ashenpumpkin · 4 months
This is amazing
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Geography of Galar
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Galar is my home region, and I wanna talk about it more since there's actually multiple cultural regions of Galar. And, at some parts, even different languages! So, here's some stuff about Galar!
Just getting this out of the way. The most common language spoken in Galarian is, well, Galarian. But there are actually many different 'subcategories' of Galarian. For example, the Galarian I'm speaking is Hammerlock Galarian. But some parts will speak Lean (a language that isn't that common and is spoken and originated in the Glimwood Tangle area), while others might speak other forms of old Galarian. Keep in mind that the languages aren't as common as they used to be because the Hammerlocke kingdom colonized a lot of places. So you won't be completely lost if you visit these places and don't speak the local language.
Southern Galar
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Also called Dùaicha by locals, which doesn't really have a direct translation, but it has the old Galarian words for 'country', 'white', and 'field'. Southern Galar is mostly a farming part of Galar, where people have strong accents. The history is pretty neat, as it was once inhabited by different tribes and clans before the people of Hammerlock came and forced them away from their culture. As a lot of history passed, and Hammerlock's kingdom soon died out, the people of Southern Galar were able to gain their cultures back, but of course, there were reproductions, as a lot of their history was lost. While they mostly speak Hammerlock Galarian there, words will sometimes be different.
The people that live in the Crown Tundra tend to have heavier accents (basically the stereotypical Galarian accent you hear all the time), and tend to speak Hammerlock Galarian less.
Central Southern Galar
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The place I grew up! Central Southern Galar contains the 1st (first) Wild Area, Turtfield, and the 3rd most populated city in Galar, Motostoke.
The history of Motostoke is rather interesting, being founded in the 1st century and controlled by the old Hammerlock kings. But as time went on and technology started to improve, Motostoke became one of the first industrialized cities in the world!
The Wild Area tends to be different. For one, there's barely any towns there, with some houses and cottages scattered about. And since it's not near most people, they tend to speak old Souther Galarian there (which I would speak with my parents and the other people in the area I lived in). In ancient times, multiple tribes and clans lived in the area, living side-by-side with the Pokemon around them. But the people of the old clans went away for various reasons (colonization, slowly failing economies, disputes, wars, etc).
Turtfield is the second most well-known city in Central Galar 1, purely because one of the gym leaders lives there. The history is still pretty neat, with the artwork depicting the Darkest Day. It's also one of the oldest towns in Galar, still having a lot of culture involved with it.
Central Galar
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One of the most well-known cities in Galar, which I find interesting since it's not even the capital (Wyndon is). Being one of an old kingdom, descendants from old Hammerlocke are known as Hammerlockians Anyways, Hammerlocke is located in the center of Galar, but I wanna mention it because a lot of stuff has happened here. I can't explain the entire history of it, because I'm most likely not qualified to do that.
But Hammerlocke was a super power in the Galar region, and it managed to colonize a lot of stuff, and is one of the reasons Hammerlocke Galarian is spoken all throughout Galar, spoken in Unova, and a commonly learned second language around the world. They had a monarchy and were run by kings and a couple of queens.
Other than the colonization, Hammerlocke was also known as 'The Dragon Hunters.'' They hunted a lot of dragon types in Galar to extinction, and even as Pokemon started co existing with humans, there was still a lot of stigma around having Dragin types in or near the city, and having one could get you seriously in trouble. Hammerlock actually designed their buildings like that to scare off dragon types. There also one of the reasons Flapple and Appletun look the way they do; they had to evolve to look friendlier to NOT get killed by them!
But now, Hammerlocke is one of the safest places to own a Dragon type in Galar. The wide and expansive area of it as well as the stigma of the area disappearing had led Hammerlocke to almost completely get rid of that stigma entirely (I also like to put that on the popularity of the gym leader here. Ngl, I might've had a crush on him when I was younger).
Central Galar is also home to the second Wild Area. Even fewer people live there compared to the first Wild Area since it holds a lot more dangerous Pokemon.
West-Central Galar
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West-Central Galar holds the Leantír and the Creuilg area.
Leantír is the term that refers to the entire Glimwood Tangle area. The word Lea is a Galarian suffix for woodlands or a clearing. Tír is just Southern Galarian for land. The people who reside in this area are known as the Lean people. A cool thing about them is that they are one of the few groups that managed to avoid the colonization of Hammerlocke, purely because the people in Hammerlocke thought that Glimwood Tangle was too dangerous since of the Pokemon there. Because of this, the culture was able to grow free from colonization, and their language has been preserved throughout the years.
There was some stuff that happened though. Like how a guy found Indeedee 7,000 years ago in Glimwood Tangle and took them out to breed them. But another thing that isn't well known is that Leantír use to spread a lot farther than it does now, reaching all the way down to the Stow-on-Side area, and even a bit of Hammerlocke! But Hammerlocke cut down their trees and got rid of their dangerous Pokemon fairly quickly. The Pokemon of the forest than became more wary of people from Hammerlocke, and they ended up attacking any human that wasn't from deeper in the forest, which is why Hammerlocke never went that far.
Creulig is a combination of the old Galarian word for rock and blood (referring to the red-like color of the canyons). One of the largest towns there (Stow-on-side) holds a gym challenge there. It's also the only desert on Mainland Galar.
There were civilizations here in the ancient past, which were realized when old artifacts were found here. But little is known about that civilization, as the history of it only started being documented when newer people moved in.
East-Central Galar
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East-Central Galar holds the Nixalba area, which got its name from a forgotten language. "Nix" means snow, while "alba" means white.
The history of the area is really cool (no pun intended), with the Circhester town being around for thousands of years. Originally, Circhester was made in 60 AD, where the first settlers there used the hot springs in the area as a spa area and built their town around it. It became a really popular tourist spot, with the added gym challenge making it even more popular.
The places around it (like Spikemuth and route 8) used to be a lot colder, but climate change and global warming have made it the way it is today. Route 8 has faced a lot of weathering and erosion, which is what gives it its more rocky appearance. But ancient people of the Nixalba area lived there, giving it the ruins it has. In the Hulbury area, people have used that place as a fishing port for hundreds of years.
Northern Galar
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Other than the Wyndon district, Northern Galar is inhabited much because of the large mountains making it hard for people to live there. Mostly hikers, researchers, and explorers head there.
However, the history of Wyndon is really interesting. The main city itself was founded in 43 CE when the Hammerlocke kingdom was making its way around Galar. Most of the ancient tribes that lived there were wiped out, and not much is known about the tribes that resided here (which is sad).
The Isle of Armor
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The Isle of Armor is a subregion of Galar. Back then, a lot of immigrants from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh came here, and the culture here reflects that. This place is very popular for trainers coming here to get stronger because of the famous dojo they have here.
So yeah, that's the Galar region! Have fun with this information!
Ooc stuff
Honestly, I know this probably isn't accurate to irl UK, but I think it would just be boring to restate UK history. Plus, I don't want the world building to be EXACTLY like it is irl. For one, the game doesn't mention much colonization, and I like that idea. But it would make sense that Galar would have some colonization (it's literally the UK), But I also like the idea of different languages being more common, since it sucks that irl UK has a bunch of dying languages because of colonization. So instead, I made them have colonization, but the languages would stay semi-alive, where you would meet a lot more people that would speak them.
The Isle of Armor was based on The Isle of Man, which mostly has a Celtic history. But from what we see in the game, it has a lot of East Asian inspiration, and I wanted to reflect that here.
I purposely made the places seem bigger than they were since it's stupid to only imagine one small town in the entirety of an area. Plus, we only really see that stuff in the game because it's all we need to see. We can assume there's more people and towns there.
The old clans and tribes are supposed to be old Celtic tribes, but I couldn't think of a name to give them in the Pokemon world...
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historianofgalar · 10 months
Did you know #2
In many Kanto, Johto, and Alolan myths, when a Cleffa, Clefairy, or Clefable dies, they're reborn and become a star
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arcphone352945 · 8 months
look at this picture i took of a mushroom lover guy with the alpha parasect i gave him
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he wabted to see a bigass mushroom he heard so much about by other mushroom fans. so i got him the biggest one i could find. he decided he wanted to keep it to learn more about mushrooms and also cause he thinks its a combo of scary-cute-funny. however he does not realize the parasect buggy bit is a parasitized husk and that his new friend is just a mushroom and im worried about introducing that info to him too fast cause i dont wanna scares him
after all parasitic mushrooms r real specialized in Specific Creatures so a parasect mushroom is highly unlikely to colonize a human. this info is unlikey to be common knowledge here cause it wasnt common at home
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084392 · 1 year
Lisias like ohhh I don't believe in contest rivals peace and love on pokearth💖💖...until brendan(npc) gets into contests and she's like no wait I gotta end this guy and his dumbass hat.
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rivalkieran · 11 months
since you asked for asks about pokémon. I’ve seen a lot about your big au and I was curious if they have some moment where they all meet like all the characters in pokémon do in pokemas? or just if any of them ever really run into each other
as of Right now not really no there isnt like any Big Meetup scenario w all of them.. the solisverse protags/rivals are all friends with eachother (or at the very least acquaintances with eachother from mutual friends) buuut since rhere is. A Lot Of Them and theyre scattered all over pokearth I doubt theyd have many opportunities to meet up in person.
however they absolutely do have a groupchat together. because I personally find it fun and silly
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alolanrain · 2 years
I love how, in the anime, we get such bizzare names. Lara Larmie, Pete Pebbleman, Fiorella Cappuccino! I'm not kidding, EP052 confirms someone in Pokearth has 'Cappuccino' as their family name...
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inkgeeky · 20 days
pokemom center dropping the 300 dollar 2ft tall lapras when we have no money in our bank account is genuinely so so ableist i hate this gay pokearth
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sleepylion · 4 months
Life of a Clodsire | Pokearth
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frozen-lass · 4 years
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Hoenn night sky
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planabee · 6 years
Alolans from various regions
This is almost entirely speculation and unconfirmed theories. I just wanted to draw some connections between the Sun and Moon characters and the rest of the Pokemon world based on what is known so far. 
Pokespe Sun came from Pallet Town (or Viridian Forest). Reasoning: he uses "Orecchi" for first person which is Shizuoka dialect, and Shizuoka = Pallet. source
Game Sun/Moon’s hometown is more nebulous, but with observation I’ve narrowed it down to three: Celadon, Saffron or Vermillon City. Evidence includes the gym leader's autograph (which appears to be a Rainbow or Surge badge), the possible location of the Scratch Cat girl (my guess is a lass named Miki/Andrea on route 8) and where Meowths are catchable (routes 5, 6, 7 and 8). 
Ryuki may be a Lt. Surge fanboy.
Wicke travelled around Kanto during the Team Rocket days.
Hau's dad is most likely Brawly. Going by that assumption, when Hau goes off to look for him he’ll eventually wind up in Dewford. I’d like to believe there’s a parallel world where Hau grows up with his dad in Hoenn and becomes a contest star.
Mallow may have visited Hoenn at some point because she has a Sceptile on her Battle Tree team. 
Pokespe Moon works in Sandgem Town. Pretty strong possibility she’s a Berlitz, although as yet it’s unconfirmed.
Lusamine (I don’t believe this but I’m including it here anyway), some fans theorize that she’s Cynthia’s sister. For fanfiction’s sake that would be kind of interesting. Sinnoh being such a knowledge seeking and research friendly region, it would’ve been a great place for a branch of Aether at the very least.
Burnet and Fennel are friends from college. She started her dream research in Unova, before moving on to dimensional research in Alola. 
Some Aether employees used to work for Team Plasma. That’s confirmed with in-game dialogue.
Some fans think Lana and Marlon might be related. I’m not so sure, but it’s a cool idea? If this is true, chances are their family’s originally from Hoenn (Marlon speaks in Kyushu dialect, after all).
Ilima mentions he studied in Kalos for a time. Some fans noticed his mother resembles Diantha, but that it’s odd she was an unnamed npc. Personally, I think this gives her the appearance of a retired actress trying to be incognito.
Ultra Recon Squad might be from Kalos. There’s a theory that the Ultra Megalopolis is Lumiose City in a parallel world, and that tall structure you climb at the center was Prism Tower. (However there’s also the case of Black City, which seems to share the same style of architecture.)
Olivia and Grant look like they could be related. They’re both strong rock type trainers who love to accessorize with precious stones. Who really knows?
Kukui and Sycamore, another fan theory suggests, met at college and were at odds with each. Hence why many Alolan dex entries paint a horrific picture of Mega Evolution, likely stemming from Kukui’s personal disgust at the practice.
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pochapal · 3 years
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a really unpleasant but apparent explanation for the total shift in ecology that occured in the wake of the arrival of pokemon to the world.. when you're a mammal with the use of claws and teeth you're nothing more than an easy food source for an entire range of superpowered apex predators. how quickly would the emergence of pokemon cause such an extinction event, and how has the rest of the world responded?
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quillpokebiology · 4 months
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thatonecheeseguy · 5 years
why is it that the generation that they decided to shelf Mega Evolution entirely is the same generation that takes place in the region implicitly closest to Kalos, aka the birthplace of Mega Evolution???
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pocketfantasy · 3 years
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In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, a house in Dewford Town has a map nearly identical to one created by Pokemon fansite Serebii.net for their Pokearth section. This page was created several years prior to the game’s release, and likely serves as an easter egg to honor the site’s notoriety among the English speaking Pokemon community.
This is also one of the only times the locations of the generation 1-4 regions have been shown relative to each other outside of Kanto and Johto,
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imjeralee · 4 years
Hey! You don’t have to do this request if you can’t think of anything! Could you do headcanons of Raihan x influencer reader who has a Corviknight as her partner? Thank you so much!
No problemo. here we go -
As Raihan’s S/O, you and Raihan collab A LOT.
As an influencer himself, you both have and share mutual understanding of the pressure to upload and create new and high quality content continuously and to maintain your strong following, although Raihan is more laidback and tends to just go with the flow whilst you’re more structured and you definitely plan in advance
But that’s because he’s so friendly and chill, it’s just natural to him
You’ve done the boyfriend FAQ video
He’s done the girlfriend FAQ video
You’ve also done a house tour of your shared flat and what’s in my closet/bag
You’ve also done a GRWM with Raihan as a guest star
Also makeup tutorials, skincare routines, pokemon day videos, A Day at Hammerlocke Gym, A Day at Work with Corviknight etc etc
You also do a lot of restaurant and product reviews. Companies sponsor you and yes, they want you to tell people their product is amazing even if its no good
You’ve done a lingerie shot when you started as an influencer and you had to pay for a lot of the stuff yourself - travel, photographer etc etc. 
in the early stage of your relationship, Raihan checked out your page ofc and saw your lingerie photos and hell, our dragon boy secretly saved them down like ASAP and from time to time he likes to look at them because you look so sexy 
The “Boyfriend does my makeup” video was especially hot
Raihan was actually pretty good at doing your makeup O_O
So you both upped your gear and did a “Boyfriend does my makeup whilst BLINDFOLDED’ video and Raihan still did a pretty good job. 
no joke, his skills are impressive
Relationship advice is also a hot one and so are your travel vlogs
Challenges too, but not so much
DIY is also interesting along (your DIY bookshelf and apartment decorating was very popular) along with arts and crafts, and vintage, thrift shopping
SHOPPING! holy crap, our dragon boy is a shopaholic. You and him vlog about almost every single department store on the pokearth and show off your hauls at the end of the day
His Duraludon, Goodra and torkoal feature heavily in videos and photos 
The traffic of your videos are usually between 300,000 - 500,000 views 
So when you’re not collaborating, you maintain your own channel and social media with corviknight, your partner
It really started when you made and posted a video of you coming across an abandoned egg one day and uploading photos and videos of your progress until rookidee hatched
Then it moved onto training, rookidee care, teaching rookidee to fly, then when it evolved it became corvisquire focused and so forth 
Nowadays, you and corviknight mostly vlog about travel and corviknight care. There’s a niche for that (it’s actually a thing).
You sometimes do video game vlogs because they’re quite fun until  you’re bad at a game and ragequit, but people actually find it endearing 
One day, someone posts up a video saying she’s your biggest hater. She hates you, she hates everything you do, your face, your life, your hair, your teeth, she even hates your Corviknight!! yeah that’s right, she hates everything about you and she’s going to steal Raihan from you
funnily enough, her account gets hacked the next day and her videos are taken down
So no more hater
you wonder what happened to her
^ inspired by Pewdiepie and his biggest hater lol 
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