necklacings · 1 year
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i. don’t. know. mann
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andespoones · 9 months
One of These
I don’t know who told whom firstIt was contentious I will only break your heartHer exterior was so toughMaybe that’s part of why we wanted to break the otherWhat’s behind the stubborn faceWho seem to have seen only the worst of the worldI told her about kindnessLulled or be fooledI should’ve asked for the truthShe hated that I refuse to burn broken bridgesUseless just the sameIn the end she hated…
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cto10121 · 1 year
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Maybe he would like drama if you hadn’t fucked Shakespeare
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writeinsoul · 1 year
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Avoiding a confession can be dangerous. It can result in an explosion of emotions that can question your confidence, character, and even soul. Well—not everyone is brave enough, right?
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spacedustpan · 3 months
Poetaster and Singing Dolls x2
Miku and Len focus
Gakupo and Kaito focus
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britneyshakespeare · 7 months
Actually I must resign to the fact that The Country Wife (1675) by William Wycherley is unfortunately hilarious
#ive read almost all of it since noon#it's a quick read. i only have act v left#first i must say. harry horner is a bisexual icon#secondly i am upset that a man who trashed the legacy of aphra behn could almost equal her in wit#at least just judging by this one play. now this shit is raunchy#im still not as familiar with restoration theater as i am the elizabethan/jacobean eras but like? how is it that plays by women seemed#to get the greater criticism for being bawdy in the restoration era. oh my GOD wycherley#no but it is funny it is really really funny#tales from diana#the editor of this 1959 riverside edition of restoration plays. john harold wilson. he's kind of hilarious#i mentioned him in the tags of a post i reblogged about aphra behn the other day. how he called mary pix and delarivier manley#poetasters of the post-restoration decline in theater... that guy#in his introduction to the country wife he holds no punches for wycherley sdlfasdf#after talking about his four successful plays he says:#'he married unwisely; fell out of favor at court; spent seven years in prison for debt; and wasted the remainder#of his life writing bad verse.' SLDIFSDJIFLDIFSL#if someone said that about me. even though i was already dead. i would somehow find a way to kill myself#maybe 20th century literary academic snobs were funnyyyyy#misogynists granted. but when they attacked each other? funny#also even though i am praising the country wife this play is definitely definitely misogynistic like holy shit#k. ive said enough
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clairedelune-13 · 1 year
Who okayed this atrocity? At least give him a hat…
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warriorfujoshi · 1 year
google, how do i kill an algorithm? because on twitter im being swamped in poetry literally knee deep in the shit from people ive never heard of and its such an evil fucking trick you know showing me human faces showing me lives and each time i go fuck no i don’t want to see more poetry let me out of this swamp but each picture of a page is like a sexy hot bog witch i think will fix me and ahhh but no its just more poetry and my life is enriched but no happier. whatever. i didnt take my iron supplements bc im scared they’ll push my guts out my mouth again.
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Another List of "Beautiful" Words
to include in your next poem
Avidulous - somewhat greedy.
Breviloquent - marked by brevity of speech.
Compotation - a drinking or tippling together.
Crimpy - of weather; unpleasant; raw and cold.
Desiderium - an ardent desire or longing; especially, a feeling of loss or grief for something lost.
Dyspathy - lack of sympathy.
Ebriosity - habitual intoxication.
Epitasis - the part of a play developing the main action and leading to the catastrophe.
Fantod - a state of irritability and tension.
Graumangere - a great meal.
Grimoire - a magician's manual for invoking demons and the spirits of the dead.
Hiemal - of or relating to winter.
Illaudable - deserving no praise.
Impluvious - wet with rain.
Innominate - having no name; unnamed; also, “anonymous”.
Juberous - doubtful and hesitating.
Noctilucous - shining at night.
Poetaster - an inferior poet.
Psychrophilic - thriving at a relatively low temperature.
Quiddity - the essential nature or ultimate form of something: what makes something to be the type of thing that it is.
Repullulate - to bud or sprout again.
Retrogradation - a backward movement.
Semiustulate - half burnt or consumed by fire.
Tenebrific - causing gloom or darkness.
Unparadiz’d - brought from joy to miserie.
If any of these words make it into your next poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
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natalieironside · 24 days
Writing poetry is really hard and everybody who does it ought to be entitled to some manner of accolade and/or attaboy regardless of the finished piece's supposed quality. Medals and parades for all the world's tin-eared poetasters, I say.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
oh man, i'm clearing off my desktop and i found this .txt from when i had reached a breaking point of annoyance about the fandom (mostly netflix, sorry about that show) constantly referring to jaskier as "bard" ...
this bothered me because, as i recalled, he is most often referenced as "poet" or "troubadour," whenever mentioned by his profession. especially for what he calls himself, what others who esteem him well (e.g., geralt) call him, or what the narration calls him.
(then there's also the titles of lesser frequency, like "musician," "minstrel," "singer," "poetaster," "rhymester," but these are less frequent, e.g., geralt bof 5 "a poetaster with a lute," regis ttos 3 "our minstrel," rience boe 1 "nasty rhymester" ... rience sucks, but he was right about that one, you gotta admit).
asides from the fact that dandelion seems to self-identify with "poet and musician," (eternal flame i) i just find "bard" so generic, like it's just a catch-all term for someone in a fantasy setting that sings, like the d&d class. it doesn't actually reflect the full roles of his profession: that he writes, he is connected with the concept of poetry and writing, and as such, aspects of his character can be considered a satire of writers. and that his poetic personality runs contrary to geralt's banal realism.
so, in my annoyance i used went and counted all the times in the last wish that he is referenced by his profession (i apparently only cared enough about this to do the first book). i noted what word was used and who said it.
anyways guess what. my hypothesis was right 😎 coming in at over half his mentions by profession, he is called "poet." so hah! he is a poet, i remembered correctly.
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(fwiw, this is using the english translation, and just calling to attention that it might have been different in polish. after all - i recall from the lost in translation series something interesting about "poetaster" in a little sacrifice, drouhard almost calls him this, like "one who strings rhymes together" (edit: got it: "He was originally going for “wierszokleta,” or roughly “one who carelessly puts rhymes together.”))
Poet Voice of Reason 2, Narration Voice of Reason 5, Nenneke Voice of Reason 5, Geralt Voice of Reason, Narration Voice of Reason, Narration Voice of Reason, Narration Voice of Reason, Narration Voice of Reason, Narration Edge of the World i, Narration Edge of the World i, Narration Edge of the World i, Geralt Edge of the World i, Dandelion Edge of the World i, Narration Edge of the World ii, Narration Edge of the World ii, Narration Edge of the World iii, Narration Edge of the World iii, Narration Edge of the World iii, Narration Edge of the World iv, Narration Edge of the World iv, Narration Edge of the World vi, Narration Edge of the World vi, Narration Edge of the World vi, Narration Edge of the World vi, Narration Edge of the World vii, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish ii, Narration The Last Wish ii, Errdil The Last Wish iii, Geralt The Last Wish v, Narration The Last Wish v, Narration The Last Wish vii, Narration The Last Wish vii, Narration Voice of Reason 7, Narration Voice of Reason 7, Narration Troubadour Voice of Reason 2, Narration Voice of Reason 5, Narration Edge of the World i, Narration Edge of the World iii, Narration Edge of the World vi, Narration Edge of the World vi, Narration Edge of the World vii, Narration Edge of the World vii, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish ii, Errdil The Last Wish ii, Chireadan The Last Wish v, Narration The Last Wish vii, Yennefer Voice of Reason 7, Narration Bard Voice of Reason 5, Narration Edge of the World i, Narration Edge of the World ii, Narration Edge of the World iii, Narration Edge of the World iii, Narration Edge of the World iv, Narration Edge of the World vii, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish i, Narration The Last Wish vii, Narration The Last Wish vii, Narration The Last Wish vii, Narration Musician Edge of the World vi, Toruviel Edge of the World vi, Toruviel The Last Wish iii, Geralt Lutenist Edge of the World vi, Toruviel
just to say that jaskier IN THE BOOKS is a poet. n*tflix jaskier is a bard. this is a trifle in the broader sense of things, yet another element which distinguishes the characters and everything else between canons
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andespoones · 1 year
Why Am I So Unhappy
This topicIs a burden That break shouldersOr bridgesSmall tear, all wornA dynamite explosionThis deep dark wellThis infinite resourceThis insignificant speckOf enormous remorseThat no amount of honesty can unravelBecause honesty is woven downAgainst itself, in parallel Word after word Passing headlights of incoming trafficPleading for minutesSave me some futile minutesThat can be wasted as…
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panur · 8 months
‘What a company I ended up with,’ Geralt continued, shaking his head. ‘Brothers in arms! A team of heroes! What have I done to deserve it? A poetaster with a lute. A king who abdicated to elope with the very same poetaster. A wild and lippy half-dryad, half-woman. A vampire, who’s about to notch up his fifth century. And a bloody Nilfgaardian who insists he isn’t a Nilfgaardian.’ ‘And leading the party is the Witcher, who suffers from pangs of conscience, impotence and the inability to take decisions,’ Regis finished calmly. ‘I suggest we travel incognito, to avoid arousing suspicion.’ ‘Or raising a laugh,’ Milva added. 'Also, I was a prince when I eloped.' Radovid added, quite primly. 'You're a king??' Cahir shouted, distraught.
― edited quote from Andrzej Sapkowski, Baptism of Fire
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jeannereames · 3 months
Why are alexander and hephaistion usually important figures for the queer community when we can't be sure that they were lovers?
A while back, my publisher asked me to do a blog tour when Dancing with the Lion was first released. (It’s a “thing” in publishing.) In one of those visiting blogs, I talked about Alexander’s importance as a queer icon, then reposted it to my own blog:
Alexander as LGBTQI Icon.
To be fair, it talks about Alexander, not really Alexander and Hephaistion, but I think the explanation still suits. There’s little doubt among most modern professional historians that Alexander was attracted to men, as well as to women. It takes a lot of twisting and rejection of multiple sources to turn him straight. (Although W. W. Tarn tried mightily in the early 1900s.)
These days, serious (not strident) questions about whether Alexander and Hephaistion were lovers centers largely on source issues: where does the Roman poetasting begin? Did they invent, or merely exaggerate, the Alexander-Hephaistion/Achilles-Patroklos pastiche? I tend to think the Romans exaggerated it, my friend and colleague Sabine Müller thinks they invented it. Neither of us would argue that Hephaistion wasn’t enormously important to Alexander emotionally (or that Hephaistion was incompetent). Whether they were lovers depends at least somewhat on when they met. She thinks they met as adults, once the campaign began, and the whole childhood friendship is part of the Roman invention. I think they did meet as teens (if not even earlier). By the time of the campaign’s latter phases, they were probably no longer physical lovers, even if they had been earlier. Or it was a very occasional thing. (E.g., I wouldn’t rule it out, but I also don’t necessarily assume it.) All of that has more to do with Greek patterns of socially permitted homoerotic expression than an attempt to erase Hephaistion’s importance to Alexander.
So, if one must put them together as a “power couple” in order for Alexander to be a queer icon, then yes, it becomes an issue. But, with all due respect to Hephaistion, he’s not the important part of that equation. ALEXANDER is. And Alexander is pretty safely queer … even as he’d be rather baffled by the label. 😉
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insufficientchill · 2 years
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"A poetaster with a lute. A wild and lippy half-dryad, half-woman. A vampire, who's about to notch up his fifth century. And a bloody Nilfgaardian who insists he isn't a Nilfgaardian." "And leading the party is the Witcher, who suffers from pangs of conscience, impotence and the inability to take decisions," Regis finished calmly. "I suggest we travel incognito, to avoid arousing suspicion." "Or raising a laugh," Milva added.
(sometimes you are not even slightly a pixel artist but you wake up one day thinking 'oh! witcher hansa 90s rpg sprites!')
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