio is super simple, just “Writer of __ fandom”
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Taglist ♡
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The Super Soldier and His Friend
Part 7
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Bucky Barnes x friend!reader
(Bucky x Sam, Sam x reader, Sarah x reader)
⊙ Bucky Masterlist ⊙ Main Masterlist ⊙ TSSAHF Masterlist ⊙
Summary: Bucky tells Yori the truth, and tells you that you’re his family. Bucky invites you to go with him to Louisiana for a cookout with Sam.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: spoilers for FATWS Episodes 5 and 6
A/N: this is the final part of the series, I hope it’s to y’all’s liking :)
I don’t want FATWS to end :((
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“You weren’t amending, you were avenging.” Those words rang in Buckys mind. He truly wasn’t amending, so he knew what he had to do.
“So you’re going to tell Yori today, are you sure today is the day?”
“I’ve waited long enough, he needs the closure (y/n) and it’s one step closer to me making amends.”
You patted his shoulder and gave him a warm smile, “I’ll be at my place, come over if you want, when you’re done.” He nods before you both leave his apartment. You went into your apartment just hoping the best for Bucky.
He’s had so much growth since you’ve met him, he’s finally getting closer to peace. Something he’s wanted since you met him.
Bucky didn’t take long. Bucky knocked on his door, Yori surprised to see him, he let him in. They sat down and Bucky told him straight up,
I, uh, have something to tell you. About your son.
Yori was confused to say the least, what could Bucky know about his son? Bucky and Yori sat down as Bucky slipped off his glove.
He was murdered. Bucky said, making Yori even more confused.
By The Winter Soldier. And that was me. Bucky finally spits out, as his voice shakes. Taking everything in him not to fall apart.
“Why?” Yori asked, Bucky inhales, trying to compose himself, “I didn’t have a choice.”
Yori showed Bucky out after that. Bucky took a little walk afterwards, before showing up at your door.
Once he knocked on your door and you saw his face, you knew he had told him. He had tried to tell Yori multiple times, but this time he stuck with it. You let him in and he sat down on your couch.
You stood just a few feet away from him, wanting to know if he’s okay. “So how did it go?”
“I told him, he asked why, and I told him why.”
“I know that was hard and I’m proud of you.” Bucky nods, as you pat his shoulder.
“Do you want to stay for a bit?” He nods again and you grab a bunch of delivery menus from your kitchen. “You’re lucky I don’t have work tomorrow.”
“Your hours are never consistent. Why do you even work there?”
“Well some of us aren’t a World War II veteran and need to work to have a roof over our heads.” You retorted, passing him a menu. “Order us some food, and if I didn’t have a job I wouldn’t be able to pay for our food.”
He smirked before ordering the food as you brought 2 sodas to the table. Setting them down, before sitting down across from him. “Do you want to talk about it?” He shook his head, popping the lid on the soda off.
Trying to lighten the mood you say, “Well I know what we could talk about.”
“And what’s that?”
“Sam’s new suit.” You say, before opening your own soda.
“I’m not following.”
“That’s a nice suit. The Wakandans did good.”
“How did-“
“Just a hunch. Now let’s talk about your suit.”
“My suit is fine.”
“I mean it could use some tweaks.”
“We are not doing this.”
“Sam’s suit is better than yours.” You blurt out, teasing Bucky more. His mouth drops open in fake shock.
“Take it back.”
“He has wings and a shield. You just have a jacket and some pants and a gold and black metal arm.” You exclaim, making Bucky roll his eyes.
“And here I thought you were my friend.”
“I am, and as your friend I’m saying your suit needs an upgrade.”
“Alright, fashion expert.”
After some more light bantering between the two of you, your food arrived, you paid for it then brought it inside.
You noticed the bag being extra heavy than usual. “Geez, Bucky how much did you order?” You asked, taking containers out of the bag.
“Yeah enough to feed 6 people.”
You and Bucky ate as he told you about him and Sam stopping the flagsmashers. It was nice to hear Bucky and Sam working together and not being a pain in each other’s sides. You saw Sam’s speech on TV the other day, it was beautiful and inspiring. Sam is Captain America.
It was way past 12am and Bucky decided he should go home. Even though you didn’t mind him staying, he insisted. “Will you be alright tonight?” You asked, making sure he’d be okay after that day's events.
He nods, “if not, I’ll come over.” You give him a tight hug before he leaves.
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It was quiet and calm in your apartment as you were getting ready for bed. Bucky seemed fine after talking to Yori but he knew he’s always welcome at your place anytime. Which you always expressed. You were getting ready for bed and was interrupted as you heard a knock on your door. You groaned as you trudged to your front door.
You unlocked it to see it’s Bucky. You let him in and close the door behind him, “why didn’t you just use your key?”
“I didn’t want you to think someone was breaking in.”
“Good point,” you sat down on the couch and patted it, telling him to come sit down. “You okay, Buck?” You asked, remembering what he said earlier. He sat down beside you as you got ready to listen to what he had to say.
“Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something.”
“What’s up?”
“Sam invited me to a cookout in New Orleans and I wanted to know if you’d come with me.”
“I’d love to, only if Sam and his family are okay with it. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“I asked him if it was okay. He said you’re welcome to come.” You smiled, “well if it’s okay with him.”
“I got us plane tickets.” He says, handing you a plane ticket he bought.
“You just knew I’d say yes, huh?”
“I just want all of my family to be there.” You stare at him for a moment, with a jaw dropping expression on your face.
“You’re family (y/n/n). I thought I had nothing when Sam gave up the shield, but I had you. Even though we are an usual pair of friends, you’re very important to me.”
“So that’s why you came here at almost 2am? To tell me I’m your family.”
“Yes?” Bucky answered, unsure of how you were taking this.
“I love you too, Buck.”
You glanced down at your plane ticket to see the date you’re supposed to be leaving.
“We’re leaving in 2 days?!”
“Yes..” you glared at him as he slouched in his seat avoiding eye contact with you.
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After about a 3 hour flight, you and Bucky landed in New Orleans. You rented a car and you were on your way to the dock, where the cookout was.
“Wait.” You said, making Bucky stop the car abruptly.
“What happened?”
“We have to bring something. We can’t show up empty handed.”
“What should we bring?”
Bucky drove to the store and the both of you settled on a cake with buttercream icing and 2 liters of soda. You pull up to the dock and Bucky puts on some shades and his jacket. You shook your head as you grabbed the drinks and Bucky got the cake. Music was playing, food was being cooked and everybody was just having a good time when you walked up.
The first people who greeted Bucky were Sam’s nephews, Cass and AJ. Bucky pretended to fight with them for a little bit before walking over to the table and placing down the cake. You came behind and placed the drinks on the table as well. Bucky glanced around looking for the man of the hour. He was getting hugs and pictures from people in the community.
Bucky brought you over to Sam, giving him a hug. Buckys come a long way from ignoring his messages to hugging him, you thought. Bucky glanced over to you, introducing you to Sam.
“(y/n), this is Sam. Sam, (y/n).”
“Nice to meet you in person, Sam. Thank you for inviting me.”
“Anyone who’s friends with Bucky is a friend of mine.”
You met a lot of really nice people that day. You talked to Sarah and offered to help her cook. And man did she put you to work. After you were done, you sat at a picnic table, enjoying the atmosphere.
You watched as children played on Bucky's metal arm as he talked to Sarah, which warmed your heart. Bucky’s arm being a bar to play on for kids. It was nice to see him happy and peaceful there in Louisiana.
Bucky excused himself before coming over to you, “you okay, doll?”
“Yeah, I’m just taking it all in. You fit right in down here.” Bucky nods, agreeing with you, he does fit right in. “Why don’t you come over here with me, Sarah and the kids?” Bucky questioned as he grabbed your hand, leading you over to them.
“I know you two have met.” Bucky smiled, as you sat down at the table.
“Yeah, (y/n), helped me with the food earlier, she’s the one that deals with you in New York.” You laugh, before nodding at Sarah’s comment, “that’s me, though, I feel it's a mutual thing, we deal with each other.”
“Thank you for being so welcoming.” You said as a big smile appeared on your face.
“Of course.”
The music continued to play as everyone danced around, chatted, and ate. The sun began to set. Bucky went to talk to Sam for a moment and Sarah went to go talk to some more people. You stayed there watching the kids play, such innocence and beauty. You glanced over at Sam and Bucky as Bucky nudged his shoulder, a huge grin on his face. You had never seen him smile as much as he smiled that day.
Sam and Buckys moment was short but sweet. Bucky came back and sat next to you, still smiling.
“You’re really enjoying yourself.” You said, turning to him, making eye contact.
“I am, I’m really glad you came (y/n/n).”
“I’m glad I came too.”
That day Bucky realized something. He had a family and he was finally happy.
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A/N: tell me what you thought about this part! Might make an alternative ending or something idk.
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Bucky Tags: @ragnaroqk @mollysolo @mogaruke @whothehellisbuckybarnes @amelia-song-pond @fredweazleyswh0re @tinylumpiaa @i-reblog-fics-i-like @weenersoldierr @stephthepeach @sammypotato67 @ttalisa @mxltifaves @supremethunda @hanniebee33 @gamerartisy @afraid-to-be-me @qhbr2013 @kidswhofightmonsters @bahama-mama-llama @teti-menchon0604 @jbreenr
TSSAHF Tags: @nialeesato @marvel-ousnesss
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winterscaptain · 4 years
intellectual guesswork.
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: another ajf update that requires absolutely no context to enjoy! i love you all so much. send some extra love to your favorite writers this week :)
one quick thing - if you’re on my taglist, please consider dropping a reply or a reblog! i love to see what you all think, and it encourages me to keep going :) it’s also getting a bit long, and i want to make sure my mutuals and people who engage are seeing everything - tumblr sometimes has a hard time with a lot of mentions. 
words: 1.6k warnings: none!
summary: “ignorance of the law excuses no man - from practicing it.” - addison mizner. au!may 2008
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | taglist | what do you want to see next? edited: january 12th, 2021
You all settle into one row. Aaron’s on the end beside you, looking very sharp in a crisp black suit, his favorite Rolex, and a settled kind of confidence you’ve only seen in him a few times. It’s like he’s in his natural habitat. 
Aaron’s record as a federal prosecutor speaks for itself, of course, but you’ve never seen him in action. As often as they can, the bureau’s leadership sends him in as an expert witness. This time, the case happens to be one of yours. The judge hasn’t required a sequestration for Aaron, so you get the treat of sitting together in the courtroom. 
He’s scoffed and mumbled snide remarks under his breath all morning. You’re just itching to see him get up on the stand and give this joker an education. 
Emily leans over, whispering in your ear. “I promise you’ve never seen anything like this before. Hotch is going to rip this clown to shreds.” 
You stifle a laugh and look over at Aaron. He heard her. Leaning toward you, he murmurs, “All my JD does is collect dust. When I use it, I’d like to enjoy it.” 
“Your Honor, the prosecution would like to call our expert witness, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, to the stand.” 
He takes a breath and rises, buttoning his suit jacket and crossing the courtroom. His presence commands respect and everyone in the courtroom seems to shrink before him. 
The prosecution’s questions go over smoothly, and the defense attorney stands with an unreasonable amount of confidence. 
Emily leans over. “He thinks he can get Hotch with at least one of these questions, and he might. But just watch.” 
You nod, taking everything in. 
“So you’ve stated that it was your profile of the killer that led you and the police to my clients door that night.” 
“Behavioral analysis was a factor in our investigation, yes.” 
Without hesitation, the attorney follows up. “And was behavioral analysis also a factor in the Olympic Park bombings case in Atlanta?” 
“Yes, it was.” Aaron’s eyes and tone never waver, no hint of arrogance or cheek. 
“And was that suspect you identified,” the attorney asks, far too aggressively, “Richard Jewell, ever convicted of the bombings?”
The prosecution objects, and you watch Aaron. Every part of him observes the proceedings with an outwardly detached interest, but his eyes are alive - strategizing and anticipating. It’s like you can see the wheels turning as the lawyers bicker. 
 The judge ends the squabble. “I’ll allow it.”
Aaron, now with permission, answers simply, “No, he was not convicted.”
“Because he was innocent. Your profile led you to the wrong man.” 
Oh, give me a break. It takes everything in you not to scoff and you can feel Emily’s eye roll.
“Jewell was not the perpetrator, but if you look at the real Olympic Park Bomber, Eric Rudolph, you’ll see that our profile was dead-on.” 
Dead-on indeed, Aaron. 
“Well, how about we look at the Baton Rouge Killer? Your unit said that he was white and living in the city. He was Black and from the suburbs.”
Aaron’s eyes narrow and you feel Spencer shift beside you. Emily shakes her head. “Don’t worry,” she whispers. “He always recovers, never in the way you’d expect.” 
“How do you know?”
Emily’s face pulls into a little smile. “I’ve read the transcripts. Hotch is terribly clever.” 
“You said that Dennis Rader, the B.T.K. Killer,” the attorney continues, “was divorced and impotent. He turned out to be married with two kids.” 
JJ huffs, and you hear her whisper to Spencer, “Can we quit with the sermon?” 
His lips turn up. “Just wait.”
Dave leans over and stares them down over Derek. Stop talking. 
All of you look down at your hands like chastised children, but your gaze floats back to Aaron right away. 
The prosecution objects again, this time on the grounds of preaching. The judge forces a question, and the attorney turns back on Aaron.
“Having been wrong on those cases, isn’t it possible that you were wrong about Brian Matloff?” 
“No.” Your chest squeezes. He’s completely firm in his denial. 
How does he do that?
“Fact is,” the attorney continues like Aaron didn’t speak at all, “behavioral analysis is really just intellectual guesswork. You probably couldn’t tell me the color of my socks with any greater accuracy than a carnival psychic.” 
Her outburst is unnecessary. Aaron has a plan. His eyes track to you as if to check in. Are you paying attention? 
If you weren’t watching before, you’re certainly watching now. Always. 
“Charcoal grey.” His flat assertion makes you gasp and you immediately cover your mouth with your hand to stifle the sound. 
The attorney turns around. “Well, look at that,” he exposes his socks to the court, and they are, in fact, charcoal grey. “He got one right.”
Aaron’s not finished. “You match them to the color of your suit to appear taller. You also wear lifts and you’ve had the soles of your shoes replaced. One might think you’re frugal, but in fact, you’re having financial difficulties.” 
You do your best to school your expression and remove your hand from your mouth. Checking down the row, you see six smirks watching the witness box. 
“You wear a fake Rolex…”
And you’d know. 
“...because you pawned the real one to pay your debts. My guess would be to a bookie.” 
Is he smiling?
“I took this case pro bono.” There’s tension in Mr. Charcoal Grey’s voice. You can hear it behind the false confidence and it pulls a smile from you. “I am one of the most successful criminal attorneys in the state.”
Hotch continues, completely bypassing him. “Your vice is horses.” There’s definitely a little smile on his face now. “Your Blackberry’s been buzzing on the table every twenty minutes, which happens to be the average time between posts from Colonial Downs. You’re getting race results.” Your smile gets wider, and Emily grabs your hand. 
“Just watch.”
“And every time you do, it affects your mood in court, and you’re not having a very good day.” There’s something that looks almost like concern on Aaron’s face, but you know it’s nothing if not facetious. He’s ripping this poor man to shreds without changing a single thing about his presentation.
I love - 
Don’t finish that thought. 
Why not?
Remember how he’s freshly divorced?
I know, but have you seen him?
“That’s because you pick horses the same way you practice law -” 
You lean forward and Emily follows, her thumbnail between her teeth. 
The final blow. 
“- by always taking the long shot.” 
If this was any other setting, you’re sure the entire team would be on their feet, shouting and jeering. But alas, you’re in court, so you settle for a wide smile and a suppressed laugh. Amused brown eyes meet yours from across the room and you shake your head just the tiniest bit. I can’t believe you.
His lips twitch. 
“Well, you spin a very good yarn, Agent, but as usual, you’ve proven nothing.” He’s just trying to recover something, anything left of his dignity. He fails, miserably. 
“If I’m not mistaken,” Aaron says, his eyebrows raised just a little, “the results from the fifth race should be coming through any minute.”
Just then, his Blackberry buzzes on the defense table. “Why don’t you tell us if your luck has changed?”
You raise your hands to your face to cool the rising heat in your cheeks. 
“Your honor, this is - “
The judge takes matters into his own hands. “What do you want me to do? Either show us your Blackberry or cut him loose, counselor.”
Hotch and the defense attorney share a loaded look. It’s a battle of wills. 
Aaron wins. 
“Nothing further.”
When you all leave the courthouse, you practically latch onto Aaron’s arm, completely floored. 
“How did you do that?”
He laughs and Derek jumps up beside him, shaking his shoulders. “Come on, Hotch. That was incredible.” 
“Why have a law degree if you aren’t going to use it?”
He offers you a ride home later that evening and you take him up on it. You’re both still in the car, idling in front of your house. 
“That really was impressive today,” you admit, your eyes on your hands.
You can feel his soft smile rather than see it. “Thanks. I know it didn’t quite go the way we wanted as far as the case itself, but there’s more to come.” 
“It’s never as bad as it looks in the first couple of days.” 
“Exactly.” He sighs. “Thanks again for being there today. It’s…” his lips twist as he thinks, “nice to have the team around.” 
You reach out, squeezing his forearm before immediately letting him go. “Of course. We’ll always be there for you. Plus, there’s nothing better than watching you tear blowhard lawyers to shreds in a court of law.” 
“I’m not sure that’s exactly how it went.” 
“You’re kidding!” You laugh. “That’s just what happened. The man left without half his soul! You absolutely tore it from his body.”
The pair of you quiet, and you move to get out of the car. He stops you with a hand over yours as you unclip your seatbelt. “Really. Thanks for being there today.” 
“I can’t emphasize this enough - it was my pleasure.” 
Enough of a pleasure as it was, his smile in the dark of the car is the best part of your day.  
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @fics-ilike @ange-must-die @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @davidrossi-ismydad @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @micaiahmoonheart @ogmilkis @thatreallyis-americas-ass @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @joemazzello-imagines @pinkdiamond1016 @sebbybaby0 @pan-pride-12 @hotchlinebling @lee-rin-ah @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky @writerxinthedark @bauslut @yourlovelynewsbian @sparklingkeylimepie @aili28 @kingandrear @reader4027 @spnobsessedmemes @rogers-mouth @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @hotchnersgoddess @buckybau @phoenixfyre374 @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandi-ass-prentiss  @dontkissthewriter @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @ahopelessromantic @violentvulgarvolatile @andreasworlsboring101 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @bwbatta @roses-and-grasses @lcvischmitt @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @mandylove1000 @garcia-reid-lovechild  @cevanswhre @colbyskoalas @qvid-pro-qvo @jeor @spencers-hoodrat @infinity1321
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How to grow your blog - For Beginners!
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Since I receive quite a few messages about how I grew my blog and how others could improve theirs, I decided to do this post to help you with whatever knowledge I gathered throughout my time on here.
Disclaimer: These are only my personal observations, there's no proven success if used and they may differ in other people's case.
Things I will discuss below will include;
Masterlists / Navigations
So, I guess it's time for us to begin :)
First and foremost, interactions are the most important elements of Tumblr. These can include asks/ comments/ reblogs/ reblogs with comments and any sort of interactions with other blogs.
Asks are important because while you're having fun and chatting away with people, your name shows up on their blog and their followers might be intrigued by your user name or what you said and they check out your blog.
Comments. When you read a fic or see a beautiful edit and leave a comment on that certain post, most of the time the creator will check out your profile and other people who leave comments might find you sweet and head to your blog as well. It's nothing deep with an underlying meaning. It's simple curiosity. If what you write is kind or relatable, people feel drawn to you.
Reblogs. Reblogs are one of the most important part of Tumblr. That's the only way your art can be spread. Sure, tags are important and helpful, but reblogs are the ones that keep your art alive. When you reblog a post you're essentially sharing someone else's content with 10, 100 or 1000 people without your knowledge.
Reblogs with comments are possibly the most important and significant part of this site. You don't just share someone else's art, you also add your positive comment to it, which draws people's attention. When you reblog someone else's art, they might check out your blog and they might reblog yours. Of course, it's not a rule nor should it be expected, but from my personal experiences, I have gained loads of followers through my mutuals. Their kind words and love for my fics have drawn quite a large traffic to my blog and vice versa.
Masterlists / Navigations
Many people will tell you that tags are enough and you don't need a Masterlist. I disagree. Whilst tags are good and useful, tumblr's tags aren't reliable and on top of that people can be quite lazy. The easiest way to showcase your art - whether it be fanfiction, fanart, gifs, drawings, video edits and such - is to basically offer them to your visitors/followers on a silver platter. It can be a bother at times, always keeping it up to date, but when people have to search for your content they get discouraged because let's be honest, we like things that are easily accessible.
Masterlists can be a single Tumblr post or a Google drive document where you add the link of your creations. In my Masterlist you can find different characters, organised by different fandoms. If you use Google drive make the document readable [but not editable] for the public.
Some people, such as myself, create Navigation posts, where they add relevant sub menus which help their followers navigate easier on their blogs. These can contain where to send "asks", "rules" that the owner of the blog might set, "blog recommendations", "side blogs", "about me" menus and the like.
Although I mentioned that tags can be unreliable, they're still a necessity. Search for relevant tags and use them when you post your art. Meanwhile reblogging is the easiest way to get your creations out there, people do regularly search for tags when they wish to see something and the only way they will find you is if your post appears in tags.
If you're not sure whether your tags are working, you can always head to your dashboard, click on the 👤 in the right upper corner, go down to the posts menu and look for the post you want to check on. Once you found it, click on the tag that you would like to search for. If it shows up in the recent tab of the search results, it means the tag is working, but if after 5 minutes of posting it's still not there, you might need to reupload your work. Unfortunately Tumblr has some issues with the tags and it takes two or even three attempts at times to upload something correctly, whilst other times it might work immediately.
On a side note, if you reblog nsfw content or triggering content, you might want to tag those appropriately. Tw food, tw blood, tw. etc. Depends on the content of the triggering post.
You can also create your own tags. Such as "XY's inbox" for your asks or "XY shares" for anything that you reblog from others. This way people can block those tags and see only those posts on your blog that they might find interesting.
Taglists aren't a necessity, especially because there are many different ways to notify your followers of new creations, but it's certainly useful. The reason I think taglists are important is because tumblr won't always show your posts on everyone's dashboard, especially if they follow loads of people. However, when you use a taglist, and mention people on your newest posts, they will be able to get a notification of your update.
Of course, if you feel like tagging people might be bothersome, you might create a side-blog where you reblog your posts and people can turn on notifications to be notified of your updates. This option has been rather popular recently, because usually we reblog and post many things on our main blogs and people don't want to get notified about every trivial post, so a side-blog with the most important posts might just be it for you.
This might be confusing so let me be less vague. As I said, we can be rather lazy and that doesn't mean we're bad people, we might just had a difficult day or too much to study or work and we just want easy access to content. Being simple is a necessity. Though it's good to be creative and unique, such as creating a Masterlist that's called "Where the stars shine", it's not obvious for many what is hidden behind those words and they might not be curious enough to check it out. By being simple and obvious, as I said before, you're offering your content on a silver platter. Simple and neat. Sometimes people just need things to be easy to find.
I have been told many times before that my blog is very organised and I feel very proud about that because it means people can find things easily. Of course, it's not proven, but I think that could be a factor in growing your blog. But as I've said, these are only my personal observations.
I hope this helps. Have a nice day :) Heloise Daphne Brightmore
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 5.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 3.1k
A/N: I really went with this one lol, I just can’t wait for more Haz in the next parts ngl 👀. Hope you like this andd I would appreciate it if you reblog, leave a comment, or send a feedback!❤️
My tag list is open for this series!
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, swearing, mentions of alcohol
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
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“He is looking at you, and he has that smile on his face Y/N!” Anna whispered, laughing with you.
Oh this feeling. You missed it so much.
You would catch him staring, giving you a shy smile every now and then.
And there was Tom. Looking hot as always.
He was talking with him and Harry, laughing and drinking, eyeing almost every girl that passed next to them. Some of them were lucky, getting a hug and kiss on the cheek.
He caught you staring, sending you a quick wink.
Nice one Tom, totally original.
Focus Y/N. Tonight is definitely not about him.
“How did you end up together? Did he approach you first? What did he say? Or you? Or...”
“Okay, okay..breathe!” You chuckled at her excitement, happy to have a friend like her by your side.
“You don’t even know how much I would love this to happen!” She pointed at you and him, trying to look as calm as possible.
“I was in the kitchen getting your drink, and I really didn’t see him. He was getting a refill I suppose, so he started a conversation with me, and yeah..” You explained.
“He asked me if I wanted to go outside because the house was packed, and we just sat there and the chat went really smoothly. He is so sweet Anna.”
“I told you he was so your type! He is the most caring and warm-hearted person. He deserves you, and you absolutely deserve him.”
“We really clicked the day we met, and you know how much I like to talk, he listened to every single word. Every day. Especially when I was talking about you, so I thought this would be a great opportunity.” She began.
You didn’t feel that thrilled about a boy ever since Noah.
He really was the first boy that showed some interest in you. It was a nice 2 year relationship and friendship, however the spark just faded.
That’s what he said.
At least it wasn’t an ugly break up, full of screaming and bitter words.
But still it was your first heartbreak and you didn’t want to hear the lousy “we should stay friends” or “we are going to be in touch” sentence. So you just cut him out of your life, and it sure was a great decision after seeing him a few days after with a girl by his side.
“Y/N!!! Woah look at you! You’re having fun I see huh?” Amelia winked, tipsy already.
“How much did you drink Mel?” You giggled when she hugged you.
“Ya know not that much! But definitely enough to go talk to that blondie back there.”
“Good Mel, I’m glad you are having fun too.”
“I think it’s time that you strip and show that piece under your innocent dress babe.” Anna whispered, trying to coax you.
“Are you kidding me? In front of everyone? If you told me that half of the town would be here I wouldn’t even bother to put it on.”
“Oh please Y/N. Look everyone is already in their bikinis! Believe me you don’t have nothing to hide, only to show.” She smirked, tapping your bum twice.
“God. Okay. But I’m not doing this alone, you two are stripping also!” You said.
“Amelia sure forestalled you.” She laughed, looking at a now half naked and drunk Amelia that jumped in the pool.
“I just hope she will not pass out and end up puking in the car like last time.” You said, looking at her laughing and calling for you to join the party.
Sure why not.
You let your dress slide down your body, admiring the red bikini that was on full display now.
“Well holy moly, if he doesn’t want you I’m gonna take the opportunity.” Anna’s eyes went up and down, admiring your figure.
You were so engrossed in the conversation with Anna that you didn’t feel two pair of eyes staring at you.
“Holy shit.” Harrison muttered under his breath.
He was dumbfound. He couldn’t find the right words to describe how gorgeous you were.
Harrison was already struck by your inner beauty, this was just a bonus.
But he sure wasn’t the only one staring and admiring the girl near the pool.
Right behind him was Tom whose eyes were about to pop out of his eye sockets from the view.
He saw already much more than that, but he couldn’t look away.
The red bikini hugged your tits perfectly, your bum looking better than ever.
The scenes from the previous night were on his mind.
If he could, he would take you right there. In front of everybody.
Tom’s erection was getting more visible through his swimming trunks. The throbbing inside was driving him crazy.
“You ready to jump in mate?” Harrison’s voice broke his silent thoughts.
“Yeah, of course.” He said lowly, trying his best not to groan.
Tom thought that the refreshing pool water would help him to calm his hot mind.
He really needed you.
After all the deal said that you would help each other, isn’t that right?
However his plans to come and talk to you were ruined by his friend who was trying to keep you entertained.
“You call that entertainment? We will see what will you like more soon love.” He thought as he swam away, losing his patience now.
You were okay on your own, dipping your feet in the pool, waiting for Anna that dragged Amelia to the bathroom to pee.
You saw Harrison entering the pool again, sending you a small grin letting you know he would join you in a minute.
He presence was making you so nervous, but in a good way.
“Finally got some more time with you, Mel was killing me with the stories about this blonde dude that she met while spilling almost her whole drink on me.” He laughed, slicking his wet hair back.
“Tell me about that, Anna took her to the bathroom to pee. She is really wild tonight.”
He was in front of your legs, his crystal blue eyes were focused on yours.
“You know.. I really want to ask you something.” He began, swimming closer to your legs to rest his arm on top of your knees leaving a trail of goosebumps on your hot skin.
His cold and soft touch sent waves of pleasure through your body.
You could get used to this.
“Go on.”
“I really enjoyed the time we spent tonight, and I really want to do this more often if you would like that too. I mean I would like to take you out, you’re really lovely Y/N.” He reddened after the words slipped past his lips.
“Of course, I really had fun tonight thanks to you Harrison. I really like you.” You spoke back.
“The feeling is definitely mutual. Are you available on Monday?”
“Yes, Monday sounds perfect.”
“Excellent love, now I think it’s time to cool off a little.” He smiled mischievously, grabbing your hips.
“What do you mean cool—“ You didn’t even finish your sentence because you found yourself underwater.
You were out of breath laughing, splashing water on him.
“Oh you’re trying to drown me? You sure are messing with the wrong person here.” You joked, putting your arms on his shoulder.
“Gonna need much more strength for that love.” His arms sneaked around your waist under the water, drawing you close to him.
“Want to try that again?” He whispered, his face close to yours.
His breath fanned your skin, you were so sure something would happen, but something stopped that.
Or should I say someone in particular.
“Am I interrupting something?”
Gosh Tom, you really are a bitch.
“No, no Tom, we were just chatting.” Harrison answered him, stepping outside the pool to sit.
“Well, Amelia is plastered and Anna asked if you could help her so she could put her in bed.” Tom said.
“Sure, are they inside?”
Tom just nodded.
“You gonna wait for me?” Harrison asked before leaving.
“I’m gonna dry myself off, so we can meet in the garden?”
“Deal love.”
Tom just waited for his friend to disappear from your sight so he could finally speak to you.
“Look at you darling, you look divine.”
“Thank you Tom, you sure know when to come.” You spoke back.
“I’m sorry for ruining your sweet moment here darling, but they really needed him.”
You stepped outside the pool, making your way to the house.
“So you really made my mate go all insane for you.” Tom stated, guiding you to the bathroom.
“Did I?” You asked, your heart fluttering at his words.
“Absolutely. He couldn’t keep his eyes away from you.”
“And me as well.” Tom spoke in your ear, looking around so you could enter the bathroom unnoticed.
Fuck Tom.
Should I be even doing this?
“You made me so hard just by watching you in this red two piece bikini.” He growled in your ear.
You leaned your head on his shoulder, trying to relax as much as possible.
The feeling of getting caught was stressing you out.
But you couldn’t say no to him.
You sighed as his lips were teasing your neck and shoulder.
“Shit I craved you so much baby, couldn’t wait any longer.” His hands made their way to the nape of your neck, untying the knot of your top.
Tom’s fingers danced on your skin, coming in contact with your belly.
His palm was placed there holding you close to him, while his other hand toyed with the knots that held the bottom piece of the bikini in place.
“Can you feel how much I want you right now baby?” He rubbed his crotch on your ass, receiving an exciting moan from you.
“Shh, we don’t want anyone to burst in here do we?” He shushed you, pressing a sloppy kiss on your jawline.
“Fuck, no. Just do something already we don’t have much time.”
“You mean you don’t have much time? I have the whole damn time if you ask me.” Tom teased, chuckling into the nape of your neck.
His free hand reached the edges of your bikini, pushing the material to the side dipping one finger into your folds.
“Looks like I wasn’t the only one excited here hm?” He rubbed you slowly, slipping one finger inside of you without a warning.
You tried your best not to be loud, but the feeling of Tom’s fingers buried inside of you made you weak.
“Would love to see you fall apart on my fingers baby, but we both know we need each other now right?”
“Hell yes, please fuck me.” Your eyes still closed, enjoying the pleasure he was giving you.
He removed his hand, making you whine from the feeling of being empty.
“Don’t worry I got something much more better.”
The dark trunks of his were now long gone, his hands lifted you up on the washing machine spreading your legs wide open.
Tom smashed himself inside of you, making you both whine from the feeling.
Your palm grasped his wet curls tightly, pulling him closer to your trembling body.
God this feels so wrong, but so great.
What are you doing to me Tom? No wonder Sophie went crazy about you.
“Tell me love, who can make you this good?”
“Shit you Tommy.” You bit your lip drawing blood to the surface, only to stop the moans escaping from your throat.
“Don’t break the deal between us love. Look how good we make each other feel. You can still be with whoever you want and me as well, no one needs to know it will be our little secret.” He pleaded into your ear.
You were aware of the situation.
Although you knew that this would be wrong in every possible way if something happens between you and Harrison, you couldn’t say no.
He was so addicting, his touch, movements, small talk.
What happened? How did you fell for someone like Tom?
“Christ, this will be so wrong but I-I can’t break this fucking deal.” You muttered out, squeezing your eyes shut from the familiar sensation forming in the pit of your stomach.
You’re going to be the end of me Thomas.
He smiled at your response as his hands pushed through your hair gripping it lightly.
You were close to the edge. You whimpered as his fingers started rubbing your bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck I’m gonna cum.” You managed to choke out.
Tom wasn’t that far from coming and seeing your beautiful face as you came, he almost bursted.
“That’s right beautiful, you’re doing so good for me. Don’t worry just our little secret.”
And with that he pulled out his length shooting his load on your bare chest.
“Fuck you look so good with my cum all over you.” He smirked playfully, eyeing your tits.
“Full of yourself Holland, hand me a tissue please.” You replied.
The reality hit you hard in that moment.
You were nervous, anybody could tell if they saw you honestly.
You loved Tom and ending this..whatever it’s called wasn’t something you wanted.
And hurting a guy like Harrison by doing something behind his back was a no as well.
“Hey, don’t stress that much.” Tom spoke handing you the tissues.
“You know he likes you, I’m thousand percent sure, he is my best mate I know when he likes someone or not.” He laughed, helping you down from the washing machine.
“I hope so..but that’s not the only thing why I’m worried.” You whispered as you searched through your bag for dry clothes.
“Look I know you think that this is bad..but believe me it’s just a silly deal that’s here for us if we need to blow off some steam and stuff like that. No feelings love, that’s making everything different.”
Maybe he was right?
No one would say a thing, eventually your crush will fade and no harm done.
You hope so.
“Yeah..you have a point. No one will know?” You asked once more.
“No one love.”
You could feel him staring as you tried to dress yourself.
“Do you mind turning around?” You asked, trying to hide your breasts and everything else as much as possible.
“Why? Nothing I haven’t seen or felt before.” He leaned on the white tiles with his eyes still on your body.
“Dear God.” You spoke. Annoyed.
You gave up, starting to dress in front of him.
“I look like shit now, great.” You stared at the reflection in the mirror.
Hair a complete mess, the light makeup long gone by now, your cheeks flushed.
“Oh c’mon you stole his heart anyway, he won’t notice anything.”
Crap, Harrison.
He is probably looking for you.
“How long are we here? He probably thinks I stood him up or something.” You panicked, grabbing the doorknob.
However Tom’s hand was fast enough to stop you.
“Wait, I will go first to see if someone’s around. I will knock if the air is clear, then you can go.”
“Okay, just hurry up.”
The 10 seconds were like an eternity.
You’re heart was running wild because of Tom and Harrison.
You wanted them both.
“Come out.” He said, knocking on the door.
“I see you around then?” He added before you tried to disappear.
“Yes.” You gave him a one last look before speeding down the stairs.
“There she is!” Anna shouted, pointing at you.
“I’m so sorry, I couldn’t f-find my bag so it took me a while.” You spoke, looking at Anna and him.
“No problem, but you missed the fun with Amelia.” Anna giggled.
“Oh that was a show I bet.”
“Definitely, Harry said that she can sleep here tonight, so we don’t have to worry if the car will smell like vomit.” She joked, making a slightly disgusted face.
“Okay, I’m going to find Harry and when you two are done call me.”
You were lost for words again.
He was absolutely beautiful.
“So..” You began, rocking back and forth on your feet.
“Our date still on?” He asked nervously.
“Of course I really did enjoy my evening with you.”
“I’m so glad you did, because I honestly want to see you more.”
Before you could even answer, his arms were on your back.
He pressed an innocent peck on your cheek out of the blue.
Harrison didn’t want to rush anything, but he wanted to show how much you fascinated him.
“See you on Monday?” He said.
“See you on Monday.” You confirmed, embracing him in a short hug.
“Oi, oi already going home?” The cocky voice spoke behind your back.
“Someone wants a decent amount of sleep Holland.” Anna replied, stopping just like you to see what he wanted.
However he did have some company with him.
The same blonde from the living room.
Wasn’t the sex a while ago enough for him?
Of course not.
You felt sick seeing his fingers caressing her slim hip.
Please let us leave.
“The party just started, you’re no fun like always.” He was being a total douche in front of her, nothing like Tom that hangout with us.
“If you’re trying to impress your girl here, you’re failing. Try to sober up a bit then you can talk to us, good night.” She grabbed your hand, marching to her car.
“He is being an total ass tonight.”
“Yeah..” You mumbled, the picture of Tom and the blonde occupying your mind.
“You upset about something? You know you can tell me everything.” She glanced at you, bringing her attention back to the road.
“Oh n-no, nothing’s bothering me really. I’m just stressing about my date on Monday.” You spoke, it was true after all. You were nervous about that as well.
“OHH, yeees Harrison told me he asked you on a date. Believe me nothing to worry about he is head over heels for you babe!”
“Will you come help me out before the date?” You questioned.
“Absolutely! I’m always here to help!” She screeched happily.
“See you then Ann, thank you for this evening and Harrison and everything. Have a good rest, good night.” You hugged her, before exiting the car.
“No problem love! Love to see you happy like this, good night!”
This was an intense night. You were all over the place, the whole night repeating in your head.
Your apartment was dark and quiet.
You kicked your shoes off, exhaling loudly as the tune of a received message grabbed your attention.
Unknown number
I loved your company so much I forgot to ask for your number. Hope you don’t mind that I asked Ann. :)
Haz x
Of course not! I’m glad you asked her! I enjoyed your presence as well. Xx
You were so overwhelmed that sleeping was impossible at that moment. The only thing on your mind was the date and Harrison.
Tag List
@averyfosterthoughts @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @timey-wimey-lovi @rachaeldonnaspiteri1 @peterparker-rickybowen-mybabies @sweetestscape @quacksonhq @stuckyyrogers @kaylinfayezink @tomhollandthing @stardustom @hannahholland1811 @yoinkyourheart @magicwithaknife @thurstyforholland @quaksonhehe @fanficscuziranout @runway-to-my-aid @definitely-not-black-cat @got-to-get-away @littlebookbengal @primadonnasdream @readheadwriter @ifntelyinspirit @juliebean247 @hes-amarillo @danicarosaline @lukesbabylon @lulueliott24
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I saw your post about starting to post stories here. How do you make friends here? I try so much but it's just so hard to me🥺
Hi, love!
I totally understand that! It’s intimidating to reach out and try to make friends for me too and can feel exhausting. I’ve been there. <3
It’s so great that you’re already trying! You will make friends, I’m sure of it, but this can take a bit of time sometimes. So don’t worry too much about it!
For me, it happened naturally. I either reached out to them because I found their blogs interesting or they seemed like a person I wanted to get to know better, or they reached out to me. So I don’t have a full on ... plan on how to make friends (I wish lol) but here’s how most of my tumblr friendships happened:
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1) Send them a message or an ask I know, it’s the most obvious one but it works. I had someone reach out to me saying “hey, let’s be friends” and that got us talking. Or simple messages about something they saw on my blog or even “hey, do you want to chat?” or “Can I vent about (x) to you?”. It always worked with me.
2) Comment on / message them about their work Seriously, most of my friendships here started like this. I commented a lot under their work or they commented under mine and that’s how we started talking. I checked their blogs out when I received comments or they send me regular asks and ... boom, friends.
3) Comment on / message them about their personal posts Basically what I said about commenting on creator’s works applies here too. I remember one of my friends has this really weird/funny post pinned on her blog and I commented on that and that was basically the starting point for us becoming mutuals.
4) Ask them for help I met a few of my mutuals like this! Questions like “Hey, I have a fic idea, can I run it by you” or “I want to write about (x) but I don’t know if this makes sense” are usually a great starter.
5) Tag them in tag games Even if they have never tagged you before, so far I haven’t heard of anyone who got annoyed by that. If people tag me in those games my instant reaction is “aw how sweet that they thought of me”. If you don’t get tagged in these games so far, don’t be scared to just do one anyways and tag a few people.
6) Join Group Chats / Discord Servers Okay, I get that this is scary for a lot of people. I was terrifyied when I first joined a HP server even though it was started by a mutual of mine. But - best decision ever! I have not regretted it once!
7) Stay authentic This is really important to me because I do get messages some times that at first seem really friendly but then they only start to promote their own fics. Which is normally totally fine! It’s written on my navigation post that everyone can feel free to send me their work for me to check it out. However, if you at first pretend to be interested in talking to me and then proceed to only talk to me unless you post a new fic, it leaves ... a bitter taste behind. Like, don’t pretend in the first place. Just go “here, I have a new fic, do you want to check it out?”, I’m 100% fine with that! So, what I mean to say is: stay authentic and talk to people because you actually want to talk to them. However, I believe in your case that won’t be a problem.
8) Be consistent Talk to other people on a regular basis. Comments, messages, tag games, whatever you choose to do: do it regularly. One of the people I consider a really close friend by now became my friends by sending me gifs of an actor to which I replied with “hey, we should make this a daily thing”. And so, for weeks, we just sent eachother gifs of actors and boom, we’re friends now.
9) Don’t be disappointed when there’s no “connection” / Don’t force anything Just like in real life, you can’t force friendships. Sometimes, it just doesn’t click with certain people and that’s okay. I have reached out to quite a few creators and then we talked for a bit and then I realized ... this doesn’t work. The conversations are hard to maintain, it feels forced, or I simply don’t “vibe” with them. That’s completely normal. Now, I still follow them but leave it at the occasional comment or reblog. Don’t be disappointed when that happens.
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I hope this helped you a little! I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a simple answer. However, I made the amazing experience on tumblr that most people are generally very nice and welcoming! <3
If you have any more questions, feel free to send me another ask! If you just want to chat some time, just message me! <3
Masterpost: You want to start posting stories on tumblr?
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
ok so we have seen over and over again people's assumptions about how gg main characters's instagrams would look like but how do you think their secret tumblr blogs would be? 👀
hmm! i just went over tumblr in general, because i don’t think all of them would have ‘secret’ tumblrs per say? everyone’s thing under the cut, cause it got SO long. i did not mention chuck because i don’t rlly see chuck as having a tumblr in any universe tbh - i feel like he would think it takes away from his businessy vibe or something.
dan's main would be something with a ts eliot url, like, a snippet from one of his poems, or it would be a whitman url, a snippet from a poem again (i see him with a whitman url of some kind & maybe his blog title is an eliot reference.) dan would 100% have the whole dark academia thing going in some ways, i think his blog would be organised as a grid, and he would reblog pictures of libraries, museums, occasionally of art, and also, quotes. so many quotes. so much literature. if you've been on tumblr long enough you know exactly the kind of blog i'm talking about.
dan's tumblr sideblog, on the contrary, would have nothing to link it to him. it'd probably be the tumblr default theme, pastel colours or something... i feel like dan is the specific genre of trans kid who uses a different set of pronouns online for anonymity purposes and then goes "wait a minute i like these pronouns BETTER". his url would be something extremely mundane and random like coffeeaddict779 or something, and it would be all #vent and #dont reblog. nobody who's following his sideblog knows what his main is, and vice versa.
serena would i think have one of those "be kind, do no harm :)" kind of hipster tumblr blogs, except she's incredibly sincere. she wouldn't have a sideblog, i don't think? and i don't think she'd attach her name to it in any way, probably just pronouns in bio and maybe a 'call me S'. she and dan would be mutuals on dan's main! her blog will be very, uh. aesthetic pictures, reblogs of dolphin videos and music and WIP art videos and anything else that'll catch her eye. she'll tag blair in fashion vids, nate in sailing posts, dan in literary stuff, and vanessa in film related/photography related things. she's having fun! every now and then she'll post a vent post but it's extremely vague and it's either something everyone who knows her irl already knows about her ('i hate my mom so much') or something that says practically nothing ('i am so worried about my brother and wish i could do more to help him.')
jenny's fashion inspo blog!!!! what more do you want me to say. she'd make it big in the fashion community and get anons all the time and she'd probably also have an etsy where she sells things she's sewn and made. everyone sort of knows she's an up and coming designer and she'd find a good community online hopefully!!! her blog would be something simple, with a url like jennydesigns or something (i bet that's taken rn, i havent checked) and her theme would be one of those themes that allows for u to have big images. she would probably post vents in the same way serena does, tag them #personal or #rambles, and have that neat code that allows for the tag to be filtered out whenever anyone views her page on desktop, you know?
i think eric would not have anything specific that he posts. he would just reblog random things - memes, things he finds interesting, jenny's original posts, stuff serena tags him in, cat videos, lgbtq+ positivity, etc. he'd try and stay out of drama (i think he'd turn anon off eventually.) he’d also post a lot of music reblogs or links, i feel?
vanessa's main blog would be one where she posts her own photos and films. because she's professional about it, it'd probably just be @ vanessaabrams. she'd have a sideblog specifically for reblogging other people’s work because she wants to support other artists, and it would be vanessareblogs or something like that, and her bio would mention “main tumblr @ vanessaabrams”. she’d be much adored in the photo/film community and just in general, because she’s one of the few people who hypes up other creators all the time and leaves nice comments in tags and all that. every now and then serena reblogs vanessa’s photography onto her blog and it almost always blows up, but vanessa doesn’t mind. i don’t think vanessa would have a vent blog or even a personal tag, she gives me big ‘i wanna keep my business totally off the net’ kind of vibes.
nate’s blog would be a lot like serena’s except, uh, more openly wanderlusty i think. a LOT of ocean reblogs. every now and then he reblogs keroauc quotes from dan which the girls find extremely hilarious. he talks a lot about sailing and gets a lot of sailing anons. he’d reblog a lot of positivity (mostly because he knows his friends are following him and he wants to brighten up their dash.) dan and vanessa jokingly dm him weed aesthetic posts all the time, but every time they do he reblogs and tags it ‘sent to me’ or somehting like that, and they cant decide whether to be flattered or embarrased. i think nate would also attract a lot of anons who ask for advice and it is something he never expected people coming to him for, but he definitely listens and shares whatever he’s got to say all the same. he’s this blog who should be weirdly niche but everyone sort of knows him and likes him.
saving the best for the last, lol. i have SO many thoughts about blair’s tumblrs. 
i think she’d have a main tumblr that’s solely for classic film stuff (audrey! and more) and that’d be @ blairwaldorf, because, well, duh. i think she’d pay for a tumblr theme and get one of those really fancy and cute ones, like a floralcodes ms paint theme. i think she’d also have a sideblog that’s less serious, where she’d reblog things from tv shows, reblog things serena or nate have tagged her in, write her own meta for fandoms she’s in, just generally be a multifandom mess with a #personal tag but nothing too personal. it would still be classy, because she’s blair, but on this blog, she’s just a girl having fun.
and then she’d have a THIRD blog, a sideblog that doubles up as a vent blog. and this one isn’t linked to her other two in an obvious way, nobody knows it’s her, etc. on here she’d probably post a lot about her ed (but i think in a  ‘i am struggling and i want to bitch’ way, not in a thinspo way - that’s a whole conversation i have no spoons for, so let’s not go there), she’d post about her insecurities and worries but it would be extremely untraceable. she’d have a fancy theme on this one too, despite it being a vent blog. 
hm. now im thinking of the potential of like. dan and blair interacting super frequently on their vent blogs and neither of them knowing it’s the other person!
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narumi-gens · 4 years
hi!! so i just started writing fanfics, and i was just wondering -- how do you deal w/ numbers and the whole posting online thing? while i know that i should be writing for fun and stuff (bc it is!) and that im literally JUST starting out, BUT i just.. im someone who really heavily relies on validation, and when people don't really respond to my works well (or at all), i kinda just.. feel bad ): idk.. do u have any tips?
🥺 You came to me for advice on this, anon? 🥺 Thank you so much! I’m more than happy to pass on what I’ve learned and help out a new writer. I’ve been reading/writing fanfics on-and-off in some form or another for like ten years, but especially over the last four and am happy to share some tips. There are five main things that I think can help grow your follower count and the amount of feedback you get:
Don’t feel bad about wanting validation.
Consider the platforms where you post.
Write for active fandoms and popular characters.
Post frequently.
Interact with other authors.
This got rather long so I have more info under the cut about each of these. 
1. Don’t feel bad about wanting validation.
There’s this dumb trap that we all fall into as writers that tells us that validation isn’t important and that what matters most is our love of writing. While I enjoy writing, if my stuff got no notes and no feedback then I would definitely have gotten discouraged and quit writing awhile ago. Why would I put all that effort into something if no one seems to appreciate it? There’s nothing bad about wanting people to let you know they like your writing! I get so happy when I see someone left a comment on one of my fics or went crazy in the tags or sent me an ask. And when something doesn’t get any feedback, I get depressed about it and second guess whether I should have bothered writing it. So, definitely try not to get caught up feeling bad because you want people to tell you that they liked your work. 💕
2. Consider the platforms where you post.
I only use AO3 and Tumblr, so I can’t speak to any other platforms, but posting my writing on both of these are widely different experiences. Part of the culture of AO3 is giving kudos and leaving comments, so you’re more likely to get feedback there than anywhere else. I slowly built a following on Tumblr because of my AO3, even when I wasn’t posting anything on Tumblr itself. I would really recommend checking out AO3 if you’re not already on there! You do need to request an invitation, but it only took me a couple of days to receive one. I also have 8 invitations that I haven’t sent out, so DM me if you want one and I can give you one! 
I’m sure you’ve already seen posts about this, but the unfortunate thing about writing on Tumblr is that the feedback is absolutely minuscule and I’m not sure why. There’s this awful culture on this platform of people only liking content and not reblogging it to make sure it gets shared with other users. So, you end up really reliant on your own followers and the tagging system for your works to reach people. And the tagging system is a mixed bag. Sometimes your posts don’t show up in the tags or they will but only after a couple of days. If your post gets enough notes then it might go to the top of the search feed but then only for a few days at most. 
As a sidenote to readers, this is why reblogging is so important! Even if you only have five followers or don’t leave a comment, just reblogging it means a lot to content creators!
Here are some of the tips I have for the mechanics of Tumblr:
Use the tagging system, as imperfect as it is. I think Tumblr now reads the first 20 tags in your post, so use that to your benefit. I usually always tag at least: [character name]; [character name x reader]; [fandom]; [fandom x reader]. You can always also try things like: [character name genre], [fandom genre], [fandom fanfic], [character fanfic] as well.
Make sure your blog is easy to navigate and have a masterlist that’s easy to find. If a reader sees your content on their dash and decides to check out your other works, if they can’t find them on your blog then they’ll probably just leave.
Self-reblog as much as you feel you need to for your followers who may have missed your post. I self-reblog a lot for new content over the first couple of days and then even will do a few icymi self-reblogs later as well. It also helps to have a list in your profile somewhere of your recent updates so people can easily see if they’ve missed something. 
3. Write for active fandoms and for popular characters.
This might seem like common sense, but I think it’s something to keep in mind if you want to grow your follower count and your chances of getting feedback. And there’s nothing wrong with prioritizing a fic over another just because you want more feedback. I actually really want to write something for Chainsaw Man but the fandom is so small compared to the other fandoms I write for that I’m putting it on hold until the anime comes out. 
That’s not to discourage you from writing for characters or fandoms that are less popular -- I have a bad habit of writing for niche characters and fandoms. But I always see my activity spike when I write for more popular characters. Another tip is to try and figure out which characters people are thirsting over but where there’s a lack of fics for them. You’ll also find that some characters or fandoms just have louder fans than others. The stuff I’ve written for Gojo has gotten a lot of likes and notes, but not so many comments or much feedback. But the amount of asks and thirsts I’ve gotten for Naoya is wild. This is something you’ll learn over time as you keep writing!
4. Post frequently. 
This one is annoying because writers have lives and real-world responsibilities and we can’t just write 24/7. But when you’re trying to build a following, even if you can do a couple of short drabbles a week, you’ll really start to see your follower count and feedback grow. I’m not sure if people tend to like longer or shorter fics more, but overall people are just hungry for content and if you can give it to them on a frequent or at least regular basis then they’re more likely to interact, especially if you’re taking requests. 
But don’t prioritize writing and posting content at the cost of your own well-being. As authors we’re all guilty of this at one time or another, but your followers will understand if you have writer’s block or you need to take a step back! Taking care of yourself is more important than getting feedback or interaction. ❤️
5. Interact with other authors. 
Building relationships with other authors is a big one, but it’s also probably the hardest because a lot of us (me included!) are just so shy about reaching out! It’s like asking someone on a date or trying to be friends with someone you really admire. I know it’s scary to come off of anon (I still sometimes send asks on anon!), but authors recognize the names we see often in our notes and in our inboxes and we’re all really nice, I promise! 🥰 And I’m much more likely to read the fics of my mutuals and the people I follow than I am to be searching through the tags.
And I think there’s nothing wrong with reaching out to an author you love and politely asking if they’ll read your work. I think it’s totally okay to send something like, “I really love your writing and wanted to know if it’s alright if I share this fic I just posted with you? I’ve seen you thirsting over [character] and think you might like it if you have the time to read it!” The worst they can do is turn you down. I would never be upset over getting an ask like that as long as it was polite and the person was understanding that I might not have time to read their fic. But, I know that this is really scary to ask of someone. I’ve only done it once or twice, so maybe I don’t have any ground to stand on here, but I really think you should try it even if you need to send the ask on anon first.
Please just be mindful of an author’s rules before reaching out.
Another added bonus is that authors are more likely to reblog and give you feedback on the stuff you write because we’re in the exact same boat as you! We’re the perfect audience. 
And don’t forget...
Growing your follower count and reaching the level of feedback you want takes time. If you’re just starting out, don’t get discouraged. The more you write, the better you get so even if you’re not getting the feedback you want now, that doesn’t meant that you never will! 
And of course, pay it back in kind. Just how you want people to interact with your fics, we want the same. I always try to leave comments on the fics I read on AO3 and always reblog the fics I like on Tumblr and try to go wild in the tags so that the author knows that I loved their works. 
I hope you found all of this useful, anon! Best of luck with your writing! 💕
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piastri · 3 years
Tumblr Tag Game
Been waiting to do this one so thank you for tagging me Anna! @gp2engine 💛
1. Why did you choose your url?
I had it saved since Yuki’s F3 days and was waiting for the day he got into F1 and that day came so 🎉
2. Any side blogs?
This is a sideblog, @dailycillianmurphy is another one and i have a few others mostly to save things on. 
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I’ve had my main since 2014... i was a lonely year 7 and for better or worse turned to tumblr for interaction. 
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yeah ‘q’ coz i’m really creative like that <3
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I had a Daniel insta fanpage in 2017/18 and this was a good source for like Dan updates, so i’d occasionally reblog pictures of him. I didn’t interact with anyone or speak in the tags so it was pretty much just a place to save pics. I started being active on here in April 2019 coz I got tired of f1 reddit dudebros but still wanted to speak to people about it. 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Coz that’s my baby, that’s my love 💘 My header + url are both F1 so I wanted something feeder series to reflect my blog and it’s a really nice pic of Liam who is my fave feeder series driver :)
7. Why did you choose your header?
I made a bunch of Daniel/Lewis headers last year and i thought they looked pretty so i just meshed them both together so I could have both my faves there :D
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
For once my tagging system comes in handy, it’s close between Uncle Daniel and my ‘prove them wrong’ set, they both have 1.5k notes. 
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I don’t really know who i’m mutuals with it’s hard to tell with sideblogs. 
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
312, 174 of which are motorsport blogs (yes i just counted and i didn’t realise i follow that many wow) 
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
Yeah but i don’t do it that often, i’ll leave it to the actually funny people
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
Depends, during the work week i delete the app off my phone which decreases it a lot so probs 1-2 hours in the evening, during the weekends.... when am i not on here. 
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
*cricket noises* it was a while ago now, and just lead to mutual unfollowing. nowadays i just don’t respond, if u wanna argue under my posts go ahead just don’t drag me into it. 
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
‘I guess it depends? Like those posts about a topic that says stuff like you need to reblog otherwise you don't care I'm always like "well now i won't do it".’ < yap agreed, or like the ‘reblog or u’ll have good/bad luck’ posts gtfo. In terms of supporting content creators, i feel like it’s beating a dead horse at this point but yeah pleaseee reblog it means a lot and motivates us to make more content so i feel like it’s a win-win situation. 
16. Do you like tag games?
I really like being tagged!! I don’t talk to that many people on here so it’s nice to be acknowledged from time to time. I’ll admit i’m not the best at doing them sometimes like my brain just short circuits and for the love of god there’s only so many times i can expose my shitty music taste 😂😩
17. Do you like ask games?
I don’t do them often coz i’m scared i won’t get any asks lol, but it’s nice when people do send them and I like reading other people’s. 
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Cassy @dams-racing is tumblr famous as she should be :)
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I’m straight but some of my moots are very lengg, I wanna send asks gushing over them but then i’m like are we that close, are u gonna think i’m creepy? so i just send marriage propsals on anon lol 
20. Tags!
Tagging: @dennishaugers (i forgot that u changed ur url djskd), @maxielstan @iguessfutball @querencva @justdrivee @brighterrdays if you haven’t already and anyone else who wants to say that i tagged you :)
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
only fools rush in / part one: two parties and a lot of crushes
this first part is kind of all over the place. basically i just wanted to establish the dynamics going on here and i figured the best way to do so would be through group hang outs and stuff like that. it feels like i cover a lot here, but future installments will be more focused on one couple or group! sorry for the kind of wackiness and yeah.
i don’t think that there’s anything that i need to tag for this, but this part includes: QPP loceit, Remus making jokes, Roman crushing hard, Emile and Remy very briefly.
if you want to be tagged when i update, please send me an ask/reply/reblog and i’ll be sure to add you for the next part! 
read to the end for the title and a small teaser for part two!
next update will be on: Sunday, July 19.
“Wait, you have a twin?” Patton looked at Roman in deep disbelief. “Why didn’t you get an apartment with him?” Roman just shrugged, unloading one of his boxes, hanging up his shirts. “Lo, did you know about this?”
“Yes. He’s one of Janus’ new roommates,” the man in the tie said, leaning against the wall, eyes focused on the phone in his hand as he typed quickly. Patton’s jaw dropped, and he crossed his arms, frowning. 
“Yeah, he’s moving in with Virgil Cloud, too,” Roman said, eyes focused forward, but he couldn’t hide the light dusting of pink that appeared on his cheeks. Virgil was the techie for the last school production, and Roman couldn’t help but fall for the embodiment of a dark and stormy night, with his black nail polish and purple fringe and–
“Earth to Roman,” Patton was waving a hand in front of his face. Roman blinked, then smiled awkwardly at his pastel-clad roommate. “You should invite them all to a party tonight! Logan, will you tell Jan to bring his roommates?”
“I- we were gonna…” Logan sighed, then nodded, head hanging in front of him, “I guess so.” He didn’t have the heart to tell his roommates that he and his partner had other plans for the evening, so he texted Janus quickly about the change.
Roman and Patton want you to bring your roommates over for a party tonight. We can leave early, though. -Logan
A party could be fun, Lo. Besides, I think that Virgil has a crush on Roman. ~Janus
I believe that it’s mutual. I don’t really want to stick my nose into their business, though. -Logan
Logan opened the door to the apartment to see Janus, Remus, and Virgil standing there. Remus was holding a twelve-pack of beer, Janus had a bottle of wine, and Virgil kept his eyes down on the floor, not acknowledging anything as the three stepped into the apartment. Logan kept the door open since it was already warm in the apartment with the three of them; the end of summer was always unbearably hot in their town. Roman immediately gravitated towards Virgil as the others went over to the kitchen counter to open their drinks.
“Hi Virgil,” Roman said, smiling brightly. “I don’t know if you remember me–”
“Of course I do,” Virgil muttered, leaning against a wall awkwardly. “You were the lead in the play last term.” Roman stammered over his words, his cheeks once again dusted with pink.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, that…” he chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “You uh, did a really great job as one of the tech guys. It was… awesome.”
“Thanks.” Virgil stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, and he still hadn’t looked up at Roman.
“Can I uh… get you a drink or something? Or…” Roman’s words trailed off, he wished that Virgil would just look up at him and meet his eyes and then maybe they’d fall in love–
“Hey there!” Emile stepped in through the open front door, carrying a plate full of baked goods. “I just wanted to welcome you… oh, looks like somebody’s having a party!” Roman grumbled then went up to the man in the sweater, wondering how he could cope in the heat. “Hi there! I’m Emile Picani, I live downstairs!” “Nice to meet you. I’m Roman, and my roommates Patton and Logan are… somewhere,” he said, sticking his hand out. Emile giggled and brought the tall man in for a hug. “Oh, uh…”
“Sorry, I’m a bit of a hugger!” Emile laughed, setting the cookies down on a table. “You all go to the university? I’m working on my psychology doctorate there.” At this, Virgil perked up and came over, and Emile held his arms out for a hug.
“Please don’t,” Virgil muttered, and Emile backed up a little, giving a toothy smile. “Uh… you study psychology? I’m majoring in that…” He said shyly, and Emile pulled him by his wrist to sit down on one of the couches.
“Okay, I’m your mentor now! Let’s chat,” The two went to go sit down on the couch, and Roman frowned. Of course Virgil would be interested in chatting with someone in his field of study, but… he really wanted to talk to Virgil, maybe ask him on a date. He stuffed one of the cookies that Emile made into his mouth and groaned at how delicious they were. Of course he could bake. He’d probably be able to steal Virgil away, too.
Remus was watching this from his spot against one of the walls, and noticed his twin’s distraught demeanor. He thought about saying something, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Patton smiling brightly at something that Janus said, his sweater sleeves pushed up to his elbows, exposing colorful floral tattoos on his forearms, and that was it: Remus was smitten. He didn’t hesitate to approach the trio talking at the kitchen counter, Janus and Logan sharing a bar stool, Patton resting his chin on his hands as he listened to the pair recall how they decided to become partners over the summer break. Remus settled into a chair next to Patton, and silence fell over the table.
“I don’t believe we’ve met, cutie pie,” Remus said, raising an eyebrow at the small man. Janus and Logan exchanged a look and got up to go chat with Roman, and Patton turned his attention to focus directly on Remus.
“You must be Remus!” Patton exclaimed suddenly, eyes bright as his smile beamed at the curly-haired man, and Remus suddenly wished that he was wearing sunglasses. “I can’t believe I didn’t know that Ro had a twin!”
“Ah, you must be Patton,” Remus said, realizing that this was the roommate he didn’t know. Patton nodded excitedly. Remus stretched his hand out and grazed his fingers against the floral tattoos, and Patton shivered. “These are beautiful, though not as gorgeous as you, flower.”
“T-thank you,” Patton said, his face bright red at the fact that he was complimented and given a nickname. “Do you have tattoos?” Remus nodded and rolled up one of his jacket sleeves, revealing a morning star.
“I minor in medieval history. Weaponry is so fascinating,” he mused, and Patton nodded, brushing his short fingers over the tattoo. “I have a few more, but they’re in… unique places… Maybe I can show you someday, flower.��
“O-oh, uhm…” Patton stammered over his words, the blush spreading down to his neck and to his ears. “M-maybe…” Remus smirked, leaning closer to the small man.
“If I’m making you uncomfortable, please tell me,” He whispered, and Patton shook his head quickly, which made Remus smile. Patton wasn’t exactly Remus’ usual type; soft boys never paid much attention to those with piercings and a menacing glare, but Remus quickly realized that Patton wasn’t like the others.
“Y-You’re not…” Patton’s face was so red and warm that he felt like he could explode. No one like Remus had ever paid him this much attention. He was always taunted by jocks and punks because of his softness, but Remus? The dark makeup, the piercings, the tattoos, and the leather jacket, it all made him feel… dangerous. And Patton secretly loved danger.
Roman was leaning against the wall, watching as everyone else had someone to talk to. His twin was hitting it off with Patton, Janus and Logan were sitting on one of the couches, looking at something on Logan’s phone, and Emile and Virgil were on another couch, talking about psychology. He had never felt left out from any situation in his life before, but here he was, alone in a room full of people.
He couldn’t help but focus on Virgil, who had lit up as he talked about things that Roman knew nothing about. Roman was, of course, happy that Virgil was smiling, but he wished he was the one making the very tall man smile. Emile seemed nice enough, but… something about him irked Roman to no end.
“Oh, hang on,” Emile’s phone was ringing, the tune to a cartoon that Roman vaguely remembered blasting out loudly. He answered the phone, and Roman listened carefully. “Oh, sorry baby! I’m upstairs welcoming our new neighbors. I’ll be right there. Okay, bye.” He hung up and glanced around. “Sorry, that was my boyfriend Remy, I have to go!” He gave a hug to Virgil who waved goodbye awkwardly, then went around hugging everyone, and then left the apartment, closing the front door behind him. Virgil looked like he was going to melt into the couch, and Roman took this as his moment. He sat down next to the tall man and gave him a warm smile.
“So, uh, what do you think the production will be for this term?” Roman asked, and Virgil shrugged. “I’m hoping for a musical, but I’m not much of a dancer…”
“I kind of want something that allows me to experiment with fog on the stage, you know?” Virgil said, glancing down. “I’m not brave enough to audition for any roles on the stage, but I really like working behind the scenes…” Roman frowned, watching Virgil carefully.
“Well, when they announce the production and if there’s a role that interests you, I could help you… practice, maybe? To build up your confidence,” he suggested, but Virgil just shook his head. “I used to get stage fright really bad. But… if it’s something you love doing… then it’s worth all of that anxiety, right?”
“Is it?” Virgil’s voice was shaky. “In one of my school plays as a kid I fell on my face in front of everybody during my solo. Afterwards, I found out that someone purposely spilled water where they knew I’d be walking.” He twisted his fingers together, and Roman frowned. “Ever since, I haven’t wanted to be on stage in front of others.”
“No one would do that here,” Roman said reassuringly. “If they did, I’d beat them up until they fell on the ground, too,” his face was firm, resolved, and it made Virgil laugh a little. “I think… you should try. I’d love to perform with you.”
“Yeah… maybe,” Virgil looked down at him finally, and Roman thought he would melt into a puddle on the floor. “Thanks, Roman.”
“Remus is so cool, you know? And he’s so sweet,” Patton was blabbering. It was a few weeks after the party, and the three roommates were playing Mario Kart in the living room. In the time since that first party, the semester had started and they were all buried in school work, and had only seen the other three in passing or going out to dinner as a group. “N-not that you’re not cool, Roman, it’s just… he’s on a different level!”
“Yeah, a dangerous level,” Roman muttered so that Patton couldn’t hear, but Logan did, and he sighed. Roman didn’t want to reveal his fraught relationship with his brother to Patton, but he also wanted to protect the soft, small man. But… Patton was so enthralled, and Roman had never seen him that way. He seemed happier since meeting Remus, and had a confidence that didn’t exist in him before. But Roman definitely had a surge of concern for the other man.
“Do you think we should invite them all over today?” Patton suggested as he finally rolled over the finish line, in second to last place. Logan had gotten first, of course, and Roman a close second. This was the usual for their games. 
“I actually have plans with Janus–” Logan started, but then his phone rang. He answered it. “Hello? Oh, hi Janus… what? But we were…” he sighed, then covered the receiver while he looked at the two others. “Remus wants to invite us all to their place for a movie night or something.”
“Yes!!” Patton exclaimed happily. “Oh, I should figure out what to wear. What time, Lo?” He asked, his excitement bubbling over. It was contagious. Roman could practically see the cogs in Patton’s mind moving as he thought about what to wear and how to do his makeup.
“Eight, apparently,” Logan responded, his lips pulled into a taut line. He brought the receiver back towards his mouth. “I guess we will be there. Yeah, see you later. Bye.” He hung up, a frown on his face. Roman wondered if he should dress nice, too, since he’d be seeing Virgil.
“Dibs on the first shower!” Roman exclaimed, dropping his controller and running off to the bathroom. Three guys and one bathroom wasn’t ideal, but it was what they had to deal with.
By the time all three of them had gotten ready, it was almost 7:30. Roman went with his usual attire, as opposed to Patton, who went a little overboard (probably to try and impress Remus): he was wearing a pale green sweater and some shorts, knee-high socks, and his converse, his makeup bright and colorful, the emphasis on his lips and eyes. Logan was wearing his usual attire as well, but had slipped into a coat since they’d be walking to the other building. It was only a few blocks away, but things always got sidetracked when Roman and Patton were involved.
Once Patton slung his messenger bag over his shoulder, the three set out to the others’ apartment. On their way down, they passed Emile, who was walking into the building with another man, their fingers intertwined.
“Hey kiddos!” Emile said cheerfully, waving his free hand at them. “Remy, these are the new neighbors I told you about!” The man called Remy raised his eyebrows then nodded in greeting.
“Hey babes,” he said. 
“Where are you all going together?” Emile asked, and Roman thought it was a bit nosy to ask of them, but he said nothing.
“Oh, we’re going to Roman’s twin brother’s apartment–”
“Yes, and we really should get going now. Goodbye Emile, nice to meet you Remy,” Roman began to nudge Patton along the sidewalk, and Logan shot the couple an apologetic glance. 
“Ugh, this movie is booooooring!” Remus yelled, startling the others. He had thrown his arms up in frustration. Logan and Janus were on the couch, trying to wait for the right moment to leave since they had their own plans. Remus, Roman, and Patton were on the floor or on cushions, eating the pizza they’d ordered, and Virgil was on the lounge chair, just observing.
“You’re the one who suggested a movie, idiot,” Virgil muttered, crossing his arms. Remus frowned, then finished off his bottle of beer. He made a soft hmmm noise, then began speaking again.
“This empty bottle gives me an idea. Spin the bottle, anyone? Or perhaps… truth or dare with spin the bottle?” He suggested, eyebrows wiggling. Patton’s face turned bright red, and some of the others all mumbled their disagreement.
“Isn’t that game for high schoolers, Re?” Roman asked, rolling his eyes. He glanced at Virgil, though, and wondered what it would be like to kiss him tonight. Not that he’d ever do that, Virgil hadn’t shown any interest in him, but…
“Sounds like fun,” Janus said, smirking from his spot next to Logan, who pouted. Janus noticed this and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Oh, come now, Lolo, just a round or two and then we can go, okay? You know how much I love truth or dare.” Logan sighed, then nodded.
“Fine, a few rounds.”
The group moved the coffee table out of the way and sat in a circle, the empty beer bottle laying in the middle of all of them. “Alright, rule time,” Remus started. “The spinner asks the person it lands on for truth or dare, and then must ask them. The person who last did the thing spins it next. Capiche?” Roman shrugged and then pat Remus on the shoulder.
“You spin first, bro,” he said, settling in as he sat cross-legged on the floor. Remus shrugged and leaned forward, spinning the bottle. It pointed towards Logan, who sighed. Remus smirked, crossing his arms, deep in thought.
“Truth or dare?” Remus asked finally, meeting Logan’s eyes. It was silent for a few moments as Logan pondered his options. Janus leaned over and whispered something in Logan’s ear, and his partner nodded.
“Truth,” Logan said confidently, and Remus raised an eyebrow. 
“Would you wear your best friend’s used underwear if you went camping and ran out?” Remus asked, and Patton giggled, covering his mouth to prevent spit from flying everywhere.
“Uh…” Logan glanced at Janus, who was trying to hide his laughter at the audacity of the question. “Yeah, I would? I’ve worn Janus’ underwear before–”
“Whoah, whoah, too much info, stop,” Virgil waved his hands, groaning. Patton pouted a little, frowning at Logan and Janus.
“I thought I was your best friend, Lo?” He asked, and Logan hit his forehead with his hand. 
“You- Pat, ugh,” Logan was exasperated, and he glanced at Patton carefully. “You’re both my best friends, okay?” Patton seemed pleased with this answer, a smile crossing his features again. Logan leaned forward to spin the bottle, and it landed on Remus. “Uh…”
“I mean, if it’s just you two who get to play, that’s fine,” Virgil commented, leaning his back on the lounge chair behind him.
“Maybe if it lands on Logan again, though, you respin?” Patton suggested, and everyone else nodded in agreement. Remus shrugged, and then nodded to Logan.
“Dare me, Lodaddy,” he cackled, and Janus rolled his eyes, but still slid his hand over to rest on Logan’s thigh, a protective glare directed at Remus.
“I dare you to get an A in one of your courses this semester,” Logan smirked, adjusting his glasses. A few of the others grumbled about how that wasn’t fair, but Remus nodded in acceptance and held out his hand to shake Logan’s.
“Dealio!” He spun the bottle again and it landed on Roman. “Alright, twinny twin, truth or dare?” He waggled his eyebrows at his twin.
“I know better than for you to ask me a truth. So, dare,” Roman said, confident with his decision. An evil look crossed Remus’ eyes only briefly as he glanced between Roman and Virgil.
“Kiss the back of Virgil’s knee,” he said simply, and Roman nearly choked on his own saliva. Virgil buried his face in his hands, grumbling a little. Patton started to defend the two.
“Now, Virgil, you don’t have to–”
“Yes I do, it’s a fucking dare,” Virgil mumbled, standing up. He rolled one of his pant legs up and turned around so the back of his leg was facing Roman, whose face was bright red and who felt like his breath was being stolen from him. “Just make it quick, Princey.” Roman turned more red at the nickname, which probably stemmed from his role in the production from the previous semester. He scooted over to Virgil and pressed his lips to the bend between Virgil’s thigh and calf, and then scooted back, saying nothing. The tall man rolled his pant leg back down and sat down, explicitly not looking at Roman. His pale face was lightly pink.
After a few awkward beats, Roman leaned forward and spun the battle. It landed on Patton, who looked to be in deep thought. “Truth or dare, Pat?”
“Hmmm. I think truth is safer,” Patton admitted, and Roman thought a little. He hoped that his plan would work, but was concerned over what could come from a question like this. He really did want happiness for Patton, even if his brother was involved.
“What are three things you first noticed when you met your crush, if you have one?” Roman asked, and Patton glanced down at his fingers, twisting them together, his face dusted with a pale blush. Remus perked up a little, listening carefully to the answer the small man gave.
“U-um… well… I noticed that he has gray in his hair, that he has a lot of piercings, and that he has a cute smile,” Patton said this so quietly that everyone had to lean in to hear it. Patton’s face was bright red by the time he finished listing off the attributes, and everyone’s eyes trailed over to Remus, who was smirking. Patton quietly excused himself and practically ran to the restroom, grabbing his bag along the way, leaving the rest of the group in an awkward silence.
“Fuck, that’s on me,” Roman said, standing up. “I’ll go… check on him,” he said, and he followed Patton to the bathroom, knocking on the door once. “Pat, it’s me Roman, are you okay?”
“Why did you ask me that?” Patton asked from the other side of the door. It sounded like he was crying, since he was sniffling a little bit. “You know I like him, but I wasn’t ready to say anything, Ro.”
“I’m sorry, Patton, I just… I saw that you liked him and figured a little nudge could help…” Roman explained, then sighed. Maybe he had overstepped a little. “Do you wanna go home?”
“Roman,” a voice came from behind him. It was Remus. “Is he okay?” Concern was etched on his face, and he had crossed his arms. Roman was surprised to see this much care coming from his twin.
“Is that Remus? Oh god, hang on,” Patton sounded like he was panicking. “Where are my makeup remover wipes–” A clattering of things falling out of his messenger bag could be heard. “Shoot!” Remus and Roman exchanged a look as the noises of Patton being flustered echoed into the hallway. “I can’t believe… such a fool… dang it… stop crying, idiot…”
“Patton,” Remus stepped past Roman to knock on the door. “Patton, it’s okay… I uh…” He cleared his throat, “my first impressions of my crush were that he has really awesome floral tattoos, his pink hair is awesome, and he dresses in a really cute way.” He admitted. Roman started to back up, but saw Patton open the door and peek out.
“R-really…?” He asked. It was obvious he had been crying, his eyes were red and his eyeliner had smudged, but he had wiped the majority of it off. “Um…”
“Patton, do you wanna go on a date with me next weekend?”
Roman scooted out of earshot, and stepped back into the living room, but not before he heard Patton squeak out an affirmation. Janus and Logan had disappeared, maybe off to go and do whatever their plans were, and Virgil was scrolling on his phone.
“Sorry about Remus’ dare. If I’d have known about what he’d ask me to do, I would’ve gone with a truth instead,” Roman admitted. Virgil’s face hardened, but the theater major didn’t notice this. “I’d hate to make you uncomfortable.”
“Uh, it’s okay…” Virgil didn’t meet Roman’s eyes, though, as he sat down beside him on the couch. “Actually, um. I was looking at the roles for this next production? Have you looked yet?” Of course Roman had looked. They were going to be doing a production of Wicked, and Roman was absolutely stoked for it.
“Yeah, I’m planning on auditioning for Fiyero…” Roman mused, then remembered the conversation he had with Virgil a few weeks ago. “Is there a role you’re interested in, Virgil?”
“Um, actually, I’ve always loved Boq, but… I don’t know if I’m talented enough for that,” he admitted, twisting his fingers together. “Plus I’m a little tall to play a Munchkin.” Roman sighed, then smiled encouragingly at the taller man.
“Well, I can help you practice for the audition, if you’d like!” Roman said, and Virgil nodded. “I don’t think your height will affect anything, it’s all about talent!”
“Oh. Yeah… I’d uh… really appreciate that, actually.” Virgil responded, still looking down at his hands. “I just… auditioning is really scary, you know?” Roman shrugged, then set his hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“Maybe they’ll let us audition together, so that way you’ve got a familiar face on stage,” he suggested. Virgil nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. “Hey, don’t worry, Virge. I think you’re gonna do great.”
teaser for part two: a botanical garden and some deep conversations
“I’ve never seen you so panicked over a first date, so I think that means that this is… real for you. You’re going to take this one seriously.”
“I want someone who understands how special I can be… but also someone who I can pamper and love with all of my heart.”
part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten
taglist (send an ask, reblog, or reply if you want to be added)
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honeypoticns · 4 years
i’ve been going back and forth for almost a year trying to decide whether this is a story i want to be made public, but between a message i got and what i’m seeing on the dashboard, i think i should share my experience with simvicii and oliveandoak. 
i won’t go into too much detail, and i want to preface this by stating that i only heard about the second server a couple months ago, as my experiences with them lasted for three-ish months at the end of 2019 and ended shortly before christmas.
i will also say in advance that i don’t have any screenshots because this happened almost a year ago and i frankly didn’t think to screenshot anything at the time. you’ll have to just take my word for it, or not at all. either way, here it goes.
i made my simblr in september if i’m not mistaken and nicole was one of my first followers, always super nice and engaging with my content. meg was also my mutual, and i messaged her once i believe telling her i enjoyed her content (i used to just randomly dm people a lot then, something i’ve stopped after my interactions with them). i happened to reblog one of their ‘squad posts’ once and apparently they found my tags amusing because meg dmed me and out of nowhere invited them to their server, and i said sure. there were only 5 people including me, and that stayed the same for the majority of my time there (towards the final days i spent in the server a few more people joined, but we didn’t interact much).
i didn’t witness any racism, ableism, homophobia or antisemitism in my time in that server, but it didn’t shock or surprise me that they were capable of that sort of behaviour.
what i did witness was a series of toxic behaviours. they talked shit about other content creators and their posts and then i saw them interacting with them and praising them on the dashboard, for what i can only assume was “”simblr clout””. they viciously critiqued anything that wasn’t stereotypically “beautiful” and had no issues about it. they were extremely two-faced, but at the time i ignored it because they’d been nothing but extremely nice, considerate and supportive of me and for that i apologise.
a couple weeks after i was in the server, the mood shifted and i was made to feel like an outsider – the people there were friends, i was just tagging along. they had group projects and talked about doing things on simblr together and that conversation didn’t include me. i started doing timezone reblogs and they liked the posts while talking on the server about how trashy it was. i enjoyed my content more on the warm side and they talked about how ugly it was when posts were brown/pink tinted. it was a weird give and take that didn’t make a lot of sense and made me feel discouraged and embarassed about my content, but every time that happened they would turn around and compliment something else i did so it evened out.
the falling out we had was something that to this day has confused me and it seriously affected my mental health as at the time i was dealing with untreated anxiety, i was in the process of grieving my mother and had undiagnosed ocd, which in short means i wasn’t alright at all. i won’t go into what happened, but i will say that i was dropped without a second thought for virtually nothing (i accidentally called meg nicole and apologised a thousand times) with not even an explanation as to what the fuck was going on. i removed myself from the server because i could tell that meg was uncomfortable and i wasn’t going to stay there when it was first and foremost her space. i thought i’d hurt her, it was my fault, i had to leave.
what i find more telling is the experiences i had afterwards. i stayed active on tumblr for a month or so after this, but i began to be so anxious to even come online because of their presence and before i could talk myself into calming down i was blocked by meg out of the blue and softblocked by a few people i had no issues with, and who seemingly had no issues with me. after that i left and stayed away for a month or two (i don’t really recall).
when i returned, a friend invited me to a server and i met some really nice, supportive people who took the time to message me privately and apologise for ever thinking poorly of me because of what they’d been told by meg and nicole. that’s the sort of people they are – they’ll take a situation that held no drama, no confusion, no apparent casualties and talked absolute shit about me to people daily. i’ve been told that they talked about how they’d taught me everything i knew and then was a bitch towards them and how much they hated me. 
when meg left tumblr i was comfortable being on again, and when nicole returned i left again. my interactions with them weigh heavily on me and still affect my mental health to this day.
i know i should’ve said something earlier, but at the time that i interacted with them i was afraid that i was going to get run out of this website because before the meg situation went down, heaven forbid anyone said a word about them. i still wish i had, as i know they hurt a lot of good people and perhaps i could’ve prevented that. i’m always gonna be sorry i didn’t say something, but i can’t change it now.
this has nothing on what’s come to light about meg and nicole’s behaviour, and it’s miniscule in the grand scheme of things but i’ve been holding this shit in for close to a year and i really have nothing to lose at this point by saying something. they’re manipulative, two-faced bullies and you can add that to their long rolecall of bullshit.
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