#pokemon jessiebelle
olddirtybadfic · 1 year
The Sad Saga of James Morgan and Company: The Trouble Is Made Double
In which James loses his blood innocence (first kill drama) but gains a doppelganger.
This fic contains: Colorful language; possible out-of-character moments for James and Meowth; convoluted occult lore; murderous, occult-powered Jessiebelle; ellipses abuse; original characters; blood and violence (including sexual violence); Jessiebelle slut-shames James a lot; Jessie is still dead; Jesus Hades Christ eleven!me tortured James (and Meowth!) a lot in fic (and then I decided one James wasn't enough); James still has magical powers
*Jessiebelle kidnaps James again. Meowth meets Lenny and they both follow.
*At the dungeon, Jessiebelle has a new guard named Tyrel, who looks down at James mockingly.
Jessiebelle: Tyrel, help me find a way to punish this strumpet. James: I'm no strumpet! I'm still a virgin! Jessiebelle: I would've thought you'd sin with Tylas or Lucian. James: Don't you say their names. Tyrel: If you want, I could dig them up for you. James: I will beat the piss out of you. Tyrel: I'd like to see you try, whore-lock.
*James starts punching and kicking Tyrel. Tyrel is bigger than him, so his fighting doesn't do anything.
Tyrel: You're so soft. Will you love me like the other guards?
*Tyrel grabs James's ass and pulls him down. James bites Tyrel on his dick.
Tyrel: Get this crazy ho off my fuckin' dick!
*Meowth and Lenny come in. Jessiebelle whips James.
Meowth: He fights good, in a dirty way.
*Jessiebelle pulls James off Tyrel's dick. Meowth and Lenny get James out of there.
Meowth: That was weird. James: He grabbed my arse and called me a whore. Meowth: Now I see why you did that.
*Suddenly, a trap closes around James's leg. He shrieks.
Meowth: What's wrong? James: I think Jessiebelle set a trap and I fell into it.
*Meowth and Lenny pry the trap open and get James's leg out, somehow managing to avoid the powder smeared on it. James looks relieved until he sees the powder seeping into his skin. His eyes widen.
Meowth: What's wrong? James: It has poison on it. (winces) I'm starting to think the universe has something against me. Meowth: You and me both.
*James continues to put antidote on the poison.
James: (sighs) I'm just a bad luck charm. If life was a test, I'd get an "F." You're probably better off without me. Meowth: Don't say that. (grabs James's hands) We're stronger as a team. I will not leave you behind.
*They manage to keep away from Jessiebelle and Tyrel for a while.
*Imagine Tyrel made James so mad, he did an awful thing.
*James, Meowth, and Lenny are walking through the woods. Tyrel kidnaps James. Meowth and Lenny follow them (as usual). Tyrel does everything to torture James. Jessiebelle just stands by watching and smiling at the whole scene. Tyrel grabs James's nether areas. James tries to kick Tyrel. Tyrel pushes James against a wall with his foot. James gets away from the wall and punches Tyrel. Tyrel grabs James.
Tyrel: You are a disgrace and dishonorable for refusing to marry Jessiebelle. You must be punished! James: Let go of me!
*James starts fighting like mad. He grabs the pure death knife and stabs Tyrel three times. Tyrel is dead.
James: What have I done? Jessiebelle: (smirking) Congratulations, James. Your first kill.
*James just whimpers.
Jessiebelle: You should be happy. You didn't even like him. James: I drew blood. I killed someone. Jessiebelle: And the really funny part is, I controlled you and made you kill him. (laughs)
*James snarls and glares at Jessiebelle.
James: Leave me alone.
*Meowth and Lenny drag him out of there. James is pale.
Meowth: Are you okay? James: No.
*James begins to cry quietly.
James: I hate Tyrel. And I hate Jessiebelle. (sobs) Meowth: I know how you feel.
*Meowth puts his arms around James. James hugs Meowth. They stay like that for a long time. Neither of them are thinking about Jessiebelle's newest guard.
*Imagine Jessiebelle got a new guard. This guard really surprises James and Meowth.
*Their day starts out just like any other. Walking along, minding their own business, trying to avoid death. Then Jessiebelle grabs James inconspicuously. Meowth and Lenny follow. Jessiebelle takes James to her dungeon.
James: What more could you possibly want to do to me? Jessiebelle: Don't you want to meet my new guard? James: I'd rather not. Jessiebelle: Well, you're going to see him anyway. Evander, you can come out now. Evander: Is he here?
*Evander's voice sounds very familiar to James, but with a different accent.
Jessiebelle: Don't be shy. Come meet your target.
*A black-clad boy comes out of the shadows. James gasps. The boy looks exactly like James. The same hair, the same body type, the same face. And he's smirking evilly and James is staring at him, horrified.
Evander: What are you staring at, James? James: You have my face.
*Evander looks straight into James's eyes. His eyes are an icy shade of pale green, much colder than James's emerald green eyes.
Evander: Not exactly. I have the same Pokémon, too. James: No, you don't. You can't. Evander: You're right. Koffing and Weepinbel aren't the same as Weezing and Victreebel.
*James faints from the shock and from staring into Evander's eyes.
Meowth: What have you done to him?! Evander: He can't handle my Glare.
*Evander pimp slaps James. James wakes up, covered in sweat.
Evander: Did you have a nice nap?
*James just snarls and scowls at him in a very undignified way.
Jessiebelle: Good boy, Evander. Evander: Thank you, Master.
*Jessiebelle pats Evander on the head. Evander smiles like a dog getting patted on the head.
James: If you're so obedient, why don't you marry Jessiebelle? Evander: Because I'm helping her marry you. And I'm not suited to become the sacrifice. Jessiebelle: Leave Team Rocket. Marry me. James: No. I won't leave Meowth. Evander: Come now, the Temple Witch told you you're no good at it. James: That Temple was a trap! You disrespected Tylas's spirit!
*Evander hits James across the face.
Evander: Don't you tell us about disrespect, trollop!
*Evander takes out a Pokéball and releases a Persian.
Evander: Persian, fury swipes!
*Persian scratches James. He cries out in pain. Evander calls out an Arcanine.
Evander: His name is Archie. James: Copycat. Evander: Archie, bite him!
*Archie bites James. James screams. Evander calls back Archie and Persian. He starts beating James himself. He continues to whip James even after he's unconscious.
Meowth: Get away from James!
*Meowth slashes his way in and fights off Evander. He and Lenny get James out of there. He's covered in blood. Meowth collects some of the blood, cleans James up, and takes care of his wounds. James wakes up.
James: Is he gone? Meowth: Don't worry. He's not here.
*James begins to cry silently.
James: Why did she have to get a guard that looks exactly like me? Why did I have to kill that other guard? Meowth: It was self defense. James: That was my first kill ever. Meowth: I hate to say it, but you might have to do it again.
*James looks at Meowth, horrified.
Meowth: You have to kill Evander. James: No! I couldn't! Meowth: But if you don't kill him, he'll kill you!
*James shakes his head.
James: I'm not killing anymore. Tyrel will be my first and last kill. I can't kill Evander. Meowth: Then what are we going to do? James: I don't know. But there has to be another way.
*To be continued….
Moral of the story: If you keep saying "Make it double," one day a fic writer will actually take you up on it.
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andreadarcyart · 7 months
An early Valentine's PSA: James reminds you to be safe out there 😂
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emositecc · 2 years
Cover song by Reinaeiry
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punk-63 · 4 months
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james-kojirou · 1 year
James from Team Rocket is a truly complex character and very difficult to understand. At first glance, he appears confident and arrogant, but that's a role he plays as the "Team Rocket villain" and on stage, as explained in episodes DP 139: "A Faux Oak Finish" and DP 146: "Dressed for Jess Success!"
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In private, outside his Team Rocket role, he is calm, rather shy, he is very anxious and follows his teammates' ideas even when he doesn't fully agree with their plans.
In the episode "A Hole Lotta Trouble," Brock and Ash tell James that he must learn to assert himself without his teammates.
James had a childhood in the high aristocracy, where he could have anything material he wanted, but his parents gave him no affection, demeaned him, and forced him to follow strict and severe discipline like in the Victorian era. They also forced him into an arranged engagement with Jessiebelle, allowing her to train him with whips. He kept a deep trauma from this period of his life.
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He joined Team Rocket to rebel against the rules and proper conduct imposed on him in his childhood.
In an interview, the Japanese voice actors of Team Rocket: Megumi Hayashibara, Inuko Inuyama, and Miki Shinichiro, revealed that Jessie's goal in Team Rocket is to become rich or an important woman (which is why she dislikes Matori), Meowth also wishes to be important by taking the place of the boss's favorite Pokémon, replacing Persian. However, James's objective is solely to support and help his two friends achieve their goals and dreams, making them happy.
When James gains a little confidence in himself or engages in an activity he's passionate about and sure he can succeed, he becomes overly enthusiastic. However, he quickly falls into depression if he fails. An episode that shows this aspect of his personality is 'The Fortune Hunters' when James imagines himself as a powerful Moltres due to the description in a Pokemon horoscope book, which turns out to be false.
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He is also willing to wholeheartedly encourage people he admires, like Jessie during her Kalos contests or 'The Royal Mask' (under the pseudonym Fire-Kojiro, reminiscent of when he felt strong and proud like a Moltres).
Yet, when he has to put himself in the spotlight outside of Team Rocket missions, he feels terribly uncomfortable and automatically convinces himself that he will lose or isn't capable (The Battlefield of Truth and Love!, Dressed for Jess Success, Party Dancecapades)."
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Unlike Jessie, who thinks she's the best at everything, James has very low self-esteem and undervalues himself: believing for example others can take better care of his own Pokemon like Gardenia with Cacnea or Mareanie with her ex-boyfriend. He also thinks Jessie will be happier with Dr. White than with him in Team Rocket.
As demonstrated in episode 19 of "Pokémon Journeys" - A Talent for Imitation! Jessie is an excellent self-confidence coach, pushing her teammates and Pokémon to go beyond their limits and overcome their fears and apprehensions.
Jessie and Meowth are both invaluable support for James. Through their friendship and the trust they give him, he finally feels loved and respected for who he truly is. They are more than just friends; they are his family!
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James may appear naive and childish, often being very emotional and crybaby. Despite this, he excels in a lot of various fields, such as being an excellent technician, a talented actor, a poet, and well-informed about Pokemon… He's also skilled in computer science and hacking. On rare occasions when he's involved in a Pokemon battle or contest, he performs remarkably well.
When he forgot his fear under the effect of adrenaline to protect his Mareanie, he even demonstrated incredible strength!
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Even though he is part of Team Rocket, James doesn't have a truly evil nature. In reality, he is a compassionate Pokemon trainer, loving his Pokemon so much that their affection hurts him physically, yet he always lets them show their love to him in this way. 💖
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savebatsfromscratch · 11 months
No17. A Touch Worse Than a Poison Trainer
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50916805
Words: 1,097
Cws: Past abusive relationship, light swearing
Notes: I used the Pokemon name “Doublade” as a replacement for “Double edged sword,” I think it’s cool to build slang like that, but it might not have come through especially clear to real life. Oopsies.
Prompt: No. 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.” Collar | Touch Aversion | “Leave me alone.”
James shivered as he sat there, trying (and failing) to calm his racing heart. His mind seemed stuck on repeat. A horrible track of memories that just kept replaying and replaying and replaying again in his mind. Memories of her. 
Jessiebelle, the woman that his family had determined that he would eventually marry. She with her gorgeous red curls, he with his soft purple locks. She with her well crafted dresses and expensive jewelry, he with his well fitted suits and expressive watches. She with her “love” and he with his terror.
He squeezed his arms around himself. Logically, he knew that he was safe and far away from her, logically he knew that it had been that way for many years, logically he knew that there was very nearly zero chance she would ever be able to harm him again, what with the team he was in. (Though their latest meeting at James’ old house had made him second guess that last point for many years since then.) Logic, however, was not enough to calm him, no matter how hard he tried to convince himself that it should be.
The fact that he was in Kalos, of all places, probably wasn’t helping his worries.
Jessiebelle had always told him how much she wanted to visit Kalos. In fact, she was so entranced by the idea that one of the many activities that James’ parents had forced them to do together had been learning Kalosian. He was begrudgingly thankful for that time now, as that skill had been saving his and the rest of his team’s asses in Kalos so far, but every so often he would hear a word, or a voice, or a high bell-like laugh, and be reminded of his old fiance. When that happened, he always found himself in the state he was now.
Nervous, scared, and unable to calm his rushing heart.
He knew it was crazy. Jessiebelle shouldn’t have felt such a threat to him these days, not with his “fairly high level” Pokemon trainer ranking (though his near daily battles with Ash sometimes made him think that ranking may not be entirely accurate), but she still was. The fact that James was here then, with only one Pokemon to his name and a partner who was more excited about the things she might be seeing in the region than their only mission, did not make him feel very safe.
Speaking of Jessie…
James looked over his shoulder, watching as Jessie happily fed Inkay some scraps from dinner (no matter how annoyed she pretended to be at the little squid, James knew she couldn’t help but care about it like any of their old Pokemon). She seemed to be busy enough not to notice how much James was freaking out, which was, of course, the Doublade that it always felt like. For one thing, she wouldn’t get worried about him, which he knew that she did on the regular (even though she pretended not to), but for the other…
James really could do with some distraction from his worries.
“Hey Jessie?” he squeaked, bringing his legs around to look at her easier, “Do you think we’ve made any progress on our mission yet?”
Jessie paused for a moment, causing Inkay to headbutt her in annoyance after a couple of moments without its food. She frowned and turned to look at him, her pink red hair shifting smoothly through the air. To the untrained eye, she looked a lot like Jessiebelle, heck, even their names were similar, but James knew better.
“Why are you asking this now?” she asked, putting down the last of the food scraps for Inkay to eat on its own, “Is something bothering you?”
James shrugged no, even though something was absolutely bothering him. “I guess I’m just a bit bored,” he forced a very fake sounding laugh, and Jessie frowned a bit harder, “I was wondering if we can talk or something…” He trailed off as Jessie stared at him, unconvinced. 
“I’m guessing that’s a lie,” Jessie said, scooting a bit closer to him. She looked him up and down and smirked in that very Jessie way of hers, “You’re clearly upset,”
James’ fake smile faltered a bit, and he found himself studying his boots like they were the most interesting thing he’d seen in months. He didn’t want to admit it to her, but he knew it was true. Even then, with his short bout of conversation as a distraction, he still felt like doing nothing more than standing up and running around screaming like a poor little Torchic with its head cut off. He couldn’t help it! He was terrified.
“Yep, that proves my point,” Jessie crawled a bit closer to him and reached out a hand to touch his shoulder, but James recoiled, surprising both Jessie and himself. He began to profusely apologize, but Jessie just shook her head and sat back on her heels.
“Don’t worry James, you don’t have to apologize,” she said softly, and then, a bit louder, “Is there anything specific that’s bothering you?”
James didn’t quite know what to say to that, but he just barely managed to shut off his hurried stream of “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-” at her soft reminder. He looked at her, and then looked away, and then let out a deep breath and nodded.
“Do you feel like talking about it?” Jessie asked, brushing a stray strand of pink behind her ear, but still holding his gaze, “Meowth won’t be back with the map for an hour at least, we’ve got time,”
She gave him a bright smile, and a wave of gratitude crashed over his heart, nearly enough to overpower the now weakening grip of terror around him. He was so lucky to have found her. Yes, he had lived a life of luxury before Team Rocket, but he had also been on a terrifying track to marry Jessiebelle, so, at least to someone who had lived it, the trade off was fair.
Even though he and Jessie often struggled to buy food or new clothes, had to sleep in uncomfortable tents in the woods most nights, and found themselves losing battles nearly every day, he felt at home with her. If he didn’t have so much trouble sorting through his emotions, he might have even said he loved her.
No, scratch that, he was sure he did.
“Yes,” he decided, scooting a bit closer to Jessie, a real smile growing on his face, “I do feel like talking about it,”
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fxllen-rxse · 2 years
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Name: Kojiro James Morgan Goes by: Kojiro, James, Jimmy or Jim (mostly by Meowth) Family: Trevalyn (father), Jadzia (mother), Jessiebelle (fiance), Nanny (grandmother), Pop-Pop (grandfather) Birthday: October, 7th Zodiac: Libra Birthplace: Kanto region Ethnicity: Kantonian Age: 25 (also varies depending on plot or verse) Gender: Cis Male Height: 6'1 Sexual orientation: Pansexual/Panromantic Current occupation: Team Rocket agent/grunt Current Pokemon: Growlithe (Growlie), Chimecho, Mime Jr., Inkay, Mareanie
Bio/Info/Headcanons under the cut (tw: abuse, depression, self harm)
James ran away from home at a young age after it was revealed that he was to be in an arranged marriage. His fiance, Jessiebelle, would all but become a living nightmare for him. She is very controlling and was essentially chosen to “whip” James to his senses of becoming the ideal heir to the Morgan estate. Even after his escape, he still felt somewhat obligated to his parents in a way. Hence why he left Growlie behind to look after them. However, James would eventually return for Growlie and keep him as part of his team from then on. 
After joining Team Rocket, he was partnered with Jesse and Meowth. After many missions and failed schemes, they remained a faithful team. A couple of times, give or take, the trio would “disband” over disagreements. Usually, they were each able to reconcile and rejoin. The last time, however, this did not happen. James was reluctant to be on his own, but when neither Jesse nor Meowth came back this time, he knew they were done. He’s been left to figure things out on his own ever since. 
Despite his years in the evil organization, James has a gentle heart and is quite caring by nature. He can try to be “evil” of sorts, but he knows deep down that it’s not who he is. Because of this, his caring nature is often seen as a detriment by his peers, but they have yet to break him. Though, sometimes this isn’t exactly a healthy thing for him as he tends to put the wellbeing of his pokemon and others long before his own. 
Because of his experiences with Jessiebelle, James is very much wary of the idea of marriage. That being said, however, he isn’t entirely against it. If he were to become close with someone he truly trusted and bonded with, then maybe it’s not totally off the table.
James has suffered from depression, abuse, and anxiety for as long as he could remember. Being how his parents were, they never acknowledged that he had real issues. Little contact with anyone else his age (except for Jessiebelle), having almost every single minute of life planned around the status of their family, no control over his own wellbeing, let alone the duties that were expected of him as he grew older. Everyday was a new challenge for him. Bringing it up to his parents brought little comfort. The end result was them telling him it was all in his head and he’ll get over it. To just suck it up and deal with it In the end, James suffered silently until one day it was all too much. Before he joined Team Rocket, he picked up an unhealthy habit of harming himself. Resulting in a few unpleasant scars on his right arm. It wasn’t until he became a part of Team Rocket that he was finally able to regain his composure. He had something to strive for and finally means to survive. Even had the support of Jessie and Meowth, to some extent. Though, that isn’t to say that he was completely cured.
Longing to escape the clutches of Team Rocket, he has ambitions to search for a better life than the one he’s currently living. However, leaving the organization is not an easy task. You can't just "quit", like any other job. From what James has heard, one would be lucky to escape with their life.
He has a strong interest in fashion and loves to design new things by drawing on scraps of paper or napkins.
Tends to be a little defensive if he’s called out for something. He also comes off somewhat shy if one were to give him a compliment or try to flirt with him.
((More will be added as we go along.))
**** Revised as of 4/21/24 ****
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sugar-stories · 2 years
Okay, here’s another preview of Here Comes The Bribe Chapter Three because I feel bad for taking so long with it 😅
(In which Ash, Brock, and Tracey have a little girl trouble as they make a valiant attempt to rescue their Pokémon.)
“Maybe you should just give it up, Ash,” said Brock. “I don’t think she’s the type to listen to reason.”
“Yeah, maybe not,” Ash said, frowning. “But there’s gotta be something we can do.”
“Wait for Misty to come and rescue us?” Tracey offered.
“I’m still holding out hope for Officer Jenny,” Brock said, sighing and placing his chin dreamily in his hand.
“Yeah, maybe, but…listen, you guys, I noticed somethin’ while I was talking to Jessiebelle,” Ash said, leaning closer to his companions. They quickly formed a huddle.
“Well? What is it, Ash?” Tracey asked.
“She’s got a keyring on her belt with a whole bunch of keys on it—I bet one of them’ll get us out of here, and the rest of ‘em probably unlock the cages where all the stolen Pokémon are.”
Brock nodded along. “I see, I see. So you think if she comes over here, we can grab the keys and make a break for it?”
“Hm. I guess if you two can manage to lure her over, Marill and I could create some kind of distraction while you get the keys and open the cell,” Tracey said.
“Great, so it’s settled then! Okay, Brock, I’m counting on you,” Ash said. He clapped Brock on the shoulder and nodded in a gesture of solemn appreciation.
Brock looked confused.
“Counting on me to do what, exactly?” he asked.
“Huh?” Ash blinked. “Well…you know! Jessiebelle’s a girl an’ all, right?”
Brock’s mouth turned down thoughtfully at the corners. “Yeah, I guess so. What’s your point?”
Ash was utterly dumbfounded.
“So do what you always do when there’s a girl around! Tell her she’s beautiful or ask for her phone number or say it’s destiny or something!” he said.
“Ash,” Brock said, turning to his young companion slowly, “Do you think I flirt with just any girl?”
“Uh…actually, yeah,” Ash said. Tracey nodded along with him.
“Well, you’re wrong!” said Brock. He stood up and raised his fist into the air. “I have standards! The girls I fall in love with aren’t just beautiful on the outside—they’re beautiful on the inside, too! You understand what I mean, right, Tracey? Back me up here.”
“Sure. True beauty comes from within,” Tracey said.
“Aw, c’mon, you guys! Can’t you just act like you like her for five minutes? For our Pokémon…?”
Brock and Tracey looked at one another, coming to an unspoken understanding that someone was going to have to take one for the team. They played a quick, silent game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Brock lost. He turned back to Ash.
“Okay, I’ll do it,” he said glumly.
Brock cleared his throat, smoothed back his hair, and sidled up to the edge of the holding cell.
“Excuse me, Miss, but I can’t help but notice that you’re looking particularly…uh…nice…today?” Brock said. It came out more like a question than a compliment.
We’re doomed, Ash thought as he buried his face in his hands.
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James: my ex-fiancé still misses me
James: ... but her aim is getting better!
Meowth: pretty funny jimmy but ya should focus on runnin' now, she's gettin' pretty close
Jessiebelle, running after them with a gun: You can't escape me forever dear!
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articunochick · 3 years
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First panel: Gathered for a formal event, an acquaintance asks the sister of Miyamoto as they look at her out of frame, “Your sister Miya’s already back from school?” “Yes...Unfortunately,” Miyamoto’s sister responds. The acquaintance goes on to ask, “What is she talking about with your husband, you think?” This causes their mother to look over at Miyamoto as well, uttering “Hm?”
Second panel: Miyamoto stands behind pillars decorated with flowers, wearing a gown and talking closely with a man. The man is formally dressed, with short, swept-back hair resembling Jessie of Team Rocket. He has his hand on her waist.
Third panel: Miyamoto stands with her back visible, a small baby (with a similar swept-back hairstyle as her sister’s husband) in her arm clutching onto her sleeve. Her mother bears down on her from a doorway, yelling, “Get out. You are DEAD to this family.” Behind her, Miyamoto’s sister also clutches a baby. The baby’s hair and her mother’s earrings and necklace resemble the styling of Jessiebelle, James of Team Rocket’s intended fiance.
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lianadarkevil · 5 years
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Welp, the children's cartoon was too small for her.
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olddirtybadfic · 1 year
The Sad Saga of James Morgan and Company: I Still Have Questions
If you were (or still are) a regular viewer of Xena: Warrior Princess, you will probably recognize the inspiration for this fic as the season three episode "Forget Me Not." You will also notice that eleven!me completely mangled it.
This fic contains: Colorful language; possible out-of-character moments for James and Meowth; convoluted occult lore; murderous, occult-powered Jessiebelle; ellipses abuse; definite out-of-character moment for Ash; original character; attempted suicide on astral plane/alternate timeline; violence; Jessiebelle is really messed up; Butch and Cassidy are pretty terrible, too; Jessie is still dead; James actually has useful powers (?!); Jesus Hades Christ eleven!me tortured James (and Meowth!) a lot in fic (this particular warning is getting a lot of use isn't it)
*James and Meowth are still mourning Jessie. Jessiebelle is still after James. One day, James and Meowth are walking in the forest when they come across a strange building. It has a sign that says, "Answer Shack: Any questions will be answered, whether you like it or not." It looks like a stone temple.
Meowth: Do you have any questions? James: (thinks awhile). Yes. Several.
*James goes in, but the two guards don't let Meowth in.
Meowth: Hey, what's the big idea? Guard One: Only one inquirer is allowed at a time. Meowth: I don't have any questions. I just wanted to go in with my friend. Guard Two: The questions must be asked and answered in private.
*In the temple, James is standing and looking around. A boy who looks an awful lot like Tylas is standing across from him. James is looking at him with a frightened look on his face.
Temple Keeper Tylas look-alike: What is wrong, James? James: (whispering) Nothing.
*The boy even sounds like Tylas, except his voice is monotone. He's also a witch.
Temple Witch: What do you wish to know? James: Why did all the things that happened to me have to happen to me? Temple Witch: I know what you are talking about. I have been watching you. I have seen you witness the death of your chosen sister and best friend as well as the death of your true love. I have seen you go through pain only a power-carrier can survive. I know the answer to all your questions. It all had to happen to you because you are the Chosen One. If all of that had not happened to you, history would have been changed. And because you are a good bad guy, meaning that on the outside you are a bad guy, but on the inside, you cannot stand being bad. You will kill yourself if you steal one more Pokémon. You will want your Meowth friend to scratch your heart out if your plan to steal Ash's Pikachu actually works. James: No…. Temple Witch: Yes. It may be painful, but it is the truth. You cannot deny it. James: No. I like being part of Team Rocket. I like being evil and nasty. Temple Witch: Admit it. You are not fit to be a bad guy and you know it.
*James tries to break away from him, but for every step backward he takes, the Temple Witch takes a step forward. Even if the Temple Witch weren't taller than him, he'd be afraid.
Temple Witch: You are the perfect one for my experiment.
*Meanwhile, outside….
Meowth: Let me in, NOW!
*Meowth hears James scream. The guards let him in. Meowth sees James lying unconscious on the floor. The Temple Witch stands over him.
Meowth: (screams) What have you done to him?! Temple Witch: I dosed him with this. (holds up a sack of powder) I will take you into what he is thinking and experiencing now.
*The Temple Witch takes Meowth into a back room to show him what James is experiencing in the astral plane dimension. It's mostly what would happen if James had never met Jessie and Meowth.
Meowth: You forced him to think these awful thoughts? Temple Witch: It was necessary. (points to a lonely-looking Pokémon) Look over there. Does that cat look familiar? Meowth: Is that….? Temple Witch: Yes. That is you.
*The cat he pointed to could talk, but….
Temple Witch: What is wrong with this picture? Meowth: I don't know. All I see is a cat talking. Temple Witch: He is talking to himself. This is where you would be if you had never met James, just after Jessie died. All alone.
*Some people take him away.
Temple Witch: Listen. Person taking Meowth away: Where is your owner? Can you really talk and understand us? Meowth in James's dream: She died. Person: We'll have to set up an orphanage. Dream Meowth: An orphanage?! Please don't take me there! Person: I'm sorry, but we can't let you stay on the streets if you used to have a trainer. (takes him away) Temple Witch: That is what would have happened. Now, look at this.
*They're at a mansion, looking through the window.
Meowth: That's James! I don't see anything different about him. Temple Witch: Look closely. At his expression. Look what that woman is doing to him. Meowth: That's Jessiebelle! But she's got a whip and a wand. James looks so scared and sad. Temple Witch: He is not just scared and sad. He is frightened and miserable. Now, watch.
*Jessiebelle closes the door and locks it. James sits, shaking. He's crying. Jessiebelle hits him.
Meowth: Don't let her do this to you! Temple Witch: He cannot hear or see you. Meowth: I don't want to see any more of this. Temple Witch: We are not finished. Look.
*James is in the dungeon. He's doing something with a rope.
Meowth: What's he doing? Temple Witch: He had to tie the knot. Now he will tie the noose. Meowth: What's that supposed to mean?! Temple Witch: He is committing suicide.
*Jessiebelle comes in. She makes James put the noose away. He's now like a slave. He can't talk without permission.
Meowth: She's hurt him so much. Temple Witch: He is not allowed to cry. One tear could mean death for him. Meowth: (crying) Stop! Take me back to reality. I want to see the real James. Not some emotionless, voiceless boy who happens to be the same person. Temple Witch: It is now time to return.
*They go back to reality. James wakes up.
Temple Witch: What both of you just saw and experienced was a page from your life's history ripped out. The page where you met each other. (disappears into a cloud of smoke)
*James picks up Meowth and runs as fast as he can trying to get as far as he can from that temple. Later that day….
Meowth: Why are you sitting on that rock? James: (flat, monotone voice) I'm thinking. (wanders back to the tent)
*James's face is pale and his eyes are glazed over. Meowth could swear on Jessie's grave that an eerie green glow is coming from James's green eyes. Meowth follows him into the tent.
Meowth: If there's something wrong, please talk to me.
*James glances at Meowth, even though he isn't really looking at Meowth.
James: (flat voice) It's just that boy. He looks too much like Tylas. Meowth: (thinking) I wish I had the old James back. Not….this distant boy who looks at everyone with an empty stare and wanders around like a ghost. I want my only living friend back.
*Meowth starts to cry.
James: (flat voice) What's wrong? (turns to face Meowth)
*James's empty stare and the lack of color on his face only makes Meowth cry harder.
Meowth: I'm worried about you. James: (flat voice) Why ever would that be? I'm fine. Meowth: No, you're not. You talk like a robot. You wander around like a ghost. You have that distant look in your eyes. You're almost as white as your uniform. James: (soft, flat voice) I've always been like this. Meowth: (crying) No, you haven't! I just want the old James back. The one who even though he could only smile weakly, he'd smile anyway.
*James is quiet for a minute. Meowth thinks he sees a very small trace of emotion on James's face. When James turns to face him fully, he has that emotionless expression and empty stare back on.
James: (flat voice) There's nothing wrong with me. (sighs) Meowth: Even your sighing sounds monotone. James: (flat voice) Maybe after a good night's rest, we'll both feel better.
*They go to sleep. The next day, James wanders off to that rock he sat on the day before. The twerps notice him.
Ash: It's Team rocket! What are you up to now?
*James doesn't answer him.
Ash: What's the deal with him?
*James turns in Ash's direction. He has that distant look in his eyes.
Ash: He's giving me he creeps. Brock: He looks strange. Like a ghost, except he's not floating or see-through.
*Misty walks up to James.
Misty: What's wrong? James: (flat voice) Nothing. Meowth: He's been like that for hours.
*Misty waves her hand in front of James's face. He doesn't seem to respond.
Misty: He's so pale and quiet. Why is that? Meowth: I don't know. James: (flat voice) It's something I saw yesterday. Misty: What was it?
*James tells her in a flat monotone voice. His eyes are halfway open, like he's in a trance. After hearing the story, the twerps are disturbed and leave. James is trying to support himself by leaning on a nearby tree.
Meowth: I think he's draining your energy. James: (flat voice, getting shakier) I'm fine. Maybe my powers are just going insane again.
*James shakes violently, breaks away from the tree, and runs to a bush to throw up.
Meowth: You sure don't seem fine to me.
*James looks up again while wiping his mouth. He seems to have rejected whatever powder he took in the temple. The distant James dissolves. James breaks down in tears.
James: (crying) That temple witch was Tylas's ghost, being controlled by Jessiebelle.
*Meowth comforts James and then walks him back to the tent to rest. Later that evening, Meowth decides to cook dinner.
Meowth: We're having soup. It'll go down easier for you. (hands James a bowl) James: Thanks.
*The next day, as they're walking through the woods, they come across Butch and Cassidy.
Cassidy: I don't see Jessie anywhere. I guess she couldn't cut it in Team Rocket after all.
*James and Meowth glare.
Butch: You two should go ahead and quit while you're behind. You're not fit to be Team Rocket members. Cassidy: Are you still shitty at training that Victreebel? Did it finally snap and eat Jessie's hair off? Is that why she left you? Butch: Or did all your failures drive her to make a final blast off?
*James's hands curl into fists.
*James zaps lightning at Butch and Cassidy. They scream and run off. James sinks to his knees and stares at his hands.
Meowth: Ha! You sure showed them! (turns to James) James? James: I could've killed them…. Meowth: But you didn't. James: That doesn't matter! (trembling) Meowth: I think you should lie down. James: Let's just set up camp.
*They set up camp. James goes into the tent and lies down on his sleeping bag. Meowth follows.
Meowth: I'm worried about you. First, Jessiebelle tries to kill you, then she kills Jessie, now this. I hate to say this, but maybe we can't fight her anymore. James: What are you saying?! Meowth: Maybe we should surrender. James: No! I'm not going down without a fight. It's even in our motto! "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" I have to live up to it. Even if we lose. (sighs sadly) Jessie would want us to. Meowth: I miss Jessie, too. And we're not even near her grave. James: It's not just Jessie I miss. That temple witch reminded me of Tylas. Meowth: I see a pattern here. You loved Tylas, so Jessiebelle killed him. Jessie is our friend, so Jessiebelle killed her, and….
*James's eyes widen.
James: You're the only one left. (starts crying quietly) Meowth: I won't die. And I won't leave you. James: I will protect you.
*James protects Meowth and they manage to avoid Jessiebelle for a while.
Moral of the story: If a person, place, or organization claims to have all the answers, RUN.
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masterstarpikachu · 6 years
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Having fun with cute phone games😂
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james-kojirou · 1 year
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James' childhood is truly one of the worst backstory of the Pokemon franchise:
- He was canonically abused and most likely sexually assaulted.
- Returning to his mansion he completely has a PTSD with memory loss and dissociative flashback.
- His parents have engaged him to a domineering girl and want to force him into an arranged marriage.
- James was brought up in Victorian discipline and his parents set up a dungeon filled with sado-masochistic material in the basement of the mansion for him to receive his discipline.
- In the original Japanese version Jessiebelle does not tell James that she will "teach him the correct way to eat spaghetti" but "There's no need to be embarrassed" and he cries: “NO! Someone! Help me!”
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james-team-rocket · 6 years
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Rumika art of Iwane Masaaki ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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aveerockets · 7 years
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Smitten James is adorable!
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