#podcast concept
jouxlskaard · 1 month
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turns out I would.
this post marks my movement away from tma-only content into a bigger variety of stuff, which is honestly well overdue at this point. i said i'd do art for lots of different media and fandoms and then i never actually did it oops
also, please take the time to actually read that pitch! it's something i've been working on for a hot minute and i'm thinking of releasing stuff to do with it, so if y'all can have a read and let me know if it's something you'd be interested in listening to then that'd be great. it's very dear to me!
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krabkrab-wontshutup · 2 years
Podcast concept
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13-0Y (Or Marcus) and Jesse
Marcus is a robot and Jesse is autistic
Theyre dealing with a zombie apocalypse
if it were live action i’d want Joe Keery to play jesse and Celeste O’Connor to play Marcus and thats all i’m saying on that
Marcus is a rebel robot who was going to be destroyed by LifeCycle for being “defective” (aka having to strong emotions™️)
he’d meet jesse probably around three episodes in, and Jesse, until he learns that Marcus is a robot(which doesnt happen for a while), thinks theyre both just autistic
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bennyboybenniest · 28 days
Guess whose cracked open Magnus archives
Not sure if this is the best thing for my art block or the worst thing for projects :|
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He’s sweaty I like him ^
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*throws up crying sobbing pissing shitting wailing and flailing*
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Love the emotional support lesbians, (Daisys voice got me down bad the most tho, it was so set apart and monotone-)
Designs will def differ cuz.. im eating up all of the fan art and screaming about differing things so yippie yippie!! :D
Old men are next :)c
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rosekasa · 6 months
i think what i adore about ladynoir beyond high school age (18 and over) is the opportunity it leaves for some of the most DELICIOUS best friends to lovers scenarios. because, like, two people who've been fighting side by side for years? who've known each other long enough to make jokes about it, haha remember when we were fourteen and you-- we AGREED to never speak of it!!!! who've spent so long learning each other inside out, even, in chat noir's case, getting over feelings, that the idea of anything romantic between them is so far off the radar that they don't feel the need for certain boundaries, because why would it matter if they made jokes about how attractive they find each other, about getting married, about how they could totally mess with the rest of the miracle team by pretending they're hooking up because it's so far out of the realm of possibility.
but then there would be that imperceptible shift. the moment where one of them makes a joke and it feels just a bit more loaded than it should. gazes lingering where they never lingered and playful smiles turning curious. the sudden awareness that, while maybe they were cuddling on a rooftop with their best friend, they were also wrapped up in the arms of someone they trust with their lives, and is extremely attractive, and, wait, if the only reason it was platonic before was because there were no feelings, what does THIS mean?
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theartingace · 13 days
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Divorce #2.5 I'm obsessed with them and their dynamics, the unhinged toxic QPR rep we didn't know we needed💜
They are physically, emotionally, psychologically dependent on each other, they can't stand each other half the time, they threaten their own lives just to spite one another, they have both faced down gods to safeguard each other's existence, they hate each other, they love each other, they are both simultaneously each other's prisoner and warden, they have changed the fabric of their reality as a result of how they have changed in response to the other, they literally never stop heckling each other and I can't stop thinking about them
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ordheist · 6 months
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alien podcast host (commission)
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under-lok-n-ki · 7 months
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Riptide siblings :)
the Lizzie and Chip file is named ‘rosebuds.png’ btw
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dingodoodles · 8 days
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The beast of Kikoma from the last episode of Fool's Gold sands :3 Who shall get to pet it? >:3c
Art by: Avery
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percivale-105 · 1 year
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Got another lighter but this time from Malevolent where fancy babygirl men and gods have a tea party
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I’m starving out of my mind, but I can’t get up to get a snack… ‘why’ you ask? Well. If I get up the distortion will feed me to its hallways. And I’m good. I want to eat a midnight snack, I do not wish to BECOME the midnight snack.
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aeli-tan-art · 7 months
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u/MAXimumXplosionX just leaked some new damning info about Goddard Futuristics and their human medical trials which were initially exposed when the crew of the USS Hephaestus returned to earth, formerly presumed dead 3 years ago
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krabkrab-wontshutup · 2 years
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ALRIGHTY TUMBLR, Introducing the main four of
LifeCycle Rebellion: Now with Zombies!!
thats the name i have in the documents and i love it
13-0Y: Rebel Android from LifeCycle robotics
Jessie Evans: Autistic Human(ish)
Cleo Firelight: Ex Zombie, the patient zero
Azrail Firelight: Leads the Cult of the Everlasting Flame
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zivikel · 2 months
Hi guys look at my Magnus archives sona/avatar, The unknown
He has no name but people refer to it as Effigy
(More of his, the rumors of his existence, as “Effigy.” )
If you try to remember its face, you simply can’t
His face constantly shifts and changes and you can’t pinpoint the differences or his past face
He also causes hallucinations
And his stomach leads to a pocket dimension that causes you to dread something that doesn’t exist
He mainly takes form of a land creature but sometimes an airborn or an oceanic creature (Which I am yet to draw)
His body adapts to his environment as a creature that is hard to explain
Anyways, that’s all for now
By the way he’s really silly and thinks he’s beautiful (he’s insecure and has identity issues)
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npcproject · 11 months
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NPC 022 Speaker Travis
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dyke-in-crisis · 2 months
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never properly drawn this wretched yellow rat before so here’s a WIP!! commissions
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perksofbeingpoet · 2 months
new headcanons!
(this got really long bc i love them so much aahhhh i hope you enjoy these headcanons as much as i do-)
CHARLIE: his favourite genre is comedy, plus movies about outlaws and teen rebels, says "so me" all through the film. oh yeah he doesn't shut up ever, talks the whole time until someone tells him to please stop talking because the movie's more interesting than how he'd dress as a pirate. every time there's a kissing scene, he turns to the poet sitting next to him and wiggles his eyebrows with a smirk. a nightmare to clean up after, his popcorn ends up all over the floor and himself. BUT all this doesn't apply to emotional movies. if a movie is sad, charlie is silent the entire time, doesn't crack a joke once and comes out of it with half his popcorn left.
KNOX: cries when watching romance, tells the poets he's not crying!! just the dry air of the cinema getting to him. insists on taking pictures of them in front of the movie poster. has accidentally thrown his ticket away instead of the receipt on several occasions. if there are cardboard cut-outs of characters at the cinema, he needs to take pics with all of them. eats a strange mixture of snacks, popcorn, pretzels and ice cream. asks "whAT?" at least five times through the movie bc he can't follow the plot. really fun to watch a movie with because he'll audibly gasp at every plot twist. idk him at the cinema is really cute guys i swear.
PITTS: needs a toilet break three times throughout the movie (tall guy small bladder king). his legs get cramps from the rows being too narrow but he doesn't care, pittsie LOVES going to the cinema. will most often go with knox and meeks, they're the best film trio. knows loads of lore about all sci-fi movies they watch, and acts annoyed at people asking questions because OF COURSE ni-bo64 has to destroy Leobor. eats salty snacks and always chooses the biggest cup of soda (meeks points this out every time pittsie has to squeeze around him to go to the toilet). loudly shouts "YES" when something he approves of happens. is the best sport about charlie's smirks in kissing scenes, he just like puts his hand on charlie's thigh really slowly and mouths 'hi'.
MEEKS: really likes movies with a hidden message, is the only one charlie will watch emotional movies with. but also just a huge nerd, him and pittsie watch sci-fi stuff together and then talk about every plot point for an hour. ORANGE SODA. really big fan of good film music. can't sit still and always steals the arm rest. doesn't talk but says "WHAT??" way too loud when a plothole occurs or a thing he was hoping for doesn't happen. is the one to buy the tickets.
NEIL: loves the comfy velvet seats. always has half a breakdown about "omg maybe i should go into film instead of stage acting??" after seeing a movie he really likes. is a little movie nerd, especially for superhero movies! loves the moment of stepping out of the cinema into the fresh night air. his snack is sweet popcorn or gummy bears. gets so excited when something cool is about to happen, he's waving his arms and being like "oh- ooohhhh- oooohhhhhh" until the cool thing actually happens. makes sure everyone has their tickets (goes into airport dad mode). laughs a lot and looks around at all the poets like "did you see that??" as if they're not all watching the same movie.
TODD: too anxious to complain about sitting behind a tall person, he'll often try to sit on top of his balled-up jacket to be a bit taller and see enough of the screen. pitts notices after a while and is like "hey todd, could we swap seats? i'd love to sit next to knox". todd only realises what that was about a few hours later and is silently soo grateful for pitts not embarrassing him. likes artsy movies where not a lot happens, and LOVES reruns bc then he already knows the plot and can relax. doesn't ever talk throughout the movie but laughs SO MUCH. mouths the lines when he already knows a movie. when there's a kissing scene he'll get embarrassed. doesn't buy snacks cos they're "too loud" and then eats all the other poets' snacks. every time. likes watching the ads before the movie.
CAMERON: asks "does anyone need to go to the bathroom before the movie starts" like fifty times before they watch the movie. hates sitting next to strangers during the movie because then he's always hyper aware of his behaviour and can't really focus on the film. likes historical movies and will watch them with todd (no one can tell me todd/cameron friendship isn't real, it makes so much sense). salty popcorn kinda guy. knows the names of all the actors and actresses.
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