#pokemon black: the novel
Sooooo it turns out that there is a Sommeliershipping anthology book called "Bon Voyage Mariage" that I would love to have.... Except for the fact that the novel is in Japanese and it was on sale 5-6 years ago!! If anyone owns a copy of this book or knows where to safely find a English version, please let me know!!
If people don't know what I'm talking about... Here is what the cover looks like and what the spine looks like.
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sexysilverstrider · 5 months
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whoah boy youre so close
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lunamidnight · 10 months
November 17th
Fanfiction/Original Fiction
First created: March 2021
Last updated: June 2021
General Premise: a quick story that is from the girl protagonist's POV. And it does get dark.
Other notes: not done and not sure if I will finish it.
Tw: kidnapping, threats
The first time was in Floccesy Ranch. She battled alone and defeat the man after some effort. What he said afterward however stuck with her. “You’d be a nice catch for team plasma.” She didn’t understand what that meant, but she knew she’d have to watch her back from then on. She didn’t mention it to her friend, of course, she wouldn’t have been able to since he was so engrossed in getting revenge.
The second time happened after she gave chase into Route 20 after the battle in Virbank City. The one she battled this time was a female, but she too also said something odd. “So your the trainer I’ve heard about, fresh, pure, naive, perfect for the taking.” The female grunt said just before the battle. The grunt fled without a word after her defeat. Again this wasn’t told to anyone including the best friend.
The third time was in the city sewers of the biggest city in Unova, her friend fought alongside her that time. She noticed that the two grunts both focused more on her team than his, which lead to their defeat. Nothing odd was said but their behavior suggested similar suggestions. The scientist they met afterward seems to be on his own agenda so she didn’t worry about them, even helping her get through the rest of route 4 not long after.
She battled two more grunts nearby her friend in Nimbasa City next, and nothing really stuck out to her then, but they did seem to try harder than ever before. She still won just as her friend did not too far away. In Driftveil they found out more about Team plasma, and even though the ones she met then were not with the ones she fought she still didn’t tell them about her encounters.
Now she was on their boat with her friend and the first gym leader, battling one after another, soon all were defeated. However, an old man came and command these three males to get the three of them off the ship. The old man looked straight at her as the three males appeared out of nowhere. One for each of them, grabbing them and teleporting them onto the pier. The one that held her however whispered in her ear during the teleport. “You will belong to Team Plasma.” He said before he and the other two disappeared. They were called the shadow Triad, and the encounter made a shiver go down her spine. 
Her long-time friend, Hugh, noticed nothing of course as he yelled about going after them and left in a sprint. The first gym Leader, Cheren, however, did notice. “Are you alright Rosa?” He asked with concern as he pushed up his glasses. “Yeah, just a little shaken from the teleportation, wished Hugh would stop and look around sometime you know?” Rosa replied only revealing half of the truth. Cheren watched her carefully but ended up nodding in agreement. “Yes, he’s too focused on one thing he won’t see what’s going on around him, or to the people he cares about, Hopefully, he finds peace soon.” Cheren replied before stating that he was going to check out the next route for clues. Rosa was left with her thoughts and as she looked out to the water where the ship once was, she couldn’t help another shiver go down her spine.
In Lacunosa Town, Rosa and Hugh battled alongside each other once more against team plasmas admin Zinzolin and a grunt, Zinzolin watched her like a hawk as they battle, and it didn’t sit with her any better than previous encounters. They both won the battle, and team plasma fled, stating that their target was Opelucid City. She didn’t like that she was already headed in that direction already but she went onward anyways. Hugh ran ahead of course, but that didn’t faze Rosa by this point.
Once at the vast City she met with Drayden to talk about the legendary dragons, soon after fighting him at his gym. She won after a long battle and her team was graciously healed at the exit. Outside though the City was attacked and put on ice by a large cannon, and the DNA Splicers that Drayen hid in the gym was stolen by the shadow triad. Both Rosa and Drayen went after them in pursuit. On the far end of the city, Rosa caught up to one of them near the city gate. They battled and she won, but the white-haired man smiled before throwing down a gray ball causing it to burst out a blanket of smoke. Rosa coughed at the assault to her senses as she heard Drayen coming to her aid, but her head started to spin and she fell into the shadow’s arms before being teleported away.
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salsaseth · 2 months
After hearing my friend, James bring it up in a call, we started watching Lily Orchard's video about Pokemon to see all the bad takes in it.
When she starts playing the DS games, she uses a mod to smooth out the aliasing and uncap the game's framerate to 60. And gah damn does it look fuckin bad. Even worse is during the 3D games where she uses another mod to smooth out the 3D models and it looks like peeled oranges. Unnaturally smooth. But it does get funny when she talks about the game running like garbage when she's fucked with the game's logic. Like no shit, it's running at a framerate it was never meant for.
Something really funny also begins in the DS games. I don't know why, but she replaces one of the starters with Ralts, cuz she's got some favoritism for Gardevoir. All well and good, but you know, Ralts is weak as shit until it learns confusion and it's still frail. So it gets its ass kicked all the way until it evolves into Gardevoir. But because of how much asskicking it receives, and I swear this is true, she suspects the game is artificially raising the strength of the enemy pokemon, as a way to explain for why's she losing.
Almost as if the game is designed to use a stronger than average pokemon to get you through the early game. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Still, I don't fully understand why she refuses to use the regular starters. Especially when you can catch Ralts and Kirlia for most of the games. save for black and white. Speaking of.
One takeaway I've had from listening to it is what she says is more revealing about herself than what is intentional. The most telling thing is when she's going off about the Black and White characters for speaking about their ideals and opinions. I mean, she mashes through that with the A button (VISUAL NOVEL HATER SPOTTED), so it's when she's paying attention. I don't know if she just doesn't know what the game is supposed to be going for, or if she's just purposefully ignorant for the sake of contrarianism, but the game's themes are about truth and ideals. The truth is out there, but the ideals we have shape our perspective of the truth. Even Cheren, who represents the truth, is still shaped his ideal. It's a little more deeper than, 'Characters excited that they all have opinions,' but what do i know?
She rails against these characters, N in particular for having opinions and speaking them out. Meanwhile in X&Y, which its cast and characters are there to mostly stroke the character's dick, she vastly praises and prefers these characters to the ones in B&W. Hmmm. Characters that have opinions and speak them out are hated, while those that don't and heap praise on her are loved. I wonder if this says anything about her?
The video gets pretty boring the longer it goes on. The hot take well starts drying up and it quickly becomes a bad screenshot let's play. "Then I did this, and then I did that!"
That's all I got to report. Besides the shoehorning in of lefty takes. I don't know if it's because she's not funny or if she wields everything with as much subtlety as anvil-nunchuks, but when there's an opportunity to make a joke with a leftist-slant, it's as heavy handed as a Titan's ballsack and as funny as stale bread. I'm a leftist bastard myself, but every time the jokes were shoehorned in, I'm like, "The funny? Where is it?!" Especially when it was about Looker and Nanu. I get not liking the police, but this isn't the time or place for it. Leave the jokes to the professionals. Like my friend Plate. Several unemployment jokes were made at Lily's expense, and each one was funnier than the last.
I'll report back if there's anything worth commenting on. Me and the friends got to the end of Sun and Moon, so we have SwSh and SV left.
And if you had time to read this 'post', Lily, I think you had time to 'post' your resume to get a job ;D ;D ;D
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guesst · 5 months
MANHWA REC LIST PART 3 courtesy of @ihavenobigbrain
have tried my best to put in all the nice platonic manhwas i’ve read! theres still a bunch of romance but fun and games and lightheartedness is the main focus of these for sure 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
first of all i will rec the obvious and popular ones so they dont get missed becuse they are Popular for a Good Reason:
the s classes that i raised (super good, ive read the novel mostly but the manhwa is JUST as great. mc is collecting people like pokemon)
trash of the counts family (amazing art, little dragon child, mc is collecting people like pokemon)
also gonna plug some ones from the previous rec posts just cus i truly believe they are some of the best non romance manhwa: susu, han; i see you; the tale of goldiluck the black kitten
okay onto the actual recs !
HILARIOUS. genuinely so good, pretty underrated too (in that i havent seen anyone talking about this?) but it has a main character who isekais into a second male lead and decides to stay awayy from the leads — this fails miserably, obviously, and its comical. the misunderstandings, the unlucky run-ins… also the mc is a priest and theres a pretty interesting magic system and worldbuilding!! and as a final bonus the art is nice. genuinely so fun to read, highly recommend
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favourite manhwa of all time tbh its the only one ive bought a physical copy of (so far, anyway.. hehe). has a romance sub plot but the characterisations, relationships, plot development etc is exquisite. the family relationship takes precedence here especially in the first few arcs, the characters are REALISTIC, the art is gorgeous…, i love it so so much highly rec if you havent read it already. i guess this doesnt fall as much into light-hearted, because there are quite a lot of heavy moments… but its nicely balanced out with the comedy n all so i’ll put it in anyway :]
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super cute! this one is a school romance and it doesnt have many chapters out but its simple and the two mains are adorable. its a nice fluffy read and the artstyle is also lovely.
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jdjsjd can you tell how this goes from the title? speaking of which i type it from memory and i cant find the tab i had it open in so it might actually be “his daughter the hero” not “his hero daughter”… not sure. anyway i havent read much of this one but the first few chapters alone had me screaming the dad and his lackey are idiots please read it for him. he loves his daughter but this is backfiring on him so badly djrnfj
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^ idiot lackey, everyone
you would assume the war god goes to war! but no. he picks up a little girl and then he’s like. ok mine now. and the rest of the manhwa is spent getting money out of people and living in the woods in his homemade mansion with his daughter and the mamy many sidekicks that they pick up along the way. lovely art, lots of funny moments, plenty of action -- this is a martial arts story -- n the side characters are great (especially the governor lol) .
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there arent many chapters out for this one (24 i think?) but im so invested already. as it stands this is centred entirely around the isekai’d main character and her new family, there is a heavy dose of angst about identity issues but every chapter has a new misunderstanding and it has me rolling fr ,, oh also the mc’s new brothers are her stepsiblings but they shoot down that romance route really fast and their relationships are so entertaining if it keeps going the way it is this will definitely become a favourite. heres an out of context foot pic
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AMAZING TRULY AMAZING the character arcs in this one are so !!! yummy !!! mc time travels n endeavours to correct her actions n save people and in the process makes sm friends and all the characters have depth and grow and theyre all so !!! lovable !!!! the friendships in this one are amazing even without the romance subplot (and also speaking of romance, its a slow burn mainly cus sigrid is as dense as a brick but its NOT frustrating because it actually makes sense for her character!! like im usually the first one to move on from a thick fl but honestly you cant help but cheer them on) its so so good, i love it
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this one is an isekai romance with again some lovely character arcs :D the main character is pretty depressive but its also got plenty of light/funny moments to balance it out, and the plot centres around her learning to take care of herself and becoming more confident,, i love the characters a lot ! they care a lot. the romance does get a bit cheesy at times but it really is so wholesome with solid characterisation n its completed too so you have a nice 3am read.
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urgh one of the best kid leads ever, plenty of plot and the art is gorgeous as well like its a winner all around okay. as it stands its on an indefinite hiatus (author had cancer and i assume is still recovering or just taking a break for a while) but season one is already completed and its an excellent family centred read with a few mysteries scattered here n there also did i mention the entire family is so yummy. im so gone for the butler fjddjdnndd
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simultaenously super funny and somewhat angsty. this is one of those dungeon manhwa but the caveat is each of the mc's brothers has a different trope going on (time travel, became demon king, isekai'd) while mc is a decent potion maker and has to deal with all their bullshit (affectionate). it handles family issues and balances it with comedy perfectly. the main character is really really likeable and you cant help but cheer her on. so far its almost entirely platonic but i spy a few male leads lol
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romance manhwa again !! fjdmcjf the author of this one looked at all the classic miscommunication and misunderstanding tropes and noped the fuck out its so easy to read because you will NOT stress out and the male lead is so cute also. they play with the typical gender roles so fl has the knight aura while the ml is the damsel. its great and the characterisations are also awesome. big big fan. look him
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iirc this is actually either malaysian or indonesian, not korean i think..? its mostly slice of life iirc n its been like.. 2 years since i read it so the humour might be . slightly outdated haha,, the cast is pretty diverse which is cool and there are a few angsty backstory chapters scattered here and there but on the whole it is chock full of shits and giggles if you want silly times. the only caveat is there isnt an official translation afaik so like… fan translation will have to do djfnc
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back to romance ! romance manhua this time, slice pf life office type of thing and its pretty much just fluff. its a cute low stress read for times where u just want to sit down n smile about something and the characters r not thick about everything like they can be in SOME romances fjfnf and also the art is lovely! look at the cover, thats what its like the whole way through.
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mad underrated djfhdn it’s pretty chill, its a story about a human girl working at a salad restaurant on a planet full of cats. the art is super cute, the cats have jobs and all but they also act like cats and its great dhsks like the owner of the restaurant likes to sit in random cardboard boxes. its been a while since i read it but there is not much romance (if at all??), but plenty of cats and shenanigans. heehee
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read it for him !! its also complete and its not particularly long either btw forgor to say
this one … i think is a manga actually? in colour?? its about a random oni kid that gets picked up by a high schooler’s family. very very cute art, it’s short and sweet and i will repeat very cute.
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look him! hes so small ! he likes baseball!!
BONUS REC which doesnt fit the mood but i think more people should read it: the goldfish osushi. i wont elaborate anymore but its truly… your heart will be touched after it lol
also if anyone has more to add to this list (preferably things u think r underrated !! and no orv because everyone automatically recs that to me and im tired ajfndn) please do i would also like recs. also also if anyone has requests i love making lists
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pbjelly90 · 3 months
Ask Game: make a poll of at least five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's fave.
I mostly wanted to do this for my own enjoyment, so I'm not tagging anyone, but if you'd like to try this too, go for it! :)
This is a small blog so I'm not sure how many folks will vote, but I at least wanted to see if I could make myself narrow down a list of my favorite blorbos enough to fit a Tumblr poll lol. It was very, very hard.
Some special shoutouts that were almost on this poll but I ran out of space: Link (LoZ), Frog (Chrono Trigger), Frieren, Botan (YYH), Hua Cheng (TGCF), Kirby, Steven Stone (Pokemon), Sypha Belnades (Castlevania), Anakin Skywalker, Harry Dresden, Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, Loid Forger, Lloyd Irving, Zelos Wilder, Kratos Aurion, Raine Sage, Ema Skye, Mia Fey, Sheik, Sophie Hatter, Tails and countless others. I have accumulated so many blorbos over the years.
Some I didn't include so they wouldn't take over the poll (even if Sherlock might do that, being a Sherlock fan is too fundamental to me not to include), and some just got nudged out slightly by other favorites. I could have a poll with 100 options and I'm still not sure they'd all fit.
EDIT: Okay, I know I chose for myself well, because just trying to vote on my own poll is giving me decision panic. I CAN'T CHOOSE.
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circlique · 2 years
Color Theory in ATLA: Part 1
Let’s talk colors! ATLA is a colorful show! It’s pretty obvious at first glance that each element and thus each nation has a color association. But how else does ATLA use color narratively? Today I’m gonna be doing a little analysis at two levels: surface and narrative. This post will cover the visual, surface level.
By the way, this is actually a propaganda post for @multicolor-fandom-tournament, where you should totally go vote for ATLA in the final. As much as I love Pokemon, I wanna see someone else win a poll for once. Give ATLA some love. Anyway, let’s get started.
For individual characters, there is some pretty obvious color coding/representation going on that is notable. For instance, Ty Lee wears pink and is girly with a bubbly personality. Mai wears dark red and black and tends to be gloomy and serious. Zuko wears red and is often prone to passionate, angry outbursts. Aang wears yellow and tends to be cheery and positive. Sokka, for all his cool collectedness, wears blue. Toph is represented by green and is first introduced as a vision in a swamp, where there are themes of connectedness, growth, and new beginnings. These are all fairly obvious and surface level, so I’m not going to go into them too much.
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Beyond individual characters, each nation gets its own color. This is fairly straightforward. Fire is red, air is orange/yellow, water is blue, earth is green. People from each nation wear their nation’s color for the most part, leaving us with recognizable character designs that easily allow us to discern any particular character’s origin.
There are a few other interesting cases where specific colors are reserved for specific things, such as purple, which is only worn by royalty, Princess Yue, and gold, which is used in small accents in the Fire Nation, but larger usages seem to be reserved for the royalty there as well.
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However, throughout ATLA and some of the extended material such as the comics and Legend of Korra, the colors a person wears has been further used to show their multiculturalism, and sometimes detachment from culture altogether. In ATLA, there is a travailing music troupe that wears a variety of colors, presumably due to their travels necessitating the need to replace worn out garments with whatever colors are available. In the comics, there is a plot line about conflict arising in the former Fire Nation colonies, where people have been raised in a mix of Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom culture. Some of the people there wear both red and green.
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Later on in Legend of Korra, we see that while Republic City is multicultural, many of the people there don’t identify super strongly with any one nation. After all, many of the people there have never lived anywhere but Republic City. As a result, a lot of the Republic City characters such as Mako and Bolin wear more muted colors such as gray. Although their outfits still have accents in their respective bending colors, their outfits reflect their heritage to a place that does not strongly emphasize any one nation’s colors over the others. Notably, Amon and his chiblockers wear gray too, because their entire deal is equality among benders and nonbenders.
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Another thing that is heavily color coded in ATLA is eye color. Each nation has a corresponding eye color too. For fire it’s gold/amber, air is gray, water is blue, and earth is green and brown. Eye color is so heavily color coded that it even picks up some narrative importance. When Azula takes over Ba Sing Se, she, Ty Lee, and Mai disguise themselves as Kyoshi Warriors. Katara runs up to then to warn them of the coup, but realizes something is wrong when Azula’s pretty Fire Nation amber eyes flash in the light.
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Eye color is used like this in a few other places too. In the Kyoshi novels, there is a character who goes undercover who must disguise his eye color to avoid being discovered. In the Yangchen novel, there is a character from and island in the Mo Ce Sea (which is roughly in the middle of the map) who describes how her home became so cut off from any one nation that she didn’t feel allegiance to any of them. Her eyes are specifically described as hazel/brown, which can be found in all four nations.
Eye color is so heavily nation-coded that it has spawned plenty of fan theories and arguments. Suki, for instance, has green eyes in some art and blue in others. Fans argue about what her eye color actually is, with some suggesting blue-eyes Suki may have Water Tribe heritage due to Kyoshi Island’s proximity to the Southern Water Tribe, and others suggesting it was just an animation error and that they were actually supposed to be green. Another example is Ty Lee, who is a nonbender but has gray eyes, causing many people to speculate she has Air Nomad ancestry. Notably, Zaheer ALSO has gray eyes and later gains the ability to airbend, so the popular theory is that he and Ty Lee may be the descendants of airbenders who survived the initial attack and hid amongst the four nations.
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Indeed, different eye color is used to show people with mixed heritage, a notable example being Asami, who has green eyes but is descended from Fire Nationals who settled in the colonies in the Earth Kingdom.
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And there you have it! Those are the surface-level uses of color in ATLA. Next time we'll talk more about color theory and narrative usage of color symbolism.
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
proseka casts fav anime/anime genres:
ichika: has only seen black rock shooter and mekakucity actors
saki: huge precure fan, her fav seasons are heartcatch, smile, dokidoki, and tropical rouge
honami: watches a ton of iyashikei while doing housework and cooking, loves polar bear cafe and natsumes book for friends the most
shiho: number 1 mecha fan, adores both real and super robot shows, has seen every gundam
minori: love live, need i say more?
haruka: huge detective conan fan, has every season and movie on bluray, every volume of the manga, and infodumps about the newest case every week at mmj practices
airi: has only really see the occasional ghibli movie and kids anime when her younger sister watches, likes ponyo and kikis delivery service the most
shizuku: giant rumiko takahashi fan, has seen and read all of urusei yatsura, ranma 1/2, inuyasha, and maison ikkoku
kohane: watches a lot of young shounen, but loves pokemon the most, has seen every season and has every game, avid fan of the adventures manga
an: biggest sports anime fan in the world, loves haikyu, free, kuroko no basket, and basically anything else, cries at every season finale
akito: ena made him watch the first episode of riddle story of devil when it first aired and he has not watched a single episode of anime since
toya: ena introduced him to kyoani pretty soon after they met and he's been hooked ever since, hibike euphonium was difficult for him to watch at first, but now he loves it
tsukasa: watches precure weekly with saki, doesnt particularly love the series but wants saki to be happy, doesnt really watch any anime other than that
emu: keeps up with seasonals just to find the most absurd and unknown anime, number 1 estab life defender
nene: has somehow seen and read every samey isekai light novel thing in existance, she's seen it all, from in another world with my smartphone to re:zero, she watches regardless of quality
rui: number 1 science saru geek, but will watch really anything if it looks experimental enough, has also seen a good number of samey light novel shows because of nene
kanade: watches the occasional original anime from kyoani or mappa if mizuki or ena reccomends it, but she usually only watches and episode or two
mafuyu: stumbled across space patrol luluco in middle school and would rewatch it anytime she felt like life was getting to be too much, forgot about it when she reached high school until talking about anime with mizuki and it was brought up, now watches basically anything mizuki reccomends
ena: kyoani simp, watches anything with good animation, also watches a lot of garbage death game anime and is always on the edge of her seat but wont admit it
mizuki: seasonal junkie, watches the first ep of every new show and always keeps up with at least 10, never slacking on magical girl anime, the first week of january, april, july, and october, the nightcord chat gets absolutely flooded w their reccs
I SEE THIS I think mizuki would love madoka magica
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cryptidlover17 · 1 year
I love my little pony, homestuck, cartoons, among us, scene clothes, 2000s music, 2010s nostalgia, cats, books, manga, anime, mountain dew, monster energy, doritos, tumblr, adult cartoons, musicals, social media, invader zim, adventure time, chuck E cheese, creepypasta, horror games, YouTube, the owl house, metalocalypse, Rick and Morty, bluey, percy Jackson, spider man, pokemon, family Guy, Scott Pilgrim, teenage mutant ninja Turtles, graphic novels, vocaloid, Domo, hot topic, minecraft, south Park, don't hug me in scared, madoka magica, death note, marijuana, monster high, drawing, bugs, five nights at Freddy's, evangelion, Sally face, soul eater, doki doki literature club, making Kandi, my gir hoodie, my homemade homestuck headband, black nail polish, writing fanfic, Vylet pony, Clone high, horror movies, legos, tacos, zombies, vampires, emo kids, scene kids, my chemical Romance, Greek mythology, gloomy Bear, skelanimals, cupcakes, 2000s memes, hair dye, converse, eyeliner, clumpy mascara, the south park goth kids, twilight, nostalgic things, 2010s, dumplings, watamote, Craig of the creek, night in the woods, free iwatobi swim club, joJo's bizarre adventure, sonic the hedgehog, Steven Universe, Morel Orel, mob Psycho, smiling friends, xenogenders, neopronouns, lucky star, Fran bow, serial experiments lain, legend of Zelda, yuri on ice, sasunaru, analog horror, heartstopper, diary of a wimpy kid, Barnes and noble, black butler, autism/tbh creature, my engineering class, Amphibia, emo music, nyan cat
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curatorotl · 3 months
Well, here I go, I guess.
Writeblr Intro
Hi. I do have a real name, but I just go by Curator online(short for Curator of the Legends, which is a whole thing I'm not explaining right now). I started writing in the third grade and picked it back up seriously in the eighth grade. I am a Christian, and it does influence my work, but more in a LotR way than a Narnia way.
What I do
I write predominantly fantasy, mostly for my novels and series, but I do have some soft sci-fi novels in there. Most of my short stories are horror/suspense/thriller/whatever you wanna call it. The series I'm working on right now is called The Sliver-Gifted Cycle, and I'm hoping to get a deal for book 1 this summer. Working on Draft 2 now.
My main inspiration for my current works is none other than Brandon Sanderson himself. His books are so good, and the worldbuilding is next level. A lot of my style is heavily influenced by him.
Another major inspiration is the grandfather of the fantasy genre, J. R. R. Tolkien. To this day, The Silmarillion is one of my favorite books ever. Not much to say on that.
The person who got me into writing, however, was a lesser known Christian author named Wayne Thomas Batson. If you want clean fantasy books for your kids, check him out. He was my first introduction to the genre and ultimately made me want to write in it.
Stuff I like
Obviously, Lord of the Rings and Cosmere, but I'll list my favorite stuff here.
Books(in no specific order)
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by the same
The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Dark Knight - easily the best superhero movie ever
Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Woman in Black - a lesser known horror movie, and one of the few I actually liked
I don't what else to put. Have a nice day and God Bless.
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jotarosexhusband · 1 year
alright people. i am going to compile an anime tboy swag bracket. let's find out who has the most tboy swag in all of anime. want your boy in the running? let me know! reply to this post / reblog and put it in your tags, send me an ask, submit a pitch, whatever. i'll be taking suggestions for at least a week! feel free to send propaganda for your boy(s) too. if you could reblog this post to get the word out that would be great!
canon and noncanon trans characters are fine. it's about the swag
"anime" as a qualifier also includes manga and japanese visual novels / video games with an anime art style. special exceptions can be made if it's funny
depending on how many suggestions i get, i may cut characters for whatever reason. no hard feelings!
be respectful etc etc. if you disagree with a character's inclusion, just vote against them!
by nature of taking submissions there will be characters in this bracket from things i know nothing about. just keep that in mind
current (at the time of posting this) list, compiled by myself and a few friends, will be under the cut! Beneath that you will also find a list of all suggestions i will be considering
ones with asterisks are For Sure going on the bracket
reigen arataka (mob psycho 100) *
phoenix wright (ace attorney) *
bakugou katsuki (boku no hero academia) *
trafalgar law (one piece) *
yamato (one piece) *
vash the stampede (trigun) *
roy mustang (fullmetal alchemist)
ling yao (fullmetal alchemist)
shirogane naoto (persona 4) *
higashikata josuke (jojo's bizarre adventure part 4: diamond is unbreakable) *
kujo jotaro (jojo's bizarre adventure) *
nishinoya yuu (haikyuu!!) *
hinata shoyo (haikyuu!!)
kageyama tobio (haikyuu!!)
yato (noragami) *
matsuoka rin (free!)
killua zoldyck (hunter x hunter)
gon (hunter x hunter)
isaac o'connor (paranatural) (included because his parents are sailor moon and irish goku) *
simon (gurren lagann)
soul evans (soul eater)
death the kid (soul eater)
lavi (d gray man)
hikaru & kaoru (ouran high school host club)
megumi fushiguro (jujutsu kaisen)
sumimura yoshimori (kekkaishi)
sanageyama uzu (kill la kill)
lio fotia (promare)
galo thymos (promare)
dirk strider (homestuck) (included bc that's what he would want) *
sasuke uchiha (naruto)
L (death note)
kyo sohma (fruits basket)
kuroko tetsuya (kuroko no basket)
kabru (dungeon meshi)
rin (ao no exorcist)
inosuke (demon slayer)
zenitsu (demon slayer)
shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion) *
spike spiegel (cowboy bebop)
brock (pokemon)
luke triton (professor layton) *
genos (one punch man) *
apollo justice (ace attorney) *
link (legend of zelda)
ishimaru kiyotaka (dangan ronpa)
light yagami (death note) *
dororo (dororo)
portgas d. ace (one piece)
togata (fire punch)
kaoru kurita (wonder egg priority) *
black star (soul eater)
edward elric (fullmetal alchemist)
sigma (bungo stray dogs)
claude (claudine)
yoshioka masafumi (apocalypse no toride)
ciel (black butler)
mafuyu (project sekai)
jesse pinkman (breaking bad) (this was a suggestion that made me laugh out loud. he has to be here) *
sasara nurude (hypnosis microphone)
kamille bidan (zeta gundam)
aki (chainsaw man)
jacuzzi splot (baccano!)
firo prochainezo (baccano!)
miyamizu mitsuha (your name)
casca (berserk)
dazai osamu (bungo stray dogs)
kei kisaragi (black jack)
haruhi fujioka (ouran high school host club)
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snugglesquiggle · 8 months
right, pinned posts
the main thing i've been working on lately is Hostile Takeover, a longform murder drones fanfic about a lesbian killer robot torn between her directives and her own needs
my most extensive work, though, is the many writing about Black Nerve, a dark fantasy setting with giant insects wield magic that dissolves life and matter, mutant bat-blood and of course esoteric fungi. there's a couple of novels and LOT of lore posts
i have a website which is probably the best place to see all of my stuff:
but to get a taste of what you can find on that site, keep reading
most people are probably following me for my murder drones stuff.
as mentioned, i write the critically acclaimed J/Uzi fic, Hostile Takeover:
it's a beyond-novel-length enemies to lovers slowburn, and distinguishes itself by pulling it all off without heavy alteration to canon characterization.
most people are probably put off by the tagged ship, but i've received numerous comments to the effect of "i never liked this ship" or "i didn't think it could be done" followed by "but you somehow pulled it off".
give it a shot!
besides that, i've read a lot of murder drones fanfic, and maintain a page on my website dedicated to indexing and reviewing fics that i'd recommend
several of the people following me are writers, who may be interested in know that i've written several essays on the craft of writing. people tend to find them pretty insightful!
i've written many stories other than Hostile Takeover. you can find them on my site; there's too many to list, but in general, i write nonhuman character near-exclusively. (my friends were only so surprised when i became obsessed with murder drones)
still, HT is my most successful work for a reason, and i'm not certain fans of that will enjoy my earlier writing; i have reservations about recommending most of them. A Chimerical Hope is still cool, i think, though its issues are undeniable
the majority of my site is dedicated its overarching setting: Black Nerve, a dark fantasy world of giant sapient insect ninjas and corrupting fungus and gruesome mutagenic blood magic. there's so much going on there that i just cant get into all of it here. not even sure where you should begin reading
lore posts like "In Dialogue With Plagues", or "Lardsuckers and (What Were) Grubsuckers" give you a taste of just how freaky the setting is, and i think "The Duality of Mantis" is a great look at the weird psychology of the dominant species. but there's so many articles i can't list them all
writing is probably what i've done the most of, but i have other skills :3
i've released four albums of electronic music on bandcamp:
and there's more!
i'm sometimes an artist, and there's gallery on my site with over three hundred pieces i've drawn over the years. i mostly draw these weird alien dudes i invented, plus a lot of praying mantises and dragons and pokemon. quality varies a lot and i'm bad about staying in practice, but here are some pieces i think turned out rather well
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ok, now is that it?
well, mostly. i have some poetry that's neat, and i recently produced a game demo that's shaping up into something interesting:
but now, that's probably everything of serious note.
if you read through all of that, i love you. thank you for your time and i hope there's something here you appreciated
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kadextra · 10 months
Hiii I’m Kade :D
this is my 2nd blog to throw the reblogs and extra rambling on!
art on main @heartkade
current hyperfixations: kingdom hearts, orv, gravity falls, the dragon prince, dunmeshi, nomads webtoon
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main tags
talking tag - #kade talks
music I like - #musikd
things i’m reading - #kade reads
games i’m playing - #arkade
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[list of interests & extended fandom info below]
|| Favorite Interests
cartoons - gravity falls, the owl house, the dragon prince, ninjago, ava/avm, tadc, lackadaisy
anime - mairuma, spy x family, dungeon meshi, apothecary diaries, digimon
manhwa/manga/webtoon/novels (my reading list is below!)
games - kingdom hearts, sky:cotl, ttyd, acnh, mc, pokemon, rune factory, cookie run kingdom
youtube & streaming - jacksepticeye, alan becker, qsmp, life series, chubbyemu
music - bts, eve, porter robinson, sabrina carpenter, vocaloid (ily kagamine rin)
|| Reading List
(favs are highlighted in orange)
omniscient reader’s viewpoint - under the tag #kade reads orv
the third wheel strikes back
castle swimmer
señorita cometa
the mafia nanny
devil’s candy
city of blank
school bus graveyard
manhwa & manga
i’m the queen in this life
baby tyrant
reincarnated as the unruly heir
solo tower farming / top dungeon farmer
the dark lord’s confession
star-fostered swordmaster
the s-classes I raised
auto hunting with my clones
magical girl dandelion
witch hat atelier (waiting for anime)
the extra’s academy survival guide
doctor’s rebirth
I stole the number one ranker’s soul
reincarnated as a dragon hatchling
dungeon reset
second life millionaire
talk to me about any of them please :D
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|| Thank you QSMP!
my message <3
witness my roman empire, the black signs masterpost
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(team blinkies by rukibur)
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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Audrey's WIR-Verse Pokemon team!
From Left to right, bottom to top:
1. Ollie, the Shiny Smeargle: One of Audrey's starters that's nearly always seen outside his ball, Ollie was given to her by her father for her birthday/update anniversary to help look after his daughter and was named after the legendary animator. In some ways the Normie of Audrey's team in more ways than one and the big brother of the team, this little puppy hides the ability to copy moves from his enemies and use them as his own. This gives him an impressive array of Ghost, Dark, and Fairy type moves. He actually has blue paint coming from his tail, but in the Cycle, it appears black like ink.
2.Barbara the Magearna: The artificial mythical and the mom friend of the team who agreed to join after befriending Audrey, Barbara is named after Batbara Maitland from Beetlejuice. You would think an ancient empathic pokemon would suffer in a place as hellish as the Cycle, but Barbara is not only one of the most powerful beings in it, she's also a caretaker attempting to help make things better for those around her. She also has the interesting ability to collapse herself into the shape of a large metal pokeball, which she often does when sad, sleeping, or hiding.
3. Joey the Shiny Cubone (Eventually becomes a Shiny Alolan Marowak): Audrey's impish little troublemaker and the heavy of her team given to her by the Angel sisters and named after her father. Despite his tendency for jokes and troublemaking, he's a loyal and protective little guy when it counts, helping Audrey with both his fiery ghostly powers and trusty bone club. His evolution was influenced by his desire to protect his friends, the dangerousness of the Cycle, and long term exposure to the spectral power of the ink.
4. Frank the Morpeko: also rarely seen inside his ball and named after both a legendary animator and the horror novel, Frank is a gift from Cousin Bendy that rides around on Audrey's shoulder. He shares her food, helping charge her Gent Pipe, retrieving items from vents, and helping protect her from monsters. While chill and helpful while full, he can quickly become almost demonic himself when Hangry. He's particularly close with Ollie the Smeargle.
5. Henry the Yamask (Later a Cofagrigus): The ghostly Henry is a gift from Hotel Transylvania's Dracula and Ericka. Supposedly the amnesiac soul of a dead human carrying a golden mask that reminds it of it's past face, Audrey empathizes with the ghostly creature and named it after her "Uncle." He offers a myriad of ghostly power to Audrey's team, including the teleporting move Phantom Force. But perhaps the most unique thing about him is that Henry can sneak up on attackers and trap them inside his coffin-like body, neutralizing them or turning them into mummies. Henry was sort of inspired by that Yamask/Cofagrigus comic a while back about the lady archeologist who was killed by her partner and came back as a Yamask.
6. And last but not least, Max/Maxie the Rotom: a tiny ghost plasma ball named after both Max Fleisher of Fleisher Studios and Maxie Dean from Beetlejuice, Max is the electric powerhouse and appliance possessor of the team and the only one besides Barbara that she caught herself. In addition to unleashing powerful ghost and electric attacks, this little guy can possess just about anything with an electric motor, either using this to help Audrey or hinder enemies.
As you can see, Audrey is something of a Hex maniac with an affinity for ghost pokemon much like her cousin Bendy (who has a more dark/ghost specializing team) but also specializes in electric types. Unlike Bendy and Alice, who like to let their pokemon roam free rather than confining them in balls, Audrey keeps many of her pokemon in the balls while walking around the studio for easy carrying and quick getaways: though Frank, Ollie, and Barbara tend to be exceptions and Joey has figured out how to leave his ball on his own.
Note: Yes, Frank's name is something of a joke on the Stupendium song "Find the Keys" - "Frankenstein meets Frank and Ollie."
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @serial-serializednovelreader @inkiedraws @inkhyaena @inkspottie @thedopedemon @doberart @doodledrawsthings @thedemonsurfer @roydoodler-blog
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carefreemonk · 24 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is. Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Key
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday (no year): jan 6
Where are you from? What is your time zone? west coast canada, PST
How long is your roleplay experience? between 25+ years
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? jesus uhhh that was like 25 years ago. started out “gming” worlds for friends as we ran around the neighbourhood throwing pine cones at each other n stuff. you know. the usual. then came the interwebs (i was like idk 11 and debatably should maybe not have been left to my own devices there). found avidgamers rp forums via neopets. medieval/fantasy, seattle alley cats, and pokemon rp were i think all my first written rp experiences in close/overlapping order
How were you introduced to TOA? old ferp pals on twitter kept making mention of it. eventually succumbed ha ha
Do you have any pets? black cat named cabbage. she was the 16th meow meow i fostered before i stopped (maybe get back to it some day…)
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) when the trees are bright red and gold and the air smells crisp and you can comfortably wear a jacket again… :softsmile: and the leaves are crunchy... tho i haven't crunched leaves since the wasp incident
What is your IRL occupation? admin/bookkeeper
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? webcomics, travels, ultimate frisbee, wanna try more sculpting
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? FFXIV, HSR, picross, zelda, smash bros sbeen a long time but shhh, stardew valley
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: ghost, haunter
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! only ever broke one bone (knocks on wood), it was my collarbone from being cross-checked into the boards in ice hockey. have "completed" two novels, no they won't see the light of day. have, over the years, drawn a cumulative 500+ comic pages' worth. i miss it
How did you get into Fire Emblem? fe7, shared a cartridge with my brother i think. just seemed in our wheelhouse w nintendo being what we had at hand
What Fire Emblem games have you played? 6 & up... i think? no spinoffs other than i guess?? feh? up to like. book 4 or smth
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: fe7 and fe7. nostalgia bias strong
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! matthew, henry, azama, louis, and. hector ig? idk
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! matthew. perky lil thief with a side of heartache… 
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 past key thought claude was p handsome i suppose
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: henry (100% still henry) - Fates: conquest- niles, birthright- azama, revelations- kaze. prob wouldnt change. - Three Houses: claude (prob felix in whatever next run i do) - Engage: louis/lapis (saved, finished one, went back for the other hahaha. maybe miss goldmary if i ever run again)
Favorite Fire Emblem class? thief or mage
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? maybe an archer? with p average stats. like i'd Wanna be a cool mage but idt it suits me hahaha
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Deer for sure
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? boon bow, maybe lance bane flying, faith budding talent in heavy armour, auth
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? Brodia? idk
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 Tee Oh Ay
Current TOA muses: Hector, Azama
Past TOA muses? Ewan, Matthew, Henry, Florina, Goldmary
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Ewan, and nah. he was a delightful lil ball of sunshine but I don't feel I need that anymore
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? somewhat prickly, probably. also three of the guys i've written have canonically gone "Oho!" and another three i like w some overlap in there are the 'closed eyes' type so... whatever that means. In general tho: I like muses with whom I can explore aspects of human personality I wouldn't necessarily venture into on my own. (certain brands of conflict, responsibility, etc)
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could?  idk i think if i really wanted to write a kind of char i probably. would. but i guess the 'much more like Actually Super Intelligent than i can realistically pretend at' would be it i suppose
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? When you get to write characters with a shared history you've built together over time/across threads. When you can refer to past shared experiences, positive or negative... sobs. chefs kiss
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? A Hector near the end of his schooling arc might be neat (he's learned what he's came here for, he's ready to return to Ostia and do Uther and his people proud, and more competently than many mightve imagined at that) but. When that day comes he might really be actually going home soon lol.
Favorite TOA-related memories? lock and key jailbreak. bunker dead by daylight. unscripted both as a mod and as a player like. all of it. the first toa zine. the memes in all the discord pins (aka the laughs). really there's so much
Present or past tense? whichever my partner prefers idc that said have def written many more years in past tense than present despite toa's lean toward the latter
Normal size text, small text, no preference? normal but again idc i am perpetually zoomed in on any given window anyhow
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 sometimes matthew pokes his head up but he'd have to kill sampo so :shrug: living blissfully in my lane. sometimes think a genuine villain might be fun to try tho
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lilailes · 24 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Mirae
Pronouns: She/Her but generally don't really care
Birthday (no year): October 11th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? US/EST
How long is your roleplay experience? I've been here since 14? So 10 years LOL
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? (in job app vc: friend referred) A friend introduced me to Tumblr and RP!
How were you introduced to TOA? Well, it all started when I saw Nat's [REDACTED]-
Do you have any pets? Three dogs! (Australian Shepherd, French Bulldog aka Tater, hall of fame, and cat)
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Fall/Autumn! It's so much cooler, or at least for that one month here, but spring is okay too for the fashion and colors even if allergies are hellish
What is your IRL occupation? Every time I tell someone what it is I do, they don't know what it is, so for the sake of the internet, I am a corporate girlie/contractor
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Sewing/fashion, reading, hanging with friends and family
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Ace Attorney/visual novels, RPGs like Persona/SMT, Final Fantasy though it's more like watching these days
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I've always been Water type biased, but I really enjoy Electric and Ghost as of recently. To that point, Raikou LOL but Flareon is my favorite eeveelution for the 2000s forums. They got that dog in 'em
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!) I don't think I answered this one last year but ? I was not born in the US despite living here for p much my entire life.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? TOA was pretty much how I got into it LOL
What Fire Emblem games have you played? SOV, 3H, Engage, and Heroes if that counts
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First: SOV and Favorite: FE6, though SOV is a close second
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Berkut, Petra, Raven.... Hm... Lilina and Griss
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! This explains it all.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Griss and Raven
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Not really familiar with the cast - Fates: Not really familiar with the cast - Three Houses: Theoretically, Claude I think - Engage: Theoretically,
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Archers and mages
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? I would like to be an archer, but I don't think I'm athletic enough, maybe a mage. Though, I do greatly enjoy martial master and wolf knight so maybe one of those? You would put a little guy like me through war? I would be playable, but as an optional recruit
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Black Eagles!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: gauntlets Budding talent: riding and bow Banes: axe, heavy armor
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) Elusia has my whole heart so there
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) T-O-A
Current TOA muses: Florina and Panette
Past TOA muses? Too many to list off, but the most memorable ones are: Petra, Lilina, Rinea, my Magvel stint, and maybe Elincia
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Gray, and no lol.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) Brand: soft/sad girls, glass half full girls, and blondes (former)
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Antagonists and lackadaisical/carefree characters
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) There's not a particular type of scene/situation I enjoy the most, I like a nice and healthy balance! Whatever strikes my mood at the right time.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I did for some past muses, but I think now I'm just kind of seeing where things take me/
Favorite TOA-related memories? Any point when I wrote Lilina, I think she had the most event participation and I just have a lot of memories and connections I enjoyed with her
Present or past tense? I generally go for present these days, but I try to vary the tense depending on the situation.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I usually use small text, but I don't have a preference and will adjust based on writing partner
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉I've given Framme and Eir a thought or maybe a rerun from my past
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