#pokemon chartreuse
nomiqbomi · 2 years
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Updated designs for Fophid and Lepignito commissioned by my friend @plus-sizedscribe! Plus a new middle form, Impodster, and 4 distinct formes that Lepignito can take, based on the environment it evolves in.
More info under the tab!
Fophid are timid creatures with many predators. Their carapace has evolved to blend in perfectly with an arboreal environment. When provoked, it wields the branch-like appendage on its abdomen like a lance. It has no venom, it's quite sharp!
Impodster attaches itself firmly to tree limbs, disguising itself as a small branch. Once it has done this, it is impossible to detach until it evolves. (It would be much easier to take the entire branch with it!) It does not budge, even after being discovered. Individuals who have camouflaged themselves poorly can often be found with leaves full of holes, made by bird Pokemon that attempted to carry them away.
When Impodster evolves into Lepignito, it takes on a perfect likeness of its immediate environment. Four unique patternings, based the biomes it occurs in naturally, have been officially recorded; however, it is believed that new patterns could be created by evolving the pokemon in a unique environment.
Even when their immediate environment does not match the markings on their wings, they somehow still manage to obscure themselves from view. Many theories have been pose as to how they are able to do this, but none have been proven, as this behavior is quite difficult to observe.
It prefers to sit motionlessly and evade detection, but when provoked, it uses its stealth to confound opponents and catch them unawares. Once the opponent has become disoriented, it flies off into the shadows, never to be seen again.
The line is based on the Peppered Moth, which are a famous example of natural selection that has actually been observed and recorded in real-time. The moth originally evolved to camouflage against lightly-colored trees, but a melanic mutation became more genetically favorable during the industrial revolution, when the trees became blackened with soot. After environmental standards were introduced, the white variant became common again. Today both variations can be found, and they are often mistaken for different species!
Plussized-Scribe helped conceptually with the variations/typing, with his own rom-hack in mind. I may add more variations for my own fan project.
I had originally designed Fophid to camouflage with the forest floor, but during my redesign I found out that the peppered caterpillar camouflages itself as a tree branch. I thought that was neat, to I went with that angle instead.
I also added a middle form to make it a better counterpart for the Pareyeva line who use the opposite form of self defense!
Edit: @plus-sizedscribe wrote some really great Pokedex entries for his hack that he allowed me to share here as well:
"Unlike Sewaddle, the leafy bits Fophid sport are not fashion statements, but specialized organs for camouflage. In autumn, their bodies release chemicals to redden the organs and match the foliage.
The base of the headcrest pulls double duty as a third mandible. Thus, Fophid can chew better while also maintaining camouflage, as the shaking of the crest resembles a leaf trembling in the breeze."
"Having secured themselves on a sturdy tree trunk, Impodster steadfastly await evolution. Very little can dislodge these Pokémon, which are nearly helpless if they happen to end up on the ground.
Impodster with poor camouflage are often found with leaves full of holes. These are made by naïve bird Pokémon attempting to carry them away, only to realize they picked almost the worst prey they could."
"Some people claim to have fallen for a person who always wore a long coat, only for their lover to turn out to be a Lepignito. The veracity of these bizarre anecdotes is suspect, to say the least.
Lepignito live in trees whose bark match their wing patterns. They boast different patterns to blend in with the available types of trees in the regions they inhabit. At least 25 different varieties are known."
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arvoze · 6 months
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something about lullabies and gods
@chartreuse-wizard's... chartreuse wizard, i lurv ceewee
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a-shy-mimiktwo · 2 months
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His actual design is now drawn!
Sort of.
Prev version was from memory.
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Pre teens
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pkmn-edits · 1 year
Uxie 300x300 icons edit!
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captainbuzzard · 7 months
here's adaptability, a comic i made for @waveridden for the blb winter exchange! set during the coronation era's s2 postseason. in which the members of throwkyo make a video call.
the rest of the pages (and the transcript) are after the cut.
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Transcript An seven-page comic, uncolored, with black line art.
Page 1 Aya Chartreuse sits by a table as she paints a small vase with underglaze and gestures with her paintbrush as she talks. AYA [ONGOING CONVERSATION]: Would that work? Katy Hermoso crouches on the opposite side of the table as they fiddle with 5-gallon buckets of glaze). KATY: Oh yeah, I'd love to. "Gumdrop" Che Amran walks by the studio's open door, one hand raised in a wave as ne gestures for Katy and Aya to come. CHE: C'mon, you lot! Clean up so we can start the call! KATY, leaning over the table as they raise a hand toward the door: Che! Is it already that time? ...And ne's already gone. AYA, leaning back as she stretches with a smile: Best get going then! Özlem's a busy lady nowadays. Katy washes up at the sink, and Aya stands behind with her paintbrush, waiting to do the same. KATY, continuing their conversation: So yeah, let's plan on Thursday for that. Aya: Great! The two walk down the hall, then arrive by a room in which Che is waiting. CHE, waving from the couch: Come, sit down! Che hands Katy a tablet as she sits down. CHE: And Katy, help me set this up, will you?
Page 2 Katy, Che, and Aya sit crammed next to each other on a couch. Che sits in the middle, holding ner tablet. AYA: Good thing it was Özlem who left, you'd be hopeless at getting the calls up and running without The Kid [referring to Katy, the youngest of the group] here helping. Che turns to Aya and gently bonks her on the head with ner tablet. CHE: Oh hush, you! Aya laughs with a note of indignation. AYA: Haha, hey! CHE: The call's starting! The view shifts to Che's point of view as ne holds the tablet in front of ner. Özlem's face appears on the screen, but is notably silent despite appearing to talk. CHE: Hold on a moment! We can't hear you. Katy! Assist! KATY, as an aside, in joking indignation: What am I to you, Che? A pokemon? Özlem points a finger at themself as they continue to silently speak. KATY: But yeah Özlem, it's definitely on your end. You sure you're unmuted? The screen goes black. KATY: ...And we lost them. The view shifts to show Katy, Gumdrop, and Aya on the couch again. Gumdrop looks up at Aya with a smirk. CHE, sweetly: Aya... AYA, steepling her fingers as she smiles back at Che with a similarly honeyed shit-eating expression: Yes...? CHE: What was that about ME being the hopeless one with tech? AYA: Point taken. Katy snickers. Che once again looks at ner tablet. CHE: Oh! Özlem's trying again. And... Take Two! ÖZLEM: Uh hello? Is it working this time? ALL: Yes! ÖZLEM: Perfect!
Page 3 A view of the three on the couch, from the back, showing that they've propped the tablet on the coffee table in front of the couch. They lean together. ÖZLEM, from the tablet in front of them: Oh look at you all huddled together! I Can't tell if it warms my heart or makes me feel cold not being there with you. Che puts a finger to their face in a mock-thoughtful expression. CHE: You sure you're not just cold because you're out in that horrid weather? Get some sense and get inside? As a faint aside, ne says: And we miss you too. ÖZLEM: Oh it's really not that bad! Besides... I wanted to share the views here with you. It's pretty incredible. Özlem stands aside to gesture at the mountainous Yellowstone landscape. KATY: Any good biking? ÖZLEM: Too much snow on the ground... But I've been told there's some biking trails, so I'm scoping them out on foot for next time. AYA: pft. Already planning your next few losses? ÖZLEM: No way! It's the MAGIC that'll lose. Y'know I'll just float on by to the next team before it happens. AYA: Well... How 'bout you "float on by" to the Lift next season? Che's been talking about your pottery wheel missing you.
Page 4 ÖZLEM: Hah! I was making pots a mother couldn't love! My wheel should be FEARING my return next season. If there is one. CHE: As if anything could prevent it! Better luck stopping the tide. ÖZLEM: Oh yeah, blaseball's not going anywhere. Özlem, who has only been appearing in frame as they'd appear in the camera from their phone this whole time, leaves the frame's focus. Their glasses obscure their eyes, and they become less expressive. ÖZLEM: All I meant was... Özlem pauses. ÖZLEM: Actually I don't know what I meant. AYA, with a serious expression: You were talking about your return. ÖZLEM: Yeah. I just have a feeling a championship will be enough, you know? The frame showing Özlem once again zooms out to show the tablet. They hold their phone out to their side, at enough of an angle to make the trees appear askew on frame. ÖZLEM: I love the new experiences, but...
Page 5 Özlem turns toward the camera once again, with an earnest smile. ÖZLEM: I'd just like to actually have the time to figure out the bike routes, y'know? The view shifts to the trio on the couch. Che and Aya hold hands, and Katy is half out of the frame. CHE: So, are you ready to settle back down? ÖZLEM: Ughh... I mean, I gotta win this thing, first. That's why I left, yeah? I'll figure out what comes next afterwards. Özlem's camera once again shifts to show them in profile, and again it's askew. They have a small, slightly sad, smile. ÖZLEM: Tokyo was--Tokyo's great. I don't think I'll find anything quite like that again. But I'm sure I'll adjust to wherever I end up. Of course, maybe I'm wrong, and I'll be raring to go again next season. An alarm on Özlem's end sounds. They turn to face their phone again. ÖZLEM: Oh?? Sorry, that's my alarm. The view shifts out to show the entire tablet with Özlem on it again. ÖZLEM: And look! We've talked all about me, and it's already time to go. Bad form on my part! The view pans out a little more, to show the trio on the couch, from the back so the tablet with Özlem is still in view. CHE: Not a problem! You certainly have a bit more going on right now. ÖZLEM: Well! I still expect the full download on what you've been up to this postseason, regardless! Does tomorrow evening work? KATY: Not for me. I've promised Vern I'd help him with some two-person repairs, but you all shouldn't wait on my account. Aya'll fill me in.
Page 6 ÖZLEM: It's a plan! Well... It's been lovely seeing you. Katy pulls out her phone. KATY: Hey Özlem, before we let you go... I've been watching the forecasts. Tomorrow's game is a gold eclipse, so you're safe on the Magic. [note: the Magic was a team favored by bard umpires]. KATY, with an insistent and worried expression: But... Please be careful. ÖZLEM: Hah! Of course I will. KATY: Özlem, I mean it. Don't go listening to the umpires again, alright? [note: I had a different comic planned at first, about this subject]. ÖZLEM: No need to worry so much! Everything'll be fine, there's just a few games left until the season ends. I'll be able to visit before you know it, and the pottery studio will quake in fear at my approach. AYA: We'll be holding you to that!
Page 7 ÖZLEM: Okay, okay, I've delayed as long as I can. I gotta get going! The view pans out to show the tablet. ÖZLEM: You know I love you all. See you soon! ALL: See you later, Özlem! The tablet goes dark. The view shifts to show the trio on the couch. Che leans forward and presses something on the tablet. All three sit for a moment, with serious expressions. AYA: They're not coming back, are they. Not for good at least. KATY: Doesn't seem that way. Katy holds one of Gumdrop's hands. Aya reaches an arm over Gumdrop's shoulder to Katy's shoulder. CHE: But they'll be fine. They're adaptable like that. The three lean together in a tangled hug on the couch. CHE: And whatever happens, we'll be fine, too. I'm sure of it.
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sodapopsgt · 6 months
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THATS ALL FOR POKEMON..... for now..................
These were all images I did for my friends! :]
Keith (@arvoze) William (@skishie) Cookie (@acidrune) Comet (@chartreuse-wizard)
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cha0s-boyy · 1 year
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[ID: 10 cartoony digital drawings of furry characters. 1. a close up headshot of an anthro gengar pokemon with cyan ear and lip piercings, and a black collar with red spikes. it has a wide toothy grin that looks somewhat menacing. the background is a purple gradient. 2. the same image with a transparent background. 3. a 3/4 fullbody of a mottled brown anthro terrier with long human-like hair that covers their eyes. they are wearing a white t-shirt with a smiley face on it and bell-bottom jeans. they are smiling and have one hand raised in a wave. around them are three outlines, in gold, orange, and burnt sienna, and behind them is a red square as a background. 4. the same image, but instead of a smiley face shirt, they are wearing a black rolling stones shirt. 5. a bust of a punk anthro donkey. they have pale fur with white on their snout and around their eyes, and a chartreuse and green mohawk for a mane. their irises are orange and their sclera are black. they have several piercings, and are wearing a black torn shirt, a spiked collar, and a chain necklace. they have one eyebrow raised and their mouth slightly open and frowning. 6. a halfbody of an anthro dog framed so the character appears to lean on the edge of the picture. they have blue-gray spotted fur with brown mane-like hair and green eyes. they have a white snout, neck and chest. they have small top surgery scars. they are smiling with partially lidded eyes, giving them a relaxed expression. 7. a halfbody of a wolf/hyena hybrid grinning and doing the "rock hand" gesture. she has gray fur with red spots on her cheek and darker arms, and a dark blaze on her snout. she has pale blue eyes, and a red and dark gray striped mane/mohawk. she is wearing a purple spiked collar and a dull pink shirt that says "rock on" on it. 8. a feral wolf mid-run. she has peach fur with white spots and a gold gradient on her tail. her eyes and nose are gold, and her chest fur and ear fur are a darker peach. 9. a headshot of a fox with red, blue, and black galaxy-patterned fur. she has a white neck and white blaze on her face. she has one blue and one red eye, and her eyelashes have highlights of the same colors. her head is tilted down so she is looking up through her eyelashes, smiling. 10. the same image but with the galaxy pattern only on one half her face; the other is flat black. /end ID]
first batch of AF drawings!!!
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supertrainstationh · 7 months
Watch Pokemon Legends Z-A come out, which wile being imperfect are the biggest most progressive step Game Freak has ever done with the franchise and renews faith in the series, but then a only few months later they announce Pokemon Chartreuse and Pokemon Mauve to be coming out only MONTHS later, but people are so hyped up from the rightfully deserved positive reception of Legends Z-A they buy Chartreuse and Mauve on launch day, only to get absolute dog crap quality control, and then get dog piled on for being "entitled", "toxic", and "not real fans" for pointing out the game consistently malfunctioning during ordinary gameplay.
Yes, I'm worried the Legends to Scarlet/Violet thing is about to become an actual CYCLE.
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burgundy-twice · 2 months
er… how’d YOU get your pokemon?? i mean— it’s only polite to ask that back, right?
sorry, if i’m doin this wrong,
(( @guzmabuglord (MMM) ))
SHIT MAN, you’re fine…need an excuse to talk about em anyways 🔥🔥
I got Acicula, my typhlosion…as a gift from Professor elm. Fucking hate his ass, but she’s my partner, my HONORARY poison type, she kicks ass, and is our admin.
Crowbat’s a whole mess but when I was a bit younger some shit fucking happened out in a field, massive bubble thing? Everything was warped and all I saw was this MASSIVE fuckin scyther and this MASSIVE fuckin golbat battling, and me and my mentor NOW SWORN FUCKIN ENEMY. CHARTREUSE IF YOU SEE THIS IM GONNA FUCKIN TEAR YOU TO SHREDS YOU HEAR ME? FUCK YOU 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 caught em both. I got scyther first..but shit happened and now crobat is a real powerhouse on my team.
Now arbok…eugh. Beat the shit out of some team rocket fuck for em when they were an ekans. Don’t regret a thing, absolute sweetheart. Was a real nasty sight what I did to that grunt, that’s what you get when you fuck with TEAM WILDFIRE . 🔥🔥
Beedrill I got because SOMEONE FUCKIN ABANDONED EM. If I ever find the fucker who did ILL BEAT THEM TO SHIT. 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
VILEPLUME I got my hands on similarly to beedrill. Some ass couldn’t handle takin care of an oddish when it got sick. LUCKY FOR ME one of my accomplices was an oddish FANATIC and taught me how to care for her .
The king himself? Shit,,,, I STOLE HIM OFF OF GIOVANNI! 💯 that guy didn’t know what was fuckin coming for him, thinkin he could just sneak away without me kicking his fucking ass?! ….he did. BUT I GOT HIS NIDOKING AND HE DOESNT. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Johto is MINE . ASSHOLE !
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nomiqbomi · 2 years
Theme music for one the main villains.  Without revealing too much, he’s a sociopath who uses his psychic-type Pokemon to subtly control those around him, even (especially) his villainous allies.
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arvoze · 10 months
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my friends' pmd oc lore goes kinda crazy idk
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hollowsart · 8 months
along with my weird Quentin Beck dream. I also dreamed about like.. dinosaur Pokemon? but it was Genesect?
only one I really remember is a green Genesect Brontosaurus-looking one. it was BIG and chartreuse with red spines/plates on its back and some spots n stuff.
there were more and they were different colors, like..
pink, blue, yellow.. I can't remember what else they looked like, but their heads all looked like Genesect. probably had similar armor elements, but I don't think they had the laser canon on their backs..?
Anyways, that was actually kinda cool and I'd love to see this concept for real. it's like past paradox Pokemon X Genesect in a way, but they were all new prehistoric Pokemon that had a resemblance to Genesect.
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My pokemon hot takes (and an essay on ninjask getting done dirty)
Lopunny is for the girls and the gays and I’m tired of pretending its not
Me having a little crush on Mewtwo as a kid isn’t weird, what’s weird is that you DIDNT have a little crush on Mewtwo as a kid ok?
Swsh isn’t badly written you guys just completely ignore every non-required area and text box. You wouldn’t know environmental storytelling if it whacked you upside the head.
Paul was the best anime rival, no one stands up to him. His character arc was the best written, his battles had the highest stakes, and best of all he wasn’t fucking annoying!
Iris was the worst anime companion, by far. She did nothing but bully Ash the entire season despite being awful at her own chosen trainer path and it ruined it for me. Girl don’t sit around talking shit when you suck ass at everything!
Fairy should have been weak to bug. Fairy was introduced to be a balancing type by being weak to lesser used types and immune to the strongest type and then made bug WORSE? Fuck off. That makes no sense and it doesn’t even work that well in lore. It could go either way and make just as much sense.
Vanilluxe isn’t even ugly you guys are just haters for no reason AND I think it should get a really cool mega in Z-A based on a sundae and become extremely powerful and viable because FUCK YOU
The Machop line however IS ugly. You do not get to be mad about Incineroar or Meowscarada being too humanoid when that is literally just a man in his undies, and he’s not even cute. Machamp gets a half pass cause the extra arms make it less uncanny but the weird ring around the mouth needs to go, the shorts need to be better integrated into the design (I think gigantimax machamp does a good job of this by blending them down into the color of the legs) and the shinies of the entire line need to be literally any other color but puke green. Either make them all bright green like machamp or skip the green entirely and go dark red. Or a dark gray. Or blue!
Speaking of shinies, green shinies get too much hate. Espeon and teddiursa are cool. Meanwhile yellow shinies usually don’t look yellow at all they look chartreuse and sickly. Like Groudon! Groudon should have a goldenrod color not that abysmal eyesore.
Haxorous did NOT make the jump to 3D well. It just looks a little off and I can’t get over it.
And anyway here’s my regularly scheduled rant about some bullshit because I’m replaying Sword rn and tried to use more mobs I haven’t used before and came across some. Weird bullshit.
Did you know that in swsh ninjask doesn’t learn a single flying type move by level up once it evolves? What the fuck kind of decision was that???? give me SOMETHING I’m DYING OVER HERE.
It technically DOES get Aerial ace by level up but it’s one if those “level 1” moves that you have to get at the move reminder which I forgot was accessible from the start in this game. So I did a bunch of watt grinding yesterday to get a play rough TR for my Tsareena for my Bea fight for no reason and STILL nearly got swept?
And anyway why is that the only one it gets? Why is talking to an npc a requirement to get the ONLY flying move in this Pokémon’s level up moves. Why doesn’t it learn a flying type move upon evolving or in the levels directly after like any normal mon would upon gaining the flying type? It feels really weird and unnecessary. Just swap out the agility level up move for aerial ace, this mon has speed boost it doesn’t need agility.
And then in TM moves it only gets aerial ace (which it already has anyway) air slash (special aka useless on this mom) and acrobatics, Those are its only flying moves which is its better offensive typing! It learns DIG but not fly, peck, wing attack, or pluck?
And in BDSP it’s tm moves get kneecapped! It LOOSES acrobatics and air slash! WHY???? FOR WHAT REASON??? Like sure, it has ROOST and DEFOG now but those DONT DO DAMAGE????
It would have been better for the tms to be roost and acrobatics in the first place. Those are actually useful. But it doesn’t ever get both in gen 8. I could build a seriously annoying ninjask with a focus sash/a berry, roost, acrobatics, leech life, and aerial ace. Pop the sash or berry so acrobatics is increased, aerial ace never misses, leech life and roost heal me. Leech life alone makes it much less of a glass cannon, could you imagine if it got ALL of these moves at once? We were robbed. You can’t give us improved leech life and then not let us build the most annoying asshole bug ever!
And most of its sound based moves are relegated to tm only which is weird considering it’s a CICADA, the bug primarily known for being LOUD. Like they aren’t useful cause they’ve special moves but it should get bug buzz by level up at least. Having screech be its only sound based level up move is just a weird choice, lore wise.
Also its other level up moves are trash. Mind reader is made completely redundant by aerial ace, and doesn’t even make much sense lore wise, it gets like maybe 6 moves between evolving and its last move which ends up being one move every 10 levels or so which is mid at best, and its best bug stab is learned at level 64… or tm which you’ll almost always be doing instead.
Mind reader should be replaced by bug buzz, and there should be another move at around 38-40 that should probably be a coverage move like shadow claw or night slash. It has precedent for learning grass moves too so leaf blade is an option as well though it’s a little bit more powerful so I’d swap its placement with Slash at lv. 50
Anyway quit kneecapping otherwise usable pokemon with nonsensical movesets.
Anyway rant over. Justice for ninjask. Justice for bug types in general.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
IPCAE Adoptable List
Here are the Pokemon that are adoptable and will be attending the IPCAE with me starting on Monday!
Standard: - Chartreuse the Shieldon - Tulip the Buneary adopted! - Rouge the Shiny Liepard - Thor the Pichu
Service Pokémon: - Lyra the Jigglypuff (narcolepsy) - Addie and Susie the Plusle and Minun (mobility aid/cardiac alert) - Tangerine the Flareon (seizure alert) adopted! - Halo the Kirlia (seeing eye guide)
Disabled Pokémon: - Timmy the Toedscool (one shorter leg, wear a prosthetic) - Linnea the Leafeon (deaf) adopted! - Holly the Glameow (wobbly Pokémon) adopted! - Diamond the Meowstic (blind)
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ask-team-spectrum · 1 year
thanks for the reblog! your randomly generated pokemon is...
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sandy shocks!
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Chartreuse is a father now!
Everyone congratulate the boy
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