#poe dameron dark fic
pedroshotwifey · 1 year
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By Character:
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Frankie "Catfish" Morales
Jack "Whiskey" Daniels
Ezra (Prospect)
Javier Peña
Dave York
Marcus Pike
Max Lord
Javi Gutierrez
Marcus Moreno
Dieter Bravo
Oberyn Martell
Favorite Bounty Din Djarin x f!reader - All it takes is a beskar-covered bounty hunter and his little green child to transform your life completely. Settling into life on the Razor Crest is easy enough, but what happens once the tension between you and the Mandalorian gets to be too much? Will you be able to handle the conflict that keeps getting thrown your way? (47.8k ongoing)
To the Flame Dark!Javier Peña x afab!reader - It doesn't take much for you to fall in love with the objectively perfect, older man from your home town. He easily sweeps you off your feet, and helps you to remember what happiness feels like until you think he's truly all you'll ever need in life. What happens though, once he tethers you down and starts to change before you have a chance to realize what's happening? (53.9k ongoing) DDDNE
Other Collections:
Christmas Countdown Collection A series of one shots containing a mix of fluff, angst, smut, or a mix of all three! (Complete)
Requested fics (my ask box is always open!) A mix of delicious fics resulting from delicious requests
Drabbles lil fics under 500 words
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supernovafeather · 2 years
No Future?
FO!Poe x Rebel!Reader
Content : enemy to less enemy, quick mention of sexual content (not explicit), only one bed trope and it's cold trope (?), angst.
Summary: Reader and Poe got stranded on an unknown planet and have been forced to cohabitate for several months and wait for a rescue team to help them out.
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The cold attempting in vain to bite your skin refused to weaken and your own stubborness started to falter. After over a month spent at hiding in a lone First Order tent in the middle of a perpetual blizzard on this remote planet, you realized how much the microcosm constituting your present life had changed.
“I've known opinionated rebels but you still deserve to be considered as their queen. Congratulations.”
Poe himself wasn't the same anymore and despite his dark uniform that got affected by the frozen bitterness from the outside world a while ago, he could have passed for a tired – and tiresome – Resistance fighter that stranded with his co-pilot. But no, he remained the First Order guy that crashed down just as pathetically as you did. And whether he liked it or not, he didn't have the qualifications to keep on taunting you.
“At least I'm not the one on the verge of losing my hands with some stupid plan.” You spat at him as you watched the man digging on the hard and cold ground in a tent corner.
Over a month in his company in such a tight space could have driven you crazy much sooner. The only thing that managed to keep you sane enough to protect your survival instinct was the surprisingly good entente between the both of you. The dozen of blankets of different sizes you managed to bring back from hasted expeditions conducted in the nearby ghost town also helped a lot, even when it meant you had to cuddle with a sworn enemy every night.
“Here you go, another stupid plan of mine,” he grunted, “tell me when I get clever for a change.”
“I'm only human, I have to talk. I can't keep silent forever.”
“And then you complain whenever I say anything and yet you say something as blank and obvious as the mere fact that you are human.”
Discussions formed a seemingly eternal circle in such an uninteresting environment. The morning would start smoothly in a sleepy and warm atmosphere as you had all the time in the world to wake up properly. Then you would eat some animal hunted the day before and protected by a layer of snow right by the tent entrance as you complimented each other's cooking skills. Then you would complain about each other's cooking skills and how awful those kind of moles would taste like anyway. Then arguments would last for several hours as you tried to figure out a plan.
At last you would fall asleep both on your side of the island of blanket filling a good part of the tent before gathering at the same spot to share some warmth. That, every day without an exception for over a month.
At some point you started to pray a god you didn't even believed in to get a loophole even if that meant your new companion's death. After all he was a First Order pilot that killed countless of your pilots.
“Just shut up for five minutes, or even for the rest of the day,” you replied sourly.
“Then move your ass from there and come help me!”
“There is nothing to reach down there!”
This predicament was certainly starting to affect his sanity as well. For a few days he has had that weird obsession of using an old broken shovel to dig a hole big enough to create some tunnel. He never really explained anything but it seemed to be a matter of expending the living space in this recluded shelter.
“Do you have any idea of the amount of energy you are spending to get that done,” you asked with a sigh, “we are running out of meat and they're getting rarer outside, and you barely progressed.”
“Bad faith.”
Swallowing back the venimous insults that threatened to leave your mouth, you lied back into the blanket as you watched him digging desperately. After two weeks he barely managed to take off enough dirt for the ground to come up to his knee level. Poe's hygiene declined quickly between the sweat and dirt and lack of access to a shower, and fortunately you were starting to get accustomed to that part of him – not that you believed yourself to be in a better condition yourself and maybe he deserved some merit for his tolerance.
Instead of arguing any further, you did shut your mouth but his grunts and muffled swearings were getting seriously on your nerves. Sir Dameron woke up in a bad mood and got obsessed and frustrated even more than usual about his tasks.
“Going outside.”
The metal sound stopped as he watched you put some thick clothes above your own rebel pilot outfit. Two pairs of gloves, three pairs of sockets, a damaged woolen hat and some protective old school pilot glasses on and you were outside, crawling to the area preserved from the blizzard thanks to your two partially disassembled that took the shape of a wall surrounding the southern side exposed to the hostile elements. The noises it created worried you to no end during the first week, but despite the windy scream and the metal parts creaking and trembling you now felt relieved. Finally. Poe shut up.
It created some narrow court behind the grey tent. Cold, sterile if not for the tiny grass growing here and there under the thich layer of snow, but comforting. You gathered some to put it down all over the thent edges so the breeze couldn't infiltrate the gaps. Here you were getting too hot with your clothes but you had no will to go back inside.
You didn't hate Poe. It was quite the opposite actually but living the same thing without anything new to say didn't permit you to enjoy his personality at its full potential. Such a warm soul was surprising for a famous First Order soldier and it hurt. He would be the kind of guy drinking some strong alcohol with his friends while making fun of your brothers and sisters killed in combat befire falling asleep like a drunk baby with a stupid smile on his handsome face, maybe with a gorgeous woman by his side that found him amazing for being himself.
You couldn't believe it. Poe followed you and was now crawling against the ground to get out of the tent in his pants and shirt, his dark hair still wet with perspiration.
“Kriff,” you exclaimed with your arms crossed, “go dig your hole if that's so important to you but stop harassing me!”
“Please help I'm freezing.”
You did as asked because he remained polite, your teeth clenched as you got him back onto his feet. The poor bastard seemed to have been boiling inside and some steam spiraled up from his skin as he grimaced at the temperature difference, his hair covered in melting snow.
“Don't tell me I need to tell you to go back inside to cover yourself,” you growled.
“I saw you were consolidating that stuff so I wanted to help.”
“I don't need help to add snow. I just have to bend over and pick it up. Go back inside you're going to freeze.”
“No. I like quiet places,” he argued.
“Enjoy it then.”
You gave up and walked past the few chaotic layers of metal surrounding the tent and finally you reached your favorite place on this planet. The blizzard died down just enough so the violent twirling winds couldn't blind you completely, and the nigtmarish landscape beneath your eyes deployed its full beauty for you only. Around 9 miles high, the gigantic blueish and whitish cliffs dominated the desolated scenery where nothing could survive apart some resilient and almost unknown viruses you wished to never get infected by. Poe and you got lucky to crash so high and in a concentred spot, at around 8 miles high. Down there you would have died in less than ten minutes. You could distinguish some grass patches under the thick fog. You had no idea of where you were exactly. Gigantic frozen cliffs surrounded that place and the eerie atmosphere now started to freak you out. Maybe Poe wasn't such a bad company. You mourned your rescue a few days ago. No one could get onto that planet safely, and no one could get off of it, especially with no ship.
The pair of arms snaking around your waist made your heart drop almost at the bottom of the cliff but at least got you rid off your anxiety rising at the view before your eyes. Poe put his own polar clothes on and held tight at you as he talked next to your ear.
“Come back inside, the radar warned of a...”
The sudden silence knocked the air out of your lungs and you followed Poe without complaining. Usually whenever a blizzard died down it was the sign of a bigger one coming, so intense that nature itself had to breathe in shortly to concentrate all its strength on this cursed planet. Breaks only lasted for a couple of minutes.
After a quick run you got to crawl next to each other to get some moles burried deep down, then gather snow to seal the tent entrance completely.
“Here you go, now that's better.” Poe sighed in relief as he lied down on the blankets with his clothes soaked with melting snow. “Now we only have to wait for it to end. Nothing like warm blankets and dubious squishy meat here.”
“It's going to be hard for a few days, there's not much.”
“Not that kind of squishy meat but no problem if you want some.”
It was part of your life now, to laugh at that silly joke while knowing that yes, you were going to have all the time in the world to warm up with him again. You were condemned on that cliff and didn't know how long that would last.
No one told you how long or short forever could be, especially without any hope for a brighter future.
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Thank you for reading, please reblog if you liked it ! ☺️
@queen-of-elves @laura-naruto-fan1998 @thepowerthismanhasoverme @justmasblack
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oofkatisanerd · 4 months
You ever remember a niche pairing you used to read for and then when you go back to reread the old fics they seemingly don't exist? Yeah that sucks so much
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tathrin · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Friends, if I send you this but you already answered it, please forgive me; now that the icons are gone, I have no idea who has posted what anymore thanks tumblr.
Anyway anon, thank you so much for the chance to talk about some of my favorite stories!
Star Wars VII: The Dark Reborn — this is literally the best thing I have ever written, I love it so much. I could not adore this story more. I genuinely want to get it made into a paperback and just like. hand it to people or stash it in those little free libraries, I don't know. It's the best damn thing. I'm so happy with it, I love it, I can't even articulate how happy this story makes me, seriously. I should really get back to work on the sequel shhhh.
Five Times Gimli Died (And One Time He Didn't) — this is probably my "objectively best" LotR fic, and I love it for that. I also love it because it was a stretch from my usual sort of thing, and I really love it because it pushes my "mortals don't die in Aman unless/until they decide they want to" headcanon, and thus furthers my "Gimleaf Has The Happiest Ending Of Anyone In Middle-earth And That Was On Purpose" agenda. Also I just really love writing from Gimli's POV, he's such a delight. No wonder everyone who meets him adores him.
To Live In Undying Lands — this story is my current fixation. I was really tempted to put the Zombie Story here instead, but ultimately I decided that at this moment, I actually like this one more. It's another one that's a bit of a stretch for me (I don't generally write "ongoing snippets" without an over-arching plot, and I definitely don't often write stuff that's this domestic) but so far it's been really satisfying. I'm worried that I'm on the brink of running out of steam on it, but I hope I'm not because I really do adore both the concept and the results, and I have a lot more ideas I'd like to do for it if I can keep the motivation/focus engaged!
Twin Faces Of Destruction — I love Boba Fett. I love Boba Fett. The original flavor, "he's no good to me dead," "this is my face," "as you wish" cold heartless hunter Boba Fett, the one who never takes off his helmet and has no interest in anything beyond the job and will walk straight through an Imperial Garrison to get his quarry if he has to. The one who donates money to orphanages (it's canon! wtf!!!). The one who will betray every single partner he's ever had, but who still showed-up to be best man at Dengar's wedding because he doesn't go back on a deal. The one who has literally one moral code, and that is "do the job." No matter what that means. And the honorable helmetless dad-guy we got in the tv show is...not that. Frankly, neither is a lot of the post-AOTC stuff with him. But one of the joys of a bounty hunter who never shows his face and has a lots of other folks out there who have that same face is that it's real easy to find ways to reconcile things like that...and even pay homage to canon (Ailyn Vel! Jodo Kast! Spar/Alpha-Ø2!) in the doing. So this story? This story is just fucking fun.
The Story of Kijimi — there's honestly not much to this one, but I like it more than it probably merits just because I really love paving canon plot-holes, and the "we've made Poe a Spice Smuggler Out Of Nowhere Even Though It Contradicts Our Own Existing Canon Because He's Clearly The Han Solo Of The New Trio, Because We're Stupid And Don't Know How Star Wars Works!" bullshit from TROS is just...so fucking soul-killing and racist and unnecessary. So here's the real story behind that. You're welcome.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
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boo! surprise bitches! i'm doing kinktober this year! finally doing it! bet you didn't see that one coming, did you hehe 🕸
there is a good mix of both short and long stories coming your way throughout this (and i will also still occasionally post other fics this month that aren't related to this). also, a handful of these fics are darker in nature, thought it was fitting for halloween, so remember to read the warnings, if there's something that's not for you then please, as always, be kind to yourself and don't read the story.
masterlist | join my taglist
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day one | sore
stepbro!sirius black x cheerleader!reader + dubcon massage
day two | don't smile
steve rogers + throat fucking + size kink
day three | stuffed
devil!eddie munson & angel!steve harrington + tentecles + double penetration in one hole
day four | a little fashion show
best friend!stiles stilinski + lingerie
day five | stay still
peter parker + bondage
day six | hold up, let me record this
jj maybank + tittyfucking + sextape
day seven | the palace guards
guards!poly!marauders x princess!reader + secrets relationship
day eight | it’s practically like we’re down there with them
mob boss!bucky barnes + exhibitionism
day nine | keep that pretty mouth shut
tommy shelby + keep quiet quickie
day ten | I couldn’t find it in me to wake you
poe dameron + somno thigh fucking
day eleven | I just want you a little longer all to myself
matt murdock + secret office sex
day twelve | nothing more than a toy
rafe cameron + using you like a toy to masturbate with
day thirteen | I still got a few rounds left in me
boxer!steve rogers + bathtub sex
day fourteen | open your fucking mouth
dark!wild west cowboy!joel miller + gun kink
day fifteen | tiny
miguel o'hara x fairy!reader + extreme size difference
day sixteen | the wall between us
cult member!steve harrington + fem glory hole + breeding
day seventeen | be a rebel, be bad, stay here and cuddle with me
spencer reid + aftercare
day eighteen | pleasant pile of pillows
brother's best friend!james potter + pillow humping
day nineteen | ring ring
sam winchester x reader x bf!dean winchester + phone sex + cheating
day twenty | window
perv!neighbour!billy russo + voyeurism
day twenty-one | say yes
fiancé!bruce wayne + possessiveness
day twenty-two | i can think of something better than that
bucky barnes + anal
day twenty-three | double check
dark!professor!ben solo + power imbalance + manipulation
day twenty-four | maroon
vampire!remus lupin + biting + blood kink
day twenty-five | i want you
pirate captain!miguel o'hara + sex as payment
day twenty-six | teamwork
pro football team!avengers (bf!steve rogers, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, clint barton, sam wilson, tony stark, thor odinson) + gangbang
day twenty-seven | my little flower
din djarin + fantasy au + cockwarming
day twenty-eight | hysteria
doctor!aleksander morozova x hysteria patient!reader + historical au + fuck machine
day twenty-nine | can't fight the moonlight
werewolf!bucky barnes x gf!reader + predator/prey + monsterfucking
day thirty | magical mimic
eddie munson x witch!reader + magical mutual masturbation
day thirty-one | you can’t put it in
stepbro!peter parker + halloween pussyjob
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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for minigirl87
Hi, congratulations 🎊 on your 1 year anniversary. Could I request, please. Poe Dameron and the AU firefighter. I used to clean in a fire station and have a thing for firefighters, plus I could could easily see Poe as a fireman, lol. Take care ❤️
Some Like it Hot
For @minigirl87
AN: Another fic-aversary request! I know you sent this to me via messenger AGES ago and you probably don't even remember doing it but I need you to know that Firefighter!Poe has had me in a chokehold ever since lol. THAT SAID, I have no idea if this is what you were looking for but my muse is a whore (esp for Poe) so here we are. Absolutely shameless smut, very, very little plot. Hope y'all enjoy 😌❤️
Rated: M+ (this is smut so, i mean, you’ve been warned?) Words: 1,297 Pairing: Firefighter!Poe Dameron x Photographer!F!Reader Warnings: PWP, p in v, strangers to lovers, praise kink, please let me know if i missed anything. AO3
Somehow, you’d known that it would end this way.  
Well, maybe not this exact way—with you fucking a smoking-hot firefighter in the dark room of your studio—but the second he’d walked into the room, you’d known something was bound to happen. Granted, you’d been thinking more along the lines of a coffee date or, if you were really lucky, dinner.  
The Universe had other plans, it seems (and who were you to argue?). 
His strong fingers grip you tightly as he fucks into you from behind, every powerful thrust of his hips all but knocking the breath from your lungs. A choked moan escapes you as he hits one of your sweet spots, cunt clenching around his (considerable) length and pulling a groan from between his lips. You feel so good, so full, the pleasure zinging through your body as he drags himself in and out of your slick heat.  
You don’t normally do this—this being fucking someone within hours of meeting them, without even knowing their full name—but there’s just something about this guy—Poe—that makes you wanna give him everything. 
It had started innocently enough, just lingering glances and a bit of flirting, but the tension had grown between you the longer the shoot went on. More than once, your gaze had lingered, unable to stop yourself from admiring him—with his leanly muscled body, chiseled jaw, deep eyes, and that stubborn curl that kept falling across his forehead. He could tell you were into him; you’d known by the way he’d looked at you. 
Normally, you were more professional while you worked, more respectful of the vulnerability of your subjects as you shot them. You’ve never felt this before though, this pull, this need, and it surprised you how quickly you’d thrown out all your principles for what you assumed was just a one-time thing. 
“Taking me so well, sweetheart,” Poe slurs, the pace of his thrusts faltering slightly as you flutter around him. “Fuck, feels so good.” 
You can’t help the whine that escapes you at his praise, your fingers gripping the edges of the counter he has you pressed against. You kind of wish you could see his face (you bet he looks stunning when he comes), but he’s hitting you so deep like this it’s a little hard to complain. 
He grunts when you flutter around him again, your fingers aching as your grip on the counter tightens. You’re so close, can feel the tension coiling inside you as he spears into you again and again. You push back to meet him and he moans, his cock somehow reaching even deeper inside you, electricity zinging up your spine. 
“Please,” you breathe, unsure exactly what you’re asking for. 
He seems to know though, adjusting his thrusts so he can lean forward and slip his hand between your thighs, calloused fingers immediately finding and circling your clit. You whimper in pleasure as a myriad of sensations race through you, your arms shaking as your body is pushed closer and closer to the brink.  
“You’re right there aren’t you, sweetheart?” he murmurs, his voice thick with his own pleasure. “You’re so close, squeezing me so tight—” 
All you can do is moan in pleasure, in agreement, the combination of his cock and his fingers making you feel almost drunk. 
“Need you to come for me,” he pants, more of a plea than a demand. “Need to feel you.” 
Without warning, Poe pulls you up from the counter so your back is flush against his chest. Your mouth falls open in surprise, a noise somewhere between a squeal and moan escaping as he grinds up into you, his thrusts slower now but no less devastating. 
“Oh fuck,” you gasp, head lolling back against his shoulder as he groans in agreement.  
He’s just as far gone as you, it seems, his thrusts a little sloppier now as he nears his peak.  
“Pussy feels like heaven, sweetheart,” he slurs, his mouth and tongue molten against your heated skin. 
You feel like you're drowning, like he’s suffocating you with pleasure. You need something, something to hold onto, something to keep you grounded. You reach back, plunging your fingers into his soft curls, gripping them for dear life. You’re so close, right there at the edge, the tension inside you wound so tight you feel as if you might burst.  
Another brush of his fingers against your clit is enough to send you soaring over the edge, your body shaking in his arms as your release slams into you. Poe’s groan is choked as you convulse around him, but he fucks you through it, mumbling words of praise and encouragement in your ear as waves of pleasure surge through you (“That’s it, baby, soak my cock. Oh fuck, yeah, just like that, oh good girl—”) 
He stills a moment later, spilling his thick, hot cum deep inside you, his strangled moans muffled as he buries his face in your neck. You relax a little as you come back down, the solidity of his body against yours comforting. You stay like that for a moment trying to catch your breath, the two of you panting and half naked in the middle of the room. After what simultaneously feels like two seconds and an hour, he pulls back a bit from your neck, leaving a gentle kiss at the top of your spine that makes something in your chest ache.  
“Okay?” he asks, his voice soft and a little raspy. 
You hum, nodding as you allow yourself to melt into him a little, your body going limp in his hold. He chuckles softly, tightening his arms around you and pressing another kiss against your neck. For a moment, you let yourself pretend, pretend that the two of you aren’t strangers, that this isn’t a one-time thing, that he’s yours (and you’re his). 
He slips out of you with a hiss, the loss of him dragging you back to reality. Your legs feel like jelly, but you manage to stand on your own, shakily pulling your clothes back on before turning to face him. Considering the position you were just in, it’s silly how awkward you suddenly feel. You lean against the counter behind you, chancing a glance up at him; the soft smile on his lips makes your heart skip a little. 
Ugh, he looks just as gorgeous in the red light of the dark room as he did when he’d waltzed into your studio hours ago. A part of you kind of hates him for it. 
Before you can say anything, he leans in, capturing your lips in a soft kiss. You sigh, eyes fluttering shut as you kiss him back, your arms winding around his neck. His hands settle on your waist, pulling your body against his as he licks into your mouth. You moan softly, completely lost in him, in the way he’s making you feel. When you part for air, he presses his forehead against yours, your pants mingling in the small space between you. 
“Go out with me,” he breathes, his nose bumping against yours. 
You huff a laugh at the request (demand?), fingers tangling in the curls at the base of his skull. He smiles again, his lips brushing over yours. 
“Probably should’ve asked that before, huh?” 
You laugh again, still breathless. “Better late than never.”
His laugh is husky and the sound of it makes something warm settle in your gut. “I appreciate you being so understanding.” 
You bite your lip, smothering your smile. “I know you’ll find a way to make it up to me.” 
He hums in agreement, a playful gleam in his eyes as he leans in to kiss you again. “I’ve got a few ideas.”
If you enjoyed this, please let me know! I appreciate every single reblog and/or comment. Thank you. 💖
🌟 Masterlist 🌟 fic-aversary masterlist 🌟
i am no longer doing a taglist. please follow @charmingupdates for updates and turn on notifications.
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eyelessfaces · 1 year
poe dameron x reader
𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤: sex pollen
warnings: tiniest bit of angst, handjob (m receiving), unrealistic amounts of... fluids, no refractory period
word count: 1k
updates blog: @eyelessupdates
(birthday fic wtf)
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Poe wasn’t doing well. He wouldn’t want to admit it not to worry you, but you knew him too well so you were aware of that, which meant you therefore knew he wasn’t doing well.
He had been pacing around your shared quarters for the past ten minutes, scratching at his neck and wiping away his sweaty forehead.
“Poe sweetheart, you need to go get checked up” you tried to convince him once more, voice filled with concern.
“No– I’m okay." he shook his head frowning, brushing off your request as if it was delirious. He mumbled something about the temperature being too hot as he hastily took off his jacket, mindlessly throwing it on the floor.
"It's not even–" you started, looking at the red stripes starting to form at his neck from him scratching it too much. "You're feverish, or you're having an allergic reaction to something you came across while on mission" 
He should have known that the blaster shot blowing up a bag of dark orange powder right next to him, causing him to sneeze and rub his eyes at the moment would have other effects later, but he didn’t expect them to be so… peculiar.
"Come on, sit down at least, you're stressing me out" you sighed as you reached to grab him by the arm before he abruptly stopped you.
"No– Don't touch me." you frowned in incomprehension as you backed away, unused to Poe refusing your touch. “It’s just– I don’t wanna hurt you.” he continued, sitting down on the couch. You frowned, confused, and sat down next to him.
He looked up at you, his eyes weak, sweat pearling over his brow. He looked in so much distress, but you didn’t know how to help him; you couldn’t convince him to do something he didn’t want to, no one could. 
Your fingers brushed back his damp curls, and you felt his body tense at the faintest touch. The vein at his forehead was bulging out, and you could feel the hotness radiating off of his skin.
“What can I do to help you?” you offered in a weak sigh, not sure of what you could do. You wanted to help him, he looked like he could faint at any moment.
“Nothing. Get away maybe. I don’t want to hurt you” 
You chuckled. “Why? Why would you hurt me?” you asked in disbelief. He was getting nonsensical, maybe this was another symptom. 
He pinched his lips, looking down at his lap. Your eyes followed where his gaze was directed and you immediately understood. A tent was formed in his pants, the bulge so prominent you wondered how you hadn't noticed it before.
"It aches, and your presence makes it so much worse, your touch makes it so much worse" he hissed almost angrily, squirming in place. "You have to go away until I find a solution" he declared, ready to stand up before you stopped him, your hand resting over his thigh.
"I can't leave you like that" you shook your head. "I can help you" you continued. "Maybe if you… It'll go away. Maybe you just need relief, and I can help you with that." 
He bit down on his lip at the thought of your offer, and the feeling of your hand over his lap was enough for him to accept it.
His hand gripped tight onto the couch armrest as you unbuckled his belt and worked on freeing him, the faint feeling of friction simultaneously being too much and not enough.
He was painfully hard, his cock red and swollen, leaking and twitching in place. 
"Fuck, Poe" you gasped, you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. He looked like he was about to burst at any moment.
"Please" he wailed. "Please do something"
He bit down on his bottom lip as your fingers brushed his throbbing length, the tip of them gently, tentatively running along a vein. You knew you shouldn’t tease him, you knew he was in pain, but seeing him so desperate, aching with need felt exciting.
A small exhale left his mouth when your fingers caged around his cock, taking him in your hand, starting with slow, gentle strokes that made him bite down hard on his lip to try to contain himself.
You looked up at him, trying to read on his face to see if this was giving him any relief, but you couldn’t even tell; his breath was ragged, he was already making wrecked sounds as he was squirming in place, trying to chase after your touch, spurring you on going faster.
He was far more sensitive than usual; small whimpers were escaping from his mouth as he writhed in his seat, bucking into your hand as you stroked him in a firm rhythm; you didn't have much to do, he was practically fucking your hand at this point, hips moving upwards as he panted loudly, so desperate for friction.
"Fuck– shit– yeah" he breathed out as you twisted your hand around the tip of his cock, thumb rubbing over his weeping slit.
His fists clenched, his knuckles turning white as his nails dug into the palm of his hand.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his mouth gaped as he suddenly came with a broken sound, his cum shooting in the air in firm spurts as his cock throbbed and twitched. 
He had more than usual; he groaned as his cum kept spilling over your hand and over his lap, his head thrown back over the back of the couch.
He didn’t last long, but this wasn’t the point – he needed relief, and the faster the better. You wiped your free hand over his sweaty forehead, brushing back the hair falling over his face.
"Better?" you asked as he panted loudly, his heart beating fast as he came down from his high.
"A little." he huffed between ragged breaths, looking back down at you.
"A little?" you repeated, shocked that he wasn’t sated despite how hard he had just came.
You looked down at his lap, and noticed his cock was already swelling again, slowly growing back to life.
"Need more." he chuckled between sharp breaths as he pushed you down onto the couch, hovering over you.
"Need so much more."
as always please reblog and tell me your thoughts it helps a lot!!
star wars taglist: @apollo-enthusiast @lockleysgrl @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @anightshift @whatthefishh @dameronshandholder @campingwiththecharmings @mintgreen24 @dameronshandholder @spider-starry @jakecockley @cocodiem @spxctorsslxt @friedwings @luxisluxurious @stvnnie
+ @flightlessangelwings
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All of The Girls You Loved Before - Poe Dameron
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A/N: Hello, hello! I was working on Return to Me and was inspired to write this fic. Enjoy!!
TS Prompt #5: All of The Girls You Loved Before
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 1.8k Synopsis: On a trip back home, Poe and the reader are greeted by blasts from Poe's past, in the form of many ex girlfriends.
The Sebastian, the longest standing bar in Poe's town on Yavin 4, had not changed at all. Basically a large patio, it looked out onto the thick forest surrounding them, cloaked in the dark of night. Crickets chirped and frogs sang in a dull hum. Lights were strung up around the perimeter. It hadn't changed, and seeing it again felt like home.
Poe takes it all in, a smile on his face. There were times when he thought he'd never have reason to smile again, much less, visit the bar he had frequented so often throughout the years. He feels you looking at him and turns to see you smiling, too.
"Can I get you a drink?" he asks.
"I'll be right back."
The patio is crowded as he makes his way through the strum of people. There is music playing from the corner, but he can't make out the tune over the hum of chatter. It seems that the two of you were not alone in your selection of a celebratory location.
The First Order was finally gone. What remained, was perhaps more daunting. Poe had a future in front of him, something he was never positive he would see. The possibilities were endless, and it excited and scared the hell out of him.
He tries to stay focused in the moment, and at this present moment, he wants to drink until he is silly with you, in a place he loves.
At the bar, he places your typical orders.
"I thought that was you," the bartender says. So distracted by the scene around him, Poe hadn't noticed who was tending the bar.
"Annie!" he says in surprise.
"Been a while since I've seen you here," she says, getting started on the drinks.
"It's been a while since I've been home at all," he says. He takes a moment to take her in, the long dark hair in a tight braid, her mouth twisted in a knot as she focuses on the drink in hand. "You look good," he says.
"So do you," she says with a smile. "Who's that with you?"
Poe follows her gaze across the room. You are standing off to the side, looking a little overwhelmed, but happy. He smiles.
"Y/N," he answers.
"She's not from here."
"No," he says. Annie lets out a tut of breath as she slides the drinks over to him. "What?"
"Just surprised you brought her home, and here, of all places," Annie says with a grin.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Given your history, is all. Figured you wouldn't want her to know about your past conquests," she says. Poe opens his mouth and closes it a moment after.
"What do I owe you?"
"On the house. Thank you for all you did," she says with a nod.
"I'm just one man," he says with a shrug. "But thank you."
He makes his way back towards you, his mind thinking about the past Annie mentioned. You aren't stupid, he knows. You know about his dating history, at least within the Resistance. But there is more, much more, that you don't know about.
"Hey," you say, taking a drink from his hand as he approaches. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," he says, snaking a hand around your waist to kiss your forehead. You smile up at him and clink your drinks with his.
"This place is just how you described."
"It hasn't changed at all."
"Any fun stories?" you ask, "Wild nights? Quickies in the bathroom?"
Poe laughs, shaking his head, "None that I remember, or that I would bore you with."
"I don't buy that for a second," you say with a laugh. "Just so happens, I already did hear one story about you."
"How?" he asks.
"That girl over there," you say, nodding across the way. There is a group of girls next to a table, laughing loudly. Poe's gaze locks with one of them, and he recognizes her instantly.
"She talked to you?" he asks, his voice rising slightly in his growing panic.
"Was she not supposed to?" you ask with a laugh, drawing his gaze back to you. "She was sweet."
"What did she say?"
"Just that you met here on a night like this," you say with a shrug, "She said you were fun." There's a playful grin on your face, but Poe has to force himself to match it.
"Well . . ."
"Do you remember her being so much fun?" you tease.
"Not particularly," he says lowly.
"Hey," you say, grabbing his arm, "I'm just teasing you."
"I know."
"So laugh," you say, bumping his hip with yours. He gives you a smile, but that's all he can bring himself to do.
"Sorry. Truthfully, I was just trying to place her."
"You don't remember her?"
"She seems familiar, but no, not really. Not sure why she remembers me."
"Can you blame her?" Your hand is in his hair, and he lets it be an anchor. He faces you fully, looking down at the woman he loves now, more than any of the others.
"Y/N, I don't want to keep anything from you. I--"
"Poe Dameron?"
You both turn to see another woman approaching. Her smile practically glows in the dark as she wraps her arms around Poe in a tight hug. You step back to give them room, Poe's eyes tracking you the entire time.
"Selene, it's great to see you," Poe says, quickly wrapping an arm around your shoulders after he breaks away from her.
"You, too," she says. Her eyes trail over to you and you extend a hand.
"Y/N, nice to meet you," you say.
"Selene. Is this your first time on Yavin-4?"
"Yes, this is the first time we've been able to get away," you say looking up at Poe.
"Oh, were you in the Resistance, too?"
"I was," you said with a smile. "Truthfully, this is the first time that Poe and I have had so much time together. In the Resistance, we were always running around the galaxy, often on opposite ends."
"Well, I won't bother you for too long, just wanted to say hello to an old friend. If you'd like, a couple of friends are here with me, most you know, Poe. Come over if you'd like.
"It was great meeting you. Enjoy your night," she says with a smile.
"You too," you say. When she's out of earshot, you look at him. "You were awfully quiet."
"Sorry, I . . ."
"How many of your girlfriends do you think we'll see tonight?" you ask. He lets out a heavy sigh before answering that he isn't sure. "Poe, you don't seem to be having a great time," you say, your face becoming serious.
"I am."
"If you want, we can go back to your Dad's. This was supposed to be fun."
"I'm having fun."
"You're a bad liar."
"It's just," he begins, his hand again around your waist, needing to keep you close, "I wasn't expecting so many visitors from my past."
"Well, what did you imagine would happen coming back to a place from your past?"
"I didn't want to bombard you with all of this."
"All of what?"
"My dating history.”
"Poe! You will never guess who I just saw!" Snap joins your small group, Jess and Kare not too far behind, and throws an arm around Poe.
"Who?" he asks, his voice thick with newfound exhaustion.
"Who's that?" you ask.
"No one," Poe answers, at the same time that Snap says, "His ex-girlfriend."
"Where is she?" you ask.
"She was heading out as we came in, but said to say hi to you," Snap says. Poe nods his head, his eyes not focusing on anything specific.
"What is that now? Three exes from your past?" you ask with a grin. Black Squadron laughs around him.
"Four actually," he says. "I dated the bartender, too. Briefly."
"Really?" you ask, eyes wide with intrigue.
He fades into the background as his friends talk. He is lost in his own thoughts, and knows that you have looked at him a few times, hoping to pull him back into the conversation, but he can't find the energy.
"Come here," you say, after so long has passed. You grab his hand and pull him out into the middle of the room, where a group has gathered to dance. "I love this song."
"I know you do," he says softly, wrapping his hands around your waist. The both of you sway along to the music, his eyes locking on yours.
"You've been weird," you say.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, just tell me why. Is it about all your exes?"
"I don't want you to feel like you're the latest in a long string of women."
"So what if I am?" you ask, your fingers tangling in his hair.
"You know, my history, it's not something I'm proud of."
"You think you're the only one who has a trail of broken-hearted exes behind them?"
"I know your numbers don't match mine," he says, giving you a weak smile.
"Who cares? They were all part of the path that led us to each other. If I took you home, we'd probably run into plenty of men I had dated, some whose name I can't even remember now."
"You wouldn't know their names?" he asks with a raise of his eyebrows.
"They're inconsequential, now. No matter what I felt for them then, I love you more."
"I love you more," he says deeply.
"Then stop being so moody," you say as he pulls you in close. "I don't care if we run into a million women here. They are part of your history, part of why you've become the man you are. I'm happy to meet all of them, to know their stories of you. Because they've made you the one I've fallen for."
"I love you, baby," he says again.
"I know," you say, and tilt your head to kiss him. Poe's grip on you is tight, as if he never wants to let you go.
Part of him hopes that all of his exes are watching. He wants them to see the perfect woman in front of him. Wants them to know that the stars aligned for the two of you. He wants them to see that you are the last in his long history. You are his forever, and everything else, everyone else, will fade into the past.
“Besides, if being with all these women has taught you everything you know, I’m grateful.”
“Everything I know?”
“How you treat me,” you say simply, “How you kiss me.” He places a delicate kiss to your lips. “How you are in bed . . .”
“Maybe we should get out of here,” he says, his nose at your neck. You laugh in the breathy way that makes his body tighten, but shake your head.
“Not yet. I want to enjoy this night with you. Even if we are surrounded by all of the girls you’ve loved before.”
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uselesssomebody · 1 year
𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 (18+)
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the do's (rules & information):
readers must be over 18 reading these drabbles
all works will be under or roughly a thousand words
thirty-one days of smut drabbles
ten days are open to requests for the kinks
ten days will include dark content (will be properly tagged)
five will include a dominant reader
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the don'ts (what i am not interested in writing):
i only write fem!readers, with all involved characters being over 18
the kinks i'd appreciate you don't request are anything to do with anal penetration, bodily fluids (besides blood and cum), and certain dom/sub dynamics like age play or ddlg
otherwise, ask away, and i'll see if i'm comfortable writing your request!
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the kinks and the characters
october 1: shower sex w/ frankie morales
october 2: ball worship (dom!reader) w/ eddie munson
october 3: sex pollen (dark) w/ din djarin
october 4: consensual non-consent (dark) w/ miguel o'hara
october 5: threesome (ffm) w/ marc spector & layla el-faouly
october 6: requested kink & character
october 7: breeding kink (dark) w/ duke leto
october 8: somnophilia (dark) w/ eddie munson
october 9: mutual masturbation (dom!reader) w/ steven grant
october 10: threesome (mmf) + double penetration (in one hole) w/ frankie morales and santiago garcia
october 11: titfucking w/ javier peña
october 12: requested kink & character
october 13: exhibitionism w/ poe dameron
october 14: dacryphilia (dark) w/ joel miller
october 15: temperature play (dom!reader) w/ din djarin
october 16: phone sex w/ jack daniels
october 17: corruption kink (dark) w/ dio morrissey
october 18: requested kink & character
october 19: edging (dark!dom!reader) w/ basil stitt
october 20: recording/blackmail (dark) w/ jonathan levy
october 21: mask + glove kink w/ jake lockley
october 22: hate + mirror sex w/ javier peña
october 23: cockwarming (dom!reader) w/ steven grant
october 24: requested kink & character
october 25: overstimulation w/ jake lockley
october 26: size difference w/ miguel o'hara
october 27: knife kink (dark) w/ bucky barnes
october 28: free use (dark) w/ joel miller
october 29: sex toys w/ natasha romanoff
october 30: requested kink & character
october 31: period sex/blood kink w/ santiago garcia
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the characters (you guys can request)
from stranger things, i write for eddie munson, robin buckley, billy hargrove or steve harrington
from marvel, i write for bucky barnes, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, jake lockley, marc spector, steven grant, layla el-faouly and miguel o'hara
from star wars, i write for poe dameron, or din djarin (the mandalorian)
from triple frontier, i write for frankie morales and santiago garcia
miscellaneous oscar isaac characters i write for include basil stitt, jonathan levy, duke leto, kane and orestes (agora)
miscellaneous pedro pascal characters i write for include joel miller, javier peña, jack daniels (agent whiskey), dio morrissey
if you want to request another character, don't hesitate! i will see what i can do.
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guys i know i haven't written in like 1200 months but i wanna get back into the mood with the short smutty stuff
besides, i've never done kinktober and every other one i've seen bangs so hard i simply couldn't resist
side note - dark fics will be only available on my adjacent dark blog: @darkuselesssomebody, but will be linked on this masterlist. if you wanna read the dark drabbles and future dark work, give it a follow!
i am also willing to take non-kinky & halloween themed requests, so if you have any, let me know!
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emma23 · 2 months
This masterlist will be about Oscar Isaac characters. I will maybe do some Pedro pascal characters too but it will be mainly about Oscar Isaac.
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The most recent fic:
21/09: cats confusion and a charmer named rydal 💔 (Rydal keener x reader) https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/762243189174403072/cats-confusion-and-a-charmer-named-rydal
19/09: falling for the villain 🔥🌹 (King John x reader) https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/762030773415133184/falling-for-the-villain
17/09: you wanted my attention 🔥 (Jonathan levy x reader) https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/761883586655879168/you-wanted-my-attention
16/09: the love spell i didn’t need 🔥 (Poe dameron x reader) https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/761786023304888320/the-love-spell-i-didnt-need
Fluff: 🥰
Romance: 🌹
Angst: 😔
Hurt: 💔
Confort: 🤗
Smut: 🔥
Magic: 💫
Dark: 🖤
Mystery: 🕵🏻‍♂️
Oscar Isaac character:
Masterlist Poe dameron:
Masterlist Steven grant:
Masterlist Jonathan Levy:
Masterlist Nathan Bateman:
Marc Spector:
Just a sip 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/717778135514497024/just-a-sip
The honeymoon 💔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/725661447552663552/the-honeymoon
A mindful misstep 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/761337556186087424/a-mindful-misstep
Jake Lockley:
Unlikely Allies 😔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/757195545799540736/unlikely-allies
Into the darkness 😔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/759345423041314816/into-the-darkness-a-night-with-jake-lockley
Taste of trouble 🔥: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760682301492510720/a-taste-of-trouble
Miguel o’hara:
Dark Miguel 🖤: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/722578137883508736/darkmiguel-x-yn
Maybe the tests aren't quite right 🤗: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/723289315296362496/maybe-the-tests-arent-quite-right
It’s just a dare 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/723294063650127872/its-just-a-dare
Boss Miguel 🖤: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/725999659717459968/miguelboss-x-yn
Caught in the web of love 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/759801616159358976/caught-in-the-web-of-love
Rydal keener:
The honeymoon 💔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/725661447552663552/the-honeymoon
The worst tour guide ever 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/761068727965007872/the-worst-tour-guide-ever
Cats confusion and a charmer named Rydal 💔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/762243189174403072/cats-confusion-and-a-charmer-named-rydal
Orestes x reader 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/732087818925572096/orestes-x-reader
The fall of Alexandria 😔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760260937267740672/the-fall-of-alexandria
The sun and the moon 🤗: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/761671432194408448/the-sun-and-the-moon
Kane x reader 😔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/732090405390352384/kane-x-reader
In the shadow of the Shimmer 😔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/759867001655214080/in-the-shadow-of-the-shimmer
Bud Cooper:
Unmasking Suburbicon 🕵🏻‍♂️: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/756986052916527104/unmasking-suburbicon
Unexpected encounters 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760223164281257984/unexpected-encounters
Basil Stitt:
The Lightning connection 🤗: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/758084549827821568/the-lightning-connection
Lightning in a bottle 🔥: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/761251511245357056/lightning-in-a-bottle
Blue jones:
Behind the facade 🖤: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/758448414685085696/behind-the-facade
The sound of silence 🔥 : https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760885445426069504/the-sound-of-silence
Duke Leto astreides :
Beneath the sand of arrakis 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/758724863366234112/beneath-the-sands-of-arrakis
Desert heart 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760793225593307136/desert-hearts
Santiago Garcia:
The convergence of hearts 🥰: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/759147686096224256/the-convergence-of-hearts
A detour in the jungle🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760315915697111040/a-detour-in-the-jungle
Echoes of the forbidden 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760573630603264000/echoes-of-the-forbidden
Cecil Denis:
Melting point 🔥: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/759769528171429888/melting-point
Chaotic rhythms 🔥: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760060845776584704/chaotic-rhythms
Beneath the surface 🤗: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760409684242038784/beneath-the-surface
William Tell:
Rolling the dice on us 😔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760066908417638400/rolling-the-dice-on-us
Richard Munoz:
Muffled confessions 💔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760430132718682112/muffled-confessions
Llewyn Davis:
Sunscreen and jealousy 🌹:https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760973605570052096/sunscreen-and-jealousy
King John:
Falling for the villain 🔥🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/762030773415133184/falling-for-the-villain
Anselm Vogelweide:
The crumbling brick 💔: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/762216844756221952/the-crumbling-brick
Pedro Pascal charecter:
Joel miller:
Playing along 🌹: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/759675650806251520/playing-along
A night of unexpected beginnings 🤗: https://www.tumblr.com/emma23/760163328403423232/a-night-of-unexpected-beginnings
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supernovafeather · 2 years
Until the End (18+)
First Order!Poe Dameron x F!reader
Content : noncon, sexual content, prisonnier!reader, manipulation, mention of breeding kink, angst.
Synopsis : General Poe Dameron feels more and more distressed as war never ends. He found a new source of comfort, and wants to keep it forever.
Please comment and reblog if you liked it !
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War was one of the worst things to happen in Poe's life. He should have known better than embracing it as a new part of his identity at the beginning. He had been naive and reckless for the sake of glory and ambition, and from the heroic pilot he ended up as the General breaking down once alone and lonely.
Himself was the worst thing to happen to you, his promising protégée he captured in the ashes of a fallen city. What he thought would corrupt you to join him loyally only killed off that light in your eyes. No hip thrust or moan of pleasure could reignite it. It was gone. He thought he would trap you into that twisted game of his but it failed miserably. Instead of a warm body waiting for him in his bed he created that empty shell now more popular in the First Order than himself.
They adored you. The beautiful and emotionless General that turned her back to the Resistance to join the First Order after she realized her losses couldn't justify her past mistakes. They loved to romanticize your existence, to make you theirs, to make their heroin as desirable as they could to make war and miserable life more bearable.
You weren't theirs. You weren't his neither.
"Sometimes I think everything went wrong in my life, and yet I don't regret it. But then I remember what a better life I wished for back then." He whispered.
Like a little boy looking for comfort with his mom, he joined you in your bed to get a hug. Tears had flooded his face, drying slowly as you caressed his dark locks. On this morning he had caused the death of over three hundreds rebels, but no one congratulated him. It was a new normal after all. No one knew he needed some reassurance those days, all he wanted was a soft voice that would answer to him.
"You were pathetic when you used to try to flirt with me." You commented coldly as you started to massage the head on your breasts. "At least now you are actually worthy of your title instead of acting like a coward Resistance fighter."
That hurt. He missed those days where his heart was light enough to joke around. When he could still have friends. When he could flirt with anyone with some intent behind it or not.
"You shouldn't insult your former camp like that," he mumbled, "they fought until the end."
"And at the end you captured me. Acting as weak as they were was a failure all along. They had one thing to do and it was to protect our capital against the First Order. They were scared and flew away."
Poe used to hear some frightened pleas leaving your lips during your sleep. Maybe they were directed to his doppelganger in your nightmares. Or maybe to him. He had treated you badly, and maybe that leaving you behind after each time he would have tried to impregnate you for the First Order image was another mistake. At that time you were a cute female prisoner that would be useful for propaganda purposes, but now you were his only source of comfort between two sour comments and nightmares.
"I wasn't scared like them. I was tired of what I used to see at the frontline. I lost countless of men." He murmured.
"They were stupid. You're not." You said flatly.
Happy for the first time in a few months, he pressed harder against you, his strong arms squishing your flesh more than before as he closed his eyes to hide his face between your breasts. He loved your contact. A warm skin acting like a plushie during his existential crisis getting more regular throughout time. He regretted violating your body so many times but couldn't find a way to express it. You brought him so much comfort without willing so. He hoped he could do anything to bring you some. He hoped dearly that you had some maternal instinct that made you appreciate those nights where he would seek for your sole presence.
"Am I clever for you ?" He asked against your throat.
"... yes." You said with that same flat tone.
"Thank you." He whispered before breaking into another sobbing mess against you. "Thank you for everything my lothcat thank you so much."
Those encounters repeated themselves so many times that he would start to dream about them. Nothing sexual. Only him joining you to ask for some caresses through his hair. He loved to feel you in another way than submitted to his will, to feel so privileged to feel your skin and heartbeat when all you were during the day was a walking propaganda tool charming simple-minded soldiers.
The day you vanished, his world broke down. He wished he could take you as violently as the first time just to teach you that no, you didn't have the right to join the Resistance again. It was not fair. You couldn't do it, you didn't have the right to abandon him. The First Order why not but not him. A major deserter he thought to be brainwashed enough to see the truth. He loved you. Didn't he make it clear when he tried to make you enjoy what he was giving you ? Wasn't it better to live in that massive ship instead of letting you die of hunger in the ruins of your fallen civilization? Wasn't his love obvious when he whispered to you that you should look at him in the eyes? Wasn't his gentleness and devotion charming to you? Why were you so ungrateful? You never changed, you remained that spoiled brat from the Resistance that would kill his men off.
Poe hated you enough to chase you down through dozens of recently conquered planets. He wanted to have you against him whether you liked it or not. He needed some gentleness and he would erase the danger you were for good. Just a sweet little lothcat that would stop biting back at him whenever she felt moody or sad. He would teach you what it cost to stab him in the back like that.
The day he made you cry again was beautiful, just the two of you as his Stormtroopers waited behind the door of that shitty hotel you were hiding in. It felt good to have you so tight around him, so warm, so alive as you screamed for help to any rebel that would have survived after the siege. He felt young again, three years suppressed just like that. It was as he barely met you.
Your fingers clenched in his hair to make him look away but he didn't care, at least they were back where they should be. And this time, your eyes had the same expression as the very first time. He would do it over and over, and this time you would fall for him. You had no choice, he would push you off that cliff as violently as he had to.
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Thank you for reading please comment and reblog if you liked it ! 😊
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Birthday Cake
Poe Dameron X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - A (very very belated) birthday gift for @campingwiththecharmings
Thank you for being such a good friend to me since the very beginning of my time on this site and for always being so supportive. I hope you like this and know that I love you dearly ❤️
It's your birthday, and even though the party is over, your boyfriend Poe still has a surprise in store for you.
NSFW, soft Poe Dameron, fluff and smut, food (frosting), birthday fic, pwp, established relationship, p in v creampie, bad jokes, Poe being Poe, reader is not coded
Word Count: 1.4k
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You knew that Poe was good at surprises, but seeing him when you got out of the shower wearing nothing but some strategically placed frosting on his nipples was far from what you expected. You raised an eyebrow and pursed your lips. He had that playful smirk on his face that let you know you were in for a fun time. It was good to know that even after the years you’d been together, he always managed to keep things interesting.
“Remember when I told you not to fill up on birthday cake tonight?” He asked as you slowly approached him.
“Yeah…” you stopped right in front of him, “I thought you were insinuating I needed to lose a couple pounds.”
Poe broke out of his suave demeanor into a laugh that he couldn’t contain.
“Baby, you know I always like what I see,” he bit his lip and looked you up and down, “thought you knew me better than that.”
He walked up to you, seeming to make a point of swinging his hips more than necessary. When he got closer, he leaned in slowly, pressing a soft, delicate kiss against your lips. A heavy breath escaped you when you went in for more, adding your tongue to the mixture, needing desperately to taste him.
You felt his hands roaming over your body over the towel. He untucked it from around your breasts and let it drop to the floor before pulling you against his chest. You gasped, pulling back from the kiss and staring at him incredulously.
“Poe I just took a shower,” you said, trying to push him back, “I don’t want to get all–”
He interrupted with his lips over yours again, to which you gave up finally and melted into him, letting yourself give in to the moment. He lifted you by your rear, carrying you over to the bed and laying you down before crawling over you. He was so fucking handsome, dark locks falling into his glimmering eyes while he looked at you like nothing else in the galaxy existed. He dipped down, brushing his nose along yours. You could feel the frosting between your chests, smearing all over your skin.
“Was gonna let you clean me up first but…changed my mind sweetheart.”
He moved his lips to your jaw, moaning hungrily. You arched your body upward into his, feeling the warmth of his skin enveloping you. He moved his gentle kisses down your neck, over your collarbone and to your left breast where some of the frosting had transferred from his body to yours. You watched him lap some of the sweet, pink confection off your nipple before closing his mouth on it, flicking his tongue over the peak.
You gasped, reaching one hand up to grab the back of his head while the other gripped the sheets for dear life. You felt Poe’s hand slide over yours, interlocking his fingers with you as he continued his work over your tit. He was messy, slurping and sucking every bit of the frosting on your pebbled skin.
“Mm,” he hummed, looking up at you, “now you really are my sweet girl, aren’t you baby?”
You couldn’t answer, you were too wrapped up in the pleasure that his mouth afforded you, but you still nodded and groaned to show your enjoyment. He moved to the other breast, mumbling something into your sternum on the way over about how he couldn’t let that one feel left out. You felt his thumb brush over the side of your hand, and you felt comfort in his embrace.
“P-Poe…” you whined, squeezing his hand tightly.
He kissed his way back up to your lips. His tongue tasted so sweet as he melted his mouth into yours again. It was as though his cock knew right where your hole was when he lined himself up between your legs. You felt the gentle prod of his precum-slick head, testing your hole to make sure you were ready.
“Couldn’t let you spend your birthday without smothering you in some sweet loving could I?” He bit his lip, looking at you amusedly.
Slowly he slid into you, the delicious drag of his cock giving you waves of pleasure immediately as he bottomed out completely. You both expelled a breathy sigh into the room. He brought his hips back until only the tip remained before he thrusted forward even harder this time. You whimpered in response to the ache of his size. You never quite seemed to get used to that stretch.
“Oh that’s right baby, love hearing those sounds coming from your pretty lips,” he moaned into another kiss as he continued his rhythmic pace, “don’t stop, wanna hear you.”
You complied, making sure he knew exactly how you felt with every cry he forced out of your parted lips while pounding deep into your core. He leaned back and swiped some of the frosting off of his chest, sliding two thick, deliciously coated fingers in your mouth.
“Clean that up for me sweet girl, get them nice and clean.”
You sucked on Poe’s fingers while he fucked you, feeling how hard he got inside your cunt as you swirled your tongue around him. He lurched forward on the next forward snap of his hips, grabbing onto your jaw. He kept his fingers in your mouth while he pressed his lips against your ear. A low rumbling groan came from Poe’s chest.
“Fuck, suck those fingers like you’d suck this cock baby,” he said in a breathy rasp.
You closed your lips around his extremities and started bobbing your head back and forth. You loved the salty taste on the pads of his fingers while he fucked them over your tongue. Poe’s moans became deeper, and you felt him rolling his hips in a stronger, more even tempo. He started kissing the space right below your earlobe, stray curls brushing your cheek. You let out a breathy whine, feeling the way his lips sent an electric current over your entire body.
You slid your own fingers along his chest, grabbing some more of the frosting before mimicking his actions, popping them in his mouth and pushing his face up so he would look at you. He smiled around your fingertips, sticking his tongue in between your middle and forefinger. Your moan was muffled around him, feeling him slide his own digits deeper to the back of your throat.
“Fees sho goob,” Poe said in a tone laced with gravel and muffled by your fingers.
You groaned, closing your eyes and tossing your head back. Poe let his hand leave your mouth and wander past your throat and over your collarbone before clasping onto your breast. You moaned, dropping your hand out of his mouth as well, letting it travel down his chest and swirling the pad of your finger over his nipple in the thin layer of frosting still covering his skin.
He moved faster, choking out a heavy groan as your walls fluttered around his girth in response to the increased pace. His hips started snapping, and he leaned forward, nipping at your neck and then soothing your skin with his tongue. You heard that signature high-pitched whine escape him, letting you know he was close.
“Such a sweet girl, always so good to have you with me, to hear you, to feel you sweetheart,” he continued leaving soft kisses along the soft skin of your neck and throat, breath punching out of his lungs with every forward thrust.
“Yes, yes, you feel so good Poe,” you clenched your teeth and arched your back into him, “so-fucking-good-I—oh!”
“Oh that’s it baby, fuckthat’sitfuck!” He started moving faster, pounding his hips into you until you felt the gush of warmth spill out of him and into your cunt.
You threw your head back, filling the cabin with the moans and whines you knew he loved so much as your cunt crashed down in waves over his cock. He was still going, length pumping hot spurts into your greedy hole, painting your walls white. His voice was low and raspy as he came down from the high, pressing his forehead to yours
“Now, you’re like a sweet little pastry with a cream filling,” he said, laughing too hard at his own joke.
“Not funny,” you gave him a pity chuckle and rolled your eyes, “come on,” you tapped his side, “let’s go get in the shower.”
“Did you enjoy your cake?” He raised his eyebrow.
You tapped his nose, “coulda used more frosting...”
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Star Wars Masterlist
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lincolndjarin · 10 months
All I Ask of You
[phantom of the opera au]
phantom!din djarin x soprano!reader & viscount!poe dameron x soprano!reader
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[ postponed indefinitely ]
Summary : You are a gifted soprano brought into the spotlight of the most popular opera house on Coruscant. After reconnecting with a childhood friend he can’t help but ask where you learned to sing, after all, you never showed much interest in it when you were young. You see no reason to lie, telling him of the angel who visits you, giving you vocal lessons in the dark of the night. He laughs it off, insisting you join him for dinner but you don’t find the situation to be funny at all. Your angel has strict rules, and the last thing you want to do is upset him.
Content Warnings, etc : 18+ mdni, language, angst, smut, dubcon, graphic violence, manipulation, extreme canon divergence
to be updated on the release of this fic follow @lincolndjarinnotifs !!
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
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regarding the dubcon waring :
for anyone unfamiliar with the phantom of the opera, the phantom essentially convinces christine that he is the ghost of her father and manipulates and lies to her to convince her to obey him.
im gonna completely cut out a lot of the fathers ghost stuff bc i dont love it. that being said im going mostly off of my favorite version of this show (the royal albert hall version) and there is also a sort of hypnosis situation? its never really verified on whats actually happening but based on my interpretation of the source material, the phantom is controlling christine to a certain extent. in my version that aspect will still exist but all sex scenes will be consensual from both parties.
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ivystoryweaver · 8 months
The Only One
Episode 6
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Summary: Elia's background starts to be revealed. Leia explains the energy flow. Poe is missing and panic ensues. We catch up to the events of The Force Awakens (but don't worry, I'm not retelling the films)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x female original character. Fic is written in second person, but the female "you" has a name (It reads basically the same as any other xreader)
Word Count: 1.8k
Content: angst-ish, self-worth probs, not beta'd
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PREVIOUSLY on "The Only One"...
"Ells!" He called after you, "You kissed me."
"Bye, Poe!" You repeated, scurrying toward base.
Laughter bubbled up and erupted from his chest as he said goodbye back to you.
He let you go. For now.
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Something was wrong.
Poe had yet to return from his top secret mission, and everything inside of you was screaming that something was dreadfully, terribly not okay.
So you mustered the courage to approach to Leia, actually desperate enough to chance her discovering the things you could sense.
"I know he's on a mission. Something's wrong."
Leia confirmed that they'd lost all contact with Commander Dameron and his X-wing had been destroyed.
Your heart thundered inside your chest.
"The First Order has him."
Five words sent you spiraling.
Despite Leia's orders to stand down, you flourished into well more than a nuisance for hours upon end - hovering around comms, all but demanding updates, making a beeline for the hangar to convince anyone might fly you anywhere (They all said no).
You talked Perrha's ear off several times over, obsessively hypothesizing about every single thing that could have awry and why and how it could have gotten this bad for Poe.
Perrha was your best friend besides Poe, but even they started to reach their limit. Grasping your shoulders, Perrha commanded you to just stop talking for two seconds.
"You have to sleep. You have to trust everyone to do their jobs. Poe is strong - he can make it through this," they pleaded with you. "You're going to drive yourself crazy, obsessing like this."
You realized exactly what Perrha meant in that moment. You were driving them crazy.
Which made you start to cry. You stormed off without another word, despite Perrha calling after you.
Which brought you back to Leia.
She invited you into her private office with the promise of something warm to drink. You complied, fully aware her invitation was not exactly a request.
Presenting you with a small cup of tea, she smiled warmly, but the gesture didn't reach her eyes - troubled dark orbs pooling with the anxiety you felt inside.
"How are you feeling, Elia? I'm worried about you."
The smell of the tea bothered you. The temperature was all wrong. You set the beverage on the nearest table and shoved it away.
"Have you heard anything from Poe? Or anyone?" You pleaded.
With a long sigh, Leia sat down across from you and leaned forward.
"I haven't yet. But I'm here to ask about you. How are you?"
Yanking on your backpack straps, you shook your head rapidly. "It doesn't matter." With that deflection, you closed yourself off from the energy flow, despite how strongly it pulsed here in the room with Leia.
Nodding slowly, Leia leaned back, observing you quietly.
Which you took as staring.
Which you hated.
Couldn't anyone understand?
"The Force is strong with you," Leia soothingly, yet boldly remarked. "I noticed it the first day you arrived here."
You physically shuddered as she practically called out your secret.
But... "The Force? What is that?" You forlornly questioned, your eyes fixed on your shoes - the intensity of her gaze feeling as if it possessed the power to unearth all your secrets.
You’d heard fables about the Force - myths when you were a little girl - an orphan drifting from planet to planet. One time you heard that the Force was wielded by the religious warriors known as Jedi, but those were just legends...right?
When you discovered your lineage - it explained your malformed back. Your kind were a type of demon. Humanoid in most respects, but with wings. Well, the start of wings anyway. Yours remained dormant - undeveloped because you had kept them hidden your entire life.
Your species also tended to live long lives, so you were relatively young and your wings wouldn’t have developed in years prior. For that to happen, you would have to stop hiding them, let them out of your backpack and allow them to start strengthening.
You would need to open yourself to the energy flow and exercise your budding wings for them to ever fully form. And you had no idea how long that would take.
Besides, you didn't want to be demonkind. You wanted to contain your wings and never let them grow. And you certainly never wanted to give into your species' dark past.
"You've never heard of the Force? Or the Jedi?" Leia gently questioned.
"A little," you confessed, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. "I thought they were fables."
This was the day you learned about the truth of the Force - the dark, the light and the Jedi. The short version, anyway. Leia even confessed to you that Poe was on a mission to recover a map that would lead to the last Jedi Master - her twin brother, Luke Skywalker.
The tale fascinated you, especially the part about the Force surrounding and binding all things.
But if your heritage was that of dark powers and magic, that made you....dangerous. The darkness must be what Leia called the Dark Side.
A part of you. It had to be. Why else would your ancestors have annihilated themselves with darkness and curses?
Your heart sank as you realized what this meant - that you were an enemy of the Resistance - of Leia, and of Poe.
At this realization, you completely shut down. You said nothing more, even as Leia tried to speak with you further, going so far as to explain that you could stretch out with your feelings - that perhaps you had done as much when you helped to partially heal Poe on your last mission together.
"We'll speak again soon," she relented, clearly noting your distress.
You had almost managed to scamper away when you heard your name.
"Elia? Don't lose hope," she softly encouraged.
Sniffling, you nodded. "I have hope...for Poe."
But none for yourself.
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Poe returned the next day.
News rippled through base like a current electrifying everyone who heard it. Poe Dameron was alive - he had survived and somehow escaped capture by the First Order.
Apparently a stormtrooper defected and helped him escape. They crash landed and Poe scrambled his way back to D’Qar. But the map to Luke Skywalker was housed inside the memory systems of BB-8, who got separated from Poe on Jakku.
As the day went on, the entire base was getting ready for a rescue mission to Takodana - where BB-8 and this defective stormtrooper apparently fled.
Your job and skillsets kept you as busy as anyone, but your longing to see Poe again was consuming your thoughts. Keeping your mind focused on computers was as natural as breathing, but the disturbance you had felt in...the Force was so powerful.
Yes, what you had been feeling all your life had to be the Force. The stories really were true.
You were driving yourself crazy, needing to see with your own eyes that Poe was okay, but fearing the darkness you were apparently born to - and how it would ruin your friendship in the long run.
Maybe Leia could teach you how to overcome it. Maybe there really was hope.
If you could only see Poe, just for a moment…
But it was no use. The mission to Takodana commenced and he was gone again.
From there, the intensity of the looming First Order threat escalated exponentially.
When Poe returned to base, you finally laid eyes on him. He bolted by in his flight suit, with another man following closely behind him. You barely got a glance. You didn’t even have time to call his name, but you did see the cuts on his face.
Then the biggest news of all: the First Order’s super weapon was a planet killer - a system killer, actually. And this system was their next target.
Everyone scrambled and even your racing, obsessive thoughts zeroed in on this looming threat.
As quickly as the latest intel could be analyzed, the system-saving, critical mission was launched: the plan to destroy Starkiller base.
As Poe rushed to head out on the most important mission of his life, he could only wish he had time to see your face - just one more time, in case he didn’t make it back.
In case this mission failed, and you didn’t survive. But everything was happening so fast and you were as busy and as important as he was in this moment. He didn’t know where to find you and he didn’t have time to look.
Then there you were.
And time stood still for a moment.
Your chest heaved with emotion. Your eyes shone with moisture, the corners pulled down by worry. Your fingers twisted hopelessly in the frayed ends of your backpack straps. One of your twin hair buns had worked its way loose.
Poe had the thought that he’d never seen your hair down. He had no idea how long your hair actually was. He might never know.
“Poe?” Your voice was a choked whisper - the two of you suspended for a brief eternity - unmoving.
“Elia,” he breathed, hesitating only a second longer before rushing toward you, somehow restraining himself from scooping you up into his arms. Instead, he grasped both your hands and pulled them to his chest - although the act was less intimate in actuality, with him in full flight gear.
Still, his forehead dropped to yours and before he could say anything more, your hands squeezed his own before you pushed your fingers up over his throat to trace his jawline.
Fingertips danced tenderly around cuts and scrapes, until the pad of your thumb caressed his bottom lip - carefully avoiding the angry split marring his beautiful mouth.
“You’re hurt,” you gasped, smoothing your fingers over his cheeks as your eyes locked onto his.
“Nah, I’m okay. Still in one piece,” he almost chuckled, but the sound was a touch hollow. Tired.
Your eyes shone with sympathy as you reached to touch his temple. “They hurt you. Here.”
He didn’t quite know how to respond to that, except with what Leia had been known to say, on occasion. ‘We have no time for our sorrows.’
“I’m so sorry,” you uttered, with heartfelt conviction, before he could deflect, and insist he was fine.
“Thanks,” he decided the simple, direct reply was best. Besides, there was no time. His eyes cut over to the hangar and you knew then that your time was up.
“Gotta go blow up a big ass weapon,” he boyishly reported, shrugging one shoulder and mustering a tired grin.
“Yeah,” you agreed, releasing him and stepping back. “Don’t miss, okay?”
That earned you a real smile. “I won’t.” He reached out to squeeze your arms, hoping like hell he would see you again, that another war wouldn’t take someone else he…loved.
Without warning, he pressed a fierce kiss to your mouth then bolted away, leaving you stunned, thrilled and terrified.
He turned around one more time, granting you another sweet smile. “Wait for me, Ells. I’ll be right back.”
Somehow his humor and good nature gave you hope. Poe always gave you hope.
“May the Force be with you,” you whispered to no one really. Or, to all of them.
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Poe Dameron Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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*These weren’t necessarily written and/or posted in November, but that’s when I read them 😊
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
🔥Kinktober Day 30 (Cunnilingus) (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Healing Love (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dailyreverie
Pumpkin Patch and Everything Nice (Poe Dameron x Reader - Modern AU) - @dailyreverie
Melt (Part of the Your Wish is my Command universe) (Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader) - @dailyreverie
🔥Morning (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Noon (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Night (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Facefucking (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @dameronscopilot
🔥Brat Taming (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
Ambrosial (Din Djarin x Black!F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥Boob Drunk Poe (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
Unremarkable (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @the-little-ewok
blood will have blood (Part of the better safe than sorry universe) (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Moon Knight
Falling Like Rain (Steven Grant x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Sugar Rush (Jake Lockley x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Pumpkin (Marc Spector x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Chain 'Round My Neck (Steven Grant x Reader) - @dailyreverie
🔥Chain Reaction (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
🔥Sweet Tooth (Part of the Dancing With Wolves series) (Werewolf!Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @hon3yboy
🔥friendly favors (best friend!Steven Grant x Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥Honey (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @juneknight
🔥Night Desires (Dark!Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @lunalockley
🔥he smells like flowers (Steven Grant x Reader) - @runa-falls
Protected (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @romanarose
Triple Frontier
🔥Kinktober Day 23 (Dirty Talk) (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Breaking the Rules (Santiago Garcia x Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
Jingle Bells (Santiago Garcia x Reader) - @ivystoryweaver
🔥Kinktober Day 2 (Public) (Frankie Morales x F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
🔥Kinktober Day 4 (Sex Pollen) (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
Sucker Punch
🔥Kinktober Day 21 (Hate Sex) (Blue Jones x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Inside Llewyn Davis
🔥Kinktober Day 24 (Lingerie) (Llewyn Davis x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥Kinktober Day 26 (Face Sitting) (Llewyn Davis x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Ex Machina
🔥Perfect Fit (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @ivystoryweaver
🔥Fuckin' Stupid (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥The Beauty of Imperfection (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @missdictatorme
🔥The Empty Room (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
The Card Counter
🔥Losing Hand (William Tell x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
🔥(pumpkin) cream pie (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
Daisy (Mechanic!Frank Castle x Sunshine!F!Reader) - @fandxmslxt69
🔥Kinktober Day 1 (Overstimulation + Impact Play) (Frank Castle x F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed from the list, I completely understand, just let me know
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vibrantbirdy · 1 year
hi! i was hoping i could request a poe dameron x reader where he has a huge crush on the reader who works a small part of the resistance but he keeps making a fool of himself in front of them but the reader finds him cute anyways. thank u!!
Yes anon, thank you! This is such a cute request. I hope I've done it justice.
Requests for Character x Reader fics are currently open in my Asks. Please read the guidelines first before requesting.
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Title: Crush Fandom: Star Wars: Skywalker Saga Genres: Sci-Fi; Romance; Fluff Setting: Sometime later on in the Force Awakens Characters: Poe Dameron; Reader Pairings: Poe Dameron x Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Warnings: None :) Perhaps extremely mild, fluffy, sexuality Word Count: 2805
Summary: You work for the Resistance at the Base on D'Qar. Wing Commander Poe Dameron has a crush on you and he's surprisingly awkward about it...
It's late, and you are walking the empty corridors of the Resistance Base on D'Qar. You like the base at this time of night. It's peaceful and your long trips between the various offices and briefing rooms and your own place of work, the records room, give you time to think.
You're making your final trip back to the records room for the night. In your hands is a box full of data sticks and holo chips. Every time there's a skirmish, a raid, or an offensive to plot against the First Order, Resistance Officers descend upon the archive, stripping it like locusts. They are looking for information, knowledge, maps, schematics anything that might help them understand the weaponry, tech, locations and terrain they might be up against.
You have tried to explain that if they really have to take records out of the records room, they really do need to bring them back. If this information gets lost, so too does the history of the Republic, the Resistance, the First Order and its Imperial predecessor, the Galactic Empire. No one listens. You don't mind that much. It is wartime after all.
So you spend your nights too-ing and fro-ing until you've gathered up all the records left abandoned in consoles and holo readers and on the tops of desks. You really have had to burn the candle at both ends recently and you think you know why. There are whispers spreading through the base that General Organa will soon need to launch an attack on the First Order's monstrous weapon on Starkiller base.
You take pride in what you do. It's not flying an X-Wing, but it's important.
Someone who does fly an X-Wing - and does it very well - is Wing Commander, Poe Dameron. But right now, he's scrabbling about on the floor with you, trying to salvage the precious hoard of information that went flying in a shower of little plastic bits when his droid barrelled into you from the opposite direction and sent the box flying from your hands.
"BB-8!" he exclaims, bending down to scoop up handfuls of data chips and throw them in the box he has righted for you, "C'mon buddy, how many times have I told you to watch where you're rolling!"
The little round ball of orange and white metal chitters indignantly. From your sitting position on the floor, you pause in your work to reach over and give BB-8 a reassuring pat on his semi-spherical head. The droid vibrates and makes a docile purring sound. You can't help the small laugh that escapes you. You've always thought he was the cutest little astromech around.
When you raise your eyes, Dameron is staring at you, slightly open mouthed. You're seen him around the base plenty of times, but this is the first time you've really looked at him up close. His handsome face is framed by a crop of brown curls and adorned with deep set eyes that are so dark they are almost black. Still, they sparkle like a night full of stars.
Wordlessly, Dameron reaches out a free hand to you and you take it as he pulls you back onto your feet. You pick up the box and he funnels the last of the data sticks balanced precariously in the crook of his elbow into the receptacle.
"So, how come I've not seen you around before?" He asks.
"Oh, I've been here," you laugh, "I think you've probably just been too busy to notice."
"Yeah, I'm busy, not blind..." he mutters, more to himself than to you, "Uh, I mean..."
He looks awkward and you cut him off to introduce yourself and save him from his unease. Still, you feel a pleasant blush creep into your cheeks at both his insinuation and the fact that appears to be slightly flustered in your presence.
"Poe," he responds, confidence returning with a dazzling smile that you are certain must get him into trouble.
"I know," you reply, allowing yourself to give him a cheeky smirk of your own.
"Do you always walk around the base this late at night?"
"Yes," you say simply, then, after a pause, you throw the question back at him, "Do you?"
"No," he chuckles wearily and rubs the back of his neck, "Couldn't sleep."
He does look tired. Upon closer inspection, there are dark circles under his eyes and a five o'clock shadow sits upon his well-defined jaw and creeps up towards his sharp cheekbones. There have been a lot of skirmishes with the First Order lately and a lot of good pilots have been lost, pilots under Dameron's command. You feel a flash of deep sympathy for him. You don't envy the responsibility he bears and it is clearly weighing heavy on him tonight.
"Well. Goodnight, Commander," you say after a lingering but not uncomfortable pause.
You hope he'll maybe get some rest tonight at least.
He nods at you and smiles softly.
BB-8 cheeps a farewell.
In all the time you've been on D'Qar. You've never once seen Poe Dameron, ace pilot, in the records room. Yet here he is at your desk with BB-8 in tow.
"Hello Commander, what can I help you with today?"
Poe draws the syllable out as he leans forward conspiratorially across the desk. He raps his knuckles on its cheap plast-cast surface. He's stalling for time. He's here to see you, you realise, and it sends a giddy little thrill through your body.
"...am here for some records," he finally says and you can tell he instantly regrets it.
He attempts to give you his trademark winning smile but it's really more of an embarrassed grimace. He looks away from you with a imperceptible shake of his head that sends a few of his rich, chocolate curls spilling across his forehead. He runs his hands through his hair, sweeping the dark tendrils back off his face.
You can see that he thinks he looks stupid. He's clearly not used to it, and you want to say something to make him feel better. You think it's sweet that he's come to see you.
Was he just passing, you wonder? Or did he plan it?
You never get the chance to ask. The sudden din of the pilot scramble alert swallows any potential words you might say whole. It is accompanied, as always, by the emergency lighting system which sets off flashing red pulses throughout the entire base.
Poe Dameron doesn't move. He's studying you intently with those endless eyes that are paradoxically both dark and luminescent.
"Uh. Commander?" You point upward to the nearest emergency light which is flashing just above your head.
Slowly, as if reluctant to tear himself away, his gaze leaves your face and follows your finger up to the ceiling.
"Right," he says, then starts and looks around wildly as if he is only just hearing the blaring alarm for the first time. "Right!"
He turns and sprints away from your desk at an alarming pace, BB-8 whizzing after him. He spins clumsily halfway down the room, momentum almost sending him barrelling into a row of desks where readers can, usually, study in relative peace and quiet. A haughty looking admin officer seated nearby rolls his eyes.
"I'll be back for those records!" Poe shouts back at you, as if it's the most important promise he's ever made.
It makes you laugh, and you hope to the Force he has the opportunity to do so as he and BB-8 disappear round the corner to prepare to take to the skies into some awful fray.
"Saved by the bell, huh?"
You jump, startled out of your reverie, and turn to see your colleague Marjane who has sidled up beside you. She's a gregarious, older lady with big heart and a preference for men half her age.
"That young man has never been awkward around a woman a day in his life," she says sagely, pointing to the spot where Poe had stood moments ago as if the outline of him were still tangible, "What spell did you use and can I have it?"
You grin and hold your hands up defensively.
"He's got a crush on you," she winks slyly and walks back to her desk.
The next time you see Poe Dameron it's milliseconds before he crashes into you at speed in the same corridor, on the same corner where BB-8 sent you sprawling only a few weeks earlier.
You've smacked your forehead right off his sharp, chiselled cheek bone and the two of you are are nursing your wounds either side of the corridor. You are resting your sore head against the nearest cool durasteel wall, and he is leaning his back against the opposite one, holding a palm to his face which is stricken with a comical expression of surprise.
BB-8, perhaps the most compassionate droid you've even known, rolls back and forth between you both, as if unsure of who needs the most of his sympathy.
When you finally feel like you can open your eyes again without seeing stars, you turn away from the wall and find that Poe has moved to stand directly in front of you. He's wearing a white tank top and lightweight cargo pants and he has clearly been running. His broad shoulders rise and fall from his interrupted physical exertion.
A lot of the pilots keep fit by jogging through the endless maze of corridors within the labyrinthine base during the heavy torrents of rain that occasionally lash the otherwise temperate D'Qar.
"Are you ok?" he asks, concerned, and he cups your face gently in his hands with exhilarating forwardness to examine the red mark that is blossoming on your forehead.
It's a surprisingly intimate gesture. You wonder if he can feel the heat growing in your cheeks, but his hands are already warm from exercise. You can feel the course pads of his finger tips exerting a reassuring pressure against your skin.
"Force, what a shiner, I didn't know my head was that hard!"
"You've got a good one coming in too," you say, snaking your hand up between the two of you to carefully press a finger against the clear point of impact on his cheek.
"Ow!" he breaks away dramatically and you both laugh. "I'm not sure we can blame the droid this time," you say.
BB-8 chirps and wobbles cheerfully on the floor.
"No, this one's on me. I mean you too, I guess. It takes two to uh...you know..."
"Collide in a corridor?"
"Yeah, that."
There's a stilted silence and you hope he might say something more, like, wanna hang out sometime? or I know this great place to watch the stars or let's go for a joyride in my X-Wing... but he doesn't.
"Well, I better ..." he makes a little jogging motion with his arms, "Sorry about the whole running and the crashing and the headache thing."
You smile, and try to hide the little twang of disappointment you feel.
"Of course," you say, "Good evening, Commander."
He taps two fingers off his forehead in a mock salute before jogging past you in the opposite direction from your way of travel.
BB-8 doesn't follow immediately, sitting at your feet for moment longer. You look down to see his dark, glassy photoreceptor fixed on you. You shrug at him and he gives you a consolatory whirring sound before rolling off to catch up with his master.
It's Poe's birthday and General Organa has given everyone strict orders to have a good time. The Resistance leadership are having to launch so many sorties against the First Order lately that she's had to place a complete ban on alcohol consumption lest the pilots have to enact an emergency scramble. This doesn't appear to have dampened the mood one iota and as you enter the hanger, the party is in full swing.
The whole base has turned out, as you'd expected. The hanger is packed with people chatting and dancing. Some of the engineers have obviously been hard at work wiring up whatever miscellaneous light sources they could find to hang rustic makeshift fairy lights from the durasteel beams and support columns. The upbeat music pulses through ancient, crackling speakers and is joined melodiously with people singing and raucous bursts of laughter.
It's a glorious feeling. Wartime hasn't been easy. You all need this.
Before you can even get yourself a drink or find your friends, someone takes your hand and leads you into the crowd of dancers. Your heart skips a beat as you realise it's Poe. He's a good dancer in that way some men are - all bent knees and elbows, but somehow able to make it rhythmical. You are grinning at each other like idiots, mirroring your energies, lost in the music.
Finally, you think.
Then, without warning, somebody jostles past you and grabs Poe around the waist. Then someone else comes. And another. And another. You soon realise it's members of his fighter squadron as they cart him away from you through the hangar and outside onto the landing grounds.
You laugh as you are swept along in the stampede of excitement that follows. Of course, you remember. It's tradition amongst the flyers to soak the birthday boy or girl with the emergency fire hoses.
Finn, the ex-Stormtrooper who has recently joined the Resistance, has the courtesy to give you an apologetic smile as he races past you to join in on the action. As a close friend of Poe, you have a suspicion that he is probably more aware than the others of the moment they have just interrupted. You don't mind. Not really.
Once outside underneath D'Qar's clear night's sky, Poe barely has the chance to ready himself when four powerful jets of water are turned on him. He jumps this way and that in a futile attempt to avoid the deluge. Any time it looks like he might escape, someone grabs him and spins him around so that he redirected back to his watery fate. He is wet through in seconds.
The gigantic, gruff but beloved Second Engineer, Toko, notices BB-8 by his feet and he picks up the little droid who screeches in alarm. Poe shouts over the noise, pointing at the big man with one hand as he skips around, trying to deflect a myriad of water blasts to his face and body.
"Not my droid! NOT MY DROID!"
Everyone laughs. The Engineer, only teasing, sets the wriggling mechanical ball down gently and gives him a pat on the head.
Finally, the hoses are turned off and Poe's squad rush towards him cheering and shouting. He shakes himself violently and flicks his dripping hands over his nearest assailants. His flyers drag him to the ground and they all collapse on top of him in a soggy, giddy heap.
There has been a skirmish with the First Order and the atmosphere on the base has been tense all day. The sun is setting on D'Qar and finally, finally, the fighter squadrons are retuning.
You count the X-Wings as they land, your heart racing. They're all here, you realise. Every single one of them has come back. It's so rare these days.
Your friend, Maya, claps you on the shoulder as she speeds past to greet her twin sister, Selina, the two young women colliding into a rough embrace as the latter leaps out of her X-Wing.
You are overcome with emotion and you clasp your hands over your mouth and fold in the middle. With a disbelieving laugh you put your hands on your knees and push yourself upright slowly.
Then, you are looking for him. For Poe. Your eyes scan the hanger and the landing pads beyond, a sea of orange flight suits. There. In the midst of the joyous commotion, there he is. He's checking on his flyers, slapping them on their backs, giving and receiving hugs, grasping arms tightly with comrades in relief and celebration.
As if he senses that you are looking for him, he locks eyes with you across the hanger. With a purposeful gait, he strides over until he's so close you can feel the victorious energy vibrating off his body.
He surveys your face intently with those deep pools of midnight, flicking his gaze between your lips and your eyes. He's trying to suppress a smirk, a muscle working in his cheek.
"I think I'd like to see you more often," he finally says.
It comes out funny, almost like an order, but it's the most direct he's ever been. Without hesitation, you grab him by the lapels of his orange flight suit and pull him into a deep kiss.
Fuelled by adrenaline and the heady jubilation of the moment, Poe drops his helmet, and without breaking your embrace, he circles one hand around your waist, and uses the other to support the nape of your neck. Then, he dips you almost parallel to the ground as you kiss like a scene from a romance holo.
A ripple of cheers and good natured laughter passes around the hanger as Poe sets you, breathless, back on your feet.
A dashing grin spreads wide across his handsome face.
"I'd like that too," you say as you lean in for another long awaited kiss.
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