#plz help this boy
finnylemon · 4 months
🥚John Dory and the Lonely Egg - Part 2💕
Sequel to this post 👈❗️
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Whatttt Finny drawing trolls angst no wayyyy
The night they returned to Grandma Rosiepuff for good is certainly not one any of the boys will forget. The thunderstorms, the terrifying uncertainty, it all made our four boys petrified of what was to come.
Although John could barely comprehend himself what exactly was going on, there was one thing different. They now had a tiny life on their hands, and no matter what they wanted that little egg was going to need help. And John could NOT let his brothers know, no matter what. He had to keep them calm, and safe, no matter how scared they all were.
After everyone else close to John turns on him, he's left with no other option but to leave his parent's home and seek out their Grandmother, whom they would occasionally visit on holidays.
After losing their mother (who as far as John knew, was not even aware of Branch's existence based on the time of her passing) their father mysteriously dissappears after falling victim to his grief and leaves behind a small, insignificant blue egg. Only a poorly written letter was found as an apology to John for a lifetime of plight.
Grandma Rosiepuff knows her daughters death was difficult on her immediate family, but did not think it would go this far. As an otherworldly promise to her tragically lost daughter, Grandma Rosiepuff takes in the five children, being their last living relative from the tragedy that was the Troll Tree.
AHHHH Holy shit I love drawing trolls angst THEMMM POOR JOHN this is all purely my own headcanon BTW! I designed Grandma Rosiepuff to look a bit like Rose from Steven Universe. She has that vibe it's very fitting. The trolls universe is so like masking of the actual issues in the first movie its insane??? Yay everyone's happy but we totally weren't being held captive for who knows how long but that's just life :D and Rosiepuff would just be used to it, as sad as that is. "Of course my family" she's probably thinking. Their might be some sort of lingering curse around their blood. They might just be a doomed race. WHO KNOWS!
Lore for the memoir AU
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rayllurn · 11 months
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"we are, all of us, stardust held together by love for an instant"
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omg I need more johnnie please🙏🙏
of course pookie😈
For the sake of this fic, lets say u live with Tara and your lives are pretty similar. just go with the flo bbg😼
You're at home editing a video for your channel when you get a call from Johnnie. "Hello?" You answer your phone and put it on speaker, your attention focusing back on your computer screen.
"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with me today? I'd be vlogging." He asks. "Yeah sure. I need to finish editing this video though. It won't take long but if you want to head over here you can." You say.
"Sounds good. See you in a bit." He says. "Ok byee." You hang-up and turn your phone off. You were pretty excited to see Johnnie, you liked him, how could you not? But you weren't sure if he liked you.
You sigh at your thoughts and continue editing. This new video for your channel was something you had filmed with Jake and Tara, you two girls had him do what the two if you would do in a day.
Tara comes into your room. "Can I borrow a top?" She asks, already heading towards your closet. "Yeah go for it. Johnnie's gonna be here in a bit by the way." You say.
"Ooo." You look up to see her big smile. "Shut up." You laugh. There was a knock on the door. " Can you get that please? Im so close to being done with this." You turn your attention back to the computer as Tara agrees and goes to get the door.
"Almost done I swear." You say as Johnnie walks in your room. "Take your time." He sits down next to you, watching as your eyes move across the screen. You finish and close your computer with a sigh. "What should I wear?" You stand up and walk to your closet.
"Is it hot out?" You ask, looking through shirts. "I mean kinda but the temp is always high in LA, so." Johnnie says. You look to him with annoyed face as he scrolls on his phone. He catches your gaze. "Just wear what you normally wear." He says. "Well yeah but like what shirt, what shorts, what shoes and accessories? Not to mention i still need to do makeup." You say facing your closet again.
You hear Johnnie get up and stand next to you. He flips through your shirts, picking one out and then opening the drawer of your dresser and grabbing a pair of shorts that surprisingly match. He walks over to the little desk where all your accessories are. He picks one of the chains you got from his shop and two others. He then grabs a pair of earrings you once mentioned were your favorite.
He sits everything on your bed. "I'll be waiting on the couch." He walks out and closes the door behind him. You laugh quietly to yourself and change, along with doing your makeup. You check yourself in the mirror, this outfit now one of your favorites.
You walk out of your room, walking the familiar halls while on your phone. "Ready?" Johnnie asks. "Yes. What do you think?" You do a little spin, earning a small smile from Johnnie. "It looks good. I would've try and make you look bad." He playfully rolls his eyes as he stands up.
"We're taking my car." You say. "Okay." Johnnie turns on his camera and follows you out the door. He's talking as you climb in and turn it on. "We're getting Starbucks." You say. "Do i have a say in anything today?" Johnnie playfully says. "Nope." you smile as you make your way to the coffee shop. "Do you want anything?" You ask as you pull up to the driveway.
"Not really no." He says. "You sure?" You glance to him. "Yeah." You turn back as you pull up to the speaker. "Hi, can i please get a (your order) and a venti iced water?" You get told the price. "What's the water for?" Johnnie asks. "It's for you." You say handing your card to the person at the window.
"Why?" You hear the smile in his voice. "Cause I wanted to get you something." Once you got your drink you pulled out. "Y/n just bought me a water even though emos dont drink water." Johnnie says to his camera. "Emo or not you should stay hydrated." You quickly smile at his camera before looking back to the road.
"Where we going?" You asked as you pulled up to a stoplight. "We could go to the mall?" Johnnie says. "Good idea." Your phone was playing music when one of Johnnie's songs came on. During this moment Johnnie was also talking about something to his camera.
You were singing along, not really paying attention to anything but the road. "You know the lyrics to my song?" Johnnie asks. "Of course I do! Your music is my favorite." You say arriving at the mall. "Really?"
"Yes Johnnie. I'm pretty sure I know almost all of your songs. Number one fan." You laugh lightly at the end of your sentence. "Let's go spend unnecessary money." You climb out and walk along with Johnnie. "Where to first?" He asks. "Uhm, Let's go to Spencer's I need a new shot glass." You say.
"Just a shot glass?"Johnnie says, laughing. "Maybe, I don't know." You smile at him as you make your way to the shop. You walk in and head towards the glasses. Johnnie walks off, looking at shirts.
You have a glass in your hand and you're looking at mugs when you feel a tap on your shoulder. "Hi?" You turn to a man. "Hello, I just wanted to say you're very pretty and I was wondering if I could take you out." He looked like the kinda guy that would leave you at the movies with the excuse of having to use the bathroom.
"Thank you, but I'm not interested." You smile and try to move past him to get to Johnnie. "Why not?" He grabs your arm, stopping you. "I'm not interested in you, please leave me alone." You pull your arn out of his grip with a tug.
"God you're such a bitch." He mumbles. "Fuck off Jackass." You say back. He turns around quickly facing you. "What'd you just call me?" He says. "You heard me." You're a bit shorter then the guy, but if he took of the shoes you'd be about the same height.
"Don't fucking talk to me like that whore." He says. "Oh I'm the whore? You look like you have at least a couple girlfriends and a side hoe for each one." You see a ringed hand on the guys shoulder pull him back.
"Back off man." You hear Johnnie's voice. "Is this your bitch? Get control of her." The scoffs and walks off. "What dick." You scoff. "Here I'll pay." You grab the two pairs of sunglasses in Johnnie's hand. You're already at the register before he can protest.
You noticed Johnnie stayed closer to you after the encounter. You walk through a couple more stores, picking out a couple pieces of clothing here and there.
You decided to stop by barnes and nobles to see if anything had caught your interest. You were glancing through pages of different romance books(😏) when Johnnie cane back from a different section. He was reading over your shoulder. "You read this kinda stuff?" He whispers, his face close to your ear. "Some of it's not terrible. I like the ones where the guy isn't like a complete over powering dude. Y'know like the simp kinda guys who do anything the girl of his interest wants." You glance to him, your faces inches apart.
"Anything?" He whispers. "Anything." You smile and move away, setting the book that was previously in your hands back on the shelf. After a couple more minutes of browsing you have two books and start to walk to checkout. Suddenly, the two books are snatched from your hands, and Johnnie checks out.
You walk up to him as your books are being put into a bag and handed back to Johnnie. "Here you go." You take the bag and roll your eyes, its a well known fact between all your friends that you hate when people pay for you. You don't want to waste their money. "I could've bought it myself." You say. "I know. But you didn't so." The two of you make your way out the mall and back to your car.
Once you make it back to your house, you carry your bags in and plop then on the floor. "You mind of I take a shower?" You ask. "No go for it." Johnnie shoves off his shoes and plops on your bed. "Make yourself comfy." You laugh. He smiles and turns on his phone as you make your way to the bathroom. While your in the shower Tara walks in to your room.
"So did you have fun?" She asks sitting at the end of the bed. "Yeah lots. we got some clothes and she got some books." Johnnie says. "Have you made a move yet?" Tara asks with a smile. Johnnie glances up from his phone to the girl. "No." His eyes move back as Tara rolls her. "C'mon on Johnnie." He was about to protest but the shower turned off and the bathroom door was opened. Tara quickly grabbed something off your vanity as you walked out.
"Borrowing this pallet for a sec." She says as she walks out and you walk in. "Okay." Johnnie looks up to see you wrapped in your pink towel, walking towards your clothing bags. You pull out one of your new hoodies and you walk to your dresser to find the rest of whatever you want to wear.
After getting dressed you decide to put on a little perfume to help with the new clothes smell. "Which one?" You hold up two bottles, asking for johnnie's opinion. "I don't know." You walk towards him and hand him the bottles. "Pick your favorite." He sets his phone down as he smells the two. "This one." He hands you it, along with the other.
You spray the one he picked, leaving the other bottle someplace you'll forget. Grabbing one of your two books you lay down on your stomach next to Johnnie and open it up, starting to read. The longer you read, the more caught up you get in it. You don't notice the long glances stolen, once again admiring the way your eyes focus.
"You're staring." Neither of you heard Tara sneak up to the doorway. You look up confused as she smiles. "Anyways I'm going out with Jake. See y'all later." She closes the door as she leaves. "How's the book so far?" Johnnie asks. "It's amazing. I'm loving the guy so far." You say, quickly looking up. "What's he like?"
"A lot like what I explained in the store, but he's also just a tad bit cocky." You say. "Really?" "Yeah, like he has this bit of confidence around the main character but she can make him like melt in seconds." Your attention is focused back on the book.
Couple minutes later your phone dings.
so what yall gonna do??
quit it omg. nothing.
nothing yet you mean?😏
we'll see😝
You smile as you set your phone down. "Who's that?" Johnnie asks. "Tara." you say. "What's she talking about?" "Mind your business mr. nosey." You laugh. "My bad." He smiles. "What all have you gotten for your vlog?" You ask, grabbing the flattest object on your nightstand to use as a bookmark.
"Not a lot." He says. "Wanna do something?" You ask. "Like what?" He says. "I have an idea. C'mere." You stand up and head to the kitchen, hearing johnnie follow not to far behind.
You make it to the fridge and stand on your tip toes, grabbing the binder on top. You turn to face him. "Let's bake something!" You smile as you open the binder, looking through the pages. You don't notice the smile on his face, taking place watching you happily look through all the recipes you collected over time.
"Muffins?" You ask looking up to him. "Yeah sure. Let me grab my camera." He walks off as you grab the ingredients and set them out. "Me and y/n are gonna make muffins, i dont know what kind." Johnnie talks to the camera as he sets it up.
"Blueberry." You say. "Can you grab the red bowl from the bottom cupboard please?" You ask grabbing measuring cups. "Yeah sure."
"Would it be ok if i streamed on twitch? I haven't been on in a minute." You say. "Yeah go for it."
After you get everything set up you start the stream, waiting for people to join. "Hi guys! I know i haven't been on in a minute but I'm here with Johnnie and we're making muffins!" You smile.
"She has a shit ton of recipes and she chose muffins." Johnnie says. "You agreed so we're doing muffins i dont care what you say." You grab bowl and the flour, checking how much. "One and a fourth? Do i even have a fourth cup?" You rummage through your measuring cups. "Surprise I do!" You walk back over to the bowl. "Here mix the dry ingredients and I'll mix the wet ones."
"I need music." You say halfway through pouring milk into a large measuring glass. "Alexa play playlist one." You say. Music starts up, filling the silence. You walk over to check the chat.
xxx.johnnie- Are you guys together?
emmobarbie- i love this song tbh
blusws.hgs- @ xxx.johnnie no but they def should be
xxx.johnnie- @ blusws.hgs they definitely like eachother i can sense the tension from here and I'm in the UK
darndestthing- @ xxx.johnnie NO FR
"Someone asked if we're a couple." You say with a small laugh. "Did they?" You hear him say from somewhere behind you. "Yeah. Another person responded saying no but they def should be." You say, looking back to him.
"Should we be a couple guys?" You ask looking through chat.
kornonthekob- i literally thought they already were and just didn't say anything 😭
blusws.hgs- @ jakesdietcoke THEY WOULD ONGG
xxx.johnnie- @ kornonthekob me too😭
darndestthing- i think id combust if they became a couple
emmobarbie- @ darndestthing like in a good way?😥
jakesdietcoke- @ darndestthing real honestly
darndestthing- @ emmobarbie yes😭
"Everyone says yes." You say, moving back to mixing your ingredients. "You got the dry mixed?" You ask. "Yeah." You walk over to him, pouring the wet mixture on the dry. "Mix that while I get the blueberries." You say. "Yes ma'am." Johnnie says with a smile. You laugh and make your way to the freezer, remembering to turn on the oven. As you grab the bag of frozen blueberries, someone donates and sends a message.
"darndestthing donated $3.33, you guys honestly are so cute together, i wanted to ask if you could pose for a screenshot? you guys are my fav love you!" You set the bag on the counter. "Thank you! We love you too. C'mere." You drag Johnnie closer to the camera. "Do a hand heart with me." You hold your hands together, making a heart and posing for a screenshot.
"Hope that was good." You say. As you start folding the blueberries in the batter, Johnnie is grabbing a pan and the song he did with jake and scuff comes on. "Oh I love this song. Alexa turn up." You say, immediately singing along with the beginning vocals.
"Didn't we listen to this this morning?" Johnnie asks as he sets the muffin tin on the oven. "Yes it's literally one of my favs." (this is me talking i actually love this song sm go listen to cut me clean if u haven't alr😝)
Johnnie walks over to check chat as you place muffin liners in the pan.
kornonthekob- emos r so hot
emmobarbie- like i was nothing in the first place😝
hannahmay33- she literally only likes the song to get closer to him.
blusws.hgs- @ hannahmay33 girl what💀
xxx.johnnie- @ blusws.hgs is she being fr?💀😭
blusws.hgs- @ xxx.johnnie i hope not
hannahmay33- She's pretending to be close to him so she can date him and use him for clout.
kornonthekob- @ hannahmay33 NAHHH💀
jakesdietcoke- @ y/nl/ntherealest u seein this?
emmobarbie- @ hannahmay33 fake fan‼️‼️
hannahmay33- @ emmobarbie how am i a fake fan?
emmobarbie- @ hannahmay33 bc if u were a real fan and actually watched them you would know they've been friends forever. ur not johnnies gf so quit💀
jakesdietcoke- @ emmobarbie OHHHHHH🗣️🗣️🗣️
kornonthekob- @emmobarbie DEVOURED
"Theres a lil argument going on, someone mentioned you." Johnnie says. "Bro." You walk over reading all the comments. "Jesus hannah may wtf crawled up your ass." You laugh. "I'm not using Johnnie for clout, I've known him since he was ten get over yourself. kornonthekob you're so right emos are hot."
You watched Johnnies reaction on the screen, not turning around. He whipped his head with an eyebrow raised. "What'd you say?" He asks as you turn back around. "I said emos are hot." You say grabbing the bowl with the batter. "Really?" He says. "Yeah." You start putting batter in the tins. "Yes that includes you." You said before he could speak.
You hide your smile as he turns the camera. Once the muffins are in the oven, you start cleaning up. Your putting away the last of the stuff when Johnnie comes back out with the sunglasses.
"I picked out matching ones." He says handing you a pair. "Oh fuck yeah!" You put them on. "Wait put your back to mine and cross your arms. "Cool kids who?" You say. "Somebody screenshot that and send it to me you say.
Your dancing around the kitchen to the music playing as Johnnie reads chat.
blusws.hgs- oo she a dancer fr😝
emmobarbie- johnnie thoughts on hannah may?
jakesdietcoke- GET IT GIRL‼️‼️
kornonthekob- just accidentally ate vaseline
darndestthing- @ kornonthekob we all have our moments
blusws.hgs- @ emmobarbie shes obvi his gf
"My thoughts on hannah may? if anything I'd be using y/n for clout she has more of a following. and quit acting like my girlfriend." Johnnie says.
"Yeah he has a girlfriend already." You say moving next to him. "I do?" He says looking to you. "Yeah." You say. "Who?" He looks to the screen then back to you, visibility confused.
You kiss him, quick but sensible. "Me." You turn back and continue dancing as Call me maybe plays. He looks back to the screen, shocked.
xxx.johnnie- OMG??
blusws.hgs- NO WAY
darndestthing- IM COMBUSTING WHAT
kornonthekob- WOOOOOOO
emmobarbie- @ darndestthing LMAO QUITTT BUT ME TOO
xxx.johnnie- WHOOP NEW COUPLE ALERT‼️‼️
jakesdietcoke- IM ASTONISHED
blusws.hgs- @ xxx johnnie WHOOP‼️‼️‼️‼️
Johnnie moves to you, his hands finding your waist and pulling you closer, stopping your dancing.
emmobarbie- OH???
kornonthekob- WHEN IS IT MY TURNN😩
jakesdietcoke- is this a dream? am i dreaming rn
blusws.hgs- @ jakesdietcoke nope
His lips connect with yours, your hands holding his face as he kisses you, not intensely but you don't want to stop. The timer for the muffins rang, and you pulled away, looking at him. You kiss him once more before going to pull them out. "Oo these muffins look good." You say. You turn the oven off.
You walk over to check chat.
emmobarbie- @ hannahmay33 SUCK ON THAT
jakesdietcoke- @ emmobarbie LMAOAOAOA
blusws.hgs- please i cant w this chat😭
kornonthekob- was the kiss good?😏
emmobarbie- @ kornonthekob 😭😭😭
"kornonthekob yes it was thank you for asking." You laugh. "Ok im impatient im eating one now." You grab one and bite into it, doing the thing when somethings just a little too hot. "These are so good." You say, taking another bite. "Are they?" Johnnie asks. "Yes. we're basically bakers." You smile.
Eventually you end stream, and you're sitting back on your bed with Johnnie, his arm around you as you're watching a movie. You feel Johnnies hand lightly touch your jaw, moving your face to look at him. His lips meet yours, what was slow kisses, turned into a faster pace.
You pull away for a second, looking at his features in the dim light. "Who knew you were such a good kisser?" You say. "I practice with my shower wall." He says, earning a laugh out of you. You kiss him once more before turning back to the tv.
You end up falling asleep on him, sleeping through the night in his arms. Tara found the two of you still wrapped up in eachother the next morning and decided to leave you alone, but not before she got a good picture.
what up 😛
lmk if u enjoyed 😣
i think this is the longest thing ive posted
don't be afraid to send in requests ‼️‼️
peace out luvas 🤸🤸
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xjordyleighx · 8 months
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I'm so fucking proud of this piece 😭 I've never loved something I created so much you guys
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ppoppinkk · 1 month
my mom took my phone and now im posting from my flip phone burner and i kinda feel like that dorothy chick on twitter tweeting from her fucking fridge lol
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kingpreciouswrld · 3 months
Alright suckers, I got something written down for a LAW x Reader fic where you're friends with one of Lisa's youngest (won't be real names tho, that's a bit too personal for my liking) and I'm thinking bout something with Janitor Reader x Melissa but I need ideas!! For both fics ideally but if y'all got any ideas for either or, let a bitch know!!! (It's me, I'm the bitch)
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ineedsomesleep · 5 months
Niko and edwin's friendship is everything to me😭
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sweetlemongrove · 1 year
Does anyone have a list of all the Shaw Pack members, including the minor ones?
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toxicdogs · 8 months
Commissions for cats vet bills!
Hello! I really need help paying for my cats vet costs, his name is Dewi, he is my sweet boy and he is having severe bladder issues due to stress. We just lost one of our cats two weeks ago, I literally cannot take losing this boy as well.
I unfortunately just had to empty my bank account to pay for his treatment yesterday which saved his life. But he's having to go back in today bc he can't pass any liquids still. So I am opening my commission at a discount! My prices are below, but if they are too expensive or you'd like something cheaper, please contact me! I also have a ko-fi.
If you know anyone who would like a character portrait or commission please share it around! All boosts and shares help a ton!
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Some examples of my work below!
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+ this is Dewi <3
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40 notes · View notes
Alan screams Gentle dom energy to me and no one can change my mind about that.😌
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if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with fall out boy brain rot due to exposure to pete wentz, you may be entitled to financial compensation
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s-m-meek · 1 year
Im so bad at drawing animals, but here’s Jeff and Smile ;-;
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songbirdzmoon · 7 months
Someone give me fluffy, minor angst, Jegulus fics plz!!!
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tearueful · 7 months
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Via homelanderbot on Twitter [x]
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Vanity Fair Article
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porrkksoda · 7 months
ok whenever i post fob art i tag it as fanart & i always have people in my reblogs going FANART???? but i don’t understand why 😞 like im a fan… who is drawing art…. i did not grow up in like fandoms so maybe thats why im confused but if someone could explain it to me or tell me what i should be tagging it as instead that would be so appreciated 🩷
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terresdebrume · 3 months
Anyway, there's a power outage and I don't want to get out of my PJs to go out or anything, anyone wanna send me prompts for 5 sentence microfic? It can but doesn't have to be related to the series I'm working on
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