fuckyeahaudiodrama · 4 months
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REC: Neon Inkwell - Of That Colossal Wreck
“An existential science fiction horror [which] follows five survivors who awaken on a vast space station, intended as humanity’s last defence against oblivion. Little do they know, however, that other beings are interested in the facility…” (x)
7 episodes / approx. 2.5 hrs
a long-anticipated limited series by Jonny Sims and Sasha Sienna, exploring what it means to be human, how identity is shaped, and what can be done when all seems lost.
first standout thing about this series is the sound design (and the music.) it’s GORGEOUS, discordant and haunting, and really just sets a mood before the story even gets its stride. reportedly, the RQ production staff got to mix things up and try out new roles for Neon Inkwell, so Katie Seaton actually got to do the music and sound design for this series. i have to assume this means she was responsible for bringing the alien “whistlers” to life — and i just think they’re so goddamn cool. i want to know everything about them. check out this post for a sampler of that. i was so impressed overall that i’m currently checking out some of Katie’s other work.
obviously, i knew i was going to enjoy the writing — Jonny Sims has produced nothing but bangers from TMA to both of his published novels, and what i’ve seen of Sasha Sienna’s writing in the TMA bonus “What the Ghost?” episodes, as well as their ttrpg work, left me with no doubt that i would enjoy any characters that they helped to develop. but i was still really moved by how each character interacts with the others individually. despite being a fairly short series, there’s somehow room for the development of all six characters — in fact, for the majority of the cast, they’re as in the dark about their own personalities as the audience is at the start of the story, so you get to go on that journey together. i thought that was a neat new spin on the classic amnesiac protag trope that i see so often in this flavor of sci-fi.
this story is at least partially a space survival horror. that being said, the worldbuilding necessitates some pretty daunting existential questions about human ethics, community, and personal identity. from a narrative standpoint, i was wondering how such a short series would even be able to deliver satisfying answers to all of this, but i think it was pretty well done. no spoilers, but man — that finale was like a whole round of emotional gutpunches. a surprisingly hopeful finish.
i already miss these characters terribly ;_; i didn’t even have them very long, but they’re all so lovable and their group dynamic has so much potential. highly recommend checking it out (but mind the content warnings for each episode.)
strong start to the new feed!🪶a behind the scenes episode has been promised soon as well, so look out for that :)
similar to: Deviser, Project Nova & The DECA Tapes (premise, setting) ; Red Valley, Down & Janus Descending (vibes)
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re-dracula · 1 year
If you’re still doing the pod recs, my top 5 this year were Not Another DnD Podcast, Unprepared Casters, Rolling With Difficulty, Overly Sarcastic Podcast, and the Magnus Archives!
I think you would like @kingmakerpod annnnnd @starfallpodcast!
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clockworkcheetah · 1 year
finished the infinite bad
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jaybarou · 2 years
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I'm listening to this. Spanish podcast. All I'm going to say is:
The characters are SO shippeable.
I mean, guy with delusions of being a detective starts anonymously helping a captain of the police through literary crimes.
The police man is reluctant, but it works, and he is... Amused? Fondly amused? By this guy.
The guy is clever and thrives teaching the Policeman his genius, takes him to the theater, plays strategy games with him, watches noire shows with him...
The policeman takes the guy on a carchase driving like a madman and high on the chase.
Each episode they discuss one fictional crime tale. I'm eating this up like pretzels.
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kinocube · 2 years
A froita prohibida
Que hai máis san que unha froita? E máis saboroso? Sabémolo ben. Para ambientar a escrita deste artigo collín un acio de uvas pretas do país, que estamos a entrar na tempada, e vou comendo un par de uviñas por parágrafo. 
Existen moitos arquetipos relacionados coa comida, pois é unha das funcións básicas para o mantemento da vida humana. O da froita, concretamente, é moi especial, porque leva moitos anos con nós, dende que eramos pouco máis que recolectores antes da invención da agricultura. Na literatura máis antiga xa atopamos o primeiro grande arquetipo froiteiro: a mazá de Eva, a árbore do coñecemento, o froito prohibida e o castigo por acceder a ela. 
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Hai varias maneiras de abordar este tema; poderiamos facer unha lista de froitas e o simbolismo habitual asociado a cada unha, por exemplo. As uvas que estou a comer préstanme como a un dirixente romano deitado no seu triclinio, desfrutando do pracer decadente. Xa temos un cliché. E se despois como un plátano, terei que ter coidado de onde boto a pela, non vaia ser que alguén lle dea por esvarar nela con efecto cómico. Neste sentido, aparte das mencionadas, poderiamos contar entre as froitas máis agradecidas para o cinema á mazá –a máis popular–, o amorodo, a granada, a laranxa ou o pexego.
Porén, penso que é máis práctico ir por partes. Que simbolizou a froita, de maneira xeral, dende case o comezo? A resposta é múltiple: vida, fertilidade, abundancia... cando no verán había froita era porque a xeada invernal non estragara a colleita. A proliferación da froita está relacionada coa prosperidade, pero tamén coa vida en si mesma: a fertilidade das prantas, o nacemento, a verde xuventude e a madurez –utilizamos as mesmas palabras para referirnos ás persoas e aos froitos da terra– e a decadencia en forma de podremia. A froita a podrecer, así como as flores a murchar, son imaxes que forman parte do noso universo simbólico á hora de representar o declive e a morte das cousas. 
En canto á abundancia e prosperidade, está claro que unha mesa ben luxosa está incompleta sen a súa fonte de froita. Polo mesmo motivo, en certos contextos narrativos unha soa mazá pode ser o mellor regalo, sobre todo se a personaxe que a recibe non adoita ter a capacidade de adquirila por si mesmo. Isto é habitual, por exemplo, no cinema infantil ou de animación. É unha maneira sinxela de expresar agradecemento ou caridade.
Agora deixo por aquí unha pequena advertencia, pois toca falar de cousas relativas á sexualidade humana. 
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Porque a froita relaciónase coa fertilidade, como xa mencionamos, pero tamén co pracer. O pracer decadente das uvas nos péplum e mailo pracer de tipo sexual. Tense falado máis ou menos erroneamente dos alimentos afrodisíacos, entre os que se conta habitualmente a froita. Se cadra é un efecto máis intelectual e psicolóxico que biolóxico, na miña opinión máis ilustrada en arquetipos e narrativas que en nutrición. Froita como o amorodo, o pexego, a granada, forman parte do imaxinario erótico debido –entre outros factores– aos estímulos sensoriais que ten en común o comer unha froita coas prácticas sexuais humanas. O son, o tacto, a textura, o xugo... Se volvemos, ademais, ao mito bíblico de Adán e Eva, temos redondeado o sistema simbólico. A froita é o reflexo da tentación, a miúdo con nefastas consecuencias das que nos preveñen as fábulas e os contos con leccións morais. Unha mostra é o conto de fadas de Brancaneves, que tamén tivo o seu paso polo cinema, e que nos mostra o fácil e o perigoso que é caer na tentación da mazá da Raíña Malvada. A tentación tamén se veu representada a miúdo na narrativa pola granada que consumíu Perséfone para ficar –voluntariamente ou non, xa sabedes que os mitos teñen moitas versións– todos os invernos canda Hades no Inframundo helénico. É a mesma granada que aparece en Kingdom of Heaven (Ridley Scott, 2005).
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Seguramente aqueles encargados de censurar a narrativa cinematográfica no Hollywood clásico, o do Código Hays, sabían ben desta relación entre froita, sensualidade e tentación, polo que non abondan as representacións da froita na narrativa cinematográfica deste período. É curioso como, nos últimos tempos, o pexego tomara o relevo á mazá como froita da sensualidade e da tentación. Terá que ver con que, a nivel popular, se relacione a miúdo o emoji do pexego á anatomía humana e ao erotismo? Quen o sabe!
Saíndo deste eido, existe un cliché bastante estendido relacionado coa froita no cinema: que os viláns sempre andan a comer mazás. Explícome! Nos últimos anos foi un recurso bastante utilizado para caracterizar unha personaxe, non necesariamente negativa, mais sí unha persoa sen filtros, despreocupada, confiada. Non coñezo exactamente o motivo tras desta caracterización, pero cando vexo unha personaxe a trabar ruidosamente unha mazá, podo imaxinar que, canto menos, non é o tipo de persoa que se preocupa polo que pensen os demais. Unha característica propia dos viláns máis estereotípicos do cinema mainstream. 
Cómpre destacar que en ocasións a froita adquire determinados simbolismos propios como as laranxas que aparecen cada vez que alguén corre perigo de morte en The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972) ou as mazás da sorte que regala a personaxe de Bette Davis en Pocketful of Miracles (Frank Capra, 1961). Unha personaxe que visualmente é comparable á meiga de Brancaneves, pero representa os valores contrarios. 
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Finalmente, a froita aporta un valor visual importante: a cor. Cando a cor comezou a ser incorporada na cinematografía, a froita destacou como elemento favorito dos directores de fotografía naquelas producións a toda cor para deslumbrar ao espectador. De feito, un dos primeiros experimentos coa cor no cinema son as curtas sobre flores e froitas da Gaumont, entre 1912 e 1913. 
Cada elemento da nosa cotiandade é susceptible de converterse nun arquetipo e de aportar significado, simbolismo ou valores visuais a unha produción cinematográfica. O simple efecto de comer unha froita convértese, nas mans do cinema, nunha escena transcendental. 
E marcho, porque acabo de rematar o acio de uvas. Até o vindeiro episodio!
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thegirl20 · 1 year
thank you for the podrecs! gonna check them out, just the way you described them got me v excited xx
I'm glad anon! Let me know if you like them 😊
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stationarcadia · 3 years
Hey, I would first of all like to commend you on the ace/aro representation and the second ever depiction of a queerplatonic relationship I've ever seen. Its really nice to see good representation, and I only wish it was more common. I also have a question though, do you have any podcasts (or other stuff) that inspired Station Arcadia. Or anything you want to give a shout out to. I often find that writers give the best reccomendations and with only two episodes to go, I'm starting to look for something to try and fill the hole that will be left in my heart. Thanks.
Thank you so much!! It sure would be great if there was more aro/ace and queerplatonic representation (especially in mainstream media... I can dream) but I'm glad we can at least say we're doing our part.
As for recommendations - most of the crew met through a fan server for a very cool band called The Mechanisms, so that's definitely one place to start! A lot of the creative team has definitely been inspired by The Magnus Archives and Welcome to Night Vale, which I assume is true for a lot of podcast creators.
Some other podcast recommendations include:
- Neighbourly (@neighbourlypod)
- Francis Forever
- The Domestic Life of Anthony Todd
- The Night Post (@thenightpost)
- This Planet Needs a Name
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nyctarian · 6 years
Hey bc I was asking about podcast recs the other day I might as well give one myself: i just started listening to ‘phone wallet keys david ortiz’ which is a boston sports and leftist politics podcast and I did just start it but it is p good so far, they just need to tighten up some of their editing/dead air issues
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isagrimorie · 3 years
I finally found more Recap She-Ra analysis podcast!
Hey, Adora Podcast
Hosts Jenny and Meff gay scream about every episode of your favorite wholesomely gay all-ages animation, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power! Fun segments! Awesome guests! Sweet playlists! *But mostly gay screaming!!
I really enjoy this podcast because they also touch on other cultural references in the She-Ra: Princesses of Power series.
Brightmoon Chronicles
A She-Ra (2018) commentary and analysis podcast hosted by Court and Spence
Just started this and I’m enjoying this too.
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dosafteryou · 4 years
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Deck. Just Deck things.
Listen to Dos: After You in English on Spotify
Escucha Dos: After You en Español on Spotify
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fuckyeahaudiodrama · 4 months
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REC: Clockwork Bird
“A philosophical horror podcast about a missing cyborg and the people looking for him. Robin Jaeger is the most synthetic man in the world. And he’s possibly been legally dead for over a decade. Shelly Croft is putting the pieces together, hoping the trail to Robin Jaeger will also lead to her finding her ex-girlfriend, who was obsessed with the company who made Robin’s limbs, and has also disappeared.” (x)
30 episodes / av. 15/25 mins apiece
this is genuinely one of my favorite audiodramas of all time. it truly makes the most of the medium, and the narrative is perfectly paced to allow each character to shine without distracting from the horizontal movement of the plot.
the overall balance of the story is admirable. robin is the fascinating center of the mystery, thoroughly haunting the narrative, but protagonist shelly really holds her own. she is not merely present as a means of unveiling someone else’s story; in fact, her personal drama is inextricably tangled in robin’s obscurity in a way that feels very natural — rather than forced — and provides a reasonable explanation for the risks that she continues to take. at no point should you find yourself skeptically asking “why is she bothering?” it’s clear there’s a compelling interest, and you will be dying to find out what it is.
additionally: my personal favorite part of listening to first-timer indie AD is when you get the chance to hear the technical skills of the creator improving over the course of the show. i find it so inspirational. this was a great example of that, and in fact, those improvements follow through to the creator’s next (unrelated) show, Spirit Box Radio!
the premise of this story alone raises a number of hairy ethical questions, and none of them are hand-waved away. to really appreciate this story you have to be willing to approach medical ethics including euthanasia, themes of suicide and self harm, and corporate usurpation of human bodily autonomy.
this story originated as a concept for a novel and you can tell just how gorgeously crafted it is. i for one cannot wait for creator eira to get published someday.
similar to: this story is unique in a very good way. other fragmented sci-fi mysteries like Janus Descending might tickle your fancy, or the ethical quandaries of Red Valley and BBC’s Body Horror. but i can’t think of another audiodrama that handles this brand of grief quite so poetically. feel free to point me to some.
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latinforest · 4 years
If you like The Penumbra Podcast, you should check out Kane and Feels: Day Tripper! It’s an investigative show about two detectives, Lucifer Kane and Brutus Feels, with a kind of Holmes and Watson feel that look into the the paranormal and supernatural.
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re-dracula · 1 year
My top five are Hello From the Hallowoods, Critical Role (I listened to three episodes and that was enough apparently), Old Gods of Appalachia, Monstrous Agonies, and the The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality!
I think you'd like Tales of the Echowood or @thesiltverses!
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clockworkcheetah · 1 year
podrec of ‘22
pretty small this year but theres still like 30-ish podcasts on here
A (loves)
- Someone dies in this elevator - Julie - Bridgewater - The Infinite Bad - Back to Earth - Oblivity - Limelight (only listened to ‘The System’) - Give me away - The Sink - Out of Place
B (likes)
- In her Burning - Tales from Riftdale - Look Up - Mabinogi - 13 days of Halloween - Derelict - Eglantine White Chapel - Who Exploded Vivien Stone?
C (average)
- Me and AU - The Wanderer - The Seventh Daughter - Moonbase Theta Out
D (meh)
- DOS: After You - Neutrinowatch
- Neighbourly - The Pasithea Powder - Aftershock - Escaping Denver - Jar of Rebuke - Those Stars of Space - Silverwood
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hyhopodcast · 4 years
10. Dodie Clark
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This week on Have You Heard Of...Jenny introduces Emma to the personal and almost deceptively lighthearted of Dodie Clark. We'll be talking about how Dodie perfectly articulates the difficulty of having a private and public life, the importance  of resting before you burn out,  and then we'll try our hand once again at curating soundtracks. This episode is more then a 6/10.  
Emma's Spotlight Swap: Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga, Can You Keep a Secret? 
Music: Something Elated by Broke For Free 
Donate to BLM Toronto 
Donate to The Okra Project 
Fundraiser for Dafonte Miller
Apple TV
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booksandanxieties · 6 years
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I dont know if you guys are familiar with @spiritspodcast but they are a blast to listen! Legends and myth told by drunk queers is all I needed in my life
I made my favorite quote of episode 53 (Sedna &Inuit Shapshifters) because I literally had to pause after earing them. 
Check them out
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