#plus there's nothing wrong with pastels
i have accidentally purchased scented markers. fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them who the fuck needs a marker that smells like ''sugary grapefruit'' or ''homemade raspberry jam'' (both actual scent titles on the markers) why don't you have any normal* markers staples why have you failed me
*okay they do have normal markers, but they aren't the type of markers i'm looking for
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cameronspecial · 8 months
Let Me Fix Your Problems, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.1K
Summary: Y/N needs to vent, but Rafe needs to solve her issues.
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Girls know that when another girl comes to them with a problem, it is just to vent about the issue that they have. Boys. Well, boys like to go to each other for solutions and Rafe isn’t innocent of that mentality. Before Y/N, Rafe hadn’t been in a relationship, so he didn’t have a chance to learn that women just need an outlet to voice their frustration. And he is about to be taught that lesson. He waits for her at the coffee shop with a mug of coffee in his hand and a hot chocolate across from him for her. His fingers tap along the ceramic mug. He looks out the window to see if he can spot her arrival. This is the first time that they are going to be seeing each other in person after returning to campus from the holiday break and he anticipates seeing her again. He wants to see all the gifts she got this Christmas and she is excited to show him. He spots the pompom of her pastel green hat that he sent over to her for Christmas. A massive grin grows on his face and he knows the bell sounding announces her entrance. As she slides into the booth across from him, she leans over the table to kiss him on the lips. “Hey, Rafe. How are you?” she greets. 
He can see something is wrong. There is a slight furrow of her brow and a slight dip of her lip that she is trying to hide. He plays along with her pleasantries for now, “I’m good now that I get to see you, Angel. How was your Christmas?” “It was good. I got to spend time with my family. I was also pleasantly surprised with how many gifts I woke up to on Christmas morning. Some handsome fella even gave me this pretty bracelet with his initials on it. I think I might keep it and him around,” she recounts, holding out her wrist for him to see. He takes her arm into his hand, “Wow. That handsome fella must really be special if you are wearing this even though you have only been dating him for around four months.” “Yeah, I guess you can say that I love him,” she teases and kisses him. “Thank you for the gifts, Rafe. I just wish you told me we were also sending each other stuff because I hate the thought of you not getting anything from me on Christmas.”
His warm hand cups her cheek and his thumb brushes reassuringly against her skin. “Don’t worry about it, Angel. You gave me my gift before we left for break. Plus, getting that FaceTime call from you on Christmas day was my gift,” he promises. She kisses his wrist and this thumb goes to trace the slope of her lips. He can’t be in the dark about her sadness anymore. “What’s wrong, my angel? Why do you seem so sad?” he questions. She shrugs, “Nothing, I’m fine.” “Please, don’t lie to me. I can see something is wrong,” he pleads to her. She sighs, “It’s stupid, but Stacey is having a back-to-school get-together this weekend and she didn’t invite me. I guess I feel a little left out.” “That’s not very nice of her. Have you tried telling her how you feel?” he suggests. She shakes her head, “No. Do you know how embarrassing it would be to run to her like a little schoolgirl and tell her she hurt my feelings?” Rafe understands what she is saying and slides in on her side of the booth. He rests her head on his chest, vowing to help her with her problem. 
Rafe knocks on Stacey’s door and puts his hands behind his back. She opens the door with a slight frown at who is waiting for her. “Uh, Rafe. What are you doing here? Is everything okay with Y/N?” she worries, knowing that Rafe only cares about one person. Rafe’s head moves from side to side, “Actually, she isn’t okay. You didn’t invite her to your get-together this weekend.” Stacey nods and cracks her knuckles nervously. “I did not. Because, you see, Y/N and I aren’t really that close of friends and this party is for girls that I am really close to,” Stacey tries to explain. Her mouth shuts when she sees that is not the answer Rafe is looking for. He chuckles, “Obviously, she feels close enough to you that she feels left out by what you did.” He pauses to see if Stacey has anything to add to her defence. She doesn’t. “You know what I want you to do, correct?” Her head hinges up and down, “Yes, I understand. I’m sorry that I hurt Y/N’s feelings.” “Good, I’m glad we can come to a conclusion. I’ll see you later,” he grins and heads back home. 
Y/N doesn’t bother to knock. She uses his passcode to storm into his room and finds him on his bed. He sits up right at the sight of her. “Is everything okay, Angel? You didn’t tell me you were coming over,” he frets, rushing to her side. Her arms cross over each other, “You forced Stacey to invite me to her party.” “I did. You said you felt left out that you weren’t invited,” he states. He places his hands above her elbows. She lets out a low laugh, “Why would you do that?” 
“Because you had a problem and you needed help fixing it.”
“Rafe, most of the time, when I come to you with my problems, I don’t want you to fix them. I just want you to listen and agree that I am in the right.”
“Why can’t I fix your problems if I have the solution? Come on, let me fix your problems, Angel.” 
“Sometimes girls just want someone to vent to. Plus, I don’t even like Stacey so the last thing I want to do is go to her party, but now, I have to go because you made a point of getting her to invite me,” she complains. He chuckles and pulls her into a hug, “Okay, I’ll take that venting thing into account for next time. Angel, if you didn’t want to go to the party, then why did it bother you so much?” “Because I wanted to be able to turn her down,” she mumbles, burying her face into his neck. He lets out an amused breath, “I see. Well, I’m sorry that I ruined your ability to reject her. If you want, I can call you with an emergency half an hour into the party so you can leave early.” Y/N pulls back to look him in the eyes. “That is the least you can do. You are getting me sushi too,” she orders. “Sounds fair. I’ll do whatever you want, Angel.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @queen-shadow22 @victory-in-the-llama @drewsmusee @starkowswife
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ablobwhowrites · 1 year
Can I send a Splatoon request (m/n) is a Octoling male idol and everyone is crazy yandere for him.anything about him will be gone in seconds, like (m/n) merch gone,concert tickets sold out etc..
Life is good, being apart of deep cut after marina and pearls final splatfest. M/n was the fourth member of the deep cut as he was friends with bigman and he was able to get m/n in the group plus shiver and frye loved having m/n around. Having a unique features made m/n stand out a lot like with his hair being similar to Marina's but just more short like her old hair style. Plus luckily everyone thought m/n wears some kind of eyeliner and many things about him being different than other octolings on the surface but shiver tells everyone that m/n is just a different species of octolings probably from another city away from here.
M/n sighed after the camera turned off for today as the director yelled "all right everyone where on commercial break!" Frye looked at m/n seeing him look down a bit "you okay m/n? Your not all happy like you are usually" frye said looking to him as shiver looked at frye then m/n as m/n quickly sat up straight "oh! Nothing, just thinking about things really. Just woke up on the wrong side of bed" he laughed a bit trying not to worry the three "well you can tell use anything if you need anything off your chest" big man said with the screen he holds turns off for now as m/n sat there in silence for a few seconds "no I'm good....just going to go to the bathroom" m/n said as he got off the stage and walked away to backstage into the hall, but not going it the bathroom but just leans on the wall and going in his phone.
Then when to splatagram (work with me here, I don't know many Splatoon canon apps) many post of some ads, inklings showing off food at restaurants or food trucks, but then m/n stops scrolling and sees a tag that caused m/n to raise his brow "fanclub? I didn't know I had a fan club....I thought shiver, frye and bigman or anyone else had fanclubs.." he said to himself as soon as he clicked the tag, a boat load of post ranging from inklings to octolings even others from far away not even in this city. It was terrifying to m/n seeing so many things about him and the merch that he didn't even know existed of him, plushies, shirts, pants, hats, figures and so much more "I never made these brand deals?! How is there so many! And how is there so much fan merch of me…" M/n then was panicking not from the people who loves him cause he just tried to make himself thing it's just everyone supporting him, even making himself think it was all just a phase everyone was going through a obsessive phase but the slim chance that dj Octavia could find this, he could get kidnapped like Callie that one time, he could be brainwashed, so many terrible thoughts run through his head thinking of so many things that could happen if he was found out, would he be sanitized? Just like all his friends to be his mindless killing machine if he's taken back? M/n screamed as he felt something touch his shoulder as he quickly turned to see who was it that spooked him so bad and it was just the jellyfish intern "mr.m/n, where about to come back on soon" the intern said as m/n's heart was still racing "right...right, tell them I'll be there just give me a bit to um...just get myself ready" m/n told the intern as they nodded and walked back to the studio to tell them which has m/n all alone again "your just paranoid, nothing bad can happen...dj Octavia won't know, even if he does marina is a long ways from here so she's safe and Octavia wouldn't do something that ambitious" m/n said to himself as he turned off his phone and walked back to the studio with his head held up high hoping this might be a good week or even a good year.
"sir! We found something you might like" a elite octoling said as she held what looked like a small keychain, it was shiny and had the picture of m/n on it, in pastel colors seeming happy with the other side having his 'friends' all with him and all looking happy, DJ Octavia was silent, he was taking in the details of this keychain pictures "m/n is on the surface...just how marina is" Dj Octavia said as he took the keychain onto his tentacle and examined it, the underground felt so empty without m/n around. The small splats of colors on the walls or just anything that was colorful he could put anywhere, the small city's of the octarian underground loved the small splats of colors, any kind it made the underground feel less gloomy but after DJ Octavia's defeat in inkoplis and that damned squid sisters music that Octavia hated so much, salt in this wound those agents gave him taking away power to the city and then now this, Octavia felt humiliated that the only octoling soldier that made the situation of the octarians being under ground feel a bit less gloomy and just less of a hell hole was on the surface cause of the now lazy inklings and the octoings that managed to get on the surface now having audacity to rub this in his face just saying to Octavia that m/n was theirs now, it made Octavia livid that his m/n and only his m/n is now on the surface, his tentacle gripped the keychain in his tentacle until a crack was formed on the sides and his grip loosened. His gaze goes back to the elite octoling soldier "bring m/n back here, no matter who you have to hurt, no matter what you have to do, bring m/n back here" Octavia said the soldier nodded and was about to go get some of the other octolings to get ready for this mission "wait, take this" Octavia handed the soldier a pair of glasses, the same ones callie had on when she was kidnapped here "it'll make it more simple but these ones will make sure m/n won't be able to fight back so easily" Octavia said as then he waved his tentacle to dismiss the soldier, the elite octoling walked out to tell her team the new mission now with the hypno glasses in hand...to be continued
(I hope this is good, I've been trying to work on my writing more)
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felinearchive · 3 months
Hemera design! For fun and to incorporate some headcanons, info under cut!
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- I know pastel colours aren’t exactly… Sparklecare-ish? LOL. But!!! I love pastels. Who can blame me. So I gave her pastel colours :]
- I gave stem more markings, such as end-of-ear markings, an under tail marking, thigh and shoulder markings, and a mouth marking (which she also has canonically)! She also has blue tipped fur on her head, because I thought it was pretty!
- On the note of extra markings, she has blue freckles! Stem has them on both sides of her face, but one half is covered by plant juice.
- She wears socks. I personally headcanon stem as having sensory issues (which I think is canon to Cometcare?), and I’d like to imagine that while she loves working outdoors, stem hates the feeling of dirt getting in-between her paws. The socks help (but don’t totally eliminate) this!
- Her gloves are blue instead of orange now! I just thought it looked better than the orange, but there’s nothing wrong with the orange either LOL
- The band around stems ears is striped!
- ^ Relating to the above, I also gave her a band around her tail :] just to be cute! No other reason
- I gave her a TON of tiny spot markings. Sorry. I know there’s way too many but I LOVE adding them 😭
- She has a snaggle-tooth! Once again, just for fun, with no particular reason.
- Stem has flower patches stitched onto her gown, plus a pocket! I like to imagine Uni did it for her as a sort of gift :]
That’s all!! Hope you enjoy this one, I plan to make more designs following this one :3
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Am I the asshole for wanting to find a different nail salon?
I (25f) don’t often go to nail salons anymore due to it being expensive, but also due to bad experiences as of late. Nothing major, just the annoying experience of trying and failing to get what I am paying for.
The Story: Most nail salons around here are Asian run and owned, and genuinely I do not have any problem with that! Idc who runs a business so long as the job is done well and they are nice and all. In the past I’ve not had many issues beyond maybe a language barrier, and ultimately have been very happy with the results! It was worth the money on the rare occasions I went.
Lately though every time I’ve gone to various salons in my area, I’ve struggled to get what I want. I never want any complicated art, which makes it worse that I’m paying $40 or more (plus tip bc I tip well regardless of result) and can’t even get the color I choose from the book. As in, pointing to the exact shade advertised and labeled with a number, confirming it 2-3 times, watching them either bring out a completely different color or one that is labeled right but still not the chosen shade, and trying to correct it before just having to give up bc the wrong color is now on my nails and I might as well accept my fate 😂 I’m really easy-going so I feel bad about getting mad, and after the 5th time trying to correct them, I feel like it’s too much of a bother. The nails will always look nice in the end, but not the exact thing I wanted.
Example being last time I went I chose a dark teal, and the color they brought out was like. Pastel blue. So… it looked fine, but it’s like they didn’t even care to notice the extreme color difference. At the same appointment, my cousin(15) was requesting white tips, and they told her “no, we can’t do that, because your nails aren’t the right color”….????? Like. I don’t even know how that matters. It’s paint. Paint it on the nails lol. It’s not hard! We’re paying for it aren’t we? Why would they refuse to paint a white tip on her nails because the natural color of her nails is “wrong” according to them?
Anyways: where the question comes in is that my mom(48) suggested finding a salon “not run by Asian people”, because she assumes the root of the problem is a language barrier. It could be, and she’s right I guess that it would be easier to communicate what I want to someone who speaks English more fluently. However, my sister(23) got mad at us and said we were being racist about it. To be extremely clear, neither of us said anything beyond mentioning the language barrier, and of course I’ve never treated any worker at any salon poorly no matter what. But, sister says that because we are white and wanting to find a salon not solely Asian-run, that’s racist. My sister is known for being very dramatic and kinda “Fake Woke” about things… but hey, it’s something I worry about too, even if I feel like my reasoning for this is solid.
I’ve been to every salon in the area that I’ve previously had good experiences with, and suddenly it’s a struggle to even get the correct color. I don’t know why this is a problem, or why even after mentioning that it’s wrong multiple times I’m just not listened to. I feel like it’s mostly an issue of just. Bad service. I don’t think it’s racist to want to get what I pay for, especially when it’s as basic as color choice, even if the core issue may be a language barrier. But, I want to open it up to others.
So, am I the asshole for wanting to find a different salon? Specifically one which is run by people who are more fluent in English, for communications sake?
What are these acronyms?
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lordfreg · 1 year
Yojimbo Usagi: The Great Samurai
Mini comic;; art done by me thanks to my wonderful supporters<3333
Tagging<;3: @hypocriticaltypwriter @oleander-nin @ask-the-tmnt-bnb @sweaterrat @doodle17 @ssak-i @theselkieprincess @gal-with-pastels @notjustdragonspages @mariusroyale @mjtheartist04
Thank you all for your continued support for TMNT B&B project! More comics will soon follow, so stay tuned!!
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Sensei: Yojimbo, you must learn to focus! After all, how do you expect to be a brilliant samurai if you're constantly-
Yojimbo: S-Sorry Sensei.
Sensei: Yojimbo, Yojimbo, Yojimbo... I'm trying to train you to be a great Samurai and you- You have a bucket on your head.
Yojimbo: It doesn't have to be a bucket. It can be a helmet...
Sensei: Yojimbo, you must focus and discipline yourself. If you do not, you will never learn how to discipline your body, you will be slow, sluggish. You could get KiLLED. Easily.
Yojimbo: I know, Sensei. But, no matter how hard I try, I just can't sem to focus or understand anything you seem to teach me. I apoligize, Sensei.
Yojimbo: There's something wrong with me.
Sensei: Yojimbo... there's nothing wrong with you. Just because you're different doesn't mean you're broken or wrong. It means you're different, and that's okay.
Yojimbo: ... Thanks, Sensei.
Sensei: You're welcome, Yojimbo. Plus, I'm trying to save your reputation as a great Samurai, since you're currently known as a coward.
Yojimbo: Nani?! I-I have a reputation as a coward?!
Sensei: Ha, ha, ha! Yes, because you seem to run away from your chores!
Yojimbo: Sense! Not funny!
Sensei: Er, Yojimbo?
Yojimbo: Yes, Sensei?
Sensei: I'm proud of you.
Yojimbo: Thanks Sensei.
Sensei: Tch. So, would I be wrong to expect the dojo clean?
Yojimbo: Sigh~ No, Sensei.
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5 comfort characters
As always, @treshmind , thank you for the tag, it is a pleasure <3
I'm limiting myself to no OCs, and one character per series/origin/etc. In no particular order:
Meta Knight | Kirby
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I still someday want to make a long video going into the phoenix-like nature of his character arc, and how he shifts. He starts off with “I want to be the most powerful warrior, and everyone else should strive to meet the same standard”. Over time, he's transitioned to “I want to be stronger so that I can protect those that are not.” It's incredible.
Cream Unicorn Cookie | Cookie Run
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Sir that's my emotional support canonically non-binary character with a love for both pastels and the combination of pastels and dark colours. Who is pretty much the embodiment of nostalgia. Who has abandonment issues. … I'm sure the fact that I heavily relate to them says nothing about me.
Gundham Tanaka | Danganronpa
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Danganronpa really was the series of “Every Character Deserved Better… Writing-Wise.” Gundham Tanaka is one of the few exceptions. Oh, don't get me wrong, he's too great to be here, and I will always be wishing more time was spent on him, but DAMN. They may not have meant to make one of the most well-written autistic-coded bisexual characters of all time, but they sure did anyway.
Henry | Fire Emblem
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Crow man crow man crow man- I think I immediately grew attached to this guy from the moment he introduced himself. And then he's just…lovely. A character who smiles almost constantly, has a grim sense of humour, loves blood, loves crows, practices dark magic, would kill for his friends and loved ones, also very autistic-coded, quite literally raised by wolves, what's not to love?
Label/Labelle | Animal Crossing
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A really touching story. Here you have a character who struggled with family bonds, and desperately wanted to find herself, who eventually reunited with her family after gaining a better sense of identity. She's become warmer over time, and will grow progressively friendlier to the player character. Plus, who doesn't love a fashion-forward gal?
… The matching colour palettes, if you're wondering, were semi-intentional, but not entirely. I'm realizing I could do another 5 with another colour palette.
I've already done my tagging today, so if you see this and want to join, consider yourself an honorary tag <3
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of sour candies and chocolate milk || kanato x fem!reader (modern college au) plot + headcanon
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WARNING: SLIGHT OOC (ikr fluff in DL doesn't exist but anyways)
dedicated to @yuikomorii (I've been meaning to write this one bcos a friend of mine challenged me to write a fluff modern au Kanato plot, so I've pitched this idea to my mutuals @whitechocolatemochaasblog and @crookedherringcolorclod and I am glad this plot is still kinda intact with his bratty and petty self)
btw credits to @nutaella-kookie cause I took inspiration from her dating kanato sakamaki post (you should read it guys, the writing is just... chef's kiss I swear she also has a lot of pretty fun headcanons)
and yes I suggest listening to the song for experience
NOTE: the pov is mostly based on Maya since this was originally a Kanato x Maya plot but feel free to insert yourself or whoever you want; and yes the ages of the characters are kinda older
CONTEXT: Kanato studies forensic mortuary science while taking up a few business classes cause Karl forced him to do so; the fem!reader is in culinary arts but focuses more on pastry
-it wasn't like Kanato was looking for a relationship or something since all his romantic affairs are doomed to fail from the start bcos he is annoyingly clingy and overly jealous, leaves a lot of messages and missed calls—practically a sour patch kid of a boyfriend who's extremely needy (you might as well date a kid 💀💀💀)
-ofc he can be closed off... but he turns to this possessive guy in a blink of an eye and yes Ayato and Laito tell him abt it but this purple kid's bubbled up in his denial world like his word is absolute
-either go date or go home (I suggest you go home jk)
-tho however Ayato suddenly brings up the topic of Kanato dating you and his reason is you two practically knew each other (since your dad and Karl are BFFs and business partners); second, your height just goes well with his and your grunge pastel soul complements his victorian goth ass kid persona so might as well dominate the world, huh?
-just to clarify, you ain't friends with the triplets; they just know you as their dad's friend's daughter who goes to the same univ and reads mangas during free time
-so anywaaaaaaaays
-ngl Kanato thought abt it since they knew you ever since they were like grade schoolers or something; but the thing is, you're their dad's friend's daughter and they always see you at formal parties they're forced to attend to and if you two break up, it will be more awkward for him cause he has to see you (plus there are times you go to their house to deliver some of your dad's paperworks/gifts)
-ofc Ayato knew Kanato would say no so he went on with: "just have a trial date with her and see if it will work; if it doesn't, then nothing's lost since you two aren't in a relationship" blah blah
-the offer doesn't so bad so Kanato went in for the kill, and yes don't ask where he got your number cause he just freaking texted you out of nowhere and told you to go meet him at the university cafe (read again, he told you; not asked so... see where this is going?)
-yeah anyways you went there and met him up before your afternoon classes; you two weren't much of a talker anyways so you just went on with the silence by calmly ordering your usual matcha frappe while he just stares at you like a praying mantis 911 send help
-and while you were sipping your frappe, he just dropped the bomb like "let's go on a trial date, Y/N-san" (yeah you almost choked on your frappe upon hearing that)
-"why?" "you don't seem so bad"
-and yeah he explained abt Ayato's idea and he saw nothing wrong abt it and you are not allowed to say no after the effort he made abt finding out your number and waking up earlier just to wait for you in the university cafe like those scenes in romance mangas
-deep inside, you were like "what a thoughtful prick" (an insult and a compliment tho)
-so you two agreed on that trial date, plus you find him kinda cute (but not physically, it's more like a funny, amusing cute bcos you sometimes make fun of him in your head despite being annoying like this:)
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-in fact you even told him that you had a small crush on him ("I like you, though." "Hm. Why?" "Because you're funnily cute.")
-so yeah you were on this trial date relationship thingy for like almost a year (you think it's long but gurl it ain't for Kanato and his massive trust issues) and things were going pretty well; like even if there were minor disagreements and some of his mini tantrums, you two were able to make it work
-besides your calm and humble personality just kinda matches with his hotheadedness (hence why you're still "alive" despite him having those annoying fits); tho you might remain calm but when Kanato teases you, you turn into this blushing, stuttering mess
-and for some reason, he was willing to reenact your fave scenes from those mangas (how romantic, right???)
-so Kanato decided that this trial date turned to be real this time around, but you're still on a summer vacation somewhere in Hokkaido so he opted to wait for you to return to Kaminashi before finally asking you out
-one time Kanato was out with Ayato and Laito at the mall cause Laito saw this one store that sells discounted vintage CDs and he was in dire need of a new show to watch bcos this one murder docu series decided to say goodbye
-so after they bought their CDs, they passed by the train station and saw some random guy confessing to a girl; Kanato thought it wasn't anything new... until he heard the guy mention your full name
-like this: "You're Y/N from Ryoutei University, right?"
-and then he saw you nervously fidgeting as your hands gripped the handle of your luggage cause you weren't used to strangers suddenly approaching you (and he found it odd cause you're supposed to be back at night but here you are at Kaminashi at 3 fvcking pm in the afternoon)
-"I always see you with your friend at the nearby bookstore, and I thought you're cute... and you've been on my mind lately. W-Will you go out with me?"
-"Uh... do you have a boyfriend or something?"
-"... I don't have a boyfriend."
-and the guy was so overjoyed while Kanato was just still in his spot, eyes wide as he watched the scene before him unfold; but yeah you still rejected the guy, but for some reason, he was kinda "mad" at your answer like why did you tell that guy you are single as a pringle?! (even tho you rlly don't have a boyfriend!)
-Laito even fueled the fire by saying "aww did she just indirectly reject you, Kanato-kun? how sad"
-Kanato was so bummed abt this rejection that he started ignoring everyone at the household (even locking himself in his room more than usual)
-what's more, he jabs at Ayato like "this is all bcos of your small brain and stupid idea"
-and when you got back home, you texted Kanato that you're already back from your trip; people would think he's finally gonna talk to you abt it
-but you know what this purple gremlin did? he fvcking ignored you,
-like put you on read or whatever; he didn't care if you were calling or texting him cause he doesn't wanna talk to you until you know what you have done to him
-but the thing is you have no idea he was so mad at you cause you thought he was just busy or something (well it took like 2 to 3 weeks before Yui told you that Kanato was mad at you cause he hasn't been getting off Ayato's case bcos of you apparently)
-so one time you went to their house and you knocked on his bedroom door, ofc he said get lost but you just casually opened it to see him setting up his room for his murder docu series marathon with a large tub of ice cream on the side table while Teddy was comfy on his couch (his room screams goth meets harajuku pastel vibes)
-ngl Kanato had this nagging happy feeling when he saw you but he was just adamant on getting you out of his hair while you were just being worried and a bit stubborn cause you wanna know why he was so upset with you
-"you're smart right? why don't you figure it out then"
-and all hell broke loose cause you two had a shouting fit (you rarely shout but you did this time)
-ngl you blushed at that statement, but girl focus! you need to tell this guy off
-and the whole world just stopped like you saw Kanato blushing furiously, a frown on his face as he glares at you for being so dense; and when you realized the weight of his words, you were so embarrassed I swear you wish there was a hole that would swallow you whole
-finding it hard to breathe, you tried to excuse yourself and get out of the room—
-"Oh no, you don't."
-and the next thing, Kanato swiftly held your wrist and pulled you close to him, kissing your lips to release this frustrating feeling he's been having for weeks now (and yes you kissed back to seal the deal)
-one thing led to another and yeah no words were needed to confirm that you two had already gone past the trial and went with the real one
(admin summer: hmmm the ending was kinda lame and open-ended tho)
Kanato was sitting on his couch, munching on his tub of ice cream while watching the murder docu-series he bought a few weeks ago. When he heard movements, he looked over his shoulder and saw you quickly getting dressed, gathering every item you left in his room before turning to him with a blushing face as you said, "I... I'll be taking my leave."
"There's no need to hurry, you know," he pointed out, returning to the show he was watching. "Besides, it's past 6 already. You can stay the night."
You were quiet, agreeing with his suggestion as you slowly slumped down on his bed. There was a comfortable silence lingering in the air, the question of "are we dating now" hanging at the back of your head.
But he said he likes me. And... I like him too.
"Umm... Kanato?"
"Can you say it again?"
"Say what?"
"That you like me."
Kanato almost spat out his ice cream, spouting nonsense and a string of curses as he tried to compose himself before responding.
"As if I would do that!"
"... but you did it thrice, though."
You giggled at that.
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lafcadiosadventures · 11 months
Madame Putiphar Readalong. Book Two, Chapter XXVI, second half.
Pastel Hued Rococo Horror
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"La femme d’un charbonnier est plus estimable que la maîtresse d’un Roi.", original illustration by Michele Armajer, second edition of Madame Putiphar.
Putiphar is wrong in her perhaps Rousseaunian suppositions. In Patrick’s case, not all loves are brothers. To prove her wrong he “treats” her with a long and minute translation of the Irish song into french. It is not a love song, but a war ballad (and, it’s a real song, @sainteverge found the original lyrics and you can read them in their translation) it is a long, long history ballad about scottish and irish clans, so long that when Patrick is finally done translating dinner is served. (Nothing against the song itself it’s just hilarious how much of a reach pompadour had to make to fool herself into thinking it was a love song, but admittedly, horniness is a hell of a drug) I can imagine Pompadour desperately trying and failing to bring the mood back to sexy. Her chance finally springs up when dinner is announced and she can bring Patrick’s attention to her outfit
Pomps appologizes for feeling “too lazy”to dress properly, she is still wearing her sheer white robe de chambre, a so called laisse-tout-faire -> don’t need to spell out what is that “tout” which the crotchless, petticoatless and drawersless robe allows to do here. (Borel’s narrator plays the puritan apologizing for mentioning such impudic garments, but he has to, because, in a way that single word sums up the decadence of a whole epoch or something (Borel mentions two linguists here: Pierre Borel, and Ménage. This is fun because Borel has a witty and contrived way of saying the meaning of the expression is obvious: laisse-tout-faire is not a word that will torture the pierre borels and menages of the future, Borel scribbles, while he crafts words and expressions that will indeed torture future translators and linguists. in the best possible ways.)
So: once dinner is announced, they leave the boudoir and step into another room whichis a puzzle in itself. What is it? A salon? A bedroom? Another boudoir? The room is filled to the brim with all kinds of furniture, beds, bookshelves with the latest Enlightenment hits, sofas, a table. The bric-a-brac makes it almost impossible to walk around the table, the rococo horror vacui becomes an impediment to circulation, almost as if it’s designed to trap Putiphar’s intended sacrificial lambs after an intoxicating meal. (only now Patrick begins to envision that Putiphar has some projects for him, yes, even after all her writhing, boob groping and verbal insinuations. He finally notices that he is physically trapped as well. Her plans are basically abduction and sexual assault) There are also no visible doors since they are all covered with gobelins. And even if he could physically escape, he thinks, he could never run away from her resentment. He realizes like Cellini before him, that the queen/pompadour’s sex is a trap where both sleeping with her, or rejecting her are deadly choices, because the power imbalance is too vast. (Patrick has more moral concerns than Cellini, who is basically his diametrical opposite)
Patrick suddenly begins to notice he needs to sit down because he has had too much to drink, and that he is not only trapped, but utterly alone with her. He is scared and disgusted with her secret plotting, and feels guilty and stupid for having accepted her invitation. Feeling tired, heavy, intoxicated and scared, weighted down too by the realization that all his possible choices are potentially deadly, and that he cannot physically leave the horror-vacui roccoco funhouse death trap, he lets Fate chose for him. He will rely on his instinctual responses and puts himself in the hands of God. (or his conscience)
The castle and the witch are trying to eat Patrick alive, Putiphar is in full fledged Hansel and Gretel witch mode, she is pumping wine and aphrodisiacs into Patrick, who drinks and eats as little as he can without being overtly rude. The arousal he felt at the beginning of the chapter is totally gone. Her lies and intentions to get him by force and treachery disgust him. Yet he shows himself bold and spontaneous. This slightly offends her, since she can no longer attribute his codlness to shyness or inexperience. It’s a masks off moment for both of them.
(in terms of form of the novel, Borel includes some Spanish expressions here like vino rancio, and alcahueta. Spanish culture shows up in the form of something delicious, the wine, that Patrick manages to resist, which shows his strength, and to name the royal pimp, perhaps with a less decorous word than what he could have afforded to include in french? Like his use of carajo in Champavert, but not foutre/vit, for example)
She still hopes to seduce him though, she tries the method she uses on Pharao. Like a character in Crébillon’s The Sofa, where a monarch forces guests to tell him stories, (just like in the 1001 nights, but more relevant to our novel about the crimes and power abuses of the powerful, just like the king and Pompadour had Sartine did as we will see) She instead forces dirty gossip of the royal family and all the courtiers into Patrick’s ears. (Borel beings up a connection between the royal pimp, the “alcahueta de la corte” La Gourdan, and Sartine, the head of the secret police. This is historical fact, some of the police reports are still existent, what is questioned and possibly a myth is that Pompadour started this not to control the other courtiers, but to incite a sexual partner that was increasingly harder to please, which sounds of course, too naif to be real. (I’ll include bellow a letter on Gourdan which I’d wager is one of Borel’s source for all of this)
It’s fascinating that, in complete accordance to the rumours, these sexual stories have both an erotic and a punitive function, the courtiers use them for their own amusement, but they also have their pimps work closely with cops to ensure they can wield power through them. (They are basically fapping to police reports. Allegorically fascinating and disgusting) But the stories lack their desired effect. Patrick is neither aroused or amused, he is disgusted. She orders more champagne, but Patrick says he’s not a drinking man. It would be “monstrous” of him not to have any vices, she claims, lacking “passion” would make him inhuman. (note here, how a man who lacks addictions/inclinations that are deemed perverse and thus condemned, because that’s the way Pompadour frames it, is someone who she cannot subjugate by the sartine/gourdan method)
Patrick enjoys things but is addicted to none, and has none of the modern “vices” he doesn’t gamble, he can drink, dance and go to the theatre but he wouldn’t die if he had to do without those things. He is not an addict, he cannot be trapped by vicies like the courtiers The King, Pompadour, Sartine and la Gourdan surveil. Pompadour grows impatient: "Who do you love?", she asks. "I love women". And she continues her guessing game, and is so vain that when Patrick claims to love one women above all the others, who is young, beautiful and noble, she calls him a flatterer since she thinks he means her. Putiphar wants to take Debby’s ring (an old and austere relic) from him and give him a shiny new one. He refuses it since he loves Deborah, she calls her cruel, but insists on the gift, and in making him her lover. He still refuses, he cannot have two loves. He cannot divide the same love in two either (the literary/cultural theme of carnal versus holy love, divided between the angel in the hearth and the mistress) as Pompadour suggests. But Patrick still rejects her. She is indeed insulted by that open refusal, and by Patrick’s mention of Love, that is not what she wants from him. In her rage, she remembers the ace up her sleeve, which she was willing to forget if Patrick had flattered her and accepted to become her lover and her plaything: The murder conviction, his status as a fugitive from the Law. The die is cast. Left with nothing to lose, Patrick dares recall that Pompadour’s father is also someone who evaded the law, but thanks to her power and status, all of that was forgotten. The chief difference is Patrick is actually innocent, but he has no powerful protectors, (and in fact was incriminated by aristocrats) so he’ll have to pay for the crimes of another, while Pompadour’s father was indeed guilty, but given his status he’s safe from the law (once again, the theme of the law as definitely not blind and equal for all) Outraged, Putiphar calls for her men, but Patrick has the last laugh:
“Woah there! messieurs, calm down! Please wait, I still have a word to say to madame,” shouted Patrick! and, taking from the bookshelf a volume of the New Eloisa, he flipped a few pages, and added: “This word I have to say is not mine, it is that of the citizen of Geneva; here it is: “A coalman’s wife is more estimable than a king’s mistress.”
 (tr. by sainteverge )
When the lackeys attempt to grab him, Patrick draws his sword. He leaves the palace in his own terms. His attempt at bonding with the aristocracy are forever broken, since it was impossible to have them without degrading himself. It was required of him to cheat on his wife, to have sex against his wishes, to renounce to his citizenship, to adapt his tastes and opinions to those of the ruling class, to accept surveillance by Sartine, and so on. Patrick will probably not survive this book, but he values his integrity higher than his mere survival. He starts (like many other Romantic characters), his own glorious defeat arc, a kalos thanatos, death before living by rules that rot the soul.
Here’s an annex on La Gourdan by Théveneau de Morande, (apparently a french spy and blackmailer himself, living in London in the 18th c) found in his compilation of Gourdan’s correspondence for the Jean Nourse 1784-1866 London edition. I would wager Borel read this, not only it is cited in most papers on this subject, and the dates match, but also Morande calling Gourdan The Priestess of Cytherea, -a less popular name for Aphrodite that Borel uses in this very novel- makes me extra confident in this conjecture. Relevant quote on Sartine’s gazette and spying in the high class brothels here:
“(...)il faut que vous sachiez, mylord, que les lieux de débauche de cette capitale ne sont pas simplement comme nos bagnos à Londres : ils sont ici d'institution politique. Celles qui y président, par essence espionnes de la police, tiennent un registre exact de toutes les personnes qui viennent chez elles, et entrent à cet égard dans les détails les plus particuliers qu'elles peuvent apprendre. Vous sentez combien ils doivent être amusants. C'est sous le feu roi, et surtout à la fin de son règne, que cet historique du libertinage de la capitale était fort recherché. On assure que le magistrat chargé de cette partie en dernier lieu (Sartine, according to the footnotes) donnait une attention particulière; qu'il occupait journellement un secrétaire de confiance très-intime à rédiger de ces divers matériaux une gazette galante et luxurieuse, et que le monarque et sa maîtresse (Pompadour) en faisaient leurs plus chères délices. Le lieutenant de police d'aujourd'hui n'a pas cet avantage. Le jeune prince, ami des moeurs, rejetterait avec indignation une chronique aussi scandaleuse; il rougirait des turpitudes qu'on y dévoile. Mais ces archives d'horreurs et d'infamies n'en subsistent pas moins, comme pouvant servir à diriger le ministère dans quantités d'opérations sourdes, à lui fournir le fil de beaucoup de choses et le secret de presque toutes les familles. La dame Gourdan, par l'étendue de son commerce et par ses pratiques distinguées, devait être plus recommandable qu'une autre au gouvernement. C'est ce qui excite la curiosité des amateurs, soit pour découvrir dans son journal bien des gens qu'on ne se doutait pas d'y trouver, soit dans la crainte de s'y voir inscrits eux-mêmes. De quelque manière que le procès tourne, on espère, au surplus, qu'une femme aussi importante ne sera que suspendue dans l'exercice de son ministère et qu'elle le reprendra incessamment. On sait qu'elle a déjà réclamé les bontés des personnages en place les plus éminents ; on dit même Pompadour qui, pour dissiper l'ennui de son auguste amant, avait imaginé cette gazette(...)”
There's also this article on Pompadour and the court's policing of sex, and sexual rumours as a political tool to manipulate the public opinion. It covers some of Borel’s sources (La Bastille devoilé), some of the rhetorical strategies he uses in this chapter, like orientalizing the french despot.
(also thanks to this article I learnt that Les bijoux indiscrets is an allegory of all that policing of sex at Versailles. That makes young Diderot's choice of an oriental setting less about exotism and fantasy -although that is definitely there- and more about making the analogies with the french court less obvious >_>)
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
For CC WD boys (pre courting/first stages of courting Reader) are on a hunt to find something perfect for Reader. Both boys could have an opinion about what is the "gift".
Christmas countdown day 21 — Go Christmas present shopping for your partner/spouse
Steve felt momentarily irritated by Bucky’s insistence on returning the teacup set to the shelf rather than setting it into the cart like Steve wanted. Bucky had claimed to know exactly what their omega bean wanted or needed for Christmas, while Steve had his own ideas on what you needed.
Neither alpha was willing to concede to the other, and despite being lifelong best friends and lovers, they weren’t seeing eye to eye on the manner.
Steve wanted to get you a pastel lilac ceramic teaser because he knew that you liked to drink chai or chamomile tea while you studied. He knew you had gotten your teasers second hand and while he knew there was nothing wrong with second hand sets, Steve wanted to spoil you.
Bucky, in the same kind of thought process, wanted to forgo the tea-set and instead get you more nesting blankets and stuffed animals to decorate your bed. Bucky stood by his idea and the fact he swore by, that the you wanted a stuffed moose or giraffe.
“She needs this-“ “Steve you’re wrong-“
The two alphas huffed and argued back and forth, both insistent that they knew what you needed or wanted more. They were standing face to face and speaking over one another, only stopping when someone behind them cleared their throat.
“Your argument is disrupting other customers.” A beta who worked here and cut them both off before they handed Steve and Bucky a large and thick cardboard box that was adorned with faux gingham design.
“And this is a compromise, so maybe you could stop fighting.” The retail worker had hummed, watching the two alphas study the box. “Its made for omegas and betas, specifically.”
“A tea set with a matching stuffed animal?” Bucky raised an eyebrow, watching the beta expectantly.
“The stuffed animal matches the design on the tea cup, and the tea cup is handcrafted porcelain. Plus the stuff animal is infused with lavender, promotes relaxation-“
“Compromise?” Steve tilted his head, eyeing Bucky carefully. “Best of both worlds.”
“Good,” Bucky nodded his head, “but I’m still getting her that stuffed animal.”
“As long as you let me get this set.” They set their presents down at the same time, taking up room in the cart for each others choices.
“Let me know if you need anything else.” The worker had stepped away, muttering under their breath while Steve stepped closer to Bucky.
“Omega bean also said something about an electric blanket-“
“Way ahead of you, Stevie. I found the perfect one.”
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bigkpopstan · 2 years
What kind of lingerie do u think the enhypen members would like to wear?
I will do a description of what I think they’d like, color wise, design wise and include at least one pic as an example. turned into 2-3 but anyway !! enjoy:) pics of the pics to fit all of them and to hopefully reduce the risk of glitching.
pictures of both lingerie for fem bodied ppl and masc bodied ppl for reference of what I was thinking for each of them.
jake got both his…sets bc when I went to look for pics I could barely find good ones that worked like both ways and plus…I couldn’t leave out the first set it’s so pretty. trying not to spoil it lol.
18+ content.
warnings; the mental image men in lingerie/panties and bralettes (‘cross dressing’), sub enha, sexting mention, men wearing makeup, thongs & jockstraps mentioned, reference to ripping lingerie, and kind of alluding to camboy hee agenda.
there’s smth about light/pastel pink and frilly that speak heeseung, esp if he’s wearing lingerie anyway. I can just picture him laying there in his pink panties with the ruffles playing with them (even a bra if he so chooses) while he’s recording a video to tease either his partner(s) at work or for his own (or others) enjoyment. I can also see him wearing a pretty white, probably lacey lingerie as well. you also can’t go wrong with a good black pair either so I think hee would be very traditional in most things he wears and would feel pretty/handsome in them anyway. he might even wear some pretty matching eye shadow if he’s really into it. maybe even like thongs or jockstraps further along the lines or as well I could those being something he’d try/be into.
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another classy man but I think he’d be too shy to go out of the box without a nudge so definitely would start with solid blacks, nothing fancy, nothing lacey, a solid black cotton probably just to try it out. I can picture him looking in the mirror checking himself out alone when he tries some on for the first time whining in embarrassment but liking the feel of it. later on i think I can see him trying something colorful and more…out of his comfort zone in a way? something more provocative. something bright with a mesh where it’s see through, I’m thinking a yellow bc he’s trying something new so why not try something on the complete opposite end to see where you stand, I also think it might compliment his skin tone well, like a more toned down pastel yellow against his golden skin while he shyly crosses his thighs. gasp before I forget a good dark green would probably compliment his skin, a good earthy green and probably a good deep red as well, his skin tone is just so gorgeous.
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I think so many colors would look good on him. from something warm to pastels, I think he’s got a broad range of interests as well. I think Jake is one of the most kinky and adventurous out of hyung line so I do think he’d go all out for lingerie. the ones with the straps, the crosses, the garters, the lace, the mesh, he’d try all of it at least once. I think he’d look good in a nice red or orange as well as a pastel blue, can never go wrong with a good black either. I think maybe he’d also like the one pieces? ooooh like the see through robes maybe as well, I think he’d like those and like to surprise his partner wearing one with a pretty lacey lingerie underneath. I also have this feeling that he’d be the one to wear a headpiece…he’d pair it with smth pretty in his hair like a crown or something. expects and even hopes some of his lingerie gets ruined by his partner(s) and their impatience.
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fancy…I think, he would like to feel expensive. I can see him in whites, pastel pinks, pastel purple, but I can also see him in a deep dark purple and a dark blue as well. he likes the cotton, satin, something soft and smooth, I don’t think he’d like any scratchy fabric or a design too intense or something that could be “too much” or “too distracting” and I think it’s an “yeah it’s pretty but I’m gorgeous too and I want my underwear to be pretty enough to attract attention but not be too pretty where it’s getting all of the attention” if that makes sense. the other hyung that I think would wear jockstraps quite often but he does really enjoy to feel pretty in the nice soft lingeries for his own and his partners enjoyment. definitely has the panties with a bow on the front of it, multiple pairs in multiple colors and would love if his partner played with it, during foreplay or teasing. like heeseung he’d probably also take teasing pics vids of doing that for his partner(s) as well. didn’t think of this until I was looking for pictures but like lingerie that could pass as pajamas as well or pajamas that could count as lingerie like the satin shorts possibly with the matching bralette n stuff like that.
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robo-milky · 2 years
[Vent: This will be my last update about my wrists! Thank you for those who took the time to read and/or sent “get-well-soon”s- It does mean a lot! Anything relating to more personal issues can be very taxing to read or “not what I signed up for” and that’s perfectly valid!! In the end, we are strangers on the web ^^ Feels like the more I post updates or anything— it feels very attention seeking— so I want to make this a good send off. I might update/edit the log if anything comes up.]
A little bit about why the sudden change in art style
Acknowledgements: There are bigger issues in the world, there are threatening crises and positions people face that could be physically/and or emotionally damaging. My condition isn’t chronic, but for those who have do have life-long issues— my heart really goes out to them; I’ve only been through the tip of the iceberg of what they might have been through.
It’s hypocritical of me to make posts about having to recover/exhausting myself from writing/drawing, yet I still draw anyways. I guess I wanted to end this off comically— making silly memes or inside jokes with friends definitely lifted my mood. (Edit: I can’t type (on a keyboard)/write, but you know what I can do? Text.)
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Having to do art in school and outside is not great for recovery (if I want both my wrists back to normal) but I compulsively draw anyways- I think it’s probably because I’m aiming for an art school, I’m scared of ever stopping and getting rusty with art again. While it’s true that a lot of art is really boiled down to how well you can break down concepts and memorizing the technical knowledge, it took me years to finally develop a hand that could draw clean lines and hold things steadily.
Compared to Summer 2022, I definitely recovered much more and made a lot of progress. I didn’t have to eat painkillers every single day, I didn’t have to rely on wrist splints, I can hold a half-filled mug with one hand, and so much more. I’d say the conditions of my wrists is tolerable; it still hinders me when I try to open doorknobs, but I’ll take whatever accomplishments I can get.
It wasn’t until finally seeing a physiotherapist, after god knows how long (Please- I grew up in a traditionally Chinese family that doesn’t believe in western medicines ;;), I was diagnosed with early osteoarthritis on my left wrist. Even though only one wrist is diagnosed, I have difficulties moving both my wrists, and according to my X-ray back in September 2022, the bones in both my wrist have narrowed from a lack of use. I’m kinda baffled because you’d think it’d be my dominant hand, the hand I use everyday and stress out, would be diagnosed. I’m told that I’ll need an MRI for my left, so hopefully nothing goes too wrong.
I love drawing, fanart or original— for myself or others. I don’t think it’s something I can ever stop? Maybe I’ve gotten on a high now that I’ve recovered bit by bit, and having gotten out of art block for months helped too. I can’t help but feel like part of my art block is because of my wrists. Even when my wrists were not as bad, I still couldn’t find the motivation to do line art. Maybe my current development in art isn’t actually laziness but just how my wrists have subconsciously been affecting my performance. When I looked back on my old art, I truly loved line art, rendering, having to press hard with pencil crayons to blend, oil pastels— I really did enjoy them.
If I ever drew gifts/requests/others for you, I want to say that I opened them because I wanted to— I knew what I was signing up for. Heck— when I did them— I did them on a good day.
* Am I ever going to take a break? I’ll be honest- probably not. Plus- the watercolour mimic style let’s me draw looser lines and with the colouring? I don’t have to worry about pen pressure or pressing hard- But I’ll try?? I might try to see if I can dig up any older art of mine that still holds up to my standards.
With school, I always feel like I have to take on extra jobs and volunteer to help out in areas that are within my field. I’ve also contemplated telling or broadcasting my needs to others because I’m always scared they’ll think I’m “being dramatic” or “faking it”. I’m also scared that the one time I ask for help to do a “simple” task, my peers will start questioning my recovery. I can’t describe how shameful it feels to not be able to help out a friend if they want to move a desk or even with chores. Maybe it’s me self projecting, but I always feel like if I can’t help someone, I’d be selfish.
Since I can never truly articulate my experiences and thoughts in person (cause I’d forget details or cut out too much because I feel rushed), I’ll be using this to send out ^^
If you *actually* read all of this- thank you and please don’t think too much of it! I don’t want this post to be the reason someone’s mood gets drained— so I drew the cat maid instead of putting my usual reaction images. I hope my attempt at humour came through?? But at what cost…
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squishyseallikesmusic · 4 months
I'LL IT - SuperReal Me ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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General Impressions
I was hyped as soon as I saw the concept. Animecore ? Magical Girls ? Retro video game vibes ? Sailor Moon aesthetic ? Count me in. This concept has so much nostalgic value, it is insane. It felt like a girls night in a pastel purple bedroom with those fluorescent moons and stars you could stick to the windows, mountains of pillows and plushies and hot cocoa. Like a stroll through the city at night, neon signs blinking everywhere, street markets and nightlife all around you, you knowing you're about to go on a formidable magical girl adventure.
Idk but I adore this vibe so much, it has so much nostalgic and comforting vibes.
The fact that a girlgroup is willing to go in this direction when a lot of them are strapping on combat boots (nothing wrong with girlcrush, on the contrary, love it) is really refreshing. (Please don't get me started on the NewJeans drama, I love Newjeans and I'll It and I don't care about the drama and controversies, I'm just happy there's music please leave me alone, I love them both).
My World
A very nice opening track. It's bubbly and sweet, love the muffled vocals in the beginning. It feels like the opening song to a 90s girl anime. I really like the girls voices. The bass is also very yummy. It really sets the tone for the rest of the album : cute anime girls, retro game boy vibes and big doe eyes.
The flagship of this debut album. I know it has been all over the internet, and for good reasons. It's super catchy, adorable and a treat for the ears. Love the retro beats and game boy like sounds, the rich bass and rythm of the song are real hooks, but what sells it for me is this melodic little piano/synth/game arperggio in the background. It adds so much depth and dimension to the song. The chorus is obviously a hit. I love their voices, the arrangement, the ambiance and melody, it all just flows so well. It's a really fresh and addicitve song.
Midnight Fiction
Soooo underrated. I love this song, it really feels like sitting in your bedroom staring out the window, watching starshowers. Again, the instrumental is absolutely killing. I feel like it's the bass that pulls every song of them together so well, plus this little melody in the background. It really makes every song a little treat, like a sweet box of chocolate. The chorus is also very catchy, cute and rich at the same time.
Lucky Girl Syndrome
I think this might be my least favourite song of the album just because it strives a bit away from their original concept, or at least I feel like it's a little less original (i KNOW NewJeans has a asimilar sound, leave me alone). To me at least, it doesn't feel like a cute and shy girls night pyjama party with pillow fights and pastel bubbles but more like very extroverted girls strolling through a park in broad day light, and I just feel the impression I'll It gave me through their other songs is more of an anime magical girl night ambiance. Anywayyys, it's still a good song but not my favourite.
As Taejiu said on Youtube, music is great but TikTok ruined Kpop. Fight me but I agree. The songs are so good but way too short, what happened to My World, it's not even two min long. I'm also aware of their... questionable live vocals but that doesn't make me enjoy their album less. I really like listening to it, it's super comforting and cute. I'm sad about all the backlash they got, especially with all the shit happening at Hybe, but hey, so's the world. I'm just here enjoying the music.
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teen-antisocial · 5 months
Today was the day, the day she dreaded. The day her first love was getting married. Well her best friend. Who she fell in love with and never told Sejauns. If truth be told, however, sejanus loved Y/N back. But Y/N didn't know that, it was his family that made him do this.
“Honestly, why don't you just tell him how you feel,” Coriolanus laughed, while adjusting his best man suit “I mean it's not like anyone can tell you not to.”
“What right before he marries the love of his life, might I add I was uninvited, how the fuck do I get past that?”
“just tell him, what's the worst that could happen. Just do it”
“because I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion”
“But he is not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl.”
Y/N sighed knowing her brother was right. Even then she didn't understand why she was uninvited. Just before Corio could leave, Y/N turned to face him. “What dress would suit me?”
Corio smiled knowing what was about to happen, she was going to sneak in. “That purple one, the one Tigress made you last year.”
Y/N nodded and went to pick up her dress, she took a breath in and evaluated her options. But deep down something told her she needed to do this. Not just for her sake.
So she got ready, and went down. Managing to get there before the wedding starts. She sneaks in and sees all of Sejauns’ friends, and her snotty little family all dressed in pastel. Anxiety began racing through her blood. It was now or never. And it made her feel horrible but it needed to happen.
She began to wonder where the bride was, but then figured she'd be getting ready. Before she knew it, Lucy sat next to you. “You'll never guess what's going on back there?”
Y/N chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. “Right, apparently Vivian has been a bridezilla, and she is yelling at a bridesmaid somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry!”
“This is surely not what he thought it would be.” Y/N laughed thinking of what was going through Sejauns’ mind right now. It probably didn't help that all this pressure was on him, and him alone. Nothing was on her. This was all so his parents could move up the social ladder.
Suddenly, she lost herself in a day dream where she stands and says “don't day yes! run away now! I'll meet you when you're out the church at the back door. Don't wait or say a single vow. You need to hear me out!” and they said
“Speak now!”
More guests arrived, which began to drag Y/N out of her day dream. She stood up and went towards the back so she couldn't be seen. Lucy sat near the front, with her being Corio's plus one. Corio was obviously Sejauns’ best man.
Fond gestures are exchanged before the ceremony starts between the families, making more and more anxiety spread through her veins. Before she knew it, the doors opened, bridesmaids started walking down the aisle in beautiful red dresses and the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march, and she is hiding in the curtains. It seems like she was uninvited by his lovely bride-to-be and not Sejauns.
She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen. Making Corio laugh a little bit, he honestly couldn't believe this was happening, he knew your plan and just couldn't wait for it to happen. “Bet you wish it was Y/N” He whispered in Sejauns’ ear with a grin, he tried to ignore his best man but failed. “Oh my god you wish it was her, you wish it was her don't you?”
Sejanus had had enough of Coriolanus by that point and subtly jabbed him in the stomach, making Lucy and Y/N laugh their heads off, we'll internally anyway.
Y/N found herself whispering “Don't say yes, run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door. Don't wait or say a single vow you need to hear me out and they said speak now”
In the corner of his eye, Sejuans could see what she was whispering about him. “Don't say yes run away now I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door, don't wait or say a single vow” And it made him reconsider all of this, deep down hoping she would say something.
“You're time is running out” Corio whispered before Viv was facing Sejuans with a grin on her face, knowing everything was going according to plan.
And they said “Speak now!” sejauns said in his head hoping something would happen if he did and nothing happened.
They all hear the preacher say “Speak now or forever hold your peace”
There's the silence.
There's her last chance.
She stands up with shaky hands.
All eyes on her…
Horrified looks from everyone in the room, well other than from Lucy, Tigress and Coriolanus. But she's only looking at him.
Suddenly, she felt a sense of regret. Why on earth did she listen to Corio? But there was no going back, especially with the hope in Sejauns’ eyes. All of a sudden, her mouth was moving faster than words. “I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl”
She took a deep breath out before continuing. “So don't say away now, I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door. Don't wait or say a single vow you need to hear me out”
And the best man said “Speak now!” to his friend, knowing if he didn't he would do nothing but live in regret. Just before he said anything though, Vivian's father began backing Y/N into a corner. Before she could protest, Sejuans spoke up.
And he said “Let's run away now, I'll meet you when I'm out of my tux at the back door” The room was filled with gasps and looks. Jaunis’ family looked like a crime had happened. But he didn't care. As far as he was aware, Y/N was his soulmate and he was willing to run away with her. “Baby I didn't say my vows!”
Suddenly, Sejauns’ feet were moving, and he ran over to Y/N and put his hands on her face. Lucy and Corio running behind them. “so glad you were around when they said speak now”
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #140
Would you rather visit The Eiffel Tower or the Egyptian Pyramids? The Pyramids, easy. I would LOVE to visit Egypt.
Would you be surprised if your most recent ex called you tonight? Yes, considering her number is blocked and I also know she has zero desire to talk to me, and it's mutual.
Do you need to lose or gain weight? Lose. Trying so fucking hard and have been for years. It just teeters back and forth.
Do you think you have a disorder but haven't been properly diagnosed yet? Yes, and as of a few days ago I'm on the road towards an autism evaluation and potential diagnosis after suspecting myself of being a high-functioning individual for a VERY long time for a novel's length of reasons. I went to therapy and talked about it, and she will be trying to get me to see someone who can perform an evaluation.
What is the population of the city you live in? I'm not comfortable giving like, a super specific number, but according to Google it's a few thousand over 50k. Apparently it's bigger than I thought it was...
How many pairs of jeans do you own? Literally zero.
When did you last vacuum your room? Nothing less than astonishingly, only a few days ago. The next day I cleaned my ENTIRE room, and I've kinda stayed in this restless state where I'm just tidying things up a lot. Like don't get me wrong, it's fucking fantastic, but this behavior is VERY unlike me; like the immense majority of mentally ill people, I tend to have a shitload of trouble with cleaning, especially without my mother prompting me to.
Have you ever put on or lost a significant amount of weight? Both.
On a scale of 1-5, how often do you curse? Oh, "5" just feels like too small a number to rank how much I fucking curse lmfao
What is the worst thing you’ve ever smelled? My late dog Teddy's diaper if he'd pee in it while he also had this very large tumor that would also be closed within it, plus he regularly got insanely potent UTIs. This was towards the end of his life and he just in general had so much going on. It eventually got to where I physically couldn't be the one to change it if it hadn't been for a little while (ex., overnight), like the smell was one that would basically bring you to your fucking knees, I'm talking dizzyingly disgusting and would make me violently gag and heave. Not even decaying animals I've smelled matched this, and I'm sure being in such close quarters to change his diaper played a big role in just how terrible the experience was.
What’s your favorite social media platform? I think Tumblr's the most fun, but I like Facebook for keeping up with the lives of people I care about.
Name someone with brown eyes. Both my parents, both my immediate sisters... a whole lot of people.
Do you know what your next injection will be? No. There's talk going on about TRYING to get me approved for a very well-received weight loss injection since my pre-diabetes news, but the odds are low because of the kind of insurance I have but also because I'm pre and not actually diabetic. Giving you reliable health care only matters when you're basically dying in this country, y'know?
Does anyone call you darling? If so who? Uh I suppose it's possible Girt does sometimes, but that's definitely not one he says a lot. I'm pretty positive I've seen him write "darlin" in Discord, but I'm not positive if he's vocally used that term with me.
If you had to have a cartoon character tattooed to you what would it be? Um, I guess if I HAD to, I'd probably go with a Pokemon of some sort. Maybe a cutesy Charmander.
You have to dye your hair two colours, what do you choose? IF I knew the colors would take, right now I'd probably go with a pastel pink and light lavender to layer.
If you could would you look at your future self? I think I'd be too scared to.
Who was your first serious relationship? Jason.
If you had to cut a parent out of your life who would you cut out? I really, really, really fucking hate this question, but my dad.
If you had to get a piercing right now what would you get done? Right nostril redone.
Who is the #1 person/thing in your life? My boyfriend.
What are two things you wish you never did? Said certain things to Jason and my dad. Juuuust to name two.
Would you rather have three personal wishes or world peace? World peace, fucking easy.
What were/is your high school colors? Red and white.
When someone sneezes, do you say “Bless you,” or “God Bless you?” "Bless you," but I wish I said neither because of the religious implications. It's just become this social expectation that is completely meaningless, but I'm way too concerned about not looking rude. I've thought of just switching to "Gesundheit," but around here? That'll raise some eyebrows and I don't feel like explaining in the Bible belt of all places "oh I'm just not religious and it feels weird."
Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move? lol no, even if I was hypothetically single, that is totally not how I work.
What are two things you are excited to do in the near future? Get my tattoo finished, and actually that exact same day I'll be going to Girt's afterwards for the yearly dinner they have to celebrate his late date's birthday; they get together and make his favorite meal. I was there last year and literally cried over panic of being rude lmfao because I physically could not eat it, it was this pasta thing with chicken gizzards and also hearts. I immediately reminded Girt of this and told him I'm going to eat prior, and he said it wouldn't offend anyone but I still worry regardless. Either way I'm still excited to go, I don't see his family enough.
Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement? A house.
Are you one of those people who like to spell out numbers? In English grammar (or at least, what I was taught), any number below 10 is technically meant to be spelled out, and depending on the context, I usually abide by that.
Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to? Either my dad or a Facebook friend. I feel like the latter.
Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it? I do, and it totally depends. I'd say most days I don't use it at all.
Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? lol no, I'm a grown-ass adult.
Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no? I think that mix is perfectly capable of being cute. Probably isn't always, but.
Do you think any bands/artists are trashy? So like here's the crazy thing, I know NO celebrities on a personal level!!! and especially with musicians, there is a tendency to develop stage personas that do not reflect who they factually are!!! but even if I knew any personally, they can do whatever they want w/ their own lives if it's not at the expense of others!!!!! hot take right????????
Do you plan your meals in any way? Not really, like I don't do meal prep or decide at the start of the day what foods I'm eating. I just go with what I want in that moment.
Were you in the scouts when you were young? Girl Scouts? Yes, with my older sister and maybe younger. I can't remember how long, though.
How many people could sleep in your home? (Not counting floor space; beds and couches only) Uh, I'm going to go with needing the ability to lie down versus just sit up, because people COULD do that on the couches... My bed and Mom's can comfortably fit two people each, the leather couch someone could just lay out on and be fine, and then our other one actually has a fold-out bed that could fit two people, but I'm doubtful it'd be comfortable. If we're counting all those, seven.
Have you ever made a hole-in-one at mini-golf? Yeah.
What genre was the last song you listened to? Who provided the vocals? Natively Rammstein is considered Neue Deutsche Härte, but if you want a familiar equivalent, some sort of harder rock for this specific song, I'm so bad with the bajillion different metal and rock subgenres. Their vocalist is Till Lindemann.
If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? Only going with the other two "serious" people I dated, and this is just what I think I'd say right this minute; I obviously wouldn't know until I was right in this situation. With Jason, I'm very confident I'd just say that I know and don't blame him. Sara, I would honestly likely point out that a person like her hating me is probably a good thing.
What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? Wouldn't affect me at all.
If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you? I mean it really wouldn't matter; they can say it, but it wouldn't change the fact I love and am loyal to Girt.
Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? There are memories with Jason that I miss and I miss how well we once upon a time meshed together; we were best friends that really, really loved each other. At least, for most of the relationship, on his end. He was a super, super silly and boldly him person (he was the complete opposite of me in the sense that he was an open book about who he was, things that made him happy, etc., and that was extremely appealing to me), like it'd be great if we could still be friends in each other's lives, but that's just not how it could ever work, and I know that. I don't want to date him again, there is WAY too much hurt over how he left and how he never communicated his feelings regarding my mental health, but in an ideal world, it'd be nice to still be in touch, but the world is rarely ideal. This way is better for me.
If you could go forward in time and see your life 5 years from now, what would you hope to see? Me being primarily mentally - and physically - well and having learned to love and be kind to myself, supporting myself decently enough with art, Girt and I living together/probably married by that point, lots of healthy and happy pets. Maybe even a hobbyist tarantula breeder for fun, extra income, and the tarantula hobby could use more breeders anyway.
Are you more comfortable with men or women? Women. If you ever meet a SINGLE woman who says she feels safer around men, hit me the fuck up and let me know so my jaw can drop off my face, through the ground, and into the core of the earth.
Who came over last? lol technically Jehovah's Witness. I warned Mom a group of them were wandering around our development (they are so obvious), and so when they rang the bell and then knocked as well, Mom just didn't even answer. They could very likely see me through the window blinds that I have open, but I gave no shits whatsoever. They eventually just left, thank fuck.
Has one of your friends ever tried to "hook you up?" Not exactly "hook up," but Colleen knew I was into Girt (this was obviously the first time, 2017) and she VERY obnoxiously tried to push us together, and I KNOW it made me uncomfortable, and I think Girt as well. There was one time we got together and went to Pizza Hut/Inn (idr) and this completely indecent bitch starts a sentence with (IN A BUSY RESTAURANT) "because I'm trying to get your dick inside her-" and this is THE CLOSEST I have ever gotten to smacking somebody, like I consciously had to stop myself, but the look I gave her should've melted her where her ass sat. She didn't even look at me though, so I know she didn't see it, and I was so pissed off and disgusted by her that I really don't even remember what happened exactly after, but I'm pretty sure Girt just decided to act like she hadn't said that. If you're curious, as a matter of fact no, she is NOT the reason we started dating, he asked me himself without her completely uninvited involvement later. God I am so glad we're not friends anymore, it's hard to even accept I ever was her friend. OH MY GOD WAIT!!!!!!!! She IS the reason Aaron and I got together in middle school, but I'll defend her enough in that back then, I wanted her help kinda getting things across, but we were literal children who didn't even know what "love" really was.
What is your card game of choice? Magic: The Gathering. I'd honestly like to play it again, but I'd need a shitload of refreshers, the amount of rules in this game is MENTAL. Even when I was rather familiar with it because of Jason, there was a lot of shit I still didn't get.
What is your favourite books series? Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland. Finally read a good chunk more of the one I'm on the other day.
If you eat oatmeal, do you add water or milk to it and what’s your favorite flavor? I HAVE to use milk, and I only ever really enjoyed the apple cinnamon flavor.
Was the last video you watched on YouTube a music video and if not, what was it of? I'm watching jacksepticeye's replay of Until Dawn.
Has anyone you know personally ever won the lottery and if so, how much did they win and would you or have you ever played the lottery? No and no.
What was the last thing someone has sincerely thanked you for? I think Girt, for me letting him have "him" time when he wants/needs it. There are times where I'll invite him here and he just wants to be alone (we're both very introverted), and he knows very well he can always just tell me that and it won't bother me at all. The way he reacts to it I feel like he's had bad experiences with this offending former partners or something, meanwhile I'm just like dude if this was problematic to me then I wouldn't deserve him/a partner in general, his life doesn't and shouldn't revolve around me. Obviously it'd be concerning if this was something he did ALL the time since that would just seem like he doesn't want to see me, but that's not the case at all.
What band, celebrity, etc. do you know the most information about and who would you like to learn more about? Oh it's definitely Markiplier, haha. It'd be super cool to know more about the Rammstein boys, specifically the one (the bassist Ollie) that's always been very mysterious and quiet, he's known for how shy he is, however the older I've gotten, the less and less I've felt the "need" to know everything about celebs I love and/or admire, like they're ordinary people that deserve privacy; their lives aren't our business.
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The chicken boy saga continues.
-honestly thinking of developing a tag list for this or not idfk-
Some important things to note that become relevant later on, I promise:
1. I have on mascara. Which I don't often do since I don't like my eyes and it brings attention to them. Plus because of societal norms it lessens my gender ambiguity and people assume the wrong pronouns. Which I don't care because it was an honest mistake. But whatever. Mascara, got it?
2. I got Starbucks this morning. An iced drink. It's like 20 degrees Fahrenheit out at that point.
3. I'm wearing mesh sleeves.
4. I'm using wired headphones.
Got all that? Good.
So as always, we gotta start our morning with Abby's live. I'm in art class, heavily struggling with blending some oil pastels. It usually works but today ain't it. I still have no way of contacting chicken boy. (His name is Aiden, brief recap. But I'm still gonna call him chicken boy)
And suddenly he crashes my art class. Casually walks in with Rix just chilling in his bag. Honestly don't understand how this chicken is so chill but aight.
Of course I alert the chat of his presence as he's approaching me with my oil pastels covered fingers because I'm a messy artist. And he recognizes Abby because he crashed the live yesterday. So he pulls out his airpods and (quote by quote):
"Hey (name, but we'll put in Messenger for sake of convenience) Messenger, that's your friend from yesterday's live, right?"
My dumbass: "Yeah. I was just talking about your chicken."
Of course he smiles. He has dimples, yall know that? Fucker has the audacity to have dimples. And he just grabs my hand and places an airpod in and goes;
"Connect it please? They're pretty chill, and I wanna listen too. Can't disturb the class either."
So I gotta turn on my Bluetooth (I have it off because a friend of mine liked connecting my phone to their speakers, which auto connects to recognized devices.) And switch how I'm listening so he can listen too. So he's just vibing and commenting while I'm interacting here and there (mainly complaining) and trying to finish the background of this art piece.
And then a meme song comes on (which Abby originally skipped but I made them go back to it by being persistently unhelpful >:P) and he starts doing a little dance along to it. Abby had to mute it so they could answer a fake work asmr phone call, so he just starts humming it.
The class comes to an end and I need to take a picture of the still unfinished art to show Abby because I promised and he just pushes my Starbucks drink into the shot because "it adds a certain something" Okay photography major calm down. And I gotta go to the library to search for a book I need for math and he just follows along (holding onto my drink btw) and my ass is cold because I need to go out in 20 degree weather with mesh sleeves, which do nothing to keep me warm.
So he gives me his hoodie. I might be dumb, but I'm not THAT dumb. I know what that means. But whatever, I'm cold (why does this read like a novel wtf)
As soon as we're inside, I give it back and he takes it. So off we go to search for this book. I'm still in Abby's live and interacting. And it's all gucci. But he has to go to his class so he gives me my drink, pauses, and says "oh, by the way, your makeup enhances your eyes. It'd be cool to do a photo shoot like this."
Now sure, it's possible he's flirting because he's interested. But he's seen my interactions with my friends, which is flirty in its own right. Mainly because I fluster easily and my extroverted friends are like "haha funny blushing introvert" so they continue it until my spite meter gets filled up and I flirt back. So he could also see that as my comfortable way of interacting with friends. Which it kinda is (also leads me to crush on all my friends at least once because I'm affection starved but that's a separate problem.) So he could be copying that. Or he has the same reaction to my flustering as my other friends because I get kinda quiet before bursting with righteous fury that isn't that scary because my voice fluctuates a lot when I'm flustered.
I got to hold Rix though so I'm the winner.
Still don't have his number. I gotta fix that. And now you're caught up on the chicken boy saga.
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