#plz have them be DIFFERENT from other characters in the same fic. instead of having every relationship be the same.
racke7 · 1 year
So, a long while back I found an author with some interesting world-building ideas. They'd maybe slip into "crack"-territory a bit too often for me to recommend it, but like... I didn't really mind it that much? And they'd written a LOT, so I was running high on that "fics to read"-energy.
Then, a few weeks ago, I came across a scene and-... And it made me start thinking about "the underlying values" of the author. Not in the sense of "they're secretly a Republican" (thank god), but in the sense of an (in hindsight) hilariously blatant feeling of heteronormativity.
Yeah, they didn't write X character as gay, but that's no need to point fingers (canon doesn't call him gay, so it's fine). And okay, maybe they created a crack-ship for one of their fics that they got heavily invested in and are now reusing, but like... it's convenient for plot-reasons so knock yourself out? And maybe leaning heavily on "women are mysterious" for cracky dad-jokes is in bad taste, but it's a cracky kind of scene?
But... it just keeps coming. They've basically gone out of their way to create ships everywhere, and they're all straight? And it's constantly played as a "and they make each other better people" as if they need romance to become such. The people who aren't in relationships are being pushed to become romantically involved (because it will make them better people), and the narrative thinks that this is reasonable and well-meaning (despite the threat of a literal war at their doorstep).
Combined with some comments from the author about being very dismissive about people who don't think marriage is important, because they actually "can't get married" and are crying sour-grapes about "not wanting to get married"?
And then on top of that, the reoccurring harem-plots? Where one dude gets lots of girls, with maybe a tiny little bit of Les-Yay thrown into the mix?
It made me sit back and really look at their stories, and... it's kind of painful? Like, I was curious about their fics, and now it's just-... How can I trust them to write interesting things, if their feelings on "romance" (which often plays an integral part in their stories) is the single most boring vanilla-ass shit that I've ever encountered (from someone who wasn't an insane Republican)?
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bigskydreaming · 3 months
My TW fandom experience:
*Everyone watches the exact same episode where Scott McCall says what if we dont kill people tho and after much deliberation, its agreed lets not kill people this episode and this is the only reason most former villains and fan favorites stick around and become the pack's new besties instead of being written out of the show due to the pack's initially proposed solution of Ready Set Murder*
Most of fandom: Well that was terrible. He's literally the worst. They should've just killed the villains, problem solved, why is he so dumb. Inquiring minds want to know.
Also most of fandom:
*writes fics where nobody cares what Scott says or thinks because they all agree, he's literally the worst, so dumb, why is he even here*
*fics remain mysteriously populated by all the characters everyone says the mains should absolutely have murdered to fix all their problems and the only reason they didnt in canon is Scott insidiously mind-controlled his friends into non-homicidal compliance*
Scott fans: .....hang on. I'm confused.
Most of fandom: What's confusing dumbass, literally why would they kill the villains that are hot and white and shippable instead of just making friends with them so that sometimes they can get married and have kids? Its called letting people change and grow, even mass murderers deserve redemption arcs. Also I dont know if you know this but murder is bad, plz read more books. LOL why are Scott fans like this.
Scott fans: Wait. But didn't all the characters want to murder that villain you made the central character and one half of the hero pair of 70% of the fics written last season? So who said what if we dont kill people tho and got everyone to change their votes from Ready Set Murder to Redemption Arc Marriage and then maybe babies?
Most of fandom: Umm, Stiles? Obviously. LMAO. Do you even watch the show?
Scott fans: Okay, but Stiles was the one who pitched Ready Set Murder. It was his plan. So who was like what if we dont kill people to Stiles, so that then he said wait guys lets not kill people?
Most of fandom: Oh that was Peter. They have a special bond. He gets him.
Scott fans: Right. So did Peter sell Stiles on the whole lets not kill people thing before he killed his niece and then like ten other people? Or was it after that.
Most of fandom: Before. No! Wait. After! Yeah, it was after that.
Scott fans: Got it. So who said what if we dont kill people to Peter to get him to agree lets not kill people which he definitely did since he definitely did not continue to kill people all the way to the end of the show?
Most of fandom: .....Deucali....
Scott fans: *squint one eye*
Most of fandom: .....heo....?
Scott fans: *squint both eyes*
Most of fandom: Derek! Right, yeah. Derek, it was definitely Derek.
Scott fans: Oh okay. Derek said lets not kill people to Peter. I'm assuming after he killed Peter, since I mean, it wouldn't make much sense for him to be all hey what if we dont kill people to Peter and then literally kill Peter haha. We can at least agree on that much, right?
Most of fandom: I don't know that we can, actually.
Scott fans: Well, let's just say that it was after he killed Peter and thus after Peter came back. Which does make sense, I guess, I mean, at least that was also after he gave his pack the Go Kill Lydia assignment for their werewolf homework....
Most of fandom: Whoa, whoa, hold up. That has nothing to do with any of this. It was a totally different situation because Derek didnt WANT to kill Lydia, he HAD to kill Lydia. She was turning into an evil murder lizard, what was he supposed to do?
Scott fans: She quite literally was not.
Most of fandom: Okay but see he THOUGHT she was, which is basically the same thing.
Scott fans: Is it tho?
Most of fandom: Yes. Look, he was like, 60% sure it was her and that's over half sure so that's a reasonable conclusion to make at that point. Anyone would have made that mistake.
Scott fans: Except for Scott. Because he's so much dumber than everyone else.
Most of fandom: Yes! Exactly.
Scott fans: So when Scott said what if we dont kill people to Derek, and stopped him and his pack from killing Lydia, because murder is bad and Derek even agrees, its not like he WANTED to kill Lydia, he just HAD to kill Lydia because she was probably an evil murder lizard and what else was he gonna do.....Scott only said and did that because he was too dumb to come to the conclusion everyone smarter than him would reasonably come to....which was that Lydia had to die, even though murder is bad and she was maybe potentially not even technically an evil murder lizard?
Most of fandom: Right. So it doesnt count.
Scott fans: But it was good that he stopped them from killing Lydia though, right? Cuz everyone likes Lydia, and also, she wasnt actually the evil murder lizard, that was Jackson, and also, they turned out to not actually need to kill Jackson to stop him from being the evil murder lizard?
Most of fandom: ....yes but no. Like yes to all of that, but he was still wrong, is the point. So no.
Scott fans: So -
Most of fandom: Look I dont think you're getting it?! OMG, okay. I don't know if I can dumb it down any further, but lemme give it one last shot. 1) Murder is bad. 2) Even hot white villains deserve redemption arcs. 3) And Scott is terrible. There. Its really that simple lol.
Scott fans: Okay. So everyone deserves redemption. Any character can be better if the other characters give them a chance. Even mass murderers.
Most of fandom: Right.
Scott fans: But Scott is irredeemable. There's nothing that can make him any better so other characters shouldn't even bother giving him a chance. Because he's terrible.
Most of fandom: Also correct.
Scott fans: Because he's always saying murder is bad and what if we dont kill people tho.
Most of fandom: YES. Finally. Now you're getting it. Honestly, what was so hard about that.
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ventiffy · 2 years
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝓊𝓈 𝓉𝑜𝑔𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 ♡ PT.2
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Summary: You are a writer only passionate about science, biology (the human body s' anatomy) and anything along the lines of engineering. Your studies is only a part of your many passions and hobbies. Online you place many theorizes and questions where you wish that maybe one who takes your passion to heart could answer with an explanation. Although they never do, sometimes somebody will answer you but its with the most basic and undetailed answer ever! Until one day you come across somebody whiling to answer all your questions for only a small price..
(Forgot to add but this is a modern au and in every modern au, the place is always teyvet and the region is based from the character the fic is centered around. (For this fic, it's Dottore, a fatui harbinger, so the region is Snezhnaya!)
After exchanging numbers with the Doctor, you wondered:
" I don't quite know who this guy is.."
Maybe it was a bit too early for an introduction, he made his point clear. He didn't have time to always check if whoever he was helping asked a question through their account. The only way he could reach you was through your emails... which you rarely check just that the only time you bothered looking at the new notification was when he sent a message. The site you were using didn't have a private chat function. They had a word and comment limit per accounts per post so if somebody were to be going through a very detailed answer, they wouldn't be able to finish because of the word/character limit. So basically, in conclusion, exchanging numbers was the best idea.
Day by day, you asked questions and as promised, he answered the second you sent them. Although sometimes he'd respond later, but instead of mocking you by saying "While using basic knowledge we're able to figure that..", he'd say "Through my experimentation I figured.."
Although you didn't mind it at first. Since, he mostly answered in this manner when you questioned the success of one of your theories which was only reasonable for him to recreate your ideas to see if they function in the same ways they did when you described them while using your knowledge and imagination. The more you asked the more you wanted to start classes for biology, since your school offered some. So a few days passed and during that period you tried to convince yourself to try to get a decree in biology. Your thoughts got the best of you and so you joined, you tried to make notes of all the knowledge you had just gained on the subject just for the sake of being a bit advanced in your studies. The start of the semester came and of course the main subject of the following classes of the first part of the semester were based within the objective of learning the functions of each organ/muscle in the human body.
You had to learn which was more important and so on. Using what the functions of each organ were, you needed to figure what would happen if only 3 organs of your choice were absent in the human body. In your essay you had to write two paragraph one answering the following questions:
What are the names of the organs? If they were known under other names you needed to list them.
What are the purposes of each organ?
Where are they placed in the body?
Then you had to continue with the help of the answers you got from answering these:
How long will the body survive?
What are the side effects? What are it's effects on the rest of the body, are each part of the body connected to that organ somewhat destroyed?
Why did the absence of the organ cause those side effects?
You found it pretty easy. You searched through your textbooks and after a while you finished. But a wonder came to your head. What would've happened if the organs you didn't chose were absent. What if it was one of the many parts of the brain that got removed? Will the person act differently. Can the absence of an organ bring any form of change to the movement of limbs and the human body in general. So, you asked the Doctor. Now, you felt more comfortable knowing you knew him a lot more then before through the small conversations you had that weren't based around the subject of science.
So after a few seconds after asking that turned into minutes then hours then a few days, nothing, nothing happened. He didn't respond and your message was left on read. You didn't mind it to much since you had other priorities. And, some Doctor who could answer all sorts of questions about himself only if the questions was based on his tastes was not one of your priorities.
Aside from science, you enjoyed arts, doing anything that could satisfy your creativity while yet staying in a peaceful mindset was one of your hobbies. Why? Since you could actually concentrate. You had an average life in Snezhnaya. You knew all about the harbingers due to how many times you've heard one of your close ones talk about their accomplishments. You walked through thick and heavy snow to get to school while wearing layers upon layers of clothing due to the low temperatures of the region then in the afternoon you came back the same way that you did in the morning. Only through walking did you get anywhere. You lived in a village where you grew up in and also knew everybody due to how close the community was. But after thinking about your problem you noticed that it has been a long time since that Doctor had answered your questions. But, the time that came by ever since the day you asked for an answer raised as much as the people going missing did. Day by day more missing posters were hung up. You knew how hated your region was. But, now people are trying to kidnap the people you knew ever since you were a child? Impossible. Many things were going on in your life and it felt abnormal to say. Normally you were always at peace now, you don't know if you're going to be that kidnapper s' next victim and another issue is your everlasting worry for some person who if they were to write a book, one of their texts will suffice for one entire chapter.
But, today felt like a normal day to you. You were going to go to your classes and come back. And, that's what you did. You arrived almost late, you sat down at your seat and listened to the teacher talk about the purpose of the muscles and the name of each ones. By the end you had to come back by walking with your boots through layers of snow. And, once you came back you saw a notification on your phone announcing an up-coming message. You looked at the sender just to the "Doctor."
You jumped on your bed and read through the message. He had describe all the effects of the absence of each organ through a very long paragraph (for each organ obviously). While reading through the message, you noticed how most of them ended up having fatal side effects. He even added what will happen if the human slowly lost all their blood at once and also what would happen if different parts of the brain were to be removed. But yet again, he began his answer with the statement: "Through doing some experimentation I was able to figure.."
So, after reading that you could only ask:
"How do you do your experimentations?"
He answered seconds after:
"Well, I remark all the important organs and maybe veins and muscles and I try to compare their value with their function just to be able to find what will the human body lack of if the organ were to be destroyed. Then I see if there will be any other organ affected by this destruction and compare it to the danger of having that organ harmed indirectly by the absence of the part of the body that got taken away."
You didn't quite understand how that could possibly work. Although using your little knowledge all that he was saying before seemed believable and reliable. So, maybe this was how you can predict what will happen if an organ were to get removed from the body. After some thinking you asked:
"Can I meet you by chance, Doctor?"
"You're In Snezhnaya right?"
"Yeah, I am."
"Then, sure."
Author note: AND IM TIREEDD, so I'll stop... PT.3 MAY be uploaded tomorrow!! ♡ ♡
Thanks for reading! (Plz request)♡ ♡
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flower-of-zaun · 2 years
Bruh can you stop incorrectly tagging shit. Tags exist for a reason. For people to find and sort content. What the fuck is the point if ur just gonna put whatever you want in whatever tag you want regardless of if it belongs or not. And before you come at me with the “it’s first person sweetie it counts :^)” yes I understand x reader shit can be in first person, but that was not the point the other anon was trying to get across they were trying to explain that it isn’t a reader insert if you fucking a whole character insert. That’s an oc. Not a blank reader template. You might have gotten that if you actually read their ask instead of getting nasty for literally no reason. I’ve had the same criticism with fic writers for years and I usually just ignore it and block like you told them! It’s easier for everyone! And while that anon may not have been rude to you initially, I will be before I block you since you decided to be nasty for no reason first, ignore a fair criticism, and double down on your incorrect tagging! Have lovely day! <3
I explained why I tag first person POV. There is very little character description. I’ve always tagged it and never had an issue. I’ve done this for years. In other fics on different sites I also haven’t updated the fic in MONTHS, so y’all are just low down in the tag and super mad for no reason. It came off as rude and I kinda said no the first time, they kept going. Y’all are either friends or the same person acting like someone else, bc I didn’t even tag these with anything fic tags lmfao. Someone saying “don’t tag this plz, I don’t agree with it” isn’t criticism. It’s requesting someone to do something.
Thanks for blocking me babes. I’d maybe take it into consideration of you were anon and being dumb loud over a tag 💀
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Edit since y’all mad:
Description: gaining and losing weight, the length of your hair is showing time passing. Also hair plays into a massive plot point. Tattoos also play into it too.
Personality: who the fuck wants a basic ass self insert. You’re a little bad ass and you’re funny. Silco isn’t falling in love with some basic bitch. Still has relatable humor.
Backstory: it’s tragic and kind of cliché BUT It is a plot point. This isn’t basic Porn with Plot but a whole ass story where you’re building a relationship with people from your past and present. You are living in a fantasy world and you aren’t yourself…but stepping into this persons shoes and living their story. It still counts as reader. Sorry you have your OPINION on what x Reader should be. I never said you were wrong, it’s one of the ways of writing but ISNT THE ONLY WAY.
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05aaphrodite · 4 years
I can't let you escape, not even to your own world
Pairings:Yandere! Venti x reader
Warnings:4th wall breaking,Slight crack fic,Reader death
(Plz don't let my friends see this lmao)
______________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐_______________
I chug all of my soda then slam it on the table "Aight, let's go farm for Venti's talent mats" I grabbed my controller then push the left joystick forward, after all of these grinding... I finally manage to get him on his rerun, I was skeptical that he would come home but surprisingly, I did a single pull then I got him, I'm grateful that I got my dream team, Xiao,Diluc,Venti,Bennett I will be saving for a Klee rerun.
My phone beeped a notification, I peek at it and it's my friend gc, I put down my controller then grab my phone
(A/n: Btw, the gc is based of my friend gc lol)
❀Genshin Gang❀
Diluc's hairtie
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Albedo simp
Xiao come home plz
Hope all😭😭
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Diluc's hairtie
I was losing hope until I wished one more time😭
Now my Zhongli is happy :D
Diluc's hairtie
A smile plastered on my face, I'm so happy for them! My attention was stolen when Venti decides to say his idle line "Come on Traveler, let's go! The world is full of lost ballads just waiting to be rediscovered." I put my phone down then grab my controller again "Ok ok, I will pay attention to you now" I chuckled humorously "Good! Just don't make me murder your friends."
The moment he said that line, my thumb suddenly stopped pushing the joystick, did he just..... did I just heard that right? Murder... your friends? What does he mean by that? Someone never mentioned this voiceline of his, I should check the character icon. I clicked on the character icon then proceed to his voicelines, I checked every details but I can't seem to find it, maybe it's a bug? The fact that I was talking to my friends.... maybe Mihoyo intended it?
I shrugged my shoulders then continue to the domain to farm for talent materials. After countless of grinding, I started to have fun with his wind current while harassing random hilichurls for fun, I made him sat at the Barbatos statue "You finally came home..." I smiled as I touch the screen, Venti looked at the camera then smiled "That's so cute! He smiles when he looks at at camera!" I awed, I continue to fawn over him.
⌣ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ⌣⌣ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ‿ ⌣
I woke up by the sound of my ps4 opening, the bright light illuminated my body, and to my surprise, my ps4 opened by itself "What the fuck?" I stood up from the bed then went to investigate it. The creepiest thing is that Venti is the only one in my party, and he is sitting at barbatos' hands, and then I remembered the hacked accounts in genshin, this could be a sign..
I hurriedly grab my controller then check my characters, all of them were Venti! I can't find a single character other than him! What's going on!? I check my weapons but they are okay, I checked my profile and nothing changed but my icon was set to Venti, i checked my primogems and fate but nothing changed, in fear of getting hacked, I contacted Mihoyo for customer support, I can't lose Xiao, I whaled for him! I restarted my ps4 then go back to sleep, in hopes that it will be resolved next morning.
I rubbed my eyes then stretch my arms wide, I look at my ps4 then my phone, I grab my phone then text on the gc
❀Genshin Gang❀
Guyssss, something weird happened yesterday 
My ps4 opened by itself and Venti was the only one in my party, I tried to change my party set back to normal but all of them were Venti
Albedo simp
Welp, sounds like a bug
But hey, freemogems :D
My weapons and primogems were untouched but the weird thing is that my character icon is set to Venti, but I didn't change it
This is like a Ddlc reference lmaooo
Xiao come home plz
Aight, time to report to Mihoyo for free 600 primogems 
Be careful, maybe you're getting hacked? You should change your password incase
Yep bro, I will change it
I put my phone down then open my ps4, I prayed to myself that everything is back to normal. Happiness washed over me when I saw that my original party is deployed "must've been a crazy bug.." I chuckled, I change my icon back to Xiao then continue with the grinding "Ooohhh timmie's birds" I smirked, I switched to Xiao then climb the nearest cliff, I glide then plunge on the birds "Free fowls!!" I exclaimed then claim the fowls, my character suddenly switched  back to Venti, I didn't even press anything other than claim fowls "You know I'm getting impatient.." Venti said, again this was not even in his voice lines, then I notice that something is odd with my venti, he kept saying weird lines everytime my attention is drifted to somewhere else, could it be Mihoyo's doings? I hope so, I don't want a ddlc fiasco again.
After farming for his ascension materials, I quit genshin then read some fanfictions in Tumblr, I came across a Kaeya fanfic then proceed to read the contents. All of a sudden, my ps4's screen started to distort, my eyes widened at the sight of it, then a bright light surrounded me, making my head dizzy
"Traveler, you're awake" I woke up to a familiar voice reaching my ears, I blinked my eyes slowly to realize that I'm not in my room, where am I? My jaw dropped when the person I saw in my eyes is none other Venti, this is impossible! He's not real! "Venti...?" I tilt my head in confusion, there's no way this is real.... this must be a dream! The bard showed a genuine smile before putting down his lyre "I'm happy that you pulled for me, I will go crazy if you pulled for him instead, hehe." Venti had a patronizing smile after that, my eyes widened as I sat up "Venti? There's no way that you're real!" I said, feeling my empty pockets, Venti sighed as he stood up, he had his lyre in his hand "Come on Traveler, let's go celebrate the windblume festival." the God reached out his hand, I was reluctant to respond to his offer, he seems a bit suspicious to me, considering my ps4 sucked me in Teyvat. Not to mention, he said these weird lines when I was communicating with my friends, and my controller would move on its own when I'm playing another character "What are you waiting for?" A smile was om his lips, I took his hand then stood up "Ok, let's go." Venti giggled as he led me in Mondstadt, I gaze behind to see the Vennessa tree.
No way.... all of this seemed real... the designs.... the npcs.... all of them are accurate! The only difference is that I don't see control menu "Isn't it beautiful? Traveler?" Venti turned to me, I nodded with hesitant. As my eyes scanned the whole city, Fischl and Bennett were talking to each other, Kaeya,Rosaria, and Diluc at the same table, although Diluc seems poker faced, Barbara was performing for the crowd, Jean and Lisa are eating together, Albedo,Sucrose, and Timaeus are experimenting,Amber is seen gliding, everything seemed lively more than the actual game.... "Come on Traveler!" The bard took my hand without giving me time to consent.
The rustling sounds of the leaves snap me back to reality, it still feels like a dream, did Mihoyo said something about this? The atmosphere is so lively and different "Uh oh woahhh!! Watch out!" Amber then crashed into Noelle, I giggled slightly then turn to the bard who was playing the lyre for a small crowd, as the sweet melodious tone halt to stop, the crowd clapped their hands, I smiled a little bit as I made my way towards him "Did you like it?" Venti inquired, I nodded then smiled, the bard chuckled as he took my hand then led me somewhere.
I realized we were getting far away from the festival, perturbation washed over me "Venti.... where are we going?" sweat dropped on my temples, Venti looked at me with a menacing smile "Somewhere..." 
He led me to starsnatch cliff, the breeze of the wind soothes my nostrils, I can't believe all of these are real.... Venti picked a Cecilia flower then hand it to me, I narrowed my eyes "Are you really.... real?" I gaze at his eyes 
"I'm aware that all of us are just video game characters, that's why I'm a God"
My eyes widened as he said that, he tucked the cecilia behind my ear "Y/n, will you stay here forever..?" The bard took both of my hands, his puppy eyes gleaming, I do want to visit Genshin.... but that does not mean I will abandon my world 
"Venti.... I have my friends and family there..." I said, I averted my gaze to the floor, his grip on me got tighter "Y/n, your world does not need you" his tone was a mix of devastate and anger "All you need is me, you belong here" 
My eyebrows furrowed, what does he mean by that!? "No! I can't just leave everyone! My friends care about me!"  I screamed in frustration. He then uses his anemo powers on me that sent me flying through the air "Arghh! Let me go!!" I desperately try to break free
"Don't you see that I love you? I don't like it when you control me everyday" Venti was feigning sadness on his tone 
"Because you're never real!" I retorted back, a grin was marked on his face "I ever regret pulling for you!" I yelled. The bard went closer then cup my cheeks "So? You already got me, you did this to yourself" then his hands swayed, causing me to fall of the cliff, my life flashed before me, this is it....
"May your soul rest in this game"
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fanficmemes · 3 years
idk if you remember but for a cursed sunday a while ago (i think it was your blog, not sure cause tumblr's search function is horrible) i sent an ask about drarry smut with magic acid that they drank and all that, and then today i also i sent one about spencer reid from cm...and-and dogs...
anyways! im here with more horribleness because im bored and the weight of the sins i have witnessed are too great for me to bear on the own (disclaimer: i do not condone any of the stuff ive talked about, and i do not wish to shame any fan writers bc just cause someone writes fucked up shit doesnt mean they personally think its ok and sending hate to someone you dont know is bad.)
teensie weensie 12 year old me was confused about my gender and looking for genderbent!harry potter fanfic to read. i stumble across a fic that says 'harry grows feline parts' in the summary, assuming the author made a typo and it was supposed to say feminine and click on it
NOPE!! he actually just grows cat ears and a cat tail. since i'm incapable of quitting stories, i read on even though i didn't particularly want to and my gut was giving me a bad feeling (i shouldn't listened)
harry is still at the dursleys, and the abuse is even more than in canon but nobody knows. snape is sent to fetch him and grumbles about it for a bit but then gets there and sees harry literally seconds away from death on the floor. he grabs him and goes to the headquarters where everyone is waiting. he gets healed, they give him some water but then tie him down to a chair and start questioning him about what happened at his house. he refuses, but then feels himself telling them anyway against his will, bc, plot twist, they fucking spiked his drink with truth serum without telling him.
so after they're done doing what is basically the magical equivalent of roofying and forcing him to give details about his bad home life he was not at all okay with talking about yet, he grows /another/ cat tail right next to the first. this is not explained outside of a couple lines about how its a genetic thing on his mom's side (btw, i dont remember it all perfectly, so plz cut my some slack)
insert 12 yo me's eyes bulging out of their head and quickly scrolling up to re-check the tags and being horrified that i somehow missed the snape/harry tag on it. what prompted this? oh, just a small little scene (/s) where snape basically jacks harry (who is still a minor /and/ one of his students) off but with one of the cat tails instead of his penis because?? because??
anyways, harry is (understandably) upset at everyone for the whole tying-him-down-drugging-him-and-forcing-him-to-reveal-information-he-was-not-ready-to-reveal situation so he decides to dip, change his appearance, and go into hiding under a different identity while staying at some hotel or smth.
there's a random subplot where he gets with draco, but as his secret identity whos is like,,,scottish i think and red head instead of himself and draco doesn't know?? however, when they're in bed right after finishing, the order (who have been trying for months to find him) burst through the door and catch him, then reveal his true identity. draco kinda just shrugs and says he would still be up for a second time because, rivals or not, harry was good in bed. harry has the exact same though process about draco and agrees, before draco leaves and doesn't come back into the plot ever again. (this is all happening in front of all of the other characters, who are pissed at harry for?? idek?? running away from them???)
so, they get mad at harry for a bit, there's some arguing, and then snape tells everyone to leave the room. he then proceeds to spank harry, bare skin on skin, as punishment and to get him to come back and join the order. i think someone cums, but i don't know for sure and idk who it was.
they finish up, exit the room, tell everyone harry isn't going to act out anymore, and thats the end. thats it. no explanation of the cat features, no reprimanding of /any/ of the characters' actions, no follow up on harry's emotions and thoughts on this, nope. nothing. the saddest part was prob that he was geniunely just,,,happier as his secret identity and doing nothing and enjoying the small things for months before the order made him come back.
btw, this was a oneshot and like 8k words i think??? i remember finishing and feeling unsatisfied cause i had to read all that and not even get a proper resolution. anyways, hope this was cursed enough for you. (sorry that its super long, i just didn't know how to condense all of this into something shorter)
What the fuck. 5.5/10
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This Week in Gundam Wing 25-31 October 2020
Here’s this week’s roundup! Oct 25th-31st!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works next week!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
I Can Kiss You For Free Now https://archiveofourown.org/works/27208864?view_adult=true
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, Fluff, Vague angst
His insides were a riot of overgrown flower beds, bushes in need of pruning. When he tried to clear a space it was filled with something else--debris from his shipwrecked heart, mud from too much rain. It was a constant effort and Duo worked hard, so hard, to try and tidy it into something he could give away. Something neat and beautiful and with no sharp edges that he could offer with both hands, instead of what he had. Instead of slow seeping poison and the constant upkeep, the steady, leaching need for reassurance.
To Bethlehem It Slouched https://archiveofourown.org/works/27232870
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton
Mature, Mentions of Violence, Off-screen Minor Character Death, Hospital, protective instinct 
The hospital is a hospital. Duo hates it the way he hates all of them. It’s 12:04 in the afternoon and he all but runs to the trauma center. Stands blank faced as the nurse says words like “concussion” and “minor” and “lucky” and wonders how he’s supposed to be grateful for this. How he’s supposed to feel good that Wufei isn’t dead when he almost was. Lucky means close. Means a few inches either way and it would’ve been different words. Words like “sorry” and “condolences” and “tragic.”
You, Soft And Only https://archiveofourown.org/works/27247480
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, Romance, Softness, Fluff
It’s evening. The kitchen is warm and full of smells. There’s soft light coming in through the window over the sink and Duo is up to his elbows in soap bubbles. He is illuminated, singing along to something upbeat and Wufei watches him from the doorway with wonder. This, he thinks, is his. It’s not exactly a reward. It’s more an offering. A vulnerability that Wufei knows Duo is only comfortable sharing because he trusts Wufei. Because together they’ve built something that’s safe, even if it is a little wobbly. They don’t have to be anything else here, just themselves, and just themselves is enough. It’s something they give to each other over and over, and Wufei treasures it the same way he treasures the man at the sink.
The Fire In Your Eyes https://archiveofourown.org/works/27264679
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, Plotting
“No what ifs.” It’s firm. Steely, and Duo finds himself at the end of one of Wufei’s looks. Finds himself melting despite the chaos around them. The hurricane of fear in his chest. How he loves this man. How he loves the way he understands him, his need to fix this, and combats it with chamomile and the promise of bed, together. Duo takes a sip of his tea and leans into him.
The Blood Is On Your Tongue As Well As Your Hands https://archiveofourown.org/works/27282487
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, Panic Attack, PTSD, Rage, Violence, Suggested Co-dependence
He doesn’t feel safe. Avoids eye contact and looks out the window. Doesn’t know how this room of people can stand him, after everything he’s done. All the little pieces he’s stolen from them, or the big pieces. Duo isn’t exactly a liar but he is a thief and none of the people he loves are safe. Are, in fact, in the most danger and Duo takes another sip of whiskey. Takes another sip of whiskey and tries not to taste the rising bile. Not to feel the sharp scratchy static at the back of his neck. The base of his skull. There is heat. There is heat and electricity and Duo’s hands shake.
Lay Us Down https://archiveofourown.org/works/27286864
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Explicit, soft, Confessions, Smut, Feelings
Sometimes their bed seems endless. An expanse of sheets and skin and the silk of their hair, spread out on a pillow. Falling like a curtain around them as they kiss. Wufei has had his body his whole life, but this is the first time he’s ever felt settled in it. Felt like all of it belonged to him in a way he could revel in. Whatever insecurities he has seem to fall away under the heat of Duo’s violet gaze. Under every greedy sweep of Duo’s hand from the back of his neck to his tailbone. They are lying side by side. They are only kissing and it’s such a simple thing but Wufei isn’t sure he’s ever felt anything like this before. That the brush of lips against his has ever sent such a spark through him. Coiled such a fierce need in his belly.
Stand Without Flinching (Ch. 24) https://archiveofourown.org/works/22763293/chapters/66640444
5 pilots + The Avengers
1x2, 3x4, 5xS, TonyxSteve, WandaxVision
MATURE, post-canon, canon divergent, fix-it, GW/MCU crossover, PTSD, found family, slow burn, moral ambiguity, Tony Stark is Duo’s father
For Duo Maxwell, family are the people he has loved and lost and whose names he bears. For Tony Stark, family has always been blood and a name and Howard’s shadow looming over him.
Deadly Intent (Ch. 8) https://archiveofourown.org/works/25576657/chapters/66603631
F/M, Heero/Reader, ???/Reader
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, Lady Une, Relena Peacecraft, Reader, Trowa Barton
Mature, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Reader Insert, Drama, Angst, Romance, Violence, Lime
Eleven years is a long time for a ghost to come back and haunt him. But Heero Yuy finds himself unable to dodge or outrun it. It’s the start of a dangerous cat and mouse game between one of the most powerful organizations in the world and a loner who has every intention of dragging him down with her. After all, she has come with deadly intent.
Comfort https://archiveofourown.org/works/27222649
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader
Teen And Up Audiences, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Reader-Insert
“I want to thank you for last night,” you said softly, while looking up at him. “It was nice of you to take care of me like that.”
A frown formed on his face. “You sound as if none ever did that for you before.”
Six Feet Apart https://duointherain.tumblr.com/post/633016132898521088/fic-six-feet-apart
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing. I also don’t own the song in the Tumblr post I’m about to link. I barely own my own mind as I’m studying to much these days.  Neither do I own: Song  Grow As We Go, by Ben Platt.
Link: https://rosespirit.tumblr.com/post/633002398703616000/priscellie-candiikismet-coffeefoxgirl
Note: Gundam Wing is Sci-fi. It’s a m/m story.
It had all stopped so suddenly. It hadn’t been like anything had been declared, nothing permanent. After the war they’d just sort of fallen in together. First it was the hotel room. Then it was a pizza. Duo’s laughter had saved him. Even months after he last heard it, Duo’s laugh was what he kept breathing for. It wasn’t like there was a lot of other purpose. Weapons are supposed to be decommissioned, after all. Except the memory of Duo’s laugh, Duo’s kisses, Duo sleeping next to him, these things meant he was human. Pain meant he was alive. He still had the ring, though his finger was too small to keep it on anymore.
Gundam Legends 14
Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water https://archiveofourown.org/collections/GundamLegends14
A collection of fics by various authors for the Gundam Legends event. Previous years can be found here: https://tzigane.neocities.org
To Love and Love Again https://archiveofourown.org/works/27309412/chapters/66724459
F/M, M/M, Chang Wufei/Relena Peacecraft, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Relena Peacecraft, Hilde Schbeiker, Sally Po, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, Mareen Darlian
Teen And Up Audiences, background Sally Po/Lady Une, Post-Series, Post-Canon, Post-Endless Waltz, Preventers, BROTPs abound, Fluff, Romance, Slice of Life, Wedding Fluff
Following their Christmas engagement, Wufei and Relena bring their family together for their nuptials. The celebration gives their guest an opportunity to reflect on their own romantic inclinations.
Chase https://vegalume.tumblr.com/post/633532147170476032/title-chase-a-drabble-author-vega-lume-written
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
The knock at the door startled him more than he would like to admit. In a way he had been expecting it. It was a sort of nervous, anxiousness that had been strumming through his body since he had woken hours before. Now that it was just past sun down he knew what was waiting for him on the other side and he was both apprehensive and excited.
Fanart/Crafts/Photo Manips:
EXHALE, Heero/Trowa, comic
GW Merch
Heero Yuy/Relena Darlian-Peacecraft, fanart
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker & kiddos, fanart
Head Canons:
GW OC-October 2020 Day 24 Prompt Response
GW OC-October 2020 Day 1 Prompt Response
GW OC-October 2020 Day 2 Prompt Response
GW OC-October 2020 Day 3 Prompt Response
GW OC-October 2020 Day 1 Prompt Response
Fandom Discourse:
Over the next few days, a story scanned from the doujinshi “Guerrilla show” by Sango Show.
Dorothy, Duo, and Quatre
Duo & WuFei
Add-ons by @lemontrash
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, November 6th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/633500173247627264/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-november
In need of WINTER/SPRING prompts!
GW OC October 2020!
GW OC-October 2020 is now over!
Do come by and check out all the amazing entries, and remember that if you’d still like to answer any of these prompts, you are more than welcome to! Just send them our way and we’ll reblog them!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/624053314842230784/event-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2020
Rules: https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/627952774875906048/gw-holiday-gift-exchange-2020
Check-in 1 https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/633566440354627584/gw-holiday-gift-exchange-check-in-1-notice
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luvdsc · 3 years
same anon but AAAAAAA i do read explicit content and i enjoy it too (except some pwp tho im just sort of ok w it im always into the plot PLZ) but fics that r just filled w fluff and humor and ANGST I LIVE FOR THOSE it just keeps me going ykno ;;; and like how u do it — ok they kissed passionately they slept tgt ok it’s morning HHHH it just hits more differently imo. but ok back to pussy blocked, as much as i looooove jeno i am rlly glad u went thru with that ending instead 🥺 im gon find that alternate ending (i cant use a laptop rn :( ) and just see but even though it made me so sad they didn’t end up tgt i’m happy jaemin’s feelings got acknowledged and reciprocated ykno jeno and yn may hv that chemistry too but so does her n jaem!! and hands down to jaem too because he just stepped aside before in respect for as you said the bro code :(((( AAAAA few days later i still lov them so much and i still think of them from time to time yes 3 of them :( i can talk about this fic for hours for days i’ll read it again and again and won’t probably stop crying abt it
asjkhflkjash uh fun fact, when i was like 15-16 and exploring the kpop writing world, i never encountered smut before in my other writing endeavors, so i didn’t know what pwp stood for. I thought it was some kind of emoji like owo cnjfjdjd there were no warnings or anything so i clicked on this fic and then exited it out so fast 💀💀 from that point on, i never touched anything smut, and i learned my lesson. but YES oh my gosh, especially angst - that’s my absolute favorite genre to read, specifically bittersweet angst :’) i’m happy to hear that you enjoyed how i laid out the storyline, lovebug! kissing, making out without mentioning tongue is the farthest i’m willing to go with writing, and even then, i’m not completely comfy with writing that, so i’ll only do it if i need it to move the plot along 😅 and me too, honey bee !!! 💕 i’m really happy that i went with the jaemin ending instead of the jeno one 💓 the alternate ending is linked in the subtitle for part xiv of the fic if that helps!! and yesss omg every time i think of the alternate ending, i’m like ... but.. but jaemin and his four years of liking yn ): jaemin liked her since freshman year and they were friends since then, so he’s liked her all this time, whereas jeno only had a crush on her in freshman year and then his feelings came back during senior year when they met up again. but yes, jaemin is a true friend and he cherishes his friendship with jeno most of all 🤧💗  ashfdlkjashfd i’m so honored and touched that you still think of my story and its characters tho??? oh my gosh, thank you so much, lovebug 😭😭💞 i honestly love hearing your thoughts about pussy blocked since it’s so nice to see the reader’s perspective on things, so if you ever want to discuss anything, i’m all ears, sweetpea! and thank you for reading it more than once omg 🥺 i know it’s a long fic, so it truly means so much to me that you would take the time to read it not only one time, but multiple times 💘💘 and i’m sorry for making you cry 😭 thank you again, sweetpea, for the loveliest asks!!! 🌸🌸 i hope you have a good day/night ✨
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aclosetfan · 3 years
For the Salty asks: 1, 3, 5 and 6?
Thanks so much for playing along! Ima be real with you 2 out of the 4 questions you asked really opened up a can of worms for me, and I’m so sorry. I put the less stressful ones first, and the other two are under the cut! Anyway, these were super fun to answer, but plz don’t hate me for it!! 😂😂
for anyone wondering, here’s the ask list: Salty Asks List 
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
lmao yeah. It’s petty, but honestly, people’s personal morals really bleed through into their fandom opinions, and I’m not willing to put up with any unnecessary hate, especially in environments that are supposed to be fun. I’ve even blocked a few people. In the ppg fandom specifically, I’ve blocked a person who, I guess, thought it was necessary to try to gate-keep with racist/sexist/etc. terminology and ideologies, and I truly don’t have time for that 🤷‍♀️ (a lot of people probs know who I’m vaguing, but if you don’t, you’re lucky)
I can’t say I’ve ever unfollowed anyone for any innocent/not-in-conflict-with-my-morals fandom opinions. Usually, if I don’t agree with something, I just keep scrolling because lol whatever. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion.
but ngl I have unfollowed people who just get annoying 😬😬 lol
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
I went into this fandom without having too many preferences, so I didn’t have a pairing that I’ve previously hated!
I guess I could say that while I never really hated them, the color-mixing and color-clashing ships weren’t ever on my radar until I came across the fandom content. Now, I really like them! Particularly, Brick and Bubbles!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Before anyone gets pissed off at me, before you get into my answer for this question, I’d like to really stress that you’ve got to go into it with absolutely zero fanon context. Like, erase all your headcanons from your mind. I’m dead serious. Because I literally DO NOT get why ANY rrbxppg ship would realistically work ever.
Okay, canonically, these six little funky science experiments were dead set on ending each other. The boys were absolutely horrible to the girls. And the girls literally KILL the boys. I know in fairytale romances, nothing stops love, but bruh, it’s hard to come back from murder 😂 And yeah, I know Clipsville showed the girls and the boys together as older teenagers, and they weren’t trying to kill each other, but that was an obvious gag. In the documentary, it was revealed that that particular “clip” was made because a bunch of people wanted the boys and girls to interact again, and CN gave into the demand. (also, lol I know it super embarrassing, but I did watch the documentary. I just really like Craig McCracken) I just don’t think that realistically a canon pairing between the two sets of triplets would ever be considered a healthy relationship. 
Also, ethically, I just—okay listen, I go back and forth with this allllll the time, but the ppgxrrb ships make me confront the “Would I sleep with my clone?” question way too often. Depending on my self-esteem, the answer changes each time. Like sometimes I’m like fuck yeah I would! Other times I’m like, ew, no, I’d have to consider my clone as a twin! I know counterparts aren’t technically clones, BUT the boys really do come across as identical to the girls in the show. The only difference really is their moral alignment (I’m nixing any gender argument). So, I’m like, omg, can I honestly pair these six together in any way??? Are they too close to each other genetically in some sense for this to be morally right??? Like if you ship Brick and Buttercup together, would that just essentially be shipping Brick and Butch/Blossom and Buttercup together in some messed up way??? Is Brick just Blossom, and Blossom just Brick?? Is it better just to ship color-matching instead of mixing???  
On top of all of that, wouldn’t the boys and girls be pseudo cousins since Mojo was the Professor’s lab monkey? Technically, in canon, Mojo ends up being both sets of triplets “creator,” so could the rrb and the ppg be considered siblings of some sort? Some of you are probably like, wow, calm down. Stop thinking about it. They’re science experiments. It’s not so deep. Which I get, but I can’t stop, so let me hit you with something ten times worse: should the girls (or the boys) actually be considered biological siblings? Does sugar, spice, and everything nice make you genetically related? Nothing put in the stirring pot was organic—just a bunch of chemicals. If you ship the boys and girls together this could be a good thing! BUT, but, could some sick fuck use this information to somehow justify shipping siblings (ppgxppg or rrbxrrb) together??? This is a literal nightmare to think about!!
All in all, I can’t think about these pairings too much without getting caught up in the logistics of their existence even if they’re fictional lmaoooo! If it wasn’t for the fandom, I wouldn’t ship them together at all. I just think it’s amazing that the ships took off like they did lol, because their literal (fictional) existence is just one giant mind fuck for me. Anyway, I ship them at the end of the day, but tbh I do it with a bit of a guilty conscience. Is it morally correct to ship clone-like counterparts? Or should counterparts be treated like twins? Does it even fucking matter at the end of the day, it’s just fiction? I don’t know the right answer. But I do know the pairings don’t make sense. 
Aside from the ppgxrrb, I don’t think there are many other BIG fandom wide pairings. Still, I just want to say that I don’t get why people ship Ace and Buttercup together. The pairing sounds off a few major alarms in my head for obvious reasons. There’s also a bunch of crack ships that involve crossovers with other cartoons. Generally, I don’t mind them, but it seems popular to ship Aku (from Samurai Jack) and Blossom together. And I’m real sorry to those devoted shippers, but again I do NOT get it. I see a lot of romantic fan art depicting romantic situations with Blossom still drawn as a child, and like I get Aku is an immortal demon, so “age is just a number,” but again, BIG ALARMS go off in my head.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
🙃 🙃 Kind of don’t want to answer this, but I will anyway because only a few people actually read my blog lolol, so lol, yep! And it’s the reds. Don’t shoot me lol. When I was in middle school, I got into this fandom, forgot about it, and then came back when I was hit by a round of nostalgia. I’m finishing up college now, and I can confidentially say that the fanon content for the reds hasn’t changed one bit. Or the demand for it.
I tended to find that a lot of red content follows many archetypes that I’m just not into. Their stories can get a real cringey, real fast. Blossom is always written like this “perfect, except she’s not (but she really is)” character. Like she’s the girl you WISH you could be, but she’s also going through a shit ton of stuff that no person IRL would be able to handle without having a mental breakdown. And sometimes, in some stories, Blossom does have a mental breakdown, but in a sexy way, so she’s still perfect. Generally, there’s still something problematic about Blossom that makes it easy for a reader to relate to her on some level, unlike the way people write Bubbles. And then there’s Brick, who’s broody, hyper-possessive or jealous, and hot figuratively and literally (gotta love the fire/ice trope). He’s the only boy—no! Wait!—the only person who could ever possibly outwit Blossom, and he is just so undeniably attracted to Blossom. They’re the smart power couple that should honestly just hook-up in Chapter One to save everybody time, but they don’t. Nah, they’ve got to survive at least two love triangles before they even consider admitting they’re attracted to each other.  
And don’t get me wrong, none of that’s bad, but there are a million fanfics that go through the same song and dance with these two. And it’s kind of easy to tell when someone’s hardcore projecting onto Blossom because the type of person they’re personally attracted to is the way they write Brick. And I’m not knocking anyone self-projecting onto characters, sometimes people got to do that to give themselves a fun mental break, but bro, I don’t want to read about it. For one, smart broody assholes aren’t my type. Maybe when I was in middle school, but not anymore. And two, it’s just not interesting to me, which is a real shame since the reds are a majority of the fanon content.
Maybe if I found more red stories where the plot isn’t character-driven but plot-driven, so I see the romance between these two characters in a context where it’s not the main focus of the story, it would solve my issue with the pairing. I haven’t found many fics like that, though.
I can’t really think of any reds fic where I’m like ey, this aint bad unless it has a “major character death” tag attached to it lmao (which are always plot driven stories). However, in all honesty, since I’ve stayed away from red content for a while now, I don’t know the current state of things. Maybe there’s been a load more development for these two, or people have broken away from the same plotlines, but I’m too busy to check. I do browse people’s fic rec lists from time to time, but it sort of feels like everyone just puts the same fics on their lists and moves on.
And before someone’s like, “well, you can say all this about the greens or the blues,” just know I’m fully aware. The greens make me cringe too because there’s a shit ton of possessive and abusive storylines filling their story tags. And what makes me super uncomfortable is how people make Buttercup hit Butch or call him derogatory names, oftentimes unprompted. I don’t know why people make Buttercup such an unlikeable and overly aggressive person. I also don’t get why they make Butch some perverted idiot, but to each their own, I guess? Still, I see these green-character patterns most often in red-focused stories, which is another reason why I avoid them. I’ve found a lot of green-focused content that strays from the abusive tropes I try to avoid. Considerably less than I’d like, but the greens are typically the b-plot pairing, so that’s to be expected. Personally, I’d really like to see more content with the greens finding some kind of inner peace, and recently, I’ve seen a few fics that have tried to tackle this concept.
And lol, if you’ve read some of my posts before, you already know that I think the blues are an underdeveloped fanon pairing. The fandom can’t ruin that pairing for me because it never does anything substantial with it.  
Anyway, at the end of the day, I’m just personally not into the way the reds are popularly written, but I get why people are and that’s good with me. 
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
yes plz
It seems that the handful of times my writing has been referenced over on the Three Houses anon meme it’s pretty much always complaining about how I interpret Ferdibert, with a major recurring thrust being that these anons are taking issue with how strongly I read Edelgard as an analogue for Arvis and Hubert for Manfroy and use these readings to inform how I perceive their relationship and the CF postgame. This did somewhat lead me to thinking about FE’s archetypical writing, because it’s undeniable that this series likes to reuse the same plots and characters with variations between games, and whether my repeated use of this metatextual framework in my interpretations of FE16 was turning off some readers who might see me as drawing too much from all these past games they may have never played...particularly as the often-referenced Genealogy remains one of the few games in the series with no official localization and/or localized remake. That got too much into me questioning whether or not I was an elitist though, and because obviously I am - I was playing FE before it was cool, thank you very much - I didn’t think that would be a productive line of inquiry.
Instead then I got to wondering: why among all the various opinions about FE16 I advanced over the year and a half that I was active in that fandom are people specifically taking issue with the ones re: Ferdibert? Ferdibert is easily the less Problematic™ of my two main pairings, and it doesn’t receive the same amount of accusations of fandom oversaturation as the even more popular Sylvix. There is seemingly some tension between its shippers and fans of rival ships, but as all of those that I’m aware of pair either Hubert or Ferdinand with women (ex. Ferdithea, Edelbert) it’s safe to say they’re angling for a different demographic anyway. No, whenever I receive criticism for the way I talk about Ferdibert it’s always internal - that I’m not shipping them the “right” way. Among these include:
That Hubert isn’t really evil and so my comparing him to Manfroy is unwelcome, as are my comedic exaggerations of his villainy and suggestions that his attraction to Edelgard is neither healthy nor respectful and may lead to him quietly usurping power from her after CF has ended;
That I once described Ferdinand as Hubert’s “silver medal” as a way of summing up how their respective relationships to Edelgard will play into their romantic relationship, reflecting Ferdinand’s lack of narrative presence in CF and the relative triviality of the last two Ferdibert supports;
That I acknowledge that Hubert is attracted to Edelgard at all somehow diminishes both characters, rather than offering another interesting angle upon which to build the Ferdibert relationship that remains quite consistent to canon (as one-sided Edelbert is);
And the largest and most obvious of all, one that the others all play into as well - how could I ship Ferdibert when I hate (read: criticize) Edelgard? This glides over the suffocating narrative presence of Edeleth, the implied tension in the Ferdibert paired ending, and other evidence to conclude that the only possible explanation is that I’m a misogynist who will happily sideline FE16′s headlining female lead for her male subordinates just because I can argue (successfully or not) that said subordinates are better written.
Of course most of this just boils down to more petty fandom faction drama, but it still surprises me how much pushback there can be against interpretations that come with so much canonical and metatextual support - and lead to a messy, complicated queer relationship set against a dystopian backdrop and the volatile political fallout that realistically should result from CF. I seriously doubt these complaints even come from impact on fanwork, because most Ferdibert fic and art I see shies away from the political complications of a post-CF world and each of their feelings toward the emperor...they’re not a trio of gay BFFs, that’s for sure. Even non-CF Ferdibert mostly engages with them as a tragic unrealized romance cut short by Hubert’s death rather than trying to make them work in a canon-divergent scenario where the circumstances are vastly different. I’ve seen a few fics work that angle, but they’re definitely in the minority.
All this is to say that I’ll never understand why these are the FE16 opinions that the fandom* chooses to criticize me over, when I’m very clearly writing with a metatextual focus and attempting to ignore the (to me) transparent battle lines of the fandom faction war when I write about the characters I enjoy regardless of which houses they belong to. The darkly comic Ferdibert headcanons shared by me and several of my mutuals don’t even appear to have that much reach in the fandom, even if I’ll maintain that they’re substantially more interesting than some conflict-deprived fluff where the post-CF world is a utopia and Edelgard lives happily ever after with her Two Jewels. That’s just so boring to me.
*Excluding the Khalidstans, who exist in their own bubble where the game, its developers, and all its fans except for the few they like are racist about everything.
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happyhearthooligan · 4 years
Master List Nov Edition 2019
This half contains Classic Undertale headcanons, Multiple AU asks, other headcanons that didn’t quite fit the first half, and franstastic-ideas’ other posts
The first half contains AU-centric headcanons excluding Classic Undertale
franstastic-ideas - November Content (Continued)
Classic Undertale
Nov 1
Would Papyrus ever supplex Chara
Yandere Papyrus vs Yandere Asriel head cannons?
Do you think Papyrus would swear around Undyne?
Nov 2
What were Sans' initial thoughts on Undyne's potty mouth?
(1/2) Canonically, Sans tried to make a quiche.
(2/2) Wait he didn’t make a quiche he made a pie, my bad. 
How close was Asriel to his mother?
Nov 3
Why Flowey stayed in the ruins
Chara flirts with Papyrus through Frisk.
Why would Frisk ever want to do a Genocide run
If Sans and Frisk had a kid, what would they be like?
How would frisk react if she encounters a bitty sans
Sans tells Frisk that she'd be dead where she stood…
Why Gaster has holes in his hands
Would Papyrus try to emulate Undyne’s fighting style?
Papara/Frans reaction to a kitten sneeze
Gaster’s holes and pain
More about Vivaldi
What happens if the store is out of chocolate?
Nov 4
Does Papyrus knows the exact extent of Sans’ depression?
Papyrus and Asriel would turn the kitchen into a total disaster area
What do you think Papyrus’ costume was supposed to be?
How would the skellies react if Frisk/Chara gave a soft no?
Sans’s time as Gaster’s intern here was… an experience
What was everyone's reaction when hearing Sans’ kitten sneeze?
Did Asriel or Chara made the mistake of confusing “cups of butter”?
Yeah, that does sound kind of like Sans
Nov 5
Why does Sans no longer feel hopelessness
Does Flowey still believe that "It's Kill or Be Killed"?
About the kids that come from the Frans and Papara ships…
Does Asriel rely on Chara to make decisions for him?
Nov 6 - Do married papara still have butterflies in their stomachs?
Nov 14 - How’s Chara when being complimented by the boys?
Nov 15 - Skelebros when Frisk/Chara get their wisdom teeth out?
Nov 16
Sans has caused Flowey his "fair share of resets”…
Provide thee with thy Frister hcs frometh multiple AUs please?
How do you think everyone's skating level is?
Would Frisk or Chara try to lift up their bonefriend?
Dr. Gaster was actually never confirmed to be a skeleton.
Nov 17
Would you please tell us more about Henry?
Forgive me, Madame, for I, instead of reading…
How do the skeletons react if their girlfriends get hurt?
“Sans has a nightmare about Frisk marrying [Gaster]…”
What started Gaster's obsession for humans?
Nov 18 - Would Asriel ask Papyrus to be his best man?
Nov 19
Are the monsters genuinely unable to tell Chara and Frisk’s gender?
How would younger monsters react to Frisk/Chara wiping dust off?
Monsters might not overly familiar with humans' anatomy enough…
If Frisk never left the underground, married Sans, and had Vivaldi. 
What is Sans riding in the True Pacifist ending?
Nov 20
How would the monsters react to the modern human technology?
Married Frans Life hcs please?
UT Chara and Papyrus go on their first date
Nov 21
Where do you think the skeletons were living prior to Snowdin?
Where do you think Sans gets the money?
Does that mean Sans and Frisk will live in a mansion type house?
Nov 22
MK is uncertain if "that weird skeleton" is a kid or an adult…
Is Sans actually unable to open his jaw or just chooses not to
Nov 24
Is Frisk technically a princess?
What relationship did Asriel have with Sans early-on?
How did Frisk cross the barrier in the Neutral Run?
Do you think that Toriel will ever truly forgive Asgore?
King Asgore couldn’t really take the proclaim back
Press the attack key once and Flowey will be struck multiple times…
Nov 25
Do Toriel & Asgore punish Chara by not letting her have chocolate?
"Nobody can bully Asriel except for ME"
Nov 26
How much do you head cannon Sans owes Grillby on his tab?
Do you head cannon Chara or Asriel being the older sibling?
Is Frisk wearing a striped shirt a coincidence?
About how much is G worth in the human currency?
Nov 27
University AU Frans/Papara head cannons?
Asriel mentions that "a world without Chara" had no place for him…
You mentioned that Asriel had a "slight-older woman fetish”…
Nov 28
If Asriel and Chara were brought back to life…
How do you head cannon Toriel and Asgore got together?
Nov 30 - What do you head cannon everyone sounding like?
Multiple AU Headcanons
Nov 1
Would other Sanses have collections?
What does Frisk thinks these collections?
Nov 2
Who do you think are the closer skelebros? UT or US?
What do the Sanses/Papyri call their human?
Nov 3
What gifts do the skeletons love receiving from their human?
What does the Sanses feel about buttercup flowers?
Frans: If human monster relationships were forbidden
Papara: If human monster relationships were forbidden
Nov 4
What relationship do Sans and Chara have in the other AU's?
How do the other AU skelebros mess with each other?
Do any other Frans/Papara couples or rivals have a "Dere Type"?
Nov 5 - Do the skelebros know about any of the Pokemon games?
Nov 6 - US and SF Chara's personality
Nov 14 - What types of parents are the Frans and Paparas?
Nov 15
Chara would probably play with Asriel's ears…
Is there any rivalry between the Papyruses, and the Asriels?
Nov 17 - Who are Sans’ and Frisk’s other next-door neighbors?
Nov 19 - Throw me any head canons that comes first in mind please 
Nov 20 - How do the other Papyri feel about their respective Tobys?
Nov 24
How do the Frisks feel about chocolate?
If Chocolate was taken off the market, how would each Chara react?
Nov 25 - What made the Frisks/Charas fall in love with the boys? 
Nov 28 - How did the Sanses react to Frisk using them as a pillow?
Nov 29 - How would the Papyri respond to Chara's compliments?
Other Headcanons
Nov 3
One More Tale AU introduced
Horrotale skelies/humans reacting on each other’s sick days
What’s this 'One More Tale' AU I hear?
Nov 4 - How much of an appettite can a little bitty have?
Nov 6
How would G react to having the same iris color as Frisk?
What about Frans cuddles, but with bitty Frisk instead?
How massive Muffet’s family is implied to be
Nov 8 - Webber from my Bittyverse fics
Nov 14
Any ideas/prompts for Storyshift Frans and Papara?
I wanna ask- would the tarantula lady a ginger?
Random au prompt? 
Tarantula lady has the ultimate hug power
How many monsters have not been revealed to us?
Nov 15 - Undertale, but with MORE SPIDERS!
Nov 17
Could you give us some flirts/puns exclusive to Attorneytale?
Shopkeeper Frisk vs traps, Adgore, and Omega Flowey
Nov 18
Mermaid Sans x normal Frisk living alone on an island?
In the Bitty Bones au, would Frisk ever adopt a Red sans?
Nov 19 - Random Prompt time plz
Nov 20
Bittybones Headcannons?
Can I ask for some love-dunce Frisk and shy Sans?
In the scenario where monsters were never trapped underground...
Nov 24 - “Nothing Tibia-fraid Of" Frans headcanons?
Nov 25
Do you think Narrator Chara laughs when Sans pranks Frisk?
Bitty Frisk: Mother Hen (Henri) vs Mother Goat (Toriel)?
Nov 26
*picks Classic Sans up then throws him into a Frisk pile*
Can we have frans/papara hcs for Cybertale?
Can I ask for Tainted Love headcanons?
Nov 30 - What about some Flowerfell headcanons?
Other types of posts
Nov 3 - Monster dream boyfriend
Nov 4
I can assure you that the most anon asks is not by one person
I wish there were a ukagaka of all your Frans and Papara AU's
*pokes then runs away*
Nov 5
Do you do headcannons on UT and AU characters in General?
This tumblr user now has a bucket over their head-
How do you feel about Charisk (Chara x Frisk)?
Nov 7 - I got my first ever paycheck today
Nov 9 - Masterlist plan of the past (link to it) 
Nov 11 - Why does Sword and Shield have a level cap for...
Nov 14
So how do I do taxes?
The difference between envy and jealousy
The more spiders in this family, the better!
Fun spider fact!
Another Spider Fact
Nov 16
But I have so many AUs already…
Moth Man or Jersey Devil?
Have you seen the whole of Gravity Falls?
Nov 18
Would it be alright if I wrote a fanfic about WT Swap Frans?
Favorite au from our lovely semisolidmind?
Papyrus is a nice guy
Nov 19
How would franstastic-ideas react to getting tickled ;3
How familiar are you with Warrior Cats?
Remind us of your nicknames please?
Nov 20
What job did the wonderful wonder of you get?
Do you know if there are any fics that are similar to Convergence?
Nov 21
Yandere Altertale fic thoughts
I’ve been looking at Pokémon Sword and Shield 
Nov 26 - How are so many of your head canons so damn cute?
Nov 28
I actually enjoy photography as well
Pokémon Sword and Shield’s Galar region is based off of the UK…
Nov 30
Webber, every time he sees my phone:
A random out-of-boredom-question...
Found out that all the links work when I'm looking at it on my own page, but if I open it up in a seperate page, they will all disappear if there are too many
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bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
So I know you received this ask before but I would like to know if you have come across more fanfics about Izuku and bakugo staying as friends. If not that is okay :D
Hello! Here are the rest of all the fics where they never stop being friends! (Here’s a link to the Pining Best Friends BakuDeku list for anyone interested!) 
22 Works.
not with those shoulders, darling by Disney_Princess_Izuku( T | 30,133+ | 15/? )
Whoever asshole that said “Midoriya Izuku is a quirkless loser” was a liar, and Bakugou Katsuki would love to introduce them to his fist. Repeatedly.
[Abandoned] On The Run by Justaperson1718 ( E | 159,534 | 29/30 )
(Based in an AU where All Might loses to All For One)
Follow Izuku and Katsuki as they fight together for their very survival and mature through their experiences with each other, on the run together from the League of Villains with no one to depend on but each other. The two will have to work out their differences if they want to continue to live and escape the villains.
Izuku will have to become stronger to finish what All Might started, meanwhile Katsuki will figure out his feelings for his new companion while slowly overcoming some of his bad habits.
[Major Character Death | Underage]
[Abandoned] Call Accepted by Attack_Of_The_Flying_Dekus ( M | 13,784+ | 8/? )
When the screen was clear of lag and static, Katsuki looked at the screen… and froze. The boy was an angel. A halo of green hair sat atop his round face, the curls framing wide eyes and freckled cheeks. The boy on the screen gaped at him for a moment, his mouth parted in a soft ‘o’ before he gave a sweet smile that made Katsuki’s heart beat faster.
”H-hi, Kacchan.”
The Rarity by bittybitt39 ( E | 24,926+ | 7/? )
Midoriya Izuku had been promised at the age of four to his once dear friend, Bakugou Katsuki. Their mothers thought it smart to betroth the two in the hopes that Izuku would be protected and taught in the safety of the guards Mitsuki could provide until the day he was old enough to come to the south kingdom. After all, it was not everyday that the rarity of a male omega was born within these times.
Izuku grows up knowing he is promised, and has vague memories of his alpha from his younger days. He is also gifted, in more ways than one when his teacher Toshinori confronts his mother with Izuku being named as his successor. But a war breaks out between the kingdoms of the north and east, and the betrothed are separated far longer than the royal family would have hoped. But the war raging keeps them separated besides a few letters that are received from those that were brave enough to run through the war lands.
I’ll Be Your Hero by bakudeku ( T | 2,536+ | 4/? )
Katsuki wants to protect Izuku. He wants to make sure Izuku never has to cry again. Maybe this was his chance to fix everything, to make sure he didn’t make the same mistakes as before. If this really isnt a dream, if Katsuki really is in the past, then he’d do anything his little body could to keep Izuku safe.
This time, he’ll stay by Izuku’s side.
Dekus and hairbows by LunaLavenderSkies ( G | 2,266 | 1/1 )
Everyone always knew that Izuku and Katsuki were childhood friends but they never really understood the weird relationship between them…Fem!Izuku / Fem!Dekukinda katsudekuSometime after the sports festival ark
By Design by EtherealBeing ( E | 7,513+ | 2/? )
As time went by, Izuku found it more and more difficult to reconcile his perceived quirklessness with the ever-growing permanence of his imaginary friend, Kacchan. This boy he’d created, whose very existence was designed to balance out his own shortcomings — he couldn’t always see him. Hear him. Feel him.
Kacchan, this boy whom Izuku made as an extension of himself — he wasn’t always real.
Yell It From The Top Of Your Lungs by estupidaval ( T | 2,897 | 1/1 )
Being seen as weak by many is frustrating. Even so when it’s almost everyone who looks at you.
At this, Izuku sheepishly lowered his gaze, and said “Strong people cry…”
At this, Aizawa smiled again, “And what are you doing right now, Izuku?”
“Crying,” He replied as he picked at his finger nails.
Aizawa decided to keep pushing, as Izuku knew what he was implying, but wouldn’t budge.
He raised an eyebrow and spoke up once more, “So, you are…”
And ‘Ah, there it is.’ Aizawa thought to himself as a smile crept it’s way onto the boy’s mouth. Izuku lifted his gaze once more and looked back into Aizawa’s eyes,
like grass, or something by TayTei ( G | 3,634 | 1/1 )
Everyone has their own stupid stench, but Katsuki doesn’t mind Izuku’s so much
I literally have no idea how to write summaries, end me plz
SeriesPart 1 of Life is stupid, but we can make it work
Big Mistake by Aizawx ( T | 2,452+ | 3/? )
Midoriya is a teenager who has a crush on his childhood friend, and it turns out he likes him back. When they kiss they forgot to check if they door was closed. It wasn’t.
Hisashi does not approve of his son being gay, so Izuku is kicked out of his home with no where to go.
Until a teenager with black shoulder length hair comes back into his life
Childhood friends knows too much by cosmiictea ( T | 1,904 | 1/1 )
Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku are childhood friends that has so much dirt on each other. Everything escalated from 0 to 100 real quick when one of them spilled the beans so it’s a war between two childhood friends and rivals on who could make the other cringed so hard that they shudder from hearing what they did as a child from the other’s mouth. That’s basically it.
SeriesPart 1 of BakuDeku: childhood friends
Magnolia Dreams by ElopeToTheSea ( T | 7,098 | 1/1 )
“Kaachan!” Deku’s voice. Sweet and cheerful, like a midday breeze. He was looking at him with those big bright green eyes, holding a flower crown in his hands. “Look what I did!”
“What’s that, Deku?” he asked. He was five, flower crowns weren’t something he was familiar with.
“Mom taught me how to make them,” he replied, placing the flower crown on top of his head. “They’re called flower crowns! I made mine of Magnolias!”
“They’re so lame,” he snickered. The field they were sitting on was covered in flowers. From white lilies to purple orchids. They all bloomed in spring. “A true crown is made of metal, idiot!”
[Major Character Death]
The Childhood Friend by Fuyuzashi ( T | 13,123+ | 4/? )
Friends are a big influence in one’s life, especially to Izuku who literally spends 2/3 of his whole life with Katsuki. Usually, friends can pick up each other’s habit if their relationship lasts long enough for the change and after ten years of friendship, Izuku started to notice the change.
Basically, this is just a fic where Izuku and Katsuki kind of became real friends instead of a one-sided friendship where Izuku follows Katsuki around and gets bullied. Spoiler alert they fall for each other in the end.
For Years and Years… by Shadowolven ( G | 1,447 | 1/1 )
Ever since Katsuki first laid his eyes on Izuku, laid eyes on that blinding, innocent smile, Katsuki felt an odd connection to the other. Even if Izuku was the plainest one out of the entire village with no notable qualities to speak of, there was still something about him that tugged at Katsuki’s heartstrings—at his very soul.
They soon became friends and made fond memories together, but then Katsuki began to recall fragments of memories from a different time, from another life.
SeriesPart 4 of On a Whim
20 Kids and a Teacher vs. the World by AlexInfinite  by AlexInfinite ( T | 12,970+ | 5/? )
Once upon a time, the world was terrible, and two kids who grew up together ran away in order to fix it. Two years and a conversation later, their party grows from two 15 year olds with the lacking of self preservation skills to a party of 20 insane kids and the poor teacher they brought along for the ride. Finding a legendary civilization in the clouds in order to stage a revolution shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Izuku, ever the pessimist of the original two, begs to differ.
Instinctual Love by ChestnutPatronus14 ( M | 2,191 | 1/1 )
Is it instinct or love that drives him to protect the Deku? He’s always been protective of him, no one gets to hurt him. But in a world where Deku is the only dragon without the ability to transform, it has never stopped him from following the prince around. So when he gets hurt, is it instinct that drives him to find him? Or is it love?
Part of Katsuki Bakugo Week 2018.Day two (Instinct/Love)
SeriesPart 2 of Bakugo Week 2018
a world without you (is isolation incarnate) by lovedbyshadows, PotatoGhostHaley ( Not Rated | 5,367+ | 2/? )
“And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” - Khalil Gibran.
Matters by QueenOfArcher ( E | 6,992+ | 3/? )
“Just be yourself, even if the whole world turn their back on you, hate you. I’ll be there, standing tall and proud, shout to the world that I’m yours. So come back to me. Promise that you’ll stay with me.”
“I…can be myself? And you won’t hate me?”
“Okay, I promise.”
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
Bloom by anontigg ( M | 1,955+ | 2/3 )
Midoriya Izuku is in love with his childhood friend all his life. He thought keeping his feelings hidden would be fine…until his life is on the line.
(Basically a hanahaki disease au fic…and I suck at summaries. forgive me TT TT)
20th of April by Mariko014 ( G | 1,686 | 1/1 )
It’s Katsuki’s birthday and he decides to confess his love to his childhood friend.
A Letter From A Friend by LocalTrashBin ( T | 1,638 | 1/1 )
Do you remember the day we first met? It was spring. The flowers were budding and the air smelt like pollen. It was the day my mother and I first moved into the neighbourhood. Your mom made us a casserole.
[Major Character Death]
Heiwa, The True Symbol of Peace… by trans_guy101 ( T | 1,876+ | 2/? )
In which Izuku has a quirk and it is as pure as the adorable cinnamon roll and his best friend is Bakugou Katsuki. They soon fall in love but then they add one more to their relationship…
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door
im finally fuckin posting this dad au fic im losing it, i meant to post this earlier but tumblr kept glitching so!!! here it is!!
anyways as i’ve said a few times already, this fic will be updating on a weekly basis, which means that there’s gonna be one new chapter every friday until all of them have been uploaded. i hope you all enjoy this fic as much as i enjoyed writing it!!
link to ao3
tagging: @tylerblacks @joonhobi @rivela @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk @kidvoodoo @smolsammich  @simulated-heat @douglas-leon-michael (lemme kno if you wanna be added to my tag list!!)
Chapters: 1/16 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mustafa Ali/Pac | Adrian Neville, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Characters: Mustafa Ali, Pac | Adrian Neville, Wade Barrett, Original Child Character(s), Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Rating will go up, wink wonk, Parenthood, Single Parents, Post-Divorce, Alternate Universe - Parents, god for a sec i didn't think there was a parent au tag on here and i was gonna be so confused, First Meetings, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
"yo" "do me a favor when you get home" "i can see there’s someone new moving in next door" "introduce all of us to him plz n thx"
Single parent Neville was convinced that he would never find love again following his divorce. Little did he realize just how much these four texts from Wade would change his life.
The more that time passed, the more it seemed like Neville was never going to be able to escape this stupid little office.
He was never going to get away from his desk. From his computer. From his phone that never seemed to want to stop ringing for thirty goddamn seconds. From the sounds of his co-workers typing away on their own keyboards. From his boss who almost always seemed to have some new, pointless assignment for him to complete whenever he passed by his cubicle. Such were the woes of working for such a big company…
He told himself that this job was only temporary. Every day he would remind himself that he was only going to be there until he was back on his feet following his divorce. As difficult as this was, it wasn’t going to last forever.
But then a time where he was financially secure enough to start looking for a different job arose, and Neville didn’t jump on the opportunity to leave. He had wanted to stick around for awhile longer to make sure he had completed everything, so that the poor bastard who took this secretary -- no, administrative assistant -- position after him wouldn’t be swamped with missed deadlines and unfinished projects. He didn’t mind staying for a few more days.
Those days turned to weeks. Those weeks turned to months. Those months turned to years.
It had been almost three fucking years since he had the chance to quit, and yet there Neville was, still typing out emails and arranging appointments for higher-ups who couldn’t give any less of a shit about him if they tried.
Sometimes he would stop while in the middle of working, staring intently at his mouse cursor, debating just walking out and leaving this hell behind and never looking back. No one appreciated him. It would make more sense to go elsewhere, wouldn’t it? Where he wouldn’t have to work unnecessarily long hours just to earn a decent pay? Where a boss would actually seem grateful for the work that he puts in?
It was as he would have these thoughts, however, that he would catch sight of the pictures resting next to his computer monitor -- those of two little girls, smiling at the camera and looking so full of life.
His little girls.
The older one was Jennifer, though she was only ever called that when she was in serious trouble (which wasn’t often, now that Neville thought about it) -- otherwise, she was simply known as Jen. She was definitely more like her mother, from having the same light brown hair to the same headstrong personality. Though she was only nine, she was incredibly independent -- almost too independent, however, as she was often too stubborn to ask for help when she was in tough situations.
Then there was Daisy -- ‘Daddy’s favorite,’ as she claimed whenever Neville would do something nice for her (even if he had also done the same thing for Jen). She was six, and even at such a young age she was already showing signs of being just like her father. That is to say, she was becoming a bit of a smartass. True to the little sibling stereotype, she essentially lived to spite Jen, always making sure to say whatever it was she least wanted to hear just so that she could appreciate her over-the-top reactions.
These two lovely children were depending on him. Neville couldn’t quit and risk losing out on money when he knows that they’re counting on him to take care of them.
With that thought in mind, he continued typing.
 If he was lucky, then Neville’s drive from the office back to his home was relatively short, the traffic scarce despite it technically being rush hour.
Unfortunately, that day was not his lucky day.
Despite never actually having met the driver of the minivan that he was stuck behind, Neville felt like he was deeply familiar with their personal life, considering the amount of bullshit on the back of it. There was a stick figure family decal on the back window -- a father, a mother, two little boys, and one little girl. Down on the bumper there were multiple stickers proudly announcing to the world that there were two honors students in the family. What about the third kid? Neville found himself thinking, fingers tapping impatiently on the steering wheel. Are they not good enough for a sticker?
His phone vibrated in the cup holder next to him, and he glanced down at it for a moment before focusing back on the road, pulling up a little once the traffic started to move. He heard the phone vibrate a second time. A third time. By the time the fourth vibration occurred, Neville looked back down at the device and took it in his hands, wondering just what in the hell was so urgent that it required sending that many messages.
Then again, considering that the only person who ever texted him nowadays was Wade, there was no way it was actually anything of substance.
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: yo
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: do me a favor when you get home
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: i can see there’s someone new moving in next door
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: introduce all of us to him plz n thx
Typical. Wade was once again trying to get Neville to do something for him. It seemed like all that Wade had done since moving into the downstairs apartment in Neville’s house was try to butter him up for something. That man truly has not changed since college…
Though Neville ribbed Wade for his tactics, even going as far as to jokingly refer to him as a freeloader in his phone, the truth was that he didn't have any negative feelings towards him at all. In fact, he was actually incredibly grateful for him. Wade had been employed when he moved into Neville’s home after his divorce, but he’d been laid off not too long after, and he’d had no success finding a job ever since. It seemed like every time things were looking up for him and he might have found something other than the occasional odd job, the position was always given to someone else, and as such he was never able to pay his share of that month’s rent.
He was always willing to babysit whenever Neville needed him to, however -- which was fairly often, seeing as his job sometimes required that he stay late at the office. Had it not been for him, Neville would have had to worry about paying a sitter on top of all of the bills and everything else. Difficult as things may be, he was glad to have a close friend like Wade.
Someone actually bought that house, though? Neville thought. It’s been on the market for ages. He could only vaguely remember the small family that used to live there before they abruptly moved because of the father’s job. Though the last thing that Neville wanted to do was give Wade what he wanted, he had to admit that he was just as curious as he was about this new neighbor…
 Me: And why should I do that? Can’t you go over there yourself?
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: your texting while you’re supposed to be driving??
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: dangerous
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: tsk tsk
Me: *you’re
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: SHUT UP
Me: Also I’m in traffic, asshole. Now tell me why you can’t do it yourself?
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: because i just woke up from a nap and have a killer headache and am in no mood to actually socialize
Me: What makes you think I’M in the mood to socialize? I just had a long day at work.
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: because you’re the cuter one between the two of us and it would be better if he saw your pretty face instead of mine
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: you could win over anyone with those eyes of yours
 It was at that moment that Neville placed his phone back down in the cup holder -- partially because the traffic was beginning to move and he needed to start driving again, though mainly because he’d read enough. Wade always tried to compliment him whenever he was too lazy to do something for himself, and Neville was ashamed to admit that this strategy worked more often than not.
This time was going to be different, however. After a long day of typing away at his desk and going straight into bumper-to-bumper traffic, it was going to take a lot more than some sweet talking to get him to introduce himself to a total stranger.
Neville finally pulled into his driveway about fifteen minutes later, turning the car off and leaning back against the seat with a sigh. Somewhere along the way it had started raining, the droplets of rain tapping rhythmically against the windshield. He loved the rain -- that is, when he didn’t actually have to go walking through it. It was a short walk from the car to the front door. Even so, he was not looking forward to getting wet…
As he gathered his bearings, he took a quick look out of the passenger side window, and he noticed that there was a light on inside of the house next door, and there was an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. So Wade was telling the truth when he said that there was a new neighbor. Wonder what their story is.
The neighborhood that Neville lived in wasn’t bad by any means, but he didn’t think that it was an area that anybody would want to willingly move into. Most of the residents tended to keep to themselves, the extent of their interactions with one another being a quick ‘hello’ and nothing more. Wouldn’t someone looking for a place to start their new life look for someplace more interesting? Whoever this new person was must have had no other options.
...Then again, it wasn’t like Neville really cared about what this new person thought. He had more important things to worry about then whatever was going on in their mind.
Neville resigned himself to his damp fate and exited the car, making sure to lock it before trekking through the rain and up the front stops until he reached the door. Despite it being closed, he could hear what sounded like a commotion inside -- just what he needed after the day he’d had. What are they fighting over now ? He clicked his tongue and opened the door, bracing himself for whatever the latest controversy was.
“Jen, you said yourself that you didn’t care if she ate your leftovers or not.” The first voice that Neville heard was that of Wade, who was clearly trying to mediate an argument between the two girls, standing in front of Jen while Daisy hid behind his back.
“I said I didn’t want them! I never said she could have them!” Jen had her arms crossed.
“I never ate them, though!” Daisy peeked out from behind Wade, clutching his shirt, dark brown curls falling over her face. “I swear! Why would I want something that you touched?”
“Uh… Hello?” Neville decided to speak up, prompting the three of them to look over in his direction.
“Daddy!!” Daisy let go of Wade and went charging towards him, now opting to hide behind him instead (and prompting a “What, am I not a good enough shield for you?” from Wade). “Jen’s bullying me again!”
“I am not!” Jen insisted. “She’s the one that did something wrong! She ate my food!”
Of all the ridiculous arguments that these two could have had, they had to have one over chicken tenders? Were fights over toys going out of style? “Okay, listen,” Neville started. “Jen, you did say that you didn’t mind if someone else ate them. And Daisy, you shouldn’t insinuate that anything your sister touches is dirty.”
Daisy blinked at him. Neville couldn’t imagine why she looked so confused, seeing as he made a perfectly good point.
“Nev,” Wade said. “She’s six. I don’t think she knows what ‘insinuate’ means.”
“Right… Okay, how about this -- don’t say that anything she touches is dirty. There, is that better?”
Daisy nodded this time. Neville knew her too well, though. It may appear as if she understood, but in reality she was plotting her next move. Chances are she had plenty more insults ready to unleash the moment that Neville’s back was turned.
Jen made a disgusted sound and stormed into the hallway, bounding up the stairs towards her room. Now that her enemy had disappeared, Daisy deemed it safe enough to emerge from hiding, heading towards the kitchen. Neville pushed his glasses up his nose as he watched her go. “How did that argument even start, anyway?” He asked.
“Hell if I know.” Wade shrugged. “I was minding my own business when Daisy came running in here claiming that Jen was going to kill her. Again.”
“Did she even eat the leftovers?”
“No, she didn’t.”
“Then who…” He squinted at Wade. “ You ate them, didn’t you?”
“Of course you did.” Neville sat down on the couch, rubbing at his temples.
“What, did you expect me to speak up? Angry Jen isn’t fun to deal with. The last thing I wanted was to be on the receiving end of her wrath. She clearly got that gene from you.”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
Wade took a seat next to him. “Enough about that, though. What happened with the new guy next door?”
“I didn’t talk to him.”
“What?” He looked disappointed. “Not even after I asked you so nicely?”
“Trying to get me to do something for you by buttering me up isn’t always going to work, Wade. I told you that I had a long day today and I wasn’t up for introductions. I’ll get around to it when I’m not exhausted.”
Wade huffed, propping his feet up on the coffee table (and having them shoved off by Neville a few seconds later). “All I’m trying to do is help you get back out there…”
Neville looked at him, eyes narrow. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, did I say that out loud? Oops.” Wade was acting as if that were an accident, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he’d clearly meant for Neville to hear him.
“What do you mean that you’re trying to help me ‘get back out there’?”
“Well, y’know…” Wade began to play with his nails, avoiding Neville’s gaze. “I thought you and the cute new guy next door might want to chat for awhile, maybe hang out sometime, that’s all.”
“You-- Wait, you actually want me to date this guy? This guy who I’ve never even met? Are you kidding me?” Neville had learned so much about Wade in the years that they’d known each other, but never once had he shown any interest in trying to play matchmaker. “Why do you want this so badly?”
“I just thought it would be nice! I know you’ve been lonely lately--”
“And just how would you know that?”
“Nev, I’ve been your friend since college. I’ve been living with you ever since you and Marina split. The last few years have been rough for you romance-wise, and it’s obvious that it’s taken a toll on you.”
Neville swallowed at the mention of his wife’s name. “How do you know ?” He repeated, growing a little impatient.
“I feel like I hardly ever see you smile anymore,” Wade continued. “It’s not that you never smile, it’s just… genuinely happy smiles are pretty rare for you these days. I thought that maybe finding you a nice guy to hang out with would help lift your spirits a bit -- and who knows, something great could come out of this. You should give him a chance.”
Neville knew that he was probably being rude, but he still rolled his eyes, shaking his head and once again pushing his glasses up his nose. He knew that Wade didn’t mean any harm. He was one of the few truly good people that Neville knew, and he would never do anything to hurt him.
This, on the other hand, while it didn’t hurt him by any means, was on a whole different level. “Wade, listen… I understand that you’re just trying to help,” Neville started. “I appreciate that you’re looking out for me. But I know I’ve told you before that I’m not interested in finding a partner at the moment. I have a family to support, and I don’t have time to be fooling around with romance right now.”
“Okay…” Wade’s shoulders drooped. “Sorry if it seemed like I was forcing you into something that you didn’t want.”
“No need to apologize.” Neville stood up from the couch, stretching. “I gotta go get changed. These clothes are so damn uncomfortable.”
“It’s times like these where I’m almost glad I don’t work,” Wade commented, watching Neville as he made to leave the room. “Otherwise I’d have to wear stuff like that .”
“I envy you, I won’t lie.”
Neville arrived at the top of the steps and started to make his way down the hallway. He briefly stopped in front of the door to the girls’ room, knowing that Jen was most likely still stewing inside. He knew that she would get over it eventually, but it still bothered him knowing that she was angry with the wrong person. Maybe once she calms down we can tell her… Though Wade will probably be scared shitless while we do it.
He continued down the hall and made it to his own room, taking off his jacket and tossing it onto the bed. He was about to start undoing the buttons on his shirt when he noticed that the window was open, and he let out a little annoyed noise. Great, now the floor is wet…
It was when he went over to close it that he once again caught sight of the house next door -- in particular, his eye was drawn to the window. He could see that there was someone moving around inside, but he was only able to see his back. There he is, the man of my dreams… or so I’ve been told.
Neville wasn’t in the mood to be accused of being a creeper, so he quickly shut the window and closed the blinds, resuming his undressing. Whoever the hell this new guy was, he wasn’t interested in watching what he assumed were his dinner preparations (nor was he willing to strip right where he could see it).
For all the complaints that Neville had about his job, there was one thing about it that he did like -- the fact that he was able to work from home on Fridays.
He was set up at the kitchen table, lazily scrolling through the emails that were gradually piling up in his inbox. Most of them didn’t even concern him -- in the beginning they were about figuring out what time would work best for everyone for the next meeting, now most of them were people debating which day of the week would be better between Monday and Tuesday. I’m stuck in that office anyway regardless of the day, so what does it even matter? Neville thought to himself, taking a sip from his coffee mug as he went to work deleting some of the messages.
“What a sight to behold.” Neville looked up from the screen and found that Wade had entered the room. “You’re still sitting here working and drinking from that ‘World’s Okayest Dad’ mug. Don’t you think you should give yourself a break?”
“I already took my break earlier,” Neville replied just as he heard another chime ring out from his laptop -- the meeting would officially be on Monday, despite numerous complaints. Incoming shitstorm.
“Take another one. What’s stopping you? It’s not like anyone can tell that you’re not working.”
“They’ll tell when I’m not responding to any of their emails.”
“So if you don’t respond immediately after they send it to you then they’ll know that you’re slacking off? Sounds rough. Glad I’m not working there.”
“You’re not working, period .”
“Exactly, and who would want to with those regulations?” Wade went to the fridge and dug around inside until he came back with a bottle of water, unscrewing the cap and taking a sip. “Hey, where are the girls? I haven’t seen them all afternoon.”
“Outside in the yard.” Neville nodded his head in the direction of the back door. “I’m surprised they’ve been playing for so long without getting into a fight.” Right as Neville finished saying that, he heard a thud and the unmistakable sound of Daisy yelling “Ow!” “Ah, I see I spoke too soon.”
A few moments later, both girls stumbled into the kitchen through the back door. “Daddy, Daisy threw the ball over the fence again,” Jen complained, elbowing her sister in the side.
“Ow-- It wasn’t my fault! She was the one who threw it.”
“You said you were ready for me to throw it!”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did! Daddy, didn’t you hear her say she was ready? She’s lying again--”
“Alright, alright, that’s enough,” Neville interrupted her before she could say anything more, and he pushed back his chair. “You two head back outside and wait in the yard. I’ll go get the ball for you.”
Jen and Daisy looked at each other before they both walked back outside, the two of them getting into a brief scuffle in the doorway since they couldn’t decide which of the two of them got to go through first (Jen ultimately won by reminding Daisy of who the older sibling was). Neville pinched the bridge of his nose once they were gone, letting out a sigh. “What am I going to do with them…”
“Well, you can start by getting their ball,” Wade said.
Neville made a little frustrated noise and stood up, though it was as he was about to leave that he noticed the cocky smirk on Wade’s face. “What’s up with you?”
“Nev, how did you get the ball the last time they threw it over the fence?” he asked, leaning back against the counter.
“Uh… I went into the yard and got it?”
“You realize you can’t do that anymore, right? Since there’s now someone living there. That’s trespassing.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is that you’re going to have to get the new neighbor’s permission to go back there and get it. You two are finally going to meet.”
“Oh God, are you still on this?” Neville huffed. “I told you that I’m not interested in being in a relationship right now. Let it go .”
“I never said you had to date him. Just that you’re gonna be meeting for the first time.”
“Maybe so, but I know you’re thinking it.” He waggled his finger at him. “And let me tell you this: I’m going to go next door, ask for the ball back, and then come right back here. No bullshit, no stopping inside for coffee or whatever, no nothing . You got that?”
“Whatever you say, mate.” Wade still didn’t look entirely convinced, but he didn’t press the issue any further and left the kitchen, leaving Neville all by himself.
What a pain in the ass… Neville shook his head as he watched Wade retreat downstairs. He waited until he was gone before exiting into the hallway and walking towards the front door.
The moment that the early-August heat hit his face, Neville immediately regretting going outside. God, how have those kids been playing out here for all this time? He despised the thought of meeting his new neighbor while drenched in sweat, so he decided to stop wasting time and briskly started the trek over to the house next door.
“It won’t take him much longer, calm down!” Neville could hear the faint sound of Jen reprimanding her sister from his own yard.
“We’ve been waiting foreverrrrr…” Naturally, the next voice he heard was that of Daisy.
Five minutes. It’s been five minutes since they asked. At most.
Neville looked up at the house that was now in front of him, and he marched up to the door with authority, determined not to let Wade’s nonsense get in the way of what he came here to do. He didn’t come here to flirt or do anything of that nature -- he was not going to let the wannabe matchmaker that lived in his basement cloud his judgement.
He rang the doorbell and took a step back, crossing his arms and waiting for some sort of response. He could still hear the sounds of Daisy and Jen bickering from the yard. He debated taking out his phone and asking Wade to keep an eye on them, but it was right as he reached for his pocket that the door opened.
“Hi, I’m—” Neville stopped himself once he got a good look at the man now standing in the doorway, his mouth hanging open slightly.
“Um… How can I help you?” The man asked, brown eyes narrowed in confusion, like he couldn’t figure out why this stranger was gaping at him on his doorstep. It was those same eyes that Neville found himself suddenly lost in, momentarily forgetting just why the hell he was there in the first place. That’s a good question -- how can you help me?
Neville cleared his throat, shaking his head and snapping himself out of his trance. “Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you, but my kids accidentally threw their ball over your fence. I was wondering if we could get it back.”
“Oh, that’s what that was?” He smiled. “I heard yelling coming from next door and was wondering what had happened.”
“Ah, well, you know how little girls can be sometimes…”
“Trust me, I do. I work with them. I can toss the ball back over for ‘em.”
“Thank you.” Neville returned his smile. “Again, sorry to trouble you. I know you’re still busy unpacking.” Neville could see the moving boxes that were sitting in the hallway. “Don’t mean to interrupt.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not a problem at all. Hey, what’s your name, by the way? I’m Mustafa.”
“Mustafa…” Neville repeated. It was a nice name. “I’m Adrian.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Adrian.” There was that infectious smile again. Neville found himself quite liking how his name sounded coming from his mouth -- and he normally hated his first name. “You’re the first person around here that I’ve actually spoken to, you know that?”
“That doesn’t shock me.” He frowned. “The people around here aren’t exactly the nicest. They don’t really do things like greeting new neighbors.”
“That’s a shame… But at least I have one nice neighbor in you . That makes up for it.” Mustafa shot him a wink. “I should probably go get the ball now -- I’ll catch you later, okay?”
“Okay! I’ll, uh… see you around.”
With that, Mustafa shut the door, and Neville let out a breath that he didn’t even realize that he was holding. Finally, it was over . He had done what needed to be done, and now he could go back home and rub it in Wade’s face.
I didn’t linger at all. Neville thought with a sense of triumph as he went down to the sidewalk. Wade was so sure that I was going to fall head over heels for him within thirty seconds of knowing him. Not even close.
…Still, Neville thought it was a bit strange how he had acted when Mustafa first opened the door. Everything about their conversation was normal with the exception of the beginning. Neville had been completely entranced by him, especially those eyes … What was that all about?
Neville’s moment of contemplation didn’t last very long, as he was interrupted by the gleeful sounds of his daughters, whose ball had just been returned to them. He was overthinking things, as usual. He only felt this way because Wade planted the seeds in his mind.
This was nothing to dwell on.
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a-confused-turtle · 7 years
The Little Avenger
Fandom: Marvel’s Avengers
Request by @sireennotsiren​ “ hi!! I have a request for you! Can I have a fic where the reader is a 14/15 year old kid and shes an avenger? And shes super op like shes invincible and strong and can teleport etc. overall badass but she still this teenage kid? And shes on caps team in cacw and her n bucky just gat along really well? Nothing weird, just good happy friends? And she gets him to open up and stuff? Ik its a lot no pressure, i just wanted to see it! Thanks bb <3″
Words: 900+
Pairing/Characters: None (except BigBrother/Platonic!BuckyxReader), Bucky, mentions of Steve and Tony
Warning: Mention of nightmares? Some slight Bucky angst, but pretty mild tbh.
Author’s Note: So, I really really hope you like it. It’s not terribly long, but I just felt it needn’t be, you know? I didn’t really get to the CACW part of your request, just didn’t really fit in with what I ended up writing. So, it’s a little different. It’s different from a lot of my stuff tbh. I wouldn’t mind continuing this sort of thing, possibly. But, anyway just read it plz... *runs away and hides*
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A little girl, well little by some definitions, tiptoes her way through the silent halls of the early morning. Little in stature as she must stand on a chair, or find other, more creative ways to reach the cereal box in the cabinet. It’s not much of a challenge anymore, not now that she’s discovered what she’s capable of. Maybe all the tall people around her just make her seem smaller, not to mention the severity of their cause and situations could swallow even them whole. What could it do to a short, little teenager?
The others seem to think a lot about this. Even Bucky. The big bad super soldier can’t fathom why she’s already apart of all this, well he can, he just doesn’t want to. It’s easier for him to believe she’s not like him or the other, older Avengers. Just a kid that deserves better, a kid they’re fighting for.
So, when Bucky wanders into the kitchen sure he’ll be alone because no one else would be awake at such a god awful hour, not even Steve for PT, he frowns at you teleporting to a stool, cereal box and milk in hand.
“Good morning!” You grin excitedly upon seeing him, “Do you want some frosted flakes too, Bucky?”
Even the nightmare chasing his sleep away can’t stop the smile forming on his own lips at your excitement. “I’d love some, kiddo. What are you doing up so early?”
In an instant, you’re standing on the other side of the kitchen retrieving another bowl and spoon. And with another blink of Bucky’s eye you’re back in your spot, sliding the milk and cereal box toward the seat next to you. “Just woke up is all, stomach was growling,” you explained brightly as you dug into your cereal unceremoniously.
Bucky didn’t say anything else as he sat down and prepared his own sugary breakfast. His thoughts were too wrapped up in those frightening images that left him tossing and turning in a cold sweat.
“You know what this needs? Strawberries,” you abruptly spoke and completely paused on your half-eaten bowl of cereal. This time you walked over to the fridge and gingerly extracted the fruit’s box from it.
Bucky watched as you carefully examined each strawberry, washed them off, and then proceeded to cut them into smaller pieces. Everything about your process was methodical and almost meaningful, like you were making sure to do it all in the right way.
“My mother used to put strawberries on cereal for me,” you explained after a few moments of silence except for the noise of the sink’s water running and your knife slicing. “It was always a special treat, but then I started asking for them every time I had cereal. They’re my favorite fruit and they always make me feel better. Want some?”
“Sure,” Bucky replied, scrunching his brow.
With another show of excitement you finished, splitting the strawberries between two small bowls you’d conjured from thin air. You took up your post again, crossing your legs on the stool and chowing down, strawberries pieces now peppered throughout your cereal.
“Now what are you doing up so early?”
Swirling his spoon around his bowl, Bucky glanced over at you thoughtfully. “I couldn’t sleep.” He truly hoped you weren’t up for the same reason as him. You were too young for that, you had too much to look forward to and couldn’t be plagued by the awful things he had no way of escaping, awake or not.
“Nightmares?” The word just rolled off your tongue, well, actually bounced through your chewing mouth and out, so easily as if you’d commented on the weather.
The super soldier stopped a moment and just watched your movements. How’d you know? Now, that was probably a stupid question. “Yeah, actually,” he mumbled surprising himself. A better question: Why on earth would Bucky tell you that?
You finally looked over at him, raising your eyebrows. “Well, it’s good I grabbed us some strawberries. We’ll have to watch some cartoons too, those’ll help.” Just like that, you went back to eating. Somehow Bucky had expected you to look at him like some kind of monster, since he’d met you he’d expected that, but instead he was met with this kind, little girl who just understood in her own innocent way.
“That’s not why you’re up are you?”
You shook your head. “I told you, Buck, I was hungry. Still am, actually.”
Silence fell again as you both continued to eat, Bucky a bit slower than you.
“I have had them before though. Everybody gets nightmares, some are worse than others, but leave it to me, I’ll cheer you up. Ohhh, we could play a prank on the others before they wake up. I saw some whipped cream in the fridge! We’ll put it on one of their hands and then tickle their face!”
Bucky chuckled at your excitement and determination. He hoped you didn’t know the reality of nightmares like his, but something twisting in his chest told him not to assume such naivete when it came to you. At the same time though, this was the best he’d ever felt after a nightmare. It usually took him hours to calm himself down fully.
“See, we’re already off to a great start. Of course, we can talk about it if you want, but we don’t have to,” you added sincerely as you peered over at him from over you bowl.
“Thank you, but how about some Tom and Jerry? Is that what you kids are watching these days?”
You grinned back at him. “Tom and Jerry is a classic, good choice. But, first whipped cream!”
Both of you giggled goofily at that. Yes, James Buchanan Barnes giggled, which was practically a miracle.
“Should we go for Tony or Steve?”
You smirked at him. “Both.”
630 notes · View notes
howlingmoonrise · 4 years
Dear Yuletide Author
Hi! Thanks for signing up for Yuletide despite the hell year it’s been, I hope you have fun with your assignment!
I ramble a lot so everything is below the cut. Obviously you don’t have to follow any of this (though I hope you’ll respect my squicks) but hopefully this will help you out!
general things i like
so much pining. all the pining. pining everywhere plz.
continuing from above, PINING. i mean it. i prefer a thousand times over idiots in love who are having a hard time wrapping their minds around it than an already established relationship.
either gen or romantic is fine! what really does it for me is the development of the relationship, platonic or otherwise. it’s all about the growing intimacy and understanding and character dynamics and interactions and developing trust and finding kinship and growing respect for the other and subconsciously learning to lean on the other over anyone else and--
i love love love enemies-to-reluctant-allies-(to-maybe-friends?)-to-lovers and bickering pairs in general! it’s so much fun and it gives us so many opportunities for character and relationship developments okay i’m a slut for that shit
sticking to the original characterizations and the tone of canon is a definite plus!!!
“missing scenes” and “what if” canon-divergent situations are excellent, as are continuations from where canon left us depending on the fandom! more details on the sections for the respective fandoms i GUESS
casual intimacy is super fun, especially when adapted to the character dynamics. a bickering pair being casually comfortable adds a whole new depth to it, enemy dynamics makes is hilarious since the other half would have zero clue as to how to react, a pair that is already comfortable with each other that they do stuff without communicating is so intimate, mix and match however you like!
fun tropes i enjoy (a bit romance-leaning but if you’re not into that then some of these can probably be adapted): fake dating, accidentally got roped into x and shenanigans of all sorts keep happening, misunderstood confessions, groundhog day au, one or both the characters having stupid levels of denial while technically in a relationship and just not realizing it like What Do You Mean We’re Dating??, that sorta thing.
general things i dislike
kidfics. babyfics. next gen fics. pregnancy fics, or even pregnancy discussed in the fic is a major squick of mine. the one exception i make for kidfics is for kids already existent in canon and even then it depends, but no babies or children otherwise please.
future fics/time skips in general, actually. what i enjoy is the relationship development, so huge time skips make me feel like we missed way too much
angst is... mrrmf. it really depends on how it’s done, but usually it feels like it’s angst for the sake of angst instead of giving the fic some actual meat.  as a result of this, i’d pass at least on most content with major character death, sexual abuse, self-harm, gender/sexuality angst, the like. beyond that, feel free to go ahead!
hard AUs are a bit ugh to me. by this i mean AUs that rely heavily on setting, such as high school AUs, harry potter AUs, that sort of thing. i DO however enjoy stuff like soulmate AUs and alternate canon AUs, depending on the concept and on the fandom. more details in their own sections if you enjoy writing those!
i heavily dislike things involving cheating/infidelity, sickfics, and genderbending of any kind is a bit ehhhh for me, as are concepts such as ABO. hard pass on stuff like dysphoria and deep diving into mental illnesses and disorders, too.
script-based or roleplay fic is not really my preferred format, i really enjoy prose instead of nearly all dialogue!
stuff with bigotry in general, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc as well as discussions of it is a pass in general. it’s not a HUGE squick but i’d rather not see it if possible
discussions and thoughts on gender/sexuality. if you’re gonna make them gay/bi/etc, make them gay/bi/etc, no exploration of it added. delving into the psyche of it is a hard pass.
if you’re going for nsfw
moderate sadomasochism, uncommon forms of bondage (plants, stuck with strange substance or in awkward position, the shadows from p&tf as restraints, etc), choking/breathplay, xenophilia and tentacles/alien genitals (shadowplay in p&tf for example), moderate degradation, edging/desperation play, ladies topping and calling the shots, bloodplay/knifeplay, long hair dragging over skin, sharp nails/claws (charlotte la bouff, morticia), lowkey cannibalism imagery and hunger, biting, ladies stepping on body parts with their heels on
scat, vomit, praise kink, daddy/mommy or baby kink, vore, forced feminization, pet play, wound-fucking, abuse, abo, anything involving pregnancy at all
i am 100% aware this is a weird-ass pairing but gods, the possibilities. it has so much potential. there are few things i like quite as much as a villain and a good person developing a strange sort of kinship with each other >u> this doesn’t have to mean a romantic development, if it’s not your thing! as i said, for me it’s the building understanding and reluctant respect that i really love, far more than the actual romance.
ideas, ideas, ideas. i’m aware this is a rare relationship to either portray or ask for, so i’m gonna try to give some more concrete-ish ones for you to build up on if you have no clue as to how to approach this. 
we could have canonverse with charlotte dealing with the shadowman in some other, unrelated matter while the main plot is occurring, making him feel somewhat guilty about the whole marriage plot with laurence-turned-naveen. cue introspection, or even an entirely different outcome.
or a post-canon sort of hades&persephone plot (please no actual hades and persephone au though), with charlotte curious despite herself and tempted to listen to a shadow/dead/whatever!dr facilier when she’s the only one that can hear him.
in a continuation from above, OR her being dragged Beneath with him in a freak accident and then charming him into helping her back to the surface/living world (very, veeeeery reluctantly on his part, at least at the start, he might have even be thinking of tricking her but then change his mind when the time comes to do it).
i think dr facilier wouldn’t be sure how to deal with charlotte’s particular brand of personality and good humour, and it’d throw him off his rhythm a lot - that sort of thing is always super fun to write.
soulmate au in canon would work pretty well, but with this pairing? you could even do a FULL AU, keeping only basic stuff like the shadowman thing to her normal bougie self; it’s one of her charms. (and their personalities, of course). stuff like charlotte thinking that she wants one thing (her prince-slash-one-true-love, etc) while keeping getting drawn to him time and time again could work on pretty much any era or setting. vice-versa for him, thinking he wants to be rid of her but coming to realize he’d actually miss her if she were to be gone. OR, charlotte deciding she wants this sullen manipulative bastard and manipulating HIM into taking her out and hanging out with her would be hilarious.
if you wanna do nsfw, i have only one major request: charlotte calling the shots/topping. i think this arrangement would be in character for both of them (dr facilier would prob also enjoy having someone else do all the work lol) considering her go-getter attitude, but keeping in mind his manipulative personality i’d be more comfortable if she had some control over what was happening. ASIDE FROM THAT, d’you know what would be fun? a little darkness, and by that i mean consider dr facilier’s shadow joining in on the fun. shadows would also be an interesting sort of constraint. also i know i said charlotte calling the shots, but she can be constrained by the shadows while being amused by it or being used to it (implying it’s not the first time that they’ve used it in bed play and that it’s therefore negotiated), or charlotte could team up with the shadow to do it to facilier instead. charlotte using her nails and facilier being a bit of a sub/masochist would be excellent!
(actually in general it’d be really fun if there was some complicity between charlotte and facilier’s shadow in general, nsfw or otherwise. the shadow being wrapped around her little finger is an excellent concept, especially if facilier isn’t too fond of her just yet OwO)
oh boy. let me just begin by saying that this really isn’t my usual kind of pairing, by sheer virtue of them being perfectly happy and established in canon. HOWEVER, they’re goth and they’re odd and they’re kinky and they’re delightful to watch interact (i’m familiar with the movie canon featuring anjelica and raúl and a few (few!) of the comics, so idk about other dynamics) and so they’ve managed to creep their way into my blackened little heart.
THAT BEING SAID, my absolute biggest wish for this fandom would be pre-relationship. i don’t mind if canon is twisted a bit for this, considering that they presumably met and proposed on the very same day, so it’s definitely a bit hard to work with. perhaps some shenanigans with the funeral itself? or gomez has a date/fiancée already and so there’s some juggling of priorities here while he’s absolutely falling over himself in order to continue looking at that gothic vision of a woman? or an old family feud, or them just being downright useless at knowing how to deal with proper romance (on morticia’s side, i’d imagine she’d only grow more stoic and be at a loss of what to say. on gomez’s side, it’s probably his first time being speechless, or he’s not speechless but he’s flirted so much in his life that he doesn’t know what to do with these actual literal feelings, what the hell is this and how does he show he actually means it this time??), or morticia has a long string of dead fiancés black widow-style (i think she and debbie would have gotten along great if given the chance okay), or a soulmate au where they don’t realize it’s each other right away, or morticia amusedly pretends to be dating gomez before they know each other to get him out of a bind, or they’re somehow roped into someone else’s shenanigans and don’t know how to react to each other (my money is on either ophelia or cousin itt putting them in a bind), the sky is the limit!
if you’re more comfortable writing established, however, casual intimacy or smut are the best! give me a moment of respite where they are just comfortable basking in each other’s presence, or when they’re separated for a moment at an event or something and the longing is burning all the way across them until they come back together again (y’know, in the good old way of the script). for smut, morticia being a mostly stoic dom maybe? (though yes, i know she’s very much into being tied up and tortured, i can’t really see her as a normal sub unless it’s really something languid and drawn-out - she doesn’t really read as someone who spends a lot of energy doing things others will do for her). they’re both definitely into pain and bondage too; morticia conflating arousal with hunger would also be really interesting to see (think praying mantis or lady spider who is actually very invested on not taking off her partner’s head, but who dreams of it all the same. gomez is, of course, very much into it). something lowkey macabre would be amazing.
things i’d like to see for this fandom in general are:
morticia being her stoic vampiric goddess of a self
gomez being completely twitterpatted for her as usual
burning sultry glares/staring across the room
overly passionate hand-kissing
creepy/gothic atmosphere
you know, like canon. (with non-existent or minimal kid existence, though)
references to horror stuff/general creepiness like sudden lightning, casual poisonings and dealings with death, dracula references, etc, like the movies would be super fun, as campy as possible! half the greatness of the movies come from these imho
i have a confession to make: it’s been a while since i last read it, and so i fear i won’t be as helpful in giving ideas/dynamics for this fandom as i was in the others. 
i have one request - apart from what i’ve already rambled on about above - and that is for at least polly to be portrayed as female (or close enough, although not quite non-binary). to make it clearer: i usually see them both as female, even if not female-presenting (it’s funny because as i was writing this i actually kept writing about maladict as “he” so frankly it’s whatever, i definitely prefer “maladict” to “maladicta” at least in terms of names though) but chaffing to fit the roles that “female” comes along with, especially with maladict and the expectations for female vampires. i’d rather the fic not have gender or sexuality exploration, since like i said above i think it detracts from the meat of the stuff - if you want to see maladict as male, write him male with male pronouns (keeping the female vampire backstory if you’re keeping it canon, otherwise it wouldn’t really make sense). if you want to make her female, write her female with female pronouns. i’d pass on they/them pronouns though. i don’t particularly care either way outside of polly however, just don’t delve into the psyche/introspection of it please.
if you have different views on their genders and it would make you uncomfortable to write female polly or non-they/them maladict, then that’s fine with me as well! these are just my preferences, and i thought i’d elaborate on them since the fandom has many perspectives on this topic. 
with that out of the way, on to more interesting stuff!
what’s good: their interactions. oh dear loki, their interactions. they have my favourite dynamic in the whole book, and they’re weirdly comfortable with each other (especially since polly lowkey threatens maladict after kicking the other dude in the nads, in my view that moment probably got his undead little heart skipping a beat (do vampires have beating hearts on discworld? i haven’t read enough discworld to remember this)) and they understand each other the best out of the rest of the squad. maladict teasing polly and pretending to be cool before polly catches on to him is absolutely hilarious, and i absolutely love maladict trying (and failing!! horribly!!) at being smooth. also polly blackmailing people left and right is absolutely fantastic.
as you can probably guess, i’d love some canon-verse interactions. perhaps alternate scenes or what-ifs of canon events, or even extra scenes during the ongoing plot of the book. OR, post-book, once they have their own squad of little lads and have to figure out how the hell to handle that, or shenanigans where they have some sort of mission or official event elsewhere and resolutely stick together because “if i have to deal with this then so do you”. or some hilarity with maladict desperately going after every coffee grain available so he doesn’t just bury his face on polly’s neck because she smells so good but that would be an awkward conversation to have and he’d rather die (again) than admit to that. 
what else? AUs! feel free to completely tear apart the canon discworld, though i’d request polly remain her ass-kicking clever self and maladict an awkward vampire. maybe maladict has to deal with diaphanous underwired nightgowns. maybe polly has to deal with diaphanous underwired nightgowns. vampire politics? satirical awkward dracula au? maladict failing horribly at being a vampire (failing at being a female vampire or trying to pass at being a male vampire and failing at that, too)? they’re all great! 
what matters to me is their banter and the way they keep falling into pace with each other, regardless of the way they begin. a good dose of sardonical pratchett-style humour would also be welcome ;)
thank you so much for staying with me this far! i hope you have a grand time this yuletide, and that you enjoy your own requested fic as well!
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The Gradence Trick or Treat Halloween Fest prompts are out! See the ‘Trick’ prompts under the cut (and read the claiming guidelines here):
Anonymous prompters submitted:
Prompt: With the Obscurus somehow removed, Credence is slowly finding his footing in the wizarding world thanks to the help of the Goldsteins and/or Newt. He’s harboring an intense curiosity and fascination for the man whose face and life Grindelwald stole, but the most he can do is watch from a distance and quietly gather what bits of information he can from conversations and rumors. It’s not until MACUSA holds a masquerade ball on Halloween that a masked and costumed Credence is able to bring himself to actually hold an actual conversation with the real Mr. Graves, but instead of sating his curiosity the encounter only makes it worse.
Squicks: No victim-blaming of the real Mr. Graves from Seraphina or the rest of MACUSA please. Also Credence is no longer under threat from the Aurors because the Obscurus is gone.
Maximum Rating: Any rating up to Explicit
Claim number to submit: Trick 1 (2 claims)
Mod note: we now have two claims for fic for this prompt. One more claim for another medium will be accepted, but no more fic claims will be allowed. Thank-you!
Prompt: A newly-rescued Credence is employed at the MACUSA as a consultant - due to his still strong connection with dark powers and his new ability to perceive black magic interferences. On Halloween, he’s sent with a recovering Percival to investigate strange occurrences in a small, suitably creepy town. While there, the boys face fears and feelings.
Squicks: porn, sub!Credence
Maximum Rating: R
Claim number to submit: Trick 2 (1 claim)
Prompt: Aphrodisiac candy. Who makes it? Who (wittingly or unwittingly) eats it? What happens next?
Squicks: Painplay, abuse within the pairing
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Claim number to submit: Trick 3 (1 claim)
@almost-annette​ submitted:
Prompt: Credence is desperate enough to try a supposedly magical ritual he’s heard of (a bit like those “stand in front of the mirror and chant Bloody Mary three times”-rituals) and on Hallowe'en, he does the ritual and asks for help. He’s very surprised when the ritual works and summons a magical being in the form of a very handsome man!
Squicks: De-Aging, Mpreg
Maximum Rating: E
Claim number to submit: Trick 4 (1 claim)
@bundigadi submitted:
Prompt: Dystopian Zombie Apocalypse. Takes place in the future, maybe 2030. Graves lost his daughter when the Virus took over because he failed to make the right decision in time. Bitter and hopeless he fights his way through dystopian Pittsburgh filled with groups of violent survivors and zombies who try to kill him. He is a lone fighter. Suspicious of everyone who comes too close he nearly loses himself in order to survive. He does not share, nor does he help someone. He tries his best to survive but he is in such a bad place that he wouldn’t mind for it all to end. One day after barely escaping a group of zombies, he finds a wounded and malnourished Credence hiding between the debris. He can’t walk (due to a banister rail which pierced his leg) and in panic begs Percival not to leave him alone with the zombies.
Not wanting to leave an other soul who relies on him to die, Percival picks Credence up and brings him to his makeshift shelter in the outskirts of the city. At first he regrets his decision, snaps easily and feels angry that he needs to feed two people now.  As they carry on to make their way to Colorado, he warms up to Credence’s childlike awe for the world. Whereas he has been feeling dead inside for years, Credence still finds joy in life which sets off all of Percival’s protective instincts. The plot twist happens when Credence saves Percival’s life when he is heavily wounded in a shooting. Credence never leaves his side and goes hunting himself until Percival is on his feet again. Before Percival even realises it, he grew too fond of Credence to let him fend for himself and subconsciously sees it is his responsibility to guarantee for Credence’s survival.
Add. them finding out the virus was let loose on purpose
Squicks: No underage, no verbal- physical- or emotional abuse between Percival and Credence, no penetrative sex
Maximum Rating: R
Claim number to submit: Trick 5 (0 claims)
@clockhearted-crocodile submitted:
Prompt: The VVitch AU. Credence as the teenage son of Mary Lou’s Barebone’s witch-fearing Puritan family and Graves as the Devil / a black goat animagus?
Squicks: Er, not much I don’t think. I’m not big on body modification but other than that.
Maximum Rating: Any rating is fine.
Claim number to submit: Trick 6 (3 claims)
Mod note: all spots for this prompt now filled! We won’t be accepting any further claims on this prompt. Thank-you. :)
Prompt: The first signs of obscurial activity start around Halloween. Graves has enough paperwork to deal with, what with all the heightened magical activity in the city thanks to kids home from Ilvermorny overdoing it on the trick-or-treating. At first he thinks the obscurial sightings are just some trick gone mad, until he meets the one responsible.
Squicks: Nothing in particular.
Maximum Rating: Any rating you want, go crazy.
Claim number to submit: Trick 7 (0 claims)
@dailandin submitted:
Prompt: True Blood!AU Credence, a member of the anti-vampire hate group Sons of Salem, unwittingly catches the eye of Percival Graves, the vampire sheriff of Manhattan.
Basically, use this image post as inspiration, although it doesn’t need to be as specific: https://dailandin.tumblr.com/post/157836719085/true-bloodau-the-one-in-which-credence-a-member
Squicks: Underage, water sports
Maximum Rating: Anything goes ;)
Claim number to submit: Trick 8 (1 claim)
@gaskells submitted:
Prompt: Rocky Horror/Fantastic Beasts fusion; It’s a cold and rainy night when newly engaged couple Jacob and Queen find themselves with a flat tire. At around the same time, a leather jacket wearing biker Percival is trying to get a tap dancing Credence out of Dr. Grindelwald’s castle. (preferably with a happy ending, rest of the characters’ counterparts are up to the writer)
Squicks: Anything goes
Maximum Rating: G to NC-17 / Explicit.
Claim number to submit: Trick 9 (1 claim)
@johnnythirteenguns​ submitted:
Prompt: Credence has been suffering from headaches that keep worsening. Graves is the barber who’s been bleeding him every so often to try and treat them. When all of the available treatments fail to have any long-standing positive effect Mary Lou becomes convinced that Credence’s debilitating headaches are being caused by a demon. Credence is maybe also convinced of this.
Squicks: I’d prefer not to have really obvious, really awful and annoying power play between Graves and Credence, and no D/s
Maximum Rating: Honestly, if it’s gore and horror, there’s no upper limit. If it’s sex, unless it’s like… there’s only one writer whose sex scenes I like. Just keep sexual activity to a G or PG description.
Claim number to submit: Trick 10 (0 claims)
@meremeduse submitted:
Prompt: Percival Graves is a serial killer who picks up “teenage” runaway Credence Barebone thinking of him as an easy pickings. But Credence isn’t a teen and he’s not running from his family — he’s running from the law after killing his mother, his sister, and maybe a couple other people who got in his way.
Squicks: n/a — go nuts if you want!
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Claim number to submit: Trick 11 (2 claims)
Mod note: we now have two claims for fic for this prompt. One more claim for another medium will be accepted, but no more fic claims will be allowed. Thank-you!
Prompt: Credence and Graves meet at a masquerade party and though neither recognizes the other with their masks in place, they feel drawn together — even connected.
Squicks: Please don’t make Credence under the age of 20 and don’t make him cry or bleed (more than a papercut). And please no Grindelwald!
Maximum Rating: You can go full NC-17 if you want.
Claim number to submit: Trick 12 (2 claims)
Mod note: we now have two claims for fic for this prompt. One more claim for another medium will be accepted, but no more fic claims will be allowed. Thank-you!
Prompt: Credence Barebone is a cursed man. He only has a human form during Samhain, when the season shifts into dark times, and spends the rest of his days as a horrible monster made of darkness and smoke. But this year, while he has a man’s body, Credence meets someone: Percival Graves.
Squicks: Man, don’t let me hold you back.
Maximum Rating: Go as explicit as you want.
Claim number to submit: Trick 13 (1 claim)
@nettlekettle submitted:
Prompt: Credence dresses up as someone entirely different to himself for Hallowe'en (drag optional). The freedom of being someone else allows him to finally act on his desires for Graves - but Graves just wants Credence as Credence.
Squicks: Any case of mistaken identity? I’d like Graves to know that it’s Credence in a costume who’s approaching him. Any acts of physical violence, that kinda thing…Credence under 21.
Maximum Rating: G to NC-17.
Claim number to submit: Trick 14 (1 claim)
Prompt: Following the events of Fantastic Beasts, one of the pair is dead (Graves or Credence - it’s up to you!) and one is alive, slowly recovering & readjusting to the world (again, up to you who!). The living wizard (Credence or Graves) and the ghost (Credence or Graves) meet and fall in love with each other. (Tingly ghostly kisses encouraged! <3) On Hallowe'en - when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is thinnest - the ghost becomes corporeal again for one night…
Squicks: Suicide/suicidal thoughts, self-harm, Credence under 20 years of age, ABO dynamics, incest, pregnancy, toys, ZOMBIES (no zombies or rotting bodies plz!)
Maximum Rating: G to NC-17.
Claim number to submit: Trick 15 (2 claims)
Mod note: we now have two claims for fic for this prompt. One more claim for another medium will be accepted, but no more fic claims will be allowed. Thank-you!
@pineapplebread​ submitted:
Prompt: Southwestern Gothic AU. Witchboy!Credence and Preacher!Graves
Graves is a small town preacher who doesn’t believe in God anymore after a demon wore his face and massacred his congregation. The only thing that keeps him going is the thought of revenge and salvation when he goes on a cross-country hunt to find and slay the demon that took everything away from him. Somewhere along the borders of Mississippi and Louisiana, he finds a boy whose family was slaughtered by that same demon, the only survivor of his small town. Graves doesn’t know why the demon spared Credence, nor does he know why Credence now bears the marks of the creature on his skin, but there’s clearly more to the boy than meets the eye.
Squicks: watersports, scat, BDSM, dubcon, bottom Graves
Maximum Rating: NC-17. Go crazy! I’m all here for gore and porn (please!!!)
Claim number to submit: Trick 16 (1 claim)
@soughs​ submitted:
Prompt: Modern AU. Credence moves into a house in the province (with or w/o his family). He likes how peaceful the place is, but something seems to be off about the yew tree outside his window. Step by step, through old letters and photographs and some research in the local library, he gets to know the story of the man who lived there before. The day he finds out the name of the previous house owner, Percival’s ghost appears in his room. They fall for each other even though they both know it’s an impossible love.
Squicks: -
Maximum Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Claim number to submit: Trick 17 (1 claim)
@sozdanie-gryazi-eternal submitted:
Prompt: Stranger Things AU
however you may like it, but there could easily be an ensemble version with the main 4 as Tina, Queenie, Percy, Newt, and our ‘11′ Credence. Jacob owns the diner with the waffles, and the sheriff is Dumbledore. The scientists are Grindelwald and Piquery is the director of the experiments, with the sheriff having a past history with Grindelwald, naturally, anything could happen. the kids stick together and protect their own, and there’s all sorts of shenanigans.
Squicks: violence/gore (and your mods gently remind no characters under 16 in sexual situations)
Maximum rating: T probably
Claim number to submit: Trick 18 (0 claims)
Prompt: Professor Graves and Undergrad Credence, meet (outside the classroom, and sparks fly) at a Halloween party which Cre’s reluctantly snuck into, on a dare. Professor Graves is not a costume person, so he went with the minimal effort, fake fangs and a smudge of ketchup on his chin for blood. Cre has to wear a mask. everything else up to the writer!
Squicks: the usual.
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Claim number to submit: Trick 19 (1 claim)
Prompt: San Junipero Halloween Party AU
Credence has been attending parties through the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, before he spots the handsome man playing DJ at the 80’s disco club, dressed like a stuffy businessman. He’s not usually one to approach anyone, but he’s also never spoken to anyone since his wife died ten years back (in the real world). when they finally make contact, its a magical night, and he doesn’t see Graves again for about 5 weeks. In the real world, Graves has been paralyzed since being shot in the line of duty (as a cop) and was given the option to join San Junipero upon recommendation as an award for services rendered. whereas Credence got married out of law school, and ended up retiring and choosing it, since he’d not gotten a chance to go with his wife, angst and hes sad until he’d met Graves. etc, eventually Credence has to propose, to save Graves from losing out, when the funding for his ‘retirement’ runs out. his medical care is also part of whats so expensive. etc etc happy ending!
Squicks:  knifeplay/violence
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Claim number to submit: Trick 20 (0 claims)
Prompt: after seeing some amazing gifs from the upcoming movie, and remembering it takes place in the fall, I’d love to see a wrinkle in time AU, maybe with the whole gang around the same age, up to things, with the 3 witches anyone who would work.
Squicks: n/a
Maximum Rating: T likely
Claim number to submit: Trick 21 (0 claims)
Prompt: Crimson Peak AU w/a twist
Lord Barebone is quiet, shy and of a gentle demeanor, but writes dark horror mysteries in his spare time. Hoping to get a publisher for his book and a chance at escaping his awful home, he accepts a spur of the moment offer to wed the mysterious Mr. Graves, who lives in a home perched atop blood red clay, and is rumored to have killed his wife.
Squicks: actual bloodplay/knifeplay, violence/gore
Maximum Rating: NC-17 (this is me, c'mon hah)
Claim number to submit: Trick 22a (0 claims)
Coincidentally, an Anonymous prompter also submitted:
Prompt: a Crimson Peak AU (I know it’s not really a halloween movie but it has halloween vibes & aesthetic) where Graves is Thomas Sharpe and Credence is Edith, and the plot is basiclly like in the movie, and Grindenwald is Lucille Sharpe. Of course you can adapt the plot and everything to suit the characters, you can do whatever you like with this prompt :)
Squicks: please don’t focus too much on the grindenwald/graves part, I’d like to keep it only as a past relationship (or only implied, like in the film) since the main focus is graves/credence. Or if you like you can decide not to include it at all, it’s up to you
Maximum rating: anything from G to M
Claim number to submit: Trick 22b (0 claims)
Mods would accept fillers amalgamating these prompts! Please specify in your submission form if you are/aren’t!
@unicornmagic submitted:
Prompt: What if Credence didn’t survive the Aurors’ attack at the end of the film, but comes back as a ghost due to “unfinished business”? And Graves, now freed from Grindelwald’s captivity, finds himself literally haunted? (“Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.”)
Squicks: Noncon, painplay, abuse within the main pairing.
Maximum Rating: NC-17. By all means do what feels right for the work.
Claim number to submit: Trick 23 (0 claims)
@wanderingnork submitted:
Prompt: For a “trick”, a thoughtless wizard sets a boggart loose at the MACUSA Halloween Masquerade. It’s almost impossible to catch as it changes its shape amid the nightmarish costumes thronging the halls. Though the task of hunting it down falls to Graves, Credence is not just going to let him run off alone. But both men have an awful lot of fears in their past, and if there’s one thing that lays such secrets bare, it’s a boggart…
Squicks: None.
Maximum Rating: M.
Claim number to submit: Trick 24 (1 claim)
Prompt: Cursed supernatural artifacts–mirrors, dolls, videotapes, and so on–are staples of horror fiction. The leading men encounter one such object and suffer the consequences.
Squicks: None.
Maximum Rating: M.
Claim number to submit: Trick 25 (1 claim)
@wintergravebone submitted:
Prompt: Credence is a troubled highschool student trying to fit in with the alt kids by tagging along on Halloween, terrorizing the neighborhood and getting trashed. They have the misfortune of targeting Graves’ house, get caught, and bail–leaving Credence behind, intoxicated and terribly vulnerable/obnoxiously uninhibited. Graves is not great with teenagers.
Squicks: watersports, bottom Graves
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Claim number to submit: Trick 26 (0 claims) 
Prompt: anonymous sex at a Halloween masquerade party. Surprise incest optional.
Squicks: bottom Percival Graves
Maximum Rating: NC17
Claim number to submit: Trick 27 (0 claims)
Prompt: Credence goes to a rave on Halloween and runs into Graves, a dealer. Shortly after, Credence is rolling hard (on whatever) and everything feels good and Graves is the kindest, funniest, most beautiful person he has ever met and he cant get enough of his big hands or his mouth or his teeth. Credence gets a little sloppy and dehydrated and overheated while dancing and the costumes start to freak him out; Graves finds him after making his rounds, they go home, and Graves very sweetly helps him come down, feeding him ice chips, letting him chew them and suck them from his fingers, pushing them in his hole one after the other, and touches every inch of his body he can reach, inside and out. Technically dubcon for altered state vs ability to consent.
Squicks: none
Maximum Rating: NC17
Claim number to submit: Trick 28 (1 claim)
Prompt: Graves and Credence can only see each other on Halloween each year, when the portal between the world of the living and the dead opens for one night and ghosts can move freely back and forth. They’ve had an ongoing date in the years since they joined different worlds and each year, one gets older, changing in increments, while the other stays the same. Why do they keep doing this? What is there to do about it? When will it stop (because it must eventually)?
Squick: none
Max rating: M
Claim number to submit: Trick 29 (0 claims)
Prompt: Graves rents out his pet once a year, letting men with masks queue up to fuck him bareback in every hole. After they’re done, he clears the room and fucks their cum out of him, reclaiming his precious little pet, telling him he did so well and watching mesmerized as Credence’s sloppy gaping hole gets semen all over his dick.
Squick: none
Max rating: NC17
Claim number to submit: Trick 30 (1 claim)
Your mod @gothyringwald would humbly like to add:
Prompt: spending the night in a haunted house
Squicks: daddy kink, feminisation, watersports/scat, ABO, mpreg, underage, bottom Graves, incest, unhappy endings
Maximum Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Claim number to submit: Trick 31 (1 claim)
Prompt: Victorian AU. Credence is a medium/spiritualist. Graves is a sceptic.
Squicks: daddy kink, feminisation, watersports/scat, ABO, mpreg, underage, bottom Graves, incest, unhappy endings
Maximum Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Claim number to submit: Trick 32 (2 claims)
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